the ironxixG oregoxux, tiiirsday, January 22, 1920 SMILES" Second Life Savers With the WHOLE Flavor of the Mint- -Buy TWO for the price of ONE Two for 5c MAIN FLOOR "U. S. Standard" Cleaner Hugh Walpole will give a lecture at the Masonic Temple, 8:20 this evening, subject "Russian Vignettes," auspices the Drama League. Tickets $1.10 (including war tax), on sale in our Book Shop, Fifth Floor. I Center Aisle Bargain Square, Main Floor "Regal" Polish Mop 25c Can be used for all varnished, painted and waxed sur faces, linoleums, wood work, etc. Shaped to -fib the cor ners cleans, polishes and dusts at the same time. Adjust able handle. Padded to protect furniture. Can be washed and renewed. Packed in separate tin container. 25c bottle of polishing oil, special at 10. Quart 33c, Pint 18c This high-grade U. S. Standard bathroom cleaner is very economical a small amount will suffice for a large surface. It cleans and polishes porcelain and enameled tubs; mosaic and marble floors; nickel and brass faucets; enameled, varnished and painted surfaces. Quart can special 33c, pint can special 18c. Meier & Frank's: Basement. SDH Trier QmalitV Store or Portland k "CANE' rUv. i!dj. norriaay Aider Sta. Meier & Fr nl;'n: Center Aisle, Main Floor. The to Bring Down Living Costs JamiuLairy Sales i A. 1 i ! Take Advantage of Our Unique Special Offer A 3 Days' FREE Trial of the Nationally Known and Used Hoover Suction Sweeper "Beats As It Sweeps As It Cleans" Scores of Portlanders have tak en advantage of MEIER & FRANK'S special offer to send one of the nationally famous Hoover suction sweepers to one's home and leave it there for three days without any obligation to purchase. Phone or write us if you would like one of the suction sweepers for a three days' free trial we will deliver the Hoover to your home, a factory representative will give you a practical demonstration, you keep the Hoover in your home and use it for three days FREE. If at the end1 of the three days' free trial you decide to keep the Hoover permanently you can if desired take advantage of our most liberal credit offer Make .your own terms in reason. Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor and Basement Balcony. Apparel Sale For a wonderful disposal of women's and children's winter apparel we've grouped odds and ends of various lines and marked them $5 to close out in a hurry. Suits $5 Fine serge and poplin suits in good styles. Nicely trimmed. Broken sizes. 25 only. For merly priced at $24.75. Dresses $5 Women's poplin, serge and a few messaline dresses in the wanted styles and colors. Brok en sizes. 75 only. Were $7.95 to $12.95. Coats $5 Stripe zibeline, kersey cloth and coats of other materials in good weights. Well lined. 125 garments. Were $12.75 to $15. Skirts $5 Women's new serge and pop lin, also fancy wool mixed ihecked skirts. Button trimmed. Sizes to 40. Only 50. Were $7.50 and $8.50. Children's Coats at $5 Coats of kersey, velveteen, etc Belted and loose back styles with plush and velvet trimming, some have large plush collars. Sizes 7 to 14. Just 100 coats. Were priced to $12.75. EXTRA SPECIAL! A Regular Good Old Fashioned Shoe Sale $2.98 Almost any kind of shoes are good values at $2.98 today but the shoes we offer in this sale are GOOD SHOES shoes in good styles and that will give good serv ice. And what's more, we have 1200 pairs of such shoes in this sale. Included Are Shoes with dull calf bottoms, leather soles and cloth tops. Patent colt shoes with cloth or leather tops. ' Dull calf J shoes with dark gray tops. Black kid and brown oxfords. Gray kid oxfords. Black kid high shoes. Also several other 1 to 10 odd pair lots. Lace and button styles. Low, high and medium heels. Leather soles. For convenience in selection sizes are marked on each shoe and separate tables are allotted to the different sizes. Sizes from 2& to 8. No phone orders or approvals, none sent C. O. D. No sales to dealers. Meier & Frank's: Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. Dropped! $45 to 75 Dresses $39.50 . Distinguished street frocks which can be worn with fur scarfs all spring and early sum mer. Made of the extra fine navy blue tricotine and serge which only the best manufac turers use these days. A few unusually good jersey frocks are in the collection. One of a kind. Sizes 36 to 42 in the lot. SKIRTS $15 to $17.50 Kinds $9.45 $18.50 to $25 Kinds $11.85 One of a kind serges, poplins, plaids, homespuns and a few broadcloths. Plain navy or black, as well as black or white and colored plaids. Not all sizes in any one style. Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor. REMNANTS of Silks Fascinating collection of odds and ends from our busy Silk Store. Plain and figured silks including taffeta, satin and so on. Variety of colors. All half price. Lengths 1 to 5 yards. None C. O. D. No exchanges. Meier & Frank's: Silk Shop. Second Floor. Rag Rugs These rugs are in the 6mall sizes and some are soiled. No. Size 1 Were Now 20 24x36 $1.75 98? 35 27x54 $2.25 1.38 34 27x54 $2.75 SI. 78 22 30x60 $2.75 1.78 49 30x60 $3.25 2.15 20 3x6 $3.50 2.35 20 3x6. $4.75 3.15 Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. Dress Blouses at Half 9 to 37.50 Were $18 to $75 Women are choosing two or three at a time ! They are blouses which simply cannot be equaled at the prices. Exquisite confections of the finer georgette crepe, charmeuse or laces. Exclusive ! Suitable "to combine with satin or cloth skirts for after noon and informal evening wear. All are long enough to be belted or tied with a sash so that they will become one with the skirt. In this way they form a charming costume at much less than one equally fine gown would cost. Meter & Frank's: Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor. Books About the Opera Every one planning to hear next week's Grand Opera will wish to read the stories of the different plots. The Book Shop suggests: "The Complete Opera Book," by Gustav Kobbe a comprehen sive handbook by one of the leading musical critics of Amer ica, comprising stories of the operas, together with 400 lead ing airs and motives in musical notation. Profusely illustrated. ,This book includes the new as well as older works. $5. "The Standard Operas," by George P. Upton a new re vised edition from new plates describing every opera of note and with discriminating com ments -on the music. Illustrated by numerous photographs of fa mous singers. $2.50. "The Standard Opera Glass," by Charles Annesley contain ing detailed plots of 155 cele brated operas with critical and biographical remarks, dates; etc. Illustrated. $1.50. ''The Lure of Music," by Olin Downes depicting the human side of great composers, with stories of their inspired crea tions, dealing particularly with certain famous selections from the operas. $1.50. Meier & Prank's: Book Shop, Fifth Floor. Boys9 AH -Wool Mackinaws Regmlarly Priced Up to $20.00 $11.85 To create a stir in the Boys' Store similar to that sure to attend today's big "doings" in the adjoining Store for Men, we have taken 100 mackinaws from regular stock and reduced them sharply for this occasion. They're just the sort of coats vigorous out door boy 3 want these next three months warm, good looking mackinaws that keep a boy comfortable on the coldest day and allow plenty of play for agile limbs. Of all-wool materials, well made, these coats represent a good investment not only for this winter but for future years. Every pattern and coloring a boy would choose and his parents approve. Sizes 8 to 18 years. Meier & Frank's: The Store for Bos, Third Floor. Have You Tried the Popular E. M. Clothes Bleach This wonderful clothes bleach is made right here in Portland and is guaranteed. It will make yellow clothes white and white clothes whiter. Will remove fruit, berry, perspiration, blood and ink stains. It is a deodorizer, a germicide, a disin fectant, a bleach; It does not con tain ammonia, acids or any chem icals injurious to the fabric. Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor. . (Mail Orders Filled.) This Regular $39.50 Acorn Combination Heater $28.50 This Acorn Combination Heater has duplex grates burns wood, coal, bark or bri quets. . - Oblong shape exposed fire box heats the floor. Hot blast saves fuek A well - built, tightly, constructed heater that will give splendid satis faction at the minimum of fuel cost. Plain castings. Attractively nickel trimmed. Limited number on sale at $28.50. Your Own Terms In Reason Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. (Mail Order 1 Hied.) Bring AH the Strength of Their Great Price-Shattering Armament to Bear on This Sale for Men i . 4 - 1 i .-i , M .'it nrirtu. &raud tTlntljra 255 Suits and Overcoats Our Price to YOU Is Less Than the Manufacturer's Price to US tfmm'lUS is a good-will sale purely. Its object is to make new friends for, and draw more tightly the bonds between old friends and, The Store for Men. It fits in admirably with the January Sales to Bring Down Living Costs and is a fine example of the wonder-working efficacy of MEIER & FRANK'S newest great effort along this line. No Man Can Have Any Excuse for Going Without A New Suit or Overcoat Any Longer at least not on the score of high prices if he makes it a point to attend this sale in good time. We wish we had more but it took the hardest sort of planning to get as many as 255 garments the number that will be ready when the store opens at 9:15 this morning. The Suits at $28.50 A veritable bonanza for young men especially and older men with young ideas in dress (a goodly number nowadays). There are sizes from 33 to 42 in this assemblage. Waist-seam style, single and double-breasted models, belted back and all-around belted, some fine looking sport suits of the type that will be in heavy demand later on. Materials include all-wool cheviots,- aVso de pendable quality tweeds and unfinished worsteds. Desirable patterns and colorings -many of the sorts that will be "good" this spring and summer. Overcoats at $28.50 Here again is a rare find for young men and men who stay young. Society Brand, Adler Rochester and other well-known makes are included. Waist-seam, belted back, all-around belted and form-fitting models. A wide range of handsome mixtures and good plain shades with browns, blues, dark greens, tans and oxfords emphasized. Sizes 34 to 40. Sir It will cost you money to STAY AWAY from this sale. If you are soon again offered such woolens and such tailoring at such a price we'll be mighty happy, but we're also mighty doubtful. Meier &. Frank's: The Store for Men. Third Floor. I