8 - 1 12 THE MOUSING OREGONIAN, 'MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1920 -r. i ! " . . t "r'-. , '.1 .". i : ' v i i 'i REM, KSTVrR. 'op Jale Farmm KA JIMS. 1k-& ifTo? hch Ktate of rultivat.nn. mt V tU 4n np; n building, fully 7n,.pfl with hiph-prartn dairy l-n-rrt n. .no.st Juo(iLTn machinery ; roK&abie .rioe And terms. 3ltft nrrt li in rultivation: ooH build- in;.; fully rquipped wiih i(ok and Jnav lnnrrj ; 1 mil to cohde-nsery. :irrs, in rultivation: 13 arrrs bt-avcrdym; modern" dairy barn, s-ntall house, orrhurd; t 4 milw to llidsboro. Will take Good hurne as Jvir. payment. t0 nrrpn, "0 fccavordam; fuliy tQulppcd, ready to move in. Thcs plarps ha vp been carefully inspTi-d and are all Rood buys. See me and I'll tell you all about them, ' J. Johnson, with T. O. BIRD. C2R Chamber of Commerce, Fourth and Stark Ms. FIG GARDENS ARB SCARCE. THERE ARE VERT FEW FOR SAIE AT ANY PRICE. WE HAVE A I-IMITED M'MBER OK ACRES THAT WE CAN PLANT TO FIGS THIS YEAR. DO YOU WANT TO BUT A KrO GARDEN AT A RESONARLE PRICE AND PAY FOR IT ON EASY TERMS? IK SO. WRITE U3 yeni PARTICCLARd OF OUK SPECIAL. OFFER. BYRON A. REARCE. FIG GARDENS. TS Mills lildg.. San Francisco. Cai. -or rail at the office of GEORGE H. ROillE. 304 Abingtou bids- Portland, Or. OWNER MUST SELL.. 36 arrrs. biphly improved and very best of soil ; IS A. bearing Knlish wainuts. praf ted, with pruies, pears and apples fillers; orchard well cared for, pruned and prayed; oak and Ur prove for fire wood; well drained, on rock road 30 ru ile from Portland, T miles of Newoers. close to school: im provements, new 6-room bungalow, water piped to house and yard, larjre new bam and warehouse; the price for this :i A. is l-',0')i; t.rrns can be arransd. See Mr. Hesard for further information, iv A. McKenna Co., b- 4th u MaiQ DAIRY FAIOi. iJOO Acres. Property four miles from Portland on tie state hiphway; -00 acres under ctilti v&iion. u acres partly cleared; very good pasture land; balance in timber; :to acres under irrigation, water taken from creek on the place. One large modern cow barn . quipped with modern stanchions for 100 head of cows; hay loft large enough for i;.! t-'iis of bay; : large silos, track and carriers for taking milk to creamery. This creamery is fully equipped for maJc ing butter. Large machinery shed and all modern implements necessary to op erafo t he place; ::0 head of thoroughbred Jersey cows, 13 heifers, "0 liead of hogs, f0 head of sheep; good 6-room house, anH outbuildings. Owners of this ranch n ih to retire and will give immediate possession, including the present crop. WAKKKIKU. FRIES & CO.. S." 4lh st. YAKIMA VALLEY IRRIGATED FARM. 10 acres, fine soil, government water; fi acres ime stand alfalfa, netted bet ter than $:i00 last year; 1 acre bearing orchard; good hou.e. garage, granary, barnd and outbuildings, HO-ton silo, in use; drilled wells for domestic water: gas engine pump; only mile from town aiid station. This is the biggest bargain we have had in years at $11.1:50; t'-rms jtfl'oO cash, or will accept auto or diamonds to 10OO and $230 cash, bal ance 6 annual payments. This place should pay for itself in 3 years. Other tracts any size. Send for 10J0 booklet now. Government canal, cheap water, no failures. Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 512 Selling bldg- Portland. Or. Mniii 4Hi3. FRUIT RANCH, ?:.JO0. Two and one-half acres with 4-room hous;. good barn with -tons of fine hay, large hen house, six English walnut trees. u4 cherries. 17 peaches, VI Italian prunes, 50 pear trees and Go apples, all trees 7 or S years old; 11 grapevines, l!:t jrooseberriea, 07 currants, raspberries, biackborriea, logans. all kind of small fruit; furniture, garden tools and every thing go with this price; soil is the best; i-ity water. I am telling you that this plac Is worth the money. WAKEFIELD, KRIES & CO., 85 4th et. BEST upland farm in Cowlitz county. Wash., 00 acres, 55 under cultivation, rest pasture. 37 miles from Portland, midway between Woodland and Kalama, mile Pacific highway, Portland-Seat-tfe Ry., school and church, It. F. D., mile Columbia river and Martin's bluff Ky. station ; crop nearly all in, rent plowed, good 7-room house, 2 barns and all necessary machinery, 3 horses, 4 rows, lots of fruit; sold $342 cherries price .iuu. onsiuer iortiana modern residence to ?.I000 in exchange. jirs. j. r-. iarge, owner ion piacej, ia lama. Wash. Phone 2S7. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. T can save you money. I have some 500 tine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me, A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 301-7 Board of Trade Bldg. J?, 0O0 acres, Butte county, California, 15,0" acres, Yuba county. California. 13,000 acres. Siskiyou county, California. These tracts are tn a body Irrigable and under irrigation adaptable to rice, Jniit, grain, alfalfa, etc. For sale in a wholesale way onlv. Tm- jvroved and unimproved- Interested pros pective purciiaecra no are wining to in Met the land personally address John M. Bcckler. Chico, California. DATRY RAXCH of C5 acres on the Cow Jits river. Just on the city limit o? astle Kock; choicest kind of dairy land; in fine shape and ready to be occupied at once; price $3000. For particulars c&ll on BEN R7ESLANTJ. 404 Piatt Bids-. 127 Park L FOR SALE 120 acres, 3 miles Castle Rock, Wash., 30 cultivated. 40 slashed and seeded; good large house, large barn, 48-ton silo; place fenced In five fields, orchard, shrubbery, daily mail, telephone, near school, good roads; price $5500 U. S. dollars. Write Caswell Ham me 11, Cas tle Rock, Wash-, or M. F. Miller, box 207 Claresholm. Alberta- YOUNG PRUNE ORCHARDS. Some very fine young orchards. Just starting to produce returns. These or c hards are in afruit district, near Eu gene, and can be bought in 10 to 40 acre tracts, on easy terms. AR 445, O re gon lan. 40 ACRES good, level land with creek, 8 miles from Portland, near St. Helens; ' bearing orchard, near school, good build ings, land In high state of cultivation, on county road ; $500. Owner, Rudolph Kartle, Yankton, Or. FOR SALE $7500. terms; 48.5 acres of very rich bottom land practically ail - - cieareu, -i xmic iw iinou. 1 . 320 acres, $10 per acre. In Gilliam county. Or., about 200 acres wheat land. '-; J balance good pasture, AV 351. Orego- man. ON HIGHWAY, located close to city of Bend. 120 acres, 30 a. cult.. Irrigated, fenced; ideal for strawberries, garden, alfalfa, bees, spuds. Price $3800. Terms $S00; 40 a. raw land $1200 cash. Owner, Box &, Tumaio, jt. 160 ACRES, near Mill City, about 12 acres in cultivation; log house, barn and chick en honse; farming Implements; some household goods; all, goes for $1600, $500 cash; will take second-hand car on deal O. L. Barbur. 2SSH Third st. HIGHLY improved alfalfa ranch. 69 acres, Umatilla river bottom, irrigated, 3 miles from Stanfield, Or.; new building-, in cluding 7-room bungalow, modern. Tele phone Marshall 5879, owner. t00 ACRES near McMinnviile, one of finest farms In Yamhill county and nothing better in Willamette valley; placed for quick Bale by an estate at $G5,000; inves tigation solicited. Hart. 910 Chamber of Commerce. Tel. Marshall 1585. 50 ACRES. 7 cleared, more partly cleared, all can be cultivated: new 4-room house, barns and outbuildings; east of Canby; $450O: terms. J. Raamussen 410 Logus st, Oregon Clty WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT 5-room bungalow, will give corner lot. 100x100. as part payment. 208 Ore gon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. AM a speculator. Want house and lot or improved acreage at sacrifice price. Spot cash. B 11. Oregonian. u'ANTBD or 7-room house, the north east side. Woodlawa S43& 766 E. 6th N. WANTED REAL .ESTATE. SEE FRANK I j. MrGCfRE TO SEM, YOUR HJME. . (We Nrd it Todav.) srn homm cnKl last year, 1R7 homes sold ninre January 1, IH'JO, 8 homes sold In one dav. The MrtiriRR SYSTEM brines results. Your home Is sold if lifted with us. Deal with an old established firm. FRA N K I j. M cfi V IRE personally ins-pectp, appraises and pho tographs your property; all photographs displayed In our nhowrooins, which are continually rrowded witli buyern: 14 ex perienced salesmen with autos to work on the sale of ) OI R home. SEE FRANK I. McGUIKB, Iargest Home Seller on the Pacific Coast. AbinRton bldff. Main 10fi8. tfjee open evenings and on Sundays. WILLAMETTE RIVER VIEW SITE. I want 5 arres with view of water and mountains, with or without building, within 10 miles of Portland on good carline. Must be choice, picturesque and restful. All cash. AR 416, Oregonian. WANTED. HOUSE OR BUNGALOW. I want ft new or nearly new, modern house or bungalow, with furnace; prefer Laurelhurst or Rose City Park district: the best place that $3500 cash will buy. Address AU 70. Oregonian. WANT HOUSES ON LARGE LOT. We have several people wanting four or five-room houses on two or more lota, At the edge of the city; any direction. Aleo have buyers for cheap houses on one Int. with small payment down, John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldff. ACRE AG E W A N TE D. Partially Improved places, close to electric transportation, with buildings, We also have several buyers for places on good auto road, not close to electric aepots. v e are practicauy soia out on such places and mu.-t nave new listing: at once. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinge; bldg. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prosperous pu chasers waitine who want houses rang1 ing from 30o0 to $0000 iu good dis trict, rnone, write or can. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 8i Fourth Street. Main 4522. HAVE many buyers for west side homes, especially between Sheridan and Mad son streets; handling west side property is my specialty; your house is ror sale call and see me. John Singer, 420 Cham berof Commerce bldg. Mam S4 1 . OWNERS. ATTENTION. Wanted. G or 7-room house with more than lot of ground on paved st., mu be Al condition; have $1500 cash. AB SI. Oregonian. CASH and $1600 contract bringing' $40 month and interest for the best 5-room modern bungalow (large lot preferred) that I can buy up to $3500. Phone East MM. Call for Mr. Whiteside. WANTED To sell siehtlv 2-acre trac about S00 ft. on hard-surface road, ac cessible by 3 different roads; has a won derful view and would make someon a beautiful home. Call room 5 Rainier hotel. 4.M looking for a modern west side horn1 not to exceed $7000, in Aob Hill d trict. House must have at least eight rooms, with furnace, fireplace, etc. Kind ly state full particulars. L 18, Orego nian. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and very easy terms; we have sold over oOO homes l the last year; if you want action lis with us. Fred v . German Co., 73: Chamber of Commerce. ATTENTION Have $500 cash as first payment on modern 5-room bungalow i good district: can make substantial monthly payments. Price not to exceed $3500. AO 213, Oregonian. WANTED Home in Laurehlhurst. ML Ta bor or Irvington, 6 to 8 rooms; give full description ana price; cash. O 8, Ore gonian. ATTENTION Have $2000- cash as first payment on o or b-room modern bun galow in Hawthorne district. Price not to exceed j.iMiu. aj L4, oregonian. PRIVATE party wants 5-room modern bunea low. trom owner only: bareain Have $1000 cash or all cash for good buy; not over i'.-uu. v h. oregonian. 40 ACRES or more within 23 good road. Answer at once. It So Commercial st. miles, on Kylander, WILL TRADE 1918. 4-cyl. Studebaker for choice building lot; give full particulars, location, value, etc. AG 695. Oregonian, Wanted to Kent Farms. FARM -wanted by experienced farmer general farming, berries or poultry; sal ary or shares, w v, oregonian. WANTED A farm for rent on shares thoroughly experienced in general farm ing and stock. J IS, Oregonian. LARGE stock farm In Washington Co. must be a bargain; give particulars. Ad dress T 15, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. IMMEDIATE OPERATION. For Sale We have a tract of timber from 25 to 30 million, only one mile from railroad, land almost level, easily Jogged, excellent mill site; price $Go.000, terms. Wc have carefully examined this and recommend it as one of the best propo sitions for Immediate operation that can be found. We can furnish the mill to place on the property If required. BEVERLY & GOODWIN. 303 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7503. WE ARE in the market for a tract of timber from 10 to 100 million that can be logged into the Willamette river. Beverly & Goodwin, Main 7503. Railway xcnange oiag. TIMBER LAND Quarter section timber. miles west ot AlcMinnviiie. 4 or miles from railroad, for sale by estate. iteasonauie price, hoi saiem, or. WANTED Good sawmill to saw per M. or percentage oasis; ireigut to move advanced, if. O. box 204, station A. HAVE $20,000 to Invest in timber or mill or both; submit best offer. P. O, box 2047. station A. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. SELL STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. Good 40-acre farm for rent, near Van couver, Wash. Has fair set of buildfncs. family orchard and rent paid to January i. iyi. heu stocK ana equipment cheap, Some crop in. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 05 Oak st. Broadway 4133. FOR RENT $40 per month. 20 acres, all clear; Base Line road, southwest corner Kennedy road, about 300 feet east of city limits; house, barn, on hard-surface street. WHITMER-KELLY COMPANY, 414 Pittock Block. Phone Broadway 784. FOR RENT OR SALE 1(13 acres improved land in Lane county, uregon. with 4S0 acres or laKe oea adjoining, all clear. good, tillable alluvial soil; $300 per year rent; sale price $2 GOO, terms for quick sale. See ownor, room 8, Beverly apart ments, rarn ana lamntii sts. FREE RENT 5 YEARS. 52 acres. J. 5 clear; 10 acres Dears and prunes; 6-room house; 100 miles north of ban r ran Cisco, ror particulars call H. L. Loomts, 589 Powell st.. Portland. Or. RENT or sale, easy terms, beautiful culti vated rancn. owner oOG .Northwestern Bank bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 49 ACRES. $30,000 cash price; almost 30 acres very rine prune and walnut orchard, majority bearing trees; big prune dryer and all equipment; about IS acres grain land. You can soon pay for this in crops; will consider Portland Income In full, or small farm near Portland for part No agents. AM 676, Oregonian. 8-ACRE tract for sale, or exchange for town property; mignt consider auto or business proposition. This land is Im proved, good buildings, bearing orchard, water piped to house and barn; mile to postoffice. Price $2800. Bdwy. 3822, room 24, Bristol hotel. EXCHANGE WHEAT LAND. 320 acres, 3 miles from R. R. in Walla Walla county, Wash. Want house in Portland; will give you a good bargain. For particulars inquire Calef Bros., GS-70 5th st., Portland. 160 ACRES in Clarke county, Wash., 4 miles from Yacolt; 5 acres cleared, 4 fruit trees, stream and two springs; wilt consider good auto as first payment, or trade for modern bungalow. Apply Bel - knap spts., Apt. 23. , 20 OR 40 acres, 12 miles from center of Portland, fine deep soil, very best qual- ' ity, 1 mile from paved Pacific highway; will take house or good auto as part. Calef Bros.. OS-70 Cth st., Portland. $1500 RESIDENCE LOT for partly culti vated farm from 20 to 40 acres within 80 miles of Portland and $2000 cash and liberty bonds; owners only. R 8. Ore gonian. 35 LOTS. S. E. cor. 43d and Division sts.. value $21,000; want Income property, ho tel or farm. Owner. J. H. McMahon. 2606 E. 43d. Tabor 5361 WANT to trade for good auto, 1 lot 50x 100 feet, In Beaumont dist. Inquire of M. Zimmerman, Amity, Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE ?$0o equity In Belle vu, 175x150, for any good Texas or Wyoming oil stock. C. W. McConnell, 2514 Reed St., Cheyenne, W yo. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL EXCHANGE BEACH LOTS FOR PLAYER PIANO. Lots are located in Tillamook Beach. 3' blocks from station and are close to beach, hotel, stores, etc. If you have good player piano can make deal. M 14. Oregonian. FOR SALE. HontM, Vehicles, Livestock. PUBLIC AUCTION ON JAMES VERNON RANCH. ON LACK A 11 AS CREEK, 12 miles east of Vancouver. Wash., March 5 at 10 A. M. Good auto road, go by way of Mill Plain road. CATTLE. 25 milk cows. 2 fresh in January. 3 Springers, balance milking; 2 calves; 1 registered red ) Shorthorn bull. Cows tuberculin tested. HORSES. Three 1600-pound horses. HOGS. Three brood sows and 12 to 15 small pigs; 60 50 to 90-pound pigs. MACHINERY. Moline tractor with complete attach ments, used only 1 year; riding gang plow, 2 steel beam 14-Inch plows, 2 wood beam 14-inch plows, steel beam 10-inch plow, 2 steel frame harrows, spring tooth harrow; 8 14-disc, 8 18-disc, ti-foot roll er, riding cultivator, 5-shovel cultivator, new drill; 6-foot Champion binder, new corn planter, new potato planter, top buggy, open buggy, 3 & wagon and top box. 3: wagon with home-made box, iron wheel wagon, root cutter, garden planter, platform scales, 24 sets double harness, single harness, 3 H. P. Em pire engine, 1 B pump and tank, com plete. 2 single unit Empire milking ma chines with completed attachments, wa ter pump connected with gas engine. No. 3 7 De Laval cream separator. 4 H. P. steam boiler, steam water pump, 3 rolls barbed wire, barrel full of Vacuum Mo bile A oil, 7 rolls 2-ply roofing paper, hog wire, chicken wire, 3 M shingles, 250 and 150-gallon gasoline drums, forks, shovels, axes. sledees. wedces. hoes. rakes, scrap Iron and any amount of small tools and other articles. Two heaters, extension table, bed springs and mattresses, etc. About ton wheat ; some oats; about 2800 feet assorted lumber. Lee Sung, owner, col, U.S. w ood & Sons, auctioneers. Van couver, W ash. AUCTION SALE of REGISTERED AND GRADE CATTLE, -mile northwest of Woodland, Wash. Wednesday, March 3, at 11 A. M. REGISTERED HOT. STEIN'S. WAPATO CORNUCOPIA GIRL Sire, Monarch Colantha Cornucopia Boy aam, jjutcn Uiri or u apato, agea years. QUEEN DAISY OF CHERRY HILL Sire. Prince Prillv Gelsche: dam. Ore gon Hengerveld Queen; aged 3 years. Wl li'C-. rA.Xfc Y OF CH hKKY HlL.lv Sire, Prince Prilly Gelsche: dam. Ore gon Hengerveld Queen: aged 2 years, MARIGOLD OF CHERRY HILL, Sire, Sir Bessie Snowball Polkadot; dam, w apato Marigold Colantha; aged years. BEL DE KOL QUEEN Sire. Sir Bessie Snowball Polkadot; dam. Daybreak De xvoi vueen; agea montns. MAZIE SEGIS Sire, Sir Ormsby Burke Kegis; aam, Mazie Korndyke; aged years. DAYBREAK DE KOL QUEEN Sire, ionsucn r-nnce; dam. Oregon Henge eia wueen u; aged 7 years. TWENTY-THREE GRADE COWS. nieiiy Holstein. a. few lur)tanis sn Jerseys, some serin ffers. lot mi I kin sr. 1 springer heifers. Holstein. Durham. Jer sey; 1 2-year old, full blood bull, from tne cotton herd. MACHINERY. une Husky Fairbanks cutter, never nas been used. Two mowing machines 2 .l-inch farm wagons; 1 B. & L.. K, miiKing macnine. COWS TUBERCULIN TESTED AND L- tii KTi f ILATK GOES WITH EACH Cattle will be loaded on boat or train iree oi cnarge. John Bogard, owner. Woodland. Wash. Col. W. S. Wood & Sons, auctioneers, Vancouver, Wash. TEAM of black eeldinss. full brothers o a-no o years old. weight 3000 lbs.; team ci mares. years old. weight 2900 lbs. team of blacks, mare and horse, weigh 2 1 00 lbs., well mated; 2 good farm wag ons, set of double harness. Sanitary Stables. 365 Union ave.. cor. Stevens st. Li. uiass. FOR SALE 1 - good cow, one 4-year-old nurse, w nogs, nau grown ; z sows, 2 shoats harness, 1 plow. 1 cultivator. 2 lb. stock beets, 35 sacks potatoes, wagon and buggy; all this Is close to' Watson Station at l2d, on Alt. Scott cemetery drive. Box no. NOTICE. 10 head of good young work horses, varying from 1200 to 1800 lbs., som well matched teams, all horses sold with guarantee. O. T. stables, 17th and tvearney. . u. illtanison. 20 HEAD of heavy work horses and mules, sets of second-hand harness, also 2 head of fresh milk cows and heavy springers, u. n. nowitt, Union Stock yards barn. rUK fciAiii A lot or tarm horses, wagons ana narness, to ne sold cheap, on a closing out sale. Apply to No. 20 Grand avenue. 1 SILO. 16x32. 1 GAS ENGINE. 1 CORN CUTTER. PHONE WOODLAWN 2424. 15TH ANNUAL horse sale of Woodburn farmers win oe neid at the Ratciiff Harns, wooaoura, ur., baturday, March o. FOR SALE A fine mare, fine driver, conrt auies noire, num mi ngm or QOUbie, no norse dealer, weignt iuoO. 6132 92d st. n. ci. THREE good fresh cows with calves bv .! C T T i-J O :i .f WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Couch bldg. WANTED htrawea Horse manure by wapon loads, or contract. V 15, Ore- Kon)an! DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid lor aeaa cows ana urippiea norses. .Phone .MiiwauKie w .1 lor results. ERSKY cow for Bale, (fives good rich milk. See Mr. George at 4510 Kerby St., 14 HEAD of horses, 4 to 8 years old, 100 to lsou pounds: some well matched teams, inquire Em- iNortnrup st. GOOD milch cow for sale. Phone Colum bia !.'.!. DEAD horses taken quickly. dead cows. Tabor 41'0.!. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. I'ortianu nenqenng jo. vvooaiawn i.n. WANTED BEEF AND VEAU TABOR 7747. I'ianos. Organs and Musical Instrument?. TRADE YOUR PIANO or orsan on a new Victrola and records nur oropositlon will please vou. Kolhc..-. Hnc-Lucas Music Co.. 4th sL Main PATMSrHWis, almost new, and one dozen douDie raced records; cost 9110 a sacrifice at SS cash. Call at 118 E. Buffalo and Albina ave. Take Missis sippi and Aemon car. PIANO FOR VICTROLA. Will trade new 200 record and Vic trola outfit for used piano. Our propo sition will please you. SeiberlinK-Lucas Music Co.. l-a 4tn st. jiain oosq. HIGH-GRADE Hardman piano, in Kood condition, lor sale cheap, as I do not want the expenses or snipping south must sell this week. B 15. Oregonian. EXCHANGE your old piano for a new Vic trola or cneney pnonoprapn: liberal al lowance. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 Sth St. PLAYER PIANOS, pianos, victrolas, Chen ey phonographs, victor records, music rolls for player pianos. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th St. WANTED To exchange beautiful A. B. Chase player-piano, witn iuu -records, for used car; must be good. G 17. Ore gonian. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player pianos; get our prices. Sieberling- Lucas Piano co- Ilia 4th St. Main 85S6. GENUINE Martin melody "C" saxophone with case, easy o learn 10 piay. u. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 6th St. GF AFONOLA, new. with records, value $300 for ,uu casn. voget, Dakery, Meier & Frank, 9th floor. PHONOGRAPH & RECORDS WANTED. Newman's Record Exchange, 128 First. Main 4495. Tabor 6798. AND instruments, genuine Martin make, saxophones, comets. trombones, etc G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 149 6th. TEEL guitars, ukuleles, banjos, violins. etc u. . JUUJNaun riAflU CO., 140 6th St. WILL pay cash for your piano. JOHNSON rlA.AU CO.. 14 etn. WILL sell old Italian violin. $50. Berry. second at. HALLET & DAVIS square piano, $65 cash. Phone Tabor Bo4. PIANO WANTED Will pay J100 to 1150 for used piano. Main goaq. PIANO WANTED Pay cash for bargain. Marshall laiT MELODY "C" Baxophone for sale. 90. O. r . JOHNSU.N riANKJ CO., 149 6th. ANTED To buy piano today. Call Main 8864 before 5:30. Cash It bargain. FOR SALE. Pianos, OrgaJis and Musical Instruments, A PHONOGRAPH SALE IfN PARALLELED. A big stock of nearly 100 instruments to select from at oona rtae price reuuc linns mneinc from 15 to $90. Many of these are brand new Instru ments for which we no longer have the aeenev. Others have been used in aem- onstrating nd some are used machines. Kvery instrument carries our personal guarantee. A FEW TRICES. $ 40.00 Pathe machines $ 28.00 00.00 Pathe machines 40.00 60.00 Silvertone 35.00 50.00 Brunswick 35.00 115.00 Pathe 65.00 115.00 Brunswick 90.00 120.00 Columbia 100.00 135.00 Brunswick 110.00 200.00 Pathe 102.00 175.00 Cremona 115.00 250.00 Edison 105.00 Pay $5, $10 or more down, balance on easy monthly payments, or if you decide to pay all casn we win give you a fur ther reduction. Remember the best phonographs on the market are included in this sale, Cremona, Brunswick, Pathe, Columbia, Edison, Stradivara, Silvertone and other weil known makes. Probably never again will you have the opportunity to buy your favorite phonograph at a big reduction in price. If you live out of town we will mail you a price list of bargains. We prepay shipment during this sale. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO., 427 Washington St. Bdwy. 492.' vve are open evenings. THE DOWNSTAIRS STORE. NEW AND USED PIANO OFFERS. 2 $750 Stegers. mah. and oak, each $435 A S750 Steinway & Sons ebony 345 1! $550 Kimball, large mahogany... 365 A $525 Smllh & Barnes, large curved 315 2 $475 Hallet & Davis, mahog 295 3 $475 tfchroeder Bros., new 356 2 $K00 Mendenhall player pianos... 495 A $475 Kingsbury dull mahog 265 3 $625 .Mendenhall colonial, new... 468 A $i(IO Storey & Clark, art model... 395 2 $550 Singer, large mahogany..... 315 A $475 Vose Sl Sons small upright.. 235 A $425 Dunham Co., upright 195 $25 cash, $6. $8, $10 to $15 monthly, 2 $150 Estev & Co. 6-octave organs. $48 and 53 2 S115 Sterling & Schorninger or- - gans. $35 and 38 A $165 Diano case, oak Cramer Or gan, now 55 Terms $10 cash, $3 or $5 monthly. THE SCHWAN PIANO CO. DOWN STAIRS STORE, 101-103 Tenth st. at Washington and Stark Sts. SECURITY STORAGF. CO. CLOSING OUT. $ 750 Steinway & Sons $290 4,5 Sterling mahogany 2bj 1750 Berry-Wood orchestrian 595 650 Automatic upright 165 475 Newby & Evans, cir. walnut.. 270 475 Hallet & Davis upright 19o 275 Bord & Co 250 Collard & Collard 65 750 Modern player pianos 395 innfl New York Pianoforte Grand.. 265 425 Dunham Co. upright 1"0 475 Franklyn Piano Co.. upright.. 295 5 Darlor orirans. $20 to $48. Pianos housed, 75c a month. Pianos bought and sold for cash. 103 Tenth St., at Stark st. WILT. EXCHANGE BEACH LOTS FOR PLAYER PIANO. Lots are located in Tillamook Beach 3J,2 blocks from station and are close to beach, hotel, stores, etc If you have good player piano can make deal. M 14, Oregonian. PIANO BARGAINS. $65 and up. Schumann. Irving, Jewett. Gilbert and others ;each one guaran teed and a bargain. Terms given. Seib-erling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St.. bet. Washington and Aider sts. GOOD values in used pianos, write for terms, prices and particulars. - Emerson, rosewood case, $200; Sterling, mahoganv, $325. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 th St. $15 CASH sends home new $475 piano for $356. balance $11 monthly. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth St., before removal to 101 Tenth St. at Washington and Stark sts. $25 DOWN sends new SS00 player piano to your nome tor Daiance $is monthly, at Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St., befcre removal to 101 Tenth St., at Washington and Stark sts. $395 CASH buys 1918 model virtually new ,ou player piano ai uie security stor age Co., 109- 4th St. $290 CASH secures $750 Steinway .& Sons' uprlgut piano aL oecumy storage Co., 109 4th st.. at Washington st. Furniture for Sale. BIG AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY Big auction sales where you can buy 3our furniture and kitchen ware at a great saving. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 211 2d St. FOR SALE Furniture of modern 4 room apartment, west side, walk ing distance apartment tor rent, $275 cash. Broadway 2467. FOR SALE 1 rug 8x10, 1 rug 9x12, brass bed, spring and lloss mattress, 1 walnut finished dresser, Victor phonograph, stand and records; small table, 2 chairs. i rocaer, electric piaie, gas plate, rain coat and wool coat- Call in barber shop, 20 N. 6th St. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to cauiornia. vv e can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof storage. . C. M. Olsen Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. MAHOGANY electric lamp, $8; couch and cover, $; electric heater, $9.o0; gas heater, $4; typewriter, $25; massive hall tree. $25. Tabor 3325. 1105 Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT 8-room modern house, close in. west side; furniture for sale, furni ture nearly new; good location to rent rooms, four rooms rented at present. Phone Main 2869. FOR SALE Three fumed oak living chairs, lame ana aavenport; xumed oak dining set, 9x12 Royal Wilton rug, one large library table, one writing desk. Tabor 2549. LARGE bookcase with sliding doors, very nne, .n; gooa uorary cneap;. gas range, $15; hall tree, $10; blue dishes, stands, chairs, pictures etc. Tabor 3325. HOUSEHOLD furnishings for 5-room house, including 4 good rugs, oak din ing table, etc At 1111 E. 19th North. FURNITURE Lp modern 6-room flat for sale; nouse pays all expenses. Mar. 589 after 10 A. M. FURNITURE of 5-room apt. All or part- Appiy iv 10 o ouuuay or monaay. uoo Flanders, apt. 24. PRACTICALLY new steel range, factory fitted gas piaie attacnea, water colls, $40. 10 East 14th N. East 4624. FURNITURE from a 6-room house on sale Monday iu a. m.. at 316 IS. 3ith st. Phone Tabor 4732. FURNITURE repairing, upholstering, mat tress matting, orosen xurniture bought. Webster, Tabor 3325. LEAVING city; household furniture for sale; good goods. Phone Sell. 2060. FOR SALE Stock of furniture. Phone East 4902. IMPERIAL RANGE, almost like new, $15; dining table, t-u. 34 mast wash. Poultry. ENGLISH S. C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching, $s per nunareo. $.0. per 1000. Jos. Saunders, Portland, Or.; R. F. D. No. 2. PORTABLE POULTRY HOUSES SHIPPED ANYWHERE. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 315 E. 11TH ST. E. 5114. BABY CHICKS. Loghorna. Reds, Rocks, Minorcas, prices reasonable. C. N. Needham. Salem. 200 WK.-OLD O. A. C. Barred Rock and Rhode island Kea cnicks, hoc each. J. R. McGuire. 787 Oregon at., nr. E. 24th. TANCRED White Leghorn chicks every Sunday, parkrose uatcnery. uaDor 3822, Portland. Or . EGGS for setting from my large, choice English Tom Barron strain or B. C White Leghorns. 1213 Borthwick. L R- SETTING eggs, choice strain, $2 per 15. Tabor 6736. RHODE ISLAND cockerel, also setting eggs. Columbia vi. BABY chicks and batching eggs from fine thoroughbred stock, call Alain 9563. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn rooster and laying nens ana punets. r-asi u$. THOROUGHBRED Brown Leghorn hatch ing eggs. i -'i vkv .cums. iapgr o:np. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red eggs lor natciling. oenwooq ojgo. BLACK Minorca eggs, J. V. McConnell strain; $3 setting, ma netrou ave. PULLETS and rooster, pure-bred Black Minorca. Call Wdl. 6268. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red eggs for natcning. bkvw -ioo. FOR SALE Chicken house 6x10, glass f ron t. $15. 1469 E. Davis at. GOOSE egga for sale. Call Tabor 6210. FOR SALE. 1'oultrj. BABY CHICKS DAY OLD. Single Comb White Leghorn. WE ARE BOOKING ORDERS FOR March 1, April 1-15, May 1-15. June Price $20 per 100. Tancred and O. A. C. Strain Nuf Said. LIVE DELIVERY GUARANTEED. Full line of feed carried In stock. SPECIAL PRICES. Under New Management. Come in and gi't acquainted. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO.. . S2d St.. 73d to 74th ave. S. Tabor 3107. Portland, Or. Lents Station. BABY CHICKS. For sale. 0000 Tangrod and O. A. C White Leghorns for March 10 to March 20. $20 per hundred 1500 RHODE ISLAND REDS for March, $30 per hundred. 600 BARRED ROCKS For March. $30 per hundred. Secure your order with a small deposit. We guarantee sound, lively chicks ana safe delivery. PROGRESSIVE HATCHERY, 1534 E. 12th st N. Wdln. 14S5. BUTTERCUP AND ANCONA DAY-OLD CHICKS From finest thoroughbred stock. 30c each. These are special hatches. Our regular varieties are Leghorns. Reds, Rocks, Minorcas. Free booklet, "Care of Chicks," with each order. Write us today. C. N. Needham, Salem, Or. WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS. Our electric hatched clticks are stron and healthy and easier raised; wc are now bnoktnir or.ipra tnr chicks from our heavy laying strain at $20 per hundred. ELECTRIC HAKHtKl, 1940 University ave. Eugene, Or. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Chicks from s. C, White Leghorn hens. the world s greatest layers. Eggs from free-range Hoganized stock only. March chicks, $14 per 100; April, -May and June, $12.,0 per juu. OAK HILL HATCHERY. Petaluma. CaL RHOTYTC ISLAND hens. SI. 50 and $- pullets $3; splendid laying strain and good strong birds producing now. can East 5495. 20 CHOICE Black Minorca laying pullet and a yearling male, from 200-egg liens, and exhibition males, first draft for $40 takes them. O. C. Dunton, Sherwood, or, Hugs, Rabbits. Birds, Pet Stock. FOR SERVICE. ThAlet SDlendor. Orange. King Moose, black (Persians). 536 E. 51st St., N. Tabor 7773. $250 PRIZE WINNER From New York. Agent Glcw unmarked silver Persian. Other new studs; fee $3 up. Portland Cat Kennels. Tabor 750L CANARY BIRD SHOP Female given with everv singer. Automatic 322-17. 1151 E. 28th st. N. Alberta car. EXTRA fine Boston buil puppies, al males. 315-04, 9 to 2 today. FEW choice singers and females. Auto matic 327-66. 12. ,0 Williams ave. Launches and Boats. RARGATNS in second-hand marine gines; we buy and sell. Liberty Boat Works. East 6803. Machinery. MACHINERY FOR SALE. One complete 35,000-cut mill, consisting of boilers, engines, head rig and saws, carriage, edging, re saw, plauer, live rolls, shafting, hangers and pulleys for immediate delivery. BURKE MACHINERY CO., 528 Railway Exch. Bldg. ALL OF the transmission machinery from the sDruce division cut-up plant, con sisting of gears, pulleys, shafting, boxes. etc. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 6- First Street, Portland, Oregon. SPECIAL. One second-hand 16x9x12 Fairbanks Mntta underwriters' fire pumn. One second-hand 8-in. Mershon horl- sontal oand lesaw. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. S3 First St.. Portland, Oregon AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, coupling and automatic switches, every .hintr f..,. tli. nir line. AlRCOMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Broadway 3;;uu! -" ' ONE 90 K. V. A. generator, conneciea riireCtlV lO l-o-rx. r, with one Westinghouse exciter; In first- class conditio". x-w.. Clear Lake. Wash. ONE Stetson-Koss ncaay oizer, aimosi new; has Deen ueU u,,n .,.,.... Clear Lake Lumber Co., Clear Lake, Wash. uniTi"i; engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, eiecir.t nui.ta. tion equipment. Standard Mach. Co.. iiJ First st t 15-HOHSEPOWER new Foos engine at a reduced price. Pacific Scale Supply J'n 48 Front St. Broadway 196b. ROCK crusher. 15-h. p.. motor, Koppel track and cars, other equipment for sale. C D Nickelsen. Hood Kiver. Or. 70-H P. airplane motor tor saie. Broadway 501. ask for Taylor. Call Typewriters. RE1XTILT typewriters all kinds for sale, rent exchange. We are exclusive dis-tributor-i of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying, case; supplies for all makcs.v pASE COMPANY. 110 Sixth st.Jiani --c- DOANE GUARANTEED; TYPEWRITER All makes overhauled. Expert mechanic. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell. Rent and Exchange Main 6397. Supplies. 263 V, Oakst. . 7T SMITH typewriter, thoroughly over hauled, mechanically perfect, price rea sonable: call during business hours. 208 Vi Morrison st. Gllroy. .leweier. fx PERT typewriter repairing on all makes- we will call for and dellveryour Sachfnel Main 6009. General Type writer Co.. 402 Swetland bldg. for RENT Underwood and Remington ,n.iri era. reasonable. 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. NS'esrepbUD!' ct5K VISIBLE machines. yr-W'oak st Vh. Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 oak st. TYpEWmfER-All makes for sal. - and rent. 4II .PWeuam r- RFMINGTON 10 and 11 cheap, cash. Au-KlAll.wi- n nree-onian. lomatlc -1--QV. " -" Miscellaneous. for SALE cheap. 2 6-room modern houses if taken at once; these houses easily rnovedf west side. PhoncEast 110. nnv WOOD for sale. $4.50 per load. Call "OA- , h.fr- in A M unrt if. Wooaiawu iw. ier 5 P. M. ' iitiFD -APPAREL secured from wealthy ladles, reawii.w ' . v- - sin Montavllla car to 39th. Tabor 2825. ANYONE interested in using or selling pressure cooaers, bm ounuas ..-, Mo tion 1, page 12. GET your painting, papering and kaso- mintng ana signo " "L SiS 1320 E. Ollsan. or phone Tabor 266. SEED potatoes, very best Burbanks; also cooking potatoes. diu"i North 16th st. FERTILIZER. Good rotted manure, delivered any where in city. Tabor 2704. Main 4485. GOLD DOLLAR strawberry plants; extra fine $4 for 1000 f.o.b. cars. T. H. Pitts, Boring, Or., Route 1. PERFECT blue steel 2 diamond: beau tiful gift for engagement ring; quick Sale, ,20U; no ncaic.o. m ... mcguuiBU. LICENSED electrician will save you mon- ney on your nuu ......... ..um. ONE-GA.LLON gasoline pump in good or. Her. $75. 538 E. 41st St. N. Tabor 1987. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. POAT6 furs, suits, gowns and evening "resses. slightly worn. Main 9567. I WILL wire your 3-room house for $15.J Wdln. oifi. HEAVY block ana slabwood in three-cord lots. 16 Inches. Marshall 4296. CHEAPEST wood in town, dry and green. Call Marshall 4296. GROW 3 kinds of fruit each tree. Top. grafting, correct iiiumui. -muor ow. ROLLTOP quartered oak derby desk and chair. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. FOR rent, vacuum cleaners. 24-hr. day $1; del. anywhere. Bdwy. 258; form W. 1259, SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacltlc Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st st. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907. REBUILT typewriters. 110 Sixth st. E. W. Pease Co., SCALE repairing at Standard Scale Agency, 53 Second at., cor. x-ine AUTO wood saw for sale or trade, $400. Tabor 9389. GOOD MANURB. East 4307. FOB BALE. M iscellaneouft. THIS AD STATES FACTS. T have a .Mnrtment of UR called-for tailored suits at prices that will surprise you. All silos, patterns and stvleiL nri remember they are mo soluely new, not second-hand. I can fit you to a suit that will pleas, bolB your taste and your pocketDoo. H. 1. BLUM. 164 Tenth at., near Morrison. WE BUT DIAMONDS At Full Cash Market Price; No Delay. Private Office for Ladies. All transactions atrlclty confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Diamond Brokers. 203 Morgan building (Second Floor). Licensed by The City ot Portland. THEY ARE HERE. The army wool and cotton shirts have arrived and will be placed on sale im mediately. The shoes are In also and will be on sale all next week. Get what ever you want here and help keep prices down. Aspinwall Army Goods Store, 167 vv est park. ONE large, one small National cash register with penny keys; soda foun tain complete; floor cases, wall cases, Toledo computing scales. Ice cream tables and chairs, large and small safes, desks, candv scales, draft arms, refrig erator cases; many other fixtures soid at sacrifice. 242 Salmon. Main 342, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesman sam pics to the factory we nave placed same at the disposal of the public at whole sale prices, consisting of raincoats, motor coats, leather coats. In our salesroom a UNITED RUBBER CO.. 726 MORGAN BLDG. STUMP puller with cable, 1 or 2 horso power: 10-inch plow, slip, harrow, land clearing tools, saws, grindstone, quite a few rough carpenter tools and numer ous other articles for sale cheap. Just the outfit to clear a smull tract of land. Bdwy. 3.S22, room 24, Bristol hotel. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. Wc pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, brldgework bought. Bring or mail. The American Brokerage, 2uj Morgan bldg., second iioof. OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT from X. W. Steel and Spruce Production tor sale at 31 N. 5TII ST., Between Burnside and Couch. O. M. BABCOCK. D. C. WAX. SEWING MACHINES. We are disposing of a large number of late dropheads, all makes; priced at $15 to $30. Machines rented, $3 er mo. SINGER STORE. Moose Bldg.. 193 4th St. Main 6833 TEXTS. 16x16. 20-oz. DUCK. $25. Contractors, builders, construction companies and those desiring these most excellent tents for ten houses, get them now. Aspinwall Army Good Store, 167 West Park. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less: no agents employed ; com plete line ot parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented, .viam ii,i. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 1 90 Third, near Taylor st. PLUM Bl NO. Plumlilne lobs J, me quickly and effl clently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO .METAL WORKS, Phone East 1954. I6t, Russell st. RAZOR CLAMS. MARCH l. All our supplies direct from fishermen. SMELT. SALMON, CRABS. OYSiEltS. iini ih. h.t bi reasonable prices. Western Fish Co.. 1 26 First St.. between Washington and Alder. Marshall .ilM. LARGAIN 500 suits of brown khaki pro- texall coveralls will be put on sale at HKMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 707 Hawthorne ave., commencing Monday, Moicb 1. for $3 a suit, any size. l.t-'AKV roof, eh? Very aggravating, in- HonH Whv not a permanent anu com forlable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roots; wont guar, anteed. Main 249. u i in minus hem nualitv switches and transformations. ah smmucw t. price, first woek of March. Don't miss this. Madame Curtis' Hair Store, 191 N 23d St., near Johnson. Phone Main 40i REVOLVERS, PISTOLS. GUNS SOLD. BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 Main st. Vancouver. Wash. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7; 40-gaU $9; tested and guaranteeu; siuie anu furnace colls, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Stile Welding Shop. 203 Adams St. East S.,10. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and secono-niinu. at num. yw-co, uua". sold and exchanged. NURR1S SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Phone Main 205. DOUBLE the growth of your garden. Use Utah Laud Plaster. contains uo wc-up. Helps to exterminate insects. Cheaper than any other fertilizer. Phono Main 8002. 215 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Two National cash registers. two computing scales; an goou aa no , also lo-lon Champion wagon scales. MoCtine, 654 Pittock blk. 25110 CORDS of standing timber, 3 miles Bull Run station; win sen tue OmniP age very, cheap. Dixon oi Hovvitt, Sandy, Or. BARGAIN prices on ladies' shoes, winter coat and plush nat, etc., as auvemaru on 22d; good as new. Call and Inspect them until Wed. 862 Vaughn St. FINE fir slab wood, $4 per cord, 16-in. length: $4.;u coru i.-i,h per load tor reasonable deliveries. Phone East 7S52. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD- WOOD AMI LOtrtini ourtu, .j . COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. PHONE E. 7020. LATEST styles, full dress tuxedo suits, also BIIK I1RIS mr " " - clothing store, ox iuu, jiuuuum.. . tel bldg. SFES New and second-hand; some witn burg ar chests, at n anuiiaum h, iw-.-.. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway IlHiO 48 Front St. DICTATING MACHINES. v. o.iH .ecnii d-hand. bought, sold, ex changed, rented and repaired. 316-18 Henry bldg. Main -com. WOOD delivered prompuy; we aeiiyer same day; orj, . per load. 948 ?hurman sU, phone Main 3323. tii.vvRTflVE coat cost $12 worn few times, size 38, $25; spring couch, $10; $100 ice chest, $35. WE. SOtll St. N. rtv,E n.. iti.iv's genuine elk hide shoes. ize 414C. cost $15. worn once; ideal lor golfing. Marsh. lol2, mornings. TINTING, painting and enameling rooms. 1 ' j U.llTcnnH "HOT nflo. M d.;iu HIlU v w-.. .. - P. M. FOR SALE Strawberries, raspberries and 2 varieties oi ov .a...,,...,.. Se l 2332. ilu oouamviv n... . u, unim CEMENT laundry tubs, guaranteed; buy n'lrecr from factory. The Duplex. 314 East Washington st. 3 BOOKKEEPERS' desks and stools, 1 roll-top desk and chairs. 1 Hat-top desk. R.hong & Co.. 91 Park st. SAFES for sale, cheap; one large, one small ana one r.i. S 481, Oregonian. Tno sale All diamond cluster, excep. tional value; need money; no dealere. BJ 419, Oregonian . FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. NEW ESSEX, 1920, Immediate delivery. Come at once or uu , C. G. BLEASEDALE. 630 ALDER. BDWY. 1852. 1917 DODGB touring, good condition, goBADWAY. BDWY. 321. 1919 MAXWELL, A-l condition, good tires, good paint; a real bargain, $925, with terms. 30 Grand avenue N., near Burn side. 1919 BUICK, 5-passenger, good as new, run only 7600 miles. 5 cord tires, bumper, spotlight, clock; car must be seen to be appreciated. $1500 cash, no trade con sidered. -Phone Main 1092. 1917 MAXWELL, in the best of condition, good tires, good paint: will sacrifice, $000, and give terms. 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. NEW CHEVROLET roadster with $20 worth of extras; absolutely first-class: Victoria top, extra tire. Call Marshall 2167. MAXWELL touring, 1920. used privately, in the very best of condition; will sac rifice at $975, and give terma 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burnside. HUDSON Super-Six roadster. Just repaint ed, brand new top' and In Al condition; will guarantee this car and give terma Phone East 1962. HUPMOBILE touring, In A-l condition, new paint, new top, practically new tires all around, 1920 license; $475 cash, or terms. Owner Sellwood 1231. '19 FORD RoadBter in Al mechanical condition, $425. 90 N. Bdwy. Bdwy. 8247. rOlt BALE APTOMOBn.KS. C. O. BLEASDALK. BROADWAT 1852. 530 ALDER ST. LARGE STOCK OF USED CARS. Vk vnur .eteeflnn earlV! ell Standard makes carefully inspected before offer ing them ror sale. Price, Hze and make to suit any re quirements. TERMS. Make your own term,; year contract I is not disposed of to a BANK OR BROKER, SAVING YOU FROM 5 TO 10 PER CENT. Call and look them over and set earl proposition. FORD BUG Special designed body; spring upholstering and one-man I top. FORD TOURING Mechanically In good condition; good tires, new top and I ready to go, $400. CHEvrtnT.Tiyr touring Fine, rend tires, motor and gearing all In line shape, $4iu. METZ. 191 . In perfect order: this car. must be turnea into casn num.- . diately. MAXWELL TOURING Oversize tlrea; good mechanical condition, $JW. MAXWELL TOURING 1917; plate glass in top. good tires; motor In line snape; rerimsnea in aara rcu, $o0. STUDEBAKER CHUMMY 6-cyt. eod tires, classy top; $550. GRANT LIGHT SIX Easy car to main tain; good tires; $600. nVRRI.tvn unnRl, BO Repainted: good mechanical condition and good tires all round; $675. DODGE TOURING $650. OAKLAND ROADSTER Fine tires, bumper and spotlight; rood 600. OAKLAND 1918 TOURING Tn fine ' shape; 5 good tires, leather up- nolstertng. Tnia car is a uis oai- gain, $900. BUICK ROADSTER 5 good tlrea. good battery; must be seen to oe ap preciated; o-d. Bntcir t.iuht four s tires, demount able rims; motor and gearing io first-class condition; $60. HUDSON LIGHT SIX 5 tires, almost new; runs like a new car; $9i. BUICK 6 1917. 7-pass.. 5 cord tlrea; Ideal car lor hire; $1350. t CHANDLER 1918 Cannot be told from new: best mechanical condition; I $1450. NEW ESSEX 1920, Immediate delivery; come at once or you will be late. WILLYS - KNIGHT 7-passenger body, leather upholstering; Is In perfect condition; the motor's better than I new; oversize tires; $l9.t. 40 other standard cars to choose from. come and look them over for yourself. B 4 Placing your deposit or order for an automobile take time to look over this stock. You will not only save money, but be aatisficd. r fj m.EAKEDALK. 630 ALDER ST. BDWT. 132. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. OLDS MOBILE EIGHT. 5 cord tlrea. 1919 PATTERSON. See thla one. 1917 DODGE, 5-paeeenger, extra tire and spotlight. OVERLAND, 5-passenger. CADILLAC. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. LATE 1918 MODEL FORD roadster, ful ly equipped. 1919 VELTE SEDAN, 90 per cent new. wire wheels. 1918 BUICK ROADSTER. USED CAR PALACE. 61 UNION AVE. N. EAST 7717. WINTON. Roadster, four-pasa. This car la exactly like new. five wire wheels, mottled leather. Completely equipped; a car of wondrous power and one of the most beautiful cars in Portland; will trade in other car on this and sell on terma if necessary. Here Is real class at a greatly reduced coaL OBVE'S, 12 Grand ave. N. P. If. DUNN. OVRRMKO DEALER Offers the , following used cars which I have been taken in on new uvni,ra. Late model Ford touring $425 Overland, model 90, roadster.. 6i5 Overland Country club 750 Oakland Fur roadster ;i5 Cole Four touring H-'O Overland Six, 7-pass 750 The easiest terms in Portland. Better Service and Better Treatment 1652 Bast 13th St., Sellwood 1393. TTUTTV CiTJ TtlUflAIVR 1917 Chevrolet $4" 11117 MAXWELL $475 Kill puln rnudater ........$--' 1910 Overland $?; 1914 Studebaker bug $-'0 10I5 Studebaker 7-pass $2.0 11U5 Hudson roadster $200 New 1-ton International truck. New I1 -ton International truck, 10 per cent discount. We have to vacate March 10 and are going out of the used car ousinesa. inei are real bargains. 404 Davis St. OLDSMOBILE EIGHT. Five-pass touring; here Is one of the best Olds eights In Portland; a beautiful car of power, com fort and durability. Traded In yes terday on a standard eight; $I6.jO takes this; a snap. OBEX'S, 12 Grand ave. N. 1919 DODGE ROADSTER. In pink of shape. Driven only 5000 miles. 1920 license and other extra. At a big discount. RED CAP GARAGE, 409 Stark St., Bet. loth and 11th. Broadway 8U6L 1917 MAXWELL Touring, Terra to ault. Bdwy. 832. $400; LATE model Ford roadster, cheap, on easy terms. Bdwy. 8600. 1918 PAIGE 5-pasa., beautiful new hlgh- mint luu. eimiiiQ mcni.uici. cord tires; looks and run like new; $450 cash, bai. 10 moa. sir. ahu. snnuiu 3281. n v private owner, sacrifice for cash. 18 series HluaeDaaer o. turn .Hutiimriii, go'od finish and new top. Car In good mechanical condition; might make terms to right party. Tabor 2928. 1918 HUPMOBILE 5-pas., only run 7000 mnes: tiwueu. ...... -.. nnnllcate this value In a Hup. Come see. Price $1200, terma Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. uravii new Lexington for sale at sac rifice ; license na never oeen isauea ior thla car yet. I need tne money. Ask for Walcher, 531 Alder at., or phono Broadway 2.n. MAXWELL, 1916, In the best of condition; owner must sell; a bargain, $450, with terma 30 Grand avenue N.. near Burn- side. NEW Liberty six. run less than 1000 mllra, I S1UU in v u , i. .ne, , . uuwa and balance In 10 montha: car la guaran teed. Cook a Gill. Broadway 3281. Big Stock USED CARS. No misrepresentation. Price right. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. CHEVROLET light delivery In flrat claaa condition, on terms, vu Dowy. aawy. 3247. 1018 FORD only $423. Phone Main J0. $ovu casn. uau w v uiuum. mn oAt.r rmMomi.M, A GOOD USED OI.r5M0Tm.E 19 A MUCH BETTER BUT THAN WANT NEW CAns. WE H AVR SEVERAL THAT WE CAN RECOMMEND: IftlpOldsmobt'.a Eedaa t1V 191S Oldamoblle Coupe ..... 1917 OldsmoMIe Eight 1250 1918 Oldsmoblle Eight.. .. 1471 101 OldsmoblU Eight. 1T50 1917 OldsmoMI Sis 10.' 1918 Oldsrooblle 81s . 1250 1918 Oldsmebll 81s 1400 1910 OldsmoblU Eight.. 050 1910 Oakland Bis .......... M0 1917 Oakland Els ..... T.A Overland. Victoria tap . t-OO 1910 Hupmoblle touring .... 023 1917 Chalmers 81s .. T9 1917 Grant Sis touring...... 000 1917 Maxwell touring 050 1918 Saxon roadster 600 1917 Dodge 750 1918 Chevrolet roaditor..... 050 FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! Both passenger can and track. TRUCKS! Used truck taken In on trade for the Oldsmoblla Economy Truck. READY FOR THE IlOADt 1919 Special Republic. Ilka new $1250 1917 Bolck Light Delivery... 700 1915 Ford 1-ton. chain drive. 425 1917 Ford Light Delivery 30 1917 Reo Speedwagoo 000 1917 Reo Speedwagon. m-. 050 1917 Dodge Light Delivery.. 700 1918 Ford, ton charali 600 1 Whit Delivery. Panel Body 450 LIBERAL TERMS. OLDSMOBn.R CO. OF OREGON. BROADWAT AND COUCH, o Tt onv ls K B When rort'andera think of a used car they think find of il,e oid. reliable oBYK corcirn. a atlll carry the largest and he.t stock of used ram In thla c 1 1 . We continue to sell at low pricea and easy terma and every day we sell some aat laded purchaaera. Buy where ynU know you g,-t value for your money and a aquare deal. LARGE ASSORMTTNT OF LIGHT CARS O B ORV ICS K a 12 GRAND NORTH. WE SELL TOm CAR DIRECT FROM TOUR HOME CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. IF TOU WANT QUICK ACTION btK IS. OREGON USED CAR ArrnAIPINO at SALES CO., 331 BEChT BLDG.. BROADWAY 4380. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Chalmers , 1 11 co 1 Studebaker 1 Studebaker 1 Bulck roadster 1 Overland bug 1 Kulck touring 1 Oakland bug ..$125 150 175 2IMI 2 ,0 :i,pii , 3MI :,:,,! . . . $275 to I .$7ihi and 75" .$mio and ,'' , tMVII :iou ror, i bug 5 Font a 2 I milgea 2 Franklins 1 Bulck truck 1 I-ppert-Mtcwart truck. 1 Guraix truck. "s in . . J 3110 LONG ft S1I.VA. 462 Hawthorne Avenue. STUnKRAKER. A small 4-cyllnilcr. nice a par ing and In Al condition; thla la the car for thoao Tailing trlpa you contemplate: five-pas... but atnall, and light weight; $190. OBI L'r,. 12 Grand ave. N'. 1019 ESSEX, new tire. 1920 license. Thla car nas omr -.-, . " few miles. Owner must sell. RED CAP G A It AG K. 409 Stark St., Ilrt, )nih and 11th. Broadway 3U61. CORNEIl SACRIFICE. Slightly used Willy 6; I really bet- t.r than a new one; com, wun .o 1..IK f extras. $2300. Keautlful high- class painting Job, all go for II.MK). Thla la one oi tne nigne.i vii ..i. .,..,. Why buy a cheap one? Home terms. Address ew-ner, i- jh. wk,m,,h.i. FAIGB roadster, run 2100 fnllea. at . great niscuuut. v mw J 1 way 8600. 1918 METZ. In perfect order, thla cat nust be lurncu imw . ,i,,,iku... . . C. G. HLBASEDAI.K. 630 ALDER ST. BDWT. Ho2. LIGHT 0 BUICK touring, run lea than $10,lktu miiri, n.w i,ni ."w brand new car: O. K. mechanically; good tlrea Price 11"" aim l-rma, . - ww Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. HUDSON auper six, A-l condition, used privately; win give terms. SO Grand arenu .V, Bear Burnside. A HIGH-GRADE late '17 Hup, never off the pavement, from private owner; a bargain, cash or lernsm. Phone Broad way 3475. BUG BODIES. $100. f-omoleie with hood, eta Immediate dellverr. , Third and OIIan. FOR SALE or will trade for boat. llil Chalmer mater BI 5-paa. Original ttalnt: niecnann j ..-.., .uw m real birgaln. Wellwood 2-1T. 5-PASSENGER automobile, fully equipped, excellent running order, 0 genuine cord tires, top not very good; tor quick sale tion 432 Hawthorne ave. OVERLAND h3. ready to go, lake her away; $160, balance 10 montha. Broad way 4 (OH. aak lor Tom, j. . cor. 14ik nd coucn. AN KLIN, cord tires, a bargain. Broad, ,,'y 4411H, ask for Turn, N. W. cor. 111. .nd Couch. jkIN your car to N. W. corner 14th and Couch. It you want 10 sen or trade. Aak for Tom. FORD touring. In good Qondillon, good tlrea: a oargain, ..uni, aninn lerms. V Grand avenue N.. near Hurnwlde. 1917 IXIDGB touring car, by owner. 111 K. 2lin c. ' nnnn n,.-.., 1916 DOlHiE. $750. Call Bdwy. 1206. M M. 14ih at. 4 AIR VULC foi punctures; ne earnest ra ulra. er sate at an garages. : 1 I? 1 r. 1 , fv f : ( v. N ''. ' I V V' v ' ' 1; TV i I