THE MOKXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1920 . FOR BEST. Hoeseheepuig Booms. 4JTRICTLY clean, comfortable furnished Housekeeping rooms for aasiranie emw. aauits. reasonable rates ana easy wait ing distance. 1-1 Minte. 167 Stout st, near 20th and Washington. ft FURNISH Kn mnmi for housekeepini $6 Der A k which Includes gas. elee trie light, heat and bath: adults only. Call SelL 323. 53H E. Kelly. BLVcJIJC nd double H K rooms, new J Dainted. fnr mm -hnn: went aide: walk ing distance; also $7 basement room. 504 THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall: fur- msnea DouMkeeptng rooms, i up. 1,1 eluding gas ran ice. hot water, electrie lights, laundry room. Broadway 5033. JiEWLT furnished rooms for IlKht house keeping, everything furnished; walking ui nee, ltMfe becona su SINGLE H. K. room completely furnished. si eam heat, electric lights, not ww anermaa t Marsbaii Housf: KKKPING ROOMS, EVERYTHING 1Q FLANDERS. HOUSEKEEPING rnoma reasonable. 50 Couch street, block off 16th. and Wash ingion. IF TOIf Want a h. rrain tn eheaD. c!eB. housekeeping apartments, call o7 1st at. t-ifctnc lights and gas. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 251 -STARK ST. NICE clean 2 -room apartment; rent rea sonable. 421 Sixth st Housekeeping: Boom ta Private Family. JUST what vdu ha been looklns- for clean and nicely furnished housekeeping rooms in desirable residence district close to good car service. 1020 E. Main St., cor. 34th st. Hawthorne car. $20 N rCP7. clean, t urn. 3-room suite. 2d floor, walking distance; "S" ear south. forter at.; adults. Til REE light, front housekeeping rooms, bath and pantry: suitable for 3 or more people. Main oy. TWO well furnished h. k rooms and sleep ing porch. 3 beds; adults; $25. 308 Col lege, between 5th and tith sis. ONE suite, 2 beds, 1st floor, private en trance. $24 mo. Call after 6 P. M., 303 Will. ONE room and kitchenette, desirable for lady; gas. electricity, furnace beat. close in. East 7531. S LIGHT, clean h.-k. rooms with kitchen ette, light, bath and phone; near S. if. shops. s-u. 2 If 5. 7HREE lower frout rooms, gas range, free eiec, pnone, tatn. avz 4tn st. TWO furnished light housekeeping; rooma Main iJtJ. low w. Kelly st. FRESHLY tinted, elee lights, tel., gas; $4 and up; children taken. Bdwy. 12U4. Houses. I-ROOM srn I -modern house. 78S Rooi 4elt et. $''5 6-room hou, 01st ntrar 4."th ave., $20. 5-room house. Whttwood eourt. 2-room nice flat. 1775 Bel m o n t, $ 15. Frank L McGu ire. Main -ROOM houso, furnishings arranged for 3 families; furniture for $275, half cash. Rent $"0. No. 11 E. 7th. bet. E. Ankeny and Ash. Call between A. M. and 4 P. M. 4 ROOMS, unfurnished, bath, basement, 6- minute car service, gas, water neater, wood ranif lights and water Included. Sift to adults; state particulars. V 6, Ore gon lan. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service, Broadway 580. A 6747. 6-ROOM bungalow, $25, or will sell on easy payments. Lt 100x100, -.tarage, chicken park. Mount Scott car. Tabor 3045. LOCAL and long-distance moving and haul Ing; first-class equipment. Green Trana Co.. 10-26 Alder st. Main 1261. 572-6L T-ROOM house, 600 E. 8th st. $40. fine shape. Call Main 22S6 or 11th st. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st Phone Bdwy. 512L T-ROOM house. 27 North 9th. near Burn side. $30. FOR RENT Northrup. -Modern 9-room house, 651 AVROOM bungalow, close In. east side, $30. r urmmre ;or eaie. e.a.t 4.i. -ROOM house, modern, pS5 E. Harrison, near Glen avenue. Call East 856. Fnrnuned Xinasea. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, partly furnished n-room house, newly finished inside piano, hot-air furnace; $40. Mar. 4887 or .vain At ALL house, 3 rooms furniture for sale, $55. rent $7.30 per month. Take Mis sissippi car. No phone, 92 Monroe at. 3aOl)ERN 4-room house, completely fur nished, with garage, $75. 083 Vernon ave. Phone automatic 326-23. PARTLY furnished 4-room house: gas: in quire evenings. 140.1 Atlantic St., house in tne rear. t. jonn s car nne. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house: will st-11 furniture; going east. 1082 K. Washlngton st. alOPKRX 4-room bungalow, partly fur nished, on carllne. Ask for Margeson. Main 930. FURNITURE for 6 rooms. Including com bination, stove, very reasonable. 4S0 E. Ash st. $25 MONTH. 6-room furnished house. East 47th. Apply Hail. 211 Wash. l-ROOM upper floor, 4-room lower flat. 311 Tillamook. -ROOM modern house for rent, furniture for sale, very reasonable. East 8104. STORE. 1187 Mllwaukle st.. $15 per month: good location for meat market John Bain. 507 Spending bldg. A CORNER suite facing 3d and Stark; modern, fine offices. Apply 312 Railway Exchange building. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MAIN 3f.38. Ten rooms. 4 kitchenettes, near Morri son St.; rent only $30: nets $iH) over ex panses: price $HVi cash. 8 rooms, excellent west side location; rent $25 exceptionally well furniehed; electricity and gas: nets $,0 besides own apartment; price $!Kk; rooms are all on o floor. C E. FOwrEX CO.. 813 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CASH GKtM'ERY WEST SIDE. AVERAGE $100 PER DAY. ALL CASH. NO DELIVERY. SELL AT INVOICE. ABOUT $3000. CALL US VP. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. UAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. I'PKD CAR LOCATION. lOAxioo brick garage, room to sfore TA cars, machine shop and all equip ment, making over $1000 per month. You can't beat this in Portland; good terms, $T100 O. C. MOORE, 309 Conch Building-. ''PARTNER WANTED FOR GARAGE." Concrete building, 5-year lease; 51 cars steady storage; plenty repair work; part ner wanted fur equal half interest; prof Its 13(H) month for each partner; $2450 required. Room 401, Dekum bldg. DELICATESSEN. Tf you have $1550. and want a money maker, see this one something good. Ask Mr. tftorberg. A. J. le FOREST ft CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. OARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. Concrete building; HO oars steady stor ire; plenty repair work; profits $4O0 Diontb: price for ail only $20i'0 including good service car. Room 40 1, De k urn bldg. "W ANTED rartner with $MMH cash, to take charge of a sawmill, capacity 20. 0 0 day: 2 miles from R. R.; 12 million ft. of timber, on contract, St per thou sand as cut. Pltcne Main 7324. CLEANING and pressing plant, one of the best locations in town, doing good busi ness; press machine and Ford delivery; owner's reasons for selling, other inter ers. AR 403. Oregonlan. " LIGHT G ROCE R Y. Close fn. apartment house- location; rent, with living rooms, only $5. Price $1400 or will invoice. B. F. KELLY. 715 Swetland Bldg. NICE CORNER GROCERY STOReT" Doirg from $40 to $00 per day. cash and carry; selling on account of sick ness; price for ail $2250. G. C. MOORE. 502 Couch Bldg. FIRST-CLASS mechanic, busy repairing auto, wants a partner to aell the gaso line, oils, tires, etc., and be handy in garage; $1230 cash will handle it. Call rum 401 Dekum bldg. A SERVICE station for $ltt50; extra good location; concrete building with living rooms: sell gasoline, oils, tires, auto accessories, etc.; can make large prof- tts. Call room 401, Dekum bldg. F YOU have $1000 to Invest on a secured investment you can double money within six months. Call me after 5. SO. SOS Franklin sl, Vancouver, Wash., ask for Shaw. FOR SALH or trade for boat, Chaimers master six. rine condition, tail Main 109 between 0 and 5 or Sell wood 2517 after 6. lNHIKOOM for sabe. small cash pay ment, easy terms; money-maker. 32 N. Second St- Jteatoa investment Cut, 21J Ceuch ss I BrsrvEss opportunities. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 614-519 S WET LAND BLDG.. ROOMING HOUSES. One of the classiest 10-room res idences, close-in west side Wash ington street location, exceptional ly fine furniture. Lots of fuel, good carpets, linen, phonograph and piano; rent $3", 2 year lease, $15,000 takes everything. Vice little 28-room house and two stores, close in on the west side, arranged In housekeeping suites. This place Is actually clearing $300 per month net. Liv ing apartments of owner include large sleeping porch, price $420 with terms to responsible party. 8 rooms, nicely furnished, close in on the west side, furnace heat. Any one wishing a desirable home in an up-to-date neighborhood will find what they are looking for in a minute. Rent $30 per month. Price $1600 for everything. 14 rooms, right down town, west side, rent $r0, clearing $100 a month, besides living quarters. Gas heat. A good buy for anyone, $1500 la the price, $1000 cash will handle. An exceptional bargain In 1 rooms, well furnished, close in west side; rent $50. $1750 for ev erything. 22 rooms, nicely furnished, right In the heart of the business dis trict, rent $150 per month, north western heat, hot and cold water tn all rooms, clearing about $300 per month. Price $3706. HOTEL. 22-room hotel, suburbs of Port land, large saw mill and pavroll makes this very desirable place, always full, with, a waiting list. Price $1750, including ail furnish ings and piano. , APARTMENT HOUSES. 84 rooms, 11 unfurnished, rent $573 per .month, including heat, water and garbage collection; hot and cold water in all the rooms of the house. Good lease, fine fur nishings. $9000 is the price of this place, some terms to responsible party. 28-apartment bouse, west side close in, exceptional fine neighbor hood and district. Always full with a waiting list, long lease; rent $350 per month. Price $12,000, some terms. 28 apartments, good west side location, 22 apartments furnished, fine furnishings, good lease, an exceptional well-built house ; no built-in beds, steam heat; rent $475 per month. This place Is showing an elegant profit. Price $15,000, some terms. 1 6-room apartment house, in cluding furniture, building and ground space, 60x100. This is an exceptionally good buy close in on the east side. Always been a money-maker. Shows a good prof It on the amount of purcua&e price of $ 45,000, reasonable terms to responsible party. 30 apartments, one of the best built buildings on the east side, close in, exceptionally fine furni ture, all carpet and rugs prac tically new, rents have not been raised in this place for the past 8 months; good lease, rent $300. Price $10,000. $tRH0 cash will han dle Uiis place. 43 apartments, close in east side, clearing $300 per month, furnished with the best. Rent $600 per mouth. 6-year lease. Price $lo,0(j0. Nine apartments, close in east side location, 10 minutes' walk to the heart of the city, if you are a fast walker. Very nicely furnished apartments, 2 baths and toilets on each floor. Price $2250. Will consider $1150 cash, balance terms. DRUG STORES. $9000 Fine west side location, fixtures, $5000 and will invoice atock. Receipts run, $300 a month, will sell outright or consider an A-l man as partner. Rent $200 a month. Lease to run 6 years. $20,000 Finest drug store on the east side, also confectionery connected. This place bandies phonographs and records, monthly receipts S5U00. Rent $300 per month, 5-year tease. Alan has other business needs his attention and is willing to sacrifice this beautiful corner and business to attend his other Interests. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC, 512-13-14-15 S WETLAND BLDG. STATE DISTRIBUTORS. By eastern factory for new patented auto accessory; best seller brought out In years; no competition; exclusive sale Siven for Oregon, also Washington if es:red; to man able to finance himself and carry stock for agents and dealers, proposition easily worth $10,000 to $15, OoO yearly in either state: device will be demonstrated at booth No. 15. acces sories dept., auto show at armory all week. If you can't attend show, write Mr. Patty, room 204 Perkins hotel, for appointment. Give phone number and street address. AUTOMOBILE business. repair work, tires, etc, buy and sell cars. We make at least $200 each week clear. One partner, sick, down and out. must sell his S interest: remaining partner good man. If you are willing to put in long hours and hard work. w;ll teach you toe business. This place is a gold mine, and the best season Is just here. Profits will be double soon. Have best equipped repair shop on west side, low rent, long lease. Place has good name and credit, etc. Will show you In any way you ask, $4000. AB 72. Oregonian. FOR SALE Restaurant, good location. $150 rent for good live restaurant man, or 2 good cooks. Inquire 413 Wash. S-CHAIR barber shop for sale; very good for lady baber. Call at Llnnton Barber Shop. Linnion. Or. WOULD like to sell or exchange $200 worth of stock, Bayocean natatorium. East 6332. -" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. QUICK BUSINESS EXCHANGE. GARAGES. 60x10 5-car storage; always full: good repair shopr 4-year lease; rent $75 per monti; price fo&OO; soma terms; east aide. West side location, 100x100, fully equipped machine shop, full of storage. This is a real place; 4-year lease; rent 4300. This is a money-maker. APARTMENT HOUSES. 12 rooms. 4 2-room. 1 3-room; 1 single; rent X40; this place is close in, west side. Price $1500. 18 rooms, 8 single. 2 2-room. 2 I-room. I 3-room apartment; 2-year lease; rent west, siae, ctose in. 87-roomr 4 8-ronm : K 3-room 4-room SDts: 5-vear le:Lse: some saraees west side; net income $800. Price $18,000. BOARDING HOUSE. East side. 0 rooms, always fulL This a working man's home; money-maker. ito j.xou; rent CONFECTIONERY. West side, dandy location, receipts $60 io j.ov per aay; win invoice about $;500 Grocery, east side apartment district, root u. siiDO. Kece:pts $o0 to $70. Corner location, east side: rent ?! lease; $60 to $70 daily receipts. $2250 ba.a.c uj, WEST srnrc annnv.nv Receipts $100 Der dav: cah and rami rent $20; 2 living rooms; invoice about We have Several S-OOO1 vrnrapiM xnn fectlonerles ; come in and look our list QUICK BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 400 ii wetland Bidg. Phone Main 690L CARD ROOM AND SOFT DRINKS. LIGHT LUNCH. RHIi'k' rim i nivr. Back and front bar. Ciearn' rnnfeftlnn. ery, light lunch, chairs, tables; this place is open for investigation; no trouble to $"000 yU thiS pUce; wiii acifice for RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO . 305 OAK ST. I have a good corner location, cash and carry; receipts $45 up per day. will lump or invoice $2700. Phone 210-0y. i a ' um rooms can be ob QUICK BUSINESS EXCHANGE . 409 Swetland Bldg. DID TOIT Si V Groceries, restaurants, s-enemi ttiH garages, confection nnAfhan. ' thing in business opportunieies? Prices irom ai-iuu to $10000. Ask Mr, . A- J- DeFORBST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. REPAIR SHOP AKn r.lRiP.m Corner location, on east. sMa uoonin 8 men busy, established 3 years: h hi I account of sickness. $150 .,o A" J' FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. V,. V,r 50H to $25,000. Will pay nvu u you HKe to go 50-50 with mle.on,.P,r,ms' or wuld you rather take to 12 i per cent and let me have the rest if I can secure your investment to i. "oiAt-iiun: -investigate. AL 57 Oregonian. GROCERY. NO competition: over sion a neso; if taken at once will invoice. Ask A. J. DeFORBST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. - Main 2690. CAUTION. BUYER. Before closing- deal of n.snA .,. l " established reai estate business get . .niy3DLai, secretary. R?SiTURANT men take ntice For sale. in ' c4ui(ru restaurant aoing $70 ,to if V busmess; railroad trade; have nian. If AN with $2000 can have a sales service wiin corporation expanding na- -'"Xi'J " wni net sio.ow yearly must have good references. AV 314. Ore gonian. - - NEW manufacturing concern with head- Mu'-ria were neeas capable executive or salesman; salary and prolific profits; fltfOO to $2500 investment; outline quali- iicauons. AC 474. Oregonlan. WANTED. , "Fcireiin:u laspoerry ana lllDert man sei piant and manage 6 acres near HOTEL CAMAS, CAMAS. WASH. BAKERY and lunch counter, best loca- huh uu ursi street, country town of 800. cheap; terms to responsible party; must selL Robt. Laechelt. Harrisburg, Or. FINE opportunity for reliable man as partner in large garage, has 45 cars storage and large repair trade: price van on ttauway .Exchange. iuaz i xactory oxters state aicencv: """"'J newer produced: no competition; clean proposition; quick i emi no. o, v re gun i an. RESTAURANT, soft drink, soda foun tain; gooa location; low rent: clean and attractive: doing good business. See owner, aiz st. A GARAGE BARGAIN. 10-car storaere: erood location tn aii gasoline, oils, tires, auto repairing; price nuimi wi, I'cn urn uiae. ALTO accessories and tire store, located in neart oi auto section; can do big business; have other interests and will sen cneap. uoom ui, lekum bldg. ACCOUNT other business owner will sell or iraae going lire accessory and vul canizing business; also sells gas and oils; SPLENDID wood business on' ColumV.i- river. iuis is a mini lor L von no- mn See J. P. McKenna, Belmont and 39th" Tabor 6493. FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good busi- a Die, on coiumDia mgnway. Owner. AV an, oregonian. SHOE repair shop doing good business; ui us, sen on uui uun i oi neaiin ; ir you want a snap look into this at onra av 337. Oregonian. WI1-L build garage and repair shop 50x 100. west side, close in, for responsible tenant. ak 40g. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR LEASE Hunters and fish ermen s louge at oaimonnerg, or. Ad dress ri. j. nes, Monier, or. FOR RENT Amusement park with dance pavilion for term of years. Inquire 158J Macadam St., city. WE HAVE nice little store doing good business; will sell or exchange for good city home. Phone Tabor 1974. FOR SALE Garage, with all equipment, doing good business; 2 4 years' lease; price $2b00. AG 7o4, Oregonian. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good busi ness: terms or cash; will trade for auto mobile or buy. 2P4 Jefferson. HIGH-CLASS cleaning and pressing busi ness with Ford car for $1650; clears $125 0 week. Room 401. Dekum bldg. $1000 DAIRY, 4 years' lease, 6 cows, horse and wagon. Kenton Investment Co., 713 Couch bldg VULCANIZING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. CALL MARSHALL- 3SS. COUNTER and 10 stools for sale cheap. 1355 E. Harrison. PA'LIj BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $800 BUYS a fine small cafeteria clearing $2iu a month. $ioo buys a small market ranch counter. $1000 buys a well equipped restaurant, good location. $5000 buys a fine cafeteria, central location, bit? business. $12,000 buys one of the classiest cafes in "city long lease. ' BARBER SHOPS. Nine of them on our list, including some of best in the city, priced from $125 up to $3750. - We have several good groceries at riffhi prices. Cigar and confectionery stores, sev eral of them centrally located, doing biff business. HOTELS AND APT. -HOUSES. We have them all sizes, some of the best buys in Portland. Don't buy until y""Si see us We will sell ou a business, or the business you have. ell out ENTERPRISE REALTY CO., 614 Panama Bldg. $500 HANDLES dandy cigar and quick lunch room, taking in $40 per day; east siae; reason for selling, sickness. " Dandy cafeteria In center of west side, doing good business, for sale at a sacruice. DELICATESSEN SNAP. $1500 takes fine up-to-date delicates sen ana uaKery, with good lease, a iur nlshed rooms, all goes, doing fine busi ness; can show -the books. CIGARS AND FRUIT STAND. $1450 takes one of the best cigar stands in the heart of city, clearing from $8 to $15 per day; -you are buying the stock and the location is thrown in. WOOD YARD. $8000 takes one of the best wood yard propositions in the city, with good truck and lots of stock; old established place, clearing over $u00 per month; this is a real business. HARDWARE STORE. $3200 bjiys good clean hardware store, east aide, doing $60 per day business. We haw lots of other good buys in groceries, confectioneries, etc. NORD-HENNIGSEN CO.. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d and -Yamhill Sts. LAUNDRY Located In county seat town on one of the completed state nignways; only laundry in county; plant consists of 60-h. p. boiler, 15-h. p. engine, ft elevated header washers with automatic valves. 26-inch high-speed extractor, dry room, drying tumbler, motor-drive flat-work ironer, steam collar ironer, bosom, neck band and cuff presses. Universal presses, collar equipment, marking machine and ail necessary office equipment. Ford de livery car: build ins- and property on paved street; laundry has been in oper ation ii years, was remoaeiea mu ea uinnfrt wit h th la tt machinery in 1010, and is one ol the finest In the nortnwest; supplied with soft water, gas and electricity at low rates; wood $2.75 per cord; operating expenses very low; weekly business $500, which will Increase tne coming yeai. .riant, ouiioinit uu Dronertv btiii ha mM for sis.OOO: one- third cash, balance easy terms; no or rental nroDOsiUons consiaereu. a 111, Oregonian. ' $1750 BUYS cash grocery, hardware and nouon store; 4 good living rooms; rvm $30, 3 years' lease. $1000 buys cigar and confectionery store: 2 living rooms. $1600 buys dandy confectionery and light grocery; good fixtures and living rooms; rent si4. $2500 buys butcher shop, including ora aenvery; terms. $400 buys soft drink and lunch stand. Country store for sale or exchange for city property; xsuou. $3000 buvs half interest in esfceotion ally well equipped cleaning and dyeing pi ant, mciuaing a aenvery cars; empioy a people at present; rent tao, x years lease. $i00 buys grocery In apt. district. See tSUUWN & BIUUIjK, 324 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark. DISTRICT DISTRIBUTORS WANTED. LIVEWIRE WITH A FEW HUN DRED DOLLARS CAN GET REAL BUSINESS OF HIS OWN AND BE IN DEPENDENT IN CLATSOP, WASH INGTON. CLACKAMAS. MARION. YAM HILL, LINN, LANE. DOUGLAS. JACK SON. BAKER. BENTON. POLK COUN TIES; BANK REFERENCES EX CHANGED. AR 477, OREGONIAN. LIGHT GROCERIES. CONFECTIONERY. Doing a fine business; receipts for last year $10,000; sold 1777 gallons Ice cream last year; a sure snap for someone; will invoice about $2500; lease; rent only RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. War Saving Stamps Cashed And Liberty Bonds at a basis of market value spot cash Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Building, Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. UP-TO-DATE GROCERY. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND, 1S00 POPULATION. An up-to-date grocery doing a cash business: brick building; 3 years lease rent $5; this Is an up-to-date place, will Invoice about $2500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSI NESS OR WANT TO BUY ONE. LET US HEAR FROM YOU. A3 OUR SYSTEM OF DEALING BRINGS QUICK RE SULTS. NORTHWEST BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 48 lLailDii. K-H.JlU.ti A-j LUU . ON ACCOUNT of sickness, will sell the M. He a. restaurant, fixtures and building, the best equipped restaurant in the city; liv ing quarters in connection: will invoice $4690; if taken at once $2700. with some terms. F. M. Cole, realty dealer. Seaside, Oregon, GROCERY AND MDSE. Best location in city: doing better than ISO a day; will invoice $4000. Ask Mr. Storberg. A. J. DeFUKJSST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. BARGAIN. Light grocery store, west side, has 4 living rooms, can get postoffice sub-sta tion, v rice j..ou. oaii oil Railway Exchange. WOOD YARD in especially fine location. doing large business, caa plenty wood; let us show you a good place : $3000 will handle it- Call oil Railway Ex change. GARAGE Very central location, east side, stand fullest investigation; can make $425 month; $4000 will handle. Call fill Railway Exchange. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED Billiard hall and confectionery in a live country town ; must be good and making money; price and infor mation In full in first letter. K. J. White, 1003 N. Jersey st. POLLY AND T?VTToofex SAY THE FAD HAS ITS ADVANTAGES r 1' FH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. PARTNER WANTED. I am a car dealer on automobile row; I have a nice building with large show rooms filled with cars; my business has grown to such an extent that I need a partner: I want a man that hss some experience in the automobile business and can. invest about $2500 cash as a matter of good faith; this is a gilt-edge proposition ana is aosoitueiy guaran- Oregonian. LIVE WIRE would like to Invest $250 with services in manufacturing business; reasonable revenues required; no get-rich-quick schemes considered; give full information. AR 475, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for small cash grocery from owner; east side. AR 407, Ore gonian. NEWSPAPER MAN WANTS TO LEASE WITH BUYING fKlVLLBUK U'uini WEEKLY. W 4. ORELiOlAiN. Stocks and Bonds. inn aw A R R .Tohnsnn's Auto Signal Co. osir now oiiinr for tn oer share; will sacrifice for Just one half. K i9, Ore gonian. Hotels ana Rooming Booses. FOR SALE: Apartment house of 12 two and three-room apartments, rour wb' hAtiaslTMnlnir l-nnms. tWO Sleeping TOOmS Income $2S0 per month; rent Pr month, witn s-year tease; price with terms, or $2000 cash ; reason for selling, sickneis. Will take good used car in traae. vv rite x-. v. gene. Oregon. 15-ROOM. APARTMENT HOUSE. BP.VT IAS This is a fine place and all full, mak- Inz money, will sen ior nuo, sow terms. Let me show you this place. RELIABLL INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. EAST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE S3OO0. 21 -room house, well furnished and in one of the finest business districts on east side, turning away people every day; not ana coia water in ' net income $175 per month; a good home with an income. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. WEST SIDE. SWELL HOUSE. 10-room apartment house, fine furnl tnre walkinir distance on 14th street; furnace heat: house all full and making money; $1300, some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 30o OAK ST. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel. Rooming or Apart ment House of any kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg WEST SIDE APARTMENTS. WHITE TPMPI.K DISTRICT. 27 rooms returning net income of over $2O0; water in ail rooms, gas ana elec tricity; rent $140 per mo.; a money maker. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. Main 831. 17 ROOMS S600. Some housekeeping apartments: 2 baths and toilets, good furniture, leav ing city, therefore tola bargain. Airs. Green has it with A. J. DeFOREST A CO., 320 Henry Bldg. 15-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. ON TAYLOR ST. 15-room apartment house, fine furni ture, house all full; rant $40. clearing $00 per month. Price $1600. some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. MRS. M. E. LENT, HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSS BROKER. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk It over; 12 years in this business is Portland enables me to give you satis factory service. 723-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WEST SIDE ROOMS WITH BOARD. Furniture of 12-room house, almost new; good carpets and rugs; close in; a few select boarders at $10 per week; rent $60. Rrice $1800. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. Main 831. 14 ROOMS; RENT $50. Steam heat, west side, fine furniture, piano Included, electric lights, fine In come. $1350 handles. See Mrs. Green. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. WEST SIDE. APARTMENT HOUSE. -9 rooms, all in good shape, rent only $27.50, houss all full, clearing $50 per month; will sell all for $S50; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. WEST SIDE ROOMS. Furniture of 21 rooms, part light house keeping; wafting list; fncome$4l5 to $435 per mo.; entire expense, including rent. about sion per mo. rnce juu. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. Main S31, 8 H. K. ROOMS, Al furnishings, furnace heat, very central, low rent, ciean as a ribbon; price rignt, 20 rooms. H. K, good furnishings, close In; bargain, money-maker. Cali 201 Tenth st. 9 ROOMS: RENT $.'t5. West side, very good furniture, rooms rented, corner and good yard, price lor cash, $6o0. Mrs. tureen. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. HERE IS A BARGAIN By owner, 17 rooms, mostly light housekeeping, clear ing $100 per month ever all expense and 2-room aoirtment: must sell on account of other business. Owner, Sb9 3d st. WANTED. West side apartment house; lease and furniture; mignt consider good loca tion on east side. Have $4500 cash. H 2. Oregonian. 10 ROOMS and 4 kitchenettes. N. Park near Yamhill; Zurmture lor sale; $100 month prom. FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. Main 1068. FURNITURE of 8-room housekeeping apts., well furnished, neat and clean; al ways full; good Income. 24 N. 17th sL, cor. Washington. SMALL rooming house, all housek&eoine, snuu casn tatses it; rent au, witn lease; good income, tjan as4 rarK st. WANT apartment or rooming house, about 30 rooms, up to $5000; must be first-class and nriced right. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. WANT H. K. house or apt., 10 to 22 rooms. partly or an iurnisned, or will lease house to put in H. K. rooms, close in west side. i i, oregonian. FURNITURE of 8-room house, rent $25, income $62; besides leaving 2 nice rooms for landlady. Phone 319-15. WEST SIDE, 11-room housekeeping apt., lower floor furnished for private family; modem. 745H Northrup, near 23d. FOR best bargains in apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 934 Cham, of Com, bldg. IF YOUR rooming house Is for sale call Main 3638. If it is well located we can sell It for you. C. E. Bowden Co. HOTEL for sale, 60 rooms, good condition; parties wish to retire. For particulars address M. B. Autemlette. Yreka, Ca!. WANTED Apartment house. 15 rooms: no agents. Mar. 2843. 26-ROOM transient hotel, west side. $1300 some terms. AL 727, Oiegonlan. ' 19-ROOM Grand Hotel, 121 Grand ave., corner, brick bldg. Owner East 6032. WANT H. K. house, cheap for cash, close in west siue. j. o, urtgonian. 36 ROOMS, all are H. K. $2000 cash. Call 271 U Morrison st. Owner. HER PALS 7 BY CLIFF STERRETT. RlAi 7 cVv BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels maa Booming Houses. 40 MODERN BRICK apartments. Best west side district. Automatic elevator, private balconies, etc Fireproof building. Cheapest rent in town. Income $1050. Look this up if you want the best buy in Portland. Price $22,000. 8 O-room hotel; best Washington street location ; cheap rent ; long lease. Modern brick with ground floor lobby and all modern con veniences. A snap at $lo,o00. 4-room hotel i rent $200; 3-year lease; ground floor lobby; N. Vv . heat and an up-to-date con veniences. Clears $1000 per month. Price $17,000. YATES REALTY CO., 934 Chamber of Commerce. 16-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. WEST SIDE. $1000. 10-room apartment house, 5 gas ranges, 1 wood range, good furniture; house all full; rent 430 with lease; clearing $S0 per month. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. To Buy or Sell a Hotel, ROOMING OR APARTMENT HOUStt. See A. J. DeFOREST A CO.. S20 Henry Bldg. Mala 2690. We Buy Chattel Mortgages. LOST AND POUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, t-isni ox Power Co., Feb. 23: 3 purses, check book, pin, pair glasses necklace, bunch keys. a books, 4 pairs gioves, - giuves, uiuc- nrlnf ft nni-kafcs. 3 lunch boxes, fish ing pole, 2 suitcases. Owners may obtain property at First and Aiqer streets. LOST Friday night out of machine, H dozen Essex design silver salad forks, ATiP-ravAH with old Fnelish B on back; between 2th and Mason and 33d. near Shaver sts. Reward. uu Auiomauc 813-53. I AM pleased to announce that my patent leather handbag containing money and valuable papers was found and returned A a v,r ,v.a PannlAK Orocerv. S. E. corner Yamhill and Fourth street, for which I am very grateful. Mrs. Anthony J. Stowell. , LOST 1 pair black gauntlet gloves on 4th st., in front of Moose Ding.; please return to secretary of Moose lodge or notify by phone; sise of gloxes bW. Grinnell make. 1 LOST Between 23d and Flanders and Honey man Hardware k.o.. a urcsucni of pearls. Call either Honeyman Hard ware or Main 1409. LOST Suit case between Camas and Port land, containing clothing ana steamooat license; finder please notify W. C. Beck ell Main 937, and receive liberal reward. LOST One white-faoe cow, one red cow, one Jersey heiler ana one uurnwn heifer; gone since Tuesday. Phone Union Dairy, Tabor 3624. LOST Black police dog. female: had Los Angeles license on. tan room ou. nomah Hotel. Reward LOST A bunch of keys. Return to Mor rison Grand Furniture to., oai r. risen st. East 421. LOST Agate lavalier at auto show Feb. 23. Finder can mast 0000. wori ward. LOST Down town, Monday, between o and 7 o clock, laays wrist watcn. rmuw please call East 694. Reward. LOST- Saturday afternoon, ladys dark bluo hand-knit sweater, r inuer p hone Tabor 4931 after 5 P. ML LOST Bunch of keys. Smith Wagner ad dress on keys: Tinner piease ium i get reward. Tabor 6666. LOST Waltham watch at Broadway and Larrabee; liberal rewara. t-an juwy. 1920. t act uv wAPkinr H rl . smafl nurse con taki nir two 510 Dill. nmvaru. Broadway 404B. Mrs. Clifford. t rvzT Poci-o ontaintnr brown georg ette waist, nease aeuver to j- bldg. FOUND" Lady's gold watch, monogram. Tabor 2130. LOST Black seal scarf in Lyric theater. Reward. Mrs, tornenua. wmu "-" LOST Bunch of keys, gold EVersharp pen ell. Phone jwarsnan -ioo. LOST String graduated pearl Deaas. Please call Wood lawn 0440. rtewaru. SPECIAL NOTICES. War Saving Stamps Cashed And Liberty Bonds at a basis of market value spot cash Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Building. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. Proposals Invited. SEALED BIDS for the painting of Hos- ford Etna. Hawthorne-Buckman and R. L. Sabln schools will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 court house, until f P. M-. March 3. 1020. in room 304 courthouse. Specifications ma be seen at 303 or 301 courthouse. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or to divide the awara. a cfcrxuiea cnecK ior ien uui Der cent of the amount of the proposal. payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk and business manager, must accompany eacn proposal. (Signed) R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated February 2.L 1020. FINANCIAL. WE BUY AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS, MAKE MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES, WRITE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE BURKITT, PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. -War Saving Stamps Cashed And Liberty Bonds at a basis of market value spot cash Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Building. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. (Second Floor.) MONEY TO LOAN. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON PORTLAND PROPERTY. FARMS AND ACREAGE. TELL US YOUR FINAN CIAL TROUBLES. BAKER A McFARLA ND. 517 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 6797. FOR SALE $5000 mortgage contract pay able tiuoo Marco 10, remainoer ioo per month; gilt-edge security; small dis count. J 3, Oregonian. - WE BUY first kmd second mortgagee and sellers' contracts. . m. oc wman at uo. 210 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers coo tracts on real estate in wasmngton, ora gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lum Perm ens 1 bldg. OTriikl. 1920, fcj Nrap fmttm Svric lae. Cmd Britais hfio. rwerv FIN NC1AL, LIBERTY AND VICTORY PC NDS, If you must sell your Liberty or Vic tory Bon d s, sel I to us. If y o u on n bu v more Liberty or Victory Hrds, buy from us. We buv and sell Liberty end Victory Bonds st th nvirkcf OV CANNOT DO BETTER. YOU MAY DO UUKSK. On February 24 we paid the follow ing prices for United States ; vernmrnt Liberty and Victory Bonds, which ere the closing N. Y. market prices plus the accrued interest: N. Y. Market. Int. Total 0 4 let 4s fMHO 2d 4b po 10 lt 414s 'H is 2d 44S ! M 3d 4KtS 12. v 4th 4 l,s no. TO Viotirv 3s !7 ! Victory 4s 97. GS .71 PI IS I It 1. 21 1 2 I I J 01 4 tM ' P2 2:1 PV-H 111 .VI MX 1.53 .7:t .92 In Durvhtinff Libert v and Viri Bonds, we deduct from (he sl-ove prices 37c on a $50.00 bond and $2 50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty ond Vic tory Bond.. charge the .New York tnarKet price pins tiie accrued interest. A K. A M M r '1 11 t. MORRIS H);OS. 11. AN. Burglar Slid fireproof wfo deposit boxes for rent. Open until 8 P. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BBOTHKRS. INC. The Premier Muiim-iimI Konrt H-ose. Capital One Million Hollar. Morris Bldg., Stark st., bet. 5th end 6th. Tel. Bdwy. 2IuL Estub listed over 25 years. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your re a estate loan on the co-operative olan Loans for anr amount to run from 3 tj 10 years repayable In monthly Installments. Part or all of loan mav be paid off at any time. Every bor rower nartlclDates In full profits of th association.- Only purely co-oneraCv savings and loan association In Portland. UNION SAVINCS A LOAN ASSOCIATION. 80 4th st. LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our o n money loaued on cattle. beep, nog, etc. F. E. BOWMAN St CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Mala 8020. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH for BONDS. WAR STAMPS, or receipts. 725 Gasco bldg.. otn ana a mer. t euars-.n urton v o. Money to Loan on Real Kntate. RESILFNCE LOANS. per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period, sou may psy iiuu or any multl pie thereof account principal semi -an Dually and reduce Interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value on houie and lot at Q4 to 7 per coot You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and Interest. Vou have privilege of paying $0O or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly. no commission. we record mortgage and pay other expenses, business loans. Five-year period, 5 hk Per cent and 0 per cent. Repayment prlvileea MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, Main 8308. Suite 40 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, or (or Imurvv ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 ,at moutn for (40 months, or $16.17 per mouth for P6 months pays loan of $1UOO and interest. Loans of oiuer amounts la earns pro portions. Repayment prlvrleea EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN 242 Stark sL, Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Libera repayment priv ileges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPAN Y. 1 Third street- Main 8067. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; any amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 205 Corbett Bidg. Main 6015. A 2815. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED PORT LAND REAL ESTATE. RESIDENCE, APARTMENT, BUSINESS. MORTGAGE GUARANTEES COMPANY, TITLE &. TRUST BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRKELL CO.. 217 Northweaieru Bank iiJdg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. FARM LOANS. Insurance company niuuey to Inaa at lowest current raiea on Willamette ai ley farms. No commission. si Uelaa. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 o:a si., Portland. Or. LIBERAL LOANS. Wo loan our own money on real es tate. 1st ar.d 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowmsa Co.. 210 c nam Der om. Main 3020. tOO.oOO TO LOAN In sums to suit on eliv. suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215-210 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 5'4 PER CENT. fr-lt l r.iN 1, rtn ULAT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., i 4TH ST., HENRY BLDG. 83 SEE US TODAY. We loan iLoney on real estate, 0 and 7 long time, short time monthly payments or as you can; sums is suit. 725 oa. -co Diog., sin aud Alder. CELLA RS-M V S f ON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS On m proved farm and city property ; Tavorable repa ing privileges ; no commission or ueiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 506 Piatt Bidg. Main 5371. MONY TO, LOAN en Improved city property and also 1st proved farm property. Current rates. WM. MacMASTER. 131 U. 3. National Bank Bldg. $400, $500. ?u00. JMiO, $10t0. $1230. $150e. jimo auu ui, ittio, muilk action, pay off $100 or more at any interest data Gordon Mortgage Co., 691 cham ber of Commerce, Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth SL. Portlaod, Or. MONEY to loan on city and farm prop- erty: we ouy nioriaugfa ana contracts notes and accounts. Levy A Zimmerman Co.. 202 McKay LUg. PRIVATE party has $750 to loan at 7 per cent interest, no vuiijiiuvsiuiis a,K-t ; want first mortgage on Portland rehi dence property. Main 530. $300. $400Tt500. 17.10. $1000 AND UpTTow rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Cora. Main 6445. $500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 50? Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. A. U. Harding, itanway n.xcnange. nooo AND UPI no commission or dels. F. H. DESHOr- 615 Cham, of Com, bldg MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY on farm and Improved city pros erty. K. K. Baxter, 7Q4 Spa. ding bldg. SEE OREOON INV A MORTGAGE CO, 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th an-1 Stark. Money to Loan Chattels and Snlariett. HATHAWAY loans on plan's and furnl. ture: legal rates. 208 Was lngton bldg FIN A Ml AL Jlonfj U luan Chattel nd Uarlea1 DO VOU NEEU MONKT AT LEGAL RATES. yCH'K KKRVICB' YOU CAN GKT IT TODAl. r.OANS M4hK ON ACTOMOBILKS. FURNITUKS. TIAKOs VICTROl AS KLAl. EST ATS, BONDS. ETC It your payments are toe tera-e your automobile or furniture centracte. We will pay them up and advance ve more money tf needed. We mie a spe cialty of these loans, and lee a the se curity In our possession, and M rvusy us In srna.l tmnthl pasente ALSO WK MAKK tALA RT UAM to salaried people, on their .-wa Rates raonble. Trlvais offices. All strictly confidential. PORTLANO LOAN COMPANY. I LICENSED. $06-107 Dekum I'-U. Marshall 33t B. W. Cor Thlrd and Wa4 ln-toa. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOA ASSN. Phone Broadway Bn $14 Ptaik Street. Nr Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vicfrelaa, pianos. kodasa hot una, furniture, musical tusiruuietiia, ul anything mi value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PHOPLW Of POKTT.ANU TO PROTECT TUB BOH ROW E R CARRIE MTRRK-flERRMAX. Manager lALAItr. ' LOANS. CHATTEL. ve loan money en short notice to im ried or working men on their own notea Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. fcaoa traiiKfertton strictly confldt-mtaL NO MORTG AtJKS. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO KECUH1TT. We also loan on household furniture piano etc.. without irmovaL CALL AN I; IN VKSTIGATB. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COW LICENSED. SIR FAILING H1-TXX MONEY to loan or 'nmnnai. jewelry. If gel rates: all articles held a year: eatab luhed is Ml Dan Msrx A Co.. 23 Wuk Ijoauta vtentr NOTICE. We are putting up an anartment hoove In one of the i-f-i sections of the citv and require $::.MMMi from PRIVATE PARTIES: no nmnl'P(on. 8 K. MARSHALL, A HI N Li TUN BLOG. MAIN loos. WANTED Monev In "urns from $1000 to s.iooo. on itimmI first mortKHgps; no brok ers Holgate & Hall. 301 U. 8. Bank JiMg. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALR ON IM PROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY AND FARMS F. H. DESHON, tilft Ch. of Com. WANTED Kroin private party. J2.VIXK) BC 214. loan on brick apartment house. Oregonian. WANT to borrow $200 on lt .loxlOO, near inuv boulevard. Tntior 6ftJit. 8EK OKK4iON INV A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. CONSCIENCE. The mind of man l but a "court," And "conscience" la the "Judge"; 'Tis there ail cases must be tried Of happiness. loe or grudge. The "thoughts sre but "lurymen, Wit h "kindness" for del en: to , . For "prejudice" hns to prosecute, Regardless of offense. For when you have a rse to try. Just tell all to the court. For "conscience" Is a "supreme" Judge And gives a good rrp rt. We. too. have got a conscience, And we r:in save you more On any M IT. COAT. DRESH and WAIPT At Ihe PETERSEN UPSTAIRS STORE. m 205 PITTOCK BLOCK. WE BUT DIAMONDS At Full Cah Market Price; No Deis v. Private Offire for Ladies Ali Transactions Strictly Confidential THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, Dia'nond Brokers, 205 Morgan Building second Floors Licenced by The CHy oi Portland. PYORRHEA, DECAY, SOFT TEETH. Scientific dentlMry gives you simp:, effective. Inexpensive knowledge ahlie your work i being Kne A PATIENTS STATEMENT: Why it ia rMlcuinue, these people around telling folks that pyorrhea can nut be cured. It a ham. Junt look at mine. Tho are the teeth that I wsa advled 3 years ago to Ie and I had an appointment o have them out when 1 piet a friend who told me of Dr. C P.iiith Long, Bush A Lane bidg. Signed! W. J. O ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless Deotistry absolutely per formed by the nerve-blm king method without after-effects: let u prove It to you. We make X-ray examination of teeth when necessary along with oth er operations; we speclallts la first -class dentistry at reasonable fer. IU. A W KEKNE, IR B II PRUHN, Majestic Theater llldg. .-m Wass War Snvtng Stamps Cashed And Liberty Bonds st a bn!t of market value apot cash Immediately. AMERICAN HHUK KRAOR. 205 Morgun Building, h'.-cond Floor. Licensed by the City of Purtland. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per aet. Don't mat ter If broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, brldgework bought. Bring or mall The American Brokerage, 20J Morgan bldg., second floor. DR. H. L HEIOLERTltradusie-of Piaa hope school of magnetic healing, treats acute and chronic diseases prices very reasonable 26H E. 35th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1555. TAkXra ANTISEPTIC" POWDER ( a cleansing healing, germicidal and Invls crating douche. A great aid la luoor rhea and female disorders. Coo and $1 per box. Portiand Hotel Pharmacy. I GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, ing Pails, wurta and moles absolutely; new Invention; no pain, no soreness. rweat prices in town, Consultation free. Hare 1J years. Arches fitted. 5o$ Dekum bldg. AN FLBCTR1C CABINET BATH and a scientific mer-ase once week will prolong both ohyncal snd mental efficient) Dr. Ironside. 30N-11 broad way bldg. Nurse in attendance. Mam &A LADlEd' and gentlemen's punania, straw, felt and beaver hais cleaned, blocked, dyed snd resewsd; buckram, set and wire frames. LaFrance Batters. 97 2 - Morrison st. ANYBODY KfAoWlNG THE ADDRUHR OK SAM O It t HAIU.NT HMAi.L WANTED ON HI'SI NESS. PLKASK Ml T I V V HIS BIST Kit. MRS ANNA 1 N -OALLS. HDKLL, OREGON. WILLAMETTE BOI'LEVA UlJ SANITARI UM Jftaternny ana convalescent cases taken. 1270 Willamette boulevard. Phone Wood lawn 2J50- $1 WILL net both feet fixed up good at Dr. Eaton s. the CHIROPODIST, who doesn'l hurt you: 5 yrs. here; exam. free. Globe theater bldg.. 11th it Waah. Bdwy. 224. FFTtVET HANNKBUT. leading wig and toupe ma Iters, finest stock human hair good a balrdreasfag. manicuring, race and eca.p treatment. $40 Alder. Mala 64 s. DR. KAClt Y treats corns and ingrowing nailfa, pedicuring, manicuring, sliampooa, ftice mahbage. 606 327 Wuh at. Mar. DR. MARGARET HAYN1R gtv-a ehlre practic steamsbatha. violet ray vlbratlos massage. 215 Swetland bldg.. Main 17$$. REV. MRS. J. C SCHORL 15 Kai"75ih st. North, cor. Uurunide; meetings Thura- day- Tuomlay, S J'. At. Clawa daily. THE FI R SHOP. Expert remndeimg at a saving. Summer prices now in effect. 6fi(1 hsruiland bidg., 5th and Washington. LAIY BARBERS Shave 2lc , haircut face manage d5o. 253 tvarett. ( WILL anyone knowing tne address of Charles Cox. boy. kindly advise W, R. -Cox. Mason. Nevada. Hi-ES con be permanently cured without operation Call or writ Dr. Dsas, 2J4 Morrison st- BoDV MASSAGE ELECTRICITY 10 A. M TO s P. M 450 MOROAN BLDG. MAR. 307. OPEN SUNDAY DR. ELNA SORENStN. 08 Panama bldg: Urugiess; mMii or lumaro. Kid nays, rbeumatiim. coiiatipa'.lon. Open eventnsa SUPERFLUOUS hair, mole a. warts remove by JO neeoiea miinuu, iriai tree Joale Klnley, 614 Bsh A Lane bidg Main 6,1 es. MRS. LA UK IN n, private manicuring. Z-orns notei,' via sou Aiorrisoa, apart- rnent 8. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago. ata Hours 10 9. or oj appoint ment. Pbeas lialn 1040 Office 3&8-C Third st PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called RaJm sf Kigs. S4 r-- a-, reir aia, morninga PILLS CAN BE CURED without operex tion. r ree dookisi. 1- o. oox 1100. DOESN'T Torn, Dick or Harry pay rout Bee viereca. coiiecnons. I'eKurn Diog. RUPTURE CAN BE CtJRKO without as operation, rree oooMiet. r t mi 11 Oft, MASS AG KM A V I C 1 ' R I N G 415 Rucbauan Ulug. AUia eJOl