Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 07, 1920, Page 20, Image 20

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"The Girl He Left Behind" and "The Conqueror" Famous Paintings on Exhibition in Our Sixth Floor Auditorium
1 New Shipment!
The Fox Trot Record
Everybody Wants
Columbia 10-inch D. D.
record with "Wild Flower
Waltz," 85c Sixth Floor.
Sunset Must Replace Theater
With Modern Structure.
The- Quality' Store of- Portland
ru, AixUvTterrisoiv Aldn- 3ta.
Today at 5:45 P. M. the first of four weeks of wonderful value-giving comes to a close
O v " '
6 6 O
V-9 1637
Rumors Current That Metropolitan
Corporation Is Negotiating for
" Building to Rise by 1933.
Reports that the Metropolitan cor
poratlon, a 5 and 10-cent store com
pany, was dickering- for a lease upon
quarters at the southeast corner of
Broadway and Washington street,
now occupied by the Sunset theater,
and that a new building might be
erected there in the near future, re
ceived increased credence yesterday
when it was learned that through the
provisions of the leese upon the prop
erty the lessee, John A. Jennings, will
be required to erect a building of six
stories or more before 1933. Mr. Jen
nings fefused to make any statement,
but acknowledged that a deal is in
The property belongs to the Mc
Ginn estate, and was leased in 1908
by Mr. Jennings for a period of 25
years. Henry E. McGinn said yester
day, when asked regarding the prop
erty. Under the provisions of the
lease, Mr. McGinn said, the lessee
agreed to pay a stipulated sum a
month and in addition pledged him
self to erect a new building of six
stories or more upon the property
Fome time before the expiration of the
lease, the time of erecting the build
ing being left entirely to the lessee.
At the expiration of the 25 years the
property reverts to the McGinn estate.
Rental Gradually Rises.
The monthly rental provided by the
lease is understood to have been $2000
for the first ten years, J2250 a month
for the next five, and $2500 a month
for the last ten years. That the Mc
Oinn estate would fight against any
deviation from the lease, and would
Insist upon the building being erect
ed". Mr. McGinn said.
. The quarter-block, now rated
one of the most valuable pieces of
property in the cily. was purchased
by Cnarles McGinn in the early "60s.
Mr. McGinn, who died eight years
ago, was a pioneer baker of Port
land, and tor somj years operated
bakeshop at the corner of Broadway
and Washington. His widow, Mrs.
Anna M. McGinn, is still living, and
receives the income from the valuable
property of the estate.
One of the two lots making up the
quarter block was purchased by Mr.
McGinn in 1861 for $700 and a gold
watch in trade, while the second lot
was obtained for $1500. Today the
assessed valuation of the two lots is
$358,000, while the income under the
lease for one month now exceeds by
$50 the total sum, paid for the prop
erty less than 60 years ago.
Booking Are Checked.
- The Sunset theater, it is under
stood, has booked no further than
two months ahead, and the Metropol
itan company, a concern dealing in
general merchandise up to B0 cents
in v.-ilue, is to occupy tfce quarters in
the near future.
When asked regarding the provi
eions of his lease upon the McGinn
property and the possibility of build
ing a new structure in the near
future, Mr. Jennings sard. "You'll
have to think as you will about that."
The J. C. Penny company, another
B and 10-cent chain store company,
will locate in Portland in the near
future also, arrangements having
been concluded for a location on the
ground floor of the Couch building.
Fourth street, between Washington
and Stark. The Penny company has
nearly 200 stores throughout the
country, and it has been known for
some time that the company planned
to locate here. The Schwan Piano
company, now occupying the quarters,
is already making plans to move, and
on February 28 will occupy new quar
ters at Tenth and Stark streets.
Spring Veils
Ostrich Feather
veils are a brand new Spring
fashion. There is a pretty mesh
to go over the face and a smart
ostrich feather collar in mid
night blue to match the veil,
"Norma Talmadge"
veils have a plate effect of braid
ing to rest on the top of a sailor
hat, the drapery for the face is
elaborately braided and then
there is a long graceful ar
rangement to hang in the back.
The hat needs no other trim
ming, $5.50.
"Princess" Veils
are another spring creation
square meshes fastened to nar
row ribbons which tie demurely
in the back in a most captivat
ing way, $1.25.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Fascinating Blouses $2.49
They Were $3.50 to $6
And most of them are the higher priced kinds. Easy
to see that. .
The fiber silk-and-cotton mixed tailored blouse pic
tured is . common sense, without being commonplace.
The frilled' blouse of printed voile is of the expensive
sort that thrills New York at the present moment. " .
The round-neck voile blouse with embroidery and
touches of Venise is very attractive and smart.
But, fascinating as they are, we want to speed their parting. All
are oddments broken sizes some with marks of handling. So
please take enough to supply your summer needs if you like at
this decided economy.
Dozens of styles. Sizes 36 to 44 in the lot.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Spring Fashions for Women
Short Sports Coats $17.50, $19.50, $25, $35
Plaid Sports Skirts $10, $15, 17.50, $20, $25
Coats are short, loose, comfortable
affairs with tiny shoestring belts,
mannish collars, plenty of pockets. A
few of the more dressy kinds have
contrasting collars of leather or angora-like
contrasting wool such as the
artist has sketched here. Mostly in
camelshair effects, some in tweed.
They look irresistibly jaunty and
ready for good times.
Skirts are of light-weight plaids in
medium width for rapid walking.
Either plain style or closely pleated
at the sides, as the picture shows.
Almost every garment in the
Fashion Salons is NEW. Please
come in and enjoy the charm
and freshness of these spring
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
$12.50-$15 Bags
Men's and women's service
able black and tan walrus and
smooth grain medium - weight
:owhide leather traveling bags
in 16 and 18-inch sizes. Distinguished-looking,
well-made bags
with cloth and leather linings.
Limited number.
Great values at $9.75 while
any remain.
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
(Semi-Finals Tuesday, Finals Thurs
day in Doughnut Tournament
t, of Eugene Houses.
frene. Or., Feb. E. (Special.) Hen
dricks hall debaters, last year's
champions of the women's interna
tional debating league, are leading
in the doughnut tournament this year,
having won both their debates in each
of the first two rounds, held last
liijrht and tonight.
The semi-finals will be held next
Tuesday evening, with the leading
four teams in the contest, and the fi
nals on the following Thursday, be
tween the two winners of Tuesday's
debates. Besides the Hendricks hall
women, the teams still remaining in
the contest are the Delta Delta Delta,
Big-ma Delta Phi and Alpha Delta.
.. The winning Hendricks hall team is
tnade up of Ethel Wakefield of Long
Beach, CaL, and Wanda Daggett of
Portland, affirmative, and Mabel
Black and Jennie Maguire, both of
Portland, negative. The Delta Delta
debaters are Florence Riddle of Rid
dle and Ruth Griffin of Portland, af
firmative, and Ethel Watt of Portland
and Ethel McGilchrist of Salem, neg
ative. The Sigma Delta Phi speakers
are Alice Hamm of Eugene end Beat
rice Hensley of North Bend, affirm
ative, and Alice Curtis of Marshfield
and Doris Sawtell of Portland, nega
tive. For the Alpha Delta the debat
ers are Marguerite Straugbac or
Pendleton and Marie Ridings of Eu
gene, affirmative, and Elaine Cooper
of Portland and Lelah Stone of Os
wego, negative. Miss Cooper was a
member of the winning Hendricks
hall team last year.
Team Owners AVant More Pay.
ASHLAND, Or., Feb. 6. (Special.)
Sixteen team owners, striking for a
raise of from to $8 a day for team
ster and team, have quit work on the
Talent irrigation project just north
of .Ashland and construction work is
at a standstill. The Talent district
has been pushing the work on a dam
and ditches, taking water from Bear
creek, which is one of the eources of
water for the district
While the World
Looks On
Sale of Specially Good
Underclothes $1.98
Half-dozen styles of $2.59 nightgowns and as
many more of $2.29 envelope chemises are all re
tagged $1.98 for Saturday. Plain for thosewho
ike good materials and a discreet touch of em
broidery or ribbon run-casing.
Elaborate styles have entire tops of lace or em
broidery. Still others have just a touch of lace and
feather stitching or nice insertions of imitation
cluny in empire style.
Nightgowns are with and without sleeves. '
Meier & Frank's: Undermuslin Shop, Third Floor.
These Good Corsets to Be
Cleared Quickly
Models which cannot be duplicated at the old
lower prices.
Standard makes and styles which so many of our
customers prefer that we hope they will see and
benefit by this announcement.
Mme. Irene corsets, our standard $8 to $10 kinds,
now $4.75.
Mme. Lyra corsets, our standard '$18 and $25
kinds, now $9.50.
Frolaset front-lace corsets, our standard $8.50
kinds, now $5.95.
Broken sizes up to 36 in the lot. '
Meier & Frank's: Corset Shop, Third Floor.
A BIG Day for Girls and Misses
Three important special offerings are scheduled for this week-end. Offer
ings in which every girl and every mother of a daughter who has to think
of dress allowances will certainly be interested.
Girls' Fine
Formerly Priced $29.85
Splendid wool velour coats of
ladylike browns, tans, blue, dull
red and other colors. Lined with
good Venetian cloth. Tailored
with the fashionable narrow
belts and big pockets. All with
self collars. Sizes 14 to 18 years.
Pleated Serge
Were $12.00 and $12.50
Fully side-pleated all around
and with bands or the wide but
toned belt pictured. Being of
good navy blue serge, they are
remarkable at the price.
Sizes 10 to 16 years. Just
right for spring school days.
Charming washable frocks in' latest spring styles
are on exhibition. Prices start at $2.29 and .go up to
$35. Sizes 6 to 16 years.
' Wonderful Serge
Were $13.95 to $19.50
' Among them are the two
dresses pictured and a number
of equally attractive styles.
Good navy serge, properly made,
trimmed with plaid silk sashes,
plain or fancy silk ties, touches
of embroidery, braid binding and
buttons. So uncommon at the
price that we expect the whole
lot to be sold out before the
store closes today.
Sizes 6 to 14 years Only a
few of a kind. '
Meier & Frank's:
Girls' Shop, Second Floor.
Toasted Marshmallows 45 c
Our Regular 65c Quality
More of those luscious toasted marshmallows for which our Day
light Candy Kitchen is noted.
Made of sugar, honey, eggs and vanilla beat up to a delightful
creamy sponge and toasted in brown macaroon cocoanut.
Packed in one-pound folding boxes. None delivered.
N Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor and Other Candy Sections.
Neckwear Oddments $1.39
Such things as usually cost a great deal more. Organdy and lace
collars, high-neck net guimpes, pique collars, organdy vestees, diminu
tive collars, together with colored organdy and georgette crepe neck
wear. Only one or two pieces alike.
Real Filet Lace
Collars $3.59
Hand-made. filet lace collars in
roll style to wear with serge or
silk dresses. Delicate and fine,
they give a pretty air of quality
to any garment.
Very special values.
Slashed "Tab"
Pleating s
Many women make their own
neckwear by the aid of this popu
lar tab pleating of Venise lace,
embroidered net, eyelet embroid
ered batiste and georgette crepe.
$1.25 to $2.75 yard.
Meier & Frank's Neckwear Shop, Main Floor.
Pretty Spring Hats at '
Little Outlay
Madame, would you like a Ravissante little hat of
red straw and satin with" the latest originality in trim'
ming, cellophane? It is here at $14.
The black satin hat pictured
has jet-like - cellophane, cun
ningly "pinked" and used a"bnost
'like ribbon, at $10.
Smart Phipps straw sailors
are here at $10 to $15. -
.A delightful hat of dark blue
taffeta with' straw braid and
wings, is $13.50.
Another taffeta hat with
brightly colored wool flowers
is. $14.50.
The pretty ribbon, hat
sketched is in a delicious red
with wooden' balls at $12 the
scalloped edge is very new.
Many other spring hats start as low as $7.50.
We shall be very glad to show them to you.
' Meier & Frank's: Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor.
Sale of Children's Hosiery ,
The Hosiery Shop today makes a featuring of children's
hose at special prices in three-pair lots.
3 Pairs Hose 65
' Children's medium heavy
weight ribbed cotton stockings in
black only. All sizes. Pair 25c.
3 Pairs Hose $1.35
Children's medium weight cot
ton hose with reinforced heels
and toes. Black and white. All
sizes. Pair 50c.
3 Pairs Hose 1.35
Infants' fine cashmere hose
with silk heels and toes. White.
Seconds. Pair 50c.
3 Pairs Hose $1.65
Infants' fine cashmere hose in
black only. Sizes 4 to 6. Pair
3 Pairs Hose $1.35
Children's extra fine ribbed
cotton hose in black- and white.
All sizes. Pair 50c.
3 Pairs HoSe $1.75 .
Children's fine mercerized lisle
hose the popular "Pony Brand"
in black, white, gray and brown.
Sizes 6 to 8V4 at 3 nairs $1.75,
pair 65c. Sizes 9 to 10 at 3 pairs
$2, pair 75c.
3 Pairs Hose $1.65
Boys' heavy weight cotton hose
the well known "Pony Brand"
for school wear. Sizes 6 to 10 at
3 pairs $1.65, pair' 60c. . Sizes
10 and 11 at 3 pairs $1.75, pair
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor, (Mail Orders Filled.)
Kodaks and Kodak Supplies
"If it isn't an Eastman it isn't a kodak." We have
full assortments of the genuine kodaks and kodak
supplies. .
Prices range from $2.86 to $166. , -
We do expert developing, printing and enlarging
of films.
, .
Saturday Special..
$1.35 loose-leaf photo albums, cloth cover, con
taining 50 leaves, 7x10 inches, special $1.19.
-Meier & Frank's: Main Floor (Mail Orders Filled.) '
Drugs and Toiletries
Goblin Soap, cake 10
Resinol Soap, cake .25
Woodbury's Facial Soap, the cake
at - 230
Stork Castift Soap, 3 for 50c,
cake 200
Pompeian Fragrance Talcum 250
Pussywillow Talcum : . .... .350
Satin Skin Greaseless Cream
at 350
Stein Knickerbocker Cream, 75c
and 500
Stein Alpine Cream, 95c and 550
Oriental Cream $1.35
Jergen's Benzoin and Almond Lo
tion (.430
Holmes' Frostilla 250
Dorin Rouge, brunette .....650
Veda Rose Rouge . 450
Stearns' Rouge 390
Hudnut's Bath Salts at $1.50
and 750
4711 Bath Salts, $1.70, 96c, 480,
Djer Kiss Face Powder ....620
Djer Kiss Rouge 480
Pebeco Tooth Paste 450
Pepsodent Tooth Paste ....500
Kolynos Tooth Paste 280
Rubifoam Mouth Wash 270
Sanitol Tooth Paste or Powder
at 290
Up john's Phenolax Wafers. .250
Cuticura Ointment, 93c, 47c and
at ....250
Analgesic Balm, tube . . . . . .650
Ovoferrin . 950
Wampole's Extract ... 900
Horlick's Malted Milk, large size,
at $3
Nuxated Iron 980
Salve of Life 500
Poslam Ointment .........450
Pinex Cough Syrup 550
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 95c, 55c
and 290
Boric Acid, pound . . : 4O0
Squibb's Liquid Petrolatum, 6
bottles $5, bottle $1
Miran Hat Dye, for straw hats, all colors, 25c
t Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
. mm
Last Call!
Men's and Young Men's
Suits and Overcoats
' $39.85
Of course, $39.85 is not a regular price for these gar
ments but they're regular clothes all right. In fact,
so good are they that you'll feel like adding at least
two to your wardrobe. The main thing is to take
advantage of the opportunity today.
ALL-WOOL. All from regular stock. All at a re
markable saving as high as $20. Standard makes.
Good styles, good patterns, good workmanship.
$39.85 is a good-luck price !
Raincoats, Special $7.85
Tan single azid double texture coats with convertible
collars that button snugly under the chin. Some with
belt all around. Slash pockets. Sizes 34 to 46. Fine
for rainy day wear.
Meier & Frank's:. The Store fnr Mrn, Third Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Sales of Furnishings
that are as much remarkable for the diversity of re
quirements involved as for the substantial character of
the savings. Some quantities limited come early.
SOX: Black, cotton sox at 13c pair or 2 pairs 25c. Black
fiber silk sox 'first quality, too half price at 25c.
POROSKNIT UNION SUITS: Men's Chalmers Porosknit
union suits in first and second qualities $1.29. White and ecru.
Short sleeves, knee, three-quarter or ankle length.
Boys' Porosknit and cotton ribbed union suits 63c.
PAJAMAS 3 Men's two-piece pajamas $1.59. Plain colors
and stripes. Some sub-standards.
Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor.
New Hats and Caps
Men have (been asking about them and so we're glad to
announce that we will have ready today new spring styles in
hats and caps from America's best makers.
Hats from Knox, New York. Metropolitan styles with
newness written all over them. New shades of gunmctal,
hazel, myrtle brown cedar, pearl, tan and black. New stiff
hats,' too.
From Stetson have come new Stetsonians in fcr'lnT shadei
of gunmetal, light brown and pearl.
New caps from Knox and Merton. Imported and domestic
fabrics. Spring styles and colors.
Meier Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor.
(Mail Orders Kiliod.)
Less Than Today's Wholesale!
Boys' Suits and Overcoats
If parents knew the condition of
the boys' clothing market as we do
there would be such demand for
these suits and overcoats today as
would far exceed the supply. All
we ask is that you come in and 6ee
the garments. 1 Your own good sense
will tell you what to do.
Take the suits, for instance, which
number 500 all told. There are
,; 100 All-Wool
Blue Serges
included a sensation in itself and
every one of the 400 other garments
is a big bargain.
.' Sampeck, Dubbelbilt and other of
our food makes. All good styles
and sizes 7. to 18 years are included. '
The overcoats are in sizes for
boys from 2V4 no 18 years. Like the
6uits, they are taken from our reg
ular stock and reduced. Like the
suits, they are simply wonderful val
ues at $9.85. -
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)