THE MORNING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 1920 21 HARD WHEAT FLOUR PRICES ARE RAISED Advance of 80 Cents Barrel Goes Into Effect Today. PATENTS LISTED AT $13.15 Market Here Is Still Cheaper Than East, Where Same High Wheat Values Prevail. quoted generally at $4.755. One car of Oregons arrived. Shipments Tuesday wers two cars to Itoseburff and one each to Portland, Sutherlln, Dunsmuir and Marys-ville. Bank Clearinvs. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clarlnca. Balances. Porttend $.1,2(50.261 Seattle 5.844,2:t8 Tacoma 741,760 Spokane 2.416.172 $ 881.193 1,043.247 57.68;l 818.107 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. An advance of 80 cents a barrel In hard wheat flours, effective this morning, was announced by a number of the mills. The best family patents will be quoted at $13.13 a barrel f. o. b. mill in less than ca riots and S12.R0 in carlots. Bakers' hard wheat flour will be $13.73, whole wheat flour 112.03 and graham $11.80. X change was made In soft wheat flour prices. Straights are listed at $10.70 and ralleys at $11. The advance, which the trade has been too king for for some time past. Is the result of the high wheat market. Had the millers seen fit to take advantage e-f the full limit, based on wheat values, the rise would have been considerably greater. It Js & fact, though con-timers may not be aware of it, that the Pacific coast flour markets have been the lowest of any Jn the United States throughout the season. A comparison of flour prices shows that even with the present advance of 80 cents a barrel the market Is lower by from 80 cents to $2.60 a barrel than the principal hard wheat milling centers for the same grades of flour. In the Minneapolis market, accord In e: to the Northwestern Miller of January 14. 1920, flour prices on spring wheat patents, made from Minnesota and Da kota hard spring wheat, range from $14.75 to $13.80 a barrel and hard winter wheat patents, made from Kansas and Nebraska hard winter wheats range from $14 to $14.63 a barrel at Kansas City. The price on these flours Is basis cotton ha ires, and where packed in cotton quarters for the family trade the price U 15 cents a barrel additional. In the Pacific coast terminal market hard wheats are selling at from $3.20 to $3.30 a bushel. This is about the same range of prices that Is being paid In Minneapolis for northern spring wheat and is considerably more than is being paid for hard winter wheats in the St. houis and Kansas City markets. EASTERN WHEAT MARKETS FIRMER Corn Bid Rained on Local Board Oats j A re I rregu 1 r. The eastern wheat markets stiffened up yesterday, but not much business was re ported either for shipment east or to uoast markets. The feed grains were - quiet. Corn bids were advanced -5(3-50c at the Merchants' Exchange, sacked oats were unchanged to 30 cents higher and eastern clipped oats Unchanged to 30 cents lower. There were no bids on barley. The Price Current says: "The out lock for the new winter wheat crop is not very bright; weather conditions have been somewhat unfavorable and hessian fly reports continue to come forward." Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Mostly partly cloudy throughout the grain belt; some snow last night in westeru Missouri and 'Illinois; Minnesota clear and cold. Fore cast: All states generally' lair tonight and . Thursday, continued cold." Broom hall cabled : "It Is claimed that the trade with the British government and Russia will be resumed at an early date and that the Russian food ministry stales there is about 37,00o,OUU bushels of wheat ready lor export." Terminal receipts, in cars, were re ported by ibe Merchants' Exchange as follows: Portland Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc. Merchants Exchange, noon session: Bid. Oats Jan. Feb. March. No. 3 white feed $6.50 $63.50 $ttf.50 Corn No. 3 yellow 58.23 59.25 59.00 Eastern oats and corn, bulk: . Oats 36-pound clipped ... 60.50 61.00 61.50 38-pound clipped ... 61.00 61.50 62.00 Corn No. 3 yellow 59.50 59.50 59.75 WHEAT Government basis. $2.20 pt bushel. FLOUR Family patents, $13.15; bakers' hard wheat, $13.75; whole wheat. $12.05; graham, $11.80; valley, $11; straights, $10.70 per barrel. M1LLFKEU Prices f. o. b. mill, city cartage $2 extra. Mill run. car lots or mixed cars, $45 ton; rolled barley, $74; rolled oats, $68; ground barley, $74; sera ten leed, $82. CORN Whole, $67; cracked. $69 ton. HAT Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfa. fa. $31. 50; cheat. $22; clover. $26; FOREIGN EXCHANGE DOWN XEW LOW RECORD FOR DOX REMITTANCES. LOX- Stock Dealings Smallest for Any Fall Session in Almost Year. Liberty' Bonds Improve. oats and vetch, $26; 28. valley timothy, Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 55c per pound; Wednesday 23 16 1 8 Year ago -.15 1 5.... 11 Sea n to date. 5517 154 2584 a83 lllU Year ago ..5943 830 lo.l 572 2261 Tacoma Tuesday 24 ' 1 . . . . 1 3 Year ago .. 11 .... Sea n to date. 437 1 68 133 597 Year ago . .4406 20 129 924 Seattle Tuesday 57 2 2 1 12 Year ago . . 18 .... 2 .... 17 Sea n to date. 4136 li9 474 498 IMJ Year ago ..4516 49 913 480 2065 OREGON APPLES AT PHILADELPHIA Spitxenbergs and Ortlejg Find Steady Market at Auction Sale. Two cars of Oregon apples were re ceived. The market was quite with prices weak and unchanged. Shipments of Oregon apples Tuesday were 30 cars. Taklma . quoted Delicious extra fancy. medium to large at $2.50; Homes fancy at $1.70 and choice at $1.50, and Winesaps, extra fancy at $2.75. No sales were re ported from other northwestern districts. At - Philadelphia, Hood River Ortleys, extra fancy, small medium, sold at Tues day s auction at $-.toQ 3.10, an average of $2.92; fancy medium to large at $3$? 3.25, an average of $3.10; small at $2. 93; Spitzenbergs. extra fancy, medium to large at $2.803.20, average $3.04 and small at $2.00. OMON MARKETS HOLDING STEADY Decline in Total Shipments in Past Week Reported. The onion markets of the country wre fairly steady in the past week. The ruling price was around $6 for choice yellows f. o. b. western New York shipping points until the closing days, when the "extreme range for fair and choice stock was $5.50 4ptf.25, with a dull, dragging market. The range in consuming markets was about steady at $5.50 tytf.50. Spanish Valencia old at $6i 7 In 130-lb. cases. The shipments for the week were 291 cars, compared with 316 last week and 39S a year ago. California shipped 72 cars; Massachusetts 64 cars, and Ohio 31. CI BE BITTER IS IN OVERSCFPLV prints, parchment wraouers. box lots, oic cartons, 60c; half boxes, Vfcc more; less than half boxes, 1c more; buttertat, No. 1, 560 57c per pound 'at stations; Portland delivery, ordinary grade, 59c; A grade, ttlc. EGOS Jobbing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranch, candled, 50c; selects, 54 56c. CHEESE Tillamook, t. o. o. 'i'iliaiuooK; Triplets. 32c; Young Americas. 33c; long horns, 33c Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myr tle Point: Triplets. Sic; Young America 32 c. POULTRY Hens, 28 33c; springs. 29c; ducks, 35a40c; geese, 20425c; turkeys, live, 37c; dressed, choice, 48c. VEaL Fancy. 26c per pound. PORK Fancy, 21 c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, S4.50 6.50; lemons. $4.50fe6 per box; grapefruit, $3.2d&6.75 box; bananas. 10 11c pur pound; apples, $l.Ot &'d per box; pears, $2.50&3 per box; cranberries. $5.50 per box, $15 per barraU VEGETABLES Cabbage, 6 Mi cents per pound; lettuce, $3.50&4.25 per crate; beets $3.50 per sack ; cucumbers. $2&223 dozen; carrots, $2 & 2.50 per sack; celery, $9 itf 9.50 per crate; horseradish, 15c per pound; garlic, 40c per pound; turnips $3.50 per sack; cauliflower, $2.253.25 per crate; tomatoes, $4.50(5 per box; hubbard squash, 4Vfec pound; sprouts, 17fec pound. POTATOES Oregon, $4.25&5 per sack; Yakima, $4.75 5; sweets. 7,ic per pound. ONluNS Oregon, 6Vtf6u per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane graruilated. 15.90c per pound; beet, 11.27c; extra C, 10.50c; Golden C, 15.40c; Yellow L, 15.30c; cube, in barrels, 16.75c. NUTS Walnuts, 32 0 39c; Brazil nuts, 30c; filberts, 35c; almonds, 35&38C; pea nuts, l&ffi&c; chestnuts, 25c; pecan 32c; hickory nuts, 1516c. SALT Half ground, . lOOs, $17 per ton; 50s, $18.50 per ton; dairy, $25&28 per too. RICE Biue Rose, 16c per pound. BEANS White, 8fcc; pink, 8i4c; lima, 17c per pound; baypus, loc; Mexican red, 8c per pound. CwFfc'EE Roasted, in drums, 39 951c Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, 3437c; skinned. 27 &35c; picnic, 27&28c; cottage roll, 30c LAHD Tierce basis, 3Uu; compound, 28 V per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 28fe32c plates, 23c. BACON Fancy, 41 50c; standard, S3 3Uc Hides, Pelts and Furs. H IDEri Salted,- a!! weights. 22fc 27c; green, ly22c; call, green or sailed, 65c; kip, 35c; bulls, salted, 18c; green, 13c; horse hides, small, $3, medium, $4.50, large, $6tf 7 ; dry hides, 35c; dry saliea. He; dry calf, Ojc; dry salted, calf, 60c. . PELT. S Green salted, each, $2 5 tren shearlings, each, 50c u 11 ; dry pelts, full wool, per pound, 32c ; dry short wool, per pound, 25c; dry shearlings, each, 2550c; salted goats, $ls3, accord- ng to size ; saited guaL sneamngs, 2ocU $1; dry goals, long hair, per pound, 25c. FL'Ks uooa grades, extra large, larg and medium sizes: Skunk, black, $3.7549 8.50; short, $2.oo7; narrow, $2 6; broad, 75c&$2.25. Fox, red, $10tQ45; gray, i& t; raccoon, $2.50 8; mink, dark, $4pl0; ordinary. $2.60&8; winter muskrat, $1& 3.50; wolf or coyote, soft, silky, $S2o; average, $3 13; white weasel or ermine, 60c&$2; lynx, heavy furred. $15 665; or dinary, $lo (Q ro; lynx cat, neavy, 13, ordinary, $39; otter, dark, $11 25; or dtnar , $86' 21 ; martin, pale, brown of dark. $5fr3i; fisher, pale, brown or. dark. $1280; bear, black, $1qj20; brown, $lf 141 wildcat. 25c 2: civet cat. 10c$l, house cat, 10 60c; ring tails, -'5c (8 $2. jackrabbit. 10 20c; moleskins, o (QMUc. Hops, Wool, Eto. HOPS 1919 crop, 85c per pound, 3-year contracts, 4ou axcrage. MOHAIR Long staple, 40 45c; abort staple, 2fd0c. TALLOW o. x. ioc; fto. z. So pet pound. CAaUAKA BAKtt. 1 ew, xkc; oia, 12c per pound. W.UUL rJastern uregon, rine, 1730c; meumm, 4or,iuc; coarse, dodfc; vaiiey, medium, 50' 52c: coarse. 35fp37c NEW YORK, Jan. 2L Another severe slump in foreign exchange and the ex treme lethargy of the stock market, re sulting in greater ease of demand money, were the outstanding features of the day in the financial district. The break in international remittances carried the pound sterling down to $3.60, or 8 cents under its previous low record, during the market session. French, Ital ian, Belgian, German and Austrian quo tations suffered in greater degree, but the so-called "neutral" centers were firm. To find a parallel for today's dull mar ket, in which the turnover barely totaled 475.000 shares, it is necessary to hark back to the middle of last February, when trading dwindled to less than 400,000 shares. Call money opened at 6 per cent, the lowest renewal rate since last October, that quotation holding throughout the day. per Time money was quotable unchanged, but again virtually unobtainable except lor moderate amounts. In the bond market, the only notewor thy features were the fractional improve ment in liberty issues and local tractions. Total sales, par value, aggregated $13, 575,000. Old United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS, granates, $1.25 1.50 per box; rhubarb, $1.75i2 per box. Receipts Flour, 7738 quarters1: irheat, 1600 centals; barley. 3344 centals; oats, 3587 centals; beans. 16.740 sacks: potatoes. 3384 sacks; egsrs, 52.920 dozen; sugar, 6330 centals; hay. 283 tons; hides, 5S0. Coffee Futures StIU Falling. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. There was fur ther liquidation in the market for coffee futures today, owing to the unsettled rul ing of Santos and nervousness over general conditions, as reflected in the action of the stock and .cotton markets. The open ing was 13 to 25 points lower and active months sold 22 to 30 points below lawt night's closing figures during the middle of the day with May touching 15.80c. May closed at 15.88c with the general list show ing a net decline of 21 to 27 points. Jan uary, 15.50c; February. 15.65; March, 15.88c; July, 16.08c; September, 15.83c; October, 15.74c; December, 15.55c. Spot coffee quft; Rio 7s, 1616Uc; Santos 4s, 25 He 26c. Fas tern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. Butter steady; creamery higher than extras, 63 T-a 66c ; creamery extras, 64. 65c; firsts, 59 64C. Eggs and cheese unchanged. CHICAGO, Jan. 21. Buttr, unchanged. Eggs, higher. Receipts 3076 cases. Firsts 62 Vz 63c ; or d I nary f I rsts. 50 (& 60c ; a t mark, cases included, 584? 61c; poultry, alive, higher. Springs,. 29c; fowls, 33c HOG MARKET IS LOWER TOP OF $15.73 IS QUOTED LOCAL STOCK YARDS. Sheep Are Firm and Best Eastern Lambs Are Higher Cattle Slow and Steady. Tb. bom market worked to a lower lerel by full Quarter at the dockyards yes terday with 115.74 quoted a. the top. Cat tle were alow without chan-ge In price except calves, which were listed hiKher. The aheep market retained all Its recent firmness and 50 cents was added to the quotation on the best lambs from east ot the mountains. Receipts were 1 catue. a caive. t3 hogs and 89 sheep. The day's sale, wero as follows: Stores. Last Sales. High. Low. ale. Am Beet Sus V4 Am Can l.00 Kt;i 53 hii Am Cr & Kdry 1.TOO loS lB i:;6 Am H & L pfd 0.WIO 115 112 113'.4 Am Loco 3,:0 18V4 '87 714 Am torn & Rfg m0 6H GShi 68Vi Am Sugar Rfs 8(H 1:S I'M 137 Vi Am Sum Tob. 1.6UO 114?, 8.'! 9.1 Am Tel & Tel 2.SOO 9S4 88 98 Anaconda Cop a.S'xt 62 i 61 i 61 Ti Atchison 1.7 84 S4 84 A G & W I S S 1.UU0 16:lVs lSO'.4 lHOSi Haldwiu Loco. 23.w(K) 113 11114 111 li Bait & Ohio.. 1,:;CK 31ft 3lii 31 9s Beth Steel B.. 7.7UO 8 84 94 B & S Copper. 40O L'84 L'8 28 Calif Petrol... 10O 40 40 40 Canadian Pac 1.700 12U 1284 128", Cent Leather. 14,100 93 90", 01V4 Ches & Ohio.. lOO 54-4 54vi 5474 Chi M & St P o 36 !4 30 36 Chi & NT "W... 800 86 8.". 86 Chi R 1 & Pac 300 20 20 Vi 20V4 Chino Copper. 2.5O0 38 38 38 Col & Iron 6.8"K 41 Vi 3t74 3914 Corn Products 1.8O0 S:i"j 8.1 8:1 Crucible Steel 11.20O 210 03 20.V.4 Cuba Cane Sus l-MOO 53 til's 51 'A U S Fd Prods. 1,200 6S 66? 6Cv4 Krie 600 13 14 13 13 Gen Electric 18 Gen Motors .. 0.100 300 303 303 Gt No pfd 2J0 77 77 77 Ot o Ore ctfs 400 38 'i 38 38 Illinois Central .".DO 8:' 88T4 88T4 Inspir Copper. 2.000 57 56V4 5U Int M M pfd.. 1.7O0 97 9-ri 95 Inter Nickel.. BOO 24 24 24 Inter Paper .. 2,700 82 80 81 K C Southern. 9K 1-5 15 15 Kennecott Cop 1.300 31 30 31 Louis & Nash. 10O 106'S 100 106 Mexican Petrol 12,100 195 192 192 Miami Cop'per 5O0 24 23 23 Midvale Steel. 3.30O 4! 4'J 49 Missouri T'ac. 300 25 25 25 Montana Pow. SOO 65 64 65 Nevada Cop .. 200 16 16 16 N Y Central.. 40O 68 68 68 X Y X H & H 200 26 26 26 Norf & West 95 . Northern Pac. BOO 79 78 78 Pan-Am Petrol 8.1 OO 82 90 90 Pennsylvania.. 1,500 42 42 42 Pitts & W Va 2S Pittsburs Coal loo 60 60 60 Ray Con Cop. BOO 21 21 21 Reading 1,000 76 76 76 Rep Ir & Stf-e! 10.6OO 110 10S 108 Shat Ariz Cop 100 12 12 12 Sin Oil & Rfg. 3,800 43 42 42 Southern Pac. 3.700 1 0O 100 100 Southern Ry: . ' l.OOO 21 21 21 Studnbaker Co- 14.9O0 104 102 102 Texas Co 1.700 204 201 201 Tobacco Prods 1.1O0 92 91 91 Union Pacific. l.OOO 123 121 123 Cntd Rtl Strs. S.40U 87 86 S6 i; S Ind AIco. 1.90O 107 1"5 105 V S Steel 24,500 105 10-1 104 do pfd loo 115 115 115 ftnli Copper.. 2.ih)0 76 76 76 WestiiiB Elect ) 52 52 52 Willys-Overlnd .".810 au 20 29 Ohio Ci'.s Gas. 2.100 47 46 40 Royal Dutch.. 7.!HH 106 104 105 Naval SAVANNAH. Gt., Jan. 21 Turpentine firm, $1.80 1.87; sales 143 barrels: re ceipts, 111 barrels: shipments, 162 barrels; stock, -11. 065 barrels. Rosin firm; sales, 456 barrels; receipts. 309 barrels; shipments, 1048 barrels: stock. 43.606 barrels. Quote: B. T. E. F, G, (18; H. 118.10; I. $18.30; K. $19.25: M. J2O.50: X. $20.75; KG, $2L10; WW, $22. Metal Market. N b"W TORK, Jan. 21. Copper stesd-r. Klectrolytlc, spot and first quarter. 19 019c; second quarter, 1919c. Iron steady and unchanged. Antimony. 10.87 c Lead easy. Spot and February. 8.50e bid; 8.75c asked. Zinc easy. East St. Louis delivery, spot. 9c bid; 9.20 asked. Seattle Ford and Hay, SEATTLE. Jan. 21. City delivery: Feed ill, 50 per ton: scratch reea. S4; leea wheat. $S0; all-grain chop, $76; oats, $69 070; sprouting oats, $74; rolled, $74 whole corn, $74 cracked com, $76; rolled barley. $80: clipped barley. $85. Hay Eastern Washington timothy mixed. $38i39 per ton: double compressed. $42; alfalfa, $3o; straw, $17G18; Puget sound, $33. Wool Firm at London, LONDON. Jan. 21. A good selection. amounting to 1O.5O0 bales, was offered at the wool auction sales today. Siddtng was active and prices were firm. Geelong scoured sold at nine shillings eight pence. while lower grades hardened. Dried Fruit at w Tork NEW YORK, Jan.- 21. Evaporated apples quiet. Prunes dull but Bteady. Peaches firm. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. Raw sugar quiet. Centrifugal, $13.04; fine graunlated, $15 16. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 21. Cotton, spot quiet. Middling, 38.75c. AT 890 930 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 steer. . . 560 2 steers. . 995 5 steers.. 1130 4 steers. .1042 12 steers. .1025 18 cows. . 2 cows.. 1 cow.. . 1 cow. . . 2 cows.. 1 cow. -. 2 calves. 1073 1173 1010 llOO l7i 870 24i 200 2S5 21S 350 240 240 160 192 30 273 191 103 420 180 520 400 420 220 24S 258 303 240 251 27 221 130 20 390 240 237 170 27 167 130 254 15Nffl5.7S '! 14.73W15.2S haaviea 1VT.J ...... 1 .-o- Price.) WL Price, $ 8.O0 Shoes-.. 246 $15.75 9.00 4hot-t... 240 15.75 6.50 5 hogs.... 182 13.73 10.75 11 hogs.... 212 15.75 9.50( 3 hogs 186 15.75 8.O0 2 hogs.... 175 13.75 9.35 1 bog 470 13.00 10.M 2 hogs.... 275 15.75 9.00 6 hogs.... 432 14.75 7.00 9 hogs 192 13.75 8.50 Shogs.... 202 15.75 9 ,'.o 3 hogs.... 202 15.75 4.00 2 hogs-.. 280 15.75 12. OO 4 bogs.... 322 15.25 8 0O 1 hog 350 15.75 6 50 2 hogs.... 255 1 5.75 7.00 1 hog..... 4 O0 13.75 13.50 6hogSw.. 223 15.73 13.50 6 hogs-.. 163 15.50 15.75 1 hog 320 15.00 15.75 1 hog 540 14.00 13.75 1 hog lOO 16.00 15 75 1 hog 270 15.30 13.73 13 hogs 327 13.00 15.731 bogs .4183 13.50 15.75186 hogs.... 206 15.75 15.75 1 hog... .. 430 14.73 15.73 3 hogs.... 346 14.75 13.75i 5 hogs.... 08 34 00 15.73! 1 h n f-0" 15.5o; 12 hogs... . 256 15.50 15.75 18 hogs 225 15. 50 14 25 37 hogs 311 15.50 1.-, 75 20 lambs. . 72 15.50 14 75 20 lambs. . 98 15.50 15 75 2S lajnbs. . 103 13.50 15.75 31 larrrbs. . 86 13.50 15 0O 7 lambs.. 62 13.00 13.75 29 lambs. . 116 15.00 15 0O 2 lambs. . 90 15.50 15.0O 18 lambs.. 92 15.25 15 7.5 18 lambs.. 85 15.50 13.731 lbuck... 150 8.00 1-5 50! 8 goats... 50 6.O0 14. On'. 22 goats.. . 80 5.O0 15 1KH 1 cow.. ..1010 5"0 155(1 lcow...: 01O 6.25 IS no lcow.... 09O 7.50 15.50 lcow.... 940 5.50 14. OO 23 cows. . . 910 5.00 15.75 lcow.... 800 7.75 15 00 lcow.... 850 6. no 15.25 lcow . 850 5.00 11 501 2 calves.. 325 10.00 13 25 1 calf. ... 220' Ifi.OO 15 25 1 calf 190 17.00 ' 15.73 1 bull 1830 7.50 13.60 1 hog 300 13.50 15 75 3 hogs... 375 13.75 i 13 7.V-82 hogs. . . 218 15.75 13.751 12 hogs. . . 190 13.30 1 bull 1260 1 bull.. ..1410 5 mid . . . 984 13 hogs.. . 277 14 hogs.. . U12 6 hogs. . . 22. 6 hogs. . . 2 hogs. . . 2 bogs.. . 1 hog. . . , 8 hogs. . , 2 hogs. . . 1 hog 5 hogs.. . 4 hogs. . , 2 hogs., hogs. . . 6 hogs. . 2 hogs. . 2K5 7 hogs.. . 198 2 hogs... 2 hogs... 4 hogs.. . 242 4 hogs.. , 1 hog 1 hog 1 hog. . . 2 hogs.. , 7 hogs.. 7 hogs.. . ., nogs. . . 3 hogs.. . 8 hogs. . . 13 hogs. . . 7 hogs. . . 1 hog. . . . 1 hog. . . , 3 hogs. . . 2iO 2 hogs. . . 2SO 1 hog 2 hogs... 9 hogs. . . 7 hogs.. . 25 hogs... 5 hogs.. . 1 hog 5 hogs.. . I.ivestocR prices at local yards follow: Good to choice cows, heifers.. S" J ) Medium to good cows, heifers 7.0w 8.on Fair to medium cows, belters. -0O T e-" f5S2 t Prim, light calve $15 S0f 1. 00 Heavy calves 7 OO1; Jo St.Kkers and feeders 8.00 9.50 Hon Prime mixed Medium and mixed. Rouga Eerlambs 13.0Offl600 Light valley lambs 14 .50lo.50 Heavy valley lambs - 1S.50W L..00 Feeder lambs ii "i Wethers 12.O0rlS;o0 Yearlings 13 0rt 13.50 ttwes ". 7.O0 9.50 Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 21. Hogs tfteceipts 28. OOO, steady to 10c rower than yesterday's average. Bulk. $1510 35. top, $15.50; heavy, $14.854rl3.25: medium. $15.10tf 15.35: light, $15.10 W15.40; light light, $14. 7515. 25; heavy packing Bows, smooth. $14U5iu) 14.65; packing sows, rough, $13,60 14.25; pigs, $13.73 V 14.73. Cattle Receipts 10.000. slow. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime. $16.50018.50; medium and good. $11.50016.30; common, 9.50rf 11.50: lightweight. good and choice, 3 7 5 'rr 17.5U; common and medium. $9j-13.75; butcher cattle, heifers. $6 73014 23; cows, $6,75 413; canners and cutters, $3.'96.70: veal calves, 17g 18.50: feeder steers, $S 12.50: stoc.ker steers, $7.50)111. Sheep Receipts 11,000, strong. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $17.75t20.15; cu'.ls arrO common. $14.50fl7; ewes, medium, good: and choice, S9.50tf 12.25; culls and common. $3.7509. Omaha I.lveetock Market. OMAHA. Jan. 21. fUnited States Bu reau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 15.300. mowtly low 15c higher. Top, $15.15: bulk. $14.85013.10; heavyweight, $ 14.90) 15. 10 : medium weight, $14,901 15.15: lightweight. $14.85015.10: light light. $i4.riri4.8: heavy packing sows, smooth. $14.SOff LI. 90; packing sows, rough. $14. 60W 14.80. Cattle Receipts ,.oo, generally eaay. Beef steers. medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, $16017.75: medium and good. $12fl6; common. $9.5wt2: light weight, good and choice, ilfi.urii.ia: Common and medium. $9rlj.3; Dutcner cattle, heifers. $7.25013.23: cows. $74113: canners and cutters, $5.50ee7: veal calves. light and handyweight, $13.50S1j; feeler steers. $S.50314; Blocker steers, l.ju 13.75. Sheep Receipts O00, steady. Lambs. 84 pounds down. $18.25 (hi 19.60 : cull and common, $1401i.2o: yearung wethers. 114 illil. 50: ewes, medium and choice. $10 11.45; culls and common. $4.75010. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Jan. 21. Hogs Receipts 1227. steady. Prime. $76,016.50; medium to choice, $15016: rough heavies, $140 14. 50: pigs, $ 1 3.50 W 1450. Cattle Receipts 395. steady. Best steers, $11012: medium to choice, $9.500 11; com mon to good, $7.50 0 9.50; cows and- heif ers, $90 lO; common to good, $6,300 S. 50 caives, $7 015. Kansas City livestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Jan. 21. Sheep Receipts 3000. 13023c higher. Lambs. $16.650' 19.75: culls and common, $10.25'fcr 13.35; yearling wethers. $14.23016.65; ewes. $9.75 011.75; culls and common, $4.1 (&9.50; breeding ewes. $8014.50; feeder lambs. $14.50017.75. Exempt Fr-ooa All Damlotai Got est Tamtloa. City of 4y2 Regina, Sask. GOLD BONDS lluei Jaly 1. 1924 Denominations SIOOO These bonds are a direct tax obligation of th srittre- crttv. TtetrrrrR Is the capital of Saskatchewan and is served by three transcontinental railroads, and is one ot" the most promising cities in We-stern Cunada. PRICE: 90.49 to Yield 7 To LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS . If yon miwt sell yor l iberty or Vletoi-v bonds, sell to n. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from oa. On January 21. 1929. the closing New York maxket prices were, as grwen below. They are the governing prices for Lioerty and Victory bonds ail over the world, and the highest. We advertise these prices daily rn order that yoa may always know the New York market and the exact value of your Liberty and Victory bonds: Market.. . Interest. . . 1st 5 s $!S.10 .:'. 1st $92 06 .41. 2d 4s $90.O 1st 4s $92 OO .44 2d 41,1 $91.26 Sd 4th Victory 4'.s 3s 4s $91.38 $9S.4S. $98.4 1.14 .39 .4S rus.7 We. . Cattle Best steers Good to choice steers . . . Medium to good steers.. Fair to good steers Common to fair steers .. C-,r-' f- and heifers. Price. . .$11.2512.00 . . lO.5Otoll.O0 , . 9.00 m 9.75 8.00j) 9.00 . . 7.00W 8.0O . . 9.0010.O0 Sunn j side Libel Suit Opens YAKIMA, "Was-h.. Jan. 21. (Spe eial.) Trial of the $7000 libel suit of Manley Padelford of Sunnyside afruinst the Sunnyside Times and its publish Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. raw, cases. $2.21; boiled boiled drums. S2.ll; boiled, TURPENTINE Tanks. $2.22. COAL OIL Iron barrels. wagons, 13c; cases, 24031c GASOLINE Iron barrels, wagons, 25c: cases. 35 c. barrels, $2.06; barrels. $2.08 cases, $2.23. $2.07, casks, Total. .$9U.2 $92.47 $91.64 $93.04 $92 05 $94.84 $92.33 $98.87 When buying we deduct 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. se.l at the New York market, pius the accrued interest. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. Open I ntU 8 P. M. on Saturdays MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Precnieir Municipal Bond Honse. Capital One Million Hollars, Morris Building. 309-311 Stark St.. between 5ti and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2131. F.gtablisbed Over a Quarter Centnrr ers. the Grandview Securities com pany, was begun Tuesday in the superior court in this city. Padelford complains of the publication of an editorial and various other articles in the defendant's paper in the fall of 1918 during a liberty loan drive, claiming: that he was referred to as a "yellow dog" and charged with, fail ing to bay as many bonds &she should have bought- Lrve ca.ttle were ftrst exported to England from America, in 1861. but it did not become a regular business until several years later. WARWICK, MITCHELL & CO. Accountants and Auditors 1426 NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING announce the opening of an Office in Los Angeles at the IL W. Hellman Building, Fourth and Spring Streets, under the joint management of Mr. Walter C. Wright, C. P. A., and Mr. Willis II. Brown, C. P. A. I? It V S Lib 3'is. do 1ft 4s . . do 2d 4s . . do 1st 4 '.is. do 2d 4-is. do 3d 4.s. do 4th 4's. . .91.40IN P :ls BONDS. .98.98'Anglo-Fr 5s ... .92.04iA T &. T cv 6s.. .90.S4 Atoh gen 4s . . . .92. So D & H G con 4s. .91.2tS N Y C deb 6s. . .93.42 N P 4s Victory 3is do 4 s ... U S 2 reg. . . do coupon . . U S is reg do coupon . . Pan 3s reg. . . do coupon . . .98.44! Pac T & T 6s. .98.46 Pa con 4 '.is . lOO IS P cv as .100 I So Rv 5s 10.-i.iiLT P 4s 105 ylli S Steel 5s... -8814 .S8'-jl 'Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston, BOSTON, Jan. 21. Closing quotations Allouez 3S (North .Butte ... 114 Ariz Com 14 )Otd Dom ...... 35 L'alu At Ariz.... 64 iOsceola 53 I'alu & Hecla..390 lQuincy 61 Centennial .... 15 'Superior 4 Cop Range .... 41 I Sup & Boston.. 5 Kast Butte . 64 4, iShannon Hi Franklin Z lTtah Con Si I.-ile Royalle ... 34 i Winona 1 Lake Copper .. 14 Wolverine 20 -i Mohawk 68 IGreene Can .... 35 13 i lUc; tank 25c; tank Igg .Market Holding Steady Receipts of Poultry Light. The butter market was weak, especially on cubes. whi'h were in over-supply, and no sa'es were reported over 55 cents. The egg market was steady. Cash buy ers offered 47 cents 'delivered to country shippers. Jobbers sold case count at 4S rents and candled ranch generally at 00 eenia. Poultry receipts were light and prices nnenanged. Fancy pork was half a cent higher at 21 'A cents. Veal was steady at 2 cents. Decline In Mreadstuf Ta Supply. The world's supply of breadstuff's is es timated at 522.739,000 bushels on January 1. 1920. as compared with 360.972.000 bmrhels on December 1, 1919, and 452, 822.000 bushels on January 1. 1919. The diatribntion. in bushels, follows: . Jan. 1. 1920. Jan. 1. 1919 Afloat tor Kurope.. In store in U. K 9,;;70.OO0 Tn store in Argentine 4,707.noo Jn store In Australia. 7o.0O0.O00 In store In O. S 130.1Sfi.oon la store In Canada COUNTY SALE SPIRITED Lively Bidding Marks Disposal of Tracts for Back Taxes. KELSO, Wash., Jan. 21. (Special.) An interesting event at the Cow litz county courthouse at Kalama Sat urday and yesterday was the sale of property acquired by Cowlitz county for taxes. The sale was largely at tended and there wos spirited bidding for the many lots and parcels of land offered by L. P. Brown, treasurer. In North Kelso four lots, which were purchased by the Northern Pa cific Railway company in 1910, but on which the 1909 taxes were delinquent at the time of purchase, were re purchased by the railway company. A residence at the corner of Maple and Second streets was purchased by the city of Kelso for $1000. The coun ty cleared considerably more than the tax money involved on most of the sales. 39.356. 00O 35.496.0O0 19.600,000 1.4S0.OO0 1R5.O00.0O0 167,59S.0OO 63.748.000 Total. . ..S22.739.nOO 452,922,000 Potato Market Is Uncertain. ' Tfca local potato market was quiet with wriees somewhat uncertain. Most jobbers ask $4.2504.50 for Burbanks, with small lsU held at Jt.75-2 5. Yakimas were County Judge Ievens III. BURNS, Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) H. C Levens, county judge of Harney county, became seriously ill last Sun day morning, and little hope is held out for his recovery. Judge Levens is a well-Known character or central Oregon, and conducts the largest hotel here and has a wide acquaintance. Money, Kxcbange. Ktc. NEW TORK, Jan. 21. Mercantile paper, 6 per cent. Sterling, demand, S3.C0 3i: cables, $3.61 1. Francs, demand ,12.03; cables, 12.01. Guild ers, demand, 37 H ; cables, 37. Lire, de maud, $14-10; cables, 14.05. Marks, de maud, l.oo; cames, 1.02. In the afternoon trading demand ster ling broke to 93.60, a new low record. Sterling rallied In the later dealings. Ster ling 60-day bills, $3.58; commercial 60-day bills on banks, $3.58; commercial 60-day bills, $3.57 Vs; demand, $3.614; cables. J a. 62. Bar silver, $1.32 W; Mexican dollars. il.ooii. Time loans strong, all dates 7 per cent. Call money easy. High 7, low 6, ruling rate 6, closing bid 5, offered at 6, last loan at 6. LONDON, Jan. 21. 'Bar silver, 79 5id per ounce. .Money ai per cent. Discount rates Short bills, 5 per cent: tnree montns Din. o;s per cent. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current oa Vegetables. Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 31. Butter 39 c. Eggs Fresh extras. 64?4c: extra pullets. obfC; undersized pullets, olc. Cheese Old style California flats, fancy. iuc: rirsts, oic; toung America, 36c Vegetables Eggplant, southern, 1015 per id.; do, Florida, 203?2oc lb.; bell pep pers, southern. loQ20c per lb.; chile, south, era, 15&20c; pimentos, 1012c; squash, cieam, TViWIOc; hubbard. $1.2501.75 per sack; marrow fat. $1.251.75 er sack. Tomatoes, southern, 75c $1.75 a crate. Potatoes, street prices, rivers. $5475.25 per cental; sweet, 56c per lb.; Oregon Bur banks, $2.25. Onions, yellow and white, $4.50 per cental; Australian brown, $5s 5.50: crystal white, Jc per 14. Cucumbers, $3,756)4; garlic. 22 025c per lb.; do, Man churia, 1516c per rb. Beans, string, nominal; lima, 20c; celery, $467 per crate; artichokes, per dozen, $14$ 1.50: tur nips, per sack, $1.501.75; beeta, $1.75? 2; - carrots, $1.25(01.50; cauliflower, $1.25 $?1.50 per dozen; lettuce, southern, $1.73 v2: Sacramento, $lfe2 per crate; peas. HKW17 fee; sprouts, 7&9c rb.; olives, 11S 12 tie. Fruit Oranges, navels, $44?5; lemons. $2.504.50: grape fruit. $2.25 3.75; ba nana. 8681tc per pound; pineapples, $3 ?4.5 dozen; pears, cooking, $161.50; Winter Nellis, $2.75 0 3.50; Oregon. $4. Apples, Rhode "Island Greenings, $1,63 9 1.75; Newtown Pippins, $1,7562.25; Ore gon Spltzenberg, $2.303.25; Baldwin, $2 4?)2.25; Oregon Newtown Pippins, $2.503; lady apples, 2 .Ml 2. 7.1 box. Pome- 1 the Sunnyside Times and its publish- M irasr mmm m asj MAmi EA.7 iiLiitmL -ra i vv Wfuh v m IIIK m Wmmmnft chapter four m J y h fe-rfe" ' xifcSSPZi's , r I Bond Salesmen ' i CAPITAL J Q e New York Boston Philadelphia New Orleans Pittsburgh Detroit Milwaukee Dallas Chicago St. Louis Kansas City Minneapolis Salt Lake City Portland San Francisco. Los Ang-eles Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Moose Jaw Calgary Vancouver London Paris 11 'E HAVE come into this community to be of service to borrowers as well as to investors. While neces sarily conservative in our lending, we invite nego tiations from all borrowers of good standing with adequate security. The larger the transaction the better it suits us, provided only it be safe. The House Built Squarr. Carstens 6? Earles, Incorporated Phone: Bdwy. 4108 Third Floor U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg rv 2& CITY OF PORTLAND CITY HALL 5s, 1922. CITY OF PORTLAND WATER 5s, 1923. CITY OF PORTLAND GENERAL FUND 5s, 192S. CITY OF PORTLAND BRIDGE 4s, 1934. CITY OF PORTLAND IMPROVEMENT 6s, 1921-28. F. I. Devepeaux R(5mpanY MUNICIPAL BONDS Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wclls-Fargo Building The modern trust company sells service as well as bonds. The trained bond salesman is one means of ren dering service to the investor. A salesman of the Lumber mens Trust Company is the mouthpiece of a responsible business organization operating under the supervision of the banking department of the State of Oregon. The salesman is expected to call upon the clients of the company frequently. He not only presents the particular investments being handled by the company, but also offers expert advice relating to general market conditions. The investor is often a busy man, who has little time to investigate the relative worth of the securities he may have under consideration. The trained salesman from the responsible trust company can, therefore, render a distinct service by furnishing accurate information on various securities. Our salesmen spend a great deal of time in conscientious study of general investment subjects, and have a thorough understanding of the securities being offered the investing public at the present time. The salesman is also glad at any time to explain the various phases of a bond transaction beginning with the investigation of the bond issue on the part of the company experts, prior to purchase for the trust company's account, and carrying it through to the maturity of the bonds. A permanent institution like the Lumbermens Trust Company, organized with large capital and supervised by the banking department of the Slate of Oregon, can offer constant and continuous service. (To Be Continued.) E. H. ROLLINS & SONS 411 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone Broadway 1274 Portland. Oregon We offer subject to prior sale Province of Manitoba 6 Gold Bonds Due Jan. 2. 1925. Price S'T X!' and Interest. Yield 61y2r- . City of Montreal, Canada, Gold 6 Bonds Due Pec. 1, 1922. Price S"S.fi3 and Interest. Yield 6'i. Full particulars on application. jir. -mi. '-rpy Arthur Berridge & Company Certified Public Accountants and Auditors Income Tax Specialists and Advisers 619 Worcester Block Main 8621 DO you know that much of your Income Tax trouble comes from poor Accounting Systems and Records? Let us prepare your Tax Reports and revise your Business System. CONSULTATION FREE G. C. MILLER tS COMPANY g ... v. yTTlT t ''- "v1 L"'-' inn : -wStHfc.?i-r A "fl TI ifottiV mrrarfl umb , mmM A ermerxs Tr rust S&rv Fr&rxcisco Borvds-Truss-Acceptances Capital & ourplus vdoo.ooa lumbermens Bldq. PorI arvd. Oreqorv. S c 1 a 87 Sixth Street m. ,M JOHN A. KEATING, President F. WRIGHT, Vice-President CARL S. KELTY, Vice-President BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. H. AVERILL P. S. BRUMBY CHAS. H. CAREY E. S. COLLINS JAS. DANAHER, JR. F. I. JOHN A. KEATING CHARLES F. SWIGERT LESLIE M. SCOTT CHARLES F. WRIGHT F. J. COBBS FULLER Under Supervision Banking Department State of Oregon BONDS AND INVESTMENTS SECURITIES Must Be PROTECTED By an Ample MARGIN of SAFETY Our list of diversified offerings merits your consideration. Detailed information will be sent upon request. G.E.MILLBR, &. COMPANY CORPORATION VA 1 L9 TELEPHONE AAA1N 4-C)& 2C4 56 Northwest"rnranK Building f 0TrslC3 . OREGON Factors Finance THIS firm. Strontr & I Nan ph ton. is organ 1 z e d Bnd operates lor the tal lowing purposes: to floMtce realty de Trlopn Mac- mercantile and housing; structure. 4o eon tract either from nar own or from drsicnH of other archi tect and ena-ineer. to m a a m k Income and investment proper ties. to InventlKaf e, a p praise and report properties. POOTLAN0 fj COR8CTT BUlLOtNO O tOON 1 Strong 5 MacMauihton Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Jlain 7070 A 6093 4 1 Hi I