THE MORNING' OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY- 13, 1920 RELAI. tCSTATK. Fur 8le-Houe. LOG BUNGALOW. Artistic log bungalow. o rooin sjia r..uh. larg.- 'I vin-rooru with wi-nuenui f ire pl.t ce. Kv-ryt'iing modern to last ; tl-t-iil. Completely furnlsned with nigh- ; grade furiitur-2. includm.; .ear. -NavaJ i ruK. etc. Nearly 3 acres of ground, nut nut t uitabl- fur cultivation, nit hough dnndv spj'-e fr garden. Fruit free, i roses crape vines, grounds beiutuuliy landscaied. In addition to bungalow is Indued caretaker cottage. 3 rooms a Ml Nith. Double Kurag-. woodshed. , rr. One uf the most attractive places ; :n ttt ciiy; 15-minutt: drive from Broad-w-v. located 1 1 Canyon road. coal i approxuuatfiy Jvj-o. Owner lea vmg state ; and oilers for quick sale at $40(1. Phone M itn TM'J or drive out aim bee iu t'l vif wi t K "SACRIFU'EU. Iti rooms, including 1! finished rooms ; In attic, ground looxino. in fine district n.noiig nice homes, thoroughly modern, beautifully finished and exceptionally welt built, large basement, splendid fur nace, sarage. Owner wiling at loss; price $!t7oo. all improvements paid, or will sell lth one lot for $5uo: good terms If desired. This property must, be seen to h appreciated. ,UD D K M A N N 'U.M PAN Y. 1M3 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. 4-BOOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. $1350. 4 rooms, in fair condition; lot 50s lt0: streets graded, sidewalks In; no bath but has toilet, water, gas. In house you will find rang!, heating move, taole. chairs, crockery. - beds. 2 dress- rm Hi.d utiier articles of furniture. House at HI E. 57th hi.. oik. south of Montavilla cur line. You will find key next dour north. Terms $520 cash, bai $1 a month. 6 per cent interest. See owner at office of I. J. Cordon, 631 Chamber of Commercebldg. FI'RN 1SH ED BUNG A LOW $ 4300. This at tractive. u but ant tally built bungalow in Piedmont district will be sold soon. Why not get the benefit of such a b irgain yourself? It has rooms, bath, reception hall and large, light attic, full t-em-nt basement, fur nace, fireplace, wash tubs and all mod ern conveniences, all household fur nishings included: price $ 15'tO, terms. MJBllEMANX CO M F A NY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. .Main 6067. B K A N D N K W, VERY ARTISTIC ROSE CITY FARE CUKNER 43D AND THOMPSON STS. J65O0. Just finished, beautiful bungalow, the finest of everything; large living rooms, plate glass windows, swell buffet, finest eastern oak fioors, olid brats hdw.. fur nace, obi (vorv-mahouany finish, owner. 5nl K. 43d North. 1'lionc Tabor VMM. $700. PALATIAL LAURELHURST HOME. FINE MOUNTAIN VIEW. . extra large rooms and sleeping j porch; close to car; all kinds of sh rub ber v. Call for kev at oince. i. .r.nn and' its. Mr. Delahunty. Taboi 3433. Eve. East 20C ALAMEDA PARK. N I FT Y B I N J A LO W Let us. show you this nifty bungalow. Exceptional:)- large living room, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, complete Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc. ou will appreciate tho real class and dis tinction. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark ft., near 3d. Main 3002. LA U R E LHU RST HOM E FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE PIUCE BY OWNER. 2-story, all modern K-room house and garage, four rooms and reception hall downstairs, four rooms and bath up stairs. cJe to Iturel hurst Park. Can giw possession immediately. Broadway 32!t. or Til"r "ti'jO. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch $."i2"0. Absolutely one of the best built houses In Rose Citv Park. Ideally arranged, hardwood floors, rireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, etc.; located one block from Sandy. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2i4 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3QQ2. HAWTHORNE. Completely furnished beautiful 6-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, eity sewer, paved street; $t5n0; easy terms with 7 per cent to reliable partv. See .Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 4H Henry Building. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5 rooms and exceptionally large sleeping jrch, glass inclosed; hardwood floors, enamel finish, fireplace, furnace, buiit-in g;ir:itfe. 1 block from car line. fill K -r.7th N"., cor. Stanton. $.".00. Terms. Phone Main 6154 and Tabor 3S-'S: SUNNYSIDE. $3"0 down and $25 per month In cluding interest at per cent, buys large H-room house, gas, electricity, city sewer, paved streets. A buy for $2250. See Mr. Ross INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Building. NIFTY BUNGALOW. NEAR CA R $4000. This is a real attractive bungalow and well built. A home you will be proud to own. Trge living room, hardwood fioors. fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, etc Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 2V4 Stark st., near 3d. Main 3002. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? WE HAVE THEM. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. LEADING DEALERS IN CITY. CALL AND SEE VS. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.,' 305 Oak Street. Broadway 4133. TiK AI'TIFUL Laurclhurst bungalow for $5."oo; has hardwood floors. Dutch kitc!nn. fireplace and other modern fea tures; cement bainent. ftirniice, nice rompnt dHvewav for garage. This Is a fin home and can be bought for $1500 down. ;. W. Cone. 170 K. atn et. 1 abor 1524. CLOSE IN. $5500 buys a modern 7jroom bungalow near Rose City, corner on E. 24th St. This house is well built. Is in the best of condition. Can be bought on easy terms. M. BILLINGS. 50J McKay Bldg. Main 13f0. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design ar?d build apartments, ga rs Keg. 'eside.ices. anything: furnish nlans ar.d finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 024 N. W bank bide. IlBAFTI F1TL Laurel hurst bungalow for 5.".) n ; h :i s h a rd r.- ood f loors. Du t c h kitchen, fireplace and other modern fea tures; cement hasei.ient. furnace; nice cement driveway for garage. This is a fine home and ran be bought for $1500 down. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Cor- h-tt Mdg. " NEAT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. PRICK ONLY $2250. Neat 4-room cottage In good condition, nice negihborhood. 5(1x1 OO lot, fruit and garden. The house alone Is worth the price: cash, balance easv terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 oak Street. Broadway 4133. NEW IRVINGTON HOM E. S large rooms, 2 fireplaces, center hall, sun room, best of plumbing, tiled hath, oak floors, tapestry paper and decorated throughout; garasrc; open from 3 to 4:30. 3!l East 22d st. North, near Siskiyou st. Turner & Winship. owners. Tabor 5W4 or Main 7M7. NEAR WrtlA't T PARK AND .1 KFFEKSON HIGH SCHOOL. t"ri -rrom house with good furnace; h:tr! surface strt in and all pnid. PRICE ONLY $2!on. lo0 cash, balance $0 per month and interest. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. . 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. IRVINGTON. Modern 0-room bungalow ; will give the buyer a chance to select paper and fixtures if bought before Sunday. 625 E 22d st. N., near Stanton. T-Roo.M modern house 2-story bungalow type, double construvted. 2 lots, fruit and berries. Karac: good location. $45tiO S25(Ml cash. 021 Leo ave. Sellwood 1150; by owner; noJ?KeJit $2350 tUK O.V houso. Firland district. Mount Scott car; fireplace, bath, newly pa perea aim i'imru , rr.u oargain, by the. owner; no commission. AG 67u, OrcgoriHn. A BARGAIN 4 -room double constructed bungalow, bath, loilct. full basement, a." modern. 21 blocks from ear; will sell m v $1 400 eq ui t y for $ 1 2 no cash. A m leaving town. Phone Tabor 007. liNK seven-room house and lot on Stan ton street near Williams .ve. Must be feii i a at once to close an estate. Phone office. East S52, or residence. Marshall 4l4. t fOit SALE by owner "-room house on -t-lth St.. 1 hlk. from Hawthorne; paved utreet. no incumbrance. Price J5i0 good terms. Phone East 7S0. IRVINGTO N Bl NG A LO W La rg living room, dining room. Ivory finish, oak floors, fireplace, near Broadway car $55oo. Main S07R. ROSE CITY PARK. C-room strictly mod- ern bungalow with or without furniture; garage: reasonable. Owner. 30 East .VSth street North. SMALL house and lot only $550; some terms. See me at 4017 00th st. M. S. car. IRVINGTON HOMES Mc DON ELL. A gpt. 500 Fast 14th. East 4 1 0 KHACK. 4-room. full lot: tance; $120. East 3SC.U. walking dis- -ROOM coMacc. Kft'M'Xi. fre fruit, $l'l'i, terms. S3 Spalding bldg. j REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 8-rocr.i modern home with Urge sleep ing porch, beautiful ground, set to select shrubs, unobstructed view of river, city and mountains. The lumber was care lul'y selected, workmanship very best. This an opportunity to buy a real horn on west side for ShOOO. " See photo at of fice and l"t me explain why it is being offered for $iJO0u C COB A 84 th St. At. !BRR. McKBN.NA CO.. Main 4522. FURNISHED HUNG A LOW $3000. We often have fine bargains in 5 room bungalows, but here is an extra good one. Very nicely and completely furnished, nice bath and plumbing, 5 nice large light rooms. Close to good scnool and car line, full basement, lot 37x05. We can sell for $3000 this week only. Don't call us up about this, corns in and see us. W A KfcJt'J E LD. FRIES & COMPANY, 85 4th St. IN LAURELHURST. 5 II R A ND-N S W BUNG A LOWS. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. 5 and G rooms, each with ga rage Keys at office. E. 3!th and Ojnan sts- or onone for auto. Ti-bor 34.;3. Evenings, E 20S6. Air. Delahunty. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow on corner with fire place, buffet. Fox furnace, excellent ga rage, get busy tn this. $looo cash; $380(1. 5-room 2-story bungalow, hardwood floors, f urna -e. tots of f rul t, nice deep lot, terms; $3250. 5-room bungalow all built-in; $31 no. 5-room bungalow, Six loo lot; $-050. 5-room buncalow ; $2750. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Corner 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED, WEST SIDE HOME: 60(Ml. On Condor avenue overlooking the Willamette with a view also of the Co lumbia and all of our mountains; seven rooms, full basement, furnace, two large porches, lots of roses and shrubbery lot lot; front by about 75 feet back. Ac Ideal site. HKNRt W. GODDARD. 243 Stark S SIX ts ROOM bungalow in Irvington. coniplereJy modern, double constructed w:th hardwood floors, hardwood doors. furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, sleeping porch and breakfast room, ga rage, free and clear of all incumbrances at $6,100. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & COMPANY. 85 4th St. IRVINGTON $1f.000. This Is one or Irvington show corners, beautiful entrance, larger living room, dining room, solid mahogany, larger library, solid oak. beautiful breakfast room. Six bedrooms, two tile bath, thro extra lavatories, grounds lOOxlOo. shrubs and natural trees, double garage, Mc Donell. East 410. $2.100 $850 CASH. bal. $20 per month buys 5-room bungalow, modern, full basement ; lot 50x100, corner; owner going away, must sell. This property is located on E. Aider at.. 2 blocks from car; close to 82d st. Call at 2020 E. Stark. Phone Tabor 734. or Tabor 811. SACRIFICE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow, large attic, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, very convenient kitch en: all In white enamel, half block car; excellent neighborhood, price $3750; It will pay you to look at this place; $1750 cash, balance to suit. 207 E. 52d st. TWO IRVINGTON BUNGALOWS. Not new. but good location; one $5000; other $5700. Terms. McDonell. East 419. Huburoan Humes. A SNAPONLY $C50 DOWN. $2S50 Think of this, folks. Two acres of fine soil and a dandy 4-room house and barn, for . only $2850. The place is highly improved, has 12 fruit trees and a fine garden. Is only 4 blocks to the car line and takes but 25 minutes to come to th.3 center of the city. Close to school and stores, near paved highway. Is In a good neighborhood and is just the place for a small family who want to get just outside the city limits ana be free to raise a gar den, chickens, etc. This is. an exceptional bargain and an be purchased for only $050 down and monthly pay ments f'r the balance. Call Main 530. McCKILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO. H1GHL.Y IMPROVED 1 . ACRES ON OREGON ELECTRIC. $1000 Good 5-room house; electric ity and gas; splendid chicken houses; good barn; all klnda ot fruit in bearing; half-acre Kt-apes which are making nione;' ; a splendid garden ; only 1000 fcer to electric sta tion and paved highway; just 28 minutes' ride to center of ciy. Words fall to express the quality of this place. You must see it to appreciate the HEAL value. Call Main 530. AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME ON TWO ACRES. $5000 This beautiful bungalow is equal to any 5-room bunga- . low In Portland, having every modern convenience; built-in bookcises. Dutch kitchen, splendid bath with excellent niuiubiug ; gas, electricity, and dandy garage ; a good lawn; 24 fruit trees; only of a mile from school and carline; 2 blocks to Powell Valley road; a city proposi tion in the country. A won derful buy. Main 530. McCRlLLIS-CLEAVKLAND CO. b22 to 320 Henry Bldg. 5 ACRES full-bearing prune trees, house and outbuildings, near Vancouver, Wash., $00u. 5 acres on Oregon City car line; house and improvements. family orchard, $3000. 40 acres near Lents. 12 cultivated, re ma in tier partially cleared; very cheap at $4000. 2 acres highly improved, with bunga low, family orchard, chicken houses and barn, at Metzger station; $3000. 8 acres near Gaston. Or.; house and improvements; only $1450. acre, with strictly modern house and every convenience; $4200. This is a snap. Any of can be had on easy terms. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGtriRE, A bm gton bldg. the See above F. C. ATTENTION. BUYERS. For high -class suburban homes in and around Mllwaukle and on the Ore gon City and Estacada car lines; prices at a bargain from $10H to $10,000; automobile service. See or phone KLEEB & PARRY. Office First State Bank building Ground floor. Mllwaukle. Or. Phone Mllwaukle 10. COUNTRY HOME SNAP. Vi acre, with 7-room bungalow; has electric lights, city water, bath, etc.; also garage, chicken house, green house, nice lawn with flowers, shrubbery, ber ries, fruit, etc. This Is a dandy home in good little town on Pacific Highway, 1 hour s drive to Portland. Only $1700; $10"H) down. See F. R. Jese with the R. LP! I ACKLEY LAND CO., 527 Cor bett bldg NOTICE. HEADQUARTERS FOR SUBURBAN HOMES AND CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. We have a constant demand for sub urban h-JHics and close-in acreage. Try for results. All properties person ally inspected. SEE George P. Henry, with FRANK L. McGUlRE. Abit.gton bldg. Main IOCS. Office Open Evenings and Sunday b. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONE ACRE PRICE $3500. ' Oregon City line, 4-room bungalow and one acre of fine land, all in cultiva tion and nil fenced; good chicken house, and electricity, on good gravel road, 4 blocks to station; h-cent fare. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Broadway 4133. O il EGO N CITY LI XR " -acre. 5-room plastered house, full cement basement, electric lights and gas : f a m l ! y o rch an!; on pa ved roa d, 4 blocks from Oak Grove. Price, $3500, terms. See Brown A Riddle. 324 Rail wav Exchange bldg. Marshal' 3331. ONE acre, mr-dern 6-room bungalow, bathri-om, all conven built-ins, good concrete basement, modern plumbing, hot and coitl water, large chicken-house and gi.rage. near elect., 15 miles out, east, near Gresham, $3000. S 650, Ore Ionian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME, and acreage, well located, near car Hue, from $isuu up. Inquire 3d house north of Ristey station, on Oregon City car line. signAider Brook." ACRE. 40 fruit trees, 3 blks to car. cit water and gas. fenced, $700. half cash. Almost one acre, new 3-room house, 1- bik. to car, $12041, half cash. Main 6420 OWNER here to sell suburban place, 5 room houye, full lots, 70 fruit tvees, ga rage and chicken house; 15 minutes out. V 018. Oregonian. CAK GROVE 5 room bungalow on Pjcfjc hlghw v ac Min :;:17. rw. i-rice a.tuuu. wail KTAL ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. GOOD BUSINESS CORNER. We have for sale to close out estate, 05x100 on the corner oi 2d and Co lumbia. M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay Bldg Main 1300. LEASED store investment, yielding 8 per cent, with additional ground for exten sion or separate Improvement. AH clear with paved street, $5000. Owner, J. A. Beckwlth, Fenton bldg. QUARTER block on trackage. E. Water st close in; easy terms. Sacrifice for quick sale. Owner. F 017. Oregonian. For Sale Acreage. FURNITURE. CHICKENS, GEESE, MACHINERY. 3 and 35-100 acres, located on good graveled road, 1 miles from Oregon -ity. Good 3-room well finished bouse, good soil. Well. Place all fenced with wire. Barn, chicken houses. 5 incu 'bators. Price $1500 for the place without the stock; $750 cash, or $2000 with tne stock, consisting of 175 thoroughbred White Leghorn chickens. 25 Rhode Island Reds, 3 geese and gander, 1 driv ing norse, harness. Duggy, wagon, plow, furniture and tools. $1150 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. ALMOST 6 acres of fine land, located on good road just off the pavement, handy to Grcsham high school, good variety of fruit and berries, small fir grove, balance in cultivation, has a spienata 7-room plastered house In fine condition, hot and cold water, Portland gas. etc. ; good water system, garage, barn, chicken house and park, work house and wood house, one of the finest little homes in the locality; price $5500. includes fur niture in house and chickens; $2200 will nnnie. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. 35-ACRE BARGAIN. BHTWBBN LINNTON AND SCAPPOOSE. The Columbia river paved highwav crosses this property, and the river is the east line ; 20 acres upland and 1 5 acres river bottom pasture land, 8 acres cleared along highway; fair barn ana shack; 5 cows. 1 horse, and all imple ments; oeautilul building site with un excelled view of all mountains and river. Price $6300; terms $4500 cash balance mortgage. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. FOR QUICK SALE. At the incredible prico of $200 per 15 acres 10-year-old aonle orchard. acre, with peach fillers: best commercial vari eties, well located, water and rail trans portation. For particulars address own er, A 005, Oregonian. 40 ACRES NICELY IMPROVED $6500. Located only 12 miles from court house, 30 acres under cultivation. 3 acres fine timber, balance fine river bottom pasture land, s-acre peach or chard ; good 0-rooin house, large barn and double-deck chicken house; Ideal country home as well as first-class farm. If you are looking for a bargain don't fail to investigate this. Reasonable terms. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE-ACRE HOME PLACE $3700 Close to city limits, base line, five fertile all cultivated acres, fine location, near car line; very good, nearly new six-room bungalow home, worth nearly what we are asking for entire place; here is the opportunity to defeat high living costs and get a home way below actual value; some terms If you wisii. Mr. Orke. SKOTHEIM BROWN COMPANY, Main 5100. 330 to 333 Railway Exchange Bldg SMALL EQUIPPED DAIRY. , Located & milo from carline, just outside city limits; good 4-room house With sleeping porch, gas and lights avail able; barn for 12 cows and lots of room for hay; chicken house and outbuildings. 12 fine milch cows, reasonably worth $1800; horse, chickens and complete line of equipment. The income from this ranch is $000 per month. Price for land and everything $4000. $3000 cash. Per sonally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. BEAT HIGH RENTS. ONLY $1400 NO INTEREST. A dandy Mttie 3-room house with gas, electricity and water at Maplewood sta tion, on lot 10uxl21; 11 bearing trees, raspberries and strawberries; you know this is close to Multnomah station, just 6c car fare: $00 and balance easy. ' HARRIS & MAXWELL, Main 2831. 304 Ry. Exch. CLOSE TO HIGHWAY. Nearly 3 acres, located at Huber; Red electric; all under cultivation; IS, young fruit trees, lots of berries and roses, fine soil ; nice, attractive place; 4-room house, water system, gas, barn 24x28; chicken house: price $2500, $1000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. AN INVESTMENT. $4.75 PER ACRE. 360 acres, Washington county, unimproved land ; partly burned some good timber, plenty water, grazing; about half cash. Client Or., over: good must raise money. ESTES & MAG EE, 000 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Salem, 428 Oregon Bldg. CLARKE COUNTY SNAPS. 76 acres 2 y& miles from Sil ton and electric line, on good road; considerable timber suitr.ble for cord wood. $65 per acre. Terms. 31.10 a :.en. mile from Orchards and electric line, o or 6 acres clear, bal. ance light brush. $100 per acre. Terma F. B. H )LB ROO K CO., Owners, 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg. 4 MILE OF CAPITAL HIGHWAY. THREE BLOCKS FROM STATION. 6 acres, 1 acre in orchard, balance la cultivation, good soil, 3-room house. dandy chicken and fruit ranch at a pries you can afford: .100. some terms. HESGARD. with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 Fourth St. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearly: buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 per acre. , LEUDDEMANN CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. $6500 BUYS beautiful 7t acres, located in the center .of East Portland. All I ask Is to show you this place and you wli; be convinced that It Is the best bar gain you ever saw. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abi n gton bid g. $J00 WILL HANDLE choice acre on Improved street, with nice 5-room cottage, water, gas; good district; lot all in cultivation. Price only $1550; a snap for someone. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 633. 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 3 ACRES, high state of cultivation. 1 mile out from Oregon i;ny. on naru roao. o room house furnished, barn, chicken houses. acres of prunes, good family orchard, lots of small fruit. 47 chickens; $2700, good terms, hotel, Alain 5275. Mr. Miuersnip, Aiuer iOOO ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms. low nrice. S5 ner acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 2 ACRES cultivation, 4-room house, small barn, out-buildings, family orchard, live stream, 1 cow and calf. 1 fine horse, buggy, all farm implements, 1 mile from Park Place; $1750, good terms. Mr. Millership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. GOOD 4-acre home at Gresham, all good soil, in cultivation, located on Powel wtree.t: cood house, barn, chicken houses. fine well, new garage, fruit trees and berries, price $3500. i KRIDER & ELKlNOTO-V Gresham. Or. FOR OREGON CITY LTNE ACREAGE IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. SES BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. Marshall 3331. $500 37 ACRES. Logged -off, no brush or stones, good soil, running stream, lies well, 3 miles of railroad and highway, Cowlitz county. Owner, Tabor 8824. ONE ACRE on gravel road. mile south Erroll station ; 5-room bouse, modern throughout; small fruits, chicken yard and garage, all new; soil, clay loam. W. R. Davis, route 2, Milwaukie. 6 ACRES, partly in cultivation. mile from Park Place, all fenced, small house, family orchard, some grapes, for quick sale $1250. terms. Mr. Millership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. 5 ACRES, close to Gillls station, on Bull Run line one-half cleared, balance fir and cedar. Good soil, no gravel. $1200. Terms. 200 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1 B58. 8 ACRES cleared. Right at station on Bull Run line. Very best of soil. Snap for $1000. Terms. 200 Oregon bldg. Broad way iGoS. ACRE tracts, home sites on Columbia high wav, facing ftanay river; terms, j. j. Thompson, Troutdale. Or. TWO AC3EP just off Base Line road, fine fir grove, close to car lins. $1000. Terms. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. FIVE-ACRES, fine chicken ranchi good improvements, on hard -surfaced road, cheap. Tabor 6337, evenings. C""ICE ropB-lN ACREAGE, SALE OR TRADB. OWNER, BROADWAY 46S3. &EAL ESTATE. For Sair Acreage. OVER 7 ACRES $3750. This tract lies between Beil awd Wichita stations, being about 600 feet from one and 800 feet from the other, and having frontage right on the elec tric line. Johnson creek flows directly through the place and it has large frontage on 2 sides of a macadamized county road, making It admirable for fu ture platting purposes. There is ta poor house of 5 rooms, having, however, elec tric lights and gas. a fair-sized barn and other outbuildings. There are about lVs acres In cultivation, $1750 cash, bal. three years. This is a truly good buy with a future. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. AMONG THE FTRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 0-10 of an acre of land with plenty of beautiful shrubbery, located on macad amized street, some fruit trees and 3 room cottage, not modern; this property has never been offered before at les.i than $0500, but owing to the death of the former owner we are instructed b his widow to offer this splendid piece of property at the low price of $4200. plus the bonded assessments, with a small a first payment as $500 to re sponsible parties. . Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 8 1-3 acres, mile from Port-McMlnnville highway. 33 miles from Portland, good buildings, family orchard, small fruit, all fenced and In cultivation, $3150, some terms. Box 7, Gaston, Oregon. Fruit nod Nut Landa FOR SALE 10-acre fruit orchard, pears and apples; C years old: good house and good location, near the town, railroad nearby, at Parkdale, Or. Inquire Jim Sami, Parkdale, Or. Sell cheap'. Homesteads, Relinquishment. C7-ACRE RELINQUISHMENT. Tillamook -county, 3 miles from the ocean, 2 miles from town; 5-room box house, good bam ; 3 acres In cult., 3 more slashed and seeded to grass, fine springs; some furniture. Price $500. 215 Railway Exchange bldg. HILLSDALE Cat Kennels 12 years deal ers and breeaers or nign grade Persian cats. Best silver and orange males that money can buy now at public service at reduced rates. Main 5450. Box 22, Hillsdale. Or. . I CAN LOCATE you on an extra good quarter section, in Lincoln county, some valuable timber; SO acres alder bench, springs. Max Towne, Harlan, Or. WANTED To buy from owner, home stead relinquishment; wood for domes tic use. Address X. care Times. Junc tion City. Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale reas onable, write Pearson liobDs, bcanpoose. Or.. Rout No. 1. For Sale Farms. FRIDAY. THE 13TH IS OUR LUCKY DAY. And will be yours if you buy this ranch. 100 acres; 20 acres in cultiva tion, 40 acres more tillable when cleared. 10 acres slashed and burned; good soi a lot of good timber, several springs, 7 room frame house, fair barn, outbuild ings, orchard; on good country road: rural route, fine view of the Columbia river: 1 horse, 3 cows, all farm ma chinery and feed; 3 miles from Car rolls. Wash.; $1000 cash, balance good terms. ESTES & MAG EE. Portland, 000 Chamber of Commerce. Salem. 428 Oregon Bldg. $"j)C0 DOWN SECURES 230-ACRE FARM WITH 11 horses, 24 cows,- bull, wagons, har ness, hay loader, grain binder, com binder, manure spreader, gas engine, full list machinery and implements. 3. in i acres In fields producing heavy crops; SO , acres In woodland and fine pasture for 1 50 head; L0 apple trees, other fruit. 8-rocm house, large stock barn, silo, hog. poultry houses, other bldgs. To settle at once- owner makes low price $13,500 for everything, easy terms. De tail:. Catalogs. Bargains 23 States: copy free. STHOUT FA KM AGENCY. 208BK. Plymouth bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 160 ACRES $1250. S225 cash, $75 semi-annually buys this 100 ares of rough land, about 30 acres ot which are tillable, and all kinds of alder, fir and cedar timber; large 6-room frame house, well constructed, with run ning water piped to the porch, and an old barn ; 0 miles from Willamina. 3 miles off of rock road; house alone can not be duplicated for the entire price asked. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. CHEHALEM VALLEY. 20 acres, good fine soil, living stream, i some wood on place, 10 acres commer cial . orchard, in best of condition, good 1 5-room house, barn and shed; this piace j is In center or large, weii-aepc orcnara, plenty of work on outside and a very gotd invesement; price $7000. some terms. HESGARD. with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. 62 ACRES. 20 acres in cultivation, t furnished house, 2 barns, 1 garage, 1 chicken house, good well, 1500 cords wood, 2 yearlong steers, 2 yearling heifers, 1 2-year-old heifer. 10 tons hay, 1 team mules and harness, 1 wagon and milk rack, also milk hauling job. paying over $200 month. 4 miles from Beaverton, can put wood on cars 2 miles from place, some outrange, cheap if taken at once; $25oo will handle. Write W. M. Courtney. Hillsboro. Or. WEST SIDE. $4500. Fine apartment site and good 5-room house; lot alone worth the lot. 22d, price of building and near HoyL . J. L. KARXOPP & CO., 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. BARGAIN NEAR MOS1ER. 40 acres, unusually rich., deep soil, not one foot of waste land; 10 acres of 10-year-t-ld apple trees, a good standard variety; orchard ha3 been kept up well; lies 6 miles due south of Mosler. Price $4 50O, m t g $ 1 300 ; will take good ca r up to $800, terms. See us for farms and timber lands, alto acreage. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603-4 Title and Trust Bldg. 4S0-ACRE wheat and alfalfa farm in Adams county. Wash., 125 acres winter wheat, 40 rye, 100 ready for spring seeding, 80 acres bottom land with plenty water for irrigation. 6 acres al falfa yielded 8 tons per acre. 34 more can be seeded ; improvements worth $S000. Owner is old, therefore this bar gain, $18 per acre, easy terms. Peper & Richards. 508 Buchanan bldg. 140 ACRES ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. Located H mile from Dundee, about 90 acres level, balance rolling; 40 acres in crop, lots of fine cord wood timber; faces rock road, river back boundaxv; thickly settled district. Price $12,500; terms Siinoo, balance to suit. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 013 Chmaber of Commerce. FOR SALE 10 acres 1 miles south Cot tage Grove. Or.: good improvements, on good road ; well fenced ; 8 milch cows, A No. 1. and 650 Tancred White Leg horn chickens. SO pear trees. K0 apples, cherries, peaches, prunes, berries al! kinds. Owner, H. L. Rogers. Cottage Grove, Or. FOR SALE. 240 acres under pioneer irrigation dis trict, two miles north of Nam pa, Idaho; all in alfalfa and bluegrass; $50 less per acre than adjoining land if sold bj March 1. E. M. ROGERS COMPANY. Boise, Idaho. THINGS you ought to know about the Yakima vauey. anotner opportunity just presenting itself; don't wait and then, say if I had of known. Write today. Seme o.f our very est land $40 an acre. A. CAP PS. GrandviewT Washington. 33 1-3 ACRES $3000. 1 14 miles from Cedarbj-ook, 2 from Eagle creek; 15 acres in cultivation; all fenced; 5-room house, good barn and soring water near house; terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark st. C00 ACRES near McMinnville, one of finest farms In Yamhill county and nothing better in Willamette valley; placed for nnick sale by an estate at $65,000: inves tigation solicited? Hart, 010 Chamber of . fl VI -1 CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale ai sizea McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 640 ACRES burnt over land, 24 miles from Portland ; good roads, several streams on place. $12.50 per acre. Terms. V 885, Oregon fan. FOR SALE Dairy farm of 160 acres, seven miles south of Seaside. For further par- J ticulars address Chas. Johnson, owner. I FOR SALE or exchange, a good alfalfa and stock ranch of 4S0 acres in easterr Oregon. Mrs.. Maria Cole. Cooks, Wasb HOUSE and 4 acres, near Vancouver, Wash.; easy terms find access. 806 Northwestern Bank bldg. 710R 10 ACRES Beaverton dist.; level; good timber; fine creek; terms; electric near. J. R- SHARPE. 83 H 3d st. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, H tillable; employment; easy terma. J. R. Sharpe, 83 K 3d st. FREE FARM lists. San Joaquin valley farms Paul Rossler, Stockton. Cal. 0 ACRES 3 miles from city limit. $150 per acre. Owner, Broadway 4683. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BAKER & McFARLAND, 315-17-10 Henry Bldg. Phone Main 6707. Splendid, improved forty acres with equipment, within 20 miles of Portland. Graveled road. Eight rooms, new house, mall delivery and telephone. No better buy on the market; price $00OO. Terms on part. See us about this at once. Twenty acres, well improved nine-room house, other buildings good, near paved road, all in cul tivation; only 15 miles from court house, Portland ; price for quick sale, $6500, only part cash, bal ance. good terms, or will accept residence property in Portland; here is a chance to get in posses sion of a splendid close-in prop erty, on a paying basis with little cash. Twenty-five acres, 14 miles of Portland, well-improved with 6 room house, all In cultivation and all kinds of fruit, close to Co lumbia highway: never failing water; all buildings in splendid condition ; price if sold by March 1, $8500, with full equipment and immediate possession. Terms, Nineteen acres near Oregon City, " macadam road, mile of school; all first-class soil, good house, barn and outbuildings, a part in cultivation; price $2000; a splen did buy for little money; terms. Ten acres, located within 1000 feet of city limits of city of Dallas. All in 11-year-old commercial ap ples, graveled road, plank sidewalk to place. Land selling at $1000 per acre; no better; but this can be bough-t within the next 20 days for $350 per acre, with a cash pay ment of $2000, or will exchange for first-class timberland if well located. Look this up at once. See Barrett, with BAKER & McFARLAND, 317 Henry Bld. SHEEP AND DAIRY FARM. 120 acres, with 40 acres in. high state oi cultivation, balance in open seeded -down pasture; most all fenced with woven wire; 0.S sheep, half full-bloods; 3 fine Jersey cows, line team, wagon, 2 sets of harness, hack, cart, 2 plows, harrow, disc, mower, rake, cultivator, root cutter, cider mill, grindstone. De Laval separator, 2 hogs, 6 standb of bees, good 6-room house, fine dairy and sheep barn fully equipped, machine sheds, large cellar, modern chicken houses and park, granary, hog houses and lots, dairy, large family orchard of assorted fruits and berries of all kin as, fine spring on highest point of farm, excellent spring in dairy houoe 10 feet from residence, spring at barn, spring In chicken park, large trout stream through the place. By July 15 there will be at least $050 worth of wool and extra lambs to be sold. This is with no exception one of the best buys in Clarke county. Only 4 miles from good town on Pacific highway, with phone in house and daily mail. Price $11,000. $3500 cash, balance long time. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. FIG GARDENS ARE SCARCE. THERE ARE VERY FEW FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF ACRES THAT WE CAN PLANT TO FIGS THIS YEAR. . DO YOU WANT TO BUY A FIG GARDEN AT A REASONABLE PRICE AND PAY FOR IT ON EASY TERMS? IF SO, WRITE US FOR PARTICULARS OF OUR SPECIAL OFFER. BYRON A. BEARCE, FIG GARDENS. his Mills Bldg., San Francisco, CaJ. or call at the office of GEORGE H ROBIE, 304 Abington bldg., Portland, Or DAIRY, HOG, GRAIN AND FKUIT RANCH 320 acres, all rich land, about 200 acres under fine state of cultivation, balance in woods pasture, considerable merchantable timber; watered by fine springs and 2 trout streams; fenced and cross fenced; 8-room house with fire place, large barn, stone dairy. line hog bouses, dandy orchard of assorted fruits; located in prosperous and thickly-settled locality; close to school, church, high school, stores, cheese factory and 4 miles from fine town on river ano 11. Jt. transportation and 12 miles from Vancouver, on good auto road, with tele phone In house and all rural advantages, at door. Price for short time only $40,000, half cash, balance at 6 per cent interest. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and jVlain sts., Vancouver. Wash. LOOK NO FURTHER. On a good auto roal, 40 miles from Portland, in Clackamas county, is an 80-acre place that you will like; 7-room bungalow, nearly new. with furnace; modern barn, and outbuildings; new woven wire fences: running creek and springs; good family orchard : nearly half under cultivation; considerable ma chinery and stock Included In the price of $7500, about half cash required ; owner forced to sell this week; person ally inspected. Photos at office. See Marsters. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Second and Alder. l BARGAIN for someone that wants a good farm; 135 acres. 80 acres in culti vation, 15 acres is the best beaverdam: 8-room house, large barn, family or chard, well at house, spring at the barn for stock ; 3 large horses, 1 pony, 17 milch cows. 2 bulls, 2 good sets uf double harness. 1 single, good wagon, top buggy, plenty hay for stock, plenty of wood on the place and all kinds of farm imple ments to work with ; the onion land alone Is worth the money. This piace is 16 miles from Portland ; good gravel road within V.- mile of place and that will be improved in the spring; $25,000. half cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. A. J. Farmer 660 E. Madison st. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. ' 25 acres, located 24 miles from Mo.- lala. Or., good graveled road, half mile to school, all can be cultivuted: 12 acres under cultivation ; 8 acres pasture that Is nearly ready to plow; good fences. 2 acres orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries: eight-room house, large barn, chicken house and root cellar, with cement floor. Telephone and all rural conveniences. Price $4000, with team. 2 cows, chickens, cultivator, plow, har nesses, disc harrow, buggy and some crops; $2500 cash: no trade. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg DAIRY, HOG AND SHEEP RANQH. 200 acres, about 30 under cultivation; about 60 additional fenced hog tight; abundance of outrange where stock can graze the year around free; extra fine barn, 40x70; good house; family or chard, also about an acre in bearing prunes with dryer; living creek and springs; lots of marketable timber; this place is within 2 miles of Castle Rock, Wash, price $6200. $2400 cash required. Personally inspected. '' Photos nt office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 24 acres, located H mile from boat landing, near La Center, Washington, Clarke county. Graveled road, mile to school; good loganberry land; 15 acres under cultivation, 6 acres pasture; creek and well, house, barn, small or chard. Place well fenced. Price $30o0, terms on $1300 for long time. Person ally inspected. This is only one hour's drive from Portland. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. FORTY ACRES. On Pacific highway. 12 miles north of Vancouver, improced and under plow. V now In wheat: 6-room house, new barn (cost $1200). rolling enough to give good drainage; good spring. 1 acres family orchard, black loam soil, one of best places in neighborhood. $8500, Vt CaSh' HESGARD. with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. OWNER SACRIFICE HIGHLY improved, Canby, Or., hot Foil, all In cultivation and In town, 12 aore;s, mod ern 7-room house, fireplace, best water system, all kinds of fruit and berries, some stock, farming implements. If you want an ideal home for less than cost to replace buildings, see me; immediate possession, terms. T. O. Bird. 526 Cham ber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. X KE advantage of the greatest oppor tunity in history for the American land seeker; your money Is at a premium of 10&. Invest in Alberta farm ianda and get the premium as well as the increas in values. Send for descriptive litera- tU LARSON MacCULLOCH. LTD.. Killam. Alta, Can. " FOR SALE. Dairy and stock farm, ideally located in western Washington. Soil wonder- fully productive. Present owner's bank ing Interests require all his time: lloo acres in ranch; price and terms will be quoted to interested parties. Address Box 86. Astoria, Or. MONTANA LANDS. Real bargains for farming, stock grow ing 01 an Investment. Write me if inter ested. L. M. Fishbaugh, Carter, Mont. REAL ESTATE. For Sal Farms. ONIONS AND LOGANBERRIES. I have the best small farm In Oregon for onions and berries. I will sell for $200 less than it is actually worth if sold immediately. It consists of 10 acres all under cultivation, 12 miles from Portland and only !4 of r mile from electric station. Fine large barn couldn't be replaced for less than $3000, house, some farm implements, 2', acres in good bearing orchard, 3 acres of genuine beaverdam. plenty of water, spring and well; price $0000. one-half cash, no agents, no trades. C 582, Ore gonian. 160 ACRES An ideal dairy farm, one of the best in the county; V in cultiva tion, balance in good pasture; could be .cleared easily; 20 acres beaverdam land, fine onion land, very valuable; 7-room house, barn 40x50. root house, cement floor; smoke house, and other outbuild- 1UK 6HNUV lliaui tun, ftiBicn v.. . .na.l 11 ttillas f mm VanrfHiVBr. ' 18 miles toJ Portland. 2 miles to elec tric line, close to church and school stage, truck line and bread wagon pass daily; family orchard and lasting water; close to store and butcher shoo This is a dandy buy. Price $135 per acre; $7000 down, bal. on easy terms. MR. CARSON. 1026 F st., phone HOl Y. V A N C O U V E R, Wash., representing RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 527 COR BETT BLDG. MR. FARM BUYER. If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. 1 can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 50 A CLACKAMAS COUNTY farm on a good road within easy driving distance of Portland; all under high state of cult ; fine 8-room, square house, extra good barn Ox75; fruit house, chlckcn houso, granery and pig pens; Jo A. of comme.cial orchard in full bearing kept up in Al condition: spring water piped to the buildings; all fenced: stock and farm Imp'ements go with the place at $15 000. Owner will take a good house in Portland in trade. Photographs of bldgs at office. Don't overlook this bargain. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 027 Corbett bldg. 134-sO. WANTED REAL ESTATE. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD, S0 HOMES. $2.400 347 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD DURING THE YEAR 1010 BY FR VNK L. McGUIRE AGENCY 14 experienced salesmen with autos. Several hundred buyers on our lists, many with cash, desiring to buy modern homes under $70t)0. especially in ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, LAURELHURST. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Also inexpensive modern homes 111 parts of the city. FRANK L. McGUIRE will personally inspect, photograph and appraise vour property without chajge. The picture of your home with full in formation will be displaed on the walls of our show rooms, which are crowded with prospective buyers. Your home is sold if listed with us. (WE NEED IT TODAY.) FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Sell Your Home. ABINGTON BLDG. Main 10f.H. WAXTKD IMMEDIATELY. I want about 10 acres for country home, good surroundings, near car line and paved road. Give lull puriicumra, firr.t letter. Will pay cash, gonian. S 663, Ore NOTICE. PROPERTY OWNERS. We need houses in all parts of the city. If vou have a house ou would iik to ell. we would appreciate the listing very much. Call E. M. Paddin, manager. Bdwy. 3644. MKT&G KR-PA P. K EU-FERGUSON C'.. Ground floor, 502 Oak St.. Formerly Stanley S. Thompsonto W NTED To purchase in Alameda Park. Rose Cltv. Laurel hurst or in district immediately west or Mt. Tabor, between Belmont and Hawthorne ave.. 6 or i room 2-story house with garage; must be modern, with sleeping porch, hard wood floors, etc. Give street address and date house constructed. J M. Ul g-onian. . " HOMES WANTED. We have a list of prospective pur chasers Waiting who want houses rang ing from $3ouo to $0000 in good dis trict Phone, writp or call. COE A. McKENNA ft CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. $10 FOR a saleable" house. If you know of a 5 or 6-room bungalow or house that is a good bargain, we have a buyer for it and will pay anyone $10 for a listing that will sell. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527Corbettbldg. IYOTR ranch" Is for sale, mail full de scription or call at office. The calls for ranches are good; 'et us have your ranch while we have buyers. Get your price right, terms you will. accept: we will do the rest. Coe A. McKennajLo-JU 4th st- SHACKS AND S M A L Lll O M ES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms We nave soiu over the Inst year. If you Want action see Fred W. German Co., u!2 Sham, of Com. WANTED 4 or 5-room bungalow witu fireplace; must be on paved fet. cen tral east side district; not over o.i0u. can pay $2000 cash. Phone Marshall 4755; No agents. , "WANT HOUSR EQUITY Will exchange lot, or laud for equity in Portland residence property, large or bmal1- ' W. H KOSS. 1100 N. W. Bank HIdgj ATTENTION IRVINGTON OWNERS. We r.ed houses- have buyers waiting. List with us lor action. 1.1st "RTTKKt LoWE & CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. fwANT a strictlv modern home in either Irvington or Pwdmont; must have 4 bedr roomn and prefer a place with lot 75 or jooxioo; will pay from $MiHMi to $ Submit what you have to M 20. orego nian. MODERN homes wanted at once in desir able districts. S2.-.00 to 000. RELIABLE. HIGH-CLASS. EFFICIENT SERVICE. A. K. HILL CO., 215 Lumbermens bldg. MODERN homos wanted at once in desir able districts. $2500 to $6000. RELIABLE. HIGH-CLASS. EFFICIENT SERVICE. A. K. HTLL CO.. 215 Lumbermen's bldg. FOR QUICK RESULTS list your houses WiU CLARENCE PARKER. 54M Williams ave. Phone East 1046. 1 have clients waiting for same. WANTED Apartment, flats or income nropcrtv In Portland to $30,000; n pay i'li OOOcash or all cash if at 'the right; price. 224 Oregon bldg., oth and Oak. WANT a strictly modern nome 111 .-Non Hill district from $12,000 to $15,000; will meet vour terms. HENRY W. OODDARD. 243 Stark St. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, about S25O0. $:tn down, monthly payment um . complete particulars and terms In firtf letter. Y 220. Oregonian. HAVE a good restaurant on Oth st.. for firt pavment on 2 to 5 acres close In, or ho"c"e and lot In city. Broadway 4465. 05 N. 16th. WANTED 4-flat building, direct owner; can pay hII or part cash, a speculator, your price must be from I urn O. K. " G 0S6. Oregonian. , 5 OR 0-ftOOM house in South Portland. Fulton Sellwood or Brooklyn. I am not an agent; I want It for a home, B 168. oreconian. WANTED From owner for cash, strictly modern 5 or 6-room bungalow. 5S0 Ra mona ave. Phone Sell. 1066. y NTED Rose City district. 4 or 5-room bungalow under $3."0i; Mate location ajid price. F 016, Oregonian. WANTED investment. small hu. nrnnerty preferred, up to $20.00(1. Ad- dress P. O. box 37i. foBUV 5 or 6-room house; $200 down, $40 or more month: furnished, $100 down. K 06S, Oregonian. NEW 5-room modern bungalow In good district, $500 down, balance to suit; no agents. G 008, Oregonian. HOM B of 5 or 6 rooms, desirable, state price and location; I am not an agent M 10, Oregonian. FOR QUrcK results lift your hou with CLARENCE PARKER. 542's Williams ave Phone East 1046 BUSINESS, suitable for lady, invoice about $1200; take house equity. L 331, Ore gonian. GOING millinery business, $HHio. trade for lot or acrenge. H 363. Oregonian. WANTED A bunenlow, $'-"00 to $3000. Crsh payment, $1000.E 000. Oregonian. H VK $"000 ed di3trlct. nsh for hungtlnw In restrf -Mr. Johnson. Main 5100. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED From contractors or owners, modern 6-room bungalow, desirable loca tion, value up to $55oO; offer choice scen ic view lot, paved streets, all other im provements In and paid, south exposure, fine view of N. harbor and mountains. 1 blocks to Westover carline, 2 blocks to "W" carline, value $35(H; will pay cash difference. L 329. Oregonian. Farms XV m n t ea. FRANK L. McGl'IRE. Has hundreds of buyers for Im proved farms. Our farm department will get quick and satisfactory results for you. We need your listings today. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 10flS. Wanted to Kent Farms. I HAVE several clients wanting to rent farms. They will pay cash rent and purchase personal property, crops, etc.. for cash. Write to me at once and you will realize what quirk wction means. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE CO., 2Ql.:i-5-7 Board uf Trade Bldg. WANTED To rent small chicken ranch of 2 or 3 acres, with small 2 or 3-rom house; must be located so I can get to Portland to work by 7:30. State rent by year or month. M. Bunker, Hotel Hoy t. WANT E D T o 1 ease, with privilege of buying, improved acres se with at least 10 acres, clear, within lie car fare limit. F V. Sabitmsky. 5507 50th ave. S. E. Sellwrcd 1233 I WANT TO RENT 5 or X0 acres, all un der plow, no buildings; must be good soil and near Portland. Address H. A. Bender, l."i7 N. 21st st., Portland. WANTED To rent furnished dairy ranch. - Have plenty of help; muid be first-class: give full information first letter. B 07, Oregonian. WILL PAY good cash rental for around 40 acres, we 1 1 -improved, In Rood loca lion, with buildings. C. H. Platts, Eagle Crek, or. WANTED to rent farm, and might buy your farming outfit, including stock. B 10". Oregonian. SMALL place, close to town, equipped for chickens. C. H. Ayres, Vancouver. Wash., route 6. TO RENT or lease few good road to city. acres with house;, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER FOR SALE. MILL FOR RENT. We offer five million feet f old growth fir timber at $2.50 per M. Two miles from Scnppoosc. good road, will rent 50 cent per M. Address Watts & Price, owners, Seappoose, Or, FOR SALE Fine 20-M Russell mill; also 0x10 Seattle donkey; full logging equipment, bargain price and terms. F. E. Bow"--n t Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 1.000.000 ft. or more fir tim ber. ' Have good mill, pay as cut basis. Address P.' O. box 2047, 6ta. A, Port- ImiJ. Or. FOR SALE Second-growth timber, suit able for local sawmill, 240 acres, close in, might trade for city property or acre age. Box 263 Brownsville. Or. 20.000.000 ON R. R.. dollar stumpage. one-fourth cash; small milling proposi tion. K 043. Oregonian. 30.000,000 FINE timber. Ch. Com. bldg. near R. R, MM FOR RENT FARMS. 40 A.. 16 IN cult., good Holt and bldgs.; stock for sale; $45 cream check; cos. team, 3 ytHrlings. 3 hogs, chickens, geese, rabbin, seed potatoes, H Ions of hay. Rent the first year and stock $1000. 4617 00th st.. M. S. car. A HOP ranch of 50 acres to lease for one or terms of years, river bottom oil, go d dry houses, dwelling, barn and imple ments; rental share of hops. Give rull particular and phone numoer, Addrei A V 1 77, i rcgonian. FA RM. 1 70 ACRES Scappooae, splend Id barn and dairy equipment, suitable for 40 cows, some bottom land, on pa ved road. Apply manager, Oregon Milk Producers. 32 N. 5th. Phone Bdwy. 402 1. HAVE lS-acre apple orchard In full bear ing, will lease to any one giving atisiac toty references. F 067, oregonian. 15 ACR ES of rich river bottom land. X 517, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE KEAI. ESTATE. EXCHANGE. We huvt a iiendld iiuxle-rn ll exchange : double Karate, two oa ih. large grounds; fine locaii 'n; If you want an up-to-dute house uhch is dious and entirely modern, be look this up u t once. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bloa. in mu uta to ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS will exchange my stin k of Jewelry, sil vcxtt arc. hrind-pal nre.i chiiniw are and crockery, value $4500. two-year lease, rent x-10, west side, for city property or close-in acreage. See Brown A Bid die, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar- shall 3331. $160 ACRES TIMBER LAND. Located in Southern Oregon. 3 miles from Pacific Highway. 1 mile from county road; about 4,000.000 feet limber. What have you? G. C. MOORE, 502 Couch Bldg. SO ACKEsTn 17lNNC( I NT V. 40 acres under cult i ation. 5-nmn. house, good barn, small creek. Pi ic I $5000. or will exchange for 5 or 6-rooin i house or grocery store. See Brown A Hiodle. 324 Rallw ay Exchunge blda. Volt SALE or trade. 12 lots hi citv of , Tacoma. In good locution, near car line, five-minute service; will 'dispose of unf number or all; will t.ike good auto as first or part payment : some terms on bu 'anrf Coll Main 1068 today. J 1ST bought sedan, want to exchange my reliable Chalmers master six, elec tric lights, starter anil $30 Klaxon, new top, new paint, new tires, license, extras, for good close-In acreage or lots. V 8. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE". 2S0 acres dry land in eastern Oregon at bargain for quick deal. L. M. BIRCH. . Parma, Idaho. WI LL trade building stuck, automobile and my equity in three lots for firs payment on 5-room house and lot. Call Tabor 1237. 40 ACRES on banks beautiful Washougal river, line su minor resort, good finlng and good roads; will exchange for good light automobile. Tabor 0537 evenings. EXCHANGE good Ford louring auto for house equity ; give location, etc., rirst letter. Box 37, Vancouver, Wash. INCOME PROPERTY, Exchange fur farm. 215 Lumbermens building. TO K-VCHANGK MIS F.I.LANF.OI K HAVE Bush & Lane piano lo trudu, value $."0O. W 074, oregonian. 1 FOR MALE. Horse. Vehicles. Livestock, FOR 'SALE 14-eow dairy and all equip ment. $2:100; clears 4uo per month. Ken ton Investment Co.. 713 Couch bids. 14 HEAD of horses, 4 lo H years old. 1200 to 1 S'H) pounds; some well matched teams. Inquire 564 Northrup st. TH It EE miik goats, one maie; fancy Mock. 1 E. Market and fMh ts. 21 1 1 c. Mar- kCt Bt; SPAN of 4 or 5-car old. very reasonable ; good at 4122 E. 73d st. S. E well-built mare, workers. A pply Mt. Scott car. HARGAIN My team, if taken at once. Take AiS car to Mrtlu Park. Mala ouiU to 400, Jthst. S. E. Tl'ST arrived. 10 horses and marcs wit h farm wagons and harness, price right. 270 E. ih st., near Hawthorne. WE BUY and sell ca:tle. snecp and goats. Carnpbell-l'helan Land Ac Cattle Co.. JUJ ' epoch bid g. m BAILED cats and timothy hav for sale; $25 and $26 per ton. G. P. lien, route 2. box 1H. Huring. Or. BARGAIN 1230-pound Iron -gray horse, age 6 years, sound, very gentle Mnj well broke. Phone Sellwood 1212. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid lor dead cows and crippled hoiaus. Phone Milwaukie 60 .1 ior results W A N TED Few milk goats; state breed, price and particulars to L 272, Orvgo uian. SEVERAL 3-fcprlng wagons, cheap; horse, light buggy, harness. Franklin. Fair mount &. Chesapeake. Council Crest. MATCHED team of black 4-yenr-old colls, unbroken. Will make 3 if no pounds, price $300. E. E. Morgan. Yamhill, or. IIOLSTEIN cow for sale Suntiay. Ruck ley ave. reasorable. (all v mile south of Baseline road. Box uoo. WANTED Team lit board on small ranch, heft of care, little w ork to be done. W 001! 1 a w n 54 30. SKT of double harness, also single trace, 3 to 77th y.t. S. K. FIN E Jersey. 3d calf. Franklin. Fair- mount &. Chesapeake. Council Crest. DEAD horses taken quickly dead cows Tabor 4203. DEAD horses animals hauled away, fre. Portland Rendering Co. JA'oodla n 20. 13 I" H ESH cows. 4 to 5 gal. each. Phone M 1.1 1030 FA '1 M out Tit. mna'l team. barn.- a.i 327 Front. I wagon. Atlas Woodyard. FOB BALK. ' Vehicle., l.tetocb. II or 45 HEAD CVTTLE. AUCTION SALE PA H K ROSE STA TION, 5 BLOCKS NORTH OF COLUM BIA HIGH WAV, END OF CRAIG ROAD. Monday. Feb. 1. 10:30 A. U. Feriy bead of milch cow. & larg spring hetf era, a lot of extra fine corns Hniatein. Durham. Jersey. 7 frrgh; 1J short spring ers. Absolute sale, 110 renerv, no piae to take them. Come! You'll not be dis appointed. Cows tuberculin leMed. 6 y tar-old horse, wi. loort lbs ; gray m;i r . gray horse, 4 -year-o.d mar. u looo lbs.: 4-veur-old mule. wt. 1OO0 lb : hogs. 2 Du rc -Jersey brood o, N Mo lb. nhoa is. 8 b-weckn-o.d pigs, 3 sets heavy harness. & sets single liroca, 3 saddles. MACHINERY Adrianrs mower. 3 baT rakex, h 2hor4 cult w at ors, 2 1 -hore cultivators, spring-tooth harrow, 2-auction harrow. 1 -crtion burrow, corn planter, good as new ; 4-hore pntate jih liter, 2-horae potato ditfr, fun tuns mill. 3 'i - Inch wagon. He hi w agon, oil warfon, 1 m Laval we pa ra 1 or. No. 15; 1 lbs .. Howling Mob sweet corn, 40 lbs. trus Hubbard sq uits h need . 75 I bs, t urn I seed, lots too.a, etc. Henry Martv and H Hunzlkcr, owners. Colonel W. b. Wood X Suns, auctioneers, ancouvtr. Wash. 20 HEAD of hlh-grsd dalrv cows "" young calve. 1 Hnlmetn bull. 1 two-year-old heifer; some alfalfa hav, about 2 tons clover hay. 10 tons of straw nt all modern equipment Lean on '.' aero farm, highly fcrtllUed. l.ea $271 per year. Fie out from citv on Powell valley road. owner It pell tig out on account of slrkne. Tltt an opport unit y for a dairyman. Art at once if Interested. Phone owner. Tabor 65. 3 GOOD, gentle young work team, weight all around 2700 each team; one due paft of 4 and A-year-nld, of chunkv built ma reit, barnesx and w a icon ; have no further Uh will sell very reasonable. Take Hawthorne car to 7 1 ft t . bik. south and one cast to a big red barn on gravel pu. HnRXKS! HOKSKS: 20 head of first-class horses ant mitres torn 5 to 7 years old . Lion to 1600 pounds. Some well-matched team. All stock guaranteed as repteaeuied. Trial allowed 3U5 Union ave., tor. Stephens st. L. Glass. 20 H KAD of first class werk hnrveft, weight 12M0 to L'On lb.. 2 teams of moot h built mules, weighing around 12oo In, each; alo nice- uMKirtmcnt of frenh milk cowtt, always on hand. G- H. Houett. Portland Union Slock Yards barn. 15 IIIIAD uf Mare and gcldfngn, all soot workers and gentle; some blocky-billit mares aniong them; voigon nd hurne. Cor. K. Pi h and H14 w i Imrne. National Sfwblcft. Plume KaM 0lol. S CoWS. 2 home. pt. 24oo; 2 eipreas liarncf"en. 1 iff lit ranch w agon. I rprtm separator, new. ' mile 1,011th of or . chard, ash. J. Lam berg or 460 Last Huriisidc. RANCH or ore ha rd team, gray mirn, chunky built, weighing about 2500 lb-., good, true, grntlc, T Iceahle team ; price $22.V Foot of Ta lor street, dock. 1 GonD heavy horse. harnea, wagon and cultivator, price reasonable; also 2 good dairy cows. 1 springer. 1 fresh, giving 5 gal. per day. 632 E. 24th. WoodMock rar. 3loo-poUNI team, mate and horse. A and 6; also young 4000-pmind Uam, gcldlncr. cheap for cat.h: tried to nult buer. In quire Marlon Fuel Co., foot of Taylor street, duck. WA NT ED 2 or 3 light i-nddle horses, Soinet hiliK on the. order of cow ponies, for 11 we in dairy ; must be round, welt broken, gentle and cheap. Phone Mar Mial! 4 1 25. No f JCK, sheepmen, parties having sheep to let in shares address A. G. Collin, into 41.t st So. WM. Seattle, Wash. Private tunge. 4000 to il"00 UT. ST A BLEs7T7"frrAND KKARN e7. 20 good ouiig hordes und nmrea from 4 .o 7 yemw old, smne well msti bed le it sum, everv thing hold w lib guar ante G D WI Ll.lMSt .S $100 CASH hu young hii -kwkln mare, and horrel liorne. In fine, cond it ion and well broke to larm work. Vuodrd, fool uf Talor htieet, dock. 1 MiiHSK. weight Moo pounds. 0 year aid. 1 silo, 16.2 feet hiu h ; I corn i utter . I S-hoiw gu riiaiue ail In good shape. Phono Woodhi w n 22 TWO No. I HolMclu cown lor fale. bh coining fret.i tin month Corner Ro h m.tinl and Swuse hit.. St. Johns. Phone 'olutnhia s.'il. A FEW good tenuis from l-'0 n JT.OO us w e l 1 now ulntf I ruck Transfer Stables, b.-i w en 31 1 h and h l., on Ctrl Ymiilihl el. Fol SALE-- I gof.ene k WMgori. .';-imh Wiigoii. nccr,tl 1n double Inline Stifiid.ird HH. k Tile Co . hJ Fl'tb street TIIH K K 2d -ha t;i! M hor-. S ai all kind o' I lumber (or f K-lMcii'U Hut e cheap Amend , 1-t hoiie lo left. UAM A net of single barners. MaraH 3171 Pianof), Organ and Mil tea I lnimmen. PIANO HAIl'iAlNH icc,wl tor February is e. Mum iiiHr room for new piano. W bate a number of good baisalnn. them SCHUMANN 1325 ilLMUltr 25 ll IT N K V 275 K ! I.Ki: a CAMPBELL. 260 KKi'K'iKR 3" BAILEY 2iO in li AND 2oo KICMTKIt ... 2!" HAI.LUIT & CURS TIN . . . IRVING M.' (LAYER PIANkS UNI VF.KHA I. PL A Kit,. . $43j Willi roll and bench Bond Accepted. Term Given. KKIBKIiLING. LUCAS Ml r-IC Co., 125-127 4th St , Ib t Wa-n and A d r HP. PHO. ilillA I'H OM.V $1 CASH patment d urlng o"r phonograph club kale; bam uce on eny we. sly or uionthl IMvtiinilN, big pup ply of new ina blnr JuM received. Victor, Colombo mhu lidi eon dm num. I d lec to nelvct fro tit ; cumt t rl w h tie 1 h ke led ion I" (tod. REED-FRENCH 1'IA.Vo M F CO. 43.'. Wash St . cor I2ih Si I4dwy . WHEN you buy a used piano from anvnu (including most store it will be worth $ou more if you kpend $.15 at my shop to hve it properly reuulated and ad justed Expert men with references and reeoniniciidai Ions Imuran tee Ht Isfsction. Harold S. Gilbert. ;th4 fcamhill st. Pianos bought, rented, sold VICTROLA FoR PIANO $2hi Viitiola oi.tilt. new, 10 trade for a iifed puiiio, get our prupo-ilioti 8'i-berimt,-Luca-H Music Co., 125 4th St., Main ,s:.Mi $!." CASK m nils home n-w 14 73 piaoo lor $;t.'id. ban nee til monthly. Nchwa n Piai.o Co, 111 Fourth at., beiore riinoa. to lot Tenth st.. a t a til 11 gton and Stark tin 'J5 D iVVN f-emiw new t"oq piaer piano to your home tor I. !.",, ba.anre f I i monthly at Schw a 11 Pis no Co . Ill 4th t , beiore reruni a I to in Tenth at., at Washington and Stark tts. TKADE'VoCH" PIANO in otdati 011 s new Victroia and record, our Of opokil tons M ill pleuns ou. Srbr hiik'-Lucaf Muic Co.. 125 4lh sL MalQ s.YMI "piano" WANTED Highest c;isll paid for owed plnnos and nl.o er pianos; .get our pi teen, Ketberllng- Lucas Piano Co., 125 4lh at. Main K5K6. HI'l'N luime phonograph record plitlnr r orded, loo record. $30 Fred Tabor 7. 651 h af. and 57(li .. rtrcel S. E. oPOT CASH PA ID FOR F! H ST-CT.A S.S CAHINET TALKING MACHINE. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4405 TA IU)R 670 $200 CASH secures $750 Hfeiawav A- Se"rV upright piano at Securll y Murage Cu , lo;i 4th M.. at a.- hlngion t-t. (JENUINE Martin melody "C Mtonliunri. G. F. .lohtifou Piano Co., HJ em (., 1'ortlaml. Or RENT a player porno, 6 months rent ap plied If ou decide to purchase. Haruid S. Gilbert. 34 Yam b I IUt $Ts5 BUYS piano, fine Kiinha ! makr . ea terms. Brokerage to . 312 W01 -r-'f 1 it bids. $;tiir CASH buys 101 model virtually nrw $7j0 pliyer piano at the Security ir ase Co., 1"!' 4th st. $23"HUTS- Victor piano. lateM sole, pa 11 "niahogan; caf terms. 312. Wonciirr bdg. PLAYER lLI.S ou are tired of. ei changed lOc per rull. Harold Gilbert. ;M Yamhill sL S 1 75 HUY S I'M" iecKer nro p -aim, .iuut care, fasy term. 312 Worcvkter b.dg 1 PV CASH FOR I Sr. 1 PM.Voj;. H ( t O L D S G I LJ tER T. 34 Va m hlil UPRIGHT Gilbert and Vi. tmla fumed omK ca-e for s;le. 422 Wan.-n m WANTED Piano, with good tone pay cash for bargain. Maha St onr I 5 "oil HUSH LANE piatiu i or liberty bonds Y 147 ntei. gi ch "egonlan. PIANO wanteii. ir ni inunt til our piano can .wain ' ? can. PIANO t cheap anid, ah proportion, must ! Marhai: L-17 Good plaver-plann at hi 1 1' o n eSd ' wood 3 2 1 3 If pMe, terms WANTED Piano at once; pay cah if har BHin M-'ln 364 lodav t urnilure for hale. - Furniture of a ,V 422 V m o ktit. BARGAIN i for ale. om h