IT TITE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, ' FEBRUARY 21, 1920 BKAL ESTATK BIHR-CARET. nirii. kstaTE. n Railway Exch. Bid. Main 6008 Third and Stark Sts. Main !. OPEN EVENINGS. Before yoo tony me to our show rooms and see on Airplay hundreds of inm in th rood residence ajfciricuj. "We have the best bargains In homes tiv uFPiurv in the citv and Invite comparison. Eight experienced real tate salesmen who know the defiratilf district at your service. Autos waiting. We have the following homes foe sa Hose Citv Far it Alberta Albina lrvington Central East Portland.. Holladay Montavllla J-aureihurat ........... Ml. Sen it Hawthorne IVn insula ............. Piedmont Jiichnmnd 8-1 1 wood 18 5 10 20 33 14 6 17 14 Westmoreland 1- ficatunng districts W RrrfTTi.TT. onsM rfTV HOME. $64Ju -6-room bungalow type, story and nn--naii, unusuaiiy wen uum attractive; hard wood floors, fur- and fireplace, garage, every l-uilt-ln convenience, terms nai cash. IDKAL B!'NGAT.OW. $400 In the h-art of Rose City, t.awd afreet. Is a new 5-ro bungalow, painted a bluish gray ami Iinfsh'-d Innide in piatty w hit enamel, hardwood Hours, furnace and fireplace, buiit-ln l.uttet. Dutch kitchen, stalrwi to unfinished attic. This home I.- beins sold at cost; $170 io nan i e, Kt:i.T.wnfin svap $2000 f!nd house. 3 licht bed- rooms, oat it, toilet, uuirn kiicu harri-surfaco street, fruits a hlirnhtwry, 1 block to Sdlwvod car; $-oo down. REAL BAKUA1N IN RICHMOND, $3900 Hre, folks, in a fine doiibit-con-Ftrueted homo, btiHt only ;t years and in Al eond tion iiisme ami out. On paved str"jt. jut oft 1 - iinn on 3lh; 3 large bed rooms with white enamel plumb ic, furnace, garage, i-hoice fruit ikcs, i, block to car; $Um d-wn. No better bargain in Portland. r..oo hv& two good homes. $25oo West of Piedmont car barns, ah out s blocks, wn have tu o h.'iisys on out ."MixlitO hit. 7-rooni and 4-ri'om eacn, in dandy shape Ntilher could be built for 1 mk today. They pu y per cent interest on a '.ou invest ment. Now a-t quick on this proposition ; $ 1 5M0 rash required PENINSILA DLSTIMCT. $373 hi no bungalow type, 7-room hoifi, nar Columbia Park; fir" Place, Hnvntou furnace. 4 bed' rooms, lull cement basement ami la undry trai s, choh-e bearing fruit trees; $1.00 ilnwn HAWTHORNE B I N f A I A W. $ i2'0 Well constructed tf-ronm bun low on ofitli Mt . south of th liiorne nve. 3 lifclit, airy bedrooms with bath and toilet up. Fire place, full basement, paved street. Unlv J.'toO down AIT. SCOTT HOME. $2200 3-rimjn bungalow on 30x100 lot, sidewalks and newer paid, hear Greham station; best white plum hi nc, full cement basement, 1-tit.jh kitchen, 1 block to x. f.Vio takes this. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. $1900 With only $oo down, buys a .r rootn ho line, strictly modern, in A!oniavilt district; repainted aud n-t inteii ; excel lent card en. $?oh0 Ol'VOHTCNITY IN MONTAVIT.LA $l'tuu Huya a 5-room houfef best whit enamel pluinhing, i lii;ht, airy bedriHO-ns, 1 '1 bearing fruit treeti 14 varieties of rosvg; $KiT5 down $ 1 J0l A I t N T A V I . I . A SN A P. $-T.U DOWN. $1200 Buys a 2-slory a-room house oo a 7.xlU0 lot, not modern witii respect to bath and toilet, bul bis value for the money. Fruit trees and berries, flue place t raise chicken?: 5 block to car. IIKKB IS A COSY HOME. $2Sj0 A very artistic, clever little bun ftalow, 4 rooms, almost new, un usually attractive design. Ideal arrangement, paved st-, walking riiMauc of Jefferson high school. um down. A I. BE It 'PA BUNGALOW. $2700 $7." down, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, full lot, California bun ii.i low. $3200 $i;oo down, 6-room, 3-story, paved street, ona block to Alberta car. Hie value. $2050 $sim) down, 4 rooms and floored attic, hard'vood floors, built-in buffet, Dutch kitcttcn, full ce ment basement $2000 $7,"0 down, ii-rooin bungalow, near car and schools, new but nol strictly modern. $3150 $7. down, 5-room bungalow, paved street, just off Union ave full lot 3iijcl4::, newer paid up; 2 bedrooms, best plumbing, choiei fruit trees, walking distance oi .iciierson nigti school. $3100 $.'idt) down, dandy u-room bunga low, roxloO lot, 2 rooms in un- finished attic: vacant, immediate pusbcfcsioo. jl tine Duy. BlTIR-r-ARKT, REAL ESTATE. 210 Railway Exchange. ilain 1684 OPEN EVENINGS. ITT FTRM ha ordered me to locate in S-attle; will sHeriflce my cozy bumralow on Portland Heights, good locality. 2 blocks from ear. Iiting-room. dinlnir-room. kitchen, sleeping-room, hath and toilet. h.iMvment with furnace, good room can bo finished n baaeinent. 1'rne S'.7.".0; $lfi..i cash. hal. easily ar ranged. See my Mr. T.jylor, ith U. K. Moore. 317 Board of , Ttade. Ilain &oti7. bAUKEMlURST BEAl'TT On Royal Court st... U block from car nne. 9 large, it if m rooms, living room 14x20, Targe fireplace, music room. 14 sis. dining room 14x20. laree cabinet kitchen with large back prch: 4 large rooms upatalrs, large bath with toilet separate from bath; basement all in rooms, coal, wood and fruit rooms, wash room and play room, dandy furnace, lots r shruuDery. and roses in yard : you should see the inside of this houre to ap preciate it. Buy direct from owner; will give terms. Phone Tabor 831 or Bdwy. K72, Mr. Pilchard. $.00 100100 ALBERTA HOME. West of N. l.tth St., 2 blKs. from Al berta car, is this A-room, modern, vert substantial home; white enamel plumb ing; electric lights. ga.; 14 fruit trees, berries, etc.; street Improvements pafi JIL'ST BB SOLD THIS WEEK. $200 dia, e--y monthly payments. We have over 00 other spiendld biu'S la ALBERTA FRANK U McGUIRE, Ablngton bids. Main 1063. S-ACRW AT MAPLE WOOD. S-rocm shingled shack cottage, 2 Chicken houses, and yards, running wa ter, splendid pasture, 300 strawberry plants, some raspberries, Himalaya ber ries; 6Ho commuters fare, on Ore. Elec.. Ut mln. ride. Here is your chance. Price $1200. $i:0 cash. Jl. and interest month ly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. ft Com. TWO NEW modern fi-room bunKaiows la lrvington. all b.iilt-ln conveniences, hard wood floors. g:s and furnm'es. garage, etc., lots 54x1011; located at the XK cor ner of E Kith and Klickitat; price !'0i0, terms $2000 caih, balance by the mouth. TUB RICE CONSTRrCTION CO.. 6i0 E. irth N. Telephone Automatic 320-85. 1RVINGTON. $l!i.HH). This !s one of Irvingion's show cor ners, beautiful entrance, largt-r living room, dining room. -olid mahogany, larger library, solid oak, beautiful break fast room, six bedrooms, two tile baths, three extra lavatories, grounds lttOxlOO, shrubs and natural trees, double garage. Mcltonell. East 41. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences. anything. furrish p. ana and finance. Eitabllshea tea years. He offer SECURITY fcERVICti. SATISFACTION. L R. Bailey Ut. ftJ4 N. W. bank bldg. IRVING TON B UNO A I.Of! Hot Water Heat, Beveled Plate Glass. Large living room, dining room, art paper, three bedrooms and maid's room; the bathroom has tiled floor and sides, f ine5t pedestal fixtures, full !ot, garage. Owner leaving city; $10,000, terms. East 41.'. A GOOD BUT IN LAURELHVR3T. NEW 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, FIN ISHED IN IVoUT ENAMEL. HARD WOOD FLOOR:, ROOMS ALL LARGE; PKH-E $ti.ViO. INCLUDING ALL STREET ASSESFM ENTSL PHONE OWNER, TABOR MObKRX 4-room bungalow and furniture, garage, near Portsmouth station. In quire lott Vernun ave. W din. SSll. $io0 will handle, terms. T-ROOM modern lrvington home. Owner, 7t;2 Schuiier at. I'osaeasion March li. E. 77.16. BRAND NEW, modern 5-room bungalow in Hood-tock. near car line; terms. Sell wood 2o4. tHU modern home of Mrs. Focbia. W'iU amette Heigh la. Last aiia. REAL EST ATX. For hle House. OWNER LEFT (TIT T". MUST SELL IMMEDIATELT. Loeared in the rery best part of LATJ- lttJijriLKtjr. L,arge itvtng-room, amine; room, sun parlor, model kitchen, lnrge front and back porches, four exception ally large bedrooms ; also closed-in, heated sleeping porch: billiard or party room. Between - the two best bedrooms there Is a fine dressing-room, with ad justable triple Frsnch beveled plate mir rnrj. Ample closet space; 2 fireplaces, full S-ft. basement, with ample fuel bins, fruit closet?, etc. Very fine electric fixture?, oak floors. The construction was done by best skilled day labor, and the material: throughout are of the best The iot la impro.-ed with fine shrubbery and flowers. The price la JRttOO. clear. Terms if dfslr-d. If you want a home that's a real home, see this one, for you couldn't duplicate the house alone for less than about $10,000. ALSO HAVE A 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. MT. TABOR WITH UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW. Besides 0 large, well-arranged looms, there is a fine sunpnrlor or den; ample closet space; good bath and plumbing; splendid basement; built-in features; modeJ kitchen; large porches, back one screened. The lot la a'li.Vft. lot. and is improved with expensive .mrnbberv. flowers and fruit trees. It Is on a paved Htivet, in a strictly first-class neighborhood. Price $."".ii00 clear and you couldn't duplicate the house alone lor the money. Terms on part at t per ceni interest. It's vorthy of your careful investigation, if you are lockinjj for a well-built h me. Inspection of either of the abovo prop erties by appoint. lien t. Sunday morn ings and evenings, call Broadway J let wee n ft A. M. and & P. M. week-days, call Marshall 1o.',u, or come in and let me explain lully. W. N. EVERETT. OWNER. 10 Casco Bldg. Cor. lh and Alder. T.-.n TRVINT.TOV. I7.00. inn it thu f infut rt-room. bunRalow with sleeping porch, den, hardwood floor, en heat. f'rerla: lot S.lxll fine g:trage. lots of shrubhery and a few nice fruit trees. l nis is a oaraain hi ..o. -prt cash. hal. easy. Cail foi owner at Main i"0ol. ROPE CTTT PARTC. 0 ROOMS $41.".0. Just think of being able to buy a home of 0 rooms with hardwood floors. fireplace. buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, on a paved street, for $!4."ih. on terms! This 1h a real bargain. You will appreciate the real value. You coulmi't duplicate this today for less than $tNiu0. Let us ahow you. A. G. TEEFE CO., R4 Stark st.. near :td. Main 2002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday). Tabor OOsti. XRVTNOTON. Here's a home buy yon can't afford to mine: 3 delightful bedrooms, eleepine porch, cozy den with fireplace, hardwood noors ana an orn-r ui-iu-iuio "-"i"11 a .ti.rfiil substantial and well -built home. Owner forced to make immediate sale. Therefore at a price you cant re sist. Let us show you. A. K. HILL, 215 Lumbermen Bldg. Broadway 421. HAWTHORNE $4500. Most artistic bungalow in the diptrict; fireplace, Al conveniences, garage, improved streets, close Jn; $1000 ca.-h. Main 4K03. , O. C. GOLDEN BE KC. Abington bldg. "3." years in Portland." A FINE GARDEN SPOT, $250 for a fine 3 -room with large m.und of over 5 lots on E :i!Uh st; I00x UMl in berries, also gooseberries, cur ht 1 heiiriTiir fruit trees; garage and barn;' $000 cash, bal. terms. F L. BLANCH ARD, 51ft-20 Railway Exchange bldg. $2400. K EN TON HOUSE. 120 HOLLAND ST. $2400. a Anm- iivinsr. dining and 5 bed rooms, kitchen, bath, front and rear -r,-h hn-ement. concrete wa.k. nice lawn.' garden, fruit trees and berries feet to streetcar ana near Peninsula 1 arKGEO E. ENGLEHART CO., Main 72.-.0. 624 Henry bldg. $2450. $2150. $2450. $2450. $2450. ..-.. LMOTMflHK .AND. -,V ' A t ' woo VI C A LI FO RNT A -jrvr.4i.mV. 75x100: FULL BASE- pvt TTTC PHTCU KITCHEN. ptVvrtv.; ei.kctpjc and ga&. BLOCK OFF PAVING; TERMS. G C. GOLDENBERG. Abinston Bldg. Main 4S03. 35 Years In Portland. W EST M 0 1 1 E L A N D B UN G ALOW. 5 ROOMS, ALL FURNISHED. r.i,i.i? nvi.V :tlMlO B-room modeVn "bungalow, completely fumKiiod with good furniture; all goes for $3000, cash, balance easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. n-. ..oi. t Broadway 4133. . ui-vr.iT nw S42r0. n- ij.h nrar iloliratf. hartlwoofl v.. ,.. iri.h.n nil in white enamel. firerlice with hookras on either side. ..J.i basement with laundry trays. a rianrtT bunftalew for the priee. 11KNRY W. GODDARD. 243 Starll St. "1r INOTOX CORNER. PRICE iwi.1 ,:;""-, Good 7-rtMm house on 50x100 comer, fine Barace, nice lawn aud shrubbery. Here a real barpain. REIJAB1.E 1.NVKST.VBN-T CO.. n5 Oak Street. Broadway 4133. $.-.ik as first payment and -3 and terest per montn. runnasn cetve full value for the money OTTO i HARK8CN RKAI.TT CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce, lll re- FAI-VIEW BOT-I.BVARD HOM E (UtoM -foom bunsalow type residence with larce reception hall, hardwood floors, bedrooms all In Ivory, fireplace, full basement (40xiwi). turnace. pianj-aiso windows' lot 50x110. HENRY V. GODDARD. 13 Stark St. ' IRVINC.TON- BfNGALOW. Sr.6.10. Lare livin!f room, dining room, two larse bedrooms, tlaps-lnclosed S. P., all tvorv full lot, shrubs, natural trees. tt-'S East 19th X. Do not disturb tenant Kast 413. TWO houses. 12 and 7 rooms, on a 80x100 bring in 10 per cent net on $10,000; will sell at a great sacrifice; owner leaving cltv. Terms li aes.reu. way 91. Phone Broad- 4 ROOMS and breakfast room, 1 year old; Comlortaoie mmiru ""c- r Z nient. laundry trays: partly furnished: $"150 J500 cash. Lri2 Macrum ave.; St. Johns car Columhla.'V7; ROSE CITY PARK. MODERN ft-ROOM HUN'S ALOW; OWNER 11 A3 TO HAVE J.000 CASH BFKORK 'ST OF MARCH. CALL TABOR 62. OWNER T.-room modern bungalow and furniture; large cement garage; block from Alberta car. on Vrncn ave. In quire 10oS Vernon ave. Wain. S&1L Terms No agents. A REAL SNAP. Am compelled to sell; must leare city on account of health; B-room modern house, lot 50 by 175. Fulton and N. and S. car line. 1029 Corbett st. See owner. ONE seven-room house and lot on Stan ton street near Williams kte. Must be so d at once to close an estate. Phone office. East 852. or residence, Marshall 4314. . TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSES. Strictly modern, in Sunnyside district, near school, park and carline, prices reasonable with terms. Owner at 1059 E. Washington st. 4-ROOM house with some furniture; fruit, cherries. plums, quince, small fruit, holly and roses. Call 3ttt0 66th at. S. E., at small house in rear. IRVINGTOX HOME. 7-room. modern, beautiful homa. well worth the price of $o000. 2t3 Oak at. Cobb Bros. PIEDMONT Owner offers modern house, 6 large rooms. 2 lots, fruit trees, a good buy. T3H. Wiln. W.HS. BO 225, Ora ionian. Suburban Homes. ONE FULL ACRE. PRICE ONLY $3,100. Finest kind of soil, fruit and berries, dandv 5-room houre, chicken houses and yard's fine new barn. 2 fireplaces in houe. good gar ge : $1 MO cash down. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 308 Oak SireeL Broadway 4133. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. HOOD PJVER HOME Unquestionably the best Hood river "bay" of the year. In my long list of successful sales I have never offered anything better. The well-known Ralph Root orchard home in the hear of the big Pine Grove apple belt. Thirty-five acres; 22 in magnificent orchard of sixteen-year-old trees in perfect condition. Invite most rigid and expert investigation. Four acres in alfalfa. Nina acres in beauti ful home Ite, gardens, pasture and woods. Fine trout stream alone entire eastern boundary. Dwelling la fine modern bunga low of ten rooms, bath, with wide fourteen-foot porch across entire front, from which la beautiful view of Mount Adams. -very modern convenience. One of beat built houses in Hood Klver. Could not be duplicated for $10,000. Other buildings include large barn and packing house; and almost new tenant house of six rooms ana banement. Price $23,000. which Is $10,000 under lowest possible ap praisal at present values. C. N. R.AVLTN. Exclusive Aent. Hood River. Or. , r T . , tTtJlTPR M "HOMES. --- t aiA iome exceptional! '-good acreage tracts and lhuran.,h1,,JV1!A kie and know when property is priced riu-ht. We have some ctioice comes re ccutly listed for ale. KLEEB & PARRY, First State Bank Bldg., Milwaukie, Oregon. Phone ll. Automobile Service. rvrKRURKRX STATION $1500. ri nn river road, between Evergreen and' Silver Spring stations, ji blocks from car. ah m cuiunv.. - nrooKcu ii v new house w ith tele phone, lights and gas; will .shortly have Bull Run water; woodshed, three chicken houses and Uarn; orciiaru aim vmejwu. HENRY W. GODDART), 243 Stark St. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. and 107x2(10 feet of ground, ju.t outside f .iiv limita: larire chicken yara wn 5-f"ot wire. Price ouly $-0O. Hurry if vou want It. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. rti?M.;ox CITY LINE acre, u-room ni..L.rffi hnusft. full cement basement, .on paved road, four blocks from Oak Grove, price ..iu, ici .--, " Bidole, nann ay r.jiiiaii(,c "'"t. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. .-a r-a -.All lorRteJ. near car line. cisnn un. Inauire 3d house north of Rteley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Aider BrooK. "For Sale Acreage. tn Tifriird station and school. 11 mile from Portland courthouse; fine lahd. loganberries, potatoes, vegetables and grain, some orchard, ana v AM lunrt frnnls Oil ffood aUtO- mobile road 'and is miio from paved Capital highway. The balance of $5000 can run at 6 per cent for long time, riee m. j. c-uwrttuo. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., 624 Henry Bldg. Main 72G6. 2 ACRES BOTTOM LAND. $50 down. $10 monthly buys this splen did tract of the richest kind of black bottom land, this side of Oregon City. Street car line on the place, none cleared. Price $750. Here is that close-in tract you have been looking for. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. 80-ACRE ALFALFA FARM. Under Hermiston government Jrriga- iith ii miio from Columbia high- n ttTha from hich school and railroad station; price $7uu0; will take half trade in Portland or vicinity, bee A. C. Oalbraitn. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., 624 Henry Bldg. Main 7266, CHICKEN RANCH. 10 acres all Improved. 4-room house, hm snrine and well, about ;i.S0 bear ing apple, pear and cherry trees; three miles norinwesi oi ocappou.-, son Ktatiun, $2100: cash $700. HARRY BALL, 431 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark:. CANBY, 5 ACRES, $2000. $500 CASH. Near Canby race track; good house. 20 ACRES, $5500. Good, fair buildings, excellent soil, ir Tifiard district. See M. J. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., 624 Henry Bldg. . Main 72R6. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington IOT Sale lO BULlicia umj, imj it-ima, luw price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bidg., Tacoma, Wash. GOOD BUY I have 20 acres ot level land, 2 acres clear, balance easily cleared, some stand ing timber; lies 7 milea from Vancouver; 1 mile to electric car. My price $2500; wlil sell on easy term. See owner, mornings only. Si0 Hawthorne ave. will .ell or trade tor fortiana property 11) acres ajjiro - uu, Yakima; b0 rods from electric station; perpetual water right. Phone owner, Soliwood 46. 10 ACRES, close in, all In cultivation; warm river Dot torn garoen wit, inij orchard ; new 4-room house, tair barn. Price $4750. 2ti3 Oak st. Cobb Bros. A BARGAIN, 66 acres, small house, barn and otner nuuo-inge, ve.i "i".eu, " , of berry laun, iarni lmpicmeuw, ouwi terms. AR 449, Oregonian. 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction, 2-room cot tage; acre cit-aiu, 'o-"-" h " . SilloO; terms. Broadway 1608. 209 Ore- gon bldg. 4 ACRES, all cleared, very best oi soil; z- room snacK; ciouo io u'" biviu, uu Bull Run line. $1750; terms. 20i Ore gon bldg.. Broadway 1658. 5 ACRES, nearly all cleared, about two miles wesi o. mi noun w.j "".', Canyon road. John Bain, 507 Spalding building. 9 ACRES large fir and cedar, close to Gil- lis station, on nun nun hub. jiouu, terms. 209 Oregon bldg., Bdwy 165S. SACRIFICE, 16 acres, house, barn, chicken house, family orchard set out, goes for $1600. AR 447, Oregonian. Frnita and Not Lands. 6 ACRES desirable commercial apple and pear orcnara; iaei locmiun; moaern bungalow; all conveniences: close in; price righL Owner, box 146 Hood River, Oregon. FOR SALE 10-acre fruit orchard, pears and apples; o years om; gooa nouse ana good location, near the town, railroad nearny, at Parkdale. Or. Inquire Jim Saml. Parkdale. Or. Sell cheap. HAVE 10 acres of 9-year-old good com mercial apple orcnara in lamniu; win sell cheap if taken at once. AE 925, Oregonian. Homesteads, Relinquishments. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale reas onable, write fearson hoods, scaopooae. Or., Route No. 1. . W A N T E D Homestead relinquishment. L Oswego. Or. Write to k. L-yxes, re For Sale Farms. OWNER SACRIFICING 50 ACRES. Heart of Willamette va!ley, 1 mile from good town. 35 miles Portland; all Improved, only $4500; must be soljj at once. Come and Bee for yourself. T. O. Bird, 526 Chamber of Commerce. SUNNY southern Iuaho bay ranch for sale, near Shoshone, luano; ia acres, irrigated. 70 acres cultivated, 50 alfalfa; good water right, buildings, school, grange, rural delivery, good roads; cheap for quick sale. John M. Price, Shoshone. A SNAP for stock raiser, 320 acres 60 in cultivation; can cuuivaie oy a lit tle work; good buildings; land fenced and cross-fenced; 2-3 interest irl large ditch; price $5500. By owner. AN 24$, OregonianJ - HIGHLY improved alfalfa ranch, 69 acres. Umatilla river Douom; irrigated; a miles from Stanfleld. Or.; new buildings, in cluding 7-room bungalow; modern. Tel ephone Marshall 5S97, pwner. IRRIGATED RANCH FOR SALE. 138 acres of best land in Yakima val lev; buildings, horses and tools, $150 an acre. $5000 cash. T. Hayden, Kiona. W ash. 1C0 ACRF.S, all fenced, all level, good soft water, leet-room nouse, implement bouse, barn; cheap for cash. AM 671, Oregonian. TEN ACRES, good location, new buildings. young prune orcnara; tn acres adjoin ing if desired.. Tabor 35S5. OR SALE or exchange, 4S0-acre alfalfa and stock rancn, eastern uregon. Address Mrs. Maria Cole, Cooks, Wash. FREE FARM lists. San Joaquin valley far ma, ram ttossier. &t oca ton, cal. REAL ESTATE. -Farms. r- MORTGAGE FORECLOSED. DAIRY FARM. Owner will sell for face value ef mortgage with accrued interest and coats, making in all $60oO. This farm sold 4 years ago for $10,000, and the party who bought same made money, but on retir ing sold to an inexperienced farm er, who failed. This im paying: dairy farm. 6J acres, mostly fine bottom land, on Lewis river. 50 acres In cultivation, balance good pasture; good buildings, including dairy house and silo; fenced, near school and good town, on good road. $J500 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. This is an oppor tunity to get good farm cheap. 13 acres. 16 acres in cultivation; this is all good prune tfand, and would make excellent prune or chard account of location; all land well drained, with south slope; small young orchard bearing; good 6-room bungalow, barn, silo, chick en house, woodshed; fenced; on good road; 1 mile Pacific highway, about 1- miles from Vancouver; 5 miles from Ridgefleid; paved road most of the way; near school and church: plentv of fine well water; wood for family use; 50 chickens. 1 horse, all tools necerrary to run the place, for only $3ti00; $200 cash, balance 5 yeare at 6 per cent. Might consider some trade for Vancouver property. ATKINSON & PORTER. H'2 West 0th Street, , Vancouver, Wash, Fia GARDENS ARE SCARCE. THERE ARE VERY FEW FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF ACRES THAT WE CAN PLANT TO FIGS THIS YEAR. DO YOU WANT TO BUY A FIG GARDEN AT A REASONABLE PRICE AND PAY FOR IT ON . EASY TERMS? IF SO. WRITE US FOR PARTICULARS OF OUR SPECIAL OFFER. BYRON A. BEARCE. FIG GARDENS. , S73 Mills Bldg., San Francisco, CaL or call at the office of GEORGE H ROBIE, 304 Abinglon bldg., foruanu. wi- 20 ACRES. $6000. ONLY $1000 CASH. 1 mile to Tigard station and school, 11 miles from Portland courthouse. Fine land, lotran berries, potatoes, vegetables and grain, some or chard; bouse and barn are old; land fronts on good automobile road anil is niilo from paved Capitui highway. The balance of $5000 cth run at 6 per cent for long time. -6ce AL J. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO. Main 720G. 624 Henry Bldg. SO ACflES NEAR BARLOW. ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 30 acres all in cultivation. On good irravni road nd fine farming district. Good house, barn, hop house and other outbuildings. 3 good wells. All fenced oii.i .-ross-feneed. 10 A. in wheat. orient. 4 in oats: 2 horses. 2 cows, bar ness, plow, harrows, new wagon, buggy, anri nit household furniture, which is new. AIpo 27 chickens, etc. This is one -h finest huv4 we have listed thu year. Price only S650O, including every thing. $o00 cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. .,05 Oak St. Broadway 4133. MR FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see -me before buying. I can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my vears of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 119 ACRES, 65 acres clear ana z.t a.cres in pasture, on uiRnwuy, io V j fortiana; nouse, auu 858-acre wheat ranch, all In cultiva tion, 60 acres creek bottom under irri gation, fully stocked, also all imple ments, tools and buildings necessary to run the place; highway passing door. Morrow county, 2 miles from Morgan, $30,000 takes everything. Cnma in and see nur smaller farms. GANSNEDER & STEINLE1N, 4:M) Cham ber or (-ommere.e jsuik. A REAL BARGAIN. nn irinN 13ft CULTIVATED. One of the finest 170-acre farms in Oroirnn : 5 miles from Aurora, on fine atuo road; raised corn that went T.O bu. ttm aero and wheat that went 45: good 7-rootn house, barn, hophouse, etc.; running water all year; all fenced and ....cft,,! rrnorf hlack lonm so 1. Noth ing finer in the state. Price $160 per acre half cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. tvit.t. ell or xchangs for desirable res idential property in Portland. 4 -SO acres Of exceptionally bouw niurrm wjiejii land 300 acres under cultivation, good builrUngs; 0 work horses, full outfit of machinery, with extra plows, harrows, seed and feed for spring work; price $16 000 no inflated values will be con sidered in exchange. Write A. C. Glf ford Chauvin, Alberta, or phone Tabor 16S4. Steeves. . it vnr-h KO acres hops. 10 Ijy-Aivu ... in l,x,-r- crmH nrf.Vl-.rH srood 8-room house, barn and outbulld ines. bunk houses. A 1-3-kiln hophouse. well equipped; farming machinery 4 fndS P depot; imile United depot! good school, high school, church. This farm is well located and lies fine and is a snap for anyone wanting guou &arm. Will sell reasonable and make terms. Banks Hop Co. M. Turner, secy. u-rtTj :4T.E BY OWNER. 4 acres level land, well improved 8 room, plastered house, good barn and outbuildings, young orchard, a.l kinds small fruit, fine location, close to good School. 4 1-3 miles southeast of Portland city limits at i c y - - Foster roaa -- -- - -- W. F. Garrison, Gresham, Or. R. D. R. Box 441. irnrt 3LE BY OWNER 26.3 acres df the finest soil in Willamette Valley, all In cultivation; os - """"'V,,." .v..."-. a hmise. in trood condition; good barn and other buildings; family cVchard and berries: good wen. Adjoin ing the Tualatin river at Farrnlngton bridge. 4 miles from Portland. Hillsboro EJlrhwav on rock road. 16 rniles from Portland courthouse Henry t. uriese, Hillsboro. Or. R, 5. box 6J: F4RM FOR SATE 75 acres on paved highway. 3 miles from Vancouver, Wash Two good houses, 2 barns, wells, familf orchards, small stream through place; 4 acres in cultivation; 30 acres In pas ture, containing some stumps; level and sightly; soil, clay loam. Price $0,000; ssuuO eah will handle. PERCIVAL & PERCrVAL. Vancouver, Wash. ABOUT 35 acres, some buildings. near Skamokawa. Wash., with 40-arre front age on Columbia river, including about 1000 000 ft. hemlock timber and several thousand feet A-l cedar for jingle bolts. A bargain at $4000 Address Joseph Girard, Cathlamet, Wash. 2-VIU-4.CRE dairy arjl stock farm 17 miles from Portland; good soil; 100 acres cul tivated; some timber: stocked and equipped; family orchard: an excellent niace cheap; only $100 per acre, terms. See Root S. Coe Jr.. 3S4 Hawthorne ave. East 4720. soii ACRES S3000. Near Eagle Creek, on Estacada car line- 15 acres in cultivation, 5 acres slashed all fenced, spring water, 5-room house and barn. This is a splendid In- HENRiV GODDARP, 243 Stark St. 50 ACRES. 7 cleared, more partly cleared, all can be cultivated; new 4-room house, barns and outbuildings, east of Canby; $4500: terms. J- Rasmussen, 410 Logus st,. Oregon City. 167 ACRES land in section 6. township 10. range 4 east W. M.. in Linn county. Or. Price $15 per acre: easy terms. Address P. O. box 200. Aberdeen. Wash. 40 ACRES for sale. 2. miles out; rich pmne land. $2000: easy payments, or work in sawmill accepted aa cash. Mor gan, owner. 214 1st st. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, pear Portland, $75 to 1200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Far-is for sal. all sixes. McFarland. 6Gi Yeon bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, k tillable; employment; easy terms, J. R. Sharpe, 83 ii 3d cw REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms, DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. 95.7 acres, most all tillable: tim ber for domestic use; very best of soil: 40 "acres under high state of cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced; fine spring stream through place; 3 acres of family orchard in full bearing; 2 houses. 1 7-room modern bouse, concrete basement, full set of first-class plumbing; 2d house of 2 rooms, barn 32x70, built against bank with concrete basement, chicken house with con crete basement, hog house and wagon shed. Including large span of horses 1 colt and extra horse, 3 fine cows. 3 heifers. 20 tons of hay, 2 wagons, 2 sets of harness. 1 buggy, 2 plows, disc, 2 harrows, cultivator, hand cultivator. 2 feed choppers, cream separator. 1 brood sow, 36 chickens, small tools, po tatoes and other crops, only y mile to school and only 3 miles t6 small town: buildings alone could not be replaced for. the price asked. Price syoort; $2500 cash, balance at , 5 to 10 years. Poor health reason for selling. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. A. REAL FARM A REAL BARGAIN. 875 acres, 110 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture, all woveu-wir fenced and cross-fenced ; best of soil ; - houses, large barn and lot of outbuildings, and only 14 miles from Vancouver. New 5-room house, just finished, strictly mod ern, with electric light- and ad con veniences. Prrce $:0,o00 ; good terms, See me now. G. C. MOORE, 502 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE 120 acres, 3 miles Castle Rock, Wash., 30 cultivated, 40slashea and seeded; good large house, large barn, 46-ton biioT place fenced in five fields, orchard, shrubbery, daily mail, telephone, near school, good roads; price $5500 U. S. dollars. Write Caswell llammell. Cas tle Rock, Wash., or M. F. Miller, box 207 Claresholra, Alberta. FINE BLACK RICH SOU 40 acres, 12 miles north Vancouver, 1 miln from store, mile from school; good 6-room house, new barn. Tills is as fine black soil as you will find any where. Fine family orchard. A dandy. Coruo nnd see me about this. G. C. MOORE, 602 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE 15-acre ranch on W. Mill Plain; o nines from Vancouver; ii acres prunes; good 5-room house. 5-ton dryer, barn, etc.; l-mlle from school. A bargain at $7000. Inquire Mrs. M. M. Boye r, Vancouver Wash., R. F. D. 4. EXCEPTIONAL SO acres. 5 miles Ore gon City; lj cultivated, Ouildings, or chard, stream; considerable timber; only $6Joo. easy terms. Accept residence worth $3500. Owner, 141 East OOtn North; evenings. Tabor 7055. U OR 10 ACRES Beaverton disL; level; good timber; fine creek; terms; electric near. J. R. SHARPE. S3?4 3d st. WANT EI) R KA L ESTATE. WE SELL HOMES. 12 homes sold in two days. Feb. 14 and 15. "We can sell your home in short order. We are the livest, fastest-growing real estate firm in Portland and have a system on home belling that can't be beaten. Pleased to sell your place. Call Main 16s6 and our expert appraiser, Mr. Carey, will personally call. BIHR-CAREY CO., Main J (ISO. 219 Railway Exch. BMg. Open Evenings. Third and Stark Sts. WANTED. HOUSE OR BUNGALOW. I want a new or nearly new, modern house or bungalow, with furnace; prefer Laurelhurst or Rose City Park district; the best place that 3500 cash will ouy. Address AB 70, Oregonian. ACREAGE WANTED. Partially improved places, close to electric transportation, with buildings. We also have several buyers for places on good auto road, not close to electric depots. We are practically soid out on such places and mu;t have new listings at once. JOHN FERGUSON, Geriinser niag. WANT HOUSES ON LARGE LOT. We have several people wanting four or five-room houses on two or more lots, at the edxe of the city; any direction. Also have buyers for cheap houses on one lot. with small payment down. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 500 homes in the last year. If you want action, list with us. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective pur- criucpra wh it in ip who want houses rang ing from $3000 to $6000 in good dis trict. Phone, write or call. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. i ist vnni- hmiRAN with us i all houses per sonally inapectea ana pnmoBiapiicu. hv btivers on our waiting list for houses ranging from $20or to $6000. HOLD EN & liOHLMAN, Real Estate, 228 Chamber of Commerce Building, Phone Main 6550. iw vni'B rnih In for sale, mall run ae- scr ntion or call at omce. vu r ranches are good; let us have your ranch while we have buyers. Get your price right, terms you will accept; we will do the rest Coe A. McKenna Co.. 82 4th st. uaw. m-nv htiv for west side houses. especially Detween soenumi .uu -uiui-son streets; handling west side property is my specialty; your house is tor sale, call and see me. John Singer, 420 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 0478. WANTED 6 or 7-room house or bunga low; must DC mouern, wnu iuiua.v.c, within three Mocks of good car service. Prefer U, BV, MA or Alberta llnea Not over $3500. AJ 813, Oregonian. WANTED Home of 4 or 5 rooms, any district; siuo aown, painnto iiiuiiiiiij payments; price $1100 to $1300. Address Mrs. S., route 2, box 23, Milwaukie, Or. BF 579, Oregonian. SUBURBAN HOME WANTED. Southern Pacific line, close in, 1 to 5 acres, with small house; cash or time payment. T. O. Bird. 526 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 8-room houso wanted. Pied mont Hawthorne or mrnmona; must oe very nice; $4000 to $5000, good value; have half cash. Phone Main 5624. WANT a strictly modern home in Nob Hill district irom 9i.r,uou to la.uvu; win meet your terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. MODERN home wanted; will give United Republic 6-wheel trucK in splendid con dition as part payment, balance cash. Owner, Main 33S0. WANT your house listing if priced right. Hawthorne, Sunnyside, Richmond dis tricts. Have buyers waiting. Robt. S. Coe Jr., 3h4 Hawthorne ave. East 4726. OR 8-ROOM house, about acre ground, with some fruit and near good car line. Owners only. 1171 Clinton sL, or Tabor WANTED to lease for term of years, be ginning June i, o or o-room oungaiow in lrvington, rent not over $42.50 per mo. AR 421. Oregonian. WILL pay cash or trade for good building lot In good residence district; wouiu con sider equity a well. AO 223, Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow, Hawthorne or Piedmont aisinct; not over oou. Bdw y. 533. 224 Oregon bid g. ANTED Farms, city homes and busi ness properties. N. M. Zimmerman. 114 3d st. Phone 234, Vancouver, Wash. Farms Wanted. I HAVE a client wanting a fine farm of 200 to 40U acres, witn good buildings, 100 to 300 acres under plow, with or without equipment. Must be a good place, if so I can sell it at once. Ranging in pries from $40,000 to $75,000. This cli ent has $40,000 In cash. Answer quick if you want to seiL A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FRANrTL. McGUIRE. Has hundreds of buyers for Im proved farms. Our farm department will get quick and satisfactory results for you. We need your listings today. Eee FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 106S. WANTED To bur on crop payment, a bearin? co commercial apple orchard, from 6 to -0 acres: some alfalfa; price must be righL Apply Box 414. Pendleton. Oregon WANTED About 20 A logged-on! land near some berry cannery; smau nouse on preferred. AV 312. Oregonian. AM READY to sell your farm. Try ma NORD, 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. Wanted u Rent Farm. ANTED To rent 40 acres, with 5 to 10 acres in fruit, some alfalfa and equip ment, for 1 or more years. Apply Box 414. Pendleton. Oregon. WANT to rent from 1 to 3 acres with house, not ovr o maes irora nean 01 city. B. O. Likes. b jisouti ave city. WANTED R EAL ESTATE. Wanted to Bent Farms. I HAVE several clients wanting to rent farm. They will pay cash rent and nnrchaM Dersonal property, crops, etc for cash. Write to me at once and you will realise what quick action means. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWS a. CO ' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED to rent by March 3. from 1 to a acres with house, not over n mn from heart of city. R, O. Likes, t&4 Missouri ave.. city. TIMBER LANDS. BRITISH COLUMBIA BIG TIMBER. We have between Tie hundred and one hundred and twenty-five million feet of standing timber, fir. cedar, spruce and white pine; good driving, good mill site, and if preferred- water cower. For particulars apply to T. Carlyle Teoward. Armstrong, B. C Anything in timber, coal or minerals. FOR SALE: 35M canaeity mill, complete In every respect, ready to turn over, ex cellent dock and railroad facilities, plen ty timber available; Immediate action necessary. BEVERLY GOODWIN, 303 Railway Bldg. FOR SALE 25-M capacity mill, complete; surrounding timber cut out; necessary to move to new location; also have mill site and good tract of timber that can be bo " eh t on stumpage basis. BEVERLY & GOODWIN. 303 Railway Exchange Bldg. WANTED Small circular sawmill for re sawing timbers. Also to trade fine fHrm with threo acres orchard, house, barn. fr sawmill or real estate. Write li0S Smith bldg., Seattle, Wash. Phone Main 31'SL EIGHT million ft. Douglas fir. yellow fir and pine, 14 miles from White Salmon. Klfckitat Co., Wash.; good roads; $1.50 per M. Phone 213-22. FOR SALE Relinquishment near Sllets river; fine for stock range or farming For particulars Mrs. J. W. Gale, bU4 37th ave. 8. K. FOR SALE Timber, will make ship masts piling, Raw logs or wood. O. O. Cone, SIO',6 First sL FOR SALE 5.000,000 to RO. 000,000 feet first-class cedar, by owner. AG 7oS, Oregonian. WE BUY and sell timber and mills. THE BIRCH COMPANY, SJ4 Yeon bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR LEASE. For lease for term of five years, 25 acres, 20 acres under cultiva tion; this Is good soil, located 10 miles from Portland, good set of buildings. See WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth SL A HOP ranch of 50 acres to lease for one or terms of years, river bottom roil, go d dry houses, dwelling, barn and Imple ments; restal share of hops. Give full particulars and phone number. Address AV 177. Oregonian. 15 ACRES of celery ground in the heart of celery belt. 15 miles east of Portland, on highway; land in best of condition. Wilson Bros., Troutdale, Or. ON easy terms, 20-aere improved fruit ranch, by owner. 806 Nor ih west Bank bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HOOD RIVER RANCH. Sale or trade for Portland residence, 40 acres eight miles from town, two miles frem school, free delivery; 12 acres in cultivation, good 4-room house, bath, barn and hay shed, good family orchard, large spring, which can be piped into house: trout stream through place water out of same is used for irrigation purposes free of charge. 736 Vandarbiit St.. Between University and Portsmouth, 640 ACRES. Blaine county. Montana, miles' irood town. ISO acres in cultiva tion, buildings, water, fenced, will trade for Oregon farm or stock ranch or city property; price s.'i.oo per acre, mit, $2200. Box 157, Albany, Or. INCOME PROPERTY FOR RESIDENCE, Have 100x100. heart of Sunnyside. buildinge, fine condition. Income $14 lt year, mtg. $5700. If you have a nice home will give you a good trade. Tabor fcM, forenoons. 35 LOTS, 8. E. cor. 43d and Division sts.; value i2l.0O0: want Income property, hotel or farm. Portland or any good town. Owner, J. H. McMahon, 2o66 East 43d st. Tabor 5361. FOR SALE or exchange, some good rest rieneA lot in Knirpne. Or : will sell or terms or trade for Portland property of equal value. Address oSlO. 6Jd ave. is. iv I HAVE t 2 lots in St. Helens.. Or., value S-500. and some oash to trade for a room house; give price, location, etc., in first letter. t4'-' xnurman St.. city. WILL lot. 50x100. 2 shacks property. Peninsula Addition, for a Ford or a Chevrolet. Wood lawn 4033. 8-ROOM modern house on Hawthorne a" will exchange for a place in Woodstock, Tabor sua. uwner oniy. n WILL exchange a lot in Laurelhurst for close-In lot In Boise. Address 1414 N. 15th St.. Boise. Idaho. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, livestock. A BARGAIN if taken this week; am av Ing the city and must sell my beautiful combination driving and saddle mare. buggy and" harness; winner of many prizes; gentle and a lady s horse. Can be seen at 4 90S 5Sth st. S. E., 6 blocks south of Myrtle Park station. THREE ifood. voune work teams, weight all around 2700 lbs. each; 2 good single .horses, weight over 1200 lbs. each; har ness and wagon; also s good young fain ilv cow. coming fresh soon. Take Rich mond car to 33d. 5 blocks south and 1 east to 990 Powell Valley rosd. 13 HEAD of good sound young worK horses, weight 1400 lbs. to 1750 lbs. Should you ba in need of a Blngle horse or a matched team, come and look at these in the harness. w oouyara, .a&i 80th and Burnside sts. 3 GOOD young Jersey family cows, very gentle and easy milkers; also good young farm team, no further use. will sell verj reasonable. Call at Old Dairy barn, 29th and Powell valley road.. Woodstock car. O. T. STABLES, 17TH AND KEARNEY. 20 good young horses and mares from 4 to 7 years old, some well matched ' teams; everything sold with guarantee. G. D. WILLIAMSON. 1 FULL-BLOOD Jersey bull, 3 yra. old; 3 young Holstein bulls, 5 Holstein spring, ers. 1 horse 5 years old. $75. Take Van couver car to Columbia boulevard, go 1 blocic nortn. WANTED To buy small Shetland ponies; state age, weight, height, color, sex, price and wnen ponies can be seen. Address Lew b Cullins, care Rainier hotel. BLACKSMITH wants possession of stable, will sell seven horses and mares, 3 sets double worK narness, a wagons, regard less of cost. 270 East 7th st. TEAM black Percheron mares, about 2.so0 lbs., gentle, goou woraers, serviceable. good condition ; price $270. Ask for Ward, foot Taylor st. (dock). FOR SALE Team of bay horses ahou: 1750. s and a years oid. call Van couver 22F3 or write O. A. Wigen, R. F. D 3, Box 19, Vancouver, waeh. TEAM mares. 2000 lbs., for $175, with a good harness; also 1200-10 horse for $60. Atlas Wood Yard, 327 Front. TEAM chunky mares, weight 2500 lbs.. well broke and very gentle. Woodstock car. 10S7Francis ave. Scllwood 1212. SIX head fresh dairy cows, heavy milk. ers; also young razmiy cow, $60. Ad dress 7 51 E. Ash. TEAM young bay horses, weight 2 7 00 lbs., serviceobly sound and true workers; price $225. Foot Taylor st. fdock l. STRAY sorrel mare, about 900 pounds, now in pasture half mile north of Hol brook. Ore., Andrew Smith. 14 HEAD of horses, 4 to 8 years old, I20O to 1800 pounds; some well matched teams. Inquire 564 Northrup st. ONE black team, 3200 pounds; 1 bay team. 2700 pounds. Portland Aut Delivery Co . , 242 Fianders, Broadway 1730. JUST arrived, a carload of heavy horses: can be seen at Nobby stables, 12th and Flanders streets. FOR SALE A dairy near Portland : 50 cows: good milk route and truck. Write AP 49, Oregoniaiu FOR SALE! Good young Jersey cows com ing fresh soon, $65 and up. P. O. Box 15, Marion. Or. WE BUY and sell cattle, sneep and goaia Campbell-Pbelan Land & CatUe Co.. u2 Couch bldg. SMALL horses for delivery wagon j harness. Call Wdln. 698 from 8 A. to 6 P. M. PLOW teams by week or month. Apply at barn Creston warehouse. 50th and Powell Valley road. Tabor 4404. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69 J for results. ONE young team of mares, harness, wagon and plow. 170 E. Killlngsworth. DEAD horses taken autckly. dead cows Tabor 4203. Cash for DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodiawa 20; FOR SALE. Mun, V etoiclea, livestock. PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at pnbllo sale, st the farm, about ft miles out from the city limits of Portland, or about Vi mfle of Llnneman station, flrrt. bouse north on Rock wood road (notice sign. Rock wood road, pointing north from Powell valley rosd. first house on left hand side of Rock wood road: Saturday. Feb. 2S. ivjo, at 1 P. M. : Dairy cows. 20 head of high-grade HollKelns. Jer , seys and Guernseys, 1 Holetein Dull. 1 Jersey heifer, 2 calves. These cows are all In milk, several Just fresh. All of the W. H. Ostien Highway dairy herd, one of the btst producing herds inth county. All thee cows are tubercu lin tested and are very fine annua la, running to Holstein, Guernsey and Jer seys. All are good milkers and have clean bill of health. Mr. T. A. Suther land has bought the entire herd from Mr. W. H. Ogdrn. Mr. Ogen having had to sell out on account of his health. Terms of sale, cash or bankable notes al 8 per cent. Owner, T. A. PUTTI E RLAND. J. W. HUGHES. Auctioneer. For Information phone Tabor Owner. AUCTION SALE. On the Christ Plnce. 4 inllea east of Vancouver, Wash., on the Barton roal. i mile south of Jaggy station, Tues-iaV Fehruary 24. at ULiiO A. M-. 2 milk cows, Holsteina, Durham. 2 Jerie a. 4 with Caea bv' aide, some were irrun in Januarv. some short springers: st snrlncer. ait nrinr heifers. 3 coinlti 2-vaar-old lutirr. 1 : year-old bul Cows tuberculin tented. 3-year-ld larl brown mule, weiclit HM0 pounds; a -tu nound MtnmtK: I hrnoil now and tt pigs Dure-bred Rhode Inland Red hens; 7-foot Deerlng binder: Roek Island hay loader l-J-dini; Vat. Hriinr drill: lburii lliO Osburu rake; tt-IL P. ga engine- an. nnsilMiro ruttfr with 8(1 feel of P"P' mounted on truck: all complete; 2 bar rows, steel frame harrow. Rork lsian sulkv n!nw 14-tn. steel beam plow potato digser: 2-horse walking ouliKa tor: o-stiovei cultivator; iron-w wagon: 34-ln. h. truck wagon; sprin, w a iron: hauk: buscv: fet mill; douli wagon box; harness and small toolf too numerous to mention; about "0 of Early Rose seed potatoes; about : lbs. gray oats. Paulsen Broa, n nera, Col. W. . 8. Wood it Sons, auctioneers. Vancouver, W ah. 10 HEAD of first Ciss work horses, m-elght 1100 to 15Q0 Ihs., age from 4 to 9 years also a well-matched trm of 4 ami years old. of chunky-built farm niaiei broke to anv farm work: a'so wagon harness, e'icap. Wnmistock car to Pow ell, 3 blocks ra to S!6. FRESH Hulsteiu cow and calf; $1-5. nor ai.T. Pianos, Organs and Mulcal Iimtrumenta, A DEEP CUT IN PHONOGRAPH PRICES. $115 I'albe. $ with 16 selections $12' new Columbia freo too t5 Cremona with 12 selections free 11, 11 115 nftw K(n ,vm wllh 1!U selec tions fre 11 l0 Silvertone with 8 selections free $50 Columbia with selection free.. Don't fail to attend our big sale of slightly uted and seeond-hand machines. Ihe bleiiest bargains you ever i Open evtnliiffs Wakefield Music Co., 4-7 W-trUiingum tt. BIG PHONOGRAPH SALE. A slashing cut on all second-hand. slightly ued and demonstration ma chines, Cremona, Stradlvura, Columbia, I'athe, Kiivertone, Brunsw lok and nth makes at a genuine saving of 1 15 $100. A big stock of 40 phunographs (elect from. Pay $. $10 or more down, balance on easy monthly payments, n is your opportunity to buy a phonograph away below value. Jf you cannot co in durinr the day call evenings. 1 HV'3 open until 9 1'. M. Wakefield Munii Co., 427 Washington sL PHONOGRAPH ONLY Jl CASH. Daymen during our February phonograpu ciu sale; balance on easy weekly or monthl fayments; big supply of new machine! ust received; Victor, Columbia and Edi son diamond disc to select from; come early while th selection Is good. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO., 435 W ash tit.. aT 12th SL Bdwy. 75a WHEN you buy a used piano from anyon (including most stores) It will be worth $lot more if you spend $35 at my shop to have it properly resuiated and justed. Expert men with references and recommendations guaranteo satisfaction. Harold 8. Gilbert. 3ft4 lamhlU sU pianos bought, rented, sold. PIANO BARGAINS. $65 and up. It will pay you to see our used pianos. They are real bargains ounumunn, ivoenier (Jamubeu. u mi Ing, Kruge-r, Suhlen and others. Terms given; bonds accepted. S-ibt:rling-Lui as Aiubic Co., 125 4iu st. between Wash, ing and Alder sts. BIG SNAP. FINE PLAYER PIANO. Genuine KS-noie $;mo Krell plave known us one of the world's best nmKe Plain polished brown m hogany. lute: style, wonderful tone, fine action with munic cabinet, bench and mustr, onl $.'ijO, tako bonds. Brokerage Co., 31 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Practically new Sonora phon ograpn in ptriect condition. 11 un b satisfactory In every way hut am Iravmg city. uriKinai price jun. uarcain you act quickly. Also records. Alt 39a, Oregonian. $L CASH sends home new 475 piane for $3.-6, balance $1) monthly. Schwi Piano Co.. Hi Fourth st., before rmov to 101 Tenth iu, at Washington and Stark sts. A BEAUTIFUL $150 Kimball org;m 1 handsome plate glum mirror, (57. 50, payments of $5 monthly. Attend Kith big sale. Open evenings, Wakefield Music Co., 42i Washington st. GOO D BUY FOR CAS 1 IMy Column UrMiotiola with o0 reconln; used fur one year, but looks like new; or will ex change for a Sonora or an Aeolian o- calimi. Alt uregonlan. VOCALION ORGAN. 2 manuel, tan pedals with electric motor. Just right for church or moving picture nouse; icrmi made. cl burling Lucus Music Co., J 23 4th st. ONLY $2.1 for guaranteed organ, lule :yli, plate glaJ mirror; pay Si monthly. Hurry, it's a big bargain. Wakefield Music Co., 427 WahliigLon st. Open event ngs. PIANO BARGAIN. $400 Bailey piano, mahogany ease Sale price $233, pay $13 down. Attend Wnkefiuld Music Co.'i big sale. Open evening. -i fttfiiingmn si. 25 DOWN sends new S00 p.ayer piai to your home for i.v.'.l, ba.ance $ monthly at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st., before removal to 101 Teutb sU. at v asningion anu aiara sis. ORGANS. $20 and up. Such good makes ai Estey, Masou-Hamtlu and others. Sei berling-Lucat) luslc Co., 125 4lk sL, ueitteta r asiuufciun bjiu Aiuer sis. FOR SALE My mahogany Victrola K; cost fiio, win sen at a bargain for cash or on payments to respuiiMib.e party Also have about 24 choice records, AR 40U, Oregonian. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctroia and records; our propositions will please you. belbsr-ling-Lucaa Music Co.. 5 4th st. Mala 85SU. VICTROLA FOR PIANO. New $200 Victrola and record outfit, trade for good used piano. Main 6566. Selberling-l-ucas .music o., 12J 4th PLAYER PIANO BARGAIN Latest style ana line new, nun uencn anu roil snap, $435; terms gleu. Seiberllng- PIANO WANTED. Highest caah paid for used pianos and player pianos; get our prices. l-eiberllng' Lucas Piano Co..1254th ft. Main 6564 AM leaving city, must sell at once almost new bungalow piano, ?-'-o ca.ii: 1111 Andrew Kohler. Cail 267 11th St., near jetierson si. $2l0 CASH secures $750 Stelnway A Sons uprignt piano ai nci-uruy storage lo 109 4th St., at Washington st. WANTED Columbia Grafunola or Vic trola macnine lor caii. uroadway. Broadway BCHCMANN upright piano, juat used short tune, ue.i 01 con.mion. oeiuer-liny-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th t. FOR SALE One iseuner violin chas and bow, A-l conuiuon, mum t-i'J. Mr. liruner alur 6 P. M ESTEY organ, 6 octave, can t be told from new, ai a sam. ocivenmg caj Mucic Co., 125 4th st GENUINE Martin melody 'C" saxophoaea li, r. iiuuusuu iuh 9LU IL, Portland, Or. RENT a player piano, 6 months rant ap plied 11 you ueu i" purcuafca. uarota S. Gilbert, 364 Yamhill st. KOEHLER & CAMPBELL, oak case, at 1 real snap. wmiwuiuj-wuvm uxic to., 125 4th st. $395 CASH buys 1918 model virtually new a g e Co.. 1"9 4 th st. PLAYER ROLLS you are tired of, ex- chanfcea iw - v. .i iu uuutri, 864 Yamhiil sL 11 50 BUYS gviod 100 uprignt pann, walnut fl rn .iorr. till a month Urnkru Co., 312 Worcester bldg. 1183 BUYS nice mahogany piano, upright, fine tone; Kimball make; eay term. 312 Worcester 01-g. WANTED To buy plan ' at once; 11 5709. good tone; pay 1 pY CASH FOR USED PI A NO. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3H4 Yamhl.l sC PHONOGRAPH AND RECORIH W ANTED. NEWMAN. 12S FIRST. MAI N4493. TEINWAY, old style, rosewood. $60. 541 Evacon at- SU. c r, FOR LR. Furniture for skle. ONT Q. O. 4-tn. tp svtenslea tawta, 4 dining chRlm. t brus b-ds, irln an-l m;turfar, 1 i try ens in. bed, snn n aud suattrcfi, 2 M. u. ritfkrrn, leOnr cts; Axnunster rtiK. 1 kiuli.n lalMf, 1 reed rocker, 1 di-iu,inr Uttilr. I Ct'ucn. 1 mahogitiiy lamp and sh.1 Other artlctrn, to ifS "4 PuikIa'. FU. 2, 469 K. 4ih L N.. Hot Ciur Park. TWO Turkish rues 7xf ft.. $r2 US''' $175; mahogar.y r.-clinlng clistr. rp' Uh leather back and at. $.: por PlinKtr bat h. $1. Piiune XI r. Ti HT. lMi.M ouiO, twtweea V M. and iKiun. DON'T sacrifice your furnltura If rolr iat or lit California. We can sjave ye money on your freight la our throufh, ara Fireproof stornge. C. M. OimI Trsnsfrr A Moray Co.. 24H Pine sL EI.KCTRIC bester, $H; small mlotf rugs, $!.: quarter -ewrd onk ksll tr- 4 11. aide. Urge mirror, jU; Miiltatv roueh. 7; four 'lrtin chslrs. t ; psOes ImI dmliir iat", $i-V Tator MIST by Tuind.iy GnrUnil ranxs oih-h, U lurge ben. b- :.4l Pea eon t. Koii. r-. tel sprins steel sprint;. FOR SALE Kurnllurw of 5-r. I"u--ei all or pnrt; reaotmtite , ao dealers st 241 1.1th st.. room &. I CaU tK tAI,W- Kins hovj-h.titl furntlvir equity in new grand p.ano. Tabor 4.,i.. T I E R I A l7 R A N G I." a 'Wt IIV r e w7$ 1 H dining table. $ u. 34 East W sih. A HIGH-CLASS embinai Ion Ves'a rant's rout f 1 55 . bnrcam, de! t errd. h t 4 v" Cll A KT 1 : li0 K RAN G E In " the btt al condition, $ 10. II 50, OrrcunUa Potiltry. TtaPT ClilchS DAY OI l- Finn's f"Th W hits t ereni. WE AUK ViMlhl.N'C, Ol.l't US r"Tn March 1, Ap il 1 15, My 1 15, Jane 1-14, Pri. $2(1 rp l'KJ. Tsner-d ht,1 o a. C. Mr a In - Vnf ffsld, I1VK IK1 l KKV C.t AKAN1 K l. Full line of f.-til rrried In Sievk. SI K'-IAL l'Rb EM. Under Ni'W MMiiNfetnrnt. Pom" In rkI b"( m OHaintrd. NnltrilWEM' U V CH S-rf St.. ;:,( to 7iih ae, H. E. Tabor 3i(i7 ivn'und. Or, L'-ntit HtHtlia. il'IA'lAL pri Millets nt c l.l.n.l U--.I cm kerels for 0 I'Mrlrlds 10 male, n roirxia snd mn r'lAi. e ... kereJi puilrLn t ,1 Mfriln-f, 1 lirr to b nppreaisteL s. P'U 1.1 l.. birds III T;;f he 'f'Tl Olll UWKSI KI 62d s.. t. So. 74th m. H. W. 'J abor rt'ind. Or. Lents Statin WHITE LEGHORN HART CHICKS. our electric hlehrd ehieK are hirtwt and heailhy inxl esi.-r ruined, we n now boi.klng oiders lor chicks from c.rr heavy latins itrin at t-t per hundred. E I .Ei Til U 11 ATCHEIt Y, 1040 I nlei-Hit ai. Kucfna, Op, IUBV chTcks FOR hale! Chicks fniu s. C. While Lett burn hen. the world's greate-it ert. EggN fnin f ree-raiiM ileganUefl Steele only, Mi.rch i lilt U, 114 p -r 100; April, Slav and Jure, $12. Ml per 10O. oak 1 1 1 1.1. hatch k r v. ivisium a. pi. It AI! Y fllU'K Rhode Island Reus, un band Pa turds y. Fet-. 21 THE PROGRKSSFVB HATCHER T, 1534 E. 12th street North. W.l.n. I4S. MtH)EPN, up-to-dN(e poultry plinl, wlili or w thout layers, nun tuodtits f-rn.nn houHf . 2 Mm ki from en rime. A ddr b,ix 33, Ar.vla station, l'boue Keawood. 125. RHODE ISLAND P.ED and White leg horn rocker--1. (3 aud uiiwnnl Aih y to Frank Kofiuwcicx. Onutiu, Or. Mam 441K. ENGLISH 6. C. White Leichom egn for hatching, $ft per hundred, (75 pr Iuihi, Jos. Saundets, Poriland, Or It. h U, No. 2. porta I'l.E poultry hocsks SHIPPED ANIWII E K K REDIMACQ liUlLDlU CO. SIR E 1IT11 HT. K. 0114. O. A. C. ROOSTERS, also, ting, choice, large. Tom esrs fur s f rnn, S. O. White Leghorn, 1213 Il.irthwl. n. BA HY CHICKS. Leglinrnn, R?d, Rocks, Minerea prices reasons hie. . N. Needhani, Haient. UNT TO I M ' Y a bo 11 1 3oi W h 1 1 I -v -horns. Will piy market price. Dti Gnroner, Oreneo, Or. FOR SALE E,een HiorotiKhhred V )n. Ltghorn he- m and rooktcrs. Tabor 41.4. No. 4 E. ;.;ih si. N. 30 K. i. R. HENS sn) 3 e0 kre;; h.t. r ing fiirN, tlioioughbred Jl. 1. H, BU U.; 'ALE Whit LcRhnrn sttlng eRga. W HITE, Huff and Uronn lgtn r4th st. S. E 'lnhor tiv FOR b'AI.E 1'lne Sell. 16o. White Hoik cockerels. Doc. Rabbits, Ilirrts, Pet Hlock. Fl N E - Ii RED Flemish HUnti, elsht buck, 24 !ifi, 9 month olii, with young hutches, bill or t-d; s-llmg out, come make an offer. os E. l:'h t Pi SERVICE. Thalet SplnHor, i"ii;. King Moo, hhirk UVrmini). 56 , blml St., .N, Tbor 7773. $250 PKi.E WINNER From New twik. AKfnt tiinw unmarKeti ptivsr terisn, (ither new studf; te II up, I vrtiani tut Kennels. Tabnr 75l. CAN ATl ' 1 1 lltl "hik'p. Female given with everv Plnger. A a to matic 322-17. 1151 E. 2t) h st. North. KNiiLlHIl Mill hit b. sell or IrnOs tor m piiin for uls. HanileL, or 4s.;t. on terrier; Jlnnl to .7 h2d St. 'I m FOR SEICVICE, Great Dans dog, very area. I'.K 5(H. Oregnnln. For SALE-New Zealand rabbits, Phon i.llwnod 3112. IiuuebeM and Itoat. TROLLING BOAT, 'xR' feet, P! h t, 1 r, good com -cheap on quirk rriBlne, full nr. ri'i u prtKp and all equ'pntent; tash pale. East V BARGAINS In serond-bsnd rnsrtn eiiKifi"a, We buv and sell, liberty lioal worse. Fust M)S. SMALL tug bout, 7s H. P., will Ul m nl in part nnvrnent. Cull at bt. Charles not"! pool nan. Machinery. MACHINERY FOR SALE. One complete M.IWWLent mITI, consist'rg of bmlers. engines, head rig and unws, rurriss, eUr, r saw, planer, IK e ro.le, shf t Ing. hangers and pulleys, fur lrntuediate delivery. BURKE MACHINERY CO., tt2& Railway Lxch. fildg. SPECIAL One seennd-hsnd HuwilS Fairbanks Morse underwriters flro pump. One econd-hand s-in. JhlurshOB horl SontaJ I nnd r-iaw. TUtf J. E MARTIN CO -S First st., Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE Steam shv-.s of rtir'nt aT.f anu nrsg-itie murainci; an in tirsi clas condttlun ; reapenabie price, A. W. LAKKINS. R3R Atlee bidpt.. Salt Lake City, T(aK FOR SALE SLIGHTLY USED NO. .1 HAND A Dl ' It r. .."' K A in, Willi j .tmi l'LATES; COST NEW' OVER $'; R A It GAIN AT 4J. it. W. JCIiE.N, MED KoRD, OR. FoR SALE No. 2-' HTlin rs-rlpwtw, je. incli American drum Kanartr. in gooti e,n-, dllion. MiMuiade Construction Co., Will i:un" nvf. and l arrun it st. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mmets, eieruin noiP's. cunsirut -tion equipiuvuL laiUard katli, Co., 6J First st. . "-HORSEPOWER new Foos engine St a roduced prlrc I'aclflc S1 & Supp, Co 48 Front "t. Broadway i66. RoCK crucber. 13 h. p., motor. Koppi track and Ciira, oin-r riiiin'ni iwr C. D. NiesH-en, Ht.od RivT. Or. ONE-SACK concrete niir with side Ic.hI- er for rnt or sale. ,vnnr Mutmnrrj v.s B'H Lewis bldg. Main 1"3I. FOR SALE 17-'t. iiHiniclp.'U cUf i-rete in I ji-r. Aionr jiatinnery 9.t 51 ly wll b Id Ma i n 18 3 1 . MILL complete, pojrer J i-.' ripcliv. estate, cheap. a. i. cois. tnu, ur, 40 H. P. gasoline logging con Key, ilt;..j. 1 a i n 1 ..'. . Yj pewrllers. tal' AH ANTEEI factory rebut. t typewriters. ALL MAKl.M, so'U en Dioruniy par ttienta Send lor price list, Th Whui sale Typev. rlter Co., 321 Washington st. WANTED -Ltidcrwood or Remington tyi- rlter Tor cajn r,mpire irn.icr .o. Vain ALL mnkea rented at 1 rrnn'red. OruwA Type rlter o.. mn. wain .its. NEW, rebuilt, second ha"d rcnlsia at rut tea. F. l t o.. niera. wsm i"u EHCILT tvpewrliers snd supplies Cnruna dettlera. K. W. Prase Co. 110 Mlwlh L :yperiier. No. 3. HWfl cssh. Mamia'l ll-'-,;. JSIHI.K maehlr.ea. v ear's guarwnte. JO. Ike Rebuilt lypewrUer Cw, 304 Oak s.