THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1920 17 REAL E STATU. For S$le CLARKE COUNTY FAUM 6ft00 Six fin A Jmrmav riwa ntvf tmmm nrsr- brd chickens, 2 acts of harneai. wagon, Wftwer. faaw rfclc 2 almnnt now ateet- bara plows, new separator, new potato I oiKger, new aiac narrow, steel narrow, nw cider mill, cultivator, spray pump. new steel ranfre. new kitchen cabinet. new library table, dining table, bed springs, carpets and linoieam. full-blood 1'iymouth Kock chicken seed DOtatoes. all hay and feed cow on hand, consisting; I of 3- acres. 20 acres In high state of I cultivation. 2 acres of bearing fruit, ber ries and shrubbery of all kinds: tt-room modern plastered house, with full set of white porcelain plumbing: good barn. large double-walled potato house with cement floor, separator room, chicken houwe and park, hog house and lot, fine spring stream through Dlace. water pipea to house and barn and outbuildings, wood I tor domestic use; the very best of loam I on, no rock or gravel: only mne Irom good town on Pacific Highway. 18 muem irom v ancouver. jtiaif casn, CHICKEN RANCH. 3 .00 pure White Leghorn laying hens. worth S2H0O: new 7-room modern bunga low, with full cement basement, cement floor, worth $4tf0O; electric light ana pressure water system. worth rw: barn, modern chicken and brooder houses worth i-JWW: electric llehts in house. barn and chicken houses; $2000 worth of first-growth red fir timber. Income 1919 between $7000 and 98000. Consisting of acres of the finest land adjacent to Portland, all in thn hisrhest state of cul tivation except 14 acres of timber; only !i0 miles from Portland and 14 mllea from Vancouver; close to school, 4 miles Irom good Columbia river town on ixorin Bank highway. This Is without a doubt one of the best-paying poultry farms In the northwest. Owner wishes- to re tire and is willing to take the low price quoted. Half cash. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. 3d and Main tfta., Vancouver. Wash. PRODUCTIVE WASHINGTON VARM. COUNTY Pit check $4O0 per month: 108 acres. miles from Hillsboro, Or., 40 minutes from Portland by auto; 4 beaverdam and V upland; wire fenced, tiled and dltrned, running water ana spruiK-i. barn 56x4: lOO-ton new silo. -9-room bouxe, family orchard. 15 head regis tered high-grade Jerseys. registered bull, large hordes, etc.; grain, hav and kale: government Joan of $t500 on property; fall-sown clover, vetch, oats werv reasonable price. DOWN' THE COLL'MBIA RIVER. 20 miles from Portland. Clarke coun ty. Wash.. 67 acres; 20 acres in culti vation, balance pasturage: raises 100 buxhels to acre of oats. 5 tons hay. 1900 EmiHa tn 10 Acres: barn 48x50: stanchions for 15 cows; chix house, rranarv: ft-room house: wire fence; 15 graded Holsteins. Holstein ball, wagon, m.nv imnmpntH'. mo White Leghoras; dailv boat to and from Portland; S miles from Rtdgefield railroad station low price ; easy terms. FRED W. NEWELL, OREGON INVESTMENT & MTG. CO.. 219-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. . a wi'w moon ritys. 1 20 acres, all free soil, near good (nun IM iin nru nr-s coming into bar- Ing. 4 acres family orchard. 40 xcres In cultivation, well watered, modern bun- j galow, pumping plant, barn, garage, for j short time only si.utm. 400 acres, abut 240 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber. wH watered, fne grain and clover land, in good valley. old house. - gooa oar as, iauiuy TJ V It nrl-o S-'K.OUO. l'L'3 acres. 75 in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, stream inrouRn place, house, barn, family orchard Price $45 per acre. Stock ranch, tt00 acres, 100 acres In ruitivation. balance open pasture and timhor nlntv witter. R- F. D.. house. 6 barnn. family orchard; an exceptionally good buy at $12.00U. THE WILSON REALTY CO.. Yoncalla. Oregon. 43 ACRES, well Improved, with new $4OO0 bungalow and outbuildings; 8 -acre apple orchard in full bear ing; 20 acres for crop. 10 acres splendid pasture, sufficient timber for place, 3i mile station; would exchange for general store or gro cery. Price $500, terms. See Air. Barrett. '. BAKER A McFARLAND, 415-17-19 Henry Building. LOW PRTCE TO CLOSE ESTATE. 17A AC R KS S71 PER ACRE. A Willamette valley farm, on Pacific flighway and only IVi miles to R. R. Station: soil class A, gentle rolling and well drained, living stream crosses one corner, all fenced and crow-fenced, 11.3 acres in cultivation. 45 acres in timber for past ure, bu i Idi n gs good. b-room ho tin., bam 40xrt0. two vll nd out buildings, family orchard; this property Is easily worth $100 per acre, but or otek ttale to close estate priced at 71 per acre, half cash. Vrl K S Ar P RA TT. 41S Board of Trade Bldg.. Ikrtland. Or. ONLY $35.10 PER ACRE. rrM. locate! 1 mile from town. Dour la county, Oregon: 120 acres under cultivation, of which 50 acres is creek bottom; 170 acres van Do cuiiivaieo ; nai ance of the land in pasture and timber; ioin lots of outrange: creek and springs; 7 -room house with fireplace; barn and granarv, hog and separator house; good orchard; with this place go 10 head El cattle, norscn. w jnuns v a, iumrj.i, hick.ns. hay. grain, feed grinder, cream scpstraior. complete line of machinery and lots of fools. Personally Inspected. Photos at office. John erguaon. Uer- Hnger bldg. FARMS. 640 acres, wheat ranch, located rvntrat Washington, at $17.50 per acre, with rH.h payment of $J5to, ha lane ht of terms. One crop will pay tor this ranch. See Atr. Harrett. BAKER McFARLAND, 315-17-19 Henry Building. SACRIFICE. SACRIFICE. S PRIKTi'K SACRIFICE. M arm of fine well-im proved land Itar Forest Grove, has a dandy set ef farm buildings and all stocked and equipped; among other things that goes with this are 7 milch cows; the owner is auite aged and has offered this at the sacrifice price of $5500, $2500 cash and terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., .W. OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. $7000. $T0A0 CASH for 44 acres good soil: 17 acrea under cultivation- all can be cultivated; 5-room nearly new hnnwo 4Oxr0 bam. 5-compartment cnick- n house, 2 good wells, creek on place. 1 family orchard jut in bearing, some Dernes, l mower, l cultivator, x piow. i Hint h Arrow. 1 hav rake. 1 double- wirtion spike-tooth harrow; 17 acres of this iti seeded in clover, 21 acres pasture. 8 acres secono-growtn timber. JOHN FERGUSON. 214 Gerlinger Bldg. 120 ACRES, 32 miles from Portland; partly improved with buildings: tele phone; fine crek. Your own terms. Owner, Tabor 2"J,'3. $3.VK HOUSE, barn, hen houses, orchard, id acres, gooa rencing, a l sou ror gen eral farming, berries, etc.: $1000 cash. Main 3672- MrFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. i'HK'KKV FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES ' near Portland. $75 to $joo per acre, eaay terms; best soil. Farms for sale, ail slaes. Mcrariana, l eon bldg. WANTED REA L ESTATE. PRIVATE party wants 5 or 6-room mod ern cottage or bungalow, close In, not to exceed 93MMJ; can pay half cash, bal monthly: give full particulars. AO 97. ur-non;an. LIST your farms, close-in acreage and city property with me; 1 will give you serv ice. Will inspect and appraise your orou- e r t y. Auto. t E. Adams. 5o7 C ham. of c om, dip it. jaarsnaii :ju. "WANT from one to five acres, either va cant or improved, in Multnomah district on the Oregon electric, or on the Oregon . itv ear line. HEXKY VV. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. WANTED To buy 1 or 1 U acres with A 4 or A-rown nouse. wudii or just out side city limit; MontaviTa district pre ferred. Call 1'J0 hi. I iu an at, after MODERN homes wanted in following dis tricts only Irvington. I-aurelhurst. Rose t.ity. Hawthorne ana unnyside. Relia bi hich-rlft.-js and efficient service 10 A. K. HILL CO.. J15 Lumbermena Bldg. BUNGALOW with fireplace to $3750: Just tell U3 about it, VK SELL IT. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland." FOR WANT 5 or o rooms, prefer 1 floor, good location. Dared street. lew nunured eih balance reasonable: give houe No., price ONE ana terms, u ..M. yregonian. i WE HAVE clients in the market for in come property: come In and tell us what I SALE or trade bicycle, small chicken coop von have to sell. K. r. Bryan. Main i::i. ."o0 Chamber of Commerce. "WANTED Income property in city for S.i0.W htgh-y improved large going I iarm; mum -m or excaaagv la r eoruary. 1 iV. uregoman. WANTED In Irvington. a good home. If an attractive proposition is mau, cash! will ne pain, i, .:mj, oregonlan. WANTED A or 7 -room Iioum on east AO 90, Oregon ian. side, will pay casn. S2i.HK CASH for 100x100 'lot in vicinity of rgntral Library. T 58. Oregonlan. WANTED A bungalow for small payment down. AN 157. Oregonian. WANTED REAL EST AT K. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD. 8fi9 HOMES. $2,109.147 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD DURING THE TEAR 1919 BT FRANK L, AlcGUlRB AGENCY. 12 experienced salesmen with arato. teveral hundred buyers on our lists many with cash, desiring to buy modern nomes unaer fiuuv, especially in. Rose City Park District. Hawthorne District, Laurelhursc District. Alberta District. Also Inexpensive modern homes In aM I parts of the city. PRANK L. McGUIRE will personally inspect, photograph appraise your property without charge, j no picture oi your nouse wun iuii u formation will be displayed on the wall of our show rooms, which are crowded with prospective buyers. Tour bouse soia u listed wun us. (WE NEED IT TODAT.) See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Ablngton BSd?. Main 1063. WB HAVE buyer for 80 to 100-acre Im proved rarra in good locality in reac of Friends' church: must have bearin prunes; some timber; write us fully what you have. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED For client who wants 4400O bungalow in Hawthorne or Riohmon district; he me.ans business; must have it toy Wednesday. See DEKU.M tc JORDAN, 823-24 Chamber of Commerce Bid. 4th and Stark Sts. Main 2233. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalows up to $5000 Now is the time to get ria or your oia bouse, and if it Is in fair condition and good location will take the house and pay cash. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. WANT tract of land that we can cut 'tip and resell, near city; must ue a Dargain. Owners having such tract for sale will d lease give Dame and address or tele phone number so that appointments can De made, u ouu, uregonian. IF your ranch Is for sale, mall full de scription or can at on ice. ine cans ior ranches are good; let us have your ranch while we have buyers. Get your price right, terms you will accept; we will do toe rest. i;oe a. jucivenna o.. o m su WANT ACREAGE. Customer with $1000 cash wants one acre or more, close in with good small house and modern conveniences. Not over $3000. K, F. Feemster. 309 Abing- ton bldg. HAVE clients who want lots in Laurel huTst i: priced right; what have you 'Henry W. Goddard, 1.43 btarK sc. WANT a good modern home in Nob Hill district up to ia,wo. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. Farms Wanted. BUYERS WAITING. I can sell your farm if you have on. to sell. If your price Is fair I will get you results, call ok wiaiJfi JUH.N W1S1SX tU., M)7-8-9 Lewis bldg. WANTED To buy or rent: Small ranch near the Columbia river, suitable for gardening and chickens, between Port land and The Dalles preferred. W. s. Dailey, Hood River, Or. R. F. D. 2. WANT small acreage between Portland and Oregon City: name price and im provements; near Pacific highway. AC 417. Oregonlan. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED to rent on shares or crop pay ment, 100 acres of land; must be good rich ground and fully equipped with stock and farming implements. Wm. Keough, gen. deL, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED To rent a few acres with house on, between Portland and Oregon City. Phone East 2049. TIMBER LANDS. LOGGING CONTRACT OFFERED. Party with 2 to 4 donkey engines to log tide water timber. to HW. 000.000 feet, good bay f:r bocm ground. This timoer estimates 50 por cent cedar and is considered the best logging show on to.e cofst. company has additional timber for future operations. Georgia xake ioging company, lii-e j. Smith bid;;., Seattle. TIMBER LAND WANTED. Small tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland: will consider rough land if the timber is good ; must be handled for small pay ment down. Will consider high-priced acreage close to Portland, if convenient to rock road, John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. . TIMBER land for sale or exchange for southern California; tuu ju merchantable timber, quarter section, 7 miles from Uuidendale. $18U0; another quarter $1400. C. E. Bailey, 1817 Orchid. Loa Angeles, 40 M. SAWMILL Two 60 In. by ltf ft. tubular boilers, two large engines 60 in. headblock: pony saw rig planer, edger; prico $3800. Schiller, with lnter state Land Co., 248 Stark St.. Portland. WANTED Sawmill: good responsible party to rurnisn mill ana saw on per At bawls; good timber; freight to move advanced. P. O. box 2047. Sla. A. l:0OO M PORTABLE SAWMILL for sale. located close to Portland: price Is right; Harry Ball. 431 Lumber Ex., Second and Stark. WANTED Tract of timber on stum page baMs: giv full particulars in first letter. AO io. Oregon ian. 80 AGUES of mixed timber, partly cedar. near river and vinngle null, cheap for cash. Call Main it til o. GOOD location for local sawmill. For par- licular3 write H. C. McUraw. Olalla. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. 40 ACRES, rent, slock fpr sale. $45 per month, cream check cows, horses, three 1-year-olds, 2 brood sows, rabbits, cliii-k ens. small tools, cream separator, pom f urn i ture. seed po i atoes, 8 tons hay. SHOCK including rent. See T. Fearn. 415 r-ourth st. FOR RENT Garden tracts on tht upper Columbia; under Irrigation; suitable for the raudng of ,canta!oupes, strawberries, onions, tomatoes, beans, peas, lettuce, sweotcorn. etc. Will lease for term of years with option to buy. M. E. Lee 413 coroett bldg. HOP ranch of 50 acres to lease for one or term of years, river bottom soli, good dry houses, dwelling, barn and Imple ments; rental share of hops. Give full particulars and phone number Address A v i ii. uregoman. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ROSE CITT PARK. CI a s?rv bungalow, 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern and up to date, li blocks to car. very best lo cation, orii e $8900. will expect $1500 in ' trade, $1500 in cash, balance in mtg This is a bargain. Address owner, AL 39, Ore gon t a n ON ACCOUNT of sickness will exchange jewelry, silverware, hand-painted china ware and crockery, value $1500. 2-vear lease rent $40. west side, for city prop- ' erty or close-in acreage. See Hiiow.N 6c j-'-i n ail way Exchange building. SO ACRES I.N LINN CGLNTY. 40 acres under cultivation. 5-room house, good barn, small creek ; price i;ooii. or win exchange ior a or o-room houe or grocery store, see UKOW -N & til UULK, 824 Railway Exchange Bldg. COST 4 -room cottage, 55x100, fruit and shade trees; all clean; value $ioo. Also 1910 Hupmobile, value $12u0. Either or both for equity in small modern bun ralow: upper Hawthorne district nre re r red. Main ooos; evenings sellwood 1171. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 36 acres, m miles from Hood River: 83 acres choicest bearing orchard In valley; cash price $40,0u0; mav take clear income to $20,0OO; some cash. bal. terms. Phone East w47. BLOCK AT GEARHART for sale trade. H. B.- McHoias, 715 Oregonlan bldg. Phone Main 3.i,. HAVE three corner Jots ior part pay ment pn a home. Call or write 417 union ave. LOTS, 2 blocks from waterfront, MarBh- rieid, or., ior Portland or Astoria prop erty. Call Woodlawn 1SU7. SALE OR TRADE My equity in five-ton six wheel united Republic truck, can AUtomatio L'l-ott. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. two-ton truck to trade for cord- wood. -ton truck. $100. 170 E. Killings worth ave.. corner Kirby. for chickens or anything. SS E. tiOth st-, near Mark. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. I. hrentor UN AM BARGAIN for cash, team big-boned Shire nomes. waigning a-oii ins.; tn good shape for the haid work. Woodyard. foot Taylor st (dock). ONE large team for rent or sale; one small team, harness and wagon for sale. J70 E. Kllllngsworth ave. NO 1 set of ham mi .n1 nic, shotgun. halt prlc CaU Tib or 7011, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. AUCTION SALE. 127 head dairy cattle, Tuesday, Feb. 10, at 10:SO A. M on the Joseph Kunnls place, miles south of Woodland, S miles north of Ridgefield, 95 cows, Hol stein, Durham and Jersey; 40 cows fresh since Dec. 1, 20 cows to freshen In Feb ruary; 3S cows to freshen in March; 15 2-year-old heifers to freshen in February; 9-months-oid registered Holstein imll; 2-year-old grade Holstein bull; 15 veal calves; catle wllj be tuberculin tested and certificate of health goes with each head; cattle to be loaded on boat free of charge; 3 Deering mowers; Dane hay baler ; cream separator. Launch leaves St. Helens at 9, 10 and 11 o'clock for any coming from Oregon side and will return aiter saie. DAVE COONS, Owner. COL. W. S. WOOD. Auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. HORSES! BjORSES! 20 head of first -class horses and mares from S to 7 years old. 1300 to 1600 pounds. Some well-matched teams. All stock guaranteed as represented. . Trial allowed. 365 Union ave., cor. Stephens st. L. Glass. ' BOY leaving city compelled to sell good young larm team, periectiy genne ana good pullers. Woodstock car to E. 30th and Gladstone; two blocks north to 1087 Francis. Sellwood 1212. PAIR mares, 6 and 7 years old. weight 3400 lbs.; also one 3U wagon and har ness. Apply 490S 58th St. S. E. Take Alt. Scott car to Myrtle sta.; walk five blocks south. 1 PAIR mares. 6 and 7 yra. old, weight 30400 lbs.; also one 3 wagon and har ness. Apply 490S fiRth st. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car to Myrtle sta.; walk 5 blocks south. 2 COO-POUND team; harness and farm wagon, cheap, Mt. Scott car. Tremont station, 4 blocks south or bbta ave., block west- of 71st at., S. W. cor. WANT to buy over 4-galIon Jersey or Guernsey cow; mint be tresh and first- class. Phone Main 4t39. Write Hillsdale, Oregon, route 2, Box 500. FOR SALE One 3-horse hitch of heavy duty harness with collars in good condl tion; also set of single harness. PORTLAND VAN & STORAGE CO. FOR SALE 1 gooseneck wagon, several 8 1x3 -inch wagons, several sets double harness. Standard Brick 4k Tile Co., 83 Fifth street. WILL sacrifice for $200 cash excellent team, well matched, gentle, gooa work ing facm mares, weighing about 2400 lbs. Wood yard, foot Taylor-st. dock. FOR SALE 10 or 12 head of good horses. Just out or hard vork; also 7 or 5 sets of double harness, good shape. Apply at stables, 20 Grand ave. 2700-LB. team mares, very cheap, also 21 0-lb. team ror o; an gooa workers. Atlas Woodyard, 827 Front. 2 800-lb. team mares, 3-Inch farm wagon. cheap. 57-i9 o2d St., Woodstock car. 2 blocks norths . 14 HEAD of horses, 4 to 8 years old, 1200 to IHHO lbs.; some wen matcnea teams. Inquire 564 Northrup st. PLOWING PLOWING. Get your orders in early for spring garden plowing. Phone Tabor 6Q70. FOR SALE, cheap, 25 sho&ts, 150 pounds. 30 pigs, ail sizes. 1500 lows, $uckley avenue, south of Foster road. 230 BUYS big pair 4-year-old colts, mare and horse, brovo io iarm work. , inquire Marion Fuel w., loot layior St. (dock). FOR SALE 1 3 it wagon in good condi tion, $25. u. is. .Koscner. uau urove, Or. BIG suan gray mares, extra fine workers, gentle, serviceable; jjnee $-'40 cash. Woodyard. foot Taylor st. (dock). WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. Campbeu-pneian uina ac cattle Co., H02 Couch bldg. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows ana crippiea norses. Phone Milwaukle 69 J for results. DEAD horses taken quickly. Tabor 4203. Cash for dead cows. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free. Portland Rendering uo. woodlawn 20. anon. Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO BARGAINS. $75 and up. It will pay you to see our piano bargains. We guarantee every one and give terms. Some of the bar gains are: KCHUMANKv MAHU., ALMUST IN N W . KROEGBR, MAHY., ALMOST NEW. T 1 1 -.BUT & CO.. MAHG.. PLAIN CASE. BAILEY MAHG., NOT VERY OLD. KOEHLBR & CAMPBELL. OAK. GOOD CONDITION. WHITNEY. OAK. SOME REAL PIANO. IRVING, OAK. A REAL BARGAIN. AND OTHERS. SBTBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder Sta. PHONOGRAPH ONLY $1 CASH payment during our .February phonograph ciuo sale; balance on easy weekly or monthly raymentM; big supply of new machines ust received; Victor, Columbia and Edi son diamond disc to select from; come early while the select ion Is good. K KKD-FRENCH PI A NO MFG. CO., S5 Wash St.. cor. 12th St. Bdwy. 750. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PLATER -PIANO ROLLS, BANJOS. GUITARS. VIOLINS. PIANOS. ORGANS, BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS. BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. NEW MAN. 3 28 FIRST. MAIN 4415. VlCTROLAS. STTLFJ X. $110; STY LIS XT. $130. in mahg. and oak. Just rer-Hved. Sel berl in g-Lucas Music c Co., 125 4th St., hot. Wash, and Aider sts. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please- you. Selher-ltng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th. st. Main 85 Mi. 00 VICTROLA outfit for piano; get ou proposition, thm is a new virtroia an records. SMb"r!ing-Lucas Music Co., 11! th st. Main 8SS. FORPKD to wll my beautiful rathephoi fumed oak cabinet, -ft ali'tinns of hisriv ciaps records; only uaort about 2 weeks; a snap at f'.9. Phone Tabor ES:0. $75 AND UP. Piano bargain, aee our real ftnapa In lined pianos. Sciberline-I.u'raa Must Co., 125 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder eta. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used planoa an player pianos: set our prices. Seiberltnff- Lucas Piar.o Co.. 125 4th St. Main 85SS. FOR SALE Beautiful $550 walnut plann, $22: good tone, S1..0 cash, balanro $1 per month. MT RRth ave. E. E. Mt. Scott car to Tremont. APOLLO electric player piano. S months' use at a real genuine bargain. Inquire 324 Washington at.. KemlcK Hong Shop. BEAUTIFUL toned $4fif Wellington piano, 2 years old; snap for caah; no dealers. Glen Court, apt. LEAVING STATE, sacrifice good upright mahogany piano, sweet toned, for $105 cash. lanor i;d". GENUINE Martin melody "C saxophones. a. . jonnson n&no uo.t iy otn st., Portland, or PLATER ROLLS Ton are tired of. n changed luc per roik iiaroia tilibert. 3S4 xamnill St. RENT a player piano, 6 months rent ap plied If you decide to purchase. Harold H. tilibert. 3S4 lamniiist $75 -Piano, old style, but in good eondi tion. Beioeriing-xucua a.ubic io., io 4th St. WANT to buy piano, cam be old If bargain ana auraDte. .uaui mm Deiore it. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 3R4 Yamhill at PIANO wanted, must be bargain Tor cash. Main K6SS. FOR SALE Practically new Grafonola. type E 1 lolumDla, call Main 4H4B. MAHOGANY electric phonograph. 0013. Cheap. WANTED A good-toned piano at once. pay casn. uan Aiarsnau otuv. FOR SALE! Rosewood piano, no dealer. Phone Marshall lOiu. PIANO wanted, pay cash. Marshall 1517. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE for sale or trade for smart car. Call St. M rancis apartments. 21st and Hoyt sts. See the Janitor or calj Broadway 4ftHl. DINING set. golden oak, wax finish table. 6 chairs, genuine leatner seats, buff&t. perfect condition. 4-iY i!.aat -Jd Aorth. Phone r.ast lot. COMPLETE furniture. living and dining- room. Including Deautliui outlet and davenport; houao tor rent it desired. 3110 Hall St. PRIVATE sale of furniture of 8-room house, strictly modern; must be seen to be appreciated. Coll 753 Johnson, 10 A. M. POLISHED golden oak bedroom furniture. oak extension table and china closet, library table, large French WUton rug. 144 East ZHin st. xs. AUCTION sales today. Every Tuesday and Thursday, starting 111 A. AL. to 12 M. 209 and 211 2d st. ALCAZAR combination range credit for sale; also want to meet dissatisfied owners of ssme. Tabor 3324. LEAVING town 'next week, mupt eel mv household gooas at a Dargain. 304 E. 3."th. near Hnrri?on. FURNITURE of 7-room flat for sale, flat for rent, ctoso in west sine. 41:3 ilenry building. DAVENPORTS direct from maKer to yon. Save nig money, jt-none lapor X 14tf. FOR FINE heater, wood or coal, $15. 120 Wil- lam4ta dwo. FOR SALK. Furniture for Sale. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE. PRACTICALLY NEW. 2 very fine 9x12 Royal Ka Shan Wf?ton rugs, oriental design, 1 2xa6 In. rug snme pattern. These dandy rugs are bargain. Been used only 2 months. 1 Colonial mahogany serving table. '1 Colonial center table. 1 m a t n v mcltpr 1 wicker chair lounge; a good bargain. 1 ivory princess dresser. 1 ivory bedstead to match. 6 rag rugs, cheap. 1 fire screen and set. . 1 gasp late, 2 burner Bathroom, fixtures. These are all good bargains. See owner at 1230 Mixter st, near E. 42d: 5 blocks south off Hawthorne ave., all week till Friday. SANITARY couch $8.50. large hall tree with French plate mirror, $20, mahog any table lamD. $12. gas heater for room. two small axmlnister rugs, $15. electric vibrator, beds, springs. Tabor 3325. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof storage. C. M. Olsen Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine st. 3-PIECE mahogany parlor set, settee, rocker and arm chair, in brown chaise leather, new 9x12 Brussels rug, Chinene design ; gas heater, light oak dining table. 202 Failing st. FURNITURE Household goods for house keeping, first-class, sewing machine, pretty muff and stole. Russian finch fur. East 1445, at 245 Grand ave. S. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKENS. AFFIDAVIT. State of Oregon, County of Deschutes, ss: I, R. M. Smith, being first duly sworn, say that I have knowledge of the fact and know that 175 White Leghorn pullets of the Bend White Leghorn Gar dens, of Bend, Oregon, laid 300 eggs from December 15, 1919, to January 15, 1920. R, M. SMITH, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23d day of January, 1920. A. J. MOORE, Notary Public fior Oregon. My commission expires February 15, 1!21. Note We shall be pleased to book your order for White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Yard run setting. 15 eggs, $1.50; choice laying strain, 15 eggs, $ BEND WHITE LEGHORN GARDENS. Box 41 3, Bend, Oregon. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION. 2d at., 73d to 74th aves. S. E. Portland, Oregon. Now booking orders for W. L. baby chicks. Carry at all times breeding and young stock, various breeds; price in ac cord with quality; complete line poul try feeds at special prices. BABY CHICKS. Leghorns. Reds, Rocks, Minorcas Prices reasonable, fj, jn. eeauam, csaiem, Ore gon. BUFF Plymouth Rock cockerel, several hens. W. H. Cleveland, Gresham,, Or. Phone 471. CHOICE White Wyandotte cockerels. Martin strain, from good layers. Call at 86 E. Morgan at. Phone woodlawn 40S8. PUREBRED White Leghorp cockerels. Barron strain. J. a. Jacques, ,stacada, Oregon, THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs and cockerels. 'labor THOROUGHBRED O. A. C Barred Rock hatching eggs. cocKereis. laoor o.;)if. I GUARANTEE to pick the layers: Ho- ganize your flock. woodlawn 5002. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode 'Island Red eggs for hatching. Sellwood 4 11 Bl. Min. pullets all laying and 1 rooster. $115. Sell. 29 ua. TWO good pens of Cornish chickens. Tabor 6790. 20H0 Delano St.. Mt. Taoor car. FOR SALE! Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. Sellwood 4i Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, Fet Stock. .FEMALE canaries for mating very cheap. .bast ooi. AlRFDALK -male dor. 2 vears old. house- broken, burglar proof. Tabor 6790. 2006 Delano st- Launches and Boats. 8-ROOM houseboat, furnished or unfur- nished. Inqulre at 1066 Macadam st. ONE Morris and one Oldtown canoe. Sell wood 2622. Machinery. SPECIAL -One second-hand 16x9x12 Falrbanks- TLTnrs undprwrlters' fire Duron. . One' pecond-hand 8-in. Mershon hori zontal band resaw. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First st., Portland, Oregon. CONTRACTORS' AND LOGGERS' EQUIP MENT Mine hoists. numns. motors. bolters, steam and electric hoists, con crete mixers ana pavers. j or rent or sale. Send us your Inquiries. Prices right. MOHR a.AClll.MLKI CUM fAA t . 501 Lewis bldg. Main 1831. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construo- - tion equipment. Standard Mach. Co,. 5 First st, ROCK crusher, 15 h. p., motor, Koppel track and curs, othrr equipment for sale, j C 1. jsicKeisen. -riooa niver. .r. m-HORSEPOWKR new Foos engine at reduced price. Pacific Scale & Supply Co.. 4 Front St. MroaflWHy FIVE gallon Bowser gasoline pump and tank for sale on terms, cheap. A.u 43, Oregonlan. AMERICAN turret lathe with equipment, cash or terms. 4J Hawtnorne ave. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold 01 monthly pay ment. Send for price list. The vt hole- sale Typewriter Co.. S21 Washington st. UNDERWOOD, L. C. Smith. Royal, for sale and rent. 402 Swetland Bldg. Main fli)l. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. M 51 h. Main 3B63. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers, fci. v . fease vo., jio cixin su VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. The P.ebullt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. REMINGTON. No.- 11; good condition. Call Automatic 213-30. I im. uregoman. MiHeellaneous. SPOT CASH PAID FOR ' PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST. MAIN 441)5. BLACK Hudson seal cape, trimmed in taupe squirrel, for sale very reasonably; practically pew. wooaiawn iho. FOR SALE Steel safe. No. 32 Diebold, with steel clieast, all .practically new. Sherry's. 391 Wash, at. LEAVING STATE, will sell Ruud heater No. 25, pertect condition, now soiling for $2!). 50, for $14. Tabor li3U. SOLID leather divan set. also other ar ticles, Tuesday only. 4U4 Market SU, Alamo apt, No. 6. DRY four-foot wood or 16-in. wood for sale. Call 2059 after 7 P. M. ONE 10-foot floor case. Inquire Central market, 4th and Yamhill. 4th-st. aide. FOR SALE; Set of Rogers 1S47 silverware, I Cheap. AO 103, Oregunian. FERTILIZER, $4 a load. Woodlawn 5904. 1133 Montana ave. FUMED oak china closet: L. C. Smith, No. B, typewriter. Sell. 20S. DARK mink shoulder scarf, good condi tion, $12. o zhv, oregoman. FOR rent Vacuum cleaners. 24-hr. dav II del. anywhere. Bdwy. 2oM; form. W. 1259. BODY Brussels rug. 9x12 sacrifice $20. 024 ?a st. ONE Koch's hydraulic barber chair. 130 3d st- 1XL barber shop. COMPLETE suit of ancient Japanese ar mor, a 4oo. uregoman. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for aaia. J'acmc lem ct Awnmn. i n. 1st st. FIRST growth, jo-in. dry wood; cord- wouu. miuiiium 914. EXCEPTIONAL values In slightly used 1U 9. ... n i .1 i"i' M I . POTATOES FOR SALE PHONE BROADWAY 454. FOR sale. cash register, safe, adding mkihuc, Biiuwi.a,p, -u su. near Ash. 1000 FT. of 3-10-Inch cable for sale cheap SODA fountain front and back, complete wun carotJiiator. at pargaip. 24 Salmon. SAFE FOR SALE, in good condition. 4S1, uresoniaiL VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. umBCTi( "6"ii -peiitipji v.o, jwn. 4007. LAD1H.S' suits, coats, nats, dresses and anoea; sngiuiy usea. iao mock block. HOP roots for sale. Address box 200, Springfield, or. SAFES Two second-hand iron safes, large I - n H niAtiiim li'r.i 1 C "7 n.. I I NATIONAL cash register, rings to $09.95, at sacrifice. 242 Salmon St. OR SALE Old-growth dry cordwood. d livered in 2-cord loads, 1st zona $9. J main nt:i.i. SALE Acorn gas range. $25.- 831 East Flanders, near 30th. GOOD MANURE. East 4301, FOR SALK. Miscellaneous. WE BUY DIAMONDS. Tf you wish to dispose of any diamonds, we pay full value In cash, without delay or dis appointment. Nothing too large nor too small. Spot cash. Any amount. Private office for ladies. Business confidential. Licensed by the City of Portland. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 2U5 Morgan bldg. 2d Floor. War Saving Stamps Cashed and Liberty Bonds at a Basis of Market Value Spot Cash Immediately. N AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. ONE large and one small refrigerator case, number of other floor cases, candy cases, cigar cases, wall cases, gas range, large ice box, flat and roll-top desks, stools, griddle gas plate, type'wrtier desk. aaimon st. Alain 342. PLTIMRTNT. Plumbing jobs done quickly and efft- cunti at reasonable prices; workman- ai k uarunieea. 11KRKO METAL WORKS, i Phone East 1954. 161 Russell St. SEWING machines new and second-hand. eoiu ior le&SI no antx pmnlnvvil cum. plete line of parts for all makes; ma- vmiit-s repaired ana rented. Alain ViJl. B. w j MKi .MACH1NJ3 EM PORILM. 11J0 Third, near Taylor. St. SHOTGUNS. RIFLES AND REVOLVERS. J3UUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND EX- NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST. MAIN 44S5. CIRCLE EXCHANGE pay highest prices or lauies sjignuy worn suits, party gowns, etc.; we sen ror less than otners; special sale on party gowns Wed., Feb. . no j miuiier uiug., uawy iU. "W1XDO-ROL" SCREENS. Rolls up and down like a shade. Let us show you. Call Main 3843, or ad dress 41 Board of Trade building. Sales- men wanted, w indo-Kol Mfg. Co. REVOLVERS. PISTOLS. GUNS SOLD, BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. bc.AUAt.uAKl S. 702 Main st. Vancouver, Wash. LEAKY roof, eh 7 Very aggravating. In deed. Why not a permanent and com- lortaoie root : we repair and Kubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed, juain imd. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk it over. Aimers clearing blouse tor .Diamonds. 355 Wash- st., next to Ma.iestic theater. ONE small Empire separator. No. 10 De- I lavei separator, a1,. 1. p. stover gas en gine; all guaranteed; reasonable. Phone I East l-io. Holverstott & Co., 420 East Belmont st. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bougut. sola ana exenangea. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., . 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gal., $7; 40-gal.. $9, tested and guaranteed; - stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed; ' pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8310. LEAVING STATE, sacrifice $00 bicycle, slightly used, suitable for bov or man. $20 cash; boy's Overland coaster wagon, $S new, for $4; BB shotgun, $1. Tabor 1Q3U. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1K6U. . 48 Front St. WOOD FOR SALE. First-growth fir wood, 16-in. lengths. delivered to you now $11.50 cord. Main 35. POTATOES We sell Yakima Netted Gems to con sumer at wholesale prices; satislactio guaranteed. 209 Grand ave. EDiSON diamond disc phonograph. 40 I records. Victor attachment; $!o; also child's oak rocker. Room 407 New Houston hotel, between 1 and 5 P. M. BIG SACRIFICE. Cash register, showcases, scales. 14- foot bar and back bar. safe. 113 2d st. Inq uire cigar store. OFFICE equipment, desk, chairs, tables. typewriters, adding machines from war I dept. I). C. Wax. 10U 2d. near Wash. Main 4031. FOR SALE Ruud instantaneous hot-water heater, like new; Cole hot-blast heater, nearly new; large-size oil heater. Wdln. saw. FRESH crabs, salmon, smelts, get the best at reasonable prices. western Fish Co., I 1TH 1st St., ne:ir ahit. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery, fruit trees. A complete line; telephone orders delivered. Portland Row Nursery, Tabor 67U0. WONDERFUL bargains in ladies' used ap parel, coals, dresses, suits, etc labor 2X25. FERTILIZER. Good rotted manure delivered any part of the city. Tabor 2704. Main 4185. NEW wood and coal range, cost $87. .Ml; threo-holo gas plate and oven. Tele phone ticll. S BOOKKIiEl'BKir desks and stools. 1 roll-top desK ana cnairs, 1 llat-tup desk. ijiisnong at to., vi ram st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. snowca""a, wan vaf?i, iiAiure.s; irriaj W. J. (julgley. 227 First. Main 53U. FOR SALE Moving picture machine, price reasoname. o. xiouaaay ave.. corner Adam su SOFTWOOD edible, 50-ga!. barrels, small carload, coopered, cheap, cash. B 112. Mregnnian. SPLENDID values tn ladies' slightly used coats, suits, ureases, iurs, etc. Main U607. MOULDING one-half price; also job lot doors cneap. nasmussen & co., ware house, E. 11th and Irving. LINOTYPE magazine. No. 1, and 4 fonts I o pi.; z lonia 014 pt. ior sale cheap. i&uur 1 ii-.. ooin si. . xj. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD delivery with panel body only driven one week, owned by grocery store I mat lanea, can oe oougnt Ior $000. tORD delivery, in the best of mechanical condition, gooa tires, panel body; real bargain, sl'i.i. terms. 80 Urand avenue iorLii. near nurnaiae. MAXWELL touring. 1919. in the best of condition, gooa tires, gooa paint: a snap $!I00, terms. 30 Grand avenue North. near Burnslde. MAXWELL SNAP Dandy little car in line , condition; owner crippled, can't drive; no reasonable offer refused. Tabor I U19 OAWLAND. new Fisk tires, being overhauled, guaranteed in 1st class con dition. Ml EKS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS ST. 191G OAKLAND, just overhauled; new top, bumper, spotlight and other extras; $550; terms. 108 10th at., odd librarv. Mar shall zzz. 1917 DODGE; see this car. it'a a snap at $7a0: terms. 188 10th St.. opp. library. Marshall 232. STUDEBAKER roadster, S-pass.. just the car ior spring; sjuu. wun terms. 100 11th Bt.. bet. Stark and - Wash. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Ford touring. self-starter, spotlight and other extras. 211 Washington St., cor. 1st. MITCHELL, made-over ton truck, good conuiiion; a uargain, s;o. su Grand avenue North,, near Burnside. 1918 CHEVROLET. Will guarantee every way. $075. MYERS AUTO CO. 411 DAVIS. FORD Coupe, 1918, wire' wheels, almost new tires, some extras, looks like new. a snap buy for $000. Phone Tabor 4439. 1917 DODGE touriner. $150 first payment: balance .u per month:. fall White. Bdwy 3600; evenings. Marshall 941. OVERLAND 90, good condition. $075. See Stanton & Armstrong. 1003 Hawthorne. Tabor 2948. WILL TRADE my Overland car for Ford roadster: reasons for trade, I need light car tor business. Call Main 1008. 1910 STUDEBAKER 4. 95 new; 1920 11 cense; flow; terms. 184 loth su. opp. library. Marsnau a- A 1919 hotspot Chalmers roadster, tive good tires, a real car. some terms. Tabor 17; 1918 HUP Just overhauled; will paint this car to suit you: S10.0; terms. 188 loth St., opposite Library. Mar. 232. 1917 MAXWELL, $100 first payment: bal ance $35 per month, call White. Bdwy. 3000: evenings. Marshall 941. LATE model Dodge, cheap, easy terms. t' -1 Oil DODGE, 1910. price $575; $230 down and 35 per month. Call East 8248. 1910 PODGE TOURING CAR. $075. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIR. FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring. Call Tabor 12R8. HUDSON Super, early 19, cords. license. repaint, like new car; 1800. East 3912, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WINTER BARGAINS are sttll being offered and you can de better now in buying a aecona-nanu automobile than you will be able to if you bold orr until spring. 1917 Chevrolet . $30 1917 Maxwell automobile, overhauled and repainted; all in fine condition, $500 mis painted. Maxwell, overhauled all in fine condition. and re- $tkt) 1 91 9 Maxwell, overhauled painted, like a new car..... and re- $s; Overland, good condition .$4'J Chalmers light six, good condition. $775 1917 Chalmers light six. all In fine condition, has been overhauled In the shop and repainted .$10 Late Chalmers with hot spot and like I a new car. j 191 R Liberty chummy, all first-class condition. 1918 Chandler chummy roadster, all in fine condition $1450 191ft Hudson super six that we over hauled In .our shop, then repainted, up on which we give a guarantee the same as a factory guarantee on a new car $1200 1917 Hudson super-clx, overhauled and repainted, guaranteed by us the same as a factory guarantees a new car, $1350 191$ Hudson super-six, overhauled and repainted; also guaranteed to you the same as a factory guarntces a n w car ..$1750 1917 Hudson speedster .$1600 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington il, Portland, ATTENTTO N. By buying used Packard cars or trucks from us they are in perfect con dition. We stock a large line of parts Ior same and give the best of service on them. Why not buy direct? W now have such cars and trucks for your approval as a Packard 1-35, Packard 1-25, 7-pass... $2250 5-pa.a.. . 7-pass.. . 2100 Packard 2-35 2750 -Packard 3-38. 6-oyI., T-pa , . . Also a Nash 6, 4-pa.i. . . 1700 1100 1300 750 450 Nash 6, 5-pass., 1919. . . Also Studsbaker, 7-pass.. at. Studebaker. little 4-pasa., at- Also 1919 Brisco roadster. 750 660 800 Also Chalmers 8 at on!y . . . Willys 6, and only. . . . ... Cadillac. 4-cylinder .. .! , 800 A few good used Packard trucks. Best of terms and no brokerage. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO 421 Burnslde St., at Tenth. GUARANTEED USED CARS. CHALMERS LIGHT SIX $1050 KING 8 . 1050 ' OVERLAND 950 KING 8 ROADSTER 2650 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1T25 Terms Given Tradea Considered. BROADWAY USED-CAR SALESROOMS. R. G? WOODS, Mgr. Broadway at Hoyt at., opp. new P. O. Phone Broadway 89. WE SELL YOUR CAR DIRECT FROM YOUR HOMK. CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. IF TOO WANT QUICK ACTION SEE1 US. OREGON USED-CAR APPRAISING & SAl.KS CO.. mi reck BROADWAY 4360. SOME real bargains In used cars. J : Mn hiiv then on easv terms ann will guarantee their mechanical conai tinn Come ill and inspect them. l'.ITT I'OKD touring car. gooa tires n.l irood mechanical condition. 1015 RUit K touring car. starrer, eiec trie lights, good tirea. T.M0 CAl'il.l.AC, o practically new tires; just right for a bug. lit 7 uii urer-six. OAKLAND aix touring. This r only run .v.on miles and an good a new l.Awi.r. rt a iiiii..nA.i, Repair shop, 2d and Main ac. in Mai street garage. REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1919 LEXINGTONS. Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms if Desired. BRUNN-MOTOR-OAR CO 2S-30 North Broadway. SAVE YOUR TOPS. Automobile owners, you ci now btry nuckback Waterproofing by the can. Your ton needs as mucn attention vour tires. Duckback prevents rotting, gives a fine color and leaves the goods soft and pliable. Get a can and make that faded and leaky top look like new. Stark & Rogers, distributors. 220 Stark Portland. Or. Main 1SU1. HAVE a 5-passenger WInton Six. 1917 mod el, best of condition, cora tires; real harcaln at $1200 cash or terms; cost $2000 new. Jno. Welst. Main 2007. BIG SACRIFICE, leaving city, mint sell my car immediately; good tires, all mod. ' ern equipment, electric starter, lights, demountable rlm. etc.. with extra tire and rim, $350 cash. W. J. Quigley. 101 West Alberta. Phone Woodlawn li84. CHEVROLET HEADQUARTERS. We have them all roadsters and tour- '"'mYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. CHANDLER touring, 1917. In A-l condi tion; will sacrifice at $1100 and give ' terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. HUDSON super six. In the very best of condition, used- privately, good tires: must sell, $Vf00, terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnslde. CHEVROLET roadster. 1918. A-l condi tion; will sacrnico i w". live terms. 30 Urand avenue North, near Burnside. FORD touring 1918 in first-class condition; no reasonable vnw ,r,Mcu. vwne. and car at Union Depot Garage, 335 Hoyt, comer Broadway. 1919 MAXWELL touring, completely over hauled guaranteed to be in perfect con dition. S50 cash or easy terms. 109 11th St.. bet. Stark and Wash. MAXWELL touring, fine condition, good tirea, good paint; will sacrifice at $525. and give leruiB. near Burnside. TIT OWNER Overland 90. 1918. No. 1 shape. $700: easy terma. CaU Woodlawn 2M4S. week days. . 1918 FORD touring, new top and new tires, can be had for $475; act quick. 109 11th St.. bet. Stark and Wash. KISSEL KAR By owner, fully equipped, perfect condition, looks Ilka new. a snap Marshall ?40: Bun, and eve. East 4817 FORD one-ton trucK. worm drive, en closed rooy; a iwrii". v Grand avenue North, near Burnside. FOR RAUE By ow-ner. ji titasmnuiie 6. like new. o tires, terms it aesirea. Call Main 527. OVERLAND TOURING, MODEL 75, $475 nvfLW 1ITTI1 I'll. 411 llAVIS. FOR SALE ArTOMORII.KS. FORDS. FORDS. EXCLUSIVELY FORDS Largest Stock of Used Fords la the Northwest. ALL. MODELS. SEDANS COUPES TOURINGS ROADSTERS BUGS DELIVERIES TRUCKS a Soma of these cars an , nearly' new. EASY TERMS IF WANTED. Too never had inch an opportunity offered fou fora. Yon know wa hava arranged to nell all the used Fords taken In trade by the aix authorized Ford Iealera la Portland. MAMMOTH SALES OF FORD CARS NOW GOING Olt Open AH Day Sunday. UNIVERSAL CA-R EXCHANGE, MORGAN-ATCHLET BLDG., Grand Ava. and Et Stark 8t S K. OBYE MOTORS CO., Two Big Stores. Broadway at Couch. 12 Grand Ave. No. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. m?r cask. T-Dast.. a-ctI- like new. 1919 MITCHELL, 7-pass., tt-cyl., good as new. 1919 MITCHELL, S-prss., 6-eyl. 191H .MITCHELL. 4-pas.. 6-cyl. chummy. 11118 MITCHELL, T-pasa,, 6-cylindr. . 1917 MITCHELL, 5-pass., -t-yt 1917 MITCHELL, 3-pasa., -cyl. 1117 MITCHELL. S-pass., 0-uyL 1!H7 VFI.1K. 5-pas., 8-cyL 191S Ol.nSMOHILE, R-pa... -eyl. 1913 PACKARIl. 6-pns.. a-cyl. 1918 OVERLAND, 5-pass 4-cyL 1913 STU PZ. 2-pass., B-eyl, 1910 CHANDLER. T-pass.. B-eyl. 1H16 CHEVROLET. 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 1915 STUDEUAKER. 5-pa.s, 4-cyL Several others to select front. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO. East First anil East Morrison 8ts. Wept Side Salesroom, Broadway at Oak St. Fast 7272. 212-18. Phones: Bdwy. 615; Automatic 533-43. O B OB YES E S We have received an assortment of uped cars that add muterially to our already large slock. We now have on hand the largest assort ment of good uwed cars In Port land. Our prices are lowest. Terms are easy. You owe it to yourself to Inspect our car before Investing elsewht-re. The Obye policy of low prices and quick sales and a square deal la well known throughout the northwest. Come In nfid select your car for spring delivery. We store gratis. Fords, Chevrolet. Maxw-lls, Dodge, Riilrk. Chalmers, Stude baker, Overlands, Reo. Haynes, Hudson, Vclle, Old imohile, Stearns. Willys, Scrlpps, Wirrton. Hudson sedan. CAE5H FOR AUTOM.OBnEfl. TOU HUT OR SKT.L A CArt, WE FURNISH THE M'INKT. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON RON D MORTOAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDU. (Second Floor.) FORD OWNERS. Ford overhauled $20 Hear axle overhauled f Vaives ground, carbon removed .... 3 1 Magneto recharged a I We hand-lap pistons, acrape bearings I etc., which Insures a perfect running I motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. .All worK guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 20 Front St., corner Jefferwon. S'4-TON REPUBLIC TRUCK. FORD DELIVERY CAR. PODGE TOURINO CAR. ' COLE 8 TOURINO CAR. STATES AUTO SALES. 4.10 Burnside. West Ride. PRIVATE pariy. must sell my Maxwell, 5-passenger car, good condition, tires and starter: cut from $400 to $375. One Cadillac car, 1914, good tirea awlf- tarter, excellent value, good service car; none better, $550 today only. Laurel Hose garage, 834 E. Burnside at. East 41(90. NEW AUTO BUTEKS. LOOK. Leaving town, must sacrifice clnswy 1919, 4-passenger Scrtpps-Hooi h coupe, used only 5 months, run txut bono miles. fully equipped, some extras, looks and runs like new; must be seen to be ap preciated; let me demonstrate; no dealers. Woodlawn B4.S0. 1918 CHANDLER chummy roadster, 5 wire wheels, good tires, being repainted, will look like1 new ana in una mechanical condition, will glva terms, phone East 1962. BUG BODIES. $10. Completa with hood, ate Immedlats Aeilvery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO. Third and Gllsan. AN excellent late 1917 Hudson super-six, lS-coat JoD oi painting, victoria top, equipped with cord tires; car is in excel lent condition; will give guarantee. Call Main 811. 1917 HUDSON super, seven-pasa., run only $S000 miles, owneo oy privHi party and In wonderful condition, cheap for cash or can arrange easy terms. 109 11th st.. bet. Stark and Wash. OHD. late 1919, new, enoo-mlle tires, $150 in extra, dwi ouy in inwn at f.ji, $825 cash, $25 per month. If you want this call at 152 2d St., Barber shop, tills morning at 9:30. TOLEN Feb. 1, Chevrolet touring car, Oregon ireense 4.l, motor 44t;on. n, Wood, Gresham. Or. Phone 091; $25 re ward. CHALMERS touring, mechanically perfect. all good tires; siruu; must oe seen to be appreciated. 109 li in at., pet, sisra ana wash. FORD coupelet. in A-l condition, need nrivatelv: must sen. a bargain. Iti.Mi terms. 30 Urand avenue North- near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. good mechani cal condition, goon tires ana paint: must sell: a bargain, $000, terms. 3o Grand i avenue Nortn. near nurnsiue. FORD touring, 1917. in the best of me chanical condition; good tires; win sac rifice at $395, and give terms. 30 Garnd avenuo Norm, near nurnside. MAXWELL touring, 1920. only run a short time: owner will sacrifice. and give terms, ao urana avenue rorth. near Rtirnsl le. FORCED to sell my beautiful lute niodl Haxon 8: will almost pass for new; runs smooth and quietly; a sacrifice at $075; will give terms. Call Tabor 8830. FORD roadster, in P' rfect condition, for sole reasonably, i-i.i.i stara. Ft It SALF F-vrd delivery cheap, -'73. CaU at xni 'a nn at. FOR SU.K II TOVIOllll.KK, ' TOU WANT TT7E BEST. thats rnorER. THESE CARS ARE IN THAT CLASS. CHANDLER touring ear. 102O; a new car with r.trd lire, motor meter, wind drfleclors: run Jut enough to put It lu good condi tion; a real buy. CHANDLER nispstch, !1: ne of lhe blue sport widela that win gie a beautiful demon stration. BUICT IlgHt sir tonrlng ear. 1919. This car lias cord tlr. with extras, and is without a blemish. A car aa good as new at big saving. BUICK emrpa. lata m. rrt- Inder; new overitise cord tire, new paint and will guarantru condi tion like new car. This we i on ider on of the beat lu tli city. PODGE roadster. 19l: hin cord tires and spotlight and will climb like a goat. OtjiSMORTT.B rnnrtng. 191 . Tight 8, in fine condition, at a big saving In prica. PAIGE MOTfT touring. 1918. I.lnwood modfl; good tirt-s. me chanically line, only gone 5uoO miles; a verv popular car that you will ba pruud to ohu. BTTTCK, 4-cy41nder touring. Ttils car has new tires, new top. new paint. This Is not a new car. hut looks and perioima ilka oue, at a real price. OAKLAND 8 touring. I1t Tnta car in in fine hai" and Is otia ju all! not be axhaiui'd to drive, Wa caa aava yon money on Una, These ara but a few of tha many good cars wa have. PORTLAND CAR C.. 631 Alder at, ilruadaay 2,'Jt. I TTTB TTMTJ NOW. THE PLACE Til AI-DETt STV THE BEST UFEP CAR VALUES Ef TOWN. BnylmT & Mgh-e1s wed ear frwm a firm with character is a hen.r inifM ment than putting the same money lnt a low-prl-cil new tar. Kinv car waolier Is HlGliT bofora eli.'roj Ior -. T1 rtTAXDT.ER tmrlng, R for ttres Vtw top, er'ecial ruaroou cnlnr. while aheels, regular tartory guarantee, ll."U. 1918 fTTANDLETt cbnmmv. 8 eord rlres. car looks like n and carrrni factory goaiajitea. $14o0. 19H riTANDIiEll sedan. I ir wtieela and cord tires, i-ariuot he told Iroru, ntwL factory guarantt-e. $20uo. 1917 nmriC roadster, liks ra tirea new top. $1100. 1917 BUICK touring, tn fins nlltloa, flioo. 191 MAXWEUs 8 th-em. apotllght; has had bet of caie. $700. 1918 CHEVROLET 490. condition, $00u. In excellent TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. .'14 Al.liElt f T . Distributors chandler. Cleveland. TTSEO CAn T1A11GAINS. 1 Del roller Club roadster, $1100. 2 Dodges. $075 and $;Ci0. 1 Reo. $ll(Ml 1 Oakland $900. 2 Maxwells. $.".75 and O.'.n. 2 Franklins. -o" snd s ..i. 8 Overlands. 2i. $350 and $(00. 1 !t-iul. $:.o0. 8 Fords, -'eO to $'". 20 Autos. $125 to -.. 4 Bugs, $J'"I to $,'.oo I.tiNtl SUVA, 4M2 Hawthorne. ! HERE Is your opportunity to buy a f-al high-rial's automniiila at a pi ice )ou can not crUlcice. HlidMitl 7-iaffeni;er Hl r Btx; run IIOOO luilen; carries sua'alily same as faetirv Klves: lt t'di of re. painting ol.UiVnalilo; extra the, llsiHl caull, or term if desired. Thn, linrKMlii will surelv anpt'al to ou If j on a'-e in tha market lor this site car. Eaitl 80:15. DOKS IT MK.W AVYTHINO Til Yi ll' TO IM'Y A l'SEI CM KV l U.MT From the Cheirolei Ai;, .,! Who Will bee 1 list Veil WlM liet Gfl')l M'.ltVU E ,'in.l -VALUE FOR MONEY? nw.ns Mormt car cumpawv. 14th and Aldir tu Hd. iio. ljt i:i:k ASSORTMENT I.' U I'lT I'KH I'.K. HAlKI.tlVt IN VEAKI.V NEW CARS ASS. K'lA I El SH'TipU .SAI.I.S ( i.VU'A N . 191h and Cmii Ii. Riondwsr 118 1919 N tun- it'i:i Ttv private owner. Hits w ..n.let-ftil 8 p:iasr !: er loiit ing es - I 'lirr I' d r1 me the lat'er purt of Jnlv snd hna td the b.fl of . Hrc, 5,, lly r. w tires, niolormelor, wind tltfleMolt. BP'tl llglit. etc. CaU Alani til 1.1 Monday for s p po i n t nt cnt. LARGE LOW KST ASSORTMENT. I'll ICES. HARGATV-t TV NT.4RI.Y NEW CAP!. ASSOCIA I EH Mtflttll SALKS t'ttMI'ANV. irvh and Com h. ftreidtvfir 11H FRANKLIN ehummv roailsler, l-R. Here la your chitnce to get one in inota hiKh.Krsde little 4-uKseiii;er can that will operate cheaper Ihsn a Foul. Fulltr equlnited, two liUlltperi, shtti k an aorbers. npolllght. six Itres, two new onea; $20X10. terina. Hroadnay 2. raom No. 4C0. FIAT 53 FtK fAI.K. 5-psssenKer toly, c;r tnrehsnlcs Itv perfeet, 1I2 ni"del. shimlniint hi'lv, would make the fuelest hug in I lie ulnte. rttst $7HMl. will sell or triiil". Wlutl lists you to offerT Address W. C. liirdli. Pilot Hulle Inn. Ilend. ( t PATTERSON 4-pwse. cliumntv roadei-r used as demcnsirator, powerful 8 cylin der Continental motor: a beauliful high grade csr. used but little. This Is a snap; a practh ally new csr at a u.'d car pries. Lewis Ob, llrtmdway at Couch 1914 HUPMOHH.E. first-cla sh.-ine. al most now. tiles Including sp.4re, for $43. cash, this week only. Hee It A lvsnie Rumley warehouse. Second and lleliuoni. STUltEHAKEIt four, fine condition, nrlvalelv. good tires; will n; at $;-.t and give terms. 80 Grand at sou N near Hnrnt ifle. CHALMERS, fine for hug. good meehantrat condition; Minp at fJ'M. Call atier 4 P. M., 5119 4th at. S. E. Alt. Scott car to t'reston ! plERCK-ARHOW" 3H. touting and lim ousine bottles go wun ear; car lias ne.-n driven by prlvat party slnee new; will sell at liliio cb"". c''i''-""t4'!:: MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels. axli. We wreck sll nisken of c;t t and t II their pans at half prh e. itavld HtMlt Co.. lnl-7 North 11th t. 191S FltllH roadster, electric fliirler mil lights, shock absorbers. demnnt:tlil? runs and other extran. 'o.nll.. n ;,.;n'J. FOR SALIC cheap. Iitte 1917 Oakland i can be seen al Crittlal's li-irjvi. IC. 8th and Main els. Phone Hell. nisi. OVERLAND MO 4. runs snd looks I new car, $0"0, with terms. 109 11th St.. bet. SMark and Wnah. 1919 CHAN til. Ell. cord tire equipment. I spare tire: In exeel'enl condition; car Is like new. Main 311. j.', mps 1 mm: us en E n h.kts Lowett price: make your own lerma MYERS Al'TO t'tl, 411 1.VIM. HUDSON 8-40, new body, new paint, good tires; will sacrifice, $i25. with tetnu. 30 Grand avenuo North, near ltiinVde. FORDS! KORTx! KIRW! " " THE CHEAPEST BUYS IN T' 'YN. MYERS AUT CO 411 DAVIS. MKXWELL touring, 1917. A-l condition: "will sell at $oo. and gua lnh. 3V Grand aventjr North, near Hurti-'de j5AXWELI touring. 1918. best of ronlv. tion: owner mimt sell. $7Mt. t'rrn. Aa Grand avottue North, near lturnide LARGE Cidlllnc. tlt, spick snd -pun, be.t u,ech:ini'al coml tt lotl. $li'Otl :ijl Ss mon. 13T.-I MAX WELL. lor qnl. k sn e. shape, leevlltg citv 42.1 Henry hl.lg koi;i sr.i Like new; sncrtftc AN FORI' totirlna. tis.l price thle week 1 prlv utei v, oi t h totl, ,.'::., I7. 11(18 CM AI.MEKH SEDAN. 5 cord (!,e nK, new; cub, uioii or Uada, kiU i.04.