12 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1920 STRIKE HEBE IS O.-W. K. & MANAGER SAYS MEX AREN'T DISSATISFIED. 31. J. Bnckley Declares General Walkout 3ot Intended So Tar as He Knows. So far as has been heard In Port land, there has been no definite move on the part of unions affiliated with the railroad brotherhoods in the west looking toward a general strike, such as seems to have been threatened In the east and as reported in dispatches from Washin.on. M. J. Buckley, general manager of the O.-W. R. & N. company, said yes terday that thus far he has heard nothing of such a move, although he has been in unusually close touch with certain organizations of men within the past few weeks. "There has been no sign, thus far, on any of our lines as to dissatisfac tion among the men." said Mr. Buck ley. "The only thing whatever that I have seen is the little fracas on the electric division of the Milwaukee line last week, and that seemed purely local and not significant or any larger trouble." "I have received no intimation of any kind that there is to be a general strike unless certain demands of the railroad brotherhoods are met," said Federal Manager Davidson of the Southern Pacific. "Of course, it may be that a poll has been or is being taken among them to determine what shall be done in this or that case, but I have no knowledge of any grievance or feeling on the part of the employes thus far." DIRECTOR THOMAS LAUDED Stand Against Catholics Commend ed by Pythian Lodge. Commendation of the action of School Director George B. Thomas in taking a stand against the employ ment of Catholic teachers in the pub lic schools of the city is expressed in a resolution adopted by Phalanx lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias, at its last meeting, as follows: "Whereas, We note that School Di rector Thomas has openly declared his intention to support the public schools of Portland from all religious domination and propaganda, and es pecially the election of teachers af filiated with any church who would be given an opportunity to advance the policies of any church which is antagonistic to our public school sys ' tern: therefore, "Be it resolved. That this lodge does hereby unanimously and heartily in dorse the position taken by School Director Thomas and the sentiments expressed by him, and "Resolved, That we congratulate the citizens of Portland on having a school director who has. shown him self courageous enough to stand by his convictions." FARM CO-OPERATION PAYS Juckson County Bureau Reports Saving of $16,000. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis, Feb. 8. (Special.) 'Records of the Jackson county farm bureau show that $16,000 has been saved to the farmers of the county through co-operative marketing. The work there is in charge of R. D. Flaherty. W. A. McKabe is in charge of Josephine county. The two coun ties plan to co-operate. The farm bureau of Jackson county asked the county court for an assist ant county agent and for retention of the home demonstration agent, Miss Florence Poole. The court dis allowed the budget for the home dem onstration agent. Members of the farm bureau then signed a joint note lor J1-U0 to retain Miss Foole, George A. Mansfield is president of the Jack son county farm bureau. PUPILS DESERT SCHOOLS Anti-Vaccination Fight in Marsh' field Reaches Climax. MARSHFIELD. Or., Feb. 8. (Spe cial.) The public schools of Marsh- field will be depleted in attendance when they open this morning, accord ing to reports following the closing Friday night. The time limit for vac cination against smallpox ends with opening tomorrow morning, and all children attending are required to have complied with the laws govern ing certuicates oi vaccination. Teach ers in many departments reported wholesale desertions by children, who took their books home with them on Friday at close of school hours. District Attorney John F. Hall, be sieged with questions from each side cf the controversy, prepared an opin ion regarding the situation, and de clares the law is sound. BANQUET HELD AT COVE Problems of Civic Improvement Are Discussed. COTE. Or., Feb. 8. (Special.) Mrs. Hugh McCall was hostess for the Cove Woman's Civic Improvement club and its guests of honor their hus bands and members of the city council and their wives Thursday when local betterment problems were considered. Covers at the banquet were laid for 50. A programme of musical num bers was given by the high school orchestra. The speakers Included May or Weimen and Bishop Mitchell, the Rev. Mr. Hansen and Professor Kauf man. The open discussion of . the civic problems resulted in the appointment of J. W. L. Kaufman, S. H. Weimer and W. D. Foreman to arrange for a public meeting to organize a commer cial club. JACKSON RAIN DEFICIENT January Reported as Dryest Month on Record in District. MEDFORD. Or., Feb. 8. According to the monthly report of the weather bureau, January was the dryest month in the history of southern Oregon, less than half an inch of rain falling. The average for the month was 4.29 inches. As the precipitation has been de ficient since the beginning of the rainy season, farmers and fruit rais ers are becoming worried and an added impetus has been applied to the campaign for irrigation. The price of water under the pro posed irrigation district will be $125 an acre, but with the increased cost in farm products the conviction is gaining ground that to obtain water at this price will be a measure of true economy. WOOD CAMPAIGN STARTED Opening; Gun I'ired bj Organiza tion in Capital City. SALEir, Or., Feb. 8. Specia!.) The opening pun In the Leonard Wood campaign for president was fired here last night when a number of ILiXioa coualy republicans gathered In the office of Walter L. Tooae Sr. and perfected a temporary organiza tion. Temporary officers are Hal D. Patton, president; G. T. Booth, vice president; William Bell, secretary; Mrs. Z. J. Rises, treasurer; Charles Abrams, chairman of the publicity committee, and H. J. Wenderoth, chairman of the committee on mem bership. When the complete membership of the local club has been completed a meeting will be called to perfect a permanent organization. The organ ization then will be a part of the Leonard wood cluD ol Oregon. Mr. Tooze will go to Marshfield to morrow to assist in organizing a Leonard Wood club there. Clichalis DeBaters Win Again. CHEHALIS, Wash., Feb. 8. (Spe cial.) Chehalis high school debating team won another debate Friday evening when, it defeated Oakville, thus making a 1000 per cent average to date. Restriction of foreign labor for eight years -was the subject, Che halis having , Lhe negative. March 6 Chehalis will meet Raymond here on the same subject, each team having won three debates. Auto Presented to Preacher. EUGENE, Or., Feb. 8. (Special.) Dr. E. V. Stivers, the "fighting par son" of the First Christian church of Eugene, is the recipient of a new auto mobile from his congregation to re place the one he had owned for some time. The presentation was made at a meeting Friday night of the univer sity Bible classes at the church. It was a surprise. Railroad Control Favored. . CHEHALIS, Wash., Feb. 8. (Spe cial.) Lewis County Pomona Grange, at its Silver Creek meeting Friday, resolved in favor of the government retaining control of the railroads. Mr. Costello of Seattle, who has charge of the Grange warehouses in the state, and F. P. Waters of Spokane were principal outside speakers. H. W. A. Tramm, the new master, presided. Steele Resigns Club Office. EUGEXE, Or., Feb. 8. (Special.) Will G. Steele has tendered his resig nation as secretary of the Medford Commercial club and a similar posi tion has been offered him by the Eu gene chamber of commerce. No reply to the offer has yet been receivedt AUCTION SALES TODAY. AUCTION SALE. Tue'dav, 10 A. M . Thursday, 10 A. M., and Saturday, IP. 211 Second SL. bet, Taylor and Salmon. At Wilson's Auction Bonis, la A. U. FomtTur. 1SM-171 Second st. AMUSEMENTS. -I rlfKET OFFICE sale: i Opens Today J ODTT TfiBrond way at Taylor JTlGlijlU Phone Main 1. THIS WEEK ""ds".r;. NIGHTS, FEB. 12,13,14 SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. DAVID BELASCO PRESENTS DAVID WARFIELD THE AUCTIONEER 7 IF YOU ORDER BY MAIL add 10fo war tax. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Make checks, postof flee money orders to W. T. Pangle, Mgr. Heilig Theater. ?yEoSr-Floor' 3- last 3 rows $2.o0; Balcony, $2.50, $2, 81.50; Gal lery, reserved and admission, Jl. SPECIAL SAT. MAT. Floor; 82.50: Balcony, $2, $1.50, 81; Gallery, re served and admission, 81. TICKETS NOW SELLING. ANNOUNCING ANNUAL DANCE SEASON Management CITY OF PORTLAND Public Auditorium Thursday,Friday,Saturday Evenings of This Week Removable Hardwood Dance Floor in Place Largest Dance Floor in Northwest lo-Piece Orchestra Admission 55c LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Mat Dally at 2. Nighta at 7 and 9. DILLON & FRANKS with The Rosebud Chorus in Cabaret De Luxe A laughing musical whirl. Country Store (extra) Tues. night. DANCING GUARANTEED In 8 three-hour lessons. Ladira $2.50. gentlemen ...0O. DeHoney's beautiful academy. 23d and Washington. New class's start Monday. Tuesday. Thurs day and Friday eve.. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No em barrassment. My latest book describing all dances and etiquette free. Classes are large and seloct, the social feature alone is worth double the price. You can never learn dsncing by taking so-called private lessons from Inferior teachers. You must have practice. This Is the only school of Its class In the city. Learn from profes sional dancers. Private lessons all hours, Phor.e Main 7rtS. CIRCLE FOTOTH AT WASHINGTON HOCDINI IN "THE CRIM GAMK. Also HaroM Lloyd In his first J10O.0O0 comedy. "Bumping Into Broadway." Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock o liio folio lag morning. AMCSEMKNTS, TH BISTm, IN VAUDIVILLI 4 Mat., gun., Hon.. Turn.. Wed.. 15e tn 75e 5 Mchts. feting J 5c to Sl.iS; Mon., Tues. 15c to ft. COLKTTA BTAX "FOB and PITY'S I.ETA ORLOB I SAKE." Kenney Hollis; Duffy Caldwell BRADLEY AKDINE Lucille & Cockle; Klnotranu; Topics of the Day. ELSA RUEGGER This Show Clones With the Matinee Wednesday, February 11. AKER STOCK COMPANY Tonight All Week Mats. Wed.. Sat. For all the people, all the time. "ABRAHAM LINCOLN." Next week "Daddy LongleKs." Tonight All Week Mats. Wed., Sat. ALCAZAR in Geo. M. Cohan's his hit 45 Minutes From Broadway With Mabel Wllber and 40 People. Next "High Jinks." It's Some Show HIPPODROME TODAY TOJflGHT MR. CAPITALIST, MR. LABOR, "The World Aflame" Will Hit Yon a Smashing Blow See Frank Keenan's Message on Industrial Unrest "REVUE COMIQUE" Pretty Girls Pretty Clothes and Five Other Big Vaudeville Xnmbers PantageS MAT. DAILY 2:30 HKVRIETTE DE SF.RRIS MODELS In celebrated living art production?. Direct from London's Drury Lane and Keith's New York Palace. SIX OTHER BIG ACTS. , Three performances daily. Night curtain at 7 ana . MEETING NOTICES. M OREGON SHRINE, NO. 1, OR DER OF THE WHITE SHRINE OF JERUSALEM, will give a ben efit dancing and card party at V7J Christensen's hall, 11th and Yam ' hill streets, on Thursday evenine. Feb. 12. All members of the O. E. S. and their friends invited. COMMITTEE. WOODLAWN LODGE NO. 171. L O. O. F. Meets erery Monday evening, s p. M. at 444 Dekum ave.. Wood lawn hall, cially invited J. Visiting brothers espe MAROLD HART. Sec, HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12, A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) eve. at 7:30 o'clock. Refresh, ments. Visiting brethren cor dially Invited. W. H. DeLIN. Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Monday) evening at 7 o'clock sharp. Work In E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. W. S. WEEKS, Sec. MARTHA WASHINGTON .CHAPTER. NO. 14. O. E. 8.-. Stated meeting this (Mondavi. '8 P. M., East 8th and Burnside. Degrees. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec. FRIENDSHIP CHAPTER. NO. 115, O. E. S. Stated commnnim. tion this (Mondavi vnln. in... t)cent hall, 43d and Sandy. ELLA DUNN RICE. Sec. PORTLAND REVIEW. NO. 7 Special meeting has been called at the home of Mrs. Krai), 653 Hoyt St., Tuesday, Feb 10 at 1 P. M, By order of May Wilson, com mander. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 eta st. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge 'emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington St. DIED. STARKWEATHER In this city, Febru ary 6, 1920. Lucy Starkweather, aged 28 years. Deceased Is survived by a hus band, Richmond Starkweather, and two children, a father and mother. Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Farney of Hutchinson, Kan sas, also two brothers. Elza and Ken neth Farney, and Miss Farney of Hutch inson, Kansas. Remains are at the par lors of the Skewes Undertaking com pany, corner 3d and Clay sts. Funeral notice later. BERG Feb. 8, at his late residence 971 Missouri ave., Frank Berg, aged 27 years beloved husband of Minnie Berg and' father of Wilford .Berg, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Berg. Coeur d'Alene. Idaho; brother of Wilford, Herbert, Benard and Esther Berg. Deceased was a membet of Multnomah Camp. No. 77, W. O W. and Washington Lodge, A. F. and A. M. Remains at Pearson's undertaking par. lors. Russell st. at Union ave. FLEMING In this city. Feb. 7, 1920, at her residence. Capitol Hill, Augusta Fleming, aged 75 years 11 months 13 days. Deceased is survived by 3 daugh ters and one son, Mrs. Guy Randolph, Deer island: Mrs. Mary McKenzie, Fres no, Cal.; Miss Emma Fleming of -this citv and Fred Fleming, also of Port land, Or. Remains at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking company. Fu neral notice later. SCHIEBER Feb. 8. 1920, at the home of his parents, William and Florence Schie ber. 89 E. 2th st. N., Qulntin Victor Schleber, age 1 year 3 months 2 days. Remains in charge of Skewes Undertak ing company. Funeral notice later. HANZLICEK In this city, Feb. 6, Joe Hanzlicek, aged 39 years, brother of lira. Frank Kasl of Chicago, 111. Re mains are at the Dunning & McEntee parlors. Broadway and Ankeny st. Fu neral notice later. 1 SHERMAN In this city February 8 Da- . . , 1 1 I ,.k... Chan... .1 . . , ,um . uuwuiaii, mecru 10 years, nus band of Mrs. Myrtle Sherman of the Etna apartments. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5tb, Notice of funeral hereafter. CASEY In this city February 8. Leslie Florence Casey, age 26 years, beloved wife of J. M. Casey. Remains are at the parlors of F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 Bast Alder street. Funeral announce ment will appear in later issue. DAVIS In this city. February 8, 19"0 Rose Davis, aged 42 years. Deceased is survived by a husband, Stephen Davis. Funeral notice later. Remains at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking com pany, corner Third and Clay. DAVEY In this city, at her late resi dence, 899 H Albina ave., Feb. 8, Millie Davey, aged 33 years, wife of J. H. Davey. The remains are at Finley's Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. HTMAN In this city, February 8. 1920, Minnie Dorothy Hyman, aged 4,1 years beloved wife of M. Hyman. The re mains are at Holman's parlors. An nouncement of funeral later. TOOMET At Mulloy. Or., Feh. 7, Jere miah Toomey, aged 71 years, husband of Mrs. Sarah Toomey. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth Notice of funeral hcrcaiter, . . . WHITING Tn this city. Fehruarv 7 Bertram Whiting, aged 49 years, late of 1712 E. 7th St. The remains are at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Firth. . Notice of funeral hereafter. KIRKLAND In this city, February 7 John F. Klr-kland, aged 37 years, brother of S. D. Kirkland of Van Buren. Ark. The remains are at Finley's, Montgom ery at Fifth. DeLACET In hl city. February , Claudine DcLacry, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. DeLacey of 5433 44th ave. S. E. The remains are at Finley's Montgomery at Fifth. KILLORAN In this city. Feb. 8, George E. Kllloran, aged 28 years. Announce ment of funeral later bjr the Ericeoa LnaertaUns Co. ILNEBAL NOTICES. McKEOWN In Vancouver, Wash.. Edna Aiae AIcKeown, age 30 years, 11 months. 1 1 days, beloved wile oc urover ii McKeown. mother of Harold and Baby AlcKeown ol AlcAfurray. Wash., daugn ter of Mr. ana Mrs. W. H. Hamilton of Portland, Or., sister of Fltx K. Ham ilton of Klamath Falls, Or.; Edward A. Hamilton of Vancouver, Wash.; Fred W. Hamilton of Portland, Or.; Mrs. A. Meeker of Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. D. T. Smith and Mrs. F. D. De Veny of Portland, Or. Funeral services will be held Monday, Feb. tt, at 10:30 A. M. at the Monta villa M. K. church, Fast both and Pine. Interment at Mt. Scott cemetery. Kemains are at K. W. liable & Co.. E. Glisan at. TAYLOR At the residence. 625 B. Forty- seventh street North. Feb. 6, lUO, Frank Taylor, aged tii years, beloved husband of Mary M. Taylor; father of H. W. Tay lor of Wilbur, Wash.; W. R. Taylor of beattie, v. ash.; J. D. Taylor, Mrs. A. K. uavis, Airs. j. Miller and Airs. U. Clouu of Portland, or Friends invited to attend the funeral services at 2:30 P. M. touay Monuay, Feuruary U, 1::0, at Hoi man 'a funeral parlors. Third and cajinon SLreets. interment liiverview cemetery. KUNDRBT At the family residence, tJDlo Forty-third avenue southeast, Mary Ann Kundret, aged 76 years, beloved mother of Mrs. i,ila Loabo, Mrs. Km ma Fitzgerald and H. G. Kundret. all of this city, sister of Mrs. Jacob Wenger of iSalem, Or. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday), February U, at 11 A. M., from the funeral par lors of A. 1). Kenworthy He Co., 580-04 Ninety-second street southeast, in Lent& Interment at Mt. Scott cemetery. KINGDON In this city, Feb. 6, Sarah B. Kingdon, aged 84 years, beloved mother of Warren D. Kingdon of Detroit, Mich.; Samuel H. Kingdon of New berg. Or., and Justin T. Kingdon of Cheyenne, Wyo. ; sister of Mrs. Margaret A. Palmer of San Diego, Cat. Funeral services will b held at Dunning fc McEntee's chapel, Broadway and Ankeny St.. Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 3 P. M, Friends invited to attend. Interment Riverview cemetery. SOVERN At Roseburg, Or., February 6, Amos Sovern, aged tit years, latner oi Mrs. W. L. Dysinger of Roseburg. Or., K. O. Sovern of Denver, Col., William A. Sovern and George Sovern of this city, and brother of Mrs. W. M. Blachley of Lak-ecreek. Or. Funeral services will be held today (Monday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Intermenp at Milwaukiu cemetery. RICH At the residence, 212 North Port land bivd., February 6, 191W, Herman Gregg Rich, aged 65 years, beloved father of H. J. Rich, Duluth, Minn.; Mrs. D. H. King, Seattle, Wash; Mrs. R. M. McKJnley and Miss Nina Rich of Port land. Friends invited to attend fu neral services at 1:30 P. M.. Tuesday, February 10, 1920, at Hoi man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets. In terment Rose City cemetery. WATERS At the residence. 331 Four teenth street. February o. 1920. Jane A. Waters, aged 64 years, beloved mother oz Dr. Helena IN. comstock and Mrs. uu dred W. Norene of Vancouver. B. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at 1 P. M. today (Monday February tf, 1920, at Holman's funeral parlors, Third and Salmon streets. In terment Riverview cemetery. WEBER Feb. 8, 1920. at the family res idence, 1001 Kelly st.. Carl Phillips Weber, aged 41 years, beloved husband of Ellen Weber, father of Lucile and Clyde Weber. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1920, at 3 P. M., from Pearson's undertaking par lors, Russell st. at Union ave. Interment family plot Riverview cemetery. REED In this city. Feb. 5. Gus Reed aged 23 years. Funeral will be held from Dunning & McEntee 8 parlors, Broadway and Ankeny street. Tuesday, February 10. at 1 P. M., thence to Greek Orthodox church. 17th and Taggart sts. where services will be held at 1:30 P. M, Friends invited. Interment Rose City Park cemetery. CAVENDER At the family residence, 535 Reynolds st.. Feb. 8. Clyde liugene uav ender, aged 1 year 4 months 21 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E, Cavender. The funeral services will be heid today (Monday) from tne conserva torv chaDel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc. 414 E. Alder, at 3 P. M. Friends invited to attend. Interment in Riverview ceme tery. MUSGRAVE In this city. Feb. 7, Birdie Musgrave, aged 49 years, beloved wife of John Huston Musgrave, mother of Warren and Roberta Cockran. Funeral services win De conducted at tne lamuy residence, 253 Union ave. N.. at 1 Sr. M. today. The remains are at the par lors of Chambers Co.. 248-2o0 Killings worth ave.. until 10 A. M. Interment Rose City cemetery. JACOBSON In this city, February 7. 1920J Mrs. (Jlara Jacouson, late resiaence ok Woodward avenue: beloved wife of Wll helm Jacobson and mother of Louis O. Peterson. Friends are invited to at tend the funeral services Tuesday, Feb ruary 10 at 2:30 P. M.. at Holman's fu nerai parlors. Interment Multnomah cemetery. MOLL The funeral cortege of the late Eva Moll will leave the residence, Powell Valley road and Buckley avenue, Mon day, Feb. 9, at 9 A. M., thence to St. Joseph's church. Powell valley road where requiem mass will be offered 9:30 A. M. Interment St. Joseph's ceme tery. Arrangements care of Miller & Tracey. ON RE ADEN Al Salem. Feb. 7, Alfred Von Readen, aged le years a months 22 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Von Readen. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 E. Alder st today (Monday) at 10:30 A. M. Friends invited to attend concluding services at Portland crematorium. SWANSON At Jacksonville. Florida. Feb 2, Hazel Marie Swanson, aged 21 years, daughter of Mrs. Lottie Kelson. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. Feb. 10, at 2 P. M-, from Ericson s residence fu. neral parlors. Morrison at 12th St. Friends invited. Interment at Portland crematorium association vault. GILBERT At the family residence. 6203 27th ave. S. E.. Mary E. Gilbert, age 87 years 11 months 5 days. Funeral services will be held today, Feb. 9. at l -an P M.. at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder street. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. PETERSON The funeral of the late Ben 1amln Peterson, husband of Sophia Peterson, who died in this city eb. a, iq,.i win he held today (Monday) at P " t from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co., corner Third and Clay. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. irvvTKS Tn this city. February 3. Gert rude Jenkins, aged 29 years, beloved wife of Edward jenKin. uuen, wiyiw, win be held at Dunning & McEntee chapel, Broadway ana AnKeny street, mouuttj, February '9. at 3:80 P. M. Services pri vate. Interment Rose City cemetery. n-o-vv-a tr.inerftt services of the late Wil liam Francis Greer will be held today (Monday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the famiiv resilience, u&-uu v.i'.ie invited. Interment at River view cemetery. J. P. Finley & Son di rectors. BLASIER In this city February 8, Bertha niDoior. aed 34 years, late of The Pal lea Or. The remains will be for ...r..i thin f Monday) morninr by J. P. Finley & Son to The Dalles. Or., where services will be held and interment made. oarlsON" At the family residence, B615 BIST 81. O. JB. l'uuJ '"""l J beloved daughter of Mr. and lira w. Carlson. Funeral services will be held . fMnndav). JreD. v. at z f. m.. i from the funeral parlors of A. D. Ken worthy & Co.. 6802-04 92d St. S. E.. in Lenta Interment Multnomah cemetery. SEWARD Funeral services of the late Walter M. Seward will be held today (Monday) at 8:30 o'clock P. M. at Fin lev's, montgomery at 5th. Friends in vited. Interment at the Portland crem atorium vault. PRENDERGAST Funeral services of the late Millie Prendergast will be held this (Monday) morning at 10 o'clock at Fin ley's Montgomery at 5th. Friends in vited. Interment at Riverview ceme tery. . GARNER At the residence. 622 Broadway Drive, February 8, James Garner, aged 69 years; beloved father of James A. Garner. Notice of funeral later. Friends invited. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. PICHETTE The funeral services of Fred erick Joseph Pichette will be held today, February 9, at 2 P. M., from tho con servatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder sL Interment ML. Scott cemetery. LOGAN The funeral services of the late Frank L. Logan will be held Wednesday, February 11. at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Finley's, Montgomeryat Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview ceme tery. LOCKE Funeral services of the late Anna Locke will be held this (Monday) morn ing at 11:30 o'clock at Finley's. Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends invited. In cineration at the Portland Crematorium. SHARP The funeral services of the late Sarrah Sharp will be held Monday. Feb ruary 9. at 11 A. M., at the chapel of Miller Tracey. Interment at Mount fcoit Park cemetery. DAVIS The funeral services of the late Lorene Grace Davis were held Sunday, February 8, at 3 P. M., at the chape of Miller & Tracey. Interment will be made at Multnomah Park cemetery. XAYLOR Funeral services of the late Peyton Taylor will be held today (Mon day) at 1 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at. 5th. Friends invited. Interment at ilt. ScpU Park, cemetery, j Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed, and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, special auditor and accountant on involved accounts. Sys tems established and maintained; income tax service, references. 78-8 Plttock block. Phone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladies' gar ments, reasonable; work guaranteed. 1. Reubln, 408 Bush & Lane bldg. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Gold, -silver and platinum bought. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Day and night school. Alisky bldg. M. 324. CAFETERIA. B. & A. CAFETERIA. 202 Broadway, near Taylor. Home cooking, best quality, CARPET WEAVING. DlinOThe kind that wear the best are nUUwmade from vour worn-out carpets Dy tne iNortftwest Rug Co. (tormer ad dress 153 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Man orders solicited. 1S3 8th mt. Phone East 3"80. B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mail orders prompt. bend for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, $1.50. 64-56 Union ave. N. East 6516, B 1475, FLUFF RUGS. Old carpets made into new rugs, rag rugs and carpet cleaning; mail orders prompt. Montavilla Rug Co., 1984 E Stark. Phone Tabor 7314. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING SIZING AND REFITTING FLUFF AND RAG RUGS WOVEN ALL SIZES WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. B- 17th St. Automatic 213-14 CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1234, CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon, 100 Chriroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easiest beat, permanent. 31 "treats" 815. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger- imger niag., s. w. corner 2d and Alder, Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 1081 CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal Dunaing. Marshall 582. Multlgraphlng, mimeographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg.. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900. DANCING. LEARN to dance where each pupil receives personal attention. Private lessons 75 cents. Hours 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. 804 Eilers bldg., bet. 4th and 6th on Wash ington st. Main 5004. MRS. SUMMER'S Berkeley dancing acad emy, 129 4th. Lessons day, eve.; class Thurs. Ladles (2.50, gents 53. Main 3318 MRS. BATH, 308 Dekum bldg. 10-class lessons. $5. Beginners Mon. eve. Private lessons day and eve.. Main 1343. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Misl Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Eilers bldg. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND, and Repaired ' Bought and Sold. NICHOLS , ELECTRIC WORKS. 248 First St. Main 871. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st. Portland, Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy.1045 A 1046. MACHINE REPAIRING. ENGINE and machine repairs, jobbing work and installing macninery, gear cut tins, universal grinding. Phone East SS.V, 254 East Sixth. Residence, Sell wood 1498. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE1 CO., 84-86-S7-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & Co.. Second and Taylor. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for tuneral services JONES AUTO L.1VJMK. aarsnaii iiv. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS CM 4th St.. Opp. City HalL Nea Bros. PVBLAELSING GRANITE CO. Rr HlBD AT MADISON STREET FLORISTS. LUBLINER TWO STORES. We strive to please. 328 Morrison, Portland hotel. Marshall 733. 348 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. & Park. Mar. 257. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists. 354 Washington. Main A izuh. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. rr.iRKR BROS., florists. 287 Morrison at. Main 770W. Fine iiowers ana uorai ae- signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND ROSE NURSERY, shrubbery ana ianucmjm&. mu, .,.. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 3121. Sell- tng DUIIaing. frixm anu amcr pia. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S7 Washington St., bet. 4tn ana otn. aiain oiu-. a iipi. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ;dwardholman &SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Leas. IndeDendent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between -0th an 4 ziBi streets, west siae. Lady Assistant. Main 2(5ftl. A 7885. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine St. Phone Broadway 430. A 4558. Lady Attendant. J.P, FINLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of home, ltith and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Home, A 213S. ' F. S. DUNNING. INC.. 414 K. Alder. Phone Kast 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free ue of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successor to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah st B. 7th. Kast 5. Irvington district. T T TTPPTT K- 11,h anii clay "'a T 18o3. ERICSON 'rWel,khroiawy 34n at"- A. D KENWORTHY & CO., B?02-04 !Jd St.. Lents. Tabor 5267. R7TI IAD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. I LCkUHil UUi East 10S8. C 1083. BREEZE & SNOOK t103; BtKWKS UNDERTAKING COMPANY. d and Clay. M. 1162. A SZiL Lady assistant 9 FERTILIZER. Fertilize your land If you want big crops; read about "G. M. Wonder In our 1920 catalog. Koutledge Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d St., Portland. Or. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 1S7 W. Park NURSERY STOCK. ITALIAN PRUNES. LOGANBERRY TIPS, other varieties trees and plants. Let us supplv you. Order now. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY, lWU Chemeketa St.. Salem, ur. WE CARRY a full assortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. OREGON NURSERY CO.. Orenco. Or. MUSIC TEACHERS. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac- t)i. nl... t 1. J .. mr Atv. 2.",.',. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubenstein, the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglnsses a very moderate prices. Tories. ivryin. also the cheaper grades. 226 Morrison. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. nr.Ast7.s at A SAVING. rl solicit your patronage on tne basis of caDable service. i uuu- unH. r.t uaTlufieri rllHlOmerl. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good. man. optometrist. 209 Morrison, m. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST Xfs ed with modern instruments. f:i,...a. ?rnm 'l .",11 UD. A. E. HURWITZ, optometrist, 225 First St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PJTKVTS tliip nrarllr. hnM extended over a period of 74 years. All communications strictly confidential; prompt, euicieui, conscientious service: handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco office, Hobart bldg.. 6Sj Market St., Chicago office, ' room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 103. 625 F. st.; New York oftlce. Wool worth bldg. . R. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum hldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 212 3d. M. 797. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbein, Manager. Printing and linotyping. lOOVi Front St., corner Stark. Main or A 1418. DDIMTIWf! F. W. BALTES& COMPANY I fi 111 I III U 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. 511-65 PAINTING AND, PAPERHANG1NG. FOR PAINTING, PA PERH ANQING KAL- SOM1X1.NU, S1U., ALdLi i.uw,. . AND GET IT DUNE RIGHT AWAY. PAINTING. C. H. TERRILL. house, sign painting, pa pering, tinting, tauor .mi. ow . POULTRY SUITLIES. L-.,.rUthini, needed and used by prac tical poultry keepers; catalog free. Rout- ledge Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d St.. Port land. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 9072. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUB6AU, oui Dekum Diag. u. o., iuit TRANSFER- AND STORAGE. "IjreMOuto despatch The Service With a Reputation. MOVING-PACK'G-STO RAGE -BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch W Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan at.. corner i:ith. rnone cyj j-o . 3169. We own and operate two large class' "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest lnsurancgrates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C M OLSEN TRANSFER CO., 24S Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER TO .103 PARK ST. MAIN 519.1. A 1051. "veterinary. RO;E CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL. i 5 K..t 7th. East 1S49 and 219-02. S1ANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA HARK, KAHM BROS., 193 Front Bt. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PII'E. THE M. LLINE CO., 84-88-87-89 JFroni. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, EVERDING & FARRELL. 140, Front st, ROPE AND BINDER TWINE Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. ' SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. Bate for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Dttilj mod Sun day Per line One line 12 Two consecutive time 22 Three consecutive times .......... Sue Seven consecutive times 6Se The following; clatut If .cations excepted, the rate of wbirb Is 7c per line per days Situations Wanted Mule. Situations Wanted female. So ad taken for less than two lines. Count six words to tho line. Advert! hc ments (except "Person als and Situations Wanted") will be taken over tbe telephone If the adver tiser Is a subscriber to either phone. .No prices will be quoted over tbe phone, but statements will be rendered tbe fol lowing day. Advertisements are taken for Tbe Daily Orrjtonian' until 7:30 P. M.; for Tbe Sunday Oregonian until 6 P. M. baturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged era elty to animals. Office, room 151 courtnouse. rnone Main tm irom 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 36 Columbia Douievara. raooc any tine, vvooa lawn 7b. uokb lor sale, tioree am bulance for sick or disabled horsea. Bmall animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals carea tor. NEW TODAY. WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARPETS. Rags and Woolen Clothing;. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly. Rag Rugra Woven All Slaea. Hail Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Refitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO, lhS East Sta St. Phone East 3580. MORTGAGE LOANS Repayable by Installments If DesUcd. Lonrest Interest Kates. Km ' Delay in Closing. A. H. BIRRELL GO. Z17-21S Northwestern Bank Boll diss. Marshall 4114. STORAGE SPACE Inveatlrate Onr Plant and Rates. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High CostsT CLAY S. MORSE. INC, Drayace and Storage. 12 tk sad Clissjt, l'bene BdTry, 3410, NEW TODAY. GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut SHIPPED ANYWHERE or Erected in Portland Material and Workmanship Guaranteed r lrst-ciass Send for Circular REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 31S E. 11th St. Phone East 6114. PORTLAND. UK. Garages PORTABLE 4n CUT READY TO BUILD HOUSES MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION CO Salra Office 802 TITLE & TRUST IUII.DIG. Tel. Mala 4724. Factory Foot Williams Avenue. P. O. Box 244. Wondlnwn 241 NEW BUNGALOW fivk noons A-n ;ra.k. o PAYKI) S'l'HF.KT AM SKWF.lt. FIHXACK. II 4 II I) WOOD FLOORS, WILL TlVr TO SUIT. POSSKSSIOX AT O.Mi; Price $6500 . $1500 Cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 7 Chamber of Commerce lllds;. Mala SOS liriNirb tut Ice l Forty-fifth and Sandy. Tabor 2004, Send Us Your Old Carpet (We Call and Deliver) Old Rag and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible, Uand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Size Flnff Raga, Woven. S17.SO Ran- Rats Woven All Slsee. ' Clothes cleaning and Dyeing depta. Hail Orders Send for llooklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 9ll2 Rim, Steamed Cleaned. $1.30, WESTERN FLUFF Rl'Q CO, 54 Union Ave. N. Phone ttaat asia FOUR FLATS FOR SALE IN KING'S SECOND ADDITION, WEST SIDE Completely modern, all In first-class condition, each flat with own sepa rate furnace and fireplace. On corner iui, ciuse in, warning distance. INCOME $132.50 PER MONTH A SPLENDID I.WESTMEXT AT $15,500 A. W. COCHRAN 818 PRECOMA V Bl ILniNO. 5y2 Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co. C. S. Bank BulldtaK. REAL ESTATK. For Sale Lota. HOMK BUILDERS. We own many lots in different part or the city and in suDuman atmctn u lolnlne: orlcps rantra from $-'M to l.'l.'oo, Including almost every character of me dium and nicrh-ffrade building sitea. ATTENTION ! ! t AH possible assistance will be riven those dealrlnir to build and own I heir homes. A limited number of econd mortgage contracts may b entered into with responsible builders. W. H. HOSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS VIEW LOTS $1600 Now Belling at new prices. J. L. KARNOPP St CO.. Sift By. Exch. Bldg. Main TB. A FN A P. A few lots In Willamette S.12.) each, all Improvements shall 4441, apartment 210, and 2. addition for paid. Mar between 11 CHOICE Ro.e City Park lot. only block irom Aiameaa orive. on o-iin St., sewers In. Ht. pa veu. ail pain; this Is an ideal lot to build on. fte owner, 605 E. o5in st. N., or im:: fsany oivo. OVERTON ST. Beautiful lot between 2a (h and 26th sts.; cash or terms. 208 N. YV. Bunk DUllGllig. Aiurniiau uui i. ROE CITT lot. 50x100. MM near Thomp son; iBi-CT wrai, airrei; must Sell to close estate; make cash offer; will Clear ail asamenia. laoor FINE comer lot. fruit and shade trei-s, on canine, warning nisiance to H roadway badge; price $:00. Owner, 4U Shaver Ft Phone Wdln. l."i0. IP TOU want to 'buy two Jots near Reed institute vncap wuw k. is, rseardsley 10.S7 86th St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. BEAUTIFUL location. Laur,e1hurst, lot 20, blk. an ciear. :uuu. a -UK, Orego nian. MT. TABOR HEIGHTS view lot. 75x100. cement warns paiu. se it. Frank We Farland. 602 Yeon bldg. BARGAIN, by owner, cor. lot. 75x100. Bos ton and iftirraio sts., block south of Lombard. $4!Kt. terma. Call E. 6660. GOOD Irvington lot. 2 blocks from Broad way car, at aacriiice lor cash Tabor 6334. LOT 50x100 ft,, cleared and Improved, near Kenton, fnone voociiawn sil. For Sale Flat and Apartment I'ruorty. 2-FAMILY flat building in beautiful Wal nut Park; strictly moacrn, double con structed; each flat contains 6 rooms and sleeping porch; furnace, fireplace and all built-ins; 2 housea for a little more than the price of one. Buy from owner and save commission; part cash. baL terms. Woodlawn 41a0 For Hair Beach Property. $1500 CASH takes the prettiest lot in Sea- tase, ready for occupancy. II. W. Ogden, owner. tox 316. Seaside. Or. For Sale Houwea. $1000. i00 cash, j-room plaatercd bun- aiot, uai . sa sw. vavir COL U st S. E. Tabor &S8T. 7 ROOMS, Willamette Heights; oak floors, furnace, uruyta'-c, uuu tiiuiuuing; SiovO. Fast !- SEE Frank L. McGulra to Insure agalaal Sxe. AoinaTton piuk. aim tuwa. THE modern home of the lale N. C. Toi hie on wiiianiPTTe n'-ipniw. r.. a:.n. MI ST ell fi-rm. bungalow. 100x104), fruit; fjHOO, termy. "- paining nnig. 30 MTNUTES by eitrln or litghay, 1 1 000, acre ana nice wungaiow. Main ,io. ;i)00 FOR 7-room houae, at. Johoa, lot 50x100. Main ioiL HEAL rWTATR. For Sale lloue. HART TO UK AT FAIR. TWO ll'S!'A I.I.Y ATTKAT1VB Pr.N'tJALoWM, AIONTAVII-I.A IM.S T $JJ0U o-rmm st ritrt ly modern. It If enamel fuiUh thmunhont. M.-al floor plan, neat and attru'-'lvt.'; a home to h p? imm! nl and C In price Is $;.oo uiiil.-r aaie Itifn'i a reason; $4hi dnwn. 22r0 Well -arranged ,Viorn bungalow, r ept Ion lis H, living room, din ing room, kit '-hen, bed rnom s, bath and tnivi; Al condition, fruit Wrfy, horrlrs and fopcn, am ple garden space. H haw icrr had a hinmr bargain iu Ihu of fice; fitoo .town. Theae two bunfta.nws should sell on sight. Pre the in today, Urnuiw tuay be too late. Mllin-CAKKY CO.. Slfl Ry. F.xih. H.dg. Main NEAR ROSE CITY CAR. $3000 buys a dandy 4-roorn bungalow, bath, Dutch kitchen, h;iMtiiient ; olo lot; garHge mm pic le w it h, cement lloor In runway; sanitary rhhkrn house nml yard ; nicu garden space, la w n shruU bery; only 2 hloi km to car llty ; s ! (loan, balance a monih and silliest. J. K HARTMAV COMPANY. T Chamber of ommree Jll'tg. Vain ?oa. Branch Office 40th and Sundy, TU.x .'Vol. BUY THTfl HOVE ON TtA8IS OF MONTH I, V UKNT A I .. DANIiV FOP It-RO M HI' .r; ALOW, RIGHT OFF JiALM;V ON 7.TJI T., MONTAVILLA 1 l STRTi T, To. LET, BATH. (JAS, FI.Ki'TltU'lTY. HI II T IX KKKKi'TS. PANKl.lMt; CEMENT MI'i: "WAI.K; FINK LAWN A.M G A If I K X, WITH FHl'tT TUEES A.l Ft . F it S : CHH'KEN-HOrsK, FULL LOT; l.'0 C SH. I' A LAVE fi: PER MOM H. WITH INTEIiKT AT T1HH WILL PAY FOR tol'lt HOOK ON I : K T A I BASES. PHONE FOK A ITi H N T M KN T MILLER. PHONE TAHOU IC'IM. FOR HLK. Piedmont, ion M0, 7 rooms. R P., modern, hardwood floors, f ireplnc, built-in, garaite, shrubbery and f rut t trees, ftJTiU, terms; Immcdiala poca- Bl Oil. Alberta, 2 bungalows, earn S 3"On. 4 rooms, floored attic, hardwood floors, built-in; terms. Waverly RP-hmond. corner. rooms, modern, hot Water heatlliR. 14000. t'Tms Irvington. modern, 6-room, fc let ping porch, .o x I OA. aroo; tern-N UNION 8AFK LEI'OMT 4 TRUST CO., 2S4 Oak M. . TWO-PTORY, 8IX-ROOM JIOMK, OVERLOOK I1S I Rl T. J7;. A modern weii-buM home, ;t large bed rooms upstairs. houe imlv but it 4 years and in Al shape; solid brh-k U basement: near St. Johns car line. Tun is a graud buy. a money-h.irk guaran tee goes with this hotno; French doors and windows, fruit tnrs and berr.ca, $1000 down. HIHR-CAREY CO.. 21f Ry. Exch. Hldg. Main twna. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. TR1CB ONLY $0000. 7-room modern bouse In bet part of Irvington, 1 hlo:k to Broadway car. lias fireplace, f ui aace, hat du ood (Ionia, etc. If you iee this you vHI 1'iiv It. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 205 Oak btrcxL Broadway 4133. IN BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE tSKCI'lON. The lat word In modern 6 rminin, sleeping porch, full cement bar meni, furnace. fireplace, built-in book ran-, Eftvptlan bullet. Luxemburg kitehni, oak floors, telephone, aiuunt cleaner and light plugs in every room : corner lot, gaiage, tw o InrRc I rees. Improve mt'tilH In, price $(((mmi, term. Am lead ing city. See owner, corner oM h and Tuggert, one block weM ol :i:th st. A FINE Itl'V. W'e have, a fine, modern bungalow In Walnut Park, one of Portland's rhH'e.t residence districts. Thl home bus hot water heating plant, hardwood floor, built-lni. Dutch kitchen, bat h on hot h floors. In fact everthing. owner wants to leave town and will aoll at a bar gain. ,M. Billing. TOO McKay b!lg. Main 1".QA. 119.000 "iRVINOTON HOME. This u one of trvttmrtou's show cor ners, large living-room, dining-room, breakfaat-ioom and library, all o d Ivory and nianox'iny ; hot -w liter Deal, tiled bais. looxloo grounds, bcuiituul fohsse and nntuntl trees; double gama. Th-s horn) is 4 years old. So this and enjoy a real home. Eaat M luunell. ALAMEDA PARK. 5-KOOM Hl'MJAIiOW. Five-room bunuaiow, with large att ir, doubly construi Led t hrouurnmt ; has hardwood floors, f ireplsee, turtiMce, all butlt-lns, etc. If you wunt your money s worth and more, call and see ua, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 805 OAK hi. BROADWAY 4 I '.IX OR SALE by owner Strirtly modern up to-dnt, 7-room house with laiK ip ception hn II. bard wood I iwn, in tin heart of irvington dlbtrh i, lot ."ivluo with vara rh, 4 b.o ka from IrvlnKion school; cuh or tcruii. This Is a snap for onn who desires a hcuHlul hoiow. Call Mntn h;,T1 we. k-diis. i-mid ay and evenlnss, Kuit L'Oin, ARK YOU LOOKINO FOR A HOME? WE HAVE THEM. Aids SIZES. ALL PKICKS. IJiADINO lE A LE KM IN CITY. CALL AMI SEE I'M. RKLLUiLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 oak Street. Broadway 413... A REAL BARGAIN. For Sale by owner. .VRooiii Modern ioti ;. hO00, b'ituaiei No. ti-i;i'l loih st. S. L., Corner u.th 0 Blocks FrcmT i'r Line. Prlca for Wubk halo llsnu, Cafll or Terms. Phone owner. East L"h or E;iM M:G. B AUG A IN B A lit! VI N HA R i A 1 N. Just think of this. Below the tni; la Rose City Park, near in h and handy, we have to offer ou a o-room niod rn bunvalow on lot ."lOxloo: puce $4uoo, $1000 down, balfa.i,r to suit. RI ELY At Ol'STAFSoV, ftQ.S Yeon Hldg. Mar. 14 OR SALE BY OWNER, rt.V0 Atlrse- tive Willamette Heiuhis home, n room, a I o one roorn in lafement, north and South porches, 2 toilets, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, china clot. et and all built-in eHect. 1 block from car. For appointment phutie Sell wood L'43. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anthlttg; furnish plans ar.d finance. Etatll.h tea years. He offer SECUltJ TV H-iKVK li, tSA'liSFACTloN. L. It. Bailey io Inc 914 N. W. bnnk bldg. NEW IRVINGTON Ho.M 1".. H large rooms finished In oid Ivor and decorated with artistic paper. J fireplaces, bent of plumbing. If ou are looking fur a real home don't f.iil to sea this one. on I'-d st. bet. l-'kjiHi and Stanton. Tabor ni4 or Tabor 111-4. Turner Winshlp, owners. IRVINGTON, BKAUTIFPL COIINHR. 13.&ou in larite. artistic rooms, mrea flrepiacea, Engllah living room, balcony library, selected mahogany, plate glass throughout; pergola porches with w i- teria vines, l"ux iou grounus, naiursi trees, near -id and lr azee. peart off Irvington. UcDonnll. East 4 lt. IRVIM3 TON. PTRICTLY MODE It .V IRVINflTOV HOME. 0 ROOMS, SLEEPING PtK(H; CORNER LOT; L A R G K A R A li E, WIGHT TAKE SMALLER HOLSK. POIND E. T Kit, J SKLLINt; HLDO. MAIN IStHt. It r.t 1 1 '1. .X r. 075 BUYS good .1-rootn limine on corner lot. near hard-surface- roan. i'.u uoan. balance $13 per mouth; this is a real NUHU ri i! i i i . r 401 Stock Ex.. Third and Ywtrfhlll. F i EST ON 1 1 1 N G A L o W . 5 rooms; convenient .to FratxktUi Hh and to car service, well eonsi t u ted. nut plumbing, tor - ,''y-.::'in lo 17 X. W. Hank Bldg. Mn'ishnJl 4114. EST BI'Y of home in cliy, 0-rooin mod ern hOUSe, Sleep"' amna-, H'T.' fruit of all kinds, on 3 loin. fV-oO, half block of Mr. 'iauor car on ooin ai. aiiio m a t ic. L'lO-OJ. IRVINGTON $7000. Right artistic rooms, full lot. garare eavV term; I"" "Ullh"'"". lot. garage, $U.i00, terms. McDonell, East 4iu. KENTON AR. Cnr.v 4-rm. bouse, lot d:ixlrv, all lol f fruit; al'i i'1 l,HP" K(,"P him- Urma CrhJn Wood la an o-f-'M, ' IEKN' l'J-rooin residence. on of tbe teaui n i 1 " 1 1 IllOicru, " K'f S ...t.tMMI. W. Hank ImU. . livKtiMN' in 10 room nio.1. rn Ii.mi n; $liiO. terma 1'or luiurniatlon '!- vitR HXI-K or "'" a mi-room mod.rn lioui-n " a clmrrd srr. nf arnnnrt. for i ciiarr r'''" v.iu. tiooo. i Home. C.ll TlMr l-4. IRVIN'iT'J.N HOMKS KAST T KT11KKT. If!V. AOT. m7r"ll-H''r'' fiirnl!"l l . ...him .-otlnr.: ll"or(,. r.H't "4th