i ft. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1020 17 FOR KENT. Furnishna Apartment.. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Btreeta. Ftv, minutes' walk to Meter FranX"! tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, 2 and 8-room furnished apt. : all utelde with Ifrencb doore and balcony. 1'OR RENT Well furnished 3-room apt private bath, light, heat, phone; tenant furnlHh own linen and llver; adult, only; employed couple preferred, J40 per month. j)0O Union ae. N near Beech KIOB 4-room apt., close in. Clay and 10th. 50: furniture for ale. r-HANK L. ilcGUIRE. Ablngton bldg. Main 10ft8. O.VIi or two furnished apartments for rent. Main 137U. 2-KOO.M apartment. 2d floor, 40-i 1'ark at. 530 a month. Cnfunilslied Apartments. 2 LAKGK unfurnished outside roomi fi.!,) mnilorn WfeSt Eide flat with fur- teie 18th Dace heat, liffht. hot water and phone furnished, ;lu. Corner and Hoyt. . of 2-ROOM apt., unfurnished, with bath and larsre dres-sinff room; walking distance. Chap m an apis.. 3.'." Chapman St. 4 AKD 5 roomi nient tenants. i; reduced rent to perma tl . Tabor 78J.-. BEAUTlPCh 3-room flat, all conveniences, to man and wile; references exchanged. !i08 K. 80th St. Ur KM car. M'rjKRN lower 5-room flat: Kast loth", near Belmont. adults. 16d Kjru clan 3 or 4-room flat at Mlllbridge. Haul 5U14. Furiiih-d Flata. fclRNITUUE All new. flat for rent; must be Bold at once ; close in near K. Broad ' way. Main 54otl. , 8-iiOOM Hat for rent, furniture for Bale; 4 rooms rented: cash and terms. Fhone Marshall 1.".!S. 4 AND 2- ROOM flats, no children. Call 821 Thurman. from 6 to 9. evenings. Housekeeping; Rooms. A VERT NIfR IIOITSKKBKPIKO ROOM WITH KITCHKNKTTB.. MARSHALL Mr.. K1.S 13TH AND MORRISON aTS. 3 OH 3 KIJR.N1SHED housekeeping rooms, east Bide. north of Washington at. Uroadway 780. l UH.NKHED housekf ,lnB apartments. 3 rooins. 'new furntturo. 20 K. 15th. cor. Ash. -J!OOM housekeeping suites, one one 4.50, two sleeping rooms. East &. i-'.'HMi I.arrabee. , SINGLE housekeeping rooms. $8 and $12. 5H4 Everett St.. near 10th. . T.Atr:c. ripn n b niisekeeoing room with I kitche'nette. 564 Flanders. BOTKL OHIO, clean transient H. K. rooms, reasonable 26HVs Front, cor. Madison. X51V. STARK ST. iror rent, Housekeeping rooms; also sleeping rooms; close In. vein, rkxt Housekeeping rooms, also sleeping room. 351 Vj Stark St. . H. K. ROOMS. liKht. heat, hot and cold I J , water, bath and phone. 245'A N. 17 tn. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 20a Washington at First. FURNISHED housekeeping apartment. 1 u 2H Grand ave. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma. Wdln. 8418. lO'.lO Albiua ave. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. JUST what you have been looking for, .ii.aiv f urnisiiifl housekeeping rooms in ricslr-uhla resilience district. close to fcunnysitle or Mawtnorne car. iu-w j-"" Main, cor. 34th St. 1 ".11 Mil :t-room suite, furnished, second floor, electric lights, water, nicely lo cated, walking distance. 564 E. 6th at. t.nrin.' nh mi tti furnished for house- Ueenlne: furnace heat. gas. light, bath and phone. Bdwy. 2S77. 5011 Flanders. vrppt.T fur-nUned room, kitchen and lsiimdi-v privileEes. lady employed. 55 North 20th. Main 6657. i.-iTvi vtsHF.n Hleeniue room with use of kitchen for couple employed. 910 Mal- lory ave., upstairs. VUKNISHED H. K. room, suitable for 2 busines! K-verett. sleeping porch. people 1 vni;n morlern clean housekeeping rooms. tnHiidiDi kitchen: adults only. Tabor 6618. KICliLY furnished front housekeeping room, all modern conveniences. da7 Gli san. FURNISHED Taylor St. housekeeping rooms. ONE or more clean furnished 1L K. rooms. 540 E. Stark st. GOOD, clean housekeeping rooms. 101 N. 13th st. No children. TWO clean housekeeping rooms, private bath and entrance. Woodlawn 3709. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $12 per mo. 588 Pettysrove. Bdwy. 3423. Houses. MR. AND MRS. HOUSEHUNTER. Houses are very scarce, but w r lLa.ving a few vacated right alone. VERY LARGEST IN CITY. tt trivn BDeeial service to house- 1 owners that puta ua in a position to set the majority or these vacancies. SKR THIS YELLOW SIGN". SMITH-WAGONER CC Stock Exch. vni; ii rnnn-.M. bath. elec. lishta. lower floor, residence, 60tU t. and Glisan, fill it A Housekeeplne rooms, 53th at. and 50th avenue. FRANK L, McGCIRE, Abington bldg. Main I0C8. JjODEHN 4-room cottage, with acre crounds, improved, with fruit and shade trees. 4 blocks from Portland heights car good view, 475 Davenport street: price :ir. per month. Inquire Max L.oeb. Ritz hotel. Ma in aso H. f.ROOM Hhack. 40 by 125 lot. E. Slst. near 0,llRd.n. can be chanced to good double carape; will rent or sell, easy payments. R 176, Oregonian. FOR RENT A 5-room house, partly fur nished. On .ast 4im EL., naw uiui no u.o-tri.-t. near 2 carlines; $'Jr per month. water includod. Phone Tabor 71SS. Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC Uyht MiTvice. Broadway 58V A 6747. V itrn I TO RE for 5-room house for nale una linnsfl can be rented reasonably. Call between 10 and 2, inquire 130 East Taylor. ilOVING Piano, furniture and lonic-dls- tance haullnK a specialty. O. & W. Truck fcervico Co., 40 2d M. Phone Bdwy. 5121. T nrii. mi lonir distance moving and haui- ine: f 1 rnt-cln:s eouiyment. Green Trans, Co.. 201! - Alder st. Main 12ttl. 572-61. FOR RENT House lies, cloaa In; Jio. Riocery. suitable for oOS Clay st. 2 f ami- Key at 6 ROOMS, furniture for sale, house can be rented. 01 E, 12th st. N. k. u. car. 0-ROOM" modern, electric lights, new Tiumbins. 70;S First st. Phono 319-OL Furnished House. c.pnnM hniiH. 2 fireplaces, furnace, ce ment basoment. piano, beautiful view. "Willamette Helphts, SfiO. 5-room bungalow, new furniture, Cleve land ave.. l3Ti blocKs 10 car. FRANK L. McGUlRK. Ablngton bldg. Main 10C8, FOFt RENT Furnished 5-room house with D'.nftnin" nnn-h. modern. Lents district; no children; f 20 per month. Inquire H18 SSth st. a. Mt. Scott car, or yhone Main. 851. v.i.kc.axt furnished lartre 5-room bunga low and garage; hardwood floors throughout, velour drape, piano, etc.; $75 rfr monin: nouti it o.i a.. a ROOM furnished house, east side. 15 Sumner St.. near Jefferson high school; water, garbage removed; adults; $40. Wdln. 3062. E-ROOM house for rent. $17; furniture for sale; $650 cash. Seilwood 100a. FURNITURE for sale cheap, rent. ISO Clackamas st. House for Store. fcTORE room. 10O0 square feet. South Portland. $10 per month. See Mr. Farns- worth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. STORE. 1187 Milwaukle at $15 per month; good location for meat market. I j o hn Bain, wt spaming omg. t i u p. w itnrii with baemetit. East Bnrn. side, clocte In. 45 including heat. E. BL Co 1 lis. East S660. Office SKSK room for rent, doiibla phono serv '0; central location; reasonable. C 5(50. C-9enlan. Brsrxicss oppoRTnviTTKS. CHOCK RT STOCK AND FIXTURES, KKASONABLK PRICE. PHONE WOOD I.AWN 1531. ton SAX.B Hetail shoe store, $nr00 re quired. Address AV 142. Oregonian. RBSTAURANT Wffore buyinp. -A bnp at SGdO; see 619 Morgan bids. this POOLHAU- and nlgar, Kood west-side lo cation; t00. 10 Morgan bldg.- CIGARS, confectionery, oda fountain, news; good rnrner. 2$1 Washington. CONFEirrlONERT eloro. t. Phone Tabor fi7B0. I'OU SATK Barber shop. T 14 7. 3d t. on account t hodlth. JSus icoia otHQS. BtTSrVERS OPPORTO'TIES. OKiXJON BUSINESS & FINANCIAIi AOE.NCI. 448 MORGAN BLDG. X GRCXJISRTi. f3730 Buys one of the best paying; gro cery stores in Portland, doing J73 per day business; located on west side; rent 30. RESTAURANT. $3G0O -This is one of the best paying restaurants In the city, doing $7000 per month business: estab lished l years and some busy restaurant; rent $80 per month. SOFT DRINK.. $1550 A dandy soft drink stand In the Yamhill market; a good money maker and fine location, doing bet. $40 and 17.1 per day business. GROCERY. 11350 Buys this dandy paying- grocery. doing $40 per day business; rent only $15 p-wr month; located on Hawthorne ave. ; brick building. OREGON BUSINESS k FINANCIA-L. AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLJDG. UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY. Oregon corporation desires to dispose of about $10,UOO additional stock to pro vide working copital. All common stock: will take individual subscriptions from $500 to r0O0; no commissions to agents', every dollar eoos into the company: present stockholders are well known Portland business men. This corporation has certain valuable, exclusive contracts that wiil pay 10 per cent every month on the entire capital stock. Full par ticulars on request from bona fide pros pective investors; no positions open. This is strictly an investment opportu nity in a high-grade enterprise with an immense earning capacity. K 323, Ore gonian. CAFETERIA, 6 tables, glass serving coun ter, steam table, gas and hot cake plates, plenty of dishes. Ice box; price $1001. Another good cafeteria. 8 tables, steam tables, coffee urn, all well and fully I equipped; this is a splendid place for I mun and wife or two ladles; rent $18.50; j price is.j0. Restaurant and lunch counter doing gooa business, sas- and hot cake plates, waffle iron, ice boxes; $25 receipts pel aay; rent 4l; price $050. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO 634 Panama Bldg. GARAGE. Half interest in a well equipped, large place on tne west side, cheap rent witn lease: 30 cars steadv storage, sells gas. oil. tires and accessories; profits $700 over a montn; $4000 ca&n. GROCERY KNAP. About $2500, good clear stock; end fixtures, rent only $18 a month. We have ' grocery stores ranging In 1 price from $900 to $45uo. ask JUr. Fish. A. J. DtiiJOKtiSX c uu 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2890. RESTAURANT doing good business, 2- year lease, in good brick building, -with the best of fixtures. Price $70o, some terms. $1500 restaurant. 1-year lease at $90; I free heat, in business district; doing $40 per day, which, can readily be increased will scat 40. HAK'ER MiPlBLAWn. 815. 317. 319 Henry bldg. Main 6797. FOR SALE Ladies' and children's store In good Coos county town; good location and doing a profitable business: good reason for selling. Stock will inventory about $4000. Would consider income property as part payment. I. S. Jiauf- man & Co., Marshfield, Or. LIVE COUNTRY TOWN. Barber shop, pool hall, card room and confectionery, in one-of the best towns outside Portland, doing a fine business. clearing $225 per month, will invoice about $1200; rent only $T per month; hurry If you want this place. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. L CLEAN, paying grocery, doing about $40 a day, nearly all cash; rent only X2.-1 ner month, fixtures are rented Wltn the building; price $1350; some buy I'll say ao, and you will say so, too, when you see it. NORD HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exch. bldg.. 3d and YamhilL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. $1000 buys half interest in one of the best-pavine businesses in thriving city of 2j.oo6: a spiendid opportunity for live I man. one with some mechanical or sales- I manahip ability preferred. MAKER & Mct'AHLAND. 315. 317. 31K Henry bldg. Main 679T. INTEREST POOL HALL AND LUNCH ROOM. Busy corner, brick building, doing fine business; a snap and cannot be beat la Portland for the money; price $650. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. FOR SALE Interest In oil syndicate; no stock proposition, bona ride leases oo- tained in wonderful prospective field: I strictly bona fide In every particular; very little chance to lose, nut a possi bility or making an immense ionune. Particulars on request. P 47. Oregonian. 2-CHAIR BARBER SHOP. RENT ONLY $8. OLD ESTABLISHED PLACE. ALL FOR $225. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., S05 Oak St. WANTED Partner with $2r00 cash for interest In automobile agency or Aiuit- romah county, handling all new cars; best of commission; no car shortage; or ders promptly filled; factory awaiting orders to ship. Address box 553 or phone East 2oo9. Portland, or. A SNAP for quick sale; we are leaving city and will sell our dandy-paymg gro cery and lunch room for a great sacrl lice; living room; l2oo takes it. NORD HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Ex.. Sd and Yamhill. Sta. AUTO accessory and supply business, good location and trade, up-to-date stock; owner will invoice. Call 011 Railway Exchange. GARAGE FOR SALE. Concrete bldg.. lease, 35 cars storage; do repairing, sell gas, etc.; profits $504 I month. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Paving truck business in thriving city of 10.000, located in heart of fruit district of Rogue river valley. P. O. box an, Aiearoi-a. ur. IF YOU are looking for a lumber mill nronosition. where, with, small Invest- ment. you can step right in and make money, see Jameson, 602 Couch bldg. ACTIVE business man can make profitable connection witn high-c!ass paying busi-n-es-s; $4O00 required; Investment fully se cured. K. .., oregonian. " GENERAL STORE. $6000 stock, in pay-roll town, doing Dig business; exceptional opportunity. Address owner. A v ito, uregonian. CONFECTIONERY, pool room and lunch counter, cheap; gooa prospects. box 113, Boring. Or. CLEANING and .pressing shop, downtown I location, gooa lease; .uu. oia Morgan bldg. . POOL hall, good location, clearing over all expenses $12 day; apout -:oo required. Call uli Kaiiw.ay n.xcmtnge. PARTY with $1000 to $:i000 to take active interest in macmnery mrg. business; salesman preferred. J OOfi, Oregonian. CAFETERIA, a money maker, will stand close investigation ; tease; 90100, some terms. 61 Morgan ricig. PARTNER wanted for distributing agency for light 6-cyiindcr automobile. Si 657, Oregonian. pakkrY and grocery for sale: attractive location, near uig auuuui . xiawtuorne district. Tabor plus. PACIFIC bakery and lunch room for rent, I fully equipped, s-au f ront at. rr tonvrizht. 1920. fe NewtDtaer Feature) S erv ice. 'Inuc BC6IXE8S OPPORTUNITIES. LAUNDRY Located In county seat town on one of the oompleted state highways: only laundry in county; plant consists of 60-h. p. boiler, 15-h. p. engine, 3 elevated header washers with automatic valves. 2-lnch high-speed extractor, dry room, drying tumbler, motor-drive flat-work ironer, steam oollar ironer, bosom, neck band and cuff presses. Universal presses, collar equipment, marking machine and all necessary office equipment. Ford de livery car; building and property on payed street; laundry has been in oper ation 11 years, was remodeled and equipped with the latest machinery in 1!19, and is one of the finest in the northwest: supplied with soft water, gas anu eiectricitx at low rates; wooa ,:s.ia per cord: operating expenses very low; weekly business $500, which will increase the coming year. Plant, building and property will be sold for $15,000; one third cash, balance easy terms; no lease I or rental propositions considered. AV 111. Oregonian. RESTAURANT One of the best-tiavlne places in town; 13 stools. 8 tables, 6-foot coal and gas ranges; hot cake plate. Ice electric fan, good lease: receipts to $100 per day. eon arlnk. confectlnni-v wj k.v. Quite a number of very, good places of ...... wnera you can make good j , . hi iiluo capital. urar. soft rirlnli and groceries; stock on hand alone worth jimre man we are asking- for the whole wua!fieas. rent only S40; price $2750. in.lt.ruLk; REALTY CO., 614 Panama Bldg. OREGON BUSINESS Sc FINANCIAL AGENCY, 448 MORGAN BLDO. W e haVe B Waiting lie, A 1 Ipg rooming houses and APARTMENT houses and hotels. If you want immediate results, list witn us and get quick action. OREGON BUSINESS A FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLDQ. $825 OR INVOICE buva cash arocerv. rent .520. $1.-H0 or Invoice, cash grocery, rent $20. $1250 bnvM lii-vit , .. v. .. i-.. 4 living rooms. termH. $3800 buys grocery, 7 living rooms. w.-t mub apartment aislrlft. 5o000 DUVH fmr-.ri Hnln. tqr.nA In uou per month. 5 living rooms. $00 buys 7-stooI and 4-taliln rutin. rant, west side, terms. See BROWN A- Rinni.Tfl -Roiiwav uitipr. marsnail 3331. WE BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE!. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. $700 RESTAURANT AND CARD ROOM. WEST S1DK. Restaurant nnrt f i mnm nlnp line business; rent for all. $65. Including uvin- rooms: fine for man nd wife. lhis place is old established. Partners cannot agree. Best buy in city; you can- "wi ubl 11; an ior tiuu. RELIABLE LSVESTMENT CO 305 Oak St. STORE. 10 miles out of Portland: stock mostly groceries; will invoice about $4000; win oen or iraue tor Portland residence; ivt. l ouice ana post onice in connec tion oringing $u0 per mo. This in pick-up for somebody. . CLUiVrJ LAND-HENDERSON CO. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. POOL HALL. SIX TABLES. $1500. Brick b-ulldrng: rent onlv $20: ft toI i tables, large wall case, candy case, ciprar i. cnairs. stove, sort annus, clears ana canaies; taoies in una shape; ali j ior siouo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO, 305 Oak St. 3-CHAIR BARBER SHOP. 3 BATHS. S latest -st vie chairs. 3 bathn. brlclc building, on oth iL. working 3 oeonle: also laundry route. This place is busy all the time; fine-looking place; ail for nr. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO- 305 Oak St. POOL HALL, FOUR TABLES. Back and front bar, wall case, cigar case. 4 rine pool tables, lots of stock brick building; rent $20 per month; do ing a line ou&mess; neat anq. water tree rice l:UO. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 Oak St. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR. LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLR. ONE-HALF INTEREST $800 GARAGE. Doing a good business; gas pumps out- mae; rent oniy good reason for sell ing one-nair interest: IH). RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. - . ON ACCOUNT of sickness will exchange jcweiry. silverware. nana-Daintea cnn.a ware and crockery, value $4500, 2-year lease, rent $40, west side, for city prop erty or close-in acreage. See BROWN & hiuulm. 24 Railway. Exchange bldg. Aiarsnaii aaai. WILL sell half interest In well-established transier busines: two new trucks. This money-making proposition for party will- I ing 10 wort ifor iurtner lntormation can ana sea me at 14B Front Bti-eet. Phone Main 5819 or evenings at 327 mast lam sc. rnone awt H4t. CASH GROCERY. DOING $100 DAT. No delivery, rent only $20, doing $100 per aay; west siue; business guaranteed; enougn said: win invoice about S3500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. CONTRACT in town with used truck in excellent shape; this is a first-class proposition with a reputable firm and truck is on job now ; $75u will handle this. Mack International Motor Truck Corp.. 10th and Davis. CONFECTIONERY. BRTCK BUILDING. Near Broadway and Washington, doing a gooa business, witn lease; rent 011 lj 94ii: win sen au ror iyuu. REJJ AB LE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. ROOMING HOUSES. Restaurant, cigar stores, pool rooms, groceries. We have a large listing. It will pay you to see us before buying. bAV ri l. VJ'Ol il CM' LU. 4231 Henry Bldg. PARTNER WAN TED. For auto repair business; sell rasollne. used car etc; handy man can buy in with a mechanic; small capital required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. HALF interest, old-established tire and vulcanizing business, average sales $u00 monthly. Sell at invoice. L 280, Orego nian. HUSTLER as partner in 15M. sawmill tnd box factory on railroad and in gocd fruit district; not much cash required T 620, Oregonian. I BAKERY, BRICTC BUILDING, ETC., $35,000. UKUAPVVAX 4ly. I FOR SALE Small home bakery and lunch will sacrifice price if taken once. Call Marshall 2322 today. PARTNER wanted in good business, will require some investment and some out Side work. Call 511 Railway Exchange. RESTAURANT 340 Front st. for sale or trade; cheap. rr a (to threat BCSINFS9 OPPORTUNITIES. CASH GROCERY. Very attractive store, sales $700 to $1000 weekly: not open Sunday; rent $30. includes living roo.ns. stocka nd fixtures. Will invoice about J400O. CARL E. TUGGLE. 212-213 Henry Bldg. Main 8332. SACRIFICE PALE, Ice cream, confectionery and fancy grocery store, $50 day business; has an additional income of $40 month guaran teed; owner will invoice. Call 511 Kail way Exchange. CASH GROCERY. Located in apartment-house with rooms and heat Included for $35 month; fixtures and stock invoice about io-iy. CARL E. TUGGLE. 213-213 Henry Bldg. Main 8832. SUBURBAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. $lCOO buys furniture for 10 bedrooms. complete; 7 tables and -all utensils for hottl and restaurant; rent $25; terms. See Brown & Blddle, 324 Railway tixcnange bldg.. 3d and Stark. (XJIT M f',1 A HIGHWAY RESORT. For lease or sale, beautiful park on Sandy river, ideal for b:tthing, camping. knntliiB find finhine: soft drinks and ice cream parlor: good money-maker if right rarty takes hold, r B27. urcgonian. PARTNER wanted for auto repair busi ness., sell gasoline. uBed cars, etc.; - lo cated on well-traveled street; handy man ith small capital can buy in with a mechanic." Room 401 Dekum bldg. $2700 Clean grocery stock, equipped butcher shop in connection: line open ing for butcher; close in, and one of lua best localities in Portland. SAFE INVESTMENT CO., 423 Henry Bids. A GOING grocery, doing good business, $65 per day, nearly all cash, gooa zixtures; will lump at $3500 or will invoice. NOliD HAMPTON CO., 401 Stock Exch.. 3d and Yamhill. CORPORATION MANAGER WANTED WHO CAN INVEST Sonoo TV ?..": ONE FAMALIAJt WITH THE FISHING INDUSTRY PREFERRED. AN . OREGONIAN. FOR SALE Good jewelry store and watch renairin? business. located in prosper ous eastern Oregon town; small amounts! of capital required. Phone Broadway 2616 for appointment. COUNTRY store on railroad, postofflce In store, on Pacific highway; win invoice Ktonlc tola! rtrire S3-.it U. terms. ee Brown & liiddle. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar. :.33I. Fxtra woll located, neat, clean place; sales $40 daily; $1300; $H00 cash. $50 mo. CARL K. luuuiifi. 21S-213 Henry Bldg. Main 8S32 $1650 CIGAR and confectionery. transfer go; see corner; rent $4o; must let it this today. SAFE INVESTMENT CO. 423 Henry Bldg ril'TIuK. I5lTYER5. Sefore closlne deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Botro. J. W. CROSS LEY, Secretary. THE only garage in good town In eastern Oregon; has fully equipped repair book rii fraanlino. oils, tire vulcanizing, etc. profits are large: price $4500. Room 401 Dekum bldg. POOL HALL, fine location, low rent. 12 tables, well equipped witn everywmiH that goes with the business; good terms. Call 163V4 West Park st. Wells & An derson. $1550 Modern 4-room cottage, 5 blocks of best car service; lino casri, uai. imo ivub SAFE INVESTMENT CO., 423 Henry Bldg. riKnv huHinAss. established trade: hi .Ti- imivn li-riot win consiuer a gooa Dun ner. Call between 4:30 and 5:30 P. M r!l Williams ave. or phone Tabor 612: TO TRADE for house equity or small auto and cash, auto accessory, vulcanizing and gasoline business; good location, cheap rent. Owner. V 983, Oregonian. AUTO owners, call and see demonstration OL worm B lHUhl wuiiueum 1 111 aiiu saver at Strine's Cycle Shop. b Broad way. Agents and dealers wanted. A GARAGE in good town on highway has fullv enulDDed reDairshop; sell gtis. tires, etc.; price only $2000. Room 401 Dekum bldg. . . FOR SALE Printing plant fully equipped; business enough to keep plant running to full capacity. This is an exceptional op portunity; $2,100. F 028. Oregonian. $1050 BUYS cash grocery in apartment aifctrici. or win invoice. aiubi sen. see Brown & Biddle, 324 R.y Exch. bldg. $500 -Maxwell, A-l condition ; $100 cash. oat. your own terms, inquire a uenry bldg or 411 Davis st. I AM a contractor and need a partner; have big job; $3000 half interest. X 432, Oregonian. GKOCSRY stock and fixtures; will In voice for about $2500; rent $25. . 1308 Division, corner 50th at. RESTAURANT near new city employment otrice. 42u; some terms. v bub, ore gonian. RESTAURANT snap on 6th st., ?7.i0 cash; hinaii balance montniy. tsawy. 44i. FOR SALE or rent, furnished lunch room. 3443 Glisan st., opposite new postoriice. RESTAURANT, dandy location, sell or trade. iast .itt. FOR SALE Second-hand stove; must sell. A. Day, Rainier, ur. Business Opportunities Wanted. HOTELS AND APARTMENTS. LEASE AND FURNITURE ONLY. CLIENTS HAVE CASH. Through Seattle connections have many buvers ready to do business. Nothing less than 5 rooms considered and must be absolutely modern, MARVIN C. WHITE. 914 Wilcox Bldg. SMALL clothing store, new and second hand, also fitted up for tailoring; must ko1 nniok. as I have other business. No. 62T4 Hth st., near Pine. Bashin Clothing & Tailoring Co. WANTED 50-roora furnished apartment or hotel in exenange ror two acreage tracts of 10 aud 20 acres, both Improved. Marshall 401. WRITE me if you know of some small business for a few Hundred dollars. i would take partnership. J 5U6, Ore gonian- HAVE 4-room bungalow and some cash for housekeeping or apartment no use up to $4000. S 676 Oregonian. WANTED Good location for restaurant or dairy lunch; will take lease. a. udo, Oregonian. WANTED G rocery ; Port land preferred ; state amount business, price, rent. N 30S, Oregonian. WANT small rooming or apartment houe from owner, east or west aide. W SU8. Oregonian. MORTGAGE of $13,000 bearing SC inter est, on $40.000 ranch. R 303, Oregonian. WANTED flood meat market, Paul Miller, 39rf Watts St., Portland. $2000 AND services to invest, details. P 46. Oregonian. give some Hotel and Rooming Hotwes. 12 ROOMS, all housekeeping, clone in, priced to Bell. Iok this up. Call loiJVa West Park gt. Wells & Anderson. LEASE, on 50-room apt house, will trade for anything, car or lots; clearing $27C per month. P 151. Oregonian. 0 ROOMS, housekeeping; acts $13 A month. This Is a good buy. call 163 Wet Park st. Wells & Anderson. it.room rooming houe for sale close In ; price I7i"; nan uown; rem u. landlord. 245 Burnside. A Burke. See WANTED Up to IS H. K. rooms from o w n er. B 79. Oregonian. POLLY AND HER PALS Britain iusixu Kesenrto. Kccistered THERE ARE COCKTAILS AND nreiNEss opportunities. Hotels and Rooming llouses. $975 w ILL buy 10-roora, S minutes old postoffice, newly decorated, hot and cold wate r handy, low rent; turns people daily, $500, half cash, and you have a good 8-room house, close in; rent $30: lease; will clear $45; good place for few board era. $1608 takes one of the best lS-room houses m city; mod.; white Temple dis trict; attractive income; this is classy. $7000 part terms. 90-room modern apartment; long lease, low rental; believe me. it is low; affording the most start ling income in the city; will take some city property lor a home. SEE ME FOR BARGAINS. HEDGES. 171 WEST PARK. 66-ROOM hotel, clearing between $00 and $700 per month; in down-town dist easy to handle, first-class furnishings, good carpets; price $10,000. t 28 2-room apartment house-, eworythlng In fine condition, clearing over $5o0 per month; this can be handled easilv by a woman; price siz.uuv. 25 apartments, aft furnished. 2 and 3-room apta-.. everything in good con uition. some terms. 40-room aDt.. of 1. 2 and 8 rooma clearing $250 per mo.; easy terms; $4000 cash will handle. 42-room hotel, mostly transient, clear lng $350; price only $2;oo for all. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO.. 614 Panama Bldg. $6u0 BUYS 0-room apartment, terms. fcZ.juu buys JO-i 00m apartment, iu come SliSO nar moi.th: terms. ifj&UO buva ao-room roomlnn hous and hall; hot and cold water in every room; income $700 per month, Kood li'i'Re. tprms. See BROWN & BIDDLE, 824 Railway Kvchange bldg. Marshall 8331. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SlilLL, Snslness. Hotel. koomlnK or Apart ment House of any kina. anywhere, se F. RIERDON, WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULT! RITTER, LOWE A CO., 20U-S-7 Board of Trade Bide $400. Apartment house. 10 ants, of S rms. each: atcAtn heat: A-l furniture and fix tures; -year lease at $100 per ino. $5u0 cash, bal. monthly. Good location .nd waiting list. R A K W. R IfcFARLAND. 315. 317. 31U Henry bldg. Main 6797. MRS. M. E. LENT, HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOU3B BROKER If tou wish to buy or sell. eom In and talk It over; 12 years la this business In Portland enables ma to giva you satis- , factory servicw. 728-24 Northwestern Bank Bid. APARTMKVT HOUSfE FOR SALE. Hot t t- thnn nnv Iph h 22 rooms, lot 1 biiiUIine furniture and fivtures: all apartments , full; income $4000; $60u0 will handle. Price lio.uw). n a u & n jtr fi KA ki.An. 315. 317. 310 Henry bldg. Main 0707. .W-ROOM APT.. STEAM HEAT. West Fide. rent 73. 3-year lease, I clears $2.u per month. Will transfer lease and equity for $1050, balance terms. See Mrs. Green. A. J. DEFOREST A CO.. 30-31 Henry bidg HITYERS WAITING FOR ROOMING HOUSES OF 7 OR MORE ROOMS. SEVERAL WITH ALL CASH FOR GOOD BUYS. Main aUJti. SCOTT-BO WDEN CO.. fll is Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 7-ROOM, R. II., 5 H. K.. 2 unfurnished, j good condition, rent $100. 3-year lease; income over $400 per month; always xuu, brick bldg. NORD HAMPTON CO., 401 Stock Ex. bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. 40-ROOM hotel; hot and cold water in all I rooms! rirtrtirabla location, close in; year lease; good furniture, fixtures, and! a money-maker. Price ni. HAk'KR McKARLAND. 815. 317. 31'J Henry bldg. Main 6797. 16-ROOM APT. HOUSE, LEASE. RENT, $;10. House all full and making xnoi west side; price $1200 RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Street. . 7 ROOMS $350. Furnace heat, cor., a few rooma rented, pays all expense; rent $35. Mr I Green. A. J. DEFOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg. . RHP-A'lc. WEST-SIDE PROPERTY. ii rnnmn- fan be develoned into hivh- olass boarding or residence; unexcelled view: also fractional bungalow sites in I canto lo-iality; 15 minutes' walk P. O. B. s. Cook, 601 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED Rooming house, h. k., up sxrtoo: win exenange two -room mou- ern bungalows; will pay cash difference. SAFE INVESTMENT CO., 423 Henry Bldg. 67 ROOMS. North end - corner hotel, suitable fori Japanese; i2O00, $1A25 cash. $7o mo. CARL E. TRIGGLE. 212-213 Henry Bldg. Main 8832. BARGAIN by owner Worklngman's hotel. men onlv: good money maker; cannot handle; will take $1200, some terms. Give phone number ana nurry. ni, urego- nian. 42 ROOMS. 3-story brick building, all rooms on 2 floors; cleared $350 in December. Price $2250, $1500 cash, I7" month. CARL E. TUGGLE. HOTEL, brick bldg.. close in on west side; good lease and good terms; makes plentv of money. Call 163 West Park st. Wells A Anderson. 30-ROOM srpartment. corner house, steam heat, rent $75: good income; lease; $1200 will ftandio; fteel bridge. 2 blocks from east end of i Phone East S225, 8 ROOMS FOR $300. 1 2-room apartment and store on wewt side. 8 furnished rooma for $300. 74 w North rup at. 30-ROOM hotel and restaurant for sal : good income. Price $2150: $1250 cash, balance .iu per montn. gwner, aulo- matic 317-22. I'll ONE in your listing, we have buyers for hotels, apartments and rooming houses. Main KIM). THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Building. HOTKL FOR SALF, 60 rooms, good con dition; parties wisn to retire. For par ticulars address M. B. Autenrieth, Yreka, Cul. HOUSEKEEPING 10 rooms, nice and terms. Call 163V West Park. Wells &! n In nurn a 1 ur a v fill tITr. A ndrrson. FOR best bargains in rooming or apart ment houses iee members of the Reaity Board. Yates Realty Co.. 240 4th st HAVE $1000, want rooming house, 18 or 20 rooms. R 273, Oregonian. FOR SALE Rooming house, " Washington at First. il rooms. 208 I,OST AND FOUND. ROLL of pencil scheck drawings. Finder please call up Marshall 600O. who will call. Reward. LOST Dark brlndlo, English undershot bulldog, female; no collar. Liberal re ward. Return 60S Glisan st. LOST Fox terrier puppy, answers name "Ioma." Phono Marshall 3lt7; reward. LOST A gray mocha glove, 6Vs, left hand. M3 W. Park. Reward. LOST r-Mpss agate brooch, prong setting. Reward.- Phone Wdln. 361. )ttrUT lAtPia. rr in u. o. r&tent Uttte COCKTAILS, BY CLIFF STERRETT. LOST AND- FOTTSn. ARTICLES found on cars of P. R-. P. Co., Jan. 27. 1020 3 purses. 1 check book, 1 crochet hook, 2 pr. gloves. 1 bell, cuff link. 1 flashlight. 1 notebook;. 10 package. 5 lunch boxes, 1 handbag. -traveling bags. 1 suitcase, 1 oil stove. 1 spade and pick, 3 coats, 1 umbreUas. 1 pin. LOST At Olds, Wortman & King s, small brown coin purse containing si anr n im portant papers. 111 party wno ca:ieu Marshall 125a call itarsnau 1.30. ward. - LOST Bank book and check book con taining currency. Under please return to H. O'Neil, 2o7S Holiaday. and receive $75 reward. Check book on Citizens bank. LOST Cameo brooch, old-fashioned twist ed gold frames Call Marshall 12n. leave at superintendent's office. Olds, Wortman King. Kewara. LOST OR TAKEN by mistake, reversible like-leather coat contain in r cloves and small box. Notify or mail to Earl Fonda, Eugene. Or. LOST Boston terrier, dark brown, white neck, dark around eyes, spiked collar. icense; reward. Phone Col. 40S or re turn to 1840 Portsmouth ave. LOST Lady's gold wrist watch, between Oth and Yamhill and Tip-Top inn at Lip- man fe woites. inaer please can ituu; reward. LADY'S gold hunting-case watch on fleur de lis pin, initials A. R. Reward. Ad dress Mrs. Mason. 190 Shaver St., city. LOST Lady's gold watch, between 9 and 11 Tuesday morning, somewhere in busi ness district. Phone A 1168. Reward. LOST, Sunday evening, on Park St., be- tween Yamhill and Alder, suitable reward. Return t silk handbag; i 147 Park st. LOST Open-faced Walt ham watch, eu- gravea old Eng. L, was m icatner case; liberal reward. Call Tabor 1 :. LOST A n anchor-shaped yin,, set w ith a diamond: findor please call Marshall 4400. a-sk for 504. Reward. LOST An agate pin, red and amber color. with plain band. Christmas present. 67o5 45t h ave. Reward. LOST Last week. 'J pairs eyeglasses cases. Return to Mrs. E". A. Jobus. "U'eidler st. Reward. LOST Will the party took umbrel from meat shop at public market p lease call Marbhall 464. PA FtT Y f indin g pur?e with money order pieqae call Mar. ".214. LOST Dog collar. R. Fisher, E. .".'.:;5. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHINGS FOR IDAHO STATE CAPITOL Boise, Idaho. January 20. 1920. Sealed proposals will be received by the bureau of supplies of the department of public works of the state of Idaho, at the office of the commissioner of pub lic works, Boise, Idaho, up to 10 o'clock A. M., Febuary 27. 1020, for furnishings, consisting of furniture, rugd. curtains, draperies and hanging's and miscellan eous furnishings, as per schedule of arti cles reauired. specifications -and con ditions, which may be obtained at the office of the commissioner of public works, Boise, Idaho, or at the office of the American Contractor. 6 North Mich igan avenue. Chicago. HI. Proposals should be marked "Propos als on Capitol PurniuhtnKs." und should be addressed to William J. Hall, com missioner of public woiks, Boise. Idaho. Design, construction and price wiil all be considered In reaching a de cision. The commissioner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Proposals mut be accompanied by a certified check or draft on some bank in the state of Idaho, payable to com missioner of public works, for not less than 5 per cent of the total amount of the proposal, said check to be forfeited, not as penalty, but as liquidated dam ages, in case iucccuI bidder fails to enter into contract wuhin ten days after presentation of contract for execution. Delivery' must be made f. o. b. cars at Boise. Idaho, not later than October 15, 1020- Articles furnished must be delivered tn good condition, strongly packed and protected, and marked according to di rections for shipment. Transportation charges must be pre paid. Freight tariffs In effect on Feb ruary 23, 1O20, will govern in figuring proposals. If tariff rates are raised thereafter and before October 1. 1020. the additional freight charges will be borne by the purchaser. Unit price must be quoted on each article. The commissidner reserves the right to accept or reject duis on any or all of the included articles, and to increase or diminish the number of ar ticles called for before accepting bids. WM. J. HALL. Commissioner of Public Works Purchasing Agent. NOTICE TO BOND BUYERS of the MACLEAY-LTNDS A V IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Sesled bids will be received by the Mar i v-l.tnd.-av Irrigation District at in of iice. it being at the office of T. G. Mortland, at Sequlm, Clallam county, wnshinzton. until 11 o'clock A. M.. on the 2d day of March, 1120, for the pur chase of bonds in the sum of Two Hun dred and Sixty Thousand ($260,U00) Dol lars, bearing interest at the rate of 6 ner rent ner annum, payable seml-an nually. the proceeds to be used In the rntiGiruntion of an irrigation system. A certified check in the sum ot Five Thousand ($5000) Dollars shall accom rtatw a eh bid. which check shall be for feited in case the successful bidder fails a mmnlv with the terms of his bid. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all rids. MA LE AY-LIN DSA Y IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. By HARRY D. MacARTHUR, Secretary. Sequim, wasn. SEALED bids for text books for schoo district No. 1 win oe received at tne ot t,i- of the undersigned. 401 court house. Portland. Oregon, until 5 P. M.. March 3, 1020, and will be opened at a meeting rtf tho board of directors to oe neia a P M.. March 4. lirJO. In room 3M rmirt innno specifications may he oh tained at the office of the undersigned Tia hnurd of directors reserves the right to reiect any and all bids or to divide the award. R. XL THOMAS. School Cleric and Business Manager. Dated January 2S, 1020. Miscellaneous. vi-itipf, All storage account; Z montl 1020. goods will be sold for LorKe charges. C O. Pick Transfer & Stor age Co. FTN 4NCL4X. WB BUY WAR STAMPS! LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis ot Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Flour. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY KONDfl. OREGON BONO A; MORTGAGE CO., 20S SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned on catt sheep, hogs, etc. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., glO Chamber of Com. Main 3020. BONDS P.OUOHT. SPOT CASH for RECEIPTS. W T,OAN money on BONDS. WAR STAM 9 int. 725 Gasco bldg.. 5th and Aldur, CBLLARS-MURTON CO. TSfe'BrS $ tCr2A, . 4 - -j pt n 1 t : FINANCIAL. WE BUY AUTOMOIBLB CONTRACTS. MAKE v MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES, WHITE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE PVRKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN lftOO. BE TOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your mortgage loan on the co-operative p. an. Loans tor any amount to run irom 3 to 1 0 year 8, repay able in small monthly installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in 1 u 1 i profits cf the association. Only pyrely co-opera savings and loan association in Portland, UNION SAVINGS ct- LOAN ASSOCIATION. 284 Oai Street. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortxagta and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman &. Co.. 210 t'hamber of Commerce Mmry to Loan on Real a a tale. RESiDENCELOANS. 6 per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multi ple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce intereBt. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value on hou?e and lot at Gr to 7 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For exam pic. $li'U0 loan, you pay $6 raouthly and interest. You have privilege of paytns $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MO Kit 5 AGE AND PA V OTHER ENPENSKS. BUSINESS 1.UAXS, Five-year ptriod. o V P1 cent and o per cent. Repayment prt vil.-t;eat. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main SotlS. (Suite 407 Yeon Bldg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, ur tor improve ment purposes. The best ana easiest method of paying a loan U our monthly payment plau. $.2.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for months, or $15.17 per month for U6 mouths pays a loan of $100U and lnterewt- Loans of, other amounts la same pro portions. Repayment prlvileges. KQUITALLE SAVINGS i LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark u, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liotiai repayment prlv lieges. CoMlIERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPAN V. 91 Th.rd street. Main 3067. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce bias. oo.ooo TO LO.SN in sums to suit on M'.y. tuiiur iiu aud farms. Building loans specially. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan lowest current rate on Wuiamette v ley far ma. No commission. No delays. J-TiJV JLiifc-A I A. ilO it 11. A L J CU4lr A.N i , zst utn st.. Portland, or. MORTGAGE Loans, Loans made on improved city property Prompt st-r'ice; no delay. Call and see us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, North Western Lank Bid. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. ALtracLiva repaying privitc-aea. A. H. liiKHiiLL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. .i!1 MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favoraole repaying privileges; no commisMon or oeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 506 Piatt Blog. llniu 5371. money"to" LOAN on Improved city property and also lot proved larm property . current rates. WM. Mac Ai ASTER. 331 U. S. National Bank Bldg. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real tate. 1st ar.d 2d mort gaiies. contracts. livestock, nut.es. etc v. tu. liowmaa Co., 210 Chamber Com. Main 3U26. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITV PROPERTY, fi -i PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CF.NT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. $104), $.1lM, $tM)0, $n0, $1M00, $1250, $1500, V-iKHJ anu up, lowest rates, tjuica. aciion. Pay oil $ loo or more at any in; eres date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 CLm ber of Commerce, Ala.ii 13.0. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate, 6 and 7 ?o, long tune, short time monthly payments or as you can; sum to suit. 725 Gasco b.d., 5th and Aider, CELLA RS-MURTON CO. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate ef "oTTO & HARKRON REALTY CO, 413 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR O Vs N MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BONO & MORTGAGE. CO feO Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. City or farm property from $500 up. W. H BR1TTS. 31S Chamber o Cora merce. Phone Marshall 254i. $5u0, $1000 AND upwant on improved real estate; xavorauie terms, no oeiay; no brokerace. John Bain. 5u7 Spalding bldg. $300. $400. $500. $756. $1UU0 AND UP; low rate; quick action, tret w. tier Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. $500, $1000 aud up to lend at 6 and 7 Der cent. K. i . liryan, ouu l nam our or Commerce building. HAVE $20tO to loan foi 3 ye. good. trs at L 5v.' 6 per . Oru- cent; security muat be gonian. MONEY on farm and improved city prop erty. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spading bldg. BEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and tark. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. Harding, 312 Railway Exchange. IL $1(X)0 AND UP! no commission or delay. F. H. DKFHO. 615 Cham, of Com. Mrig. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. Salomon & Co., 4oS Selling bldg. 1 HAVE $4: offered. i0 at 6 per cent; state security S 570. Oregonian. Money to Ixta hatteln Kitd Sataries. SALARY, LOANS. CHATTELS, WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to ua 1 a rleJ or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each t rant-it ct Ion itrWly confident ial. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also lo.i n on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, LICENSED. 218 FAILING BLDG. CLAM, OSlfeR, Aa1! FINANCIAL. Money to ran Chat tela and Salaries. DO YOU N EE D M ON E T AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK ffSRVXCKf YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FUKN1TURB. PIANOS, V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advanca you more money If needed. We mAe a spe cis'.ty of these loans, and lea the se curity In your poFSeasIon, and you can repay us in small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LAN3 to salaried people, on their own note. Rates reasonable. Private offices. Ail business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED.) S0fl-3O7 Dekum Bide Marshall 32S& P. W. Cor. Third and W&thlnton. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 894 Staik Street, Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vict rotas. I'lanos. kodaks. tshoteuns, furniture, musical lustrumeuts, and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OP PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR P.CWE11. City and county warrants cashed for faca value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. MONEY to loan on d iamonds. Jewelry, leral rates; a!I articles held a year: estab lished DvSR. tan Marx & Co.. Wash. HATHAVaY Loans on pian'ts and furni ture; legal rates. 20S Washington bld. Lout is Wanted. WANTED $ir,,o0i at 6' . on improved real estate security: conservative va iun over throe times a mount of ion n ; god income; cooa nioiiil risk. Residence ph. nip Tabor 4r.or,: office. Main Cii'GT. W A NTKD A party to finance the manu facturing f a patented article that Is In h ' demand. S o retro !?i n ORTGAGE of $13,000 bearing 8 per cent iiiiwi l-m, ou. tuuu rancn. ii oWJ, Ore- ? fconiun. OR SLE Klrt-c!ass second mnrr a t-r of $600; will discount. Ii .T,.5, Oreu- n i . n . W A NT loan $;xm on west si do bi5iness B 120, Orogrmian. properly; no agmts. SE OREGON 1NV. &: MORTGAGE CO 22 Cham, of Commerce. 4:h and Stark. PERSONAL. WE BUY DIAMONDS. Tf yon wish to dispose of any diamonds, we pay full value In cash, without delay or disap point ment. Nothing too large nor too small. Spot cah. Any amount. Private office ior ladiej. Bukiiieas confidential. Licensed by the City of Portland. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 2Ua Morgan Bidg. 2d l"lci-" STONES. Those living in gias-s iiouses -hould uoer throw a sione: For often tunes it may rewound And strike real ciue to home. Remember, you see others ith your own pair of eves: While others look at you each day When tlity seem jut as wie. Don't criticize another's gain From a selfish noint of v lew : For the world does love a winner And the chance is up to you. We. too. are anxious for more gain And we wul save you more On each spring SLIT, CoAT, DRESS and HAT At tho PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. 2d floor Pittock block. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Baais of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Mol'fian Bldg., 2d Floor. SCIENTIFIC therapeutic massage treat ment, electric vi lira im y, lulet ray. high frequency for constipation, poor circula tion, indigestion, headaches, lumbapo, rheumatism, sciatica, nervousness aud general rim-down condition, etc.; up-to unto methods; unarms moderate. Dr. J. . 1'uhaiy. ph Jiioth.-rai'ist. 2".; Aliiky bldjC, Hmirs 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken. Old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridge work, bought Bmig or mail. Tho American Brokerage -Co.. "iitS Morgan bldg., second floor. WANTED Information as to the where abouts of Meianision Theodore Matheson, about 26 yetra old, dark-brown eye uieuium dark compiexioii, btack tall and slender. Comuiutiicate Martin Matheson, 162U Warren hair. with ave.. Seattle. ' 1 GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, ing. nails, warts and moies absolutely ; new invention; no pain, no soreness. Lowest prices in tn. Consultation tree. Hurt U 5 tara. Arches tilted. 503 Dekum bid". HAVE you learned from experience the pleasure in wearing a made-io-oi der cor set? Consult At au a i tie Trio ma. 11S1 jH. Couch. Fit tings in your umq home it desited. Cail labor 4664. 1K li. I Ulildi-Kit, graduute of Ktan- hope scitool of KUbUtuu haiing. treble . acute and chiouic liseast'S. Prices very reaoiiatIc. -0b ii. Uoth aud Hawthorne. Tauor lC-5. TA KAKA ANTISEPTIC POWDKR is a elauing. nealm. germicidal and Invig orating uoutrtie. a great, aia in lucor- . riitd and it-male uiiorucrs. oOc and tl lt-r box. Portland llotci Pharmacy. " ' AN KLKCTKIC CABINET BATH " and a scicntmc ma-aKe once a week ',' vi prolong both phiical and mntal . ei lici; ncy lr. Ironside. 30b-11 Broad- ; way bid;. Nurae m attendance. Mam od. liA Ui and ttnuciiica's tnaiu, tttw, J let and lca.v---r ha c'.ca.ned blocked, . dyed and renewed; buukrm, net and. w'.ro framea. i.a'raaco Batters, CT Mun ibon iu ; $1 V I IjL get both feet fied up good at Lr. -Kaltin . liie CiilKOl'Oi-tlST. who aoeaut -hurt you; ii yrs. lure; xm. free. Okobe ttit-.itcr bhig.. 11th Waan. Bdwy. Jh-;4. IthiV. J- C. MJHOH1, 15 K. l.'Uh utreet, N. ror. Burn side ; inotiini;, Tuesday and undu.y eveumgii. b o'clock; private cla as daily. - "jFliBVT & I1ANNKBUT, leading wig and -loupe makers, lineat utock. human hair i good8i haiiarcs.n, manicuring, face and BCiiip treatment. S40 Alder. Main &4$. OIU MATHIiL)fcI AHXkjKX Medical g m nawt; graduate irotii Norway; electricity. Bci'.'iitiiic niuas;! go exereisea. Uai Co- luinbia bld. Main -bob. ALASKA Fl US i AT "AFTKK 'I'll hi SEASON" PRICES. THE l-X'tt fa HOP, t 606 Swctland Biu., Fifth and Wash. MISS IC. ADAMS Treatments for dandruff' 'and tailing hair, niitiiicurj jig. 40" Morn-. oii at., Tufura hi-iy. office uUo. houm 11 to 8. Sunday 11 to U- lil. KUT1I OLSSuN, medical gymnast, -sTweuuih graduate, steam, iiias&agti, eater- ; cises, electricity. f"- Waafaington bldg. Main ft:'4. Ladies only. STEAM BATHS AND MASSAGE. New tHiuipment. vot lensly clean. Xr. Laura E. Lownmg.10tU floor Broadway bldg. Marshall Cla7. BODV, face and scalp inasaa.e; nervous , case si'ecialty. Or. Owdia. -.arson. 4-7-- Morgan bldg. MatnU0TJ. - J Bit SACKV treats corns and Ingrowing"; nai'S, pedlcurms. manicuring and sham- , nous. Go3-4. ii 7 Waah. st. Mar. oJTti. ; , DR. MAKGAHET HAYNIc gives chiro uractic. itcam baths, violet ray vibration -manage. -10 Swetland bldg.. Main 1T61. gUPEKKLUOCS hair, moles, warts removed A by lo ncedits met hod ; trial free. Josie Pinley, il4 Busti & Lane bldg. Miiin 0,ibS "it PILES can be permanently cured without operations. Call or write Or. en, i4i - Morrison st. 4 t PH. ELNA 0 KENfciEN, T.0S Panama bldg. Drufilcs.-; mastago lor stomach, kidneys, rheumati&m. constipation. Open evenings GUADUATK nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours 2 to G. or by appointment, Pboa-t Main 1049. Cffice 30--C T hlrd at. M A SS A -M ANICI'RIXG. 4 1 r buirbanan bldg. Main hotifi. LADY BAHBEKS, shave. 0c; haircut. 3Te; ic. Everett, cor. urd. lace nutsac1-' PR wilKi.oO.n removes corna xtx 315 Klandt-rs St.. near tith. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly calltvi Balm ot Figs- 44 K. 3od. Me 11. li-13. mornings. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair, manicuring, lace, scalp. 3- Kiledner bidg. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera lion. Free booklet. P. O. box 1103. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? . gee Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTUpTe CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. box llOi. t.uvyl;k Jj5 caoa not ovnosed. Mar.