Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 17, 1920, Page 18, Image 18

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Grahamona, Oregona and
Pomona Included.
Inland Empire Boat & Truck Line
to Recondition Steamboats
Before Beginning Use.
Three river steamboats, the Gra
hamona, Oregona and Pomona, are
r being purchased from Captain A. B.
Graham by the Inland Empire Boat &
Truck Line, it was announced yes
terday by M. E. Lee, organizer of the
line, and are to be reconditioned for
their new service immediately.
The three steamboats are to be con
verted from wood to oil burners and
thoroughly renovated. Mr. Lee esti
mated yesterday that they will be
ready to begin operations by March 1.
The Inland Empire Boat & Truck
line plans to operate the Grahamona
in the upper Columbia river and the
Oregona and Pomona in the upper
Willamette. Auto trucks are to be
used as feeders, gathering products
from the territory tributary to each
river point and assembling them on
the docks for shipment. The trucks
will also be used td deliver freight
from the river points through the
surrounding territory.
Stops Are Scheduled.
In the Columbia river service stops
will be made by the steamboat at
Kennewick Pasco. Wallula. Umatilla,
Rlnlnclr nrl RufUS. No Stops for
fwlirh will he. made this side of
I Kn ( " 1 M fx canal
Tha Willamette, river landings will
be at Butteville, Crawford. Salem,
iihanv forvnilis and Eugene. By
means 'of the combined truck and
steamboat service, the company plans
to give service from shipper to con
signee at 10 per cent less man mj
rail rate. Freight leaving Portland
at 6 o'clock in the evening, accord
ing to Mr. Lee. will be delivered at
Salem the next morning, at Albany
and Corvallis that afternoon, and at
Eugene the following morning.
Trip Made In Valley.
Mr. Lee returned yesterday from a
trip through tb Willamette vaney,
during which he inspected the roads
to be used for the truck service and
arranged for the taking of a large
portion of the stock in the concern.
About 75 per cent of the stock has
already been pledged, he said, and
the holders are principally the ship
pers upon whose support the success
of the project depends. .
Captain A. B. Graham, whose steam
boats are being taken over by the
Inland Empire Boat & Truck line,
will be manager of the company, and
Captain Clyde Raabe. who has been
an operator of boats on the Columbia.
Williamette and Snake rivers for
many years, wijl be superintendent
of the steamboat service.
Francisco, 5ft miles north of San Fran
cisco. FRANK H. BUCK. Monterey for Linn
ton. 373 miles from Monterey.
ASUNCION, Richmond for San Pedro, 5
miles south of San Francisco.
FRO VI DENT 1 A. 9an Francisco for Santa'
Rosalia, off San Francisco.
CURACAO. Mazatlan for San Francisco.
$t miles south of San Francisco; 1 P. M.
February 1.1.
RAINIER. San Francisco for Mazatlan,
&6fi miles south of San Francisco; 1 P. at.
February 15.
TOKUSHIMA MARU. Mororan, Japan,
for San Francisco. 420 miles west of San
Francisco; 1 P. M February 15.
MISKIANZA. San Francisco for Manila.
2118 miles southwest of San Francisco; 1
P. M. February 15.
COLONEL. E. L. DRAKKE, Hllo for San
Pedro, 420 miles from Hilo; 1 P. M. Feb
ruary 15.
MATSONIA, Honolulu for San Francisco,
401 miles from San Francisco; 1 P. M.
February IS.
ECUADOR, for orient. 2.17 miles west
of Honolulu: 1 p. M. Februarv 15.
COLUMBIA, from San Francisco. 2440
miles from San Francisco; 1 P. M. Febru
ary 15.
Marine -Notes.
The StliDDinr board wnndpn rtpt.m.-r
Clackamas finished loading her cargo of
ties for the United Kingdom yesterday and
will go down the river tonight If she suc
ceeds in filling her coal bunkers In time.
The steamer Windber. loarfinr lumber
ior eoum America, shiited yesterday from
westport to wauna.
The sailing schooner Mindoro, taking a
lumoer cargo ior Australia, was reported
yesterday to have flntsned loading. She
win sail as soon as a crew is secured.
Columbia Riven Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, Feb. 16. Conditions at
the bar at 5 r, M.l Sea, smooth; wind,
northwest. 32 miles.
Tide at Astoria Tuesday.
Hfsh. -T.I.W
11:14 A. -M...8.3 feet 1 5:36 A. M.. .2.9 feet
Shipping Board Post to Be Accept
ed, General Belief.
SEATTLE. Wash., Fel 16. (Spe
cial.) In a telegram to the Skinrftr
Eddy corporation and the Skinner &
Kddy Shipbuilding; company, ifluis j.
Titus of San Francisco, hitherto east-
ern representative of the Seattle con
r.m, of which he was a vice-presi
dent and director, today announced
his resignation of connection with the
Titus was recently nominated by
President Wilson as a member or tne
United States shipping board to fill
the vacancy created by the resigna
tion of Henry M. Robinson, and the
teleirram severing his connection witn
the Seattle shipbuilding corporations
and their affiliated interests is be
lieved to Indicate the Intention of Mr.
Titus to accept the shipping board
Marshfield Due to Sail.
The wood steamer Marshfield. load
ing flour for the grain corporation
at Irving dock, is expected to com
rlete her cargo and sail today for
New York or Europe. The sailing of
the Marshfield will leave the local
harbor devoid of flour carriers for the
first time in several months. By a
coincidence, and due to the alteration
of schedules, the Oil tankers calling
regularly at this port and the oriental
freighters are all absent also, and the
only vessels loading in the river be
tween the Inman-Poulsen mill and
Astoria are all taking cargoes of
Resident or Martha Washlngon Ho
tel Recipient or Epistle Signed
"Porch-Cliinbing Harry."
It was apparently a thief with a
sense of humor which raided the
Martha Washington ' hotel Friday
night, taking a Baby Ben clock and
a ring from the room of Miss Myrtle
Smith and a ciieck for S15 from that
of Miss Nora Scheusner, judging from
the letter Signed by "Porch Climb
ing Harry," which was received by
Miss Smith yesterday. The letter
"My dear Miss Smith I was very
sorry that you were not at home yes
terday when I called, but I feel sure
that you would not deny me the
clock and ring. But I must say thilt
of the two the ring in the clock
is best.
"You see now I will be able to arise
early enough every morning to hold
the job that I now have' and that
will enable me to save up for our
little bungalow. Hoping that you will
always be true and faithful to me
as I am to you I am forever yours."
Inspectors Vv right and Gordon are
working on the case in the effort to
learn the identity of "Porch-Climbing
Shipping Board Steamer Pnt in
Service of Pacific Steam
ship Company.
The shipping board steamer Wawa
lona, which recently took a full cargo
of lumber from Portland to the orient.
and sailed from Yokohama February
4 on her return trip to this port, was
yesterday assigned by C. D. Kennedy,
agent of the operations division of
the emergency fleet corporation, for
continuous service between Portland
and Japan in tlja service of the Pa
cific Steamship company.
In spite of the present demand for
more tonnage on this coast to handle
shipments to the far east, it had
been prophesied by shipping men that
the Wawalona, on returning from her
present voyage, would be turned over
to the food administration to carry
flour to the Atlantic, and thus lost
to the Pacific coast ser- ce. The al
location of an extra steamer to ply
between Portland and Japan will, it
is agreed by steamship operators, do
much to relieve the congestion nere.
The Wawalona is expected to ar
rivo at Portland about February 24,
and is scheduled to sail again with
general cargo for Kobe March 9.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
. , i o u n o wash.. 'Feb. 16.
:.r Hartwood arrived
Sunday from San Francisco and Is loading
at the American iniii, . ,
The barkentine Forest Friend, which
went to the lower harbor the latter part
of last week cleared the bar this morning
bound for Sydney. Australia.
.. .,a Kvea. Lassen. Shasta and
Frank D. Stout cleared at 10 o'clock this
morning for San reoro. ira
at the Wilson mill, the Lassen at the E. K.
Wood mill, the Shasta at the Donovan
mill, and the Frank D. Stout at the Blagen
mllL ,
SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. IS. (Special.)
.- en aucar will begin moving
to Seattle tnis wee, me
steamship line steam schooner Multnomah
being due nere irora en iii-u.w ..
Friday with a cargo that includes a ship
ment of the product. The San Francisco
,.rin.HM are reported to have begun work
on cane sugar early last week.
The steam scnooner nianwoou. i uw
crr-Vi-Onrmlek steamship line, which
arrived here the latter pari 01 tasi cc,
brauEht several shipments of beet sugar.
rii,-hrelne at Dier 4. the company's ter
minal In addition, the vessel brought
1-nio tn nf general canro. After discharg
ing, she shifted to Everett, wnere sne is
loading 1.400,000 feet of lumber for the
return voyage to California.
For service In the Siberian trade, the
famous Dower schooner Bender Bros, of
the Kuskokwim Fishing & Transportation
company, has been sold to L. Seidenburg
and A. Whitienburg, merchants and miners
of Nome, according to advices received
in Seattle today from San Francisco. The
consideration is said to have been 47,1,000.
Captain Louis Knaflich, president or Ue
Kuskokwim Fishing St 1 ransporiauou com
pany, is in San Francisco, wnere it is
understood the deal was consummated.
The Bender Bros, was built in San Fran
risrn In 1SS9.
After a four months' trip to tne orient
chief officer of the steamship Blkhorn
of the United States shipping board Cap
tain John Gruenuock, formerly connected
with the Alaska Steamship company, was
back on the waterfront this morning. The
Elkhorn is commanded by Captain S. Rus
tad, who was formerly chief Inspector of
wooden ship construction of the shipping
board in the beattle district.
Payne Wanted on Shipping Board.
WASHINGTON. Feb. IS. President
Wilson was asked today by Virtually
all members of the senate committee
to retain Chairman Payne of the
shipping board in his present position
temporarily. Mr. Payne has been
r.ominated to succeed Secretary Lane
of the interior department.
r. S. Naval Radio Report?.
(All positions reported si 8 P. M. yester
day nodes otherwise indicated.)
t'ELlLO. Everett for San Francisco, 40
miles south of the Columbia river.
CITY OF TOPEKA. Portland for' San
Francisco. 45 miles south of the Colum
bia river.
ADMIRAL DE WET, Seattle for San
Francisco, 317 miles from Seattle.
AVALUN. San Francisco for Raymond,
190 miles from San Francisco.
WAHKEENA. San Francisco, for Port
land. 3P0 miles north of San Francisco.
YOSEMITK. Port Ludlow for San Fran
cisco, five miles south of Cape Blanco.
EL SKiiUXDO, Point Wells for Rich
mond. Tuft miles north of Richmond.
HO.RACE BAXTKIt. sn Francisco for Se
attle. l.0 miles from Seattle.
ANNETTE KOl.l'H. 2S0 miles north of
San Francisco.
SPOKANE, San Francisco for Wilming
ton, ru miles south of San Francisco.
W. S. PORTER, Gaviota for Everett. 718
scllra Trom uav.nta.
.lOHXNSA SMITH, roes Bay for San
League of Nations Favored in Ad
dress at Chamber of Com
merce Meeting.
That isolation has long since been
impossible for the United States, and
that some understanding between the
enlightened nations of-the world must
be reached which will prevent an
other such horror to the world as that
of the late world war, was the decla
ration of Bishop Matt S. Hughes, head
of the Methodist Episcopal church in
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alas
ka, in speaking at the members'
forum of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce yesterday noon. Bishop
Hughes' topic was, "The New Interna
The policy of isolation, as outlined
by lieorge Washington in his ture-
well address, was alright for the
young and struggling nation, the
speaker declared, but at the present
time, when America has become the
richest and most powerful nation on
earth such a policy is not possible
even if it were desirable. The ex
pansion of American dominion by
taking control of the Phillipines,
Hawaii and other islands-. construe'
tion of the Panama canal and other
expansion of tree past has made isola
tion impossible, he said.
To follow our traditional policy
now, even If it were possible, would
be not only cowardly, but criminal.
the speaker said. "If out of this war
there comes a league of nations, not
necessarily the league, which will
make it forever impossible for a small
group of men to cali millions of men
under arms to stain the fields with
their blood, then the sacrifices which
our boys made in France will not have
been in vain."
N. J. Upham, president of the In
ternational Realty associates, who is
in Portland on a short business visit
in connection with the organization's
properties in this section, was also
called upon and made a brief talk.
Don't Neglect the Little Ones
A snuffling, sneezing, coughing child
certainly is a reflection upon the
parents. To permit a child to suffer
from a cold is mors than negligence;
it is cruel. A cold that hangs on
weakens the system and can easily
turn into something serious. Mrs. J.
S. Pitson. 376 Ti 158th St.. Cleveland.
Ohio, writes: "I can't speak too highly
of Foley's Honey and Tar. When my
little girl has a cold I give her Foley's
Honey and Tar and that stops her
coughing in a little while." Children
like it. It contains no opiates. Sold
very here. Adv.
Cuticura Soap
For Ihe Hands
SaaAp. fotBsOOaT,aiseiHoi. rOpasaltYfrOP
tttrmm CWnfft UkMtaiiJ)iT)t.X. Mtl4i.)iui.
Statement in Reply to Inquiries
Warns Against Vse of Queer"
'There is no more danger now from
ripe olives than there was before;
the brand that caused the death of
six persons in New York recently has
been taken off the market and the
public should not become alarmed."
This is the finding of A. S. Wells,
state chemist, who was called into
conference yesterday with Dr. David
N. Roberg, state health officer, and
Grant J. Morton, United States food
and drug inspector.
The conference was held because
SAN" FRANCISCO. Feb. 16. (Special.)
Twenty of the i0 steamships being- con
structed in Japan for account of the United
States shipping board have been completed
and have either been delivered on this
coast or are en route, according to advices
received today from Tokio. It has also
been announced that the special commis
sion having charge of the construction for
the shipping board will soon have con
cluded its work. The advices stated that
the government is not losing $0(MX0 on
each vessel built in Japan on account of
the wooden tubs and lockers that were In
stalled in the orient. It was explained
the expense of installing standard equip
ment in this country has been cared lor by
the builders through an arrangement made
between them and the commission, the
wooden fixtures being only a temporary
Lrfcal launch men are experimenting with
kerosene as a substitute for gasoline or
distillate, it was announced by officials of
launch and lighterage concerns here. It
was said- a simple system of heating the
fuel by a botwater coil bad been provided
and the small boats have operated even
better than with distillate. If the ex
periment continues to prove efficient dur
ing the next few days the method will be
installed on the entire local fleet. This i
means a considerable saving .In the cost j
of operation, it is said.
The Kusstan volunteer neet steamship
Kogaay, captain 31. uoraaneii, which was
ready to sail for Vladivostok when the re
port of the death of Admiral Kolchak was
received, will leave ior .Seattle in a few
days, it was announced today. The com
pany operating this vessel has decided it
will not be safe to dispatch the craft to
the Siberian port until matters become
more settled. It has been decided to send
(he steamer to Seattle and she will remain
there until normal conditions of govern
ment obtain in bioeria.
Sixty-five persons who have purchased
transportation to Hawaii on the steamship
Sachem are stranded. This vessel was re
cently sold to the Pacific Mail Steamship
company by the shipping board and the
local ornciais 01 tne government had no
knowledge of the transaction until aftef
the deal had been closed, it was said. All
of the vessels of the company scheduled to
sail lor at least two months have been
sold out and Sachem passengers are left
out in the cold. An effort may be made
to place tnem on one or the transports.
G. K. Sweet, representing a Vancouver
ship supply house, arrived today to con
sult with local shipbuilding concerns re
garding suppjying equipment for several
new tankers being built here.
After1 discbarirlnr fuel oil In Portland.
barge 93 shifted to the local harbor at 12
last night. She will be towed to Call-
form a by the tank steamer Atlas on the
latter s return from Seattle.
The tank steamer Oleum sal ed at 1
o'clock this morning for California after
aiscn arcing- fuel oil in Portl&nd.
The steamer Windber will shift tomor
row morning from Wauna to the Hammond
mill to complete her cargo of lumber for
sou in America.
After discharging her cargo of cement
here, the steam schooner Florence Olson
will shift during the night to St Helena
to ioaa lumDcr.
The steamer Arriva, with flour from
Portland, sailed at 5:30 this evening for
iew lorn.
SAN PEDRO, Cel.. Feb. 18. (Special.)
ia.piu.iu a. isurKnardt of the motors hip
Orinte, which arrived nere last week, is
going to. chili in an attempt to collect
aaiary ior me ume ne served in a Cerman
prison camp. Captain Burkhardt was in
command of a schooner which was carry
ing a cargo or gasoline when it was cap
tured by the German raider Wolff, when
600 miles off the Australian coast.
The vessel was destroyed and Captain
Burkhardt and his crew were made pris
oners on the raider. He remained there
nntil It returned to Germany. The capture
was made in July, 1918, and before enter
ing Its home port the raider had destroyed
14 allied ships, the destruction of which
was witnessed by Captain Burkhardt. The
captain declared today that the German
skipper was considerate and treated his
prisoners well, but that his under officers
did not do so. He said th Germans paid
neutrals for working when they would loot
a captured ship and that none but Nor
wegian or swede members of the captured
crews would work for the Germans.
The motorship Mazatlan began loading
cargo today for Mexican ports. It is the
first vessel of a new steamship line to
operate between here and the south.
Movements of Vessels.
ASTORIA, Feb. 16. Arrived down durr
ing the night and sailed at 4 P. M.. steam
er City of Topeka, for San Francisco via
Eureka and Coos Bay. Arrived down dur
ing the night, gasoline schooner Joseph
Pulitzer, for Alaska. Sailed at 1:30 A. M..
steamer Oleum, for Port San Luis; sailed
at 6:30 last night, steamer Atlas, for Se
attle; sailed at 9:35 A. M. steamer Paw
let, for trial trip.
TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. 16. Arrived 1
Steamers Admiral Schley, from San Fran
cisco. Sailed Steamers Santa Inez, for
Belllnghara; Admiral Schley, for San Fran
cisco via Seattle ; Davenport, for San
Pedro; Astorjan, for Astoria.
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 16. Arrived
Steamers Crown of Toledo, from Liverpool
and Glasgow via San Francisco ; Katorl
Maru, from Hongkong. Departed Steam
ers Eastern Belle, for San Francisco; Re
dondo, for southeastern Alaska; Argyll,
for Port San Luis.
programme was assisted by the Mt, I
was very well rendered. The pro
ceeds of the play were very gratify
ing; and will go toward the new school.
Explosion of Gasoline Stove Burns
Woman and Razes Building.
FOSSIU Or., Feb. 16. (Special.)
Fossil and vicinity had two fires to
day. The first one was about 10 A. M.
at the home of James Jordon on Pine
creek. The roof caught fire from a
defective flue. Mrs. Jordon and her
daughter were alone, but after "heroic
fighting the house was saved, with
the exception of the roof, which was
completely destroyed.
The second fire occurred about 1
P. M. at the home of Mrs. McRae. The
fire was caused by the explosion of a
gasoline -stove. Mrs. McRae was quite
badly burned. She is a widow and
has a daughter 14 years old. The
daughter was away at the time of
the fire. The building belonged to
B. Gaffney and had been used .as a
store building. He had some insur
ance. The building and contents
were totally destroyed. Mrs. McRae's
furniture and clothing were a total
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 16. Arrived
Steamers Usat America, from New York;
Caspar from Caspar; Captain A. F. Lucas,
from iort wells; Lyman Stewart, irom
Seattle. Departed Steamers Bandon, for
Bandon; Elizabeth, for Bandon.
YOKOHAMA. Feb. 6. Departed
Empress of Japan, for Vancouver.
NORFOLK, Va., Feb. 16. Arrived La
Salle, from Victoria; West Uassayampa,
from Portland.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 16. Arrived Fron-
tenac, from Vancouver.
KOBE, Feb. 14. Departed Coaxet, for
R. A. Reld Is Made Special In
heritance Tax Auditor.
SALEM, Or Feb. 16. (Special.)
Because of the increased business in
the inheritance tax department of the
state treasurer's office, R. A. Reld of
Portland today was appointed special
inheritance tax auditor and will have
charge jot all Multnomah county
estates. Mr. Reid formerly was dep
uty clerk of Multnomah county.
Estates aggregating more than
$15,000,000, the larger part of which
are in Multnomah county, are now
under investigation by the inheritance
tax department. State Treasurer Hoff
says the addition of Mr. Reid to his
staff of employes is justified because
of the marked increase in the rev
enues of his office due to a district
investigation of all estates subject to
the payment of inheritance tax.
Hogs and Shnep Go at Former
Prices Large Run Over
There was a good run of $9 loads of
stock over Sunday and the market for the
week opened actively.
Cattle failed to maintain "their good
position of last week. Trading in steers
was slow at the start and before the day
was over this division had registered de
clines of p550 cents, with the market
particularly weak in spots. Butcher cat
tle, however, continued steady.
There were no new developments in the
hog or sheep lines and last week's prices
Wt-re again in effect.
Receipts were: 1738 cattle, 98 calves,
1271 hogs and 1319 sheep.
The cay s sales were as follows
Wt. Price.l
27 steers. lt5 $12..'i0f 7 hogs..
10 steers. 1110 12.001 79 hows. .
1U steers. 1H00 10.001 7 hogs. .
4 sters. 12;;s 10.."0i 77 hogs. .
U steers. 1020 ..0l 4 hogs. .
1" steers. 121 11.001 tf4 hogs. .
24 steers. 1125 12.25! 4 hogs..
24 steers. !Ki3 10.231 11 hogs. .
24 steers. 1104 1 2.25 12 hogs. .
3 steers. 9!6 10.001 77 hogs'. .
25 steers. 1011 10 .101 7 hogs. .
5 steers. S27 .00 io hogs. .
25 steers. 1012 10.."0 7 hogs. .
26 steers. 1075 10.001 5 hogs. .
25 steers. 1246 12.50,' 16 hogs. .
25 steers. 000 10.001 4 hogs. .
20 steers. 1029 11.251 76 hogs. .
2S steers. 1000 11.751 67 hogs. .
13 steers. 914 9.501 10 hogs. .
6 steers. 01 10.K5! 20 hogs.
!i steers. 1140 12.00! 32 hogs. .
25 s teers . 9X5 1 0. 501 9 hos . .
20 steers. 1170 11.50ii2 hogs. .
24 steers, ij38 l.50l 14 hogs. .
25 steers. 1009 10.50) 66 hogs. .
1075 10.50! 8 hogs..
1201 12.801 87 lambs.
so 0.501 10 lambs.
1100 11.0O!i79 iambs
o 7.H0I 1 ewe
cial. A
7. Departed De-
light, for Seattle.
SAN PEDRO, Feb. 15. Sailed Steamer
Idaho, from Taital, for Portland.
TATOOSH. Feb. 16. Passed Inward,
steamer Atlas, from Portland.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 16. Arrived at
noon, steamer Klamath, from Portland.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 15. Arrived at
5:10 P. M., steamer Daisy, Irom Columbia
SAN PEDRO, Cal., Feb. 16. (SpeciaD
Arrived Steamers Queen, from San Diego;
Katherine, from Eureka; Brunswick, from
Fort Bragg; Prentiss, from Albion; Tiver
ton, from Columbia river; San Antonio,
from San Francisco; C Vanguard, from
Sailed Steamers San Diego and Queen,
for Seattle; Richmond, towing barge 95,
for Honolulu ; San Antonio, for Central
HELENS, Or., Feb. 16. (Spe-
Mrs. Sadie Cronkrite, wife
of J. H. Cronkrite, former councilman
of St. Helens,' dlea Friday evening
after a week's illness with pneu
monia. The day berore she died she
gave birth to a child which also died.
Mrs. Cronkrite was 29 years old and
is survived by her motiier and father,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Blakesley, her
husband and two small children, a
boy and a girl. Funeral services were
held Sunday from the Methodist
church, of which she was a member
George Washington Cnapman, who
rdied here last week, was a pioneer of
uregon, naving coin across me
plains from Indiana in 1S58 with his
parents. They settled on the present
site of Dallas, in Polk county,
and lived there a numuer of years be
fore moying to eastern Oregon. Mr.
28, 1846. He and his widow, who sur
28, 1846. He and his wife who sur
vives, had made their home in St.
Helens for the past four years, coming
here from Fossil. The body was
taken to that place for interment. Mr.
Chapman leaves six children, Archie
of Weiser, Idaho, Guy and Elmer of
St. Helens, Ray of Portland, Claud of
Fossil and Mrs. llattie Gilliam, also
of Fossil.
COST NEAR $100,000.
New Drawings for Structure
Light Well Include Basement
Having Vaults, Rest-Room.
TACOMA, Wash.. Feb. 16. (Special.)
Bound ior Aiastta, the former sound
steamer Nisqually, renamed the Astorian,
got away eany xnia morning. The lor
ward part of the vessel was boarded up
before the steamer sailed in order to pre
vent any chance heavy seas that might
come aboard from breaking in her cabin.
it is believed she will make the short sea
voyage without any trouble. The vessel
went out in command of Captain Fred
Wilson who has taken a number of vessels
around to the river. The Astorian will ply
between Astoria and Portland. ."
laptajn Phi ho Fetcher. who ftA lt
Friday morning was buried this afternoon,
the service being in charge of the local
lodge of Kike, with which the dead ship
master was affiliated in the east.
The HVades arnvo horn this mnrnin
from San Francisco via Ports and com
menced loading for Honolulu. The vessel
probably will get away Tuesday night or
The Davenport aallprf thim aff.rnnnn for
San Pedro and the Baroda and Anyor
should sail Wednesday for Balboa. The
Santa Inez sailed this evening for Belling
ham to complete loading for west coast
PORT TOWNSEXD. Wash b 1 ft
(Special.) The Trans-ocean Steamshin
company's steamer Kohshun Maru, after !
icaaiPg a part cargo of steel, cotton, ma
chinery and lumber at Seattle, shifted this
morning io Vancouver, where nie will
complete her cargo, sailing direct from the
British Columbia port for Kobe.
ine Japanese steamer Katoria Mm.
bringing a valuable cargo of products of
the orient and a large number of Dassen-
gers. arrived tonight, proceeding to Seat-
ui auer receiving pratique.
Aiarcn promises to be a busy nTfmth on
Puget sound and the Columbia river In the
way of shipping lumber. Announcement
has been made that 3S.OO0.0OO feet of lum
ber will be sent foreign during March
By decision of the Multnomah coun
ty commissioners yesterday morning
the one-story stone and marble build
ing to be erected in the light well at
the courthouse to accommodate county
offices which are outgrowing their
present quarters will cost nearer
$100,000 than the $65,512 estimated on
original plans.
First plans, drawn by "Whitehouse
& Fouilhoux, architects, called for a
single-story structure, without base
ment, containing record rooms and
offices. It was to be located in the
center of the light well with about
six feet clearance on every side from
the main building of the courthouse?
Yesterday the commissioners decided
to add a basement, containing vaults,
and a restroom for women, and to
join the west side of the structure to
the courthouse proper, giving addi
tional room to the quarters held nec
essary by the county clerk.
Excavation and construction work
on the basement will cost the county
at least 927,000, estimated Architect
Whitehouse, and connecting the build
ing with the main structure will bring
the cost up to approximately $100,000.
Commissioners Hovt. Holman and
Muck were agreed that a well- j
equipped restroom for feminine em-
nloyes at the courthouse was a neces
sity, and Commissioner Hoyt was in
favor of having a woman attendant
on duty there during the day.
The present courthouse basement
contains a vault originally intended
for the storage of valuable records.
f-but it has been found useless because
there is no provision for ventilation,
and records stored there would soon
fall a victim to dry rot and crumble
away. ew vaults would provide ade
quate ventilation.
Brothers Arraigned, Tril Set
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 16.
(Special.-) John and George Bechtold,
brothers, arrested last week for oper
ating a still in their home east of
the garrison and for having illegal
possession of intoxicating liquor, were
arraigned today before Cedric Miller,
justice of the peace. Both pleaded
not guilty to the charge of manu
facture, and John pleaded not guilty
to unlawful possession. George plead
ed guilty to unlawful possession. The
trial was set for Friday, February 20,
at 1 o'clock before Mr. Miller. t
Farmers to Be Feted.
MT. ANGEL. Or., Feb. 16. (Spe
cial.) On March 2 the Mt. Angel
creamery, assisted by the Mt. Angel
business men, jWill be hosts to the
farmers of this yicinity at a dairy
men's meeting and luncheon. State
Dairy and Food Commissioner Mickel
and Professor Fitts of the Oregon
Agricultural college will be on hand
and give talks on the occasion.
' Water Bonds Sold.
MT. ANGEL, OrT Feb. 16.(Spe
cial.) Twenty thousand dollars 5y
per cent city waterworks bonds were
bought at par and accrued interest by
the Lumbermens Trust company of
52 steers
21 steers,
li steers
IT steers.
2 cows.
3 cows.
4 cows.
7 cows. .
8 cows. . 1073
17 cows., 10S1
17 cows. . lftol
6 cows . . 6fi3
2 cows. . 1000
2 cows. . lLM.'i
0 cows.. 101 S
Wt. Price.
350 $14.25
2d5 Itt-'-i
3'iO H.UO
20S 16.00
2'J5 aoln
225 1U
3.-,0 14.10
IftO 14.75
212 1600
215 16.25
214 15.85
218 1600
175 15, SJ
318 15.75
310 15.50
214 15.85
1S6 16.00
237 16.23
262 15.00
211 16.00
220 16.00
215 15.85
302 14.00
221 15.75
105 16.00
132 14.50
81 13.25
88 16.73
75 16.73
100 12.00
110 14.00
76 10. 0O
100 7.50
and heifers, $9.50910; common to rood,
$6.25C9; bulls. l7ffS23: calves, $7ffl4.
Prices Current ea Vegetables, Freeh Fruits,
Etc., at Bay City
SAN" FRANCISCO. Feb. 16. Butter
Extra grade, 64c; prime firsts, 63c
Kggs Fresh extras, 47Sc; firnts, 45c;
extra pullets, 41 He; underslsed, 38c.
Cheees Old-style California flats, fancy.
30c: firsts, 28 c; Toung Americas, sAc
Poultry California hens, 30 41c; young
roosters, S7tfc: do, old, 22 ft Z4c ; fryers.
42?4tic; broilers. 4448c; ducks, 30032c;
Belgian hares, Ipl8c; jackrabbtts, S3y
$3.30 doxen; turkeys, dressed. ftlu54c; live.
Vegetables Eggplant, southern, noml
nal; Bell peppers, southern. lOulOV&c: pi
nientos, 54 8c; sq,uash. per large lug, cream
squash. 75cvtl; hubbard, $1.23fti 1.75 per
sack; tomatoes, southern, nominal; Mexi
can, $1.7502.25 per crate; fancy, repacked,
42.50 per 30-pound luic: rotates, rivers.
5; Salinas, 5.25 5.30; sweet. 4 it
34e per pound; Oregon Uurbanks, SAff
3.25; Oregon American Wonders, 13.40?
5 50; Idaho Gems, 55.25; Garnets, 95.23
j.30; Onions, yellow and white, (4.50;
Australian brown, 14.30 U 4.75 on strvet ;
cucumbers, hothouse, $3t?4.50 pr box;
English. f3(f&.25; garlic, 22tr2rc pr
pound; beans, nominal; celery, $5t8 per
crate; turnips, per sack. 11.301.73; car
rots. 1.25; cauliflower, 1.2. w 1.75 per
dozen ; lettuce, sou i hern, SI. 1A ttf 2 ; peas,
1012c; sprouts, 7$8c pr pound; aspara
gus, natural growth, 30 U 35c pound; fancy,
50c; spinach, 6?7o pound; crate, $2.25;
green onions, $2 per box.
Fruit Oranges, navels, $3.30&5.50: lem
ons, $4.303 5.50; grapefruit, S2.50f 3. 25;
tangerines, $2?3 per half orange box; ba
nanas, 89 12c; pineapples, $3.50 413 per
aozen ; pears, cooaing, s 1 it 1-bQ per lug ;
winter Nellis, $34; Oregon, $4; apples.
Rhode Island Greenings, $1.753 2 for four
tier and $1.50 to 1.65 tor four half tier;
Newtown Pippins, S2.15&2.50; Oregon
Spitsenburg, $2.303.25; Baldwin. $202.23;
Oregon Newtown Pippins, $2.50 3; rhu
barb, bay stock, 16c pound.
Receipts -Flour. 7728 quarters; wheat,
1626 centals; barley, 1020 centals; oats,
2736 centals; beans, 1152 sacks; corn. 1132
centals; potatoes, 3072 sacks: hay. 7l8
tons; eggs. 64.080 doxen; hides. 460; or
anges, 2300 boxes; livestock, 200 head.
Eastern Dairy Produce.
10 cows., lor.o 10.23! 2" steers
7 calves :r.
11 cows.
3 cows. .
27 cows. .
21 cows. .
1 calf..
1 calf. .
6 calves
4 calves.
3 calves.
1 bull..
1 bull..
1 bull..
1 bull. .
8 bulls.
.1 bulls.
2 bulls.
2 bulls.
1 bull..
1 bull..
1 bull. .
6 mixed
IS mixed
5 mixed
fet mixed
2 mixed
12 hogs. .
"," hogs. .
12 hogs..
45 hogs. .
4 hops
3 hoss
NEW YORK, Feb. 16. Butter, steady;
creamery higher than extras. 67l,&HSc;
extra, 67c; firsts, &tArtc: parkins; stock,
current make -No. 2. 40iG4lc.
Eztrs, firm; fresh-ffathered, extra firsts,
586uc; fresh-iuthered firsts, C7u:8c.
Cheese, weak; state whole milk flats,
held specials, 3O0:tlc: state whole nttlk
flats, average run,' 28tt 02UUc; state whole
not 10.7.1 milk twins. Held specials, 2UK0JOO.
s;i 8
100 10.2a CHICAGO. Feb. 16. Butter, st.adr
102 lo.d creamery. 5OcT0Jc.
006 10.1.i Ks-ra. lower. ReceiDts. OOAfl cases: flnrt.
li.uui 3 cows. . l-ao 5l4 952c; ordinary firsts. 444lc
w. t..2J cows. , xv. i. mark, cases included, 41'uoJft.
8.00 8 cows. . 104S 10.00 Poultry, alive, higher; sprlnrs, Sue
jtO o.vv fnw . .rw..
7.7."l l yearl..
T.00'70 yearl. .
fl.00! 1 hiwU. .
6.75122 steers. 1220 12.25
8.35125 steers. 1040 11.10
8.35! 2 steers. 104 10.175
6.00126 steers,
ft. 00! 3 steers.
8.001 i steer. .
9.00! 23 steers.
30 7.50
1152 7.50
1070 7.50
1400 7 59
558 1.25
Si2 9 25
224 16.25
223 16.00
301 14.0))
ISfi 16.IK
126 14.50
7.851 3 cow
6.50 7 cows..
00'13 cows. .
7.00! 18 calves.
9 50130 calves.
.001 in calves.
350 10.25! 5 calves.
8.251 4 calves.
7.001 i calf. ..
8.751 4 bulls..
8.25! 1 bull...
7.001 i bull...
7.001 7 mixed
7.001 21 mixed
8.00! 7 hogs. .
S.OO'n hogs..
7.501 6 hogs..
9.0OI47 hogs. .
7.501 17 hogs..
9.251 2 hogs..
8.751 35 hogs. .
8 50I.-.1 hogs. .
9.501 17 hogs..
15.75! 3 hogs..
ll'O 16.25; 32 hogs. .
330 14 00 1 hog...
70 lfl.OOl g lambs
435 13.1)01 5 yearl..
123 14.501
Livestock prices at the Portland yards
were as follows:
Cattle Price.
Best grain atid pulp-fed steers 12.004f 12.75
Choice steers 11. oofi 11.50
Good to choice steers 10.00ftrll.00
Medium to good steers 9.0010.00
Fair to good steers . , 8.000 9. 00
Common to fair steers. ...... . 7.00(f 8.00
Choice cows and heifers 9.50iff-10.50
Naval Store,.
14 SO
9K5 8.65
aft 13 50
0 11.50 . SAVANNAH, ua, rflp. l". Turpentine
321 12.00 steady, 1188: sales 100, receipts and slllp-
230 14.00 ments 97. stock es.a.
1SH) 17.00 Rosin N to WW nothing doing; B to
M firm; sales 681, receipts none; ship
ments 1870, stock 33.4117. Quote: B,
Broken Down From Overwork
He Takes Tanlac and Now
Feels Splendid.
1 have actually trained fwelra
pounds by taking Tanlac. and thla
atrlkca ma as being; remarkabla. ca.
peclally for one of my asro. as 1 am
now 73 years old." said C. 1. Lock.
4619 Korty-scvenlh street aoutheast,
Portland. t)r., contractor and builder,
white telling of his experience wllh
"L'p to) two years ago, Mr. Ixcke
continued. 'l was very vigorous, but
at that time I was on a ranch In
California, and I worked so hard I
overtaxed my strength and became
very badly run down. I lost my ap
petite until I finally got to where I
just had to force down every mouth
ful I ate. Nothing tasted good, and
what I managed to eat did not seem
to do me a particle of good and 1
gradually grew weaker and weaker
and felt tired and worn-out all the
time. 1 nearly always had a pain In
the small of my back, which caused
me to think there was something
wrong with my kidneys. I never could
sleep well, waking up a dosen or
more times during the night, and 1
always got up In the morning feeling
worse th -x when I went to bed. My
circulation was poor and my hands
looked pale and were so numb all the
time they felt like a piece of wood.
In fact, my whole body Juat felt cold
and chilled all the time.
"I had heard so much praise of
Tanlac 1 decided to give It a trial,
and to my surprise I began to feel
better al.nost as soon as I started
taking It. I say I was surprised be
cause I had taken so many different
treatments and medicines without
getting any benefit I had about lost
faith In everything. Well, I continued
taking It until now I have a splendid
appetite and everything I eat tastes
good and gives me strength. I sleep
well at night and always get up In
the morning feeling greatly rested.
My circulation Is all right again and
I am entirely rid of that cold, chilly
feeling ..nd the numbness has en
tirely left my hands. I feel better
In every way than I have In years,
and I owe It all to Tanlac."
Tanlac Is sold in Portland by the
Owl Drug Co. Adv.
16.50: r. I1S 60; X, (16 70; O. (16 75
H, i6.8fl; I, 117; K, 117.50; M, lis; N
20; WO, 120.5(1; WW, 120 75.
Portland Business Bulletin
ni i on A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas-
1S2 16.25 smea ior reaay reierence. rur rates uy ue monm or year, or outer
110 14:75 information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, Housa 29.
220 16.00
10 14.00
111 17.00
146 15.00 JULIUS R. BLACK, special auditor ana
accountant on Involved accounts, oys
tems established and maintained; income
tax service, references. 72- riiwca
block. Phone Broalway 1.
RKFITTINU and making of ladles' gar
ments, reasonable; work guaranteeu.
L Keubln. 408 Bush 4 lne blds
Good to choice cows, heifers. 8.50-iir 9.50 . m . I.uiv et.-virtn u-,.n,i
iUlt',,dlU.m ;ooL CO"'"- h;":""- 2-522 d. silver and platinum 'bought.
- JT'anners 3.50tfp 6.50
f Bulls 6.25 8.50
' Prime light calves 15.00S 17.00
Heavy calves
Stockers and feeders...
Prime mixed
Medium and mixed ....
Rough heavy
Eastern lambs
T.lght valley lambs
Heavy valley lambs
Feeder Iambs
wes -
r.ooft 12.50
8.00 O 8.50
16.00a 17.00
14.00M 14.50
12.0O(fi 15.00
13.00 13.50
13.5ns 14.00
B A. CAFETERIA, 20214 Broadway,
near Taylor. Home cooking, best quality.
PilfJC The kind that wear the best are
flUUOmade from your worn-out carpets
by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad
dress 1S3 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven,
all aisea. Carpet cleaning, refitting and
resizing. Mail orders solicited, lsa a;.
6th St. Phone East S.lfO. B 12WI.
Viol, IN, piano, niaiwlolin. guitar, hanlo.
Iny true tip n. K o I K e n be i- k.4 1 n T amhttl.
L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lesson, prsc-
tlce piano. 1 nr. day, 15 mo. Hdr. 2.i 5.
M liM.ltY bTOt'K.
other varieties troes and planta
I.ct us supply you. order now.
. BAi.t.M nlhslut coiii'AM.
ltUO Chcmeketa St., ealcm. Or.
VI B CARRY a full assortmeut of chol.
fruit tres, berry plauta, oroatnsalaj
trues, shruiis, rosea, etc.
ORKI3QN NURHalHY CO.. Orenco, Or.
R&V Rugs, all atzea Mull orders prompt
bend lor Boo Kiel.
9x12 ruts steam or dry cleaned, 1.M.
54-66 Union ave. N. But 6ML 6 1475.
CHICAliO, eb. 16. Hogs Receipts, I c-r rirT-, trT,.a TTZ "
Chicago Livestock Market.
Play Is Success.
MT. ANGEL. Or.. Feb. 26. (Spe
cial.) The play, "The Holy City," was
put on by local talent under the
auspices of the Mt. Angel council,
Knights of Columbus, at city hall last
Sunday afternoon and evening. The
so many inquiries regarding olives ! providcd tonnaffe can be obtained. The
and other canned foods had been
pouring into the dairy and food com
missioners' laboratory of which Mr.
Wells is head.
"Botulinus poisoning, which re
cently killed six in one family in New
York, is caused by eating spoiled food
Infected with the bacillus botulinus
and is as liable to be found in canned
fruit, asparagus or beans," explained
Chemist Wells. "Even fruit or vege
tables put up by the housewife may
contain .this poisoning. As soon as a
jar or can of any food is opened, if
it has the least 'queer smell it should
be discarded. It is cheaper to throw
a can of food into the garbage can
than to poison the family.
rates offered by shippers are 140 a ton
for shipments to China and $25 to Cuba.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 18. (Special.) The
old pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer, Captain
J. Frank Wright, sailed at 11 o'clock to
day for Seattle, where she will have a
new two-blade propeller shipped and be
equipped with a new set of sails. She will
then proceed to Alaska to go on the mail
run between Seward and Unalaska. making
four trips to Nushag&k river and other
points in Bering sea during the coming
summer. "
The steamer City of Topeka, carrying
freight and passengers from Portland and
Astoria, sailed at 4 this afternoon for San
Francisco via way ports.
The steamer Pawlet, laden with general
cargo from Portland for the orient, sailed
o'a her 1-hour trip at 9:33 this morning. ;
Port Calendar.
To Arrive at Portland.
Vessel From Due.
Str. Idaho Taltal Feb. 17
Str. Wahkeena...Sa.n Francisco ...Feb. 18
Str. L.ansins Port San Luis . . . .Feb. IS-
Str F. H. Buck... Monterey Feb. 18
Str. Santiam San Pedro ...
Str. Mont Cervln. Seattle .......
Str. Wawalona. . . Orient
Rch. K. V. Kruse. Coos Bay
Sch. Irene San Francisco
Str. Waban Vladivostok ..
Str. Coaxet Kobe
Sch. Sn'w&B'g'S.. Manila
Str. Eelbeck Pan Francisco
Sch. D'vid Evns.. Table Bay
Str. Montague Orient April 1
Str. Mt. Etna Seattle April 1
Str. Abercos Orient April 24
To Depart From Portland.
Str. Nome City. ..San Francisco Feb. 17
Str. San Jacinto. -San Francisco ....Feb. 17
Str. Flor. Olson. ..San Francisco Feb..l8
Str. Clackamas... United Kingdom. .Feb. 18
Teasels in Port.
Vessel Berth
Str. Marshfield. ..Irving dock.
Str. Munra Drydock.
Bkt. G. U. Hind .. Inman-Poulsen mill.
Bkt. C. F. Cr'k'r. .St. John's terminal.
Str. NomeCity...Kalama.
Str. Clackamas. ..Municipal dock No. 1.
Sch. Mindoro Westport.
Str. San Jacinto. . Westport.
Str. Flor Olson... St. Helens.
Sir. Windber. .....Westport.
PORTLAND, Feb. 16. Maximum tem
perature, r0 degrees; minimum. 34 degrees.
River reading at S A. H., a feet; change
in last "J4 hours, 0.4-foot rise. Total rain
fall C5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none; total rain
fall since September 1, 1919, 21.83 inches;
normal rainfall since September 1.
29.31 inches; deficiency of rainfall since
September 1, 1919, 7.48 inches. Sunrise,
7:12 A. M.; sunset. 5.3S P. M. Total sun
shine February 16, 6 hours 20 minutes;
possible sunshine, 1Q hours 26 minutes.
Moon rise. &:3S A. M. ; moonset, 2:49 P. M.
Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5
P. M., 30.29 Inches. Relative humidity at
5 A. M 88 per cent; at noon, S8 per cent;
at 5 P. M., 61 per cent.
K X V Wind
- c m3
1 3 ?S 2. 5-
2 3 3" S
STATIONS. 5 J j i a 'Weather.
5 5 :
" "
3 S : :
4S 0.OO. .INW'lriear
2S 4Si0.0". .V Pt. cloudy
11U 22l0.0Ol'W Clear
24j 4i0. ooj. . NW Pt. cloudy
24io.nni2L'isw Cloudy
1S 50 n.X. ,SW Clear
-21. ,.!0.00. .1;
4ii .r2i0.0O. ,NE Clear
r0 r,60.00ll2!E Cloudy
JS 44 0.00I16ISW iPt. cloudy
S4i'3S11.10!..isE Rain
s 44i0.mi!20R Clear
52 64 0.OOI. . SW Clear
40 5 0. 001.. NW Clear
25 60 0.001. .E Clear
-12) SO'O.On'lOIW Pt. cloudy
401 r.2 0.00!..iS Pt. cloudy
S 22I0.OOI22IW Clear
Calgary ....
Chicago . - .
Des Moines. .
'Eureka ....
Galveston -.
Helena ....
Kansas City.
Los Angeles.
Medford ....
New Orleans
"vw ork
North Head! 34! 420.OO,32!NW!Pt. cloudy
N. Takima.. M'D.wi.JMi H-'iear.
44 '.u.iio(. .jw Ufear
20 4S'0.nn'..W IClear
34 SC'O.OOl. .NWIClear
401 44'0.O0l..N ICloudy
421 SSIO.OOL.'NE Clear
61 3410. 00'12'PW IClear
32 4S 0.OOI. .IN w Clear
52l 5S'0.00T10!W 'Clear"
San Franc-o) 411 54 0. 00. .INTvpt. cloudy
Seattle ""i ... .uUJ
si.vat rsS!I!4O;0.n2;. .SE Rain
Spokane ... 241 SS'O.OOj. .s ICloudy
Tacoroa i 341 4010.00!. .!XE Icloudy
Tatoosh Is'd! SRI 42'O.OOL IN ICloudy
Valdeit ....lOlS2ll.0l.. S Rnin
Valla Wallal :i2! 5O1O.0OI..IW Pt. cloudy
Washington. 12! 24'0.0O' IN Clear
Winnipeg -! 220. 00?. .IN Siyw
" t A M. today. P. M. report of preceding
4R.O00; opening strong but weakening.
Bulk. S14.406'13.2.'i: top, $15.50; heavy.
S14.23IS14.s5; medium, I14.60W 15.25; light
14.S5tt 15.50; light light. I14.500 15.25
heavy packing sows, smooth. $18.4013.85;
packing sows, rough, lda13-4U; pigs,
J13.50B 14.75.
Cattle Receipts. 14.000: firm. Beef
steers, medium and heavyweight, choice
and prime. $14.751H.S5; medium and
good. J11.50(g14.75; common, $0.25011.50
liehtweiaht. good and choice, $12.5016
common and medium, $S.7512.50; butcher
cattle, heifers, 16.40 13; cows, 16.404
11.75; canners and cutters, $5ji6.40: veal
calves. $15.7517.25; feeder steers, $7.50
11.50: stocker steers. 10.25.
Sheep Receipts, 26.000; slow. Lambs.
84 pounds down, $1821; culls and com
mon, $14.505117.75: ewes, meaium, good
and choice, $1113.75; culls and common,
ta 10.50.
Omaha Livestock Market.
OMAHA, Feb. 16. (United States Bu
reau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts, 10,500;
slow: 20 to 30 cents lower. Top. $14.25:
bulk, $13.85914.10: heavyweight. $14
14.15: medium weight, S14.10-&' 14.25: liglft
weight. $1414.15; light light, $13.75
14.10; heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.73
13.00; packing sows, rough, $13.2513.75;
pigs. $12.50(514.50.
Cattle Receipts, 7000. Beef and butcher
stock 10 to 15 cents nigner. blockers and
feeders strong. Beef steers, medium and
s made into new
rugs, rag rugs and carpet cleaning. Mail
orders prompt Montavilla Rug Co.
11IB4 East Staik. Phone Tabor 7314.
1"2 B. 17th St. Automatlo 211-24
THE IRWIK.Hnnfinv pnupisr
887 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254.
$00,000 KNOW McMahon, 10C Chrlroprac
tor. xnrongs pronounce treatment eaalesr,
best, permanent. 31 "treats" $15. Tsl,
WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny
tne oniy scientific chlropcdlsts sna sren
specialists In the city. Parlora 302 tier-
linger bldg., S. W. corner 24 and Aldsr.
mono Main 1301.
DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun
ions, toot arcnes maae to oraer. sit
Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main losl
heavyweight, choice and prime $135 15: CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal
medium and good, $llfc.lJ.Jo. common SJ building. Marshall 6822. Multlgraphlnf.
mimeographing and mall advertising.
SJ11: lightweight, good and choice, $11. 7j
15; common ano meaium, n.v;
butcher cattle, heifers. $6.75' 11.50; cows,
k 50ffi11.25: canners and cutters. $5,250
6.55: veal calves, light and handywelght.
$1415.50: feeder steers, $7.75&12; stocker
steers, $6.75 11.
Sheep Receipts, 8000: steady. Lambs,
C4 nminris down. $1S19.75; culls and
common. $14.60 17.50; yearling wethers, KETH CO., Worcester bldg., Main 179B
Furnace smokes throush res-Inters:
needs renairlna or cleaning. i:.ll urn.
Tabor 3843.
$14 75"a' 17.50; ewes, medium and choice,
sio'75 4i 12.80; culls and common, $6,504
Kansas City Livestock Market.
KANSAS CITT. Mo., Feb. 16. Sheep
No collections, no charge, Estab. 1900.
PRIVATE lessons. 75 cents: special rate
on courses riours io A. M. to 10 p. M.
604 Eilers bldg., heu 4th and 5th on
wash. st. Main
Receipts 7000, steady Lambs. $17 2620, MRS BATH, 808 Dekum bldg. 10
culls and common, $126 . y1-"" - lessons. $5. Beginners Mon. eve. Pi
era, $15.5081 18; ewes, $10.50 13.25; culls lessons day and eve.. Main 1S4S.
...Feb. 19
v.h i r.
...Feb. 20 Phoenix ...-!
...Feb. 20 Pocatello . .J
...Feb. 20 Portland ...I
...Feb. 25 Roseburg ...I
...Feb. 25 c.-ram.nln I
"EebT? St- Lo"ia-'-...Mar.
Io salt Lake...
. . . Mar. 15 i Tt, 1
Portland and vicinity Fair; moderate
northerly winds.
Oregon and Wash'ngton Fair; moderate
northerly winds, -
and common, .VSa-WlO.ft; breeding ewes.
feeder lambs, ilfl.tplS.
Seattle IJvestock Market.
SEATTLE, Feb. i. tings Receipts.
0.)0- steady. Prime. Il16..i0; medium to
choice, llSli'ie; rough heavies. S14&14.O0;
pig.s, $li!fc 13.50.
'all P KPCe UW. 7 ia. ro mcrrn.
ii 75 6t 12.'2;: medium to cnoice,
11.25: common io ynn'i, r w ,m, ) h
BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss
uorotny Ksamussen, oio fellers Didg
Ir. Oeorjre Kubenstetn. the veOma op
tician, still fil the bent ryli' "t
ery moderate prices. Tort-. KrytPs,
"JSP ths cheaper grndom. 2'fl Morrfon.
cit your patrons- on m
of capable service. Thoa-
...rwi. ..t ... ..f.. ,M.lnmKrl. A
trial will convince you. Charls W. Jd
mn, optometrist, I'tMf Morrison. M. i12
ed with modern instrument.
liluxKt-B ft ft..' .u.m J M UP.
A. E- Ht'KWl'l'Z, optometrist, 2ii Klrst st
OltlKNTAL im.H.
K A It A i( )X I A , fc r'KKt.OO.N'.
1-M S. 2..U. 1'IIUNh. la A IN f.J".
PATENTS Uur practice has extended over
a period of 14 years, AH communication
strictly conOiit-ntial ; roniL vfltcivnL
conscientious service: handliook free
request. AIL'NN t CO. patent attorneys,
Kan Francisco office, liuimrt bids.,
Market st. , Cliicgu of i ice. room
Tower bldg.; Waahingtun office, room
lua. 423 V. sL; Itew lot oil its, Wuoi'
worth bldg.
R. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience U.
and foreign patents. tWl L k uiri bldg.
OOLOBtiHG. L'0 Worcester bldg. M. 21-.
I'll YftK 1AM.
DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg.
Rheumatism, sLoinach. bowel, lung, liver,
kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female
disorders, akin aXIectlona, blood preasur.
emarged tons.., moles, birth marks.
riXMBlNU htl'l'LlKS.
prices. titaike-UavU Co., 2W ad. M. TtfL
KEYSTONU PULiSS. J. K. Gantenboia.
Manager. Printing and linotyping, loos
Front at., corner tiurk. Main or A 141a,
rnillllilUlstand Oak s( a. Main HI.., MM
PAINTING and calcimhilng. floors cleaned
and Prices nusonabJe. A.
Garrow. iUb Li- tin su pciiwuou
C H. TICK KILL, house, sign painting, pam
pering, tinting. Tabor Uilll. iilU K. 44ta-
GKT your painting, psperh a using, d-corl
lng, aamomining aiu sis" ""
fure lUe ruh scasun tarts. J3-U Last
UlUan, or phone 'labor l!o6.
Uverylhlng needed and used by prac
tical poultry keepers; catalog fre. ltout
ledg beeti St Jf loral Co.. 10 M au. Port
1 Repaired
Bought snd dold.
s?4"H First St. Main 71.
Change in Sailing
S.S. Rose City
Depart 12 Noon
From A ins worth Dock
Fare includes Berth and Meals.
City Ticket Office, 3d and Washington
Phone Mam 3530
Freight Office, Ainsworth Dock
Phone Broadway 268
SI N. 1st. Portland. Or. R.
winding and electrical repairing
a specialty. See us about new or
used motors. Bdwy.ltl.S.A 10e.
ROOK3 r-plr-d lvl our prlcrs on new
roofs. Tabor awaj. r wain si.
" Tk;om-manu bTOBKH.
til r KONT ST.
We buy and aull e.rythlng In fh.
Iiardware and furniture Hue, Phoa.
Main VUi2.
ENG1NK and machine repairs, jobbing
worlc ana installing macninery, gear cut
ting, universal grinding. Phone East
lt:4 East bixth. Residence,
wood 14u8.
' Fertilizer.
Fertilize your land If you want big
crops; read about "O. M. Wonder" In
our 1920 catalog. Routledge Seed A
Floral Co.. 143 id St.. Portland. Or
415 East 7th. East 1S47 and 21K-62.
GET estimates for new or old house Port-
land Hardwood Floor Co.. INI w. rant
Dekum bids. U. foreign trademarks.
Transfer and htukai.ii.
The fiervlce Wllh a Reputation.
liiih snd Kearney Branch sat Bd.
comar nth. Yhonm Wroadwf ll or
1 ItW W own and opvrato two largo
claat "A" rfhouia on tarmiiiol frock
Lowest Insuranro rolea In lh citf.
C. M. OLbiiNTHANK KKK CO.. 24 flirS.
'"packing, movino. htoraok.
CO.. lnsPARK PT. MAIN 1.A I'gl
GI'.IVNKI.I. Trar. -fr and storage, office
S2rt st. Phone lldwv.iu4.
Honolulu, Suva.. New Zealand.
The Z'alatiaJ Passenger Steamers
zu,uvn ions . i3,ow ioas
Nail from Vancouver. B. C.
Far fares and sailings apply Can. Fac Rail.
way, 55 Third bt Portland, or Canadian
Australian Royal Mail Una, 4i0 oayiawsal
bu Vancouver, a. t . . t
THE il. L. KLINE? CO.. 84-8.-8T-81 Front
PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trad, bldg
THANHAUSMR HAT CO.. 63-35 Front at.
W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison.
RASJdUSiE.N . Co., Second . and Taylor.
KAHN HHPS.. Itii Frontst
THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-S 7-S JrorO,
EVEl'.UINO st FAHRELL. 140 Front St.
Portland Cordage Co.. 14tb and Northrop.
W. P. FULLER 4 CO.. Front snd MorrUes.