TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1020 13 KKAL ESTATK. For Sal house. $1350 $350 wASH; & r.. S down, 2 up; neat cottage, pat. toilet; 25xlo0; near 17th and Brooklyn. $15m) $ioo cash; 4 r.. plastered; 40x100; b.k. car, ttid and Futtr. $1:7,1 $75 cash: 4 r.t bath; 40xl0; near t-a and foweu. s-'imi nh: 4 r. ant. bungalow iirepi., n. plumbing. Dutch ku.. part bast.; 4iixluv; trivtr anu. ti $- 12 mm. on St li wood car. $2o) $400 cafc; 5 r.. mod.; paved sts.; $;.- 3'M cash; 5 r.. neat, mod.; 3tn st., con v. to 2 car lines; vacant. $3150 $65' cash; Alberta snap; vacant; 5 iarg rmi, fir pi., built-ins.; bik car; nif :y bungalow. , $3575 $55u cash; nifty double-const d Hose City bungalow, - blba. car; .-x loo; nvrr occupied: en. plumb., iire pi ace. c:ntnt bVi; no morL. no liens. $4300 $125u cash; B r.. eleg. bungalow, furn.. lirepl . Urge Uv. rm., en. plumo., cenit-iit baa't, oullt-ms; garage; bi. car, I'tith hU, close in. $3'.50 half ca.h: foreclosure; Beaumont 7-rm. typical home bungalow, sipg. pr.f firt.pl.. p for furn.. h. w. firs., built-. $3l5i$lW ca.-h; t pic a I bungalow. Al berta. Jlst; 5"xloO; paved sts.; blk. ., .. i . i.n,n- 7 arce rniS. 47ou Simmi ca.-h; Alberta snap, the prioe of this dist.: elegant -rm. bun galow. Urg attic, furn.; 100x100; fruit, ii-at pUcc; bik. car. $0.-.isa Hiuo ca.-h; i'lfdmont: i rms., i urn., firepl., h. w. firs., buffet, tic; fru.t an-1 nut trees: garage. $5;irt l.".m critic. N-nu. nun firs- sips. pr.. furn., firepl. built-ins nr. S'.l'h and Knoll. $0750 jooi: 6 r. ; Uoe City. below the hill; fin. -(.I hory, lurn.. i'"1!'1-. - fir... brkfst. nook, ip pr.. built-ins. plate gifs. tapestry dcorationb ; 4ox (H. blk. car. . , , . $r,i.-,w tj.Mttf c.ish: Hose City, on blvd., , 7 mis.. .(.mpUU- in every way. $ti.VMl $2750 ra-h; frvington: 1 rms., ox . quisif place, every coin.. eU-gant loea ikmi wi.rli m reality JS5tn; 2 blks. car. $67 ii $:juw cash; iliametie nu., w is., attic, i urn., m - liuilt-iti-: gnr.ige. 7.-,,s;.,iMt cash: adj. West over: fl-rm. - colonial: liv. mom 5 bedenam- ' hers, fchowcr bath. pat. furn., tid fir-pi., othT high-grade conveniences and decoration n. G ; H.DKNKKRG, ADINtlTuN fil-DO. MAIN 4WM. 3.1 YKAKS IN li 1 1 ITLA N P. SWELL BUNGALOW. FIVE IlOtiMli-ANP BREAKFAST NOOK $1W0. I! call y, you never would expect to tiuv Mich a bungalow as this one for $ iuK. I-arge living room extending entire width of hou.se Finished in rich old Mory and white throughout. The construc tion and workmanship is of the very bcot. Hardwood Moors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, bn-akfast nook, clc. Owner mov ing from Portland. Let ua show you. A. O. TKKl'K CO., 26 Stark St, near 3d. Alain 3002. LAUIT E LHURST BEAUTY. Wo have one tr ttie cla.ssiest bunalov in Laurelhurt. Icatcd on dtuval Court. It has 7 rooms, living room 14J0 it., with music room adjoining 14.1S :"t-. dining room is Hx-H :t.; wonderful cabi-(i-'t kitchen, lartre hack porch and t h ret! I a rge bed rooms and si ee p ing poreh. full cement basement. uh trays, every budt-in feature, lurnare. fireplace, etc.. finished in ivorv and wlnte enamel. It's colo nial" style and a beauty. Let OS auow you this. KLJiiH-l'L RUMMELL. yiA tj-k bu $ir.00 HERE, folks. Is an elaborate ly fini.-hed li-room bungalow, all one floor, best residence part of Hawthorne, lircpluie in old ivory and w bite enamel. The built-lns are of every description and perfect. Iolishei hardwood floors, art brick fireplace. iu.T library or den . can b used for bedroom if Ue iiitd; p.ived street In und paid. Let us show you this today. $1500 down.- RTHR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange. Alain 16S0. BARGAIN'S IN BUNGALOWS. One on 1 7th st. near By bee ave., in Westmoreland; strictly mod.; It has 5 rooms and sleep, porch, full lot, paved, cnameh-d throughout. This is a gift at $.-.1x10. S5:hM On 40th st.. near Sandy blvd.. 6 rooms on one floor; also an attic; mod., in good cond. fan be bought on terms ,,ino ori 47th St., near Haw. avt, ft rooms, beautifully decoraied In French gra. papered throughout iiflMtk tap;s liv paper; new furnace, also garaue. We have homes from $10oo to IJtl.OOU Will be delighted to show you our list of desirable homes. WKJGUT & ROCK, Ilain 5!'S. 417 Abington bldg. 4-KOOM BUNGALOW. LoT 311x152 $1750. Nearly new 4-rm. bungalow in apple pie order; no painting, tinting or citran Ins to be done here: electricity, gas. wa ter, large living rm.. dining rm., larne bedrm.. line bath, toilet, complete white enamel Dutch kitthen. basement; the lot is 30x152, or equivalent to U acre; berries. youi:jr fruit trees and enough ground for marketable produce; chicken house, lawn and flowers. Located near lnta school. Mount Scolt car. just the cosv tit tie bunga low for beginners, mighty cheap: furniturO for sate. $1050 down. bal. easy terms. SEE MH. MACK. CEO. T. MOURE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW. $4730. We want you to see this splendid bun galow home. Exceptionally large living room, fMenuing wiutn oi nouse. jiaru wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement base ment, etc. Finished in ole Ivory and white throughout. Full lot asses meat paid. A. O. TEEPEE. CO.. 2ft4 Stark St., near Third. Main 3092. -Jfr-STORT ALBERTA HOME. $."200 Fine 6-room. 2-story home, on paved st., 1 block to car un H'th t.. built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, with laundry tra s. Here is real value m a splendid home. Sacrifice price. JtkfO down. B1HR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange. Main 1S& STRIKINGLY ARTISTIC BUN GALOW. $3000 a very attractive typical bunicaiow, low rambling lines. Mii miid Interior arrange men I. excellent garage with 75 ft. solid concrete runway; $1150 down. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange. M-iin ltVSd. LAU RE LHURST HOME SNAP. $7000. Owner bought larger home and MUST sell this week, stric'.ly modern 2-ttorv. 7 -room house with garage, located in nice neighborhood near car: center en trance hall, very large living room. 4 bedrooms, everything excellent condi tion, beautiful oversized yard with fruit trees and vines, arranged especially for children. If you want a real burgain look at this; terms. K. H. Torrey. Ta bor 4 07. $500 WILL HANDLE. 5-room cottage on improved street srar car line and close in to wet; side, has plumbing, electric lights. gts and sewer: new ly tinted, clean and attrac tive. $25"0. JOH.NSON-DODSON COMPANY. 632-33-34-35 N. W. Bank B:dfi. Main 37S7. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Ona of Portland's choicest resi dential sections. Don't fail to in vestigate this unusually good buy; up-to-cate home of 7 rooms and s.eeptng porch and den; only $5!."J. A. K. li.:i. 215 Lumbermecs bldg. CHOICE HAWTHORNE HOME. Gcou bungaiow on paved street, base mrnt and attic room, full plumbing, e'ectric lights, gas, etc.. 5-rooms, shrub bery and roses. Price $2750. $1000 cah. JOHXSOX-D )DSOX COMPANY. fc-3-54-: N. W. Bank B:dg. Main 3 7. ST. ROSE I'ITT PARK Very modern bunga low, furnace, bard wood floors, sleeping porch, breakfast room, garage: very complete: with or without furniture. t.wner. 6::0 E. h N. a KICK little home. Alberra district. n pavemcn. gas h ea ipg Unt; price $2250. Phone Wdln. 4Tbi. REAL ESTATE, For Sale House. BETWEEV PENINSULA PARK AND UNION AVENUE. 142fW Her is a larre. well- built home, 8 rooms, 4 down and 4 large bedrooms up; best .white enamel Dlumbins:. furnace, fire place, laundry trays. This home' is in splendid chape, just been re painted, walking distance or jet- ferpon high school ; fine garage, with concrete runway: also en- -trance to basement: abundance of shrubbery. Only $750 down. Many other good buys In every aistnot in tne city. real estate salesmen with autos pleased -to- enow -property, day or evening. B1HR-CARET CO.. 219 Railway Exch. Main "168. DUTCH COLONIAL,. BEAUTIFUL CORNER J7000. Wo want you to see this beau tiful Lunch colonial, id'-ally lo cated. Living mom. dininsr room. sun parlor, den and kitchen on " Iirsf tioor. Three l.wlronms second.' Tha arrangement it ideal. Firetilace in living room and one in dMi. You never would expect to buy Fiich a home for so little money at this time. Let us rhow you. A. G. Stark St., TBEPK CO., near 3d. ilain 3l2. BKAVTfFUL HOME $7500. n h 4Sth street North. There is T a line i.'-rnom house, completely mod ern, about 5 year o!d. hardwood floors! now nstairs. aJI bin t-ins. firen ce hrp.nl-. f.t rto:n and paneled dining room with finr; lare huffct; bedrooms are all larpe and liht with large elothes clorets; full cement basement with eight-foot walls ani an cel. en; in fct. a complete model I unfi.-mrni; ii ;i rsrin 1 1 - ells hot air fur- nHee cement garage. Can you beat this! uu.ieie. trouse is shown hy appoint-! ment only. Please do not disturb tenauta I WAKEFKI.D. FRIES & CO.. S5 Fourth Street. ROSE CITY PARK. Splendid littl1 5-room bungalow, with g:trage; 50x100 lot: oak floors, full bas.-inent, fireplace and fur n;iee. Owner moving out of town' and wanting quick sale ' offers place at -J"0. Hern is one of the best offerings In this district at the price. COE A. MrKENNA Si CO.. S'J Fourth st. Main 40'L'. $7000. PALATIAL LA I'll El .HURST HOME. EIGHT LARGE ROOMS AND r SLEEPING PORCH. UNOBSTRUCTED MOUNTAIN VIEW. Owners moving to country and want quick action. If you want a fiue home close to carand in first class conditlott. phone me at once or see photo of place at Laurel hurst office. 270'i Stark st. MR. IKLA11I:ntY. Alain 17U0; even-Injt.-'Eat 086. RflTH ST. BUNGALOW. $2S0. -5 rooms, full cement, basement, wash trays, large floored attic, with good stairway. This houpi Ttaw just been refinished inside; vacant, ready to move in. Iocated south of Hiiwlhuriie ; $ti50 cash, balance rent -terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 21:? Railway Exchange Bldg. Main t752. ROSE CITY PARK. V 6-room bungalow with oak floor; Corner lot 50x07. facing south find west; fireplace and fm nace of the best. This house faces south and west and is below the hill. Price $5500. COE A. MeKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. 2-STORY ALBERTA HOME. $:!2oo Fine 6-room 2-story home on paved street. 1 block to car oa 10th st. Built-ins of all kinds, full cement basement with laundry trays, A-l condition inside and out; only $500 takes tins. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange. Main 16S6. WEST SIDE DUPLEX HOUSE. Tn excellent location, one block from 23d st. carline. 2 flats, one up and one down, of 5 rooms each; in good repair and bringing revenue of $fi0 per month. Owner lives in California and will sac rifice. If you are looking for a plac io live mat win pay its way, see mis THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Pldg. Main 6015. CLOSE-IN HOME BARGAIN. $3G7j Let us show you this home In walking distance on east side; home only 0 years old and In fine 1 condition. io see this is to buy. I j. erms. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 2o4 Rv. Exch. bldg. Main 583, Main 1004. $2750 CONVENIENT, LOW PRICED -room bouse, in good condition; nice basement, choice plnmbing: 5Oxl0O lot, alley; tt full-bearing fruit trees; 10 min utes walk to business district, con venient to car; $300 cash, balance best of terms. A. IT. BIRRELL CO, 217 N. W. Bank Bldg.' Marshall 4114 HERE'S A GaOOD BUY. Five large, airy rooms, room for 4 rooms in attic; furnace, cement base ment, bath, electricity, gas, garage, barn, U5xl27-s lot. fruit trees, small fruits, etc. ; on Rodm-y ave.. near Portland blvd. Price $4000, $500 cash; no lien to assume. GRFSSI BENNETT. SIS Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, -esideaces. anything, furnish p.ans atd finance. Established ten wars. At offer SECURITY SEKVICE. SATISFACTION L. R. Baiioy fa.' Inc., 924 N. W ban bldg. A GOOD BUY IN" LAURELHURST. NEW BUNGALOW. FIN ISHED IN IVORY ENA1IEU HARD WOOD FLOORS. ROOMS ALL LARGE; PRH-E . $000. INCLUDING ALL STREET ASSESSMENTS. PHO.VE OWNER. TABOR 3S2S. DEAL WITH OWNER. $1750 CASH. OR $2'00 TERMS. Completely newly furnished 5-room cottage with bath, garage, 2 Jarge cor ner lots on paved street, 2 blocks from Mount Scott car at 5th street Particu lars. Mr. Newman. 12S First street, near Washington. TWO houses. 12 and 7 rooms, on a 50x100 corner lot. close in. east side; rents bring in io per cent net on iio.ooo; wil sell at a great sacrifice; owner leaving citv. terms ii aesirea. fnone iroad wa'y 91. " ONE seven-room house and lot on Stan ton street near Williams kve. Must bs so:d at once to Close an estate. Phone office. East S52. , or residence. Marshall 4314. $3500 Terms, good 6-room. 2-story house, full Cement basement, paved street, rood location, near car. Owner. 780 Williams av e. y ouiawn -to. NEW, move right in, large living room and dining room in front, furnace, ga rane, everything up to date. 427 East 53d st. Tabor S743. Main 5231. $400 CASH $2500. -room house, pavement, fruit, fin district. ML Tabor. Tabor e'S24. BY OWNER. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGA LOW, FURNISHED. LOTS CALL TA BOR 7450 AFTER 4 O'CLOCK. NEAR Sandy and Broadway, splendid, well built. httrdsVood floors, built-in cases, full basement, i rooms, $535o. East 447tl BEACTIF I L Arlington Heights new -room and den residence, oak floors ivory finish. Main 574. NEW 6-room bungalow and sightly "i acre. Ran station, Oregon electric $4tQ0. Main 574S. IRVINGTON HOMES EAST 894 T. STREET, IRV. AGT. 5-ROOM house. $2500; 6-room houst, i300, terms, G ftSl, Oregonian. BEAT, ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $4500 6 ROOMS. EAST 24TH N. iI stone Piers, wide porch, large living room, fireplace, nice, light dining room and kitchen. 3 large bedrooms, floored attic, full base ment, floor and furnace, hard surface street and sewer, all paid. A nice corner; a mighty good look ing bouse; a good buy. Close in. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 112 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. LACRELHURST. A bungalow of 6 rooms on cor ner lot 51 VsW2 feet. 2 blocks from the park. Floors of oak and woodwork . finished in old ivory and mahogany; full concrete base ?7J00 WUh statlonary tubs- ;' COE A. MeKENNA & CO.. ti'2 Fourth sL alaiu 45112. $1SOO ONE of those exceptional fcargatns vUU reaa aoout out seldom fec- A real 5-room bungalow, with ,"- gas. electric lights; newly tinted and in fine condition: hn.ii. ment under entire house: connect- r-i iin sewer; only . pik. to car. Present owner purchased this at same price 1 year ago. Now leav Ing city. . . . . J. A. WICKMAN CO. t 204 Ry. Exch. bldg Main 5S3. lain 10'U. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT CORNER LOT. New and up-to-date 5-room bunga low, double constructed throughout; has fireplace, bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors, white enameled Dutch kitchen cosy break l ast itook, 2 nice light cor ner bedrooms, complete bath, living and dining rooms finished in old ivory, and very tastefully decorated with tapestry paper; fine electric fixtures, French doors leading from dining room to side veranda. Come out and see this cosy home. Tle more critical you are the more sou will be Dl eased, ph tin- terms. Phone Owner, Tabor 8703. AT 427 FRONT ST. we have a good iiuuw aim gooa lot. we can sell this fine bargain for $Njn, lot worth the, motiev. Houc la only five years old and in fine condition; has good U-room cot tage on back of lot. See this to day. . WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO, 85 Fourth Street $:Mi00 100x100 ALBERTA HOME Wear of N. 15th st. 2 hiLV r- a . berta car. Is this 5-rcom. morion substantial home; white enamel plumb Ing; electric lights, gas: 14 fmif ir. ' ir"Jlvec ""Provementa pai Jiusi be. bui.u THIS WEEK. $300 Tt- u ",u"u"' payments. ALBERT V splendid buys FRANK L. McGTTTRBT Abington bldg. 6ia'in ,0fl"o Ts-ACRE AT- MAPLEWOOT. 3-room Shin Cled 8hck rnttar chicken houses, and yards, running w ter, splendid pasture, 300 strawberry ij lit u 13. nouiu rHHDDPrr PH. nima uvi tnr ries; fic commuters fare, on Ore. Elec. I'O min. ride. Here is your chance. trin $1200. $150 cash, $15 and interest month iy. Area W. German Go.. T.T r-hrv. f 8 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. Ranging in price from- $1500 to $(i00. These bungalows are strict ly first-class in every particular, built by responsible people. Very reasonable terms. No trouble to show you. Phone Main 1700; eve ning. East 2080. $375f NEW modern mingalow. 50x100. lot Mi i ron i, jjigmana. J nis noma win appeal to a medium-sized fam uv wno appreciate good comfor able home; very neat plan, hard wu ours, oic. ; lerms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 5S3. Main iUUL NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. CORNER 43D AND THOMPSON STS. Just finished, beautiful bunealow fh ii nest oi everyiiuiis, large living rooms, plate glass windows, swell buffet, finest eastern oaa noon, boiiu crass noiv fur. nace. old ivory-mahogany finish. Owner. pot r,. -tag ortn. rnone labor 1900. TWO NEW modern 6-room bunralows i irvington, au ouut-in conveniences, hard wood floors, gas and furnaces, e-aracre. etc., lots 54x100; located at the NE cor ner oi K. Uith and Klickitat; price $0500, terms $2000 cash, balance by the month. uwner. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION CO., uy-u loth n. Telephone Automatic 320-85. IRVINGTON, $10,000. This Is one of Irvington's show "cor ners, oeautitui entrance, larger livin room, dining room. solid mahogany, larger library, solid oak. beautiful break- fast room, six bedrooms, two tile baths, three extra lavatories, grounds lOOxtim shrubs and natural trees, double garage. $3.-i0 DOWN. COME EARLY. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. YOU WILL BUY ON SIGHT. 50x100 lot. cement basement. stnvsi gas plate and linoleum go with place. rrice i.auv, easy terms. KEASEY & KEADY, 270 Stark St. IRVINGTON CORNER. PRICE ONLY $7500. Good 7-room house on 50x100 corner. nne garage, nice lawn ana shrubbery. juere s m, rem uu.rsy.iu. RKLJAHhE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. Broadwaa- 4133, OWNER'S SACRIFICE. A " fine 5-room bungalow in heart of Hawthorne oistrict. moaern in every particular: has 2 full lots, berries, fruit trees, hard surface, garage, etc. one block from car line. No agent. Owner leaving city, du .ast tn. Tabor 20UO, ' MT. TABOR HOME. WEST SLOPE 7 rooms, garage, 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, all modern, furnace, fireplace. oak floors, uutcn Kitcnen; sacrifice lor quick sale, owner leaving. $4950. Owner, j -loor e.--. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful 8-room house, good condi tion, furnace, fireplace, pretty yard, ga rage, etc., paved street, reduced to $5000 lor quica saie; easy leruu. duj iu. 01st North. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $5(150. Large living room, dining room, two large Dearooms, giass-inciosea . all ivorv; run ioi, snruus, natural trees. 2S East 19th N. Do not disturb tenant East 4iy. $2500 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW Modern plumbing, electric liehts. easv walking distance west side. Terms if Cesirea. ii lateresieu can at Sher man street. PIEDMONT. Modern houe of 7 rooms. 90x100 lot 12 bearing fruit trees; buy direct from owner, tau-iioi ivemnu ave. s&. Smith. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOTTSlcS Strictly modern, in Suunyside district, near school, park and carline, prices reasonaoitr nun io uuer at ioj1 E. Wnshington at. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL MISSION HOME. This has real class, 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, full lot, vines, shrubs -$7O0. East 419. IRVINGTON $7000 IRVINGTON Irvington two-story, square; 8 artistic ooms, full lot, garage. 17th at, near East 419. $0500 ROSE CITY BARGAIN $0500. Beautiful corner with six -room artistic home, on 45th. one block to car. McDUNELL, East 419. BY OWNER Strictly modern vacant 6 room house, Dutch kitchen, newly paint ed: corner lot; Richmond car; terms. Main 2466; evenings, Wdln. 4598. SICKNESS compels me 4o sell my equity in a small 4-roora house. ioOxlOO lou garage, chicken fence. Call at 1345 E. Glenn ave. North and see owner. SACRIFICE Mortgage . due; exceptional 5-room bungalow, numerous convenien ces; near pavement unusual lot; special $2bQ0. Owner, evenings Tabor 7055. ROSE CITY S biggest bargain ; desirable bungalow, improvements paid, beautiful lot immediate possession. $2375. terms. Owner, evenings Tabor 7055. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimates. B. T. AUyn. 243 Stark t. Office hours S to 5 P. M. Phone Mais 831. Res. phone. Tabor 194. FOR SALE 8-room house, reasonable, for cash or terms; 1 blk. Piedmont car barns and Oklev Green and Jefferson schools. H. A. Collins, 11SS Missouri ave. - SEE Frank L. McGutre to Insure against fire. Abington. bldg. Main 106&. DANDY bungaiow for $.1200. with garage full lou Tabor 743. Main 5231. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. RARE HEIGHTS HOME. "Wonder if there isn't some discriminat ing person looking for a home on the Heights, not too far up and close to jrood car line, which is REALLY AR TISTIC In every feature. You'll love it the minute you step into the dainty center entrance hall and see the beauti ful South American mahogany stairs. One finds French doors and special designed leaded glass windows at every turn; a very large living room, den; am unable to describe dining room it's so charm ing; pass pantry to dandy kitchen, 3 fine bed rooms and large sleeping porch, finished basement, brown stone trays, ex pensive hot water heating system, most elaborate tile bath, including foot bath; oak floors, all old ivorv finish: garage. improved lot with unobstructed view veentire country. Built for a home by owner a few vears atzo. who will sacri fice several thousand dollars at -price of $10,500. Terms. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. 5-ROOM HOUSE. In good condition, bathroom and toilet, 1 block from Sell wood car line, 15 minutes from heart of city. Will sell house and entire block of 8 lots, barn and chicken bouses for 40Ou or will divide property. Terms Reasonable payment down, remainder 1-5 per month. P. B. TAYLOR CO.. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS, TWELFTH FLOOR. YHON BLDG. $0000 YOU have been looking for a rood' ern home. You require mora ground than offered. We are in a position to deliver to you at the . above price a modern bungalow, all in iirst-ciass condition; dui.i oy ine owner Tor a home, aouuiy con structed, all first-class workman ship and material; situated on acre of ground, corner property: hard-surface st. Wt and pd.; sewer and all other modern conveniences afforded by close-in property; ML Tabor; 25 bearing fruit trees. T. A. XVICkMAX CO., JH Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 5S3, Wain Ui'M. $1500. We have in Portsmouth, one block south of Lombard st.. a 5 room cottase, newly painted apd papered, a big lot fitixllu feet, with 7 f'riit trees. A dandy buy at the price. $::50 .down will swing this, and balance .$15 monthly. See it for yourself, 89 Bowdoin st MA HONEY, ' COE A. McKKNXA & CO., 82 Fourth st Main 4522. LAURELHURST BEAUTY. On Royal Court st, block from car line, 8 large, light rooms, living room 14x20. 'arg'e fireplace, music room, 14 xlS. dining room 14x20, large cabinet '-.kitchen with large back porch; 4 large - rooms upstairs, large bath with toilet Separate from bath : basement alt in rooms, coal, wood and fruit roems. wash room and play room, dandy furnace, lots or- shrunnery," and rosea in yard; - you should see the inside of this house to ap preciate it. Buy direct from owner: will give terms. Phone Tabor U31 or Bdwy. l , i . Mr. f n c n a r a . EXTRA well-built 6-room house. Good location. Handy to good car service. House in -excellent condition and has extra amount of closet room. Beat of plumbing. Built-in buffet and kitchen. Full cement basement. Laundry trays and furnace.. Price only $4200. $1700 casn. Kara nee mortgage. JOHNSON-DODSON COMPANY, -6:12-33 -3 4 -35 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' Main 37S7. E. 2STH A,XT HOYT ST. HOME. $3000 $500 CASH. 6 rooms, full cement basement, white enamel pluming, oOxliS lot. several hear Ing fruit trees. A splendid buy. Only $uuu casn, oaiance rent terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. COZY IRVINGTON HOME. A sudden unexpected move to Seattle of an official enables you to pick up a REAL BARGAIN in a nearly new strict ly modern 2-story, 7-room house with ga rage; large rooms, rich old Ivory finish with mahogany trim. 4 sets French doors, breakfast room. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, beautifully improved yard. It's very compact easy to heat and take care of and is in excellent con- amoH, price fomu, icruia. xu fx. xorrey. Tabor 407. ' VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $5500 Let us show you this strlctiy - .., modern 6-room bungalow, all on - one floor; furnace, fireplace, ga y rage; corner lot; best of R. C. p. J. a. wyKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. . Main 6S3, Main 1094. CLASSY LAURELHURST HOME. Owner moving into country, will give some one a mighty big bargain in a classy, strictly modern 1,-story 7-room house, with garage, located in best sec tion 1 block from car on E. Flanders St., near 42d. Large living and dining rooms, pass pantry, fine light kitchen, breakfast room, 2 immense and 1 small bedroom, only $6500. Terms. R, H. Tor rey, Tabor 40L COME OUT TO LAURELHURST. OFFICE E. 39TH AND GLISAN STS. 5 BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS. Pay rent to yourself, $15u0 cash will start you. ALSO big bargain In an 8-room house, close to car; grana view ot mountain. ana citv. Price only $7000, worth $9500. See these toaay or pnone ior auto. i aoor 3433, evenings fc.ast ubo. .Mr. Delahunty. 7-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. 80X100 LOT, GARAGE. NICE LAWN. FRUIT AND BERRIES. WILL SACRIFICE FOR LESS THAN COST 4H YEARS AGO. STRICTLY MODERN. AND JUST LIKE NEW. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. MORRISON-HAWTHORNE. In this choice district, convenient to both cars, on a choice 00x100 lot, located west of 25th St., we have an excellent buv in a s-room home, gooa basement, laundry trays, garage, bearing fruit ior I375U; s 1000 casn, oaiance to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON IRVINGTON. $6000 $8000 $6000. Fine 7-room house, has every modern convenience, one block to Broadway car. Let us show you this and you will buy it. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., $05 Oak Street Broadway 4133. ALBERTA HOME. $3500 Double constructed 6 rooms. bath, sleeping porch and garage, good condition, excellent neignoornooa. block to Alberta car, 2 blocks to school, 50x1 00 lot, berries, lawn and roses : terms $1050 cash, bal. $25 per month, 6 per cent interest, lotra ui. L"ja st. North, LISTEN, HOME-BUYER. Full lot, modern bungalow, 5 large rooms, extra targe attic, narawooa iioors, fireplace, built-in buffet, cabinet kitch en : a real home, Hawthorne district. improvements all in and paid; price -i. a, siiMiu casn, 4u per month ana interest. Gibson, 1!8 Stark. Marshall 12, LAURELH URST BUNGALOW! ? 7 ROOMS AND GARAGE. PRICE ONLY $6000. HAS EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. HURRY IF YOU WANT IT. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4138. VACANT BUNGALOW FOR SALE. A SNAP. 6-room bungalow on hard-surface, for quick sale si!i.-u, $u0U down, balance to suit, asK ir. jveuogg A. J. De FOREST A- CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. WEST SIDE 7-r. home, garage, almost new, modern in every way. 286 Ca ruthers St., bet. 4th and 5th; good home, terms; can have furniture also. BY OWNER Fine 7-room bungalow type no me, muueru, parage, pavement; One block Irvington car. Wdln. 47S3 962 E. 15th st North. IRVINGTON. New modern 5-room bungalow with Gp.sco furnace, garage. 579 E. 26th N-. near Knott. AGAINST FIRE INSURE IN NEWARK FIRE lAPi r.AKCt, COMPANY. C.MLb nUKAllT, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN" 1W. ROOM modern bungalow, corner lot, Hawthorne district, hard surface streets in and paid for: $1350 cash, balance like rent. 354 E. 37th st. FINE, modern bungalow. Alberta district. lurnacv, iucpict-, uiuuwuuu uoorj; Price $8150. Phone Wdln. 47S3. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW AT 1098 EAST 1 TI1 ST. 2t .N tAK ALBERTA: $3000: TERMS. -- 7030 S6TH AVE. S. E.. good 7-room house for sale. Owner REAL ESTATE. For bale House. A WORD TO HOME BUYERS. Do You Know That Frank L. McGulre , Sold 809 Homes Last Year, ' Establishing an Undisputed Record for Home Selllnr? These 69 buyers, after looking the . city over last year, found better bargains in this office, than elsewhere, or they ftouiua t nave Dougnu MANY UNUSUAL BARGAINS. You know that in an oriice which has 700 homes to choose from you are sure to have many fine bargains; 100 people found just the homes they were looking for in our office last month. We have over 700 photographs of homes In our Display room, price, terms ana aaaresb under each. Every section of the city nas its aaoimem oi space. oeiore m home is offered for vour consideration, it must be first personally inspected ana pass the appraisal ot FRANK L. McGUIRE. "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM" eliminates the house-nun tins nroblem, puts you immediately in touch with the home you are looking for. Courtesy, effi ciency, SERVICE, are our watchwords to the home-buying public. 14 experi enced salesmen with autos offer you every facility. COUNTRY HOME IN CITY. V 200x200 HOME. Full city block, liens all paid, 7-room modern, attractive home; full cement basement furnace, 4 light, airy bed rooms; white enamel plumbing; 70 large assorted bearing fruit trees; all kinds of berrlos, grapes, etc.; chicken house. E. 44th st, convenient to car, school and Reed college; in neighborhood of good homes. Total price J 6b 50. A wonder ful bargain. Terms. $3950 WALKING DISTANCE. Just think of a ti-room modern home, full cement basement, furnace, hard wood floors, white enamel plumbing, in direct light fixtures, built-ins, wood work in old ivory, just repainted inside and out; situated on Wasco, near Will iams avenue, for this price, ea&y terms. Vacant 7 ROSE CITY HOMES. $S000 Dream Rose City, just H block from car, 5-room distinctively attractive bungalow; pretty liv ing room with fireplace: built-in bookcases, buffet, model Dutch kitchen: best white enamel plumb ing, UNUSUAL TERMS. $3250 Still another Rose City bungalow. 5 cheery rooms, fireplace, white enamel plumbing, convenient built-ins. Largo lot. Close to Ross City car. Just look at this. $3075 Let's tell you about this Cali fornia beauty in Rose Cityr Six livable rooms, clever built-ins, furnace, fireplace, 3 sunlight bed rooms. You'll be happy here. $4750 Six-room wonderful Rose City home. Every modern convenience, spacious living room with fire i place, soltd paneled dining room, 3 sunniest bedrooms. On beauti- , ful Alameda. To see this is to want it Easy terms. $3990 Practically new, modem v Rose City, 7 large rooms, artistic din-j ing room with built-ins; livable living room with fireplace. Just think, only $500 down. This splendid home is $1000 und value; reduced for quick sal You'll say so .when you jgee It Terms. See our display of beautiful ROSE Li l ifcis. over 40 pnotogi apns in display room. Something for every body. We re glad to show them. 5 ALBERTA HOME BARGAINS. $2500 Modern 7-room Alberta home nice" corner lot, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, ga rage; just one block, irom car. $2100 ONE-ACRE ALBERTA HOME, being 262x121 ft. all under cul ti vat ion. You can make a fine living from this. Comfortable 3' room cottage; near 42d and Simpson, DON'T MiSS THIS. S290O Still another ALBERTA HOME. 5-room modern bungalow, fujl lot with garage; excellent piumomi and Hunts: Just norm or a metla. on 23d. ALBERTAS DON'T LAST. $3500 This Alberta home will please you; unusually attractive, 1 moa ern rooms, snlend id built-ins. fire. place, cosy Dutch kitchen, 4 airy sleeping rooms, oesi piumuin 1 chts; S beartng iruit trees, oeai tiful shrubbery; liens paid. You'll call this HOME. $''300 Yes. It's another Alberta. On 17th. modern 5-room home, ful plumbing, lights. Just as cosy Easiest of terms. We have over 60 ALLERTA HOMES for sale at all prices and terms, bee our list before you buy. We serve you right 6 HOME BARGAINS HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3000 Here's a 6-room modern colonial type SUNNYSIDE home, on East Washington st, just south of beautiful Laurelhurst Park. An unexcelled BARGAIN at practic any your own terms. $2500 A splendid 5-room HAWTHORNE Best white enamel niumbtng, electricity, gas, corner lot on East 31st street. $3150 ANOTHER MT. TABOR BUNGA LOW; built-ins, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; location ideal; easy terms. $3300 Attractive lines has this 5-room HAWTHORNE tuingaiow; large iront porcn, wnue Dutch Kitchen, sucn nice ouut-ins, iirepiace. $3800 Dream bungalow, vacant. Yes, If that dream come true In this 5 room new HAWTHORNE home. You've always wanted a cunning art oricit ureptace, tapestry wan paper, hardwood floors, joily built-ins. They're waiting. REAL HO Alb.. We have nhotoirraDhs of over 80 SDlen did Hawthorne homes in our office, with price, terms, address, under each. Come ana 100a mem over. FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. 1 Successor to H. D. McGuire Co. Established in 1380. "40 Years in Service." Abington Building. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. MT. TABOR VIEW BNUGALOW. Located 1 block from best car line in Portland; oorner lot, 62 feet frontage with 7 bearing fruit trees, plenty of roses and shrubs. The lot and location is worth the price I am asking for the property, ana tne laeai o-room bungalow could not be built for the price I am asking. If you doubt this, inspect the property. This is one of the best made homes in Portland. Is located in good neighborhood and is considered the most choice ana neaitniui spot in all the city. $5500 is the price, or will sell furnished if desired. Owner, G. A. SARLES, 733 Northwestern -Bans: mag. 8-ROOM HAWTHORNE HOME. $3 900 8- room sq u are 2-story home built only 2 years, on paved street, 50x100 lot, 4 large bedrooms, bath and toilet upstairs, ' also sleeping porch, furnace, all kinds fruit trees, located on 30th St., near Division. $1000 down. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange. Main 1686. HERE'S REAL VALUE. NEAR ANABEL $3u0o. Neat, attractive 5-rm. bungalow, re ception hall, living rm., paneled dinini rm.. dandy kitchen, fine bath, basement look at the sise of ground. 120x95. Com pletely tencea, nearing iruit trees, ber ries, splendid soil, large cpacs for mar ketable produce, 2 blks. Mount Scott car, near Anabel Sta. Here's a wonder ful buy, folks; shown only by appoint ment Some terms. SEE MR. MACK. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BY OWNER, modern bungalow, 3 r., bath, storeroom, z 101s. at Aiuitnoman 1 ai nn' $2500, some cash. See Lundquiet on the place. 1036 EAST GRANT. Vacant; fine large 7-room home; large lot; $4100. Main 4246 forenoons. 2-ROOM house and lot, 50x100. price $1000, terms, see rown e jsiaaie. 34 Rail w a y Exchange bldg. TWO IRVINGTON BUNGALOWS! Not new, but good location; one $5000 other $5700; terms. McDonall, East 419! BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. In looking for a home it will be to your advantage to call Stowell. Tabor OSSl. NICE, modern bungalow. Prescott street; furnace, nrepiace, hardwood floors, ga rage: price $4200. Pbone Wdln. 4783. $1&00 OOD 7-room house by owneY. 7U34 doin avenue o. r. tni-IVZ-rriV TlOllCC JfIinwi- r 1 In Agent, vu jsast 14 to. aiast elk. 4 REAL ESTATE. Fo Sale -House. IRVTNGTON An exceptional home at an exceptional price, $6500 will mak you the proud owner of this lovely home; exquisite narawoou uon. beamed ceilings, lovely built-ins. French plate windows. Dutch kitch en, plastered basement, wonderful fireplace; In fact, all the lovely things you've been looking for and haven't found. Require but $25O0 to handle. It's complets with, heat ing plant ROSE CITY From our many rood things in thia district we mention only this one today. It's a cosy 5-room bungalow, painted white, with den. fireplace and built-ins; cheery dining room; labor-saving Dutch kitchen: 2 bedrooms and bath; cement basement, Gasco fur nace (no fuel to shovel, no ashes to carry); dandy garage; best of all is the location, on a 50x100 corner lot, paved street; only a stone's throw Jrom Sandy boulevard; Price $4500. $1500 cash. ALBERTA Near I-.T car, ts the ador able 7-room bungalow with dainty living room full width of house, fire place, heaps of windows; dining room paneled with best quality slash-grained fir, beamed celling, den with two large windows and closet; aplendid furnace, sunny base ment; three bedrooms, lots of fruit and berries; excellent garage; every thing in beat of condition; $5250, $2500 cash. We have manv other attractive homes at attractive prices, about which we would be pleased to teli you. W write. fire insurance. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. We Write Fire Insurance, 14350 HERE Is a recently con structed, well-built 5-rm. bungalow in Rose Citv above the hill, ojik floors, art rick, fireplace, built in effects throughout, a bargain like this will not exist when the spring rush starts. Terms. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange. Main 166. .pnoM hmmK near Rrooklvn car shop House 18 in irooa conniuou. t-oi plumbing. Built-in buffet and pantry i.:ioftple Hr?ht unri sas. area llgh rooms. Hard-surface street. Good lawn and shrubbery. Garage. A won derful buy at $2500. $500 cash, balance jj per month. JOHNSON'-DODSON COMPANY. 632 -33 -34 -3.5 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. DANDY STRICTLY MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. One block from Sunnyslde car, near R.t h fit ha furnace, f i rem ace. hard wood floors, buffet, Dutch kitchen, and all other modern convenlenra ; corner lot. eaxaee. Will srive someone an no. solute barcraln for S150O down. GEO. CON E, 170 E. 3Sth st. Phone Taboi 1524. SUNNYSIDE. Good 6-room home. Two toilets. 3 lavatories, built-in pantry, reception hall, basement. Located on corner lot with street and sewer in and paid $3000. $5otl win nanaie. JOHNSON-DODSON COMPANY, 32-33-34-3o X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. STRICTLY modern 6-room horn, com Kletely furnished including fine Kim- piano. Has hardwood floors, fun Dace, cement basement, laundry trays a.id all other modern conveniences; 1 bik. irom ..tie Hawthorne car. ill give someone a good bargain for $1500 down. No agents. Mrs. Lucius, 365 E. 37th sL Tabor 309. 6-ROOM home, electric lights, gas. Dlumb Ing. large basement, located on choice 100x100 with cherries, puars and berries. iufaiR ana sewer in an paid, care line. Price $2250; $700 cash - JOHNSON-DODSON COMPANY, 632-33-34-35 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 5-ROOM California bungalow has hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in book cases, china closet 2 large bedrooms, bathroom, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment with laundry trays, lot 50x100, garage, all Improvements in and paid. Price .only $.V.oi iaoo down. Mra Lucius. Tabor 5-ROOM house on E. Keljy st. Elec tric lights, gas, etc. Good 40x100 lot. Fruit trees and shrubbery. Walk in and paid for. Price $1300. Will take Ford auto In trade. JOH.NSON-DODSON COMPANY, 632 -uT-tm .1. . nana mag. Main 3787. KENTON COTTAGE. A cozy fi-room one. with choice plumb ing, elfctric lights, Dutch kitchen, base ment, on corner, both streets hd. -surfaced, block to car, all for $2050; $300 cash, balance to suit A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. Suburban Homes. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME. 36 acres, rich deep soil, on Willam ette river. No overfiow land, boaL lands on place, siso Terry from Buttevjlle. Ail in cultivation, acres In commer cial orchard, in bearing, Frauquette English walnuts, apples, quinces, some uerne, -j acres assorted crop, wheat clover and timothy, never failing creek on place. 8-room house, new 30x40 uai ii, uuiw warenouse. gooa team, one cow, wagon and implements, sow and pigs, chickens, hay and grain. Only one hour's drive from Portland. Pries i..Lrvu. Hesgard with COE A. MeKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St. 1 ACRE MODERN BUNGALOW. GARAGE. Just east of the city limits on hard-surface road; new 4-room bungalow with sleeping porch; also large garage and chicken house, all built last summer; strawber ries and raspberries to bear this year. A high wire fence around the whole acre. Beautiful sur roundings. Prtce $2,100, cash. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., - 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. SUBURBAN TRACTST 5. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS, on west side, opposite Oregon City, over looking river, near Pacific highway, soon to be paved to Portland; cleared and in cultivation, deep, rich soil; city water, electrcity, sidewalk and paved road to tracts, fine schools, daily deliveries, large payroll close by, beautiful view of moun tains; fine for fruits, vegetables and chickens. OWNER, 1006 Spalding Bldg. Main 866. 4 ACRES FOR SALE. Owing to poor health I offer my home and business, Including incubators, brooders and 500 hens, all kinds of fruit for family use, soil In high state of cul tivation and well adapted to small fruits Will sell with or without hens. $3uo0 or $4000 cash, bal. on easy terms. B. Smith, 5241 52d st. S. E. GARDEN HOME ACRE $1000. $16t)0 Worth of Improvements. Variety of fruit trees in bearing, plenty of various kinds of berries, best of soil and well drained; beautiful building site; 3 chick houses, small house, water, gas and electricity Ja road; 6 blocks from station. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St ONE FULL ACRE. PRICE ONLY $3500. Finest kind of soil, fruit and hen-fen dandy 5-room house, chicken houses and yards, fine new barn. 2 fireplaces In nouse. gooa garage ; 1 .tuu cash down. v RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street Broadway 4133. A GOOD BUY. Highly improved two-acre tract right at station, nine-cent fare, paved road, garage, fruit trees, semi-modern seven room house. Price $7000, terms. In quire at Real Estate Exchange, 325 rtail way r.cnaiiRe uunuing. BRYANT ACRES EXTENDED. 30 new blocks above the electric line near Oswego lake; some front on Boone's Ferry road, which is to be paved. Get In on the ground floor. Owner, 500 Con cord building. 2d and Stark. OREGON CITY LINE acre, 5-room piasterea nouse, mtt ceuieui uiBeineni, on paved road, four blocks from Oak Grove, price $3500, terms. See Brown A Biddle, 324 Railway 'Exchange bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of .Risley station, on Oregon City car line. Sign Amrr orooa. rnR suburban home, new house, on highway, all in crop, ready for you to take possession: great sacrifice. . 263 Oak St. ,4 ACRES, Tigard district, with three- room pauiiKu ent r. Vit"-. lour own terms. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry bldg. i-OI,C A.r )A1K. K"fWWl fnnit nt... Oswego laae. Mcrariana, seoa snag.' REAL ESTAT. Subarbaa Homes, ONE-FOURTH ACRE. New 7-room modern bunga low, sleeping porch and sun room, hardwood floors, butlt tns in abundant. Dutch Kitch en, every convenience, cement basement furnace, garage with cement driveway, 9 bearing fruit trees, 3 minutes' walk, from Multnomah station; fin ishing touches are just being made, readv for Occupancy March 1. A bargain at $6000. Seeing Is believing. ONE ACRE. VACANT, MOVE IN. New 4 -room bungalow, bath, cement basement, v, a ter, gas, electricity, two blocks to elec tric car. Think of it only $4250. ONE ACRE. New 5-room modern bunga low, right tip to date, com pletely finished, large French doors, basement furnace, in a nice grove of pines, ucar car and on hard -surfaced road, water, ga. elcctrity. Every thing goes for $6950. The FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main 6869. FINffl 7-ROOM country home snd 2 acren of ground, in very exclusive district on west side; has beauti ful fir grove with falling stream of water through place. Flrt floor living room IKt2 with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bath and bedroom; second floor, three bed rooms, large porch c&teuding across front, electric lights, gas and Bull Run water, it's impos sible for nie to describe this home and do justice to the place. You must see It In order to realize . what a beautiful homo it Is. We " can tell it for $14,000. WAKEFIELD. FRIES 4 CO., 85 Fourth Street. WILL SELL my quarter sere and 4-room Ul'iirn n home on ic la re on terms of $H0 flown and $.10 per month, Iticlud ing Interest, f ,ool eblcken house, mim small fruit. Am mo Ing out of tho citv, Pec my representative at 24 Henry bldg. For Kale -Acreege. RIGHT IN HILLSRORO. Nearly 7 acres, all under cultivation Z acres or the best beaveniatn land: fin onion land: all fenced with woven wiro well, spring and creek; city water in bouse and piped for gas; large chicken houce for 500 chickens; good barn; lot of berries and some fruit trees: $00 strawberry plants. With this place go 110 fine White leghorn chickens, good cow, d cords wood, furniture, stove ranges, tools and crops In the ground This is close to high school. Price $42.0 for everything. John Ferguson, Gcr linger bias. RMALL EQUIPPED DATRT. Located half mile from carline. just outside city limits; good 4-room hou.e. with slcentttrr norch. sas snd HuliO available; barn for 12 cows and hU of room for hav: chicken house and out buildings: 13 fins cows, reasonably worth $1S00: horse, chickens and equip ment. The Income from this dairy if st; 00 per month. Price for latui anu everything $4oo0;-$3OO0 cah. Person ally inspected. John Ferguson, tier linger bldg. MODERN SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. One acre with 5-room bungalow, ce ment ba&eme'it fireplace. Dutch kitchen. enameled bathroom; kooU luinouiK, lo cated on tnn.l rouri R block from car- line; lots of fruit and berries: 3 good chicken houses. sarsce: oven-w chicken runs; a very attractive place, well located; offered away below value; 12500 cash, balance on terms at n In terest Personally inspected. 111010 at office. Marsters. with JOHN FKKUU SON. Gerilnger bldg ACRE of ground with over 40 bearing fruit trees, modern bungalow, with gas, electricity. Bull Run water, fine pluinLe Ing fixtures; over 200 ft. frontage on improved county road; only $ blks from Jauitnoman station. Mouse is luny com Dieted . never been occupied, but retidy to move Into. Place is located on Baird Lane road. You can Inspect it at any time, as the owner, Mr. Armstrong?, is on the ground to show the property. Price $3000. Fur particulars call on Ben Rieflland, exclusive sales agent 404 Piatt bldg.. l-'7 Park st 7c CARFARE. One acre at Garden Home, all under cultivation: one block to hard-sun ace d street; close to depot ; good 6-room house, hot a fid cold water; soins apple, prune, cherry and walnut trees; rnta arbor; good barn; 16 rabbit hutcheN. chicken houe, water pined to barn and other buildings; price $3M0 with terms on part John Ferguson, Gerilnger bldg. FOR QUICK SALE. At the Incredible price of $200 per acre, 15 acres 10-year-old apple orchard, with peach fillers; best commercial vari eties, well located, water and rail trans portation. jor particular aaureas own er. A vito. Oregon Jan. NEAR OSWEGO LAKE. At Lake Grove, we have a tract of 37 acres of nice land. In natural shade trees; less than 6 minutes' walk from the Red Electric station; good car serv ice; low commuter's rates; good macad amized road by the property. Thin Is close to and overlooking the Willamette river; can be sold In small tract from $300 to $375 per acre with l-S cash. John Ferguson, Gerilnger bldg. 30 ACRES SPLENDID GARDEN. BERRY AND FARM LAND, NEAR HEAVER TON, $107 AN ACRE. $750 cash, balance 6 per cent, good terms. 25 acres in cultivation, balanc pasture, creek through place. Land lies fine. Good chance to get a close-in place ior mall payment down. See SAM H EWE V", at J. L. HARTMAN CO., jo. 4 uuanioer 01 commerce Bldg. 3 ACRES, all in cultivation. 1 mile out of uregon uiiy on paved roan; good a-room small house, barn, chicken house and outbuildings; acre bearing prunes and family orchard, all kinds of berries; 47 White Leghorn hens, all furniture goes; price $2700, terms. Mr. MHiership. Al der hotel. CHICKEN RANCH. 10 acres, all Improved. 4-room house, barn, spring and well, about 350 bear ing apple, pear and cherry trees; three miles northwest of Seapponse, near Par son station. $100; cah $7oo. HARRY BALL. 431 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. RIGHT ON MACADAM HIGHWAY" This choice-lying tract of 7 '4 acres, all In cultivation, near the west side highway; has good orchard and 2000 strawberry plants. New buildings, close to station, 35 minutes out; only $2750. D. McCHESNEY, 304 Oak St. Broadway 206. LOGGKD-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within SO miles gf Portland, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $C5 per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO.. M3 Chamber of Commerce. MOST LIBERAL OFFER IN IMPROVED ia4 acres, canoy, or.; modern 7-room bungalow, water piped through place; Ideal home, new buildings, stock, farm ing equipment, for Ill.Ooo; worth $15,000; easy terma; owner forced to leave; come and see It T. O. Bird. t2U Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 1022. 1 ACRE, OAK GROVE $1900. One beautiful acre with 4-room bun ralow, fruit, berries and shade tree; electric lights, gas, good rock road, only 2 blocks from station; $000 ensh. Easy terms. doming oener tor tne money R. V. FEEMSTKR, Q0 Abington Bldg. 50OO ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easv terms, low price. $3 per acre and up. Liberty bond accepted at par. Writ for map showing location, terms, etc. WEl'ERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg.. Taooma. Wash. GOOD BUY. I have 20 acres of level iand, 3 acres clear, balance easily cleared, some stand ing timber: lies 7 miles from Vancouver; 1 mile to slectrie car. My pries $2500; will sell on easy terms. See owntr. mornings only, 310 Hawthorne ave. HILL sell or trade for Portland property 10 acres apples and alfalfa, 2 miles from Yakima; e0 rods from electric-station; perpetual water right Phone owner, Sellwood 40. ' DON'T PAY RENT. You cm get 12 acres with house near mill, on highway and car line: snap for quick sale, bl I Main at. Oregon City, mornings. $j.Vl R. C. park, smail a. most new borne. paniy im o i'nc . en, eni 1 1 it 11 , targs cor. lot; move right ia. Owner, TaDor 247$. URAL KeTATK. For eWe A r reaa. ACREAGE, D02TT MISS 7HKSK BEAUTIFTJI ACRES. 20 beautiful acres, ism l cultivation; fins young orchard; cherries: applies; prunes; Just I mile fnun s t alien . good 5-room house; piasterrd and paprd; fine well on back porch; geod bam; chicken house, all fenced; a nice ;r. Pries $lo,uw); cash baJaace 4 per cent. UNEQUALFD ACREAGE BUY. 2 Vi acres, ail cultivated; te ho re en place; one $ rooms, plastered and papered; with full basen.rnt; S ruoin cot fags rents for $w month; tw good ells; bars : chlrkea bsuss : a .1 fenced and set le fruit. Cnnurlli mile to oietu-n Cuy car. fOovo 4tA0 cash. SEE THIS. Til Ii HAH FINE SOII-96Oft. Ik acres all cu III va td : fist soil; feed 7-room house; plastcre dawn stairs and ceiled up; lull t of plumbing, elec tric lights and gas; gas pump sad r-s sure tank: full com en t basement mile to Oregon Citjr car. Price $ 0O; H cash. ANOTHER OOOn BUT. 5 acres alt in cultivation; good J-tona plastered houst: full basement; well at house; small barn; a. ere In fine graphs; 50 fruit trees; te thlcko houpri; all f need. Tw blocks Ircve Courtney station on Oregon 'ity car. Price $io.;mo, $5600 cash. F.asy terms on balance. LooK AT THIS ONE. 2rt acres: 20 In fine cnltlvatlsn; good house H20. with an 1.-1 2k 1 A. fair condition, fine well oa place; splendid young orchard, 13 yi-ars old ; S ro! e from highway. Price $A25 an acre, cash. Kasy terma oa bnlsnee. UNPARALLELED ItAKGAlN S acres all ctiitivaied and lencrd; fne house ."Ox."2; 10 rooms, full basement; full set of plumbing, electric debts; wash trsys; pood rumle ham: chukns house. This is an iinusiiallv fine place. Near stalion on Oregon City car line. Price $11.00: tooo cash $ S41O0 r N l: yl' A L L E D R UT. lt seres all cultivated; fin asM; 9 rootn modern house with nhe sleep. na? porch ; hail; iai g liv 111$ room ltivni) paneled ; heavy nesmc J clitngs; con venient kitchen; Ivrn briiroomt upifaim; all pUsU-red ; bath; toilet; hot and o!4 water; elect rieuy und gas; full cement basement with furuwct; two Ch, kr houses; one blo-'k to schttn:; R F I. slore 2 mjtes. Concord Heights dlstrlet, $M'oii: $4000 esnh; iMUnr per coat Tins In h spUiidi-I pu. $VcnO ALL MKT TO F-RI'IT. Is acres all fenced snd set to fmrt: nice three-toom rott.lie; city wulof piped in fcour-e; smail siit.erv store in eluding all groceries and futures: barn; fine chicken hoiine; nesr MHwaukio. Just $ ;t0; 15m rash; balance SL per clM. Kp.rndid buy. ANOTHER bl'LKNOlO ft A It O A fN. IRS acres finest of soil, I H srfs la cultivation; balance, tluibwr; H seres le itnhan prune. 8 yenrs ool, Th la place sold f20M worth of prunes In I'M and 101. Mil fumed; 011 Ilin rosd; iw fine creks on place; froe city witer. nn mile to New berg. I 'rice $10,010. Oair $iOod cash. Terms arranged te suit balance. ONE CTTLTIV A TED ACHK. One acre all cullUstod ; good 5-rwn house on huncalow style; full cement bssement: electric lights snd gss; larce shop; chicken house; 25 fruit trews: very f.ne brrts and uranes. I'rtre flrutv $HHH cash ; b. lant e contrsef of f:;. AO per month. YOU K MOULD LOOK AT TH IS. We have many other nnusual huys In acreage at very reasonable terms. See Henry A- froxToril With FKANK U UcUriRR. Abington R.de Main 10g, Ofttre Op.-n Evenings and (Minibus, SPLENDID TE.-AfltK HAN. H. Ten acres; flvs readv for plough; olhsr Vi,"J,y r,r"r'-'l. Hp endid lo. ation; 1 000 f-et from Columbia hishwav: ona mt'e from grammar and h k Ii s' hnms freight im.ks from Astoria deliver at hoiiKs daily. Splendid soli for lossn berries; strawberries and other am. ill Truits and vegetable; Idral location for chickens; heat potatoes In the world; hvng spring (clear roid rster al' th-rj year) on rar of place, ('loss tt general 'ore And nil smtion' rati road station st J po.'offjre. MMfiidid 7 -room house; new barn; nesr fences All In best of condition. TIMS IS hPI.ENDlD . ,A fK' i'rU a frtr QUO k sals ontv THIS DON'T MJS44 ANOTHER FPm'NDID 1 00-AC TIB RAN. II. About half under cultivation: rlrh bottom land and fine f.rlile nplend; a -ways kpt In fine stale of fertility se present owner for 0 years; young apn a on-hard over loo trees just (otmng into bearing; o full bearing apples; splendid garden with iogsn berries, sti aw lerrirs etc.; good suht initial f;,rm hoiiss. ten rooms, running water piped from ttvlor spring: laruo barn; woodshed: roothouse; chicken houso: all other out bulbliim necessary to a well-s-Muipps4 farm 2 good heavy fMr:n horse., tmn milch cows n lie fiTs; chickens; farm itnnlemehta of all kinds; complete fr d...ring and farming; plenty of cut. dried wood several tons of hay; good gravelled rnd paved hiKhWav wfthin two miles Tele phone in hoiie. I'osri'lVFI V Til 10 BEST FARM HUT IN TMK,V.-XT, v oii can step rtirhf in ...,1 . .... spring; work without buv ins on ,htriI Price rijuiomeiii sod stock complete $15,000. Terms half cash. Baisnte t per cent Ilenrr ft Crojrfnrrt with FRANK L. McGUIRF Office Open Sundays and Evenings PRUNES. PRUNES. PRUNE 10 seres on the w est side Paclf highway and 4 mile from Klcrtrlr de pot: slirhtly rolling land, well drained good soil; 1100 prune trees, a yers old that have been given the best or atten tion Other large be vying pruns or chards joining this pla.:e. Price fT.O with $1500 cash. John Kergufon, Ger linger bldg. 2 ACRES NEAR REAVKRTOV 2 acres, close to car line and paved highway, all in cultivation, fruit and berries, modern poultry plant lor 200 hens; a fin house of 4 large rooms, pantry and screened-ln porch, litrK wnodhod, city water and gas available only 30 minutes out on good road only 2h7fi. Photos at office. D. MeCHESNKY. W4'i Oak St. Broadway ? 24 ACRES BOTTOM LAND. $50 down. $10 monthly buva this splen did tract of the richest kind of b ack bottom land, tills side of Oreson citv Street car line on the pisec, none cleared Price .r,i) Here Is that close-In trsei you have been looking lor. Fred W German Co.. 732 chamber of Commerce CITY CONVENIENCES Quarter acre, located close to street? car line; some bearing fruit trees am lots of berries; H-ronm lath and pia tered house, Wood shed, gai, citv water Price $1000: t;.ml ,-a,h. Personally In epected. Brooks, with John Ftrgusen Gerilnger bldg. KENDALL STATION. 3 aeYea good fruit Iwnd. 1 arr straw berries. loganberries, laspberrles. applet etc. Good new 5-room house, bsstmon! close to car line and paved ron.j Hiau a good barn. Prir $iouo. cash Ifesxard with COE A. MchENNA A CO S2 4th Ht. 20 ACRES In Kllrkltst county; fenred. 4 acres cleared. 2'o.o "O ft timber. M frul trees, half bearing lots small fruits an buries. 1 acre a) fat fa. 5-roorn tion good barn, sbds; $)5U0. ftlOO cash, ternu to suit ; would take Ford or Chevrolet car part trade, also dam, wn fin for sale. Drake. Liberty Bond. Wash 1 ACHE. CLOSE IN. Only 1 block from electric station. fare; 7-room house, city rnnvnleiicc-s some fruit and berrlss This soil is peels II y ad.-.pK'd t" gardening ; can mo be beat at $:i50it. Photo al oil ice. Gone terma. LUEDDEM A N COMPANY, ftl3 Chamber of Commerce, ilain lT7. SACRIFICE Mus, rslss $750 Immediate- 15 acres nesr v ancouver; Ideal fo prunes, straw brrles, poultry; pearly al cultivated: plastered house, bsemnt special $:t25o. Owner, 141 B. lh N. evenings T:i bor 7055 Krnita and Nut I .wads. HAVE YOU JUDCVKNT? Rome man will double big money this proposition In tho next ft years. To settle an estate a U-yar-old r'mimr e(;il a pn'e orchard can be boui ht fr less than you cn buy the raw land and trees for lody Growth of trs-s and tt years' work thrown In; all tn ox ceilent condition. I mils from thriving city; 50 nunu.ea by auto from Potthitid pa ed road. U rite or et-- C. gi. Cran fill 20:t lt st. slain 4203. FOR SALE 10-aere tfruii orchard, pears and apples; 6 years old; good housa sm good location nr th town, raltrusu nearoy, at Parkdaia. or. Inquira Jtta Baml. Parkdale.or. Bell cheap. Homesteads. ReliequlshmePie. UOM KSTEA D relinquishment for sals reas onable. Write Pearson Hebbs. tftafptajse. nr.. Route No 1. W A N T E D Homestead Write to B. L aes. rt. relinquishment. 1, 0wegu, Or. I-or hstle I arms. EXCEI'TIONAI to acres. 5 mllss Ore gon City: 17 cultivated, buihlings, or. chard, stream; considerable tlinl'T: on.jr f H h'O en sv terms. A ept res id worth $'.,.W. Owner, 141 F.sl hlfi h North; even, ore. Tl'or 7n5". SI'EIAI, bargains. 4A a-Tes, ml of toe. Vash,ngtoii count)': is run . airn , oum, lngs. eirchard. fpnng: $2.''i. term k.'. g erne. arljoMi !ng lun; hou. eprln 2 l.ooo.oou timber; $10u0, terais. 4Ha gpaldins bldg. t;g" """"""" BgseaSggseSBBBBBBSBBBl ' rni 1 09.0