Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 25, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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Bandon Raises Fund to Pros
ecute Harold Howell.
Ralph A. Coan is named as secretary.
Permission was given the Pilot
Rock Elevator company, with head
quarters at Pilot Rock, eastern Ore
gon, to sell stock in the sum of
120,500. Officers of this company are
A- -r. Buholts. president; J. Etter,
vice-president; G J. Miller, secretary,
ana . J, Koester. manager.
The- Kellington-Sifter Spout com
pany of Portland has been given
permission to dispose of its stock to
the amount of $5000. E. C. Kelllng
ton is president of -the corporation:
T. w. Kellington, vice-president, and
M. s. Hart, secretary.
The Broadbent Cheese company of
t;roadDent, Coos county, has been
authorized to sell its stock in the
sum of $800. Officers of the corpo-
Foetponement of Circuit Court to
Throw Murder Case on
March Docket.
BANDON, Or., Feb. . (Special.)
A purse of between $300 and J400 has
been raised here and at Prosper for
the purpose of assisting; the county in
securing the services of an expert
criminal lawyer to prosecute the
Harold Howell case at the third trial.
The money was contributed in small
smounts by signers of a petition to
the governor asking for the appoint-
ment of a deputy to prosecute the
case. The signers are both men an
women, largely parents, including
some of the most prominent citizen
of the county. They hold that evid
ence so far produced warrants a more
rigid prosecution of the case.
MARSHFIEIJ5, Or., Feb. 24. (Spe.
ctal.) Because of the presence of
diseases subject to quarantine regula
tions and an epidemic of light influ
enza. ine circuit court term commenc
ing February 2.1, has been postponed
and will probably not be called be
fore the second week in March. The
term is expected to occupy about two
weeks, the Howell case being the
most important on the calendar, it
being the third trial.
The boy was 14 years old when Lil
lian Leuthold was murdered in Ban
don last July, and he has been an
inmate of the county Jail since he
was arrested for her murder a week
or ten days after the tragedy.
Own Tows Prejudiced.
The third trial, because of the plea
or nis rattier u. Howell, that he had
exhausted his resources in defending
his son. has caused widespread in
terest throughout the state and sev
eral communities are raising funds
to provide for the expense of the
future hearing. Because of the noto
riety of the case, the selection of a
third jury is looked upon as likely
to prove difficult, for it is believed
there is not a person in Coos county
who Is not familiar with the case
through read'.ng the lengthy accounts
of the first and second trials and by
seeing it widely commented upon. The
case has been discussed in the local
newspapers and where there was
disposition at first to consider th
case without opinion, the accounts
have aroused people to determining
in their minds the guilt or Innocence
of the boy.
Curiously, the most pronounced
prejudice against Young Howell is in
nis own town of Bandon. It is an
nounced from there that a petition
carrying about 400 names has been
signed, requesting Governor Olcott to
supply able legal assistance for Dis
trict Attorney Hall, who was aided by
A. J. Sherwood of Coquille in the first
two trials. Mr. Fherwood has de
clared his retirement from the case.
The signers at Bandon are preparing
a iuna 10 assist tne prosecution.
Howell Petitions Aid.
O. Howell asked ."00 from the
county court to use In defense nf the
boy. Charles F. ilcKnight. who de
fended the case in the first trial, was
awea by John C. Kendall of Marsh
field, in the second trial, but it is
understood some of the payments due
from these trials have not been set
led. Sir. McKnight has taken no part
n tne can for help, but it is undei
stood he intends going through to the
end, even If there are no further
lunrts in sight.
The Bandon folks who are askine
for assistance in the prosecution want
n attorney of known ability, and the
nformation comes from there that
hey have been assured by the gov-
rnor one win pe supplied, but the
ttorney's fee must be furnished bv
hose making the request, at least the
laie win not stand responsible for
t. Should the petitioners fall to
uaranten this fund, it is nrobahle
ne county win contribute toward it,
the court is committed to the
principle of aiding the district at
umey. since special counsel was
urnisnea betore. There is some be
ef the county may furnish funds
for the boy's defense, but in the event
outside help comes as now indicated.
ne county would be relieved of any
cnon ana tne case would be tried
Ithout the county court involving
WHO? All citizens who failed
to vote during 1918 or 1919, or
who have moved out of the
precincts in which they voted
during those years.
WHY? Tou cannot vote at the
spring primaries if you do
not. Nearly 400 registrants a
day must be taken care of be
fore April 21 if Multnomah
county is to have a normal
registration of 100.000. If you
put it off, the last-minute
crowds may make it impossi
, ble for you to register.
WHERE? West end, first floor,
county courthouse. Fifth and
Salmon streets. Open Satur-
day afternoons.
' Registrations to Date.
Male. Female. Total.
Republicans. 32.293 20.749 63,042
Democrats.. .10.311 7,319 17.630
Other parties 2,306 1,784 4,090
Reduced Food Production
Forecast by Experts.
Grand total 74,762
Increase over Saturday.. 176
ration are E. F. Schroeder, president.
and E. R. Forrest, secretary and
The Arago Cheese company of
Arago, Coos county, has been dven
permission to sell $4800 of its stock.
Officers of the corporation include
R. M. Bunn. president; J. D. Carl,
vice-president, and Carl Schroeder,
Author of League of A'ations Is At
tacked In Address to Bronx
NEW YORK, Feb. 24. President
Wilson was termed a "free trader'
and the league of nations "a constitu
tion for a world republic" by Senator
Polndexter of Washington, in an ad
dress tonight before the republican
club of the Bronx.
"One characteristic of a federated'
world republic," he said, "as provided
for in the original league constitu
tion, is free trade between its several
members. Just as there is between the
states of our federal republic. It is
inconsistent that federated states
should Impose trade barriers in the
way of Import duties against each
other. It is quite significant that the
American delegate at the peace con
ference, who, by reason of the power
of the United States, was largely re
sponsible for the injection into the
peace treaty of this constitution for
world republic, namely; President
Wilson, is a free trader. It is also
well known that no greater economic 1
benefit could be bestowed upon u
ropean nations with their cheaper la
bor and less expensive standards of
living, than free trade with the
united States."
benator Poindexter declared that
the struggle the republican party has
Deen compelled to make in the eenat
to protect the constitution and the
ndependence of the country against
attacks by those sworn to preserve
and defend them, is more like a strug
gle by a defeated nation to obtain as
favorable terms as possible from an
uncompromising conquerer, rather
than a treaty of peace dictated by a
widespread Disposition to. Cut
Down Plantings This Year Xoted
By Department at Washington.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. Warning
mat serious risk of reduced food pro-
auction impends because of high
wages demanded by farm laborers,
nign cost or farm equipments and
supplies and pronounced movements
of people from the farms to the cities,
was given today by the sdepartment
of agriculture on the basis of reports
mm tetters irora all sections of the
country. j
"The most definite of these reports
, tome irora new York state," the an
! nouncement said, 'where records of
ana representative farms on Feb
ruary 1 disclosed that during the last
year the number of people decreased
nearly 3 per cent and the number of
hired men more than 17 per cent. This
more rapid movement from the
farms to other industries than took
Place in the early part of the war.
tne same conditions in varying
degrees exist in all sections, accord
ing to the federal bureau of crop es
timates, aunougn they are not so
acute farther from industrial centers.
Auuiner new lork report, ap
plicable in some degree in every part I
of the country, is that farm wages
mm year win average 14 per cent
higher than in 1919. although in 1919
iney were 00 per cent higher than at
the beginning of the war. Estlmt
from 350 farmers in all parts of New
York state indicated 50 per cent of
mrm neip nirea by the month will be
paia in(s year about 162 a month and
board, as compared with 45.50 last
year. Experienced married men, not
Doaraed but provided with houses and
farm products, are expected to receive
an average of about 68.60 a month in
cash as compared with J60 last year.
"Numerous letters to the department
of agriculture from its field
or irora larmers, indicate a wide
spread disposition to cut down nlant-
ings so that the work of cultivating
ua uuenuea to DV the fiirmAf
nimseii or members of his family."
Samson Trucks, Tractors
and Farm Equipment
ft J
r .
Samson Model "M" 2-Plow Tractor
A General Motors Product
We have been selected as distributors for Multnomah and adjoining counties of the famous Samson line of
Trucks, Tractors and Farm Equipment manufactured by the Samson Tractor Co. Another part of the huge
General Motors Corporation manufacturing everything for the farm. "An easier life for the farmer."
Call at our salesrooms. .You will wonder at the many new, useful articles for the farm.
Edward Bell Rodgers Killed
Denver by Charles T. Brown,
111 With Influenza.
company at Malone. Curtis, It Is
said, is the son of the late William
victorious nation."
JStark Street Improvement Com
pany Obtains Permit.
SALEM. Or.. Feb. 24. (Special.) H.
Schulderman. state corporation
ommissioner. today Issued a permit
authorizing the Stark Street Improve
ment company or Portland to sell
J35.0O0 worth of the bonds of the
corporation In Oregon, neroert Gor
don Is president of the company, while
Epidemic Is Controlled in White
Salmon Valley and Ban Lifted
at Elma, Wash.
Quick, Safe Way
to Remove Hairs
(Toilet Talks)
Keep a little -delatone powder on
vour dressing table and when ugly,
uairy growths appear, make a disk
rvlth a little of the powder and some
hvater. apply and let remain on the
lalry surface for 2 or S minutes, then
hub off, wash the skin and the hairs
lave vanished. This treatment is quite
armiess and rarely more than one
pplication is required, but to avoid
iisappolntment care should be used to
uy the real delatone. Adv.
Eyes Sore?
If your eyes or lids are sore; it
they itch, burn or feel dry; if your
vision is blurred, your ayesight dim;
if,yoa are obliged to wear glasses,
iro to your druggist and ret a bottle
at Bon-Opto tablets. Dissolve one
ia fourth, of a glasg of water and
bathe the eyes from two to four
times a day. Sound, comfortable
eyes and improved eveaichr. will
rnake the world look brighter.
I y Boiwpto strengthens eyei
mmn j ia wee s unc in many Instances.
EUGENE, Or.. Feb. !4. (Special.)
All high schools in this district, ex
cept Eugene and Roseburp, have
withdrawn from the Oregon State De
bating league for this year because
of the prevalence of influenza, and
these two schools will soon meet in
Joint debate to settle the champion
ship of the district. Elmira and
Junction City high schools in Lane
county gay notice yesterday of their
withdrawal and Myrtle Creek, in
Douglas county dropped out last
C. A. Howard, principal of the
Eugene high school and one of the
officers of the debating league, said
yesterday that the two remaining
teams will probably meet in about
two weeks and it is likely that the
debate will be held at Roseburg as
an puduc meetings have just been
forbidden In Eugene because of the
prevalence of sickness, while the ban
has been lifted at Roseburg.
ABERDEEX. Wash.. Feb. 24. (Spe
cial.) The influenza ban at Elma has
been lifted and public meetings are
again permitted. The churches were
opened Sunday for the first time iu
two weeks.
WHITE SALMOxTwash., Feb. 24.
(Special.) Influenza in the White
Salmon valley has been checked. No
new cases have been reported. Public
schools re-opened Monday morning
and public gatherings are again permitted.
DENVER, Feb. 24. Dr. A. L. Ben
neit, criminologist on th ifr nf
District Attorney Foley, after an ex- Henry Curtis, New York millionaire,
animation of the body of Edward Bell
Rodgers, killed in a downtown hotel
yesterday by Charles T. Brown, today
filed a written report stating that in
i:is opinion -Brown aid not shoot
seir-aerense, as Rodgers was shot
more than once in the back and prob
ably was turning to leave at the time
ne was snot.. '
The killing took place in
a room
and step-son of G. W. Loewenthal,
also a millionaire. Despite the wealth
of his relatives, and the fact that
he has not been home for eight years,
a part of which time he passed in
service with the Canadian forces at
the front, Curtis still piles lumber.
From all accounts, Curtis is no
master of the lumber game. Friends
are now urging him to forget wate
Funk, killed in action and for whom
tho post was named.
in which Brown was confined by an ever reasons may have prompted him
attack of influenza and where he was to enter it and to exchange the wage
being nursed by the wife of Rodgers. and quarters of a lumbermill worker
Mrs. Rodgers and Mr Brown told the for his mothers' home on Riverside
officers that Rodgers had entered the drive.
room witn the intention of killing
Brown, and that the latter hr.
gers as he attempted to disentangle SOLDIER DEAD . HONORED
.tw.f,, iiuui ilia mp liucaet.
Autoist in Don Quixote
Role Gets Jolt.
"Shadow" on Railrosta Crossing
Provea to Be Freight Train.
The Italian child Is never permitted
to rub its eyes. If he bursts into tears
It Is not repressed, but permitted to
have the cry out This, it is claimed,
beautifies the eyes and makes them
clear, while rubbing the eyes Injures
Brown, who was too ill to remove
to the police station, is being suarricd
at his room.
San Quentin Prisoner, Aphasia Vic
tim, Reported Cured.
restoration of the m'nd of a orisoner
serving a sentence in San Quentin
penitentiary, who was suffering from
aphasia, was announced last night by
Dr. Leo L. Stanley, resident phvsi-
cian at the prison.
The prisoner. Robert Lockwood is
27 years old and entered the peniten
tiary September 14, 1919, to serve a
term for grand larceny. Dr. Stanlev
asserts that he has established that
Lock wood's real name is Fred Bruley,
son of Peter Bruley, who formerly
lived In Plattsburg, K. Y., and that
he has a wife and child in the east.
ur. Stanley said he became inter
ested in the prisoner shortly after he
entered tne prison and that on Sep
temoer ne gave Bruley a serum
treatment by injection fnto the spine.
snomy atterward his recovery
memory oecame manirest.
Bruley said that in January. 191
he was in New York and remembered
boarding a train for Chicago, but
couia recall no details.
I just seemed to come to myself
in tne nospitai, Bruley said.
French Government Certificates
Presented at Cottage Grove.
Cottage Grove, Or., Feb. 24. (Spe
cial.) Exercises for the presentation
of certificates from the French gov'
crnment to nearest of kin to those
who died during the war and of state
medals to those who served from Ore.
gon with the colors, were held Sun-
day afternoon in American Legion
hall. The presentation of the cer
tificates and medals was made in a
brief address by Elbert Bede, Major
Metcalf, chairman of the post, pre
siding. Mrs. J. W. Veatch received the cer
tificate Issued for her brother, Jesse
McDole, who died at Camp Lewis;
William A. Kelly received the cer
tificate for his son, Delbert, who was
killed in action in France; Ardy Eby.
received the certificate for Corporal
Dan Eby, who died in France. There
was no one present to receive the cer-1
tificate Issued for Sergeant Calvin T.
-10TTAGE GROVE, Or., Feb. 24.
V (Special.) Percy Rogers endeav
ored to imitate Don Quixote Saturday
evening and with results about
serious to him as to the legendary
knight errant. The settings were i
little more modern, however. A Chev
rolet car took the part of Rosinante.
ana & southern Pacific freight train
the place of the windmill.
Returning from a trip to Eugene,
he approached the crossing at Walker.
He saw what appeared to be a shadow
on the track, but when ha hit the
supposed shadow it proved to be a
slowly moving freight train, which
was taking the siding to let No. 17
pass. Mr. Rogers sustained a severe
cut on the left cheek probably caused
by a piece of his eyeglasses, which
were broken by contact with some
part of the car. The radiator, fan
and front fenders were wrecked.
While Mr. Rogers was endeavoring
to push the car away from the track
No. 17 passed and it too hit the ma.
chine, as it had not been pushed far
enough away from tho track by the
first contact to leave clearance.
A Brockton, Mass., man told his
family doctor that be must have
caught the cold from which he was
suffering by neglecting to wear his
collar and necktie to bed one night
as he had done regularly for 30 yrs.
"rd give up rvrrf other joy
To be once more that part-foot boy,
A -wearing Patches as I used to do"
By Lee S. Roberts
and J. Will Callahan
Son of Millionaire Lumber Man
Rejects Family Prestige.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Feb. 24 (Spe
cial.) Piling lumber at the wasre o
J4.73 a day must be placed in, the list
of outdoor sports for young million
aires. Such is the inference to be
drawn rrora a story brought to Aber
deen by friends of Aubrey C. Curtis,
an employe of the Vance Lumber
m iui . i iiv.
,.'to Ysur Eyes Need Car?
Cottage Grove Organization Cele
brates Ninth Anniversary.
COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Feb. 24.
(Special.) Cottage Grove grange ob
served tts ninth anniversary Saturday
with an ail-day session and a big
amner at noon, state Master Soence
was present and ' delivered an ad
dress, as dht also County Agent
Whitny and Mrs. Bond, atate
Mr. Spence urged co-operation and
cited the results of concerted efforts
in other counties and in other sec
tions' of the United States.
A. Stevens of the local grange urged
greater Interest in fairs, particularly
the county fair, for which he will
make up an exhibit in behalf of Cot
tage Grove grange.
Name "Bayer" is on Genuine
Aspirin say Bayer
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.
Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin1
n a -Bayer package." containing
proper uirecuona lor uoida. - Pain.
Headache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and
Rheumatism. Name "Bayer" means
genuine Aspirin prescribed by physi
cians for nineteen year. Handy tin
boxes of 1 tablets cost few cents.
Aspirin is trade mark of Bayer Manu
facture of Monoacetic-acidester of
The Wiley B. Allen Co. First With the Latest
sum M
-writers of
"PATCHES" ii in the
frtt the H. C of L.
product of a prominent drug
"PATCHES" is in the air.
Poor Daidy Daice Rolls
You will surely sit up and take
notice when you hear these. Then
you will dance. You Just can't helg it.
When You re Alone. Fox Trot $1.2-
When My Baby Smiles at Me. Fox Trot. .. . 1.25
Drowsy Baby. Waitz 1.2S
On the Trail to Santa Fe. Ballad 1.25
" Get them by nrmL ' 7 oil send1
v tile ad, signed, vith yar check
a enM snail, sum pttAKetaco. oajcuum. rttasma. ui
Sheet Mtuic
Player Rolls
with words
Talking Machine
to hear it,sing it, whistle it, dance
to it, brings back the memory of
that long ago time when you
were "that bare-foot boy a wear
ing Patches." It is a wonderfuljy
infectious fox trot song with a
lyric fuIJ of tender sentiment.
We Have Patches for Your
Sheet Music 35. by
Lee S. Roberts and J.
W. Callahan, writer
of "Smilea."
Q. R. S. Roll 1.25.
Played by Lee ti.
Roberts and 21 a z
Victor Record 8S.
Fox Trot. Joseph C.
Smith Orchestra.
125-127 Fourth Street, Bet. Washington and Alder.
The Best Cough fyrup
is Home-made,
Here's aa mj wmr to ?. u4
ret kalre the kM nik rtwij
ra erer UlwL
TouTve probably heard of this well,
known plan of making cough syrup at
home. But hare you ever used it?
When you do, you will understand
why thousands of families, the world
over, feel that they could hardly keep
house without It. It's simple and
cheap, but the way It takes hold of
a cough will quickly earn it a perma
nent place In your home.
Into a pint bottle pour IV4 ounce
of Pines; then add plain rranirlated
uar syrup to fill up the pint. Or. If
desired, use elarlfird molasses, honey,
or corn syrup instead of iuu avrun
Either way, it tastes food, never
spoils, and gives you a full pint of
better cough remedy than you could
buy ready-made for three tlinaa its
It Is really wonderful how auirtciv
this home-mad remedy conquers a
cough usually In 24 hour or less. It
seem to penetrate through every air
passage, loosens a dry, hoars or tight
cough, lifts the phlegm, heel th
membranes, and rives ,imnn imm.u-
Ete relief. Splendid for throat tickl.
oarseness. crouo. bronchitia mnA h,n.
chlal asthma,
Plnex is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pin ex
tract, and has been used for genera
tions tor throat and chest ailments.
TO avoid dlMlhnnlntmant -.L .......
druggist for ounces of Plnex"
with direction, and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute untinfflrf Inn ar innnv rt,,w. a .a
Th Plnex Co.. Ft. Wayn. Ino Adv."
Blood Poisoning
Hamlin' Wizard Oil a Sal
First Aid Troatmont
How often lockjaw and blood poh
toning result from the neglect of
slight scratch or little eutl .Hamlin
Wizard Oil is a safe and effective hrl
aid treatment It is a powerful anti
septic and should be applied imme
diately to wounds of this kind to pre
vent danger of infection.
It is soothing and healing and quick,
ly drives out pain and inflammation in
eases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns,
bites and stings. Jnst as reliable, too.
for stiff neck, sore feet, cold sores.
canker sores, earache and toothache.'
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottl and
tet your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick head
ache f Just try Wixard Liver Whipv
pleasant little pink pills, JO cents,
m WTIL. aVFAIB " W a
The Rest
The Cheapest Because
it is the Best
Stop Toothacht Instantly