T3 TTIE MtrtXIXG OREGOXIAX,. -TnilRSDAT, JAXUATIT 29, 1920 V V FOR BALE. Pianos. Organ gort Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAOK CO. CLOSING OUT $7.10 Stelnway A Sons upright, ca.a 1290; $050 automatic upright piano, cash $165; $475 Sterling upright piano, cash 1240; $450 Etarr upright piano, cash. $220; 2 mail upright pianos. $65 and ITS. Parlor organs. $20, $2.1. $a8. $45 casta. 109 4th 1L. near Washington t- PJAKO BARGAINS. $100 and up; Schumann. Bailey, Koehicr & Campbell. Kroeger, Gaoler and others, each piano guaranteed and a bargain. Terms given. Seiuerllng Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash ington and Aider st- tOHWAN PIANO REMOVAL. SALE. Used piano. 7S, $163. $290 to J 4 35. Used organs. $2.1. $28, $33 to S6o. Now pianos. tJJ.'i. (JUS, 1468 to $962. Terms. $1.7 to (SO cash; $6 to $23 mo. Ill Fourth su. at Washington. After removal 101-3 loth at Washington. VOCATION ORGAN. Combination type, foot base pedals. i manual, etc.. with or without electric motor; Just right for church or moving picture house; terms given. Seiberllng l.uca Music Co.. 125 4th St.' VICTHOLAS. Just received shipment of style X, llu. and style XI. $lilo. In different woods; terms arranged. Seiberllng Lucas Music CorC 125 4lh st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or or j?an on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please you. Seiher-Imjr-Lucas Music Co.. l-o 4t.li st. Mala .-,n. fL.5 CABINKT Victrola, $30 worth of records, slightly used, for $110 cash. Call Tabor 3911 between 5 and J; also Sun day morning. ORGANS. $L'5 and $35; in the bent of condition. Be them. Sieberling-Lucas Music Co, 1-T 4tli st. lOR BALK Larsro square Marshal & Smith piano, suitable for auditorium work; excellent for school or church, or Tor practice. &Tj K. Stark st-, apt. DON'T have your piano repaired at all un teas you have It done riht. Particular musicians prefer my shop. Harold S. tiilbcrt. 3S4 Yamhill st. VH'THOr-A FOR PIANO, Trade ;J(mj Victrola. and record outfit for used piano. Get our proposition, Pcibf-riing-Kucas Music Co., 123 4th st. A SACRIFICE. New 7f0 piwyer piano. In English walnut case and brncli and music rolls, for $490. Phone Tabor 830. PIANO W'ANTfcD. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player pianos: set our prices. Setberllng- i.uchs piano Co.. l'-M 4th st. Main SoSO. KoKHi.KK & CAMI'BKIJ-: oak case at biff saving; tnm given. Seiberling Lucaa M uslc Co.. 4th St. $100 TO $150 CASH paid for used uorlKbt pianos. Call Main 6323. Security Storage -o., luu ii n sl, near waaningcoa. ISKAItl-Y new Columbia Grafonola and records, ? 1 25 vain', for $75. May be nfcn at 2M j-ceond fit. Ii.liKY; mahoKdiiy; late style; a real piano bargain. See It. Sciberlirig-Lucas .mush: i.o., i. 4i.il si. PACKAKL) piano, mahogany, fine tone, pood condition, $ JoO. Phone Sell wood 1 7rll. CIRCUMSTANCES force me to sell my new Ph the phone and 26 selections for j' none i aDor uni. bi"Hl!MANN, mahoBiuiy case, plain, in the best of condition ; a snap. Seiberling- i,ucas music lo., i no 4in st. GKNIINK Martin melody "C" saxonhones. Li. F. John so fi Piano Co., 140 tith St., I'oriianu, fcTORY & CLARK organ (very tine). $70. Swick fe Co. uprlsht piano. $135. Harold S. Gilbert. i am nil l. PIANu wanted, give all cash, fine make, upright, or baby grand. Main 38U4. day time. NEARLY now oak Victrola. 15 double records, $14T value; swap for furniture, rugs, diamond. 3"JH Main street. GOOD piano at once, for caah. Call Mar- ALMOST new mahogany Thompson piano. $2.r0 cash will tako it. East li0. 1 PAY CASH FOR I'SKD PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. :t4 Yamhill St. PIANO WANTED; good tone; cash propo Bitlon. Marshall 1517. PIANO wanted; pay cash. Main S.86. Furniture for Sale. LARGE kitchen cabinet that saves 'stopa; has roomy cupboard for dishes, bread bin. flour bin. and 5 drawers. A very big bargain, $19.75. A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORK. 205-207 FIRST ST. Makers of Happy Homes, Bet. Salmon and Taylor Sts. BrRDS-EYE mplo chiffonier in fir-jt-nlas condition; h h h 4 large roomy drawers, two divided top drawers, good-sized plate mirror, .19.50. A. t S. GKVT'RTZ FURNITURE STORK. 205-207 FIRST PT. Makers of Happy Homes, Bet. Salmon and Taylor Sts. ALL makes of ranges. Including well-known brands. Jewel, Uni versal, M a jew tic, A Icazar and many others, a.t a big saving for t ii in week only. Some as low as $22. 50. Ail guaranteed bakers. A. i S. CBVl'RT FURNITURE STO R E. SOK-207 Fl RST ST. Makers of Ha ppy Homes, Bet. Salmon and Taylor Sts. ANY ONE who needs a congoleum art carpet has a wonaonui chance to get one at a big reduction, and terms besides, if - wanted. AUTJS Tnlfi FOLLOWING: x9 for $ 6.00 x9 for 8 00 0x10 for 10.50 9x12 for 12.00 Wxl3 for fc 13.50 8x15 for 16.00 AlISM t-'l1 KNITUKK CO., 1SK-190 First St. VERY special bargain In solid oak used dresser, lhx40 French plate mirror, only one In stock, $14.75. A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STO R E. 205-207 FIRST ST. Makers of Hiippy Homes, Bet. Salmon and Taylor Sts. 2 WALNUT DRESSING TABLES In the Adam design with 19x30-inch bases, triplicate mirrors, center mirror 14x24, side mirrors 8x20, $50 values. your cnoice at .ii..xi; easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 18K-10O First St. tKMiLKb ror sale, ail new, o-room modern bungalow lor rent, $25 to pur chaser of furniture; furniture cost $050 tnree mo n ins a k ; win sacriiice tor $42a if taken before the first. At 94 jri umDoiat at., or can woodlawn 1200. HERE ARE THREE SNAPS. We have a gas range, coal and wood range and a water heater for sale. If you neea any oi tnese can at the Pacific storage & oeiivery Co., E. First and iwN T sacrifice your furniture If vnina east or to California. We can save you vu yuur irrigni m OUr tOrOUgfl cars. Fireproof Storage. C M. Olaea iransier ac ptorags up., 248 Pine at. 1 COAL and wood range, 1 heater, 1 air tight heater with water coil. 1 settee 1 small table, 1 body Brus.ln mo-' small cabinet. 405 Vancouver ave. Phone AX MINSTER wish bolri. nbri p""-.h shade, glass wash board, oak davenport h "ating stove, pipes and board. Phone Woodlawn 1713. Address 505 Alberta st. Z JEWEL. 2 giltedge size mattresses; 1 fine oak wardrobe, like new, half price ; porcelain w ashbasins and Ice cream t reefer. r-none faeu. I .wo. ONE mahogany dresser and chiffonier; 1 oak dresser and chiffonier: 2 Iron beds; 1 large iron bed; 3 wicker rockers. an new. sunn .- LE AV 1 NG city February 1, bargain in nousenoia gooas. stoves. Dens, aressors. etc. 173 East iwtn. Bast 7491. TWO flat-top desks, typewriter dsk. two drawer letter rue. carpet, rug and chairs. 4Qi central building. GA RTAND range, rockers. 9x12 ruir. hall runner and sanitary couch. Call Tabor 2.''.m. or lbi E. 34th St. FURNITURE and pianola cheap. 28 th N. TWO Iron beds, crib; go-cart, couch. Tabor 4.i49. FOR SALE Furniture, rugs, Kurtzman piano. Owner leaving city. Mar. 28:i. DA KiN poi; i s direct from maker to you. tave nig money, rnone Manor ji4i. FURNITURE for sale. Broadway 3S08. Poultry. TAVO Rhode Island Ked cockerel, for saie fOB BALK. Poultry. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION. aza bl, -jsa to .4tn Ave, s. hl. Portland, Oregon. Now booking orders for W. L. baby 1 chicks. Carry at all trmes breeding and , youna stock- various breeds: erica in ac- I cord with duality; compleu Una poul- try feeds at special pricea. S. C. ENGLISH White Leghorn eggs for hatcring. hundreds or thouaanas iota: now ready. Jos. Saunders, Portland, Or.. R. 2. 14 years in business. BABY CHICKS. .Leghorns, Kedi, Rocks. Minorca. Prices reasonable. C N. Need ham. Salem. Oregon. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs and cockerels. 'labor THE Canary Bird Shop. Female given witn every singer. Automatic 1151 E. 2&th st. N. . I GUARANTEE to pick the layers; Ho- ganlze your flock, wooaiawn ouuj. 17 RHODE ISLAND bens. 7 months. $1.50 each ; others. 504 Spalding blag. 40 LEGHORN pullets, bred to lay; April hatch, 1.75 and woodJawn juu-. THREE laying pulleta and chicken pen. Cheap. Main U4So. DogH, BabUlta. Kirdt, Pet ft toe k. SACRIK1CINO MY BEAUTIFUL SINGER, $5 up. cages $10 up. and xemaies rcaay for mating. 1. Automatic, 3a7-titf. 150 Williams ave. Rm-'UK RED bred does, baby rabbits; or der your Easter bunnies early; tree de livery. 10403 59th ave. S. E. Mt- Scott car. Machinery. CONTRACTORS AND LOGGERS' EQUIP MENT Mine hoists. pumps, motors, boiiera, steam and electric hoists, con crete mixers ana pavers. ror rent or sale. Send us your Inquiries. Prices right. MOHR MAUhiMsKX tlMl--A-N X, 601 Lewis Btdg. Main 183L FOR SALE 4 tons -In. drill steel, $200 ton; 10 Hurralo $. s. oiowera, eacn; :t H. S. nortable forges, $0 each; 14 B. S. bellows, $5 each. Write or call 431i Worcester bldg. TWO Ames horizontal boilers. 60-inch di ameter by 16 ft. ; one 54-inch diameter by 12 ft. Western Lumber & Export Co., Cottage Grove, Or. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construc tion equipment. Standard Mach. Cow, &s first su 15-HORSEPOWER new Foos engine at ft reduced price. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 4a Front t. JJroaaway ibO. FOR SALE One-lung marine engine, good condition, cheap. .Main o4Mi. Launches and Boats. BOATS end barges built and repaired, es- I timatea and ex pert ad vice freely fur- nibbed. Yard ana ways at aid ma ave. Phone East 2102. Marine Repair fc Const. Co. I WANT to lease a small wh"arf or float i that will provide good moorings for about ten launches. Johnson. 1523 Bel mont avenue. Seattle. 5-ltouM houseboat, furnished or unfur nished, low price. 45 Willamette Aloor a go. Sellwood 337. MARINE engines, all sires and h. p.; also several good boata East i03 Liberty iioat HroKerage. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments; send tor price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. J21 Washington st. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 &th. Main 3608. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at eut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 star. Main 14U. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W Peaie CO.. nu aixtn sc. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $2U The Rehullt Typewriter Co.. 304 Pan st. ONE Fox typewriter, for sale. Call Wdln. i:ii. M iscf llaneous. LIGHT walnut meats, grated pineapple No. Id tins at a bargain. strained honey. 2c per lb. Colonial Choc, fehop., W din. j 254 S. ONE pair prism binoculars. French make. 1 ''X l-emaire. Fa. hi. Paris. Juniiie; ex tra I.umineuue. Found in Argonne woods. Tabor tiJtfl. WOOD DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Wo deliver same day, best first-growth cord wood ; long, steady fires, $7.50 per load. Phone Main CASH REGISTER. showcases, scales, meat slicers, .1ars, stool, ice boxes; must sell. 113 2d st. Ask cigar stand. DIAMOND karat, Hlightly flawed, but lively, or gooa coior ami eye pericct; will take $50 cash or Liberty bond at face value. M 9.j, Oregonian. OFFICE FURNITURE Desks. tables. chairs. ruing canine is. aitio suppnen. from War Dept.. D. C. Wax, 100 Second , Main 4C31. FOR SA LE Nat lonal canh regiHter, two drawers, iirst-ciass con anion, cnoap. N orris Safe & Lock Co.. 105 2d st. Main 2i4n. FAIRBANKS floor scale, aso one hang-! lug meat scales, uaii jroauway -ioVK or l Main 9018. SEVERAL coils of No. 14 rubber covered wire at per ioou ouu-tu com oniy. Woodlawn i'.l. 3 BOOKKEEPERS desks and Hlools. 1 roll-top aesK ana cnair, t nat-top aesK. ! Bl LLIA RD and pocket billiard tables. showcases, wan cases, iixiure; terms. W. J. Quiglcy, 227 First. Main 5399. itOSE BUSHES, shrubbery, fruit trees. A complete line; telephone ortii-rs aMivcred. Portland Kose iNuim-ry, lapor htiii. CEMENT LAUNDRY TUBS guaranteed ). Huy direct i rom lactory. ine Oupltx, 314 Kast was.ningi.OM u WONDERFUL bargains in ladies useil ap parel, coats, a r esses, uults, etc Tabor 8.ri. FuR SALE Moving picture machine, price reasonable. c nouaaay aveH corner Adauisat. TO THE CONSUMER Apples by the box. direct from Hooa itiver. Alain l0o, apt. l-t. after o:io t. i. FERTILIZER. Good Totted manure delivered any- where in city. Taoor '104, Main 4485. FOR SALE Electric heater, $10; garbage can, $3.aO; electric parlor lamp, $15, an new. jiu ivorm ta. FOR SALE U. S. cream separator as good as new, cap. j00 lbs. Call Mr. Scnoene, Main 200;,. PART of 1911 Hudson, four 32x3 tlrea and tu oes, Boscn magneto, carburetor, etc. Phone East -iij.i. LOOK. LOOK. Good block wood cheap; order now. Phone Hdwy sss. w. i. lee. FOR SALE 3 refrigerators, dining room table, cottee urns, etc., ror sale at Hotel Carlton, 14th and Washington. FOR SALE Furnace for $35 cash. Call and see it. Will be taken down next week. 1158 E. Yamhill Bt. ROLL-TOP desk, office table, typewriter stand. Tour chairs, excellent condition. 02 Lumbermens building. DIAMOND ring, between 3-8 and V karat: beautiful color. win sell at a big sac rifice. E 857. Oregonian. POTATOES FOR SALE,. PPONB BROADWAY 454. FOR SALE 400-gallon Bowser tank. 638 East 41st at. ortn. iaoor 198. ROLL-TOP typewriter desk and chair, no dealers. aa eon Diag. SMALL National cash register, 5c to $L 108 Jet st. DRY bread, good for chickens or hog ! feed. Estes urni. rara street. FOR SALE Second-hand wood and coal range. 60 k. Jtn - CASH register for sale. Call Hoyt hotel news stsno. FOR SALE CHhiAt More eneiving; new. Call at 1 iaywr GENTLEMAN'S 'black ojereoat. almost new. size auuut- nunc n. -.ou. 1O00 KT. of 3-1-lnch cable for sale cheap. Maratiau .e.w. FOR SALE cneap. 1 3-plece parlor aet. tUH SALE 1 front bar. 10 ft.; 1 counter. STANDARD Rotary sewins; machine, good condition. i-- a'""""" xiu-. FOR HEAVY slab and block wood, deliv ered, call lawir coiJ- SAKE FGTl SATjE. In good condition. 481, Oregonian. VACUUM cleaner solil, repaired, rented, exchangea. pousni. neiiuey o. Ain. 4u. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day fl, UOIIVfrU ll.wrnnr. Tvmilu.wn X.tll. LADIES' suits, coats. hats, dresses and 456 Pittock block. rhoes; slightly mea. HOP roots for bale. Address box 200. Eprlngneia. or. 1 WILL wire your 3-room hotre. for 13. Woodlawn ROTTED 4307. horse and cow manure. Eaat SAFEs Two second-hand iron safes, larse snrt meoium sisses. w ri. ur?onian. GOOD old srrowth 16-ln. and 4-ft. cord- wool. frompi oenvery. main on. FULLY .quipped bicycle tor sals. CoL 110 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. WK BTJT DIAMONDS. If yon wish to dispose of any diamonds, we pay full value In cash, without delay or dis appointment. Nothing too large nor too small. Spot cash. Any amount Private office for ladies. Business confidential. Licensed by the City of Portland. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGT3. 205 Morgan bids. 2d Floor. THIS AO STATES FACTS. T ha v m. 1 rr Ajrsnrtmnnt of Xtn Cftlled-for tailored euits at pricea that wiu surprise you. All m7.em. P?,u- ano styles, and remember they are lutciy new, not second-hand. can n you to a suit that will please both your tasie ana your pucketbook. , H. I. BLUM, 164 Tenth iU near Morrison. WE BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 1.05 Morgan Eldg.. 2d Floor. LX V'EN TOR TC TIME, "With its figures, figures, figures. An adding machine is the only thing. X h&vA m "Riirrnno-h aiidtnsr machine. just as orood am riAW. that 1 will ell tor !.(. hi I5ci. Clregonian. FOR SALE Iranharrv nla.nts Strawber ries, champion gooseberries, x anc a years old ; Concord grapes, perfection ,nd Fav s Prolific currants, red ana black raspberry plants, French and Ital ian nrune trees, also Franauette wal nuts, cherries, peaches: reasonable. 5ho3 wooastock ave.. Portiana. rnon otu- wood ii33-. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON ROND MORTGAGE CO. 20S SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR, PLUMBING. Plumbinr Jobs done quickly and ef?i cicntly at reasonable pricea; workman Bilip guaranteed. AlfcKKU .Mt l AL W U KK 3, Phone East 1954. 101 Russell Pt. DOUBLE the growth of your garden, use UTAH LAND PLASTER; contains no weeds; helps to exterminate insects; ts much cheaper than any other fertilizer. Free delivery. phone Main 8062. 21u Stock Ex. bldg. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for lefts; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for ail makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main &43L bhi WING MACHINE- KA1 fOKilJM, 190 Third, near Taylor St. "W 1NDO-ROL" SCREENS. Rolls up and down like a shade. Let us show you. Call Main M3, or au dress 42t Board of Trade building. Sales men wanted. Windo-Rol Mfg. Co. EVERGREEN blackberry plants more dollars par acre than any berry grown. Wil 1 grow In any soil. Can furniBli No. 1 plants at $10 per lo0. Call Oak Grove 150-W after P. M. FOR SALE One billiard table 4x8. price $135; one pool table 4x8. price $ltO; in At condition; alao one popcorn and pea nut machine, price when new $400, now $200. H. Bordal, St. Helens, Or. REVOLVERS. PISTOLS, GUNS BOLD, BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. JB E A U R E O A K Li ' S . 702 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. . SPLIT cedar posts to order, first growth fir, cord and Rawed wood, in large or small quantities. For prices phone Marshall 4.S30. or write H. J. Schlegel milch, route 1, Oswego. Or. ONE small and one large National reg ister, L floor cases, different sizes and kinds, wall cases, Toledo computing scales, Ico boxes, other fixtures, low prices. 242 Salmon. Main 342. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, in deed. Why not a peisnanent ana com fort able roof ? Wo repa ir and Rubber Bond all tviuds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7770. EITHER WAT If you have a diamond and want the cash or have the cash ana want a diamond, call in and talk It over. M i tier's Clearing Houso for Diamonds, 3-"5 Wash. St., next to Majestic theater. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought. sold ana exchangea. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gal., $7; 40-gal., $9, tested and guaranteed; stove and lurnace col is, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. East 8510. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices, PACIFIC SCALE At SUPPLY CO., Broadway !. 48 Front St. DIAMOND ring, absolutely perfect, be tween 1 and 1 'i karats. Will sacrifice for H what it would cost today. S 580, t regonia n. SECOND-HAND tents acd covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awnina. 1 N. 1st st. rOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1 HUDSON super six, in the very best of cond ition, used privately, good tires : must sell, $1700. terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. WILL not refuse reasonable offer for my -passenger auiomounw, new tires, u::o license, all ready to go; $250 and drive away. Phone East 572, 8 to 5 P. M. CH E VROLET roadster. 1018. A-l condi tion ; win sacriiice at 0O. and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. VELIE. 1918 model, new tires, new paint, first class throughout; term?; $1300. 58 NT. 23P ST. MAIN 780. CHANDLER touring. 1920. In A-l condi tion; will sacrifice at $1100. and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. Big USED CARS Prices Stock right. No misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. A PRACTICALLY new Velie. driven 1700 miles; $0O0 down, balance in ten months. You can't duplicate this. Call Mr. Argo, Broadway 3281. MAXWELL touring. 1920. only run a snort time; owner will sacrifice, and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles ; we wreca an maK.es 01 cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. 1918 CHANDLER chummy roadster, five wire wneeis, gooa tires; car "being re painted ; will look like new ; will sacri iice ana give terms, ir-none Mar. 270. 1918 FORD coupe, looks good as new. electric starter, almost new tires, wire wheels, $000. Call Frank Smith, Bdwy. 1 1 30. BUY 1917 4-cylInder Studebaker 7-pass.. newly painted and good condition. Mar, 1553. U iHLAiu vv, gooa condition, U75. See Stanton & Armstrong, 1003 Hawthorne. Taoor z.M?s. KISSEL KAR By owner, fully equipped, perfect condition, looks like new. a snap. Jiarsnan -no . gun, aim eve, nasi- ol 7. BUICK 5-paFSenirer. little sis. run 11.000 miles; jiuau tor quicK sale. Mr. Am jroaaway oox. OWNER crippled, can't drive, will sell danay Maxwen, curt cneap. JUaln 027. 1U1S FORD, the best buy In Portland; $370 casn. see 11 at union uepot garage, cor. Broadway and Hoyt. PAIGE coupo. nrlce: S1500. run 9000 miles, at half terms. Call Mr. Arco. Broadway 3281. lyiS OI.DSMOBILE, 7-pass., 8-cyl.. driven onlv d00 miles. This car is like new, primed right for quick sule. 2rt0 Morrla. 11)18 MAXWELL for sale by owner. This car is in pood shape: will give you a cold buy. Call Eafet NEW HUDSON speedster, can give imme diate possession, $24lj0; terms if desired. Main 311. FORD touring in Al condition, 190 license. Atlas woodyard. 7 Front. 1U1S CHEVROLET roadster. very best yliape: will sell reasonable. Tabor 5tio;l. DODGE roadster, fine condition, good tires. Cash or terms. Call 424 Belmont. E. 191. MUST sell my ll'lS Dodge roadster; looks like new. Call 249 Bth st. LATE I.ilierty chummy, fine looker, shall 7. liar- DODGE TOURING CAR, $.-.50. MYKRS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. DODGE In good condition with new paint and tires, for tSOO. Sell. 2932. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1919 CLEAN-UP. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. TOU DEAL DIRECT. CONTRACTS ARE NOT SOLD TO BANK OR BROKERS, FORD SEDAN. 191 , 95 per cent new, for Quick sale, $700. FORD DK LIVERY. 1917 In fine shape. for quick sale, $3.5. MAXWELL TOURING. 1917, reflnlshed 5 good tires, excellent mechanical condition, $ao. MAXWELL TOURING. 1918 Gabriel nubbers, Warner lens and bump ers, $ti50. MAXWELL TOURING Good tires, fine mechanical condition, $3UU. CHEVROLET TOURING, 1917 Newly painted. 5 good tires, first-class mechanical condition, $550. CHEVROLET TOURTNG Self-starter, demountable rims, all new gears. $475. OVERLAND 90, 1919, model 15 Good tires, repainted; in perfect me cnanicai condition. STCDEBAKER CHUMMY. S-eyllnder- This car must be seen to be ap preciated, $550. OAKLAND LIGHT ROADSTER In fine shape. 5 good, tires, spotlight. "No-Glare" lens, anock aosoro- ers, $0u0. BUTCR" LIGHT TOURING Thorough- l-v ftVArhmiieo. or atnai xinisn good, Gabriel snubbers All around, windshield wings, spotlight, mo- tometer. 4 cord tires. 2 spare 1 tires, new top, plate ciaas in tna rear, $1200. CHANDLER TOURING. 7-passenger Ret'inished, 5 good Urea, new top. Plate glass in rear, a real Dar- gain, $1450. WILLTS-KNIGHT Looks like 1920 license, 5 good tires, is a big bargain,. $1450. ftTTTER r"AT?S FROM $2M TO $25O0. DODCK, PAIGE, SAXONS, BUICK. RKO SPEED WAUUAB, FOUR BUGS. LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE, c. a BLFAf PAT.TI, 530 ALDER ST BROAD WAT 1853. FORDS. MAMMOTH SALE OF FORD CARS. LARGEST STOCK OF USED FORDS IN THE NORTHWEST. WH HAVE ARRANGED TO SELL ALL THE USED FORDS TAKEN IN TRADE BY THE SIX AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS IN PORTLAND. ALL MODELS, SEDANS, COUPES. TOURINGS. ROADSTERS, TRUCKS, DELIVERIES, BUGS. SOME OF1 THESE CARS ARE NEARLY NEW. YOU NEVER HA D SUCH AN I OPPORTUNITY OFFERED YOU BE FORE, EASY TERMS IF WANTED OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Morgan-A tchlev Btdg., GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. GUARANTEED PACKARD CARS. Packard twin 1-33. 7-passengcr. .$2250 Packard twin 1-25. 5-passenger. . 2100 Packard twin 2-35, 7-passcnger. . 275 1915 6-38, 7-passenger 1750 Studebaker 4, 7-passcnger 750 Studebaker little 4. 5-passcnger. . 450 Chalmers six, a good ono 650 Cadillac 4. 5-passenger 600 Nash six, 4 -passenger. ........... 1150 Nash six, 1919 model 1500 1919 Briscoe roadster , 750 Willys six, 7-pasSengcr. ........... SOO Pierce little six. 1910. 2 bodies. limousine and 5-passcnger 1000 Also a couple of wed Packard trucks. prices ngnt. wo give terms. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 421 Burnside Street. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A CLASSY CAR, YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE THIS RARE BARGAIN. A HUDSON 7-PASSENGER SUPER-SIX NEWLY RE FINISHED, GUARANTEED MECHANICALLY AS A NEW CAR. CORD TIRES ALL AROUND. .SPE CIALLY BUILT TOP. PLATE GLASS IN REAR AND SIDES. $1325, PAR CASH AND LIBERAL TERMS. CALL EAST 8605. PORD9. FORDS. FORDS. If Ton want a Ford we can snit yon. TVe have 1010, '18. '17. '1 and "IS models. Many or .these cars are Just like new. They are all In first-class mechanical condition. ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES COMPANY, 19th and Couch sts. Bdwy. 118. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A PAR WE FVRN1SH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. . OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING JJLDG. (Second Floor.) SAVES YOUR TOPS. Antomobile owners, you can now buy ruckbaek Waterproofing by the can Your top needs as much attention as vour tires. DucKback prevents rottlnc. gives a fine color and leaves the goods soft and pliable. Get a can and make that faded and leaky top look like new Stark & Roger, distributors, 226 Stark St.. Portland, or. Main 1K1. LARGE LOWEST ASSORTMENT. PRICES. BARGAINS. IN NEARLY NEW CARS. ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES COMPANY, 10th and Couch. Bdwy. 118. FOR SALE One Ford touring car, also one Ford sedan, nearly new and In good condition: my son who doe, the driving Is leaving for the university; will sell Ford touring car at 475 and the sedan at $650, quick sale. Staples, the Jeweler. OVERLAND 1910. 5-pass.. a little, light. comfortable and economical car, used only three months: this car Is practically new; not a scratch and mechanically perfect: priced low for quick sale; terms. Lewis Obye, Broadway at Couch. m TTookit. 5-passenger Reo, run. Ilka a dream ; "Mist o' the Marne" blue paint job, cord tires and spare. Victoria top. Looks .like a million. Price, with terms, only 1 700. 58 N. 23D ST. MAIN 780. FORD delivery, in the best of mechanical condition, good tires, panel bodv: a real bargain. $27.".. terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. 1917 DODGE touring, like new. 19th and Couch. Broadway 118. FORD SEDANS We have them with and without electric starters. Pricea a,re cheap with easy terms, ion 11TH ST., Bet. Stark and Wasb. FORDS DODGES CHE VRO LETS. Lowest prices: make your own terms, MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. iVE late 1917 Ford roadster with extra t a bargain. 71 Bdwy. Broadway 2 1 1. LATE METZ 2.1. r.-pnss.. fine shape, bar. gain SJOU. term. Tabor 7117. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BIT NOW WTVTKR RAROAIXS. On lined autnmobilps the nrlces will advance very soon. This Is the time of the year for you to buy a good used car. HUDSON BARGAINS. 1918 Hudson Super Six automo biles that have bean overhauled, in our .shop, then repainted. They are like new and we guarantee them to you the same as a standard factorv cuarantee on a new automobile $1750 and $1800 1918 Hudson Speedster that ha oeen overnauiea ana repainted also guaranteed the same by us m.m mi mta.nds.rd factory auarantee on a new automobile...... $1800 1917 Hudson Su-per SIt overhauled and is now being repainted, we will also guarantee this car to you thtt mm m an m. Kiandard factorv guarantee on a new automobile .$1350 I 1910 Hudson Suner Six overhauled. repainted ana guaranteed 1917 Hudson Speedster overhauled and repainted, not guaranteed ne cauKe it is not ours, but left here for sale $1G00 ESSEX. Essex, almost new, trafled In on a v Hudson, wanted a larger car. 1917 Chalmers Light Six. over- hanUri ntiii "frAi men i an verv fiu condition $1073 ifiia rhaimri road?rtr. like new. a bargain 1918 Liberty Chummy, condition .......... all in fine .$1200 1Q1Q PKanrlW ii mm V . Infikl like new; ail la floe condition $1450 Overland, good condition ....$ 526 1919 Maxwell, almost new $ 82 mis fsTWPll. overhauled In our shop, then repainted, looks fine..$ 650 in it fTir11. overhauled. !n good condition, but not repainted. ... .$ 425 C. L, BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington Street, Portland. GUARANTEED USED CARS. CHALMERS LIGHT SIX.... $1050 MITCHELL SIX 975 KING 8 1050 OVERLAND .. 950 FORD TOURING . . . 450 $200 worth of extras. LATE MODEL HUPMOBILE. 1275 KING 8 ROADSTER 2650 STUDE BAKER SEDAN 1725 Terma Given Trades Considered. BROADWAY USED-CAR SALESROOMS. R. G. WOODS, M;r. Broadway at Hort st.. Opp. new P. O. Phone Broadway 89. WE SELL TOUR CAR DIRECT FROM TOUR HOME. CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. IF TOU WANT QUICK ACTION SEE US. OREGON USED-CAR APPRAISING & SALES CO., 531 BECK " BLDG. BROADWAY 4380. WILL SELL MY LATE 107 HUDSON SUPER SIN. WHICH IS IN PKHKKCp CONDITION. WITH NEW CORD TIRES. FOR $1400 CASH, OR $700 CASH AND LIBERAL TKR M S. YOU WILL I 0 WELL TO INVESTIGATE THIS BAR GAIN. PROT. MATN PT. GARAGE. MAIN 3055. S. B. CoR. 2D AND MAIN. REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1019 LEXINGTONS. Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms U Desired. BRUNN MOTOR-CAR CO.. 28-30 North Broadway. A 1919 SPECIAL sport model Velio. 4. passenger, with nickel ex ha us t pipes on sides, Victoria top, simplex side wind shield, wings, spot lights, bumper, motor meter, special Zenith carburetor. 6 tirex. 4 new cords. 2 tire covers, specia I Warner racing speedometer; 1 will guarantee this car to do 8 miles per hour; this car looks like new and runs perfectly. Call Main 4203. HTTVSOX PPKKDfTKR; GOOD TIRES; JUST OVERHAULED AND REPAINT ED; GUARANTEED MECHANICALLY: $1000; LIBERAL TERMS; SNAP. S ti09. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. 1917 Hudson super-six; a good looking and well behaved car, at a very low nriee- Price $12.10: terms if desired. S40o on delivery, balance in 8 months. niART.KS. C. FAG AN CO.. INC.. Ninth at Burnslile. Broadway 4C93. A BEAUTIFUL 1919 6-cylinder Paige. 5- passenger. used very little and verv carefully, cord tires: $t!20 cash and balance In ten months. Call Mr. Argo. Broadway 32M. 1918 MAXWELL Gee! But this Is a swell little bus. Not like the ordinary used car. See It befor. you buy; $725, $20 down, i4S per month. Broadway 3411. 123 Alder st. SEVE.V-PAHSENOER Hudson six In best of condition: newly painted and over- hauled: can be seen at 4:12 Falling. At home after 6 P. M. or all day Sunday. Phone Woodlawn i-tm. HUDSON super six. powerful. Just painted beautiful battleship gray; mechanically nerfect: ready for any test. Here Is real bargain. Lewla Obye. Broadway at Couch. DODGE touring, 1918. In perfect condi tion and will give you the real service expected of a good Dodge; 9.10, 3.10 down, SOO per month. Broadway 3411. S23 Alder at. OWNER leaving city forced to sacrlflc. 1919 model, light, 6-cyl.. S-paas. car; used 6 moa: like new: lots or extras: good tires. If looking tor bargain see this today. Main K2H2. 1918 PAIGE. 6-cyllnder. 5-passenger. cord tires, newly painted, a beautiful car and In perfect condition: $540 down, balance ten montns. -ail mr. Argo, roauway 3281. 1918 FORD touring, has everything you want on a Ford; a swell looker and run nerfectly. dandy tires: 1410, $1.10 down $:io per month. Broadway 3411. 523 Alder st. CADILLAC bug. new paint, overhauled: consider old Ford as part payment. See Bruce's car. Rublnaon Smith Garage. 6lh and Maolson. HUDSON 7-passenger, repainted, over hauled and guaranteed, same as factory guarantee. $1,150, terms. Bdwy. 4033. 141 N. 6th street LET us paint your auto and save money; high-grade work done; satisfaction as sured; signs and Monograms. 2ti.l Russell at. East 4s:t9 or Woodlawn 3707. CHALMERS little six, 5-pass. - touring car In Al condition and looks like new. at a big sacrifice and will give terms. Phone Marshall 1950, apt. 42. HUDSON super six speedster, looks like new and will guarantee Bame In Al me chanical condition; will sacrifice and give terms. Phone East 962. 191.1 BUICK touring car, first class condi tion; a real bargain at SiLIO; eay term. Call- Main 30.15, ask for Lawler. 1918 HUP 5-passenger. in excellent con. dltlon: $480 down, balance 10 month. See Mr. Arog. Broadway 32S1. STE VRNS machine, silent Knight motor, Al condition. Phone Eaat 8600. Mr. Oliver, after 4 Main 5404. FORD sedan, like new; a gift, $820. Tabor 4U07. . OVERLAND TOURING, MODEL 7.1. I1TS. MUSKS AUTO CO.. Ill DAVIS. ft)B SALE AUTOMOBILES, COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1918 CHANDLER, 7 -pass., newly painted, seat covers, good me chanical condition, good tires, price $100 OAKLAND SIX. all-weather top. newly painted, nearly -new tires with extra, good me chanical condition, price. ... 850 DODGE SEDAN. 1917 model, beau tiful condition, good tirea with extra, price 1300 1918 BUICK ROADSTER, repainted. Iirst-cia.ss mechanical condi tion, good tirea with extra, price 1350 1920 MAXWELL touring, brand new. with 1920 license, a big saving for some one. price. . 1050 1918 SCRIPPS-BOOTH. first-class mechanical condition, good tires, price 900 CLASSY torpedo-body Ford bug. long wheel base, gooa tires, a good performer, price .... MAXWELL ROADSTER. 1918 good 650 model, good condition, tires, price 1919 FORD SEDAN, electric starter. wire wheels. Dody linisn new. has bumper and bpot light, price SOO LOZIER LIMOUSINE, repainted, a high grade ear, in good me chanical condition, a beautiful for-oire-car, price 1200 A lartre stock nt overhauled and re built Cadillac. Dodge Brothers and Ford cars at pricea and terms to suit. OPEN SUNDAY. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington street at 2 let. Main 6244. GOOD USED CARS. ALMOST LIKE NEW. Thse cars have been carefully over hauled by competent mechanics and r painted. Good tires; some have bran 4 new tops and Victoria curtains. SEE THEM SURE TODAY. Save From $loo to $225 on Your Next Car. VINTON 22-A, 7-pass., wire wheels and i tires. HATNKS , 5-pass.. 5 tires. OLDS MOBILE 8, 7-pass.. tires. BUICK . ?-pass.. 5 tires. EitL.A:vo Country Club, 0 tires. LIBERTY BONDS OR TERMS. HAYNES & WINTON AGENCY. 10TH AND WASH., Broadway ltI4. FORD OWNKRH Ford overhauled .$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves around, carbon nmAvH a Magneto recharged ft we nana-iap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine- Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO 280 Front St.. Corner Jetferson. 1919 CADILLAC. $3500. EAST 2013. BRISCOE TOURING M9 This is the reliablo light four and this one lias only been run short time. It is licwand will speak for Itself. Low price vi vi.tv, wmm f..u uown. oa i. long, trasy i mi. a;ik.o r oru in irmio or innds. Call Red 1' ront Used Car Co., 505 Alder street. STOP! LOOK! LISTENJ? We have a aood assortment of hfch. grade used cars which are tor sale on easy terms ana Kiiaranteea an rn re sented. We also trade. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 5H N. 23D ST. MAIN 780. LATE MODEL ROADSTER. This irt very ixjpolur nmKe of car and will pU-aso you. It has new paint of dark maroon with light strip': looks very sryusn. low price of 4n. with jsmi aown, imi, e wy. Take Ford trade. Red Front. ro.. Alder st. I'A I hKhON 4-pass. chummy r"adstcr, usea as aemonstrator; powerful -cy t 'out mental motor; a beautiful, high grade car, used hut little. This is i sn;ip; a praci i-a lly new car at a used car price. Le wis Obye, Broadway Couch. HI ICK LIGHT SIX ROADSTER. 1 ins, is the real kind and they sre hard to get. This ono has lots of extr.i a ud v. il I suit you. Iw price of $985 w it h sonic down. hal. long, easy terniH. 'LiKo ciir in trade at right price. 005 Ahier st. K.d Front. 1918 HI P.sON super six. overhauled and guaranteed. equipped with new cord tires, lias txen owned by private partv lias never been on a for-hire run; will pirniicR ann givt terms. lo! 1ITII ST.. Ret. Stark and Wssh AN excellent late 191 7 Hudson suner-six i..-ooai joh of painting, victoria top, equipped wirn corn 1 res: car 1h in vee) lent condition; will give guarantee. Call JIIHIII till. BUG BODIES. $100. Complete with hood, etu. Immediate delivery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO . Third and Glisan. 101S CHEVROLET, ran't bo told from new car nna price is nnout 19TH AND COUCH. B D W Y. 118. 1-.I2K STEPHENS KALI EXT KIX. Demonstration ; very rMonat)le nrli for quick rale. Call White at Broadwa 3'init, mi N. Broadway. Evening, Mar hiihii mi. BUG. BUG. BUG. Ford bug. She' a streak. Dandy gray paint Job. Fine tires, has a top; 35o, terms. .18 N. 23T PT. MAIN 780. 1318 PAIGE sedan, $ir.oo. including re pairing, which may be done to your order: this Is less than half the price of a tiw one. You can't duplicate this. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32K1. 2on a first payment and you can drive my 1917 Dodge away, balance easy and rea sonable. Call White at Broadway 3606, 5i N. Broadway, or Marshall 041. 1929 FORD touring, demountable rlinn. speedometer, tire carrier. 1920 license, shock absorbers, Tlmken bearings, used 3 months and mechanically perfect: $.viu cash. 14il .ortn 2.td. apartment 297. HUDSON sniper six speedster, looks like new and will guarantee same In A-l me clinnical condition; will sacrifice and give terms. Phone E. 1912. 1918 WILLYS "six." perfect condition; cord tires; buyer gets power, beauty and economy; will sacriiice for quick sale; terniB. 12 Grand ave. N. 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT, new cord tires. spotlight. 19th and Couch. Broadway 118. NEW 4-pass. bug. has to he seen to be appreciated, a bargain If taken now; easy terms. 1119 11TH ST.. Bet. Stark and Wash. MAXWELL touring, fine condition, good tires, good paint: will sacrifice at S525. and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. 1B17 FORD TOURING, brand-new top and tires, many extras; will sell cheap and give terms. 199 11TH ST., Bet. Stark and Wash. PEERLESS bug. good mechanical con dition, terma if desired, or will trade for Ford, or smaller bug. Phone Main fi41R. ask for Mr. Snow. PRIVATE party will sacrifice latest model touring car. 6, like new, run ftOtto miles; no dealers. Snap. Room 210 Hotel Black stone. OVERLAND TOURING big 4. brand new tires, driven only few thousand miles. fiiOO. terms. 1U9 11TH ST.. Bet. Stark and Wash. OVERLAND Country Club roadster, a lit tle peach; wire wheels, tires good, appearance-good: light, economical; a rare bargain. 12 Grand ave. N. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. good mechani cal condition, good tires and paint: must sell: a bargain, $600. terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. FORD one-ton closed body; i Grand avenue truck, worm drive, en -i bargain. $67.1. terms. 30 North, near Burnside. 1917 STUDEBAKER 3-pass. roadster, A-t condition, $6.10, terms. 109 I1TH ST., Het. Stark and Wash 1918 CHANDLER 4-passenger wire wheels perfect condition, being repainted, rare bargain. $14QO. terms to suit. Main 311, MAXWELL tourina. 1918. best of condi tion: owner must sell. $730. terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. WHAT kind of a car do you want? have it and the price is right. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS We BUICK six roadster, original paint. 5 new tires, spotlight and other extras: must sell and will give terms. 90. East lo3. HUDSON 6-40. new body, new paint, good tires; will sacrifice. $K25. with terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Buruiiue. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. NOW YOU TILL GET A GOOD CAR IN ANY OF THESE LISTED BELOW: 1917 Chandler chummy. 1919 Chandler dispatch. 1920 Chandler touring, 2000 mires. 1918 OldsmobUe light 8. touring. 1918 Oldsmobile 8, touring. 1917 Stuta. 4- touring, sport. 1U19 Stutz. 4-pass., 1916 Hupmobile ' touring. 1918 Dodge roadster, cord tirea. 1918 Oakland 6. touring. 1919 Mitchell, 7 -pass., sedan. 1918 Maxwell sedan, 1919 Bulck, 5-pass., touring. 1918 Buick. 7-pass.. touring. 191H Buick coupe, oversixe cord Urea, 1916 Buick, 4-cyl., touring. s 1918 Ford coupe, like new. starter. 1919 Ford delivery. 1915 to 1919 Ford tourings. PORTLAND CAR 531 Alder St. SALES CO. Broadway 2 USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. , EASY TERMS. HERE ARE A FEW WE OFFER FOR YOUR APPROVAL: 1920 Cnse. 7-pn.. S-cyl., extra, equip ment, almost new. liberal discount. r 1SI19 Case, 7-pass.. ti-cyL. A-l condi tion. lllin Mit-ViclL 5-pass.. fi-oyl. 1919 Jordi-i. 7-paas.. 6-cyl., good a, new. 1!1 Jordan. 4-pass.. sport car, wire wli. like now. 1914 PUrce-Arrow. 7-pass.. cord, tires. 5 extra.. West in cplioue shock absorbers. Jut the car for rent or ataKe line. We will take your old car oh part payment. 1917 Velie. r-pasa , t-cynnuer. 1917 Mit -lirll, r-pass., -cyl. 1917 Mitchell. :t-pass., t.-iyl. 1917 Mitchell. 2 -pass., H-cyl. 1917 Mitchell, fi-pass.. -cyl. 1913 Stutjs. 2-pn.tfcs.. i-cy Under. 1911 CmliUac. n-pas.. 4-cyl. 191 Overlnnfl. r-puss.. ti-cyl. 191tl Chandlf-r, 7-pas., 6-4yl. Mitchell. S-pass.. -cyl. Several others to nclert from. Used Car Department. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO.. East First and Morrison Sts. EST SIDE SALESROOM. Urnniin-qv &nd Oak St. Phones: East 7272. Automatic 212-1 . Hrodwav ri. rr.:j-4:;. ONE 12-CYL. NATIONAL. A new tires, bunmer. good paint. 1u Av.rhuiiloil; fine condition mechanica 1 ly. Edison-Kav. 90 N. Bruadway. Phono Bdwy. 3247. uirir-K- TfiltPIVfl. LIGHT SIX. -m.iw. is the kind thev all want. Thl one is like n-w and we will put the real low nri.-e of 7.-. with S.I.'.O down, bal lnn. av terms. Will take Ford 1 trade. Call COS Alder at.. Red Fron Used Car Co. MI ST sell at once, a Chevrolet baby grand or vnte Ditrtv: root! tires all arounn run In good order. Will sacrifice for tiT.-, ni- will- trHdo for furniture. Ca he teen at 226 W lBt St., today, all day Main 4C.19. SACRI l-ICE NEW 20 PAIGE Sl'tlBT, Equipped with 5 cord tires, spot ligh and motor meter; owner leavinic cir .no must sell at once. Will consider an reasonable order lor cah. Taoor G9. 121 E. 39th st. 1918 FORD touring. Morase battery, spot light, shock absorbers, plate glass in rear, extra tire. 192" license. 19th and Couch. Broadway 118. 1.-0HD TOURING LATE MODEL riil. in a irrjtnrt late modeT touring fa th it will please you and the car has lots of extras. Low price of 4tl3 with !.") down, bal long, easy terms, fti'o Alder at. Red Kro'it. OAKLAND light 0. 1917. all In good con dition, at a pneo you can 1 go wrong, must be sold at once. 1916 Ford, good mechanically, good rubber, lots of ex tras, license. 323 Salmon and 6th als R. Roger. 1919 MAXWELL touring, practically new, driven only short time, guaranteed me chanically perfect: will sacrifice or take in Ford on trade, balance terms. 109 IITII ST.. Bet. Stark and Wash. 1P19 MODEL 90 Overland. plate-glass curtains, spotlight, new tires. 19th and Couch. Broadway 11S. 1919 TAIGK. Ttun verv little, praclicaltv new; will sell at a big sacrifice. Call White ac Broadnay 3to, r North Broadway. Evening. Marshall 941. BUICK SIX ROADSTER. Five new tires, bumper. spotlight. Weed chains, new top ith glass in rear; mechanical condition Al: original paint. Phone Knst l.'li. m LATE model Ford at bargain price, come in and be convinced. 19th and Couch. Broadway 113. FOR SALE '17 r-pas.cnger Ford, new top Hasslcr shock absorbers, tires nearlv new. this car looks and runs like new. has bad good care, has 1920 license: t.-.o cash. AV 1"2. Oregonian. UMrt OAKLAND touring, just overhauled, new top, all good tires. Allnilte o.liug system; V.. Terms. . 18 TENTH. opiKisit Library. Marshall 2X2. BUICK FOUR. Good mechanical condition, new tires all around; terms: 12.'.0. 58 N. 23D ST. MAIN 780. un.-iivRik'l:tl four, fine condition, used nelvstelv. good tires; will sell at 7.".i. and give terms. 30 Grand avenue N. near Burnside. VE-LIK. Late 1919 model, with plate glass. new tires: factory guarantee: 38 N. 23D ST. MAIN 7S J150O. FORD touring. 1917. in the best of me chanical condition; gOOU iirra, tw b.l rlfice at 3S. and give terms. 30 Garnd avenue North, near Burnside. MAXWELL touring, fine condition; good tires: good paint. Will sacrifice at $3011 and give terma 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. MAXWELL touring. 1919. In the best of condition, good tires, good paint: a snap. uO, terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. Js.10. BEAUTIFUL Hudson. 7-passenger. fine condition, cord tires, looks great and runs better, genuine bargain. Sell wood O.-.l FORD coupelet. in A-l condition, used privately: must sell, a bargain. $.io. terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. HAYNES. 5-pas.. 6-cyl.: this car will do OO miles an hour; perfect condition; priced low; terras reasonable. 12 Grand ave. N. MAXWELL touring; a dandy little light car completely overhauled and repaint ed ' a snap. 12 Grand avenue N. MAXWELL touring. 1917. A-l condition: will sell at 0uil. and give terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. 1918 CHEVROLET. Will guarantee In everv way. $H75. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. MITCHELL, made-over ton truck, good condition: a bargain. $2.10. so Grand avenue North, near Burnside. tBto Buick 4. flve-passenger, 1917 model, A-l condition: will take piano as part payment, also terms. Phone East S(;u5. "" FOR SALE CHEAP! Late 1918 Chandler touring car. Phone owner. Eaat 8007. CHEVROLET 490. repainted, new top. seat covers. A-l mechanical shape; term if desired. 12 Grand ave. N. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS' THE CHEAPEST BUYS IN TOWN. M Y ERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. MAXWELL in Al condition, will take pool table in trade, balance easy terms. Bdwy 403.1. 141 N. 6th street. 1916 DODGE TOURING CAR. $7.1. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. Automobile Wanted. WILL exchange hign-grade dividend paying stock in local concern for good four-passenger car. B 99. Oregonian. FIVE acre on the Liberty town road to exchange for auto, or sale by Neil H. Prltts. Linnton. Or. R. 2, box 87A. WIS BUY cars and pay the cash ( today ), yoj don't wait five minutes. Bring t. Pacific Auto Co.. 16th and Alder at. WILL TRADE fine building lot value $3.10, and some cash for Ford touring car. Phone Tabor M.19 evenings. LATE model cam bought for rash. 188 - Tenth St., across from library. Mar. shsll 232. W ANT good Ford, cash, bl'.d St.. 70th S. ., south al Gray a cro&siug. FOR SALE ACTOMOBRES. Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR FOSML .39 ALDER ST. BDWY. 1Sm2. CASH FOR CARS. I wlTI pay cash for ears of lat wtodeW that run good: looks cut no figure- IC you need money, call and aeo mo. 60S Alder st. REU FRONT USED CAR CO. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Two 7-room house, on lot box 1 OO, clos In. Price SrHi. V'ill take automobi.o as first payment, balance 8 per cnt; Buick or ljodse preferred, up to (lOO. 4 sri K. 21st at. SolL 10S. WANTED UTK MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR 'EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdala St.. S. W. Cor. 15Xh and Washington. WANTED One or two Ford touring car. in rirst-ciass condition, at a bargain for cash; no dealers) considered. Phone Maia 7094. Call for Tlllotaon. 'Oil SALE OR TRADE FOR USED CAR. 3-room houseboat, u. H. cralK. St. John ferry, west aide of river. T tUO. Ore gonian. WANTED 5-pase. Dodge or Chevrolet; must be in good condition, but cheap for cash; no old models. Phone Wdln. ;;9V.. WANTK1 Late model o-passenser tour ing car; give make, price and terma m rirst letter. M 9.".0. Oresonian. WANT to buy Ford to make over to bug ior spot casn. Apply 39 Morna t. CASH for Ford. Dodges. Chevroleta. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. WANTED Ford cha&sla for cash. 424 Belmont street. Motorcycle. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALTS. F.xcelsior. police type, like new, elec trically equipped: run only a few miles. $149 down and 2l per month, or $3a! rash. Call Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. FOR MOTORCYC1.KS AND BICYCLES TRY US. 04-206 aD ST. MAIN 6139. Automobile for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND IHJSAN STS. A 2tiA, BROADWAY 2B29. . NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 240H. loTH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. Kcw cars, reasonable rates. 'ity G a. rage. 86 loth st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRi; 1 1. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 2:12. 1IITH AND YAMHILL. A 12;i-i. Al.THoK BENNETT. CARS FOR HII'.H WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. S1 AND TA Y LOR. MAIN lfi7. 6-PASS. Dodge for hli shopping, highway. e, touring, calling. Broadway 3.S47. FOR S.M.F. TBITKS ANI TRACTORS. MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE. BEST BARGAINS IN CITY. 1 Sti-ton Denbr ... ...-tloOO 1 Hi -ton Fulton M 10M asy terms or will accept light tours lng car as part payment. DEXBT MOTOR CAR OF NORTHWEST. 101 Tonth Street. Phono Broadway 3841. USED TRUCKS OF QUALITY. LOW PRICES. BAST TERMS. 1018 1-ton Republic, guaranteed. 1919 li-j-ton Republic, guaranteed. 19 18 1-ton Ford, worm drive. 1919 1-ton I'anhard; bargain. A LDER-STRBET GARAOB. 642 Alder St.. Corner 17lh. Broadway 1723. BARGAINS THIS -WEEK. 2-TOV RFO TRUCK. WINDSHIELD, $S0U. CAB 1-TON REPUBLIC rmxE. ssou. TRUCK COM- IVi-TON REPUBLIC TRUCK. ,1100. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. PARK AT EVERETT. TRAILER li-lnu, drop frsme. made r steel. 19 ft. long. .1 ft. wide, stake tod. 4 ft. deep; euitMeri with .".r,7 Goodyer solid tires: absolutely new; we jnuvt sacrifice. Space heeded for office pur-P"- c . Folt SALE Cine and half-Ion Ftillon tnicK In A-l shape, run lcs tliitn iU'Kl nult-s; reason for sale, must have larger truck. Inquire T.2S Main St.. Oregon City. iTu MBK.R lfAU lTn' rCON TRACTS. For two 2-ton trucks, short haul, lon Job. Pays $01 per d.tv. Call Naali, 92 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 42:i:I. WILL take your horses as payment on new or used truea; need severs) lciiniw harness, wagon. Harmon. 101 lota. Bdwy :;ss. FARM TRACTORS. Tew and second-hand, overhauled and .old. See us first. Alex ander-Badley Co.. 309 East Morrison. Al'TO REPAIRING. old radiators made like new. all work guaranteed, portland a i. to radiator shop. 535 ALUKK. WE put steel teeth In your old flywheel. H. B. Black. 534 Alder. Bdwy. 26M. WANTED M I SC E UL A SKOV 8. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new; cleaning and alterations of any description ac reasonable prices. See the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO. Mala 6.129. l'l:; West Park. Bet. Morrison and Yamhill. UP TO $23 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 Ud St.. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main K344. S.0O UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH l'KICE FOR ME.Vi SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES, ETU BROADWAY 3:.I2. 24.1 W BtlKNSiDhi I . r. 1 V I'. L A I so. We pay from lu up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price fur your goods. 1 07 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 7U8. WANTED MAHOGANY FLAT-TOP TYPEWRITER DESK. W bt5, Orego nian. JUNK WANTED. Full value paid lor rags, old cloth lng, scrap iueial, rubber, sacks. We also pay a good price on old tools and furni. ture. Call Alain 734. 201 First su WANTED 2d-hand gent's clothing, shoes. uilcaaes, trunks. We pay most. Ameri can Cleaners. 11.1 Grand ave. East 1676. WANTED Second-hand show caaes. store and office fixtures of ail kinds. O 2so, Oregonian. TO BUY a fireproof safe; give price and iza and where il can be aeea. All ?. Oregonian. IWANT used furniture; will pay a muca as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H, Calef. dealer, 640 Williams ave. WANTED Ore each. 5 H. P. and 10 H. p. 220 V. A. C. motors. 1'hono Alain or 2o5 Stark at. WANTED to buy. pop-corn popper in good order. T. Pyios. Pasco. V ash. WANTED Few milch goats; elate breed, price and particular. M 978, Oregonian. jUNK. rags, metals, old clothing, ton's, furniture, rubber; good prices. East 0171. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th.. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for de. monds. Dan Marx ec Co.. 2S3 Wasb, itt. WANT Boda fountain, about 12 feet, nre candy cases and cigar case. ScVl 7921. W ANTE D Bath tub anil tnl;e$. give ties, criplion and price. .' 161. Gieioruaa. llhl Wt.t..N l A ?IJ SO. B CALL ME BEFORE ANlHOUf ELSE. I OUR SPECIALTY la buying men's cast-oK I clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night- I PEOPLE'S ShCUND-HAND STORK. I Marshall 3225. 200 Madison. I I WANT USED CLOTHING. t