' THE MORNING OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1920 TVK 8ALB TRUCKS AND TKACTOB6TL REBUILT REPUBLIC TRUCKS. -a to 84 -ton used Reoublie truck old to responsible partle on time pay ment. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO, Park at Everett St. USED TRUCKS. 8-ton Denby. . X-ton A tterbu ry. Both of these trucks hav bB com P'etelj overhauled .and r xcllat DIAMOND T TRUCKS SALES CO, fce-64 North loth. cor. Fludora. Broadway 3148. T7SETJ TRUCKS OF QUALITY. LOW PRICES. EAST TERMS. 191 1-too Panhard express. .$""0 00 1618 1-ton Ford, worm drive 650. 00 2-ton White, completely overhauled. 1-ton Reo with cab and body $800.00 Many others to select from. GRANTING TREECE. 642 Alder si, cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. NEW MASTER TRUCK. I have a new 2-ton Master truck only used 1 month. I will take good Ford truck (1 ton), or a 5-passenger touring that Is In jtood shape in on this, or will sell on easy term. This truck Is no lemon nor worn out and is a good buy. Bert C Shipley. 1044 7th. Hillsboro, Or. Phone 81-Hlllsboro. FOR SALE: 8tt -ton Sterling truck, run 8000 miles; good long job goes with truck, hauling lumber or logs; price :(2M, f 1250 cash, bal. terms. Apply Homer Millard Lbr. Co., Muiino, Dr. FORD truck, 1-ton, fine shape. Owner leaving ctty. For quick sale $590. terms. in ueroy. VOR SALE -ton Republic truck. In quire at 74S Milwaukie st Call evening. AUTO RE PAIR IN O. OLD RADIATORS MADE LIKE NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP, 636 ALDER. RiVR tour ear re mired In TOUr ow: private garage at half price by expert mechanic r. H.. ei4 enevue nowt WS put steel teeth in your old flywheel. H. B. Black. 634 Alder. Bdwy. 28L WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY DIAMONDS. RECEIVE FULL VALUE. Sell year diamonds direct to Diamond brokers and receive The highest market cash price. Without any disappointment. We buy up to any amount. Nothing too large. Cash Immediately. All transactions held confidential Private offices for ladies. We cash war savings stamps. Liberty bonds at a basis of Market value. Any personal Valuables bought at highest prices. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, Brokers and Diamond Merchants). SOS Morgan Building (Second Floor). LICENSED BY TH9 CITS OF PORTLAND. War Savings Stamp Cashed And Lfberrr Bonds at i of mark ft value spot cash. Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 203 Morgan Building. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portlud. 812.30 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL METER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners ard Tailor. Call Marshall V22, or 253 Madison St.. ear 3d at Will call anywhere in the cuy. day or evening. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., Sue SELLING BLDG. (Second Floor.) FURS. FURS. URS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Use La France fur dressing for summer and save J1O0. Reasonable prices. L.A. t KAtLtt f UK Uf'U. LU.. 163 W. Paik.. bet. Morrison and lam MIL Main OoilV. UP TO $25 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We will pay any price for men s clothes. UKUUUm CUlA.tKa AMU TA1LUK& 113 2d SU, N. W. Cor. Wash. Main IU44, $8.60 UP TO S2A GOLDSTK1K, THE TAILOR, PATS RICHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S etUlTS AND OVKKCOATS, SHOES, ETC BROADWAY Viil, 246 W BUKNSiDii BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL M bEv'OKE AN t'MDD Y ELSE. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. W pay up to ib per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, brldgework bought. Bring r mall Th American Brokerage, 20 jiorgan Didg.. second floor. 1 WANT USED CLOTHING. W pay from $10 up for men's used nits and overcoats, call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. mi tat st.. near Morrison, jiain tM. CIRCLE EXCHANGE We pay highest prices ior laaies sugnuy worn suits. party gowns, etc. Sell for less than others make alterations. 415 FUedner bldg.. 10th and Wash. Phone Bdway 220. A DOUBLE crank side frame punch press auch a Toledo ninety three C or Bliss four L: must be in good condition; price reasonable. U. S. Electrical Mfg. Co., iso Angeies, waj. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; nighe.t cash price paid; will call day or night PKOPIJTS SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 6225. 206 Mad lion. spot cash paid for tools, tents, electric fans, camping out flta Neman. Main 44 y5. l-'3 1st. nr. Washington. WANT, for cash, set correspondence school or law, with questions and an w era. 266 Jefferson street Main 0204. TO BUY a fireproof safe; give price and ad wher it can be seen. AH 726. Oregonsan. XOOLS WANTED SPOT CASH PAID. NEWMAN, 126 FIRST, near WASH1NU- TON. JUNK, rags, metals, paper, old clothing, tools, pottles; good price. East 61 7 L WE will buy your old typewriters and pay yon cash, Oregon Typewriter Co., 64 5th. WANT used linoleum for store floor," 9x23": pay cash. Main 6317. jilGHKST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla monda Dan Marx A Co.. 23 Wash, st WANTED EaMman kodak, SVfrx5fe. post card slse; cash. Call Wood law a 5SC6. WANTED Combination range, slightly used. Call Woodlawn 2&S7 after 4 P. M. WANTED Guinea pigs Main 3885. Furniture Wanted. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICK FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 6417. AfK FOR MR. OK MAN D Y. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES, ETC. TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAT MORS THAN OTHER LOCAL DaALKKS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BUYER AT ONCB WHO WILL CONVLNCS YOU. CALL MAIN 4TT6. BE SI RS AND LET US FEB your furniture snd household good be fore yon sell. We are In the market for earn and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FUUN1TURB EXCHANGE 366 First St Main 7726 2 WANT used furniture; ca& will be paid for stove and range and all kinds of household good. Call us for on article r a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2666 Crow WANTED DINING ROOM SET; MUST BE GOOD AND It BASON ABLE FOR CASH; NO DEALEt.i. AR 4U6, OREGONIAN. ItBDvCBD FREIGHT RATES to all points n household good. Pacific Coast Fr warding- C-. 6th and Hoyt Bdwy. 706. WK NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have th rady cash. P hone today. Main 4627 or lw6 First sl HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAT CASH. MAIN 6362. WANTED Used furniture, Will r beet pne . Main 6064 WANTED Oak fat-top desk, ia good con tstUoa. Maw 1462 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. MARSHALL 698L GBVURTZ rURNITURV OCX. WE BUT TOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR- I KITURE FOR SPOT CASH, ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAT; HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARB THE OLD EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF I OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 185 FIRST ST., PHONE MARSHALL S98L CALL MAIN S0 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES BVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITT FOR FURNITURE, CAR- 1 PET 3. ETC TOUR CALL WILL BRING THE I BUTER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN SO. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay th highest prices for used 1 rurniture. . see us oerore you eeii. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED OFFICE ASSISTANT. r W have an opening for a man experienced In bookkeeping- and general office work in connection with operation of a sawmill and logging camp; must be accurate, quick, ambitious, good education and personality and willing to take a hold any place; only experienced, capable men need answer. Give complete record, reference and sal ary expected. EAST OREGON LUMBER CO.. Enterprise. Or. . no Ynrr know That 99 per cent of the prospects who investigate tne aqcox aulo ocng roil 7 WHTT . Because we make them a proposition I they simply can t turn down. tl rATALOG FREE. The full details of this unusual offer are found in a large, impressive book tnat costs us almost ii. out we wn gladly send it to any ambitions fellow FREE. Call or write for your copy: ask for Book No. IB. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN, TW1C rOTTRSIB TR FRRB TO YOU. For full particulars. and free catalog can or write ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. WANTED To get in touch with two salesmen to sell stock In one oi tne neat proven oil companies in Wyoming; must be capable, trustworthy and able to manage a selling campaign. To such we offer exceptional inducements. This company Is organised under the Blue Sky laws of Oregon and has a permit to sell stocK in Oregon ana wa.smngi.uu. Phone Marshall 1307 or call 726 Cham ber of Commerce, ask for Mr. Kupfer. FIRST-CLASS Instrument maker for re pairing surveying instruments; must or tamt and accurate and exnerienced on all makes; permanent work and top wages to man who can prouuee, full details first letter. Address Max Kuner Co.. 804 First avenue, Seattle. wMTF.n A1 man for men's tailored-to- I measure suits and gent s rurnisnmgs i goods store. Prefer man capable of I bu she ling and must wait on general i trade; unless you want steady employ-) ment do not apply, ecotcn wooien juiiio. Central la. Wash. ENERGETIC MEN. with a little money and a lot of pep and ambition call at 620 Chamber of Commerce all week. T.TVTS WIRES WITH A CAR AND A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS CAN CLEAN UP THIS COMING SUMMER; NO FORDS. An 473. OREGONIAN. ni a unvn setter wanted, must be first- class man on jDoing ana pmunuiu work: steady work, 44-hour week.; Communicate at once with Jensen Bros., 1419 Third avenue. Seattle, Wash. mivn MAM. atenofrraDher-bookkeeper, with lumber experience; one wno nas had experience in invoicing; position with local firm and an excellent xuture: salary $125 to start. 44f Morgan oiag. WANTED Cost accountant. 30 to 35 years old. competent to handle factory , accounting; permanent out-of-town po sition: salary $150; answer today. AR 410. Oregonlan. AN optometrist to take charge of optical department In first-class jewelry store; good position and future to a live young man. A. v jjj. wrcsuumn. WANTED Nicht cook to do pastry work; good proposition to married man; trans portation advanced if preferred. Write King of Hearts cafe, Grandvlew. Wash. ITALIAN truck salesman for one of the best trucks on market, liberal commis- J slon to right party. Unless you have the I ability do not apply. AN 135. Qregonian. WANTED Man to do janitor work, in cluding washing automobiles; nours ii to 9 P. M. Honeyman Hardware Co., Park and Glisan sts. wivTir.n First-class norter for Boise. Idaho. Job Is good for $125 per month and over. Apply to Lewia-sienger uar- bers Supply Co. WANTED A reliable porter; must be thoroughly familiar with restaurant work, night: family man preferred. 96 Broadway. WANTED PAINTERS, married men pre ferred: steady work. Communicate be fore coming. Kunkle A Bemiller. Twin Palls. Idaho. YOUNG man. 20 to 22. for clerical po sition, opportunity for advancement In wholesale line; state all particulars and phone number, 4. oregonian. WANTED Young man for steno and charge of growing office: opportunity i to grow Into the business. Phone Broad- I way oiw aunng ouwopm it a nnvERNMBNT wants hundreds rail way mail rirrm. mui voiinia, wiw- rienc unnecessary; commence $100 I month: particular AY 233. Oregonlan. WANTED Man for position of night: m..athman nnrl to AO some WOTK. HOflfy. man Hardware Company, Park and I Glisan sts. a ftp st -class bookkeeper: one witn lumber experience preierreo; siate sm- ary expected ana reierences. ah. wj, Oregonlan. WANI ED Experienced solicitor, married man and must oe steaay; gooa saiary; must drive Ford car. 1224 Sandy blvd. blvd. TAIRORS. ATTENTION! Strike still on In Portland. LOCAL NO. 24. OFFICB BOY for large advertising firm; I $.so to tan; gooa luture. morgan NIGHT watchman for garage; must not I be afraid or wora or airt, long nours; VZo per weex. au di f, uregonian. WANTED Auto mechanic; must be ex-J pertenced In battery work; out-of-town I position. aaj io, oregonian. WANTED-Printer. combination machine I and floor man who can handle Job press. Wire Independent Record. Prosser. Wash, WANTED--First-class polisher and buffer. Apply Golden Plating Co.. Waah. street KITCHEN porter wanted; must under-! stand firing furnace. Campbell Hill ho tel. TAILOR wanted to learn cutting and de signing, evening. aj en. oregonian. LEARN the vulcanising business, Call or write ioa c proa a way. CORDWOOD cutters, $2.10 to $3.50 per cora. ow ,oncoru oiug.. xa ana stark. WANTED 1st -class automobile mechanic. 1 eastern wregon auio -o.. vaie. ur. WANTED Delivery boy with Bushong A Co.. ai Park st LAW stenographer, possessing executive aDlilty. ao iJi oregonian. WANTED Boy. 16 to 18. Apply 2 P. M. i.u in . nun su BARBER WANTED Must b first-class. ,vt5 wimam avenue. EARBER WANTED Must be union. Pal. ace Harper an op, 444 Washington st WANTED 2 carpenters, 53th and Tilla- mooa, o.ov per aay. WANTBD An all-around cook. Derby at, Kenton. GOOD chance for live men to lean vul canising. BOO William arc WANTED Boy. 16 to 18. Apply 2 P. M.. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED PLUMBER8 AND SHEET METAL WORKERS; WILL PAY PLUMBERS $9 PER DAY, SHEET METAL WORKERS IT PER DAY, EIGHT HOURS; MUST BE? COMPETENT MEN. ALSO LATH ERS. PLASTERERS, BRICK MASONS, AND CARPENTERS. PLENTY OF WORK. GOOD WAGES. EIGHT HOURS. FOR PARTICULARS, WRITE TO EM PLOYERS' ASSOCIATION OF TWIN FALLS, ROOM 5, 201 MAIN AVENUE SOUTH, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an emolovment acencv. but a de .pertinent of th Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young- men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past 10 years we have assisted 17.V3Z men in finding positions. Many of these men are now in executive positions and se cure their help through us. The standing this department has with employers Is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of is years and they turn to the Y. M. o. a for men to fill the better sort of Jobs. Vacant positions In Portland at pres ent are scarce, and If vou need assist ance in selling your service consult one of the employment secretaries, room 307. we can help iuu. . 600 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify aa automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanizers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S f government war department for train ng soldiers auto mecnanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have Inspected this one; railroad fare refund ed if after personal Inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept T, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOI-S, Third and Elm sts., Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier st. Seattle. Wash. , UNQUESTIONABLY THE SUPERIOR SOiiOOL; WE PAY BTUUiiAlS WHILE LEARNING. We teach our students by practical experience as well aa the theory. In what ? Automobiles, gas tractors, sta tionary and marine engines, ignition systems, generators, starting motors. lighting systems and storage oattenes. Our students take down and build up automobiles and tractors. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorne ave. To prove that this school excels we give tour weeks' free trial In the best automo bile school In the northwest. Satisfied students boost our school. Hemphill's teacnmgs Dtings you success. STEADY EMPLOYMENT IN ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED SHOPS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR FIRST - CLASS MARINE FLOOR. BENCH AND MAINTENANCE MA CHINISTS; LIGHT AND HEAVY FIRE BLACKSMITHS AND TOOL SMITHS; MARINE PIPEFITTERS: MOLU1SKS, RIVETERS AND GANGS: SHIP WRIGHTS. JOINERS. PATTERNMAK ERS. WOOD CALKBRfi, SHlf if ITTK rto. AMERICAN PLAN. APPLY 520 ORE GON BLDG., 5TH AND OAK STS. WORK IN CALIFORNIA. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN. All de partments, big demand everywhere for high-class men; Toast experience unneces sary: we train vou for hta-oarine:. dtrnl- - fied positions and put you in touch with live opportunities: Hundreds or new hotels, clubs and apartment houses open ing; shortage of department heads and executives acute: write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training school, desk 1416 Mather bldg-., Washington, D. C. FOUR miners, $5; 10 laborers, $4; fare ad vanced, not cnarged it worK tt montns: this work at Cornucopia. Or., near the Idaho state line; ship at 3 P. M. today. Set loaders, short logs; whistle punk, loading donkey engineer, laborers, team eters. tunnel men, station gangs and all kinds of railroad and highway construc tion work. Office open 7 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. West Coast Employment Agency, 270 Bum side street. THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. City or Portland u. S. Government. Can furnish help, male or female, free or Charge to either Darty. Mens DIv. Flat Iron Bldg., 311 Pin st. phone Bdwy. 4376 Women's Div.. 202 Beck B'aft.. uroaaway at oak. phone Bdwy. 4860. BRIGHT, steady boy over 18 years of age to work in factory; op portunity given to learn the cut ting trade. ML Hood Factory, 233 Couch street. WANTED Hotel clerk commercial house. 00 rooms, eastern Washington: must be up id uaia o.uu uie w uvsraw bwkch- board ; 9-hour shift Inclose copy of references and wages expected. Room and board outside hotel. Address AV 342, Oregonlan. OLD-LINE life insurance company would like to hear from ambitious men In the city and throughout Oregon who believe tney can write me insurance ii given as sistance from supervisor. Write or call w. E. Hlbbard, luo Wilcox bldg. A BAKER, good on bread and pastry can get steaa v position at tne rniamook Bakery, Tillamook, Oregon; must be clean, steaay ana rei' a Die, no others need apply. State wages wanted in first letter. A. c. vogier, Tillamook, Or. WANTED EXPERIENCED LOGGER, WITH 6 TO 6 DONKEY ENGINES; 16 YEARS WORK, 6 YEARS ON WATER FRONT. ADDRESS OR CALL 534 MORGAN BLDG.. BETWEEN 2 AND 4 P. M. AUTOMOBILE and tractor acnool; new building; mooem equipment; best in struction: practical work, laborator'ej and shop repair. For Information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C A bldg. Phone Main 8700. branch 2. WANTED An experienced janitor and wife; must understand on burner, tint ing and ref air work; state experience and salary expected. AK 16, Orego- nlan. HUSBAND and wife (no children) for xarm wora ana cooaing; muse, have kitchen and dining room furniture, total wage. $100 per month and board. Call 228 Alder street Must give references. . HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAT AND EVENING CLASSES. laborers for paper mill work!. Inside ana ouisiae joo; .no experience required; steady work: chance of advancement Apply 210 Commonwealth hirig.1L, hot Ankeny and Bumside on 6th at WANTED Boy to run bumpers and sort bundles; experience not necessary; wages to start io. crystal iaunary oo.. East 21st and Sandy; Rose City car. WANTED Young man with some book keeping experience; grve reierences and salary expected in first letter. Address p. p. box 26. Corva'lia. Or. WANTED Linotype operator, straight matter, union, seven ana a nan hour. Pally Washington lan. Hoqulam. Waah. REGISTERED pharmacist wanted for Portland store: steaay position ior the right man. AR 474. Oregonlan. SASH and door machine man wanted; also ooor iramper. Appijr &ibu -M-ig. Co.. 26th and Nicoll sU. WANT first-class detail sticker man and sash men. jncaionTuii x'laoing juji. McMinnville, Or. LEARN PRACTICAL SHOW-CARD WRITING . Night classes. McDermott school. 45 4th. right Washington. WANTED Ford mechanics for out-of- town work, caii wain. a-u. a early as possible. PRACTICAL PRINTER for executive nosi- tlon: aaak ana aty. r. v. oaites et co. DELIVERY boy with bicycle. Irvingtoi P h armacy. wv r. enmawar . PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. registar4. tiaaCK r03-. oai aiuer iu ALL-AROUND cook. Apply Multnomah Athletic ciud aining- room, 09 1 baimon. Help Wanted Salesmen. GOOD opportunity for wide-awake young men wno want to see a ruiure- in sales manship line. Northwest Phonograph C0 60S HieiB DIUi. 4 HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted SaJeamea. FOUR honest, Intel If rent wide-awake, am bitious men. who can recoerntxe and will grasp an opportunity to connect them- selves with a clean, fascinating business. Large earnings, rapid promotion to right men. Mr. ox, alter iu A- jo.., jluv Spalding hldg. SALESMAN and organ I re rs, steady job ana travel ; mar money; no running i around advertised; auto necessary; open) territories; can Sunday it to Z. for Tirape. 621 Morgan, bldg. SALESMAN wanted Can yon sell 1000 gallons of floor oil In Portland at 20 1 per cent commission? If so I can give you a j op. jrmmmer. oi jq u WANTED Furnishing and dry goods salesman. Eastern Oregon town; young I married man preferred. Call between 7 1 ana f. M., room bob imperial hotel. EXPERIENCED broom salesman for Ore-1 gon territory, established line. Fine op- I portunity for right man. Pacific Coast I Sales UO., Q aa St. SALESMAN wanted for electrical house hold appliances the most popular line on the market4, liberal commissions. I Stubbs Electric Co., 6th at Pin. LIVE -WIRE solicitors wanted, experience I unnecessary. Apply Northwest Phono- I grapn oo., room bus ttaieign mag. WANTED AGENTS. THREE FIRST-CLASS HOUSE-TO-HOUKB I SOLICITORS: MUST BE LIVE WIRES: HIGH-GRADE OPPORTUNITY. BIG MONEY FOR GOOD PRODUCERS. APPLY BETWEEN 10 AND 12 OR 4 I AND 5. 501-2 McKAY BLDG. AGENTS at once, selling 50c per month I nospitai tictteta ovi oornett niag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMEN FOR . FACTORY WORK. TAKE I N. AND S. CAR SOUTH TO END- OF I LINE. STERLING FRUIT PRODUCTS I CO., 1022 MACADAM ROAD. EXPERIENCED drug salesman for rub ber Broods sections: stock girl for ladies' suit department.' Apply superintendent's I omce beiore iu:su. upm&n, woixe a ua WE CAN instruct a few bright young girls on power machine operating on coats, pants and playsuits. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch st., corner Second. BOOKKEEPER, customer's ledger, must be fast and accurate, position perma nent, start at once. 430 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Experienced second maid. Ap ply 751 Flanders st. WANTED First-class dishwasher. $60. room and board; 1 first-class waitress. $40, room and board, for out-of-town hotel. AV 341. Oregonlan. LUMBER stenographer, $125; lumber book keeper, $125 ; mum graph operator, i o ; atctapnone operator, iwu; stenogiapner. $7. gui w. w. Bantt Piag. WANTED A capable, middle-aged lady to do housework arid act as companion to old lady that is convalescent. Phon : 12-0 i a. mornings. WANTED Young lady to assist In dining- room ana mane Deas irora o.ov jl. aa.. to 12:30 every day; board in return. T oxa. i oregonlan. SPLENDID opportunity for wide-awake salesman, one wno is good closer pre ferred; commission basis. AN 183, Ore gonlan. GIRL for filing in mercantile office. Apply I at otiice between 6 and 11 a. al. ou ironist. GIRL wanted for soda fountain work: must be experienced. Perkins Hotel I Pharmacy, Fifth and Washington. WANTED Young ladies, preferably those living at home, to act aa ushers. Apply I Peoples theater today, net 12 and I P. M. I ELDERLY LADY to mind 2 little girls for room, board and small wages. 6020 Foster I road, Stewart station. WANTED Competent dining, room woman j t : thVoid Peonfe's HomlTd 3 t the Old Peoples Home, 32a and WANTED Lady dishwasher In a logging camp, idi.ou per montn. room ana ooara. .BUttS 6t OaK, Z41 oucn St. AN EXPERIENCED cashier for restau rant; references required. 212 Madison street. WANTED Dining room woman to work I ior sen and n us Dana s room ana ooara, 412 N. 19th St. Broadway 2906. STENOGRAPHER with some bookkeeping . experience; steaay position, zoi J&ast Morrison. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house; state experience ana au particulars, aj eau. Oregonlan. W ANTE D Experienced woman sausage stutter; steaay position. vaney iacK- lng Co.. Salem, or. " TAILORS, ATTENTION! Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. 5 WOMEN for outdoor selling, 118 straight salary and commission; excellent chance for advancement, in oh, urcgonian. ANY GIRL In need of a friend apply t the Salvation Army rescue noma, 392 East loth at. in., or pnone aast iza. THE Florence Crittenden Horn Is ready to help sny girl in distress. 955 East llsan. M v car. mast din. n.EVER millinery makers wanted: aood wages. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., 25 I Beck bldg. Broadway 4393. WANTED A model. Submit unmounted picture if you have one. AJ 804. Ore- gom-Ji. WANTED Young girl to assist with gen eral housework and help take car of young child. Phone xaoor gaztf. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by working man; no objection to child; good horn, fair wages, oal weia-ier mi. derwood or ft mot r isner macmne, ak i 408, Oregonlan. WANTED To adopt little girl, age 3 to 12, good home, reference given. AB 7, Oregonian TWO experienced waitresses. Apply after 4 p. m. oat n r iaaie, ho croaaway. WOMAN to assist with light housework I for elderly ecu pi a. 443 Montgomery st. 1 wiv-TS-n KvnarfeDced srirL Annlv RiiIm'i confectionery, aoa Aiaer. WANTED Experienced cook, small adult J family; other help. AK 11. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced second girl, small I family. Aa w. vregoniajL. MILLINERY makers and trimmers wantsd. apply Lowengan st WANTED Competent maid for general hOUBeworK- 400 raax t-uxi . r,asi n!SFSt M'." Waitre3- Aiei" WANTED Experienced girl for cooking. Phone eeiiwooa ui. WANTED Experienced saiesladiea Apply Emporium, izts sixtn st. WANT good hand lroner. 171 11th at, I . . 1 1 j 1 Mallory hotel, lx Jownsaaie. BUS girl for cafeteria; must be neat and i willing woriter. o w auma mu. INTELLIGENT 'Eirt or woman for h.u- work and tendr to store. 1273 Belmont WANTED Waitress. Apply 244 Wash ington st WANTED Woman for light housework; good pay; in a gooa nome. tan quo am. WANTED Manicurist at Pittock block Barber Shop, at once. EXPERIENCED usher New Grand Theater, 105 Sixth street WANTED Experienced pants helper. 718 Selling Plug. GIRL wanted for general housework; ap- ply mornings. 696 Everett at JAN I TRESS Apply head janitor, room 817 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st WANTED Experienced waitress, 7 hour day, $13 a week. 114 Third North. CAN you sell merchandise? If so, se deraon. No. 60 First street. EXPERIENCED lady dishwasher. Washington at GIRL wanted to wait In store and answer phone. Riverview Dairy. 1003 Belmont OPERATORS wanted on power machines: finishers. Bergman A- Lurie. 83 5th st WANTED Assistant la kitchen. Portland Convalescent hospital. Marshall 2863. CHAMBERMAID. Ansonia Hotel, 14th and Washington. WANTED One experienced counter girL Cozy Dairy Lunch. SHORT-HOUR waitress. 803 Hawthorn avenue. Baltimore Restaurant ARTISTS model; give age and qualifica tions in reply.. AC 453, Oregonlan. WAITRESS wanted. China Inn. 153 Bdwy. HELP WANTED FEMALE. I I I 1 DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARY ? A salary that Is paid while yon learn the business that Increases frequently as you gala experience,? . DO YOU KNOW WW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And wLat excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS T Our employment supervisor will gladly tell you the facta and will also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply at Telephone Company. Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Company. CANDY SALESWOMAN. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Established candv store has opening for experienced woman capable of taking charge of 15 to 20 girls. Insuring proper display and satisfactory service to cus tomers. Write statin age. experience. same or all lormer employer, tie piles confidential. S 539, Oregonlan. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN All departments: big demand everywhere for high -class women; past experience unnecessary; we tra!n you for big-paying, dignified positions and put you in touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses opening; shortage of department beads and executives acute; write at once for particulars, Lewis Hotel Train ing school, desk 1416, Mather bldg, Washington, D. C THE MEIER A FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of three experienced hairdressers and manicurists. Apply em ployment bureau, sixth floor, Meirr ft Frank Company. NEW class In scientific treatment of the skin and scalp Just opened. I win guarantee position to member of this class, as increase in my business has created positions for specialists In this line of work. Mme. Pattenaude, 411 Beck bldg., hours ;30 to 12:30 A. M. dally. BRIGHT girl over 18 years for stamping tickets. MU Hood Factory, 233 Couch t. OLD-LINE life Insurance company would Ilk to hear from ambitious ladles In city and throughout Oregon who believe they can interest people in life insur ance if given some assistance by super visor. Write or call W. E. Hlbbard. 1205 Wilcox bldg. NURSES WANTED A superintendent, "2 fOP floor dntv ind n offfc nurse to begin service on or before Mar. 1. Office nurse need not be graduate. Apply Rlverview hospital. Raymond, wash. LADY solicitors, take notice. You can make good quiCK money wonting on our plan, which Is pleasant and profitable to you. it inexperienced we win tram and encourage you. Call at once, 603 Fenton bldg. ask ior Mr. narriman. WANTED Competent woman who can take full cnarge or targe aining room nn who knows how to handle helo must hav had experience and reference requireo. Answer oy letter. -tv xwa, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY as assistant order and billing clerk; one who can operate type writer and comptometer preferred; give age, experience, ii any, ana saiary ex- pectea. ai oo, yregoowi. WE have steady factory work for a number of depenaawe young women; experience unnecessary; iormer employes given preference. Apply ready for work. American Can Co.. 14th and Front sts. GOOD home for steady, reliable, hearty girl, 21 to 6o, ior general nouseworK; chance to learn store work; good wage. Write K Ban, oregonian. ATTENTION. LADIES. a tarre assortment of exclusive styles In buckram, nei ana -wire nai iramee. La France Hatters, 872 Morrison st MILLINERY MAKERS, flood wages, light airy workroom. Hint ft Landt. Inc SS3 Market at, San Francisco. ' WANTED Applications of women, 21 to SO, tO wars in woouwuriung icigry n St Johns, steaay wora ana gooa wage. G 7. oregonian. WANTED Names girls, women. 18 up. wishing government otiice position 3I14U Iirsi year. aubwci iuiuaui,teijr. AV 232. Oregonlan. a m.j i 7 ht rtv- "-lut roanent position to right party; a great deal or experience is not necessary, 428, Oregonian. T.AnTES who can meet the public will find profitable outside employment sum or part time. oti voriwn mug. WANTED High school girl to work for room, board ana wages; a in lamuy. Call h.ast WW. Wanted Domestics. CAPABLE GIRL for general housework; must be dean. 6730 63d st S. E. 2763. WANTED Girl for general housework; n washing; gooa nome ana wages. iv a. 11th street North. WANTED Competent cook and second girl, gooa wage Appiy jnra. jscoro. 60 VlSta ave. rnonc aaai ounn ixru. WXNTEIExp.rlenc.c?nd maid. Ap- 1 niir m m i;orrfl uooa. ihj im il corner Kearney. Broadway 2802. WANTED A girl for light housework. moderate wages. Jkppiy mi vunejt, ooi - ncr rutn. WANTED Girt or woman for general nouseworK in 1 -room uouse. oo nasi Z4tn norm- WOMAN for general housework, six days Ot o hour, iu a ween. iose to Laaa s addition, an Adventlst 665 Ladd ave. WANTE.ri for gnerai houseworje. small family. Mr. Oswald West Mar- shall S3u. , NURSE $60 to one experienced in care Oi DaOy , pemiaieufc yuiiuuu. maiu oojv. 24S Cornell at. head of Marshall at WANTED Competent girl or woman to assist In tne oavre ot cnuurea. aaain 2W26. COMPETENT girl for general housework; three In famliy; wage $60. Phone Main 4207. 40O aoaigouieff urivc WOMAN for cooking and downstairs work. Main 5388. GIRL or woman for general housework in apt. Phone Bdwy. 2351 after 5. 160 PER MONTH for good cook, ceneral housework; no waahlng. Mala 2937. WANTED Girl for general housework ; reference required. Phon Main 2300. WANTED Nurse maid with reference for oast services. Call Marshall 33a. WANTED Bxperie need girl for care of children and upstairs work. Main 610. WASTED Competent maid for general housework. 438 East 14th N. East 4260. MISS MATTINGLTS Shorthand, Typewrit ing School, 6 mo. 266 14th. Main 3a9A WANTED A girl for upstairs work and to assist with child. Main 6336. GIRL for general housework, no laundry, nice room, children. Sell wood 2212. GOOD girl for cooking and housework in apartment: $50. Main 4008. GIRL to assist with general housework. 70 Lovejoy at EXPERIENCED girl for genera house work; family of 4- Phon Main HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestic. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD WAGES. PHONE EAST 4692 OR CALL 765 HALSEY. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN FAMILY OF TWO. REFERENCES. MRS. L. H. PARKER. WEST MAIN AND ST. CLAIR STS. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and a little housework, wher second help Is kept; three In family. Apply Monday and afterwards, 741 Overton st. MIDDLE-AGED woman, general house work, good cook, good wages, family two adult; small bungalow; Irving ton; ref erences. East 7331. WANTED A competent girl for general housework in modern home. No fires: wage to suit S59 Marshall. Phone Mala S442. WANTED A competent gtrl for general housework; must be a good cook; 2 in family; good wages. 488 Main near 14th. Phone Main 2734. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework ; no washing; wages 650 to $60. Phone after 10 A. Ja4 jaaxsnau 8300. jr.vPWRiRvrrcn conic for family of Kriulta to da general aownstairs worn., no laundry, ref. Apply 415 West Park. or phone Main zo-ttf. oerore noon. HOUSEKEEPER for respectable Christian home; must be neat and economical; personally there at noon hour. Inquire I. w. o. a., city. EXPERIENCED nurse maid to care for 2 children; wage rnone juain iao, or apply 245 St. Clair t., between and 12 A. M. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and a little nouseworK, wnere secona neip is Kept; three in iamny. wages aou. x , Ore gon lan. GIRL to assist with light housework, good home, good wages. 230 n. zttn. rnoni j Marshall 1321. WANTED Capable second girl. Mrs Henry ei. Jones, ezv uaxter unt. xmiv phone Main 2723. W A NT SCHOOL GIRL To assist with housework for room and board and wages. East 7VQ5. WANTED Yourtg girl to act as nurse maid. Apply 4l Hi. loin st. rtonn. lei. East ZV32. WANTED Girl for general housework, country girl preierreo. au a. Aotn si East 6971. 2 GIRLS wanted. Penny Arcade. 26 N. 3d. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. MAN ANf WIFE WANTED to do cleaning, attend oil burner and water and cut lawn, for 8 -room modern apt. Man can wora out; no cnitarcu. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. EDUCATIONAL. MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 wk., giv ;rou set of tools and some pay while earning; position secured; scholarship and transfer cards iauued: Sx schools in U. S. and Canada. Send for catalogue 234 Burnslde st POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE- WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking. bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue OREGON BARBER COLL BOB will teach you th trade m 5 weeas; scaip ana race massage speolclty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuitioo reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Book keep- leg, itenograpny, civu service, secretar ial, special course; expert terchers; day and night Enroll now. Bdwy. 5083. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buvkel's private school; Individ ual Instruction. 1224 Grand ave. E. 427. ROCKY MOUNT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. weiies, ex-ass!st. state s u pt.. mgr., N. W. Bank bldg., Main 8276. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of toou free, position secured. 3S N. 21 t- LEARN TELEGRAPH T Railway Tele graph institute, a naii way &xcnantr bldg. Free booklet THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, Allsky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. E Rlchardeon. Sec Main 9T7. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 485. Teaching positions, free registration. MRS. HANNUM'S shortnand school, day, evening. 230 Tillamook st East 3860. WANTED Private teacher to tutor boy daily. AE 890, Oregonlan. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MARRIED SALESMAN, EM PLOYED. EXPERIENCED IN PROD UCE LINE, DESIRES POSITION ON SALES FORCE OF RELIABLE CON CERN: Al REFERENCES. AO 228, OREGONIAN. WANTED A position as yard foreman or mill auperintendenf :' 20 years' experi ence In lumber business: last 10 years as yard superintendent and snipping; oesi of reference Address AV 305, Orego nian. FLTTNITEYS. man and wife, fully Derienced In camo' and company hotel work, seek steady job as flunkeys or as dishwasher and flunkey. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Reply to P. O. Box 3010, .romana, ur. L EXPERIENCED YOUNG MARRIED CE REAL SALESMAN, EMPLOYED. DE SIRES CONNECTION WITH RELI ABLE CONCERN? GOOD REFERENCES AVAILABLE. AU U-K..LrUiN IAIN. EXPERIENCED farmer and stockman, married, wants position on farm ; can run gas engines; wife would cook; near school; wouia preier mo n tana, nv w-o. Oregonian. I HAVE had tn years' experience with automobile trucks and tractors and would like a Job driving heavy truck or with machine company. Dan xarno, Phone B 24&7 FIRST-CLASS COOK wants to bay work ing Interest In small lunch room on pay ments. In city or good country town. AP 7, Oregonlan. EXPERT designer and tailor, graduate of "American Gentlemen system." aesires position with responsible house In Port land. P. O. box 279. MAN with car want work; good sales man, solicitor, collector; thoroughly Ta miliar with city and country; refer ences. Tabor 4461. MARRIED man. experienced in farming. with yt boys, if, is years 01 a, wants po sition on farm. Rudolph Walter, Mult nomah. EMPLOYMENT manager; many years ex perience in rortiana in securing ana managing help; salary enust be not leas than $4500 year. AV 316, Oregonian. JAPANESE, first-class carpenter, wants training work at xurniture snop or car penter snop. a. 1., ao aneriaan. CARPENTER ana Joiner work, anythinr. bant fixture to septic (anus, remoaeiing. etc. r boo, uregonian, enwy. zetn, WANTED Hauling contract for 2 -ton truck. U. iiarm, Aurora, or. box 96. R- 1 MAN AND WIFE cooks; want teady place; can nanai up to w men. Ad dress 288 H 3d st Bond. CAPABLE, industrious, allround Janitor wants position, city, reierences. am 734, Oregonian. ORCHARDIST. PRUNING AND GARDENING. CALL EVENINGS, EAST 6082. COMBINATION restaurant cook, married man, wisnes position in or out oi Port- land. J wrcKoiiiaiL WANT work after 6 P. M typist, clerical. soda xountain preierrea out not neces sary. Phone Tabor 6820. MAN wants house painting, enameling, etc., oy aay or contract; reasonaoi charges. Tabor 4461. POSITION wanted by middle-aged, experi enced zireman, janitor or mgnt watcn man. X 1, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED fireman and janitor wishes night or morning worn; food ref eren ce. H. Hagen, Main 6761. WANTED Barber shop to clean even ings, experienced porter. Phone Tabor 8015. CHEF High-class French and- American cooking, wants situation, notei or caie, AP 50, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by experienced young man as janitor, isoor yiuo. CEMENT finishing or concrete work. Call Woodlawn 2766, ask for Blodgett RELIEF work wanted by regular Oregon pharmacist AR 476, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN wishes position a truck driver. Call East 2210. HOUSE CLEANING by an expert; hashes pruned. East 8678. KALSOMINING, painting, plaster-patch-in g rea3jonable1M 2865: EXPERT tree pruner. ready for buslnes. Frank R. Martin. 104 16th st E. EXPERIENCED ulcanlber wishes position in or out of city. N 268, Oregonian. CARPENTER, day or contract, rtmodeling or new work. Tabor 049. WANT position as ntght janitor r fire man. Call Tabor 8307. SITFATIONS WANTED MALE. "Where All Things Are Equal" EMPLOY AN EX-bEKVICh; MAN. Phone, write or call upon Captain Convtlle AT LIBERTY TEMPLE Main 813. While th number of ex-soldlers and - sailor out of employment la greater than it was a week ago, there are en couraging signs that tbe problem is go ing to be successfully solved In due urn. Principal among these signs is the changed attitude apparent among both employers and men. The men are indicating a growing dis position to take the proupects fur their future more into consideration In seek ing a connection, and are willing, as a rule, to start in at a reasonable wage, provided tnere is a chance for perma nent employment and to get ahead. Employers in considerable number have begun to stop and think over this question of "unemployed e-srvice men." with th result that they are try ing to figure out something constructive in the way of helping to absorb there pstriot. The percentage of tetters ia Captain Convllle a daily mall, irora em ployers who go Into detail about what they would like to do and are able to do. Is increasing steadily. And in nearly .every case something of a constructive, favorable nature is arranged between tne employer thus concerned and the one or more men- for whom he ha been able to provide a place. The employer generally has also de veloped a new and correct viewpoint with respect to the character and dis position of the men. and a better un derstanding Is resulting. As Indicated above, the si o ran of this campaign, which slogan Is heartily In dorsed by the men themselves, is "give preference to an ex-soldier or sailor where everything Is equal." The men want it distinctly understood that It is not charity nor unmerited favors that they want, butatmpiy that they be given preference over the other fellow whose circumstance are similar and who is no better qualified. , Captain Convllle is anxious that em ployers generally write him In confi- I dence about what they have in mind I with respect to these men. and gives an- 1 urance that every detail of such com munications Will have his personal at tention and best efforts In consummat ing mutually satisfactory arrangement a If this reaches the eye of an employer who has not taken the matter up for special consideration, no time should be lost by any such employer In taking action by letter or a call upon Captain Convllle. The list of classifications represented and the number In each who were reg istered up to Saturday night, is aa fol lows: Engineers, stationary ..12 .. 2 .. i 4 .. 1 ..111 . .1" ..23 . .1.1 ..32 2 !!i5 ..LI engineers, civil Engineers, electric .... Draftsman ...i Cranemen Engineer, gas Farmers Teamsters Lumbermen Sawmill workers Salesmen Car repairmen Carpenters Painters Plasterer Furniture finishers .... Moulders Bakers Cooks Laundry workers Vulcanizers Kitchen helpers Butchers Hotel clerks Phip riggers Bushelmen Shoe repairmen Bookbinders General, laborers Truck aud auto drivers General office work.... Typists Tractor mechanics Brakemen Stationary firemen .... Auto mechanics Machinists Machinists helpers .... Electricians Electricians' helpers .., Accountants Bookkeepers Time keepers , Stockroom clerks Grocery clerks , Merchandise clerks ..... Drug clerks Shoe clerks Blacksmith helpers Plumbers . . J Plumbers' helpers , Sheet metal worker ... Coppersmiths Sawftlers Acetylene burners Structural Iron worker . Boilermakers Boilermakers helper ... .... 6 2 .... 4 2 1 .... 3 .... 1 ...irs ... .so 32 .... 4 4 3 ....16 ... .as ..'l.f . -. .20 .... 6 .... S .... 2 .... 6 .... 6 .... 1 Jt .... S .... 4 .... 1 .... 3 .... 1 .... 2 .... 2 . W. R S ENGINEER. Able man, 35 years' of age, can qual ify on ability, character and experience, to look after steam, refrigerator, electric and general machinery. Can estimate, analyze and check operating costs as It affects the interest on the machinery Investment; also select equipment of the proper type to fit into the plant operated. Well acquainted with the various kinds of mechanicai equipment manufactured and Its value. Not looking for a con cern who know nothing of machinery or who expect it to operate without main tainance. Know how to pay attention to my own business, also the slse of the commercial dollar; know nothing of politics, "isms" or selling schemes. Na tive born American with foreign and marine experience and enough creden tials. -Chief engineer of one of the largest concerns on the coast With to make change about March or April. BJ 860, Oregonian. PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done quickly and effi ciently , at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MKKKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1954. 161 Russell St BY MARRIED man. experienced in auto mobiles, farm machinery, battery, elec tric lumber carriers and tractor; no ob jection to leaving town. BD 866. Ore gonian. A COMPETENT YOUNG MAN WANTS TO DRIVE PRIVATE GAR At 1 SCHOOL AND SATURDAYS. CAN FUR NISH BEST OP REFERENCE. CALL EAST 6874. EXPERIENCED window trimmer and card writer wants position with reliable firm, in city or out; oest or reierences; married, ex-service man. Address L. J. Bell, 264 Broadway. Phone Main. S33. SITUATION wanted Printer with sov eral years' experience on floor, 3 months on po. 5 linotype; wouia like piece with cnance to learn more on machine. Ad' dress AV 336 Oregonian. CARPENTER will figure, new or old work. I will save you money. Estimates cheerfully given and plans furnished. House razing, concrete or til garage. Phone Main 6795. MARRIED man wants position on farm; life experience in all farm work and livestock ; must hav good furnished house; close to school. BC 216. Ore gonlan. Bookkeeper, Stenographers, Office. SALESMAN with machine, acquainted with grocery and confectionery trade for 10 years, country and city; commis sion or salary. Y 1, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, good penman; out of town position considered. AC 479. Oregonian. So'dier and Sailor. IS THERE A RELIABLE PROGRESSIVE FIRM IN PORTLAND THAT WILL OF FER A RESPONSIBLE POSITION TO AN EX-SERVJCE MAN RECENTLY ARRIVED FROM THE EAST. WITH A REASONABLE INITIAL SALARY. BUT WHERE FUTURE SUCCESS IS THE PARAMOUNT OBJECT? FOR THIS HE IS WILLING TO EXCHANGE hi IS CONCENTRATED EFFORTS, PAST EX PERIENCE, HIS ABILITY, PERSON ALITY AND ADAPTABILITY. 16 YEARS OLD. SINGLE. IN SPLENDID HEALTH, FULL OF PEP. WELL EDU CATED, OPERATES TYPEWRITER. 8 TEAKS OF GENERAL OFFICE. SALES AND BUSINESS EXPERIENCE WI I,L FURNISH FIRST-CLASS RECOMMEN DATIONS AND REFERENCES; NOW EMPLOYED. BUT WOULD B8 PLEASED TO CALL FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW. AR 479. OREGONIAN. 3X-SERVICE man and wife desire posi tions in lumber orrice. out or town; wire expert stenographer, husband expert typ ist, timekeeper and all-around office man; full particulars first letter. AB 66, Oregonlan. EX-SOLDIER, army st zt driver, wishes position driving private car or trucK, best of reference. F. H., 614 Bel lev us Hotel. SITUATION WANTED FKM A LK. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings wnue momcr is away; reference. Wood, awn 161L PITl-ATION Wr. rRl FKM AI.R. rOiNO OtRL WISHV CLERICAL VOHK IN SOME LA HUE CONCKHN; . CAN FTJKMtiH PKHT OF KEFfcK- l.NOKt. A W75. OREGONIAN. WOMAN wants rook job fr crew; can handle up to 20 men; capable and perienoed. expect top wagea Phone Woodlawn 4ilo. or writ B. W., -' aralhng st., Portland. CLEANING Window. floor. general house and office cleaning, by day, heur or contract: estimates furnished on r gum. b'Lir-tJllon Mn 2ttU WANTED House cleaning, floor waxing, winduw washing or washing: elty ref erences and all wurk guaranteed. Phone Tabor 3'.'S4 any morning from 9 to 12. YOL'NG girl would like position doing clerical and general office work : tea furnish best of references. Phon Ta bor KJHl. YOUNG woman ants position cooking for small crew of men. C. J. R-. W Hussell st.. apt 6. East 1662. ' YOUNG prufenKtunal woman offers serv ices hour and half noon and night a cashier for board. AH 4211, Ore gon la n. hlXl'EKIKNCED womnn wants day' work and take car of children evenings; r( erences. Woodlawn 1&7J. LADY wishes position as housrkepr C apartment house. TeL Main 6757. E X PERT IKON KH WANTS DAY WoRaL CALL EAST 77a2. WANT work by th hour or day. Phone East 2thi. , COLoKED woman want day a ik. Phone Tabor 46, LACE scrim Marquisette curtains hand iaundried. Called tor. Esst 6U6. WILL serve and assist In rooking; eplea did relerencfS. labor ' COLOKED GIHL WANTS DAY WOHal. PHONE TAHOIt 7U76. LADY wants cooking for small crew sat. an -ni nroaiiway, room . K ELI ABLE woman wants day work. rh.ie kl&fit J7 evenings. W A N T ED Men's laundry; also ladles' fin wntsn. Phone L''l-S. WOMAN wants day work, 6 to 8 hours; washing, ironing. Bell wood 1014. LADY pianist wants employment after noons snd evenings. BO 1W1, Orfintan. LATE CUKTAlNiTrarefuliy .nd b?autt'uiy done in open air; sun dried. East h.MH. Book k eepera, t enogrmtiner. )lllf. EFFICIENT stenographer and bookkeeper: 6 yeara in lumber. 6 in general commu nal work; best of city references. Mai 2MT. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist, unemployed, wants position; quick and accurate. Sellwood 5ti3, EXPERIENCED typist wishes a perma nent position in small oft Ice. Cell CoL Jtttt. You NO Udy stenographer desires post tlon. I'hone East 2440. WANTED Mending and vary plain w lug. llnin T M6. DKFSSM AKINQ sxpart workmanship, rates n(nble. Cabinet CI nets and Dyers, 4J4 Morrison, near 11th. Mai 1S1.V FoK your spring dressmaking and altera tions, call Dresmaking Dept., Emporium Dye wcki. Mt Morriaoq at. lldwy. 4-' DHESSM AKEK. experienced In 11 kmde of sewtn deal res engagements by day. S.itiafin tn :irrtnieu. aiain -iou. HIGH-CLASS dresKmaking, street dresaee; make youi old suit Into a dresa; rroa able ratea. Mra. Keliy. East 7 BUT. THOSE desiring first-class drepmeking call Main MuU. Work absolutely guar- anu-ftu. A 1.1. kinds of irwitif by dependable dree- maker. 741 Michigan ave. DHESSM A KINO and plain sewing, $$ per day. Alter 6 P. M.. Main 64HI. DHESS.MAKINO, alteration work nr plain sewing by day. Phone Eaat DllKSSMAlt I NO want ed 1 1 k dreaaea speclalt y ; reasonable. Main &7U0. Nurse. PLEASANT young lady teahr would cook dinner and care for Infant from 8 to 6 In exchange for good horn. AR 4114. Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position where other help la kept; references; Tabor 5:u8. PKACTICA L nurse dealrea confinement cases. SHIwood 778. PRACTICAL nurse, best reference. Tabor 6371. Housekeepers LADY with boy 7 years old desires po sition as housekeeper on small ranch; widower preferred. Write 615 N. Edi son. St Johns. Or. W.A NTKD Housework by woman with boy 1 year; good home will be consid ered more than big wagea. AR 406, Oregonlan. NEWCOM BR wants housekeeping, child in convent; go anywhere. AM 711, Ore gonlan. RELIABLE elderly woman will do houe keeping for widower. BP 8t6 Oregonlan Domestic. LAUNDRESS wants waahlng and clean ing 6 or 8 hours for nice families. Call morning and evenings. Main 81 86. LADY wants house cleaning, other work. hour, day; work guaranteed, wain, wu WANTED House cleaning by day; no washing or floor waxing. Main 607T. WANTED TO RENT. House WANTED to rent, 4 or 5 -room ho vise, by elderly couple, furnished or pertly so; e ft side; will buy place If suited when other property is sold; tiunnystde or M. 8. car. Y 2. Oregonlan WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room bungalow In good district by responsible party; guarantee beat care for reasonable rant BC 107. Oregonlan. V ANT to rent or lease 6 or 6-room un furnished house; east side prefenwl. Thomlinaon, Main 1100. AN 184, Orego nian. WILL you lease your home for two years? Modern, 6 or 7 rooms, Irvtngton or Ilk district Phone Main.ftlK for appoint ment Mrs. Thomson, 620-21 Henry bldg. WANTED By Man-h 1. by adults, a mod ern 6-room bungalow, furnished or un furnished; must be reasonable. Phon n:.-25. WOULD like to rent furnished nous or flat of 6 or T room, atriclly modern. In Nob Hill district. Phone Main 47H6. WANTED to rent 4 or S room furnlahed house for yar. weal side, close In, no children. Automatic in-. BY ADULTS Furnished B or 6-room mod ern home; prefer near Tabor oar. Call East 2l66 af tr6 P. M. A FURNISHED 4 -room hnua bv couple by Mar. 1st. Address 1728 Division or ca II Tabor 1636 UNFURNISHED bungalow or cottage; per manent; must b modern and reason able. Marshall 1541. WANTED TO RENT 6 or 6-room hotis with at least 1 acre of ground for chick en ra islng. AJ 802. Oreg onian. WANTED At once, ft or 6-room furnished house; will guarantee seat oar. AR 404, Oregonlan. 6 OR 6-ROOM bungalow, desirable dis trict; will laa at desirable rentei. Phon Marshall 785. WANTED By March 1 a modern 4 r 6 room furnished bungalow, with yard; no children. Call Y ood lawn K'o. NOT later than March 6, 4 or 6-room modern house with yard; $ 1 family. I'hone Tabor 4'Jfil WANTED Small house by March 20, Sua- nyslde; no children. Tabor 876. VkJLL pay M0 per month rent fr ft niom modern bungalow Tabor 6316, WANTED To rent unfurnished 4 r room modern bungalow. East 266. Apaxtiuenta, WANTED, by two young professional gn tlemon, a clean, modern one or two, room furnished apt- with private con veniences, close in. weat at da. Main hi. BY REFINED people, 1 or 4 rooms, fur nlahed, ny Marcn i; west siua. Mr shall 30L WANTED Hy Coup., small furnished flat, on Mroaaway ana Uauisna-st. is- trict, by March 1, A P 6. oregpnia. 2 OK I'KOOM modern apt, unfurnished; must pe rasonaoie. siaranan iai l. WANTED To rent unfurnished 8 r 4 room modern apt. &ast zwe. Room With ffcaard. ROOM and board In private family by r- f(ra young nusinesa gin; no other boarders; must be modern, homelike and pleasant, west aid; a tat a price. AO aUa Oregouian. I FAMILY of 6. 1 adiilta. employed, and 9 small boys' in achool, deal re board and room In private home after March 1; must be up to date, near car and school, also home privileges. Call Tabor 6700. WANTED Place In private home to board and room, within 10 blocks of Park and Akler, by oung lady. AR 466, Or6 uao. 'A