TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1920 n CITY NEWS IN BRIE CKy Editor Main 70711. A WTOS Sunday Editor Main 7070. A iw, Advertiefnfr Department. .Main 7O70. A SOUS superintendent of bide... Main 7070, A 6095 AMUSEMENTS. CRPHECM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaud. vine. Thia afternoon and tonlsnt. EAKEH (Broadway near Morriaon) Baker Stock company in "Abraham Lincoln.' Tonisht. ' . AICAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) Alca zar Muaicai Playera in "Forty-five sun ntes From Broadway." Tonight. I.TRIC Fmrth at Stark) Musical eom dy. Th Cabaret d Luxe." Threa hen daily at 2, 7 and 9 P. M. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Tamhlll) Vaudeville and moving pictures, i to o. :4r. to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and hotidava. continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. AU PiTr.Ea (RnmiiwaT at Alder) Vaude ville. Three ahowa daily. 2:30. 7 and 9:05. THRIFT STAMPS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Basiness Office.. Oresonian. Charge op Kidnaping Faced. J. C. Alton will face a chargre of kidnaplns In the circuit court today, being neia by the Brand jury as responsible for the disappearance of 7-year-old Ruth jnhnAn rnm her home in Sellwood Snnilav. Kentember 20. 1919. Th youngster was missed from her home about 2:30 in the afternoon and her father'. J. A. Johnson, a blacksmith, started In search of her. At 6:30 she was discovered in a deserted house fnnr blocks from her home, with Alton, an elderly man, who had boueht her some ice cream. He re sisted the attempt of Johnson to take his dausrhter and Patrolman J. A. Holden was forced to fire a shot at him before he would subn.lt to ar rest, it is asserted. Deputy District Attorney Deich reported mat num erous complaints had been made aeainst Alton for annoying little girls. Laborer Buried Br Cave-Is. G. E. Lawhorn. a laborer, narrowly escaped death early yesterday afternoon when a mass of dirt caved in on him as he was helping to excavate for a retain ing wall in front of 553 Terrace drive. Kircmen from engine company No. 15 were called to the rescue and suc ceeded in digging him from his earth prison with spades and shovels. Law horn was buried beneath more than four feet of dirt for over ten minutes. He was still conscious when taken out and was removed to his home, 872',i Hawthorne avenue. Moonshine Maker Fined 1100. Henry Lohrenerel. manufacturer of moonshine, was fined 100 in munic ipal court yesterday after Judge Jtossman had found him guilty of violating the prohibition law. Lohren erel was arrested Saturday nignt. When .officers arrived at his house, Lohrengrel started to run but a shot from Policeman Drennan'a gun brought him to a halt. Exil Joki was another bootlegger who confessed his guilt in police court and paid a ?- fine. ITELATIVES Or L. A W S O N "W ALLEN Sought. Officials, of the Bridewell hospital. Chicago, have written to the police in an effort to find some trace of relatives of Lawson w alien, ageo 7. who died there last week. The dead man told hospital attendants he formerly had been a member of the Portland fire department and was a Spanish war veteran. Efforts of the Dolica to trace him through these sources have been futile. Syndicalism Trials Set. The first of the trials of members of the com munist labor party, indicted under the new state criminal syndicalism act. will be held in Portland March 1. the date being fixed by Presiding Circuit Judze McCourt yesterday morning. There will be four cases, one follow ing directly after another, in which the defendants will be Fred W. Fry. Claude Hurst, Karl W. Oster and Joe Laundy. Bast Strut Business Men to Meet. The East Side Business Men's club will hold its monthly meeting and dinner Thursday night. Wilson Bene- fiel. the new president, will act as chairman of the day. Colonel Milton A. Miller will deliver an address on Lincoln and Major Thornton A. Mills. D. D.. will give his lecture, entitled "Fiddles and Fortunes." A dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock, by the ladies of the Central Presbyterian church. There will be dancing and other amusements after 9:15. Xehalev Boom Compant Incobpor. jites. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday by the Nehalem Boom comDanv. capitalized at J50O.OO0, in the office of County Clerk Beveridge. Incorporators are David C. Eccles, Rav B. Earlv and W. F. Turner. The company will handle lo& booming and river navigation. It is asking nermisslon to build a railroad from Burlington to Columbia slough. A Jollt good time for all, come to the Valentine mask ball Friday, Feb ruary 13. Swiss hall. Third and Jef. ferson; Hosch's union music; 20 fine prizes. Adm. only 3a cents, uiven Dy Kirkpatrick Council, Security Benefit association. Adv. Bofs Arm Broken Wrestling. Tedro Mundart. aged 12, of 322 Clay street, sustained a broken right arm at the Shattuck school yesterday noon while wrestling with a playmate. He was taken to Emanuel hospital where the injury was dressed. Srx Speeders Are Fined. Six speed ers faced Municipal Judge Rosman in police court yesterday and the fol lowing fines were assessed: L. R. Valen. 17.50: E. J. Kinsler, $7.50: A. E. 'eth, J10; N. W. Montgomery, $15; A. Holstrom, $5; E Strubert, $10. Br Aid of nerve blocking, extract ing, filling or crowning teeth, and the snccessful treatment of pyorrhea are made pleasant operations. Drs. Hartley. Kiesendahl & Marshall; 307 ' Journal bldg. Adv. Farmhand's Leo Broken. Owen Grigsey, a farmhand, sustained a fractured leg yesterday when he fell from a horse he was riding on a farm along the Columbia slough. He was taken to Good Samaritan hospital. Free Dance, entertainment and 2000 ft. motion pictures for the public to night. W. O. W. hall. 12S 11th. given by Anchor Council, No. 746, S. B. A. Adv. i Frank Stixo Paroled. Frank Stino, found guilty by a jury of non support, was sentenced to one year In jail and paroled by Circuit Judge Kavanaugh yesterday. Personal attention throughout is what you receive when you get your artificial teeth from Dr. E. C. Ross man, plate specialist, 307 Journal bldg. Adv. Brown Hydropathic Institute. Stevens bldg., downstairs, scientific massage, hydrotherapy, sweats, Tuesdays and Fridays, women only. woman assistant. Adv. Mrs. Edith Johnson, niece of F. R. Cutland is requested to communicate with telephone Wdln. 3306. Any one knowing her whereabouts will kind ly notify her. Adv. Attention, Apartment Occupants! For the kind of insurance you want telephone Geo. D. Scbalk. Main 392. Do it now! Adv. Dr. James F. Langmack. the chiro practor, has moved his office to 857 Garfield ave. Phone Wdln. 4545 for appointment. Adv. Kemherer Coal, Carbon Coal Co, mine agents. 321 Hawthorne ave. East 1188. Adv. -Dardaneli.a," greatest hit in years. Hear It at C. H. Williams Record Shop. 353 Alder. Adv. Yellow cab service: the best at the lowest rates. Main 59. Adv. Milk Ccks at the Moore Sanitarium. Adv, , Bigelow Back at Work. City Com mlssioner Blgelow returned to his desk yesterday after a week's absence during an attack of influenza. Mayor Baker, who has been ill with quinsy, is not expected back until the latter part of the week, according to Hal M. White, his secretary. Mayor Baker is still weak. According to his physi cian, a return to his duties too early might result in a relapse. With Com missioner Bigelow back, the 'council can now resume its regular duties. The council yesterday held an ad journed meeting, at which time emergency ordinance passed to third reading last Wednesday received final consideration. War Book Souvenirs Here. An nouncement of. the arrival in Portland of the French government's war souvenir booklet for Americans who served in France was made yesterday by Captain George S. Clarke, of the local recruiting office, who has charge of the distribution of the booklets. The first shipment is of 2000,- this supply to be replenished when ex hausted. All Americans who served REGISTER! WHO? All citizens who failed to vote during 1918 or 1919, or who have moved out of the precincts in which they voted during those years. WHY? You cannot vote at the spring primaries if you do not. Nearly 400 registrants a day must be taken care of be-, fore April 21 if Multnomah county is to have a normal registration of 100.000. If you put it off, the last-minute crowds may make it impossi ble for you to register. WHERE? West end, first floor, county courthouse, Fifth and Salmon streets. Open Satur day afternoons. Registrations to Date. s Male. Female. Total. Republicans. 31.394 20.301 51,695 Democrats.. .10.007 7,165 17,162 Other parties 2,253 1,764 4.017 Grand total 72,874 Increase over preceding day 218 in France are asked to call at the rmy recruiting office on the second floor of the Worcester building. Third and Oak, for a booklet. They will be asked to leave their names, with data as to their service, when they get the book. , Credit Men Plan Smoker. A moker will . be held in the main dining room of the Chamber of Com merce on February 18, at 8 P. M. by the Portland Association of Credit Men. The affair will be an organiza tion meeting for the National Fire Protection association, which has headquarters in Boston, Mass. Jay Stevens, with his moving picture on fire prevention, will be present at the meeting to explain the organization in detail. The meeting is in charge of S. L. Eddy, chairman of the fire insurance and prevention committee of the National Association of Credit Men. Scouts Chamber Guests. Yesterday was Boy Scout day at the members' forum luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce, speakers representing the organization being the guests and boy scout policy for Portland being discussed. James E. Brockway, scout executive for Portland, was chairman for the day and introduced Howard M. Smith, a leader .among the Boy Scouts and now an assistant scout master, and Homer D. Angel of the executive committee of the Portland scout organization and head of th committee on camps and outings, who gave talks explanatory of the history and purposes of the organization. Music in Litigation. Suit involvin a musical composition. My Baby Arms." was filed in the federal court yesterday by Leo Feist & Co., New York, against the Oriental grill this city. The papers were filed by Leon W. Behrman. attorney for the Feist company, holders of the copy right on the piece. The complaint charges infringement by the Oriental grill upon rights of the music pub lishing company by playing the piece without consent of the owners. The sum of $100 for each time the piece has been played in the grill is asked. together with a permanent injunc tion against further use of it. More Armt Goods Coming. A large quantity of additional food supplies, as well as blankets, clothing, mis cellaneous articles and 1000 iron cots, is expected to arrive in the city shortly for sale through the army quarter master store, Fifth and Pine streets, according to announcement yesterday. The iron cots will go on sale at $2.50 each, and the other articles will be priced the same as similar articles in the past. Business Talk Announced. "What the Present Financial Situation Means to the Business Man" will be the sub ject for discussion before the Rotary club, at the regular weekly meeting and luncheon this noon at the Ben son hotel. C. C. Colt, vice-president of the First National bank, will be the speaker. The musical programme will include selections by Frank Mc- Gettigan and Walter Jenkins. . Speeders Pat Fines. M. H. Hall was fined $50 and Mabel Armstrong $35, by District Judge Jones yester. day on pleas of guilty to speednig on Sandy road Sunday. The former was arrested while making 47 miles an hour, the latter going 35 miles, by Deputy Sheriff Bailey. Ed Dimbat was fined $10 for having no tail light on a truck he was driving across the interstate bridge. Communitt Club to Meet. The Franklin Community club, will hold a short business meeting and social on Wednesday night, February 11, at 8 P. M in the Franklin high school gymnasium. , The club's aim is to pro mote community spirit and improve ments in the district. Bots' Meeting Called. An even ing meeting for boys over 10 years of age will be held in Woodlawn school Wednesday at 7:4o o clock, under the auspices of Woodlawn Parent-Teacher circle. Just In New Stetson Hats, $10 See our big window displays. Each Day Brings New Arrivals in SPRING SUITS With style and quality features you want Finely tailored Single or double breasted .Long English roll lapels High vent $50.00 S. & II. STAMPS GIVEIV Exclusive Knppenhelmer House in Portland Morrison at Fourth THIS ! WEEK! IT'S EASIER AFTERNOONS DAILY CONCERTS by Guter son's Orchestra Every Afternoon and Evening ' "PINTO" is Mabel Normand's latest and best. Just ask some soul who's seen it. BESIDES Three authentic reels of German Sub. U-35 as she sinks 15 allied vessels. CONCERT NUMBERS Morning, Noon and Night Harp Solo by MR. GRAF Cr-oTTrt asqSS. - 1 iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMif iiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiMf iiiiiiitiiiiMtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitir Your Home Needs This BRUNSWICK Every member of your household U 1 will get unending pleasure if you U 1 buy this beautiful Brunswick. 11 Why not do it TODAY? H I We make the way easy and de- liver it anywhere, city or country, by prepaid freight. Scouts, will speak on "Need for Super. vision of Adolescent Boyhood In Port land." S. C. Lancaster, state and city man ager of the relief campaign, will in troduce a remarkable film showing life and conditions in the near east. with sidelights on the trip of the steamer Bearport, now loading flour In the local harbor for the Armenian and Syrian sufferers. Dr. Stuart Mc- Uuire will sing. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In monthly installments and really own your home. See us about your renewal. Special proposition. Port land Trust Co., Sixth and Morrison. Adv. BOY SCOUTS FEATURED C. C. Colt to Speak on Need for Supervision of Adolescent Boyhood At the regular weekly meeting of the Portland Ad club at the Benson hotel tomorrow noon, the work and etc., purposes of the Boy Scouts of America will be given prominent place on the regular programme. C. C. Colt, presi- dent of the Portland council of Boy miimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiimiiimimii AirplaneFlights Sightseeing- trips and cross-country flights are now being made DAILY from our aviation field. Phone for information and rates m Main 2796 OREGON, WASHINGTON & IDAHO AIRPLANE CO. Office Yeon Bldg. luiimauuuuiiiuimuuiiumuiuujiui CARDS OF THANKS. We wish to express our thanks to out many friends for ail tneir Kina ness and help during the sad be rMvfmenl and loss of our dear, be loved mother: also for the many beau tiful floral ortenngs. JOHN CI,EFT. ED CLEFT. AMOS H. CLEFT. ANDY CLEFT, MRS. IDA DE LANCET. Adv. MRS. DOLLIE M. RICHARDSON. J. H. Musgrave and family wish to thank the many irienas or nis De loved wife for their condolence and beautiful floral tributes: also his fel low lodgemen. associates and employ ers. J. H. MUSUKAVli. ROBERTA COCHRAN. Adv. WARREN COCHRAN. We wish to express our thanks to our many friends and relatives for their sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. HARRY W. SCHOOF. ADOLPH C. STEPP. Adv. WM. C. STEPP. We wish to thank the many kind friends for their kindness during the Illness and death of our dear wife and mother; also for the beautiful flowers. LUDWIG HEINRICH Adv. AND FAMILY. LUMBERMEN AND LOGGERS Let me figure with you to haul your logs or lumber. I will put new equipment and responsible men on job. Write me at once and I will help you figure your transportation costs. W 926, OREGONIAN Besides, it is really a Brunswick production, playing at their very best the records of all artists and all makers without the necessity of attachments or change. Just a turn of the hand and it is done. Send your order on this plan The Brunswick, Mahogany or ' Oak, and Six Double-Faced Re- $ 1 Q A 1 H . imi ii i mi in i mm. i I cords (12 Selections) of Your Own Choice Pay $15 Down, Balance in One Year EE E Just sign and send this ad with your remittance and leave the rest to us. Pine Grove Asks for Census. HOOD RIVER, Or., Feb. 9. (Spe cial.) Residents of the Pine Grove orchard district are calling for a cen sus taker. Scores of prominent or- chard lets of the district declare that no enumerator has visited them, al though the time limit for hte rural count expired ' ten days ago. it is estimated that several hundred per sona have been overlooked in the thickly populated orchard district. 0 o 0 G Say, folks, remem ber dat snow? Well, dere am lots moan comin' better prepare foah moah cold weather and place your order for CHUNKY COAL TODAY. Willamette Fuel & Supply, Broadway 2144. Andrews, Conover Fuel Co. Tabor 2476. Sellwood Wood A Coal, Sellwood SS7. J. H. S hep per d, Woodlawn 200. Vancouver Ice A. Ceal, Vane. 711. 0 a o o a 0 TOMORROW HAROLD HENRY Master American Pianist. FEBRUARY 11, 1920 HEILIG THEATER Seal Sale Now" on at Hellig Theater. PRICES Lower Floor, $2.20, $1.65; Balcony, 2.zu, i.bo; uaiiery, mc, EOc. Direction Ellison-White Musical Bu reau, Portland, ur. . 9 JSK 0 jYfrnr Economical j J y ii n d long ifo CiOW Bh, no kfte, I 9 CkA.MHr'V clinkerti. no iM lull I - I THE NATION'S LEADERS "ART METAL" STEEL FILING CABINETS- WOOD FILING CABINETS ASK FOR CATALOGS G'LASS&PRDDHOMMECO. PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS 65-67 BROADWAY. Name. Address. I PLAYERS M MORRISON ST. AT DROADWAY leyB.AUeD9J - V - v UprroocsV 1 m -MA50N AND HAMLIN PIANOS- CS SAN FftAMCiaca. OAJtlAMD, FltCttMO. BAH I rjiiiiiiiiiifiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiii? Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PARTICULARS CALL Mar. 6060 orlf D T? ft T Tabor 8070 ! .X' ifA Vvl o mm Special Clearance Sale "Let's have a Smokeless Summer" was the slogan adopted by the Chamber of Com merce highway scenic protective commit tee . . . Members of the committee are: Samuel C. Lancaster, chairman; George Cecil, F. H. Ransom, George Quayle and Marguerite A. Solomon, secretary." Port land News item, Feb. 3, 1920, Why not have a clean, smokeless city ALL the year by everybody using Gasco Furnaces ? There are only two classes of people who do not belch forth black smoke in their neighbors' win dows: those who have moved away and those who are using gas to heat their houses. Special Sale Ends This Week ROTELA. I II I SO Boys9 Soits at $8.45 VALUES UP TO $12.50 Sizes 7 Years to 16 Years These suits are from broken lines of our regular stock and spe cially priced for quick sale. Nifty Norfolk styles, neat pat . terns in fancy mixtures; browns, tans, grays and blues, including Blue Serge and Corduroys. Splendid values. You Save at Least 33 Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothiers Third and Morrison Streets Automatic Manufacturing Co. Established 1912 Engineers and Machinists Tool and Die Makers Models made and perfected. Manufacturers ' of automobile accessories and light machin ery of every description. 440 Hancock St. Tel. E. 803 Portland, Or. MiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir ! Unusual Bargains Slightly Used Pianos : -wo inve a "J. & C. Fischer," : "Ludwig," "McPhail," "Need- : ham," "Kahler & Campbell, : "Thompson," "Wellington" and : some others. Not old, worn-out : instruments, but practically as I good as new. Why not save : from $100 to $200 on a piano? Reasonable Terms I SOULE BROS. 1 166 10th St, near Morrison Tllimilllllimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli; Books-School Books OLD AND NEW Books Bought and Sold branch of and t.ch- Books covering every literature. Automobile nical books a speclilty. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE 248 Malm SU B etwee. 2d aad 3d Sta, Phone your waht ad to Th Orego nlaa. Main- 7070, A. 095. Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 Vi First St, Portland, Or. Th 6KWARD U a Dw. modern .n4 eleffHtuly appointed hotel. po.a.aiMna' on of the most beautiful corner lob blra In lb NortbwuL Looted at loth and AlriVr eta., oppo.it. tiltla, Wortman 4k Ktnir'a biff department etore In heart of retail and theater district. Uatea 1 Ml and up. H' meet, all tralna. "W" car .10 run. from I'nlon Depot dlr't to Hot4 BUWAKO. W. L bo ward. Prop. Wl "JUST THE tqj jl Cla. gJ FOR YOU" pJ Bid if. k- COURTESY, comfort, homelike atmosphere at moderate prices, whether for the day, week or month. Abaolatrlr flrearof. O.traJlr located. CohTe.lr.t to all c.rllBC. aad point, of l.tere.t. refined aad nahafnaflal far niahJaaa cheerful and Inviting. GLEXX B. HITE. MGR. WASHINGTON AT TWELFTH Portland, Orcaon. J- V-,- f ft' 1 - : I. v 1 ALACE HOTEL 446 Washington Street Large rooms, elegantly furnished. near theater and shopping district Strictly modern. Rates reasonable. Broadway 1251. A Moderntely-Prlre-a Hotel f Mvrtt. HOTEL CLIFFORD Knot Morrl.oa St. and Knat "lath. 1'er Day. Per Ween; tp. Thone Your Want Ads to TIIE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 43093