15 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1920 -ti-AL ESTATK . 40 ACRES. CKn you beat this, 1104 per acre, 15 mile from Portland, good hard roaus, s mna irom electric uae aad araall town, all level good soil, 2-roora box house, chicken house, guarantee wood enough to pay for place twice, terms. Owner. B 918, Oregonian. IMPROVED FARMS NEAR CRE3HAM. We hare several food buys in this io caltty la S. 10, 13. 2o. 30. 40 and 80-acre piaces. nicely improved and well located n the finest roads in Orejton. and some exceptional gooa bargains to offer. KRIUER-ELKIXOTOX. Urea nam. Or. EXCEPTIONAL 80 acres. 5 miles Oregon CUt. 17 cultivated, buildings, orch.-iru. - stream; eonaiaerame timber; only $o.VKl, easy terma. Accept resilience worth $35i). Owner, 141 East 6JUx N., evenings. STOCKED and equipped dairy ranch; cream check from $100 to 1250 month. besides $2000 worth or bogs and cattle per year; reason tor selling Tailing noann. vx rue pox i.i. t.eoanon, ur. LOGGKD-OFF lands, J 10 acre up: running water, good soil, x tillable; emplo-ment; easy terms. J. K. faliarpe. Bv 3d St. iKBb MUM lists, ban Joaquia valley farms, caul riosster, Stockton, cal. I - - 1 WANTED BE A LIESTATB. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL, RECORD 2,409,347 WORTH ok homes sold DURING THE YEAR 1919 BT FRANK L. McGUIKE AGENCY. 14 experienced salesmen with auto. Feveral hundred buyers on our lists. Jinny with cash, desiring to buy modern Aumes under $70110, especially in ROSE CITV PARK DISTRICT. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. LAURKLHURST DISTRICT. ALBKKTA DISTRICT. Also inexpensive modern homes in all parts of the city. FHAXC I- McGUIRE will personally inspect, photograph and appraise your property without charge. The picture or your house with full in formation will be displayed on the walls or our show rooms, which are crowded with prospective buyers. Tour house ia moid It listen with us. (WE NEED IT TOD AT.) See FRANK I.. MrOTTIRE. To Sell Your Home. ARTNCITON Bl.riO. MAIN 10(58. WE CAN SELL. TOUR HOME. For quick results list your home with us. We are selling two and three every day;, onr system cant be beat. We spend thousands of dollars in advertising and have a steady stream or buyers. Call Main 6O0S and our expert house appraiser will calL BIHR-CARET CO.. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. BHAUTIKULLY wooded .10x100 lots and ' h:ilf-acre tracts. IS minutes" car ride to Broadway and Washington street; near the Peninsula Par and Jenerson niRii school: buy now, prices low as $500, $50 cash, $H morrthly. JOlIXSON-DftflSnS CO., 632. 6H3, 0.14 N. W. Bank B!dg. Main 3TS7. IF YOUR ranch Is for sale, mail full de The calla for liave you? ranch Get your p?ice ent- is wiK scription or call at omce. i ranches are good; let us hav whil we have buyers. Get right, terms you will accept: we will do the rest. Coc A. McKenna Co., 82 4th at. SHACKS AND BMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms We have sold over 500 homes In the last year. If you want action see I Fred W. Uerman i;o.. iai frnam. or t orn. TV ANTED or 5-room - bungalow with fireplace; must be on paved street, cen- lral east side district: not over $3500; can pay I20IH) cash. Phone Marshall I 4r.5: No agents WANT HOUSE" EQUITY. Will exchange lots or land for equity I In Portland residence property, large or mall. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. MODERN homes wanted at once in desir- hle HtSrricts. S'J500 to StiOOO. RELIABLE. HIGH-CLASS, EFFICIENT SERVICE. A K. HILL CO.. 115 Lumbermena bldg. MODERN homes wanted at once In desir nl.ro riixtricts. 2.'0A to B00. RELIABLE, H IGH-CLASS, EFFICIENT er;iiv itrj. A. K. HILL CU, 215 Lumbermen'a bldg. MODERN 5-rm. bungalow with lot 100x100, try good district; will consider Sellwood or Kenton. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLTNO BLDQ. Main 1S00. Residence 271-20. FOR QUICK RESULTS list your houses witn n.ABKNrB PARKER. MIt Williams ave. Phone East 104ft. .' I have clients waiting for same. WANTED A city home; a small farm; aluo a prune orchard: buyer lor same. . N. M. ZIJ1MERMANN, 114 3d St., Phone 234. Vancouver. Wash. RANTED Modern home in Irvlngton or Holladav Addition; must be a bargain. 1. will pay cash to owner; no agents ned reply. AH ?. oregonian.. uivk 6 clients for In-lngton homes from $i5ii0 to $12,000. Substantial payments. rolNDKXTEii, 208 SELLING i'.LDG. Main l"0O. Residence 271-20. I WANT a 4 or 5-room house, bungalow or cottage, $l.soO to $::0o0. modern, that gr.oo cash will handle; no ageuts. W 027. Oregonian. BUNGALOW. 5 or 6 rooms, value $.1000 to $5000; east side preterrea, norm 01 iiaw. thorne. This is for my own use. B 70, oregonian. - s I WANT to buy a 5-room house. Give all particulars in first letter. W BjI, Ore- pontam WANTED By young couple, 4 or o-room bungalow, $250 oajh, balance like rent woooiawn tt-iii. WANTED ft-room modern bungalow: will pay j;;"0 down, $40 per niopth. T 151, Oregon lam FOR QUICK results list your hou&e with 542't Williams ave. Phone East 1046. IF TOU have a bungalow worth the price afked phone Air. King. Bdwy. 208. Farms Wanted. DO YOU want to sell your farm or city I property? List witn J. u. rreydig, 501 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 5267. LET us sell your farm. Nord Henningsen Co.. 401 mock tixenange piog. Wanted 10 Rent Farms. X HOP ranch of 50 acres to iease for one or terms of years, river bottom soil, good dry houses, dwelling, barn and Imple ments; rentat share of hops. Give full, particulars and phone number.. Address AV In, oregonian. WANTED To lease farm. 40 to 80 acres. within 15 miles of Portland. Call at 205 Everett at. FOR RENT FARMS. WANTED To lease, with privilege of buying. Improved .acreage with at least 10 acres, ciear. within 11c car rare limit. F. W. Sabransky. 5507 50ttt ave. S. E. frellwcotl J2..3. FOR HKXT Irrigated farms. 20 to 500 a-,res fur lease on shares, some ideal gar den tracts, will lease ror term, or years. M. E. Lee, 413 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT Suburban fruit and chicken ranch, modern house. Oregon Electric; $40 a mouth, lease 1 or 2 years. Phone automatic 321-28. TIMBER lANDS. WANTED Sawmill man able to either put up 15 to 20 m miil or finance same, against timber about 8 million or bet- r ,.n m RlLAlt banin- VniH mart-' (.. to 'make money. Owner. P 64. Orego-I man. TIMBER 44 million feet, 50cJ!000: 160 acres good soil, worth more fr ranch than Is I asked for whole outfit: some buildings; Douglas county. 94 6th st: TV ANTED 4,000. 00 0 fLoY more fir tim- ber. Have good mill, 4ay an cut baHi. I Address P. .O. box 2047. Sta. A, Port- GG1XG contract to let. From 40 to 50 niliion fir: fine chan.-e. U lllnn,ti. I vall.ry. R :-08. Oregonian. FoK SALE Good second-growth cord-I WW CUl. W II. I U til Oi. TO EXCHANGE. KKAL ESTATE. WILL exchange modern seven-room bun galow at Oa'kland. Cal.. for improved acreage in or near Portland. S 603. Ore gonian. ONE of the best selling articles on the market with territory of 3 states. $2000 worth of stock on hand, will trade for car or lots or house equity or what have you? B 94. Oregonian. THREE lota or less In Vancouver, value $1000. will trade for diamonds. Address W s. shop. 601 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. ; 40 ACRES timber. Lane Co., for small acreage close to Portland, on good road. T 5M. Orgonian WANTED Furniture and lease of modern hotel, loo rooms or more, downtown dis- "" trict: have A-l tract timber as part payment- M 900. Oregonian. jTaV'E 40 acres in Nevada on railroad; will trade in on a bungalow. J 630, Oregonian, ' " TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BUSINESS BUILDING, 40x100. two-story frame, on corner Ssth street and Foster road. Rear hair of rirst noor now oc cupied by city water department; secon story equipped with polished maple I dance floor I I for this bul -. The largest ana oesi uance Mt. Scott The time is mature for this bulldinr to nroduce a good rev enue. Will trade my $3000 equity for good vacant lots or any otner property A can use. Balance to assume $4uuu. A. c CURNOW, 6414 4th avenue 8. E. seitwooa 84. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS will ilun mv stock of Jewelry, sil verware, hand-painted cbinaware and crockery, -value $4500, two-year lease. rent $40, west side, for city property or close-in acreage. See Brown Bia die, 324 Railway Exchange bide. Mar shall 33.11. EXCHANGE. We have a splendid modern house for exchange; double garage, two baths, - large grounds; fine location; If you want an up-to-date house which is commo dious and entirely modern, be sure to look tnis up at once. W. H. ROS3, 1106 N. W. Bank Bids. NEAR BK1.I.1NOHAM. WASH.. 10 acres of fine land in good little town near Bellingham, Wash.; J sets ot buildings, on hard-surface road; all in cultivation; price $3500. $500 mortgage; will accept a good house in exchange and Assume $'0im. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK St. BROADWAY 4133. HAVfc? oliont with modern 7-room resi deuce. block lrvmgton district, wants to exchange for larger place, at least A bedrooms, and pay up to aiu.ouu an- lorence. POINDKXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Miiln lsl'J. Residence 271-20. FOR SALE or trade for income property or rent to party buying crop, stock and implements 100 A., 10 miles from Eu gene, good road; immediate possession. Owner. Creswell, Or., Route 1. Box 40 FOR SALH OR TRADU. 280 acres dry land In eastern Oregon at bargain for quick drai. L. M. BIRCH, Parma, Idaho. 1 ACRE first payment on house or bun galow. W3 car. inicyuuug --. FOB BALK. Hones, Vehicles, livestock. uniuo unHSKs! SO head of first-class horses and mares from 0 to 7 years old; 1300 to lililO pounds. Some well-matcneo teams. All stock guaranteed ' as represented. Trial allowed. 85 Union ave.. cor. Stephens at. L. Glass. FOR SALE Having moved to town, will .All nv r.pm taunt WO llht . ana Mllburn wagon for $250. Alto one 5-year-old horse, weight 1200, broke single and double, xxoooy dihuib. -.- -Flanders. , TWO teams 1 weight 3000 lbs., 1 weight 2M6 pounds, with neavy narness. uvm. right out of the woods, been logging; also logging truck, wide tires, all in good shape; for sale cheap. 0624 8Uth St. Ms car. YOUNG team, mare and horse, weighing about 2700 lbs., nearly new narue ,. 3-Inch farm wagon. 1u7 Francis ave. Woodstock car to E. 30th, st. and falaa stone ave. Tel. Selwood 1212. TeTiI Shire horses, weighing about 3100 lbs., about X years old; well broke lo work; no use for them; reasonahe for cash. See Mon. in office laylor-.t. dock. TEAM gray Percherons. horse and mare, weighing about -aiMlO lbs.: 0 and T years old; in line condition: very won u.oe. price t:U)U. Wood yard root Taylor st. BARGAIN 1 naip of horses. 3200 lbs.. harness and farm wagon; .lust mrougn logging Job and have no use for them. 1IHI7 E. Stark st.. cor. 7Sth. NOTICE, sheepmen. Parties having sheep to let on shares aoaress a. 1010 41st at. So. West. Seattle. Wash. Private range. 4000 to 6000 SPAN well-matched mares, weighing about 3000 lbs., extra gooa wor $.100. Inquire Mr. Ward, wood yard o ITjce.- Tayior-st. dock. . O. T. STABLES, 17TH AND KEARNEY. 20 good young norses ana niaren 4 to 1 years old. some well matched teams, everything sold with guarantee O. D. WILLIAMSON. SPAN chunky-built mares weighing about 2500 lbs.. In nne snape; very Beiino true to work; price $225. Taylor-su jjock; . TWO NO. 1 Holsteln cows for sale, botn coming fresh tnis montn. corner ra mond and ' Syracuse sts.. St. Johns. Phone Columbia 831. FOR SALE OR RENT Good work horse. single harness ana Duggy; urs or double; quick sale. Phone M 4 (Mr. Short.) FOR ALE 1 gooseneck wagon, several Sxsi-incn wagons, several wjui uuuui. harneam Standard Brick & Tile Co.. S3 Fifth street. , 14 HEAD of horses, 4 to 8 years old. 1200 Jtn 1800 pounus; some wen teams. inquire m-t -wimuij q. h'RKSH Jersey cows with calves. 495 t.'ii f 1 blocks be ow Williams ave, between Pago and Russell sts. 2000-LB. TEAM, harness and farm wagon. $75. Oregon jny car to quire at lumner aari SHETLAND POMES. T. I. Robinson, canton, v., 1,1 - ., - - land. ' . . -1 . r 1 v -nil cam rarne. sneeo anu Koala. r'amobell-fneian lhuq m i-ame v Couch bldg. $100 BUYS team blocky Percheron mares weighing about 20110 lbs.: sound and true to work. woou yam. JJ'' " DEAD stock removed quickly, t-asn paid for dead cows ano tniipicu uuimm. MMwauKle tn J 'or resuna. WANTED Few milk goats; state breed, price ana panicuii u -. wtciu nian. A GOOD milk cow for sale. Inquire 5111 47th street southeast, oeuwuou jqo.i. HEAVY draft teams for sale. Inquire of J. E. W ilson, La center, wasn. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. T.'tbor 4uj! DEAD horses, animals hauled away. free. Portland Renuaring 10. woooiawn v. 2700-LB. TEAM mares, harness and farm wagon. Atlas woodyaro. or rroiiu Pianos, Organs and Musical lnstrnmenta. WHEN you buy a used piano from anyone (including most stores. 11 win u $100 more if you spend $35 at my shop to have it properly regulated and ad justed. Expert men with references and recommendations guarantee satisfaction. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st- Pianos bought, rented, sold. I MUST sell my mahogany grand piano once: sweet tone, rirst-ciass con dition, best buy in Portland; am leav ing town or wouldn't sell for twice the amount asked. See it. 427 Shaver st. VICTROLA FOR PIANO. $200 Vlctrola outfit, new, 'o trade for used piano; get our proposition. Sei- berling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th -St., Main 8586. t $15 CASH sends home new $475 piano for $.i,tO, Daiance ,11 "iu""i. Piano CO., Ill rourtn St.. oeioro remui to 101 Tenth st., at Washington and Stark Bts. 7 . 125 DOWN sends new ssno player piano " t , ,a-, K.tannu till tO OUr IlOllie monthly at Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st., before removal to 101 Tenth st.. at Washington and Stark sts. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vjctrola and records; our propositions will pieane you. ociipor- ling-Lucas Adusio 1.0., iu t. .wair. 8586, , PIANO WAITED. TTio-ttest cash paid for used pianos and olaver pianos; get our prices. Seiberllng Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Main S5SS. SPOT CASH PAID FOR FIRST-CLASS CABINET TALKING MACHINE. N EWAlAiX, l-o rinsi. MAIN 4405. TApOR B79H. "WANTED CHICKKRING. J5TEINWAY. other high-class piano: consider grand, pay cash. V 998. Oregonian. WANTED To rent mahogany piano, will pay $3.50 per month: will give best of care. Phone taoor 000.1. $200 CASH secures $750 Stelnway Sons' niann at Security Storage Co.. inn 4th St.. at Washington st. GENUINE Martin melody "C" saxophones. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 ttth st.. Portland, Or. LATEST $200 model Vlctrola, quarter oak. and $411 wortn 01 recorus. sen an tor $185. Sellwood 3650. $3115 CASH buys 1918 model virtually new $750 player piano at tne security stor age Co.. 109 4th St. PLAYER ROLLS you are tired of. ex- changed 10c per roll. Harold Gilbert. 3s4 Yamniu st. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhiii st $100 PHONOGRAPH and 38 best records for $115 cash. 5W08 84th St. S. E. PIANO wanted; IT you must sell your piano call Main 8586. Pay cash. FOR" SALE York trombone. ClWa7n. 5849. NEW Columbia grapbonola and records cheap. East 8238. . COLUMBIA grafonnia and 18 records for $311 Call East B867. PIANO wanted, cash proposition, must be cheap. Marshall 1517. FOR SAI.F.. Pianoa, Organs s-jd 3Iusicai Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. Our special sale for February la on. Must make room for new pianos. We have a" number of good bargains. See nem- SCHUMANN 1325 GILBERT 2815 WHITNEY 2T5 KOHLER & CAMPBELL. 200 KROEGER 350 BAILEY 270 DURAND 200 'RICHTER 200 HALLETT CLTRSTIN.. . 5' IRVING MS PLAYER PIANOS. UNIVERSAL PLAYER... $435 With rolls and bench. Bonds Accepted. Terms Given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUU1C CO.. 125-127 4th St.. Bet- Wash and Alder Bta, PHONOGRAPH ONLY $1 CASH payment during our February phonograph qlub sale; balance on easy weekly or monthly fayroents; big supply of new machines ust received; Victor, Columbia and Edi son diamond disc to select from; come early while the selection is good. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Wash St., cor. 12th St. Bdwy. 7.0. RENT a player piano, 6 months rent ap plied if you decide to purchase. Harold S. Gilbert. 3fc4 Yamhill St. Furniture for tSai. BARGAINS IN COMBINATION RANGES. . . We have one Economy, all cast combination range, with sanitary base and is enameled, trimmed, bakes perfectly with wood "or coal and pilot light, $113. Also one large AB enamel trimmed combination, almost new, complete with coil, $125; terms if desired. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1BS-U0 First St. FURNITURE for sale by private party leaving city, toaie jvionuay auu u"'j afternoons, 2-5 o"clock. 204 East , 2tth street South. S-piece parlor set, tap estry covered; black fire screen, and irons, etc.; oak library table, pedestal tabic, wicker armchair, onyx lamp stand, old oak rocker, ash sideboard, a low small rugs, lawnmower with grass catcher, gas range, four burners, two ovens, compartment refrigerator, up holstered box couch, birdseye wash stand, two chairs, stand and tabouret, white enameled wood, iron cot. springs and mattress; gas heater, steamer chair, new wheelbarrow. No dealers. J'UMED oak dining table, $20; 4 chairs, 4; x Hxia wnion rug, oo, 4. aawhi ster, 8xio, $35; 2 Reed wicker chairs, $2 each; 1 bookcase, $8; 1 mahogany lamp, $s; tapestry lounge, $22; almost new condition. Party leaving city. ' Phone Marshall 2170. Nob Hill apis, 10 to 1 o'clock. FOR SALE Furniture, almost new, for 8-, room house, located In Nob Hill district; you can step into a completely furnished house with 4 rooms rented; rent very reasonable; must have cash, price siouu Phone Main 2880. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof storage. C. M. Olsen Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine at. mw dining CHAIRS, iron beds and springs, kitchen treasure, nan rack ana bther articles, cheap, call alter 0 r. m 403 Tenth. Flat FOUR ROOilS of fine massive golden oak furniture, in good conauion, 9.110; no agents. Woodlawn w.t. 1104 tu. mm St. N. FOR SALE Acorn gas range with wide oven. Call mornings or evenings. voj East Flanders, near 30th. MV cai one DINING ROOM set. 3 large rugs, 2 rockers. 1 magaalne rack, one coucu. library table. Call Main 486. FOR SALE-Steel range In fine condition, also two-burner Garland gas piate. -labor 4428. or SAT. 13 Rug. 0x12. and davenport. 4826 01st st. S. E. MS car to b-d. 3 blocks south. A MAHOGANY dining room suite. Phone Kast 18;. oetween 8 a. at. anu sr. m. URNITURE of 7-room house for good condition. 228 North loth. le. In OR SALE Library lamp, spring couch; must go. East 2075 mornings. I'oultry. MAGUIRE'S DAT-OLD CHICKS. Chicks, per 100. Eggs, per 15. Tt T Reds.- $30 $2.50 to$5.00 Barred Rock - 30 2.50 "Rrown Lea-horn ..... 25 2.00 White Leahorn 20 2.00 Choice cockerels for sale, $3 to $5. J. R. MAGU1RE, 787 Oregon St., Portland. East, 1805. NORTHWEST I'OULTRY CORPORATION, 82d St., 78d to 74th Aves. S. K. , Portland, Oregon. Now booking orders for W. L. baby chicks Carry at all times breeding and young stock, various breeds; price In ac cord with quality; complete line poultry feeds at special prices ' 5 'WHITE Leghorn cockerels. 1-year-old, out of D. W. Young, Madison Square garden prize winners, the most vigorous birds, all over standard weight. 1347 llood st.. phone Mar. 2585, call after 6 P. M. WHITE Leghorn cockerels, good laying strain, healthy and clean, $7 each. Phone Main 1000. Call or write R. Cameron, superintendent Glenwood farm, Hillsdale, Oregon ONE HUNDRED white Leghorn hens, $1.50 each; white Leghorn pullets, now laying, $1.75 each; black Minorca hens and pul lets, $2 each. J. R. McGulre, 787 Oregon st,, near E. 24th. EGGS trom hatching from thoroughbred Rose Comb R. I. Reds; first-prize stock; heavy laying strains; settings $3 per 15; some cockerels for sale. Mrs. A, Breck, Milwaukie ave. Route 2. box 12. BABY CHICKS. Leghorns, Reds, Rocks. Minorca. Prices reasonable. ' C. N. Needham, Sa lem, Oregon: J I'U'iTA HI K POULTRY HOUSES SHIPPED ANYWHERE REDI.MADB BUILDING CO. 815 H. 11TH ST. E. 8114. HERE'S your chance: 12 thoroughbred White Leghorn hens, all laying,. $5. 1300 E. 23d st. N., near Woodlawn car. 1 GUARANTEE to pick the layers; Ho ganixe your flock. Woodlawn 5902. FOR SALE Laying hens, able. East 8520. very reason- Dogs, Rabbits. Birds. Fet Stock. HILLSDALE Cat Kennels 12 years deal ers and breeders of high-grade Persian eats; best silver and orange males that money can buy now at public service at reduced rates. Main 5450. Box 22, Hills dale, Or. $250 PRIZE WINNER From New York. Agent Glow unmarked silver Persian. Other new studs; fee $3 up. Portland Cat Kennels. Tabor 7501. PEDIGREED fox hounds, young and old, for sale; suitable tor an Kinas ot nunir lng. O. H. Larsen, Parkdale, Or. THE Canary Bird Shop. Female given with every singer. Automatic 1151 E. 28th st. N. THREE beautiful collie pups for sale. make excellent watcn or rancn dogs; been taught to heel cattle. Wdln 906. HARTZ MOUNTAIN singer for sale and one female and singer witn cage, o m. 28th S. E. GUINEA PIGS wanted, either regular sup ply or a few at a time, pnone Alain ss.80. Launches and Boats. SALE OR TRADE 7 h. p., Z-cyl. engine. Bosch mag., boat Z7 reet, tan-tall model, together or separate; Giea reverse gear. P. J. Pierre, 1485 E. 15th St. North. WANTED Heavy-duty launch to contract tow 50-cord barge of wood from St. Helens to Portland; no fancy prices paid. Box 681 St. Helens. Or. " BARGAJXS In second hard marine engines. We buy and sell. Liberty Boat Works. East 6803. FURNISHED 4-rodm boathouse and wood ' shed; free rent. Phone Columbia 606, FURNISHEU. houseboat wanted to rent, C. M. Alrich, Navarre hotel, , Machinery. SPECIAL One second-hand 16x9x13 'Fairbanks Morse underwriters' firo pump. One second-hand 8-io. Mershon horl xontal hand resaw. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First St., Portland. Oregon. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoiets. construc tion equipment. Standard. Mach. Co., 53 First St. 16-HORSEPOWER new Foos engine at a reduced price. Pacific Scale & Supply Co.. 48 Front St. Broadway 1966. ROCK crusher. 15 h. p., motor, Koppel track and cars, other equipment for sale. C. D. Nickelsen, Hood River. Or. WANTED To rent half-yard concrete mixer with gasoline engine for 50-yard city job. Call Ta,bor 6204 after 5 P. M. W ANTED Portable 'Sawmill. Call East 2T43. After Sunday call room 804 Pan ama bldg. 1 WILLAMETTE donkey engine, fullj equipped. 403 Larrabee. East 6528. WANTED Planer and matcher. Gulden Bros. Lumber Co., Cloverdale, Or. FOB SALE. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL M AHc.3. sold on monthly pay ments. Send for price list. The Whole- sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. FOR SALE No. 6 Remington. $12; No. 4 Smith Premier. $12. 402 Swetland bldg. Main 8000. RENT an Underwood or Remington, $3.50 a montn. 254 uroaaway. tiuwy. iiiiy. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4 btn. Main 36H8. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cu rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. w. rease t-o.. nu sixtn at. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. $20 BUYS a good Smith Premier type' Writer IN O. . x-uuim waieiiau 001. Miscellaneous. War Saving Stamp! Cashed And Liberty Bonds at. a basis of market value spot caeh Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Building, Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. MR. LABORING MAN. this store was opened for'you: locJE- at the Tollowing- overalls. 50c. 7oc.- 'the pair; cover alls, $1.50; pants, cotton, 75c. $1; wool $2, $2.50; jumpers,'. R. C. $1; new, $1.25: teamsters' mackinaws. aviators' coats, sheep-skin lined, $2.50. worth $15 to $20: shoes, hats, shirts, leggings, belts, raincoats, ponchos, tents, shelter halves, etc., at Aspinwall's Army Goods store, I7 West Park, open evenings. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. . We pay 'up-to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken: old-timers are most val uable. Crowns. bridgework bought. Bring to The American Brokerage, 205 Morgan Building, uecona xioor. SAFEGUARD CHECK WRITER. Protects payee's name and amount. You will eventually get one. Why wait -rade your old machine in on a Safe guard; liberal allowances. For particu lars phone Wdln. 4555. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY. I am unable to take uin course at Adcox Auto school, will sell tny scholar ship at reasonable discounL Address A 13. Oregonian. MUST sell this week, 6 floor cases, meat ellcers, cash registers, account register, scales and other store fixtures. 113 21st st. . inquire cigar store. ONE oak flat-top desk, pood condition; one swivel chair, leather upholstered, 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 3:153. A REAL BARGAIN. Soda fountain, backfire refrigerator. candy case, tables, etc. ; must be sold at once. Apply 320 Washington sL FOR SALE One Butterkist ehretric pop corn machine. In good condition. Bar gain if taken at once. - Inquire 300 Main st., Vancouver, Wash, ONE 12-gauge Winchester repeating shot gun, catie and shells for $25; 1 fine re peating ,22 rifle, 4 boxes shells, $10. Phone Marshall 2531, call Monday. WOOD DELIVERED PROMPTLY. We deliver same day, best first growth cordwood, long steady fire; $750 per load. Phone Main 3323. WANTED Dirt 20 cents load at SOth and East Clinton. Inquire 227 Washing ton, room 300. Also cable for sale. Main 2845. LATEST styles, full dress, tuxedo suits, also silk hats for sale or rent at Barell's clothing store. 51 Third, Multnomah ho tel bldg. SAFES New and second-band; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway IWiiB. 48 Front St. GQING ON FARM. 1918 Maxwell, perfect condition, quick sale $500. High-grade piano, $300. 1438 East Bth st. North. 3 BOOKKEEPERS' desks and stools, 1 roll-top desk and chairs, 1 fiat-top desk. Bus4kung & Co., 91 Park St. WONDERFUL bargains in ladies' used ap parel, coats, dresses, suits, etc. Tabor 2825. LADIES" light gray kid shoes, good as new, size 4 '-3, width A A. Marshall 6714, room 10. FERTILIZER. Good rotted manure delivered any part of the city. Tabor 2704. Main 4485. FLAT and roll-top desks, typewriter desks. cnairs; tapies ana large sate. 242 sal mon. FOR SALE New butcher's icebox, rack and bacon sneer; will sell separate; 93 S. Grand- ave. Phone East 3420. PRIVATE LAW LIBRARY. At a sacrifice. For information call Main 4711. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery, rruit trees. A complete line; telephone orders delivered, Portland Rose Nursery, Tabor 6700. 5-GALLON W:aynev Monarch gasoline pump in iirst-ciass conaiuon, cneap; also gallon Bouser pump. Tabor S702. SPLENDID values In ladies slightly used coats, suits, ureases, turs, etc Main 9567. - FOR SALE Acorn gas range In good con dition. Call sjt .ast ianuers. near 30th M-V car. FOR SALE Strawberries, raspberries and 2 varieties or Diaca caps, reasonable. Sell. 2332, 6803 Woodstock ave., Portland. DIAMOND 14 -karat, perfect stone, will sell cheap it taken at once. See Hewitt, 00 N. Broadway. LADIES' hats reblocked, cleaned and trimmed. nose juminery, 00 Division street. GOLD dollar strawberry plants, dozen 25c postpaid, 4 per mw, 1. o. o. -i: i. Pitts. Horing, or., jwuioiiu. a. LARGE and small cash register, 16 floor cases, assortea sizes, reu-igerator case, safe. 242 Salmon. Main 342. FRESH CRABS, salmon, smelts; get the best at reasonaoie prices, western i'isb Co.. 126 1st St., near Alder. ' AUTO and gas engine course for sale, big reduction; good reason lor selling. Ogle, East 3273. FUR At big reduction; beautiful brown fox scarz, just lias pew; wui sen lor bo. East 7949. THREE bevel French plate mirrors, 36x 06, also child 8 supply. 01 . bth. Call Monday FANCY cordwood in 50-cord barge lots on barge Portiana, so.uu coru unioaaing place. Write box 681, St. Helens, Or. HATS made at your home with new or old material and embroidery orders taken. Phone East 930. FOR SALE A navy lue tailored suit, with white stripes, $5.38; pair of shoes, 6-AA. Call Main 3553. FOR SALE First-class second growth fir wood, delivered any place In Port land $10.50 per cord. Broadway 4040. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Brltannlca. 11th edi tion, full morocco binding. $80; terms. 94 0th st. FUR COAT, mtiskrat and seal in fine con dition, $175. Call Marshall 321 FOR SALB Coal and wood range, perfect condition. 750 East 66th st. North.- STEEL wood and coal range, almost new, good bargain. Tabor 6106. - CORDWOOD, $7.50 on cars. East Water St., cor. lots. Hamlet. Tabor 4S83. GOOD 10-ft. counter, cheap. . Call today. 208 Abington bldg. INVALID'S wheel chair for sale or rent. 211 Lumbermens bldg. Broadway 250. Call for Van Tassel. CEMENT laundry tubs, guaranteed; buy direct from factory. The Duplex, 314 East Washington St. addll As machine, showcase. 43 1st st.. ne. VULCANIZING molds for sale. Broadway. 158 E. POTATOES FOR SALE. PHONE BROADWAY 454. SAFE FOR SALE, In good condition, s 4S1, Oregonian. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9567. SODA fountain complete, bargain; large safe. 242 Salmon. ; FOR SALE Slab anij block wood mixed. Call Tabor 8679. PAINTING and tinting, $3.50 per room and up; get an estimate. Main 3477. NEW Gurley transit, carrying case, fold ing tripod. Call Tabor6875. FOR SALE LADY'S HANDSOME EVEN ING COAT. REASONABLE. MAIN 1401. $75 CHINA closet for $40; just like new. Phone East 7516. FOR rent, vacuum cleaners, 24-hr. day $1; del. anywhere. Bdwy. 25S; form. W. 1259. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st st. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, j exenangeu, uuuguu ncmnj --j. j LADIES' -suits, coats, hats, dresses and shoes; slightly used. 456 Pittock block. HOP roots for sale. Springfield. Or. Address box 200, 1 SET of dies, 1 fish net. Call 805 1st st GOOD manur. E. 4307. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. WE BUY DIAMONDS AT FULL CASH MARKET PRICE: NO DELAY. PRIVATE OFFICE FO.R LADIES. All transactions strictiy confidentiaL THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. ' Diamond Brokers. 205 Morgan Building (Second Floor). FOR SALE One pneumatic .dress form, bracket, stand, pedestal, heating stove and pipe, Bissel's carpet sweeper, cot, oil heater, 60 ft. garden hose, ball bear ing lawn mower, some 30 qts. canned fruit, some empty fruit jars and bot tles. Ironing board,, cooking utensils and dishes. 406 E. 38th st- Taoor 9559. ONE Circassian walnut Fischer upright piano,. vaiue $650, will sell for $350 cash; "One Minute" electric washing machine. price $125, used 3 months, will sell for so casn; one Acorn electric range, used 1 month, will sell for $40 cash. inono .Marshall 2031, call alonuay. RANGES and water heaters moved from one address to another free; connections made a specialty; plumbing, stove re pairing; rurnace work; reasonable prices quick services to auy part of the sity laoor zdo. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effl ciently at reasonable prices; workman- snip guaranteed. MEitKO METAL WORKS, Phone Eaat 1054. 101 Russell st. SEWING machines, new and. second-Kand, soia tor less; no agents employed: com plete line of Parts for all makes: ma Chines repaired and rented. Main 943L bEVVI.NG MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, near Taylor tst. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7: 40-gaI $0, tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas healers installed; ex pel t plumbing, repairing. East Side welding bhop, 203 Adams, st. East 8510. Lr.A.Ki roof, eh? Very aggravating. In deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof? We repair and Rubber -Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteea. Main 7770. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana secona-nand, at right prices, bought, sum ana exenangeo. NORRIS SAFE 4 LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045 JUST arrived from interior of Alaska and' for sale, 1 extra large silver gray fox, 2 cholco cross fox. 3 dark land otter. Phone Tabor D44S. Address 124 Vi E. 75th st. iNortn. DICTATING MACHINES. Dictaphones aud other phones, new and second hand; bought, sold, rented, exchanged and repaired. 316-18 Henry bldg., Jlaln 2350. REVOLVERS. PISTOT.8. GUNS SOLD, BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. ONE folding camp cot and two folding camp stools. $.75; one wizard lawn mower, $3.50: Mason quart fruit jars, uc aoz; two-quart, with tops, 90c. Easl loin, or ou Halsey. FOR SALE Violin outfit, worth $40. all accessories, inciuniug music stand and case win take $20. Have C. P. O. over coat and navy chief's clothes, will sell cueap. wuin. JU'S. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk it over. Millers Clearing House for Diamonds, 355 Wash. St., next to Majestic theater. FOR SALE CHEAP, lady's spring suit. never been worn. East 4316. FOR SALE: AUTOMOBILES. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 1018 Hupmoblle, $1100. 1918 Liberty. $1100. 1018 Briscoe, $050. 1018 Ford. $450. 1916 Overland, $.150. 188 Tenth Street, Marshall 232. BUICK ROADSTER LIGHT SIX. -This is the late model and this one has cords and one extra; revarnished and looks as good as ever, runs nice and quiet and we have low price and will take $350 down, balance long, easy terms. 505 Alder street. RED FRONT USUD CAR CO. OVERLAND, 5-pass., used only a few months; car perfect mechanically, like new in every respect; a small light, eco nomical car, 'easily handled. This is a snap at $1100 on terms. G 937, Ore gonian. '17 MAXWELL TOURING. $550. This one Is the real goods; has full leather top, glass in rear and runs first class. We will take $200 down, bal. long, easy terms that you will like. 505 Alder St. Red Front. 1918 PAIGE 5 pass.; beautiful new high- grade paint job: engine overhauled: cord tires; looks and runs like new; $450 casb, bal. '10 mos. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 32S1. 1918 FORD touring, brand new tires and top. mecnanicatiy perrect, guaranteed; $150 down, balance ten months. 1"0 11th St., bet. Stark and Wash. ' CHEVROLET light delivery, new tires and in perfect mechanical condition; cash or terms. 90 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 3247 DODGE sedan, only run 4000 miles, wire wheels, one extra wheel; looks just like new; a bargain at $1050. with terms. 30 Grand- ave. North, near Burnside. '19 FORD ROADSTER. Overhauled and In A-l condition, for $50 less than market price, with terms. "90 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 3247. 1917'FORD touring, completely overhauled, good tires, will put on new top to suit, $400 if taken today. 109 11th st., bet. Stark and Wash. OI.DSMOBILE, 4-CYLINDER. Best Olds ever built; overhauled and In first-class condition; $250 down. bal. easy. 90 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 3247. HUDSON super six. in the best of con dition; new tires, used privately; a real bargain, $1750. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. WhEVROLET touring. 1918. In the best of condition, good tires; a bargain. $600, with terms, 30 Grand ave. Nunh. near Burnside. 1917 CHALMERS, just been overhauled, guaranteed to be in perfect condition. See this bargain at $900. 109 11th st.. bet. Stark and Wash. CHEVROLET. 1916, in fine mechanical condition, good tires, will sell at $475 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 LIBERTY chummy roadster, a fine light six car, 5 good tires and Just re painted, a swell looker; a bargain; will - give terms. Phone Marshall 2766. 191B STUDEBAKER LIGHT FOUR. This car for sale at bargain, first-class mechanical shape, looks like new. Phone Tabor MS75. MAXWELL- touring, 1918, in perfect run ning condition, good tires, must sell; a bargain. $770. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. NEW 1920 FORD sedan, electric starter, lights and demountable rims, cord tires and .Timken bearings, car like new. Terms. R 361, Oregonian. 1920 FORD SEDAN, cream color, wire wheels, cord tires and many extras. This is the best equipped Ford sedan in city; must sell. Y 201, Oregonian. BUICK, 191S, light six. Royal cord tires. newly painted, rirst-ciass condition. Phone Broadway 2, room 490. 1919 BUICK ROADSTER. Run very little; 5 good cord tires: mechanically perfect. Tabor 2841. DODGE, first-class condition, new top, original paint, looks like new. Phone be fore noon. Main 6008. 1918 CHALMERS sedan. 5 good cord tires, car looks and runs like new. Terms. Col. S32. ; FORD bug. Al condition, good tires: a ,anap at $a0, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, 'near Burnsi J e. FOR SALE Cadillac bug with top, ready to go: Bosch mag., tires good shape; must sell. $195. D 124, Oregonian. LATE model light 6 Chandler, going east, must sell; $950, terms. 090 E. CaruUters, Sell. 13SI9. 10"0 MAXWELL, five tires, like new car. guaranteed. $900, terms. Broadway 4035. 141 N. 6th st. j BUICK roadster, in perfect condition: owner will sacrwice $750 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CADILLAC 8, new top. new paint, by owner; price $1500; terms to responsible parties. E. 7174. 1920 FORD touring. rtth electric starter nd demountaoie rims, aiusi sen; terms 1020 FORD touring, with eelctric starter I ana llgruH; eur im, 110m, m oacriiicc N 317, Oregonian. A CASE in first-class shape for hog for " sale. Terms. 201 Second street OVERLAND, model 81. First-class con dition, good tires, price mp. 1 aoor 3451. a fvi iktirr REO. splendid condition $700. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade! AIR VULC for punctures; no cement re qutred. For sale at all garages. CLASSY Ford bug, 1917; need money; must sell. Tabor 4573. LET ME repair your car In your own ga rago. Flrst-classmechanic. Tabor 2930. BUK-K, 1918, IS-pasenger. excellent con dition, cord tires, one extra. Bdwy. 30. FOR SALI! ALTOOB1LE8L SPECIAL WJENTER PRICES are still being made on good used automobiles; buy now because you can do so much better than you can in the spring. 1917 Maxwell that we have over hauled and repainted, la fine shape t &00 Dodge automobile with original finish, looks like new and is in fine running condition , 600 1918 Maxwell, has been overhauled and repainted, also has a com plete set of seat covers, like a new ear, now 685 1920 Maxwell demonstrator car for sale at a bargain price. - Late Overland, good condition..., 600 1918 Liberty chummy for a Quick sale, 1918 Chalmers roadster, like new. 120 1919 Chalmers light six with hot spot late model, almost new.... 150Q 1917 Chalmers, very fine shape.. 107J 1918 Chandler chummy, all In first- class coudition... 145$ HUDSON BARGAINS. Hudson super eix roadster; there m r ., nnlv f ur -if them OUt and this is a first-class buy 1260 1916 Hudson super six that is a first-class car, one that we will guarantee to you the same as a factory guarantees a new auto Yiniiii mnA ,-urrv lh guarantee ourselves 1200 1017 Hudson super six, overhauled by us, repainted and guaranteed ... v ih. mum, urn a factory auarantees a new car.. 1350 1918 Hudson super six. like a new car, has heen through our shop fwl ui irimruntHii it the same as a factory does a new car .... 1750 ESSEX, Just traded In on a Hud- nn alranst new and louka UM If it hadn't been used.... . 150$ C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 815-617 Washington St. Portland. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. Big stock of high-grade cars to select from. Most or them overhauled and rei'inished. If vou are going to ituy yoi cannot afford to lose the opportunity o securing one of these high-grade cars. Here are a few we offer for your approval: 1020 Case, 7-pass., 6-cyl., cord tires, 3919 Jordan. 7-pass.. -cyl. 1!H9 Mitchell, 7-pass., -cyl. 11119 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cvl. 1918 Mitchell, T-pass., B-cyl. 1018 Mitchell, 5-pass., -cjl. 1917 Mitchell, 2-pass., -cyl. 1017" Mitchell, 3-pass., 6-cyl. 1017 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1017 Velie, 5-pass., 6-cyl. 1016 Chevrolet, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1916 Overland, 5-pass., 4-cyl. l'.llt! Mitchell, 7-pass., -cyl. 1916 Chandler, 7-pass., 6-cyl. 1915 Studebaker, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1913 Packard, 5-pass., 6-cyL Used Car Department, MITCHELL. LEWI? & STAYER CO., East First at Morrison SL f . West Side Salesroom.' Broadway at Oak Street. Manual, East 7272,. Broadway 615. Phones, automatic, 212-16, 583-43. C. G. BLEASDALE. TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. YOU DEAL DIRECT; CONTRACTS ARE NOT SOLD TO BANK OR BROKtR, FORD DELIVERY. 1917 $ 875 FORD TOURING, 1918, extrH equip ment FORD BOX DELIVERY, 1916 FOKD SEDAN, 1918, Good as new. BUICK ROADSTER, In line shape OAKLAND ROADSTER. 6-cvlinder BUIC.K TOURING, 1917. M-ciimier CHEVROLET TOURING, demount able rims MAXWELL TOURING MAXVS'JiLL TOURING, looks like new MAXWELL TOURING, 1918 STUDEBAKER CHUMMY, 6-cyl... STUDEBAKER TOURING. 4-cyl.. 515 4 0111 975 4 3i i0 5 651 651 511(1 850 850 14110 1450 OVEUUXO COUNTRY CLUB OVERLAND MODEL 90. like new. WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-pass CHANDLER, 1918, perfect shape.. Man other cars to choose from. LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE. C. G. BLEASDAl.E, 830 Alder Street. Broadway 1852. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. of.nSMORII.B RIGHT. 5 cord (Ires. 1919 PATTERSON. See this Vine. 1917 DO! GU, 5-passenger, extra tire and spotngnt. OVERLAND, 5-passenger. CADILLAC. 1918 FORD. 1919 VELlld SEDAN, 90 per cent new. wire wneeis. A BUY Sandy's sport model Velle, wire wneeis, over arive. Mee inra. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. TWO TWO-TON MASTER TRUCKS, a uexuoa-irauun, vo pr cent new. USED CAR PALACE. 1 I.NION AVE. B. EAST "717. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PEFECTLY SIMPLE, OREGON BOND 4 MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. (Second Floor. FORD TOURING. $350. This Is a good Ford; has been refln lshed and has good tires; we will take $150 down, bal. to please you by the uioimi. Dee 11 at (iim Aluer St. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. WHY PAY MORE ?" 1919 Velio, Al condition, $1350. 65 N. 23d st. Mar. 1428. 90 OVERLAND TOURING AT $050. This is the little wonder car and this one has new leather top, new paint and new ruooer. runa periect; come and try It: only $2.o down, bal. monthly. 603 Aioer St. iteu r ront l sea car La HUDSON Super-Six roadster, good tires, has brand-new top and Just repainted; will guarantee same in good mechanical condition; will give terms. Phone Mar shall 1950, apt. 42. A BARGAIN in a bug chassis, good rub ber and completely overhauled, guaran teed to be mechanically perfect; make us an -offer. 109 llih st.. bet. Stark and Wash. MAXWELL roadster In the very beat of condition: good tires, used privately; will sacrifice at $450 and give terms 30 Grand ave.. North, near Burnside. 1918 CHANDLER chummy roadster, a fine car, 5 good tires and wire wheels, just repainted, looks like new; bargain; will give terms. Phone Marshall 1613. 1918 HUDSON super six. mechanically perfect, all new cord tires and one e,xtra. Best buy in town; cash or easy terms 109 11th st., bet. Stark and Wash. FORD truck, one ton. In perfect merhnn ical condition, good tires; will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE. 1915 Studebaker, in good condition, $450. Call Woodlawn 43, tt P. M. Monday, ask ,for PI. STUDEBAKER four, in good mechanical condition, gooa tires anu paint: a real bargain, $700, with terms. 30 Grand ave North, near Burnside. OVERLAND roadster, Al mechanical con dition; gooa uree, kuu imiiu ; owner s sacrifice $575 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD touring -In good condition, good tires. A bargain. $300. Terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. CHEVROLET roadster, ,1918. in A-l condi tion. A bargain at J575. Will give terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnside. MITCHELL made-over truck, in good con dition. Owner will sacrifice at $250. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FORD delivery, run only one week, panel body same as new car for $650. Phone Brdy. 2796. FORD touring in the best of condition; a real bargain at $300. some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. a FOB BALE Al'TOMOBILEB. HAVE' YOU BEEN TO THE USED CAR SHOW? DON'T MISS IT. The finest dlsplav of USED CARS IN THE NORTHWEST. LATE MODELS OF BUICKS. APPERSONS. OLDSMOBILES. STUDEBAKERS. HUPMOBILES. MAXWELLS. SAXONS. FORDS. You will find jour car at the rsFm car exchange, 15th and Washington. THE TIME NOW. THE PLACE 614 ALDER ST. THE BEST L'PKD CAR VALUES IN TOWN. Buying a high-class used car from a firm with character Is a bett.T invest nient than putting the same money into a low-pried new car. Every car we oftcr Is RIGHT before oflcred for sale 1918 Chandler sedan with wire wheels and lots .if extras; this car lonks and runs like new; a bargain at $2000. cash or terms. 1918 Butek roadster, thoroughly nver- naulea and repainted, good tiles; $1100. 1918 Chandler, T-PasV. with original paint; this, cur carries new car guar antee. See this one at $1350. 1917 Bulck, 6-pasa., cord tires, $1100. 1918 4 90 Chevrolet, mechanically per iod. -.. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., , 514 Alder SL Open eve, aud Sundays. Bdwy. 404, GUARANTEED USED CARS. King "8" roadster $2650 Chalmers Light Six 105 Overland 050 Studebaker Sedan 1725 National like na 12 new cord tires. Just 1(50 Late model Davles Chummy, a cord tires, spotlight, bumper. 1020 11 cenae, liko new 1(25 TERMS GIVEN TRADES CONSIDERED BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOM. R. G. WOODS. Mgr. Broadway at Hoyt st., opp. new P, Ot l'houe Broadway 69. A GOOD LSKD CHEVROLET Backed by our reputation Is a guarantee of GOOD SERVICE and VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. Bdwy 240 WHS SELL TOUR CAR DIRECT FROM YOUR HOME. CAH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUTER. IF YOU WANT QUICK ACTION SEE US. , OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING & SAt.ES CO, S31 BECK HLDU. BROADWAY 4380. REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1919 LEXINGTONS. Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms If Desired. BRl'NN MOTOR CAR CO, 28-30 North Broadway. STLTZ SPORT MODEL This Stutx Is first-class and will speak for Itself without any question: has new Cords, oversle, and wire wheels, all the extras and plate-glass top and side cur tains. Price (2111111, with lloiio down, bal. $1110 per month; take roadster In trade. Can bo seen at 605 Alder su, near Fifteenth street. . 1919 SPECIAL sport model Velie, 4 passenger, with nickel exhaust pipes on sides. Victoria top, simplex side wind shield, wings, spotlight, bumper, motor meli'r. special .enilh carburetor. 6 tires, 4 new cords, 2 ttre rovers, special War ner racing speedometer; no reasonable offer turned down and will give terms. Call Main 4203. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB ROADSTER. Wire wheels and live of (hem, new (Ires and newly revarnished and la dark maroon with cream w heels, very stylish, latest modeL Tins will please you; low price and only $300 down, bal. long, monthly payments. 605 Alder su Red Front I'sed Car Co. 1918 DODGE SEDAN, Like new. best bargain offered thla season, perfect mechanical condition, nw tires, front and rear bumpers, many ac cessories, terms If necessary, or rood real estate, by owner. fall Main 9IM14 A SNAP Must be sold at once; have tha best buy In town in a Iliipinebile lour ing car; good tires, motor Just over hauled; ear looks like new; can be seen at 1717 Hawthorne or call East 1300 tor demonstration. Ask for Blondle 1918 MITCHELL Has only been run a few miles and hasn't a blemish or scratch; $1200. with 1-3 down and 10 months for balance. You'll never du plicate this snap in a Mitchell. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 32M. 1918 FORD touring; wonderful ahape; $123 lili'ri & COL'CH. BROADWAT 118. HAVING lost my health, must sell a good- paying business. Including A-passenger auto, $5000 cash. No agents, al ss2 Oregonian. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheela. axlea. we wreca all maaes ot cars and sell their parts at half price. David llodcs Co.. 105-7 North 11th street. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. in the best of condition; gnnu tire, alust sell. will sacrince at -. terms. o Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. 918 MODEL 90 Overland. 10TH & COUCH. BROADWAY 118. CHEVROLET touring, lllll. good pallit. good tires, useu privately; a snap at $75i. terms. So Grand ava. North, near Burnable. 1917 HUDSON Speedster. 10TH & COUCH. BROADWAT 118. WILL trade Michigan 5-passenger car, value $-100. for 1-ton Ford truck. Ore gull CWy, phone 484 W except Sunday 1917 FORD, just overhauled, with loads of extras, $375 takes it. 281 Front. It. of Jefferson AUTO TRAILER, cap. liKM) lbs.. Ford wheels, good as new. Call for Van Tasa el. liroa dwa y y.'.O. 2 ll Lumbermene M-lg. CADILLAC 8. FINE CONDITION 7 passenger, newly painted. Tabor 64S3. THIS IS a real bargain; latest model J ui T Hupmobile in A-1 shape, $17ft; extras; just like new, ,'lyde Hotels room "223 FORD roadster In fine condition, good tires: a bargain at $378 with term. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 7u17 FORD, lust painted; good top and tires: fins michaulcal shape; terms. Woodlawn 3173. FOR SALE New Wrstcott 6; can be seen at 307 Glisnn It. Phone K. E. Goehler, Broadway 4iM. FOKD ROADSTER for sale cheap. Call 316-87. FOR I.K A TOMOItlLK.t. BUT YOtR USED CAR NOW. We havs a few good used earn osj hand, which were taken tn on new re-. They are all In good condition anil reelv to drive home mo why not get it new F We give service on the following: Packard twin model 1-85, 7-pass. TVs- car has full equipment and two si,e cord tires ..$. Packard, -cylinder, model 8-88. T-pasa Car ha gone through, our shop and is a uy ur anyone at 1;.' Nash six. ..pan. The best ad Na1 in town .-..- -, . . - . . , Ai Wlllj-s six. 7-pasaenger, Irk new.. Rixl Studebaker big 4 ,.... , , i-ul fttudebaker little 4, a buy for J Cadlllae 4-cyl, .-pass., (ond tires, ' spare tire sim) Chalmers six; ac It ... We arennre the best ef terms ef4 charge no brokeraro. Your car tak.it as pert paymeut on some of our u.ed cars. PORTLAND MOTOrl CA.R CO, 421 liuruslde bircaL BUICKS. REAL BUYS. 1920 .Vpe-. Bulck Inuring, eort I tea, wind il' lienor, inoloi meter, ll'.ju, 1919 5 pass, touring, cord (Ires. 1918 Coupe, new cord tires, spare, spe. light; will auaiaul.e, bu.l bu .a lull, llGoO. 1918 S pin. touring, a good buy. ' 1918 7-pasa touring, special pni e. All are In (In condition and are seed bu a. PORTLAND CAR BAIH CO. 531 Alder. lldwy. 270$. ONK Cl U.1EH ROADSTER, f'n m. chamciil con l 1 1 1 on, n.-w isnit; will i,r. rificc for s.Mi; Moo cm.Ii: terms balance, or will take in smaller or, 4 CTLIVDKR T1'DE"A K rrt. o-sl rubber. Just uvi-rhaultd, Uuo duwa. u. ance easy. NATIONAL. Just hks nw. f nr tires, bumpers, 1,111. i-k ah.nrrfr,; psmt Just like new, Jit.t drlvt-n 7IMSI milrs; Will sacrifice at flrtMi; terms or ttau K. Y MoTi ill ('All '0 90 .V llro.J.. itkhk ton a nr. 191.1 Rtudubaker six, nrw lop, Al llrrs, fine paint. 'I'oim Hartford 0-paiui., ejfw card lima) and spare. 4-cyl. MltrhHI. 1U Cadillac, thoroughly evarh.l.-t. 4-cvl. Michigan, new tln-a $HI down. $.'6 per monlh, no Interest, no brokerage. The tire- are worth the prlre asliai. Look them nvr an1 take your iiiih. C. 11. k. CO, m N. Md st Mar. !. Fortn OWNKRR. Ford overhauled $ Rear aale overhauled H Valves grnund. tailion removed .... H 1.1 M K tl.-f rerharg.-il VA e huml-lap pl.totiM, acrane bearing, etc., whirl! iiiura a perfect runiung motor. Genuine Kurd paila only ui-ed. All work KiiHialil''.-f1. GIAHANH.E Al ID It EPA lit CO, 2SO Front tt., corner Jetferm-n. SAVE J'OL'K Tol'S. Automobile owners, you ran now bop- DilckhNck VA nlerliloiHTliig by His can. Your loi nee'ls as much attention .a your trees. Dmkhnrk prevents roilmu, gives a fine color and leaves the aoo.l soft mill .plliihle. Get a can suit liiska that laded 11111I lr.iky tup look like new. tark Knera, il latrlhiilnra. -Jtl Ptaik street, Portland, Or. Main 1MU. LATE MODEL ROAti.xTKK OF POPU LAR MAKE. The prb-e l Hun, with linn down, bal. easy liinlilhlv payments; the car ia first class; lias been ref I lllshed .lartal maroon wllh light stripe anil black lend ers, making It look good aa new, 50ft Ald'T elie.-t. RED FRONT I'SED CAR CO. hug bodies. $100. Complete with hood. etc. Immediate dellverv. AUTO RKCONSTHUCTION CO.. 1 lord and Glltan. FOR HAf.M BY OWNER. Overland touring ear, model an, prac tically new: price (son rash, if taken at 01 ; am leaving town this week, r e it at 47 Eat sth N. 19:o AUBURN rteautly; brand new; make nil offer. loril At COUCH. BROADWAY 1 1 . 1910 VEI.IE- Used only Isimi mile.: cant tell from a brand new car. I.ct me slim Veil what a barasln this car Is. ami ! l you why It Is mi cheap. $.'iii0 ilea n. bsl, 10 months. Mr. Argo, Hdwv. S.M. K HAVE the laraest stock of acre,eria and Ford parte on the esrt sitln of the river. Open iIhv ami tuicl'l. i.om; a sii.va. (112 ilaw tlifirne. I'nllli RIG. Just finished; the cia.let hug In Perl land, built for i-nmlurl aa W.1J looks and ecniinmv: tn. w Iml -h le I d . et-. Terms. lio N. Itmailaai. IMuv ,1;'I7. A SNAP If taken al ntn-e. 7-pa.-en,r-r Ohis a In perleel runuina 4- Iill.ui; $ new tires, tniiat sell car al fins- n be . ?mi at I7I7 !latric.rne or call Lat 1.100 and ask for IH'.mlie. 1918 II I I'Molll I.K 5 pa. , onlv run "IHxl miles: excellent eemlitinn. Tou can t duplicate thin value In a Hup. tuiia aee. price. $1200. terilia. Mr. Ara-a. H.lwv. S2M. (910 .MAXWELL touring, guaranteed tn be In wonderful condition: this car rsn I had for $S50 on easy terms. Come In and see II. 109 Ilth at., bet. Clark and Wash. FoltD SEDAN Klertrle starter, spntltght, aaaMnni. eter, large steering whe.-t, dctnountaliie rims and other ealtaa: sell at rah t'e or terms. 00 N. Mrnadaar. It'll V .'I. 17, WHY PA Y MORK? 1918 Maxwell, easy lerma, $nofl 85 N. 23d at. ' Mar. Ki ¬ ll i IHI CARS I'm. block right, N misrepresentation. COVEY Mnii.lt i Art Co 11117 OVERLAND, big 4. ii.-l,1 dltlnn. new tues, sacrltice fur uunk sale. $:.. lilt) Ilth al, bet. tark and Waah CHANDLER lourlnr. In Al condition, .,.t privately, good Urea, owner must sell at $llen and five terms. 30 Gland a. Nort h ii. a r B urns hie. FIVE-PAK'H. Hulck 1919 Inuring ear tin's looka Ilka new-, only run 7noo nillea. fit cord tiles, line meiiiiitilce 1 1 y. owner leaving city. No trades. Phone lai...r !")!. Dolli.E Seilan looks like new. good tirea. fine mechanically, upholatary aoo.l aa new, bumper and com tlte. oihvr extras; $1450. Call Frank Smith, ll.lwy. 1 1 30. 1P1S OLDSMOHII.K B. used verv lute and worth $15U more than I a-k f..r li. This ear is lu fine condition, l-loo down, bal. terms. Mr. Argo, Inlwv. a.'ai. STUDEHAKF.lt roa.l-ter. $500 hu.s ha 3-puee car;, must be seen to be appre ciated. 1011 11th si , be, Ptark and Wash. J'll H NASH Splendid ror.oitlon ai d an v -reptioiial buy and guars n te.l : l.'ls.idnan and bal. lu 10 mus. Air. Arao, lluwr, :usi. CHEVROLET, 5-pass, I0IH; a dandy little car, lots of power, never abii.eil. This Is a bshy grand model: will sell ou terms If neees,ary. .1 n,'i2. Oregenlan. FOltD roadster, lull; eleetrla sfartar and IlKhts, shocks, demountable runs, nllu-r extras and license, $500. Phone Wond- la n S:W2. MAXWELL louring, 191T, In the beat of condll i.'U. Owner must Sell. A la'Ui n at $5.'6. SO Gtand ave. N, Bear liuro- aide. Foil SALE Ilea touring, 1917 mnd.l. ex cellent condition. Imth tlt.-s at.d m.xior. It o. Breinmar, 3, '10 E. ...to st- Tao.r 4ia;. MAXWELL louring, 1019, good Urea, good p:(lut; a bargain, ff'.uiu. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near llurnslue, 1919 CHEVROLET demonstrator. A-l ion. dillon. extras. Care Field Motor Car Co., ask fur Mr. linger. MAXWELL tnurin. 191. In Ihe beat f condition. Own'-r' sacrifice $0x5 Taints. -:i0 Grand axe. N.. nrar liuinslda. JTTdSoN. "pasaenser. guaranteed aa factory guarantee. $t..M, terms. Broadway 43.V 141 N, Win st LIGHT riTIMiKHAKK.lt 4 In good ninni- i condition, $150 cash. $.00 on time. Ejt B12i! FLANDERS 111''; -Kit al -cla-- coelill4,; new Urea, Iravlug Iowa. kaat lilt.