TITE MORNING OREGONIAX, 'TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1920 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Citv Editor Main "OTO. A 63 Sunday Krtltor Main 7070, A S AUvrtlinK Department. . Main 7070. A lu buperintcndent of bide. .- Main 7070, A 60U5 AMUSEMENTS. OTtFHEUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude ville. Thia afternoon and tonight. BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker Stock company in "Here Cornea the Bride." Thia afternoon and tonight. ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) Alca zar Mimical player in "The Red 'Widow. TonlKht. LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Muslcil com edy. '"The I:e of Joy." Three ehowa dally, at 2. 7 and 3 1". M. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudoville and movinK pictures, - to . Standard Oil, Men Meet. With nearly 100 salesmen and special agents from Oregon and Washington present, the Standard Oil- company opened its annual conference for this section at the Multnomah hotel yes terday. The programme will continue throughout today. Among those id dressing the Standard Oil representa tives yesterday were: J. K. Balsley. district manager for Oregon, who was in .charge of arrangements for the conference; H. D. Collier, manager of the refined oil and naphtha de partments. San Francisco; M. I). Rain bow, manager of tHe lubricating oil department, San Francisco. Woman, Wedded 46 Tears, Asks Divorce. Dissolution of marriage ties which have bound for 46 years is :4ri to Ji v. m. saiurawi. a ' I sougnt by Permilla Alice Bennett in holidays, continuous. 1:15 to 11 e. . a divorce suit filed in the circuit court yesterday against William P. Bennett. FA NTAGKS (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2:30, 7 and :05. AUDITORIUM (Third and Clay) San Carlo Grand Opera company in " Rigo letto." Tonijrht. I I THRIFT STAMPS, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office, Oregonian. NEED INVESTORS OF BONDS IS CITED New York Company Official Visits Portland. MORE BUYERS ESSENTIAL Memorial, Fund Given Women. Mrs. 11. n. Giltner has Just given a 300 memorial for her husband, Kos coe n. Giltner, to the women's build ing fund of the University of Ore gon, through Mrs. George Gerlinger, regent of the university and patron of the woman's building. Mr. Giltner will be fittingly represented among the pioneer families of Oregon and a bronze tablet bearing his name will be placed in the main hall of the new building. Another recent gift is announced that of President and Mrs. P. L. Campbell of an additional 1000 for the building fund. President and Mrs. Campbell had formerly given J1500, making their total gift $2500. Man Found Plating in Mud. John Kreutzer was kneeling down in a big puddle of mud making fancy mud pies yesterday morning when neigh bors telephoned for yie police. A large group of school children from the Terwilliger school was standing about the man, engaging him in con versation and cheering him on as he busied himself wi'.'i his pies of mud. Motorcycle Patrolman -Horack an swered the call and took Kreutzer to police headquarters. He was later transferred to the county jail where he is held pending hearing by an in sanity commission. Flying Hocks Cause Suit. Damages totaling $6000 were demanded by J. W. Morton and others owning prop- erty along the Ruthton Hill section of "the Columbia river highway in Hood River county of A. D. Kern, contractor, in a suit filed in the cir cuit court yesterday. The property owners asserted that blasting and .ihir road work resulted in the throw boulders on five acres of f-nltivateH land, the breaking of fruit and other trees, the demolishing of fences and the contamination of the water supply. Mrs. Alderman's Funeral. Friday. Funeral services for Mrs. R. I Aldernvin, wife of the former state and city superintendent of schools, will he held at the Finley parlors next Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. Alderman will arrive nere to morrow afternoon with the body, from Washington. D. C. where she died last week. Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of the White Temple, will have general charge of the services and Dr. W. G. Eliot Jr. will preach . the ermon. Frank Waller's Condition Hope ful. Although in a serious condi tion. Frank Waller, real 'estate broker who was injured in an auto mobile accident Sunday afternoon, is expected to recover, according to the attending physician at St- "Vincent's iinnital. where the injured man is beinc cared for. Mr. Waller sustained several fractured ribs, a fractured pelvis and internal injuries when an automobile which he was driving) went over, the embankment near the Interstate bridge. Goldstein Defends Alleged Profi teer. Lv F. Eckert, a Woodstock grocer charged by the federal govern ment with profiteering by overcharg ing for sugar, has filed a demurrer to the complaint recently filed against him by United States District Attorney Humphreys. He will be defended by Barnett Goldstein. formerly chief deputy United States attorney. A. W. Anderson, another grocer charged with the same offense, has also filed a demurrer to the complaint. Unions Ask Delay in Hearing. Indefinite postponement of the hear ing to make permanent the Injunc tion granted temporarily last Friday by Circuit Judges McCourt and Staple ton prohibiting the picketing of local ehoe stores which are involved in labor troubles was requested yester day morning by Attorney W. S. U'Ren representing the unions. The hearing was scheduled for 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Cancer. Tumors, Piles, Fistula. Goiter. No knife and loss of blood n cancer. No plasters and pains for riours or days. Skin diseases treated kv X-rav and Ultra Violet ray. Kervous diseases by spinal percussion 'and vibration. High blood pressure by autocondensation. Female diseases bv ira.lva.nic and sinusoidal currents. Portland physical therapy labora tories. 412 to 417 Journal bldg. Adv. Chief of Police Is III. Chief of Police Jenkins is confined to his home. 541 Marguerite avenue, with what the attending . physicians be lieve may be smallpox, although the exact nature of his illness ,has not vet been determined. John Clark. chief of inspectors, is in -charge of the department during the temporary absence of the chief. R. H. Reed Lectures Tonight. "R. H. Reed will deliver the third in series of lectures on "Common sense" eubjects, in the auditorium cvf the Portland Y. M. C. A. tonig;ht7 His subject will be "The Common Sense of the New Birth." The meeting i; under the auspices of the associa tion service department and is free to the public. For Lease. Good Washington atreet location. 12x36: $250 per month J. D. O'Donnell, Spalding bldg. Adv Bar . Association to Meet. The regular monthly meeting of the Mult jiomah Bar association will be held at 8 o'clock tonight in the courtroom of Presiding Judge McCourt, second Uoor of the courthouse. The Flu in Chicago Worse than than ever; will surely come to Port land again. Physician and electrical ngincer has invented electrical in lalatorium that will cure almos very flu case besides many othe diseases. Has five-room office- now. Capitalists with $o00 investigate. 6 726, Oregonian. Adv. . Men-and Women. : Tt makes yoli feel good to get fitted In a pair of real loathe shoes, for $2. S.". or $3.S5; they are going fast. Get fitted today. Dollar's, 291 Morri son, near -5th. Adv. t It Is a Pleasure to have teeth ex tracted, filled, crowned or treated for pyorrhea, when aJl pain is eliminated s.y nerve blocking. Drs. Hartley, Kiesendahl and Marshall. 307 Journal fcldg. Adj. Dr. J. P. Graham (maj.) has re turned; now located at 760V Thur Tnan St. (23d and ThurmanJ. Tel Main 6167. Adv. For Sale. The elegant home of the late N. C. Tochle. 1103 Franklyn St., Willamette Height, shown "by appoint rent. Phone Fast 39S8. Adv. Kemmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co., mine agents. 321 Hawthorns ave. East 1188. Adv. Mrs. Amalia Keller of Keller's Hydropathic institute has returned. A-tiv. , The Bennetts were married in La- Center. Wash., in 1874, and have ten children, all of legal age. Desertion in 1911 Is alleged by the wife. Martin Schmidt declares that Peter Loose, alleged affinity of Mrs. Adela Schmidt, threatened to kill him when he sought to discourage attentions being paid his wife. Infidelity is Schmidt's divorce plea. Alleged Auto Thief Arrested. Arrested in Corvallis yesterday as he was attempting to sell an automobile answering the description of one he hired in Portland Saturday, G. W. iniler, alias C. A. Robinson, will be brought back to this city today to stand trial for larceny. The machine was rented at 188 Tenth street for three hours last Saturday afterncten and l'ocated yesterday by Sheriff W. A. Gellagly at Corvallis. Miller, who is supposed to live near Gresham, was in sailor's uniform and traveling with his wife, under the name of Robin son. Refuse Dumper Fined $50. For dumping stable sweepings on the Derby-street approach to the inter state bridge, Alva Dawes, owner of local transfer company, was fined $50 by District Judge Bell yesterday. He pleaded guilty. F. M. Olds, em ploye on the bridge who reported the case, probably will get the $50 re ward offered by the county for the arrest and conviction of any person scattering refuse on or along public highways in the county. The law ill cover cases of careless picnick ers on the Columbia river highway this summer. Refrigerator Agent Named. Establishment of a new department of the Union Pacific system to have charge of the refrigeration service was made known here yesterday through the receipt of a message naming J. W. McClymonds as general agent of the refrigerator service for the entire system with headquarters at Omaha. In the past all this work has been handled through the general freight agents. Laundry Plans $18,000 Building. Erection of a one-story building for the Portland Laundry company was forecast yesterday through the filing of plans by the company for such a structure with Fred Eichenlaub. city plan examiner. The structure will oc cupy a plot 100 by 100 feet at Union avenue and East Mill street, and is estimated to cost $18,000. O. R. Menefee Services Today. Funeral services for O. R. Menefee, who died last week, will be held at the Portland crematorium at 12 o'clock today, with Dr. A. A. Morri son, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, officiating. The services will be conducted by Finley .& Son. Brown Hydropathic Instttute. Stevens bldg., five years' with and succeeding Lovranich. Hygienic equip ment, scientific treatments. Tuesdays and Fridays reserved for women only. Woman assistant. Main 8630. Adv. Rummage Sale, 421 East Pine, cor. of 6th, Tuesday, Jan. 27. Adv. Milk Core at the Moore Sanitarium. Adv. we may serve way of educating the people to invest in securl- MALL0RY CASE IS HEARD udge Stapleton Takes Tax Appeal Under Advisement. On appeal from the . decision of Judge Tazwell. former county judge, upholding the contention of the heirs hat they should not De compelled to pay an inheritance tax on that part of the estate of the late Elmer Ells worth Mallory which was received from his father, Rufus Mallory. but still in process of nrohate when the son died, the case was brought before Judge Stapleton yesterday. After hearing the arguments. Judge Staple- ton asked the attorneys to submit briefs and took the matter under ad visement. The Mallory estate is valued at $400,000: Hugh B. Baker Declares Taxes Have 'Hit Old Customers; Vital Aid to Industry Is Shown. Income and surtakes have become so burdensome to old-line buyers of bonds and securities of the 'industrial world that it is absolutely necessary. If the machinery is to be kept mov ing, that millions of new investors shall be recruited, declared Hugh B. Baker, vice-president of the National City company, with headquarters in New York and branches in many cities of the country. Mr. Baker is checking up on busi ness. He spent the day in Portland yesterday, coming in .from Cali fornia, and left last night for Seattle on his return home. Mr. Baker registered at the Hotel Benson, but spent much of the time with H. A. Bruce, correspondent of the company here, with offices in the Yeon building. He mpt many friends and chatted with financiers before leaving and expressed himself as de lighted with the rapid development of the entire coast, and especially of rortiano as a business center. Bond Invextmenta I'rged. "I am no pessimist at any stage of the game." said Mr. Baker, "and I will say that, in my opinion, a busi ness man who will not invest in securities that are safeguarded by every possible means is indeed short sighted. I am checking on our offices throughout the country with a view to determining how Better in .the American ties. "There are only about 2,000,000 per sons in this country now, not count ing- those who may have bought war issues, who are investors in securi ties; there ought to be not less than iu.uuo.uou. "While selling securities, of course, involves making money by the act, that is by no means the whole story; a Dond and securities establishment aoes mucn more than that when it educates people to the habit of In- esting in good securities it is help tokeep the wheels of industry motion. The regular customer's wno have, for years been investing their money in this manner have been so hard hit by Income and surtakes niaL iney cannot ailora to buy any more of these issues and are taking nly non-taxables; unless that situa- on is overcome by new customers the country is going to suffer result. Bond Homr Work Landed, Industrial establishments must have credit, and to get this it is necessary to have organizations like our own to encourage and promote the sale good investments among the peo le. Bond houses are doing the coun- ry a real service in this manner. A ommunity which invests in bonds of its own, of its state, of the country even of foreign countries is doing helpful thing." This brought Mr. Baker to the sub ject of foreign securities and he de clared himself as of the opinion that ny statement that European coun- ries may repudiate their obligations incorrect. 'Reputable organizations, before of fering any securities, be they domes- ic or foreign, make an exhaustive in- estigation, said Mr. Baker.l "Senti ment does not enter into it at all: if hey are bought, the price is then HEIFETZ STAGE SEATS This morning at the Heilig box office stage seats at $2 will be put on sale for the Jascha Heifetz recital Wednesday evening, direction Steers & Coman. Adv. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our many friends for their kindness and sympatny during our recent bereavement; also for the beau tiful floral tributes. MrtS. V. K. STRODE. T. J. STRODE. V. W. STRODE. Adv. 867 Kelly Street. . CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the kindness and sym pathy shown us in the death of ou: husband and father; also for the beau tiful floral offerings sent. MKS. S. L. BOYD Adv: AND FAMILY. THIS WEEK! We are truly offering a splendid programme. GERALDINE FARRAR THE ITS in gy.M world & Um WOMAN Mm s win Concerts F&StJ GUTERSON ORCHESTRA Daily Prizma Topics Comedy Boys' and Youths' Overcoats Special $18.65 Regularly $22.50 and $23 Splendid models in belted and waistline styles for boys 12 to 18 years old. Coats like these will cost you and us much more later. It's economy to buy now. Have you noticed those in the window? Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland Morrisi at Fourth Jascha Heifetz JANUARY" i'S HEILIG Theatre This great violinist will play for you v edtiesday evening and you may make him your home guest and en tertainer through his Victor' Records 6 4760 Capricleuse 64759 Chorus of Dervishes 64758 Valse Rluette . 74581 Moto Perpetuo 64770 Turkish March " 64833 Caprice Mail. orders given prompt attention. 14 Sixth, Street. Portland Martin Saxophones Pianos Players fixed and buyers have nothing to fear as to interest and principal being met promptly. Personally. I am optimistic over the situation and do not believe reports that appear from time to time reflecting on certain foreign obliga tions." It had been seven years since Mr, Baker visited the Pacific coast and he declared yesterday that its de velopment had been so rapid that it did not seem like the same coast. GRENFELL MAY RECOVER for red as a Physicians Hold' Out Hope Wounded Policeman. Ernest Grenfell, policeman, wh was accidentally shot below th heart in his room at Fourth and Clay streets Sunday night, has a fightini chance to recover, according t( word given out last night at St. Vin cent's hospital. His condition show slight improvement yesterday after noon and the attending physicians are hopeful that he will survive. The patrolman received the bulle wound when his own revolver, whicl was being examined by Jay Green, ; friend1, was accidentally discharged Floyd Gaines, a city fireman, was in the room at the time. The wounded man remained conscious and told the police and hospital authorities that the shooting was an accident. Grenfell is a brother of Fire Mar shal Grenfell. He is 22 years old and has been a member of the depart ment but a short time. SPANISH INFLUENZA. Guard against it by using Formazin the ideal mouth wash. For Bale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. Adv. Washington Sheriffs to Meet. WALLA WALLA Wash.. Jan. 28. (Special. 1 Tho sheriffs of the state will hold their annual meeting in Walla Walla February 5 and 6. Busl ness sessions will be held in the day tirrre. with theater parties and ban- ORANGES SPECIAL 2 DOZEN 35c Ripe Lemons, doz. 15c, 2 doz..25c Newton Apples, 6 lbs 25 Highland Potatoes, 6 lbs 2o Guaranteed free from frost. Blohm Fruit Co. 171 Fourth Street " Between Morrison and Yamhill PHONE MAIN 7735 . L U UUUVMJU U DTI L ... I Gasco Comments No. 8 1 4 i i J mt-. I t I I Tfnr5 Eventually You Will Enjoy Broadway Service WHY NOT NOW? Interest paid on RfRnlar Sa-rlna-s ACfODDtfl. Intrrrst paid on Sperjal Sarrlnira ArroantN wnblret to rherlc where the minimum monthly balance is not lens than S500.00. Vo Service ehargre made for carrying: checWin account!. 'o charae made depositors for han dlina- out-of-town checks. Open Saturday afternoon and evening;. Deposits Close First Day $2,20f.GS Deposits Close First Week; $136,02S.37 Deposits Close First Month $256,022.74 Deposits Close Third Month $428,048.22 Broadway and Stark HOTELS. BestWoodforSale Live f irst-srrowth fir wood Sixteen-inch lengths. Delivered to your home. $11.50 a Cord Fhone Main 93S6. quets. in- the evening- Friday morn ing the sheriffs will visit the peni tentiary and take lunch with Warden Henry Drum. Mrs. F. C. King, 596 Maple St., Ladd's Addition, in speaking of her Gasco Furnace, said what she liked best about it was its being so clean. "And you don't have to get up in the morning to build a fire, and I feel that one can be economical with it by using proper care." I'Mr?? t.Kis tM jiSFpJ-IIr . jit! PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In ' monthly Installments and really own your home. See us about your renewal. Special proposition. Port land Trust Co.. Sixth and Morrison. Adv. Next Week: "12:10" Is ave $25 to Ml $50 i The SKWARD is & new. modern and elegantly appointed hotel. poBSfs?tn one of thn must heauttful corner lob hies in the North webt. Located at th itnil Alder Ms., opposite Olds, Wormian tSL- King's n!? department more )n heart of rei.nl and theater district. Kates $l.r.t and up. Bu meets all train.. "W car also runs from I'nlon lepot direct to Hotel SEWARD. W. M. Seward. Prop. fci I "JUST THE jSpl Class if A" FOR YOLT jy Bldg. Order Your Tailored-to-Order Suit Now Clothing may be higher in the spring. Right now is the dull season in tai loring. We Want to Keep Oar Tailors Busy To do that we have made a 'special price on Tailored-to-Order Suits: $45..to:$75 Here you get clothing of real merit, class and distinc tion. We employ only the best cutters and designers, most expert tailors. Finest Woolens in the West Our stock of woolens cannot be surpassed for variety and excellence. Order that new suit today. We guarantee you the most careful attention and supervision. And Our Prices are $25 to $50 Below the Market Brownsville Woolen Mill Store MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIERS THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS Automatic Manufacturing Co. Established 1912 Engineers and Machinists .Tool and Die Makers Models made and perfected. Manufacturers of automobile accessories and light machin ery of every description. 440 Hancock St. Tel. E. 803 Portland, Or. COURTESY,- comfort, homelike atmosphere at moderate prices, whether for the day, week or month. Absolutely firrnroof. OntraJly located. Convenient to nil carlinea and pointa of interest. Refined and anlialantlal f o r niahioKB heerful and Invttlns. GLENN B. Hill:. MGR. WASHINGTON AT TWELFTH Portland. Oregon. - i irvi I j quality ,-Jg:g Home Builders Get Your Money's Worth AH plumbing- fixture look alike when new but at the end of five years, the inferior plumbing fixture! will be un sightly and inefficient. Protect yourself by specify ing Pacific Plumbing Fixtures. Pacific Plumbing Fixture cost no more than inferior brands and will give a life-time ' of satisfactory service. They are guaranteed forever against any defects in work manship or material. i PLUMBING' FIXTURES rokvsALt ar all plumbem i Mara Office: 67 New Montgomery St., San Franciieo Faetorioa: San Pblo and Richmond, CaL Brmnchoa Lot Angeles, Portland and Salt Lake City rmiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimuiiiimimiimiiiim PrxraAL Thorough " cfJOl' Examinations E Thoroughness , E has been a large factor in the suc- E cess of our work. j E It is what you r E want when you J (e have your eyes E examined. To be E sure of a thorough exam- E ination come to us and the e formula will be correct. E E. W. Wheeler, 1 E Optometrist E I WHEELER I OPTICAL CO. 2d Floor Oregonian Bldg. iTiiiiliilliiliiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I WO .ric- .... : V ". . JSy -'i .- v. h - h r4" - - PALACE HOTEL 446 Washington Street Large rooms, elegantly furnished, near theater and shopping district. Strictly modern. Kates reasonable. Broadway 1251. A Moderately-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD Kant Morrlnon St. and Kaat Sixth. S1.25 Per Day. So Ier Week; I p. Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PARTICULARS CALL iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiL? Unusual Bargains Slightly Used Pianos E We have a "J. & C. Fischer," E "Ludwip," "McPhail," "Need- E ham," "Kahler & Campbell," "Thompson," "Wellington" and E some others. Not old, worn-out E E instruments, but practically as E E pood as new. Why not save E E from $100 to $200 on a piano? E E Reasonable, terms. JSOULE BROS. I 5 1G6 10th st., near Morrison. E : ritiiuiitiiiiiniiiHuiiiiiiiiiitiiiuituiniT! Estab. 20 Years in Tortland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 162 V2 First St., Portland, Or. Books School Books OLD AND NEW Books Bought and Sold Pooks covcrinsr every branch of literature. Automobile and tech nical books a specialty. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE 248 Main St.. Between Sd and 3d St. Phone your want axis to The Orego 'aiaa. Main 7070. A 609a. .