16 THE MORNING OREGOXTAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1920 LIFE WASTE IS CHARGED JCEGLECT OP CHILDREN HELD -.' DISGRACE TO XATIOJf. Millions Suffer From Physical De fects Mostly Remediable, De clares Eastern Educator. "CLEVELAND. Feb. 24. The lives of hundreds of thousands of persons are sacrificed annually, human power im measurably wasted and stae&ering economic loss results from the failure to apply scientific knowledge to the prevention of needless weakness, dis eases and death, said Dr. Thomas D. Wood, professor of physical educa tion at Columbia university. New York, addressing- the National Council of Education today. The council is composed of 120 of the leading edu cators of the country attending the National Education association con vention here. "Our schools are wasting enormous sums- in trying to educate children handicapped by ill health." Dr. Wood said. "Seventy-five per cent, or 16,- 000,000 school children of the united States, have physical defects which are mostly remediable. This shows that the business of keeping the school children of the country in good physical condition is a disgrace to the nation." Josephine Corliss Preston of Olym pia. Wash., president of the National Education association, said a substan tion salary increase was necessary to secure trained and competent teach ers to fill 20,000 vacancies and replace 7i.000 teachers below professional standards in ability. PRISON ABOLITION URGED Bill In Italian Parliament Seeks to - Make Work Punishment. ROME. Feb. 23. Deputy Lombard! today presented a bill in parliament calling for abolition of life imprison ment and a!sot solitary confinement. riculturar or industrial work would be substituted for imprison ment. This work would be com pulsory and earnings of the men wouid be used to support themselves and., to indemnify such persons as they had injured. . Prisons would be used only for persons under arrest and awaiting .trial. Trials would be compulsory not later than six months after a person was arrested. Even in these prisons work would be compulsory. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WOMAN for general housework, small house, pleasant home, good treatment; no objection to child. 7-0 Cast Davis. BARBER wanted at the Antiseptic shop, 3-64 Alder. Top wages. AUCTION SALES TODAY. AUCTION SALE, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Sat., at 2 P. il. All kinds of furniture and cooking utensils. 211 :id sU, bet (Veen Taylor and Salmon. AMUSEMENTS. INI BEST IN VAUDIVIt.Ua 3 Nights Sun., 15c to S1.25: Mon.-Tue.. 10c to L . Mats Sun.-Mon.-Tues.-Wed., ISc to 75c . tit.Kl SA.MKtl and His SYNCOPATED SOCIETY BAND Harry Jolson; Dan Bruce & Margot Duf ft Co.: Maria Lo; Kinney A Corrinne; Kennedy A Nelson; Kin o rams (exclusive). Topics of the Day. THE LIGHTNER GIRLS and NEWTON ALEXANDER This show closes with the Matinee Wednesday, February '25. Tonight, All Week, Mat. Wed., Sat. ALCA ZAR In the Massive Operetta Success "LITTLE BOY BLUE" With Mabel W ither and 49 People. Next, The Man Who Owns Broadway. BAKER STOCK COMPANY Tonight. All Week, Mats. Wed.. Sat. The Comedy With the Bis Punch ::. GET THERE BROWN st Week THE WILLOW TREE MP A N T A G E S MAT. DAILY S:30 Tae Drlirht of Young- Amrrira HILL'S COMEDY CIRCUS With "Sunny Jim" and "Krisco" as the l'TiiM.-lpal Mars if an Kxrntional tiroup . vl Kquioe and t'aniue Prrformers. ,' MIX OTHER Dili ACTS. 'Three perforata ru-es daily. Nl.nt curtain at 7 slid 9. LYRIC MCSICAI, STOCK Mala. Daily at I. Mebts at 7 and . 111I.I.ON FRANKS With the Jtofwbuil t'tmrus. ilia Company of SO People in "THE QUACKS" A Scream item Start to Finish. CHOKIM t.lKLS CONTEST FBI. MGHT. ST Ellison -White Lyceum Bureau Presents Bertha Farner Company Featuring Josephine Martino Famous Soprano protege of Caruso. AUDITORIUM Friday Evening, February 27. 50c 75.?, $1.00 Single admissions and reserved seats on sale at Meier Frank's Third Number Portland Lyceum Course. COAST SCHOOL OF MOTIOX rilTl Kb. 9. We teach you the art of make-up. motion-picture actinR and evitrv. thins; pertaining; to motion-picture vuik. .uw is me time, Quality yourself for the movies. BTI'DIO 10S SKCOND ST.. Cor. Uuk. and Seeaad, Third Floor. AMUSEMENTS. H BEGINS TOMORROW EVE. I Broadway at Taylor. PHONE MAIN 1. SIGHTS Beglnaina; TOMORROW SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAL, 2:15 STUPENDOUS SPECTACIXAR MUSICAL EXTRAYAGANZA EXCELLENT CAST I STO NING CHORUS FASCINATING MELODIES MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION EVE'S Floor, J2; Balcony, 5 rows J1.50, 17 rows II; Gallery, 7 rows reserved 75c, admission 50c. SPECIAL PRICE SAT. MAT. Floor, 31.50; Balcony, 9 rows Jl. 13 rows 50c TODAY TONIGHT Linnton and His Jungle Girls "The Up-to-Date Missionary" "The Right to Live" Delorea Caaaenelll. ttranville and Fields, "The Organ Grinders:" the Ratbburn Four. "Grand Opera to Jazz:" Claude Wade, "Trying to Please the Man ager;" Rice and Graham. "Lively Chatter and Songs:" the Two Fostos. eccentric and fancy dan cing. IT'S A GREAT SHOW. "Take Tour Sweetie to Hear "DARDENELLA" Fox-Trot) That Infections, Captivating Melody Now .Being eat urea ay Do Luxe Portland's finest dance mnsic. They play the right time. BROADWAY HALL Every Week Night Except Monday. Largest, up-to-date, finest floor. Best ventilated pavilion in the west. Cor. Broadway and Main Street. Learn to Dance AT NEW BROADWAY DANCING ACADEMY Portion d'a Finest Ballroom. Broadway at Main St. DANCINU Cl'ARAXTEED FOR 5 Or Money Refunded. Professor R. G. Walton graduate of Castle s c h o ol and one of the leading teachers of Minneapolis, win open a scnooi for danc ing1 at the new Broadway hall. Monday. February 23. Class and private lessons a any. CLASS NOW POfMIIXG. K.tROLL EARLY. You can learn to Waltz. Fox-Ti-of One-Step and latest up-to-the-minute nauroom and stape dances. I teach by the famous "Castle" system. Learn the latest steos and be a crarpful dancer. Others have; you can. Won derfirl new diagram method. Clear Concise Complete Every thins- made easy thousands taught successfully. I have taught well - known society leaders and dancing experts, and can teach you, HOl RS-l TO 3 P. M. AD I TO D p. m. daily, k.vcept sl.vdav. mo - da y night class, 8 to 11 kk;ht lkssonn 95.00. For Further Information Pbonet AUTOMATIC 513-39 BDWY. 33JS0. jfint &rts; Hkijool Motion Picture Acting and Make Up Producing picture companies are now preparing to start work in Portland. Local talent will be used at salaries of $5 to $15 per day. This office will be prepared to furnish talent and types for the various companies. Why not get practical experience with a quali fied director, which will enable you to fill one of the many, posi tions that will be open? Barney Furey, Director Lester B. Phillips, Mgr. For appointment 312 Beck Bldg. Broadway at Oak Phone: Bdwy. 1677. Prize Mask Ball At ne Honeys beautiful academy, 23d and v asntrtKion. J nuraoay eve., teD. 1'B. Beau tiful prizes, best music, popular prices. Don't miss this. Tell your friends. All dances taucht In S three-hour les sons: ladies ?-.."(. gentlemen 5. New classes start Monday, Tuesday and Friday vp., 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable part ners and practice. No embarrassment My latest book describing all dances and etiquette fre. Classes are large and se lect; the- social feature alone Is worth double the price. You can never learn dancing by taking- so-called private lessons from InJertor teachers. You must have practice. This is the only school of Its class In the city. Learn from professional dancers. Private lesions all hours. Phone Main 7656. MEETING NOTICES. ONEONTA TRIBE. NO. 2. IMPROVED ORDER OP RED MEN The tribe will not meet tomorrow night, but brothers are earnestly requested to take 7 P. M. car to Oregon City, where a degree team composed of members of Oneonta and Willamette tribes is- to confer the Adoption degree for Wach eno tribe. No. 13, on a clas of 50 pale faces. U B. SMITH. C. of K. HTLOD- ORIENT LODGE. NO. cSST IT. L O. O. F. Regular yVLW"!. meetinr thla (Wednes-itlrSFry-S day) evening at & o'clock. vwntAix Eart Siitn and Aider street. Third degree. A. A. KNOBLE, K. G a A. STARR Sec- SAMARITAN LODGE. No jrp?J 2. L O. O. F.. meets every fiaimlfr Wednesday evening at 8 P- M. Oddfellows' Temple. 226 Aider at. First decree to nlght. Visiting brothers welcome. F. W. KROLL. X. a ' JESSE T. JONES. Sec EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Broe.. 131-3 th aU FRIEDLANDER'S for lodg emblems, ciaaa ptaa and medaia, 310 V aahicgtoa tt. HIPPODROME 1 )A . - -II "(Big Broadway) asc MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COSIJtAJTDERY, K. T. Special conclave Thursday evening at 7:40. nrlll at A n'tlAflr Order Of f the Temple upon eight. Tour Jieip will secure tile proper results. a F. WIEGAND. Recorder. WASHINGTON COUNCIL, NO. S. R. AND a 1U . stated assembly this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30. East Eighth and Burnside. Degrees visitors J. H. RICHMOND. Recorder. PORTLAND CHAPTER, No. 2, ROYAL ARCH MASONS Special convocation this eve ning (Wednesday). Feb. 23, at 1:30 P. M. Work in M. M. and P. M. degrees. Visiting breth ren welcome. LLOYD L. SCOTT, SeCy. STNNYSIDE CHAPTER TJ. D. Called convocation tonight, 7:30 P. M.. East 3th and Haw- I IhnrniL Work an U. M. and P. M. degrees. By order of E. H. P. . W. J. bkeubjsij, sec y. SELLWOOD LODGE, NO. 131, A, P. AND A. M. Special meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work E. A. degrees. Visitors wel come. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER, Sec FRIENDSHIP LODGE. No. 160, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this eve., 7:30, E. 43d and Sandy blvd. M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. Order W. M. H. F. CHAPIN. Sec. MT. TABOR LODGE NO. 42. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Wednes rinvk eveninofc 7:30 o'clock, West Side temple. Visiting brethren welcome. L. V. JENKINS, W. M. VICTORY SOCIAL CLUB leap year dance for the bene fit of Victory ChaDter. O. E. S. Saturday, Feb. 28. 1920. Archer Hall. SI Der couole. Take Ml Scott car and get off at Archer place. S. C. BERRY, Chairman. IVANHOE HOMESTEAD. NO. 6038, BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEO MEN, will give another of its card parties and dances Wednesday evening, Feb. 25, at Women of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor. Cards, from 8:30 o'clock to 10; dancing until 12. Special music has been arranged and a special good time will be the xeature of the evening. Four prizes for cards. Come. FUNERAL NOTICES. HARVET At the residence. 1435 E. Flan- aers, J?eD. 4, Avis u. Harvey, aged 2 years, beloved wife of Milton Harvey: mother of Gene Harvey; daughter of Anna Forte, sister of Frances F. Forte, Mrs. W. J. Poff, Marion J. Forte, Kath leen L. and Max P. Forte, all of this city. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Feb. 26. at 2 P. M., at the Wesleyan M. E. church. 53d and E. Gllsan sts. In terment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Friends invited. Bemidjl, Minn., papers please copy. Arrangements In care of Miller & Tracey. PADDOCK In this city, February 22, Syl vester Edson Paddock, aged 80 years, be loved husband of Mrs. Harriet Paddock and father of H. S., W. W., O. L-, A. M. and H. H. Paddock, all of this city. The funeral services will be held Thursday, February 28, at 1 P. M., from the con servatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder. Deceased was a member of Orient lodge I. O. O. F. and Mount Tabor lodge A. F. and A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. HOUGH In this city, Feb. 23, George Hough, aged 41 years, beloved husband of Elizabeth; father of Francis Hough; brother of J. E. Hough of La Grande, Or.; T. H. Hough of Sacramento, Cal., and John Hough of New York. Deceased was a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and Fraternal Order of Eagle? of La Grande, Or. Remains forwarded to La Grande, Or., by Dun ning & McSntee, where services and in terment will be held. GRAHAM In this city, February 22, Les ter Perry Graham, aged oo years, oeiovea husband of Gladys Graham, Taiiier of Phyllis Ann Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graham and brother of Florence Hawkins and Gertrude Backus. The funeral services will be held today (Wednesday) at 2 P. M., from the con servatory chapel of tne F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. MATTSON Feb. 20, 1JJ20. at the family residence. 10t4 E. 12th St. N.. Mrs. Anna Mattson, aged 3ti years, beloved wife of William Mattson, mother of Viola Mattson. Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, Feb. -it, 1U-0. at 2 P. M., at the Swedish Baptist church, corner l"ith and Hoyt sts. Friends in vited. Interment Rose City cemetery. Remains at Pearson's undertaking Par lors, Russell st. at Union ave. OLSEN In this city. Feb. 21. Lydia Olsen, aged 44 years, oeiovea motner or james, Albert and Elsie Olsen of this city; Henry Olssn of Elma, Wash. ; Fred Otsen of Marshfield, Or., and Christina ; Olsen of San Diego. CaL Funeral serv ices will be held at the chapel of Dun- , nintr & McEntee. Broadway and An- i keny street, today (Wednesday) at 10 A. M. Interment Multnomah Park cem etery. CLEM At Clackamas, Or., Feb. 22, 1920, George F. Clem, aged 4a years. Dciovea husband of Geraldine C. Clem, father of G. Byion and Clifford G. Clem. Friends invtiied to attend the funeral services at 2 P. M. today (Wednesday), February 25, 19-0, at the Portland Crematorium, 14th and Bybce sts. Remains at Hol man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets. Seattle, W'asli., papers please copy. CRIPS At Dillon, Montana, Feb. 21, Enos J. Crips, aged b years, husband ot Georgia A. Crips, of 703 Williams ave. The funeral services will be held Thurs day, Feb. 26. at 3:30 p. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at 0th. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. Deceased was a member of A. F. and A. M., I. O. O. F. and Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers. NYBERG In this city. February 24. Mrs. Louise lNynerg, agea years. Deioved wife of Otto Nyberg, of 14i'2 East Ever ett st-, mother of Raymond Nyberg, sis ter of Mrs. Blodgett, John and Victor Johnson, all of this city. Funeral serv ices will be "conducted Thursday, Febru ary 2tt. at 2 P. M.. at Pearson's undertak ing parlors, Russell and Union. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. SWANSON Feb. 23, 1920, at the Sellwood Hospital, aiaria sopnia owanson, agea ov years, beloved mother of Mrs. Elsa Lundquist, 3J E. 23d st. N-, and Lars Swanson. Funeral services will be con ducted Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1!20, at 2:30 P. M., from Pearson's undertaking par lors, Russell st. at Union ave. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. LOREZO The funeral of the late Giannis L.orezo. agea -J years, wno Qiea in this city February 23, 1020. wilt be held today (Wednesday), at 1:30 P. M. I from the chapel of the Skewes Undertak ing Co., corner ana uiay, inenc 10 St. Michael's church. 4th and Mill, where services will be held at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. GILI In this city, Feb. 20. Virgil Ray Gill aired 12 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. L W. Gill of 833 Hood st ; brother of Ivai J. Gill and Mrs. Alan Launer of tuls city. Funeral services will be held at the Dunning- & McEntc-e chapel. Broadway and Ankeny street, Wednesday, Feb. 25. at 2 P. M. Inter ment Multnomah. Park cemetery. ZTMMERMAN At the residence, 5R1 Bel mont 6t.. Feb. 22, 3U20. Nannie Zimmer man, aged '.0 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at 2:30 P.M. today (Wednesday), Feb. 25, 1U20, at th Eva nee H --al church. East ltith at poplar st. Remains at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon st. Inter ment. Rose City cemetery. SHAW Clara Knudsen, aged 26 years, at Everett, Wash., Feb. 22, wife of W. Rmee Shaw, mother of Margaret Shaw. daughter of Lars Knudsen, Payette. Idaho; sister of Mrs. Ben Rybke and Miss Esther Knudsen. Funeral today from J. P. Finley 4b Son. at 2 o'clock. Interment Rlverview cemetery., FARMER The funeral service of the late James Edward Farmer of Albany, Or., will be held today tWednesday), at 10:30 o'clock A. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Services at the grave. Mount Scott cemetery, by Portland Camp. W. O. W. Friends invited, MODRON The funeral services of the late Albert John Modron will be held today (Wednesday), at 1 P. M.f front the con servatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning, Inc 414 East Alder street Friends in vited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. LESINA The funeral service of the lata Joseph Lesina wilt be held today (Wednesday), Feb. 25, at 2:30 P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. under the auspices of the Eagle lodge. Friends In vited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. HUNT The funeral service of the late Willard Thomas Hunt will be held Wednesday, Feb. 25, at 1 P. M.. at Fin ley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends In vited. Interment Rose City cemetery. HILL The remains of the late Barbara Hill were lorwwaea l uearay, - r eo. 4, at 4:30 P- M., by Miller & Tracey. to Mount Angel, Or., where service and interment will be made. FTVERAI. CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral wvicea. JONES AUTO LiVl.Kl JtUrel.aU 114. DIED. BAUER In thl clty7Feb. 23, Lou Belle Bauer, aged 30 years, at her late resi lience, oi ast iJurnsme. wire oi Ar thur V. Bauer and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wherritt. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th, Kotice oi iuneraj nereaxter. BORELLI At the reiridpnc. B5 First at. South, February 23, Ottavio Borelli. aged v years, Deioved son of Mr. ana airs. Carlo Borelli, brother of Emiglio and Jen nie Borelli. Funeral notice later. Re mains are at the residential parlors ox Miller & Tracey. ZIMMERMAN In this city. Feb. 24. Mary Jane Zimmerman, aged 57 years, at 550 H Williams ave., and late of Denver, Colo., wjfe of A. Zimmerman and mother of John R. Winans. of this city. Tht remains are at Finley's. RUSSEL At the residence, 484 E. Har rison st., Feb. 24, John H. Russel, aged 42 years, beloved husband of Annie M. Russel. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. PAYER In thla city, Feb. 24, James Payer, aged 50 years, beloved husband or Annie Payer. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey. ELIG In this city, Feb. 22. Mike Ella, aged 67 years. Remains are at the Dunning A McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny st. Funeral notice later. KTJZWI In this city, Feb. 24, Mike Knrwi, aged 33 years. Remains are at the Dun ning & McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny eu Funeral notice later. SPEER In this city. February 24. Nona Speer, age 20 years. Remains will be forwarded to Rubur, Idaho, today (Feb ruary 25). By Breeze & Snoqk. WATSON At 74 Hawthorne place. Sum it. New Jersey, on Saturday, February 14, 1920, Mabel Fleming, wife of George J. Watson. CONCRETE BURIAL VAULTS. THE NATIONAL VAULT CO. Reinforced concrete burial vaults; air tight, waterproof, everlasting. Factory, Bbll Foster road. Phone Tabor 6547. FLORISTS. SMITH'S FLOWER SHOP??;: florist. We specialize in funeral designa 141 H 6th. opp. Meier A Frank's. Tale. phone Main 7210. Thomas C. Luke, Mgr. LUBLINER We strive to please. 328 Morrison, Portland hotel. Marshall 753. 34S Morrison, bet. Bdwy. & Park. Mar. 257. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists. 854 Washington. Main 209, A 120U. Flowers for ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison St. Main 77U9 Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays 11.50 up. Bdwy. 2870. 465 Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet. 4th and bth. Main oiog. A, 11SL FUNERAL DIRECTORS. RIVERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM At End of Fulton Carline. Single tombs, family sections and rooms, beautifully arranged In marble, only san itary tombs in Portland; endowed tor per petual care. Auto service free. I'hone Bdwy. 351; office 63g Pittock BUC EDWARD HOLM AN &SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Fural Directors. Washington street, between. 20th and 21st streets, west side. Lady Assistant. Main 2691. A 7885. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine at. Phone Broadway 430. A 455S. Lady Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON FUNERAL Dili LLTU KH, Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett sts. Telephone B roadway til 33. Home. A 21 38 F. S. DUNNING, INC., 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson A Ross. Multnomah at E 7lh. East S4 Irvington district. t T?nr"TI E 11th and Clay sts. if. 1j. LiILiivt-ii East 781 T 1833. tt r Tr'rTsJ Twelfth and Morrison ata. JliK,HjOtJl Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 5802-04 02d St.. Lents. Tabor 5287. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 592 Williams Ave. East 1088. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK T.8BBmiM6. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady assistant. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tti 4tn t- Opp. City Hall. Neo Bros. rfb BLAESING GRANITE CO. TT THIRD AT MADISON STREET Rates for Classified Advertisements The Oregonian. Daily ud "THny Per Une One line Two coasecutlve times , liiree coniieutlve time so beven coaitccutive times sm The foliowlDg claasltiratlons excepted, tike rate ot which i .c per line per dy: Mtuations Wanted Male. Situation ft anted i-emaie. JSo ad taken for le than two lines. Connt sit words to tit line. Advertisements (except "Pervoa aif and bltuatione Wanted"! will be iaUea over the telephone If the adver tiser la a subscriber to either phone. So prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the fol lowing day. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Oreconiaa until 7:M P. M.; tor The Sunday Oreconiaa osui e P. al. Saturday. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main. 7070 A 6095 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to. animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 37S from S A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound, at its home, 535 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time, Wood lawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted -here necessary, and stray animals cared for NEW TODAT. If - 1 E. 17th St. n. The most beauti tiful new bungalow you jwere ever in; corner lot; new a few months ag-o when costs were a little cheaper; built for a home, not for sale; ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout first floor; very costly tile bath with most costly plumbiner. fixtures, shower. Price Is high, for it is costly, but is not above the value. Let us show you this and others. R. T. STREET, Imt, ' 60S B. Broadway. ast Hi. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JTTLIUS R. BLACK, special auditor and accountant on involved accounts. Sys tems established and maintained; Income tax service, references. 72S-8 Plttock block. Phone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and makin- of ladies' ar ments, reasonable; work guaranteed. I. Reubln. 408 Bush A Lane bldg; ASSATER8 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. H2 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. BUYERS' BUREAU. ANDERSON the Buyer saves you money on anything you want to buy. No. .60 First st Main 1400. CARPET WEAVING. piinOThe kind that wear the best are flUUO made from your worn-out carpeta by the Northwest Ruff Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mall orders solicited. 1&8 B. 8th ,t. Phone East S580, B 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Ruga, all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. S1.50. ' FLUFF RUG CO. . ... S4-56 Union ave. N. East 6516. B 147B. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING SIZING AND REFITTING FLUFF AND RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. 1672 E. 17th St. Automatic 213-24. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254 CHIROPRACTOR. 300,000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easiest oesr. Dermanent- 31 "treats u. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Vloreilo De Veny the only scientific chiropodists ana area specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Cer- iinger bldg.. s. w. corner Jia ana awer, Phone Main 130L CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun Ions, foot arches made to order. Sl Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main IPS- CIRCCLAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal building. Marshall .1822. Multigraphinf. mimeographing and mail advertising. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. F'urnace smokes through registers: needs repairing or cleaning. Call us. Tabor 38R3. CHIMNEY SWEEP. Now Is the time to have them cleaned, while, the soot is drv and hot. with the NEW SYSTEM: also gutters cleaned and painted. O. D. Jones. Phone East 0030 COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg.. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1000. LEARN TO DANCE FOR 5. Our lssons are all private. Hours. 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. 604 Eiler bldg.. bet 4th and 5th, on Wash. st. Main 5004 MRS. SUMMER'S Berkeley dancing acad emy, 129 Fourth street. Lessons day, evening, class Thursday. Ladles S2.50, gents f j. Main 3318. MRS. BATH. 308 Dekum bldg. Private lessons day and eve. Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Ra?mussen. 610 Eilers bidg. DOG ANI CAT HOSPITAL. r.OSE CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL, 415 East 7th. East 1847 and 219-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRrNG. MOTORS REWOUND, and 'ReDiiired Bought and Sold.' NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. 248 Vi First St Main 871. H.M.H.ELECTRICCO: 81 N. 1st. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045 A 1046 EXCAVATING. ANY kind of excavating done, wood 1334 j-miitmiTnMtm VHOLEALERS ANJL1ANUFACTURERS ENGINEERS AND MILL Sll'PLlES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-S6-87-S9FronL GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACl FIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg HATS AND CAPS. THANH A USER HAT CO.. M-Dj Front Et PAINTS, 1L8 AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAT. Send Us Your Old Carpet (Wa Call and Deliver) Old Bits and Woolen Clothlasj. Wc uake Jleveraible, Uaad-WaTea FLUFF RUGS Boom-SUe Fluff Rata. vVovea. 817.SO Rate Rasrs Woven All Sliea. Clothes cleanlnsr and Dyelaa; depta. alail Orders Send fur Booklet, Feather Renovated Carpet Cleaning txl2 Rubs. Steamed Cleaned, SI.S6. WES1ERS FLUFF BUU CO, S4 Union Ave. Bl. Mtono Kaat aSla $22,000 GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME NEAR OAK GROVE GOOD ROAD RIGHT TO THE DOOR Five acres, highly improved, with a nine-room cut-stone house. Good ga rage and cottage for help. A beauti ful grove of Iir trees ana a never-f.iKno- Gtrflm This in a big bargain. Must De seen to be appreci ited. See mv agent, Mr. DELAHLNTV. at Lau relhurst office 270 Starkfi- or phone Alain livv. eve. r-atii ONLY $7000 iiLnnnx HOME IN IRVlJfGTON Large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, exceiieui. iui, garage, corner lot, 10 minutes' ride on Broadway or Irvington car. Must be sold by March 1. Best Good Home for the Money. Immeaiate possession. Cash or terms. No agents. Marshall 5751 or East 2578. STORAGE SPACE lavearlKate Oo Plant SHd Rates. Way Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costal CLAY S. MORSE. INC Orayasa mni Storaca. rksas aawy. MORTGAGE LOANS DcUr la Closlnc A.H. B1RRELL GO. 117-219 northwestern Bank Bolldlaav MrnnaaU 4114. FERTILIZER. Fertilise your land If you want big crops; read' about "G. M. Wonder" In our 1929 cataloa;. Routledge Seed Floral Co.. 145 2d st . Portland. Or. HARDWOOD FLOORING. CET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwnnrt Floor rn.. 1S7 W. Park. MUSIC TEACHERS. PIANO, violin, all stringed Instruments. taught Ko Kenbeck, studio 400 Yamhill. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prac- tlce piajio. i hr. gr mo. Bdy. NURSERY STOCK. ITALIAN PRUNES LOGANBERRT TIPS. Other varieties trees and plants. Let us supply you. Order now. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY. 1030 Chemeketa St., Salem. Or. WE CARRY a full assortment of cholcs fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental re. shrubs, roses, etc. OREGON NURSERY CO.. Orence, Or. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubensteln, the veteran op tician, still fit, the best eyeglasses at ery moderate prices. Tories. R.ryp""" a!so the cheaper grades. 226 Morrison. optometristis-d"1vpticians. . GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronaga on tna basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man. ODtOmetH.t 900 Mnrrlion. M 14. B EYES HrTir mttitiai.t.Y TEST- 42 ed with modern instruments. . G1es fitted from $-50 up. A- E. HURWITZ. optometrist. 225 First t ORIENTAL Ri:ns REPAIRED. ORIENTAL RUGS. CLEANED AND REPAIRED. KARAGOZIAN & FERGUSON. ra.V YEARS WITH ATIYEH BROS.. 151 N. PHONE- MAIN 620S- PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communications strictly confidential; prompt, efficient, conscientious service; hanaoook free on request. ML'NN CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg., 58. Market St.. Chicago office, room oltt Tower bid.; Washington office, room 103. 625 F st; New York office. Wool- wortn bldg. R. C. WRIOHT 99 TTW.rleiu-a U. aim loreign patenta Bui LJeaum GOLDBERG, 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2625. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS,- Broadway bldg. Rheumatism. sLomach. bowel, lunar, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, akin atfectlona, blood pressure. eniargeq tonsils, moles, clrtn maras. PLIMHING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prioea Starke-Uavia Co.. Z1S 3d. at. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeiu. Manager. Printing ana linotyping, Front st., corner State. Main or, A 1418- DDIL'TIUf! F. W. BALTES & COMPANY I nlrt I IKU 1st and Oak sts. Main l'A 511-65 PAINTLNG. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Get your painting, paperhanging. dec orating, kalsomiiiing and sign work done before the rush season starts. 1320 East Glisan, or phone Tabor 266. T. H. BERGES3, painting and paperhang ing. 333 East 7tn st. fnone tast poo. POULTRY SV Pl'HES. EVERYTHING needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalog tree, itout iedgs Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d St.. Port land. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ET. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phon Main 8072. ' TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 601 Dekum bldg. U. S foreign trademarka 1KANSFERANUSTQHAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Tho Knrviro With a ReDUtatlon. MOVING-PACK'G-STORAGK-BAGGAGE 13th ana Kearney, unuitn omi - I'HONE BDWY. 3309 . i-.Dir.ir.Nr TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan at corner 13th. Phone Broadway or llti. we own ana operant iwo iris r!UK. a" warehouses on terminal track. Lowest Inaurance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine. P.rKIKr, MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 15 PARK ST. MAIN 5195. A 1051 GR1NNELL Transfer and storage, office S2o Irving u rnone bowj.di. HIDKS, WOOL AND CASCARA BARK. KAHN ROS. 1H0 Front St. P1XMBING blPPLlKS AND PIPE, THE M. u, KLINE CO., 84-86-87-88 Front, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL, W0 Front St. KOPK AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and North run SASH, DOORS A,Nl GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison NEW TODAT. GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut SHIPPED ANYWHERE or Erected in Portland Material and Workmanship Guarantsai First-Class Bead for Circular REOIMAUE BUILDING CO, 8 IS B. 11th St. Phone East SllL PORTLAND. OK. Garages PORTABLE ' AND ' CUT READY. TO BUILD HOUSES MIU.MADE CONSTRUCTION CO. Sa4ea Office 80S TTTLE TRUST BUILDING. ' TeL Mala 4724. Factory Foot Williams Avenne. P. O. Box 244. Woodlawa 2418. F.E.BOWMAN & CO. 210 Chamber of Commerce Bide HOME BUILDERS Complete plana and specif .cations fur nished without charge. Wewill finance any character of building. Out - of -iown worit tullciteti. sfi BsaTiiaB ' . JnfEKajisil TEW TODAT. ATTRACTIVE CANADIAN INVESTMENT SPLENDID LOCATION In best . part of VANCOUVER'S down town district. LAND 132 feet , square, three street frontages, with partially constructed rein forced concrete building, com- menced as hotel. .'Owing to nrgent circumstances- ar is in g, AN IMMEDIATE SALE is necessary. Structural work alone worth today $125,000. Land minimum value is $60,000. Will be sold AT SACRIFICE PRICE. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY for enterprising American investors, OWING TO FAVORABLE HIGH EXCHANGE RATE. EX CELLENT OPENING in VAN COUVER for first-class HOTEL or APARTMENT HOUSE. Of fers (all cash preferred) desired only from fully - disclosed and substantial principals. Address, A. H. CASEY, Barrister, Fairfield Bldg, Vancouver, B. C Early Action Desirable WIS CALL FOR VOIR OLD CARPKTS. Ran aaa Woo lea Clotklaau FLUFF RUGS All Work Tarard Oat Prossptly. Kmm Rags Woven A" Maes Mall Orders. Bead lor Booklet. Carpets Cleaaed, Laid aad Refitted. IkORTHWfcST HVO CO, ISs) Kast 8th St. Pkoae Usust SSSOk 5 Mortgage Loans Edward & Goudey Co. V. . Bask Uasidla REAL ESTATB. For Sale Lota. A HOMES1TB , ON THIS HILL. OVERLOOKING ATTRACTIVB EAST SIDE RESIDENCE DIS TRICT. ALAMEDA PARK. Four view lots In Alameda Park district, embracing over 20.000 square feet. Face both Fremont and Woodworth aves. Bargain price $3750, subject to present street Hens paid to date. Trees on slope furnish splendid opportunity for landscaping. Will divide area and sell on con venient terms. . F. E. TAYLOR CO., TWELFTH FLOOR. YEON BLDO. ' Phon Mar. 892. BARGAINS. WESTOVER TERRACB. MOMBSITE9 At any price will sooa be considered bar rains, but especially so now st prnnt pre-war prlcra Buy YOUR IIO.MESITK NOW. whether you contemplate building at once or later, while choice is largest and prices are lowest. Just phone, call or write. INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSO CIATES, Owners, ,1307 YEON BUILDINO, Phone Mar. 630. Residence, East 109ft. ATTRACTIVE. QUARTER BLOCK. HIGH-GRAMS RESIDENTIAL s, . . SECTION. ALAMEDA PARK. 100x100 on southwest corner of ThincKley snd Ulenn avenues. At price of K'Mhi, one of best buys la exclusive district. . , Subject to street liens paid to " dale. . . ' -. x ' F.'t. TATLOR CO., . TWELFTH FLOOR, YEON BLDO. Phone Marshall 892. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. FINE CORNER ON BAST GLISAN. At East 85th St., on good earllne end wide paved St.; homebullders can buy 4 lots for 11700. Terms, small payment down, balance monthly; will sell separate lots for $630. J5II0, 4O0 or (350, respect- . lvely, also on terms, otroet liens paid to date. ' Phone Marshall 893. . ACRH TRACT. PARKltOSB. t2S DOWN, tiO MONTH. All Cleared. , I Blocks South ' of Saudy Boulevard, $1500. J. L. HARTMAN CO. Mala 208. 100x150 ON CHAIO ROAD, RAKKKOSJ. V CASH, clbarbd fir treks. J. I. HARTaMAN CO., Maw ALAMEDA PARK, corner 80th nd Bkld jnore. 117o; pavement, sewer- In, paid. Alameda Park, on Xunkley ave., 75, Street -paved, paid. Rose City Park, fftno 48th, near Stan . ton ; street paved, paid. Tabor 6441. I HAVE a residence lot at Clifton, Texaa. across bay from Goose Creek oil fied. and within 6 miles of other oil wells r am closing: out my Interests la that state, and first check, for $?5 seta deed to this lot. Owner, Bdwy. 1086. OVERTON ST. Beautiful lot between SStb and 21 th mtM. : cash or terms. 208 N. W. Baas bldg. Marshall 6011. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. T" Lot on Sherwood drive. 100 ft, front r cheapest lot on thla beautiful sc. only Marshall 487. TWO beautiful lots In Newport; sell cheap or trade for livestock or lota In port land. Call Sellwood 1334 or write 4it0$ 5Mh et, ; IRVINGTON bargain, SOxlOO; located SO ft. south of Klickitat, on 17th st. East front.ur.ee y 1300. .9700 cash, baU st im proveftientB. AG 727, Oragonlan. " LOTS, 50x100 each; corner E. 15th and " Jarrett 11000;- ierms If desired. Wood lawn 2777. ; - 100x100, N. W. corner E 64th and Broad way. $SOO; owner leaving city. Tabor 47. ROHE CITY PARK. $UM; 48th, near fiaody, street paved, paid. Tabor tJ-4L ;- t KEAt. BflTATK. For tale Hi TOO PHOTOGHAPHfl OF ROMKI UH HALE. PEK FRAVK lfc MoOrTPW -n7 BLT YOVK HOMK. S-AROK8T HOME HEI.LEH3 ON p-w15 PAOIKIC CttAHT. ' . 00 Phoiosraphs era dtvltV-d Iftte Si! S1 wttn Pr, -rm" nl 3i Iff- SV IW-tW a home la eill tor our cniiiTatloa It mu-t VsCTLP? 1th P1--! InsiMrcttoa and appralM. of Frank L. Umire. Every interen of the home purchaser Is pro tected In this orfue. This is ealy a part of the arvt-t- of THE MCH'IKU HT8TKIT. This rysteru eiln.inatea houaw bar. fins prooieois and puts yoa la Imme.liate for th llmB ou ar loukiug Jnapect this won derail dlsplav of phe tographs before you buy WANT I NL Sl'AL HAKOAINS Oar 14 AutunhlJi-a at Your K rvtoe. OKKICE OPEN E EM.NJbs - ,i(ROSE CITT PARK HOMRfl. f 3000 Very attractive Hnv City bans low, It blook tt cat, five ivim, Erettr llvitig room lth ftrep.n., ulil-io. Nakraas. I'lif ti t and 9 Dutch klui-.D. wh.te enamel piumhlnr; lerma 21rt Artistte H...e city hutiralow. like Hew ; built-in while enamel fiumbing. eUctrlo and gas. lull oi Term. f3f0 Another Koe Cf tarfaln. etx rooms ana at-wing ro m, only block to car. like new; flrrplnr end built-in couveuieucef; .00 down. - 4 J-ltK!C RORE CITirR 0 R-rro:n home; East rtl.U. $."i2,"ii a modern rooms; East 6Mh. JJiO lTltr modern. 7-room home. East 4ith stnt; like n-w avnoO M Klern 8-rrr.in hnme; East 01a. We hare 47 modern, attractive booiea In Rose Ctty Pnrlc ALHEKTA HOMES . ISftfio WiNlEKKtL HOME. Thia la one ot the moat attraetlve home bargains that we have tn our of fice, and wa cannot recommend it toe highly. It is a borne In every aenae of the word. Contains six large, spacious, airy rooms, beatdea sleeping porch arl breakfast alcove; Just like "eiAW, built only four yeara, very attractive bungalow lines; pleasant living room with cheery fireplace, on one aide of hih are leaded glaata bookrasea. en the otber a window set. Vrry attractive snhd pan eled dining room ef aeiet-td grain fir, tnaanive beveled traced glana buffet, con venient white Iut h kitchen with break fast nook; S light, airy bedrooms end sleeping porch, white enamrl plumbing, electric lights and gas. Located In beau tiful Irvington Park, among the fir trees. Terms. K 100 On Uaat 11th. H block to Alberts car. full lot, house like new, whfte enamel plumbing, electrlo snd gas. Terms. 13000 ALHEKTA Hl'NOALOW, on 100 lot. East l-'th, near Hk Id more; unusually attractlva s-rootn bom, fireplace, bullt-lna, bat a hue enamel plumbing, electricity, gaa, EASY TKKMH. $S50 VNI'A RA LLELED ALB BETA HARGAIN. Attractive bungalow type; & rooms, built-in conveni ences, white enamel plumbing. Thia hour cannot be built for leaa than $3500 today. East 28th. close to car. $2600 ALHEKTA HOME, T rooms, white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas, nice garage. Corner lot; Webster, near E. loin. Easy terma. 12750 MM down. Alberta dirt.. H. lth t 6 rooms besides tnusio room, fireplace, solid paneled dining room, massive buffet, white Imtch kitchen : full lot. HAWTHORNE HO MRU. $2150 Very artistic bungalow, fl replace, built-in buffet and lutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing; flid St., near Hawthorne. $22006 rooms and sleeping porch, plumbing, electric lights and gas. on East Morrison atreet, Junt J south of Laurelhursl; $000 will handle.- $2230 A-room typical bungalow, only , built a few yeara; fireplace, white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gaa. built-Ins. East 47th at . near Lincoln. $400 7-room very attractive doub? constructed modern home; fur 1 nare, fireplace, den. built-in con veniencs. very practical floor plan; abundance of run. berries ana rosea Paved street paid. E. 4sth street, Just south of Haw thorne. $6250 Very distinctive modern 7-rnom borne; nursery and Sleeping porch; furnace, fireplace, many built-in conveniences; extra large lot with garage. Terms. $470 On IftOxUm, on the west slope ef . Mount Tahor, close to Mount Ta btr car, is an e-rovin auistan tlnl home wilh garage, lurnace, fireplace and built -in conven 0 lences; aiglitiy location. L'ousual value. Terms. TIKI-MONT HOMEK. $400 8 rooms and den, exterior walls of concrete and ntucio: rile tine tlve lins. Unusual haigMfn. 9a0 On Mai lory ave.. Dour Alhsrta. on a full lot with garage and paved street pstd. Is l his -rmm substantiiil mixlern home; fire place, while ennmel plumhing, built -In conveniences, 3 tight, airy be.irooms and alcrpjug porch. 97000 On a lOOxlOtj corner In ihe heart of Piedmont with paved si. Mens paid In full. Is this very distinc tive modern H-room hnme; f ur nnce, two fireplaces. 2 haths and den. Coulda t build this today fof SllOO. MONTAVIM.A llOMKR $-1500 A-rnom MontaVIHa home l?rT WATER MKATING HV8TKM. Pracllt :it floor plan, bulll-lns, hlte enamel plumbing, fruit and flow.T. rnsy tt-rnis. We have rii OTHER MilNTAVILI.A HuMEb. FRANKLIN Ill'iU HInT. $38000 room s bes ides g lev pi n g porch and sewing room ; tnodcr n horn, .distinctive ma salve lines: H, W, , floors, hultt-ins m FELLWOOD DISTRICT. fl.PO i'omroriahle modern homa, wbtte enamel plumbing, electnrlty end . gas. paved st. paidj faces belt wood car. WEVT-MIDR BAROATV. $A500 -J-tt J (hi fret olf of Washington et., near 234. la a subrttannal H-room modern home. Tills is right in town. Kv terma OVEHIXWIK DIS'lKK'T. $-ttJo n Minnesota ave., n-ar phgver, Is a fl -room com fort atfi abome, . bath, toilet and ga-; ft large bearing fruit trees and berric: $;-ti0 down. WAVER LEY-RICHMOND DIHTRICT. $2000 On Tlijt.etta t.. near L'4lh. Is asj attractive -rm, bungalow home,, built-in Conveulencea, white rn . ainel plumbing; electric lights snd g. Terma. WI'ARTER-ACICE MOM E. $3460 On 4Mh ave., near -d st., en IOvl.'u.fnot inf. s aiihatantu! 7 -room home ; white enamel plumbing, fireplace, built-in cn eniencex, a ei'-eplng rooms; IS fruit trees, berries, barn gnt chUken bx use, Urms, $uo0 win handle, , FEW KRAVK L. McnriRR . TO HUT YiiUK HOME. - LARGEST HOME BELLE FtS OX THE PACIKIC COAST. EsTAHLlSHED UsO Ablngton B dg. MaTn jo. OKKH E orES EVEN1NC.S 14 AUTPMOMILEa AT YOl'R KERVirn. ONE ef the nicest bungaloms In central irvington aistrtctr Seven rooms, hard wood floors, tiled bathroom and vesti bule, woodwork in Ivory flnlnh, full ce ment basement, furnace and fir place. This bungalow Is thoroughly up to date and will stand the clost InKpectlon. Price $7500. Mr. Hrlttf. with John E. Howard, 31 Chamber of Commerce. JUST THINK OK THTR 7-room bungalow, 2 blocks from -school, good Una i Ion In bent oi condi tion; bath, electric lights, built-in cup boards, warn tray a full concrete bane, ment; double garage, $1!400; h(H) ca-h, balance monthly. Clarence Parker, &42 4 Williams avenue. East 1043. H A W THORN B DISTRICT. VACANT; JI'hT THE HoME : FOR A FAMILY: PPACIOl'S 7 KOOMri. EXTRA LARCH LOT; $1000 TO tli.00 DOWN. 103(1 E. GRANT HT., MAIN 424. $2500 IN MODE FIN fi-room bungalow, x- Cepi lurnace, o or; ring irujl irees anl berries; garage; facea eaat; no rUgo terrace; terms; a snap. Tahor 681. g-room modem Piedmont residence. Call Wood lawn 4H60; no agents. & BY OWNER Strict Jy modern vacant room oeurie; i-uicn aucnen. oewiy paint ed; corner lot; Richmond car, tonne. Main i; evenings, Wdln. 4.'3. AGAINST FIRE INHLRE IN NEWAJtiC FX it inm KA.t.rj u.MrAi, EXILE HL'KKITT, 208 SELLING HLDO. MAIN'IWM). GUI NO tj build or reralr? Oet my Ideas and estimates. B. T. Al!yf. rttark st. Of"" nours s m o r. m. rnone Main KJ1. Res, phone. Tabor 1W. ONE ot the most beautiful homes In the city, line jocauon ana large ground, for sale or exchange by owner. AO Ore go n tan. IRVINGTON IIOilF.K g-roem. square house, h. w. floor a full lot, garage; 7,V0; two bungalowa. one $r.6.rt0, other $.'.0Ofl; terma. East 4IB. THE best bargain In Portland. C-room house, juxi"rv, una iruu, grriprs, oerriee j lotto, terma P03 Hpaldtng bldg. FOR HALE Five-room modern bungalow; lurnisneu or wninrnmneu. 101a. VS1I Tabor 74AO morning or evening. 47l-0 ALPERTA PNAP; TERMS. l-room elegant bungalow, 2 iota; fruit: bleck to vx worth $7 WO, Aiala 4b0X