Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 04, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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Famous Lecturer to Depict
Northwest's Glories.
IyHE Waverly Country club, pre
sented a merry ocene Monday
1 evening, when the "No Host"
supper-dance club had Us second
meeting:. The arrangements were in
the hands of Mrs. Frederick Warren.
Mrs. David Taylor Honeyman, Kurt
Koehler and Erskine Wood, out on
account of illness neither Mrs. War
ren nor Mrs. Honeyman were able
to be there. Among: those who be
long: to this group are:
Vr. and Mrs. Chester G. Murphy, Mr.
acd Mrs. David Taylor Honeyman. Mr.
and Mrs. C. Hunt Lewis. Mr. and Mrs.
Kurt H. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Kobertson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Han ley
Hoffman. Mr.- and - Mrs. Irvina Webster,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Wiley. Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Shevlln, Mr. and Mrs. Erskine
Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webster Talbot.
Mr. and Mrs. William Maxwell Wood, Mr.
and Mrs. C H. Davis Jr.. Mr. and Mrs,
Charles E. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. L.
MacGreiror. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice White-
. -i. t .v t;1a- Pnrlland at-I house. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand C. Smith
r"" j. t Mr. anrt Mr. IT!.,-!,.. I. Warren. Mrs.
KOrneT Ona lecturer. nl Green. Mn. Joirnhlnt Indrmll. Ham
tni- Murine- !he nast few years have llton Corbett. PhHIin Kry. Charles Hoi
I f ,. hiir Items In adver- hroox, Lester Hodson. Graham .Glass and
. . u .u. . ... Howard Charlton.
islns the pacific nonuweoi. iw
tave for the east on a fifth tour Mrs. William McFall has retnrned
Friday, according to announcement I to her apartment at the Alexandra
irpsterriav. I courx, alter spending several aeugnt
Flans for the tour Include presen-jiui s in ocaiL.e, me gueai ui
tion of his famous lecture. "Lure nfe yers.
f th fireat Korthwesi, in prat
m v fill me iari:a v. i . . ,. ut-.u -. - j i. . i ...
at before prominent business and c . .
, . t..W I UAlUlUUi
rofessional men and leaamg ciuu
ind organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Vachon an
ourlfits wnicn naa - nounce the birth of a son. The little
Circular Letter Ballots Not to
Be Counted.
Ul Large Cities "W1U Be Visited
and Addresses Given in Hope
t Diverting Tourist Travel.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnes ajv
Ixard IMS section as v fellow arrived Fridav.
. j . vn,tf rT mr.
rcturejj bjiu pcr-u - --
liley, it is hoped, win oe "uca Mr. and Mrs. Myer Simon announce
realer as a result or me ippr"- "b i the Barmltxvah of their son, Norton,
bjrriie" Of nOrtBWeSl tHtOUlm . T.rrnU .h-tr-l fihnlnm of d-3H
xhlch Mr. Riley will deliver xo bis o'clock Saturday morning. They will
learers. I be at home on Sunday, February 8,
Public Klnae mpw I lrom J unui S o'clock, at 872 North
ern first nortion of Mr. Klieys trip ruD street.
. . , , i
Ks to be financed by a iund wnicn is
Iselng raised by pubiie-apirueo. ciu- An engagement that will Interest
ens and concerns of the City. J-nisimany people is that of Miss Mildred
und It is planned to make sufficient
:o keep him in the east for two and
half months. After this it is ex
fpected that funds of the Pacific
(Northwest Tourist association win ur
bnade available to keep Mr. Kiiey in
Ith'e east another three months.
Aileen Brown and Estee Brosius. Miss
Brown is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Brown of Spokane, a gradu
ate of tho University of Oregon, and
member of Chi Omega sorority.
She is at present teaching French
in the high school in Oakdale. Wash.
The ODening lecture OI tne present i t,- , n -j
series will be delivered by Mr Riley Mrg p c Brosius of Hood River.
hefore the Chicago Association of I He
There will be
student at the University
Murphy, all residents of this city,
were guests at the Hotel Virginia
while visiting in Long Beach recently.
Portland people at the Arlington
hotel, Santa Barbara, last week were
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly. H. F.
Ong. Mrs. C. E. Stephens, C. W. Au
sinan, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Singer. Mr.
and Mrs. William Whitfield, Win
throp Hammond. Mrs. H. F. Ong and
Elizabeth Heimback.
Arrivals at the Clift hotel, San
Francisco, last week included G. P.
Dekum, Mrs. D. M. Greene and daugh
ter, Mrs. P. T. Buckley, Mr. and Mrs.
V. J. Malarkey, Dr. and Mrs. J. W.
Morrow, A. J. Block. T. A. and Mrs.
Miller, Mrs. C. S. Russell, Mrs. J. E.
Wathrow, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Logan
and son from this city.
The marriage of Miss Helen Honey,
man and Arthur Trumbell Brown will
be a smart social event this evening
at the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Honeyman.
T.aof- pvt,l ...a- . V. .. 1
sal for the weddJnW. the bridal nartv nlnS commission to Have enacted a
and several others enjoyed' a merry I loning ordinance was fanned into a
time, dancing at the residence- of Mr. tempest yesterday as the result or a
and Mrs. James Honeyman. I circular letter prepared by advocates
Use of Xamcs of Members of Board
in Individually Indorsing Plan
to Be Discnssed-
Tense feeling that has been aroused
among the business men of Portland
over the proposition of the city plan-
of Oregon and is a member of Alpha
i-nmmerce in Chicago.
various other lectures delivered in Tau omega. He served during the
:hicago, including one at the lLniver- war as second lieutenant in the coast
itv of Chicago, before the Chicago I .,,,. Th. nrHir.o- ni ha ir,
Vthietic ciuo, me xi.iwaui uuu i tha i,a BDrine.
-he Rotary club. In all seven engage- I .
nents are scheduled lor that city. I Naioma Mildred Shipman. daughter
From there tne lecturer win go to o( Mr and Mrs Edgar E. Shipman,
eveland and then to New York City.
und Lawrence. T. Brown. unn of
rhe opening address in New Tork I George Brown, well-known farmer
ity win be delivered Deiore ins f Tigard. were married at the home
nembers of the union league ciud, 0f tne bride's parents in Tigard.
hirty-ninth street and Fifth avenue, Sunday, February 1, at 12 o'clock,
ui organization or tne iuii. ins Rev. Goiffroy officiating,
resident of the club is Frank A. I
Vanderlip, president of the American I Mr. and Mrs. N. Coonradt. B004
Hankers association, and tne mem-1 Eighty-fifth street Southeast, re-
jershio Is composed of leading bank- I ceived 75 of their friends Saturday
era, brokers, manufacturers and pro- afternoon, the occasion being theif
ressional men of the city. Mr. Riley's golden wedding anniversary. Mem
iecture will be the single feature of bers of Lents Methodist Episcopal
Uie dinner. . I church, Ruben W ilson post, G. A. R.
Washington an Schedule. No. and Ladies of the G. A. R. at-
t Tt-v.i . t, i- .v. I tended. One daughter, Mrs. C. Grover.
hi, rMi "win nv h,rnr. husband and family, and son, D. H.
Mb .vu.. - --- ..... I 1 f'.,U nwA nifa e Mjni,.,nAla
Ithe Cosmos club, the University club, " . o. ...
men's City club, the Arta club and Whelan and daughter. Jean, of Van
kki .ji.n.. , couver were out of town guests.
Tn.l.a TTnnt. . -Ink ma a. . V.
The remainder of the tour will be k.. Mi. Vav.fll, Tri,.hi iat
confined to the Atlantic coast and month for the election of officers.
I lectures delivered to the well-to-do
traveling class of Philadelphia, Bos
Henry E. Wheeler was elected presi
dent; Miss Bernice Wommelsdorf,
ton, Baltimore. Pittsburg and other BeCre'tary-treasurer. and Mrs. Kay C.'
iarge cities.
The proposed extended tour of Mr.
Van Natta. editor. The evening was
spent at 500, prizes being drawn by
. . . ...VKUI.
ttney is arranged xor a a resu"; " Raymond Managhan, Miss Wommels-
I ""V' . , , i""""" -- dorf Mrs. Rushlight and Mr. Wheeler.
tour maae oy mm in wnicn ne spreaa A meetlnff was beid iast evening at
IU1 bU5Jci ui ui giuiica ui me la-l.hA hnmn r,f th MIASM nilstafson.
icnic noriuweau auuuuBn mo rcsuua joo3 East Madison street.
were great irom ine previous xours.
I they aiso snowed tne inadequacy or On account of the sndden illness
I such a short trip to cover the terri- of w P. Filer, director of the oratorio
Itory in a satisractory manner. society of Astoria, Mrs. Rose Coursen
-During my trips 1 nave been able. RPf.rt hM been ajtked to conduct the
loniy to ecratcn tne surface, althougn pratorio Elijah," Thursday night.
lino iua.juni.jr ui 1110 uig tines 01 tne ThA nratnr n ia to be E-iven bv n
east nave Deen visited, declared Mr. chorus of 75 voices with Miss Myrtle
iiuiey yesteruay. Olsen of Chinook. Dr. Stuart McGuire.
Annual Tour Planned. I Warren Erwin and Mrs. Reed as
Th tnnrs of Vr TiI!p h. hn I soloists. Mrs. Reed will spend
I but one feature of the advertising Wednesday and Thursday in Astoria. vhih ha. K... otaJ I
Ik h. m i . Mrs. D. P. Thompson and her
sociation. Booklets have been pub- daughter. Mrs. Joseph Nathan Teal.
liishBrf nd ent nri irarir,.,- th- are in town again after a delightful
!,,.,, ,.,,K,, h. ... 0 I visit in California. Miss Genevieve
:;ed forward. But the lectures of -"""""-
ii- mi.- h.ira h..n m.n.o-. . , i, . I mother south, will remain a few
tome to the easterners the truth of
.ha greatness of the northwest as no
other thing has done, owing to the
weeks In San Francisco, where she
has many friends and is being
delightfully entertained. Mrs. George
rmihit th h... b ik. T. Willett, who accompanied Mrs.
rniK-h nf .ii nithnnii .. . ,i ,. Teal to California, Is touring the
. . . !. . llinA.
The Fruit and Flower mission will K .t.K.. n. -iT--ni!r
u ..vmvwwinr luuiuiiig 1U UWn U... 7 ,,,.1. monnAr- fl tft
itreeff,Di "" 10th VfT IndTcli. that it was issued by the
streets. All members are asked to be Cnamber of Commerce, and to support
present. . j i k i.a nHnt
sltrnatures of 10 of the 15 members of
YVrimin 2 Aotixriflc I the board of directors of the chamber.
VVAI111C11 S ItUViUCS I TTn to arlv vontnrdnv nftarnoon the
name of one additional member had
TEACHERS of Portland schools, in- I been attached but he rescinded the
vited to Insnect rh hlz-exhibit of I privilege previously authorized, on
, . . . j, I the ground that having submitted the
drawing and color work being dis- question to a ref6rendum vote of the
played on the third floor of Portland mombershio it was Inadvisable to ap-
central library Friday afternoon, have pear in the role of supporting or op-
been asked to a tea later in the after- I posing the proposition.
noon to be given by the school de- The tempest was started when it
partment of the library.. The teach- became known to P. Hetherton, office
. 4 . , , ' . ,. ,. manager of the chamber, that the let-
ers were Invited to inspect the exhibit u. coupIed wttn a balIot that is
by Miss Esther Wuest, superintendent an exact duplicate of the form used
of drawing in the public schools, and I in the official ballot of the chamber
will be the guests of the school de- I with Instructions to the members: "If
partment from 4 o'clock until S. Miss I you have lost your ballot, tear off the
Anne M. Mulhearon, in charge of the I blank below, fill it out and mail It to
department, and her assistant. Miss the chamber."
Constance Ewing, will be in charge of of-ll n.ilot to Be Counted.
the affair. I ....
j. xx. Auwarus, uirwiiui Wi lj.c
ttia Wnmsn'. liinn.a nf ih. TTn 1. 1 chamber, who had entire charge ol
tarian church will meet today at 2 directing and handling the referendum
P. M. for an important business ses- vote. had already ruiea mat oniy tne
sion. At 3:30 o'clock there will be a official ballot published by the cham
nrnrrmm. in .kir.. nr tha ..nnml. ber Will be COUnted.
national committee. A social hour aud I referendum vote, oraereu Dy
cur. of tea will rnnrlnrto th ftr- the cnamber, win close at noon aiur
noon. All women in invitflri and day. The balloting began immediate-
strangers will be cordially welcomed, 'y after the meeting of the members
m w m i iui uiu lunuaj UllU lllUlLauuu JCDLCl-
Mrs. Joseph Goodman will have day afternoon was that the voting
charge of the programme for the will be vigorously stimulated during
Council of Jewish Women at the regu- the remainder of the week.
lar meeting of the council at 2 P. M. I The directors of the chamDer are
today in B'nai B'rith hall. I eager to have a full expression of the
sentiment of the membership on the
George Wright Relief corps No. 2 zoning proposition. It was for this
will hold its regular meeting Wednes- reason that the referendum was or
day evening, February 11, at 625 dered. When the proposed circular
court house. . I letter was presented for the use of
I their names, the permission was
The regular monthly meeting of given, it was explained, without
Camelia Social club will be held thought of the position in which they
Thursday in the home of Mrs. W. F. would be placed by approving the
director, of the near east relief, por
trayed the needs of the suffering Ar
menians at the weekly luncheon of
the Live Wires of the Commercial
club today. Dr. R. A. Prudden, coun
ty chairman, announced the appoint
ment of a relief committee of nine for
the Oregon City district. This com
mittee, which will meet for organ
ization Wednesday afternoon, is com
posed of Rev. H. G. Edgar, Rev. C
H. L. Chandler, Arthur Beatie. Harry
Wollrich, James H. Cary. W illard P
Hawley Jr., A. E. Rugg, L. A. Hender
son and A. C. Rae. Clackamas coun
ty' quota is $6400.
The wires have received an Invi,
tation from Scoutmaster C. F. Blake
to attend a Boy Scout celebration on
next Saturday evening in the high
school auditorium. "If you attend this
meeting," said Mr. Blake, "the boys
will pledge each of you to do a good
turn daily during National Good Turn
week, the second week in February,
Even Tips Received' by Waiters or
Others in Recognition of Serv
ices Most Be Reported.
Guesswork, estimates or other hit-
and-miss tactics are barred when a
person is making out his 1919 income
tax returns, according to a warning
issued by Internal Revenue Collector
Miller. Even tips received by waiters,
porters and others are taxable In
come, for they are given in recogni
tion of services and not as gifts. If
one has a premium paid by an em
ployer for life or other Insurance,
even it must go in as additional
Salaried persons and wage earners
must not confine their returns to fig
ures showing a year's pay at so much
a day or so much a week. The actual
amount drawn should be ascertained
and reported. Overtime, bonuses.
shares in the profits of a business,
value of quarters and board furnished
by the employer and a number of
other Items of similar nature which
are compensations for services are
taxable as part of the year's earnings
and must be included.
Dunagan, 48S Hawthorne avenue.
Willard W. C. T. U. enjoyed an ad
dress a", its rece- meeting at which
Mrs. Mary Mallett was the speaker.
Tk. .AA k .1 .1 , , V. . V .
Mrs. Maude Moxey. She spoke of Prter f l,he m.eaUre; l0,ked
dangerous drugs, narcotics, patent I 7;i" . ..rn ,.
C. H. Cheney Aids In Plan.
Charles H. Cheney, consultant of
the planning commission, and Arthur
M. Churchill, who is an ardent sup.
members of the Portland Chamber of
medicines Lnd alcohol. Recitations
people. Refreshments were served ?m.rc.- th .text of th.cironlar.
after the programme.
I factor.
1' uLh B. Dorr is Sues Former Hus
band for Support of Child,
ASTORIA. Or, Feb. 1. (Special.)
A suit to recover J300 alleged to be nnvld C Lewis returned in tha cltv
sue isr .umonj, to. sum or j a Sunday after a month's visit in New
in un in .iimuajr in tne iuiure ana 9.3V i York.
attorney iees was niea in the circuit
southern part of the state.
m m m
Mrs. Isom White and Miss Edith
Nanz left Portland last week for Se
attle, where they sailed for the orient.
They expect to be absent from the
city about five months, visiting
China, Japan, the Phiuippines, and
Sandwich islands.
Mrs. Thomas Honeyman and Mrs.
court this afternoon by Ruth B. Dor
ris against Albert E. Dorris. The
complaint avers that In September,
ll'l.. the plaintiff was awarded a
decree or divorce against the defend-
ant by the courts of Montana. The
plaintiff was given the care and
custody of her minor daughter and
claims her husband promised he
would assist in the support of the
i rl.
The complaint nays that the plaln-
t::f has expended JiOO ia carina: for
tne cruia
Mr. and Mrs E. C Shevlln are
spending a few days in Bend with
rheir son and daughter-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs. Crosby Shevlin.
Mrs. R. L. Russell has received
word that her brother. Daniel Davles
Woodward, has arrived in New York
with his Parisian bride. Mr. Wood
ward went over as a master signal
electrician with the A. E. F. in 1917.
During his stay in Paris he was
married to - Mademoiselle Marthe
Jeanne Gerard, of that city, whom
he is bringing to Portland, where
they will make their home. While
In New Tork they will visit with Mrs.
Perry Myers, a sister of Mr. Wood
ward and a former resident of this
LEWISTON. Idaho. Feb. S. (Spe-
Thursday at 2 o'clock. The other two I cial.) Miss Nellie G. Chase became
fcoys were arraigned, but entered no th bride of Garry L. Briggs, of Bish
Holdup Pleads Guilty.
Ttobert HalL Jointly Indicted with
Russell Hlgglnbotham and Charles
Langdale for four recent hold-ups in
JVortland. pleaded guilty before Pre
siding Circuit Judge McCourt yester
day afternoon. He will be sentenced
Careless Shampooing
Spoils the Hair
op. Wash., the ceremony taking place
at the Presbyterian parsonage un
day. Mrs. Briggs' home is in Orofino.
The newly-married couple will live
at Bishop where Mr. Briggs is in
Mrs. Elizabetn Rickards has re-
-AiTr.rl word from her son Charles
Soap should be osed very carefully Rikarda that he is very much Im-
lf you want to keep your hair looking pr0ved in health and doing well in
.19 uc.b iuuai wiis u(i prvparea i the bay city,
shampoos contain too much alkali-1
This dries the scalp, makes the hair I Mrs. W. J. Zimmerman. Ralph Zlm
brittle and ruins it. merman. Mr. D. W. Ross. Mr. and
The best thing for steady use is Mrs. W. Henry. Mrs. G. T. Willett.
Wulsified cocoanut oil shampoo, which Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Olmstead, Mr.
is pure and greaseless, and is better and Mrs. L. O. Cooper, Captain Alfred
than anything else you can use. I Morris. Miss Josephine Morris, Albert
One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse G. Froet. Harry L. Pattern. George
tne nair ana ecaip morougniy. Sim- Frisb e. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Fr sbie.
ply moisten the hair with water and Miss Dorothy Kendall, Miss Margaret
rub it in. it makes an abundance of I Folks, Mr. and Mrs. Hueston, L.
rich, creamy lather, whicb rinses out I Folkes and Mr and Mrs. Orbera G.
easily, removing every particle of rreln. all from Portland, were at th
dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive OIL I u. S. Grant hotel. San Diego,- last
The nair ones quicxiy ana evenly. week,
and it leaves the scalp soft and the!
hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, I L. Ledentian, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
fluffy and easy to manage. In. Briggs, Mrs. L. L. Sturgls, promt
You can get Mulslfied cocoanut oil I nent Portland people, were at Arrow
shampoo at any pharmacy. It s very I head Springs last week,
rhean. and a few ounces will supply I
every meVnber of the family fori Mr. and Mrs. George L. Crewfield.
months. Ad. . I Miss E. G. Wrysandt, Mrs. Chester
printed in imitation of typewritten
letter, and besides the copies of tele-
Th mi9i- mtino nf ih. in,..!, grams to which reference is made,
can War Mother will h this arter- Wltn tne names attacnea to tne copies
noon at 2 o'clock in their rooms at the Pntea yesteraay, is as ioiiows:
court house. All mothers are urged Gentlemen: a poll of the chamber Is
to be present as matters of import- being taken this week on zoning.
ance are to be discussed. tb. snomisnw e"evo m earaeiy
LI I cl I lilS -l siivuiu 11 J uui iuiuub
mturunii, ur., re. 3. topeciai-J aaded jUBt aS fast as -experience demon
nuw to uuis ine n. j. xj. out or -trates their wisdom.
women's clothing will be told the It is imperative that every member vote
women of Jackson county this month nl convictions. It will not ao to let tn
by Miss Jessica Biles, clothing expert chamber be placed on record by a partial
from r. A. n Thesa talka will h. . vote: A duplicate ballot is attached in
...... , . .. . case you have lost yours.
part oi me noma Demonstration worn It you ara not ciear a to the exact
recently undertaken by the farm bu- facts of this proposed ordinance, go to
reau, when the county court refused room 424 city hall and examine tha plans
to make the necessary -PFropriation. and ordinance for yourself before voting.
ree,tlnc-i have heen arranirsrl fm Your attention Is called to the experi-
Talent, Central Point, Medford, Rogue "Pc ' oth.e cltlM tbat, "? 5' M
Pi.. r.iH hiii . n a Cd rw i a . .. " !'" by telegrams received by Mayor
..u a.b.. . R.ksr. Mall It now. Verv tmlv Yours.
J ' 1? TI U.,V',n vK.nn
The Oregon Woman's Suffrage Al- tiVm, n w. Mieike. H CArhett.
nance ia piunnins m nave a aejegate Max S. Hlrscn, i"eter ixerr, a. j. Bale,
at the convention In Chicago Feb- Emery Olmstead, William Cornfoot. C. E.
ruary 12 when the women who will Dant. A Q. Labbs, Paul C. Murphy. James
rnresent nmnluMiliia thai will 1,. IB. Kerr. J. C. Ainsworth. Arthur M
.ffillotAj irh Ih. t.-a ti7 Chnrchill. J. P. Jaeger, Lloyd Wentworth.
Voters will assemble to discus nlan. nB Mur malLCI wl" "ruugm
nH maWa rp.m.m.i.t. in to the ooara or airectors or tne cnam
woman's work as a national hodv. br at the meeting today, when it is
probable a statement will be author
will meree into the leaa-ue. Mm. c lied to make clear the attitude of the
B. Simmons will be a delee-ata from alrectors in tnetr ornciai capacity,
Oregon if plans of her friends are irrespective of what may be their
carried out. I opinions as individuals upon the zon
Already a fund Is started and ing question. That the controversy
among those who have been named which has come up will be calculated
on the committee to raise the money to bring out a large vote is accepted
are: Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey, Mrs. ascertain. Meanwhile, those who vote
Elliott R. Corbett. Mrs. Charles E. would do well to heed the ruling of
Curry and Mrs. Louise Palmer Webber. I Director Edwards and use the official
Every woman who belongs to the I ballot.
Surrrage Alliance has been asked to
heln with tha wnrtr nnri oil K.v. Kaa
very much interested in having Ore- MESSAGE TO BE CARRIED
6"" icyicociiicu ui mo uitiiuna. con-
VPnt Inn fm R RnnHnranr Uvb
Dallas Bache and Mrs. James Reeves "Portland Wants Ton 121,
have assisted the committee in many t,,, nMfh cin
ways. ..... a, r - o
An Incomplete list of the women I "Portland wants von 1921" is the
who will make It possible to send the message that will be . carried on
delegate is as follows: Mrs. R. E. hadires of the dcles-ates from this cltv
Bondurant, Mrs. Frederick Eggert, to the annual meeting of district No.
Mrs. Charles E. Curry. Mrs. C. B. 4, B'nai B'rith, which is to be held at
Simmons, Mrs. Soloman Hirsch, Mrs. Los Angeles February 15 to 17 in-
Robert S. Ferret, Miss Elizabeth Bain, elusive. Most of the members of the
Mrs. C. J. Smith, Miss Esther Jobes. Pnrtland rieleir&tinn will leave a week
airs,, jucaugnt. mrs. Alice JBen- from Saturday nia-ht. with the excen
son Beach, Mrs. C. Unander. Mrs. tinn nf V. M. Walnhaiim and T) Snlla
Louise Palmer Webber. Mrs. Elliott Cohen, who will precede the remain
R. Corbett. Mrs. Harrington, Mrs. Haw nf thA nartv thraa dava and attend
James Reeves, Mrs. Dallas Bache, to anma nrellminarv matters- con-
Mrs. Lawrence Wheeler, Miss Mary I with ih. ..nniUn i.nj tha
1T-AAAAB T XI.. TaU 1 - .I "VVk "
-a"". ii Julius, first convention of. 1821.
v. , Mrs- f- -odos, The members of the delegation are
uirn. neicil r.. oterreit, uirs. Baran A. o. fr.llr.wa- 7. Rwatt J KhamnnclH Fl
rr V. . -.,! ... l . , . . , I '
m. . sminui sua tne soils Cohen, M. Reingold. A. Rosen
. u, iiBiiu uiua.i a v. i u n. ...In X. U.inaf.nln AIay w. Mi ll.r
The League of Women Voters au-1 t t '.,.!. -n- t d wt-.' t-n. a
thorized the following eight commit- V Bettman, Sam Herrman and A. Bos-
leea. aiuvl ltIi uii.lAciiiiip, protection kOWitZ.
ui women 111 uiuuoiijr, uuim weiiare,
improvement in election laws and
methods, social hygiene, unification of n.fiP TAY I AIM IC TCCTCn
laws concerning the civil status of U'UU I "A LAW IO I CO I CU
women, food supply and demand, re
search. I E. Hofer Files Snit in Marlon
Chapter E of the P. E. O. Sisterhood County yuosuorung vaiittity,
wiu meet tomorrow at i jji in tne SALEM. Or., Feb. S-Special.)
. 'S ,-, , 1 Colonel E. Hofer today filed a suit in
Madison street Mrs. W. R. Klrkup tne cIrcult COUPt here to re8traln
win rcau iinutii, I'n j-. . incuaii. if n.i. f;aiai. 4Av Aiia.
, . -tit i luou lull uvuuj viiibiaia iuiu vuiicvii
state r8.,, present w h( tne dog tax under a law passed
at the 1919 session of the legislature.
City Commissioner Barbnr to Ask
Hearing Date Be Set.
Although the proposed zoning ordi
nance, prepared by the city planning
commission Is listed on the calendar
of business to be considered by the
city council this morning, the ordi
nance will not receive consideration,
It is probable that a time for hearing
will be set.
The ordinance is listed on the calen
dar aa being introduced by City Com
missioner Barbur, although Mr. Bar
bur did not intend that the proposed
legislation should be given considera
tion on such short notice. Therefore
he will request the setting of a time
for hearing.
Don't ask for
Crackers say
Snow Flakes
Fig Sultana
Fruit Biscuit
Cream Gems
fanula Wafers
trd Cakes
I Wefer
1 Ci:JE-nl
A Teasing
Dash of Salt
a crispy just-out-of-the-oven dain
tiness tne most delicious soup is
enhanced when Snow Flakes are
Decided Decrease in Influenza Epl
demic Is Recorded.
Records of the health bureau show
a decided decrease In the number of
cases of influenza reported this week.
Hitherto there had been an average of
100 new cases In Portland daily, but
this number has dropped to 63. There
are also fewer in other portions of the
One death occurred yesterday, that
of John Carr, aged 62, who lived at
205 Morrison street. Forty-one pa
tients who were in quarantine were
released by the health officers.
Taoorrra Broom. Factory Enlarged.
TACOMA. Wash, Feb. 8. (Spe
cial.) H. G. Senner, formerly of
Portland, has bought a new site for
the broom factory which he estab
lished a number of years ago. He
plans to Increase the capacity of his
plant from 30 dozen brooms now man
ufactured daily. HIs product is now
distributed over Oregon, Washington,
Alaska and British Columbia. He op
erated a broom factory in Portland
for a number of years.
Menefee Estate Valued at. $86,000.
An estate valued at $38,000 was left
by the late Oscar R. Menefee, chiefly
in stock in the L. ts. Meneree Lumper
company, according to the petition fo
probate of will rued in tne circuit
court yesterday. Mr; Menefee died In
San Diego January 23, leaving a wid-J
ow and two minor daughters. Hit
Portland home was at 700 Prospect
Clatsop Legion Post Elects.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 3. (Special.)
At last night's meeting of Clatsop
post, American Legion, officers were
elected as follows: L. R. Gilbert,
commander; Dr. R. H. Hoskins, vice-
commander; Howard K. Zimmerman,
Assignment Is Expected to Be of
Big Aid in Building Up In
terest in Organizations.
What Is expected to give a new zest
to recruiting is the plan put through
by the war department to have the
recruiting for various regiments or
other military units all taken care
of in one state or group of states.
The military units which are to be
filled up by recruits from Oregon, ac
cording to announcement made yes
terday by the local recruiting officer.
are: 35th Infantry, vstn neid artil
lery, 57th coast artillery company, 8th
engineers, 15th cavalry, 1st, 35th, 44th
infantry, 57th, 58th and 59th heavy
Units announced for Washington
are: 1st infantry, itn neia artiuery,
57th coast artillery company, 8th en
gineers and 15th cavalry.
The new plan Is hoped to De a great
factor in building up the espirit de
corps among the men of the organi
zations and also add to the Interest
taken in different organizations by
the people themselves.
cases had developed here within the
past few days, but that there were
12 at Saginaw, eight families quar
antined at Junction City, while Rose
burg is reported to have several hun
dred cases.
Robbery Indictment Dismissed.
Circuit Judge Tucker yesterday aft.
ernoon dismissed the Indictment
against Ralph Bellinger, charging
robbery, on the motion of the com
plaining witness, Robert Lowe, a set
tlement outside of court having been
made satisfactory to the complainant,
who did not desire to prosecute fur
ther. Lowe complained to the grand
Jury last April that Bellinger beat and
robbed him of $750. when he broughl
that amount of money to Bellinget
prepared to purchase three kegs oi
liquor in the latter'a po."-.nion.
Trial Raises Novel Point.
Is killing Justified when the slay
ing merely prevents a trespass on
private property or possible sssuultT
This Is a question which will be
put up to a Jury in the circuit court
today when Thomas Miller goes to
trial for the killing of (Juy N'lnon on
November 23. Nelson was killed as
he was attempting to enter Miller's
home where his siBter-ln-law, May
Daly, was being held, according to
the prosecution, UKHinnt hnr drslre.
The shooting followrd an exchange
of words as Nelson uisoheyed Miller' a
warning not to try to enter the door
of his home at 4.1 First street.
Eugene Red Cross Chanter Pre
pares to Fight Influenza.
EUGENE. Or. Feb. 3. (Special.)
Every nurse In Lane county will be
listed by the local chapter of Red
Cross in anticipation of the spread
of influenza to this section of the
state, according to announcement of
the officers of the chapter.
Further steps toward meeting the
situation will include formation of a
class in nursing under Miss Lulu GeiU
a local Red Cross nurse, who was on
duty overseas during the war and
who conducted similar classes here
before she was called for duty. Les
sons In nursing will be given tree.
but those taking them are expected
to respond to calls for help if needed.
Dr. Seth M. Kerron, county health
officer, said last night that no new
Febptary 1st number
Now ready at your Newsdealer
Talk about
Good things
make chapter inspection.
The auxiliary to Oregon Field ar
tillery, batteries A and B, will meet
Thursday evening in room 580 court
Willamette chapter. Daughters of
the American Revolution, will enter
tain at a celebration of the birthday
of George Washington, Saturday,
February 21, 3 to 5 o'clock, at Mult
nomah hotel, rose room.
' The Grade Teachers' association
will hold their general meeting at
Library hall .today at 4:30 o'clock.
After the meeting there will be a din
ner at the Benson hotel which will
he attended by grade teachers, prin
cipals, high school teachers and busi
ness concerning the new co-operative
council will be transacted.
The complaint alleges that "the de
fendants are without authority of any
kind in the premises for the reason
that the act, of the legislature under
which they assume to operate ia un
constitutional and void."
Pending determination of the cult,
which will be carried to the supreme
court, collection of dog taxes ceased
here today.
Oregon City Live Wires Hear About
Armenian Distress.
OREGON CITY, Or., Feb. 3. (Spe
cial.) Samuel C. 'Lancaster, state
chairman, and J, J. Handsaker, state
Have ypu
ever tried
the best of
all corn
you won't
believe it.
, without trial
IF "cereal beverage" makes you think:
"Humph! Wishy-washy, beany imi
tation coffee!" you're going to have the
surprise of your life when you make a cup
of Drinket right at the table. Youll have
a wonderful drink a rich, full-rounded,
full-bodied cup of deliciousness. Youll
add a new favorite to your menu and be
all the better for it. Try it
Let your children have it. Your own judgment
is the most convincing argument. Buy Kellogg'
Drinket of your grocer. This signature is your
guarantee. M
Kellogff's Drinket is produced in the same moelera kitchen
where Kellogg' Toasted Corn Flake. Kellogg' K. rum
bles and Kellogg' Krumbled Bran ara made.