14 TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1920 SI! REJECTS BOND BIOS f r r r ftjrr rrr I 1 uners tor soU.uuu issue ian Called Too Low. CONTRACTORS ON CARPETi Builder of Pier No. 2 at St. Jolms Terminal Asked to Account for Delay in Construction. Only seven bids were received by the dock, oommisison yesterday for the $7500 bond issue advertised for sale k'fbruary 'i. and all seven bids '5 rejected as too low. The high- bid fit.omitted was $709,200 for the i issue. New bids will be called for immediately. The issue of $750,000 harbor devel opment bonds is for the continuation through the next few months of nec essary work already under way in the harbor. Projects whose continuation is to be financed by this bond issue include the completion of piers 1 and - of the St. Johns terminal, comple- lion of the 1.00.0. 0U0-bushel grain ele- vator. the dred.ging of the two ships j at tne m. Jonns terminal ana tne im- ; 1 provement of the roadway at the Fif- j teenth-street terminal. ; ftenift ot In Estimate. 1 The proposed construction of bunk- ars at the St. Johns terminal and ad ditional steel tanks for the storage of oriental oils, molasses and similar commodities in bulk are not included in the expenses to be covered by this issue. Elliott & Scoggin. contractors re sponsible for the completion of pier 2 at the terminal, were called on the carpet at yesterday's special meeting of the commission of public docks and asked for a definite statement as to the prospects for the completion f the pier, which is sorely needed for the assembling of lumber and other freight for offshore shipment. I'ilins; Shortage Pleaded. Xo definite statement was forth coming, however. the contractors pleading a shortage of the long piling required in this construction. It was estimated that BOO feet of the pier will be serviceable within two mon tli s. The next meeting of the commission will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. DELIVERY DATES ADVANCED l'ivc Wooden Steamers Not Com pleted on Scheduled Time. Tentative delivery dates for the five wooden steamships remaining to be completed in the Oregon district have been advanced by the wood ship con struction division of the emergency fleet corporation, because of the fail ure of builders to complete their ves sels on scheduled time. The date for the completion of the wood ship building programme of the fleet cor poration in this district has been ad vanced from February 16, the date previously set for the delivery of the steamer Cartona by the Peninsula Shipbuilding company, to April 19, the new date set for that event. Other ship deliveries have been postponed as follows: Steamer "Mun ra. e'.Jorge F Rodgers & Co., from January 1 6 to Kt bruary 11; Wonahbe, Ueorge F. Rodgors & Co.. from Janu ary 20 to February 27; Koynton. Coast Shipbuilding company, from February 14 to March 10: t'orone. Peninsula Shipbuilding company, from February 1- to March 23. Besides the two steamships shown in the above list, the Peninsula Ship building i-ompany has also to deliver two barkentine hulls, which have been taken over by the supply and sales division of the emergency fleet corporation for sale. Thr first of these, the fossa, is to be launched at 11 o'clock Monday morning. SEAMEN It E-ELECT OITTCEUS In ion Adjourns After 10-Ia Ses sion in San I'ranelsco. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Jan. 23. Andrew Kurusetli of s;tii I rancisco was re-elected president and all the other officers returned without op position at the convention of the In ternational Seamen's Union of Amer ,icn which stood adjourned today after a 10 days session here. Kuruseth of San Francisco and Os- cur Carlson of New York were se Icctetl as representatives of the union at the international seafarers con vention in Kuropo next summer. Philadelphia was named as next convention city after a closo contest against Boston and New York. The following were chosen dele gates to the next convention of the American Federation of Labor: - An drew Furuseth. John Clark, Thomas Conway, Daniel Ingraham, William Sown and David E. Grange. fell 1 ARI PliOBK COXT1M KS Report of Federal Grand Jury Xot tOxpoctctl for Some lays. SKATTL.E, Wash.. Jan. 23. Investi gation by a federal grand jury in toe.-ision here of alleged frauds in Pa cific coast shipyards, had not been completed when the jury recessed at 4:30 i M., it was believed. While a number of witnesses were called dur ing the day. members of the United States district attorney's staff would not disclose whether they had ap peared in connection with the ship yard probe. A number of routine liquor and drug cases were taken up, it was said. It was stated unofficially after the session that a report on the alleged frauds might not be expected for sev eral days. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. r3. (Special.) While regulations preclude any idea of a race, shipping circles are watching with interest the voyage of the shipping board's .tapanese-DUiu steams-hips Eastern Pilot and Eastern Craig from Japan to Seattle. both vessels having sailed on the same clay, January 0. They are due here next Thurs day. The Eastern Pilot. oOOO deadweight tons, steamed from Kobe, while the East ern Craig. tHiO deadweight tons, departed from Yokohama. Uoth have full cargoes. They are making the voyage under iden tical conditions. ani while not engaged in a race, both masters will make the best ..peed possible, as a ship's time is worth much' money at present. Cable advices that the ships should ar rive here next Thursday were recevied to day from Japan by the Seattle branch of Suzuki & Co., which has charge of the' de livery of the new carriers to the shipping board. Seattle representatives of Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Mail Steamship company. Limited, were advised by cable from the head office of the company in Tokio today that the four passenger liners, Katori Maru, Suwa Maru. KashJma Maru and Ku-shlmi Maru, which were diverted from t lie Yokohama - London Liverpool route during the war, wiil continue to ply in the tnir.. -.'"--; t:.d I'ir'n; li.'j". It wss I'r-o ,niir,,n"ii '.bl. . ; DOCK CMS be supplemented during the year by j freighters and vessels with limited passen ger accommodations as needed. Three vessels of the Oaka Shosen Kat sha. the steams li ips A rabia Man. Malay Maru and Chicago Maru. will arrive in Seattle from the orient the first six days of February, according to advices received j today by w. C. Dawhon & Co., agents of 1 the company in this city. fiRAYS HARHOn, Wash., Jan. (Spc-I., I ciaD The sasoiine tug Florence b. moored ; 'oo' o " hireei, i-augni lire irora '' caU( at 5:45 oviock um ; of about $2."..M. The hull and superstruc i lure of the vessel were gutted. The loss i was covered by insurance. Richard Ultican ' ? is owner. The fightinjr of the fire was j i sallons of distillate were aboard the craft, , Major V. J. P. Simpson, expert consult- j general freight was completed at 8 j Ins engineer of Seattle, arrived here yes-. o'clock yesterday morning and long terday and is consulting with members of shoremen pmmpH work fnr thp firat , the port commission resarding plans for ; tim. elnrtl. harbor iraprovent, which are under con- : ,""?. S,lnC th,e b freighter went on sideration berth last Saturday night. The speed The Defender, schooner, is loading at ' shown in loading the Abercos estab , the K. .K. Wood mill. Later the Defender I lishes a new record for the port. Suc- will shift to the Lytle mill. . j cessive relavs of longshoremen had 1 The steamer Grays Harbor of .San Fran- I been emnlnvo.1 h.r rar.fnilv In lng and Is loading at the Lytle mill at'". . " , "'"'" Hoquiam. line oriental service, which calls for The steamer Bee cleared today for Hono lulu with a mixed cargo of building: ma terial. The following: vessels have been char tered to load lumber on Grays Harbor: Fort Bragg, steamer, to Valparaiso; Muriel, schooner, to Cullao. lie steamer fhehalis arrived this after- noon from San Francisco and is loading at the American mill at Aberdeen. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 2:4. (Special.) The steam sehoaner Daisy Matthews sailed at 111 this morning for San Francisco with a full cargo of lumber from Knappton. The steam schooner Tiverton sailed at 9:50 today for San Pedro with a cargo of lumber from Westport. The barken'ine George U. Hind arrived at S:'lt this morning from San Francisco in tow of the tug Relief and wlii load lumber at Portland. The barge Isaac Reed, which lias been lying in the lower harbor for several days, sailed at :l:45 this afternoon for British Columbia in tow of the tuir Relief. f " ,l? '""'nT,"" ll? ,r.e'tprhl ""I', Tr.7n PouIc.n suited at r.:0 today for San Fran- cisro. The steam schooner Sutitiaui, laden with a full cirgo of lumber from the Ham mond mill, .sailed al 1 2;30 today for San Th " , schooner San Jacinto arrived at :.o today from San Kranciscp and went to Westport to load lumber. After taking on :tr0.OU0 feet of lumber at Knappton. the steam schooner Santa Bar bara shifted to Westport at 0 o'clock last night. PORT TOWXSE.VD, Wash., Jan. 23. (Special.) With a cargo of copra, rattan and rubber, the British steamer Bundarra arrived today from Liverpool via Calcutta, Guam and Honolulu, procaeding to Seattle after receiving pratique. After discharg ing she will pass into the control of the Chllberg interests at Seattle, when her registry will be changed and she will fly the American flag. With her deck piled high with lumber ! and general cargo in her hold, the W. R. ' Grace steamer Santa Alicia sailed today for the went coast of South America. Her lumber cargo totals about 2, 000,000 feet. Returning from the west coast, she will bring ore and nitrate to Tacoma and Du pont. Travel to California is showing a marked increase since the holidays. All steamers sailing south carry a larg-er number of passengers than usual. The Governor, sailing today, carried nearly 400 passengers to be distributed at her several ports of call in California. Bids lor alterations to the Japanese built steamer Eastern Moon were received last night by the United States shipping board. The alterations to be made con sist? of supplying of appliance shortages, renovating and installing larger bunks for crew's quarters and supplementary items of equipment required under snipping board regulations. The bids were tele gruphed to Washington, from where the award will be made. Preparing for the tourist travel next season to the far north, the steamer North western is being overhauled and refitted. Steamship men anticipate heavy tourist traffic next summer and this erly are making extra preparations to handle it. After undergoing a general overhauling the Alaska Steamship company's steamer Ketchikan sailed this morning for Cordova In command of Captain J. Newlands. She will carry but little freight. Returning she will bring copper ore from Kllamar for the Tacoma smelter. TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 13. (Special.) Tt was a hard night on the veteran mari ners of the Santa Alicia, of the CJrace line, they declared this morning after review ing the happenings of the affairs that occurred ju.-t prior to the departure of the ship for San Krancisco. Along about mid night as John Miller, longshoreman, passed out of the galley after eating a "nnai:k," lie stumbled from th- dock to the beach below and broke his leg. The ambulance was called by Admiral Chestcy, of the (race company. Miller was taken to the hospital. In the meantime Patrol lriv-r Rivard had lost his overcoat about the dock and in the search he went down and traveled with Miller to the hospital. "Vice Commodore" Hen Peterson, in trying to gel help for Miller, collided with a timber on deck and was found unconscious by lu mates, but tint thought seriously hurt. Cap tain Lindholm got aay declaring iliat he would not look back until he made San Prancisc.o. It is reported that the Santa Inez, thli trip north, will put into San Francisco to discharge some nitrates for Portland firms bofore. coming to Tacoma. to discharge She is .iue within a few days. .lust at the present time there is a dearth of shipping at Tacoma though next week a number of vessels are sc hod tiled J to arrive from the orient and east coast ports, 1 The bill passed by the senato today , authorizes the shipping board to pay 1 claims of wooden shipbuilders for lossea incurred through cancellation of informal contracts after the arm is ice was signed, will mean much to Tacoma builders. The Tacoma Shipbuilding company has a claim for I ihh; the Wright shipyards $ pMt.orm and Harbare Brothers $4uo.OO. The Sr;ihin ".i Sh Ipbpild ing company will have a claim on two vessels. The tueamship Governor of the Admiral line which sailed for the south Friday, dis charged 1MM :-cks of sugar here and ioaied TOO tons of freiglvt. The Admiral line ves sels a re hand ling an unusual amount of freight from Tacoma at the present time. The Robin tlray is due in port some time Saturday, to load copper for the orient. The Pacific Steamship company is oper ating the vessel this voyage. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 23. (Special.) The Admiral line steamship benator. Captain-M. A. Sohst, arrived from Connto via Mazatlan and other ports today, com pleting the first return voyage to tne Latin-American ports since installed in the service. Aboard was Captain R. J. Paulson, special representative r of the company, wno maae tne rouna trip on the Senator to m vestigaie me pojsmi uimies of the extension of the company's steamer service to the ports of the lower coast. Under sealed orders" the . giant army transport M uunt v ernon sat lea trom an Krancisco at 7 o clocK tnis morning un der command of Captain C. J. Bruguiere. To all outward appearances, the Mount Vernon is bound for ladivostok. hiberia. If Vli-trcii vostok is her destination, she , will undoubtedly touch at Honolulu, Ma nila and possibly Nagasaki and Guam. All records for coaling in this port were broken when she took aboard 7100 tons of coal In a little more than 30 hours. The tug Storm King, the largest craft of its kind on the coast, arrived from Balboa via Salina Cruz today, making the passage in 17 days. Captain Titch worth reported that the new craft had proved herself one of the best deep water tugs afloat. That San- Francisco is sadly in need of more ships for the trans-Pacifio passen ger service was proved today when the T. K. K. liner Tenyo Maru sailed for the orient via Honolulu with every stateroom filled and a considerable list of names on the w aitiug list. In thf hope of se curing accommodations at the last mo ment, a number of persons had their bag gage Drought down to the pier, placed on the ship and then waited for some pass enger to cancel a reservation at the last moment. Two lucky persons thus ob tained their transportation. There were 37 in th first cabins, fl in the second class and 398 Asiatics in the steerage. The ship was laden to the 32-foot load line forward, and every pos sible pound of merchandise had been stowed in the holds. COOS BAY, Or., Jan. 23. (Special.) The Ray Park Lumber company today an nounced the sate of the G. C. Lindauer, which has been carrying lumber for the company for the past three years, to Olson & Mahoney of San Francisco. The Lin- dauer will be put on coastal lumber trans porting between San Krancisco and the Cape Mendocino district. Captain Mickelsen, who is now master of the vessel, expects to go to the Atlantic seaboard and take command of a vessel plying to Europe. The Lindauer will be replaced for a time by the Daisy Free man and eventual.; by the Yosemlte. The gasoline schooner Tramp departed th Is a i'ternoon n t I for Rogue river with general merchandise. IMS LOADED QUICKLY XKW RECORD ESTABLISHED IX PORT OF PORTLAXT. . . ueI laken On in Preparation for Trans-Atlantic Sailing After Trial Run Today. The loading of the 8500-ton steel steamer Abercos with a full cargo of ....... n . The Abercos took on fuel oil for her trans-Pacif ic voyage last night and will go down the river this morning for her trial run at sea and then for the far east. All the usual commodi ties of export to the orient, including lumber, flour, naner. steel, machinery. (chemical fertilizer and canned goods. are represented in the cargo of the Abercos. The next oriental sailinjr in the service of the Pacific Steamship com pany is set for February 15, and will be taken by the steamer Pawlet. which is soon to be delivered by the G. M. Standifer Construction corpora tion. The steamers Waban and Wawalona of this line are both expected to ar rive with oriental cargoes during February. The Waban will be con tinued in the service, and the "Wawa lona will probably be released as a flour carrier to Europe. BARKENTINE MAKES REPAIRS George C. Hind Goes Into Dock for General Overhauling. The barkentine George U. Hind, chartered from her owners. Hind, Rolph & Co., by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. to carry lumber from the Colum bia river to South Africa, arrived in Portland harbor late last night. She will go on drydock here for over hauling, caulking and painting be fore loading. The barkentine was brought from San Francisco by the tug Relief, which dropped at Astoria the barg Isaac Reed, which she had in tow at the time, and made a special trip to San Francisco after the George U. Hind. Leaving the windjammer at Astoria yesterday, the tug picked up the barge and continued on her way to Vancouver. B. C. SALE OF SHIPS IS ADVOCATED Private Operation of American Merchant Marine L'rged. WASHINGTON". Jan. 23. Private operation of the American merchant marine, under supervision of the ship ping board, was urged Thursday by A. F. Haines, vice-president and general manager of the Pacific Steamship company, at the senate commerce committee hearing on permanent shipping legislation. Sale to private American operators of the government's merchant fleet was recommended by Mr. Haines, who proposed creation of a federal mer chant marine corporation as a selling agency. It would have authority to issue $3,000,000,000 of 5 per cent bonds as a means of selling the vessels on long-time credits. Sailor Jumps Overboard. ABKRDKEX. W a s h., Jan. 23. Peter Ian, a sailor, aged 32. jumped overboard from the schooner De fender when she was three days out from drays Harbor and wats drowned, according to Captain Kurt I Krickson. who brought the Iefender into port today from llilo. Dan shipped trom Seattle. He is believed to have been insane. lMiiiesne (iocs 1 nlo Drydock. The fjhipping" board steamer Du el uesne, wh ich came here recently in ballast from Honolulu, did not start loading flour yesterday as was ex pected, but will go on drydock for her annual overhauling first, it was announced by C. 1". Kennedy, agent of the operations division of the fleet corporation. Movement?- of Ve;el. PORTLAND. Jan. 2li Arrived al I A. A., steamer Rose City, from San Fran cisco; arrived at T A. M., steamer Oleum, from Port San Luis; arrived at 1 1 :30 I'. M., barkentine George I . Hind, from San Francisco; sailed at midnight, steamer Colonel K. U. Drake, for San Pedro. HONOLCLi:. Jan. 22. Sailed British M. S. Challamba, from Portland for Alex andria. ASTORIA. Jan. 23. I.cft up last night, steamer Oleum, from San Luis: arrived at 8:30 and left up at 11:40 A. M.. bark entine George t", 1 Had, from San Fran cisco: sailed at 0:50 A. M.. steamer Tiver ton, for San Pedro; arrived at 0:"0 A. M.. steamer San Jacinto, from San Krancisco. and left up at 11 A. M.; sailed at 12:30 P. M.f steamer Santiam, for San Pedro; sailed at 10:0.ri A. M., steamer Daisy Mat thews, for San Pedro; sailed at 3:li P. M., steamer Johan Poulsen, for San Krancisco: sailed at 3:30 P. M.. tug Relief towing barge Ittaac Reed, for Vancouver, B. C. SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. Arrived at 8 last night, steamer Santa Monica, from Columbia river; arrived at II last night, steamer Tahoe, from Portland. SAN PF.DRO. Jan. 23. Arrived last night, steamer Yellowstone, from Colum bia river. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 23. Arrived Steamers O. A. Smith from Coos bay; Ad miral Schley from Seattle;. Senator from Corinto; Elizabeth from Bandon ; Storm King from Salina Cruz. feparted Steamers J. A. Moffet for Se- UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS A 24 72. 777. 942. ut4. H70. 950. 964, 095, Util. !M4. B 13 ''. 227. 908. 4S4. 172, 100, 136. C !7.' 404. I) is7, 133. OC5. 93S. 3t. 113. 130. 839, 138. 91 '. K S43. 001. f9. 925. S4S. 44. 8GO, 969. 522, 7:;o 840, S4. :!;;. I- 5:;l !MW!, 577, S73, S97. OSS. I t; !71 Sill, a5. 932. 945. 972. 940. RIW 989, I 7tiS.' 974. Illll. H 503, 5li5, 021. 4Sti. 97S, 502. 304, S04, 490, 617. 45.7. 5X5, 5SI J 531. 577. 1S5. 672. K S!I5, 909. 9S9. 971. 97S, 997. S91, 917, 998. U 073. 577. 938. 579. 34S. I4!HI NSt;. 995. 531. 331. 3. S97. js7r,5 017. 018, 941, 334. 333. O 3"2.' IOT. S2S. 107. 82. 635. K 959. 322. 234. 305. S 851 050. 5H0, 593. 4R1, 524. X 577 5SII. 4111, OSN. ..NO. 4IIO, o31. V 905 90S '.md. 905, 903, 9K9. W 94 4 910. 19. 940, 491. 942. 941. X 9 S71. 97. 409. 413. 411. 479. 482. V 1S5. 175. 909, 941. 170. AH 179. - 41.1. 569. 40O. 433. 0911. 424. 407. tt 1118. 902, 9SS. 994. ti!M. 922. S97. 995. S45, 9S7. S9. 9S0. S59. 922. 94, 845. 9!I3, 090. S45. 996. 730. 141. 945. 993. 987. 35. 974. K 929. 901. 903. 497. 69. 909. 8S0 612. 914, 924. 918. 932. 950. 919. 900. 90S. 829. 933. SSI. 92S. 915. AL 1S5. 187. 1S9. 90, 201. 156. 2S, 141. 204, 175. 104. 123. 255. 34, 222. 109, 171. 100, 227. 158. 253, 200, 244. 115. 101. 245. 25S. II. 170. 138. GO. AM 90. 107. 25, 130. 129. 143. 107. 025. 85. 105. 31. S2. 35, 11)9. SI). 100. 105 59 93 AN 74. 122. 119. 47. 93. 73. 57. 44. S7. 94. 131. U.S. 13S. 916. 137. 136. 123. 143. 141, 93. 11S, 107. AO 402. 22. 28. 13S. 1 SO. 177. 86. 37.- S3. 139. 182. llo. 30, 176. 39. 34, 88. 137. 109, loo. Alt 40. SI. S3, 86. 91. 96. 97. 106. 10S. 116. 179. i BC M s BK 1S. 420. 4911. 474. 304. 377. 499. 3SII . 459, 37... 41 on, 4-Jl 4::. ::o4, 136. 417, 474. S72. 4T,2, TS. 432. 470. attle ; Yosemlte for Seattle ; Admiral Goodrich for Hong; Kong;. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 23. Arrived Steamers Bundarra from Singapore; Amur from British Columbia ports; Admiral Rod man from Ocean Falls, B. C. ; Cfueen from San Diego via San Francisco; Celilo from oan Pedro, via San Francisco. Departed Steamer Governor for San Pedro via San Francisco. TACOMA. Jan. 23. Sailed Steamers F. S. Loop and Santa Alicia for San Francisco. U. S. Xayal Radio Reports. (All osltloos reported at 8 P. M. yes terday 'unlMia otherwise indicated.) WASHTENAW. Portland for Port San Lula. 3K5 miles from Port San Luis. I M LAY, Astoria for San Francisco, 240 miles north of San Francisco. ! ADMIRAL FARRAGUT, San Francisco , for Seattle, nine miles north of Cape , Blanco. PHYLLIS, Everett for San Pedro, 273 miles from Everett. ' SANTA ALICIA, Tacoma for San Fran- Cisco, 174 miles from Tacoma. W A PA MA. Everett for San Francisco. I oft Dungeness. ! ALASKA, Ketchikan for Seattle, off i Portier Pass. 1 MAQUAN. Seattle for orient, 77 miles ; from 1 lattery, January 22. CORDELIA, San Luis to Vancouver, 500 miles from Vancouver. AVALON, Raymond for San Francisco. 80 miles north of San Francisco. HARTWOOD. Grays Harbor for San Diego. 334 miles from San Diego. HORACE BAXTER, Sallna Crui for San Francisco, 184 miles south of San Fran cisco. PROVIDENCIA. San Pedro for San Francisco, 134 miles south of San Fran cisco. FRANK II. BICK, Linnton for Martinez, 156 miles from Martinez. LANSING, Portland for San Luis, 162 miles from Port San Luis. ARGYLL. Seattle for Oleum. 130 miles from Oleum. WHITTlEFt. Coos Bay for San Luis. 215 miles from San Luis. DILWORTH, Seattle for San Pedro, off Point Arguello. MOFFETT, Richmond for Bremerton, 117 miles north of San Francisco. RICHMOND, towing barrre 115, Richmond for Honolulu, 608 miles from Richmond. I MAl'I. Honolulu for San Krancisco, ir,S4 mile? from Sun Francisco. Jan. 22. WEST NElilS. San Francisco for orient. 117.- miles west of San Francirco. Jan 22. WEST CACTUS. San Francisco for orient. 1G."S miles from San Francisco, Jan. 22. DERBY LINE, San Francisco for Manila. 22T0 miles from San Francisco, Jan. 22. ASTRAL, Hongkong for San Francisco. 100; miles from San Francisco, Jan. 22. WALLINGFOFRD. San Francisco for Honolulu, 1002 miles from Ran Francisco, Jan. 22. MAXOA. Honolulu for San Francisco, 304 miles west of San Francisco Jan. 22 YOSEMITE. San Francisco for Seattle, S0 miles north of San Francisco. SPOKANE. San Francisco for Wilming ton, 05 miles from San Francisco. WAHKEENA, Grays Harbor for San Pedro, ISO miles south of San Francisco. .Marine Notes. The Portland-built steamer West Mun ham. which made one round trip to the orient In the service of the Pacific Steam ship company, and then sailed for Europe with a cargo of flour, is reported to have lost a blade of her propeller 500 miles out from New York Anrl in hnio v.oi. to that port for repairs. She was destined I iwr onruaux. The Admiral line oriental freighter Wa walona. due here February 15, took part In a rescue at tea December 12 at a point about 430 miles from Kinkazan. according to wireless reports received at Chioshi, r-!s.yed to Yokohama and published in the latest issue of the New York Maritime Register. The vessel rescued was the Jap anese steamer Kinkasan Maru of the Mit sui Bussan Kaisha. The Japanese steamer had been caught In a storm and her steer ing gear was damaged and the hatch of her No. 4 hold blown away. The passenger liner Rose CItv arrived from San Francisco early yesterday morn ing and will get away on her return trip tonight, carrying about 2500 tous of cargo and a full passenger list. 1 J. Handlev. represent inir Vorm.B Ltd.. shipbuilders of Victoria, B. C. was i In the city yesterday inspecting equipment i at the supply and sales division concen tration warehouse at St. Johns. The oil tanker Oleum, of the Union Oil i company's fleet, arrived yesterday from i Port San Luis. The tanker Colonel E I. Drake, of the Standard oil company, left down In ballast. Tides at Astoria Saturday. A VI C T n.m . -. . . ' I 3:n: 2:43 I AI....L-.4 leet M 8.3 feet n:23 P. M O.tt foot ohimbia River ltar Report. NORTH HRAI, Jan. 2:;. Condition of the bar at Z P. M. Sea smooth; wind eHst. ten rrt1o-t. A .M I'SEM KNTS. STOCK tOMI'AM'. Mat. Todav Ist Time Tonight. MtM)KR COVKK." Next Week, starting tomorrow; Mat., "Here Come the Bride A N T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 All This Week. Tiio I.uteNt Parisian Sensation. TIIK GAI.I.I TKOll'K ITesentml for the flint time in America. SIX OTM1SU BIG ACTS. Three performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and V. torn TMI BEST IN VAUDCVILLI 3 Nights Sun.. Mon., Tuck, 13o to I. 4 Mats., Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., 1.1c to 75c. C1IARI.KY i JOSKPII1NK GKAI'EWIX I IIKNMNti Kranrif Kenaiilt. . KAY COl KTNKY. Steel & YVinalotv: KinoRranis; Topics of the nay. IVAN t Br'RT BANKOH'ACO. HT.tilBBOX This show clones with the Matinee Wedncs- day. January iH. LYRIC MIMICAL COMEOY Mat. Daily at S. Nights at 7 and . This week DILLON & FRANKS tn ' "THE HEART BREAKERS" Next Week "TIIK ISLE OK JOY." CIRCLE FOURTH AT WASHINUTU.I William Russell "Six Feet Four" Also a Charlie Chaplin comedy. 'Sunny side." and the Pathe News. Open from o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. TOO LATK TO CXASSITr. $lfr0 ROSE CITY PARK $1150 " Modern 4-room bunpalow, finished In Ivory, complete plumbing, electricity, gas, full basement; terms. Taoor "iO. A GOOD janitor wanted, who understands tinting ; sin trie, man preferred. Angela Hotel, 6-5 Washington. LOST A brown skunk fur piece, between 6th and 3d on Montgomery; reward 3tta tith st. Main 5406. MILL1NKRY makers wanted, good w aee Klsie Trimmed Hat Co., 'JJo Beck bids? I -a ...... .1 ivii-i - GARAGE for rent. Phone East 8:i9fl. 977 Multnomah su OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office, room 153 courthouse. Phone Main 37S from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full chargre of the city pound at its home. 535 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 764. Doits for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. 1 Small anitnais painlessly electrocuted where necessary and stray animals cared for. AMUSEMENTS. LAST TWO TIMES TikIst, 2:15 Tonicht, S:15 TlClvHTS NOW SKLLIMi. l heilig "-t-vi.rr" SPKCIAL PRICK- Mat. Today, 2:15 LAST TI M E TONIGHT, 8:15 OLIVER MOKOSCO PRESENTS LEO GAHRILLO GRACE VALENTINE EXCELLENT SIPPORTIXG CAST, RETURN ENGAGEMENT BRILLIANT COMEDY 'LOMBARD! LTD.' SKCIHK TICKETS KtHLY! CROWDED HOISKS! TONIGHT Floor. S2: Balcony, J1.50, $1: Gallery. 75c, 50c. TODAY'S .MAT. Floor. J1.50; Bal cony, 1, 50c. TONIGHT. WED AND SAT MAT. ALCAZAR In the Ureateat Comic Opera "THE FIREFLY" MONDAY "THE RED WIDOW MEETING NOTICE'S. AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. X. M. S. Ceremonial session Saturday. January 24. Municipal Auditorium, Third and Mill sta. Business session at Masonic Temple at lo A. M. First section at 2:30 P. M. Second section at 8 P. M. Candidates will re port at north entrance of the Auditorium at 1:45 P. M. Petitions should be in by 5 P. M. Friday. January 23. Vaudeville entertainment at Auditorium Friday. January 23. at 8:30 P. M. for Shriners and their ladies. Visiting nobles cordially invited. By order of the Poten tate HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. GUI. RAEZEE GROTTO. NO. 05. M. O. AND P. E. R. Stated session Monday. January 20. This is the an nual election of officers and a good attendance Is earn estly desired. By order of the monarch. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE. SUNNVSIDE LODGE. NO. ltirt. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Sat urday) at 2:30 and 7. Temple, East r.Oth and Hawthorne. Work in M. M. decree. Visit ors welcome. By order of W. M. JAMES S. GAY JR.. Sec. OREGON LOLMJK. NO. 101 . A . F . AND A . M . S p e c i a I communication this Satur day) evening at 7:30 o'clock Work in the K. C. degree. Vis iting brethren cordially in vited. Bv order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec. I WASHINGTON LODGE. No. 40, A. F. AND A. M. special communication this (Saturday) afternoon and evening, 2 :3u and 7:30 o'clock. East 8th T.... I ,1 I. A HorTAA U1IU IJUI umuc. u. . ' e, - . Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, sec. CORINTHIAN CHAPTFiR. NO. O. E. S. Stated com munication this Saturday) evening at S o'clock ; social : visitors welcome. By order of the worthy matron. MYRA li. GL1NES, Sec. KMIH.KM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. lal-U 6th st. KRIKDLANOKR'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. olO Washington u IT NKKAI. NOT1CF.S. LNV.LKRT In this city, January 'Jl. lWi, John K. Knglert. aK'-d 71 years, of Wood land. Wash. Father of Wire A.. Frd E.. William G. Enfflert and Mrs. Ella Fisher, all of Woodland, Wash., and J. .1.. Rob ert L. and Katie M. Fnslert. Mrs. Mna Rudolph. Mrs. Amy Col H.e- k and M rn. 1 lesj-ie Fisher, all of Port land : and Mrs, Alvdia Sutton oT Canada; brother of M. K. KnKlert of Unlton, Neb.; Knima K. Olass ol Hanks. Or., and Mary Elizabeth Scott of Nebraska. Funeral services will be held Monday. .Ian nary L'O, f rom the r'-sidem-e at Woodland. Wash., at - P.M. Remains will he at Ounnlng A MeEntee parlors until S o'clock Monday morning. J-'riends invited. Interment Kerns ecm- ' etery. Woodland, Wash. XOI'T In this city at his late residence, 1 add ave., January J J . Claude M . St out. a Kd 41 ea rs. h us ha nd of M rs. May Stout and father of Kenneth Stout, son" of Mrs. William R. Stout, hrother of Mrs. Edith Parker of this city. Mrs. Edna Dow of Nes Rrunswh k, M rs. Maude Handv and Mrs. M. P. Rirkenbine of Sr attU" Wash., and Mrs. Henry Vetter of San Francisco. Cal. The funeral servbes w be held Monday. January at "Ji.lrt o'clock I'. M., at Finiey's. Montcomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment al Rose City cemetery, lilt A I LK V At Linnton. or.. .Innimry John Rradley. age 7 ea rs. beloved hus band of Ellzaoeth Rradley, father of 1 taniel M. Rradley and Mrs. Lillian F. Lingic. bo Hi of Linn ton ; M rs. Mary P. Sapp of this city. Mrs. Mat tie E. Ather ton of this city. Mrs. Oolite E. Nedhatii of Pen nsyl va nia, M rs. Florence L. Jack son of Missouri, and Jacob M. Bradley of regon. Funeral services will be held Saturday. January IM. at '2 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at .Mult noma li Park cemetery. VAN VOLKINRCRO In t h fs city. January '22. William E. Van Vol kinburg. age vea rs, beloved husband of Ma ry E. Van Volkinburg. father of Martin, Warren and Oeore Van Volkinburg, all of Clack amas. Or. Funeral servp-es will be held Sunday. January at 'J P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at o p. M.. Monday. January at ML. Scott Park cemetery. DIV.AN In this city, at his late residence. .".SI East Tenth street North. January 22, William W. Ougan, aged 57 years, hus band of Mrs. Nettie Dugan, father of W. W. Dugan Jr.. Anna M. and Agnes Dugan. The funeral st-r vices will be V. 1 .1 , . . A xr I i lnriluVt n t -'lO .V l . li P. M., at Finley'n. Montgomery at Fifth, j Friends invited. Interment at Hwe City I cemetery. ; WHEAT The funeral services of the late Charlotte Temple Wheat, widow of the I late J. B. Wheat, beloved mother of Mrs William H. Roe and N. P. Wheat, of Rosebprg. Or.; Or. E. B. Wheat, of Portland. Or., and Don C. Wheat, of Moro, Or., will be held at Moro. Or., j today (Saturday). Jan. 'J4. W1EBEL- At the residence. 0i Umatilla j avenue, Jan. '2'2, 102O, Anna Wiebel, aged rK years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at 3 P. M. tomorrow (Sunday. Jan. 25, 1!20, at the Portland Crematorium. 14th and Bybee sts. Re mains at Holman's parlors. Third and Salmon sts. RICH In this city, at his late residence. 2t2 Sixth street. January 22. Ernest A. Rich, husband of Mrs. Llllas Rich. The funeral services will be held Monday. January 2G. at :t:".0 o'clock P. M.. at Fin ley's. Montgomery at Fif th. Friends In vited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Ml'NGE R January 22. Ethel May Munger, age 17 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Munger. Funeral serv ices will be held Sunday, January 25, at 2 P. M., at the Eagle Creek church. In terment at Forrester, near Eagle Creek. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. POWELL In this city, January 22. Will iam Powell, aged 05 years. The funeral services will be held from the conserva tory chapel oi tne r . &. uunning, inc.. 414 East Alder street. Saturday, Janu ary 24. at 10:30 A. M. Friends invited. Interment I-one Fir cemetery. RoSECRANT-5 The funeral services of the late Mary Jane Roseciantz. age hi years, and survived by six daugh ters and two sons, will be held Saturday, January 24, aL 2 P. M-. at the Portland crematorium. Friends invited. Arrangements in care of Miller V Tracey. BLACHLY The remains of Washington Rlachlv. beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Blachly. will be interred Sat urday, January 24, at 11 A. M.. under di rection of Miller & Tracey, at Multnomah Park cemetery. ITXERAL CAK. LIMOUSINES to'- tunoral services. JONKrf ALTO LIVERY. Marshall 114. Portland Business Bulletin ! A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas- silied for ready reference, b or rates information, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, special auditor and accountant on involved accounts. Sys tems established and maintained: income tax service: references. 723-9 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladies' gar ments, reasonable: work guaranteed. I. Reubin, 408 Bush & Lane bldg. ASSAYKKS AMI ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second to.d. silver and platinum bought. C0LI.E;KS AND SCHOOLS. Day and night school. Alisky bldg. M. 324. CAI'KTtRIA. B &. A. CAFETERIA, 2U2 u Broadway, near Taylor. Home cooking, best quality. CARPET WEAVING, pilfiOThe kind that wear the best are llUUOmade from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former sd drefca 153 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning. refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. IsS r.. st n st. rnone East 35S0. B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all size Mail orders prompt. . Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. 11.50. r. . FLUFF RUG CO.. 4-50 Union ave. N. East 0510, B 1473. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING. SIZING AND REFITTING. SIZING AND REFITTING. FLUFF AND RAG RI GS FLUFF AND RAG RUGS. Woven all sizes. PORTLAND RUG CO.. 1072 E. 17th St. " rite or call. Automatic CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 3-7 Washington. Broadway 4:14. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW AIcMahon, 100 Chiroprac tor. Thrones pronounce treatment easi t. beat, permanent. 31 "treats" $15. Tel. HIROI'OIMST ARCH SI Kf 'I A LIST. WILLIAM, Ktelie and FiortMIo Ie Wnv, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. I'arlors 'Mr! ".er linffer bids., s. v. corner and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. LH GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. ::i I Shetland bldR,. Mh and Wash Main 1081 CIKCCLVR 1 . ETT F. R S. C R A N K LKTTK R ("O. . 1 A 1 0. 1 1 . 1 l R o v a 1 building. Marshall MultlRraphing. mimeographing and mail advertising. coi.i.m TIONS. NKTH A CO.. Worcester bid . Main 1 TOtt. No collections, no charr. Kstab. 1 !0. I.ci;. MRS. yrMMI-TR'S Berkeley daiwing acad emy. 1UO -Jt h. Lessons dav. eve. ; class Thurs. Ladies, $.."o; gent. $.". Main 331 R. 1ANCINI taught in 1J private lessens for $.': 4 lessons $2. fin 4 Kilers bldg.. bet. 4th and 5th on Wash. sr. Main ."o04 MRS BAYH lessons. .". 30i Dektim b.dg. IO-cTask Beginners Mon. eve. Private lesons day and eve Main 134.Y BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Oorothy Ras-musscn. tint Kilers itlilg. PRIVATK lesions in dancing and Knglish 512 Couch bldg.. Main r.r.uS. KI.KCTKIC A I. It KPA I K I N i. MOTORS REWOUND and H ?ui i red Bought and Sold. NICHOLS EI.KCTRIC WORKS. 24S'j First St. Main S71. H.M.II.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N". 1st. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or J used motors Bdvvy.llM5, A I0IU. I I IF I CAN'T FIX IT THROW IT A WAV. Old vacuum cleaners repaired, bought and eNchanKed for new or good ones. Rill Tankard, ."07 Manchester bldg., brV Fifth street. P WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS KM.INKIKS AM MILL Strll.lKS. llTllKS. Wool. AMI CAM A K A IIAKK. TIIK M. L. KLIN IS CO.. SI-SO-S7 S9 Front. -"- HHPS.. 195 IV..111 ,1 I'M MHINt; MI'I'I.IKS Al I'lfK. '-BAIN HKKCHANT. TI.K M. ... Kl.INK s . -S0-S7 -siTT-TT" I'ACIFI.M'HAIXC.-.. Hoar.1 of Tra.le I'-Mg. .K,,t.. cq sslo MKKI IHV1. HATS l I'AIH. BVKRIMXi: & FAKKKI.I.. llo Front .t TIIANHAIKlt HAT .. 53-55 Front si. KOI'K AMI HI 1 1 K lT aTnkI I'AINTS. OILS AMI til.ASS 1'o-tlHinl orilHe .. I I ; 1 1 ati.l Norllifiip. V. I'. FLI.I.F.It . From an.l MoitImiii. SAMI, IMIOIts AMI t.l.ASS. KAS.MI'SSKN TT)., Se.-oml uni Taior. . I. FI IJ.Kl: A: ''!).. l-'rontntnl Morrison. Illrlll. Vl!T III lhi.M flty, .Ian. 23, 192l. al lier lale residenee, 00 North 22! t.. faro llne VorI. ailii S! v.ars. I niontiis, 19 Ik: natie ol Ieweiller. Alsace, Franee. Forinerly resi.leil at t'hieaso. HI. H. loveil InotlLT if I'aiTlf A. Win-si. ;e,rce A. ami John 11. Vofit. Noliee of funeral later. CAM I'fil'I.I In tills i ity. al the resiileni-e, of her son. Hur' A. C.impliill. I95i Wil son street. January 23. Sarah A. iVmip liell. acerl 07 years, inotlier of Mrs. Hazel C. lorner anil Hurl A. Camphell of this eit. Tile remains are at l-'inU.'s. Monl Koniery at Fifth. Notice of fxineral here after. MKNKFF.F. Mr O. I'. Metiefee. lie,, ye. I hushan.1 or Mrs. O. 1. Mencfec. latlier of I.. H. Menefee. HI ir.n het I. ami Flora Jane Menefee. dieil Frnlay inuriiini;. Jan. 25. at Sa n lieKo Cal. Remains are b iuR Portland. sent l() YOST In this eity, January 22. 192U. Hen ry Yost, sped OO years. Remains are-at tiie Duntliui; & MeKntee parlors. Hroad ay and Ankeny street. Funeral notice later. RI'I'KKT In this eity, Jan. 22. 1920. A. Rupert. Remains at Holman's parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Notice of funeral later. niHITKR In National City, Cal.. Jan. 21. 102O, Carl Rlchter, age 55 years, ol Oak tirove. Or. PINKRAL IHREdORS. EDWARD IIOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 2uth and 2 1 st st reets. west side. Lad v Assist a n t. Alain A 7 r. . Dunning & McEntee Fl'NERAL DIRECTORS. Itroadway and Pine st. Phone Broadway 4:iO. A T5s. La dy Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON FL'NERAL DIRECTOR-S. Main 9. MontKomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. Hit h and Everett e ts. Telephone Hroadway 2i:it. Home. A 2i:;S. " F. S. oT'NXINtJ. INC.. 414 E. Alder. Phone East .V2. Perfect service, personal direction, f r-re use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross. Multnomah at E. 7th. East ."4. Irvington district. P. L. LERCHnria,c-fi l.'PTrQflT Twelfth and Morrison sts. LMlOUA Broadway 2534. A. D. KENWORTHY & CO.. 5S02-04 02d st.. Lents. Tabor 5267. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 592 Williams Ave. East 10.SS. C 10SS. BREEZE & SNOOK 147 Belmont T. 125S. Ft 1540. SKF.WES I'NI'KI'.TAKIVG COMPANY. 3.1 snn Clay M 415"2. A 2221 La.iy ss.e'.ant. by tne montn or year, or otner Main (0(0 or A 609o, .House GKNTS. LADIES' HATS. LADIES' hat frames made to order, clean inn, blocking, dyeing of ladies' and g.-nts' Panama, straw, felt and Naver hats. La France Hatters, 372 'i Morrison st HARDWOOD FLOORING. UET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. l-7 W. Park. HEMSTITCHING. K. STFPHAN. hemstitching. scaMoping. ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered, mail orders. 21! Pittock Mk. Broadway l"2o. JKWEI.KKS. m'iss & co.. inc. WHOLESALE MFG. .IEWEI.RS. 31 FLOOR MOHAWK BI.DG. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. MUSIC TEACHERS. EXP. PIANO TEACHER at your home for 75 cents per lesson. Woodlawn 2158. L. Carroll Day, piano, vo-al lessons, prac tice piano, 1 hr. day, $5 mo. Bdy. 2555. VIOLIN, piano classic, popular, all string Kol Kenbeck. 4O0 Yamhill. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES Dr. Georae Rtibenstein. the veteran on tlcian. still fits the best eyeglasses at I very moderate prices. Tories. Krytoks, also the cheaper grades. 220 Morrison. OPTOMETRISTS AMI OPTICIANS. JSBSJ. GLASSES AY A SAVING. icTlNy I solicit your patronage on the SJ basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince 5-011. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. 2HU Morrison. M. 2124. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed with modern instruments, '".lasses fitted from $2.50 up. E. HI RWITZ, optometrist, 223 First St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communications strictly confidential ; prompt, efficient, conscientious service; handbook tree on request. Ml'NN fc CO., patent attorneys. San Krancisco office, Itobart bldg., o2 Market st. : Chicago ol f ice. room Mo Tower bldg. : Washington office, room 103, 25 F st.; New York office. Wool worth bldg. It. C. W RIG HT- 22 years' experience V. S. and foreign patents. 001 Dokum bldg. . f.iM.miKlii!, 1'0 Worcester bldg. M. PHYSICIANS. LK. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bl.ig. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female disorders, skin affections, tdood pressure. PLCMBIN: SI PPI.IKS. PI.l JIBING SVPPL1KS AT WHOI.KHAl.E prices. Starke-Davis Co., 21 'J 3d. M. 7i7. PRINTING KKYSTONE PRKSS. .1. K. Ganl.-nli.in. Manager. Printing and linotyping, IimiLj Front st., corner Stark. Main or A 141 s. PD!JTIWf V. . HALTKKii COMPANY in 111 I imU 1st and Oak sts. Main If..'.. 51 I -115 PAINTINU C. 11. TKRP.Il.l.. house, sign painting, pa pering. lintiiiK. Tal.or 'Jilll. :Ul K. 44th. SAI.TKI) AM SMOKKI) I1SII. ALASKA HKRRING & IMPORTING CO.. distributors of salted and smoked flsli "IM Yamhill st, Portland, t r. SF.CONO-IIANH STORKS. LK V IN 11ARDWARK R RNITI KK CO.. 221 KIliiXT ST. We buv and sell everything in the hardware and furniture lint:. Phone Main '.1072 TK 1 KI A KKS. OP.KGON TRAHKMARK BlItKAC. tiol Lekum bldg. C loreign trademarks. TKANSKKK ANI STORAt;K. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation. M )VNG-tAt'K t;-ST R AG E-H AGG AG K. 13th and K"arnpv. Branch Bdwy. " PHONE BOWY, 3309 Ol'KGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gli.-au st.. corner L"tth. Phone Broadway 12N1 or lltt'J. We own and operate two larne clas "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance ral's in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSKN I'.ANSKKR .. 2I PACK ING. MOVIM I.. STOlt AG K. SKCl'RITV STORAGK A, T It A N S K K K CO.. I05 PARK. ST. MAIN 51115. A 1(151. I I.IIKIMS. LUBLINEK JTi:';. o'S Morrison. Portland hotel. Mnrshai; 7 .":(. .MX Morrison, bet. Bdwy. A- Park. M;ir. 2.7. l m rt la n r "i'L i;a".Ts"hT7p- .-.n t. r :ti prays. up. as, v. . i.-t :ith and 14th. Itr-iad w a y "J 7 MARTIN - FtiRBES Co.. floris'ts. :;.".4 achlncitm, Main 2H. A l"Mif. Flowers i or ail occasions artlstica CI. A RKE BR( "sTflorists. 'JJ- 7 Morrison st. and f.or.il de- .VI : in i iim. I- mi.- flow or- s''nw. No branch sioreH. P R TLA N 1 lt SE Nl'RSEK V wild lantJsi'Hping. Tabor r7 hruhbery MAX M. MP1 H. Main 721".. A ing buiMlnic. i v t h and A Idt r sts. . TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2R7 Washlnt t.. het th and ,t h. Mam .".1U2. A 1 irtoii 1.!. momiii;ts. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS : 4th st.. Op. City Hall. Kros. Bu - . I " U iTPEET N LAV TtlllAl. WE CALL FOH YOUR OLD CAKI'L I S, . Hus,a and Woolrs Clotblos. i JLiUi F RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Klff It us. Woven All Slzca. Mail Orders. Send for Uuuklrt C-arneia Cleaned, Laid and tie fitted. MlltlHWKSr lilt; tl tss i:nt sth sit. 1'b.inr lsat i&sw i nrn i imr Three-story brick buildinii' and liase- ment. 100x100, on North Fnurth street, bet ween Bu rpside and i 1 i sail, with trackaue. 40.0mi sojuare feet in heart of wholesale district. Will remodel f or res pons i hie tenaii t. . I.. UORH, HIT l hi K - KKLLY (OMPL Phone Hilwi. 74. 414 Pittock Bloek MORTGAGE LOANS j Repayable- ! Inwtallni'rntsj If Irsjlred. t liOWfM Inlrrrst Halm, ft o Uelay in Clualns. j A. H. B1RRELL CO.! 2I7--I" NurthwrtcrD Hank UuildinsJ "ll- Mortgage Loans t t UEdward E. Goudey Co. V. 8. Bank Building. LOT 50x90 FEET ON ELEVENTH ST. K 4 It MOVKoniKHV. ..ml) LOCAl IO KOH Alt JOHN HAIN, 507 paldinft Hid. NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON Bombay Bunpalow situated in nook of 111x100 corner: beautiful view of cy and mountains; massed w 1th flowers; arched pergola driveway and sun porch draped with vines; living room 2xP,0, with panelled archea cove ceilinps. wash work in old ivory, walls in Japanese imported irrass cloth; French envelope doors to an opalescent dining room with massive sideboard; Luxembuic kitchen, all in ivory: three bedrooms; jlepiis" P'rch plassed and heated; enaiiifled sliding doors to all rooms; vapur hot-water heat; built by day labor three years ago. $9750 No Agents. II. t Appointment Only. KtST 147. Build Your Own Garage SS Bait I We will deliver a Sectional Garage to you anywhere In the northwest. You can set It up In a few hours. Send for circular RED1MADE BUILDING CO. SIS lilt SC I'hone tuaat SU1 Portland. Or. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Hum and " oolpn Clothing:. We Make Iteverxihle. llasd-WovtB FLUFF RUGS Konm-SIze duff Kug.i, oven. 1 7. "Ml Klic Kuorn Woven AH Slxen. Mall Orclrrp. Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 912 Ititira, Stramril Cleaned, 91. oO. wksikhx i' i. i f i in ; co.. VI I nion Ave. A. I'hone Kast 6lfl SEE 1186 EAST ANKENY New (just completed -rooni col- nia.1 bungalow. A superior home. I p to the minute in every detail. BuiH by day labor. L 1 1 a t x 1 4 3 . 1 I t r. Ankeny. J block frt-Tn Uau re 1 hurst P.irk. i'rioe $727.0 m terms to suit. Drive out and see the outside, then see ,a( iti.i.iii hm o !R. koi;iii.i;k. 270ic. Mark St. Main I700. STORAGE SPACE InTeslljrate Our Plant nd It a tea. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present Wih Costs? CLAY S. .MOHSE, IXC-. Ursyase and Storage. 12lb anU t-lin. Phone Udwy. 34 7 O. RKAI. KSTATE. MODERN COt'NTR Y lloMK. S - room modern bouse. jiri v at e electric lights and prt-sstire wai'-r system, lare dair barn. 2 silo,--, arag-. Kranar, lare chicl-eii house, elot-irie Imtits in bant and tiuthiiildlit-s, consists f so acr. t ry best of loa m s. ii I , tit rock r gravel, -ill in 1 1 1 l; 1 1 slat- of iiilii- Htioii, pi iict fs ii ow in cro, tir chard and l.ei ri.- o H Kinds, al most h' el, hr,, tj 1 i t ill surround t iti-s. inib- irom small town, with all rural inhjuitaufs; onl 1 H inih-s from Wahinton street. Port laud, or., and H mib-s Irom Van-t-oiMc-r. Wasli., on j-iiml auto roaI. Price I2H.IHH, ball cash. TlPtMPStiN. SWAN K- LEE, Tmr-I and Main SI r.-cti-, " a net mi vr. Wash. I or Sale I1a aid Apart inntl Pnprrt . Ml ST HE S- I.O. R EA 1. II Mill CLASS lloMK A N 1 1 INVESTMENT, imixliiti Kroiiiids. tiih 4 lamilv dnplcr hiiildtnK in er liio-st part ol" Jrinj;lon dtst net ; ;; a hart in-n t rented j 27 ..". . n nr occupi- aiartnifiit worth -10i per month. Tne I m ; hi i n (s modf-rn hi MTV a. l-'inishc-d in .ak, ma ho-; ?i -and .ld ivory. Steam loat. lriv S'.'n. immi -no t rad- s. R ITT ER. 1 . i W I : 2ol --a-7 Hoard ol T i . h'tr Sale ICeacli l,roprt. tiKAKM A RT ril: Es st :;21. lot. HH)0 cash. Phono For sr -l.oi-t. UAVINt! left Portland ma n. n t i . wish to -sacrifice 2 bu i !) in I l s 1 own t here, t hc are lots on ll.i.-salo si., m-.ir 70th st.. and are known as lots : and lo of .lonesmore tract: I will t.ik-- :'.oo ash for the 2 lots, con! in.- ivt r -l'io who wants them '. A n mi In i in k t hcs and holdin; can trehle their money. Wnto ow nor at 420 I lea rst Hid);., San Fran cisco. Cal. FOR SALE View lot liOxl 15 feet. 2tfi and Resents drive. Alameda Park. Price ja.'.OO. MRS. HARRY WITMAN. Lebanon. Or. CORNER. 50x101 . 37 th and Til la mook. $o."n, all assessments iaid. c i. Mc t'onuhv, 017 American Hank bids.. Seat tle. Wash. VERY desirahle corner lot cheap, .'iMxHmi, ;i.td and Emerson sts. 'all Marshall i P'. apt. 2 to. between 11 and 2. LOT looxioo. (ireifory Ih-ishts, J.WO. R. P. Adam1, Aberdeen. Wash.. 13 ox Cherry and Mu-ple.. LOT L", block 20. Laurelhilrst ; choice lot. $12..0. K. F. Miller. 757 3oth tt.. 11 wh u kee. Wis. lltd'SE and lot. .Vixl-Vt, benuiifuliy locat-d, fruit ; rees; 2U min. trom ci;y ; $24Uo. Main n;:i.. FINE Mix ion eorner lot, worth Xisno. To7 $Hmmi. Ii)utre owner. Tabor ;-;t4. FoK SALE Lot in and frnis. i'hon' Smt hmnrcland. Marshall L".!s. Fol" R lots, cheap. Cad Woodlawn 170L and ask about them. Fur Sale Mouse. FROM OWNERNEW .- RO i M RUN' . A -LOW. j;..MM. TERMS: ATTIC KLoO RE I F R 2 A UDITIoXA L ROOMS; J I'ST FINISMEO. READY To MiVE IN; MODERN HARDWooD I.OoRS. FIRE PLACE, FILL BASEMENT; 44TH ST. S E.. 2 BUm'KS V u iDSTOCK CAR ; CORNER. IMPROVEMENTS IN AND AND PAID FOR. A V 122. ORK SoX I A N. RY OWNER. On!y G months old. 4-ronm bunpalow, new.y pjilnted, full concrete basement. Dutch k it eh en. Iaro hat h. ;i blocks to K. M. car; sidewalk and sewer in and paid. 1114 Tihbets st. Sell wood 3,.Q0 ROSE CITY PARK HOME. i rooms, hardwood floor-, furnace, fireplace and all built -ins. This is as good a buy as you w ill find in the cii . ai. i r i REALTY, 4i! SpahiinR bldp. Vain S4 7. ROSE CITY'S biKEiest tuirnain, desiral: bun ca low : im ppn emeu t pa id : imme diate sale $2'...iu. termsj worth more. Owner e1. enings. Tabor 7Q.5. 1 RV 1XGTON 7-room home. f urnis'hed complete. $Oion. terms ; choicest loca t i on. D 130. Ore goni a n . 4-ROOM cottace. o;ik floors. E. 24 th and (.iansion', MNXo Uw.k:', Ka ::22.i. r-1: iO M be use ; Sunny side ; prc UVV ; terms. East 300, apt. 2X . . XV . . -''"s T-x