THE 'alOEXIXGf OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1920 f.1 K RK.AL estate. For Sale- House. OS 6AXDT BLVD. ROSE CITT PARK. HERE TS RKAL VALUE: larne rrimn and slpppInK por.-h: fil concrete basement, furnace and fireplace; garage; hou.te In Al condition; turner lot; pave ment all In. binl nwesamenls only $-65; located below the hill. See this at once; only reason for selling owner leaving cliy, so act quick, frlce JS1U0; terms flitklO cash. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANT. CVinrnhnT f rnn m f.rrM ttl.ll' Main 0. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bid?. Main 208. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 1 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. Both 5 rooms, one . on corner, price I4.-.00; Inside lot $4250. I130O rash will handle. Material and workmanship the best. Also One 5-room bungalow with ga rage, corner lot.'iO. See these at once. Keys at office. E. 39th and Glisan sts.. or phone for fur ther information. Tabor 3433. . Kvenlnss B. Mr. Delahunty. BIG SACRIFICE 5- ROOM BL'NOA LOW COMPLBTBLY FURNISHED. tSOOO. corner lot SUxlou. fireplace, bookcases, buffet, linen closet, 2 bed rooms. Dutch kitchen, full basement. chicken hou.-e. garage, act quick, bar gains like this are scarce; 113.10 cash balance monthly payments. J. L. Hart- man Co.. No. 7 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Branch offioe, 4dth and Sandy, Tabor 1-J04. HERB'S A REAL FIND. 5-room buncalow. J.4 block from Al- fcerta car on 24th st This house cost J30HO alone to build 4 years ago; owner leaving town, Facrfliclng. very attrac tive, in splendid repair, well kept up, best plumbing, full cement basement, dandv art-brick fireplace; lawn, trees and flowers; filSO, tlUM) down. If you can pay $50 per month will consider $300 down payment. BIHR-CARET CO.. tl! Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 600$. BY OWNER A BARGAIN. NEAR IRVINGTON CAR. TTpentlrtnullv well-htiilt 7-room bunea- low: fine fireplace, furnace, hu'rdwood floors, cement basement; fine concrete I garage; large living room, white ivory finish with French windows; dining room paneled with beamed, ceiling; four large bedrooms, pavement and sewer; clear of incumbrance. This place is as represented, as lumber, workmanship ana Inside finish are the best. 12700 cash, balance easy terms. Owner on premises. I 962 East 15th at. North, rnone w din. 47S3. - HERE'S TOUR CHANCE! TWO MODERN HOUSES. WEST SIDE. I have a lot MlxluO with two modern houses on it located on west side. 353-353 I Lincoln st. Within ten minutes' walking distance from center of city, no street car fares to pay. It would cost you I the price asked alone to build the two j houses today. Tou can live in one house and the rent from the other house would practically pay the Interest on the total sale by owner. Phone East 2777. MOUNT TABOR HOME. Located on one of the most beautiful I view sites in Portland; 100x100 in lawn; choicest of roses ana shrubs and majestic I fir trees; 7 rooms, 2 screened sleeping porches: first floor finished in stain, beautifully papered; hardwood floors: fireplace; second floor white enameled and nJentv of built-ins: full basement; furnace: massive Dorch circling frii and side of house. A snap at $SuJ0. I For further Information and appoint ments see J. A. McCarty, 2704 Stark st. Main 1700, eve. and Sunday. raDor ouof. IN LAURELHURST. 5 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. 5 ami 0 rooms, each with ga rage. Keys at office, E. 39tb- and Gli.san st or phone for auto. Tabor S4;i3. Evenings, E. 20Mt. Mr. Delahunty. BEAUTIFUL WA VERLEIGH. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, very at tractive hall as you enter, large living room and dining room with r rencn doors, fireplace, burtet. white Kttcnen 3 bedrooms, bath and open-air room, fur nace, fireplace, garage. Here Is a home wariv tnr J nrrinilnr nurrhaser. Streets f and paid. Quick occupancy. Price S50O0 terms. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. APARTMENT RENTERS. TAKE NOTICE. Completely furnished 5-room cottage bungalow, good neighborhood; full base ment, garage, extra large lot. 1 DIR. from f.'ne car service: extra good furniture I and rugs; owner leaving city at one price cut to $3O0; $1000 cash will nan I die. This will be a quick sale, so make it snappy. faee J. A. McLarty. 20 V. Stark st. Main 1700 eve, and Sunday, T ibor rw57. PIEDMONT. IDEAL HOME. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS AND SHRUBBERY. FRUIT, 7 ROOMS. BATH. HARDWOOD FLOO RS . FURNACE. G A RAG E. LOT 80x100. HARD-SURFACE. CLOSE CAR AND JEFFERSON HIGH; $6500, TERMS. POINDEXTER. 2fW SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SPQ. RESIDENCE 271-20. " WALNUT PARK. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Exceptionally fine, doubly-constructed B-room bungalow, with finished attic. This is one of the finest bungalows in th city and in fine district. Come tn and Irt us show you. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 12000 COZY 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Well constructed 5-room cottage In I Moutavilla. 5oxloo lot. m better Larzain In Portland, white enamel plumbing; 12 I neariiiR irun trees, oerrieg and grapea. ji arifLitw in roses ; j j i.i aown. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1686. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Six large rooms and garage. Finished in old ivory and papered with choice papers, tiled bath room with best of fixtures. lr you are looking for a real clasuy bunjralow see this one on 42d st. bt. Rurnsidp and Couch. -Turner & inahlp. T;ibor 2124 or Tabor 5094. C LOS E IN. 55flO buys a modern 7-room bungalow near Rose City, corner on E. 24th street. This house is well built. Is in the best of condition. Can be bought on easy M. Billings. EOft McKay bldg. Main 1390. " ' IRVINGTON. TWO-STORY. SEVEN ROOMS, FOUR I FURNACE. FULL SIZE LOT, TWO BLOCKS CAR LINE; 95S0O; TERMS POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN tMOO. RESIDENCE 271-20 $1175 BUYS 3 room house on corner Jot, cement sidewalks, gas, elec. shower bath, garage; $noo down, balance $15, Including 6 per cent interest; good little oome. NORD HENNINGSEN CO 4I Stock Ex.. Third and Yamhill. $800 BUYS A DANDY COTTAGE on choice lot in good residence section of the city; terms $200 down and $15 a month; pos session can be given immediately. For particulars can at y h-iatt bldg.. 127 I Park at and we show you this extraordinary buy. ;". ju wui an ii i FARM FOR SALE. Crop payments. 320 acres, all tillable. about 2"o under cultivation; ample build ings, expecting 1I20 yield better $SO0O; RPking $500 cash, balance crop terms to dependable farmer. P. Q. box city. HAWTHORNE By owner, new five-room bungalow; fireplace, all buiU-lns. hard- wood ftoort, finished in whjte enamel and-l ivory, cement casement, oreakrast nook-S7-V, $1000 cash, balance terms. Tabor 1176. MODERN 6-room hous by owner, with cabinet pantry and den, a large sleep ing porch: in fact, a modern house; cor lot loOxl0,-vconcrete garage; also have other houses, for $2000 and up. Tabor 804. BY OWNER, on East Main, near 28th street. 1 7-ronra furnished modern hou.e, sleeping prtroh, garag. buflt-in effects price !5o0. Fhone day time Broadway 3242. A REAL HOME. 120x12. good -room house; all kinds fruit, chick rn house and garden: within a block of two car lines; east side; Trm.. Tabor 5,123. KOSE CITY PARK. 0-room strictly mod ern bungalow with or without furniture: garjgc: reasonable. Owner t!30. E. 58lh strt North. COXY home. 2 blocks from Laurplhurrd park. 5 rooms and sleeping pon-h. with all modern improvements; price $.'IhOO Innuire Tabor 3t. 7. ncn M hnue, for light houiekeI"ng. furnished: a wonderful bargain iit $300. 47 E. 8th N. Owner at 41 E. th st. N. AGAINST FIRE INSURE IN NEW ARK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. , EXILE BI RKITT. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN In 00. KEAL fc STATE. l or bale -House OVERLOOK DISTRICT. Here, folks, is one of the coziest bun galows imaginable; not large, but elab orately finished; 50x100 lot. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, a truly beautiful place. This will be paradise In a lew months with a pretty lawn, peach trees in bloom and a flue rarden; built Just 3 years ago; inui down. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Excli. Bldg. Main 600S. IRVINGTON IRVINGTON. HEAL- BARGAINS ARE SCARCE. To be convinced you must see It. Come Int. our office and we will take you out and show this strictly modern S-rooin Irving ton home; corner. 1 blk. to lnth St. car. 3 to Broadway; price only $0500, $2500 down, balance can be arranged to suit. RIELY & GUSTAFSON, 90S Teon Bldg., Mar. 1458. $9000 VIEW PROPERTY $9000. Owner will sacrifice at less than est, seven-room house, only two and a half years old, over-sized lot, fine garage, four nice bedrooms. Tine furnace. H. W. floors and modern in every way; would take house up to 5500 as part payment if in good district. Main S051. COMMERCIAL STREET. Cottage. 4 rooms and bath, nice fix tures, concrete Wall basement, full size east front lot, street Imp..- sewer, etc., for $2150, on good terms. , A. H. BIRRELL, 217 -N'. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. THIS IS WORTH W HILE? Fine' five-room bungalo-iv; fireplace, built-lns. corner.'hard surface. In Haw thorne district; this Is a great bargain at $3600. PACIFIC REALTY; MAIN 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE Ch'apest house in the city lor casn; o-room nouse ana j ioib, a oik. tT car ;.nd 1 blk. to Foster road; gas, wnter, electrfc lights, patent toilet, bath room, chicken-honae .and fence? worth $1200. Will sen for $S00. See owner at St20 58th ave. S. B., any. day. BEST BUY IX KOSE CITY. 6 fins, rooms: every floor Is hardwood; wonderful view, lovely lot, plate glass winoYws; finish h? ivory ami white en amel ; strictly modern; the price is ab surd, it is so low. Pacific Realty. M 847. . 40y Spaldinj? bldg. $250 DOWN buys 2-room house with elec. lights, gas. water, sink, cement Bid walks, lot 50x100; total price S850. bal a. nee iw aim n per cent,; gooa ouy NORD HEXXIXGSEX CO.. 401 Stock Ex.. Third and Yamhill, CLOSE IN EAST SIDE. two-story: 6-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. FULL SIZE CONCRETE BASTS MENT. FURNACE ; $3750; EASY TERM, fUiAUL.vthn, 2W SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. .RESIDENCE 271-20. LAURELHURST. $6500, beautiful view bungalow type nomfl with rooms and sleeping Dorch Strictly modern. On Hazel Fern near car. Terms. M. Billings, 509 McKay- bldg. Main 1300. NEW ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. "We have for sale a strictiy np-to-date new bungalow in Alameda Park, near car. t inished In Ivory and mahogany. Will bear the closest Inspection. M. Billings. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. ROSE CTIY PARK. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors, full cement basement, fu nace, fireplace, all built-in conveniences garage, call Tabor bSio. $6500 BUYS NEW 7-ROOM BUNGALOW IN I.AUK.H1UKSJ-; n A K D W O O FLOORS. IVORY ENAMEL FINISH1 GOOD LOT. STREET ASSESSMENTS ALL. JCAILi. WlUftJli UWiXtiK, TABOR 3323. WHY PAY RENT? BUILD. We will furnish plans and- build to suit, n you are interested in building, call at the office and we will furnish book of modern plans free. M. Billings, 509 McKay bldg. Main 3390. ONE seven-room honse and lot on Stan ton street near Williams Ave. Must be sold at once to close an estate. Phon office. East 852, or residence, Marshall 4314. BY OWNER Strictly modern vacant 6- room bouCi isuiKii Riitnen. newiy paint ed ; corner lot; nienmona car; terms. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimates, o. i. Aiiyn. 243 Stark 31. es. puune, itiuor JV4. FOR SALE A line residence at 365 E. asth at. -N. owner leaving citv agents. No commissions to pay. Phone owner, iauor mh. I $2000 5-ROOM bungalow in good con anion, on n.. .-turn st., not far from Hoi gate. A good buy for the monev Terms M. Blllings00 McKay bldg. Main 1390. TWO lots, consisting of y. acre, 5-room bungalow. all furnished. wrnrihri chicken-house, good fence and. walk, ail HOUSE and lot. 12 rooms. 10 fnrnmhH ajic, o Ain-ticiia, utuuci u , ii (j agents IRVINGTON BUNGALOW fi.-.o CLACKA "An, uu aut Ul.STLKB TEN Suburban Homes. FURNISHED 4-ROOM HOUSE, located on cnoice tract ox gardening land, with some bea.iftig fruit trees; large chicken house, woodshed and other outhouses; only couple blocks from the station on the Oregon Elec. between Portland and Munnoman: owner willing to sacrifice a. $1800. For Particulars call at 404 Pirn bidg., 127 Park st., or call Main S80. un sunaays can before 10 o clock A. M. iaat 1H07 or East 3512. OVER ACRE, $2250. NEAR MULTNOMAH. Over acre of fine land, all in ut-ii, urrit; hiiu truii; good O-room uou.-v, Mimu uni u, j coicKen nouses, . wuuusueu, ouu tetjL irom capital hieh way; some terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 Oak btreet. - Broadway 413 LARGE. MODERN BUNGALOW ll "ue vt Biuuou. lading improved county road close to Multnomah station; house is just built; has ail modern conven iences. Including large furnace and fire place; grounds ideal for a fanmp ph $5500. For particulars call at 404 Piatt OREGON CITY LINE. ,-acre; 5-room plastered house, full cement basement, electric UghLs and gas; iamny orcnara; on paved road, 4 blocks from Oak Grove. Price i:i:uin terms. See Brown & BIddle, 324 Ratl- way Cixenange Piug. Marshall 3331. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreagfe. well located nwar car line, from $1800 up. Inquiry 3d house north Of Rlsley station. . on Oregon CJty car line, sign Aiaer rsraoiz. Fof Sale Bubinefs l-oierty. FOUR fiats for sale in Kings 2d addition west side: completely modern: all fn first-class condition: each flat with own luinitce uiiu Aircpiace. On cor ner lot, close In, walking distance. In come $132.50 per month. A sulenriiri i. vestment , at $15,500. A. W. Cochran. A GOOD CORNER. . We have a fine downtown corner lot 95x100 that would make a desirable site for garage, machine shop or any other similar industry. Parties selling cheap M. Billings. 500 McKay bldg. Main 1300. FINE GARAGE SITeT 100x100 corner on paved streets; well located for garage or apartments; price reasnnaoie. M. Billings, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1300. For Saie Acre axe. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to aettiers only ; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing Ideation, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. FCR SALE 1By owner, Sy, acres of rich black son near sinron, ;iarKe to.. Wtsh. 4 (ritie from station, on electric line. 14 mile from state highway. Price $250 per acre. Address box 44, So. Cle Eium, Wash. ' 14 ACRES near Peninsula school; enough grdund to make your living; also good location for cow and chickens; pavement into city; terms for cash or will trade for good property including auto. Owner, Wood lawn 4588. FOR OREGON CITY LINE ACREAGE IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. SEE BROWN & BIDDLE. a 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. Marshall 3331. ONE ACRE on gravel road. mile south . Krroll station; 5-room house, modern throughout; small fruits, chicken yard and garage, all new; soil, clay loam. W. R. Davis, route 2, Milwaukie. WILL buy my three-acre tract at Itamapo station, close to high school; pood soil; lies well; good fence. HI Van Ness ave.. Santa Cruz. Cal. . SPLEN DI D opportunity to make money. 50 acres on . Rarr road, 2',i miles' from citv limits; $250, per acre E. H, CoIIis. Tabor 1114. 20 ACRES in Lincoln county, only $20 an acr Apply 761 Savior st. No. Horaeftteads, ReHntiuifthnieDts, HlLl'SOALE Cat Kennolj 12 years deal ers and breeders of high eradn Persian cats. Best silver and orange males that money c$n buy now at public service at reduced rates. Main 5 150. Box 22, Hillsdale. Or. WANTED To huy from owner, honie atsad relinquishment; wood for domes t ic usn. A d dress X, ca re Time. J unc tion City. Or. HOMESTEAD, good traet. valuable farm, for sale or exchange for food auto. p. O. Box 192, city. REAL ESTATE. Fralt and Nut Lands. PAT FOR THIS FARM FROM CROPS. Abont 5000 to $10,000 city property accepted on a fine farm of 40 acres In Hood river valley; half In commercial orchards; buildings, good water righta; will give purchaser chance to pay bal ance from crops; price ander $25,000, the cost to present owner. See or write O. H. Skotheim, 330 to 33 Ry. Exch. Mdg. FOR SALE 10-acre fruit 'orchard, pears and apples; 6 years old; good house and good location, near the town, railroad nearby, at Parkdale, Or. Inquire Jim Sami, Parkdale, Or. Sell cheap. For Sale Farms. FARMS FOR SALE. I HAVE A 40-ACRE TRACT - OF TIMBER TWO MILES SOUTHWEST OF SCAPPOOSE AND ABOUT THE SAME nr.CTiVPin .wtnr thf rni.rTWRfA HIGHWAY. 'OX BOUNDRY LINE BE- y TWEEN COLUMBIA AND MULTNO MAH COUNTIES ESTIMATED FROM 4 TO 5000 CORDS OF WOOD. FIRST GROWTH; TWO SMALL. STREAMS THROUGH 40. WILL MAKE FINE, RICH SOIL AND ANY CROPS CAN BE RAISED, j SOME CEDAR ON PLACE. COULD BE CONVERTED WITH "SMALL SHINGLE SAW INTO SHINGLES. I WILL TAKE $2000 FOR THE PLACE- FEW HUNDRED DOWN. BALANCE TU SUIT. OR I MIGHT CONSIDER TRADB FOR ROOMING HOUSE. . WILL DEAL WITH PRINCIPALS ONLY: PHONE MB FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS- MILLER. . TABOR 291. R ACRES. 20 acres In cultivation, 1 furnished house, 2 bams. 1 garage. 1 cnioken house, good well, -3500 cords wood, 2 yearling steers. 2 yearling heifers, 1 -2- year-oid heifer. 10 tons hay, 1 team mules and harness, 1 wagon and milk rack, also milk hauling job, paying over $200 month, 4 miles from Beaver ton, can put wood on cars - miles irom piace, some outrange. cheap if taken at once; $2500 will handle. Write W. M. Courtney, Hillsboro, Or. TAKE advantage of the greatest oppor tunity in history for the American land seeker; your money Is at a premium of 10. Invest in Alberta farm lands and get the premium as weirasnne increase in values, oeuu iur ucavi ipmo iiiim ture. LARSON & MacCULLOCH. LTD.. Killam . Alta. Can. FOR SALE 19 acres- 1 miles south Cot tage Grove. Or.; good Improvements, on good road; well fenced; a milch cows, 4 No. r and 650 Tancred White Lee- horn chickens. SO pear trees, SO apples, cherries, peaches, prunes, berries all kinds. Owner, H. L. Rogers, Cottage Grove, Or. 40 ACRES, can you beat this, $100 per acre, 15 miles from Portland, good hard roads, 4 mile from electric line and smalt town, all level good soil, 2-room box house, chicken bouse, guarantee wood enough to pay for place twice. terms, owner, m uregonian. IMPROVED FARMS NEAR GRESHAM. We have several good buys in this lo cality in 5, 10, 15. 20, 30, 40 and SO-acre places, nicely improved and well located on the finest roads in Oregon, and some exceptionally good bargains to offer. KRIPER-ELKINGTON, Gresham, Or. STOCKED and equipped dairy ranch; cream check from $100 to $250 month, besides $2000 worth of hogs and cattle per year; reason for selling faiUng health. Write box 73, Lebanon. Or. IT WILL pay you to look us up if you nhnnld be interested in the ourchase nf . an A-l wheat ranch; will be at No. f10 Spalding bunding until tne J5th of this month. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, to sug per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, gooa sou. iniaDie; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpefc S3j& 3d sL 7 OR 10 ACRES Beaverton dist. ; level; good limoer; nine crceK; terms; ejecinc near. J. R- SHARP," 63H 3d st. 5it-ACRB farm, level, cleared, fenced. small nouse, near vviuamma; i3du, 10 cash, terms. J. R. Sharp. 83 3d st.- RANCH for sale, 520 acres, private ditch. 50 acres in cultivation; price ssuuo. Mrs. John Olbrlch. Medical Springs. Or. FREE FARM lists. San Joaquin valley farms. . raui nuaier. oiuunioo, uaL ONE of the best farms in Multnomah county. acres, can Manor S044. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE CAN" SELL YOUR HOME. For quick results list your home with us. We are selling two and three every day; our system can't be beat. We spend thousands of dollars in advertising and have a steady stream of buyers. Call Main 6O0S and our expert bouse appraiser will call. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange Bldg. WANTED 4 or 5-room bungalow with fireplace; must be on paved street, cen tral east side district; not over 43500. can pay $2000 cash. Phone Marshall 4755; No agents. IF your ranch Is for sale, mail full de scription or call at office. The calls for ran ones are"gooa; let us nave your rancn while we have buyers. Get your price right, terms you will accept; we will do the rest. Coe A. McKenna Co.. 82 4th st. WANT HOUSE EQUITY. Will exchange lots or land for equity in Portland residence property, large or small. , " W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTED Apartment house or fiat build ing up to $20,000: quick action. Phone Marshall 756. Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co.. 284 Oak st. , WANTED Modern home in Irvington or Holladay Addition; must be a bargain. I will pay cash to owner; no agents ned re p 1 v. AH S53, Oregonian. WANTED 6-room modern bungalow; will pay J.("0 aown, iu per raonin. x 101, Oregonian. WANT to buy a 5-room house. Give all particulars in first letter. W 951, Ore gonian. FOR QUICK results list your house with CLARENCE PARKER. 542 Williams ave.. Phone East 1046. Farms Wanted. WANT small acreage between Portland and Oregon City; name price and im provements; near Pacific highway. AC 417. Oregonian. KT us sell your farm. Nord Henningsen ivi iiut,-rv jn.n-ittf u&c mug. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED To lease farm, 40 to 80 acres. within 15 miles of Portland. Call at 265 Everett st. TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Sawmill man able to either put jij a.w in m nnn ur nuance same, against timber about 3 million or bet ter, on a 60-50 basis; good road; chance to make money. Owner, P 04, Orego nian. FOR SALE by owner, five-room house. sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, lot 60x200, west side Laurelhurgt Park, price $4000, termsT Call week days be tween 9 and 5. Broadway 2447. WANTED 4,000,000 ft. or more fir tira- Der. nave gooa mm, pay as cut basix Address P. O. box 2047. Sta. A, Port land. Or. 80 ACRES of mixed timber, partly cedar, near river ana sningie mui, cnean for cash. Call Main 5613. LOGGING contract to let. Frcm 40 to 50 minion iir; tine cnanne. Willamette valley. R ?.08. Oregonian. OR SALE Good second-growth -cord- wood at $9 south of Wash. st. Wdln 3452. FOB BENT FARMS. HOP ranch of 50 acres to Jeass for on or term of years, river bottom soil, good dry houses, dwelling, barn and Imple ments; rental share of hops. Give full particulars and phone number Addreu AV 177. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. '80 acres dry land in eastern Oregon at bargain for quiek deal. L. M. J3IKCII, Parma, Idaho. FOR EXCHANGE rBy owner, lot 150x150, nine-room noose, garage, iruit and flow ers; want Improved ranch near Portland; agent: submit address. C. H. Kent, 443 Martelo ave., Pasadena, Cal. Wl LL exchange modern seven-room hun galow. at Oakland, Cal., for improved acreage in or near Porcland. S 603, Ore gonian. THREE lots or less in Vancouver, value $1000. will trade ior diamonds. Address W S. Shop. 001 Main et., Vancouver, Wash. A VK 40 acres in Nevada on ra ilroad; Will UilUH 1U UI uuil(,mi. u OOU, JTC- gonia n. SPOKANE improved property for Port land improved property. V 13, Orego nian. '; HAVE two lots in Alameda Park, well lo cated; will sell or trade for bungalow. Main 037. 1100 N. W. Bank-bldg. 1 ACRE first payment on house or bun galow. WS car. Telephone Bd, 63L TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ' BUSINESS BUILDING. 40x100, two-story rr- fiLTER SrnoFlgT. cupied by city water department; second story equipped with polished - maple dance fioor. The largest and best dance floor in Mt Scott The time is mature for this building to produce a good rev enoft. Will trade my $3000 equity for g-ood vacant lots or any other property I can use. Balance to assume $4500. A. C. CURNOW. 5414 48th avenue S. Be Sellwood 2S42. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS will exchange my stock of jewelry, sil verware, hand-painted chinaware and crockery, value 4500. two-year lease, rent 140, west side, for city property or close-in acreage. See Brown A Bid- die, 824 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar shall 3331. EXCHANGE. We fiave a splendid modern honse for exchange; double garage.- two baths, large grounds; fine location; if you want an up-to-oate nouse wnicn is commo dious and entirely modern, be sure to look this up at once. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. FOB SALE Horses, Vehicles, livestock. HORSES! HORSES.! 20 head of first-class horses and mares from 5 to 7 years old. 1300 to 1000 pounds. Some well-matched teams. All stock guaranteed as represented. TriaU allowed. 365 Union ave., cor. Stephens st. L. Glass. HORSES! HORSES! 20 v head of first-class horses and mares from 5 to 7 years old; 1300 to ltiuo pounds'. Some well-matched teams. All stock guaranteed as represented. Trial allowed. 3 Union ave.. cor. Stephens at.... L. Glass.. TWO teams. 1 weight 3000 lbs., 1 weight 2S00 pounds, with heavy harness, come right out of the woods, been logging; also logging truck, wide tires, all in good shape;- for sale cheap. 5624 66th st. MS . car. . . 4 HEAD Of horses out of ten to sell; ail young work horses; wt. from 4uu ids. to 1750 lbs., as I have bought a new truck and cannot use so many teams. Wood yard, at E. 80th and Burnslde sts, M. V. car. YOUNG team, mare and horse, weighing about 2700 lbs., nearly new narness ana 3-inch farm wagon. 1087 Francis ave. Wood-stock car to E. 36th st. and Glad stone ave. , Tel. Selwood 1212. TEAM Shire horses,, weighing abut 3100 1 os., aooui o years uiu, rn uinc i work ; cash, dock. " no nse for tnem; reaaonaoie ior Se Mon. in office iayior-si. FOR SALE 10 or 12 head of good horses; also 6 of 7 Sets of double harness; ail in good shape. Apply at stable 20 Grand ave. TEAM gray Percherons, horse and mare. weighing aoout ;iuiu ids.; o a.uu t year old; in fine condition; very well broke; price $300. Wood yard foot Taylor st. FOR SALF. 1 gooseneck wagon, several 8x3-inch wagons, several sets aonoie harness. Standard Brick & Tilft Co., 83 Fifth street. NOTICE, sheepmen, parties having sheep to let on shares address a. u. uomns, 1910 41st st. So. West, Seattle, Wash. Private range, 4000 to 6000. ' KP4V well-matched mares, weighing a6ou 3000 lbs., extra good worK team, ior t-300. Inauire Mr. Ward, wood yard , office, Tayior-st. qock. 25 HEAD eastern Oregon horsesnd mares. weighing 1200 to 20OO J os., in gooa snape ?nd ready to wont; price 90 to 01;. nquire Marion Fuel Co.. foot Taylor st. O T. STABLBS. 17TH AND KEARNEY. on coort vnnnff horses and mares from 4 to 7 years old, some well matched teams, everytnmg soia wun guarantee G. D. WILLIAMSON. SPAN chunky-built mares weighing about 00 lbs., in fine shape; very gentle ana true to work; tlock. price 11; I'd. T. aylor-st. 14 HEAD of horses, 4 to 8 years old. 1200 to lSuu pounds; soma, well matched teams. Inquire 564 Northrup st. FOR SALE Two heavy bunk wagons and one goose neck; a bargain. Call Maip 4107. SHETLAND PONIES. T. I. Robinson. Carlton, or., or 401 iLast sutn jn., Port land. wr RliY" and sell cattle, sneeo and coats. Campbell-Phelan Land & cattle Co., 502 couch Diog. . $100 BUYS team blocky Percheron mares weighing about 2600 lbs.; sound and true to. work. wood yara, iqpc layior st. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippiea norses. rhame Milwaukie Btf J tor results. WANTED Few milk goats; state breed, price ana parucuiurs to j- urego man. DE A D horses taken q uickly. Cash for dead cows. . Tabor 40 j. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free. Portland ttenacrme i;o. wooaiawn zo. 3 MILK goats, does. 1 fresh, 2 bucks. 04 East 7Sth s. e. labor aoa;t. 6 FRESH dairy cows for sale or exchange for dry cows. oi -c. Asn. - Pianos, Organs and1 Musical Inwtrnments, PIANO BARGAINS. Our special sale for February is on. Must make room for new pianos. We have a number of good bargains. Se them. SCHUMANN $325 GILBERT 285 WHITNEY 275 KOHLER & CAMPBELL. 260 KROEGER 350 BAILEY 270 DURAND 200 RICHTER '. 290 HALLETT & CURSTIN... 65 IRVING 265 FLAYER PIANOS. UNIVERSAL PLAYER. . .$435 With rolls .and bench. Bonds Accepted. Terms Given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125-127 4th St.-, Bet. Wash and Alder-Sts. PHONOGRAPH ONLY $1 CASH payment during our February phonograph .club sale; balance on easy weekly or monthly payments; big supply of new machines lust received: Victor. Columbia and Edi son diamond disc to select from; come- early while tb) selection is good. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Wash St.. cor. 12th St. Bdwy. 750. . VICTROLA FOR PIANO. $200 Victrola outfit, new, to trade for a used piano; get our proposition. Sel-berling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st.v Main 85S6. $15 CASH sends home n-ew $475 piano for $356, balance $11 monthly. Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth at., before removal to 1 01 Tenth st., at Washington and Stark sts. FORCED to sell my beautiful high-grade $550 piano, only used about one montn; I am moving and it must be sold quickly, sacrifice at $350, $100 down, balance in monthly payments. Tabor 8850. $25 DOWN sends new $800 player piano to your nome ior utt.1u.11ce jo monthly at Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St., before removal to 101 Tenth st.. at Washington and Stark sts. . TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please you. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 85S6. . - - - . SPOT CASH PAID FOR FIRST-CLASS CABINET TALKING MACHINE. NEWMAN, 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 0798. FOR SALE: Beautiful $550 walnut piano. $225- good tone. $130 cash, balance $15 per moath. 6S47 5Sth ave. E. E. ML Scott car to Tremont. $G00 GENUINE Decker Bros, piano, up right, nice walnut case, beautiful tone, only $1"K, $50 down, $15 a month. Brok erage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. $200 BUYS fine, sweet-toned piano, latest mahoganv stvle. Lyon & Healy make. $50 down. $15 month. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player pianos: get our prices. Selberling ' Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Main 85S6. WANTED CHICKERING, STEfNWAY, WEBER. KNABE or other high-class piano; consider grand, pay cash. V 998, Oregonian. $"395 CASH buys 1918 model virtually new $750 player piano at the Security Stor age LO., JUW ll" su fmn CASH secures $750 Steinway & Sons upright piano at Security Storage Co., 109 4tn St., ai wagoning" at. GENUINE Martin melody 'C saxophones. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 0th sL, Portland, Or. . . PLAYER ROLLS you are tired of. ex changed 10c per roll. Harold Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. ' ' WANTED A piano, at once; consider a player. Call Main 3S64 before 5 P. M. pay cash. . RENT a player piano, 6 months rent ap plieVI if vou decide to purchase. Harold S Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st NEW Columbia Grafonola and records. Cheap. East S23S. 1 PAT CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD g. GILBERT. 3S4 Yamhlil S100 PHONOGRAPH and :I8 best records for $115 vU. 5903 S4th st. S. E. PIANO wanted; If you must sell your piano cait Aiain g.iw- . ray. aa. FOR SALE York trombone. Gall Wdln. 5S49. - PIANO wanted, cash proposition, must be cheap. Marshall 1517. ... FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instrnmenta. you bTTCed !. from anyone (includiner most stores it will be worth $100 more if you spend $35 at my shop to have it properly regulated and ad justed. Expert men with references and recommendations guarantee satisfaction. Harold S. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill st. Pianos bought, rented, sold. COLUMBIA grafonola and 18 records' for $30. Call East 6867. Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE Furniture, almost new. for 8 room house, located in Nob Hill district, you can step into a completely furnished house with 4 rooms rented; rent very reasonable; must have cash. Price $130U Phone Main 2S;9. . DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California.- We can eave you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof storage. C. M. Olsea Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine s FOUR ROOMS of fine massive golden oak furniture, in good condition, $305 ; no agents. Woodlawn 5028. 1103 E. 15th st. N. FOR SALE Acorn gas range with wide oven. Call mornings Or evenings. 931 East Flanders, near 30th. MV car. Poultry. MAGUIRE'S DAY-OLD CHICKS. Chicks, per 100. Eggs, per Lf. R. I. Reds $30 $2.50to$5.00 Barred Rock 30 2.50 Brown Leghorn ..... 25 2.00 White Leghorn 20 2.00 Choice cockerels for sale, $3 to $5. J. R. MAGU1KB, 787 Oregon st Portland. East, 1S05. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION, 82d SL, 73d to 74th Aves. S. E. Portland, Oregon. Now booking orders for W. L. baby chicks Carry at all times breeding and young stock, various breeds; price in ac cord with quality; complete line poultry feeds at special prices 5 WHITE Leghorn cockerels, l-year-olL out of D. W. Young, Madison Square garden prize winners, the most vigorous birds, all over standard weight. 1347 Hood st., phone Mar. 2585, call after n tr. Ai . EGGS for hatching from thoroughbred nose tomo rc. i. Keds; nrst-prize stock: heavy -laying strains; settings 43 per 15: some cockerels for sale. Mrs. A. Breck AinwauKie ave., Koute z. Box 12. WHITE Leghorn cockerels, erood lavin strain, healthy and clean, $7 each. Phone tfit&m J.WU. or write n. Lameron, superintendent Glenwood farm, Hillsdale, ONE HUNDRED white Leghorn hens, $1.50 eacn; wnite ieghorn pullets, now laying, $1.75 each; black Minorca hens and duI- lets, $2 each. J. R. McGulre, 787 Oregon sr., near z-un. BAB x CriiCKa. - Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minorcas Prices reasonaDia. u. in. jNeeanam, Salem, Ore gon. PORTABLE POULTRY" HOUSES SHIPPED ANYWHERE . REDIMADB BUILDING CO. 815 E. 11TH ST. E. 5114. HERE'S your chance; 12 thoroughbred White Leghorn hens, all laying, $25. liiOO c. zou st. near w oouiawn car. I GUARANTEE to pick the layers; Ho samze your uoc. woodlawn 5002. THOROUGHBRED Brahmas and other laying pullers tor sale. Sellwood 70 Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, l'et Stoc k . $250 PRIZE WINNER From New York. Agent Glow unmarked silver Persian. Other new studs; fee $3 up. Portland t-at ivenneis. labor 7501. A PAIR of St. Andresbure rollers for a1 reasonable. and dark green singer. Call THE Canary Bird Shop. Female given wiiu every singer. Automatic 322-17. nai jy, atnt st. jn. GUINEA PIGS wanted, either reeular sun ply or a few at a time. Phone Main 3885. Launches and Boat. FOR SALE 20-ft lauch, cypress hull, can opy top. 20-horsepower auto engine; speed 14 mlies, full equipment, includ ing iuto seats, tool kit and iights; $325 ior quicK Eaie. &ee .ferry, eiectrician, city aryaoca, tot. jonns. WANTED Heavy-duty launch to contract tow ou-cora oarge 01 wood from St Helens to Portland; no fancy prices paid. T3-u. Or II.,!.,-.. BARGAINS in second hard marine engines. we ouy ana sen. iioeriy uoat Works. fcast 0503. CLASSY speed launch and boathouse, com plete, aooo, quick sale; owner leaving Machinery. SPECIAL One second-hand 16x0x12 Fairbanks Morse underwriters' fire pump. One second-hand 8-in. Mershon hori zontal oana resaw. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 First st., Portland, Oregon. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS Air hose, check valves, safety valves. thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Broadway 330O. 32i Couch st. a-oiisTlNG engines for rent or sale, eoa- wciw miAcio, ciccinc noiBis, construc tion equipment. Standard Mach, Co, First st. ROCK crusher, la h. p., motor, KopDel track and cars, other equipment for suie 15-HORSEPOWER new F003 engine at a reauceu price, araciric scale & supply Co.. 43 Front St. Broadway 1066. WAi 1ED- Portable sawmill. Call f.t 2743. After Sunday call room 604 Pan- aum uiug. WILLAMETTE donkey engine, fulls equipped. 403 La rr a. bee. East 6528. Typewriters, GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, soiu ofi monthly pay ments. Send for price list. The Whoie sale Typewriter Co., 321 Washington st. FOR SALE No. 6 Remington. $12; No. 4 oiniiii x-rtfiiuer. -u s wetland bldg. Main 6000. UNDERWOOD, L. C. Smith. Royal, for sale and rent, 402 Swetland Bldg. Main 6009. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter to., otft. Main 3668. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand1 rentals at cut rates. 1 u. o.. -ji starK. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona oeaigrn. r. rv . jrease 10.. nu BlXth st. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. ine iteouiu lypewrner to., o04 Oak st. BUYS a good Smith Premier type writer No. 2. Phone Marshall 881. Misrellaueous. FOR SALE Furniture, stoves, motor cycle, also five pairs racers ball-bearing roller skates and parts; leaving city Reasonable. Tabor 1013 THREE bevel French plate mirrors, 36x 56, also child s supply. 81 N. 6th. Call Monday. FANOT cordwood in 50-cord barge lots on oarge x'ortiana, $n.u cord unloading place. Write box 681, St. Helens, Or. HATS made at your home with new old -material and embroidery orders taKen. rnone bast VoG. FOR SALE A navy . blue tailored suit, with white stripes, $5.38; pair of shoes, 5-AA. Call Main 3553. FOR SALE First-class second growth fir wood, delivered any piace in Port lnnd. $10.50 per cord. Broadway 4046. INVALID'S wheel chair for sale or rent. 211 Lnmbermens bldg. Broadway 250. Call for Van Tassel. ONE pair dictaphones, slightly used 1175 C 394, Oregonian. VULCANIZING moWs for sale. Broadway. 158 E, NEW kitchen heater, for garbage burner for sale; Call at 871 E. Taylor st. ' FOR rent Vacuum cleaners, 24-hr. day $1 del, anywhere. Bdwy. 258; form. W. 12&& SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning 1 N. 1st st POTATOES FOR SALIC. PHONE BROADWAY 454. SAFE FOB SALE, in good condition. 481. Oregonian. - VAC U UM cleaners sold, repaired, ren ted exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907. LADIES - suits, coats, hats, dresses and shoes: slightly used. , 458 Plttock block. HOP roots for iaie. Springfield, Or Address bos 200, COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dretes. slightly worn-. Main 9567. NAILS Have about 600 pounds of naiia 10c a pound. Call Main 937. FIXTURES for 2-chair barber shop. Call 171 2d st. FREE SLAPWOOD. INQUI R E 41ST AND UALSEY. SODA fountain complete, bargain; large snfe. 242 Sainton. , FOR SALE Slab and block wood mixed. Call Tabor SH79. - PAINTING and tinting, $3.50 per room and up; got an estimate. Main 3t77. NEW Gurley transit, carryiug case, ing tripod. Call Tabor 6-S75. FOR SALE LADY'S HANDSOME EVEN ING COAT. REASONABLE, MAIN 14ll. GOOD manure. E. 430T. FOB SATJB. Miscellaneous. WE BUT DIAMONDS. If you wish to dispose of any diamonds, we pay full value in cash, without delay or dis appointment. Nothing too large nor too small. Spot ca-h. Any amount. Private 01 lice for ladies. Business confidential. ' Licensed by the City of Portland.. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan bldg. 2d Floor. War Saving Stamps CasheA and Liberty Bonds at a Basis of Market Value Spot Cash Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. ONE Circassian walnut Fischer upright piano, vaiue $650, will sell for $350 cashs "One Minute' electric washing machine, price $125, used 3 months, will sell lor $S0 cash; one "Acorn" electric range, used 1 month, will sell for $40 ca-sh. Phone Marshall-2531, call Monday. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS, Phone East 1954. 161 Russell St. RANGES and water heaters moved from one address to another free; connections made a specialty; plumbing, stove re pairing; furnace work; reasonable prices; quick service to any part of the city. Tabor 2307. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, pear Taylor SL DICTATING MACHINES. Dictaphones and other phones, new and second hand ; bought, sold, re n led, exchanged and repaired. 316-18 Henry bldg.. Main 2350. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gaI. $7; 40-gal., $9, tested aud guaranteed ; siove and furnace coils, gas, heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East- Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. REVOLVERS. PISTOLS, GUNS SOLD, BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. BEAUK&GAKD a, 702 Main st. Vancouver, Wash. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, in deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable root 7 we repair ana tiuDDer Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7770. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second SL Phone Main 2045. ONE folding camp cot and two folding camp stools, $2.75? one Wizard lawn mower, $3.50 ; Aiason quart iruu jars, 60c doz; two-quart, with tops, -00c. Easl 7510, or 090 Haisey. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond -and want the cah or have the casn and want a diamond, call In and talk it over. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, 355 Wash, bu, next to Majestic thea ter. FOR SALE Violin outfit, worth $40, all accessories, including music stand and case; will take $20. Have C. P. O. over coat and navy chief's clothes, will sel cheap. Wdln. 3028. FO SALE One Butterkist electric pop corn machine, in good condition. Bar gain If taken at once. Inquire 300 Main at., Vancouver, "Wash. ONE 12-gauge Winchester repeating shot gun, case and shells for $25; 1 fine re peating .22 rifle, 4 boxes shells, $10. Phone Marshall 2531, call Monday. FOR SALE A 3-burner Detroit Jewel gas stove, with Oven; it is as good as new; not used a year; price $15. Call at 0810 55th ave. FOR SALE First-class first-growth fir eordwood, immediate delivery, at $9 per cord; 'reduction made on large orders. Call Wdln. 4672 or E. 4081. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, At reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., . Broadway lUOti. 48 Front St. - WOOD DELIVERED PROMPTLY. We deliver same day, best irst growth cordwood, long steady fire; $750 per load, phone Main 3323. LATEST styles, full dress, tuxedo suits. also silk hats xor saie or rent at isareii s clothing store. 61 Third. Multnomah ho tel bldg. OFFICE equipment, desk, chairs, tables. typewriters, adding mactiines irom war dept. D C. Wax. 109 2d, near Wash, Main 4631. x . FACE GUARD CHECK WRITER. Protects payee's name and amount. You will eventually get one. Why wait? For particulars phone Wdln. 4355. LADIES light gray kid sho'es, good aa new, size 4 v, wiatn a a. jiarsnan 5714. room 10. FERTILIZER. Good rotted manure delivered any part of the city. -Tabor 2704. Main 44K5 GENTLEMAN'S stylish leather motor coat Reasonable, good as new. jnone Wdln, 4;! 5 5. FLAT and roll-top desks, typewriter desks. chairs, tables and large . sate. 42 sal mon. FOR SALE New butcher's icebox, rack and bacon sneer; win sen separate; j S. Grand ave; Phone East 3420. PRIVATE LAW LIBRARY. At a sacrifice. For Information call Main 4711. $95 FOR $160 Universal range, combina tion wooa. coar unu (eao. ouuuay, nion day and Tuesday. 191 Eat 32d st. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery, fruit trees. A complete line; teiepnone orders delivered Portland Rose Nursery, Tabor 5790. 8 BOOKKEEPERS' desks and tools, 1 foil-top oesa ana cnairs, 1 iiat-iop aesa. Bushong & Co., 81 Park st. GALLON Wayne Monarch gasoline pump in first-class condition, cheap; also 5- gallon Bouser pump, laoor a?2. SPLENDID values in ladies slightly used coats, suits, aresses, iurs. etc. slain 9567. ' FOR SALE Acorn gas range in good aon- MV car. FOR SALE Strawberries, raspberries and a varieties 01 uiaciv caps, reasonaoie. Sell. 2332. 5803 Woodstock ave.. Portland. LADIES' hats reblocked. cleaned and trimmed. itose juminery, oj Divibion street. GOLD dollar strawberry plants, dozen 25c postpaid, -t per jwvti, 1. o. u. 1. . Jr'Uls, Boring, Or.. Route No. 1. ARGE and small cash register, 10 Hoor casvs, assorted sixes, refrigerator case, safe. 242 Salmon. Main 342. FRESH CRABS, salmon, smelts; get the best at reasonaoi pri. western isn Co.. 126 1st st.. near Alder. WONDERFUL bargains in ladies' used ap parel, coats, dresses, suits, eta Tabor 2825. ' t FUR At big reduction; beautiful brown fox scarf. Just like new; will sell for $65. East 7949 . STERLING SILVER, satin finish table tray, 11x22 inches, weighs 50 ounzes, nearly new, half present price. Main 8312 $75 CHINA closet for $40; just like new. Phone East 7516. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1919 MAXWELL touring, guaranteed to be in wonderfdl condition: this car can be had fof $S50 on easy terms. Come in and see it. 109 11th at., bet. Stark and Wash. BUG BODIES. $100. Complete with hood, etc. Immediate delivery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO Third and GUsan. WHY PAY STORE? 1918 Maxwell, easy terms, f!00. 65 N. 23d st. Mar. 1428. 1917 OVERLAND, big 4. wonderful con dition, new tires, sacrifice for quick sale, $550. 109 11th at., bet. Stark and Wash. CHANDLER touring. Jn Al condition. uod privately, good tires, owner must sm at $1100 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. HUDSON, 7-passerfffer, guaranteed same as factory guarantee. SI350, 'term Broadway 4IC.5. 141 N. Wii at. MAXWELL touring, 1917. in Al condition, good tires, must sell, s.525. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1019 BU1UK ROADSTER " Run very little: 5 good cord tires; mechanically perfect. Tabor 2841. FORD hue. Al condition, good tires; a snap at $:;90. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, 'near Burnside . FOR &ALE Cadillac bug with top. ready to go; Bosch mac, tires good shape, must sell. $195. D 124, Oreponiith. NEW Ford touring car body. ' Bdwy. 1572 w Mr. Clark 1 OAKLAND SEDAN, good as new: phone I owner. Main 2160. Residence 865 Overton. FOB RLE At'TOMsOBILFS. SPECIAL WINTER TRICES are still being made on good used automobiles; buy now because you ran do ho much better than you can in the spring. 1917 Maxwell that we have over hauled and repainted, in fine hap Mi Dodge automobile with original finish, looks like new and is in fine running condition o00 1918 Maxwell, has been overhauled and repainted, also has a com plete set of seat covers, like a new car, now - 1920 Maxwell demonstrator car for sate at a bargain price. V Late Overland, good condition.... 500 1918 Liberty chummy for a quick A sale. 1918 Chalmers roadster, like new. 1200 1919 Chalmers light nix 'with not spot late model, almost new...- 150" 1917 Chalmers, very fine shape.. 1071 1918 Chandler chummy, all In first class condition 14n HUDSON BARGAINS. Hudson super six roadster; there dtp nnlv a. foat at mom out and ' this is a first-class buy 1250 1916 Hudson super six that tn a firnt-class car, one that we will guarantee to you the same as a factory guarantees a new auto mobile and carry the guarantee ourselves 120S 1917 Hudson super six, overhsuled by u. repainted and guaranteed to you the same as a factory guarantees a new car 13:0 1918 Hudson super six. like a new car. has been through our shop and we e-mintntpft It the same as a factory does a new car .... 1750 ESSEX, Just traded in on a Hud son, almost new and looks as it it hadn't been used 130$ C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 616-617 Washington St. Portland. TRUCKS, Packard 4-ton, body and hoist, $2250. Standard 2-ton chassis, only $250 down and the balance on terms. Jeffery 1 - ton chassis only; now In shop, motor will be like new; $200 cash and baiauce terms. Panbard l'i-ton, run only two months, electric lights and generator; $450 cah, balance terms. 5-ton log trailer, complete, $550. A good trailer for long poles, $200. ASK FOR JONES. AT 421 Burnide Street. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. OLDflMORTLB EIGHT, S cord tires. 1919 PATTERSON. See this one. 1917 DODGE, G-passenger, extra tire and spotlight. OVERLAND, 5-passenger. CADILLAC. 191 S FOR P. 1919 VELIE SEDAN. 90 per cent new, wire wheels. A BUY Sandy's sport model Velie, wire wheels, over drive. See this. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. TWO TWO-TON MASTER TRUCKS, demonstration, 99 per cent new. USED CAR PALACE. 61 UNION AVE. B. WAST 7717. I CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR WE FURNISH THE MONEV. IT IS PEFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO, 208 SELLING BLDG. (Second Floor.) FORD CARSr FOR SERVICE. GENUINE FORD PARTS FORD REPAIRING. WILLIAM L. HUGIISOX CO., 60 N, Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321. Authorized Ford Pea le r Since 1 903. 1912 PACKARD touring' car in flrst-elasi condition; new paint and good tirea. STATES AUTO HALE. 430 Burnside. West Side. WHY PAY MORE 7 1919 Velie, Al condition, $1550. 65 N. 2.1d st. Mar. 1428. DODGE TOURING CAR. In wonderful shape ; new top, covers, good tires, completely overhauled, looks like new; a rare bargain; terms, UltV E S. 12 GRAND AV K. N ( ). HUDSON Super-Six roadnter. good tires, has brand-nqw top and just repainted; will guiirantoe same in good mechanical condition; will give terms. Phone Mar shall 19541, apt. 42. A BARGAIN In a bug chasals. good rub ber and completely overhauled, guaran teed to be mechanically perfect; make us an offer. 109 llih at., bet. Stark and Wash. MAXWELL roadster In the very best of condition; good tires, u.nd privately; will sacrifice at $450 and glv terms SO Grand ave., North, near Bumalde. Big USED CAnS Prica Stuck right. No mfsropregentaMon COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 191 CHANDLER chummy rimdnter. a car, 5 good tires and wire wheels, repaintod, looks like new; harffHln; give terms. Phonn Marshall 113. fine JUMt Will 191H HUDSON super tlx, mechanically perfect, all new cord tires and one extra Best buy In town; cash or eay terms Un inn si., oni. fnara and vvaah. FORD truck, one ton. In perfect mechnn leal condition, good tiros; will sacrifice and give terma. JO Grand ave. North near Burnside. FOR HALK. 1915 Studebaker, in good condition. 1450 Call Woodlawn 43, 0 P. M. Monday, ask ,for Si. STUDKBA KKR four. In good mechanical condition, good tires and paint; a real bargain. $7oo. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near nurnside. OVERLAND roadster, Al mechanical con dition; gona uros, gooa paint; owner's racrifice $.5 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 FOKD touring. line new, gooa tires. ruaranteed electric carter, speedome tor. spotlight; only 5i5. Owner. Bdwy. 1704 or Main -J-. 1917 FORD touring, completely overhauled. good tire, win put on new top 10 suit, $400 if taken today. 109 1lih at., bet. Stark and Wash. HUDSON super lx. In the beit of con dition: now tires, used privately; a ral bargain. l7frf. wit h terma 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 PAIGE In elegant running condition; would consider a Ford aa part payment, balance terms. Col. CADI LL AC 8. new top. new paint, by ownor; price 1500; terms to rwponaible parties. K. "1 74. LATE nmdej Mitchell six; very cheap or would take a smaller car aa p.tri pay ment: terms on bnlane. f'ot. K.!:f. FORD touring In good condition, good ttrca. A bargain. $:i0o. Terms. 39 Grand nve. N near Burnstde. LATE!" FORD, must aell: spoiMght, haT tery. good tires, etc., $."li5. 29 4th at., Monday. - CHEVROLET roadster. 191 in A-1 condi tion. A harff;tin st S575. will Rive terms 30 Grand aye. N., near Purpside. 19lfi DODGE: you can t aford (o o this car; S'JOO down will handle. erjook Bdwy. 3n. MITCH ELI made-over trtirk. In good con dition Owner will saerif ice ut $J50. U0 Grand ave. N.. near Furn-idc. fcAN'T meet payments on my M'itrhelT, you csn have it if you keep up the pnv menlB with $150 clown. Call Main 401 .1 ULDSJIOBH.E i. in good siiHpo. n now, 5 tires. itTiim. Wdln ."HM ks like AIPKK0N b. 1U19, LliviL LW, Main FOR BALK At TOMOniLFS. BUT TOUR rSED CAR NOW. We have a few rood nd cam en hand, which were taken In on nr car. They are ail In gcod rmdMun and rdv to drlo hmm m why not it mw t We give Bcrvlcv on the 1j11uI&: Farkard twin m1"l 1-3. 7-n. Tbhi car has full equipment and two spars cord tires $;0 Fackard, -evltnflr. modl T-pa. Car ha gone tlirongh our shop and Is a buy for anyone mt 10 Nah six, 4-paja Tb bwt nd Kath in town 1L0 Willys six, 7 -passenger, like aw. $00 Studc baker big 4 -0 Studebaker little 4, a buy for 456 Cadlllao 4-eyL, ft-paas.. roed tires, spare tire DuO Chalmers six; see It We arranr the bent of tmif and chare e no brokerage. Yfur oar lak 1 as part payment on some of our upd "PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COL. 421 Burnslde St root. GUARANTEED USBD CARS. Ford touring. Iota of extras. $ Kins; 8" roadster Chalmers Light Six 10: Overland f56 Studebaker Sedan 172$ National "1 2, nw cord Ores. Just like new 14.' 1919 King ""&, run onlr 3400 mtlrs. S5t Late mndel Davie Chummy. roM tire, spotlight, bumper. 19-0 li crne, like bow 1423 Or EN SUNDAY. TBRMS GIVEN TRADES CONSIDERED) BROADWAY USED CAR SALKSROOM, R. O. WOODS, Mgr. Broadway at Hort at., opp new P. O Phone Broadway 09. A GOOD USED OLDSMOB1I.R Is a much better bur than a ehmp n-w car. Wo have acveral thai we can ro owmend. LIBERAL TERMS. 1917 CHALMERS 1916 HUPMOBIL13 ftiK) 1918 MITCHELL Hon 1918 COUNTRY CLUB 673 1917 MAXWELL M0 1915 BUICK SPECIAL 450 OI.HSMomi.K f-o , Broadway and Couch. Hroinlway 2270. HFRF5 YOU ARB. 1915 Htudf baker alx. m w lop, Al tlrra, firm paint. I'opn Hartford B-pa., new rord tires and Mpartt. 4-i 1. Mltrhell. 1913 Cadillac, thorouchlv nverhaulrd. 4-rvl. MiiltK'iin, new tiri. $100 down, $25 per month, no 1ntreit, no hrtkT;iKe. Thn tlrer irrt worth th price kd. Look them ovrr and take your pi' t. C. II. 8. CO., 05 N. 23d at. Mar. U?. USED TRUCK BARGAIN. 1 1 tn Ri-piihllr rnmplM Son 1 1 - ion Ko ul He cmnplel e $ 1 1 01 1 2-ton Ufo with cub and w Ind able $ K) ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO., I'aik at Everett r-t. TU SH GAR M'.K. 72d M.tnnd 5rli Ave. Tabor 7t'is One Chevrolet, mmlrl "490.' $,"..M. One ( )vcrl;inl, 101 1. C.O One Htndard-lMyion eik. a I "VO tn liupiiinMit' Itim. 2oo. One L. oniftMI.-. O0. ALL tiifl m vs R tADSTKL. 1919 model Scripp--ltiMMi. In rjceHnnt ronrliiion, run lft Hmn 4hii mtix. spot light, biinii"r ninrnrnftr, Wcefl riiNtna, new sp ire tiro hikI roviT. rtrie rlock, J02O J icon no and oilier -xtnfi. Price I -'OtJ Sirno tTnia. I'hnn E.-iM 2f'.'0. DODGE touring car, Just nverh;ulc la In fin" plir STATIC AUTO SALES. 450 HurntiMe. Sn4 $-,r0 OVERLAND TOURING. Recent iihmI'I, tn f 11 st - ' hi km rmid 11 Inn ; Htartor. clod rtc hk'htM. tiri-a k"I ; this is a snap: trnia hcv. (HIVKS. 12 GRAND AVE. NO A SNAP If tit ken al once, T-pH'-'nurr Olds S In p'tfoct riitinmit cniMiiti-in; new tires: must wll -ir at hui; f.m hi .-fn at 1 7 1 7 Ma w t l:n' n ir call LumI UiiHi and ak f-r Klntidi'-. rTtT'ST ""H my late 1919 niiHl"), h ciimier car. flil wind shield". Iniuin-r, itot llBht. rut-out. lol of rir;(a; rn-i fin;,? 4 montha Mgn, l I k-'II (r $l0 on torm-i. I'hnne Main 4013, WE HAVE tli9 InrCHit clock (tf unrmoinl and Fon) parts mi the mam Hid of the river. Open mid Mchi! LONG A Hll. A, 4U2 Hawthorne. Fl VK-PASS. Btilck MHO 1o"lnif cir looka like nw. only run tu niiim. twm cord tiro a, (me iho'-Iki rt;f..'i r v. iiwnr leaving city. No trade I'h- na Tabur 44'.!. DoDGE Sfil.'iti looka llko nw, roo ttrm fine tnchnnlrHlly. uplioUti'iy anl a now . buni'rr o nd ext rrt t Ire. ol hor ' extras; $IUo. Cull Frank SmiOi. Btiw. Ii:oi. . , CinV ItoLK.T tour inc. HH'.i, gooi pnlnt. Rood tirei. U"'d priv aloly ; n "nap st fT.'iO. trnia. 30 Grand avi. North, Burn-I'ie Pi'l'l iKBA K K R rosdwlor. $..O0 hns thii fi-paca car; must be a n to ba appro ciitied. li!t llfh ft, bet. Sttrk am! Wiiah. HAVING l'l my l ' paving imiiii-ps, 1 nul), .VM10 tali. ( tr' tfonl t". FOltD roodfr, 191K; llRlttf, liocka, d;n rxtran and ilecuro, Inw n 2302. No Mge,, j.;. ele.-frlo ff.(er an1 r'intal!n riton, e :.mi. photin .,n.. MAX WK.LL touring, 1917. In the hewt of oniltini. Owner mxift et. A Imrfmn at $55. 20 Grand Sve. N., fer Burn ..idc. MOTORS, gears, bearing. whe-in, a V Wo wreck all m.i ken of mm rqi their purls at half prlee. David tlnd Co.. 1Q5-T North Uiu ft. CHEVROLET tourlns. I9t. in lha Lnt of condition; r"d ttre Mu-t aell Will sacrifice at r7ft Terms Jo Grand ae. N near lturnalde 1918 FOllIt teurlnir, brand new t(re end top. median lei 1: y pcrfe. t. r nsrantevri ; il.'iO down, halanee ten nioitO.( llih ft . I"t. Stark Jiitd WfiNh. tx iDGE sedan, only run 4'nm mlten.-wTe wheels, one extra w h- el IxoUm .tut like new; a bargain at $lo.'.o. with forms. ;iQ GVand ave. North, tn at Hurnaide. WILL trale Micltisan 5-pH'peIis,.r rr value f loo. fr 1 ton I'erd t rit- U t r gun City, phone 4M Wrxr pt Suinlav Jl'to tra f T i-R. "n. ib . f ori wheela. R"0(1 new. Cull fir ai T;m el. Rro.idwav 2--0 -M Lurn hrrrtrns h U' R. 'ADl J J ,A C . I ' INK CM v D I T I O V 7 paMMcns'T, newly painted. Thor BlM. CHEVROLET IK, run ,'i mi;.-, h.-n.r ttliin nOW, On irinii. iHiirri, .i n. r- n .1 11 1 Wl 1 . L Y S B, . a d a ni y ca r 11 d -.0 me h.i " ; owtte;- of town, will -well nr fXm.(), With ea-y termw. Phone Hi d ;i l."iM K(HU roadster In "fie cnttdillon, Rord tirea: a namain mi -.- nit tot ma. 30 bAiuam Hi t''75 h t.-iini t.rand ave. NorlhL n-J(r linrnttde. 1 1 7 V lit. JU-t puflll e. . (T-.o.l (np tiros; line Wrmd'sw n nt r u;iliitnl kliitpr . terma. U7 yui SALE-New W'cstcott ; mn ... M. , n y t t illfttn it. Phono E, K t un hi or. Broadway M A N WELL totiri" k, uo.mI iie. UM,.d pallif. S nareain. " rum 'f i.r.uiu are Nnrtlt, ie:ir Binti'U', 1HI9 ELGIN (t. jn-t broke in I mini tune inmiey; ioih 01 ewrnn, i; 1 imi. I'.'tunce tnontiiiy Phne M.itn 4-i MAXWrKlJTtnurin't. In the t of rnnditiett, ttwii'Ta saciiinn iciou aO Grand ano. N.. uvar LuiiKide,