THE MOBSflXG.. OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1920 13 PITTA TIONS WAT ED M A I.E. 497 fcx-Servloo Men T TOl'H COMMAND. Phone Captain Omvfile. AT LIBKRTV TKMFLK. Main 313. No matter what you want dom. amnri tHe.e nIdiTs and sailors you will find THK KIOHT MAN to do it. Are you willing to cive these men preference where all thinps are equal? Are you anxiou to do your part In helping- to absorb these 497 men who re out of work many of whom have families and who Ml" ST have work? Or are you willing that they should rontlnue idle and .their families suffer In rontiequenre ? The record of every one of thee men . Is underwritten by the American legion every one of these fellows enlisted to "so acros" to help make the ex-kaiser "come atTo?s." Are th-y entitled to an opportunity to work and to earn a living for their fam- ; ilies? I "Certainly," you answer: hat if you and very many other employers whi read this continue to sit Unlit with th sub-conscioutf thought of "no more room on my payroll," . how far will Port. arm and Orienn et in the efTort to ma' KM(.d' in .SEEING TO IT that thexo men A"TUAI-I,y are furnished employment? The state has appropriated funds for t aptam conviiie to conauei inn orn I ia lion at Liberty Temple, but their work Is useless if Portland and Oregon em ployers fall to realize that KAC H one Wl'ST absorb hts share of these patriots, and IM t IT VfiMT. Kmplovers are gradually waking up to this realization and putting on the percentage apportioned to ttiem less of whether or not they seed more help. A , . The sooner EVERY employer Joins in this policy the sooner tne acute mu tion will be relieved and the industrial problem solved. . w.. iat.ifirntinn In the aouend ed list a. mii.n for every kind of work many who -are willing to start In at any reasonable wage where there U oppor tunity fnr wlA vn rem en t And some, of course, who love the variety of change and who prefer to work by the aay. but all of them -worthv men who did their duty when t'm le Sam called. Will you do likewise M)v ana ,-, Phone, Captain Conville. Main 313? He will see that you get exactly the Kind pt help you most ned. Laborers 11. farmers 15. truck drivers 41. boiler makers 4. boiler makers help ers 3. elertHHans 14, electricians help ers 10, engineers gai 8, engineers steam i 6. engineers (civil) 1. rod ana leveltiien 2, transitman 1. bookkeepers 4, accountants I. general office men -o. timekeepers 6. shipping clerks ft. draits mea '2, tvpists 3. machinists 11. machin ists helpers 12. auto mechanics me chanics helpers ti, stock clerk . plumb ers 11. plumbers helpers 2, painters J. moulders 3, fitters (ship 2. fitters i steam 3. clerks (grocery . corks P. clerks (hotel) 2, clerks hdware 3, clerks (drug 'X brake men. 6. switchmen 1. R. R. firemen 3. firemen (stationary) 15, carpenters 1'-. mill wrights 1. structural Iron worker l. ; sheet metal workers 2. plasterers A. blacksmiths helpers 2. salesmen (. a hutoher 1. lumber mill i men 15. lumber woods men 10. hoisting engineers 3, advertising salesmen 3. cooks 7. kitchen helpers 5. glass bevel er 1, jantor 1, watchman 1. laundrymen -. bakers 3, car inspector 1. storage battery man 1. acetylene burners 1. vulcaniz ing man 1. teamster 1. bookbinder I. furniture finisher 1. shoe repair man 1. SITt'ATIONS W'A XTK D FKMA LE. MlDULK-A'iED lady, refined, cultured, would like position as companion or housekeeper to lady or gentleman; ref erenves given and required. X 010, Ore gon. wn. . WANT day's work. Call Woodinwr. 5428. FOIt RENT. Furnished Rooms in Frivate Family. TWO light, airy furnished H. K. rooms and kitchenette; free light, plione and water; near 6. P. shopsf adults only. Sell. 2JS5. Bookkeepers, Stenograph en. Office. WANTED Position as Insurance book keeper, capable of itakfng complete charge of automobile Insurance depart ment; best of references. Y 214. ore-sonian. WANTED Indies' and children's tlain or fancy sewing; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 64 V2. TEMPORARY stenographic and bookkeep ing work wanted ; will take charge oi small sets of books. JJhone Alain 0718. WANTED Small set of books for part time by experienced bookkeper-aecount- ant; best of references. Hdwy. u, 10. YOl'N lady. recent graduate, deslrea stenographic work or Tiling ana bluing. i hi ti, Oregonmn. - CLEAN", beautifully furnished room In pri vate apt., connect I nt bath, first-class apt. house: gentleman preferred; ref erences. Main Gltlrt. ATTRACTIVE room, bath and phone, suitable for two; gentlemen preferred; mod urn home: 724 Caruthera. Phone Wain 4709. r LAUGE, clean, furnished bedroom, suit able for two men ; walking distance. Phone Monday. .East 67U3 or call 671 E. Salmon. FOR KENT. Housekeeping Kooms. FURNISHED apts. and housekeeping rooms, walking distance, eteain ht-at. Children welcome. 7 iib Sherman sL Phone Mar. 30S3. THREE large, well furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, electric lights, fur nace heat; give good discount for look ing after house. Phone Bdwy. 2894. SINGLE H. K. room completely furnished; hot water, steam heat. $15 a mo. Mar. li.tS.I. lisG Sherman st. HOCSEKEEPING apartments; 3 -room suit, $5 per week; 2-room, suit, $4 per week. Phone East 5H7. HOUSEKEEPING, sinple, double- and sleeping rooms, $2 and up. 301 First street. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Inquire luiMJ Albina ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Hood it. Main 4114. TWO modern, nicely furnished housekeep' Ing rooms. 6S7 Glisan. Phone Main 0S1. Ire9 makers. HAVE your sewing done now. before the Easter Coats, suits or dresses: rwmoriellng a specialty. Mrs. Crose. E. r.ftth St. Sellwood 733. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with private bath. Phone Wdln. 015 THURMAN ST, corner 27th: furnished clean H. iv. rooms. Phono Alain DRESSMAKING expert workmanship, . rates reasonable. Cabinet Cleaners and Dvers. 424 Morrison, near 11th. Main 1 H2S. FURNISHED H.'JC room. East 8317. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions, call Dressmaking Dept., Emporium pve Works. 549 Morrison st. Bdwy. 4250. H. K. ROOMS, freshly tinted, children taken, electricity, gas, walking distance. Forenoons, Broadway 12 IS. HJGH-CLASS dressmaking, street dresses; make your old suit into a dress; reason able rates. Mrs. Kelly, East 73UT. DRESSMAKING and remoieling, $3 per day. Call after o. Alain n-iai. MATHILDA ARNESEN. medical gymnast graduate from scientmc message, exer cises, eiectnciiy. juj toiumma uiu. Main 2b3. TRAINED nurse wishe niore cases. Main 'W8. Housekeepers. WORKING housekeeper, wishes, work on ranch as cook; nest or cooks, kcmju manager; work to justify good wages; no women or children. Mrs. J-.urt, St. Charles hotel. ONE small furnished bed room, in lower flat for rent, C8 Hoyt street; call after A o'clock Sunday morning. ak for Mr. McOurry. Phono Broadway 4830. IN REFINED private home, large front room. every convenience, to young couple, employed, or two gentlemen; kitchen-privileges if desired. East 4J FOR RENT Newly' furnished rooms for gentlemen, furnac heat ana teiepnone. reasonable rules, walking distance. Main 3613. KCRN'ISHED steam-heated room, private entrance. ri utvu wnj, n mumu. i Phone Aut o ol -13. CLRAK rood location, walking distance. electricity, telephone, nam. vv orLa i IQtH. Broadway 1218. FOR RENT 2 large rooms, sleeping porch, unfurnished, walking distance; no children. East 6-ifr. IRVINGTON Beautiful room, breakfast. 30, 1 block to car; employed person. East 419. FURNISHED three-room apartment. 101 9 1 E. loth nr. Alberta. Call evenings. I Phone Wdln. loi 2. LARGE, nicely furnished front room-, hot and cold water, heat and bath; suitable for two; close in. 777 Irving, near 2:d. WKLI-FURNioHEO large bedroom, com fortable, home privileges, suitable for 2. j Call East 141. A DESIRABLE bedroom, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. lain, netween oiay and Market, aiain 4to. 448 TAYLOR ST. Clean front sleeping I SAVE YOUR RENT 7 -room cottage; fur- bcsixess orroRTtrjrmES. I HAVE THE ABILITY AND EXPERI- ENCE AND PART OF THE MONEY. WANT TO INTEREST $3000 TO $5000 IN A LUMBERING PLANT. EXCEP TIONAL CHANCE. O. MOORE, COT TAGE GROVE, OR. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent; cooking gas. garonge, water in cluded; $30. No. 6 East 7th st, South. 2 LARGE clean well furnished housekeep ing rooms, adults only. Duo interstate ave., Wdln. 4551. NICELY furnished housekeeping room on ground floor, near car line. Call at 2V1 E. 3!th. " 2 KOOM.S furnished for housekeeping, with or without garage. 41t Larrabee. -ast 1168. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. E. 7th. Phone E. 12. TAILORING BUSINESS FOR SALE. A good, steady and prosperous, the only tailoring business in 3500 popula tion town, two employed ; in the best uusmras viocK ana complete nouseneep Ing, store building, baths, etc., which can be leased or bought: no accounts or bills. Steady failing health forces the owner to change to higher and dry cli - mate. Write at once and convince your self, by letter or person. AV 20, Ore- oiuan. Bl SINKSS OrrORTVXlTlE. LAUNDRY Located In county seat town on one of the completed state highways: only laundry In county; plant consists of 0-h. p. boiler, 15-h. p. engine. 3 elevated header washers with automatic valves, i 26-inch high-speed extractor, dry room, drying tumbler, motor-drive flat-work Jroner, steam collar ironer, bosom, neck band and cuff presses. Universal presses, collar equipment, marking machine an ail necessary office equipment. Ford de livery car; building and proprty on paved street; laundry has been In oper ation 11 years, was remodeled an equipped with the latest maiery in 19ltf, and U one of the finest in the northwest; supplied with soft water, gJ and electricity at low rates; wood S 75 per cord; operating expenses very low; weekly business $5u0, which will increase the coming yeat. Plant, building and property will be sold for $15,000; one third cash, balance easy terms; no e3 or rental nronoaitiona considered. AV 111. Oretfonian. nNAxriw., IF YOU are Interested In the purchase of a truck for ROAD CONSTRUCTION WORK, come and see us and place your ord er so as to be rea d y when spring work opens up. THIS MEANS MONEY TO YOU. You can pay for your truck in one season. We also have other haul ing contracts to place 4,rueks on. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES AGCT. OF OREGON. 02-94 N. 10th st.. Cor. Flanders. Portland. Or. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. Call 444 East oak st. , Houses. Domewtfr. HiU'KECl.KAXING by the day in home. work jruaranteed. labor 4ou. oa.ii after 1 o'clock. WANTED light housework from 9 to 4: apts. preierrea; reierences. r -u, ore- go man. MIDDLE-AGE colored woman wants gen eral housework. Marshall oVUtU. POSITION as chambermaid, with Marshall room 10. alter A. room. I M. room, suitable for one or two gentlemen: I one single room reasonable. LARGE front room, well furnished, for 2 employed- aiarsnan -.4J. iw tayior st. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room, central heat; men oniy. Main n. 2 LARGE, well-furnished front rooms with one or two beds. itu r landers st. CLEAN, light room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, buj j? irsi el Rooms With Board. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. PAYMASTER-COST ACCOUNTANT, Amer ican, HI yeara af age. married; engineer ing education; b years' experience in la bor and material cost finding and sys tematizing on all classes of construction work. In engineering. itimallng and accounting departments; executive aoil tty; best references. X 3t'6, Oregontan. FIVE MARRIED MEN want some kind of work to make living for our families; 1 carpenter's foreman, "toe an hour, x painter's foreman, 6ic an hour; 1 car penter, &ac an nour; i .hour; 1 good all around laborer, oC an hour. AL lH. oregonian. WE have hundreds of clients desiring to i rent. The efficiency of "THE McoUIRB i BYSTEM" of property management will save you money. FRANK L. McGUIRB. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. WANTED To lease, with privilege of buying, improved acreage with at least 10 acres, clear, witnin lie car lare nmiu F. W. Sabransky. 5507 50th ave. S. E. Sellwcod 12S3. REFINED couple, 1 little girl aged 7, wants modern furnished or partly fur nished bunga low, good location ; best rets. Tabor 20tJ. RELIABLE tenant Will lease or rent suiail unfurnished modern cottage or bungalow. permanent. Phone Tabor old. DJ J' 1 PI Vfi Plnmhinir inha rlnnft oUlcklV and effl iHntiv t reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MEKKO METAL WORKS. Phone East ltf"4. ltil Russell st. POSITION wanted, experienced superin tendent and manager open i.w ia..w . mediate charge of logging operation, nine years' experience in large Colum bia river operation. J 485. Oregonian. OFFICE man. 36. married, wants position with law firm or Dusiness comeni. .oust h xDrience and legal training. Avail' able now. Not stenographer. T 007, Ore- gonian. REGISTERED pharmacist, just arrfved m of vnnrii work In drugstore prefer prescription work, but can work ail over a siore; j- yea in i.mi. , been getting $150. F a, Oregonian. . POSITION desired at suourban place by one who has had experience at orcnara. stock, gardening and lawn work; ref erences, rtorm iniru Phone Broadway 31i5. dairyman and wife will handle up to 40 cows by band or any number with machine, man expert milk ing machine operator. Address box 156, Hood River, or. vivTrn Position as manager of retail hardware and implement store, will be ready to go anywnere aner aiarcn 10 best of references given. D 175, Ore gonian. RELIABLE energetic student of 18 de sires position bet. hrs. of 2 and 6 daily and Saturdays. Phone Main 3730 or L 3l. Oregonian. MAN with l-" years' experience superin tending construction, desires position where energy and ability count. Tabor 14!2. KKI.IAKLK man wants hauling contract I have 4 3' -ton trucks.- want to haul sand, gravel, lumber or loss. G 9 til. Ore gonian. . MIDDLE-AGED man. reliable, agreeable, wants work that will not require him to work in rain; moderate wages. Address Charles Leonard. Qulmby hotel, Portland. FIRST-CLASS carpenter and builder wiK do vour repairing or building; plans and detfills furnished W. H. D.. box 124, Lents nation, Portland. HARDWOOD and fir floors laid or refin Ished reasonable 2036 Hawthorne. Tabor 5ti. SMALL furnished cottage near car line, with wood cook stove; for lady and adult son. X 4(2, oregonian. i-HOOM bungalow with garage: no chil dren; references; not over $25. 1220 Union ave. N. WANTBD By young couple, 4 or 5-roora furnished houe to rent bjf. March 1; will lease. East 2'JgP. ; a oa. rt men is. - WANTED To rent small modern furnished apartment or housekeping rooms for j couple with 10-year-old boy; west jide i preierrea r'none Automatic oi-'-au. li. Jacobaon, 2th and Vaughn. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT ST. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential bo te) n nn Pacific coast American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONI A HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suuv or sincie. with or without board, for fumiiiov ar.if hntnMi men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Kegs o nap le rates. LARGE front room suitable for 2. hot and cold water, steam heat, walking dis tance, good table. 332 M)th st. Main r3Hl. . ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance, , $4.50 per week. East 4io2. is r. TTJW ViRTHA TVAKH ING TON. S80 10th st. for business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. i-oi. Rooms With Boara In Frlte Family. TWO connecting rooms suitable for 2 or 8 people with good table board, in private modern Home, nice resilience uinmci., home m-ivileees. on car line. 674 E. Ankeny. East 6014. TWO bna rdrs. business women preferred, I by private limuy; oeauuiui mouern i 5.R0OM cottage, mostly furnished. 2B per niture for sale; two rooms bring in $5 per month; 5 minutes from 5th and Mor rison, west side; nice clean neighbor hood. Main 6132. ONE of the choicest locations in taurel- hurst. 3 slefDinsr rooms, drewfing room for lease. $05 per month. Phone Tabor liw. . -Tr:.5T varated strictly modern bungaJow, corner lot, cjose in, -ia.on per moniiu Daring & JIcReynolds, 214 Ablngton bldg. WHEN TOtl MOVE Use NORTH WESTERN JSLEUltuu UKni service Broadway SSO. A 6747. FOR RENT 5 acres fine potato land. house, pienty fruit ana water, on rau- road. Call Wdln. auoo. MOVIXfi Piano, furniture and lonir-dis- tance hauling a specialty, u. & w. irucn Service Co.. 40 -'d st. r'none Bdwy. Biai. I.CK'AL. and lone-distance moving and haul ing; first-class equipment, ureen irans. Co.. 202 Alder St. Main 1201. 572-61. MODERN ?-room house for rent and want j a-room unlurnisnea west siao apt. in exchange. Sellwood 848. HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale. J Inquire 5io itast curnside st. 3-ROOM cottage for a clean couple, 15. 176B Division, inquire au k. imn. TO RENT A 7-room modern house; close in. Marshall 42tw. Furnl.beo! "Flouses. FOR RENT 8-room modern house, furni ture nearly new, for sale, west side, ivoo j Hill district, 4 rooms rented; must nave cash; price jl-iOO. Main 2S61). - FURN1SED bungalow. 5 rooms, modern, MR. A. U. AKerson. Henry eiag. m. 7248. ' FURNISHED house for rent, 5 rooms. modern; rent $.'5. woodlawn W6U. FINE OPPORTUNITV. Party having exclusive state distribu tion of strictly high-class popular-priced nationally advertised tire, on account of health and property interests, is going to California, will sell .stock and estab lished business at inventory price; good location and low rent; now is the lime to get lined up for the spring rush. Call at ox rirst st., roniana. WANTED Finances for stock with small investment in machinery to manufacture in Portland from Local material an auto mobile sleeping bed adapted to running uuaju, jusiae car, ana anywhere aa or dinary bed. A rapid seller, 4 to 1 re peater, now handled bj dealers with de mand leading output. Fully covered by . patents, a v ltfH, oregonian. J1000 BUYS ten-room hotel; terms. $608 buys nine-rom apt. Terms. $1050 buys ten-room .Dt Terms. 2390'buy SO-room apt., "income $280; terms. West side. $5800 buys 30-room rooming house, west side, income $701) a month: terms. See BROWN & B1DDI.E. 324 Railway r.xen. Diqg. Marshall 8331. IF YOU have $2750 cash I have one-half interest In a proposition that will net you suoo first year. Will deposit sub stantial euarantM in Bnv bank in Port land. This proposition will demand your entire time and has a big future. This requires a strictly business man and will be clcsed Monday night. See F. S. Mc Farland, 315-12-19 Henry bldg. Main or East 43S8. War Saving Stamps Cashed and Liberty Bonds at a Basis of Market Value Spot Cash immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. 40O B1TYS- .nft-rit-inh- nnrl lunch Stand . $!H buys cash groevry in apt. district. $17u0 buys cash grocery and hard ware and notion store, four good living rooms, rent 3I. threc-yer lease. HOiiO buya cigar, confectionery store. two living rooms. $2S0O buys cash grocery, west Bide, .even livinir .(Mitii. Country grocery to exchange for city 1 property. See BROWN Sr. B1DDI.E, 324 RIy. Exch. bldg. Marshall 8331. , L1BBKTV AND VICTORY WoXIJB. If ou mujtt sell sour Liberty or Vic tory bond, sell to us. If you can buy moro Liberty or Virtory Hnmlm huv from us. We buy and eil Liberty and victory xomis at the market. VOU CANNOT IlO IiKITER YOU , MAY DO WOUSK. On February 7 wa innl tlis following prices for I'nltcd plates government j.ibrty and Victory bond. vhlcU ere the closing New York market prices plus the- accrued interest. t. Y. Market. Interest. Tetnl 3-s :m;.! $ $1.7.:' Ffi st 4s iin.ntl .flu HI Peeond 4s "tiion .'i:t 1i Kirst 4iS. I'l 4il .4 cj .114 Second 4Ws !mi.2 .n i'l Third 4Vi V: 170 Hull Fourth 4 '4 s f" 2"i J.3."i M i Victory Sm I7 ..". . Victory 4s H7.78 .71 HM9 In purcliaeing Liberty and Vl'-lory Ttonds, we ileluct from the uhore prio-. 37c on a $00 bond and $2.50 on a $10011 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bomla, w charge the New York market pru-o r''"1 i'!e accrued interest. AUK ABOUT UUKKIH BUDS. PI, AX. Burglar and fire-proof safe deposit boxes for rent; open uulil b P. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BROS.. IXC The Premier Municipal Bond Hons. Capitat One Million lfvliars. Morris bldg, 3HD-3U St. irk St., bet. Stb and nth. Telephone Broadway 21ol. "HHtartllwhed Over 115 Yeura." 11 Money to lin I hallH- and halarlea.' rO TOO NKED MOtfltr AT 1 K'JAI. IIATI.s. v';l'K n KRVICCT lOU CAN til'.T IT Ti'UAl. LOANS MIPI! tiN ACTOMOBH.M, KI'liNITT n. riANOi MClRul AS. HliAI. KIAIK. HON PS. KTC ff your PHniciils are toA laefr your sutonioblls or furniture contracts, we will pay I hem up at'd adanc yr Biors money If needed. v ritv a rlalty of theM ln.n, and Icavi fb m. rurliy la your fioMsespton, and ftn a. a repay us In small ittunthly ratnis. AU:0 WK MAklJ t-Al.AHV LOANS to SMtarfvd pe-pia, oa uki fsota. Bates reaeonnl'le, rrival ofXicaa, Ail bulne.p Biriclly confident lal. PORTLAND TOAV CuMrANT. LICENSED SOft-.tnT p.kum HIiIk. Marshall . W. Cor, Third and 1afclnea. DUE to other pressing connections, mfgrs. agent will dispose of several valuable state agencies covering auto accessories sold dealers, garages, etc. lion t nepii this very exceptional opportunity, a 0-0, oregonian. $075 TAKES furniture of 10 H. K. rooms. rent $35. No agents. Phone Main 45i0. Business Opportunities Wanted. WE BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basia of Market AMERICAN BROKE RAGB. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. GEN. MERCHANDISE stocks-wanted: will pay spot cash for stocks up to $50,000 if price is riKili: give particulars. jn.. GUckman, 2d and Alder. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE contracts. equity. liberty bonds bought for cash. Fast 1J753. Moaey ta Loan nn Ren I Estate. AM IN MARKET for several legitimate agencies in grocery and produce lines fp Mnnl.n, UL" 1, a .an Vrtll nffer? N 370, Oregonian. Storks and Bonds. WILL SELL aooo shares Consolidated Oil. 10 cents share, paying 24 per cent oivi-i dena; check monttuy. can vvnson, jiar- shall 2553. Hotels and Roomine; Housea. MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE If you wish to buy or sell, come in and talk it over; 12 years In this business in Portland enables me to give you satis factory service. T23-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel. Roominfr or Apart ment House of any kind, anywhere, see IT ni EHUUS WATCH Ol'R ADS: WK GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOVt E & CO.. 203-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. 22 ROOMS and 5 apartments, heart of city; newly painted; leased at $60: clears I son montniv. rnee s.iiou. hhi win handle. F. E. Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce. 9-ROOM well-furnished flat, modern, best I location. $300 down, balance $25 month, nice for lady alone or man and J wife. Barney Johnson & Co.. 171) loth at. HOTEL FOR SALE 60 rooms, good con dition: parties wisn to retire. jor par ticulars address M. B. Autcnrtetb, Yreka, Cal. FOR best bargains in rooming or apart ment houHes see members or ttie Keally Board. Yates Realty Co.. 248 4th st. j FOR SALE 14 rooms, most housekeeping. cheap rent; price $50. inquire of own er, la3 Front st. REHILKNCE LOANS. per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period. You may p3y (100 or any multi ple thereof account principal seml-aa-' Bually and reduce Inlet-vet. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan CO per cent value on house and lot at 6ft to 7 per cent. Yon pay one-half of 1 per cent account Drincinal monthly. For example, $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and interest. You have privilege of paying $loo or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced, sc cordingiy. MO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MUKTUAUE AND PAY OTHER EXPfc.NShS. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 6M per cent and per cent Repayment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANT. Main 8308. tiuita 401 Veon Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AJUtM. Phnna traa4w- "ltY 14 (talk Htreet. Near Tent. Itans on diamond, wstrhea, vlctreJaa, rlanos, kodaks. shotguns, furr.Hr, niusUai liisti uuisuts. and anythlua ec iu. FrJTAnr.Tsnrn bt Tnn. rropt.p o I'oltTI. AND TO I'ROTKCT 111$ BJK. ROVi EH. CARIlia MYKnt-HERRMAlf, MONKT to loan on fftamonds, Jewelry, esal rates; all artu-lss held a year: e.i.n. "- hca 1 k ' 1's n Man A Co.. -3 W a.h. HATHAWAY U..a on plan-M and fumt tur; legal rales. 20H Wa.-initoB bldg. Loans antra. I WANT a litan of $j:..oo"o on 3-alor l.ri- k building, ttlih .-.iiMun-fuot lot In hvn or business dletn.'t; lll pay 6 per eegt, W'ifh to do business with tho nuauey lender direct. For 'stlcu!.tr see. tv at lorneys, iM alt bl.lg.. 1;7 Park st $70.(KM ON' .tr.oo ACHUS be.t Alberta IsJid. under ciiliivatlun ; w CI produrs 40 bush els nheat to acre and rlcld in snecilon It. U'Voke. l .0rlhescat Hunk bldg.. I'nnlwnd. Or. WANT first nimiKiiKe of $::,nn nn ;.' nvi for corner opposite Marshall Ur. is w.,-.. house; no brnkerage. Phone lUmy Hiuigten. Main :;..4!i or Wdln nn CITY LOAN". NO COMMISSION. On impioved property, or for unprow- meut Duroosea. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plaa. $32.2t per mouth for 3tt montna, or $21.24 icr niontli for v0 tnonths, or $15.17 per month for monllui pay a loan st iuuu and interest. Loans of oth.r amuuuis la same pre- puiuuua. . Repayment privileges. B4UITAULU bAVINOS 4 LOAN ASSN 242 blaxk aU. fontanel. Or. MEAT MARKE' Due to illness must sacrifice my new, fully-eqnipped market. The best public market lueatlnn b-i-isi4 Imm a Inw nni A $10,000 market for $0500, will make 11 H. K. ROOMS, close in low rent, clean some terms. For appointment phone I a Pln- A-l turnisnings, money maaer; 20-ROOM apt., steam beat, modern, good I furnishings, very central, gooa net in- I come. Call 201 loth st. Sellwood 1074 Sunday or evenings, or address 4;o wast 12th st. WANTED " to rent. 2-room unfurnished apartment, by March 1, by business womam; references given. P 60, Ore gon lan. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished apart ment or flat by couple with small baby. Phone Broadway 058. East side pre ferred. Rooms. WANTED To rent In Laurelhurst, large room in a home or hall suitable for holding a kindergarten ciasa. Call Main WANTED Unfurnished 4-room modern cottage or flat by March 1, by young couple. Best of references. Tabor Rooms With lioard. home and surroundings; use of piano, 11-1 brary and phone; east side, three blocks! from car. r'none atternoons, i aoor ooi WANTED One or two girls under 14 to care for in mv home: gooa care; rei erences; beautiful outdoors to play. Tabor 3364. EXCELLENT home cooking with home made bread and pies and a room ior two gentlemen. 143 N. itn st- Asawy. 4314. SUNNY front room in Irvington home fori two congenial young people employed; , home comforts ana privileges, cam WANTED To board 1 or 2 children: good home and mother s care. tenino ave. Sellwood car. 6S East Washington st. Btorea. STORE. 11S7 Milwaukle ex.. $15 r month: good location for meat market i John Bain, 507 Spalding DlQg. Off! cm. WANTED A hair dresser or chiropodist to share large, well-furnished reception room with doctors in morgan omg. fhone Main 6383. A CORNER suite facing 3d and Stark; modern, line on Ices. Apply ili hallway Exchange building. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. t CASH frOR LIBER TT BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SKIRLING BLDG. (Second Floor.) FOR SALE All kind of batcher hop fix- t u res , large ice uox. x o-ion ice ma chine; any amount of pipe and coils; electric motor; everything that goes wun liTst-ciass meat sausage gal, price right. Call 20 L 10th qt. LOST AND FOUND. WOKTGAGH LOAKSa CltW or fsATin. i.ilAi-Hi isi wmstat nrl. Uete. COAiAlERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES 1 Third atreet, " Mala 806T. jfcootn ii. chamber of Commerce bldg. Money to loam WE HAViL MCi.KV in r.n.v nv POHTLA.i Pit ui' Jilt TY, ANU ACJiii.xuiu. 'IKLL LS i ULK k L2sAS C1AL. TKOUBLKS. 13 A K Kit A. MnPARI.iKn SIT llh.SU t HL.LHJ, MAIS 6T9T. PARTIES that picked up wallet during lunerai at ijS jonnson t. wui p. ease return to aoove address; no questions I asked, otherwise will be prosecuted. AL. Ooldbiatt. WILL party who took velvet handbag either on the telephone book or on the j bffne-h at the Jefferson depot Sunday I anemoon p.euse return liio situm lu i matron and receive reward. Insurance luuhjuiiw m !a. t lovveal cutrcni imu-m on WuiamiLta vbk ley farm. No cuiiiriuMKi.m n naisti UKVi-i.tiAl X itUit I'iAOU COMPAaN X. MUKTUAUK Ll)A.4 Loaua inaue on jutpruveU city properly. Call 6ud dee uh lur terms POKTLAMJ TKLST CO. OK OltEGON, .urtnet.ieru UaiiK If ; rig. isagemaJhine andSadit!11 c" An LOST-Lady's Waltham wrist watch with -in h v0n?n?,!i; u-' u old bracelet, on Washington St., in .10W, hch St., ancouver. Wash. Portland, between 5th and Broadway. LADx wishes home for her children, ages 2 and 4; where entire care given, also I best west side preferred. P ti3, Orego nian. YOUNG man, 31, withes roum in private nome; no other roomer preierrea; montn. tt. vii, uregonian. Miacel laneoua. WANTED to rent, a stteet, Broadway duck lake. .'913. FOR BENT. ROOM and board in private home, newly decorated, large rooms, iirst-ciasa ooard. Johnson. 3iarsnaii u-u. WANTED To board 2 little girls; nearly ti years: good home and motherly care. call Automatic xiv-ia. ROOM and board for several gentlemen with moaern conveniences and nome privileges. East 8bS2. WANTED Lady boarder, room, board $25 I montn. lMia rmney, n. a, nervals, yjr. ROOM and bord, home privileges, gentle man preferred. 400 Monroe st. fc-ast BOIMJ. 1 LARGE front room, within wholesale dis- trict and businesa center. ttdwy. JHi'J. WANTED Child 5 to 7 years. mothers care. Kast diw. MAN with $23 000 for executive and offi- cer in mortgage loan company, we are i look in a: for a man with conservative judgment and ability. F 032, Orego- nian. " WiUi trndA 20 Acres near Crab tree. 11 iilA Aibanv. sandv loam, good I road, no improvements, clean as a paved street, for market or grocery. F. P. Farrington, Hotel Alder. WANTED Partner In produce business; $1a00 and services to nanuie oinre ana l selling end; must De live wire ana iur nish references. Thomson. 620 Henry bldg. RESTAURANT for sale, $900, or will trade . fnr flerpAfl-e nr enuitv. or anv business. I Best-of I Call or write. 381 E. Burnside street. I Barber irhop. FOR SALE A first-class grocery store. A-l : location, a good meat market in same building,, cheap rent. This is a good one 'and will stand investigation; good reason for selling; stock and fixtures aooui touuu; no a genu, s tJ4o, Orego- FOR SALE By owner, stock general mdse. invoice about $12,000; 204 off on ary goods, shoes and furniRhings. groc eries and feed at Portland prices. A dandy location, light overhead expenses, good business, brokers need not answer. AV 181. Oregonian. Address 704 Washington, in Vancouver. r'none Vancouver a-. KNOWN party taking umbrella from Meier & b rank lavatory return same to lufu and found dept., Meier & Frank, and avoid trouble. LOST Black leather wallet. Sat.. Feb. 7. at Liberty theater, or between there and 32d ami Division. Call East Wo7. Re ward. FOUND Purse Friday on Srxth street, containing some money. East "1j4. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low ratea, promptly closed. Attract. o repaying pniit;ga. A. il. LiUKLLL CO., 217 NurLliWeLuru iink liulv Marshall 4114. a 411 feiJE LS TODAY. We loan money oa rel state, o and i long Urn, short Umm, mouihly paymonta or as you can: la luit 72 Oaavu bidg.. Am and idar. wcLL.aiu-juliiv i uin t;o. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm aim c-iiy property; luvorubj repay TilE OREGON MOUTGAGJC CO., riMU Main LTD. ;T A silk miser nurse, stiver slide WANTED A few more men, salesmen or 1 with money. Phone M-U49; reward. with business exoerienoe. with some cash, to join me in establishing chain I of stores in northwest; have state I agencies for some of best lines on mar- I ket. Write for full Information, Coast Auto hearts sales Co.. Saiem, Or. SPECIAL NOTICES. $t0.000 TO LOAN in sums to uit on city. suburban and Xaitna, Bulldiug loans m vpuciai ly. WILLIAM U. HKCK, KA1L1NG Hl.LKl.. THIRD AND W ASULNG'i'oN. Miscellaneous. Furnttihed Rooms. THE HILLCREST HOTEL. WASHINGTON ST. AT LUCRETIA PLACK. Completely renovated and undpr new management; a high-class residential I hotel, rooms with private bath, 30 a montn ana up. PRINCESS HOTEL. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Rooms single, community and private baths. Reasonable rates, day, week or J montn. feast Burnsiue st. East 171. Just across the Burnside bridge. POSITION wanted as chauffeur by expert en red Japanese; references. G. TM 206 Everett st. YOUNG married man wants steady era ployment, outdoor work preferred. Phone tast 23a, apartment ou. CARPENTER, pipe work, faucets and roofs fixed and an Kinds oi repair work. Call C. Sale, Main 1D2. V ANTED Logging contract by man with 12 years' experience as ioreman and log ging superintendent. H 613, Oregonian. A YOUNG Japanese boy wants a place to work 3 or 4 hours a day. p IH. Ore-gonian. EX PER 1 ENCE D janitor; best of refer- ences; reasonable wages. Broadway mm, apt. o. EXHPERIENCED middle-aged business man wants responsible position; living wages. i wu, urfgonian. "YOUNG married man, 24, 3 years' experi ence in cracker factory, wishes work in town. Answer S41 E. 37th street. i'iRST-CLASS carpenter, building, repair ing, painting, tinting, contract or day. Woodlawn 5 7 (5ft. YOUNG man. used to janitor work, will do any kind of cleaning, basement to attic. George. Marshall 2B!S. Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office. BOOKKEEPER and accountant desires permenent or temporary position; in come tax service; reliable; good refer ences. V 32. Oregonian. Soldiers mnd Sailors. EX-SOLDIER. 21. energetic, reliable, ex perienced in paper work, wants open ing with business firm; reasonable salary expected to begin with. 'D 121, Ore-gonian. KX-SERVICE man wants work evenings 5 to S, and all day Saturday or Sunday; will d-o anything. T Sll. Oregonian srrrATToxa wanted female. RELIABLE woman would like to come and care for children, day time or evenings. Tbor 144.'. WORK by day or hour, references. Call before 8 A. M. or after 6 P. M. Main is.hi. room 30. "W ANTED A place to take care of chll- aren evenings wniie motner is away ; references. Woodlawn 1011. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Take Depot car to 11th ana juornson. wain hair block south. Clean, modern, respectable; transient,, Mim private oatn, ANSOVIA HfiTTf'T lilh anA H' clean, respectable, modern; transient, $1. up; permanent. 4 up; private bath $S. WANTED to care for elderly Invalids In my own home. Phone Main 252V. WANTED Small child to take care of in, Tiome; hest of care. Sellwood 34 1 4. Fnrnlsheoi Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia streets.' Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's tore ; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and a -room iurnisnea apis. ; au uuida with. French doors and balcosy. LEEDS APARTMENTS. One 2-room and one 3 -room nicely furnished apartments; steamheat; every thing modern. $28 and $43. 210 Market. PEABODT HOTEL, 19th and Upshur; housekeeping: apartments, l. 2 and 3- room; steam heat; very reasonable rent; Phone Broadway 1JV16. HOTEL SAVON, 131 11th st. between Washington and Alder; modern rooms j per weea up. m per day up. BL'SHMAKK HOTEL. 665H Wash. St. I Large, light, clean, modern rooms; respectable. ATTRACTIVE front sleeping room for gentleman, close in. 120 N. lSth. Bdwy. 1D-J. LARGE single, double and 8-room apart ments, completely iurnisnea; steam heat, hot water. 1S6 Sherman street. Marshall 3983. NEWLY decorated 3-room apartment, pri vate bath, steam neat, let! Sherman. Mar. 8083. HOUSEKEEPING apartments, three large rooms, new iurmture. 2v Jiiast lath at.. cor. East Ash. , WANTED A lady as partner for rooming house (white or Japanese t, some expert- I ence; no money; give appointments. Bf 14Q, Oregonian. - WANTED PARTIES WITH $100 TO $."000 TO JOIN ME TV ONE OF THE BEST! FISHING PROPOSITIONS EVER OF- FERED. V .'HJ. UHKUU.MA., MINE6 Gold, copper for sale, 2 groups j of claims each, proven mineral district, Arizona, conditions perfect. W. C. Daw- : son, 3'J0 Knott st., Portland, Or. ' RELIABLE man wantshauiing contract j I have 4 3-ton trucks, want to haul i sand, gravel, lumber or logs. G 931, Oregonian. , BEAUTT parlor, 4 rooms, completely fur nished, all for $400; rent $30; good loca tion. See Brown & Biddle. 324 Railway Exch. bldg. CLEANING ana pressing shop, best loca-, tion on east side; fine for 2 people. Price $350. BJ 321. Oregonian. WE have from 1000 to 1500 cords of wood to cut on shares; good market, good liv- I Ing conditions, box 43, uregon city. Or. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth, i Rates $1 a day up. Weekly $4.50 up. cieam neai. rree pnone ana Datis. APARTMENT to share with one or two ;irls. Main 504J. PALACE hotel. 446 Wash. st.. down. town location; respectable and strictly mouern rooms, large, c.ean. T5c. $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, dd near Jefferson. EXPENSIVELY furnished 5-xoora apart ment. Main lwtd. UNION AVE. and Killings worth, $21.50, all complete, concrete bldg. Flats. 3 ROOMS with light and water, near An Keny car Dams. Kast 4tf30. 4-ROOM flat, partly furnished. rent reasonable, lei Russell st. Unfurnished Booms Fumisned Flats BLDG., 5th and Stark. Apply Dr. S. Loeb. loiumoia otag., w. rarK and wash. THREE 2-roora flats, furnished, for rent. 629 1st St. ' 1G7U FIRST, photographer has two large uniuruioiieu luuiiis, iiettr Jiorrison. NICE 5-roora flat, good bath, close in, $20, jo ti. via and lamniu. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. Housekeeping Booms, Beautiful front room In modern private home; garage lr oesirea. .viarsnau 3t6!. IRVINGTON 2 or 3 furnished housekeep ing rooms, an conveniences. &ast 4808. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in 1 and 2-room suites. lli A'ark. TWO single housekeeping rooms with hot ana cold water. t4 unsan. Mar. 1U7. EXPERIENCED poultrytnan wants nart ner; some cash. Bos 148, R. 8, Lenta, Or- i ; FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery I and fixtures. Leaving town, can Wood- lawn WANTED Partner witn energy, some money and knowledge of mountain ranching. Box 433. Oregon City, Oregon. S2.)00 BUYS butcher shop ; 3-year lease; rent $32.50; terms. See Brown & Biddle, 324 Railway Kxcnange oiog. CASH-AND-CARRY grocery, 4 living rooms, c heap ; owner leaving town. N 355, Oregontan. SMALL restaurant, doing $40 per day, good location, cheap rent; going to country. F 914, Oregonian. LADIES. LOOK HERE f Beautiful hair d regain r imrlora with all modern- up-to-date equipment, doing J Dig Dusiness; owner wisnea to retire. NORD HENNINGSEN CO.. 401 Stock Ex.. Third and Yamhill. SMALL GROCERY BARGAIN. Right In big apartment house distrfet; brick bldg.. good clean stock: rent I am leaviug city; will sell at a bargaiu. oee my agent at once. G. O. MOORE, 502 COUCH BLDG. FACTORY representative wants exclusive state agency for (patented) anti-kick safety cranking device for Fords; agent can sen county riehta. Quick, returns. requires small capital for goods, ln- vestigate. v n, oregonian. SUITABLE onlv for man and wife. good grocery store, on good main street. eat siae; win invoice about S7U0; living quarters, some furniture; rent low; no I agents. M i2, Oregonian. w sen nair interest in a money-making urouosition ; x am Dusy on tne out si da end must have someone to handle office: a few hundred will handle this and bring I gooa returns. xj w, oregonian. GROCERY STORE SACRIFICE. Dandy corner grocery : clean stock:. going good; I am leaving town; price I fuuv or invoice. net my a gene G. C. MOORE, 502 COUCH BLDG. " CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROSSLEY. Secretary. CORPORATION MANAGER WANTED WHO CAN INVEST $f000 TO $20 000; ONE FAM ALIA R WITH THB FISHING INDUSTRY PREFERRED. AN 60, OREGONIAN. FOR SALE Bake shop, together- with stock oi groceries. locatea on union ave. North. Phone East 84i4. CIGARS, soda fountain, news, confection ery; gooa corner; established business. 244 Wash. War Savings Stamps Cashed and Liberty Bonds at a Basts of Market Value Spot Ca&h Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. NOTICE All storage accounts Z months pant due, if not paid by February IS, 1920, goods will be sold for storage charves. C O. Pick Transfer & Stor age Co PRIVATE MONEY. $23,00 for immediate loans; will divide. niy, acn-B),'.' or larins. BECK. 525 Henry bldg. Marshall 58,".S. FlltST Mt KT; AtiEM Full fcALW f ht. i.Ln KL ,,,t'l,I"N'I I'Rm-MiTV AM r n r. It. 1'hMK . tl, I'd, nf OMtu $.ioo. PRIVATE party. 2 mo., iVpaysbfa monihly; good security. X 422, Ore- SEVKRAI, $nntrt loans, vrsrs, st 7 r-r cvvu Frank U McGuire, Ablngtoa Mdg. Main 1m;h. 8KKOKKGON INV. MoHTGAGS CO Cham, of Commee. 4th snd Sterk. FFROJTAla, WANTS. If mn wants, what bo wants, whtm he UTItM It, 'Tip self h wnt then Intsniew; For grit and ambition win .t it -As many succwslul outa do. Borne "wants" are qnlto be-ond rraaon While nmnv inrrwAne with ui rf-i Ambition kf-pa auta In the l .rr..und And seldom sees clouds of diatrta. Some people want rlothea at a harsatn V e re now al,-r ing their "wajita"; We've cut on our owmtock parinrota Ami wr'va met mith turn gicautii aponae. And when It cornea to women's hrant; We know u id mt omre On sach new bUIT, COAT, DKESH sad HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIR. STORE, Second floor Pit tot k Hi-w k. WB BUT DIAMOND! If yon wlfh to dl-pnas of anv dlamondfi, we pay full valua is raih. Lthout Ulay mr Uiao pviutmauL Nothing too laiife cur to imill. Spt cso. Amt smoui.L I'nvate ohlcs lor ladtea. Business couliUanual. XJcsnned sy ths City of Portland. TMK AMERICAN BROKFRAOft, 2u4 atutsau ii.iig. UA a Ic. War Saving Stamps v allied and Liberty Jtonda at a IUia ut Market Value Spot Cash I iti iiitd lately. AMKHRAN HCuhKIMHS. Oj Aiorsau L.Og iid i-loor. UONiCf TO LOAN on Improved cuy property and also lm proved farm property. Current rates. na. MUCHABtlfft, $31 U. S. National Bank Bldg. $400, $500, JU, $0UU, 1UU0, $1250, $1500, iuuu uu up, jv coi, i KLbs, tuica action. Pay oil llod or more at any ln.ert date. Gordon MortKage Co., ttill Cham- Dr oi cominercu, aiaiu xtitQ. FINANCIAL. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your real estate loan on the co-operative plan L9e.ns for anv amount to run from 3 to 10 years repayable in small monthly Installments. Part or all of loan may be Daid eff at any time. Every bor rower participates In full profits of the association. only purely oo-ooerativ savings and loan association In Portland. UNiON SAVlMiS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, 89 4 th st. WANTED Someone to uJId steel and concrete warehouse of about 75,000 square feet floor space in three stories and rent to reliable nationally known corporation be ginning with a ten-year lease. Ad dress K. Oregonian. IF you have some money and would like to make some more In mfg. business. write box 17. city. w gy. uregonlan. ' GROCERY STORE. Cash business; rent $25; will Invoice. 1398 Division St., or. 50th. POOL HALL for ale cheap or will rent iurnisnea lo responsiDie party. Esta cada, Or. FOR SALE Pool hall, cigar and confec tionery store; arood location: low rant. 84 Grand ave. WANTED Party to take fully equipped restaurant; free rent to right party. Ap ply 500 Main st., Vancouver, Wash- $1400 CORNER grocery, dandy location; look u over, ojo union j. WANTED Someone" to finance automo bile business. S 002, Oregon fan. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 206 SELLING BLDG. (Second Floor.) LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, hogs, etc. F. K. BOWMAN AV CO., ZIP Chamber of Com. Main 8024V BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH for BONDS. WAR STAMPS, or receipts. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder. Cellars-Murton Co. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' coo tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co 210 Chamber of Commerce. LIBERAL LOANS. Wa loan our own money on rest es tate, let ar.d 2d mortgases, contracts, livestock, norea. etc. F. E. Bowmaa A to., xv i. nam ucr t-um. Main iluS, MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPEHTT, fit PER LLni, v ran i, I riLH tf.WT, UNION ABSTRACT CU, Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOAN'S. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES, WiiSifc-.t: euftu a: mukiuaue CO bO Fourth SL, Portland, Or. $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; iavoraoie terms; no delay ; no brokerage. John Bain. OUT Spalding bid. $300. $400. $500. 1750, $1000 AND LP; low rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 64 45. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. Harding, ill 2 Railway Exchange. A. H. $1000 AND UPI do commission or delay. F. H. DESHOIM. 15 Cham, of Com, bldg MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7. LouU Ealomon fc Co.. 4 Selling bldg MONEY on fsrm snd Improved city prop- crty. sl. iv. jjaxier, im tpa.aing bldg. SEE OREGON INV. se MORTGAGE CO- 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on improved city or coun try property. quj upkuih nidg. Mney Ut Iamui 4'hatteJa and Salaried. SALARY, LOANS, CHATTELS, Y, i LOAN MONEJY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notea Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Eaoo transaction strictly confident laL NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSBH ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. Wo also loan on household furniture pianos elo., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COw LICENSED. 19 FAILING BLDG. OLD FAL&B TEETH BOUGHT. W pay tip to $-fl per a-l. Don't mat ter if brokt-n. Did-1 1 nira are suot Uubla. Lruwiv, briuavwork, bouiiht. Inng or tiiHil. Tha AiiM-riiwn Itroktitas Co.. 2'S Mornwn bltg., ar vnd floor. DOlS bA VI NG . ol It DOI.LAKS MkU A.N . 1 It l.U 1 O 1 illi 7 Now siiiiHiiis our nw spring haia In clevt-r aii at Wmm than tlia cirevl lrl pritc. lla.a' to tutit-r and rnnoO- eii-d at rii'i Ei; . l , I it HJlii:, KECON l FLOOR PITTot'K Ltl.ot K, W .. i'ui k snd N al.ItiHtin ma. WANTED Information as to tha w hera ai'uuta of klt'iuiikltm Tln'odore Mstbran, about 2tf yetsia oid, datk-brown eyaa, medium dura complexion, biavk ban. tull and alt ndur. Coiiitnunk at wtt h Martlu MaLUcsuu, Iwu Wariaa aa tieaitJa IOU A It AN TEE to curs corn a, bunlana, lng naila, Kai'La and uioiaa auaoiuiuiy ; nw Invcutiou. no pain, no aoivtieaa. Lowest pri ra in town. C'iiimuILmi ion ira. heri j yaara Arctiea liiiad. iuX Dakum bid. DR. H, L. ilElSLEK, gradual oduV. hope school of inaguaiiu bailing, irattta Suta and chionlu UiMvuaea. i'rivra vary. reunabl. 2UJI E, 5Ui and liaw ifhorus. Tjbor 1555. TAlvARA AN TISEPT1C PO WLtH la cicauHing. bt-aliug. germlclUal and Invig orating uouetia. A graal aid la luowr rbca and It male diaurUwra. OOo and f 1 per boii. Portland liolul l'hsruiacy. WANTiiiD GwU heaithy girl 1Q tm kQ years obi. orphan pn-feiied to b a one of the family. lint of tar as A acliooi. For parocuiars laiapboas M. 4:t2 after 1:30 hunUuy. AN JCLKCTH10 CAlilNkT BATH and a acieiiiitiu maMssa one a wk will roiuug both puaical and mantal etllclcncy Dr. Ironside, eoti-ll Bruad way biag. NurM iu attendance. Mam ba. LAiiita' and gvntU'ineu s panaium. airaw. Ilt and beaver uais ciuana, biokod. dyed and ruse wed; butkram. Bat ao ne 1 ramus. LaFranu Mailers fttta Morrison st. BC1E.NT1F1C HIT MAHSAGR, llt. OV1D1A lAKM".., -l S1lttA.N Pl.lHl, 11 to 0. EVENING KY A Pl'Ul.N TUltN T. OFFICE M. li'i'ir. k. ilW POLLY AND. HER PALS AN EXPERIENCED colored woman wants work by the day or hour. Call all the wtpK. r'none K-ast 4tu. RrJLI ABLH woman wants dav vnrL- 1'hone East 5G7, evenings, between 6 ana i. COMPETENT woman wishes whole days where mostly washing or Ironing. Wood lawn .104rt. BAND laundry done by experienced In nr.. drss. called for and delivered. Tabor GOING to Frisco Tuesday, want to reduce expenses. Neva Andree. Y. W. C A. MHDI.K-AGET woman wants work. Call Woodlawn 327. LADY wants housecleaning. other work' hour, day; work guaranteed. Wdln. 6.l.y EXPERIENCED laundress, day work or laundry. Call Woodlawn 2241. EXPERIENCED elevator operator wlbhes position. 5-6271. No. 428. GOOD laundress wants work by day. Main CoOD worker, woman wants day and hour work. Automatic jltJ-SL ' : ' s ASHIR AIMS TO GET DOLBLE .4CTIO.V OS PA-BY CLIFF STERRETT. HWKKIhH AlAbSA'ja; AM) K.XKIK Iblu, st.aia uain aiiu i i,c4i ii ii Bivrn ut tiwcUisli ,railuaLes. bit Wasajuci.. bills'-. Mam iJ4. 1 WILL rt botlv fft fut-d up ,oo. st lr. Jatviu s, la. v uiifurui'ini, hiio aorfn l hurt ou; 0 yrs. hri.; raant, fr.. tiiut tli.-alrr blitd Jllh At Hash, lidr. XSJ sliBVliT II HAN.NliLiUT, ladln i, luup. nuali.ra, fiiiasl aiot-k hum.a hau (uixJs. hatliiivMiiiij, luatili-urlii.. Inc. .114 .cu p tr-al,mtiil, IU Alilor. "Mam 6. " ALAiiKA I'dlii AT "AFTlill Villi PKAWiN" rRIUti Ills; J-LU bllifl', u ewrtlaiKl Kills, mh and Wash. rrilAM- uXTflfl"ANU" UAfSSAUBf New siiuipmrni. .polirfwly rn Laura Iv. ti ulnK. luiii tiuur iarwadwa. kiilit. Marshall lil-il. ItKV. MKH SCIKHIIK s niMtinss Kun an Tui'ft IHKtit at ft. I'rlvalu If.on. in Kast I ."it li St., mr. K. TTii. MAiliAHKT llA l'MU ,IVMrhir prartlt'. sl-am baths, violet rar vlbra'ln. ms". la mn-tland bl.lg , aim, i;, .L'PUItl'l-'CH hair, mol.a sarta mmnv., by 10 llffillcs iiiettiou; trial frfS. Jusl. Klnlcy, 6U bush lJins bills, si. In w.,wt, sTIKN'TU'H' masfaif and masnsiiu imT iiiwiilj., 1 I. I', M. Airs, c-ela X.u..ii Jlua llrkum ti lal SC. FlLKS can b. prmsnftily cur.d wilhauf .p.r. linn. Call ut irriu Ur. iiyao. 2.4, ,4'jrrlsun ,t. iil.K' VI. li; '"" niaasaar, ID a. al t S I'. M. fUTJ day. ..0 Marshall H.T. DR. Ki.NA KUitKNHBN. 0 Panama bloa ifrutilfiH.; nitwai. for atumaili, ttiarnsy rhruinatiani. uiiUia'.lon. i n .v.nln.a, OUAUL'ATli num. tr.iils luiiil..,., .t. lluurs 2 10 O, or oy appolnl, A'baa. slain IQ4H. Offlr. 3K -C Third .t. Cull HK, .nlarsi'd ilanita; run yours.lf A rt. riracnan. reui. u. Illll.oora, tr. I'lilMbliA I1A1.M, Cnrm.rly r.llpd Halm al fin. K. aan. P.II. a-'lli. CERTHlTlE DANIELS, .uprrf luot,. h7f nianlcurinff, faov, s.aip. r liun.r llilg ril.KH t'AN BK CtUKU -at II hunt op.r. tlon. r. booklet, p. o. bus I Iff. UOKtiN'T Tom. lili k. or Harry pay ou Be. Vlfrrri, roiT.-cllnn.. Ifrkum 111 f sr. Itl'PTlIRK (7AN HU CfllLlA .llhout epsratlon. r r.. boukltt, P. O. bos llua. LADY BAUmOKS. ahavn 20r, lialrrul. J.. 4 I fur. ItllMII, .'ic. I'M and C4. I M A SS A i O-MA N HI MINI "4 41S Aiui.liauaa bldg. Al.ia iH.