14 THE MORMXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1920 RF.AT. ESTATE. lor Sale II at mid Apartment Property. CORBRTT ST., new modern double flat on hard-surface street, all Improvements paid for; a dandy income produier, whirh we are forced to sell. rrii;e $3(I0U, 20O rash, balance on installments. Kor particulars call at 4" Piatt bldg.. 17 Park sU, or make dates by phone. Main R0. 1 shall be glad to take you out and show you this investment. WHY pay hijrh rent when you can save It and receive '.IH1 per year besides? Buv this close-In noxl.Mt corner. 1 block from Hawthorne, with grwii 7-rnom house and modern H-flat buildiiifr: flats bring JiinO a vear and you live in the house. Price !."u0, terms. Phone owner, East SOI 2. XI'AJtTMEXT house. Nob Hill district. 55 rooms, completely furnished; price JttO.iMMi; $:;o,tM0 cash; no ascnts. L -Jo, Orcgoni&n. For Sal Beach Property. liEARHART ridge lot. 1000 cash. Phone East 84-M. For bale Business Property. SNTAP IN" LEASE. Half block. 100x200. located on west side, with trackaKe facilities from all roads; ground occupied by a li-story frame building with heavy concrete base ment, SOxlOO; building In good condition. Also a 1-story frame building, uOxluO. Will give a 25-year lease on this property on attractive terms. JOHN K. HOWARD. S Cnambcr of Commerce. FINK OARAGE SITE. 100x100 corner on paved streets, well located for garage or apartments. Pries reasonable. .See M. RIUT..1NGS. 50J McKay Bid. Main 1300. TWO choice factory sites, west side, water front, with trackage. 100x100 building ,). tracUaire on cast Side, for Sale Of lease by owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. i:ikai;K site. 3M2 First St.. bet. Market "and Clay; assessor's valuation 19000; owners price SttoOO. Phono Sellwood. 118. KMlxloO COR. Union and Shaver. 100x100 cor F.ast First and Broadway. Main -17K. .1. l. Kennedy. For Sale 1U. HAVING left Portland permanently, wish to sacrifice 2 building lots I own there. .. u.,,.aln st. near 70th .i n n ,i ore known as lots U snd 10 of r ': I will take :i0 cash for the 1! lots, cost me over 800; who wants them? Anyone buying these ana t.i.ii cn trehle their money, writ owner at 0 Hearst Bids- Fran Cisco, Cal. T3TV X'flW. Largo beautifully wooded BOxlOO or one-half-acre tract near Peninsu a park, i.ft,.nn liiirh school. 18 minutes out . i..P qtwI Wflshlnxton 7V. io a r.oo: S50 down, balance m0nth!,6HNSON-rOOSON CO . Mo..!'(!3i v w. Rank Ride., Main 3.S EASTMOREWNa $1300 T.OT FOR $700 Lot IS, block 1, Eastmoreland: a fme building lot. liens all paid: 0?"r must hence the price; on hast -Sin, between By heft and Knapp. GRUSSI & BKXXETT. 31S Board of Trade Bids- Main i .-. UURKMirUST LOT AT BARGAIN Lot 1 block 51. on East 30th street; beauti ful corner; all assessments paid; lias .o.st over 3oo0; will discount heavi y. Make me an offer. Address AV 14, Oregonian. ; FOK SALE View lot 60x115 feet. 2th and Resents driva. Alameda Park. Price $3300. . . MR a HARRY WITMAN, Lebanon. Or. fJROVKLAXD PAKK. Only S3250; fine 0-room modern house, oavrd' strot paid: terms. F. H. Dnhan t- o , U5 Chamber of Commwrco bldg. CORNER. BOxlOl, 37 tb and Tillamook, t lo.'.o all assessments pa id. C. D. Mc Conahy, 017 American Bank bldg., Seat tle, Wash. ; "S:0 f-KOOM cottage, Irvington and Brtw y. ears, close in. A dandy buy ; terms. F. H. Deshan & Co., 615 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. , $t;o0 ROSK CITY CAR $000. lOAxliui, cement walks, cheapest lot ill the citv; onlv 3 blocks from car. SMITH-WAtiOXKK CO., Stock Exch. CITV LOTS AT WItfvLKSALK. Have a number of good lots. wcJl-lo-rated. at a sacrifice price. Claude Hale, o Wilcox bldg. floOO MT. TABOR $1000. 2- lots, (lint street, near Belmont st., improvement. all in and paid. Price onlv fKrt'O. Phone Main 72 P. Pi.RTI.AXI) HKIGHTS. rvnr lftavimr city, will sacrifice 3 choice lots on Montgomery drive. Phone 4711. no ilea its. fORNKR lot 75x100, 1 block Wood lawn tchool. Will consider late Ford as first payment. Wood lawn 311. FOR SALK Lot on Kast 2Sth street, be tween Kverett and Flanders. Make Rood apartment site. 02S thstreet. 6 A v R 1 FT E Lot 40x135. extends across block, water In on both ends. Same as lots. Woodlawn 527. Ft R ",SALK Lot In South moreland. Cash and terms. Phono Marshall 1508. p y) h lots, cheap. Call Woodlawn 1761 and ask about them. LOT 20. blk. 32. $1000. Laurelhursf. Improvement- in and paid. Kast 3PS1. ROSK CITV LOT, $05O. on 4Sih ; sewer, navement. in. paid. Tabor 441. iloO CORNER lot, fitli and Wypant. Call Coulmbia SO after I. M. l or Sale -Hone. fi-UoM modern cottape on K. 11th Pt., w it inn wbimdk u '-,iniii't i water, bath. pas. etc.; if you want a I borne this is the best barpaln in the cltv at Sl'-tr.O: chii Kive pood terms. PACIFIC KKALTV. Main M7. paimng mug. HL'NCAI'W. Vive rooms; excellent condition; good location: Sellwood ! '.strict: -rner lot; Ft reet paved. Price $2..00. 1 crms. MTHK KKNEST YOFNOER CO.. 105 I'ark St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. $1 50O B1TYS one acre and an old house that can easily be fixed up. Just east of Irvington Park, and an ideal place to raise chickens. J A. WICK MAN CO., Main ..R.J. 2"4 Ry. ExchangcBldg. Main Toil 4. THE CARY SYSTEM. To buv a hoin the nice way Is to buv a home the Mutual way. Beautiful homes :'.mio, $40no and yftooo. MFTl-Al, REALTY CO.. 1210 N. W. Bank" Bldg. f U S W E E KOS BY 2300 . j.0o cash, balance monthly, furnished 4 -room cottage, lilen avenue, near Haw .1 1., -iTvir.4 Phone Marshall .t.t-'4. Tmbard & Kimball, 402 Stock Exchange f bldg. BROADWAY, it-room house, close in. house in Tlno rlK.3 fuli lots, price $tf00. $30041 cash, balance to suit. Ask Mr. Kellogs. A. .1. LFC r .r rvco l - :, -o -rvj l 11 e n r y B'dg. Main 2t'00. KoR SA BE. cheap, good 4 -room plastered house, chicken house and parking: 3 lots. IS White BeRllorn nenn, some muKiio, some furniture 305 E. S7th St. Sth st raet. ".Udcti : some lerms. Take M t. Scott car to ' MT. TABOR DISTRICT. i."iOTl0n with 5-room modem bun low. fireplace, furnace, cement basement. rrn 1 r ana uernc-. 'ovw . o -ti -n. Chamber of Commerce bldg. $;i7,iMt XK W 5-room bungalow, full base ment, wash trays, fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitchen. $500 cash. $25 per month with interest. Owner. Tabor 5.101. . SIMM) 5-ROOM COTTAGE $10O. cinsft in on Sellwood carline. hard sur face, sewers all in and paid; close to school- M5d down. I-Mimee terms S MITH-WACrON ER CO.. Stock Exch. CiK seven-room house and lot on Stan ton street near Williams Ave. Must be jotd a.t once to close an estate Phon office, East S52, or residence, Marshall 4314. $1,00 EACH 3 attractive 4-room houses, garden acre, chicken and cow sheda. 8 minutes on eiecinc or nara-uunace road. Main C-ROOM house. 3 lots, near school and carline for $1 250. some terms. 114 E. 74th st. X. Call Tabor 31S1 after 5 P. M. Lots are worth the money. A GOOD C-ROOM HOUSE. Close in on E. Irving St., near Benson Polvtechni -: school ; extra ground for ga.-den: $400. Ov uer, East 75S3. SPECIAL Nifty bungalow, sleeping porch, paved .; immediate sale $25K; terms, S'20 monthly : rented $25. Owner, even ings. Tabor 7Q55. 6-ROOM house, garage, corner 100x100. plenty of fruit ; 2 blka. St. Johns car; $3000. terms or part trade. See owner, to 5 P. M 2 11 Washington bldg. GOING to California, will aell modern 8 room house at bargain; 2 blks. from Beaumont or Rose City car. Corner lot i. k. face Phone Main 2753. SACRIFICE Leaving city account of health; 5-room bungalow, looxJOO; fine fruit trees; $2100; terms. iJ0 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE AT Forest Grove, 10-room house, 1 block from business center. Woodlawn 125 REAL, ESTATE. l or Sale -House FRANK L. McGUTKE, LARUKST HOME SELLER IS WEST. 600 HOMES FOR SALE. "THE MeGUIRB SYSTEM." Eliminates honse-huntlnj; problem, makes home buying a pleasure; puts you In lou h Immediately with the house you are . oking for. MANY UNUSUAL BARGAINS. Befor' you buy come to our show roomH and see over 600 photographs of homeM for sale, with price, terms and address under every picture; every sec tion of the city has its allotment of rpace. Every home offered for your approval has been personally Inspected and appraised by FRANK L. McGUlRE. Our many years of experience In the real estate business, our knowledge of values and of the desirable districts is a guarantee that your every Interest will be protected. This is only a part of the service of "THE McGUJRB SYSTEM," which made It possible for this office to establish the unparalleled record of selling 860 homes In one year. Our 12 automobiles at the service of our clients. $5850 IRVINGTON" HOME. 7 -room modern home; full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays; fireplace, hardwood floors; built-in con veniences. Real bargain. We have other homes in this district up to $40,000. $5K00 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. One of the most artistic bungalows in this district: very distinctive lines ; ex terior walls concrete: large front porch; massive concrete columns; furnace and fireplace; beveled glass buffet; large den; hardwood floors throughout; beau tiful home. $5500 NEW LAI RBLHCRST BUNGALOW'. Typical California bungalow, unusually artistic lines; large living room with fireplace: built-in bookcases; French doors lead into pretty dining room with massive bui.i - in buffet; ideal Dutch kitchen: '2 t i;ht airy bedrooms; tile bathroom, hardwood floors throughout, even in clothes closets; all woodwork in white enamel; full cement basement; furnace and lnundry trays; just com pleted; vacant ; immediate possession; easy terms. $5500 WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Very s ttractive 7-room, 1 -story bungalow type home located on Vaughn srreet. on 1 1 lame t re j-teigms: iurnace, fireplace, la re a side porch with won derful unobstructed view; 4 light airy bedrooms: pa ved street paid; terms; 1 block to car. ?50O0 DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Here is a wonderful little 5-room modern bungalow ; low rambling lines; furnace and fireplace; hardwood floors massi-e buffet; Dutch kitchen ; very homelike atmosphere; woodwork all in old ivory ; ideally located ; terms. $4725 IDEAL ROSE CITY HOME. Half block to car: very artistic 7 roorn home ; hardwood floors; every bui It-in convenience ; woodwork all in white enamel ; 4 bedrooms; street liens paid; terms. $1000 ROSE CITY BARGAIN. On 54th street, close to car, on a full lot, with paved street liens paid, is a very substantial 6-room attractive home : full cement basement ; furnace and fireplace: built-in conveniences; woodwork in old ivory: 3 light airy bed rooms: repainted inside and out; like new; terms. .$4500 HAWTHORNE HOME BARGAIN. 7-room very attractive double ron atructed modern home; furnace, fire place, den, built-in conveniences; ideal floor plan; abundance of fruit and ber ries; paved street paid; terms. $ 4 500 P ! E DM O NT HOME. H rooms h ml den : concrete stucco home ; unusual bargain. $4200, WALKING DISTANCE. On E. 1st street, near Cherry, be tween the Rroadway and steel bridges on a 5til 00 lot. is an unusually well bnilt S-room house, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, white enamel plumbing; could easily be converted into flats. The lot alone is worth the money ; terms. S.WiO REAL PENINSULA HOME. On a xMO-foot lot. on Syracuse street and Portsmouth ave., Is a very att rartlvc six -room modern unusually well-built home: white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas; an ideal pipeless furnace, sleeping porch, all kinds of fruit, berries and flowers. This is a real home. $3K00 NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Hire is a dream of a bungalow; five rooms, very artistic typical bungalow lines, ait brick fireplace, attractive light fixtures, tapestry wall paper, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences; vacant. We have so homes for sale in the Sunnv- sidc. Hawthorne and Mount Tabor dis- i-mis. i-noiograpns of each in the of fice. $;;S00 ADJOINING LAURBLHl'RST. East 2fth street, close to car. is a 6 room substantial, attractive turner-low type home: furnace, modern plumbing. electric lights and gas. oaved sf reeiM paid. Terms. I $3850 HAWTII O RNE B I NG A. JO W BARGAIN. Fnusually attractive five-room modern bungalow, large front porch, best plumb ing fixtures, full cement basement, fur nace, many bui I t-in conveniences; very practical floor plan. Hou.se like new. $3500 WAVERLT DISTRICT. Seven-room distinctive type bungalow,1 built-in conveniences. 3 light, airy bed rooms, white enamel plumbing, electric light and gas, paved street in and paid. On v oodward avenue. $3250 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW'. -Tust think of a five-room modern bun galow with very d ist inet lines : on a fu 1 lot, .-.Oxlnn, close to the ear. for this price, pretty living room with fire place, white enamel plumbing, built-in conveniences: $750 down. We have manv other homes in this district for sale. $3250 WEST SIDE BARGAIN. $5O0 down and $25 per month. 6-room substanml home, full cement basement furnace, fireplace, white enamel plumbl i;;ler c,l,shls and as; lower Will amette Heights. $3000 ALBERTA HOME. On a full lot on East 24th street, is a -room substantial, modern home in At condition: Just retimed and repainted; w n te enamel plumbing; electric lights S?U-.K Mi'". hanU1' n mortgage $2500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. On E. 31st street, on a corner lot. is a .(-room bungalow .cottage. white gas, built-in conveniences; easy terms. $2100 PENINSULA BARGAIN. On Omaha avenue, on a large lot is a -room substantial home f I? built-in buffe fu!l set of nhim !-- electric lights and gas Eaey terms. $1005 ALBERTA BUNGALOW. Neat 5-room bungalow cottage, white enamel plumbing, electric lichts and $150 down. $1500 WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. 5-room comfortable bungalow cot tage; modern plumbing, fruit, berries and garage. Easy terms. $1500 KENTON BUNGALOW EASY TERMS. At last a neat 4-room bungalow, con tains fireplace, white Dutch kitchen hath, toilet, electric lights and gas On Wmchell street, near Montana. BUT IT TODAY. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home. Successor to H. D. McGulre Co. Established In 1880. "40 Years of Service." Abington Building; Main 10S Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $1500, $500 CASH. 6-room house, 6441 6th street, cotnrr 65th avenue: 20 fruit trees, berries. 15x145. Tabor 5H87. DESI RABLE bungalow Rose City's big gest bargain: paved at., $2950. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. $2500 BARGAIN: 5-room bungalow, bear ing fruit. Creston, near car, terms. Main 2010. VOR SALE Cheap. 5-room Trwmse and lois. 8 West r r es co tt st. Woodlawn 4167. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houftcn. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Party's going to the farm; instructs us to sell this 7-room bungalow, all butlt ins, hardwood floors, furnace and ex cellent garage, 50x100 lot, $4700. Praetlealry new five-room bungalow, modern in every way. artistically dec orated walls, garage, $o5u0. 6 rooms in old Ivory This is a, beauty; garage; liberal terms, $4200. 5-room. bungalow, one block from car, all built-Ins, hardwood floors, furnace, garage, $1750 cash ; $3500. Completely furnished 5-room bunga low, ivory throughout, large living room; garage, 48x115 lot, $100 cash; $3G0O. ft-room bungalow, neat as a pin, im provements in and paid, 50x100 lot; $3000. 5-room cot tage bungalow with 6 lots, on Hawthorne car and Division street, lots of fruit; $2950. 3-room house with sleeping porch, 4Sx 350 lot, Glenn ave; $2 loo. HAWTHORNE1 REALTY CO., Corner 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. IRVIXGTON'S BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL! $7800 Most modern type home, very best all Ivory finish and hardwood floors throughout ; largo living room with tile fireplace and indirect lighting; dainty breakfast room or sunroom ; two large bedrooms, one or two smaller bedrooms, tile bath; garage; within a block of 19th and Thomoson. Bv appointment- $6850 851 East ."I0th North. Alameda nark's verv best location: 6 rooms and sleeping porch ; entirely redone inside and out, now practically new ; hard wood floors throughout; very large living room, dining room, den or library or sunroom ; o bedrooms and porch ; garage, faces east, one block to car line. Iti n mpdifltn tiORHCHsion. These are nracticallv new. except the price ; if you wait till spring, you will have to pay tne new prices. R. T. STREET. Trv. Agent.. East 8'.4. 606 E. Broadway. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO., G14 Panama hide. $6500 East side residence : best buy in city; 6 large rooms. 7 closets, full ce ment basement: house newly painted; vacant lots on both sides. 5 rooms and attic: lot r.6x!00; elec and gas all in; street improvements all in and paid. Price only $2250 ; easy terms. A nice 5-room bungalow with fruit and berries : modern in every respect. Price only $3000. We have other places ; come in and iook our list over. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO., 614 Panama bldg. IX LAURE L H URST. TWO BRAND-NEW HOUSES. Both G rooms, all on one floor, typical California style, beautifully finished throughout In old ivory and tapestry paper, expensive bath tub, pedestal wash stand on floor. I will guarantee these places first-clas In every particular. Come out today and look them ove Drive out Burns id e to 42d. one block north. No agents or commissions. TURNER & WIXSHIP. Phone Tabor 2124 or Tabor ."V6SI4. $3000 BUYS a 3-room house, with large oacK porcn. Dasement. modern conven iences, some furniture, ground 80x160, fine corner on Capital blvd., near Mult nomah at at ion. Thre in considerable fruit on the property and it in all in a high state of cultivation. Just the place for a permanent home. For particulars see BEX RIE3LAND. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park nt. Office phone:' Main 880; residence Kast 1807. Will be glad to show you the property on Sunday. IRVINGTON HOME. Owner moving wishes to make quick ale of one of most attractive homes in district located on choice double corner with nicely improved grounds: built by owner for home; heavy construction and hardwood floors throughout: immense rooms, aim room, breakfast room, 2 fire places, 4 bedrooms on 2d and 1 and large attic on 3d floor. Priced at 2-3 value; easy terms and 6 per cent int. if desired. Tabor 407. LAURELHURST 5 BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS Prices range from $57M to $8OO0. Call for keys at office. East :mtta and Gtison. or phon MR. DELA HUNTY, Tabor 3433; evenings. East 2086. A FINE BUY. Wo have a fine modern bungalow in Walnut Park, one of Port land's choicest residence d istricts. This home has hot water heating plant, hardwood floors, bui It -ins. Dutch kitchen, bath on hot h floors; in fact, everything. Owner wants to leave town and will seil at a bargain. M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay Bldg. Main 13f0. NEW IRVINGTON HOME. One of the most complete and con venient H-room residences; center hall in ivory finish, hardwood floors, tiled bath room, best of plumbing, all built in conveniences, double garage. Open for inspection, drive nut and see it. Cor ner of 12th and Brazee sts. Turner & Winship, builders. Tabor 124 or Tabor 5604. SMALL HOME BARGAIN $3750. Owner leaving will make sacrifice on cosy 2-sUory. 6-room home on Fremont st. west of Union ave., close to car and school; house 10 yrs. old and not thor oughly modern, hut neat, clean, excellent condition, never rented; lot 40xlU5. beau tiful lawn, f-ult trees, vines and shrub bery; nice n"ighborhcod ; furniture cheap if desired; terms. labor 407. h a w"tho r n EBrN ;a77Twgag"eT $4200 $1200 CASH 6 rooms mid recep. hall: eastern oak floors; fireplace, buffet, bookcases, cab inet kitchen; cement basement; '2 bed rooms on first floor ; 1 up; corner lot ; gin-age. all street imp. In and paid ; an excellent buv. CLE V E LA ND- HRSD ERSON CO.. 211! Raiiwsy Exch. bldg. ROSE CITY I'ARK. Modern 5-room bungalow, built-in bookcases, buffet, nice kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laun dry trays, garage and driveway; all im provements in and paid. Price $4750; $2250 cash. .IOHNSON-DODSOV CO.. "32-;S3-34 N. YV. Bank Hide.. Main 3787. $250 WILL HANOI.' Good H-room house with bath. gas. electricity and full basement. Lot has lS-fool frontage. 1.1 large fruit tres. berries and some shrubbery; on car line. t'riee only $3LTy; payments 20 per mont n. JOH N SO N - DO DSON CO. . R32-fiaa-H34 X. W. Bank Bldg.. Main 378 LA U R E LH U II ST HOME. I must sell quickly an extremely at tractive, strictly modern 2-story, 8-room house, located in most exclusive section near park. Very large square rooms throughout, old ivory nnish, fine oa k floors. v best furnace, nice la wn and shrubbery. Priced a way below ma rket value. Tabor 40. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences. anything: furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc., 924 N. W. bank bldg. FIVE-ROOM HOME. 100x100 lot with choice berries, apple and cherry trees; corner iot. with side walk in and paid for; basement, elec tricity, gas, plumbing. Price $2250; $700 cash. JOHNSON-DO DSON CO.. 632-633-34 N. W. Bank Bldg., Main 3767. WESTOVER HOME. Very beautiful, nearly new 1 1-rootm house, located on level loOxlOO site, hav ing magnificent unobstructed view ; 3 baths, hot water heat. 2 maids rooms and social hall on 3d floor; garage. Priced much below actual value. Ta- bor 407. ' A GOOD BUT. 5-room modern bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, etc.. I block to cr.. $SO0 cash. bal. easy terms; price $3750. See Mr. Christenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Main 174fi.. 410 Henry Bldg. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. New 7-roora bungalow, fireplace, book cases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, oak floors, 1 bedroom downstairs. 3 up. Price $3750; $750 cash. $40 monthly. JOHN SON-DO DSON CO.. fi32-33-034 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Main 3787. 5-ROOM modem, cement basement, large attic- lOOxloo; naru-surrace srreet, near Franklin high. Mt. Scott car; $3200: $500 cash, bal. easy. Owner. Tabor 967. BY OWNER -room house in Vancouver. Wash., your own terms; nome is ail plumbed and wired: $3200. Inquire of D. N. Raymond, Buxton, Or. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. In looking for a home it will be to vour advantage to call Mr. Stowell. TiDor 6881. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates, w. i . Aiiyn. -'-:i Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831. Res. phone, laoor ii4. ONE BLOCK FROM S. S. CAR. CLOSE IN. 3350; pay $3oo, move in; you can rent 3 rms. for 4r. per mo. Air. .Ma goon, 626 Cham, of Com, bldg. 4-ROOM house 50-xlOO, with or without furniture; assorted bearing fruit trees walnut trees; $1000, easy terms. 1S19 Haven street; St. Johns car. $2000 MODERN 4-room bungmlo-r; close in: $12.i0 cash. Phone Woodlawn Okjib. IRVINGTON HOMES EAST T. STREET. IRV. AGTi BRAL ESTATR. For ?a i e 11 o ue. A PICKUP $3750.00 5-room bungalow in Villamead; built about 4 ynars; hard-surface sts.; 2 biks from best car service in city; full basement, furnace, fireplace; built-in buffet and book cases; enough room in attic for a fine rooms. This place will be a quick sale. See or pbone .1. A. McCARTY, -210 Stark st. Main 1700. Ev'ngi and Sunday, Tabor 5067. GRAB ONE OF THESE " YOU MUST BE QUICK 3 MOD. 5-RM. BUNGALOW'S Prices range from $2850 to $4000. About $0O0 worth of new furniture with one. All on good car lines and close in: all improvements in and paid. se Mr. Delahunty at office, E. 30th and Glfsan sts., or phone hi in for further Informa tion. Tabor 3 43; ev'ngs East 2U86. IRVINGTON 0-R. BUNGALOW $450O. 0-room bungalow, arranged for two families; 2 fireplaces, 2 cabinet kitchens, cement basement, electricity, gas. nice bath, four bedrooms, 2 dining rooms. 2 living rooms, lot 5oxlOO. Corner E. 26th and Wasco, paved ett. sewer and all improvements in and mostly paid. Price $4500; $1000 or less cash, balance $30 per month and interest. This bungalow will rent for enough to pa v for itself. GRUSS I & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $ 1 r,0(t HO M E A N D IVCOM E ? 1 500" 2 BUNGALOWS AT PRICE CF ONE. Hardwood floors, furnaces, cement base ments. Dutch ki'chcnv. built-in features. linoleum in kitchens and burns. Kuud water heaters, streets paved and paid for: $4500 for the two. about fcKitiO cash. NOW RK.NC1ING V"o PER MONTH AND SHOULD BRING MOKE. COVER & GREGORY. EAST 243. A BIG HOUSE A BIG SNAP 0 large rooms; all hardwood floors. Very fine location a nd in LaureJhurst. Key at office. E. :ilHh and Gllsan sts.. or phone Mr. Dela hunty. Tabor 3433; East 2uSi eve. HA WT HURXK B U N G A LO W BARGAIN. We have for sale a dandy bungalow, strictly modern and you will be sur prised at the value we have to offer you : 5 rooms and bath down. 2 and sleeping porch up; large living room, furnace. fireplace, all bui it-ins. A pleasure to show you. J. A. WICKMAX CO., Main 5S3. 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main lotf4. BY OWNER, house with G large rooms and large pantry, bath and hall. Has laundry trays, built-in buffet and full basement with cement floor. Large lot on paved street and handy to best car service in city. No incumbrance. Price $3750. About half cash. Buy from own er, no commission. 1084 E. Aider. Tabor 36ftO. HAWTHORNE KINK BUNGALOW. Nice, modern, 5-room bungalow, fur nace, glass sun porch, cement basement, trays, nice garase, lot 50xlO0, paed st. and all city liens paid : on Kast 34th st.. near Market. Price $37oo: Si 000 cash and $20 per month and interest. GKl'SSI A BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 745. $18,000 IRVINGTON HOME. Th4s is one of Irvington's show cor ners, targe living room, dining room and library; all old ivory and mahogany; hot-water heat, tiled baths, Joox lotf grounds, heautiful foliage and natural trees; double garage. This home is four years old. See this and enjoy a real home. East 41!. McDonell. K EAR NEY ST. h o mc large modern 8-room house with immense sleeping porches up and down stairs. Just the place for a good -sized family or sani tarium, only one block from the Good Samaritan hospital. A real homey place. Price $10,000; $2000 cash, balance on terms. For particulars cull at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. IRVINGTON. STRICTLY MODERN IRVINGTON HOME. 9 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH; CORNER LOT: LARGE GARAGE; MIGHT TAKE SMALLER HOUSE. ' POIND EXTER, 20H SELLING ULDG. MAIN 1 800. RESIDENCE. 271-0 I R V I N ;T N CO R N E R, PRICE ONLY $75O0. 8-raom modern house Gn a fine 50xlo0 corner and surroundvd by fine homes, fine garage; owner has authorized me to sell this at the low figure above men tioned: one-half cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. HDWV. 4133. CLOSE IN. $5o00 buys a modern 7-rooin hunga -low near Rose City, corner, on K, 24 1 h street. This house Is nice and well-built. Is in the b-st of condition. Can be bought on easy terms. See M. BILLINGS. 5in McKay Bldg. 1 - Main 13'.m. OIjR BANK ha taken over large 10-room Home in irvington district on loth street, lot loOxlOO. garage. Mousse coat previous owner $I .Oeo to build about tt years ago. WiH sacrifice at $.sono on terms. Kor ap pointment call bank's special representa tive. Mr. Atchison, 204 Henry bldg. Phone Main 5 425. OCR HANK has taken over lsrge l-room home in Irvington ilistriet on 10th street, lot 100x100, garage. House cost previous owner $14, 00 0 to huMrt about tl years ago Will sacrifice at $sMM, on terms. Pof ap' poiutment call bank's special representa tive. Mr. Atchison, 204 Henry bldg. Phone Main 545. $80 TAKES a dandy little 3-room house in good condition; lot 50x1 00, on im proved count y road. A n except ionat bargain. $20O down ; baia nee $20 a month. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. Main SK0. Make a. date to be shown the property. LAURELHURST. $ft,V)0 Beautiful view , bungalow-type home with K rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern; 011 Hazel Kern, near corner. Terms. M. BILLJNGS. r.QQ. McKay Bldg. Main 1300. - WESTMORELAND . BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. Non-resident offers for quick sale 7 room modern house, 2 sleeping porches; les than cost. See today and make- of fer. Sellwood 270b $10 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. Large, well-built 2-room shack and fine lot 75xlOO; ground all -In cultiva tion and all fenced. Tots I price $850. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. HAWTHORNE DISTRKT. (-room house, basement, all modern, full lot, good location, part cash, easy terms. US 5 E. Harrison, near Glenn ave. Owner. East N5i. I R V I NG TON $ 7000. Eigh t artistic rooms, full lot. garage. eay terms: also tl-room bungalow, full Int. garage, $500, term. McDonell East MM. $3ti00. $500 CASH, atlxl 0U. -ROOMS, NEWLY KALSO.MINED: FOX FUR NACE; 8 BEDROOMS. CLOSETS WITH WINDOWS; ST. IMP. PAID; CLOSE IN. EAST 543. FOR SA LE by owner 6-room housf ; f nil basement; laundry trays; complete bath Street improvements in and paid for. Price $3000. Terms. Phone Sellwood 53o. J 00d 5-ROOM bungalow in good district. semi-modern, in good district; oOxloo-iL lot. Not far out. Terms. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay Bldg. Main 13io. KOR SALE By owner. Kenton district. new 4-room ounRalow, lot 50x1 0O, 14-ft. alley; also garage; $240o cash. 153 Boston ave. Phone 3-1205. $2500 MODERN 6-room house, full ce ment basement, gas. electricity, piocks to two car. lines, near Highland school. Columbia 30 after P. M. FOR SALE Splendid, good-looking, well built ft-room house, hardwood floors, beam ceiiing. built-in cases; Laurelhurst addition; $5350; $1350 cash. East 447tf. SACRIFICE Attractive 5-room bungalow; best throughout; unusual lot: near pave ment; immediate possession ; $2St0; terms. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. MODERN 5-room bungalow, located near intersection of Alberta et. and Denver ave., by owner. For Information call Woodlawn 5054. HOLLA DAY addition, six-room modern bungalow, one floor: price $4800. terms. Phone owner. East 0752. FOUR houses for $13.000 to settle estate; Income $ 120 month. Executor, 347 Washington et. SAVELL little bungalow, terms, furniture. 4636 43d street Southeast. Finch. Bdwy. 344. . . i-ROOM house, bath and sJeeping porch, corner lot, on 11th and Rhone. Phone Woodlawn 3401. ' 9-ROOM house In central Albina, modern conveniences, improvements paid ; price $ 1 00. Wdln. 3737. $4500 SNAP 5-r. bungalow and 'garage, near 22d and Hawthorne; this ad should sell jt. East 7703. Owner. FOR SALE By owner., full lot and house, near Killlngsworth. cheap for cash. M ar. 14. ; ( SEE Frank L. McGulre to insure agaln.t I Are. Aomgton oiag. ain iut. ' IRVINGTON HOMES. MrDOXELL, i EA5T 14TH ST. K. EAST 4181. 500 REAL ESTATE. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Railway Exchange. Alain 1656, Hundreds of good homes for sale. Come to our showrooms and see the photos on display. Kery sec tion of the city represented. Re member, no firm in the city can show you as many real bargains in modern homes as the Li hr-Carey Co. Salesmen with autos at your service free. VANCOUVER AVE. SPECIAL. $2650 Just received today, 8-room house in good repair; paved st. and sew er paid up: ga rage; must ha told quick, hence the very low price. Here is tremendous value; $1000 down. SELLWOOD BARGAIN. $2100 4 rooms and sleeping porch, built 4 rs. ; white enamel plumbing, full cement base ment; sewer paid up ; $4Hl takes il. ANOTHER SELLWOOD HOME. $265t Paved st., sewer and side walks in and paid for; 3 rooms down and 1 up; Just built 1 years; 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet. A fine ho run. only $4 00 down. READ ABOUT THIS HOME. . COMPLETELY FURNISH ED. One yar ago this month t he owner of this home, his wife and little girl all look the "flu" the wife died and the father and little girl are still in a sanitarium. The little girl will live but the fat her Is doubtful. The house was buijt 5 years ago at a cot of $"'.500 5 room bungalow with good attic, finished beautifully inside and out, triple inlaid paneled waits, gas radiator heating system, fireplace, elaborate built-in buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen, full cement basement; furnished complete, even silverware, dishes, etc. One bedroom set in birdseye maple, the other in o!d ivory; late design din ing room set in quartersawed oak. $:;t75 buys the place completely furnished; $7o0 cash or a little less to handle; located on 31st St., Alberta dist. HOME AND LOTS OF CHICKS. $ 1 5o buys good 4-room, house on tMixlnn-ft. lot in Mi. Seott district; 60 chicken., lots of berries; completely fur nished with almost new furniture. Wonderful bar gain $30O down takes the whole business. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $1:050 buys a dandy 5-room home on paved St.; hardwood floors, built-in buffet; very neat and attractive ; trees, lawn and flowers; $looo down. $500 DOWN ALBERTA. $2200 Here is a subs tan tia I 4 room cottage on paved st.. and only 1 block from Union ave. car. Additional room can bo arranged. $50O down. $3150 7-room bungalow -typo borne near l'enlnsula I'ark; built only 4 years; very attrac tive; fireplace, fruit trees, flowers and berri.s: fln-is-hed in white enamel and oak; garage. $750 down. $70 Xea r Peninsular Park : 6 rnom bungalow, on 1 floor: enameled plumbing: full cement basement; splendid buy. $ 1 out) duw n. $205o 5-rooni bungalow, 2 bloeks from A 1 bfTia car on 1 3th st. ; hardw ood floors, built in buffet, built-in closets and seats; full cement base ment; street paved and paid for; modern throughout. $700. .".0 ROSE CITY HOMES. $0Ot 5-room bungalow. J1- hi ks. off Sandy on 72d st. ; while enamel plumbing ; good val ue for the money. $S00 down. $4250 5-room bungalow on 50th st reet ; a I most "tie w ; be; 11 -tlfutiy finished : hard wood floor! and fireplace? very a ttractive. Terms. $4S50 Beautiful bungalow on full corner lot; paved streets: hardwood floors. furnace and fireplace ; Hose Citv. below the hill: 1 blk. north of Sandy; $LHHJ down. HI II R-CA REV CO.. :l Railway Kxehangc. Main 16ii. OPEN EV'GS TILL U O'CLOCK. CIjO.SK in. Ladd add) ( ton : splendid home addition : no bet ter in the city 01 Port -land; I have a strictly modern home of 7 rooms, hardwood floors, lull cement ln.ement. good furnace, splendid plumb ing: garage; improvements all paid; now here It is in a nutshell; 1 have just com pleted t hree homes and know the cost : this home today would cost $H5on. lot cost the owner $2150. total eorft $H50; now you can have this home for ihe price of a litt !e bun ga low, $iOOO; don't overlook -.his ; very word is the truth. THOMAS VIGARS CO., 27" STARK. Mam 30.V. Tabor 7HS1. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW A wonder11! bargain, almost ad joining beautiful Laurelhurst Park; exceptionally large lot ; fruit trees and berries ; full basement ; 7 rma. and don; garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. See or phone J. A. McCARTY. -70' Stark st. Main 17oo. Ev'nga and Sunday, Tabor 5057. BUY FROM OWNER. Tak Irvington car to Prescott wtreet and come to 12 East 15th street North and look at very fine, best of construct ed, sightly appearance, 7-room bungalow type home; fireplace, furnae. hardwood floors, front room white ivory finish, dining room paneled with beam ceiling, fine large concrete garage, paved street and sew er; w a) king distance Jefferson high school; free of Incumbrance; $3000 cash, balance terms. Phone Woodlawn 4 7 S3. ROSE CITY PARK. BEAUTIFUL D UTCH CO LON I A L. $70XO, Here, folk's, is a w onderf ul Dutch colonial, in the very choicest location in Rose City; one block from car: six rooms, den and sun parlor : you will appreciate the real value and beauty in this splendid home. Yet us show you. A. il. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3O02. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. ONE OF IRVIXGTON'S FINEST HOMES. Beautiful 8-room house on 55x100 cor ner, large double ga ra ge, every m ode rn convenience. large and very beautiful i ing and dining room : one FUite with private bath In connection. If you are "SHOPPING." don't bother us; but if you mean business call us up and make appointment to see this. A REAL SAC RIFICE at the price of $13,000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BDWY. 4133. ATTENTION. HOM EBUTERS. $3150 for a dandy 5-room bungalow with attic, driveway and foundation in for garage. We advert ised this Sunda v and sold it this morning. While we can't advertise one like this this morning we will have more before night, so you had better get in touch with us. We have the bargains. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. Main 5S3. 04 Ry. Exchange Bldg- Main 1QQ4. J UST W EST OF PI EDM ONT S42UO. Almost new beautiful 5-room bunga low, extra large room;.thiB bungalow ia exeeptianally well built ami has every modern convlence except furnace. Can be handled on $1000 cash and balance like rent. See this bungalow and com pare It with others. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 30W2. Branch office. 5oth and Sandy. RUT NOW. YOVJ WILL HAVE TO PAY MORE LATER. Beautiful 7-room strictly modern bun galow. 2 lots, garage, nice lawn; this is a real home and exceptionally well built; price ONLY $0500. House alone worth the monev. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BDWY. 4133. HAWTHORNE $4a00. Here Is a nifty bungalow. 6 rooms, all on one floor; hardwood floors, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen, finished in old ivory, cement basement, laundry trays, etc. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 302. Branch office, 30th and Sandy. MUST SELL, OWNER GOING CANADA. Two houses, one 4-room. one 5-room; lot 50x100. now rented for $35 a month; $ 150 each, mortgage $20O0. balance monthlv; total $55O0. This is close In, we-st side, assessed value $3Kt;o. See Brown Biddle. 324 Railway Exchange bldg.. Marshall 3331. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 7 ROOMS: OAK FLOORS THROUGH OUT EN AM EL FINISH. FURNACE. FIXTURES. SHADES: FINE LOT. FOR LESS THAN HOUSE ALONE COULD HE BUILT FOR TODAY. PHONE OWN ER. J. B. M OOR K.TA BOR 332S. t8no o-ROOM BUNGALOW $2800. 50x100 LOT ALBERTA DISTRICT. . Cement basement, cement floor, built-in bookcases, stationary tubs. garage, . SMITH-WAGOJNER CO., Stock Excfc. KAL ESTATE. 1 Of Sale -Uuutoe. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS. $4650. Folks, here is a nifty bungalow home to be proud of hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, etc. ; full lot ; ideal location. You never, never would ex pect to buy such a home now in this elegant district for so little money. Hurry. Let us show you. A. G. TBEPK CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 3092. Branch office, am u and Sand v. don't fxl yourself, pricks are going higher. LAURELHURST Beautiful 7-room bungalow, has absolutely every modern convenience ; If ou are just "SHOP PING," don't bother us; but if you mean business, call us up and let us show you a REAL home; price jrt.M0. baU cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BDWY. 4133. $3150 BUYS a nifty bungalow of 5 good siated rooms and bath first Moor. large floored at tic up. onl y loo feet to Alberta street. Owner poiiiff to Canada and w ill give almost immediate poc eion. .1. A. WICK M AN CO.. Main 5S3. 201 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main loH4. KOR SALE by owner, 5-room eoiomal home. 34 th st.. east side. S Mock pi Richmond car; full cement basement, cement floor, furnace, hard -surface st., all paid for; house in fine shape; $o300; $50O cash, ha I a nee terms. 507 Cnam. of Com. hldg. Mar. 2575. Evenings Wdln. n4;t:s. UNFINISHED HOME BARGAIN. $1 550 buys an uncompleted home on corner lot in 1 rvington 1'arK. This will make a dandy home for some one me chanic enough to finish same. Can make terms. J. A. WIt'KMAN CO.. Main 204 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Main loin. HAWTHORNE. Dandy 5-room bungalow . owner ing city, el-ot-e-in, ail built-iny; J4U0O. $ooo carh, balance to suit. leav price Mr. Jveiiogg. A. J. De FORK ST & CO.. r.20-Sl Henry Bids. Main 2JUn ROSE CITY PARK, ti-room house, lino condition; $00 cash, total price only $425o. Full ce ment have men I . laundry I ra s. furnace, fireplace, 50 x 1 00 lot. t rnit and shade trees; 1 block south of Sani. All im provements In and paid. 47H E. 40th N. $50 ('ASH, bat. easy t-m? ; ba t h. ric trio light, gas. I Hitcii kitchen !auud ry trays, cement basement, all ir. fine condition, 50 x 10O lot. street an! e wer in a rid paid for; good district, nc.tr Walnut Park. '2 blocks to W A ca r; price $2750 a nd a big snap. !! Rodney axe. Tabor S5I. PRICE 0'1,Y 12t0. Good 3-room plastered house In Irving Ington Park ; large liv ing room, built-in kitchen, garage. J OH N SO N-DODSO N CO. , 632-i3:t-634 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Main :i77. huiiurDan Home NEAR MULTNOMAH. ON OREGON ELECTRIC. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW on quar ter acre of ground. SOi3i. Gas. elec tricity. Bull I tun water and other mod ern 'convenicnees. Property fiices on improved county road. Has a number of choir- n:tt I v- trees. Can give posses sion immediately. Kor p;i rt tenia rs see owner at 404 Plan bidg.127 Park st. EXTRA CHOICE COiNTK'l HoME. 2 acres i perfoi t land. loo cho:c ? fruit trees bearing, ll-room. nun g; le . hot a nd void w ater. gas. electric lights a beMUtit nl crove of native trees ne. house; close to school and church and elect rie railway a: h i 1011 ; rt miles Port land court house : pri-e $5uM. ha If cash, balance per ecr.t. You cannot bent this for value. See it. R. M. GATE WOOD IjVP-lth :. 3 ACRES WITH MODE UN Bl" N G A I A W. 3500. TERMS. 3 acres on fine uio road" 3 miles east or city limits; modern 5-room bungalow, French doors and windows. built-ins anu bookcases, fireplace, cit phone; small I en 1 1 s and plent y wood ; in l he spring this place will sell for $ I504I. CLE VELA N D-H EN DERSON C .. 212 Railway Exch. bid. Main f.7V. WISH to get in touch with someone who has few hundred dollars to invest in good little home, near good tow 11. good land, Rood water, good buildings, with modern conveniences, on good road, near good school, dandy mail. Now s our chain-. Write, or see Cyrus Cole. Si I verton. Or., route 4. SUBURBAN HOME S'., acres near N2d si . ; ex I rn good 5 room bungalow ; gas. led 1 icRy ; good barn. Mime fruit. 1 were strawberries, bit la nee all in cul ti va l ion ; only blot ks from er line; t his phtce is .hi idt at home Price nl i".imm; cood l eriws. LUEDDEM ANN C .M PAN V. !13 Chamber id Commerce. choice su huf: ran hom e and acres gc, well located, near car line, from 1MSJ up. Inquire 3d hous nort b of Risl" st;i l ion. on Oregon Cit car line, sigu Alderlook FOR SALE, by owner, home in Maplewood, 3-i-oom house, lot 10oxl21; fruit and berries In abund;ince, bargain. Phuile Main P44L'. No agents need apply. ONE ACRE. 7-room bungalow, barn, large loult ry house, fruit, good wel I ; Gar den Home, r. Inqu ire F. G. Carpen ter's Grocery. IDEAL home. 5 or lit acres. 5-room stor. bouse. fruit. Perries. line equipment. Foster road i paved and Lenox uve. Miie -:st of LeiiLn. Bruce. flUdd HOUSE, acre, henhouse. Harden. Main 3rt7 2. McFarland. lu Yeon bldg. t or Suf -Acrnue. NICE COUNTRY HOME. 14 acres Vhoice land. 12 a. in cultiva tion. 2 a past urf ami timber : 5-room plastered colt j g. . out bui Idi 11 gs : fruit , berries; SO rods from S. P. Ry. sta., 22 miles f rom Portland '. price $3750 ; $750 cash, balance long time, ti per cent. A snap. R. M. GATEWi 01 A: Co., 15J Fourth st. Lih;gedoff l.ANhS, Tracts, 5 acres up. located within 30 ndles of Portland, on railroad; k'"U soil, it. -oc w olent v i f w a ter ! w ork ncwrby ; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $t5 j per acre. LF.UDDEM ANN C .. 113 chamber of Commerce. CLA RKE CoUNT Y. lO acres, level, fenced, on paved road. 1 mile to electric, good buildings ; will exchange $loo equity for a good 5 op i-rooin house up to $3ooO; price $3500. See BROWN & RIDDLE. 324 Railway Exchange, Third and Stark. 5MH ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers omy : easy ternit-. low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location. trms. etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma bldg.. 1 a coma. Wash. sI'BUrVaN HOME ON OREGON CITY. LINK. On rier road, 5 -room plastered house, "i of an acre. 20 fruit t reej. el Met ri lights a nd gas : price $3.Oii. terms. See HRoWN V" RIDDLE. 324 R a i I w a E x . Bh 1 g. .Mai s 1 1 all 3331. ' SAC RI FICE Ideal fruit and chicken ranch, near fc-ugene. every root produc ing: 10 acres. ti' commercial orchard, good build in ss. immediate sale. $35n0; terms. Owner 111 East ti'Jth st. North, evenings. Tabor 7055. 1 U ACRES, just the place for garden, chickens and cow. near Peninsula schooi, pavement into city; will take auto on trade if in good cottdit ion or will t r.ide for other good property. Owner Wdln. AT. ' BY OW N E R. 30 acres. 26 cultivated, balance beaver dam. About 500 feet off paved high way, 11 miles from court house. Sacri fice for cash. For particulars phone Main 4711. No dealers. D )N"t READ unless interested Foothill Ml, rundown; buildings, orchard, stream. bet soil, excellent for all crops; Immedi ate saie, decided snap. $ 1050. Owner. 141 East Oilth North; evenings. Tabor To 55. $5oo PRESENT Beautiful 15, near Vau . couver, nearly all cultivated ; plastered house with concrete basement; special. !m mediate sale. $3500. terms ; worth $4owi. Owner, 141 East O'.uii North; evenings. Tabor 7o55. THREE-QUARTERS acre on auto road j near Ryan station; i hoiee building Kite, j looo; win iukv .mm rami. naiance terms: land high and Hightly; good viuw. See Atchison. 204 Henry bldg. 4 ACRES, all in cultivation, close in: fruit and berries : ti-room house ; exchange for bungalow up to $5000. Owner. Wdln. 41i.i. 720 Prescott. EIGHT acres, right at station, very best of soil, all cleared; a big snap for $ltO0. terms. ii road way 1 60S. 201) Oregon bldg. . 00 ACRES. 25 cultivared ; 25 miles out Oregon Electric : $.Oimj. terms. See owner. 211 Washington bldg., 1 to 0 P; M. fc FOUR acres at Ruby junction. 2 -room shack, one acre cleared, balance fir grove. $2100. terms. Broadway 1G5S L'iftf Oregon bldg. 100x200 AT Rockwood. close to Base Line road ; this Is . a snap for $450. 20'J Ore gon bldg. Bdwy. lti.58. SACRIFICE Improved 11 acres, best land, st ream, near electric ; $3O0. Owner. 1 4t Eapt 6!th nt. N., evenings. Tabor 7055 NINE acres, large fir and cedar, close to station, good soil, $lsoo. terms. Broad way D5.v 2'" Oregon bldg. FoR SALE 10-acre land. 3 acres cleared; 1 acre city property. Fred Vlerick. Clatskanie, Or. FI NE acreage. 1 block f roc ."tat ion, clos, ia, cheap. Owner, Tabor -47i, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Arreasf. OSWEGO 1AKE. One sere. One ruMic bungalow, shade and fruit ireeF; fine view or .awe to station ; $-5. terms. 15 C. bldg. of C. For Sale -larnw. 16o ACRES, 50 acres In cultivation, pood j family orchard. spring i-roy-. Might I v rolling, Al soil, fair buildings "5 acres in tine red fir timber, good auto road to the place. 5 miles to elec tric line, good team and other personal property go with the place at $ti per acre; small payment, easy terms. 0 acres all in cultivation, family or chard, lair buildings, on main road. H miles southeast of Portland; a ph udM buy at $5000. F. B. MADISON. Jlrt Seventh St., Oregon City. i"1- ARKS. 1'- miles from Oregon City ear. on roek road, with 1J aeres in cul tivation. 2 more cleared ready to plow: some fine 1 1111 ber. :i sprins-i and weli ; 12 acre: now seeded to grain, I ' a res in tamil v orchard. 1 acre 111 all kinds of small' lruit, including grapes: 4 -room house, -2 fine barns, blacksmith shop, eemenl fruit cellar, a number of chicken houses, tam ot horses. cows. 2 hell ers, bred: I calf. 3t chickens, new farm wagon, bugrgy. harness, all farm imple ments, '2 incubators, '2 brooders, plenty of hav, kale and carrots for stoek, grain for chickens. AU goes for $;oim; 50i will handle, our own terms on the ba' a nee. See Si r. St rohm. with .1 ih .1 E. Howard. 'MS Chamber of Commerce. 14 ACRES, planted To choice variety of j orchard trees, mostly prune-. all in full pea ring, over 60 j walnut trees, in bet part of 1 Clarke county, about 11 miles I from am ouvcr and 2 miles j from Camas. Good mod-rn ; house, good barn, fruit d ri automobile road to the door. P'!led to sell. For that reason this low figure. Can run you I out 111 my " machine at any J lime and how you the prop-) ert v. For particulars call at 404 Plait bldg., 12i I'ark st. NEWBERG. 10 a-rcs, all in cu' t i vat ion. V"1 acres In black caps, 1 acre op.inberrie. 1 acre assorted t'-yiar-old peach and cher ries, a pples and wa I nuts ; good t- room iiouM. frulthouse. chicken house, pood i.arn; one horse. 2i chickens and imp.e mcnts. This is a cot. place and a mone - maker: price SG5(H, reaonab:s term!-. Mr. Hrj-ard, COE A. McKENNA CO.. b2 4 TH ST. NEAR IllI.LSBOno. ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 7'2 acres. 3S acres in eu'.tivat ion. 12 acrea brush pasture, creek through p ace ; good S-roorn house, barn, granary, too! sh ed , 3 good h or&es and h ar n es. 2 wagons, 2 plow s. cul ti valor, binder, mower, hay rake, seeder and all sma.i tools ; 3 cow s, 5 chickens, i;50 bushe's oa 15 tons, iuiy and some feed: on good gravel road. 17 m'.h-s from Port land. This is a REAL BUY. price M2.0(K. KELIAHLE INVESTMENT CO. 305 OAK ST. BDWY. 4133. TfiO ACRES $1250. $25 cash. $75 semi-annually buys thisj Hio acres of rough hind, about 3d acres j of w h.i h are tillable and ;ili klnus of alder, fir and cedar timber; large - t room frame house, well coiist'rtic ted. w ith j running water piped to the porch, and an old barn; ! miles from Wilb-mina. 3 . niils otf of a ro k road: bouse lnn cannot be duplicated for the entire price . asked. Fred W. German Co.. 733 Cham of Commerce. : WALNUT, KRANQUETTE GRAFTED i 3i acres, US aer.-s in grafted EngM-h j walnuts with peach, apple and prune for fillers; soil Al, gently Tolling: new ; room house, large barn, storage tor fruit, toolshed. fine w e l of w ater piped 10 hou.-e and barn: short distance to hign schooi. rod hard-surfaced, within a lew t.,inl-il var.ls and will be finished son ; price $ 1 2", 000. best buy in t h is s-eel ion. I See me at once, Mr. Ilesard. I COE A . McKENNA CO.. S2 ITH ST. j ' F 1 N K LITTLE FARM AT I A SACRIFICE PRICE 2 acres. ALL IN CULTIVATION:; i;.e.d set of ne buildings. mile to I iregon electric raiiwa ; Rood team oi 1 horsts and all the tarm machlncrv ard I inoN- a No gas en sine and grinder: m-lex t. Portland, price ONLY $4 25J. $5dO cash I RELIABLE INVESTM KNT Co. 3M5 oAKjjT. HDWV. 4 133. 1 W ILL sell or exchange for decirai'.-- res- , iib iilial property in Poetlami. h' ; r s i.f except tonally ;iood A I her: a v- he.u 1 1 "mo n. i-.-k otiier u 1 1 i :i t Km. gO'd 1 t.tiihiinu -. . w ork horses, full outfit of inachiii- rv. wuh extra plow-, h.irrows. seed I'tid feed fir spring work, pr.ee Iii.iioo; no inflaicd values will be con sidered in exchang-v Write V. C. Gif ford. ciiauviii. Alberta. r phone Ta bor ts4. Stevens. NEA H HILLSR' R' . ALL STl CK ED AND E',l " 1! ' PED. 2 1 11 cres, a 1 ! In cult 1 vat ion ; goo . m.iilt lii.u.-e. barn and nilur o.ithut d i.i.. -m.d team liorso. 3 ei,s, 1 he; 'Vr calf' " chicken-. 1' tons ol ha. 1 frrai'n and all farm machinery and t ,.n good Ki' road , price S $301 Ml C"rELIAHLE INVESTMENT Co.. :tU.-. QAK ST HDWY. 4133. ;s A'R ES. A-1 ranch: 50 acres in hops, lO acres clover. 1 acres sowed to oats, fine orchard, good s-rootn house, barn, outbuildings, bunk houses; A-1 3-kiln hop house: w ell ejuippcd farming Im plements; 4 good horses ; j nd le from flanks and S. P. depot. 1 mile from United depot; good sehoo'. high school and churches: $3oo ier a-re; will make terms. LatiKs Hop ,.. Banks-, or Y K I M A V A I .LEY alfa tfa and t nut )a -ing I rom 2t" $looo profit Pt acre; government w a ter. cheap maintenance, continuous flow ; lo acres, good house, barns, silo, on river l nit . deep oil, close to tow n and school, line iocs t in ; price for quick sale $325o. terms. Ijtrce ami stnu U ia rms on easy term ,. llo ei , Central Yakima Ranches Co., Main P.ti3. 5lJ Selling bldg. NKVK COLUMBIA RIVER AND HIGHWAY, teres oi fine land. Id Hcres c'.rcd. 17 1 or 15 acres open past u re : etiougn w"md on place lo pay for elaring im balance; fair house and ha rn : all iind-r ood fence Price $5.Vio. cajr RELIABLE INVESTMENT Co.. 3U5 OAK T. HDWY. 4133. NEAR COTTAOE I ROV E. S270O, S lOOO cash, bn s a 1 0-a're ranch. P"' acres tillable. 40 under cul tivation. .''Oll.OdO feet of n.iw timber, familv "orchard, r.-room houe. hrge i.rnM. chicken bouse, smoke bouse. ,(g house, al! fenced: 7 mihs to Vni'ral!a. t l-"rd W". Oerman Co.. 7f.3 Cham, of Com. I I'TTTt SA LE IOO ari s, out b v Nort II j Plains, about 10 acres under cu i i-1 ion. j with 2 -room house and but n. n nd nt her j out ou i Id i ngs, sm!l orchard for f:i in t ly j ns count v road right by phiee. Price j $ 'imhi Might consider a t r;i i t a .1 or drop a card to 1 1 7'J Mnlden ave. I'ark wood. Oregon. C. L. .Tone!. V I V K FA R M X E A R X E W H E EG. 140 acres on Willamette river, mil from highway, and station on good rck road: id acre level. 40 acres in crop: big money to be made in t i :nbrr on place; Ideal location and surroundings: no building. Price $12.3tH: terms $t;:,oo cash, balance to suit. Owner. E W23. t re gonia n. FOR SALE Near Shoshone. 1 24 acres ; irrigated1. Seventy acrs in -u 1 1 i va t ion : fity acres alfalf;i: good wat'-r right; house, barn, granary, root cellar, cis tern: school five minutes" walk: grange, rural delivery; good roads. Cheup for iuick sale. John M. Price, Shoshone, Idaho. . OWNER will tH lO-acre Turin and build ings 13 miles from Portland, on electric line ; 1 '--acre orchard, be a ring plums, prunes, apples, pears, cnerries; idea! for pigs, chickens, small fruits. Magnificent view. Cash or terms. D. Q. MeOomb, 11 i Princeton ave.. Plrm Ingham, A la. FOR SALE Absolutely best 40-acre al falfa tract, on Umatiila project, two sets of buildings with garage and power house; ideal proposition for one or two famllle. Write for information and prices- S. D. 1- Ross. Her mis ton. Or. A BA RGA I N. BY OWNER. Ml acres, close to Oregon City, 1 j- tn i -it .1 acres cleared. "O easy to clear. limber enoush lo pay half; S5 an acre. terms or trade. Sellwood 2251. i 5r-ACRE small farm. level. cleared, fenced, small house, near Wiliamina, $1350; $150 cash, terma J. R, Sharp, 831. 3d st. 40 ACRES, 12 cleared, balance timber, good house, fair barn, outbuildings, or chard, close to Sandy; $1250, $750 down. Sickness, have to sell. Write Geo. Beers, Sandy. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCH KS. near i'ortiana. i" -uo per acre, easv terms; best soil. Farms for sale, a.il si7- McFarland. tW2 Yeon bldg IO ACRES good orchard, house, ail out buildings. Bull Run water: located ju.-t south of Lents. 6131 2d t. i. Thomas Alien. SEE PEPER RICHARDS for bargains in farms and sniaii acreage, alfalfa, grain, dairy and stock : farms ot ail sizes. 50S Buchanan B:dg. STOCK RANCH A40 acres. 24 miles from Portland, fine roads. 2 streams on place; bargain at $13. AO per acre. Terms to suit. V 3, Oregonlan. FOR SALW One of the best farm in Clarke county. 55 acres. N. M . Zimmer man. 114 W. 3d St.. Vancouver. W a-s h L.OGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running d soil. tillable; employment; 1 WANT ere or half acre in or near wood i. J. K. Shaj-pe, SV Gd sU J awn. Call Woodlawn 32U. water, good easy terms. UKAI i:STATKL For Sale larnw. THE SECOND PERSO.V WHO looked at the 4. acres in the I mrqu.i vallv I advertised ast week bought 11. because he found it as adertis.d and a property ot merit and possihilit -. 1 have a tract of 5o at n s 'los- to ths 4' acres, which I personally inspected, and can fullv rc-onnnt-nd. The location is good. The l'a'ifj hlg'i -wav forms the w est line and only 1 in lie from a good tow n. v it h high and grade sehooli-. stores, bank and depot, on the S. 1 line. The 3' acres are level without a wt acre., and w it h a rmall erecK rnnmn across it- All Inclosed in hg -tisht 'e-.n snd divided into three lb Ids. The soil is free black ln.im. deep and try fcrt'b . o acres arc plowed ready tor spring crops. The l acres us- d f..r p:istuw arc in light brush and some me map'--, ca y c. cared snd w ondcr fully ieri i io soil. The place is finely suited f.r a ?m!l dair'v, poultr, ?ome hog. garden. b 1 -ries "and fruit. Corn is grown with mi-cps.-, Strawberries and hcaiiherries exceptionally well and pa 1 rotn 5"i per act-.- Hi-- The hutldfn s are new. srna'l barn o! 4 ?tails. hog ho:i:- chicker; house, wood shed. The dwelling is really the begin inns of a larger home. It is storic Hi the 1 irst floor is a larce kitchen. pantr. back porch. The upper two bedrooms, It cost $ . This proper t v belongs to a v nnijci w ho f inds it hard to keep it up w it -hired help and ha put the price below actual value. only $ ."". with t'rnis of LvOOO ca.h and assume Jl.fioO in a 20 -year loan. The ba re land is ca-i ' y worth $2t per acre. Mad N N ES t PR ATT. 113 Board ot" Trade BUl . Portland, or. al.VM HI A HIV EU VIEW SUBURBAN HOME AND PRUNE ORCHARD. . Consist 1 ng of 16 acre-, most all I in bearing I ta ' hi 11 prunes. with I well-equipped prune drier, good 7 -room hous-. good barn.' stone cellar, very best of loam soil, cit water and electric power line pMM the place. i om maud1- wondcrfu i v iew of Portland, I. al--'I on paved North Bank highway, oijy 3 niile 1 rom Vancouver. Clarke on nt . . Washington; price $t5iMi. ha If cash. THOMPSON. SWAN v LEE. Third and M iin St-. " a n eo u v e r, Washington. PAY; FOR THIS FARM FROM THE CROPS. Absent owner authorizes the trad o a tine tarm at Hood River; 40 hal f in bearing com mercial orchard.--; fine water supply, creek; building.s goou ; tin location near high way ; a. splcnd d property and worth 25.ot0: w ili take, .ess; as a first payment on may apply 1 sn.all piece citv property, preferably res idence, and wilt give responsible party rhanc to pav for the place from cropi This is one of Jie finest opoortuniti J today to step into the ownership 0; a n uii usual propertv with seller t a king a I 1 he chancer. Submit in writing w ha ; you have; also siat' experience or rej -ernces. O 32d. ircgman. IO ACK ES. jt3HtU. M god house. Kb Hand. 002 barn, prune Yen bldg. KREE FARM farms. Pat; . . .. - WWTI " lists. San .Toad u in vi Ro?sir. S'.oek ton. Cal. !ley -REM. ESTATE. WAN f ED. WEST SIDE PROl'U.ltTY. For C.isli. We have clients who a re-w i' in .0 pay ail cash for well I-eated proper! y close in ti business cert :er. No use submitting propositions unless you are willing to make at l raet i e p-ice. F. E. TA Y LOR CO.. PE( iPLlH Y FLOR. IIL I EA LEI, VRY RLDG (iKMl'M MV SYSTEM 1 : ing houses get 1 e- sults; It nilglit be to your advantage to list w it h me. I louse filing is my suecia ity. Your hou.e wid he gl en pi ..p.-r at t Mit iimi WATCH OCR AI'S. W E GET RESULT C W'ARRlNF.i:. RITTE1I. LOWE .v. 0. .'Ul-3-5-7 Hoar.l f Trade II. dg I NCOM 1 PROPERTY W A NT ED. Wren good incoi.o tr .1 o. rtno nt -liousr. pr.i rt in pre f.-r red ; ha ve ttTi ' l"v" . ie.-.r of lieht. price JT-Vimmi. rt : good lull riier. mom h income , u i t f r.-Tice. HKI.I A RLE .to.", o K ST. w ill assume 1 N EST M F.N T C ltK A1W AY 1 13.1. W A N TED-One to f i e. arris, w - II im proved, on hard - surf ace or p:t ed road, i en r electric station, not more than 3 minutes' rid to Portland; i.msi have modern t-ix-room house in good r pair; pro i ert v must he w v H ! oca t ed ; st :-1 w -act location autl cash prh . T 51 . -'- W A NT ED FROM oWNF.R. A modern 5-ro-.m l;ing;iltw on p d d i ret . ga r.ige. t if., uric . t.V I lil 'v .d ivr :.i. lo:s. vaiuo !. (Mi. Hi ' irs; terms on ta!iiic' j N T ERST AT E Main 17 13 r . i ,i v.n a o M r I -h-h ( em !a b r. 1 N V U.STM KNT co . lio 'I, my Hldg. OUR busine..-, i selling east-siue propel i and we arc not siow in o- :ng il ii ir.t t is reasonable. Lost our bungalow s ami iioii.-s and flats liiid lots and 1umiics! prop. rtv w it h u. J. .1. oElF.R Co. 4 Grand Ave. N . Near E .r.l- READ Till.-. mt i J o ni who at- in the tna i buv Wilhuii-t ! alley farnii .-ti mnes i i oi iniio ; inad .-d Hcreac- loar III" city, mid ie. We kel to s it bin mi pro sira Itle house: U lo .i. W. X U sell 41(licKlv. Write t:. m . ;.ti:vi " d a. Ttli; c.MSY : call. t (15 rEM. S Mai eoinmis-ioli to sell tr.ooo or under. We w a modest way t it. 1 1 w e a i : heme for t io say in a show ing hoiiir s t et V da . MUTUAL I1KAI.TV Co 12H N. W. P.ank H.dg IMIMIOYF.D CRF.i;E WANTED. We hjivc sever.i I p- ople wanting vmr.il pia-es near tow ns or cit v w it :i payroll. Must have builtllng and -man pavim-nt down. AI buyers lor cheap pa'-cs neiir Portland. JoiiN' FER'.l US' A. ( iTlnmT lddg. 1 1 our ranch for s:i'e. mail full de scription or can ai oniee. ( .... ranches ar.- good: 1- t us hioe your ranc.i while we have buors. Get vour prirj r.ght, ternit ou will acce;.i ; we will do the rest. Coe A. McKcmia o.. S2 Jth st. W NTEl M odcrn 5 -room bungalow, be- tween Hiiwihornc and Sunnysnlc car. not over S35oo; $5oo ash. good monthly payments on balance. MUTUAI- RE A LTV CO.. 12H N. W. B:ink Bldg. Main Ihl.t. hTvT" cTTriNT b"t II ST R I 'TLY M Ol" "ERN IRVINGTON HoM E. CAN PAY 'pOIXDEXTER. 20S SELLING HLDG. M A 1 N 1 Son. 1 : 1 :S 1 1 F. N ' ' K. 27 1 -2 HVE CLIENT Ft"R LARGE Al'ARl MENT HOUSE OR HOTEL. PART CSH. PART TMAI'K. PC 1 ND EXTER. 20S SELL1 NG Hl.l ;. M A I X 1 Mid. It I'.Sl DENCi;. 27 1 -20 LIST vour farm, close-in acr;ige arid c ; propertv with me; 1 wi'.I give you se v -b e Will Inspect and appraise your prop erty Auto. C. E. Adams. .".o7 Chum, o: Com. tJlg. Marsh.iil -575. W A XT ED Modern houe, t r 7 rooms, jioitd condition. Irvington. Ro City Park or Piedmont: no inflated prict ' owner only. Give address and phone. M !;ts. iiregonian. $4000 CASH for best 5 or f.-mum strict. modern house, good district, full lot. we-1 of 5dth. near Hawthorne; quick ,.ct ion. Phone Mar. 332 4. Lombard K im ha1'. Stock Exchange bidg. ll-" PEN hAHl.K client wants modern room bungalow to $5oop; small payment down and $50 or t,n per month. MVTl AL REALTY CO.. 1-lf V. W. Bank Hldg. Main 14:. IF YOU ha.e a house for a. lUt at on. f with us. we wi'l be pleased to advertrse and sell it for ou if your price is rlgliL. peper i Richards. 5QS Buchanan bld. 1 M LOOKING for a bargain in a house, with a large lot preferred: will consider place needing repairs; am not an ageut; state rarticuiar. E 92 ti. Oregonlan. ti OR 7-ROOM modem house w ith in 15 blo'-ks of P.tb m Hawthorne distru d. Price must be right; with terms. V ., t iregoniun. ., , . W NNT to rent or buv a few acres suitabia for chicken raising; mnd have soma building: call SellwoodMHV WANTBD lagged -off land. Improved or unimproved, ir. iarze or small tracts, i'liari'-s D'-lfe1.. 3P Railway Exchange. W NT ED l-ot 50x1 OO, pa ved street . 1 rv -ington or A'ameda district; must be eheau wlil pav cash. R 304. Orcgoman. or 7-room noute on or;n- oast side. 40 Morris st. Last tiJK,. MODERN 5 or fi-ronm lovue or bungaiow