Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 13, 1920, Page 22, Image 22

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Henry Building Quarters toBe
"Red Car" Depot.
Permanent Location to Be Strut:-
ture Now Occupied by Lyric.
The Fourth-street depot of the
Southern Pacific electric system will
be transferred to 87 Fourth street, the
Henry building. March 1. where for
about a year it will occupy the quar
ters now used by the Lawyers Title
& Trust company. It Is understood
that before the expiration of one
year the depot will be located in the
Rosenblatt property at the southwest
corner of Stark and Fourth Streets,
now the Lyric theater. The arrange
ment for temporary quarters In the
Henry building was made yesterday
and pending the remodeling or build
ing of a new depot, this will be the
center of travel over the electric line
that runs the red-car trains to the
west side lines of the railroad. The
Lawyers Title & Trust company will
on March 1 occupy its new office on
the Stark-street side of the new build
ing erected by Herbert Gordon at the
northwest corner of Stark and Fourth
streets, and which is now nearing
The Lyric theater is under lease to
the management of that amusement
concern until September next. The
property is owned by Samuel and
Louis Rosenblatt and their two sis
ters. It is 50 by 100 feet, and the
building will undergo extensive
changes or be rebuilt to serve the
purpose of a passenger station. It
is understood that the proposed lease
is for a long term of years, probably
to cover the period of the fran
chise of the railroad company on
Fourth street, which will expire in
While no official confirmation was
forthcoming last night as to the lo
cation, it has been rumored for some
time that various locations had been
under consideration. Location of the
station in the Henry building will
make that locality the uptown center
for west side travel.
George L. Greenfield early in Jan
uary leased from the company own
ing the property now occupied by the
Southern Pacific, for a period of ten
years from March 2. A sub-lease was
offered to the railroad company which
was not accepted. The station in the
block between Washington and Alder
streets has been occupied for the
past eight years.
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Curtailed Burins Blamed for Con
templated Cancellation of Trip
to European Ports.
The decline in the European ex
change has so curtailed buying on
the other side of the Atlantic that
the sailing of the steamer Cansumset
the latter part of this month for
Havre, Hamburg and Liverpool may
be canceled, it was stated yesterday
by A. C. Stiibbe, general manager of
the Columbia-Pacific Shipping com
pany, local agents for the European
Pacific line, which is operating the
Cansumset and eight other shipping
board vessels on a direct service from
all ports of the Pacific coast to those
of Europe.
In order to make Portland a port of
call for each oj the vessels, 1000 tons
of. freight must be provided here,
under a regulation made by Williams,
Dimond & Co., managers of the line.
PVplirhr for thA steamer West Cavntft
I of this line, which loaded and depart
ed from Portland yesterday, was
barely above the 1000-ton limit, and
unless cargo for the Cansumset is
booked much more rapidly than at
present, the vessel will pass Portland
by on her next trip.
Schooner Coming In Ballast.
Contradictory reports and specula
tion as to the inward cargo of the
schoonei-Snow & Burgess, which is on
her way to Portland from Manila,
were st at rest yesterday by the re
ceipt of definite information- from her
owners that she is coming here in
ballast to load lumber for Australia.
The Snow & Burgess started out from
Manila for the Columbia river early
last October, but was obliged to put
back to that port in a leaky condition
and go on drydock. She finally left
Manila December 18 and presumably
has been on her way here since that
Avance Repair Bids Opened.
Bids for repairs to the motorshlp
Avance, built by the Columbia En
gineering Works and severely dam
aged by fire and submersion several
j weeks ago, were opened yesterday by
Henry Hewitt & Co., agents for the
underwriters. The contract for the
work is expected to be awarded with
in a few days. Amounts of bids were
not made public, but it was given out
that proposals-had been submitted by
the Pacific Marine Iron Works, Coast
Shipbuilding company, Supple & Mar
tin, Albina Engine & Machine Works
and Robert Mcintosh.
Denial of Inefficient Discipline
by Secretary Roosevelt Is Fol
lowed by Demand.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Appoint
ment of a naval court of inquiry to
investigate the record of the more
than 2000 men returned to the service
from the Portsmouth prison during
the war on recommendation of Com
mander Thomas Mott Osborne and the
effect of this policy upon the general
efficiency, of the- navy has been re
quested by Captain J. K. Taussig of
the naval war college at Newport,
it was learned today.
Captain Taussig's request, made in
a letter to the judge advocate-general
of the navy, was the result of
Assistant Secretary Roosevelt's con
tradiction of recent charges by Taus
sig that the effect of returning these
men to ships had been detrimental
both to discipline and efficiency in
war time. Mr. Roosevelt declared the
records showed that "more than 70
per cent of the men returned to the
service had made good.
Commander Osborne has tendered
his resignation from the naval re
serve force, and asked Secretary Dan
iels to accept it as soon as his suc
cessor at Portsmouth can be chosen.
Naval officials said Commander Os
borne's resignation had no connec
tion with charges of immorality
among inmates at the prison submit
ted by, agents of the department of
justice several months ago. They said
he 3rst presented his resignation some
time before the charges were made
but later withdrew it.
Dock Workers at Rotterdam and
Amsterdam Want More Pay.
THE HAGUE, Feb. 12. A general
trike by sailors and dock workers
is expected to begin next Monday at
Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The crews'
of the Noordam and other steamers
which ply between Dutch and Ameri
can ports have refused to answer to
muster call. All vessels in port are
endeavoring to put to sea before the
strike starts.
The workers associations, repre
senting 15,000 men, demand increased
River Freighter Sold.
The small propeller steamer Jessie
Harkins, which has been carrying
freight between Portland and Camas
and Washougal for the Harkins
Transportation company for several
years, has been sold to the Shaver
Transportation company for use in
the river as a towboat, it was an
nounced yesterday by the Harkins
company. The service that has been
supplied by the steamer Jessie Har
kins has been discontinued.
Canadian News Print Shippers Ig
nore Demand of Government.
MONTREAL. Feb. 12. Price Broa
& Co. ot Quebec, shippers of large
quantities of news print paper into
the American market, have decided to
resist the order of the board of com
merce requiring them to supply paper
at government-fixed prices to the
Montreal Dally Star, Montreal Herald
and Perier, Bessette & Co. of Mon
treal, it was announced today. The
order was to have gone into effect
February 10, but no deliveries have
been made and the company an
nounced it did not contemplate mak
ing any.
It was considered likely that the
company, would be given an oppor
tunity to explain its position before
any definite action was taken.
Prohibition Officer Explains Rules
Governing National Law.
SALEM. Or, Feb. 12. (Special.)
Marion county druggists held a ban
quet here last night and organized
an association for the mutual benefit
of its members. Representatives were
present at the meeting from Wood
burn, Stayton, Hubbard, Silverton,
Aurora, Salem and other points in
the county.
The druggists listened to an ad
dress by J. L. Smith, newly-appointed
prohibition commissioner with head
quarters in Portland. Mr. Smith ex
plained what would be expected of
druggists in complying with the pro
hibition laws, and said their co-opera
tion would be expected in enforcing
the act.
Destroyer Gwin Drydocked.
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 12. The
United States destroyer Gwin, the last
vessel launched in Seattle for the
navy, was drydocked here today to
have new propellers installed and to
have her bottom painted. Several
days ago new engines1 were installed
in the Gwin at Tacoma.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, Feb. 12. Sailed at T P. M.
Steamer Aniwa for New York for orders.
Steamer West Cayote for Europe via way
ports. Arrived at C P. M. Steamer -Atlas
with barge 93 from San Francisco.
SAN PEDRO, Cal.. Feb. 12. Arrived
Steamers West Hike,, from San Francisco:
Flavel, from Eureka. Sailed Steamers
Avalon for Willapa. Astral for Woosung.
Governor for Puget sound.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 12. Arrived
Steamers Shlnyo Maru, from Hongkong;
Enterprise, from Honolulu; Anita Kolph,
from Valparaiso: Multnomah, from Port
land; Nbcanlcum, from Brookings; Helene,
from Grays Harbor; Yellowstone, from
Coos Bay. Departed Steamers City of
Berkeley, for New York; Dilworth, for
Seattle; Hyades, for Seattle.
ASTORIA, Feb. 12. Arrived at S A. M.
- Steamer Trinidad from San Pedro. Ar
rived at 7:30 and left up at 9 A. M.
Steamef Atlas towing barge 93 from San
Francisco. Sailed at 10:05 A. M. Steamer
Tiverton for San Pedro.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 12. Arrived and
sailed Steamer Multnomah from Columbia
river for San Pedro. Sailed at 8 last
night Steamer Florence Olson for Co
lumbia river.
COOS BAY. Feb. 12. Arrived at 9 A. M.
and sailed Steamer City of Topeka from
San Francisco for Portland.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 11. Arrived at
3 P. M. Steamer Saginaw towing barge
Charles Nelson from Columbia river.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 12. Arrived:
Steamers J. A. Moffett. from San Fran
cisco: Stanwood, from San Pedro via San
Francisco; Celllo. from San Francisco.
Departed: Steamer Mexico Maru, for
Singapore via ports.
TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. '12. Arrived:
Steamers F. S. Loop, Davenport, from San
Francisco; Chilliwack. from British Co
lumbia ports; Chicago Maru (Jap.), from
Sailed: Steamers Mexico Mflru. for
Yokohama: Eastern Guide, for Honolulu;
F. S. Loop, for San Francisco via porta.
Diablo Reaches New York.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 12. (Special.) A
letter w.ia received today by Harbormaster
Sweet from Captain Ed Skog, master of
the steamer Diablo. The letter was writ
ten at New York and says the steamer
made the trip from Astoria to that city
in 25 days and 9 hours' actual running
time. She was ordered to Philadelphia to
discbarge her cargo. Captain Sweet alsr
recelved a letter from Captain Bruce of
the steamer Nlshmaha. The steamer ar
rived at Philadelphia on February 4 after
a pleasant trip and began discharging
cargo there. -
U. S. Naval Radio Reports.
All positions reported at 8 P. M. yester
day unless otherwise indicated.
AUM1KAL UKttisi, Ban i-'ranclsco for
Seattle, HMt miles from Seattle.
PROVIDENCIA. Grays Harbor for San
Francisco, 350 mil-es north of San Fran
cisco. STANDARD ARROW, San Francisco for
Shanghai, 828 miles from San Francisco,
February 12, 8 r. M.
Portland. 150 miles from Columbia river.
ERNEST H. MEYERS, rays Harbor for
San Pedro, 15 miles south of Gray Harbor.
EL S EG UNDO, San Pedro for Point
Wells, 363 miles south nf Point Wells.
Francisco, 121 miles from San Francisco.
WAP AM A, St. Helens for San Francisco,
132 miles from San Francisco.
C. A. SMITH, Coos Bay for San Fran
cisco, lis miles north of San Francisco.
FRANK H. BUCK. Everett for Mon
terey, 575 miles from Everett.
GOVERNOR, Wilmington for San Fran
cisco, 1 miles north of Point Arguello.
ASUNCION, Richmond for San Pedro,
120 miles south of Richmond.
NUUANU, San Francisco for Manila,
1230 miles from San Francisco, Feb 11,
8 P. M.
CANSUMET, Honolulu for Seattle, 1010
miles southwest of Cape Flattery, Feb.
11. 8 P. M.
WEST- KEENE. San Francisco for Hono
lulu, 1162 miles from San Francisco, Feb.
11, 8 P. M.
MISKIANZA, San Francisco for Manila,
1179 miles from San Francisco, Feb. 11,
8 P. M.
ECUADOR, San Francisco for Orient,
1219 miles from San Francisco, Feb. 11,
8 P. M.-
COLOMBA, SI miles from San Francisco.
Feb. 11, 8 P. M. .
MULTNOMAH. San Francisco for San
Pedro, 25 miles south of San Francisco.
WASHTENAW. Portland for San Luis
Obispo, 235 miles from San Luis Obispo.
ADMIRAL SCHLEY, San Francisco for
Seattle, 59 miles north of San Francisco.
ARGYLL, Oleum for Seattle, 525 miles
from Seattle.
DILWORTH, Richmond for Seattle, 91
miles from Richmond.
LABREA. Port San Luis for Vancouver,
600 miles from Vancouver.
USTS IRIS, 40 miles south of San Fran
cisco. ASTRAL, San Pedro for Shanghai, 174
miles west San Pedro.
JOHANNA SMITH. San Francisco for
Coos Bay. 15 miles north of San Francisco.
for San Francisco, 6 miles from San Fran
cisco. ROSE CITY, San Francisco for Portland,
22 miles north of San Francisco.
RICHMOND, towing Barge 95, Honolulu
for San Pedro, 518 miles from San Pedro.
Tides at Astoria Friday'.
NORTH HEAD, Feb. 12. Condition of
the -bar at 5 P. M. Sea smooth; wind
Pulitzer Begins Loading.
The auxiliary motor schooner Jo
seph Pulitzer, recently purchased from
the Port of Portland by Dr. Andrew
C. Smith for use as a mail carrier in
Alaskan waters, started loading stores
at, the Couch-street dock yesterday,
and will sail today for Unalaska. The
Pulitzer will be the first vessel to
leave the harbor this year for Alaska.
Naval Transport Sails.
VALLEJO, Cal., Feb. 12. The naval
transport Newport News, which has
been undergoing repairs at the Mare
Island navy-yard, sailed today for the
Asiatic station. The supply, ship As
toria is under orJers to sail this week
for Bremerton navy-yard, P u g e t
"The Oldest Life Insurance Company in America"
The Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York
34 Nassau Street, New York
In 1919
Paid Policyholders a Total of
One Billion Five Hundred and Fifty-Three Million Dollars
paid to Policyholders since the Company began business in 1813
Total Dividends to Policyholders Since the Beginning; of Business
Total Paid-for Insurance Issued in 1919
Insurance in Force December 31, 1919
Balance Sheet December 31, 1919
Real Estate $ 14;I01.121.03
Mortgage Loans 100.754,822.85
Policy Loans ' 82,740.384.67
U. S. Liberty Bonds 73,023,640.00
Other Bonds 348.601.869.78
Stocks '. 23,850,859.50
Interest and Rents Due and Ac
crued 8.341.248.38
Premiums in course of collection 6, 175,273. 4
Cash 01,723,828.60 at interest).. 2,195.815.17
Cash advanced to pay claims.... 2,805,239.89
Total Admitted Assets 662,390J74.DO
roller Reserve $549.1.'in.l.H.nO
Supplementary C'ontrart Reserve 4.4X7.S1A.47
Other Policy Liabilities Il.la5.782.03
Premiums; Interest and Rents
paid in advance l.OI.JM.I
Miscellaneous Liabilities 1,402,667.74
Reserve for Taxes Payable in
1920 ,!!. It 7.30
Dividends Payable In 1920 21,594,337.28
Reserved for Future Deferred
Dividends 4fi. 859.769. 86
Contingency Reserve (Surplus). 19,551,214.93
Special Reserve Account of For
eign Securities 4,500.000.00
Total Liabilities Ms2-11Mi.274.IK)
Ten Years' Progress
Dec. 31
1009 . . .
1B19 . . .
Pnymr-sita to Innuranrfi
AhnHn Liabilities Snrnlna laeonte Polieybolilrra In Forre
.."ifi,122!S $.V42,0:MIS 1 7..M D.XW) $.YI.IMM.64 il.-H L.T.I.I.M.
. mzxmxii w2,mo 10.551,215 112,73:1,157 m, 11:1-05 a,H.i7iiA7
416-428 Corbett Building Portland. Or.
A new fly swatter is a cone of wire
that is shot out from a pistol by a
spring, Its shape making: the escape
CITY OF TOPEKA, san Francisco for of an insect almost impossible.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
SAN PEDRO, Cal.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
The united States Steel Products com
pany, which is the export subsidiary of the
United States Steel corporation, has filed
an application with the interstate com
merce commission for permission to op
erate a fleet of steamers on a regular
schedule between Atlantic and Pacific
ports, including San Pedro, San Francisco
and Seattle.
The Steel Products company controls the
largest fleet of steamers under the Ameri
can flag, their holdings including the
American-Hawaiian fleet and other ves
sels still on the ways at various shipbuild
ing plants. The company plans to operate
regular freight service through the Pan
ama canal, a number of their ships to be
placed on the run.'
Admiral J. L. Jayne, commander of the
12th naval district, was in San Pedro yes
terday looking over the submarine base
and the vessels of the Pacific fleet. Vessels
of the fleet will hold short-range battle
practice all next week and shipping inter
ests have been warned to steer clear of
the battle grounds, which lie between San
Pedro and Catalina.
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 12. Antofagasta
Is teeming with shipping activity and much
freight is being handled for many of the
big world ports, according to Captain Rob
ert Wilson, master of the steamship Santa
Inez, of the fleet cf W. R. Grace & Co.,
now In port from the west coast of South
Captain Wilson said that while the
Santa Inez was in Valparaiso, Chile, dur
ing the voyage just completed, 27 ves
sels were loading nitrate and working
night and day.
'The steamships were taking aboard
from 500 to 800 tons a day each and II
certainly made a busy scene, said Cap
tain Wilson. "Only two of the vessels
were loading for the states and the rest
for Europe. The Virginian of the Araer-
Fall Fatal to Newspaper Man.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 12. William
Kennels, a Los Anpeles newspaper
man. Jumped or fell from the window
of his room on the third floor of a
local hospital today while delirious
from an attack of influenza and was
t i t(3v pajamas r m . i
r, " g-drr -
it mjssK .mm j - i
WCfrtE TRAFFIC COPS ff ' IooJtTefiw.l.L
witL waken woKTty AFreR, bTros,nst atmai. time. 1
i . u j
lean-Hawaiian Steamship company
in port loading.
Averaging lu knots In her speed testa,
the new 4400-ton wooden motorship Booby
alla, ninth vessel completed by the Patterson-McDonald
company's Duwamlsh wa
terway plant, staged a highly successful
trial trip on the sound today. She dry
docked at the Todd plant for final In
spection preliminary to formal delivery
to the Australian commonwealth govern
ment. Following the delivery the com
monwealth government will turn the new
carrier over to J. E. Chilberg, the Booby
alia being one of the ships Mr. Chilbers
purchased from the commonwealth.
When tne steamsnip Aumirai noaman,
of the Pacific Steamship company, leave
the harbor island plant of the Todd Dry
docks. Inc.. she will virtually rank as a
new vessel. The planking of the entire
forward half of the hull has been
moved and will be replaced, the work
being necessitated by damage sustained
bv the vessel when she was bucking Ire
in Alaskan waters early In the winter. She
ran Into a field of sheath Ice and had
lively tussle with it before she reached
clear water.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 1. (Special.) Th!
tank steamer Atlas, with barge 93 in tow,
arrived at 7:30 this morning rrom Call
fnrnia. and nroceeded to Portland.
The steam schooner san Jacinto arnvea
at 2 o'clock this afternoon from San Fran
cisco and is to load lumber at i-oriiana
nnri Westnort.
The steam schooner Tiverion, carrymK
lumber from Prescott and Viestport, saueu
at 10:30 today for San Pedro.
ThA steam schooner rnniaaa arnvea ai
7 this morning from San Pedro and went
to the Hammond mill to load lumDer.
a iPOMt four and Dernaps live ot tne
Benson company rafts of logs are to be
towed to San Diego during the coming
summer. The Hammond Lumber com
pany has a raft of piling completed at
it- tifoita nlnnt for towing to San Francisco
and It is possible a second one will be sent
routh this year. The Penson force at
Wallace Slough also nas ono ran juiuhcivu
and Is constructing ine spcunu
The steam schooner uaisy huij-
in lumber at Knappton mis uwrnuou
to sail for San Francisco. '
The ateam scnoonem jmo,
Florence Olson are due from San ran-
PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Feb. 12.
criai When the United stales snip- ,
ping board steamer Lake Alynus arrives
from the west cohm v. . 1
with a cargo of nitrates ehe will be turned
over to W. R. Grace Co. to be loaded
with 1,150.000 feet of lumber for Cuba.
Another steamer of the Lake type has
been secured by Grace & Co. to carry
1 500 000 feet of lumber, also for Cuba.
'with nearly 1,000,000 feet of lumber
loaded at Port Blakely, the schooner Ed
ward R. West sailed this morning for Ade
laide The barkentlne Aurora also sailed
today for Adelaide with lumber loaded at
Mukilteo. .
Announcement has been made by the
Trans-Ocean company that during March
three big 10,000-ton steamers In Its serv
ice will load on Puget sound. The steam
ers are en route to the northwest from
the orient. The Kaisha Maru la due
March 6. In addition to general cargo
she will take a big shipment of explo
sives to Japan. The other steamers are
Hokal Maru, due March 15, and the Ura
susan Maru, due March 25.
During her trial trip yesterday the mo
torship Boobyella, recently acquired by
the J. E. Chilberg interests from the com
monwealth of Australia, developed a speed
of 10 knots, which is a record for a ves
sel of that class. Today she was lifted
at the Todd drydock for further inspec
tion before final acceptance by the Chil
berg concern. She will carry lumber from
Puget sound to port not announced.
The schooner Mary E. Foster, coming
from Honolulu in ballast, arrived early
this morning, proceeding to Mukilteo to
load lumber tor return cargo.
To complete her cargo of 3,500,000 feet
of lumber for Taku Bay. the steamer Higho
shifted last night to mukuwo.
GRAYS HARBOR, Wash., Feb. 12.
(Special.) The steamers Chehalla, Ernest
H. Meyer and Daisy Matthews dropped
down to the lower harbor this afternoon,
expecting to get out tonight. The Che
halls loaded at the American mill and
will sail for San Francisco. The Ernest
II. Meyer will clear for San Francisco from
the Grays Hartior Lumber & Shingle com
pany mill. ' The Daiy Matthews Is bound
for Honolulu from the West mill. ,
The steamer Frank E. Stout arrived this
afternoon and began loadnlg at the Eureka
mill, Hoquiam. The Eureka mill has just
resumed operations after a shutdown of
several days for repairs.
COOS BAT, Or.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
The steamship City of Topeka from San
Francisco called nere at 8:45 thin morning
on her first trip since being damaged In
the Columbia river. She had a big freight
cargo and was delayed several hours past
sailing time, departing for Portland at
5:55 P. M.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 12. (Special.)
The T. K. K. liner Shinyo Maru arrived
here today from oriental porta via Hono
lulu with 230 first-class passengers, 87
second and 823 In steerage. A valuable
cargo of merchandise, including 3(H) tons
ot silk valued at $J,0OO,(HiO, and a con
signment of tea for transshipment to
eastern points, was carried. Six deaths
were recorded from Influenza on the ship
before it reached Honolulu and two on
the Honolulu-San Francslco trip. All the
deaths were In the steerage, where a heavy
list of Japanese tourists and merchants
were numbered among the passengers.
It wa announced that Captain Frank
Atnsworth, well-known Pacific coast mar
iner and ex-immigration commissioner,
has been appointed to command the troop
ship Mount Vernon when she leaves this
port for Vladivostok at the end of this
month. The Mount Vernon Is now In dry
dock at Mare Island undergoing repairs.
One of the quickest bunkering Jobs ever
done here was the placing of loon tons of
coal on the Japanese steamer Toyohashl
Maru In seven hours. The steamer arrived
here at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning from
New York and left out this port 24 hours
later for Yokohama.
Bound for New York on her maiden voy
age, the steamer City or Berkeley, 3741
tons, Captain Grey, sailed today for New
York. The City of Berkeley was launched
June 14 last from the yards of the Union
Construction company, Oakland, and was
named in honor of Berkeley for the city's
over-subscription in the last liberty loan
drive. Swayne & Hoyt are operating the
The barkentlne Alicia Havlslde, Captain
Hansen, sailed today for Delagoa bay with
lumber for South Africa. This is the Ini
tial trip of the vessel. She Is operated
by the Pacific Freighters company and Is
one of five hulls purchased by the com
pany from the United States shipping
The Japanese steamer 8tberia Maru
sailed this morning at 8 o'clock from Hono
lulu lor tnis port.
Word was received today that the motor
ship Oregon that arrived at Pago Pago
from Apia November 27 last with engine
trouble, was still In Samoa. It Is stated
that the vesel may be towed to San Fran
cisco by the United States navy colllrr
Brutus. Part of the Oregon's crew Is still
on board and she has In her hold a large
cargo of copra lor this port.
TACOMA, Wash.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
The Hyades Is due here Monday to load
for Honolulu, after being away from Ta
coma for about three years. The Hyadn
some 20 years ago plied out of here as one
of the Boston Towboat company vessels
in the oriental trade. The Pleiades Is on
the east coast for the Lurkenbach company,
The Eastern Guide sailed this afternoon
for Honolulu and the Mexico Maru thii
morning for the orient. The Eastern Guide
had about 2;00 tons of general frelgh
out and the Mexico fiOoo tons. The Chi
cago Maru arrived from the orient this
The Davenport arrived this afternoon
from San Francisco with freight for Ta
coma firms. The Davenport will load lum
ber at the different mills here for Cali
After a meeting of the Pacific Steamship
company agents and the heads of the ac
counting department of the line, the coast
agents who have been spending a few days
on the sound, left for Seattle, wnere a nan-
quet was given tonight. Among the agents
here today were: . ... inasem. nan r ran
claro: W. Parrish. Wilmington; W. John
nn San Dieeo: W. E. Parrlnh. Eureka:
C. Banberry. Portland: W. Graham. Van
couver, B. C: W. J. Mickley, Seattle; w.
Flvnn, Everett: R. W. Gillam, Tacoma,
and W. B. Ross, claim department, beattle,
Word was received at the main office
nf thn 0aka Hhosen haisna in lacoma to
day to the effect that the Osaka Shosen
Kaisha line will inaugurate a 'laswenger
service from Tacoma to oriental ports with
rx larire
mSS! t'on2 .'Jr. W"h a"Plnt of
TIim v.rl. will P,ra! on th. Orien
tal rvlo In .l,ln IO th. fl,rt f
.m.IIrr rr-lifhtrr. w,C r. ,
t miliar Inurval.. r.ordln to ar
rnitrm,nu th llnr will par. ,h, nMr
rtrani.hlp. Ohlle and I'rru
and Hawaii .Maru on th. n-w wrvlr.
Tho Chll. and IVru Maru ar. nrarln.
completion while the Hawaii Maru ha
been In the .ervlre fur mime time
Th. Chicago Maru and Maru.
wh ch have been ralllnn her. regularly,
will be taken off the aervlre.
Paainer arrommoilatlona aboard th.
new fleet will be provided for the follow.
Ing- number of traveler: Peru Maru 4iuv
Chile Maru, 4IU; Hawaii Maru. 1:'I7: MI
nll Mn,. :IU2; Africa Maru. 44; Arabia
Maru, 424.
ii aa nya wtwruiuui
8. 8. "MTV OK TOI'F.K V
Sail from Portland II I'. M. February
14 for North Bend, MamhfMil, Kureka
and Kan Franclio, ronnertlnir with
ate&mera to Los Anitelea and ban Dli'iu.
S. a "CITY OK HKATTI.K." to Juneau
and way porte. tVhrtiurv la.
8. 8. AD.MIKAI. KVANS." to Seward
and way porta, February 26,
TH'KKT OFFICK 101 Third KU Freight
HI flee, .Municipal Dock No. 2. 1'hon.
Main l-'M.
liner of the newest and late.t
Drug Stores Sell It
Five million peopl
use it to KILL COLDS
Standard cold remedy (or 20 year.
in uoiet form aale, sure, no
opiate breaks op a cold in 24
hours relieves trip in 3 days.
Money back it it fails. The
genuine box has Ked
top with Mr. Hill's
At AO Drag Stmm
1 IB I II I If tP
Pamrncer and Freight Herylra
Carmama Mar. X. Apr. , May II
Maiiretanla Mar, 20, Apr. IT. May 1.1
liuperuuir Mar. , May 1, z
Koyal t.eorae Mar. V, Apr. II, May I
Saxonla Mar. May t
Columbia Mar. 13, Apr. 17, May It
flaturnla Mar. A. May 1, June H
Caaaiuidns Apr. a. May I3f June. It
lllll IU., I l KKI-OOL
Kalaerln Aurntle Victoria
Feb. Zb, Mar. XT. Apr. 17. .May It
For Information and Tickets, apply ta
l.oirn I Altents or I'ompnny'a offlre. ?1
gecund Aye- brattle, I'lione Kllivtt lt.
Change In Sailintr
S. S. Rose City
Deport 12 JNoon
From Ainnworth Dock
Fare includes Berth and Meals.
City Ticket Office, 3d and Washington
rhone Main 3530
Freight Office, Ainsworlh Dork
Phone Broadway 268
huiiinc; Alomuo, 6 V. M.
lit Third U
l-liaae Mala t