Try" Jj 13 TIIE MORNING OREG ONI AN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920 FOR BEVT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. 3SOB HILL district, beautiful large corner room, exceptionally well furnished, clean and homelike, fr one or two gentlemen, References. Marshall lull. KlOELY FURNISH KO room with young couple, home privileges, furnace heat, plenty of hut water; player piano; 110 minutes' ride. Tahor 85JU. NICELY furnished room, f trst-class apt., west side, walking distance, suitable 2 business ladies or married couple. Mar shall 2491. LAURELHUKST Pleasant room with sleeping porch; will Kive breakfasts and Sunday dinners if desired. $15. Tabor W7S. ItOOAt with, quiet family, overlooking ri-'er, near "West over Terrace, for busi nesa woman ; r.-f jrences. Main 8563. SLEEPING room In Irvington home to man or business srirl; home privileges. East V2S1, or K. 10th st. N. ONE clean, large front room for one or two men; cheap rent. Call after 8 evening. 507 Powell st. WARM room with running water, suitable for 2, $23 month; also small front room, S-0 month. 215 12th street. 2 WARM .rooms with all modern conven iences; breakfast if desired. 5U0 East Salmon. Call East $::;. LARGE front room for rent at 47 East 9th st. Suitable for 2, rent reasonable Call East 67u6. KICELY furnished front room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 3S1 Broadway. Mar shall 27&7. A LA RGE, double front bed room, strictly modern, private home, west side. Bdwy. 34s. FRONT ROOM, private home, all eon veniences, west side ; gentleman only. Main 341. TWO comfortably furn ished rooms, pri vate home, $10 and $18. 424 4th st. Mar shall 337S. KIOB room for gentleman, modern, rea sonable, walking distance, west side, ref erence. Call Alain 7313. LARGE, nicely furnished room, hot and cold water, heat and bath; suitable for two; close in. 777 Irving, nr. W. 23d. JiJCKLV furnished sleeping room, break fast if desired. 691 Elliott ave. Phone East JS 5 1 S. FURNACES heated rooms with closets, rea sonable. East 1209, It3l Grand av. N. MCE airy room for 1 or 2. 414 Market Rooms With Hoard. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOVT ST. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the. best-known residential ho tels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. N OR TON I A. HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, .ith or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. " THE WISCONSIN. Under new management, clean outside rooms, first-class board $8.50 per week. R45 Kood st. JtOOM and board for business girls; all jnodeni conveniences; walking dustancc ; $4.50 per week. East 47.12. 3 2 E. 7th St. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. r.SO 10th st. for business girls and students: reasonable rates. Mar. 125 1 . 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th ; choice rooms, board, modern conveniences; walking dis tance. Rooms With Board In Private Family. FOR RENT Room with board in private family, large front room, furnace heat, hot and cold water in rooms, walking distance. 2 gentlemen preferred. Phone East 3W2S. v FRENCH TEACH KR Would furnish nice 1 room with light, hest and breakfast j to French teacher for assistance in French. N 297. Oregonian. LARGE room with piano. $34; suitable for two business m-;n. Beautiful view and grouiiu; breakfast if preferred. Sell wood 407. ROOM and board for 3 congenial young ladies employed, in beautiful Irvington home of young people. East 329. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen or mar rid couple employed; also table board. 6M Glisan. Marshall 124S. BOA RD and room for working man, $35 a month for one or $40 for two. Call East 0771. 475 Holladay. BOOM and board for 2 gentlemen or mar ried couple employed ; also table board. 68 1 Glisan. Marshall 1248. BOOM and board venient to K. C. preferred. East ' for young man; con night school; Catholic 1 .id. Ft RNISH ED room for 2 ladies, with board, in private modern home. E. 6014 ROOM, and board. 2 gentlemen, home priv ileges. East K6S2. ROOM and board for one gentleman, home privileges. 400 .Monroe. t;ast 0i6. FURNISHED room with board, 701 Irving st feet. Room and board for little girl In private nome. nest or care. f;ast MUtt. IS 1' 'E room in Park. modern home. 431 West Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia street. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's Store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, z ana o-room iurnisnea apts. ; au cuiside with drench doors and balcony. FEA BODY HOTKL. 19th and Upshur housekeeping a partrnents, 1. 2 and 3 mom, steam heat, very reasonable rent. i none tsuwy. i.-t. A LA D Y whose husband is awa v wI fharc well furnished apartment to lady employed west side, 4 lose in ; will ex change references. Phono Marshall 1297. DKNNISON APT., corner 34th. and Bel inont, one .i-room furnished apt., pri- -v.iie pain ana pnone. iTice xa bnr 54ii. Al 1KAOI 1 v 4-room apartment on wes side: furniture tor sale. Rental S6IL Telephone 573-S5 after 10 Saturday and iunaay. o ROOMS, nicely furnished, beautiful view pa race ; First St., near iibhs ; $47.50. J rank L. Mcliuirc, Abingtdn bldg., Main GARDENER APTS., 13th and E. Ash: large rooms, balcony and bath, absolutely clean; annus oniy; reierences; $42.iu. LARGE room and bath and single room for bachelor or lady employed; reference required. Marsha 11 2S,;0. 1 AND 2 rooms, housekeeping suites Ft earn neat, laundries anu baths; cneap, j.Tr, Mierman sr. larsnaii THE LEEDS APARTMENTS, steam heat, everything ' modern. Market. No phone calls. LORENZO APTS.. 427 Salmon st., phon Main 868; unfurnished 2 rooms, base ment apt. ; water, lights, phone. 4-ROOM furnished lower floor, private residence, all conveniences. SS5 E. Madi son St., near 29th. 4-ROOM furnished apartment; steam heat, west side. Phone Main 7422. COM PL E TE L V furnished larjre 4-room apartment, west sidf . East 3917. UNION AVE. and Killlngsworth, $21.50, all complete, concrete bldg. 3-ROOM a pt, for rent, furniture for sale. Call Bdwy. 517 after 1 P. M. FURNISHED 2 -room apt., furnace heat, close in, on car line. 560 6th st. FURNISHED apt. for rent, furnishings for sale. Marshall 3618. FURNISHED 3-room flat, bath. 514 E. 21st st. WR car. 8-ROOM nicely furnished atfit. ave. X. 649 Union Unfurnit-ued Apartments. 8-ROOM apt. or housekeeping room, un furnished, graa and electric lights fur nished, heat and hot water. Take Wood lawn or Alberta car, get off at Rusnell, one-half block east; rent reasonable. Vhone East S48H. 41)3 Russell St. IN FL R.VISHBD 7r Hoyt. 3 or 4-room apartment. I'latd. BEAUTIFUL. 3-room flat, all convenience to man and wife; references exchanged. S(i6 K. 35th st. . RM car. MCDEHM r.-room lower flat, near Belmont. AdultsL 166 E. 15th. Furnifihed Klato. UODERX S-room flat for rent, waxed oak and leather furniture for sale; dining room set, sideboard, two rockers, rugs, complete kitchen, 2 brass beds, complete. Phone East 3.1o3 . 6-ROOM flat for rent; furniture, well ar ranged for roomers, for sale; also double garage. 561 Market St.. lower flat. &55 TAYLOR ST., nicely furnished living room, bedroom and Jt tcHen. modern, walking distance; price- $35. ONE outside room, sleeping porch, kitchen, dressing room, bath same floor, $38. 403 Park. FURNISHED FLAT for Thurman. No children. ' rent. Call 8J1 FURNISHED R-room lower flat. East Washington St. FURNISHED 4-room Sixth street. flat for rent. 624 Housekeeping Rooms. HOUSEKEEPING apartment.. 208 Wash ington, at First. FOB RENT. Housekeeping; Rooms. ONE suite light housekeeping rooms, pri vate bath, elect, lights, gas, phone, al! furnished. 654 East Burnside St. Phone K. 096. 2-ROOM housekeeping apartment, $4 and $450 per week; sleeping rooms, $2.50 per week. City Hall Apts., 147 4 Fitth. Main 4676. TWO clean, comfy, housekeeping rooms, one sleeping rorm; .vaIkU..r distance, west side. Marshall 11S5. ONE light housekeeping room for working girl or woman. 9-5 V N. 13th, corner Flanders. Broadway 3068. I SINGLE housekeeping room for rent; city Park, at Yamhill. FOR RENT One furnished housekeeping room for one person. 221 12th. st-, cor. Salmon. H. K. APART. Park st. 2 rooms, clean, heated. 404 FRONT H. K. suite. 1 or : $5 a week. 641 u. 1st st. men, $4.50 or FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, Russell st. 85114 STARK. Si. for rent, housekeeping rooms ; also sleeping rooms; close In. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, also sleeping room. 3514 Stark st. FURNISH ED H. K. rooms. 109 Park St. HouHekping Rooms In Privp.te Family. JUST what you have been looking for, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms In desirable residence district. c!oe to Sunny side or Hawthorne cac 1020 East -Mam, cor. 34th st. NICE, clean, front room, with use of kitch en and dining room ; large closet, fur nace heat, light and bath ; also smaller bedroom. 733 Hoyt, near 23d. LAP.GE front room, ground floor, bath, gas, light and furnace heat. 561 Inlan ders. Broadway 2877. Walking distance. Nice 3-room suite, furnished, second floor, electric lights, water, nicely lo cated, walking dis-tance. 564 E. 6th 1 TWO rooms, nice location, close in, heat, bath, light and phone. 261 14th St., near Jefferson. THREE frnihea rooms, white enamel. In modern home, nice neisiinorbood; one or two adults only. Tabor .0L THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light, gas. bath and phone. 461 K. Pine. 4 FURNISHED and bath, als and bath. Call between 1 521 E. Pine st. 3 furnished md 3 P. M. TWO h. k. rooms, furnace heat and laun dry trays, garage next door for rent. 74 E. stark. TWO large housekeeping rooms. Call 446 layior st.. Saturday or Sunday. TWO furnished h- k. rooms, good location. hast 4!H'.. TWO furnUhed H. K. rooms at 111 N. street. House. 6-ROOM house, screened porch, 5 lots, all sorts 01 iruit, apples, prunes, cnerries. uamson plums, chicken house, near car, no furniture except stoves and range ; lease to satisfactory tenant. Inquire a f- ternoons, 1 riuav. Saturday, any timtr on Sunday, 5630 68th sL S. E. Nashville station. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service Broadway 5S0, A 6747. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-di: tatice hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. LOCAL and lone-distance moving and haul lng; tirst-class equipment. Green Trans. Co., 2024 Alder st. Main 1261. 572-61. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace. large yard. 9ou Vancouver ave., $40. Wood lawn 196. MODE RN house of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, clean and in first-claa condition. Tahor 5iifl. 6 ROOMS, furniture for sale, house can be rented. 91 E. 12th st. In. R. C. car. FURNITURE for sale, house for rent; 7 rooms. stHit m 1 ssipsippi ave. MODERN bungalow for sale or for rent near men senooi. woouiawn 321V. MODERN. 6-room cottage, $30. Owner. 806 North western Bank bldg. 6-ROOM modern, 703 First st.. $32; refer ences. Phone 319-01. Furnished Houses. FOR 2 months, furnished modern five room cot tape; reliable tenants, adults. 547 E. 3-91 st. R. M. car. Phone Sell. 0;;9. 4-ROOM house. furnished. $20. Call Smith's grocery Morris and Commercial, if-J 1 ;..u A. ji u-1 J'. Al. 6-ROOM modern furnished house. 92S Clinton and :0th st. Richmond car. Sellwood 1364. Tel, STRICTLY modern nine -room furnishet house and garage. Call 3 474 Halsey st b Kj k.n isfH fcJJ bun ga low w ith garage, no children. Tahor ttny. SPLENDID 6-room home. Irvington. well i urnisnea. fc.ast 2 1 a. Herd man. Stores. STARK -STREET STORE. FOR RENT. Fine location for auto, tire or acces sories busmess. RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bids. STORK 4Rx 100. corner Union and Haw thorne; will divide or remodel. See Rob ert S. Coe Jr., 384' Hawthorne ave. East 4726. STORE, 1187 MHwaukie at., $15 per month; good location tor meat market John Bain, &U7 spaiaing diq g. LARGE store wit h basement. East Burn side, close in. 45 Including heat. E. H. Collis. East 8660. DESK room for rent, double phone serv ice; central location; reasonable. C 560, Oregonian. WANTED Vocal teacher to share down town studio. Main 2145. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Soft drink establishment, extra fine bar and back bar. 95 N. 3d st. Very cheap. Inquire at 62 N. 3d. BAKERY and groceVy for Pale; attractive location, near bt school ; Hawthorne district. Tabor 195. PARTY with $1000 to $3000 to take activ interest in machinery mf k. business; salesman preferred. C 606, Oregonian. WANTED Party with some money to par ticipate in pheasant farming. Address A V 1 72. Oregon ian. FOR SALE Shoe stock In prosperous pay roll town of 12.000 pop.; wilL Invoice. AV 175, Oreeonian. FOOL-HALL In good location, will $12 day over all expenses. Price $". Call 511 Railway Exchange. pa v 000. FOR SALE A SMALL MILLINERY STOCK WITH FIXTURES. PHONE TABOR 3343. RESTAURANT hear new city employment office. $525; some terms. V S96, Ore gonlan. GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES, REASONABLE PRICE. PHONE WOOD LAWN 1531. "Vv"ir.L sell half interest in one of the larg est and best garages in city. F 953, Ore gonian. CIGARS, confectionery. soda fountain, news; good corner. 241 Washington. RESTAURANT for sale or, trade; cheap. 340 Front st. RESTAURANT, dandy location, sell trade. East 350. j j ' CbyriK&. 1920. by Newspaper Featur 5rric. Inc. BrsiXESg OPPORTCNTTTIES. LAUNDRY Located In county seat town un one oi the completed state highways; only laundry In county; plant consists of 60-h. p. boiler, 15-h. p. engine, 3 elevated header washers with automatic valves, 26-inch high-speed extractor, dry room, drying tumbler, motor-drive flat-work ironer. steam collar ironer, bosom, neck band and cuff presses. Universal presses, collar equipment, marking machine and all necessary office equipment. Ford de livery car; building and property on payed street; laundry has been in oper ation ll years, was remodeled ' and equipped with the latsst machinery in 1919, and Is one of the finest in the nortnwent; supplied with soft water, gas and electricity at low rates; wood $2.74 per cord; operating expenses very low; weekly business $500, which will Increase the coming year. Plant, building and property wilt be sold for $15,000; one third cash, balance easy terms; no lease f, rental propositions considered- Av 111. Oregonian. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY, 448 MORGAN BLDG. We have a waiting list of buyers want ing rooming houses and APARTMENT houses and hotels. If you want Immediate results, list with us and get quick action. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY, 448 MORGAN BLDG. RARE OPPORTUNITY to take over Ore gon and Washington on an exclusive auto necessity; going biff in California and the east; unusual income bearing: large factory discounts; should earn $10,000 per year with steady increase; must be man of ability capable of handling a big proposition in a big way Investment of $5000 in stock; refund privilege extended. Representative in Portland this week. Box AV 171. BAKERY, retail, doing $4500 a month; established 10 years. P 140. business Oregonian. HAE one of the best little businesses in the city; have $titxK) invested. want someone to invest an equal amount; but4 ness has been established for years and books will stand thorough investigation; don't answer this ad unless you have the money and mean business. AG 674, Ore gonian. PARTNER WANTED. $2500 for half Interest in established business; one who understands office work or willing to learn. 44S Morgan building. WILL sell half interest in well-established transier business; two new trucks. This money-making proposition for party will ing to work. For further information call and see me at 143 Front street. Phone Main 5M9 or evenings at 327 H East 12th st. Phone 8479. fun alk interest In oil syndicate: no stock proposition, bona fide leases ob tained in wonderful prospective field; strictly bona fide in every particular: very little chance to lose, but a possi bility of making an immense fortune. Particulars on request. P 47, Oregonian. HALF Interest In established real estate business, doing good business, farm land department, now starting big; reason for selling, other interests demand attention, $60O required. PHONE TABOR 5449. Or Sunday, Main 8245 week days. A bJ-iois repairing shop for sale, price iuuu casu; aescription as toliows: un Progressive finisher, two standing lacks, one solccuttcr, one sewing machine, one splitting gauge, all kinds of other equip ment and material. A. N. Henshaw, Dallas, Or. E A S T E It N manufacturing corporation wanta capable men to establish office ar.d manage salesmen; $500 to $1500 nec essary; you handle your own money; will a Mow expenses to Denver if you will qualify. Address Bell, room 305 Colo rado bldg., Denver, Colo. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND Ik. MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLR. A GARAGE SACRIFICED. Located on a well-traveled street: con crete bldg.; can store 30 cars and do good repair business; also sell gasoline, oils, auto accessories, etc; price for all only $1500; good reasons for selling. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. FIKST-OLASS bakery and lunch for sale; bakery located on principal st. ; only bakjry in town; no other bread shipped in. Must sell at once. $600. without stock. Will give terms. Harrisburg Bakery, Harrisburg, Or. " ROOMING HOUSES Restaurant, cigar stores, pool rooms, groceries. We have a large listing. It will pay you to see us before buying. SAFE INVESTMENT CO. 423 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE A fine stock of hardware lo cated in the best allcy town, doing a good business; fine location and cheap rent; stock at invoice. Selling on ac count of otner business. Call on of write 309 Corbet t bldg. WOULD like to communicate with party wishing to invest in an established and prosperous garago in city; this is a first class investment and will stand thorough - Investigntion 1 353, Oregonian. $625 R ES tU RANT and waffle house, good location ; receipts $40; rent $35; must sell at once. See Morris. SAFE INVESTMENT - CO.. -423 Henry Bldg. DRUG LESS DOCTORS, good practice, fully equipped offices with furniture and steam bath; for sale, $50u; net income $350 a month. R 348, Ore pronian. IF YOU have idle money, answer this ad, we will offer you an investment which may interest you. AM 63, Oregonian. WANTED Partner to buy half interest in small high-class hotel, now paying large profits; must be experienced and active. Good personality. $7500 cash necessary. A V 169. Oregonian. A TRANSFER business for sale ; books show $10. "OO a year for past 3 years; trucks and contracts go with sale; pri $3000: $2000 will handle. Bdwy 157: Mr. King. CORPORATION MANAGER WANTED WHO CAN INVEST $5000 TO $20,000; ONE FAMALIAR WITH THE FISHING INDUSTRY PREFERRED. AN 60, OREGONIAN. HALF interest in established real estate business; making money; good listing; worth double the price asked ; $600 re quired. Phone Sunday, Tabor 5449. G 955. oregonian. FOR SALE Good jewelry store and watch repairing business, located in prosper ous eastern Oregon town; small amount of capital required. Phone Broadway 2616 for appointment. PARTNER WANTED. For auto repair business; sell gasoline, used cars, etc. ; handy man can buy in with a mechanic; small capital required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. COUNTRY store on railroad, pos toff ice in store, on Pacific highway; will invoice stock, total price $3000, terms. See Brown & Biddle. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. FOR SALE Dandy grocery, about $1500; best location. 1256 Hawthorne. Tabor 8584. FOR SALE Nice little grocery, apartment district, about $1100. 4064 Hawthorne. BCSIXKS8 OPPORTUNITIES. UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY. Oregon corporation desires to dispose of about $10,000 additional stock to pro vide working copltal. All common stock; will take individual subscriptions from $50O to $3000; no commissions to agents; every dollar goes into the company: present stockholders are well known Portland business men. This corporation has certain valuable, exclusive contracts that will pay 10 per cent every month on the entire- capital stock. Full par ticulars on request from bona fide pros pective Investors; no positions open. This Is strictly an investment opportu nity in a high-grade enterprise with an immense earning capacity. R Z'23, Ore gonian. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. LIVE TOWN. -aere of ground, 7-room house, large tore building, fresh stock, doing a good business, good reasons for 'selling, will Invoice for all about $5000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK S.T. HAIRY LUNCH AND RESTAURANT. CENTER OF CITY. This fine place up-to-date and clearing about $300 per month, with lease; busy an tne time; ail tor 1750. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. War Saving Stamps Cashed and TIberty Bonds at a Basis of Market Value Spot Cash Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. TWO FINE POOL TABLES. CHEAP. Tables In fine condition Including1 nans ana cues. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. FOR SALE. BARBER SHOP. Fine location, "plenty of business: reason for selling, owner must get out lc me open. THE F. M. WARREN COMPANY, INC Warrenton, Oregon. MUST SACRIFICE. Fifteen-year established new and second-hand furniture business on good payinar basis: must sell for principal rea sons. Cor. Grand ave. and Washington I street. $1650 CIGAR and confectionery, corner; rent $45; must let it this today. SAFE INVESTMENT CO., 423 Henry Bldg. transfer go ; see CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing1 deal of so-called inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROSSLEY. Secretary. PARTY with logging outfit and 30.O00.0O0 sta nd wants man to buy truck and trailer and handle logs from loadway out; one-mile haul, plank road. Batton, Mar. ;J54U. A RA RE opportunity: one chance left to Invest $500 to $1000 and draw out 5 to 10 times that amount in short time. I have the gilt-edged goods to Ket it- 1006 m isstssippi ave. vv ooaiawn o t .su. ACTIVE reliable man wanted as partner In office; some outside work and small investment required. Call Oil Railway Exchange. FOR LEASE Dining room and kitchen in best-known hotel In Southern Oregon: only those with good references need apply. Box 333, Myrtle Point, Or. CANDY business, established trade: have 1 exclusive line: will consider a good part- rer. can between 4:;;o and r::,o p. .M 595 Williams ave., or phone Tabor 5122, AUTO repsir and truck sales business owner wants reliable man as partner; pay good wages: $650 required. Call 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Paying truck business in thriving city of 10.000, located in heart or fruit district or Rogue river valley. p. o. box Hit, Aiearora, or. CONFECTIONERY in Marshfield. Or. Will take about $4000 to handle. Best loca tion in town. Owner. L. L. Sauers, P. O. box 413. Marshfield, Or. ACTIVE business man can make profitable connection with high -class paying busi ness; $40O0 required; investment fully se cured, iv villi, oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCE A fine location for a live real estate man, best town In the Willamette valley. Call or write 309 Cor- bett bldg. HALF interest in a money-making realty business for only $6fl0; owner going soutn reason ior sening. rnone aunoay, Ta oor v4 J t4 1. oregonian. HUSTLER as partner In 15M. sawmill md box fnctorj- on railroad and in i?ocd fruit district ; not much cash required r 020, oregonian. PARTNER wanted; handy man with small capital can buy in auto repair business with a mechanic. Sell gasoline, etc. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. GROCERY store, with 2 living rooms; good' location : win give i per cent discount on invoice. 3421 50th st. S. E. Tabor 4120. WANTED Responsible person or firm to' take over state rights or Oregon for live seller; absolute guarantee. Call at 42 Union ave. N.. Portland. MAN or woman with money to Invest in a permanent business with good income. Services rcquirea. 11- aanay uiva. u. car. 3-CHAIR barber shop In good small town. payroll. Rood money, good reason for selling; price $600. C. N. Shaver, Gold Hill. Or. CONFECTIONERY, pool room and lunch 1 counter, cheap; good prospects. Box 113, Boring. Or. WANT a position with a few hundred dollars to- Invest In a good, safe busi ness in the city. F 2", Oregonian. FOR SALE Second-hand store; must selL A. Day, Ranier, Or. CASH grocery, best 335 Union North. buy In town; look. GOOD restaurant on 6th; $750 cash win handle, or trade. Broadway 4465. Business Opportunities Wanted. NEWSPAPER WANTED Am In the ma ket for a Rood paying newspaper. Oreeon or Washington, in town of not less than . 3500; might consider partnership. Ad dress box 0154. Milton. Or. WANTED By a competent and reliabU middle-aged man and wife, a medium sized hi eh -class apt. house to manage. either on the percentage or salary basis. S. C. Carroll, 211 J2tn. WANTED 50-room furnished apartment or hotel in exchange for two acreage tracts of 10 and 20 acres, both improved. Marshall 401. WANTED Grocery ; Portland preferred ; state amount business, price, rent. N 308. Oregonian. $2000 AND services to Invest, give some details. P 46. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. BARGAIN by owner Workingman's hotel, men only : good money maker; cannot handle; will take $1200, some terms. Give phone number and hurry; P141, Orego nian. FOR best bargains in rooming or apart ment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st. WANTED To buy rooming-house. 8 to 12 rooms, close in. west side, from own ers only. Mrs. Davis. 261 13th st. LEASE on 50-room apt. house, will trade for anything, car or lots; clearing $275 per month. P 151, Oregonian. POLLY AND HER PALS Ciwt Britain Rfrrits Rnsaa-rscL Refi tared in DELICIA DRAWS THE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Room ins; Houses, PICK THIS SNAP. Brother's illness compels immediate sale of 9 -room house, well furnished. H. K. rooms, close in, full; recentl decorated and painted; new bedding, rent $25; nets over $80; price reduced to $700, will take $350 first payment, bal ance $35 per month. Call 224 MIN St. after 10 A. M., or phone Efest 2126 eve- nings or before 10 A. M. FOR SALE Leading hotel in live raining. lumnering. iarmlng. apple raising county on line of highway, county seat, doing good business, catering to first-class travel, well equipped. $50,000 .invest ment, one-ha If cash, terms 0n balance: class A building; will give thorough trial to proper party. Address Box A, Sonora, California. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apart ment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RI ER DON. WATCH OTTR ADS: "WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKER, If you wish to buy or sell, come in and talk it over; 12 years In this business in Portland enables me to give you satis factory service. . 723-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 30-ROOM apartment, corner house, steam heat, rent $75; good income; lease; $1200 will handle; 2 blocks from east end of steel bridge. Phone East 8225. j $125 RENT for 30 rooms, with lease, clear ing over $250 per month, you may see me for further information. 626 Cham, of Com. bldg. HOTEL FOR SALE 60 rooms, good con dition; parties wish to retire. For par ticulars address M. B. Autenrleth, Yrelta. Cal. 8-ROOM house for sale for $750. by owner; easy terms; new bedding, newly painted and decorated. 224 Mill St.. after 10 A. M. 17-ROOM rooming house for sale; close In; price $75; hair down; rent Ft. See landlord, 245Va Burnside. A Burke. 11 ROOMS H. K.. clears about $S0; $600, terms. $950. Main 363. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, L.lght fc Power Co., Jan 29: 3 purses, fountain pen, 2 books, belt, 3 pairs gloves. 7 packages', haloplane lamp. handbag. stool, suitcase. 2 lunch boxes. 10 um brellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder sts. LOST Wednesday. between Orchards. Wash., and Brush Prairie, black hand bag containing old timebook and inven tory of plant equipment. Finder please notify United Contracting Co.. 1121 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3099. lost a new larce round beaver necn- niece. made bv Rumelin CO.. Jan. -u. tinmA niarfl on Washington. Broadway and Alder sts. Reward. Mrs. A. Peter- sen. Altoona. Wash. LOST A small black band purse Thurs- Hn v nlffht. on or about a DoDot-Ai orrison street car around 6:30 P. M. Finder can have reward for same. Mrs. Lee Lewis, 271 N. 21st st. LOST On Wash. st.. between St. Clair and Ella, Tnursuny morning, wuy b wi--h, silver case, Walthim movement, mono gram E. A. C. Return to Apt. K. The Stelwyn, 360 St. Clair st. Reward. LOST Late Friday afternoon, net. -ast- moreland and nth ana Aiaer sis., moie skin coatee. Finder will please phone Main 6S72 or Mar. 669. Liberal reward and appreciation. LOST Boston bulldog, weight abou 35 nnnndx- license No. 2093. Reward of fered for return. Phone Main 1201 or Tab o 4119. ; LOST Pocketbook between Lewis mag. and State Bank or I'ortiann. coniainii two $3 bills, 2 keys nn,d some change. Reward. Phone 511-07. PA RTV who took purple umhreiia trom Meier & Frank s restroom 1 nursoay sr. M. was observed; return to lost and found dept. avoid trouble. LOST OR TAKEN by mistake, reversible like-leather coat containing gloves inn small box. Notify or mail to Earl Fonda. Eugene, Or. I LOST Boston terrier, dark, brown, white neck, dark s round eyes, spiKen coiiar. license; reward. Phone Col. 408 or re turn to 1M9 Portsmouth ave. LOST Gold lorgenette at auditorium, Wednesday afternoon or between 3d ana Clay and 3d and Washington; reward. Call Main 7440. t LCST Thursday morning, either on street car or street, 1 pair black shell-rimmed glasses. Finder please call Bdwy. 3105. Rc w a rd. LOSTO pen -faced Walt ham watch, en graved old Eng. "D," was in leather case; liberal reward. Call Tabor 122. LOST Bunch of keys. Washington bet. 13th and 14th; useful to owner only. Return, receive reward, 464 Washington LOST Purse, near People's theater; pa pers, keys, money; reward. Leave at Oregon ian. LOST French brinrile bulldog, license 397, East 7767. Reward. LOST Fox terrier puppy, answers name "l.oma." Phone Marshall 3h67; reward. LOST Moss agate brooch, prong Betting. Reward. Phone Wdln. S61S. LOST In Nob Hill district, young Scotch collie. Call Main 5502. LOST Wednesday afternoon sold pencil marked P. K. .1. Phone Broadway 656. LOST Child's dancing slipper. iKndly call East 2529. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OK CALL FOR PAYMENT OF COLUMBIA CLAY COMPANY BONDS Notice is hereby given that Columbia Clay Company, a corporation, not less than ninety days before the setrtl-annua Interest date of February Jst, hp 20, prave notice to the understated, trustee, of its intention to redeem on said first day of February, 1920, all of the outstanding bonds of said Columbia Clay Company, known as "Columbia Clay Company First Mortgage. 6 Gold Bunds," numbered 139 to 215 Inclusive. Now. therefore, notice Is hereby given to the holders of said bonds that the same have been called for payment, and that said bonds are payable at the office of the undersigned trustee. 553 Williams avenue, Portland, Oregon, on and after said first day of February. 1920. and that said bonds will not draw interest after said date. Notice of this call for payment Is given by the trustee by public advertise ment In the Seattle Post-Intelligencer of Seattle, King County, Washington, and in The Morning Oregontan of Portland, Multnomah County. Oregon, once a week for a period of four weeks immediately preceding sach date, as provided in the deed of trust. This notice Is dated and first pub lished on the 3d day of January, 1920. The date of the last publication is the 31st day of January, 1920. GEO. W. BATES A CO., BANKERS, TRUSTEE. War Savings Stamps Cashed and Liberty Bonds at a Basis of Market Value Spot Cash Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. NOTICE-5-A11 storage accounts Z months past due. If not paid by February 18. 1920, goods will be sold for storage charges. C O. Pick Transfer A Stor age o U. S. Patent Offic LINE AT THAT. BV CL.IFF" STERRETT. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Limited number of shares of Johnson's Auto Sisnal Co.. cheap for cash. Apply or write to F. H. Snow, 104 3d st. Phone 240, Vancouver, Wash. I WI LL not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. G. A. Nelson. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHINGS FOR IDAHO STATE CAPITOL. Boise, Idaho. January 20. 1920. Sealed proposals will be received by the bureau of supplies of the department of public works of the state of Idaho, at the office of the commissioner of pub lic works. Boise, Idaho, up to 10 o'clock A. M., Febuary 27, 1920, for furnishings, consisting of furniture, ruga, curtains, draperies and hancines and miscellan eous furnishings, as per schedule of arti- I ' cles required, specifications and con ditions, which may be obtained at the office of the commissioner of public works, Boise, Idaho, or at the office of the American Contractor. 6 North Mich igan avenue, Chicago, HI. Proposals should be marked "Propos als on Capitol Furnishings," and should be addressed to William J. Hall, com missioner of public works, Boise, Idaho. Design, construction and price will all be considered in reaching a de cision. Tho commissioner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check or draft on some bank in the state of Idaho, payable to com missioner of public works, for not less than 5 per cent ot the total amount of the proposal, said check to be forfeited, not as penalty, but as liquidated dam ages, in case pucceul bidder fails to enter Into contract within ten days after presentation of contract for execution. Delivery must be made f. o. b. cars at Boise. Idaho, not later than October 15, 1920. Articles furnished must be delivered In good condition.' strongly packed and protected, and marked according to di rections for shipment. Transportation charges must be pre paid. Freight tariffs In effect on Feb ruary 23, 1920, will govern in figuring proposals If tariff rates are raised thereafter and before October 1, 1920, the additional freight charges will be Dome by the purchaser. Unit price must be quoted on each article. The commissioner reserves the risrht to accept or reject bids on any or all of the included articles, and to increase or diminish the number of ticlcs called for before accepting bids. WM. J. HALL. Commissioner of Public Works. Purchasing Agent. NOTICE TO BOND BUYERS of the MACLEAY-LTNDSA Y IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Sealed bids will be received bv the Ms leay-Llndsay Irrigation District at its office. It being at the office of T. G. Mortland. at Sequim, Clallam county. "Washington, until 11 o'clock A. M.. on the 2d day or Starch, 1U20, tor the pur chase of bonds In the sum of Two Hun dred and Sixty Thousand ($260,000) Dol lars, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, the proceeds to be used In the construction ox an irrigation system. A certlfi d check in the sum of Five Thousand 1 $50O0 Dollars shall accom pany each bid. which check shall be for feited in case the successful bidder fails to comply with the terms or his bid. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any ana ail Lias. MAC LE A Jf-LINDSA V IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. By HARRY D. Mac ARTHUR, Secretary. bequim, wasn. SEALED bids for text books for school district No. 1 will be received at the of fice of the undersigned. 401 court house, Portlsnd. Oregon, until 5 P. M.. March 8. 1920, and will-be opened at a meeting of the board of directors to be held 4 P. M.. March 4. 1 920. in room 3iH court house. Specifications may be ob tained at the office of t he undersigned The board of directors reserves the rich to reject any and all bids or to divide the award. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated January 2S. 1920. FINANCIAL, LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or Vic tory bonus, sell to4 us. If you ctrn buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER -YOU MAY DO WORSE. On Friday, January 30, 1920, we paid the follow in g prices for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds, which were the closing New York mar ket prices, plus the accrued interest: in. x. .vi ku interest, joiai. 3Ub 1st 4s 2d 4s 1 st 4 Vi s 2,1 4 W s 3d 4 14 a 4th 4V4S Victcry 3ai s . 9S.30 . 91.52 . 9(1.36 .45 .51 4 .54 9S.7 92.03 91.2(1 . . . . 91.66 , . . . ?o.;;ij . . . . P3.U2 . . . . 90. 90 12 2i 9 1 . 26 1.61 1.25 .4S .61 94. 6:t 92.15 9S.4S OS. 61 , 9S.OU , 9S.OU Victory 41j in purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds we deduct from the above p.-ices 37c on a $50 bond and $2.5 on a 1mi bond. Ia selling Liberty and Victory bonds we charge the New York market pric plus the accrued Interest. Ask about the MORRIS BROS. PLAN. Burglar and Fir' proof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. Open unt:l 8 P. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Capital One Million Dollars. Morris hide. uOO-31t Stark St.. bet. 5th and 6th. Tel. Bdwy. 2151. Established over 25 years. AVE BUY AUTOMOIBLE CONTRACTS. MAKE MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. WRITE FIRE. AUTOMOHILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE BURK1TT, PRESIDENT, OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20tt SELLING BLDG. MAIN 11:00. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your. real estate loan on the co-operative plan Loans for sny amount to run from 3 to lo years repayable in small month ly Installments. Part or all of loan may be paid eff as any time. Every bor rower participates in full prof its of th associstion. Only purely co-operati v- savings and loan association In Portland. UNION HAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION, 89 4th st. WB BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. ORKGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 2U8 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. LIVESTOCK LOANS. , Our ; own money loaned on cattle, aheepw hogs, etc. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 210 Chamber of Com. Main 802ft. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH for RECEIPTS. WB LOAN money on BONDS. WAR STAMPS. 7 Int. 725 Gasco bldg., Cth'and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore . ion. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermem bldg. FINANCIAL. WE BUY first and second mortgages anU sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan n I teal KM ate. RES I D EXCE LOANS. per cent to 7 per cent, ftve-year period. You may pay $100 or any multi ple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value on bouw and lot at 6 to 7 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and interest. You have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MORTGAGE AND PAY OTHER EXPENSES. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. 5 j per cent tnd o per cent. Repayment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, Main S30S. Suite 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or lor improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plaa. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 i-cr month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $10u0 and interest. Loans oX other amount in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 24 Stark U. Purtland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NW BROKERAGE. LOWEST KATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment priv ileges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third street. Main 3067. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FA KM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms. No commission. No delas. DEV E K E A I" X. MO KTt i AG E COM PAN Y, 57 6th St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property. Prompt service; no d-lay. Call and see us for terms. PORTLAND Tit I ST Co. OP OREGON, Northwestern Bank BUlg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying pri iugea. A. H. iUUKhMi CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property : favorable n-paying privileges; no commission or delay. T HE OR EG O N M O UTG AG E CO., LT D. 506 Piatt Bldg. Main 5171. $60.UOt TO LOAN in sums to -suit on cltv suburban and farms. Building loans specialty. WILLI M G. RECK. 215-2 16 FAILING BLDG.. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also im proved farm property. Current rates, WM. Mac MASTER. 831 U. S. National Bank Bldg. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real es tate. 1st ar.d 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc, F. E. Bowman 4k 'Co.. 210 Chamber Com. Main 3026. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 5 PER CENT. PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. $400, $5u0, $600, IMIU. $1000, $1250, $1500, $2000 and up, lowest rates, quick action. Fay otf $lu0 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham ber or Commerce, .Main 1J4O. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate. G and t ion time, short time monthly payments or as you can; aums to suit. 4 Jo ia4-u mag., out ana Aider. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MONEY. TO LOAN on reel estate security at going rate ef interest. f OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO t 413 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. 0 Fourth St.. Portland, Or. MO RTGAGE LOANS! City or farm property from $500 up. W. H. BR1TTS. 31S Chamber ot Com merce. Phone Marshall 2549. $5h. $Hmji ANU upward 011 Improved real estate; favorabU terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Hum. 57 Spalding bldg. $3"0. $4O0. $50), $750. $UuMt AND LP; 1 rates ; quick act ion. Fred W. Gorman 'p.. 7.12 Cham. 01 Cum. .Main 6445. MONEY on farm and Improved city prop erty. ri. n. uaxtcr. u-a fapr-.aing Didg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rate. A, H. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. $1000 AND UP! no commission or delay. F. H. PES HO. - 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. Salomon & Co.. 4uS Selling bldg. Louis Money to laksvn- Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONET AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE T YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FU UN ITU KB. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC. If your payments a re too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We mHe a spe cialty of these loans, and lea? i the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us In small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LANS to salaried people, on their own note. - Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. LICENSED. ) 806-3O7 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3280. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 010. 894 Ftaik Street. Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, victrolaa, pianos. kodaks. shotguns. furniture, musical Instruments, and anything of vlue. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City an 1 county warrants cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. SALARY'. LOANS. CHATTELS, W E LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or worHIng men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSBR. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 21S FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan on c'lamonds. Jewelry, legal rates; all articles held a year: estab lished 1HSS. Dan Marx A Co.. 283 Wash. HATHAWAY' Loans on pianoa and furni ture: legal rates. 203 Washington bldg. Loans Wanted. TWO good sellers contracts for sale; give a liberal discount. Morris, Henry bldg. nl 619 MORTGAGE of $13,000 bearing 8 per cent interest, on $40,000 ranch. R 303. Oregonian. jnXAXCL4U Loans Want!. WANTED By Fehruarv 20. $15,4HHJ for 3 v-rs. secured by 3-story bcick building located on a good corner on the west side. This is a safe loan and can rec ommend it. Applv JOHN WHIST CO.. SO-S-9 lewis Bldg- $10,000. C.r,. NO AGENTS; choice real es tate security. This is a 30 per cent loan, annual net Income over 1ft per cent on value of security. This is an un usually attractive loan. Commerce Mori gage Securities Co.. 91 3d st.. Main 367. FOR SALE Good $30tO. 6 per cent, 3 to -.vear loan on larce house in Rose City J ark, recently soid at 70(H; a conwerwt t:vc va.ue; rented at $65 per month; no agents. Alain 30 6 7 . $1200 AT 7 per cent on new 5-room oun Ealow, hardwood floors, now being fin ished, ground looxUMi. Owners' estimate value $4ouo. Fred W. German Co., 732 t hamber of Commerce. FIRST MORTG.GEs"KOR SALE X 1M PROVKD PORTLAND PRoPEHTYAND r A R M S. F. H. PES HON, 615 C4i. of Coin. t --i j cl. ouu at interest; no agents; on Portland improved property. I . O. box 1091. WANTED To borrow $::O0 on Rood sect Ity. at once. A 2 L. Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. Jfc MORTGAGE CO, 2-2 Cham, of Commerce, . Ith and Stark. PERSONAL. IDEAS. A man without Ideas Is without an active brain: For brain cells must bo nourished If development you attain. The brain was nude to think with And to store up some reserve; It waits for food and action And mankind it will serve. There Is no limit to the brain W hen put to proper use. As idU minds to undermine Without a good excuse. Wc have r sirons idea That will save you more Cn each spring SUIT. COAT, DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. ,. . 2d Floor. Pittock Block. WE BUY DIAMONDS. If you wish to dlFpose of anv diamonds, we pay full value in cash, w ithout delay or disap pointment. Nothing too large nor too small. Spot cash. Any amount. Private on ice for ladies. Business confidential. Licensed by the City of Portland, THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 2C5 Morgan Bids. 2d Fior. War Saving Stamps Cashed and Liberty Honda at a Basis of Market Value pot Cash linrnediatelv. A M ERIC AN BRok KR AG 15. 205 Morgan Bldij., 2d Floor. INVALIDS and infirm people wishing emu fort able homo and careful t rt-H t mnt by experienced nurses, phone Wdln. 215(1. Halea reasonable. Private sur roundings. W 1 L LA M ETT E B U LEVA R D S A N I -TA KIL'M, 1270 Willamette Boulevard. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $23 per set. Don't mat ter If broken. Old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridge work, bought. Bring or mail. The American Brokerage Co.. 25 Morgan bldg., second floor. "OLLITON K," the new miracle, removes v rinklt s, deep lines, crows f et ; butlda up liLtlc iiiusch a and tissues, makes flabby, saggy checks plump and pretty. 5tte, $1, l' mail; 110 stumps. Guaran t -d. Wallam - Ailltone Co., Seattle. Wash. WAN TED 1 u format ton as to the where abouts of Melankton Theodore Matheson, about 26 e a uld. dark-b:on eyes, medium daiK complexion, biacK hair, tall and slender. Communicate with Martin Matheson. 1U20 arrcn ave.. Sea t Ut 1 GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, lng. nailis warts and mo It. 3 absolutely ; new invention; no pain, uu soreuebJi. Lowest prices in town. Consultation 1 1- lit-re j eara. Arches luted. 603 Dekum bid. HAVE you learned from experience the pleasure in wearing a madu-io-order cor set ? Cunsult Madame Thomas. 1181 K. Couch. lutings in your vmu home if desired. Call Tabor 4664. LB. H. L. HEISLER. graduate of Stan hope, school of magnetic healing, treats acute and chronic .! iseast s. 1 'rices cry reasonable. 20b E. 35th..nd Hawthorne. Tabor 1555. T A KARA AN! 1SEPTHJ POWDER ta a cleansing, ncaliug. germicidal and invig orating douche. A great, aid in lucor rhca and lemale disorders. 50c and $1 per box. Portland llotc-1 Pharmacy. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH and a scieiituic massage once a week will prolong both ph &ical and mental elliciency Dr. ironside. 30&-11 Broad way bldg. Nurse in attendance. Maui 56, W. SHAW, officiating Spiritual Church. E. 7tn Mon.. l'U''s., 12 to 4. 5i9 Wed.. Thurs., Friday. Sat. pastor Fit t ami llas:-iio. r'landfrs st.. Private cir- clc by appointment. Phone Bdw 27 . MA DA ME MAUD of NV w York, face spe cialist. rinklt-s. Urn s, f revkb s. lt er spots, etc.. removed ; niusclt-H tightened. Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5. Hotel V aslung luti. room 11-. fl LADIES' and gentlemen's Panama, straw, fci l and beaver hats cleaned, blocked, dyed and res t wed ; bueki a m, net and wire frames. LaFranie. licttierit, 372 Morrison at. SI WILL get bolh feet fixed up good at Lr. Katun's, the t-'HI KUl'ul 1S T, w no uovsn't hurt you; o yrs. here; exam. free. Giob. tlieatei bldK.. 11th Ji. Wash. Ldwy. JaJ4. KKV, J. O. t-CHoJU. IS K. street. N. rnr. Hurnside; meetings Tmsday and Sunday evening. o'clut-k; private cia..j daily. TkBVET & HANNEBLTT. leading wig and in.iiifl maUersu flncat stock humau hair goods, hatidresins. manicuring, face an scalp treatment. 34'J Alder. Main 64 d LR. MAT1ULDK A RNISKN Medical gjiu mst; graduate from Norway; electricity, sci-jnlilio lila&sage cx-rciscs. 3uu Co lumbia bld Main -H3'.J. ALASKA Kl'KS i r "AFTEK TUU SEASON" TRICES. THE KUK SHur, 6J0 Swelland Bldg., filth and Wash. MTsri E. ADAMS Treatments for dandruff and falling hair, manicuring. 4of Morri son si., Tliford bid;;, office 3uo. Hours 11 to 8. Sunday 11 to 3. Bf RUTH OLSSO.N. medical gymnast, s'wediah graduate. Btcam. massage, exer cises, electricity. SS-' Washington bldg. Main Ladies only. jjTEAM BATHS AND MASSAGE. New equipment, spotlessly clean. Dr. Laura E. Dow ning. 10lh iloor Broadway, bi d g . Marshall 31 S". TTTjDY fa-e and scalp massage; nervous ca-es specially. Dr. Ovidia Larsen. 4U7 Morgan bidg. Main JL SAUKY treats corns ami ingrowing. nails, pe 3-4. Wash. si. Mar. 33Trt poos. DR. MARGARET HAI.MS gives Chi J. ,.riir steam baths, violet ray vlbrat . nue. 13 Swetland bldg.. Main 1761. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by lo needles method; trial free. Jrsie I free. Jrsiei lg. Main 6.11. 1 ured wlthou'l . Dean. U4H Flnley, tan Di'aii m PILES can l permanently Cl ,tif.ns. Call or writ. Dr. i Derations. MorriBon st. DK. ULNA SOKENSES, 508 Panama bldi DrUgleSS, IH.a6- ' " ' . . ... .,u.j- rheumatism. constipation, open evening wlli vi OASSENHUBER wants to com m unicate Leave address L Oregonian. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 3 to 6, or by appointment. Phon Main 104-J. Office 3US-C Third at. IF you want to have an up-to-dato suit see M Welnstein, 410 Stark HL, beL loth, and Tlth. Satisfaction. MASSAGE MANICC1UXG. 415 Buchanan bldg. Main LADY BARBERS. shave. aoc; face massage. 35c. 3o Eve 0c; haircut. 35c; rett, cor. 3rd. WILL STELLA please communicate with. A. L. at his hotel? W1L,l, Mrs. McKnight from Tillnjnoolc county phone a friend? Columbia K4 J. BR WILKINSON removes corns In S milk 315 Flanders at., near 0th. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm ot Figs. S44 E. 33d. Sell. 2313. morning. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, face, t-calp. Kliedner bldg. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera. tlon. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youT 6ee VierecX collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. WANTED Child from birth to 3 years; good, kind home. L 337. Oregonian. LAWYER $35 cases nut opposed. 3633.