TO TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920 FOB RENT. ICoonia iViUi Hoard In Private Fily. 1RVINGTON. bet part of city, one room suitable for 2 gentlemen willing to room together; home privileges; 2 well-cooked meals at a moderate rate. East 5S6U. KICK room and good board for two younc ladies employed, modern bungalow, home 'privileges, no other boarders; more for company than money; $30 per month. '1'ahor 5850. . ONE room and board for 2 adults; all home privileges: one block to car. on Webnter st.. near Union ave. AH 911, Oregonlan. OOM and board to school girl, In private rami7, s adults; very reasonable for irent service. 3 H53. Oregonlan. i urnl.,nel A part mo n. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia streetSL Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts. ; all outside with French doors and balcony. K'ICELY furnished 2-roora apartment, pri vate phone, bath, steam heat; cut your rent in half, join our club, own your own apartment, be independent. B 1O0. OrtRonian. KINGSBURY APTS., 186 Vista ave.; one nicely furnished apt. with two disap pearing beds and outside balcony; adults only, price $75. Ma.iji38S3. FURNISHED APTS. Wanted 1 or 2 ladies to share modem apt., centrally located. Phone Main 6641, Apt. 404. from 8 to 10 A. M. and evenings. NICE 3-room completely furnished apart ment. $35, ineluding heat, lights and water. 107 11th iL, near Morrison. Mar shall 982. - MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 4!1 E. Morrison st. One 2-room. fur nished; two one-room, furnished. CHEAP rent, partly modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished, near Penln mIb shipyard. 704 Harvard st. NEWLY, furnished 2-room front apt., suit able for 2 or 4 adults; clean, quiet, ex clusive. 17 N. lHth st. ROOM and board in widow's home, 2 or 3 congenial gentlemen, home privileges. E. S6.S2. BELKNAP APTS. S-room apt., $50, in cluding" light, steam heat. 187 17th near Yamhl'1. . 3 NEWLY renovated apartments, also single, well furnished. 120 Grand ave. XAN1Y 2-room apt., furnished: also 3 rooms unfurnished. 60 Cook ave. A LADY would share 4-room heated apt. with 2 other ladies or couple. Tabor 3911. FURNISHED 2-roora apt., furnace heat, clone in. Call after 4 P. M. 560 Sixth St. FURNISH INGS of 4-room apt. for sale, apt. for rent by Feb. 1. 390 Clay st. Furnished Apartments. tlT,SRl,RT APTS.. ISO Vista ave.; one 3.iAni unfurnished rt. With two disap peering bed and outside balcony; $50. Call MaJn 38K3. Flats. AN R-room flat for rent, furniture for sale, r,ct Hi,!.. Lino rash if sold soon; leaving city; 5 rooms rented more than pay all expenses. 1 hone Main lufto. 140 TRV1NGTON FLAT $40. KiV ROIIMS MODERN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. "BEAUTIFUL 3-room flat, all conveniences, to man and wife: references exchanged. 566 K. Sftth st. S. KM car. 4 ROOM), sink and bath, $19 per month. Inquire 682 East Taylor. Furnished Flats. ft-ROOM furnished flat, $40. west side. Housekeeping Rooms, HOUSEKEEPING rooms in apartment. iiBoin heat, telephone, rent very reason able. Broadway 154U. 19th and Upshur streets. viirisih:d housekeeoing rooms, psrtiy furnished: adults only: near William ave. car line. 1130 Cleveland ave. 1 mi " NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 271 McMillin st., 4 blocks from Broadway. Phone East 60S6. FURNISHED housekeeping room, gas nlate. electric lights, steam beat, bath. Marshall 2748. . HOTEL OHIO, clean transient H. K. rooms, reasonable 266' Front, cor. Madison. single furnishod H. K. rooms; modern conveniences. 687 Giisan st. FURNISHED Washington. housekeeping at First. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Russell. East 15S2. 292 y. ONE large room and kitchenette, J 1st st. 66 N. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. a-KOO.! furnished housekeeping, apart ment, also one furnished housekeeping or. sluupiui; room; heat, light, water fur nished, walking distance. 699 Everetl street. THOROUGHLY clean, extra large, light. i-r,..,t Ksdkinit distance: well furnished. 2 housekeeping rooms. 614 4th St. Main i.Aiu:ir. Hirht room, furnished for house- keeping; furnace heat. gas. light, bath and phone. Bdwy. 2877. 569 Flam 2D FLOOR; 3 large, clean, furnished, sunshiny rooms; nicely located; walklug distance: adults. 5"4 East 6th St. . ix I.T fnrnivlied housekeeping room, kitch enette, heat, lights, phone and bath. ;00 E. Washington st. ; .-wci niiiEEle. nice housekeeping rooms suit able for people working in South Port land. Main J379. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, including elec. lights, phone, water and garbage; rea- ..onable. Bdwy. 1218. uinTw.i;i'K:pivr, rooms, kitchenette and hmli. eood location: married couple. V 136, Oregonian. LARGE front H. K. room, steam heat and 1 electricity: walking distance. 433 Market. TWO larco front rooms, first floor; 1 blk. to Broadway car. 3S2 E. First. LA ROE room. front furnished housekeeping 174 13th st., cor. Tamliiil. Houses. (.ROOM house, suitable for two families. f 1 7 uppj. near Union ave. : tfrO. 2. 3 or 4 rooms, nicel-y furnished, in private home: no children; $30 to $i0. 4 room house, hath, fruit trees, chick en house. 5031 E. 62d ave., Woodstock ai A 60 4-room apartment. Clay st., $30; pro vided $550 furniture Is taken. FRANK L. McGLMRK. Ahington Bldg. Main 1Q68, HOUSE FOR RENT. .hBniiiiriv modern and uo to the min ute in every particular. In good dis trict blocks to car: new gas range. -.-a, or heater and ea.s nlate in house; also window hangings: $52.30 per month. XE1LAN & PARK HILL, 219 Lumpcrmens bldg.. 5th and Stark sts T41 E. IRVTNC! ST.. two blocks north of 22d and Sandy; 7 rooms, $3$. Key at Davidson Baking Co. 1'3 55TH AVE. S. E. s-ronnr. house, has water, bath, toilet and lavatory; no electric lights; 7 blocks SM lTl'l-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCEL 8-ROOM house for rent. Furniture for u This is a good chance. Call and see after 4 P. M. Take Montavilla car to 58th st. 1533 East GHsan. FIVE-ROOM house, beautifully located. l lown roses, etc - now fully fur- nished: will rent with or without fur niture. Apply 915 Front st. " tun t.AT:rt RT.1T1TRST HOME $60. 7 rooms, modern. 50 ft. from car. Fur rir.nlan. luundrv travs. SMITH-WAGONER CO- STOCK EXCH. I v i ;.-v- vou vnvi Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC lljht ervice. Broadway 580. A 6747. "cSROOif "CLINTON STREET HOUSE. 1-1S MODERN HOUSE. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale: 5 rooms, modern, near Bdwy. and Union; new furniture. $300. G 991. Oregonian. " HOUSE STEWART STATION. $25 8 ROOMS MODERN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. MOVING Piano, furniture and Jong-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. LOCAL and long distance moving and hau( inc; first-class equipment. Green Trans Co 202 , Alder St. Main 1261, 572-61. WE5T SIDE modern 6-room cottage, 591 H Wash., close in, reasonable. Walking HorSE for rent, furniture for sale. In quiso Si9 East Broadway, near East 82d North. HOUSE on Portland Heights. 7 rooms and sleeping porcn. Ditinaveii.vic- . . BUNGALOW for rent, typewriter for 4S20 f,1st St. 3. E. M S. car. ' Furnished Houses sale. ' NICELY furnished modern 7-room home; hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace; du s onlv: 6 months' lease with priv ilege of 6 more. $75 per month. li. E. i 'tV. st., near Belmont. Phono East . 4672. WILL rent my nice t-room aurnisneu house near Laurelnurst park, year $60 a month. Two month vmnce. 1082 E. Washington st. 4,-KOoA4 furnished house to reliable FOK KENT. Furnished Houses. A 6-ROOM cottage, rents for (IT a month, newly done over inside; completely fur nished 3 weeks ago at a cost of $10t0: will sell entire outfit for $800 cash. If you are looking for a comfortable home and low rent this should appeal to you. 632 Clinton st-. east side. Phone Sellwood 1005. PORTLAND HEIGHTS For rent for short time while owners are away, nicely fur nished bungalow, situated seven minutes from Portland Heights carline; city wa ter, gas. electricity, fireplace and bath; responsible adults only; city references. Phone Main 5041. -ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. Eastmorcland district. Sellwood 702. 5-ROOM furnished house with sleeping porch and garage. Phone Wdln. 1610. Stores). FOR RENT New concrete and brick ga rage. Just being completed; will be ready for occupancy February 1: located on Grand avenue, between Yamhill and Taylor streets. See I. J. Gordon, at torney. 631 Chamber of Commerce build ing. Main 1370. STORK, 1187 Milwaukle ST.. $18 per month; good location for meat mirui. John Bain. S07 Spalding bids. LARGE store with basement. East Burn side, close in. $45 including heat. K. H. Collis. East 8660. Offices. OFFICE in Gasco building, furnished or unfurnished, with reception room; sten ographer if desired. X 413, oregonian. FOR RENT Private office with use of receotion room and phone service. S02 Title & Trust bldg. DESK room, double telephone service. central location, reasonable. AO 136. Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES. CAN show a thoroughly reliable, straight forward business man who s open lor a money-making business the best and biggest thing on Pacific coast, takes x-io nr.o to handle and vou do the hand ling your money, secured, and you get it back plus interest and profits; don't bother about an answer to this unless you have the cash and the divine spark nr HiinM ahilttv. It's a man's iob ana a little bit better than . ever offered. here. V 005. Oregonlan. restaurant SNAP. ,h of the best equipped little places on the east side and localea wnere tney get the business. This is a money-miner. Ask Mr. Fish. A. J. DEFOREST CO., 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690, CASH GROCERY. Located In ant. house district on west side, south of Jefferson st. 5 living rooms above store: fixtures $300. stock about $looo. C. K. TUGGLE, 212-213 Henry bldg. in. nnn ADVF.RTISING business for sale, orders now on books for 1920 over $8000 net; one man can operate; plant alone worth S0OO; investigation invited. D 137, Oregonlan. t , RF-KTAURANT. $700 cash and $700 monthly payments buys a well located and very profitable little place on ttth st. Cr. K. TL'GOLE. 212-213 Henry bldg. ALBERTA ST. BUSINESS CORNER. Well established store bldg.. fine liv ing rooms: suitable any business: lot 100x130: vacant Feb. 1: rent, sell or tr;ide for modern home. Woodlawn 2597. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter, est In established real estate business gel advice of Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROSSLEY. Secretary. CORPORATION MANAGER. WANTED W.-MO PAN INVEST S5IIOO TO $20,000: ONE FA MALI A R WITH THE FISHING INDUSTRY PREFERRED. AN 60. OREGONIAN. WAN'TED Wen who have some money to invest in a large Industrial enterprise-, employment if des'-d: a safe, sure in vestment in one oi the best industries. on the coast. G 974. Oregonian. COUNTRY STORE. $3500 buys building and stock or will Invoice stock; some terms on building; Brown Biddle, 324 Railway Ex. bldg., 3d and Stark. BAKERY, BRICK BUILDING, ETC., $350. BROAD WAX oow. RELIABLE man wanted as partner in busy garage to look after sale oils, accesso ries, etc.. $20(10 required. Call 511. Rall- :y F.xenange- $300 BUYS cash grocery in apt. district; rent $-o, inducing neat; oncK nuiiniiig. See Brown Biddle, 324 K. R. Exch. bldg.. Third and SUirk. FOR SALE Grocery doing all cash busi ness, no delivery: living rooms in c-oti net-tion; good place for man and wife. Wdln. 4610. GENERAL merchandise store for sale or trri for ranch : 4wt etocs : money maker. Business service, dir nenry bldg. BEFORE Feb. 1st. 3 Girls' Lunch, 333 First, cor. Market, doing .& to s.vo; $5110 cash, part terms to responsible party, u lia. oregonian. BIG cement garage building, best I-T-a- tion. Jive, valley town. maKlng gooc in terest, owner who has interests in aat. $18,300. AV 108. Oregonian. $1100vBirYS 3-chalr barber shop doing $150 a week: rent .,o; terms. oee crown & Biddle, 324 Ry. Exch. bldg., 3d and Stark. GOOD opening In small valley town for general mercnannise, wnn i urn i cure o. racket goods. Building for sale or rent Owner. R. T. Myers. Corvallis, Or. FOR SALE Laundry, doing good busi Answer AV 107, ness; auto delivery. Oregonian. $1100. OR INVOICE, buys cash grocery in apartment aisinci. rem ceo Brown & Biddle. 324 Ry. Exch. bldg. SMALL restaurant for sale, doing good business: sbuo cash or easy terma cail 230 First st., fewanee restaurant. GROCERY and bakery, clears over $50 week: S-O rent: line xixtures: tor quick sale. $1500; living quarters. 294 KusselL CIGAR and' confectionery store, rent very low, ;'.5 day business; owner win invoice Call 511 Railway Exchange. VOR RENT or lease, blacksmith shoo. some tools, fine location. J. Aioore, looking Glass. Douglas county. Or. FOR SALE Buttermilk route. Inquire at Nobby Stables, 12th ana lanaers, at 5 P. M. PARTNE-R wanted with $750 to out into good paying established Business. JNoro- Hampton Co., 401 stock Exchange. priAl.n A 1.1 . and cisars. good west-side cation; S8;rf. can petween i ana o ir. At. 619 Morgan bldg. COFFEE house, restaurant with steady trade, at a Dargain tor quica sale. au E. Alder st. - $9O0 RESTAURANT, $o0 cash, balance on easy payments; receipts m OKI, fine location. 629 Railway Exchange. WILL sell a substantial interest in a pro ducing manuiacturing Dusineas. aaa for interview. X 482, Oregonian RESTAURANTS and cafeterias, see me be fore buying, can between a ana a p. Al, 619 Morgan bldg. moo 3-chair barber shop for sale reason able if taken at once; gooo location, an quire 229 Burnslde. SMALL restaurant for sale, lease; cheap rent. 375 Front st. GOOD restaurant on business street, seat 50: bargain, gooo terms, sroaqway -io... DANDY CASH GROCERY, (1400: look and see. 335 Union' 1 i " r-rr-. - I i ' : - I I. .,..Ho.- Ct... IlA. Jr. r-rV Ve- rligt.71 L . I 1 I I A JfTRTtvA "SfeEl-JrfPi. Tb wi VC-I-W--T, ,e, wl -4a- 10Q QhVUll OtSgf-. I - " ' 3 " tv, J . i 1 1 -3UKv-t---l 1 1 Hi. a - -a- r -T -a- I S A.J.I T V I 1 . T 111 TV a . IT a - I V il E-I .!. "V 7 I ITU If T- .Sv-P-Jel 1 I kj H . L 1 - ' I .M - V - -- I I I Slk L-1L T-r4 --.-- H iaaVgf.vWtn l-'-r-.v I 2 1 Wr LJ : 7 n:.L,. R.r.. Resriaterwd in U S. Patant Offica I . Lease II f"l-t . -vt , .,.,.,.-. .- - 4. 1 ' in -"-"j I ' ' YE-AH, THE BOSS WAS OUT AND DOWN, TOO BY CLIFF STKRBETT, J j party ! wAJJL. s s ..jlj.s s a . . sj. . gs je . s s.s s,s e,e- e e- - ...tA---e...WAA --t s s s . e la.ajtj.jasej-.. rtfl-t '.'Al-t' y W.voegs -s-A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AG ENCY 448 MORGAN BLDG. GROCERY. $7500-Buys this well established grocery, doing close to $5000 per month This store is a good paying busi neas and can show results; rent $35 per month. RESTAURANT. $3500 Buys one of the best paying res taurants In the citv of Portland, doing close to $7000 per month business; this Is one of the best money-making restaurants in this city; corner location and some businets; party wishing to retire; rent $70 per month, if you want a good-paying business, get busy on this. BAKERY. $3500 Buys a modern bakery In Yam hill market, one of tbe best, lo cated in the heart of the citv of Portland, doing $2500 per montn business, has long lease. If yol want a good business, here is your chance. RESTAURANT AND 80FT DRINK PARLOR. $1500 Buys one of the best restaurants and soft drink parlors. This busi ness is doing $40OO per month and has a 4-year lease, rent $115 per moith, in good location and a dandy looking place; will sell at invoice or lump. Terms OREGON BUSINESS Jk FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLDG. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICES. STORAGE BATTERY STATION. WITH ACCESSORY AND TIRE DEPOT AND , AGENCY FOR THE BEST SELLING AUTOMOBILE ON THIS MARsi-ET. ADDRESS BOX 603, COTTAGE GROVE, OR. WEST SIDE GROCERY. ALL CASH. NO DELIVERY. The best little grocery on the west mill dninE an averaee of S100 per dav no credit, no delivery, rent only $20; will invoice about sdMio. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. . tURARK PARTNER WANTED. Partner wanted to sell the gasoline, etc.. and be renerally useful In garage: have 42 cars steady storage. aJso tran sients; sell gas, oils, used cars, etc.. and plenty renair work; $1500 will buy equal half interest with reliable partner. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. OASH FOR- LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLR. CASH GROCERY. Average $40 per day and no delivery; thin nlaee is old established and a good location; price $1600, including 2 living rooms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. r.ARiCE li INTEREST. An old established place and doing a good business; rent only $35: 3 years' lease; best of reasons for selling and a snap for $800. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. S05 OAK ST. f-RK.jOM MKRPHANT who wishes to re- tiro, will sell general stock, business and real estate. A first-class opening in a good Willamette valley town. Will stand thorough investigation. AUQresa r. j. Box 44, Salem, Oregon. WEST SIDE RESTAURANT. Close to 4th and Morrison sts., doing $140 per day business; a good lease, rent only ii; a cneap ouy. an ior souo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OA K ST. LEAVING city, will sacrifice small estab lished flne-navina- bakerv business han dling one nroduct onlv: no competition. Price $100O. including equipment and Chevrolet touring car: no experience in baking necebsary. K 97R, Oregonian. GARAGE FOR SALE. Concrete bldg., 4-year lease, full of storage; sell gas. oils, auto accessories and plenty repair work. Profits $5O0 month. Room 401 Dekure bldg. RESTAURANT ON SIXTH ST. $900 for an old established restaurant doing a good business. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. FOR RENT OR SALE 50 bbl.. roller sys tem, water power, flour and feed mill. For particulars write owner. E. C. La- throp. Myrtle Creek, Douglas county, Oregon. A GARAGE FOR $250. , Concrete bldg.. can store 1$ to 20 cars and do good repair business. Own er oing away reason for sacrifice. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. WILL SELL 2 POOL TABLES, COMPLETE WITH BALLS, KoR $12.".. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. DRUG Business, good Ideation, well tabltshed, big money-maker in one of the ltvest towns on the coast: good rea sons for selling. Address AV 121, Ore gonian. . A COUNTRY GARAGE. Concrete building : good gas station. fully eoulpped repair shop., good servlee car; can clear $K00 month. Price only $150 Room 461 Dekum bldg. ON ACCOUNT of other business, owner must sell his market stall; will guarantee buyer can make $150 a month above ex penses: onlv $1200 required. Call 511 Railway Exchange. MEAT market for sale Weil equipped. doing S2SOO a month. rcverytmng in flret-clabs condition. nave aroa rea sons for selling. This business will stand close investigation. AV 11JS, Oregonian. WILL give the exclusive selling right to Oregon and Washington ior a aevice that sells to vulcanlzers; $25 required for goods delivered. O. M. Thomas, 126 North Broadway. ' BRICK building, rooms and apartments. 125 rooms. clos in on prominent street: big money-maker; will lease to responsi ble tenant ior long period, in o-, ore gonlan. CAFETERIA, a money-maker, will stand close investigation; lease the best buy in the city for $5100, some - terms. Call between 1 and 5 P. M-, 619 Morgan bldg. A SERVICE station with gas. pump, 220- gallon tank; sell tires and do auto re pairing; a good location; price $1350. Room 401 Dekum bldg. HALF INTEREST tabout $250. fully equipped, old established, vulcanizing and tire business, averaginif X2U0U montn. ly. D '., oregonian. CLEANING and pressing shop, downtown location, ooing good oosiness, a years lease, cheap rent; $7O0. Call between 1 and 5 P. M.. 619 Morgan bldg. T HAVE a few hundred dollars I would like to invest with someone who knows of some small paying; business, o 302 Oregonian. WANTED Sufficient capital to develop enterprise in canning line: your money secured; profits will exceed outlay in 3 months. G 9i2, oregonian. WANTED Partner for deep-sea salmon fishing: I have boat. Phone East 3885, after r. M, ARTHUR L. SMITH motor stock for sale. Phone Wdln. 1498. . H. Labbe. 731 Alberta st. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale; good location Woodlawn 1531. FOR SALE pool and confection ery. Box 33, Bickleton, Wash. DESIRE MAN with $10,000 to sssociate tn local mfg. business. V 965. Oregonian. GROCER T with living rooms for sale; write owner. AO 138. Oregonlan FOR SALE: Photo studio, well established; terms. Pendleton, Or., box 63L. BTStNESS MTOBTCinnlta. LAUNDRY Located In county seat town on one of the completed state highways: only laundry in county; plant consists of 60-h. p. boiler. 15-h. p. engine. 3 elevated header washers with automatic valves, 9in,.M h(ph.iinMH extractor, dry room. drying tumbler, motor-drive flat-work lroner, steam collar Ironer, bosom, neck band and cuff presses. Universal presses, collar equipment, marking machine and all necessary ornce equipment, rom un livery car; building and property on paved street; laundry has been In oper ation 11 years, was remodeled and ,niilnMrf with th 1 a . t nuchinerf in ll"l. and is one of the finest in the northwest; supplied with soft water, gas and electricity at low rates; wood $-.75 per cord; operating expenses very low; weekly business $500. which will increase the coming year. Plant, building and property will be sold for $15,000; one third cash, balance easy terms: no lease or rental nronoaitlona considered. A V 111. Oregonlan. OREGON BUSINKSS FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLDG. We have a waiting list of buyers want ing rooming houses and APARTMENT houses and hotels. If you want immediate results, list with us and get quick action. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY, 44S MORGAN BLDQ. $ 1 050 G ROC ER Y $1050. Fine stock and fixtures, doing a fine Business; rent only sin. $14001 GROCkJRY $1400. Fine east side corner location, best of siock ana iixtures. GROTEHT. Invoice about $2I0. This Ls a arplen did place, doing over $3000 a month. Ask Air. rlsn. A. J. DEFOREST CO.. 82Q-321 Henry bldg. Main 2600. BUSINESS MAN! Seattle calls you. The biggest, fastest money In 1020 and for several years to come ls in the paints. oils, varnish' glass and wall paper trade. held back 4 years by war; old estab lished house in heart of Seattle offers entire business for $17,500 and annual profit is very heavy even now: spring means more now than ever: all condi tions perfect. Come, write or wire. W. W. Lucas. 409 Burke Bldg., Seattle. Wash. EAST SIDE CASH GROCERT WITH LARGE SOFT DRINK ROOM. This place is doing all cash business no delivery, fine stock of groceries. Is corner room, and a fine soft drink and cigar store in connection, making 2 rooms, fine location and the best buy in the east side: will sell all for $3600. with 2 years' lease; rent only $75. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. FORD accessory, the best out yet, new on coast, absolute necessity, selling olg wherever shown; lots in use in Seattle. Tacoma, etc.; have exclusive sale In Wash., Oregon; sells $4.60 with Dig profits: had an accident, can't drive a car or travel, will sacrifice advertising car and business; here is a real oppor tunity that will stand any Investigation. For full particulars address 704 Wash.. Vancouver, wash. WE BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE!. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. CAPITAL WANTF.D. The owner of one of the best hot I springs in the west wishes to interest a first-class doctor or a capitalist which requires an investment of $35,000 to 50.00O.. This is a bonaflde proposition I and will stand Investigation. Time is money. Don't answer this ad. unless you mean business. AV 125. oregonlan DRUG STORE. A snail at $2600. located in the apt. house district; good clear stock and fix tures: clearing $40O a month, ASK Air. Fish. A. J. DEFORKST se CO., 120-321 Henry bldg. Main 2W0. $500 TAKES neat, clean restaurant and lunch room on t-iawtnome ave.. aoing good business; this is a real buy and hard to beat. NORD HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. SS00 BUYS cleaning and pressing, west side. It. w. steam press, w nile rotary. electric iron, auto delivery with panel bodv; 4 living rooms; rent $2o. See Brown & Biddle. 324 R. R. Exch. Bldg., Third and Stark. WANTED Four men for road work. Must buy o 4 -ton standard trucks, written contract goes with truck. Ten months' work. Phone Broadway 1572. Mr. King. Fundays, Broadway 977, 10 A. M. to 12 M. WEST SIDE GROCERY. sasoo cash buys fine stock and fix tures and furniture for 7 rooms in apart- merit district; sales $70 a day; 4 living rooms. see rrown uio-aie, rty. Kxeh. Bldg.. ad and Stark. Rusinetts Opportunities -Wanted. PARTNERS want good going business. $2000 or more, downtown location: puo lic market preferred. R 3-'2. Oregonian. HAVE $500 to $1000 to invest with ser vices in legitimate nusiness. w oat navs you? A 24. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 8 ROOMS. WEST SIDE. $30 rent; 5 rooms rent out; cheap for all txvsh. See Mrs. Green. A. .1. DEFOREST CO., 320-321 Henry bldg. $600 BUYS 9-room apartment; terms. l?.oo DUi -v-room api., . -vv vas.i, bal. $50 a month: income $280. BROWN Ar BIDDLE. Ry. Exch. bldg. SPECIAL today only, sacrifice 11 H. K. rooma, net lti. Hurry ior tnis one. BARNEY JOHNSON. 170 Tenth. Ground Flor. ROOMING house snap 31 rooma clean. well furnished and always tun; gooo. profit guaranteed. Inquire 146 Front st.. naer Morrison. 40 -ROOM modern brick hotel,, fine loca tion, rine turniture, rent rigm, ,ea, price right. Call 163 V, W. Park St., Wells & Anderson. FOR best bargains in rooming or apart ment bouses see members ot ice nva.ij Bosr'd. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th St. WE HAVE a number of good rooming houses for sale, close in. Harney jonnson Ae Co.. 1TO HKli St., ground floor. 15-ROO.M H. K. house, close-in, $50 rent. good furniture; price van un W. Park St., Wells & Anderson. 17-ROOM rooming iwuse for sale, close I price hair oown, rent e landlord. 245 Burnslde. A. Burke. 21-&OOM apartment house on corner, ..-ue.. heat, modern: makes good money. See owner: no agents. vi e.. nurnsioe. 10-ROOM rooming house, modern. $40 rent, good furniture; price $750, terms. Call 163 W. Park St., Wells 4c Anderson. WANTED 10 rooms up, furnished house, will pay cash for bargain; west side. Call Broadway 3790. 17-ROOM H. K. house, west side, low rent, making good money. Call 163Vi W. Park St., Wells & Anderson. BEST 54)-room apartment house that $1100 and my 23-room apartment house will buy. 328 Main at. FOR SALE 12 housekeeping rooms, steam heat. By owner, 162 N. 22d ot corner Irving. J1J50 15 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walk- lng distance: $550 cash, balance easy payments. 629 Railway Exchange. WANTED A clean place, about 10 or 12 rooms, on west side; not over $1500. H 4o6. Oregonian POLLY AND HER PALS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels auid Rooming Houses. SEE BRUCE GODDARD FOR BARGAINS. THESE OA N'T BE BEAT. 16 very elegantly furnished rooms, modern and almost new bldg.. White Temple district; beautiful home and $12o month profit to owner; lovely rugs, piano. Circassian, mahogany, oak and Ivory furniture: every room la a sur prise. Price $3200. terms. 12 rooms, just listed: has heat and Is neatly furnished; lovely yard; rent $35. Price only tlouo. Be sure and see this today. Iturnnm trnnflmt hotel, close to 6th and Washington sts. ; brick: clears: $200 month; steam heat furnished under the rent. Price $2100. This is a money maker. 38 rooms furnished with brass beds, steel springs, large heavy dressers, etc.; mrA iMM alum heat, hot and cold water In every room ; brick ; clears $400 month above expenses, atico souu-u on easy terms. 14 rooms. $12.10: good furniture: terms arranged to suit. A winner. These are the best buys obtainable In Portland and are exclusively with this office for sale. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and 1 will show you.' BRUCE GODDARD. 501-j Couch bldg. SMALL APARTMENT.' MAIN 3638. 80 rooms. 10 apartments with steam heat and hot and cold running water In all apartments. Brick building: all light apartments; rent $5 with 2-ycar lease; just the place for lone woman as there are no fires to bother with: price $4250. $2500 handles. 20 rooms, rent $50. with lease: steam ht corner bulldinir. clears $130 over expenses: a little repairing and this place will be worth $50O more than you can buy it for now; price $1800. $1000 handles. 10 rooms, easy walking distance, fur nace heat, electric lights, fair furniture, eloars $70 per month; price only $97o. $550 handles. SOOTT-BOWDEN CO.. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR IMMEDIATE RESULTS LIST WITH THE OREGON BUSINESS k FINAN CIAL AGENCY. WE HAVE A LONG WAITING LIST OF BUYERS ANXIOUS TO GET IN BUSINESS. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SELL YOUR BUSI- BUYERS WANTING: Grocery stores from $10ii0 to $10,000. Dryeoods stores from $4000 to $2o,000. Shoe stores from $500 to $25,000. Clothing stores from $5000 to $25,000. Confectionery stores from $1000 to $l0.ingv Garages from $500 to $10,000. Hotels and rooming houses from $-"00 to $20,000. ..m. READ OUR ADS. WE GIVE PROMPT . OREGON ' BUSINESS as FINANCIAL AGENCY. - 448 Morgan Building. j n DAnvfc T r nr nnt chean rent, west side. $6500; clearing $250, easy placo for woman to handle. A" ranm. rent onlv 65. clearing $200 oer mo.. 2. 3 and 4 rooms. Price $3200. KA.M.m kAt.l ri-h in town, clears be tween $600 and $700 a month. $10,000 cah. 28 apartments, all 3-room, rent $300, clears $500. Requires $9500. List your property with the Enter prise Realty Co. and get results. BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE. 43-room apart house, east side, on a main street on corner; 2 and 3-room apts., furniture good and house clearing about $25U per monlli; - years rent only $60: a real bargain; $4000, 125O0 down, balance monthly. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. BK1CK APARTMENT HOUSE. 43-rnom 1DL housn. east sldw. on main street on corner; 2 and 3-room apts., furniture good and house clearing about 52..U per montn: years ie..-e, rent only $60; a real bargain; $4000 $2300 down, balance monthl. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. S05 OAK ST. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apart ment House of anv kltia, anywhere, see F. RiERDON. WATCH OT'R ADS; WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $23.". PER MONTH; YES, SIR. Figure it yourself: 22 rooms and side Issues, rent less than $1.50 tier month per room, other expenses will not ex ceed $12; elec, gas, hot and cold water nearly all rooma; most housekeeping Owner savs sell for $1900, half cash. HedBCS, 171 West Park. , MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSB BROKER. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk it over; 12 years In this business in Portland enables ne to give you satis, factory eervtc-. 728-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 32-ROOM apartment house, fine place, fine furniture, doing good business, can ne had for $3800 on terms of $2.i00 down: this is worth the price; close In. west 'd' NORD HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. ON ACCOUNT OF ILL-HEALTH will take in trade a bungalow uo to $4000. balance $4000 cash, for 65-room apt. house; modern in every respect; au tomatic elevator; net profit $100 month. SEE MltS. KH.1.1.1-.I:, GEO. T. MOOltE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. IT ONLY TAKES $250 to pay down on a very nicely furnished and very clean 9-room flat in wiut Temple district. Price $050. $250 down and 525 per month. Don t miss this. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 Couch bidg. TRANSIENT 30 ROOMS. Right downtown, brick bldg.. steam heat. This place will pay for the furnl ture In a year. See Mr?. Green, with A. J. DEFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2090. 1 3-ROOM APT HOUSE. Oaoa furniture, cleartnx $90 per month rent $40; west side location; 2 and 3 room apts.. all for $i::uu. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. 14 ROOMS $1100. RE-NT $35. West side, of course. See Mrs. Green with A- .1. DEFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry bldg. te-ROOM apt. house, comer, all outside rooms, steam heat, rent $75; good in come and lewse; location 274 Hoiladay ave., 2 blocks from east end of stvei bridge. 'hone East 8225. TEN rooms, close it, west side, good fur- niture. $1150 csth: this Is Al. NORD HAMPTON CO. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. LOST AND FOUNT. TWO PINS, first wishbone leaf, diamond center; second Alaska gold and old ivory crescent; reward. Phone East 5336. LOST Sunday, gold necklace with nus gfct; reward. Phone Woodlawn SS31, evenings. LOST Black leather purse with gold watch. Initials B. L . aold pencil,, ring. Leave at lrvington Pharmacy. LOST Cashier's check bearing J. F. Bain signature. Finder call Main 8381; re ward. LOST Airedale male dog. license number on collar 2hfi5. woin. nza. Ke vara. LOST Small bar pin with tlnr diamond, valued as keepsake; reward. M. 5422. i-ost akd rovyp. THE following articles have been found f cars of the Portland Railway. Light Power Co.. Jan. 0: tie clamp, spectacle case. 2 pairs glove;.. 3 gloves. 2 " J packages, pair rubbers. a lunch boxes, o suitcases. 2 umbrellas. Owners may o taln property at First and Alder sts. REWARD. , ., 1916 It-passenger Overland car stolen, model 8.1. license No. 4255.. engine No. 1.W7; dark green and black body, top ragged, backbow broken, "f".,,1"1 iron; fenders bent. 310 E. 44th street. Phone Tabor 2611. WOULD gentleman with Ford who PliM up lady at 53d and Sandy and took her to Third and Madison kindly return um brella left in car? 1426 Alameda drive. Tabor 1015. t ' .--t. .. . i.'-. n, ' . store, nuree eon- .,rrenv and watch. Please notify Mrs. A. J. Cook. lOS W. lth sc., Vancouver. Wash. Reward. LOST Folding check book on fean Fran cisco bank, including a check for SoO and numerous receipts: notify G. A. O Unnor. Row land Annex. 207 Vs 4tn St. LOST A leather purse containing .bout $22 and note for $150. Return to 4-0 Cham, of com. piag. tw". iist or trtolen from Kelly Butte S-year- old Jersey heifer with owners name on chain collar: reward, iiiwr i-w. t . . --r- r .. . r,,,rav iti downtown dis- v. mall circle pearls and torauolse. Reward. S 703. Oregonlan, T.rwr Rmnll arold medal on gold chain. Finder please return to 669 Savler st. Reward. LOST Small blue silk purse containing $20. Phone Msranaii ii. LOST Pair shell rims. of eyeglasses with tortoitse Phone East 757. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO BOND BUYERS of the MACLEAY-LINDSAY IRRIGATION DISTRICT, c.i. hi,- w ill he received bv the Mac leay-Llnds.ay Irrigation District at Its office, it being at tne ornce oi i. Mnrtlanri. at Sfaulm. Clallam county. Washington, until 11 o'clock A. M., on the 2d day of March, 1020, for the pur chase of bonds in the sum of Two Hun H and Kixtv Thousand t$260.000) Dol- i- henrins- Interest at the rate of 6 n-r ner annum. Dayable semi-an nually, the proceeds to be used In the construction ot an irrigation system. & --tlfie check In the sum of Flv Thousand C$50001 Dollars shall accom pany each bid, which check shall be for feited in case the successful bidder fails . enmnlv with the terms of his bid. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids. MACLEA.Y-LINDSAY IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. By HARRY D. Mac ARTHUR, Secretary, Sequim. wash. sif.Ai.Fn bids for wood and coal for the school year 1920-1W21 win oe receive- at the office of the undersigned. 401 court house. Portland. Oregon, until 5 P. M. February 18. l2rt. and will be opened at a meeting of the board to be heid in mim :i4. rniirtboiwc at 4 P. M. Febru, aiv 19. 1920. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, na vahln to R. H. Thomas, school clerk. must accom-pany each proposal. The board reserves the right to reject any ,rt n hids or divide the award. Speci fications may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. R. H. THOMAS, school clerk. Dated January 19, 1920. Miscellaneous. NOTICE All Rtorage account- Z months nast dne. if not paid by February 18 120. goods will be sold for storage charges. C. O. Pick Transfer & Stor age Co. k-jioM this date, Jan. 21, 1920. will not be rej.pons-it.le for any bills contracted bv my husband, Frank J. Rogers. Bessie L. Rogers. NOTICE The Oregon Woolen Mills Store has been sold and the firm of H. Good man & Sons dissolved. Present claims at 261 First St. FINANCIAL. WE BPT AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS. MAKE MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. WRITE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. KX1LK BU R K ITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BONO & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN JSO0. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. - Join this association and get your ainneiee loan on the co-operative p:an. Loans for any amount to run from 3 to -la vi'urs reoavable in small monthly installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative savings and loan association in Portland. UNION SAVING! & LOAN ASSCM-1 ATION. 284 OaH Street. WB BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR l.IBEKTY BONDS. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 2U8 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned on cattle. sheep, hogs, etc. F. E. BOWMAN tc. CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Main 3026. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH for RECEIPTS. WH LOAN money on BONDS. WAR STAMPS. 74 int. 725 Gasco bldrc., 5th and Aloer, CELLARS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbennens bldg. WK BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Shares of Johnson Auto Sig nal Co.. $350 per share. 104 Third st. Vancouver. Wash. CASH paid for sellers' Installment con tracts. 3Q9 Abington bldg. Mar. 4138. $1500 MTG.. one year, close in acreage, liberal discount. 210 Lumber Exchanga Money to Isao on Real Kstaste. $300, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable terma no delay; no broke rage. John Bain. 807 Spalding Mdg. $f,oo. $1000 AND l"P to lend at and T per cent R. F. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. lowest ratea Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. A. H. $1000 AND U?l no commission or delay. F. H. PEgHOr 615 Cham, ot Com, bldg. MONEY-on farm and Improved city prop erty. K. K. Baxteri704j5paldlng bldg. FIX.VNCIAI.. Money to Loom on Real Estate. RES1DENC15 LOANS, a per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multi ple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce Interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value on house and lot at 6i to 7 per cent. Vou pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and interest. You have privilege of payinu $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. WK RECORD MORTGAGE AND PAY OTHER EXPENSED. BUSINESS IOANS. Five-year period. 5 Va Ppr cent and 6 per cent. Repayment privileges. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main 83lH. fcuite 407 Veon b.dg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for Improve ment purposea. The best and easiest method of paying a loan ls our monthly payment plaa. $32.26 per month for 6 montns. or $2L2i per month for 60 months, or $16.17 per month for W6 months pays . loan of 1000 and interest. Loans of, other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment privileges. KQUITABLJS SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. Stark St.. Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment prtv llesea. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third street. Main 3067. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. $60,000 TO I0 A.N In sums to suit on dry. suburoan and farina Building loans a specialty. W1LUAM j. Bl-Jt;h., 215-216 FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on v l.lamette v ley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COilPAN Y, Si etn s. r-ortiana. or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property rrouipt service; no aeiay. Call and see us for terma PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OKEGON, Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LO-iKo. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attraclive repaying privileges. A. H. BiKKELL CO.. 217 Northwestern ank h ildg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. $4O0. $500, $riOO. SSO0, $10O0, $1250. $1500, Jovu ana up, lowest rates, quica action Pay on liuu or more at any mieres date. Gordon Mortftane Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce, Alain Jo.o. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city properly: xavorabie repayin nrivtleKes: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MOKXGAOE CO.. LTD. 506 Piatt 13, da. Mam 5371. MONEY TO LOAN n Improved city property and also Uu proved farm property, i.-urreut ratea WM. MacMASTER. 831 U. S. National Bank Bldg. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real es te 1st ar.d 2d mortgages, contracts. livestock, notes, etc. V. E. Bowman sfc Co., 210 t hanmer Alain -.U-tj. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITV I'ROHKKTT. 5S PER CLNT. 6 t 1SN r. PEit I'bKT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate. 6 and c long time, anort time monthly payments or as you can; sum to suit- 725 oasco oiag., tun ana Aiae CELLARS-.MUKTON CO. MONEY TO LOAN en real estata security at going rate c: interest. OTTO V HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Conimeroe. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO., SO Fourth St.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. City or farm property from $500 up. W. H. BR1TTS. 31K Chamber of Com merce. Phone Marshall 2549. I PRIVATE funds to loan. Lowet rates. Sale contracts ooiigni.. rnu..i f i. np. L1ABLE SERVICE. A. K. Hill. 21i Lumbermen bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on real estata t . t r i.-1 , 1 vvir A. r-, , 201 Board of nidi;. $800. $400. $500. $751). $1000 AND UP. low rates: quick action, rrea vv. uersaa Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445 SEE OKEGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. Salomon : Co.. 408 Selling bldg. Louis Money to Loan- rhattels and Salnrfr. DO YOU NEED MONET AT LEGAL RATES. CJUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TOD AT. LOANS MADE ON j AUTOMOHILS.S. rtllMTliKr.. riA.VUS. ViCTROl.AS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. Tf vour payments s re too large on your "sutomobile or furniture contracts. we will pay in em up ana .m.nce vou ...onev if needed. We make a bds- ciulty of these loans, and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can ..... ,, in r,,ll mntitiilv navments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people, on their own note, Rates reasonable. Private offlcea All business strictly confidential PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. ' (LICENSED.) 06-3O7 Dekum Blon Marshall 32S6 S W. Cor. Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSJt. Phone Broadway 910. 894 Stark Street. Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrolaa, pianos. kodaks. shotguns. furniture, musical instruments, and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants caahed for face value. CARRIE MVERS-HERRMAN. . Manager. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS, WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or worVlns men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly paymeuta Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MO RTG AG ES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on househoM furniture, pianos etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 218 FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry, legal rates: all articles held a year: estab lished lhS8. Pan Marx & Co.. 283 Wasn. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture; legal ratea 208 Wss-hington bldg. I .nana Wanted. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IM PROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY AND FARMS. F. H. DESHO.V. 615 Ch. of Com. WANTED $50O0 at Mi-", for 5 yars on 110 acres of land valued at $25.0xl. Call Sellwood 2533. $6O00 WANTED on west property; no commission, plan. - side business J 634, Orego- $5000 6. WEST SIDE income property: value $30.01)0. M 4. oregonlan. FTNANCTAL. Loans Wanted. $50O. S"r. COVERING 40 acres of plattea property, having frontage on Columbia river highway and Sandy river, very choice and high-class property, owners estimate value over $l.(Xt0; we consider this a good loan. F. w. German Co-. 732 Chamber of Commerce. M O NET WANTED. We have three good loans. $1290. $15ts and $2tMi0; ample security In cjuh offer ing. ul separate: , percent interest. COE. A. McKKNNA tt CO.. S2 Fourth st. WEST SIDE BRICK APAKTMUNTS Paying 20 per cent not on actual Invest ment; wi'l give some terms to acapon nible people; price $50,000. Y 215, Ore gonian. WANTED $7K to SIOAO for n year. Call Wood lawn 2A36, between ud 11 A. M. and 4 and 6 P. M. and I will exoealn tae security. E. L. Brown. WANT to borrow $2200. 3 years. T pea- cent. Portland Improved property. Mort gace Investment Co., 621 Morgan bldg. Main 4477. SEE OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE COL. i-i tnnm. or t-ommerce. 4tn and stark. PERSONAL. SENSE. Most of us were taught m wjath Five senses were to be: To sme'.l and hear, to taste and And also for to see- But since those days thyva acldoa twc. And horse-sense has its use; While common sense is lacking Without the least excuse. They'll credit yon with good hnaaa? naai When you do what Is right; They'll think you lack the corn-man perssa To argue or to fight. We try to use good common sense By saving you much more On each new SUIT. COAT. DRESS or HAT At the PETERSON TTP STAIRS STOK1. SECOND FLOOR PITTOCK BLOCS. WE BTTY DIAMONDS. If von wish to dlapoesj of airv diamonds, we pay full valua ia cash, without delay or disap pointment. Nothing too largo nor too small. Spot cash. Any amount. Private office for ladies. Busineis confldentlaL Licensed by the City of Portland. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 203 Morgan Bldg. 24 Flco-. WB BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis ot Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter If broken. Old-timers are most val uable. Crowns. bridgework, bought.' l.r.MK or mail. The American Brokerage Co.. 2,15 Morgan bldg.. second floor. wAVTF.n Information as to the whe aoouts ot Melanklon Theodore Matheson. about 26 years old. dark-brown eyes, medium dark complexion, black - aair. tail and . slender. Communicate wita Martin Matheson. 1620 Warren na, beattle. I GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions. In, nails, warts and moles, absolutely; esv Invention; no pain, no soreness. Lssaat ri-i'-e in town. Consultation free. Here Id years. Arches titled. 503 Dekum bldg. HAVE you learned from experience the pleasure in wearing a mne-w-uruw ' set? Consult Mauame Thomas. 1181 at. Couch. Fittings in your own home i desired. Call Tabor 4064. TAKAKA ANTISEPTIC POWDER la a cleansing, ncaliua, germicidal and invig-Oi-alif- douche. A great aid In Incor rhea and female disorders. 50o and $1 per box. mruaiiu iimci r mm... .w. i-.i.m-TRIC CABINET BATH mi a sci.-ntlfic massage once a week will proloug both phytic al and mental efli.cncy w&j LilUg. ir ironside. SOb-11 Broad - Nur&e in attendance. Maia at LADIES' and gentlemen's Panama, straw, fe.l and beaver hats cleaned, blocked, dyed and resewed; buckram, net aad w'ire frames. Lajb'rsnce Hatters. 872)0 Mul'i ison St. $1 WILL get both feet fixed up good at Da. Eaton s. the CHI KOI'ODIST. w ho doesn't hurt you: 5 yra. here; exam. free. Globe theater bid;;.. 11th &- asil. Bdwy. 2824. illS K. A DAMS Treatments for dandruff and falllnu hair, manicuring. 407 Morri son st.. Tiiford blug. Office 305. Heiars 11 to 8, Sundays 11 to 3. , - - MAiHILDA ARNESEN. medical gym vn. .-i.".- . ...... nast, giaauateu iron. -w , .,.wv iiy. scieiituic massage exercises. 8uu Co lumbia bldg. Main 2S39; j rjjjjviST & HANNEBUT. leading wig seed j tuupe makers, finest stock human hair i -oods. hatrdressins. manicuring, face and icaip' treatment. 849 Alder. Main 6441 INDEPENDENT Bible Spiritualist; meet-in-s aud lessons daily. 15 East 1S4.B ai. N.. cor. E. Burnsiue at Kev. Mra J. C Schon. pastor. ALASKA FURS AT "AFTER THE SEASON PRICES. THE FUR SHOP, 606 Swetland Bldg.. Filth and Wash. VOlTSG MAN TRAVELING TO EUROPE wkNTri SERVICES OK ANY KIND TO P4Y P4KT EXPENSE;; EXCELLENT REFERENCES. C o. OREGONIAN. YOUNG COUPLE wishes to adopt health J baby girl not over six months oidl.oun give best of references. Mrs. Brandt. 4ol East Morrison St., room 14. East 951. jy person knowing tbe present address "of Edgar Johnson or Ed Norquist. oc cupation lumber piler, will be rewarded by addressing P. O. Box 88. Portland. Oc UK. RUTH bl.SSON. medical gymnast, Swedish graduate, steam, massage, exer cises electricity. 552 V aehington bl-g. Main 64. Ladies only. HAIR dyeing and all branches of beauty parlor wora -- - - '"-"" ----- A R 129. Oregonlan. WIi.L McWiUiam Gelt please sent ad dress to Mra C. N. Hawkins. Hoi lister. Cat. so mail may be forwarded ? 5 MARGARET HATNIS gives chiro practic steam baths, violet ray vibration massage. 21 Swetland bldg.. Main 17tV SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts rcmovea bv 10 needles method; trial free. Joeie Finley 614 Bush tc Lane bldg. Main 636a. PILES can be permanently cured without operationa Call or writ Or. Dean. 24 i Morrison St. ARTHUR TEMPLE Your father Is dead. Write to C. E. Ellis. 2307 2d ave.. Oaa land. Call forala. WANTED The ex-eoldler selling the In come tax ledger to call at 276 Aider set. Main 16V2. , BODY face and scalp massage cases apeclalty. Dr. Ovidia La nervo-o Morgan bldg. Main 1!Q. DR. SAC'P.Y treats corns, ingrown naJiS and chilblains; pedicuring ana nucur i.ig. GII3-4 327 Washington St. Mar. 3S78. DIt. ELNA SO REN SEN, 508 Panama t14. I'rugless: massage for stomach, kidneys, rbeumatiam. coustlpation. open eveattfa GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, ate. Hours 2 to 5. or by appointment. Phots Main 1019. Office 808-C Third at- MRS. LARKINS. manicuring. Zones Hotel. 5th and .Morrison, apt. a. rnons aaam 6487. rR. WILKINSON removes corns in mi a 313 Flanders St.. near 6th- PRfifEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figa 844 E. 83d. Sell. 2213. mornlnga GE R T RUD E D AM ELS, superfluoss hair, manicuring, lace, scalp. 822 sTiedner bldg. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera tion. Free booklet. P. O. box HQS. WANTED To adopt baby girl from 1 year to 5. AG 591, Oregonlan. . EEST-Tom. Dick or Harry pay yea? See Vlerec . collectlorua. Dekum bldg. RENT A Hoover special eieccne vacuum cl.-aner for housecleaotng. East 2458. LAUV BARBERS, shave, 20c; haircut. ic: face massage. 35c 253 Everett and Third. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without aa operation. Free booklet- P. O. box 1105. ELECTRIC body massage, 10 A. L to S P. M. 4M Morgan bldg. Mar. 367. MASSAGE MANICURINO. 415 Buchanan bldi Main 8364. LAWYER. $33 for castas Marshall 26."3. aot contested. STENOGRAPHER. 701 Gasco bidg. typist, notary public Main 4206. B. A. CAFETERIA, 2U2 -4 Broadway. near Taylor: home cookir; best quality. MASSAGE MANICURING. 415 Buchanan bldg. Main 8368. WANT to adopt baby girl. 1 or 2 yean; tclerences. Woodlawn 6799, 427 &t ACCU OttUULJ' u.v.