11 E All Charge Purchases Made Today and Remainder of the Month Will Go On March Accounts Payable April 1 Portland Agency for Gossard, Nemo and Bien J olie Corsets Richardson's Quality Linen -Carter's Knit Underwear Brenlin Window Shades Dutchess Trousers for Men and Boys THE MORNING OREGONXAKV FRIDAY, FEBRXTART 27, : 1920 Senator Walter Pierce Has Remedy for Orgies. AMENDMENT IS FAVORED; Press Ciub Members Hear Expo-si-1 ' tlon of Merits of Improved California Measure. A divided session of the state legis lature, with a-U bills presented at the last session In final form, ready for a Tote on adoption and the members of the legislature deprived of power to amend any- bills at the final aee sion was presented yesterday by State Senator Walter M. Fierce as a remedy for the "wild days and nights" which characterize the ending; of legislative assemblies. Senator Pierce presented his plan at the weekly luncheon of the Portland Press club, announcing tat he planned to present it to the voters of the state in the form of a constitu tional amendment, as the means of putting to end the "disgraceful scenes which marked the windup of legislative assemblies held during past years in the state of Oregon. California Plan Improved. The plan is a modification of the plan now utilized In the state of Cali fornia. It provides for the same man ner of commitee work as ie now utilized, but provides that the session be divided into two periods. During the first period bills would be introduced and referred to the committee interested in the house where such bill is introduced; when returned from the committee, euch bill would then be sent Into the other honse, referred to the committee, and when considered, returned to the house of its origin. During the first session any bill introduced might be amended, but at the end of the first session, according to Senator Pierce's plan, it must be ready for final pas sage. Public Opinion Wanted. Senator Fierce then proposed that the legislature adjourn for 30 or 60 days, during which time the bills In troduced would be printed and dis tributed to the members .of the legis lature, the press and to all citizens desiring copies. At the convening of the final ses ion Senator Fierce proposes that all bills be voted on for final passage. He opposed amendment by two-thirds vote and although opposed to any amendments being considered at the final session would be willing to per mit amendments if called for by 100 per cent vote. I have attended four regular ses sion and two special sessions of the Oregon legislature" said Senator Pierce, "and I never witnessed any wilder afternoon or wilder night than that which marked the close of the last special session. The bills came to the senate in mass formation. In consideration of road bills, one sena tor would arise and with an air of solemnity he would ask if the aena- tor of some other county believed there would be room in his county for the road. Upon being assured, with equal solemnity, that the county had sufficient room, the first senator would vote in favor of the passage of the bill. State Is Ubtsraced. It waa a disgrace to the state of Oregon and many of . the senators walked out of the chamber in disgust. This is no time for euch scenes. Laws which affect personal right and prop erty should be given careful consid eration. I believe that the plan I have outlined should receive serious consideration as I am certain tha( it is the remedy for the present un satisfactory plan." Members of the press club at the luncheon were urged to consider Hiram W. Johnson as a candidate for the republican nomination for presi dent of the United States on various grounds presented to them by James S. Stewart, campaign manager for Senator Johnson in this state. Mr. Stewart reviewed the activities of Senator Johnson in recent years, both as governor of California and as a member of the United States aenate. T IS INCREASED FARM PRODUCTION CITED BY DR. W. J, KERR. Address Before Progressive Busi ness Men's Club Made by President of O. A. C. t Increased production of the farms Is one of the greatest weapons possi ble to wield against the Increased cost of living and the unrest now preva lent throughout the world, according to Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of Ore- icon Agricultural college, who ad dressed the Progressive Business Men's club at Its regular weekly ses sion and luncheon at the Benson hotel yesterday. As a corrolary must come scientific methods of tilling the soil, said the speaker. He cited many in stances In which the state college had been able to Introduce more scientific methods and thereby Increase the pro ductivity of the state materially and declared that the agricultural life of the country is just now passing through a revolution whereby more scientific methods are being Involved. "As an aftermath of the war we find that Europe has but 55 per cent of its normal food supply, that France and Belgium are producing but slight ly more than half of their normal crops and that the United States is called upon to an abnormal degree to supply the world," said Dr. Kerr. "We also find, and this is surprising, that America "herself Is in need, that there are 5,000.000 malnourished chil dren in the country today, and that the percentage of malnourished chil dren has Increased from 12 to 25 per cent. POSTMASTER JOB OPEN Applications for Examinations for Portland Office In Order. - Applications for the position of postmaster of Portland are now In order. It was announced yesterday, as an examination has been called to fill the vacancy caused by the dismissal of Frank S. Myers. The federal civil service commis sion, of which J. 8. Howe Is local sec retary, will furnish Information. His office Is In the new postofflce build ing. The position of postmaster of Portland pays 16000 annually. Georgette Waists Special $5.00 Second Floor Remarkable values in this lot of Waists at five dollars. Georgette Crepe A A and Crepe de Chine. Many pretty styles 5J"U CITY AND OUT-OF-TOWN MAIL ORDERS FILLED AND FORWARDED SAME DAY RECEIVED. TRY US 'The Standard Store of the N0rthwest Olds; Wbrtman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods EASTMAN KODAKS CAMERAS & SUPPLIES DEPT. NOW LOCATED ON THE 1ST FLOOR. "Baby Week" Infants' Shirts, Bands, Night Gowns, Bath Set and many other articles underpriced for February Baby Week Sales now in progress on the Second Floor. Mothers will save considerable by sup plying the baby's needs at this store. Shop early. Special Showing of Women's Auto and Sport Coats Little Mary Mix-Up Frocks Second Floor Every mother will be interested in this spe cial showing of Little Mary Mix-Up Play Frocks for girls 4 to 10 years of age. Made of best grade ginghams. Elastic bottom bloomer ef fects. Many delightful styles two as sketched to left. Mary Mix-Up Book Free to every child of 4 to 10 years who visits Childrens' Shop, 2d Floor, Friday and Satur day. Bring the little ones in. Children's Tub Frocks $4.98 Values Up to $7.25 Ages 6 to 14 Second Floor Special assortment of Girls' New Spring Dresses in many attractive styles and various color combinations. Made tip in splendid quality tub fabrics and nicely trimmed. Dresses worth up to $7.25. On sale Friday (P A QQ at your choice, only vrxtUiJ Women's Wool Sweaters ' Second Floor New Sweaters of fine soft wool yarns in plain and fancy weaves. Here are all the very latest styles including Tux edo effects. Some have belts, others sashes. Plain colors and the new heather mixtures.- Prices range from $15.05 to $25.00 Wool Scarfs $3.98 to $15 Second Floor W omen's Knit Wool Scarfs and Angora Scarfs in many colors and combinations. Fringed ends. $3.98 to $15.00 Ask for your Trading Stamps. 10 Days' Spring Drive on Electric Cleaners Beginning this morning we launch a GREAT 10 DAYS' SPRING DRP7E on Hoover and Sweeper Vac Electric Cleaners. We plan to distribute a large number of machines within the next 10 days. and to interest everyone in this Drive we will give 1000 Trading Stamps with every Sweeper-Vac or Hoover Cleaner sold from February 27th to March 9th inclusive. As a further inducement to enlist the sup port of our customers and salespeople we will give $1.00 in Cash to any person. who gives our resale manager the name of a prospective buyer or arranges for a demonstration which results in a sale within 60 days. This applies to both Sweeper-Vac and Hoover Cleaners These machines are guaranteed to give best of satisfaction and are equipped with the very latest and best improvements. Free Trial Offer Don't fail to ask for a Free Trial Demonstration in your own home. It will place you under no obliga tions to buy. Phone Marshall 4800 and ask for Vacuum Cleaner Dept. Cleaners are sold on Easy Terms. $5 Down, $5 Month Ml Women's Polo Coats $21.50 to $65.00 Second Floor If you would see the new season's smartest styles in Sport Coats, come to the Garment Store on the Second Floor. Our showing embraces a wide range of styles in Norfolk, Novelty Plaited and Box effects with tailored or convertible col lars. Wool Jersey, Polo Cloth, Checked and Plain Velour, Cheviot and Tweed materials. All the new Spring colors. $21.50 .to $65 Auto Coats Second Floor Auto Coats of Leather and Leatherette. Smart belted styles or straight line styles with convertible collars. Many colors. Short styles $29.75 to $69.75 Auto Coats styles $28.50 to $89.75 Auto Coats, full length, $79.75 to $100 I Women's Spring Coats For Dress Occasions Second Floor There is a wonderful range of styles here for your selec tion no matter what price you have in mind. Coats of Bolivia, Polo Cloth, Gabardine, Tricotine and Novelty Mixtures as well as the very popular Short Velveteen Coats. Many of the new models are belted across front or all around, and there are some very smart styles that are semi-fitting. New Spring Coats range in price $39.75 to $95.00 Women's Neckwear Sale! Main Floor For a quick Clearaway of Odd Lines Women's Collars, Sets and Vestees wo offer them for today's selling at only. 10c Each Colored Vestees with Collars to match in pink, blue and tan Colored Vestees with plaited Collars to match White Embroidered Organdie Collar and Cuff Sets Round Plaited Collars with double plaiting White Organdie Collars with lace or narrow ruffled edge Windsor Ties of good quality crepe, in plaids, stripes, Dresden and plain colors. Neck wear slightly soiled and mussed. Formerly priced to 65c special A" I Auto Veils and Caps Main Floor New Auto Veils in the latest styles and colors. Large selection ready for your choosing. Prices range $1.00 to $4.50 AUTO CAPS of silk, leatherette and Batavia cloth. Many attract ive styles. Priced $1.25 to $12 Ribbons for Auto Decorations Main Floor Autoists will find here a complete stock of Ribbons for automobile streamers, roBettes made to order at reasonable cost. Sale of Men's Suits Friday and Saturday T0 ENCOURAGE men and young men to choose their new Spring Suits early, we offer a special discount on all Fancy Suits purchased Friday and Saturday. Very latest Spring models, just in by express. Single and double-breasted styles with pro nounced skirt flare, Colonial cuffs, slit pockets and peak lapels. Also models for the conservative dresser. Strictly high class Suits selected by our buyer who has just returned from the eastern style cen ters. Sale prices from $29.75 to $59.50 Men's Silk Shirts At $3.53 Main Floor This is an odd lot remaining, from former sales. Only about 200 Shirts all told, therefore sizes are (PQ C9 broken. Formerly $6.50 to $10.00 OO.OO Men's Fancy Hose Main Floor -Men's Fancy Hose in a large assortment of different patterns all the newest effects for Spring and Summer wear. Mostly all sizes in the lot. C A O CT $1, $1.25 grades. 73 pr., 6 pairs Men's Store, Main Floor Men's Pajamas, Special $2.95 Night Shirts at $1.63 Main Floor Men's Pajamas of good quality white material. Medium weight, suitable for year round wear. Some fasten with frogs, others with pearl but tons. Fancy striped QO QP palterus. $4 garments D"ie7J Main Floor Men's Night Gowns of good quality muslin. These are cut full and roomy and are well made in every particular. Trimmed with colored (PI ?Q braids. $2 Night Shirts Dl.DO Ask for Green Trading Stamps. Boys' Corduroy Suits Special $7.85 Main Floor When you see these Suits and note the good, sturdy character of the material and how well they are made you will agree that they are exceptional valves at the price. Latest styles, with full lined pants. Shown in gray and golden brown shades. QfT Sizes for boys 8 to 18 years. Priced special today the suit w I mOO Boys' Shirts and Blouses $1.50 Grades 95c Main Floor This is a special lot of Waists and Shirts selected from our own regular stock. Made up in standard quality percales, wash crepes and madras in many different patterns and colors. Q" Ages 6 to 16. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 qualities. Special at 3v BOYS' DUTCHESS TROUSERS $3.50 to $4.50 Auto Coats For. Men Main Floor Men's Automobile Coats of leather. Latest belted style with large JQ1 GE pockets. Special at wOl.tJ Men's Mackinaw Coats of best materials $12.50 to $20.00 Men's Linen Dusters for sum mer traveling $5.00 to $15.00 Men's Overcoats $22.50-$ 75 Auto Gloves $2.50 to $8.50 Main Floor Men's Auto Gloves in gauntlet Btyle large rasort ment to select from. Prices range from $2.50 to $8.50 a pair. Driving Gloves $2.75 to $7.50 Auto Caps Main Floor Men's Leather Caps for auto and outing wear. Latest style. Priced at only $5.00 Men's Wool and Wool Mixed Outing Shirts $3.85 to $6.00 Slip-On Sweaters at $10.00 $12 to $16 Shoes $8.50 Sale Ends Saturday Women's Boots of brown kid in lace style with pointed imitation tip, welt sole and low (JQ PA French heels. Regular $12.00 grade a pair DOeJl Women's Boots of light gray kid with mili- QQ tary heel and recede toe.' Laced; $16 grade DOt)v Women's Boots of dark gray kid; cloth PQ Pfj tops; pointed toe. Covered full Louis heels DO.tll Patent Colt with field mouse kid tops. Buttoned style; narrow last, high QQ CA heels. Regular $14.50 grade; pair tiJUeUV Battleship-gray Laced Boots with medium toe and imitation tip. Regular PQ P(j $12.50 grade Shoe; on sale at BO.UU Women's $14.50 Boots of pat- JQ (TA Men's $1.50 Union Suits $1.05 Main Floor Don't overlook this opportunity to buy Spring Union Suits at a saving. Of medium weight cotton, knit on the Cooper spring needle machines perfect fitting and of excellent Q1 AP quality. $1.50 Union Suits broken sizes special a suit tDX.UtJ Portland Agency for Dutchess Trousers OWK Flour $3.10 Sk. Fourth Floor OWK Excellence Flour made from hard wheat every sack guaranteed satisfac tory. On sale today per 49-lb. sack onl; S S3.10 Other Grocery Specials Pearl Shortening, regn- PQ. lar 75c size onecial at OiC 45c Baker's Groan d OQ Chocolate priced epeciul J7C 70c Cottolene small KQ size tins priced special tlC Lopes Canned Oysters, Cft $1.05 dozen 3 cans fot J"C Wheat Eats Breakfast OA. at SEEDS. Cereal the package MORSE'S GARDEN Auto Robes $8.50 to $35 Third Floor Plain Robes in va rious patterns at $8.50 to $15 Fringed Auto Robes in beauti ful plaids $8.50 to $22.50 Plush Robes $9.50 to $35.00 BeddingSale Continues 3d Floor $6.50 White fiK Wool Finish Blankets tDtJ.UU $6.00 Plaid Woolnap dr OK Blankets -special sale DO00 $9.00 White Wool QJ P Finish Blankets sale D Ou $12.00 White Wool dQ Oft Blankets special sale VfVmVU $15.00 Plaid Wood P" O P( j Blankets special at $3 Tabourettes $2.19 On Sale, Bargain Circle, 1st Floor Solid Oak Tabourettes in 3 attractive designs as shown above. These are of good substantial construction and are well worth $3. As we have only a very limited number of these it will be well to shop as early in the day as you can. Very useful piece of furni- QO 1Q ture to have. Regular $3.00 Tabourettes, special Friday at D-a. $5.00 Smoking Stands $2.98 Bargain Circle, Main Floor Men's Smoking Stands in pedestal style with removable ash tray. Mahogany finish. Regular $5.50 values on sale Friday at only $2.98. S. & H. Stamps given with purchases. ent calfskin with gray tops at One Minute Washers Ton take no risk in buying a One-Minute Electric Washer and Wringer, for these machines are guaranteed to do all we claim for them or money will be refunded. $2 Down will put a One-Minute in your home at once. . Demonstration daily in Housewares Dept. 3d Fir. n Auto Lunch Kits All Sizes 3d Floor Auto owners are invited to call and inspect our splendid stock of Auto Lunch Kits and other accessories. A few suggestions: Auto Kits priced $7.75 to $90 Vacuum Bottles $2.05 to $0.75 Ferrostat Vacuum Bottles with non-breakable lining. Nickel, leather and rubberized finishes. These bottles are guaranteed for one year. Priced $10.50 to $14 We give S. & H. Trading Stamps. Set of 5 Glass Kitchen Bowls $1.29 $1.29 Third Floor Glass Bowls as I illustrated. A set of these! should be in every well- equipped kitchen. Set of 5 Bowls on sale Fri day at special Sale of Electric Floor Lamps 3d Floor W WRECKS TWO AUTOS FATHER FIXED $23 FOR PER MITTING SON TO DRIVE. Car DriTen by Lad of 15 Collides With Another and Then Hits Telephone Pole. Ji. Meyer. 4036 Sixty-third street Southeast, was fined $25 yesterday in municipal court for permitting his 15-year-old son. Milliard Meyer, to operate an automobile. Mr. Meyer was arrested by Officer W. s. Tully after the boy had a colli sion with a machine driven by Frank P. Uta, 709 East Couch street, at East Thirty-sixth and Division streets. After knocking- front wheel from Mr. Uta' car the boy is said to have driven on against a telephone pole, in which second collision a front wheel was torn from his own machine. Others fined fur traffic violations were: George Filey, speeding. 25; P. W. Hobson, speeding, $10: John Harr. reckless driving. $10: Arthur Crawfort. violating the traffic ordi nance. $1: L. E. McDonelL speeding. $7 SO; R. Godbey. violating traffic or dinance $:.i0; C. A. Eddy; violating traffic ordinance, $1: C A. West, auto without headlisht, $1; J. Henry, auto without headlight, $4; R. B. Walls, auto without headlight, $4; W. M. Kinzer, auto without headlight,, $4: J. Brooks, auto without headlight, $4; B. J. P.crie, an to without light, $2.50; W. R. Patterson, Improper lights, $3.50; S. I.' Payne. Improper lights, $2.50: P. J. Schaffer, improper lights, $2.60; Fred Knecht, improper lights, $2.50; M. W. Story, improper lights, $2.50; A. N. Strellman, Improper lights, $5.50; 3. J Glauen, improper lights, $2; A. 3" Bryant, improper lights, $1 KIBOSH WILL ENTERTAIN Mysterious Order Makes Plans for Shrine Convention. Much Interest Is being evinced by members of Al Kader temple of Shrine in the activities of the Knights of Kibosh, an organization to which only Shriners are admitted. Major Ken neth D. Hauser, venerable president of the organization in Portland, has announced that the Knights of Kibosh will establish headquarters in the Multnomah hotel during the Shrine convention in June, when the ' visit ing knights of the order will be lavishly entertained. The next meeting of the Knights of Kibosh will be held Tuesday night at the Multnomah hotel, when George Chambers, secretary of the Oregon Automobile association, will be initi ated into the mysterious realm of the new order. Under the tenets of the order, but one candidate can be admitted at one session and meetings are planned each week in order to accommodate the large waiting list. Other officers of the order Include Captain Herman Kline, chief procurer, and John Tal bot, recorder. PICKET REQUEST DENIED Petition of Union for Two Banners at Greenfield Store Fails. T think that If the court has erred at all, it has erred in favor of the unions," declared Presiding Cir cuit Judge MeCourt yesterday morning- in denying the request of W. & U'Ren. attorney for the Central Labor Council and retail clerks' union, for permission to establish a eilent picket at each of two entrances to the George I Greenfield shoe store at Fourth and Morrison streets. In the recent decision of Judge Me Court in the picketing case, permis sion was granted the union to em ploy one picket, wearing a banner, at each store picketed, provided that the picket did not address prospective patrons of the shops and walked alone the edge of the sidewalk next to the curbing. The unions asked to be allowed to employ such a picket at every entrance, but the jurist refused to modify his original decision. STUDENT OPERA TONIGHT Jefferson Glee CInbs to Give "O Hara San" at School Auditorium. Edwin Johnston's Japanese opera, "O Hara San," will be presented by the boys and girls' glee clubs of Jef ferson high school at the school au ditorium tonight 94 8 o'clock. Preparation for the opera has been under way for several months, under direction of George Wilber Reed. Both Bcenery and costumes are elabo rate. The plot deals with the love of O Hara San for a handsome Japanese youth, O Kashi Kintara. A wealthy and ugly old prince seeks the fair maiden, but the youthful lover re turns from America and saves her from an unhappy match. The leading characters are as fol lows: O Hara San, Frances Waldron; O. Kashi Kintara, Frank Lacey Kanaya (father of O Hara), Gault Patton; O Loya San (mother of O Hara), Alice Aldrich; the Prince, Christian Kisky; O Laka San, Alice Schmidt, and Tokiskl, Wllmar West The city of Sheffield, England, con tributed 70 per cent of the war mate, rial furnished by private firms In Great Britain during the war, accord ing to a pamphlet Issued by the city council. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy "I have never found a medicine for coughs or colds that equals Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. Ella Martin, Andrews, Ind. Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo. Ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle for $1.00. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin dear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The B. W. Ron Co Cleveland, O. A Feeling of Security Tou naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pur and con tains no harmful or babit-produclnc drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer 8watnp Root, kidney, liver and blad der remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence Is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root It Is scientifically compounded from vegetable herb. It is not a stimulant and Is taken fm teaspoonful doses. It Is not recommended for verr thins. It ia na-ture's crea helper la rrtsi Ing anil overcoming "kidney, liver asd bladder troubles, A sworn statement of parity Is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. if you need a medicine, yon shoal d have the best. On sale at all drug stores In bottles of two aisas, medium and large. However, If you wish first to rrv this great preparation send tn cento to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Btnghamton. N. for sample bottle. When wrlt- Ina- be sure and mention The rortland Oregonian Adv. Phone your want ads to The Ore go. Bias. Main 7070, A 09i.