16 TIIE 3IOKNIXG OBEGONIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1920 WANTED MXSCELLAXEOCS. tIAMOKD3 BOUGHT. Pell yoor diamonds direct to Diamond brokers and receive The highest cash market valu.3 "Without any disappointment. "We pay full value in cash for Piamonda. We purchase pawn Tickets, Gold, Silver, Platinum And valuables, any amount. We nuy War Stamps. liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds. If you want money, see us. Private office; business confidential AJfcETUCAN BROKERAGE, Brokers and Diamond Merchant 205 MORGAN BLDG., Second Floor. Licensed by City of Portland. WB BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 203 Morgan Bids.. 2d Floor. 112.50 TO ?25 JOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MKYER, THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city tor suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors, Call Marshall 1220 or 253 Madison St., near 3d sL Will call anywhere In the city, day or evening. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns. brldKework bought. !hnnfC or mail. The American Brokerage Jo., -Q5 Morgan bldg.. second rioor. Furniture Wanted. WE NEED USED FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES, RANGES. OFFICE FURNITURE. ETC. WE "WILL. BUV ONE PIECE OR A HOUSE FULL. CALL MARSHALL r87, OUR BUYER WILL CALL PROMPTLY. WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICES. A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 203-207 FIRST ST., IBET. TAYLOR AND SALMON. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. PHONE MARSHALL. 598L ; WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FTJR , JJITURE FOR SFOT CASH. ALL CALLS , ATTENDED TO SAME DAY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. Wit. ARE THE OLD . EST, MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. PRONE US. MARSHALL 69oL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185 FIRST ST. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN TH E CIT Y FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 102 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN 300. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be . fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 First St. Main 7728. X WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 201)3. Crown. " CALL MAIN 8R78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. WANTED RIFLES, SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks. Hochfeld. 80 Third street. Main 3581. WANTED Your furniture to repair, ref in- I Ish and upholster. Will call for and de- I liver. Call Tabor 4027. C. W. Camp bell. 4304 botn st. S. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. IHh and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. .Phone touay. main or .too first HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 5004. Will pay best HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Briicht boy for errands and of fice work, start J 50 month. Portland Flouring Mills Co.. 1013 Board of Trade building. WANTED At once, first-class experienced molders. core-makers and patternmak ers for out-of-town work. Apply 0-0 Oregon bld.. 5th and Oak sts. WANTED Salesman with some experience in wholesale meat packing house prod ucts: give age, experience, salary ex pected. S 4 So. Oregonian. W AM KI A polite young man. experi enced in grocery and delicatessen; must have good references. Nothing nut ex perienced man wanted. 24! Yamhill. ,W ANTED Two men to clear land, con tract or by the day; about four mile from Vancouver, Itt. 2, box I8i, Vancou ver, wash. WANTED Competent lumber accountant I for sawmill; give ase, experience and reference ; salary $-25. Address S 612, Oregonian. ;X PERIENCED telephone operator and i illnjc clerk. Good opportunity for ad vancement. Apply Oregon Eilers Music I Honio, -h Washington st. WANTED Boy with wheel; good job and steady work for right boy. Apply at Ra- ctflc statry & Ptg. Co.. 107 I'd st. WANTED -Experienced collector, one w ho I knows the city. Call at 602 Worcester I building. 8 o'clock, Thursday morning. KKOlvSTKKKD and experienced drug clerk I wanted for downtown drug Btore; must give references. AM 44, Oregonian. WANTED 2 first-class automobile paint ers; best wages; none but first-class need apply. Covey Motor Car Co. WANTED Experienced milker, 15 to 20 cows; state age and salary expected. Write P. O. Box 254. Albany. Or. DEMONSTRATOR, neat, experienced, age about 30; big money. 9:.:o to 11 o clock. 3Q9 Stock Exchange bldg. W E have a 2 V -ton truck with d river: want anything to do with same. Phone, wire or write Portland i.abor Agency. WANTED Burroughs pasting machine operators for bank work, must be ex- perlenced. V 804, Oregonian. A, SHEET-METAL WORKER. steady work for the right man. Call 247 Ankeny street, tsroaaway 4Wo. WANTED PACKER Experienced in hard ware. Call Honeyman Hardware Co., inn ana rioyx streets. FURNITURE finisher wanted for about a week's work. See Mr. O'Brien. 233 atarK. pnone aiain ;:aia. AN ALL ro-ind cook for clubhouse. In I applying give references and state wages exp: tea, it oo, oregonian. I BRIGHT, active errand boy; steady work and advancement. Riggs Optical Co., I'fJ. ill IOC H. UiOCH. WANTED Young man to do porter work In clothing store. Apply Politz, 320 i w asti. st. W ANTED Polisher and buffer for gold and silverplated ware. John O. Golden Co.. a1 Washington st. BOY to work in dining room trom 5:30 to 7:30. Campbell hotel. U4 North 23ra street. TWO boys, apprentices for bindery. Kil hwm Stationery & Printing Co.. call for Mr. Hudig. fcOOM and board offered ejderly man or married couple in return for light serv ice vx 37. sirton. Wash. NEAT dishwasher, must te experienced ; $16 per weeK, o days. Vi vi, oregonian. feKOOND cook wanted. University club Sixth and jerierson streets. WANTED Elevator boy, hotel. or man. Hoyt alXPERIKNCKD advertising representa tives. &M1-2 McKay oidg. HARNESS maker wanted. Apply p. Crnnin Co.. 129 1st street. J. 1 OUXG man to learn auto repairing. Ga rage. E. ;Tth and carutners. FIRST-CLASS bushelman. Co.. 205 Selling bldg. K, S. Erwin & BOYS wanted, light. Second street. inside work. WANTED A first-class furniture sales man. Henry penning e aons. W A NTED Planer and matcher. Gulden Bro!. Lumber Co.. Cioverdale, Or. M KN wanted to peddle hominy and horse radish; pay every nay. o:j . t lay st. WANTED Neat appearing boy to learn business. Liberty Apparel Co.. 144 Third. JDOD lunch man wanted. 234 Alder at. HELP WANTED MALE. NOTICE. AUTO STUDENTS. THS ADCQX SCHOOL ORIGINATED THE FREE TRIAL OFFER. A thor ough investigation will satisfy you that schools frying to IMITATE OUR METH PS b've nothing but a WEAK SUB STITUTE TO OI'TER. HERE'S HOW WE PROVE IT. Come here four weeks pay not a ent in advance. If you are then satis , -iod thai our training is the superior of any other Pacific northwest auto school, pay your tuition. If you are not satis fied that our school excels, we will pay you for every hour you have attended clasa This is the most startling offer any auto school ever made there is no red tape to it we gladly will put it in writing. We are willing to depend entirely upon your honesty and good Judgment. Only a different, unquestion ably superior school could make such an offer. If our training were Just the ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal. But we know where we stand -know that the quality of our train ing will win you if given a trial We will make you an offer that you can not afford to turn down. The details of this unusual offer and full particu lars of the remarkable Adcox course are found in a large, impressive book, which has just lately come from the press. Those who have seen it pro nounce it the most finished work of Its kind ever published. Tells why auto mobile schools are different why Adcox graduates are successful tel'ia you how to judge an automobile school what counts and what is sham. It will make you a friend of the Adcox school the moment you srart to read it. It costs us 65c but we will send it to you abso lutely free for the asking. Call in per son at the school, or send us your name and address and your copy will come throufch by return mail. OREGON BX-SBRVICB MEN, No tuition fee expense to you you are allowed $25 per month from state educa tional fund while attending school. School open for inspection from 10 to 12 A. M. daily. ' ADCOX AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL .. Union Ave, and Wasco St. WANTED. A-I PRINTER with some cap ital, as PARTNERSHIP in Printing Business already in- 11ft TENTH ST., ASTORIA. OREGON. DON'T MISS THIS OFFER. We are eivlnc a mial t.'.fl H1rnnnt to students enrolling for auto and tractor , tuuiTtw oei ore j- eo. l. our students are taUKht bv nrati I eTno-t In hutlH . ing, repairing and trouble shooting on all makes of gas engines, their ignition systems, starting and lighting systems, including generators, starting motors and the building, charging and care of storage batteries and a special course in oxy-acteyjene weldins:. This ODDortimitv la f ivon vnii hMftOSB of the increased demand for men trained in tnese trad es. Make application at oar main office. 707 Hawthorn a v-o inr ftth Ht . or our downtown office 114 6th st. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 600 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanizers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have inspected this one: railroad fare refund ed if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school ; biggest, best equipped and larg est system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm sts., Spokane. Wash.: 700 Mercier St., ratne. Wash. Y. M. C. A. ADVISOR! AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men in prying open the aoors or opportunity. In the past 10 years we have assisted 17.932 men in finding pesitiona Many of these men are now in executive nositiona ana se cure their belD throueh uc xne standing this department has witn employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of lo years and they turn to the Y. M. c a. icr men to fill the better sort or joos. vacant Positions in Portland at pres. ent are scarce, and if you need assist ance- In selling your service consult one oj tna employment secretaries, room av, we can help YOU. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED T if so, learn the auto and tractor busi ness and earn from $100 to $300 a month. Southern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and after learning; high salaries, ideal working conditions, fine year-round climate; no previous experience necessary. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert instructors, new, complete mechanical and electrical ea moment. including Packard twin 6, Cadillac 8. Wlllys- Knieht. etc. No ace limit. Earn board and room while learning, 6000 successful graduates GUARANTEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 15 years in Los Anceles at lb aoutn Figuero. Write today for free catalogue. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. INC.. 432 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE TRACTOR AND A1R- PLA SF1 M ECU AN ICS. EXPERT VUL- CANIZERS. ACETYLENE WELDERS AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE HHiEi.-S TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BJG WAGES. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS TIME; 80 PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK WITH CLE A R. UNDERSTAND A RLE LEC TURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS BY EXPERTS. THE STATE ALLOWS KX SERV1CH MEN ?25 PER MONTH W II ILK ATTENDING OUR SCHOOL. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. VULCANIZING AND RETREADING. LEARN TO REPAIR. REBUILD AND RETREAD ALL KINDS OF TIRES AND TUBES. EXPERT INSTRUCTION ON COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATiS KOIIIPMENT. THE STATE ALLOWS EX-SERVICB W KV .-! PKR MO NT H "W H I LB AT TENDING OUR SCHOOL. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. . HAWTHORN E AUTO SCHOOL, INC. 432 HAWTHORNE AVE., DKPT V. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. IOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN. All de partments, bin demand everywhere for high-class men; past experience unneces sary; we train you for big-paying, digni fied positions and put you in touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses open ing; shortage of department heads and executives acute; write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training school desk 416. Mather bldg., Washington. D. C. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school; new builuing; modern equipment; best in struction; practical work, laborator'es and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C. A.. b 1 d g. Phone Main S70O. branch 2. LABORERS wanted for out-of-town work. Apply employment department Crown Willamette Paper Co., 212 Common wealth bldg., between Ankeny and Burnside on 6th. WANTED A manager for our Stokes & Smith machine box department, state your experience and give reference. Ad dress J. G. McDonald Chocolate Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. I WANT to contract with party owning dragsaw, to cut auout tuu corns wood, mostly pine; large timber and fine land to cut on. Address u. juoraen, M osier. Or. LEARN PRACTICAL SHOW CARD WRITING. Night classes. McDermott School. 45 Fourth. WANTED Names ambitious men wishing become government, railway man clerks; $1300 first year. Answer immediately AV 83. Oregonian. WANTED Furniture mill hand capable of assisting loreman in t-an r raneiseo mill with knowledge of dry kiln preferred; state experience. AV 54. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE 3 MEN TO LEARN VULCA 1 . I u xr i RtAUt.NU. CALL MONDAY. 432 HAWTHORNE AVE. TAILORS, ATTENTION! Strike still on In Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. SALESMEN, experienced or inexperienced, also organizer. oo nu timer ot com merce bldg., 4th and Stark. WANTED All-around baker, day work. Phone or write, rccnesa xsaaery. ore gon City. WANTED Coatmakers. Reed Bros.. Tai- lors. 2U.-1 w "cox oiug. WANTED Marker and sorter, wages $30 per week. iroy uaunory. .ampa, .Idaho. WANTED Ambitious office boy for new corporation. . .oi, uregonian. L.E VRN -the vulcanizing business. Call or Trite t. n. nroaawiy. WANTED Experienced carpet layer. Pan- tases tneater, ... , HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE. Boys over 18, with wheels, to deliver telegrams in the city, must be bright and neat, good chance for advancement: telegraphy taught free to employes. Call on Mr. Loops, Western Union Telegraph Co., 76 Third street. CARRIER wanted for large west sids route; good profit. City Circulation Dept., 2UJ Oregonian bldg. I "WANT to contract with party to cut about 400 cords oak wood; 1 have about 3O00 cords standing timber, best timber in Oregon; also level ground to cut on; I will pay $2.50 a cord. Inquire Yamhill Bakery. Yamhill, Oregon; the first party takes the Job. Experienced woodchoppers preferred. AUTO trimmer; must be good all around man, especially good on tops; give phone number and name of last place you worked. L 320, Oregonian. WANTED Gardner with landscape ex perience and capable of laying out flower gardens on small private place, must batch on premises, and furnish references as to character and ability : none but experienced need apply. 23 o Stark street. . CAMP BAKER. 120 men, $100 a month and board. Call Skinner dc nite. o N. 2d st. Bdwy. 320o. WANT services good stock and bond sales man to sell interest in bona xide oil proposition composed of Portland busi ness men. Have large body excellent leases on best possi b 1 e terms. P 4 s Oregonian. TAILOR, first-class cutter and all-around tailor; union wages, or win sen nail interest in good cleaning and tailoring business; established 2 years; references required. J. W. Dorsey. Vale, Or. WANTED Young single man over 21 to travel in crew with manager ana solicit; work easy to handle; expenses advanced. Call at Hotel Oregon after 10 A. M. to day. Ask for Mr. Ruthruff. HUSBAND and wife, no children, man for farm work woman Co cook for about 5 men ; must have own furniture ; total wage $100 per month and board; give references. Y 154, Oregonian. WANTED Mechanical draftsman, with ambition to advance; $5. 8 hrs. to start, with better as you prove your worth. Apply Crown Willamette Paper Co., West Linn. Or. See Chris Crusslns. MARRIED couple for out-of-town lumber office; one as time keeper at ioo, room and board ; the other bookkeeper and stenographer, $125, room and board. Call today, 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED At once, first-class experienced boilermakers, machinists. blacksmiths, coppersmiths and sheetmetal workers for out-of-town work. Apply 320 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. OFFICE boy. 10 to 18, large insurance office, salary to start $40, chance for advancement. Reply own handwriting, giving residence and phone number. L 338, Oregonian. WANTED Orchardist to take charge of fruit ranch in Hood River valley, at tractive new tenant house, all-year-round position; Christian man preferred. AV 166, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 17 to 19. of neat appearance for office work. Permanent position, excellent prospects for advancement. Give age. salary expected, phone number. V 020, Oregonian. WANT first-class man to sell interest in oil proposition on commission ; prefer man who has had experience in oil propositions or in selling securities. S 644, Oregonian. WANTED At once, first-class experienced open-trhop molders and pat tern mn kers for work, in city. Apply O-U Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. LARGE corporation wants a few men over 25 with ability as salesmen: per manent Income. 413 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Party with dragsaw to con tract to cut 500 cord wood. S2.25 cord; bi fir: living quarters furnished. Ad dress R. F. D. 1, box 13-6, Sherwood, Or. "WANTED At once, first-class experienced open-fchop all-around lathe machinists for work in city. Apply u20. Oregon bldg., jtn and oaK sts. WANTED High-class man to take charge or laundry route; one accustomed to meeting the public L. S. Laundry Co, ISO Grand ave. East 262. WANTED Repair man for large wood working plant, electrically operated Heilry McCleary Timber Co., McCleary, awn. BOOKKEEPER, experienced ; opportunity for advancement in wholesale house; state age. experience, references and phone number. B- 121. Oregonian. MAN wanted on small poultry farm: good wages to one w llllng to work. S 48A, oregonian. H elp Wanted Sal m men IF YOU are a salesman and a live wire, capable of selling town lots off the plat in a town which has more good talking points than any town on the Pacific coast, we have a proposition to offer you in a splendid field where we have lots of leads and customers who have seen our property and made largo purchases, who are good boosters. This is a most excellent ppport unity for a man who is accustomed to doing Dustiness in the country. The right man can m:.ke big money. Address AV 104. Oregonian. WANTED Salesman for Oregon and Cali fornia to carry side line of raincoats: established trade, samples compact and convenient to carry ; give reference and present line engaged In. THE F. & G. MANUFACTURING CO., 1372-1380 West 6th at., Cleveland. Ohio. " SALESMAN WANTED. A reliable young man, age 25 yrs.. for local soliciting. Must be willing to work, excellent opportunity to make perma nent connection. Call bet. lo and 1 1 P. M. A sk for Mr. Christenson, 4 1 0 Henry bldg. EXPERIENCED furniture salesman; ref erences required. Inquire 542 Williams. WANTED Salesmen. with or without auto experience. 504 Spalding nldft. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN covering territory regularly any state on coast, rapid-selling side line, light pocket sample: liberal com mission ; references. Eastern Manufac turers Co., 400 Worcester bldg., Port land, Or. AGENTS at once, selling 6uc per month hospital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer to keep small set of books and do general office work; $75 to start. N 201, Oregonian. WANTED At once. Call Tabor 31M6. practical nurse, WANTED Waitress. Apply Multnomah Athletic club dining room. 581 Salmon st. WAITRESSES wanted, Washington st. 11 A. M., 3453 WANTED Brenkfasx and luncheon cook. Congress notei tuning room. WANTED Girl for errands. Schanx Co.. Royal bldg. Archer A WANTED Dinner and short order cook. Coiumous noiei, om ana main. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit Ing School. S6 mo. 269 14th. Main 3803. WANTED A lady with car. to sell candy. Phone Tabor 6680. TWO experienced Finnish maids. No others need apply. Edison hotel. LADY BARBER wanted, Centralia. Wash. 515 North Tower ave. OFFICE GIRL. Call 620 Henry bldg. No phone calls answered. WANTED Dining-room girl, st. Phone Woodlawn 2!15. 1751 Derby WANTED Experienced girl for tionery, cigars. Phone E. 2788. WANTED Permanent legal stenographer In good town, near Portland. Main 6344. EXPERIENCED counter girl. Cozy Dairy Lunch. WANTED Girl for confectionery and ci gar store. 301 Burnside st. WAITRESS wanted at Ed's restaurant. 26 North Second street. WANTED Lunch waitress. It f m,r. I restaurant. 303 Hawthorne avenue. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATING FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE OPER ATORS ARE NEEDED. DUE TO CON BTANTLY INCREASING REQUIRE MENTS OF THE SERVICE. A GOOD SALARY AT THE START. REGULAR AND FREQUENT IN CREASES. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNI TIES FOR PROMOTION. LARGE, CHEERFUL OPERATING ROOMS. ATTRACTIVE RECREATION ROOMS. LUNCHROOMS WITH MEALS SERVED AT COST. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601, SIXTH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. HOTELS KKEn TRAINED WOMEN All departments; big demand everywhere for hlRTh-class women; past experience unnecessary ; we train you for big-paying, dignified positions and put you In touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses opening; shortage of department heads and executives acute; write at once for particulars; Lewis Hotel Train ing school, desk 1416, Mather bldg. Washington, D. C. WE HAVE just placed 16 comptometer operators in positions in this city; we now need 16 more students to fill their vacancies in our school ; course costs you $4t and takes you about eight weeks; girls must not be over 25 years. Decide now or you may have to wait three months. Call 313 Morgan bldg. See Miss Frank TWO experienced saleswomen for the silk department. Apply Employment Bureau, sixth floor. . MEIER & FRANK CO. NEW class in scientific treatment of the skin and scalp Just opened. I will guarantee position to members of this class, as increase In my business has created positions for specialists in this line of work. Mme. Pattenaude, 411 Beck bldg., hours 0:3O to 12:3U A. M. daily. HOUSEKEEPER wanted on ranch, one qualified to manage house, no children, wife in California for health, am alone at present, no objection to lady with one child; will be at Athens hotel be tween 10 and 12 Thursday, or write to R. E. Mantor, Sclo. Or. WOMAN, not over 40, In widower's home; 1 adult, 2 children; must be good plain cook and good housekeeper; Scandinavian lady preferred; can give good home and small salary to such party; state salary wanted in first letter. H 567. Oregonian. WANTED Girls io work In woodworking factory at St. Johns; healthy, sanitary surroundings, no experience necessary: $2.25 to $3.25 for 8-hour day; give home address in your reply; please state ap proximate age. AE to9, Oregonian. HIGH school Kirl beirinner for office work must be younar. neat. briKbt and live at home with parents; $50 per month; op portunity to advance ; give phone num- oer in your cepiy. A K i, oregonian. WANTED FOUR STENOGRAPHERS, $65 1 -J ?i 1 A Ml A IJ A V EiKl V UUU r L -TURK; GOOD BEGINNER WITH SOME EXPERIENCE WILL DO. CALL TO DAY, 447 MORGAN BLDG. WANTED Will pay $120 per month with room and hoard to competent cook and helper. Christ 'an college, outside city. Good position for mother and daughter. Give telephone. AV lou. cregonian. MARRIED couple for out-of-town lumber otiice; on as timekeeper, iuo, room and board; the other bookkeeper and stenog rap her, $125. room and board. Call to day, 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED A stenographer in law office m small city near Portland; give age. experience, salary expected, telephone number and full particulars. Address AV 147, Oregonian. BY LARGE wholesale house, a young lady tor stenograpnic and nj?nt orrice work. Apply In own handwriting. Give phone number and state salary expected. O 272, Oregonian. OPENING for reliable, honest young lady to learn to clerk in store; must know how to do housework and care for chil dren; $9 per week, room and board. H 561 , Oregonian. LEARN multigraphing; can take 1 more girl in our multigraphing dept.; you can get business experience while learning. Call 512 Royal bldg. STENOGRAPHER wanted for general of fice work in wholesale house; state age. experience and salary expected to start. Address W S8J. Oregonian. TWO young ladies, who are qualified to meet the public, to travel Oregon in SOC I A L WELFARE work : good pay Mr. Wright, 140 N. 23d street. OPENING for a reliable young lady who Is honest and steady to learn store work must know how to care for children and do housework. H 561 . Oregonian. W ANTED Office girl. 1 to 5 P. M.. one who can operate underwood typewriter preferred. Apply business office Oaks amusement park. 2 to 4 P. M. OPERATORS wanted on power machines, experience not necessary; finishers, prcssers on ladies coats. Bergman, 83 5th st. WANTED Young lady for filing; and gen eral office work; answer, statins? age, experience, reference and salary cxpect cd. S 713, Oregonian. WANTED Telephone operator and cen eral office work; must b good penman, quick and high school education ; wages $6.". Address O 284, Oregonian. ATTENTION, LADIES. A large assortment of exclusive styles In buckram, net and wire bat frames. Lr, France Hatters, 372 H Morrison st. I WANT 6 ambitious, intelligent, women who can give a tew nours earn day to profitable outside work. 627 Corbett bldg. NAMES wanted women, $IH up. wishing government positions, SI 140 first year; experience unnecessary; answer immedi ately. A V 84. Oregonian. WANTED By young widower with two children, aged , 8, a good housekeeper; no objections to 1 child; home 3 blocks from school. C G05. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, one familiar with post ing machine preferred; good reference required. L 216, Oregonian. WANTED Girl or woman, general house work, small family, reasonable wages. Tabor 5177. GIRL for filing; mUBt be experienced; state qualifications and salary expected. R 302, Oregonian. TWO STENOGRAPHERS. S75 TO START AND GOOD FU TURK WITH NEW COMPANY. 447 MORGAN BLDG. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Homo. 882 East 15th st. N or phone East 123. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 055 East lisan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED Several ladles for outdoor sell ing. $35 weekly, excellent chance for ad vancement. A 964, Oregonian. TAILORS, ATTENTION! Strike still on In Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages. Elsie Trimmed Hat Co., 225 Beck bldg. Broadway 4303. GIRL or woman wanted to assist in light housework; goon nome. Appiy on ;ast 8th st. Phone East 5609. AN ALL round cook for clubhouse. In applying give references and state wages expected. S 675. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced child nurse, with references. immediately. East 5005. . f WANTED First-class sleevcmaker or experienced helper on gowns. 405 Flied ner bldg WANTED Thoroughly experienced fancy gown pressers, top wages. Phone East 625. "WANTED Smart girl to learn fancy pressing. good w ages while learning. permanent position. W 8 b 8. Oregonian. CHAMBERMAID. Chesterbury hotel. 201 North 20th street. WANTED Waitress. Campbell hotel, 23d and Hoyt st. WANTED Waitress., good wages, and board. Marshall 6070. CHORUS girls, experenced ; big engage ment. Apply Casino theater. PRIVATE home for children. 4 to 11 yrs 714 Everett st. Marshall 2162. ALMA, I have your allotment. Where shall I leave it for you? E. V. C. MILLINERY makers and trimmers wanted. Apply Lowengart & Co, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Neat-appearing girls for ushers nredlum height, 36 bust. Apply Co lumbia theater between 12 and 2. Ask for Miss Benson. WANTED A good kitchen helper, married lady preferred, will board husband, good wages: none but a good worker need apply. 191 11th street. GIRLS wanted to work in wood-working factory, good wages. Psicolai Door Mfg. Co.. Kenton station, Portland. Or. YOUNG woman wanted to help in small boarding houne at Kenton, good wages. 1773 Derby street. Woodlawn S3. WANTED Middle-aged woman. Catholic, an hnusekeeoer for widower with 3 chil dren. German preferred. Wdln. 5712. MAI RnRKSSK R and manicure, expert t need. Portland Hotel Hairdreaslng Par lor. Main 3301. EXPERIENCED fancy ironer wanted; must understand laundry work. 245 Everett. Opera House Laundry. WANTED Experienced fitter and coat a Fashion Coat & 304 Washington street. for suits Suit Co. WANTED Experienced girl for dininx room work. Apply isortonia notei. ma and starK TEACHER wanted to educate little girl in Parisian French language only. M. u-ku, Oregonian. GIRL aourentice for bindery. Call Mr. Rudlg. Kilham Stationery & printing Co.. Fifth and Oak street. BOOKKEEPER, with some experience in stenography. X 34. Oregonian. GIRLS wanted. Portland Paper Box Co. 02 Front street. WANTED An experienced waitress. Sa voy restaurant, l a- orana avenue. "WANTED At Waverly baby borne, cook helper. MANICURIST wanted at Oregonian barber shop, Sixth st. GIRL wanted for counter work, street. Wanted Dome tics. KESPONtfl BLE young woman of good character wanted in rood home, famil of three, for light housework and to take care of baby 1 year old; no washing or cooking. Call today at 4312 3ith ave. S. E. ; Woodstock car. EXPERIENCED girl of good character to assist with general housework; ideal working conditions and good wages. Call 722-5 Corbett bldg.. Fifth and Morrison sts., between 2 and 3 P. M. TRY THIS PLACE You may like it; Rood home, excellent board, good wages. In ex change for light housework. See me at 22U Nartllla st. (facing entrance to Mult nomah club). WANTED Flrst-cl: in woman for gen eral housework in family of four adults in Seilwood district. Good wages to comietent person. See Mr. O'Brien. 235 Startc et. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework, also do some washing; good wages, no cooking. Call East 6u&4. 441 E. 10th st. N. WANTED Woman or girl, small family, easy place; fare refunded ff satisfactory; state wages expected. Box 122, Cas cade Locks. Or. WANTED Girl for general housework, ex perlence In cooking not necessary. Phone woodlawn -i-ixi. & uienn ave. Broadway car. YOUNG GIRL tossist with children: will consider schoolgirl. Call l"7 East Tenth st. N., corner Going, or Woodlawn 446. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stairs worK . small xamiiy ; nign wages. Marshall 1633. COMPETENT girl for general housework no washing; no Sunday dinner; good wages. I16S Tliurman. Mar. sioo. NEAT, reliable girl to assist with general housework, good wages, experience not necessary, phone Main 318. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work ; good room, modern conveniences; wagfta Main Teou. WANTED Girl for ceneral housework family of 2, adults; no furnace. 72 Kearney St., Main 1061. COMPETENT maid for general housework. small tamily, good wages. Phone East 13oy. WANTED Cook arid downstairs work, no washing, 4 adults in family. Call Main WANTED By February 1. Japanese girl to assist with housework. Phone East T.20T. G1KL wanted to ait with general house work, no washing. 64 Northrup, cor. 261 h. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 2 in faintly. 44 KUa utrcet. Call mornings, pnone .vain .;;i. w AXTKI) Young Klrl to asrdst with ren craJ housework. 4&0 Eat ISth North East 6071. WANT K D C om pet ent sr 1 r 1 for gc neral . housework. i a nor WOMAN or girl for general housework. Phone sriixood o-i WOMAN to assist in housework. Dept., Llpman,, Wolfe. Optical HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMINA TIONS com in sr to Portland: begin S130O sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. st 4 A, Kocneater. n. . EDUCATIONAL. MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 wks.. give you a set of tools and some pay while learning;: positions secured: achoiarFnic and transfer cards Isaued; 32 schools in Xj. 8. and Canada. Send for catalogue 23 1 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BE HNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time.. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookttceplng. secretarial. Free catalogue OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will leach you the trade in n weeks; -aip ana iac - massage specialty: tools free ; position guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 2.3 Madison. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOI Miss Bucket's private school ; Individ ual instruction. 12 i orana ave. ti. 4 ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enro fre. Frank W. Welles, ex-asst. stat Supt.. Mgr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8276. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set ot tools free, position secured. Btt N. 2d st. LEARN VULCANIZING RETREADING, HAWTHOKiN K A U I O Lh 1 -m C. 462 K AWT HORN E AVE. LEA RN TELEGRA PHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. r ree oooKiei. THE International Correspondence School can raise your salary. 19 i Broadway OREGON LAW SCHOOL, Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. w. t. Kicnarason. sec Main 9 MRS. Hannum s shorthand school. Individ ual instruction. 230 Tillamook. E. 3866. FISK Teachers' Agency -Journal bldg. Mn. 4 S3 5. Teaching positions, free registration. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. .Main o'n. yroaaway nia SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. FOUND The man you want; Al earpen tar : repairs, doors and windows adjuate glazing, auto service; reasonable. Broad way 1 16. POSITION wanted by middle-aged man, watchman or janitor. laoor 1U5. RESH INGLING done by expert. Phone East 1201. ELDERLY man wants position aj or houseman. F 15. Oregonian. ALL-AROUND cook wants work, prefer lumber camp. S 6 r6,Orc gonian. EXPERIENCED baker's helper wants work. V 08'-. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced man as watchman or janitor. Tabor 9 ROOMS tinted. $3; painting, papering rea sons ble. Marshall 270. WANTED A contract cutting 500 to e ords of wood. Y lfil. Oregonian. LANDSCAPE GARDENER. EAbT SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. HAVE you a position for a young man, aged 18, just graduated from high school manual training course? Have worked in mill and shipyards, and am used to hard work. ADDRESS AN 161, OREGONIAN. SINGLE man with much experience in conveyancing and record worn, rot an "expert" stenographer or bookkeeper. Employed now, but want to locate in Portland. Very best of recommenda tions. Address Box 446, Lewiston. Idaho. YOUNG man. 23. wants steady position. oest or references, nave nau o jwh road experience, both office and mechan ical; want something permanent; wages no object. Homer L. Johnson, 560 Al berta st. Wdln. 3086. HOLDING position of chief clerk and traf fic man. G. P. R. R. in east aesires po sition In Portland, along line of traffic man in commercial position, highest ref erence as to ability and moral character. Apply V 972, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants position in private family or business concern; e years ex perience (American), neat and knows his business; references; mechanic; knows all makes of cars. L. La V alley. Broadway O'.tO. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1954. 161 Russell St. POSITION wanted, experienced superin tendent and manager open to tane im mediate charge of logging operation; nine years' experience in large Colum Ma river operation. J 4H5. Oregonian. MARRIED man. 35, would like to take up an agency in my own community, something worth while; good references. Box 82, Gaston, Or. AN ALL-AROUND machinist, gas and electric work inc.; have had years experience; can give good references. R 333. Oregonian. , MARRIED man, anxious for work, clerk in of ice, watchman or elevator, nrst-cias references. Broadway S0U7. or call 4b North Sixth. COOK and baker, good all-around man, dinner, short-order, bread and pastry, Howell. 4038 73d St.. or S 725. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED fireman and watchman would like respectable job. August Klett, Hotel American. 02 North 3d st. YOUNG man wants evening work 2 or 3 nlfrhts a week ; office or clerical work preferred. Call. Mar. rP2a after e. WANTED By man and wife with 2 chil dren, steady job on ranch. Box Shaniko. Or. CESSPOOLS AND "WELLS DUG AND SEPTIC TANKS BUILT. WOODLAWN 54H3. WA NTED Light work by an elderly Christian man; church privileges; city or country. K a:io, oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener wants gardens to spade, trees to prune, long Jobs, any kind. Phone Bdwy. itK. call ivincaid. WANTED Wood to cut: will consider from 500 to 150O-cord contract. Address C. O. Bennett. 7126 84th st. S. E. I AM an experienced salesman and have a car. If you want results M. Blackman. East 6n;t. al call FLORIST and gardener, singie, thoroughly experienced, want positions on private place. T 522. oregonian. CARPENTER, new or repair work. esti- mates cheerfully given. Asiaae. 1 6 15 . Main WANTED Night watch Job; experienced; aged 55. 407 Hall street, apt. C. Main 42tm. EXPERIENCED painter wants paintjng. kalnomtnlng and paper Hanging; con tract or day work. Main 634. WANTED Position as timekeeper, com missary clerk, scaler, logging experience, Y 263. Oregonian. AMBITIOUS boy, aiced 16. wishes employ ment in auto repair shop as apprentice; has some experience. W 907. Oregonian. UTOMOBILE mechanic, will save you money doing the work at your home. Wdln. 6173. WANTED Employment by elderly man. Janitor or general nouseworit; reierences. W 1101. Oregonian BY MACHINE PRESSER and bushelman. steady employment witn going wages. T 5S4, Oregonian. NEAT, husky lad wants work from 7 or S A. M. to l- or x i' ju. vjt buj, orego nian. THOROUGHLY experienced grocery clerk. 2i, desires work in or out or city; oeni of references. L 25S. Oregonian. POSITION wanted; by an experienced laundry driver; good solicitor, iv Oregonian. EXPERIENCED auto deli very man wants work. J 6U. OreRontan. MIDDLE-AGED man wants janltor job. Towa Lucia wa. rnone i aoor i. CARPENTER, day or contract. ing or new worn, laoor uo-m. WANTED Contract for 2-ton tTUCk, lum ber or wood. ian i aoor og.-j. j A PA NESE school boy wants situation. T. Okape. - I - rvf r n airTt. BRICKLAYER and contractor, new and repair worn; reasonauic. r.asi. oa.u. LEV ELM AN, rod man. chalnman wishes work, can give references. rast imi. MAN with car can spare 6 or 8 hrs. a day. Call Bdwy. .THS before in j. .m. Bookkeepers. Ptenographers.Of flee. HIGH-CLASS accountant, with extensive experience , 7 year us cnu-t accountant Miiri i -red it man Me dTwrtmfiit store now cnintovod in essential industry. wishes position of trust w ith reliable concern. ' uregoni.ui. YOUNG MAN. 2S years of ag. would like clerical nosition : ca n run typewriter a ua is an excellent penman ; good education and neat : over 3 years' experience and railroad experience. H oregonian YOUNG man. 22 years old. wants clerical work, or bookkeeping: can operate typo writer: has had two month' experience In clerical work; will start with $00. best reference. all h-ast !::. POSITION by young man. 1 years old, high school graduate, y experience, references, jeonian. months of fice E O05. Ore AOCOU NT A NT open for afternoon en gagement. Will start your system or hM k yjur books. P 4f. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, many years experience with large corporations, wants worit at living wage. R 334. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER wants set of books to keep evenings, r Oregonian. Soldier? tnd bailors. ASST. MGR. Dry "Roods, shoes and fur nishing goods store In prosperous town. Prefer pioneer merehant and an oppor tunity to become financially interested In the business ; 7 years' experience, highest references. N ;tlS. Oregonian. EX-SOLDI ER. age 2. attending evening school, wishes work forenoons, for good board and room, handy in work of anv kind. Indoor preferred. Call evenings from 6 to 7. phone East 74M. room 14. EX-SERVICE man. good character. 2-"i. competent land scape gardener, age all- around horticulturist and raining of utility and fancy poultry: A-t rcferenoe. Write Louis F. Ely, box 622. Wallace. Idaho. , EX -CANADIAN SOLDI PR MUST HAVE WORK IMMEDIATELY: WILL DO ANYTH TNG. V 83, OREGON I AN. WANT wood cutting contract. 1000 or more cords, suitable ior drag saws. Woodlawn 4221, Davlff. TWO overseas men wish work, experts at painting, paperhanging and kalsomlnlng. Phone Davis Bro. Woodlawn 3'20. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. A YOUNG LADY wishes position as com panion to elderly person. W 904, Ore gonian. " COLORED woman wants day work, good reierences. nasi oo, ijvc puoue nuw ber. WILL give daughter's care to elderly lady or old couple in their home; moderate compensation; ref. ex. East 3101. A COLORED WOMAN with a child, wants a position in service: will work reason -able. Call 221-57. GOOD cook on ranch; state wages first letter. Minnie Schoenberger, 144 W. Kilpa trick St.. Kenton. YOUNG woman wishes work In hospital or housework out of city preferred; no chil dren. Mar. 477. EXPERIENCED chambermaid, wishes work. Tabor 1108. colored. LADY wants housecleaning. other work; hour, day; work guaranteed. Wdln. 63hi. EXPERIENCED colored cook wants place in private family. Phone Wood. 2241. YOUNG LADY wishes housework for board and wages; Sunday off. L 202. Oregonian. WANTED Position, cashier in restaurant, show. etc. Call Broadway 917, room 56. DEPENDABLE nurse cares for children even I n gs, the sick thru the day. Mar. 34'J. EXPERIENCED girl wishes cooking or housework. Woodlawn S149. POSITION as chambermaid, ftsoa, room 10. after 0 A. M. Call Main GOOD LAUNDRESS wishes 7 or mfere hrs. work. Woodlawn :Q4H. LADY wanted, day work. Phone East 8402. WOMAN wishes day work. Tabor 3-407. prrrATioxs wanted female. WANTED Situations Tor legitimate actors and entertainers of all descriptions. Call Portland Theatrical Agency. 311 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st.. cor. Wash. WANTED A position by a high school girl from 3 P. M. to 7 or 8 P. M., all day Saturday and half day Sunday. M 9, Oressnian. WANTED By woman, a position as dish washer, bus girl, kitchen helper or as sistant pantry girl. H 551. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook prepares and serves luncheons and dinners at reasonable prices. East 2534. YOUNG lady, unemployed, wishes to take care of children by the hour. In Nob Hill district. Main 61S2. m PIANIST 5 years" experience in moving pictures. wishes engagement. Tabor FINE ironer; will do light house cleaning. East 8402. WOMAN wants daywork, 40c hour. Phone Main 752S. Bookkeepers. Bienogrsvphers. Office. YOUNG LADY, experienced in bookkeep ing, timekeeping and payroll distribu tion, also general ofiice work, who uses comptometer, typewriter and adding ma chine, wishes to change, as present posi tion offers no advancement : can work fast. Bdwy. 10S7 or L 263. QreRonlan. BY STENOGRAPHER. general office work : some experience, best of refer ences ; would prefer insurance or doc tor's office. Woodlawn 2501. YOUNG colored girl wishes position as typist with some knowledge of short hand; will work for small salary. Wood lawn 84 HO. POSITION on Bwitchboard and general of fice work, by experteneea operator; can give references. D 75. Oregonian. SELF-SUPPORTING young lady with stenographic and office experience wants position. ianor !'. YOUNG LADY -wishes position a general office girl; has experience, o .'is. ure gonian. STENOGRAPHIC position wanted by be ginner with some office experience. -ast 3N60. B-X PERIENCED stenographer wants tem porary work; rail i anor Dressmaker. WILL make house dresses and school chil dren' clothes ; alo expert crochet ing very reasonable. 720 Ellis ave. Seilwood 3491. CONSULT me before discarding your old suits or gowns. Remodeling a specialty. Mrs. Crose. S:;0 K. 3th st. Seli. 273. YOUNG woman wishes housework where there are no chi tdren ; no objection to count ry. Mar. 4770. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions call Dressmaking Dept. Emporium Dye works. 54 Morrison st.. Bdwy 425. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking, street dresses; make your old suit into a dress; reason able rates. Mrs. Kelly, East 73Q7. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work by the day. Wdln, 6250. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. tailoring, makeover. $3 per day. Seilwood 332. Miss We: terlin. scint ific massage. crree tive, reducing exercises; doctors' refer ences. Europe, American. Bdwy. 2t; WOMAN with hrtsoital exn. wishes mental or nervous patient to care for In their own home. M oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse, age 48. wishes con finement and other cases; best of ref erences, phone East 263o. NURSE, 2 years' hospital training, wishes position in doctor's office; references. N 313. Oregonian. K V P K R IKT K n nurse, care illness, con valesceut, invalid or caretaking. &iar. 2s3. EXPERIENCED nurse -wishes rases. finements preferred. Tabor ivi. Housekeepers, REPINED woman wants place in the country; capable of taking lull cnarpe of housekeeping and cooking; where can keep a-yr.-old boy and nave employ ment for grown son who has experience D 76. Oregon t a n. YOU NO lady wishes housekeeping for bachelor or widower who has no objec tion to one child. Address Mrs. N. Beebe. R. 6. box 233A. Vancouver. Wash WIDOW. 30 vears old. with two children sr A and H wishes nouse Keeping, more for home than large wages. Phone Seilwood 11". YOUNG woman wants position, house keeper, good cook, seamstress: can give ntano lessons. iu per weeK. .Main u..i, WIDOW with small child wishes work o housekeeping, country or city. rnone Woodlawn 1736. HOUSEKEEPER Neat, reliable young widow wants position in modern noiue. L 294. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper in gentleman's home. Mrs. A. Clark, 736 North beneca street. r.oi PKTENT housekeener wishes position widower s, or small adult iamiiy. ou, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman wants housekeeping for elderly man. O Pit, oregoniaru Domestics. THOROUGHLY competent woman wishes housework. By the Hour: aisencagea Wer., Thur., Friday. Phone Marshall 2646. Mrs. Campbell, between 16 and V2 A. M. A COMPETENT lady seeks good, steady position In Catholic family, city or coun trv; name wages In first letter. R. R-, 4 "Washington st. WANTED General work; good plain cook; wages. $.0. G !V4, Oregonian. WANTKO TO RENT. House. I WANT to leMse a home for two years, west side. Portland Heights preferred. I need 4 bedrooms, pne of which should be large enough for 1! beds. ono bath room will do. but two are better. Attic or some other good storage place. 1 will gunrantee the best of care durinir occu pancy. Kenneth Bet-be. Main 4I1. 4 OR i-KOOM house with place for chick ens and garden, from . acr up to 2 acree. near carline. not over minutes out. Write me at 14SU E. 0th st. N-. city, or phono Broadway li09o. ask for M r. Deeker. WE have hundreds of clients desiring t rent. The efficiency ot "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM" of property management ilj save you money. FRANK L. McGUIRB. AMngten Bldg. Main 10. WANTED To rent a vacant S-room houe, rent not more than S70. M r. Ma honey. Coe. A. McKenna & Co.. Main WAXTBl) To lease March 1 for 1 or years. ." or 6-room modern unfurnished house. Ir insrion. Alameda or Rose City ; he t of references. v urcponian. WANT to rent or lease, on or before Mar. 1. r or l-room modern house or bunga low; bedroom first floor; good care guar anteed. Tabor evenings WANTED Small furnished house, about 5 rooms, or part of house with private family; rent -." to $35; prefer east side. T r20, Oregon lan. WANTED Modem 4 or 5-room Imncalow fireplace, near Mississippi car. Kveninss, Ka st 41 7. WANTED To rent 4-room flat or small bunpalow. furnished or unfurnished. Call Tabor .r934 WANT to rent furnished Seaside cottage, best of care; references. T 586, Orego nian. WANTED To renfc 4 or 5-room bungalow. Phone East 22.". $3200 OR LESS on improved city property, reasonable rate. Call Main 2010. 2 OR 3-room bungalow, cottage. Tabor 4912 after 6 evenings. WANTED to rent, furnished bungalow, by responsible small iamiiy. j a Dor ;:!- WANTED To rent 4 or 5room modern - house. Park wood, box 11. A part men ts. MOTHER and daughter. 2 adults, quiet and responsible, wish a-room apt. with private bath; must be well heated and absolutely clean. Woodlawn 111. WANTED Two-room furnished apart ment. 2 adults, desirable neighborhood and walking distance. P 45. Oregonian. 5-ROOM apartment, flat or upper part of house for woman with girl 4 and boy 15. East 8753. Rooms With Board. SINGLE MAN wants room and board in private family close to Peninsula ship yard or St. Johns car preferred. Reply to fi. M. 1407 Villa rdave. WOULD prefer large room, or alcove room, about February 1, west side, fn Couch school neighborhood. Main 4254. after 5 P. AT. REFINED young man and sister desire rooms, private family, Ladd's addition or close in west side. H 544, Oregonian. Basinesn Places, RELIABLE establishment wants to lease for 5 or 10 y ars, 10,000 square feet of warehouse space, on trackage; will either occupy part of warehouse with other occupants, or will lease scpara te building. west side of river d est red. Parrish, Watkins & Co., Main 1644. 106 Second street. WELL-ESTABLISHED business desires lo cation here, probably in the district 14th to 20th. Alder to Davis. T 562. Oreeo-niao. WANTED TO BENT, Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED By Feb. 1st to 4th. 2 or t fur nished housekeeping rooms, modern; suitable for brother and sister, employed. J 6U, Oregonian. MiHcellaneocrfe WANTED Hall. 150 to 200 capacity, for meeting purposes of I. L. A 3-AS. Will lease for 6 mos. or 1 vr. 3l Lumber Ex. Mar. 705. Hopkins or Stevens. WANTED to rent, a duck lake, stieet. Broadway 2!13. 379 Oak FOR RENT. Furnlfthed Ilooms. UNDER NEW MA N A G EM ENT. PRINCESS HOTEL. Just across Vie Burnside bridge. Being thoroughly renovated through out. Strictly modern rooms, singie or with private or community hatha Tran sients. $ to $2 per day. Special rates by week or month. East 17L HOTEL N ETHERL AN DS. 13th St.. at Washington. A real home hotel for dis criminating people. Lijrht. clean rooms with or without private bath, cleanli ness, courtesy and personal service. Transient, permanent. II OTEL ART At R, 170 11th st. Take Dc not car to litH and Morrison, walk half block south. Clean, modern, respectable ; transient 1.50; with private bath. $2. HOTEL SAVON. 131 llth between Washington and Alder; modern rooms 5 per week up. $1 per day up. ONE large, front room, nicely furnished, walking distance, with home privilege. Apply ;14 Montgomery st., apt. 2 IF YOU are looking for a nice, clean, well heated room, drop into the Shelly hotel. 422'j Morrison, cor, llth st. NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms, modem, very convenient, easy walking distance. : r.vereit. near -int. BUSHMARK HOTEL. r6H Wash. SL i-.arge. ngni, clean, modern rooms; re spectable. HOTEL OCKLET Morrison st. at Tenth. nates 91 a aay up. weekly 94.50 up Steam heat. Free phone and baths. LA RISK, light, well -furnished room, all conveniences. reasonable; in private home cli.se in. 2s x. 2:id. PALACE? HOTEL. 446 Wash. l-t-. down- ii ii.u()u, respectaoie ana. atrictiy modern rooms, large, clean. FRONT room, nice furniture, bath and all nome privileges; walking distance; very reasonable. 24 Albina ave. Kl'KNlSTI ED rooms for centieman in ori- ate home. Williams ave. Phone East 4323. ,66iiiDr1.:,.,2-50.rek ,lp: outside room. KUKNISH ED room; steam heat, nrii phone, close in. East 44. I n furnished Rooms. OS IRVING, west side, wlkinr rfi-tnn--. 3 large unfurnished. clean. home-like rooms, sleeping porch, lower floor, quiet, refined private residence, beautiful yard, only appreciative man and wife desired. References. o adjoining unfurnished rooms, steam heat, private entrance, will rent 1 or both, re f e renew, n ea r Cam pbe! 1 hot-'l and St. Incest hospital. Call Main 4Mi3. UNFURNISHED. H or 4 rooms, including gas range. 4tS Halt st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. tujii-UKTABLK room. - large windows. extra la r ire closets, use of bath and Phone; homo comforts In a cheerful home; use or sitting room with Sunday morning breakfast ; good locality, near 3 carline; gentlemen preferred; refer ences. Phone Tabor insi COM PORTA 13 LE room with or without heat, in home of aged couple; no other romnArs. 4u Rose st., u. bIk. south of Rroad way. COMKOKTABLY furnished room in pri vate home, near Multnomah club, for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Call Main 2:i. N 1C ELI furnished, comfortable sleeping room, close in. west side, in modern home. 434 Mill. phone Main 4013 LA HUE front room for rent at 4 East cm bu ounanie tor l, Call East 6706. rent reasonab.e. A LAIKIE, double front bedroom, strictly mVik6' privato nome west side. Bdwy. P K ON T It OO M. private home, all con- Main t:i4 1. i. V".,,, genueman only. NICELY furnished sleeping room, break fast if desired. 691 Elliott ave. Phone Last iilS. DESIRAHLE room for business woman with lady, alone, near library. Main TWO comfortably furnished rooms nH s'hatl nd "4 4Ln bL aiar NICKLY furnished largo corner room In Irvington with hrea kfast. fall East 1 s. NICE room for gentleman in private fam liy. near Multnomah club. Main 1174 1. B K A IT I KULLY furnished front room lor studio; right downtown. I'hene MS-02. LOVELY furnished room, modern; rent reasonable. 707 Flanders. COSY warm front room. .50 1M I'Jth st.. corner Salmon. ROOM for gentleman in quiet home, near ' i i i mneu JIR 111 HOi. CLEAN, nicely furnished rooms. H'iiy. .-n. :nn st. 1 'K u try room for 1 414 -Market. Rooms With Hoard. CAMPBKLL HOTEL. 2:;n AND HOYT ST CAMPBKLL HILT. HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the bept-known residential ho tels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.5o a day up; rates by dav or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIa HOTEL, Portlands downtown nign-ciass iamiiy hotel; rooms en suite ei single, with or without board, for f.imilies and business men and women We give you all the comforts of a home! Rea.- ot able rates. THE WISCONSIN. Under new management, clean outside rooms, first-class board JS.50 per week 5 4 : 1 1 ood st . ROOM and board for business girls; ail modern conveniences; walkina distance; 11.50 pr week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SSo 10 th st. For business girls and stun n is; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. 52 MORRISON, cor. l;s: h :' choice rooms, board, modern conveniences; walking dis- Koonis With Hoard In Private Family. KKDKOOM. breakfast nook and of mi' urn ur room ana nri-agrast; excep tionally pleasant location: 1 block from car; 2Q miles from city. Tabor 175. NICELY f urn ished room with board for 2. man and wife or 2 gontlorncn preferred ; home cooking; 1 block from IJawthoruu c-ar. 2".4 K. 2.;d st. East "0n. FRENCH TEACHER Would furnish nice room with light, heat and break last to Fi ench teacher Ir assistance in French. N 2I7. Oregonian. CH 1 1 -D It EN to board itnd car fur; good home, motherly rare; c.'osc to good school. Phone Seilwood 12:t:i. NICELY FURNISHED rooms with board, suitable for X or 2. good home cooking; shower bath, furnace heat. 741 Ul isan. ROOM la.dl.-i home and board for 3 con genial young employed, in beautiful Irvington of young peopl. East 329. ROOM and board In C. S. home by young lady, employed: will consider cither east or west side. D 77. Oregonian. A HOME away from home for two gentle men willing to room together, and t wo well -cooked meals a day. East .YMio. BOARD for two gentlemen in privato home, large, attractive room with tWo beds. E;u-t 806H. SLKEPING PORCH with sitting room. 2 refined gentlemen; good board. 346 Co lumbia. ROOM and board. 2 gentlemen, home priv ilAKes. East 862. ROOM a hl. and board, home comforts; reason 4:;0 K. Ash. Kast S445. ROOM and board for one gentleman, home privileges. 4QQ Monroe. East sM0. N ICE room in Park. a modern ho.c. 4,1 West Furnished Apartment. 5-ROOM frnished apartment w ith pi i vate bath. :o. Sf2 K. Ash. or K. A. V cOrat h. 461 E. Ila.-sa io st. East 2225. NEWLY" furnished 2-room front apt., suit able for 2 or 4 adults; e'eau, yuiet, cx chisivc. 117 N. I8th at. LA KJE room and bath and single room for bachelor or lady employed; reference reo; u 1 red. M ars hall 2SoO. 2-liOoM apt. for one or two adults. Call between 7 and 2, Mabelle apts., llth and Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPING- apts. ; heat, light, ba t n and phone, hot and cold water. 5LJ W est Park. ATTRACTIVE 4-room apt. for rent; west nide; furniture for sale. M 057, Orego nian. FURNISHED 3 or 4-room apartment. Call afternoons on 1 y. M 7 East Broad wa, v. UNION AVE. and Killings worth, n 1 1 complete, concrete t 1 d g. $21.50, DKSI K A BLE 4-room :i!t. for rent. His hints lor sale. Marshall 3tDi. A A fur-