TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1920 14 REAL ESTATE. For Salt Homefc ON SANDY BLVD. ROSE CITT PARK. HERE IS REAL VALUE: room, and sleeping porch: full cop"' basement, furnace and. fireplace; garage, house In Al condition; corner lot. pave ment all In. bond assessments only -. i . . i i . v. kin see this at once. lutttieu utiuw lit in... . ,.(. , only reason for selling '""..'V. city, so act quick. i-ric .-. - $2000 cash. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. T Chambei of Commerce B dg. Mam OS. T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Mam -OS. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 2 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. Both 5 rooms, one on comer, price $4500; inside lot $4250. loOO cash will handle. Material and workmanship the best. Also One 3-room bungalow with ga rage, corner lot. ;!". See these at once Keys at office. E. 39th and Gllsan sts.. or phone for fur ther information. Tabor 34.(3. Evenings E. 20S6. Mr. Delahunty. BY OWNER A BARGAIN. NEAR IRVINGTON CAR. Exceptionally well-built 7-room bunga low; fine fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, cement basement: fine concrete parage; large living room white vorj finish with French windows: dining room paneled with beamed celling, four large bedrooms, pavement and sewer, clear of incumbrance. This place is as represented, as lumber, workmanship nil inside finish are the best. $2n0 cash, balance easy terms. Owner on premises. 92 East 16th st. North. Phone Wdln. 47f3. h s voi r chance: TWO MODERN HOUSES. WEST SIDE. I have a lot 80x100 with two modern houses on it located on west side. 3.p3-..oj Lincoln st. Within ten minutes walking distance from center of city, no street car fares to pay. It would cost you the price asked alone to build .he tws ' . . .... -on Kva in one house and the rent' from the other house would practlcallv pay the Interest on the total ,w.n Prio sl',7.,0. Terms. ,iv sale bv owner. Phone East 2777. MOUNT TABOR HOME. Located on one of the most beautiful slew sites in Portland: 100x101) in lawn; choicest of roses and shrubs and maj-stic fir trees; 7 rooms. 2 screened sleeping porches; first floor finished in stain, beautifully papered; hardwood floors. fireplace: second floor white enameled and plenty of bullt-ins: full basement, furnace; massive porch circling and side of house. A snap at $8..u0. For further Information and appoint ments see J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark . st. Main 1700. eve. and Sunday. Tabor 5037 FINE GARDEN HOME. Just a real modern and up-to-date 8-room bungalow with fireplace. All the bullt-lns. Oak polished floors Hot air furnace. Stands on 50x100 lot and there is 3 50x1 33-foot lots at rear. Une garden soil nd some fruit trees, also berry bushes. Over three-fifths of an acref Located on 71st ".very close to Hawthorne car. All for $oo00 on very reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO. -'03 Corbet t BldgJ Main 691o. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Just a lovelv 5-room bungalow with one extra finished room in attic and nice music room or den and all as sweet and clean as a pin. Has fireplace buffet. Dutch kitchen in white enamel, full ce ment basemont. hot air furnace, garage. Paved street all paid. Built five year, but far better than new. All for $4.0i. Very reasonable terms. You must see thiS" THE LAWRENCE CO.. 203 Corbett blrtg. Main 6015. LADD'S ADDITION $0300. We have a very attractive 7-room residence In this close-in add Motion at the very moderate price of $b.eiK. nara wood floors, furnace and fireplace, the only addition with paved alleys; the back yards are kept in as good con dition as the front lawns; only one block from car: price has not been raised to meet advance In material. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. IN LAURELHURST. 5 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. 5 and 6 rooms, each with ga rage Keva at office. E. 39th and Glisan sts, or phone for auto. Tabor 34:13. Evenings. E. -086. Mr. Delahunty. , APARTMENT RENTERS. TAKE NOTICE. Completely furnished 5-room co'1"9 bui.gaiow good neighborhood: full baso ment. garage, extra large lot. Us talk, from f'ne car service: extra good rurnl.ure and rugs; owner leaving city at once; price cut to $3000; $10tlo cash will nan die. This will be a quick sale, so mak it snappy. See J. A. McCarty 2i0 Stark st. Main 1700 eve. and Sunday T.ibor 5U57. PIEDMONT. IDEAL HOME. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS AND SHRUBBERY. FRUIT, 7 ROOMS. BATH. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FURNACE. OARAGE. LOT 89x1181. HARD-SURFACE. CLOSE CAR AND JEFFERSON HIGH; $6500, POUnIIKXTER. 2"S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SD0. RESIDENCE 271-2". WALNUT PARK. NEW 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. Exceptionally fine, doubly-constructed S-room bungalow, with finished attic. This is one of the finest bungalows in the city and in fine district. Come in and let us show you. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 30a OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. NEW LAURELHUKST BUNGALOW. Six large rooms and garage. Finished In old ivorv and papered with choice papers, tiled bath room with best of fixtures. If you are looking for a real classy bungalow see this one on 42d St. bet Rurnside and Couch. Turner & Winship. Tabor 2124 or Tabor 5004. COZY HOME SNAP. $3750. Owner, leaving, will make real sacri fice on a neat two-story six-room house located near car and school on Fremont t.. west of Union ave. Not thoroughly modern but In excellent condition; white woodwork; fine lawn and fruit trees. Furniture cheap If wished. Easy terms. Tabor 407. ALAMEDA PARK HOME. Owner moving to Seattle, will give real bargain in a classy, 2-story, 7-room house with garage: nearly new, rich old ivory finish, finest oak floors, elaborate bath, most expensive papering and deco rations: 4 nice square bedrooms. Terms. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 4t7. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW near Mult .nomah station located on choice tract of quarter-acre facinx improved county highway. Price $2850. For particulars see the owner at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. Main 80; or call Sunday be- fore 10 A. M. East 1H07. " IRVINGTON. TWO-STORY. SEVEN ROOMS. FOUR "BEDROOMS. HARDWOOD FLOORS, FURNACE. FULL SIZE LOT, TWO BLOCKS CAR LINE: $5800; TERMS. POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE 271-20. MODERN ft-room house, by owner, with cabinet pantry and den. a large sleep ing porch: In fact, a modern house; cor lot looxlOO. concrete garage; also have other houi.es. for $2000 and up. Tabor W44. " LAURF.LHURST HOME. $6000. Owner, leaving, will sacrifice his two story modern seven-room house; four bedrooms; garage; two blocks to Lau relhurst park. Act quickly if Interested. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 407. DANDY 5-room bungalow in Woodmere: all built-in conveniences: good buy at 12730: terms (1000 cash, balance to be arranged. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. BY OWNER, on East Main, near 28th street. 1 7-room furnished modern house, sleeping porch, garage, built-in effects; price $4500. Phone day time Bioadway 2242. ROSE CITY PARK, 6-room strictly mod ern bungalow with or without furniture; garage: reasonable. Owner 630. E. 6sth street North. 7-ROOM house for light housekeeping, well furnished: a wonderful bargain at $3O0. 47 E. ath N. Owner at 41 E. 8th St. N. HOUSE and lot, 12 rooms, 10 furnished, 4 ap:s., 3 kitchens, modern; no agents. Owner. Tabor 6618. tTriio. $500 CASH. 3-room plastered bun galow, bath. toilet. garage 6S09 Sith S. E. Tabor 5SS7 7 ROOMS. Willamette Heights; oak floors, furnace, fireplace, fine plumbing: $4600. Fast 3223. SEE Frank L McGuire to Insure against fira. Abington bldg Main load THE modern home of the late N. C. Tochle on Willamette heights. Tel. E. 3958. 2u MINUTES by electric or highway. J 1300. acre and nice bungalow. Alain 306. COTTAGE bungalow. 6 rooms. $2300. 2 lots. McFarland. 602 Teon bldg. BIG 6-r. modern cottar. Kenton; $3000. McFarland, 602 Teon bldg. only REAL ESTATE. A TRUE STORY. A Mrs. Clark came tnto the of fice last week, took one sweeping look at the mass of photos of homes for sale and said: "Well, I came in to see if you could sell my house for me. but it seems you have so many for sale there's not . much chance of your selling mine." We assured her we would do our best and ,u.t us she had finished filling u. the description car the phone ra.ig. one of our salesmen called up from Alberta district to say he a detained with a party that v.; s very hard to satisfy. We said offhand: "Here Is a new one in that district just came In; show Mrs. Clarks place. N. 32d st- No. ." Mrs. Clark's place was sold 30 minutes later. The folks that bought it are tickled; so is Mrs. Clark. M , MORAL For real service deal with Bihr-Carey Co. Photographs on display of hun dreds of good homes located in the best residence districts. Some really remarkable bargains that are way low in price and should sell on sight. Come in and look them over. 8 real salesmen with autos at your service. $4000 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5-room typical bungalow, at tractive, well arranged, 2 block north of Sandyon 62d st. Furnace, garage, trees, shrubbery and flow ers in profusion. Terms. $4t50 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW.. New 5-room unusually attractive bungalow in heart of Rose City's best; located Just off the Ala meda drive. This home is com plete to last detail. Beautiful inside and out. hardwood floors, finished in white enamel, art brick f'replace, furnace, paved street, everything in and paid; $1650 down. $2500 5-room strictly modern. white enamel finish throughout, ideal floor . plan, neat and attractive, a home to be proud of and the price Is $300 under value there's a reason: $400 down. $2230 Well arranged 5-room bun galow, reception hail, liv- . ins room, dining room, kitchen. two bedrooms, bath, and toilet: Al con dition, fruit trees, berries and roses, ample garden , spa-.-.. We have never had a bigger bargain In the of fice: SOOO down. These two bungalows should sell on sight. See them today, tomor row mav be too late. TWO-STORY. SIX-ROOM HOME. OVERLOOK DISTRICT, $2750. A modern well-built home. 8 large bedrooms upstairs, house only built 4 years and in Al shape; solid brick wall basement, near St. Johns car line. This is a grand buy. a money-back guarantee goes with this h-ne; French doors and windows, fruit trees and berries; $1000 down. OVERLOOK DISTRICT. Here, folks, is one of the coziest bungalows Imaginable, not lArge. but elaborately finished: 50x100 lot. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, a truly beautiful place. This will be paradise In a few months with a pretty lawn, peach trees In bloom and a fine garden: built just 3 years ago: $2750. $1000 j;(KI0COSY 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Well constructed 5-room cottage in Montavllla. 50x100 lot. no better . bargain In Portland, white enamel plumbing: 12 bearing fruit trees, berries and grapes. 14 varieties of roses: $1375 down. HERE'S A REAL FIND. 5-room bungalow. block from Alberta car on 24th St. This house cost $30c0 alone to build 4 years ago; owner leaving town, sacrificing. Very attractive, in splendid repair, well kept up. best plumbing, full cement basement, dandy art brick fireplace, lawn, trees and flowers: $3150. $1050 down. If you can pay $30 per month will consider $500 down payment. BUY AX INCOME WITH YOUR HOME. $6500 Two 6-room houses on 50 x 100 corner on Williams ave.. Just north of Russell . st. Double garage bet. houses with concrete drive way: extra house and two garages .will rent for $40. making a good income be sides a home. Owner lives in one and has made many mod. changes in it, such as full cement basement, and laundry trays, built- ' :ns in white enamel kitch en, tapestry paper on living and dining rooms: roofs were treated 2 month ago. Houses painted with two coats year ago. Can give you terms. $4200 Piedmont 7-room home. 50 X100 lot. fine garnge with concrete w-alls and drive- way. 4 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, full cement base ment, beautiful lawn and grounds, magnificent view of 3 snow-capped moun tains, near Jefferson high and graded school. Also near Peninsula park. 3 blks. to car. Painted last year with 2 coats lead and oil. a beautiful, warm gray, trimmed in white. Double constructed with double floor. $1000 down, balance like rent. Open Evenings. BIHR-CAREY CO.. Main 600S. 219 Railway Exch. Main 16SG. IRVINGTON IRVINGTON IRVINGTON. Splenc'.id well-built 6-room house, also large sleeping porch, room for 2 beds, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors down stairs: nil modern conveniences: house was built 4U years ago. has been new ly painted and will be tinted from top to bottom; total price $5000. $1000 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. NEAR PIEDMONT. 5-ROOM house, near Union avenue caf line: gas. bath, lights, etc.. a good, con venlentlv arranged home near a good car service; high school and grade schools: price only $1X00. $300 cash. balance to suit. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. 4-ROO.M modern bunralow. $1700. large lot, well made, plastered, full cement basement, hath, toilet, built-in effects large frort porch, screened-ln bark porch, double-constructed, good-looking place, fruit, berries, chicken park, locat ed S. E-. near Tremont of Woodstock, a snap. H. W. GARLAND. 201 Third St.. corner Taylor. 2t"o WILL HANDLE. Choice i acre tract with a good 4 room cottage, water, gas. graded street, lawn and trees; good garage, plumbing, chicken houe and Inclosed yard; might accept team of horses as first payment. Price $2imio. $200 cash and $25 per m-x JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6S2, 633, 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE OR TRADE. At 132 East 71st st- N., an 8-room modern bungalow style home, gas heat ing system, full lot; owner wanting from 8 to 5 acres, prefer the Gresham or Estacada districts. We have several . good homes which we will take lota or acreage on trade. Main 5988. WRIGHT & ROCK. " 6-ROOM Hawthorne home, double con structed, cement basement, buffet, book cases, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, price $3900, 2500 cash, balance mtg.. including paved street. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 633, 034 N. " V. Bank Bldg. M iin 3787. 000 WEST MORELAND $6000. Modern story-and-half bungalow, large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, hot-water heating plant, fine garage, street improvements all In. For further information call C. A. WAGNER CO.. Main 8150. 230 Stark Street. BEST buy in Vernon addition, m blocks from Alberta carllne. 2 houses on 50x100 lot, 4 rooms and den. full set of good plumbing, attic floored; other is 3-roem house with good toilet and sink, only $3000; $5O0 cash, balance monthly pay ments Including interest. Woodiawn 2236. Owner: no agents. WEST SIDE. $4300. Good house: fine apartment site: lot alone worth the price; 40x100; 22d street near Hoyt; big snap. J. L. KARNOPP & CO., 31 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 675. $400 CASH MT. TABOR $2500. ff rooms, good condition, pavement, fine location. Tabor 8824. H. R. White. $1500, $300 CASH 3-room bungalow, 3x 145 lot, 644 1 66th st., corner 65th ave.: fruit and berries. Tabor 5887 $50. Corner lot 100 feet on Preseott: paved street with sewer and alley. Wdln. 3025. SOMEONE gets a bargain in this up-to-. dale 8-room bungalow, lot 45x300 or up ' to an acre. Phone Sellwood 1043. CLOSE-IN. east side, 5-room house, chaap. East 4881. y REAL ESTATE. For lele Houses. FRANK L. McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME-SELLERS IX THE , WEST. -600 HOMES FOR SALE. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM" eliminates house-hunting problem, makes home-buying a pleasure; puts you in touch immediately with the house you are looking for. MANY UNUSUAL BARGAINS. Before you buy come to our show rooms and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, with price, terms and ad dress under every picture; every section of the city has Its allotment of space; every home offered for your considera tion has been personally inspected and appraised by FRANK I McGUIRE. $5500 A Bit of Sunny Southland. Typical California bungalow; cannot you see the fireplace glow, and your books in that bookcase, row on row? French doors lead the pleasant way through din ing room with great buffet. A white Dutch kitchen that's ideal, a "paradise" to cook each meal. 2 airy, rooms for sleep, where sunbeams aay-iong vigil keep; woodwork all enameled white. hardwood floors for "her" delight; tiled bathroom. fresh . and bright, cement basement, laundry trays, a fur nace to cheer your "bluest" days: vacant, new; easy terms are made for you. This is only one of the first: we have 12 other "poems" .In Laurelhurst. $4750 Rose City Bargain. Here Is a real snap. On the Alameda Drive, near 47th; very substantial 6-room distinctive type home; large front porch: living room with fireplace; solid paneled dining room; Dutch kitchen; 3 light, airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing: full cement basement; laundry trays; terms. J4200 YOU CAN ENJOY THIS. Evening: firelight: a cozy den: music. or a family party in your pretty dining room. Dnesn t It sounn enticing.' Alorn ing, a dainty breakfast nook flooded with sunlight; pleasant, airy bedrooms sleeping porch; all plumbing and light Ing features; large lot, fruit. We have another etplendid buy in Kenton. $3090 REAL ROSE CITY SNAP. $500 DOWN. 7 rooms, practically new, very modern, everv convenience, furnace, fireplace, H. W. floors, bullt-ine; worth $3000; only H block to car. $3950 HOME BARGAIN. Read this. Just this side of Irving ton on Wasco near Williams ave.: 6-room modern home, fuil cement basement, fur nace, hardwood floors, indrect light fix tures, modern plumbing, woodwork in old Ivory; just repainted, walking dis tance; terms. $3800 DREAM BUNGALOW, VACANT. Yes, It's that dream "come true." Only realities are much nicer. You've always wanted a cunning art trick fireplace, tapestry wall paper, hardwood floors and all those "Jolly" bullt-ins. Well, they're waiting for you. We have photographs of 80 homes in Sunnyslde, Hawthorne and Mt. Tabor. You are interested? Come right over. We are pleased to show them. $3500 HOLLADAY HOME. Remarkable bargain in a 7-room mod em home; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bullt-ins. sleeping porch. You couldn't build this house today for $4500. Terms. $3250 STILL ANOTHER ROSE CITY. In a district famed for Its fine bunga lows, this Is truly a bargain: cheerful fireplace In living room; clever buillt ins; excellent plumbing, full lot; close to car. Rose Cities go fast. Wouldn't you like to see our .30 other Rose City bargains? We have several modern homes on ex tra large lots. See our list. $3500 Easy to Keep Spick and Span. The bungalow distinctive awaits your pleasure; many labor-saving devices: 3 bedrooms opened to the sun; white en amel plumbing, gas, electricity. But one of 28 WAVERLY bargains. $1000 $200 down and $15 per month; artistic 3-room practically new bungalow; close to Reed college. $1160 Five-room attractive home, paved street: adjoins Westmoreland. To settle an estate: $1200 7-room substantial home: fire place, bath, toilet, etc., fruit and berries: 5!th avenue, close to car. Terms. $1260 $200 down and balance like rent; Kenton district, four-room neat bungalow on Peninsula avenue; . paved street paid. $1350 $320 down, 5-room cottage, bath, . toilet, etc.; Minnesota ave. near Fremont. $1400 $300 down and $20 per month; 4-room comfortable cottage, 100X 100 corner, E. 46th St., close to vvooastock car. $1650 3-room substantial hoise; white enamel plumbing, etc.; 80x100 corner: East 6th st., close to Mt. Scott car. Terms. ?2000 $200 down; five-room AVoodlawn . bungalow, white enamel plumb ing; nouse like new, abundance of fruit, full lot, close to car, on Leland ave., near 18th. $2200 East Morrison street, near 31st; 7 rooms and sleeping porch, mod ern plumbing. $2250 Easy terms, five-room practically new modern bungalow, full lot; Borthwick street, near Russell; walking distance. $2350 $250 down and $10 per month; 7-room substantial house, modern plumbing, etc.; K. 67th St., close to car. Extra large lot- $2350 $400 down and $25 per month: practically new. very artistic 4 room modern bungalow; built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, white en amel plumbing; adjoining West moreland. $2-100 Easy terms: unusually artistic very home-like modern bunga low; 2 blocks to St. Johns car and Peninsula school. $2500 Easy terms: 7-room Alberta home with garage; corner lot: mod ern plumbing, etc.; Webster St., near 0th. $2500 5-room attractive bungalow; modern plumbing: built-in con veniences; E. 31st -st.. near Grant. $2500 5-room attractive home: fire place, built-in conveniences, white enamel plumbing; half block to Woodstock car; on E. 33d st. $2500 5-room typical bungalow: mod ern plumbing: electric lights and gas; close to Montavllla car; easy terms. $2S00 E. Stark St.. near 62d: 8 rooms; very home-like: plumbing, elec tric lights and gas; 90x100 lot. $2950 7-room modern attractive home; like new; half block to Wood stock car. $3130 Modern bungalow; paved street very attractive lines; E. 52d st. near Hawthorne. $3675 One - half acre; abundance of fruit, berries, etc.; 6-room house; modern plumbing, etc.; on E 34th st.. close to Gladstone. We have hundreds of modern com fortable bungalows and homes in all parts of the city. Very easy terms Photographs of every house In the of fice: 14 automobiles at your service Office open evenings and Sundays for your convenience. Come in and look over the photographs. We have the real bargains. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE ' To Buy Tour Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. AGAINST FIRE INSURE IN NEW ARK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. EXILE BURKITT. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SO0. FOR SALE 9-room modern house, near 33th and .Sandy, full cement basement, hardwood floors, built-in cases; $5350, terms. East 4470. FOR SALE A fine residence at 365 E. 38th st. N. Owner leaving city. No agents. No commissions to pay. Phone owner. Tabor 601. REA1, ESTATE. For Sale Houses, JAZZ OUT AND LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING: 1224 Frances, 6-room bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors, French doors, paved, full lot: $3500, $900 cash. 1121 East Grant, 5-room bungalow, fur nace, cement basement, garage, $3150, $1000 cash. 181 East 26th, 6-room modern, corner lot. garage; $4300. $1200 cash. 105 East 19th, 6-room, fireplace, fur nace; lot is worth price asked; $3600, $000 cash, 56 per cent on balance. 1241 -Greeley; income property, large store room below, 6 living rooms up $3500, $500 cash. 874 Michigan ave., 6 rooms and large sleeping porch, built-ins, furnace; tilM terms. All clear, no mortgage. 634 Insiey ave., 5-room bungalow, ga rage, near Sellwood car;. owner going on ranch, hence the price, $2500; $500, ' 1097 East 27th N., 5-room bungalow, a beauty; newly tinted; must sell this week. 269 E. 45th st, near Hawthorne car.. Queen Ann bungalow. 6 rooms, garage; $3600, terms. Call Main 5988, Sellwood 1355. Tabor 3090. WRIGHT & ROCK. 1500 CORDS OF WOOD. 40 acres, located on the Oregon Elec tric at Donald, near Woodburn; all good land when the timber is removed: small creek on line of 40. Price $4200 with $700 cash, or will sell in 10-acre tracts lor $1100 each and $200 down. This Is one, mile from rocked road. Also 27 acres, located northeast of Oregon City, 14 acres can be cultivated, balance is rough; price $2000, with $1000 cash. 1000 cords of wood on this place; half mile from graveled road, 2 miles from river and paved road. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. UNUSUAL HEIGHTS BARGAIN. TOTAL PRICK $S500. Wonderful unobstructed view of river and mts. ; extra large let, 75x12! feet, paving pad., on car line, artistic clinker brick retaining wall and garage, cement steps and retaining wall in rear, very attractive 7-rooni modern home with large sleeping porch. You couldn't du plicate this property for $15,000. Total price for quick sale only $8500. Terms. You couldn't build .the house for the price, besides the lot Is worth $5000. The parage cost $1200. The retaining walls, $1500. A real bargain. See FRANK L. McGUIRE -TO BUY YOUR HOME. ' Abington Bldg. Main 1008. $4000 BUYS 8-room 2-stbry house In the heart of lrvlngton. Full size lot. garage, house newly painted and papered inside and out. One-half block from school, ' one block . from street car line. $1000 cash will handle. See F. S. McFarland. BAKER McFARLAND, 317 Henry Building. Main 6797. HAWTHORNE AVE.. CLOSE IN. $4500 BEST PRICE BARGAIN $4500. Out-of-town owner is making big eac rifice on this home, lot 130 feet deep, all improvements paid, good 8-room house, full semi-cement basement, fur nace, several nice fruit trees. All clear of incumbrances; $1000 cash will handle, balance like rent. Give this immediate attention. C. A. WARRINER. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg $2100 ONE and a half-story 8-room house. Good location, full size lot, 3 blocks from car line. $1000 cash, balance to suit. See F. S. McFarland. BAKER & McFARLAND. 317 Henry Building. Main 6797. DISTINCTIVE BUNGALOW. FURNISHED. Cor. lot. 3 rooms first floor, bedroom and sleeping porch second floor, fire place, furnace, buffet and separate laundry room; double garage, hard-sur-faco "ts. sewers, etc., $4850, completely furnished. CU. iJLAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 0752. LADD'S ADDITION .HOME GARAGE. Modern 7-room and reception hall, hardwood floors, massive fireplace, fur nace, full cement basement. 3 large bedrooms, bath and toilet up; extra toilet down; all street improvements paid; paved alley, garage; price $5750. terms. 609 Ladd ave. East 5006. IRVINGTON HOME SNAP $4200. Good 7-room house, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, electricity, bath, buf fet, trays,- 4 bedrooms, lot 50x100, paved street and all liens paid except $70: on East 12th St., near Thompson. Price $4200, $1000 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY SNAP. 7. rooms, all modern and newly tinted and painted, oak floors, fireplace, sleep ing porch and all buiit-lns. price is right, $5000, $1200 down, balance to suit- Ask Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. "20 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. RICHMOND -BUNGALOW, $2900. 5 rooms and floored attic, full cement basement, laundry trays, lot 40x100. room for driveway and garage, good plumbing, located on 30th. near Division, $750 cash. bal. like rent. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. bdg. Main 6732. FOR SALE A real home, all ready to move Into. Owner leaving city, will sacrifice for quick action: seven rooms. strictly modern, 1 acres, on car line, full basement, furnace, garage, all kinds berries and fruit, barn, chicken runs; some cash, balance terms. This is some thing good. F 947, Oregon ian. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, E. 9THAND COUCH. Good old cottage, electric lights, full lot, 10 minutes' walk from west side; price $4000, some terms. Lot alone is worth more money. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. IRVINGTON. BEAUTIFUL OLD ENGLISH HOME, lot 75x150, choice flowers, shrubs, berries; living room with French doors to sun porch, 2 bathrooms second fioor, oak floors, 2 fireplaces, double garage. SIMPLY CHARMING; $0000. Neuliausen & Co.. Main 8078. BARGAIN FOR $3500. 6-room modern houso, walking dis tance, close in. east side, fractional lot. cor., hard-surface street in and paid: well-made house, furnace, heat, room for garage. H. W. GARLAND. 201 Third St. BEAUTIFULLY wooded 50x100 lots and half-acre tracts, $1800; $500 cash, bal ance to suit. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BARGAIN for a handy -man. Montavllla, Stark cor.. 5-rooro house, bath, fruit etc.. 40-ft. lot and 2 vacant lots adj. House needs some repairing: will sell on month ly payments like rent. D. D. Bathrick, 515 Oh. of Com. Main 1953. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $4200. East Grant street, near 34th. fine large 7-room modern home. 3 bedrooms, built , Ins. paved street, large lot. terms. Miss Sloromb. Main 4240. forenoons. A FINE family home, Kenton car, 9 rooms. 175 feet frontage, 2 sets plumb-, ing, garage, plenty of fruit. See it at 93 E. Holland st. D. D. Bathrick. 515 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE By owner, modern 5-room cottage, full lot, garden, fruit trees, gas and electricity, cement basement: price $2250. easy terms. 1099 E. 17th st. North. Phone East 5308. $1950. 5 rooms, bath, gas, electricity, paved st-, sewe. garage, cash payment $400. PACIFIC REALTY CO. Main 847. 409 Spalding bldg. MT. TABOR snap, modern 7-room home. gnrage, fruits, berries, etc.. -1510 East I Taylor St.; lot 75x100. only $.1800, terms. Steinmetz. 406 Gerlinger . bldg.. Tsbor 3224 or Main 6091. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE, $3500. TERMS. Bungalow, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace, 50x100 lot, garage. - Owner, 304 !4 Oak st. Broad way LEAVING city, must sell my 6-room bun galow, built-in conveniences, fireplace and furnace; price $4500. Alberta dis trict. Phone Woodiawn 4832. No agents. Call mornings. IRVINGTON HOME, built for owner, near 18th and Knott, center hall. Targe liv ing room, breakfast room, hot water heat, garage; $8500, terms. Main 8078. FOK SALE 6-room house, west side. acre 4and: house never been occupied: price $2750; $500 down, balance $25 per month. M. E. Lee, 413 Corbett bldg. MODERN 7-room house, with or without furniture; 2 lots, all kinds of fruit, chicken house and chickens for ' sale. Phone Sellwood 735. KENTON car. 3 rooms and sleeping porch, bath, chicken house, fruit, etc.; price $1600, terms. 71 E. Terry st. D. D. Bath rick. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6-room double constructed, close-in, in good district; no agents, no commission. Call Tabor 4181. BARGAIN 6-room modern bungalow. lOOx 100; fruit: $2600; terms. 803 Spalding bldjt MODERN 4-room. new bungalow, big cor ner lot, hard-surface street, only $2250, $500 cash. Owner. Tabor 8250. EIGHT rooms, modern, for sale; two baths, south front, $10,000. Mar. 1432. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Houmc. A. H. BIRHELL CO.'S CHOICE HOMES FOR SALE. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Fine modern 6-room home in this choice west side district, furnace, fire place, extra well constructed, at a price way below value. $5500; $1000 cash will handle. IRVINGTON. Near Tillamook and loth sts.i we can show vou a 7-room house that is a real pickup for vou at $4300. Has flue furnace, choice plumbing, full lot. In vestigate tills one. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. We have cozy 5-room bungalow, nice plumbing, gas, electric lights, full lot. convenient to car, at snap at $2500 $500 cash handles. KENTON COTTAGE. - On a choice corner with both streets hard-surfaced, we have a nice cottage, 5 rooms and bath, choice plumbing, elec tric lights, good basement, close to car. near school, only $2050; $300 cash, bal ance te 'ms. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON HOME. A short time ago, when homes were plentiful, a Ry. man selected and bought an attractive, unusually well duiii two stnrv. seven-room house, with garage. In a choice location in lrvlngton. He's been transferred to Seattle and will give some one a rare bargain. It's in excellent condition, like new, and right up to da,te; lots of French doors; old Ivory fin ish, finest oak floors, large living and dining rooms with lots ot windows. breakfast room, convenient kitchen, new linoleum, gas stove- and heater; three bedrooms and sieening porch: best fu nace; overrlzed Improved lot. Price only $8100. Terms. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 40 NOTICE TO DOCTORS. I have a real bargain in a fine eight room house in excellent condition, locat ed on view lot on Johnson st-. near 24th It's modern, old Ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout, French doors to living porcn, very large living ana aining rooms, two of lour bedrooms are very large, with lots of windows, one has largo enclosed sleeping Dorch: three baths; fin ished attic, hot-water heat, good fire place; beautiful yard full of choice roses and vines trained on pipe. The house alone is worth S15,000 and the lot $6000, but $9t00 takes it. Also have seven- room bungalow in this vicinity for $9000 R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. ST JOHNS BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, on 60x100 lot, 'garage, lots of berries and fruit. 1 block from car, about 12 blocks from business district. The number is 120 Fox street, block from Os wego st. Owner going on farm and nas cut price away below act ual value. Only $2200, $1200 cash. This is real snap. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. ALBERTA HOME. A fine 6-room home, block from Alberta car. It is in finest repair and thoroughly constructed; nice large rooms and nice, clean neighborhood. Owner moving to California: price $3500, $1650 cash. Balance small monthly payments at 0 per cent. , THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. INTERESTING LAURELHURST HOME ONLY $7000. Owner, leaving, must sell this week an excellent, strictly modern l1 -story, seven-room house in perfect condition; center entrance hall, very large living room, four bedrooms, fine oak floors, fireplace and furnace, play room in base bent: beautiful oversized enclosed back yard in lawn, with fruit trees and vines, cement wading pool, sand box, double swing; two blocks from car. Terms. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. FINE HOME SACRIFICED. 10 rooms. Including 2 finished rooms in attic, ground looxlOO. in fine dis trict among nice, homes: thoroughly modern, beautifully finished nnd excep tionally well built, large basement, splen did furnace, garage; owner selling at loss; price $9700, all improvements paid, or will sail with one lot for $8500; good terms if desired. This property must be seen to be appreciated. LUEDD E.MANN COMPANY, 913 Cham, of Coin. Main 6967. $750 HOU&EBOAT FURNISHED. 3-room houdeboat, completely fur nished: sleeping porch, woodshed, with front porch facing river, electric lights, city water, shower bath, patent toilet, lavatory, huilt-lns, cozy bedroom, Dutch kitchen, all drapes, bed linen and cook ing utensils included.' Get your wood out of the liver. Out down the H. C L. Close to two car lines. This will not last. See Shepherd today, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. AHingtun Bids. M.in 1008. THOROUGHLY modern RoseClty bunea low, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, built-in buffets, built-in kitchen, bookcases, fireplace and high grade furnace; the houso is well con structed and Is built with double walls throughout: on a hard-surfaced street with sewer and all Improvements in ano paid for. Price $5050; some terms. j'.'n.-Nrto.-UOUHON CO 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank b! Bldg. ilaln 37.S7 QUICK ACTION NEEDED LAURELHURST BARGAIN This home was built by day labor and Al material. rooms and sleeping porch strictly modern, garage in keeping with house, full cement runway. All clear of incumbrar.ee. One block from car See this at once, you will appreciate' real value for $5800 C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDfc, HOME $6500. Modern 2-story, 8-room house, near 18th and Hoyt sts., in good condition: entrance hall, double living room, lire place, large dining room, pass pantry kitchen, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor. 1 finished room In attic, full cement basement. good furnace, room for garage: lot alone worth price ' R. H. TORREY. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY HOME. Owner being anxious, to leave city will sell his 2-story 7-room home for con siderable less than market value; has buffet, book cases, full nlumblng, fire place, furnace and is double constructed sleeping porch. Price only $4500, $ '00i cash will handle JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S7S7. 5-ROOM bungalow In Hawthorne district very neat and clean, beautiful lawn with large assortment of shrubbery and bear ing fruit trees; good garage, paved st. in and paid for. Price only $3400, $675 cash, balance $25 per month and in- terest at 0. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. ROSE CITY'S bigK-est bargain; desirable bungalow: improvements paid: $2975 Another 5-room bungalow, attic- near pavement: unusual lot: $28no. worth more. Also nifty bungalow, numerous conveniences. sleeping porch, paved. $2..00. cash $530; rented $25. Also 6-rm! cottage, fruit, garage. Improvements in cluded, $2750, terms: immediate pos- session. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. FURNISHED 5-ROOM BUNGALOW READY TO MOVE IN. Owner non-resident, will sell this newly furnished bungalow, cheap or will sell the furniture and rent it at $15 per month: price $2500, easy terms. Ask Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. . Main 2690. $9000 VIEW PROPERTY $9000 Owner will sacrifice at less than cost, seven-room house, only two and a half years old. over-sized lot. fine garage, four nice bedrooms, fine furnace, H. W. floors and modern In every way: would take house up to $5500 as part payment if In good district. Main S051. NEAR WALNUT PARK AND JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. Good 6-room house with good furnace: hard surface street in and all pp'd. PRICE ONLY $2900, $900 cash, balance $20 per month and Interest. RELIABLE INVESTMENT -CO-SOB OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. ONLY $1800. 4 rooms and 75x100 ground, gas, eleo tricity, water, also linoleum and two stoves Included; also chicken house. See this. PACIFIC REALTY CO. Main 847. 409 Spalding Bid?. $200 WILL HANDLE. Choice acre on improved street with nice 5-room cottage; water, gas. good district: lot all in cultivation; price only $1550: a snap for some one. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 6g3 N. W. Bank Bldg. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE. TWO-STORY. 6-ROOM HOUSE, BATH. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASE- MENT. FURNACE : $3750: EASY TERMS. POINDEXTER. 20.S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE 271-20. . SNAP. 6-room, house, 50x1266 lot with fruit, barn; half block to car, $1100, $100 cash, balance 'like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 633. 6S4 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estlmstes B. T. Allyn. 243 Stack st Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 1 g3i. Res phone. Tabor 194. BIO bargain on easy monthly payments, Sc. ride, large lot, house. Main 48U4. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. OUR EXCEPTIONAL BUYS. IRVINGTON An exceptional hoine at an exceptional price. $600 will , make you the proud owner of this lovely home. It was built for a home and not to se.l, but ;M..matani. have unfortunate!) changed and now is your chance i.nnm. th nnssessor. Exqtil- site H. W. floors, beamed ceilings, lovely built-ins. French P ate windows. Dutch kitchen plas tered basement, wonderful fire place; In fact all the lovely things you've been looking for and haven't found. Requires but $-0O to handle. It's complete with heating plant. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 827 Chamber Commerce. Phone Main ov-i. PARC. UNS IN BUNGALOWS. .(i50 pretty brown bungalow, wl n a rooma bath: large Uving-r' fireplace aid built-ins. A comfy ' modern homo in North Mount Tabor dls ,r,'J6oo!l0?r0oo?nSbungalow. very neat and clean, on Woodstock car, to E. 4-d su $?,!!7-room .fP fu basement, paved St.. nar Rich"und in excellent district. $S(.0 cash. $23005 rooms, modern nice y mcaieu, close to car. in Montavllla. $-'-0. $-'00 cash. ... ...rurtlva We have also many o.... buy n. mnrlAT-lte TiriCCS. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Ciiamber of Commerce NEAR ROSE CITY CAR. $3000 buys a dandy --room bun!'o1w0' bath. Dutch kitchen, basement. oOxloo lot; garage complete w th cement floor in runway; sanitary chicken house and yard; nice garden space, lawn .'J" bery; only 2 blocks to car line, $loou dSwn. balance $25 a month and Interest. J L HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office 45th and Sandy . Tabor -904. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. One of the finest 6-rJoin bunga lows you would wish to walk into Large rooms, fireplace all the .built-ins, plate-glass ."f polished floors throughout, hot air furnace. 50x100 lot ' paved street. 3 blocks from K. l--ptrk. school; $5500, $1500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6U1j. BUY THIS HOME ON BASIS OF wnVTHI.Y RENTAL. WU 1 tin r i"' - ";.--. t rvw DANDY FOUR-ROOM "i" 'y,'"s'T' RIGHT OFF HAEION '"lET. BATH G AS T ELECTRICITY BUILT-IN WiYhK FRU?T TRES. AND FLOWERS: CH ICKEN-HOUSE : FL 1.1. OT.'ovVh. CASH. BALANCE 'H PEH1Mwu" -MILLER. - 1 1 - TU FOR SALE. rooms. riedmont. i.n.iv. fi,iare. built-ins: terms. . roonl Waverly Richmond, corner. 6 rooms. n.nrtern. hot water neatinp;. """- , i,n,-tnn moiVrn, 6-room, slo-;lns porch. 5.1X100. $5!,'l0:.,ernli.t.ST CO UNION SAKE DEPOSIT & TRUST LU. 284 Oak St. . . ...c K nAm enttage with large Ai'1-KAi.i . "-'"', "U, located on c100xl00 w.tn ' cherrls, pears, lo ganbeVries. enough for ";';,. walk and sewer in nnd paid, on car line That has excellent service; priced for immediate sale, $2250; $700 cash, balance eSS' JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 03 633, 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. . IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. PRICE ONLY $6000. 7-room modern house in "est part of lrvlngton, 1 block to Broaawa car. Has "replace.' furnace, hardwood iloors. etc. If you see this you will buy It. RELIABLE INVESTMENT . 305 oak Street. Broadway 4133 GOOD SUNNYSIDE HOME. 6 rooms and full basement, toilets -lavatories, built-in pantry, reception hal.. m-ht and conveniently arranged rooms corner lot with hard streets In and paid for? heat Part of Sunnyslde ' re price only $3000, $500 cash, balance like JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 633. 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Min 57S7J ilTEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE SKCTIO-N. The last woru in . sleeping porch, fuil cement basement, ?urnace' fireplace built-in ho.ikcase. Egyptian buffet, Luxemburg kitchen, oak floors, telephone, vacuum cleaner and light plugs In every room: comer lot garage, two large trees. Improve ments in; price $0000. terms. Am leav ing city See owner, corner d8tn and Taggert. une block west of 39th st. Suburban Homes. FURNISHED 4 -ROOM HOUSE. located on choice tract of gardening land, with some bearing fruit trees; an. iw house, woodshed and other outhouses, only couple blocks from the station on the Oregon Elec. between Portland and Multnomah; owner willing to Mcrlflce at $1800 For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldK 127 Park St.. or call Main 880. On Sundays call before 10 o'clock A. M. Eust 1807 or Past 3512. . OVER ACRE. $22.10. NEAR MULTNOMAH. Over acre of fine land, all In gar den berries and fruit: good 8-room house small barn, 2 chicken houses, woodshed; 300 feet from Capital high way: some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street; Broadway 4133. OREGON CITY LINE. Si-acre; 5-room plastered house, full cement basement, electric lights and fnmtlv orchard: on paved road. 4 Elr'ks from Oak Grove. Price $3500, terms. See Brown & way Exchange bldg. Biddle. 324 Rail- Marshall 3331. 3-ROOM BUNGALOW, ONLY Sl-ou. A very small payment gives possession of this nifty cottago with half-acre; fine view- piped water and electric lights countv road, close to elec. sta. Call 30 r 'lnl bldg.. 2d and Stark. ON THE HIGHWAY AT MULTNOMAH, large tract of ground, about 1-3 acre: 1-riom house with basement; variety 01 hearing fruit trees, some fir shade trees: nvtr 80 ft. frontage on the .blvd. Price $3000 For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park St. ACRES 5-room house with small base ment small barn, chicken house, fine ar"ety of fruit and berries, live stream. g" and calf. 8-year-old family horse buggy. Plow, harrow, cultivator. 2r?ebSSPinP.m.lI tools: 1 "m Oregon City on hard road. Price 11 100. Terms. E 910, Oregonian. nop DISTRICT. A dandy 5-room bungalow, built on honor; cement basement, laundry trays, all bullt-ins; three lots, fruit berries walnuts, hard road: Just what you .are lookinz for A real home. All for 5M& S15O0 cash. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg ...nuie.i! WITH AN INCOME. One acre right at station, all in culti vation, rock road, store building and small stork of general mdse. This is a fine location to 1 noun i - Zm til 5 Aaa All IOr il.,v,. r",... Chamber of Commerce. bldg. "ncivERTOV ACREAGE. Two and one-half acres, close to the town and station; all ready for the plow. Only $R50 per acre. Also other acreage close by. Let me show you something g615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquh-e 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." $350 CASH gets half acre house, barn hen house orchard, berries. Lents. Main 17'; McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. fxino o acres. 4-room house and outbldgs. '"Half cash. McFarlandL602Yeog bldg. For Sale Business Property. FOUR flats for sale In Kings 2d addition, west side; completely modern; all in first-class condition; each flat with own separate furnace and fireplace. On cor ner lot close in. walking distance. In come $132.50 per month. A splendid In vestment at $15,500. A. W. Cochran, s.18 Oregonlan bldg. For Sale Acreage. SPLENDID opportunity to make money. 50 acres on Barr road, 2Vz miles from city limits; $250 per acre. E. H. Collls. Tabor 1114. "0 ACRES In Lincoln county, only $20 " an acre. Apply 761& Savier st. No. 2 ACRES near electric, only $000. cleared, 4 acres. leveL Tualatin. $900: terms. Main a672. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. REAL ESTATE. f ar Sale Aereaga. BEAVERDAM. RICH CELERY AND ONION LAND. 18 acres. 20 miles from Port land. 6 miles from Scappoose, is miles from Warren; ood nara roads; 16 acres under plow. acres of which is the very finest beaverdam. tile drained; the up land Is finest berry and vegetable soil: good 6-room plastered house and large barn, fine ell, oi water. The prb-e Is only ." $1300 cssh, balance easy terms at 6 per cent. Now If you wish to buv acreage that will Py tor self in three years and a homo that you cannot starve out. iook at this. aJt Is a real farm. . THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldf. il' 1' RICH GARDEN LAND. 14 acres. 12 miles from Port land on paved road, between 3 to 5 acres young bearing orchard, and finest berry nnd vegetable soil; no buildings, but all under cultivation except a couple or acres In pasture and some wood. This Is desirable and high-class tract of land; $300 per acre, about one-third rash. Land adjoining held at $500 per acre. Let us show you. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 203 Corbett bldg. Main 91j. OVER 7 ACRES $3730. Th tract lies between Hell and Wichita stations, being about "00 feet from one and 0 feet from the other, and having frontage right on the elec tric line. Johnson creek flows directly through the place and it has large frontage on 2 sides of a macadamised countv rood, making It admirable for fu ture platting purposes. There is a Poor house of 3 rooms, having, however, elec tric lights and gas. a latr-stzed burn and other outbuildings. There are abaut 1'- acres In cultivation, $1750 cash, b.l three years. This Is a Iruly good buy with a future. Fred W. Oerman Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. LARGE CHICKEN RANCH, 8 acres, located on good rocked road. 1 mile from electric station and near Oregon City: 7 acres under cultivation. 1 acre pasture; good orchard: good 5 room house, barn, hog house. 4 chicken houses, brooder house and 2 Incubators. Room for over 1000 chickens. Water piped to all the buildings by gas engine and standing tank. One horse. 1 cow. 3 fat hogs. 3 stands of bees. 1 green-bone and feed mill and $.100 worth of furni ture. $3000 cash, with the stock or $2600 without. Total price $50110. Good terms on balance. Personally Inspected. Mlshler. with John Ferguson, Gerlltiger bldg. AMONG THE FIRS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. t 9-10 of an acre of land with plenty of beautiful shrubbery, located on macad amized street, some fruit trees and 3 room cottage, not modern: this propertv has never been offered before at b'j-s than $0500. but owing to the death of the former owner we are Instructed by his widow to offer this splendid piece of property at the low price of $4200, plus the bonded assessments, with as small a first payment as $.V0 to re sponsible parties. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. I FURNITURE. CHICKENS, GEESE. MACHINERY. 3 33-100 seres, located on good grav eled road. 1 Vs miles from Oregon Citv; good 3-room well-finished house, good toil; well: place all fenced with .wire. Barn. chicken houses. 3 Incubators. Price $1500 for the place without stock: $730 cash or $2000 with the stock, con sisting of 175 thoroughbred White leg horn chickens, 25 Rhode Island Reds. 3 geese and gander. 1 driving horse, har ness, buggv, wagon, plow, furniture and tools; $1150 cash. John Ferguson. Ger linger bldg. FINE CHICKEN RANCH. Nearly 7 acres, located close to Camas. Wash.; all under cultivation: good or chard of all kinds of fruit and berries: good fencing; 6-room bungalow, latli and plastered, with small cement base ment: barn 4t28: 3 chicken linusts and brooder house. Camas Is a town with a large pay roll and good schools. Price I4OO0; $2500 cash. Nelson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 1 AOREOF GROUND WITH NEW. MOD ERN BUNGALOW: over 2110 .'I. frontage on Improved county hlvd.; 40 bearing fruit trees: little creea prattles among the willows In one corner; Just the place for your suburban home, close to Mult- ' nomah station: every convenience of fered by the city. $.1900. For particu lars call on HEN Rl ESI. AND. 4114 Piatt Hlclg. 127 Park St. SPiiCIAL Ideal fruit nnd chl.-Uen ranch, rear Eugene: lo acres, good building, commercial orchard. $:l.".0. Also 15. near Vancouver electric, nearly al'. cultivated; plastered house, basement. $:t."00. Also 19, near Ore-ton City, none better: 25 per cent cultivated, building". $:!ouO; easy terms. Owner. 141 Easl 0!th North: eve ninys. Tabor 7033. ON GOOD ROAD. 8 MILES OUT. 64 acres, located at Cedar Mills, less than 8 miles from the center of Port land: all under cultivation: good soli: small assorted orchard; 5-room house, fine well, chicken house, rabbit hutches. Price 2500: half cash. This Is cluse-ln property. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. LOOGKD-OFF LANDS. Tracts. 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad: good oll, no rock, plenty of water: work nearly ; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 lo $05 per acre. LBUDDEMANN CO.. 918 Chamber of Comm-ice 5000 ACRES In southwestern Washington for rale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, 5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash, IMMEDIATE "POSSESSION. $300 cash buys a dandy little home of 3 acres; nice H-reorn house nearly new: barn, chicken house, garage, rlo bearing .fruit trees. This Is a good pay-roll town of Falls City. Price $1000. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. COME to 141 East C9th st. North, deal with owner, save commission, 90 acres, 50 In cultivation. 12 In hops, fair build ings, equipped with machinery and team: $4500. $1500 rash, lontt time at 6 per cent. Phone Tabor 7055. 1 ACRES near Peninsula school; enough ground to make your living; also good location for cow and chickens; pavement Into city; terms for cash or will trade for good property Including auto. Owner, Woodiawn 4588 FOR OREGON CITY LINE ACREAGE IMPROVED OR -UNIMPROVED. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. Marshall .1331. ONE ACRE on gravel road. i mile south Erroll station: 5-room house, modern throughout; small fruits, chicken ysrd and garage, all new; soli, clay loam. W R Davis, route 2. Mllwaukle. Homesteads, Bellnqulsamenu. HILLSDALE Cat Kennels 12 years deal ers and breeders of high grade Persian cats Best sliver and orange males that money can buy now at public service at reduced rates! Main 5450. Box 22. HillsUle;Or. WANTED To buy from owner, home stead relinquishment; wood for domes tic use. Address X. care Times. Junc tion City. Or. s Fruit and Nut Lands. PRUNE orchard In high state of bearing, place also has about 60 English wal Suts bearing. 40 Royal Ann cherries, a number of apple trees and other family orchard. 0-room house, with running water bath and other conveniences. Place 'lT:s between Vancouver and Camas on good automobile road. Sickness com pels the owner to sell. Will take $.y,oo. Fnr particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park St. FOR SALE 10-acre fruit orchard, pears and apples: 6 years old: good house and good location, near the town, railroad nearby, at Parkdale, Or. Inquire Jim Sami. Parkdale. ur feu enrm. Vor Sale -rmrnui. IT Wl r i. tuv vou to look us up If you should be interested In the purchase of In A-l wheat ranch: will be at No. 910 Spalding building until the 15th of this montn. I REAL BARGAIN 43 acres. 1 mile ol town Washington county: 18 cultivated: house barn, orchard, running spring; $2250; terms. 803 Spalding bldg. AMAZING BARGAIN 85 acres, adjoining town Washington county: house, spring. 100.000 feet timber; $1000; terms. 803 Spalding bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $7.1 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sal, all slses. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 5U-ACRE farm, level, cleared, fenced. small house, near Wlllamlna; $1350. $150 cash, terms. J. R Sharp. 83V, 3d st. R . vrvl for sale. 520 acres, private ditch, 10 acres in cultivation; price thono. Mrs. John Olbrlch. Medical Springs. Or ,7kf of The best farms in Multnomah county. 15 cre. Call Tabor S044. tl.l l I.. I- or f n'r I urni-. CHOICE CLARKE COUNTY I'AliM. STOCKED AND EIJ I ' I P PE D. 125 acres, loo acres in cultivation, tnii ber for demesne use. spring i-r..,-k through pUu-e. 8-room house, new d.iliy barn fully eiulp-d with modern o.n venlenrrs. hew silo, old bat n. garus' . larg. double walb d potato Ii.misc. t Iik-m -en. houses and linnhous -s. 2 n res if bearing prunes, large family orrhard. id dally iiiw , H bend ot youna railO. rci-t-red Holstein bull. 5 hurees. 4 br...id sows, registered lumr, S shoets. chick ns, new Furiluin tractor, with plows iiii-l Hsl Attaenrd. bllidrr, mower, b.iy rtke. w.-ilk-Ing plows, harrows. 2 separator... 'i.it -ncss, 2 farm wagons, apt nig waiton, .' aacka of -ced potatoes, 1 I'll, of seed oats, seed wheat, eteh and rlisnt, hay to wltter moek. very best, of loam shiI. no rork or gravel; faetnx on a a.aid auto road, ndjolitlng sinsll town. In e-u-ter of Clarke county's best farming dis trict, auto !. He by door, with all mrl ndw-MHfi-e. lu miles from Vancou' r. Price $2'i.ooo. terms THOMPSON. bW'AN l.l'F. 3d and M iln His.. Vauciiuvi r. Wash FARMS FOR KAt.i:. I HAVE A 49-Al'KK TRACT of TIMBER TWO MILKS KoUTHWKKT of rVAI'l'OOSE AND ABOUT THE HIVI' DISTANCE FROM THE tol.I'MIUV HIGHWAY. ON HOUNDIiV LINK BE TWEEN COI.I'Mltl AND MULTNO MAH COUNTIES ESTIMATED III"" 4 TO 50110 COIIDM OF Wood. I'll-eT OltoWTH; TWO S.MAI. I. STREAM. THROUGH 4. Wil l. MAKE l-'JM. RICH SOIL AND ANY CHOI'S N ME RAISED. SOME CEDAR o PI. ME COULD HE CONVERTED WITH SMALL SHINGLE SAW INTO SHINGLES I WILL TAKE 1 2000 FOR THE I'l Al l. -FEW HUNDRED DOWN. HAI.AV'F. To SUIT. OR I MIGHT i-ONSIDKIl IHM'li kmk rooming house, w ii.i. deal WITH PRINCIPALS oNI.Y I'lli'NL ME Foil FURTHER PARTICULARS MII.I.EK. T AJtOH -'! . DANDY dalrv-rsiv-h Willi 19 cows. $3 miles frnili Portland, ml good road, ' house and 011111111:1111111". fine soil. 'l orchard, water sistetn. price lloias Fine farms at Sherwood, one -iii s-'t' " and one 112 aires partly s led; llu-.e are l.elow 1 lac market for that loraliK. all fine rl. Ii loam soli. .'I'l acres be tween Mllnaiikle and Oregon 1 11 V. nb" 3-rnom bungalow, i-hcap: 2" a' rca on good road, all In cult 11 at Ion. Clarse 1 a . close In: a bargain: also many other., large and snuiil. well liiiproied. a'ni"s' at any terms Dn'l fall 'o look " '"' If vou an- In Hie market for a farm " m til be glad to show o'l. I'M'" nii-harits. .Mis Buchanan bldg. 2"' -Washington streit. Just over Wool won h's ten-cent store LANE 'oUNTYS'foTV HAM II R(K acres of graslng land wllb 2.x noil feet of standing timber. In. ated 12 mi let east of tillage Grme. or.: neariv enough cedar posts cut on plaeo to l' the tract: good tna. ailamiTi d ro1 bv the place; cheap rough lumber build ings and lots of extra lumber lert ftnm a camp that was on the pls-; N mile to school; settled community on two sides; lots of outrange on the eM. Price $7.50 per acre; $3IMMl rash: ' pavmrnts on balance, or will discount $200 for all rah. This place I- well watered bv creeks and several iprlnas. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg OREGON CITY RANCH. With Buildings. price $lno 40 acres of good productive bind: .1 acres in cultivation. 4 acres good timber; about 2.MIO cords of wood could be cut from tills limber: good pasture with two living sprlniis; five miles south of ore. gon citv on good gravel . road: two miles from elect He r..ad: young on h.itrf. ' apples, prunes nnd i-berrles In bearing: 12 bead of cattle, some registered II". slelns; good teiun sml farming comp ment. For further information phone or write owner. Geo. E. Hamilton. 525 R 48th St. North. Ilioiie l abor will 7llOKN7 FURTHER. On a good auto n.sd. 4 miles from Pnrllsnd in Cla. kamas i imnti. Is an sere rlaee that you H.I like; him..,, low. nearlv new. with f uriia modern barn and outbuildings: new oven-Wire fences: running 1 r, ek nd springs: good family orchard; about bi'lf under rultlv.-ition: considerable m .hlnery and stock Included In price of 7.-."; about hslf cash re.iulred; "wnei forced H sell this week. Personally In spected. Photos at office. See .Marsters. JOHN FERGUSON, t Gerlinger Bldg. 2d and sld.-r Hill ACRES 1250 S225 cash. $75 semi-annually bills tlm Hill acres of rough land, about H" 'f' of which are tillable, and all kinds of elder, fir and cedar limber: Urge room frame house, well con-t rin I eil. wllb run ning waler piped to Hie ...n ll. anil an old barn: 9 miles from W illatullia. .1 miles off of rork road; house alone an no! be duplicated for Hie entire prh e asked. Fred W. German Co.. i2 Chain, of Com. 62 M'UES , t . 20 acres In cultivation. 1 furnished bouse. 2 barns. I g.irage. 1 rblrken house, good w ell. 15"" rorils w ood. . learllug steers, 2 ye.irling heifers. I year-old bel'er. 10 ton" hay. I team inules and harness. 1 wsmin and null, tack, also milk hMiilliig Job. psons "'" 2on month. 4 miles from Begvertoii ran put wood on rars 2 miles from plsre. some outrange, cheap If tsken at once. H2.MMI will handle. Write W. M. l ourliie). illllsboro or. vVkLL STOCKEI) AND EOl ll'I'ED. :.3uu .in lull's from Portland, near the I's lifu blghwiiv. ii a wondifiill I"" .lu-llN- pine ol 10 aire., all of wl.l. b is tillable; .1" arres in rlllliviilloli; good orrhurd; running rreek; full line of farm nun hlnery ; 3 rows. I belf. i ; g I team: plrnl of fe. d Otil 2..1MI is-i required to s-llle (he estate. Personal! In. PC. led. Pho is at office. JOHN FERGUSON. G- rllnj-r lil.U 2.id Aldi i ""iAliY.""iloV: AND SIIEEP RANCH 2'Ml a-re., hunt 30 under oiltiiatmn about lu additional reined m light Mtiumlanee of outrange, where Mink ran I grasa free the lear around, evlra fir- barn, 40x70; good bouse. Tamil, nr. nstd also about a" acre in bearing uriim with drier: living creek and -pons- lots of marketable limber. Th.- I within ' mile, of Ca-tle It., K W a -I. Price liUlMi. 121011 ra-h ri'iinnd I'n K.nallv Inspected. Photos Hi i.lfl.r JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER HUM., SOUTH W EST OF BEA V KRTON 30 ai-i-es. located on good I: a l good land and under cultivation I 11 renin bouse, barn and inn building', all In fine shala-. Price lil-i"" w,lli equipment. Fine olltig leant and har ness, sulkey plow, disc barren. MnUe. tonlll barrow, wagon. 8 cows, an .In, ens. Half rash. This Is a fine larm in good loralllv. Personam Inspected. I'hnlns at office. John Ferguson. G.r- llnger bldg. MOVE RIGHT ON. 44 acres, Imated 7' nillrs s.iitlil of Oregon Citv, on county road, 23 i'-n-i under cultivation, balance can be culti vated: creek and some beaierdam land, lo acres can be Irrigated. Hoiim-. l-arn. chicken house. Price $juii wlih 2 inrses, 2 cows. '2 heifers. 1 calf. I regis tered cow. plow, barrow, cream sen arator. some grain for seed. Cnmt'lcie household furniture. Not es than I'-MIO cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bjilg BY'rIGHT "FROM "liw NKlC 371', F.at Morrison: 12VS acres land, loi, act-.s clear, 2 acres In sinnll slumps, ,1-rooiii house, ham for bead of slin k: well -.'.I feet deep, finished all round with bricks; woodshed and hog house; plai e we'l fenced. This place about 2" minutes' walk from Southern I'seifie station .ind from state highway: school Is only five minutes' walk: prlco $.'lcHl: half cash and rest 5 years, 3 per cent Interest PAY FOR TIMS FARM FROM CRoP-i About $5OO0 to $tll.0ln city prui-rtV accepted on a fine farm of 40 acres In Hood river valley; half in i-omni'Trliil orchards; buildings, good water rights; will give purchaser chance to pay bal ance from crops; price under $J5.inhi, the cost lo present owner. See or writs O. H. Skothelm. 330 to Si lly. Exch. bldg. . TAKE advantage of the greatest oppor tunity In history for the American land seeker: your money Is at a premium of 10. Invest In Alberta farm landa and get the premium as well as the increase in values. Send for descriptive lltura- '"LARSON & MarCULLOrll. LTD.. Klliam. Alia. can. EDGE OF OREGON CITY. $1500 cash puts you In possession of , 32 acres of wonderfully productive land, on main road to b paved. 1 mile I mm city limits of Oregon city. Good Idas, tered house, barn, outbuildings. Total price $218 per acre. Personally In spected. Photo at office. John Fergu son, Gerlerhldg; ITeRE Is a bargain In a good eastern Ore gon stock ranch. 320 acres, bouse and barn, all fenced with 2 wires, 110 per nCre, $5o0 down, good terms on balance. See us for bargains In farms, city prop erty. Pyramid Land Co., BO.T Till ft Trust bldg. DAIRY FARM located at city limits of a thriving town not far from Portland: 50 acres of choice bottom land on the bank of a fine river which I win sell fnf SH000. Liberal reduction for all cah. If you want a high-class dairy farm don't fail to look this up. Fur particu lars call at 404 Piatt bldg, 127 Park st. FOK SALE 19 acres 1 11 miles south Cot tage Grove, Or.; good improvements, m good road; Weil fenced; 8 nillrrt inp-g, A No. 1. and 6-0 Tancred While .eg. horn chickens. HO pear trees, so apple", cherries, peaches, prunes, berries all kinds. Owner, II. L. Rogers, Cottage Grove. Or. 1IAVK 'a few good larins for sale, al-n some traries If In1ereied call 5"! Hto it Exchange Bldg , Main 52H7 71, OH Bi"a'RES Beavertun d.l : lew good tlmbe.-; tine creek: term-, e'-ctno sear. 1. R- SUAKl'lJ, b34 Id 1 A