THE MQRNING4 OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, MARCH. ' 2, 1920 2.1 SHORTAGE OF LlfifEN MAY BE RELIEVE 0 Large Flax Stocks Believed to Be Held in Russia. EFFORTS TO MOVE SUPPLY Production in-Western Europe Is Being Speeded Efforts to Iro Tide Substitute ZVot Successful. T,arre stocks of flax are believed to be held In Ilussia. whirh are vrT much wanted bv th tinon milli of the world and rpcpnt nws has led to hopes that some way would be fonnd to pt the mpp1jr out. Until this relief comes in some form, linnis will continue to be ab normally high priced and , the new econ omics brinjj organized in linen production wi;i be held back. Tho English govern ment has taken care that every possible encouragement shall be givn for the continued extensive growth of flax in Ire land. An .English company has also been spurred on to increase he planting of flax In Kast Africa, where a modest beginning gives promise of developing into one of ne icost interesting agricultural improve ments In that territory. Felgan mills are steadily getting to work and it Is stated that the attempts to reinstate the old prestige of flax crops' in Belgium give promise of large success If nature is favorable during the coming year.. Reports of a conflicting character are published concerning the actual stare f Russian supplier, but, according to Dun's World's Markets, it Is the common belief that If order can be restored in the next few months, shipments will be re sumed on a much larger scale than has yet been seen. Stocks of linens throughout the world , have been greatly depicted. Much has b?en written aiiTl said of the substitution of cotton for linen 'and many developments have occurred in the direction of applying linen finishes to cotton products. Never theless, the demands that are constantly made upon linen manufacturers in Scot land and Ireland show that the world M 9 A shipment of 40 cubes ot California but- ter arrived for a local creamery. Poultry and dressed meats were in small supply and unchanged in price. Wheat Exports Iloldinig Even. Wheat shipments for the past and for mer weeks were: Week ; Week WVek ending ending ending V Feb. 2. Feb. 21. Mar. 1-10. U. S.. Canada. 3.470.OO0 2.43(f.t00 4.946.000 Argentina . . .3,14,iKk 6,344.000 133.000 Australia ....1,700,000 022,000 1,7811,000 Total 9,14 2,000 9.704,000 6.868.0O0 shipments lor ine season to date com- pare as follows: Total since Same period " Ju t iy. Last season. TJ. S.. Canada.. ..214.334,000 202,536,000 Argentina ll'6.2J.000 61.660.000 Australia 2,H2,00( 2S4.i4.flO0 India 120.000 5.461.000 Total . ...413.185,000 293,111,000 Large Decrease in Wheat Visible. The American wheat visible supply com pares as follows: March t, 1920 March 3, 110 March 4. IMS March .V J!17 .March 6, 11)16 wants flax products for themselves and not because of any desire to compare them with substitutes. This is "quite in- keep ing with careful predictions made through out the war while the supplies of flax for household linens were Constantly dimin ishing. Bushels. Bushels. . C0.K73.OOO 2,. r2 1.000 .IIS 219,000 2,9K7,00 . 9.nll.OO0 8.")6.000 . 44.IM6.000 214.000 . 63,003,000 M46.000 Increase. - - The corn visible Is 4.9.11,000 bushels. an increase of 170,000 bushels; oats, visible 10.401,000 bushels, decrease 46,000 bushels; rye visible 20.3S9.000 bushels, decrease 281,- 000 bushels; barley visible 3,073,000 bush els, decrease 344.000 bushels. ( Asparagus in Market. Among the southern vegetable receipts yesterday was a shipment of asparagus. which was put on sale at 3.1 cents a pound. car each of cauliflower. letfuce and fiat Dutch cabbage arrived. Two cars of Florida , grapefruit also came in and cleaned up. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities esterday were as folio ws; Portland . S7.949.511 S2.295,ii82 "ftttle 7.301.671 1.775.881 Tacoma 930.788 124,671 pokane ... . 3,916,201 1.010J98 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATION Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc - . Merchants' Exchange, noon session'. Oatp .March. Aorll. No. white feed $09.00 159.50 Corn No. 3 yellow 57.50 Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats w-lb. clipped - 8-ib. clipped 58.50 Corn No. 3 yellow 53.50 STOCKS CLOSE STRONG STEEIj CORPORATION" DECISION " SENDS PRICES UP. . Railroad Change, Easier Money Rates and Oil Advances Are Other Strengthening; Factors. V NEW YORK, March 1. Demobilization of the railroads, a supreme court decision favoring the United States Steel corpora tion, comparatively easy call money rates and an all around advance In crude and refined oil products were the chief in fluences of today's stock market. Of these widely diverse developments the decision absolving the . steel corpora tlon from illegal practices was the most important, prices rallying Quite gene rail in .no Jast hour, when the text ol the court's ruling' was obtainable. xy . Kails and affiliated eaui omenta were to 3 points higher at the opening, but tms advantage was speedily . forfeited when pressure against high-priced spe cialties was renewed. This was most marked in General Motors. Crucible Stee and leathers, where reactions ranged from - to u ln points. Reactions extpnrtpd tn rafla. Shlnnlari showed similar tendencies and food shares oecane reactionary. iraders did not irrasD the full lmoort of the steel decision until the news timers issuea excerpts, wnereupon united-States hteoi began to be heavilv aepiimnlRf ri u to'i, anextreme advance of 2Vi points. iiiucnmeiii BieeiB raniea A lo u points mi. i iiiiuiiiiuiii. umna ot x to points predominated at the active Close, aaies no.wo shares. . In the bond market llbertv 3Us mad perceptible recovery.from last wnnk'a low level, but others of that group, as well . ;L'iry . nois, were weaker.- Tot a. sales, par value, S13.S75.000. Old United states oon as were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS., Closing DS.00 Mi AO 58.50 KKCEim 1-KOM FARMS INCREASED fcniuller Ainouut of Hour rroduced in Last Week Kepurtert. The 42d week!,- bulletin covering wheat and wheat flour movement throughout the United States fr the wi-ek ended February ::o, in comparison with figures for the same period a jear ago, follow: Bushels. Bushels. wheat receipts from fums 4,961,000 3.840,000 Wheat rect-ipta from farms prewous wk 4,183,000 5,171.000 "Wheal receipts from farms June -7 to February 20 6U5.2SS.0O0 OS7.601.000 Total stocks wheat all elevators and nulls 18S.690.000 225,833,000 Total stocks wheat . all elevators and mills the previous I w eek 195,718.000 233,403.000 j mange zor wecK, decrease 7,022,000 .Barrels. V.57O.O00 itarreis. 58.50 WHEAT Government basis. 12.20 per bushel. FLOUR Family patents, $13.15; bakeVs' hard wheat $13.75; whole wheat. $12.06; graham, $11. SO; valley, $11.40; straights, $11 per barrel. ' MIL.LFKED Prices f. o. b. mill, city cartage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots or mixed cars, $41.50 per ton ; rolled barley, $71; rolled oats, $63.50; ground barley, $71, scratch" feed, $S0. CORN Whole, $66; cracked, J68 ppr ton. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland. Alfalfa. $30.50; cheat. $17 (if IS; clover. $25; oats and vetch, $26; valley timothy. $172S. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 62(64v per pound : prints, parchment wrappers, uoj lots, 68c; cartons, 69c; half boxes, more; less than half boxes, lc more; but terfat. No. 1, 65 & 60c per pound at sta tions; Portland delivery, ordinary grades, 68c; A grade, 70c. EGGS Jobbing prices to retailers: ' Ore gon ranch, case count, 40hkc; candled, 43 ft 44c ; selects, 44 CH15ESK Tijlamook. f. o. b. Tillamook; Tripieaa. 32c; Young Americas. 33c; long horns, 33c. Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets. 31c; Young Amer icas, 32 He POULTRY Hens. 3035c; springs. 280 30c; broilers. 35Q3Sc; ducks. 854Uc, geese, 20 25c; turkeys, live, 40c; dressed, choice, 50c. VEAL Fancy, 26c per pound. PORK Fancy, 20 21c per pound. ' ' Sales. Am Be-et Sug. 1,000 Am Can 6,500 Am Car & Fdy 9,200 Am H & L pf. 5.5IK) Am Loco 17,000 A in S & R ex d 400 Am Sug Ref. , UK) Am iSum Job, 1,100 Am Tel & Tel. 1,300 Am Z, L & S. 200 Anaconda Cop 1.200 Atchison j .... 1,500 A G & W I S S 1.2i0 Baldwin Loco. 5,700 Bait fc Ohio. . 6,100 Beth Steel B. I0,5uo Calif Pet 1M0 Can Pact ex d. 1,500 Cen Leathf r. . 3.4'K) Ones & Ohio.. TOO C. M & St P. 3-400 Chi & N W. . . ' 4)H). Chi, R 1 & P. 37.AOO Chino Copper. 200 Colo F & I. . . 1H Corn Products 4,600 Crucible Steel. 15.700 Cuba Cane Sug 2,500 Dist Sec Corp. loo Erie 4,000 Gen Motors. ..' 17.3O0 Gt North pfd. 1.2(H) Gt No Ore ctf 500 Illinois Cent.. 500 Insp Cop 1,000 Jnt M M pfd. 1.200 Intenat Nickel 2.0(0' Internal Paper 2,100 Kan City Soth " 1,800 Ken Cop ex d. 1,000 Louis fc Nash. luO Mex Pet 16.900 Miami Cop. Midvale Steel. Missouri Pac . Nevada Cop. . N Y Cent mo 4.000 7,500 100 2.300 Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $4.507.75: lemons, $6.757.50 per box; grapefruit, $3.50(6' 7,50 per box; bananas. 10((illc per pound; ap ples, $1.35 ii 3 per box; cranberries,, $4.50 per box, $12 per barrel. VEGETABLES Cabbage, Qfitc per pound; lettuce. $3s3.0 per crate; beets, $3.50 sack; cucumbers, $2(g3 per doz.; carrots, $1.73 per sack; celery, $11 per crate; horseradish, 15c per pound; garlic, 40c per pound; turnips, $4 per cack; cauli flower, $1.75 4? 3. 25 per crate; tomatoes, 14 rr hnv nnrsnitm. S.I Til) r-r canli ' urti. of flour, making a total equal to 134.0S3.- chokes. 1."5 Sj 2 per dozen; peppers. 335S40C 000 bushels of wheat, compared with per pou-nd; spinach, $2.:J5 per box; rhu- 2,206.000 2,513,000 Flour produced dur ing week Flour produced dur ing previous wefk Flour produced June 21' to February 20 95,15,000 Kxports of wheat and flour, July 1. 10iy, to February 20, li20, amount to 87, 05:;, 000 bushels of wheat and 10,451, 000 barrels 2,oo.o;o 1,004,000 80,006.000 11S.22S.0O0 bushels of wheat and 10.3S4, 00 barrels of flour last year to Febru ary 20, 1010. the 20 days of February be ing prorated from the monthly total mak lng a total of 101.iK38.OUO bushels of wheat; last year's total flour exports in eluded American relief administration and American expeditionary force shipments. GOOll DEMAND l.V APPLE MAKKJET Supplies Are Moderate and Prices on a Steady Bums. There was a good demand in the local apple market, though not many sales of high-priced fruit were reported. Prices were steady and supplies were moderate. Shipments Saturday were eight cars. Holier sales- in the northwest were re ported as follows: Holler sales, February 23, S sizes unre ported: Yakima, one car Winesaps extra fancy, shipped February 14, $2.50; fancy, $2.25; three cars sliipped February 17, Winesaps, fancy, ?2.50. Wenatchee, one car Winesaps. extra fancy, shipped Feb ruary 13. $3; three cars shipped February 12. 14 nd 1j, Winesaps, extra? fancy, J2.75. Other districts, one car Winesaps, extra fancy, shipped February ll, $2.25; fancy, 12.10. Roller sales, February 26: Wenatchee. five cars Winesaps, extra fancy, shipped February 10, 17 and $2,756 3; two cars combination pack, Wine saps, $2.75. At New Tork Oregon Newtown,, - extra fancy, were quoted at $2.753.50; fanes mostly at $2.50, choice at $2. and SpStzcn bergs. extra fancy, at $4B4.2J, with the market strong for red stock. - A1X GRAIN MARKETS ARE INACTIVE S Cbunges ia Feed Cerrals on Local Board. The wheat and feed grain markets con tinue very. dulL No changes were made in the bids posted at the Merchants' Ex change yesterday.. Clement Curtis estimates farm reserves of oats at 37S. 000.000 bushels, against 5S8, 000,000 bushels last year. Goodman puts corn farm reserves at 1. 170.tloo.oou bushels Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Grain belt clear and cool. 1-orecast Increasing cloudiness, probably unsettled, with snow in sections, winner.'' Terminal receipts in cars were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Portland Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay . 71 .. 35 .. 7 a w .. 11 160 3025 407 1307 uoa jyua barb. $3.50 per box: peas, lS&2ue per pound; sprouts, 17c per pound. POTATOES Oregon, $4.25-ji3 per sack; xakimas. $5?iB; sweets, 7fcl0c pound. ONIONS Oregon, firg o'c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: . Cane, granulated, 15.00c per pound; extra C, 15.90c; Golden C, 15.40c; Yellow D, 15.30c; cube, in bar rels, ltt.75c. . ' NUTS Walnuts. 32033c; Brazil nuts, 30c; filberts, 35c; almonds, 35tl38c; pea nuts, 15&15tec; chestnuts, 25c; pecans, 32c; hickory nuts, A516c; cocoanuts, per dozen. " SALT Half ground. 100s, $17.75 per ton; 50s, $19.50 per ton; dairy, $28.50 28 pel ton: best refined, 50s, $36.50. RICK Blue rfose, 10c per pound. BEANS-White. bhic; pink. 8ttc; lima; 17c per pound; bayous. 10c; Mexican reds, Sc per pound. COFFEE Roarten, In drums. 39 510. Provisions, Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. ,34 37c; skinned, 270 5c; picnic, 2.&28C; cottage roll, 30c LARD Tierce baals. 2bc; compound.- 26 per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 2S32c; plates. 23c. BACON Fancy. 41 50c; standard. 33 3Uc X Y, N li & 11 23,200 Norf &' West. 100 Northern Pac. 2.S00 Pacific Mall.. 200 Pan Am Pet. . 15.500 Pennsylvania. 2.HO0 Pitts & w Va. 1,41)0 Pitts Coal 1.5O0 Rav Cons Cop. 2.300 Reading ..:. 5. Hon Rep Iron St 30.US0 Sinclair O & R 111, 5O0 Southern Pac. 8.000 Southern Ry. . 31.20(1 Stude Corp... 10.700 Texas Co.... 1,400 Tobacco Prods SOO Union Pac... 2.S00 Un Ret Stores 5,4oo U S In Al ex d 3,000 V S Steel 112.K00 V S Steel pfd. 1,500 Ltah Copper.. Westing Eiec. Willys-Over. . Natl Lead High. 7!) 42 130 05 04 60 124 81 97 17 574 83 li 143 HOli 38 ! 86 34 119 79 V5 57 Vi 39 87 39 7, 33', 3S'.i M'i l!)i 41 56-4 15, 245 78 37 87 51 83 20 !4 . 73 li 18' 28 0. 103. 170 li 21 4314 31 14', 72 35 04 79 .12 82 "43 28 54 17 76 88 39 93 26 S3 177 (i LowC . 78 4014 127 li 01 91 KO " 124 80 " 1714 . 56 82 li 14014 107, 3T'i 83 14 32 118 77 66. 2S SOI, 38 33 38 79 190 40 56 14 238 77 37 S6 fills 82 2014 71 17 '4 2814 Ul3 168 21 Bid. 79 42 130 84 14 4 ' 60 1J4 81 , 97 ' 17 57 83 143 11014 37 85 34 119 79 u 1. 39 86 14 38 33 38 81 197 41 b 14 238 78 37 87 51 82 20 73 Ms 1714 28 103 168 21 43.- 45 120 68 80 -95 110 70 'i . 501? 24 75 42 .09 BONDS. U S Lib 3'As...94.80!AnBlo-Fr 5s 97 do 1st 4s 90.20 A T & T cv Cs. 96 no 4s . . . .Mt.ou1 Atcn gen 4s ... t do 1st. 4V4s. . .U0.D0ID & R G con 4s 63 do 2d 4s. . .89.80:N Y C deb 6s.. 92 Ohio Clt Uas.. Roy Dut N Y. ion 1.300 6,000 200 1.100 3,800 20 34 71 34 94 77 32 SO'l 42 27 53 17 75 84 37 84 25 80 172 66 119 , 66 78 93 110 70 50 23 75 41 88 30 14 - 72 34 94 79 32 82 42 28 53 17 75 87 39 .95 25 S3 177 66 11914 67 804 5 110 70 50 24 75 42 99 I 457. Interest charges amounted to $15. K47 .506 .nmnaN - i , I, tIA Ml AUA-ln 1 ' 1 8 SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. March J Butter Extra grade, 61c; prime firsts, nominal. Eggs Fresh extras, 4Se; firsts, 43c; ex tra pullets, 40c; undersized. 7c i ... Cheese Old, steady; California flats, fancy, 31c; firsts, 2b c; young Americas, 35c Poultry Hens, large. 3T41c; young roosters. 43ij45c; old, 22 & 25c; fryers, 50 fc-55c; broilers, 50-53c; geese, per lb., 35 &3Sc; ducks, 28lilc; Belgian hares, 18 420c; jackrabbits, $33.5o per dozen; turkeys, dressed. 514 54c; pigeons, per dozen, $2.503.50; squabs, 70&75c per lb. Vegetables Squash, cream, Tocfel; Hub bard, 3&4o per lb.; Summer squash, $2.50 &3.25. Tomatoes. Mexican. SI fa 1.50 eer crate; fancy, repacked, $1.75(3-2 per SO-lb. lug. Potatoes, Rivers. $4.75'fr5.2d per cental; sweet, iti jc Der lb.: Oregon Bur- ,0831X3, $; Oregon American Won ders, $5.40';f 5.50; Idaho Gems. $5.50. unions, white, $5 per cental; Australian Drown, X4.D0H3; cucumbers, hot house, $3? .uU per box; English, $3fe3.2o; garlic. 2: 23c per lb.; celery. $4 4i7 per crate: arti chokes, per dozen, 65c!g$l; turnips, $1.50 l (o; carrots, $1.25; cauliflower, per dozen, 6C&75c: lettuce, southern, $1.25&1.50; Im perial valley, $2i2.25; peas, 84flc sprouts, 6(i7c per 1-b. ; asparagus, natural growth, lfS.20c; fanes-. 221i5a25e: spinach, per lb., 6$7c; do, crate, S22.23J green onions, s per box. . Fruit Oranges, navels, $4.50(3 6; lemons, 4.;U(a3.7; grapefruit, $2.503-2u; tan gerines. $2.75(a3.75 Der half oranze box bananas, SS'llc; pfneapples, $.i.50'35.50 per uozen. i-ears, cooking, si(y) 1.50 per lug; wi-nter Nellls. $3cg)4: Oregon, $4. Apples Newtown pippins, 3-tier, 2.35'a2.65: 4 tier, $2.25l2.35; 4-tler, $1.902.15; Ore gon Spitzenburg, $2.5003.25: Oregon. New town pippins, - $2.50'd3; Arkansas Black. $3.25; California, $2(k2.25. Rhubarb, bay stock, 12 fe!4 per pound. Receipts Flour, 3204 quarters; wheat, 5 centals; "barley, 39X5 centals; oats, 635 centals; beans, 2S4 sacks; com. 850 centals; potatoes. 6695 sacks; eggs. 84.660 dozen; oranges, 4000 boxes; hay. 215 tons. Reaction in Coffee Futures. NEW YORK. March 1. Tha market for coffee futures showed reactions from the declines of late last week, but there was only a moderate volume of business and me buying was more generally attributed to covering tnan to any renewal of trade Interest. Brokers with cotton exchange connections were sellers at the start and after opening one point lower to four points higher, there was some little ir regularity. The Brazilian cables made a generally steady showing, however, and the steadier technical position of the local market soon asserted itself with May ad vancing to 14.30c and September to 14.40c or 15 to IS points net higher. The close was 8 to 18 points higher. March, 13.78c; Slav, 14.24o; July. li.4Sc: September, 14.32c; October, 14.30c; December. 14.27c. Snot Rio was nominally unchanged at 14c for Rios 7s and 24c to 24c for Santos 4s. CORN RESERVES HEM CONSUMPTION" IS ALSO VERY LARGE SCALE, ON Crude Oil Prices lifted. PITTSBURG, March 1. The Zep Pur chasing Agency today announced an ad vance in the price of Pennsylvania crude oil of 15 cents a barrel to $5.90. Cabell grade also was advanced 25 cents to $3.57. Independent refiners, .it was reported, of fered bonuses above posted, prices, but little oil was sold. Producers, it was the prevailing opinion, were waiting hor higher prices w-hich they expected to develop March 16, when the Zep company s plan to cut off supplies from the independent refiners will become effective. TULSA, Okla., March J. The price of mid-continent and North Texas crude oil was advanced 25 cents to $3.50 by the Sinclair Oil & Gas company. INDEPENDENCE, Kan., March 1. The Prairie Oil & Gas company today an nounced a 25-cent increase in crude oil to $3.50 a barrel. Chicago SXarket la Ncrrons and .Prices Close YVilh Little Change From Saturday. WHICAGO, March l.-Correct belief that private reports would show lange farm re serves of corn was virtually offest ' as a market Influence today by announcement that consumption of corn from November 1 to March 1 was about the heaviest on record. Prices closed nervoust at the same as Saturday's finish to c lower, with May $1.36 to $1.36, and July $1.31. Oats gained to lr In pro visions, the outcome varied Trom 5o de cline to 20c advance. t Oats developed independent 'strength. Provisions sympathized with hog mar ket weakness- and then rallied with grain. Leading futures ranged as follows; CORN. Open. High. Low. Close. May $1.:.'6 $1.37 $1.35 $1.36 July.... 1.30 1.31 1.30 1.31 Sept..... 1.26 1.27 1.20 .27 OATS. May 79 .81 .79 .SOK July 72 .74 .72 . .73 MESS PORK. 34.40 34.60 34.40 , May. July. 34.55 34.50 LARD. May.... 20.57 20.05 20.57 20.R5 July.... 21.12 21.50 21.12 21.37 SHORT RIBS. May.... 18.30 18.60 18.30 1S..V7 July 19.00 . 18.75 1S.92 Cash prices were: Corn No. 3 mixed. $1.47 1.48; No. 8 yenow, si.48i3i.uo. Oats No. 2 white, 88S9c; No. 8 wnite, S688Sc. Rye No. 2, $1.59 1.80. Barley Not quoted. Timothy seed $12014. ' Clover seed $46 5U. Pork Nominal. Lard $19.05. Kibs 4)17.25 1.1.12. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March L Barley. 11.18 1.39. Flax, 1 5.1685.21. Grain at Han Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. March 1. Grain Wheat, $2.20; oats, red feed, 3.203.25; barley, feed, $3.403.45: corn. Califor nia yellow, $3.20(i3.25; white Egyptian, $3.7503.80; red milo. $3.20,3.25. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats, $3538 per ton; tame oats, $3740: wild oats. $28 32; barley. $28(832; alfalfa, $3237: stock hay, $2932; barley straw, 5U4J SOc per bale. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATLE. March 1. City delivery: Feed Mill, $48 per ton; scratch feed, $83; feed wheat, $87; all grain -chop, $75; oats, $72: snroutine oats.. $74: rolled oats. S73: whole corn, $72; cracked corn. $74.; rolled ' barley, $(S; clipped barley, $82. Hay Kastern Washington, timothy, mixed. $383 per ton: double com pressed. $42; alfalfa, $35; straw, $17018; Puget sound, $-13. Duluth Linseed Market. DULUTH. March 1. Linseed, 8.11c. Metal Slarket. NEW TORK, March 1. Copper quiet. Electrolytic, spot and first quarter, 19c; second quarter, 19t19. Iron steady. No. 1 Northern, M7Q48; No. 2 Northern, $4604.6; No. 2 Southern, $4344. Antimony, $11.87 Lead easier. Spot and March, 9.20c bid. Zinc Meadr. East St. Louis delivery. spot, 8.65c bid, 8.80c asked. Naval Store. ' SAVANNAH, Ga., March 1. Turpentine firm. $1.97; sales 16 barrels; receipts none; shipments, 220 barrels; stock 6735 barrels. Rosin firm. Sales. 155 barrels; receipts. 10S barrels; shipments, 238 barrels; stock, 31,476. Quote: B. $16.67; D. $17; E, $17.15; F, $17.20; G, $17.25; H, $17.30; I, $17.40; K. $17.50; M, $17.60; N, $17.73; WG, $18; WW, $1S.2&. Hops, "Etc at New Tork. NEW YORK, March L Hops, dull; state, medium to choice, and Pacific coast, 1919, 75S5c; 1918, 65 4(600. Hides and wool, unchanged. HIGHER POSITION GIVEN Pastor Ogdcn Is Placed In Charge by Seventh Day Adventists. WALTjA WATLA, WASH, March' 1. (Special.) The quadrennial con ference of the Seventh Day Advent ists of the Pacific northwest, now in session at College Place, Wash., at its session this morninor elected Pas tor A. R. Ogden, ex-presldent of the Iowa conference, Nevada, la-, to head the work of the denomination in Ore eon. Washington. Idaho. Montana and Alaska for the next quadrennial period. The appointment is effective at once. Pastor Onden a few weeks ago was called to Uie presidency of the west ern Washington conference, Seattle, and was just assuming his duties as such, when he was selected lor these larger responsibilities. Newspaper Mas New Home. PENTRAT.IA. Wash.. March 1. ISDecial.) The Centralia Daily Chron icle was published today in the new home of the Centralia Printing com pany at 312 North Tower avenue, the work of moving the printing and of fice equipment being started Satur day afternoon and completed this morning in time lor me oesinmnB ou work in the new auarters. The new Chronicle building is of brick and concrete construction and was erected at a cost of about $15,000. Rfad The Oreeonlan classified ds. do 3d .4 a... 02.30 N P 4s do 4th 4 3. . .00.041 N P 3s Victory 3s ...07.26;Pac T & T 5s.. do 4s Hi. 32 pa con 4s., U S 2s reg. .. .100!.S P cv 5s do coupon ..100i.So Ry 5s U S 4s reg 106 U P 4s do coupon .."106 u s steel 5s.. Pan 3s reg SS do coupon ...'88 I 'Bid. - 74 . 88 . 100 ,841i. . Sl . 97 , Mining Slocks at Boston. BOSTON, Mar. 1. Closing quotations: Monday l ear ago ... 41 Sea n to date.646 Year ago ...6403 Tacoma Saturday .... 39 Year ago .... 2 Sea n to date. 6444 Year ago ...4688 Seattle Saturday .... 18 Year ago Sea'h to date.4o Year ago ...4772 62 20 N 5M) 1006 604 2646 2 4 143 690 137 1027 5S9 609 1084 2238 EGO SHIPMENTS TO EAST ARE LARGE Shipping Orders and Good Local Trade Absorb Receipts. Egr receipts are continually increasing, but the local and shipping demand Is strong enough to take care of all the ar rivals and consequently the market is holding steady. More Oregon eggs are going to the. east and middle w-est this year than ever be- , fore. Two ears left for New - York last rrlght and another was being loaded. One local firm last week dispatched a car of eggs to the easr every day. On the street ' there were sales case counts at 40 ee-n f. The country buying price today will be unchanged at 38 cents delivered. Butter was firm, with the demand ex ceeding the supply. There was Inquiry from the north for fresh stock and sliip ntenu ef storage butler were sent suuto. Hide. Tells and Furs. HIDES Salt hides, 45 and down, lb.. 30c; green hides, 45 and down, lb, 26c; salt hides, 45 and up, lb, 24c;'green hides, 45 and up. fb, 20c; salt and green calf to 15 lbs, lb, 7tfc; salt and green kip. 15 to 30 lbs, 40c; flint dry hides, lb, 35c; flint dry calf to 7 lbs., lb, 70c; salt horss hides, large, each. $S; salt horse hides. medium, each, $7; salt horse hides, small, each, $6; colt and glue horse hides at value. PELTS Dry fine long wool pelts, )b 40c; dry coarse lung wool pelts, lb, 35c; dry fine short wool pelts, lb, 35c: dry coarst short wool pelts, lb, 25c; dry sheep shearings at value; salt fine long wool pelts, Februarys, each, $3.50Gr4; salt coarse long wool pelts. Februarys, each, $3g'3i0; salt sheep, shearlings at value; dry goats, long hair, per lb, 28c; dry goats, short hair, per lb, 20c; salt goats, large. 13 r 50; salt goats, medium, each, $2 2.25; salt goats, small, each $11.50; shearlings and kids at value. Oils. FURS Good grade, extra large. large 8.50; short, $2.75Q7; narrow, $2$?5; broad. 75c$2.25; fox, red, $10645; gray, $20 6; raccoon, $2.5098; mink, dark, $410; ordinary, $2.508; winter muskrat, $14? 3.50. wolf or coyote, soft, silky, $820; average, $5(13; white weasel or ermine, 50cgf$2; lynx, heavy furred, $1565; ora dlnary. $15fe50; lynx cat, heavy, $513 ordinary. $369; otter, dark, $116125; or dinary, $8&)21, tnarten, pale, brown or dark, $5(tf30;. lisher, pale, brown or dark, $12080: bear, black. $14 20; brown, $1 14; wildcat, 25c(j$2; civet cat. 10c$l; house cat, 10&6oc; ring tails, 25cf($2; lackrabbit. 10020c; moleskins, 6&30c UNSEED OIL Raw, parrels. $2.06; raw, cases, $2.21; boiled, barrels. $2.08: boiled, drums, $2.11; boiled, cases, $2.23. TURPENTINE Tanks, $2.13; cases, $2.28. COAL OIL Iron barrels. 13 Sloe; tank wagons, 13 c; cases, 24 & 31c. GASOLINE Iron barrels, 25c; tank wagons, 25c; cases, 35 c ' Hops, Wool, Ete. HOPS 1919 crop, 80c per pound. S and medium slaes: Skunks, black, $3.75t contracts, 45c average. . MOHAIR Long staple. 4045c; short staple. 25 SOc. , - TALLOW No. 1, 10c; No. 2, 8o pa pound. CASCARA BARK Per lb, 11 c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, fine, 40 0 50c: medium, 4550c; coarse, 3537e; valley, medium, 50gf52c: coarse, 3557c. New York Sugar Market. . NEW YORK, March 1. Raw sugar nom inal. Centrifugal. ll.03c; refined, easy: unchanged to lc lowed. Fine granulated. 1416c. - , Cotton Market. . NEW TORK, March 1 Spot cottoa fcuiet. Middling, 10. ilia. i Allouez Ariz Com C'alu & Ariz. . . Calu & Hecla. Centennial .. Cop Range ,.. r-.ast wuiie . . Franklin Lake Cop . . ... Mohawk : North Butt? '. 33 lOld- Dotn . l!Osceola ........ . 6L IQuincv .340 Superior . lS.Sup & Boston.. , 42 Shannon . 12 I Utah Con ..... 3 Vinona , 8141 Wolverine . 62 I Greene Can . . . 10 I 31 47 57 4 5 16 8 17 32;- Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, March 1. Mercantile paper, 6t per cent. Stirling, 60-day bills, $3. SO1, : .commer cial 60-day bills on banks, ; com mercial 60-day bills, 3.3S; demand, J3.4Ji ; cables, y.iA'2. Franca, demand, 14.22; cables, 14.20. Belgian francs, 13.62; cables, 13.60. Guilders, demand. 06 13-16; cables, Sti 15-1 6. Lire, demand, 18.27 ; cables, IS. 23. Marks, demand, 1; cables 1.01; Sterling made a further extensive advance In the late dealings. Quotations were: Sterling. 60-day bills-, $3.40: com mercial 60-day bills on banks, $3.40 ; commercial 60-day bills, $3.404; demand, $3.44; cables, $3.45. Bar silver, $1.31. r. Mexican dollars, $1. Government bonds Irregular; railroad bonds irregular. Time loans, strong; 60 days, DO days and six months, 8 Ppr cent. Call money steady. High, 10 per cent; low, 10 per cent; ruling rate, 10 per cent; closing bid, 9 per cent; offered at 10 per cent; last loan, 10 per cent; bank accept ances, 5 per cent. LONDON, March 1. Bar silver, 84d per ounce. Money, An per cent. Plscount rt'es, . phnrt bills and three months bills, 5 per cent. " , Swift A Co. Stock. Cloping prices of Swift & Co. stocks at Chicago , were reported by Overbeck & Cooke company oi Fort land, as follows: Swift & Co 119 labby. McNeill & Libby t 2: Swift International 41 National Leather 13 American Telephone Earnings Increase. NEW YORK, March 1. Net earnings of the American Telephone & Telegraph company for 1D1 amounted to $60,243,388, compared with $54,293,017 1n 1918. accord ing to the annual report issued today. This grain was made despite an increase in op erating expenses of almost $3,500,000. Suc plns Increased from S.6"L622 to $B,03E,- Eastern liairy Produce. NEW YORK, March 1. Butter, weak creamery, higher than extras. 04 i o)6.c: creamery, extras. 63H64c; firsts. 68'Si63c packing stock, current make, No. 2, 38M:C. fcggs, unsettled; fresh, gathered extra firsts, 6Sc; firsts, SHolc. Cheese, irregular; state whole milk flats. eia specials, r.wjic; ao, average run SOe;1 state whole milk twins, held spe cials, 2929c. CHICAGO. March L Butter. firm. Creamery, 49 63c. Kggs, unsettled. Receipts, 11,920 cases; firsts. 49&50c; ordinary firsts. 464Sc at mark, cases included, 4749c. Poultry, alive, higher. .Springs, . 34c fowls, 36c , , Dried Fniit at New Tork NEW YORK. March 1. Evaporated ap ples, dull; w"e stern, 1820c; state, 19(g), 23c. Prunes, steady; California's, 10 30c; Oregon's, 12 fa) 22c. Peaches, quiet; standard. 17 He; choice, lPc: fancy, 21c - GRINNELL iH Jkill ' ' the (Voter v Stats EEEOEnccEnn, FACTS KO. 607. A Delightful Trip "Before the end of this summer it -will be possible to travel from San Francisco to Portland "on high." and the jour ney will be all the more pleasant b e cause a great per centage of the famed . Pacific Jli grhway " .will be paved with - tfARRENITE BITULITHIC WARRE.V BROS. CO. nnnanancna Wbitbt Put Suntt 2,000 men rifl see the business efforts of a life-time destroyed by fire this year. The insurance companies will return them a part of their actual property Joss, but they can't repay them for the equally large losses due to lost profits, interrupted opera tions, and general demaraHzatioa. Make your own business , SAFE with GdnneO Automatic Sprinklers. Ask your insurance broker. GRINNELL COMPANY of The Pacotc 1517 L. C ,Wrh BtiiLft Sesak, WasisBgaa HALL COMPANY BUT AJfrJ'' SELL Railroad - Public Utility , Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELDING . 5 to 1co' Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis BIdg., Portland, Or. FBKB FROM ALL FEDERAL IACOXB TAXES PORT OF Bay City, Oregon 6 Port Improvement Bonds DE0MIAT10S flOO, ."00 AM) S100O Dae Serially, as Skewa Brlewi Matarity Duel May 1, 1 !'-.(. . .Don May 1, Wl., Butt May 1, W11.. Duel May 1, JOSH.. Does May 1, IH-'B. . Don May 1. ID.IO. . Daet May 1, l:tl.. Duet May 1, IflXI. . Ilnei May 1, HKt.l. , Dnei May 1, 11134. . Detjomtnatloaa Siono , . i'ijana , . 22.MK ., 22.0O0 S,VM .i,n .t,MMI S.IMIO 3,MM S.OOO f lM .MM J.OOO 1.DOO 3,000 ' 1,IMM ..... l.lMtO M l.noo .... J.MM .. l.uoo rrlf f 102.23 III2JVS .1 ioa.23 )0.1JV l n;i.K )4.I3 104..1 104 JI4 10.IS GKXilRAL OULIGATIOX IIOXDS The assessed valuation of the taxable property In the district Is $7.374.336. 00 and the total bonded indebtedness Is tiiS7.O04.00. The Port of Kay City. Oreaon. Is located on Tillamook l!ay. a natural harbor surrounded with fertile farm-lands, producing agricultural rnd dairy products. The adjacent country is alio rich In vlrrtn timber, there beins over 24.000.000,000 feet of merchantable tim ber under private ownership. All the taxable resources of the Tort i District are pledged to pay interest and principal as they be come due. ' Prices: To Net 5.50 LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you sanst sell yenr Liberty er Victory hondi. sell In ns. If yoa raa bay sssn Liberty or Ictory bonds, buy from us. On March 1. 1920, the closlnc New Tork market pries mrr as ! rlow. They are the lovernlns; prlcrs for Liberty end Vi-:rr bonis all , the world, end the hithnt. We av,rttr thrM price dl y in onl t that you !rsy always know tne New York market and tin eiact vi,ua of your Liberty su4 Victory bond: 1st 1st 2d 1st 2d M ih Victory t" 4" 4, 4's 4'4 l Market... '.)4.0 130 OO tMMO f 0 20 M H4 32 .'J f'.XXU Hi; .'4 n7 .S4 Interest... .75 .ht 1.19 .HI 1 ;u 11)7 1 UJ .so l.iij Total.. W.0S $00.86 t'.tO.ftS JSI.ll" f. 2 IH.1 flll. M 04 IM: 'When buying we dedurt 37c on a S'.O bond and 12 .'.0 on a 11000 bond. We sell at the New York market plus ths accrued In I rot. Uurclar and Fireproof Safe Deposit lloxee for Real. Open Cntll S P. K. en Satordaya, MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Mnnlcipat Bond Ilooae. Capital One Mlllloa Iollara. MOKRIS BULKlNti, .109-311 HTARK STRKET. IIKTW'KKN TII AM ITR. Telephone Broadway 2151. :.tall!iied Oyer a Quarter Crntury. rWATTONAL CltYlIEg BOIUDINOy How to Invest for Security and Income WITHIN a lifetime the average yield from high-grade securities has never been more liberal. The broad range of bonds, short-time notes and preferred stocks in our March list includes many at tractive investment issues. Examine this list and note the high yield from bonds of the United States and For eign Governments, municipalities, rail roads and public utilities, and the bonds and preferred stocks of the industries so essential to. the business and life of the countiy. This comprehensive circular on request for OR-289. . The National City Company Correspondent Offices in Over 50 Cities PortlandyYeon Building Telephone Main 6072 Acceptances , Preferred Stock Bonds A 1 "Play Safe" Opinion of Leading BtuinemM Men on Present Commercial Situation We recently asked the manufacturers and wholesalers of the country: "What, in your opinion, is the course that a prudent mer chant in your line of business should pursue in buying and selling goods, when prices ihow a declining tendency?" Literally hundreds of leading firms have already responded. Most of the replies were based on actual conditions -present and pros spective as seen by each individual firm. Of tremendous significance is the common ' note which run through practically all of these letters. It is a note of courage, of op timism, of progressiveness, yet withal, a note of caution. In brief, the re-lixafioa seems to hsva 45ome to Amer ican business msn s-eneraUy that rt4 mrv is the time to mfauar" cjydnt mtviuiU dtflabm. As one banker writes, "It is a dmo for plsyuvf ssps." What is jxr opinion f Send k In consensus of s!l replies, in booklet form, will be saot tree to all who contribute their advice. CAMERON CREDIT INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK LM. TREAT, umidmt "THS MUMMY THAT IMW THI UMI I MIT PLIT- H. T. MacRILL, General Agent Board of Trade Bid?. Phone Main 1179 Portland, Or. .J 31 WANTED Sales Manager 1 Corporation ANGLO -FRENCH BONDS To net , 1 1;: Due October 15, 1920. ROBERTSON & EWING . 207-8 N. W. Bank Bid?. BY. Must be financially responsible. For Particulars 'Address BJ 398, Oregonian :. - -v. - 6 First Mortgages 6 $200(V Rose City Park'. Bungalow . $2000 Waverleigh Heights Bungalow $1800 Rose City Park Bungalow $1000 Good Farm In Oregon, -$2500 Good Farm in Oregon , - First Mortgage Bonds In denominations 1500 and J1000. Security tn every case la JV4 times the amount of the loan. Maturity S to 6 years. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO. 810 Ry. Kxch. BldK. -Main 75 72 S '0 n Short Term Province of Alberta Gold Bonds ' Guaranteeing: University of Alberta 4Vz interest; Due January, 1924. Price 90.60 ; and interest. PAYABLE IN U. S. GOLD C0IX umbermersfrust (fa . Dorvds -Trusts-Acceptances Cepit.l Jk Surplus t6oe.M SA n-arciac lssr-is Bide. Sfa.ftl Portle.rd, Oraqorv. YAMHILL COUNTY 5y2$ Bonds Bast Oregoo Coanty Bond Ever Offered Price S.10 Basis E L Devereaux sScfimpany it nxta at. Munlrtpel Bon lis BreaSwsrv lt Ground Fiver Wslis- srfo BM. r I f t. t, . . . V i ;- ! r I - .-. " HI. TT7 . .