is TJIE MORNING OREG ONI AN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1920 FOR SALE ACTOMOBILE5. Automobiles Wanted. CARS WANTED FOR CASH. I will pay cash In your hand for late model light touring cars or roadsters. Bring them here and get action and not la lk. RED FRONT USED CAR CO., 605 Alder st. 1919 VEUB six louring car, with wire wheels and lots of extras; Just refin inhed like new; $1000, $3u0 down, bal ance easy. Al AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., m 525 Alder Street. m X WANT to trade for a light Ford truck; have an acre of land 30 minutes from rtn street station, also piano, or will sell either for cash. J. H. Jackson, 31! North 1 1th. Phone Broadway 1631. WANTED UATB MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St., S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. WANTED, OLD STORAGE BATTERIES. We pay cash tor any old storage bat teries. Adcox Aulo School. Union avenue and Wasco. WANTED The best 1017 Dodge roadster that $000 cash will buy, from owntr only. Phone Eawt 4802. EXCELLENT o-aere tract, dandy house, close in 4to Spokane, to exchange for Portland house, automobile or truck Main 3380. HAVE $2000 equity in good income prop erty Jn very (rood district; will take late model machine for my equity. J 605, Oregonian. WE BUY cars and pay the cash (today), XO'j don't wait five minutes. Bring to Pacific Auto Co., 16th and Alder uti. WANTED TO BUY Late 'IS or '19 Kord touring car for cash: must be in Al shape. V 906, Oregonian. WANTED to buy, one 4-passenger Cadillac body. Willamette Oakland Co., 344 Burn side. Phone Bdwy, Mi. WANTED Ford; what model, condition and equipped for $350 to $400 cash ? K 009. On-Ronlanx WILL TRADE FIRST-CLASS PORT LAND LOTS FOR GOOD ROADSTER. EAST 5356. WANT Dodge roadster in good condition for cash. 424 Belmont st. FORD wanted from private party for cash. Tabor 1555 W ILL give choice Portland Heights lot for late model car. A 5663. Motorcycles. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-200 JD ST. MAIN 6139. FOR SALE 191 5 Model motorcycle at a bargain. Call Tabor 7714 after 6:30 P. M Automobile for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND (JL1SAN STS. A 2620 BROADWAY 2 61' 9. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSON LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY, 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New .cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage, 86 1 0th st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. L SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRH WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR, MAIN 1687. 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547.. FOR SA1.F TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. HERE THEY ARE. Packard, 4-ton body and hoist and a spring Job goes with it, only .$2250 Standard, 2-ton with wood rack 750 Jeffery, l!-ton. some buy at COO Pahhard, run only 2 months; electric ligh ts. windshield and top over seat, and only 950 A dandy 5-ton log trailer..., 550 Dump body and hoist for sale cheap. I arrange best of terms. 421 BURNSIDE STREET. ASK. FOR JONES. USED TRUCK BARGAINS THIS WEEK. Two 1-ton Republic trucks, complete with tops and windshields, overhauled and guaranteed; choice. $bO0. Two 2- ton Reo trucks, shape, choice. $850. In excellent Get ready for spring hauling. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Park at Everett Sts. ON E 1 -ton Chevrolet truck. 1920 model pneumatic tires in good shape, combined passenger ana express iouy wild top. ThiM year's license paid: 11500 insur ance. This Is a snap. No dealers. Ad dress S12 May fat.. Hood River, or. Tele phone 3302. WE HAv B a good sand and gravel job, work right In Portland. Sec M r. Craw ford, 71-74 Park street. Takes $1500 to nanoie tnis. FARM TRACTORS, -new and eecond-hand. overhauled and sold. See us first. Alex- ander-Badley Co.. Jut n.ast Morrison. ONE WILEY utility truck, i-ton, in good condition; wni iraoe on a neavier truck or a gooa team oi norses. t abor 351 5, FORD truck, chain drive, good body good mechanical condition; $250. Main $i-TON Buick truck, easy terms. Belmon garage. 754 E. Morrison. East S653. FOR SALE job, $2500, Gravel truck with good long a SECOND-HAND trucks far sale. - KUUnej-t worth. AUTO REPAIRING. OLD RADIATORS MADE LIES NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP. C35 ALDER FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic, will take work by hour or job; guaranteed worK. uau me to neip or to do it alL Alain yu. RELIABLE mechanic will do alt or par of your work; work guaranteed. Phono me at Bdwy. 537. GARAGES. OPEN DAY AND, NIGHT. . General auto repairing, storager we treat you rigat; call anytime when in trouble. GODBET & CHURCHILL. ' Corner ftth and Hoyt. Broad wav 3586. USMD CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD. FOR RENT New concrete and -brick ga rage, building just being completed; will be ready for occupancy February 1; located on Grand avenue, between Yam hill and Taylor streets. See 1. J. Gor don, attorney. 631 Chamber of Com merce building. Main 1370. GA Ft AGE for renL 250 North 10th. Broad way 2722. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, TO BUY Good second-hand 4Fa,ultless" stump puller before Fridav, Jan. 23. Write to 3 308 Glenn ave., Portland. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, sYfetgun and kodaks. Hochfeld, S3 Third street. Main 3581. IF YOU HAVE A SMALL DIAMOND BE TWEEN AND u. CARAT. I WILL GIVE YOU CASH FOR IT; MUST . BE A BARGAIN. P 55. OREGON IAN. TOOLS WANTED CASH PAID. Trunks, suitcases, ' handbags, tents, electric fans. Newman, 12S Jirst. Main 4405, Tabor 6708. SHOTGUNS, RIFLES. PISTOLS! BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND EX CHANGED. NEWMAN, 128 First.-Main 4405, Tabor 6708. MACHINIST lathe wanted. 32 or 13-in. swing, with compound rest, in good con- dltlon; win pay casn. .n Oregonian. lO BUY a n rep root safe; give price and size and where it can bo seen, ah 72U, Oregonian. Y ANTED can register: give full par ticulars and price and where it can be seen. AG mo. Oregonian. 1 WANT uaed furniture; will pay as mucn as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H. Caiei, oeaier, ou w imams ave. WANTED Six' portable chicken houses state size, make and price. E 953, Ore- go man. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you casn. Oregon Typewriter Co., 4 oth. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia- monda. Dan Marx fc Co.. 283 Wash, st. JUN K, rags, metals, old clothing, tools furniture, carpets, good prices. East 5171. WANTED Few milch goats; state breed price and particulars. M 078, Orccomun. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds direct to Diamond brokers and receive . The highest cash market value Without any disappointment. We pay full value In cash for Diamonds. We purchase pawn Tickets, Gold. Silver, Platinum A o,4 valuables, any amount. i We buy War Stamps, Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds. If you warn money, see us. Private office; business confidential. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. ' 205 MORGAN BLDG.. Second Floor. Licensed by City of Portland. WK BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Hafiis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, .Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors, Call Marsnall 1220 or 253 Madison st., near 3d st. Will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken ; old-timers are most val uable. Ufowns, bridgework bought. Bring or mail. The American Brokerage Co., 205 Morgan bldg.. second floor. FU RS ! FU RS : FU RS : I make them look like new; cleaning and alterations of any description i reasonable prices. See the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., Main 6529. 163 West Park. Bet. Morrison and Yamhill, UP TO $25 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS, 117 2d L. N. W. Cor. Wash. Alain 9344. $8.50 UP TO $25. , GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245 BURN SIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE AN BOD Y ELSE. OUR SPECIALTY is ouying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. JUNK WANTED. Fill value paid for rags, old cloth ing, scran metaJa. rubber, sacks. We also pay a good price on old tools and furni ture. Call Main 734. 2013 1st St. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 203 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLR. Furniture Wanted. WE "NEED USED FURNITURE. CARPETS, STOVES, RANGES, OFFICE FURNITURE. ETC. WE W I L L BUY ON E PI EC E OR A HOUSE FULL. CALL MARSHALL r.87, OUR BUYER WILL CA LL PROMPTLY, WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICES. A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STOKE, 205-207 FIRST ST., BET. TAYLOR AND SALMON. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. PHONE MARSHALL 5981. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OS OUR PRONE US, MARSHALL 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185 FIRST ST.S CALL MAIN 303 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR- YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE WITH 1 rl fci AlONEX. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 300. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household roods be fore you sell. We are In the market for came and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 208 First St. Main 7728. I WANT used furniture: cash will be oald for stoves and ranees and ail kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a nouse tun, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. CALL MAIN SS78. We pay the highest prices for used rurmture. aee us Deiore you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, MAIN 8878. WE NEED SECOND.HAND FURNITURE or any oescription; nave the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027 or 166 First st. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on oousenoia gooas. j-'acmc coast For warding Co.. 0th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. WANTED A bargain in furniture; must be good; would pay up to $500 cash. D 201, Oregonian. TYPEW-RITER cheap. state price and maKe. am ib, oregonian. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WAITED, WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 50(V4. Will pay best HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG man for office work, large coroo ration ; salary $iu month! to start, with aavance; state age, experience and tele- phone number. w 141. Oregonian. WAN 1L1 3 men to operate tractors. splendid opportunity; must have some money, call s, u. Brown Pacific Storage Co., East 1st and Madison. WANTED Good reliable men to gather pitch. For full information see H. A. Ballin or S. R. Smith, Northwestern Turpentine Co., 1212 Gasco Bldg. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced strictly open-shop acetylene weld ers and burners for work in city. Apply 520 Oregon bldg. , 5th and Oak s ts . EXPERIENCED furcutter wanted! good opening for the right man. Give refer ences and salary expected. R. W. Drew, 31th and Broadway, Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Night watchman for wholesale house: steady position ; state age, exp. and salary expected, give phone number. a u pq, urcgo n lan. WANTED AT ONCE First-ciaes experi ences opeu-snop aii-arouna macninlsts for work in city. Apply C20 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. YOUNG man, good stenographer, for sten- ograpnic ana on ice work in large insti tution; excellent opportunity. W 942, Oregon lan. ENGINEER wanted for private yacht: one who will keep the boat clean and under stands river rules. G. M. Smith, 121 N. 3d. WANTED at once 2 traveling salesmen. experienced or inexperienced. Apply im medlately. AV 123, Oregonian. WANTED at once for permanent nosition. two boys for general office duties. Ap nly room 712. Electric building. . BRIDGE carpenter, thoroughly experienced and competent to carry out plans. 500 - ....... Conqord bldg. 2d and Stark. WANTED At once, expert fancv spotter, ADVERTISING solicitors, must be expe- Dest ae3' 'I" 1UI?PiwInrVltWir lf rienced. established publications. R. "fcBoiS? Idaho Dym Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange. , Works, Boisj Idaho. WANT estimate building garage; white QHiWRCARDAwRmfi &b,nr.tesarv' matcriais- xx. - - - . TYmrth. WcVrUn WANTED Names ambitious men wishing Chants Trust blag -0- Mer- beCome government railway mail clerks; chants trust bldg. $t30O first year. Answer immediately. WANTED Interested party with capital AV S3. Oregonian. to back a new device to stop auto theft- ' TAILORS ATTENTION T 529. Oregonian. Strike still on in Portland- EXPERIENCED shipping clerk; give age LOCAL NO. 74. experience, salary, references. V 009. WILL give desirable man good home, fair Oregonian. wages for doing chores and light work BOOKKEEPER, $250; Bookkeeper. $12S- on small country place. Y 185, Oregonian. stenographer ftnd biller, $100. 301 N "WANTED Experienced motor regulator w. .pan mag. for phonograph mtg. plant. Cremona BOY exempt from school to work in drug Phonograph Co.. East 5430. store. 677 Williams ave. WANTED Coatmaker. also able to cut WANTED Dishwasher. 1751 Derby st. ladies' and men's for the country. Apply Pnone AVoodlawnSt2915. jj. B. McBrlde Woolen Co. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or COATMAKER wanted by Blof Anderson, write 158 E. Broadway. Boise. Idaho. MEN wanted to peddle hominy and horse- EXPERIENCED sa rider men for door fac- radish: pay every day. 392 East Clay at. tory. AV 100. Oregonian. CARPENTER wanted for finishing workT FIRST-CLASS coat maker wanted. John t $5 per day. 245 Morrison s-t. Noco,- tailor. St Johns, Or. ! WANTED Automobile washer. Gloge gar- SALESMEN, experienced or inexperienced. qge. 5" N. 20th st. 839 Cham ot Com, bldg.. 4th and Stark. WANTED Ford mechanic. 421 13. Clay WANTED S.ish snd door machine men. st. McMinnviUfe Planing Mil!. McMinnvitle. 270 Ruseeil at. . HELP WANTED MALE. NOTICE, AUTO STUDENTS. THE ADCOX SCHOOL ORIGINATED THE FREE TRIAL OFFER. A .thor ough Investigation will satisfv you that schools trying to IMITATE OUR METH ODS have nothln but a WEAK SUB STITUTE TO OFFER. v HERE'S HOW WE PROVE IT. Come here four weeks pay not a cent In advance. If you are then satis fied that our training is the superior of any other Pacific northwest auto school, pay your tuition. If you are not satis fied that our school excels, we will pay you for every hour you have attended class. This Is the most startling offer any auto school ever made there is no red tape to it we gladly will put it in writing. We are willing to depend entirely upon your honesty and good Judgment. Only a different, unquestion ably superior school could make such an of rer. If our training were just the ordinary kind, this offer would be suicidal. But we know where- we stand know that the quality of our train ing will win you if given a trial. We will make you an offer that you cannot afford to turn down. The de tails of this unusual offer and full par ticulars of the remarkable Adcox course are found in a large, impressive book, which has just lately come from the press. Those who have seen it pro nounce it the most finished work of its kind ever published. Tells why auto mobile schools are different why Adcox graduates are successful tells you how to judge an autorrfobile school what counts and what is sham. It will make you a friend of the Adcox school the moment you start to read it. It costs us 65c but we will send it to you abso lutely free for the asking. Call in per son at the school, or send us your name and address and your copy will come through by return mail, OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN. No tuition fee expense to you you are allowed $25 per month from state edu cational fund while attending school. School open for Inspection from. 10 to 12 A. M. dallv. ADCOX AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL. union ave. and W asco st. Y. M. C. A. ADVISOR" AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past 10 years we have assisted 17.932 men in finding positions. Many of these men are now in executive positions and se cure their help through us. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C A. for men to fill the better sort of jobs. Vacant positions In Portland at pres ent are scarce, and if you need assist ance in selling your service consult one of the employment secretaries, room. 307. We can help YOU. WANTED Man, active and ener getic, who has an acquaintance ship with manufacturers and is familiar with conditions at mill points, to act as representative of a large Chicago lumber com pany; duties, the placement of orders, looking after shipments and general buHlness in this line ; give particulars as to experience, references, age, nationality, idea as to salary, etc. Chicago representatives will be at Seattle January 21 to 24, and Portland week of January 26. Address AV 115, Oregonian. BOO INEXPERIENCED- men wanted to qualify as automobi.e. truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanixers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics: don't en roll in any other school until you have inspected this one; railroad fare re funded if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7, MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm sts., Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercler su. Seattle, Wash. DON'T MISS THIS OFFER. We are giving a special $50 discount to students enrolling for auto and tractor course before Feb. 1. Our students are taught by practical experience in build ing, repairing and trouble shooting on all makes of gas engines, their ignition systems, starting and lighting systems, including generators, starting motors and the building, charging and care of storage batteries and a special course in oxy-acteylene welding. This opportunity is given you because of the increased demand for men trained in these trades. Make application at our main office, 707 Hawthorne ave., cor. 20th st., or our downtown office 124 6th st. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. VULCANIZING AND RETREADING. LEA KN TO REPAIR. REBUILD AND RETREAD A LL KINTjS OF TIRES AND TUBES. EXPERT INSTRUCTION: ON COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE KOIIIPMKNT. THE STATE ALLOWS EX-SERVICE MEN $25 PER MONTH WHILE AT TENDING OUR SCHOOL, DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, INC 432 HAWTHORNE AVE.. DEPT V. THB SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. INX. 432 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE TRACTOR AND AIR PLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT VUL CAN1ZERS. ACETYLENE WELDERS AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIG Wages, we teach these trades IN A FEW WEEKS TIME: SO PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK. WITH CLEAR, UNDERSTANDABLE LEC TURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS B"! EXPERTS. THE STATE ALLOWS EX SERVICE MEN $25 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR SCHOOL, CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. 'JOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN. All de partments, big demand everywhere for high-class men; past experience unneces sary; we train you for big-caving, digni fied positions and put you In touch with iive opportunities: nunareas oi new hotels, clubs and a nart men r hniiRPH oDen- ing; shortage of department heads and executives acute; write at once lor par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Trainine school desk 416. Mather bldg., Washington, D. C, WE CAN use in our sales deoartment tompeieni aistrict manager; must be a man of unusual ability, able to train nwn : also write business himself. Our proposition is selling direct to farmers Prefer man with small car. Position U permanent and salary equal to ability. Excellent chance for advancement. Give full particulars first letter. AE 609, Oregonian. YOUNG man with executive ability wanted io a-yitfi in me management or a de partment 'office of large corporation. Must be willing and capable of assum ing responsibility and not afraid of work. Steady position and excellent opportuni ties for advancement. Answer in own handwriting, giving phone. H 584, Ore gonian. WANTED Experienced logging contrac tor wun equipment, to put 10,000,000 ft. logs in pond; good ground, general con ditions favorable, close to railroad. Jos-lyn-Griswold-Biles Co., Cherry Grove, Oregon. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school: new " building; modern equipment; best in struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M, C A. bidg. Phone Main 8700, branch 2. WANTED At once, expert dyer, best of wages to man who can turn out high class work; fine equipped plant. Wire if you can come at once.'s City Dye Works. Boise, Idaho. WANTED A first-class man to handle large laundry route In the city. A mar ried man preferred. Must he a hustler, able X9 handle public. Must give, good KITCHEN helper wanted. Liberty Lunch. . 126 Futh street. HELP WANTED MALE. CARRIER wanted for upper Portland Heights route; can make $60 monthly ; must be 16 yrs. of age or over. Apply city circulation dept.. room 20J Orego nian bldg. SPECIAL NOTICE. No students enrolled for night class after February 1: no tuition fee expense to Oregon ex-service men. School can be inspected Monday or Thursday even ings. 6:30 to 7 o'clock. Big illustrated catalogue free Adcox Auto and Gas Engine School, Union ave. and Wasco st. WILL pay top price to herdsman to take full charge pure-bred herd Holsteins; must be capable and experienced in com pounding and feeding cows on official list: choice cattle, fine buildings and lo cation. AV 42, Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced open-shop boilermakers. machin ists, blacksmiths, coppersmiths and sheetmetal workers for out-of-town work. Apply 520 Oron Bldg., 6th and Oak sts. SPLENDID opportunity for an experienced tea and coffee route salesman, owning a Ford machine; established route, pay ing good salary and commission each week. Position must be. filled at once. Call at Id eal Tea Co., 71i Un 1 on ave. N. WANTED Single man as collector be tween 21 and 30 years old. one familiar with city preferred. Must be able to f urnish reference. Salary $18 a week and commission. Apply between 2 and 3 o'clock today. 406 Oregonian bldg. TAILORS, ATTENTION We want tailors and finishers to work. All fines which the tailors' union may Impose will be paid and you will be fully protected. Ray Barkhurst. cor. 6th and Stark. WANTED First-class bushel man, quick workman, steady work, no lost time; young man preferred; state salary want ed. J. L. Wintermute, Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED Polite, neat young man in gro cery; must have lot of experience in this line; good wages to right man: must have the best of references. ' 240 Yam hill. BAKER wanted, first-class. all-around man, take charge of shop; must be good man on bread, cakes and pies; steady job. Robinson's Bakery. Pullman, Wash, WANTED AT ONCE First-class experl- encea open-shop molders, core-makers and patternmakers for out-of-town work. Apply 520 Oregon Bldg., 5th and Oak. ERRAND BOY. Live boy with wheel. 316 Spalding bldg. WANTED Law stenographer. T 630. oregonian. Help Wanted Salesmen. TRAVELING SALESMEN, aell nationally-advertised line of elec tric light lamps duplicating Mazdas; choice territory available; sell exclus ively or as a sideline; attractive earnings on commission basis; only high-cat i her, successful salesmen need apply. Secord & Stusser. 324 Ry. Ex. bldg. IN every county in Oregon. Washington and Idaho to sell Scott's Telocator. the greatest auto device on the market; it will tell you more about your motor than the average mechanic; simple 'and durable; a thief-proof lock and an orna ment to any car. Call and investigate. Goodwin, room 204 New Houston hotel. BU RG LA RS, BE W A RE. Have the finest proposition to kep burglars from your Jiome ; indorsed by the chief of police and sheriff of this county; accnts can make big money. S.'o Mr. MiUershlp, Alder hotel. Main r27.-. WANTED Salesman for leather belting to make headquarters at Portland: must have experience and best references; state qualifications first letter. Chas. A Schiercn company. 305 1st ave,. So. Seattle. Wash. IF 'YOU have the car and ability to sll real estate and zarms, we nave iae proposition. NORD HAMPTON CO.. 3d and Yamhill. 401 Stock Exch. Bldg. SALESMAN wanted to represent large manufacturing company or Seattle in this locality; party must be reliable and industrious; good pay. Write, giving ex perience. H .m.i. oregonian. WILL give the exclusive selling right to Oregon and Washington lor a device that sells to vulcanizers: S25 required for goods delivered. O. M. Thomas, 126 North Broadway. WANTED Two high-class dalesmen travel eastern Washington to represent eastern tire manufacturing company; state age, experience and salary required. S t5L Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman, familiar with pickles, state experience, giving refer ences and salary expected. AH 84a, f regonian. WANTED One or more salesmen who are capable of organizing territory for-auto mobile necessities. Call today. 6..3 vasn SALESMEN -with or without experience; great sellers. .iU4 Bpaiamg oiug. WANTED AGENTS. OPPORTUNITY now possible to secur valuable sales contract for old estab lished line of motor trucks, 1, 2 3 Vk and 5-ton capacities. Our general manager will be in Portland within the next ten days. Write or wire if you are in a position to handle a proposition of this kind. UNITED MOTORS COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. RELIABLE, energetic agent with car for state of Oregon to demonstrate and sell a wonderful., visible gasoline " filler; do not miss this; arrange for interview. Harold M. Petzold. Portland. Or. STATE and county agents for Oregon and Washington to handle lightning change auto rirns, now demonstrating at 331 Stark st.; must have from $1H to $500. Can change rim in few seconds. AG E NTS In each town in Oregon and Washington t represent liberal old line company writing general fire and automobile Insurance. G 9tft, Oregonian. AGENTS at once, selling GOc per month hospital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN for halls and general work. Ap ply in person. Netherlands Hotel, 126 33th st. . WANTED Competent operator for hair dressing parlor. Portland hotel. Main 6301. 10 SALESLADIES wanted to take orders for new product; wages $2 to $5. 750 Kelly st. WANTED 10 waitresses for lunch today; also kitchen women. Apply ready for work at 10:30. 8th floor, Oregon bldg. WANTED Girls over IS for trimming and packing rubber hels. Portland Rubber Mills. Macadam and Nevada sts. WANTED An experienced millinery mak er at Madame Baurct. 347 Morrison. , WANTED Waitress; must be experienced. Mar. 6O70. WANTED Experienced girl as soda dis penser. 341 Washington st. WANTED Kitchen helper. Portland Con valescent .hospital. Phone Mar. 2893. PRIVATE home for children. 4 to 11 yrs. 714 Everett st. Marshall 2162. A COOK wanted at 67 N. 17th at. Broadway 2134. Phone WANTED Girl or woman to help repair mens clothes. Joy, the tailor, 104 4th st. MILLINERY makers and trimmers want ed. Apply Lowengart & Co. CHORUS GIRLS, experienced; big engage ment. Apply Casino theater. WANTED Dining room girl. 1751 Derby street, phone Woodlawn 2015. GOOD willing young girl foj housework. Apply 0 Marshall st. MISS MATT1NGLYS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, $6 mo. 269 14th. Mam 3893. EXPERIENCED finisher on men's coats wanted, ftus Mercnants rrut bldg. WOMAN cook for country hotel, $90 mo., room and hoard. Call 35 N. Second. EXPERIENCED bakery saleslady. Call 244 Yamhill st. at A. Al. WANTED bxpenencea gin ta trim men's hats. 382 Morrison. Aiarsh Hat. JANITRESS- wanted" for office building Apply 815 Dekum bldg. GIRLS wanted to learn nursing. Oregon City Hospital, uregon Jity. Oregon. EXPERIENCED wire frame maker want ed. Apply Lowengart fc to. STENOGRAPHER wanted. Lumber mens bldg. Apply 423 WA XTbD Girl to do general housework; tnree in lamuy. rnone Alain 6742. WANTED Experienced Blackstvne hotel. cham bexmaid. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATING FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE OPER ATORS ARE NEEDED. DUE TO CON STANTLY INCREASING REQUIRE MENTS OF THE SERVICE. A GOOD SALARY AT THE START. REGULAR AND FREQUENT IN CREASES. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNI TIES FOR PROMOTION. LA RGE, CHEERFUL OPER ATTNG ROOMS. ATTRACTIVE RECREATION ROOM.'?, LUNCHROOMS WITH MEAU SERVED AT COST. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COMPAKT. ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. LIPMAX, WOLFE & CO. requires xnt services or two expenencea aaiwiau.r. for trimming and embroidery depart ment; also experienced saleslady for art needle department. Appiy iupennieuu ent's office before 10:30 in the morning, HOTKIJI NRETi TRAINED WOMEN Al departments; big demand everywnere for hifrb-class women: past experience unnecessa ry ; we train you for big-paying, dignified positions and put you in touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses opening; shortage of department heads and executives acute; write at once for particulars, I-ewis Hotel Train ing school, desk 1416, Mather bldg. Washington, D. C THE OLDS. WORT MAN A KINO STORE requires the services of a inorougmy ex perienced operator for Burroughs non listing machine. Apply superinteudenVs office, 9:30 to 10:30 A. M. NEW class in scientific treatment of the skin and scalp oegins January i, a will guarantee position to members of this class, as increase In my business has created positions for specialists In this line of work. Ime. Pattenaude. 411 Beck bldg. hours 9:30 to 12:30 A. M. daily. WANTED Intelligent young woman to handle varied office detail worn, con siderable typing with some shorthand. Prefer self-supporting person. Perma nent. State previous business experience and salary expected. M 880, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady for bakery work out of city; must be neat appearing anu have some experience making doughnuts and pies; give experience, age and wages expected in answer; steady work and fare paid. AV 128. Oregonian. W A XTFD A young lady as assistant dancing teacher and to learn exnimtion dancing; good salary, free instructions; neat and graceful appearance required. Call at De Honey's Dancing Academy. 23d and Washington sts. TAILORS, ATTENTION We want tailors and finishers to work. All rines wnicn t he ta i lors' union may im pose will be paid and you will be fully protected. Ray Barkhurst st. rr. r. 5th and Stark. HIGH school girl beginner for office work; must be young, neat, bright and live at home with parents: $50 per month; op portunity to advance; give phone num ber In your reply. AR 91, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED overcoat operators: steady employment and good prices. Jflu nooa Factory, 233 Couch st. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; two in family; good room and good wages; all electric appliances for work; good home for right person. fl 10-07. WANTED Lady past middle age to assist in a small suburban grocery store; one who will consider a good home rather than a large salary: E 013. Oregonian. WANTED Lady bookkeeper, familiar with automobile accessories ana auiomoouw parts; please state salary expected and experience. AV 12". Oregonian. BRIGHT YOUNG WOMAN for office po sition, with some experience In ste nography and bookkeeping; state expe rience and salary. S OoO. Oregonian. EFFICIENT law steimgraphr. $125; book keeper and stenographer, J100-125; tvpists. $0O-$7.V mimeograph operator. $K5. 301 N. W. Ban k bldg. COUNTER LA DY AND TYPIST Must be able to meet public and use phone In telligently, give age. reference, tc. $12 to start. X 481, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with office experience; state ge. experience and teiepnone numoer . alary to start $70 month. T 531, Ore- gonian. W A NT ED 50 young ladies for picket work: per day salary. Apply Acker son shoe store. Third and Alder sts. Ask for J. D. Myall. ATTENTION. LADIES. A large assortment of exclusive styles in buckram, net and wire hat frames. La France Hatters, 372 Morrison at. NAMES wanted, women, 18 up. wishing government positions; $1140 first year; experience unnecessary; answer immedi ately. AV 84, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady for filing and gen eral office, answer stating age, experi ence, references and salary expected. , D 911, Oregonlan! EXPERIENCED abstractor, one familiar with court and probate work preferred. Union Abstract Co., Corbett Bldg. Main . WANTED A stenographer who is good at shorthand and rapid on typewriter. Salary $15 a week. Apply between 11 and 32 today. 400 Oregonian; bldg. BOOKKEEPER Large insurance office. State experience, salary and phone num ber. Address N 333, Oregonian. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework for small family. Call Tabor 2tV09. STENOGRAPHER bookkeeper for general or tice worn. ojve-age, experience, sal ary. E 925, Oregonian. WANTED Middle-aged woman or irl over 20 to assist witn nouaeworic 08a E. 22 d N. E. 1499. SOMEONE for housework wanting horns more than wages. tumtn uuioi, ients Station. R. 3, box S73, Portland WANTED An experienced waitress and dining-room woman, om feo pies- Home, E. 52nd and Sandy, phone East 588. WANTED Several ladles for outdoor sell ing, 3i weekly, excellent cnance J or ad vancement. A 964. Oregonian. WANTED Trimmers and makers for both city and out-or-town positions. Muller & Raas company. Royal bldg. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army nescue nome, buj East 15th st. N., or phone -East 123. WANTED Lady for general housework; couple employed, have girl 6; good home. AE tin, oregonian. THE Florence Crittenden Home fs ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. EXPERIENCED millinery makers wanted; good wages; .tdme i irraraen Mat 4o. 22ft Beck bldg. Broadway 4303. CH A M RERM AID wanted. 625 Washington St. Angela hotel. W an ted Domes ties. WANTED Young girl for general house work in family of 3; experience in cook ing not necessary. Wdln. 3137. COMPETENT woman for light housework, small family, good wages, west side. Call Main 2245. GIRL wanted for light housework, people, no children, no washing. 390. Four Main WANTED A competent maid for general housework. 4381 E. 14th st. N., East 4280. WANTED A girl for light housework, 2 adults In the family, moderate wages. Apply 294 College, corner 5th. $60 FOR COOK who wilt assist with gen eral housework, small family, no fur nace fires. Main 5550. BABY'S nurse with experience: good wages and good home. Main 5550. WOMAN to help with housework 1 or 2 hours a day. 543 5th st. Call Main 2395. Gl KL for housework, good homo and good wages. Call after 11. East 2352. GIRL for housework: one who can live at home nights. East 6673. GIRL to assist general housework, best wages paid. East 6349. WOMAN to assist in housework. DepL. Lip man, Wolfe. Optical HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted lometics. WANTED Girl or woman to do light housework. Good home ior ngnt pari. For a couple and 11-month baby. Call Tabor 49 or 430 E. 3Uth . N. Take Rose City car. Call after A. M. EXPERIENCED girl of good character to assist with general nouseworn ; iaeai working conditions and good wages. Call 722-5 Corbel t bldg.. Fifth and Morrison sts.. between 2 and 3 P. M. COMPETENT girl for general housework; high wages, small ramny ; no cunuay evening meal. Mrs. Winch, 752 Flanders. Marshall 1033. WANTED A woman or girl to help with a baby and aleo Hgnt nouseworK. iaii at once. Mar. 1175. 414 11th st., apt. 302. A GOOD willing young girl for house work. Go home evenings. t( overton st. Call manager. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework ; country gin prcierrea. 48u K. lhth st. N. East 6971. EX PERI ENCED girl for general house work; good, room, moaem conveniences; wages S5Q. Main 785t. WANTED Young girl to assist , with 3824. housework. Small family. Main S72 N. 3 2d st. YOUNG GIRL to assist with housework and care of 5-year-old child. 185 luth. near Yamhill. WANTED Girl for general housework in adult family of 3; no washing. Call Main 6187. PLAIN COOK for large family; no laundry; good wages, 617 Johnson st. Broadway 2600. Gl RL wanted to assist with housework; wages. Call' between S and 5 at 671 Schuyler st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMINA TIONS coming to Portland; begin $13o0; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 874 A, Rochester, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL. MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE? will teach you thestrade in 8 wks, ; glvs frou a set of tools and some pay while earning; positions secured; scholarships and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Send for catalogue. 234 Burnside s POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free ; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. HARPS, large and small, a course of in struction free with the purchase; pupils prepared for concert, lyceutn and Chau-, tauqua engagements. 510 Eilers bldg. Alice Genevieve Smith. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL." Miss Bucket's private school; individ ual infraction. 122 W Grand ave. E 427. ROCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state Supt., Mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 827tk PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, rives you set of tools free, position secured. 38 N. 2d at. LEARN VULCANIZING A RETREADING. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, LNC 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange bidg. Free booklet. QUALIFI ED teacher, employed mornings only, wishes few private pupils. V 9u7. Oregonian. THE International Corresponuenco Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, AUsky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, bee. Main 977. MRS. Hannum's shorthand school, lndivld ual instruction. 230 Tillamook. E. 88AO. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4833. Teaching positions, free registration. FRENCH t-'-acher wanted who Kpeaks tlie Parisian French only. V 8, oregonmn TATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration Main tt274. Broadway bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CARPENTER and Joiner work, anyth'ng from bank fixtures to septic tanK. re modeling, etc F 88G, Oregonian. Bdwy. 2487. MAN and wife as cooks, want position at once in small camp.t to u men; per fect satisfaction guaranteed. Call G. E. Penny. VSoodlawn 13.14. SALESMAN Young man, 34, clean-cut, ui;rr-sHtve. 15 v ears' selling experience road nnd city, best references; desire road or city. S 690, Oreonlaii RELI ABLE married man wishes steady employment, general larm biock, iraciw and gas engine experience ; best refer ences. 1139 Vernon v. PIPES, floors, roofs and furniture repaired r- stove connected, le&kv f auccts ad justed ; carpenter and concrete . work. White. Main- 1529. . YOtTXtl married man. experienced sae man, desires iosiUon in aeparimeiu or general merchanoise store in noaruj town. N 32, Oregonian. GARDNER, first-class, married, life expert ence in Dotn commercial anu iiivm places, wishes permanent place; best oi reference T 1M, Oregonian. ' ii a RV.n MAN wants employment chauffeur: can keep car out of shop and furnish city references. G. L. Campbell, 12o E. Sherman. Call Tabor 5184. have Kord car and have had some ex perlnce as salesman and collector; can furnish references. V 41, Oregonian. i -i inii ail.arnnml nainter wants work: will 'not argue over wages. Address A. T. Fletcher, 1533 Oat man st. BOY 19 wants to trade. Has had S Phone East 6785. learn the plumbin years of experience. TREE PRUNING. EXPERIENCED MEN G1LROY. FORMERLY U. S. GOVT. OR- CHARDIST. BROADWAY 193. ptrstx.i.ass. . caroenter. repair or ne day or contract; reasonable charges. 447 Sumner st.. or F 87. Oregonian. irKTYi.FA'E welder wants position; posi tively competent; can furnish references. Phone Tabor 3246. Vi v unH tv if a want management first class aDt.-house: competent to handle any part; references. X 412, Oregonian JAPANESE couple wants place, man as cook, wife wait on table and housework- Please answer oct feixtn street. CHIEF engineer in sawmill, average 135 . - I . .f .. 1, ohan.rA A J 1111 Oregonian. . paixter. naoerhanger. plastering, kalso mininic. $5. $4. $3.50. 8 hours. D 133, Oregonian. YOlTNG detective wants position with some firm or agency: general detective work. W- 906, Oregonian kv per I KXCKD specialty salesman ' take good side line west of Cascade mountains. AE 716, Oregonian. TRUCKS for hire, the slxe and type of body to suit most any Job. Wilkinson, Broadway 133. mam with lleht car can spare about 6 or 8 hours per day. Call Broadway 3118 before 10 A. M. rm eK rook, restaurant or board in house, hotel, wants job as first-class cook. Address 5 Graham, city. MAN with motorcycle would like to de . liver packages few hours a day. K 14, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants work after school and Saturdays: can furnish wheel. F, 990, Oregonian. a HOOD Japanese boy wants genera housework and want studio, too. Cail "Broadway 3925 or li.'O'a Gliwan. japan KSH young man wants a Job, so Job. 2 or 3 hours alter scnooi. o via, Oregonian. ' LUOOUOTIVB fireman. 8 years experi ence. wants stationary firing. D 111 Ore go n ian. viRiT.ri.ASS mechanic wishes partner i auto repair shop on steady job driving truck. Ki w re gonian. ROOMS TINTED $3; painting, reas. Phone Marshall 2370. papering POSITION wanted by middle-aged man, watchman or janitor. i aoor whm. CESSPOOLS DUG. WOODLAWN 5483. BRICKLAYER and contractor, nw repair work.; reasonaoie. .at iiszn HAULING wanted, S Mi -toff truck by hour, day or contract. laoor MAN and wife want place on farm; dairy. East 1562, room 10. YOUNG man with machine wants 6 hours' work daily. Main 8410. MILKER, WORK. EXPERIENCED. WANTS G 046, OREGONIAN. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman. F 15, Oregonian. WANTED Job in laundry, man and wife, experienced. Phone Woodlawn 3575. PARTING, tinting, room $3.60; quick ac tlon. Tabor 3051 Al CARPENTER builds and remodels chap by contract. Woodlawn 126. HOME in country for smart boy of 10 and go to school. East 4242. BOY wants work on ranch for board and go to school. Mars hall 2141. BOY. 10 years old, wants work after school and Saturday. Y 216, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. LUMBERMEN. " A thorough lumberman. 37, active and energetic, of unusually broad experience in lumber sales work and buying, com petent pine and rir grader, acquainted extensively with Washington. Oregon. Idaho and British Columbia mills, wants position with good wholesaler or manu facturer; Portland district preferred: services available shortly; personally sold in lO states west of Miss, river and know trade; salary open to reasonable adjustment after ability is proven. X 41ft. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED box maker and band nailer wishes position ; can furnish best of references. Cail Woodlawn 5153. CLEAN-CUT YOUNG MAN WITH PLEN TY OF "PEP" W A NTS POSITION W HERE AD V A NC K MBXT D E P ENDS UPON HIMSELF. THREE TEARS' OF FICE EXPERIENCE. D 130, ORKGO N I A N. POSITION wanted, experienced superin tendent and manager open to take im mediate charge of logging operation; nine years' experience in large Coium- bia river operation. J 4S5. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man wants job on small ranch t either chicken or fruitL or on private place; experience limited, but will be satisfied with reasonable wages. J. F., room 27, Savon hotel, 131 11th st. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. EX PERIENCED AND C O M P E T E N T. WANTS POSITION WITH FIRM HANDLING I RR1GATED FARM LANDS. G 050. OREGONIAN. MIDDLE-AGED man wants .iob on small ranch (either chicken or fruit), or on private place; experience limited, but will be satisfied with reasonable wages. Savon Hotel. 131 11th st. Bookkeeper. Stenographers. Office. EXPER1 ENCED bookkeeper and gena! office man desires position where there is opportunity for advancement. Capa ble of handling books or correspondence ; lias had experience In office manage ment and cost accounting. S 589. 'Ore gonian. FI RST-CLASS Ice cream maker and soda fountain man -wants permanent posi tion : all-roound experience in confec tionery business : age 25; A-l reference. C 5S9. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT and auditor desires work evenings and Sundays: competent to make income tax returns. II til 5, Ore gonian. BOY. age 3 7 years. 11 months, wishes office work. 9 months experience railroad offices. Phone Main 0381. Yol'Nfl MAN. ago 26. desires position: 5 years experience general office work. A 1 , Oregonian. EFFICIENT boo k keeper. 4 years 2817. ence in lumber. Main SoMifr ml Si lors. EX -SOLDIER. 2i, wants work, any kind ; 3 years experience in gas engine and automobile work : handle any make tractor or auto: fair mechanic, not afraid of work. T 571. Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER, age 25. has mother to sup port ; wish position as freight clerk. shipping clerk or store clerk: goon rer erences. Phone Main 3520. 30O Jefferson street. EX -SOLDI ER wants work. Can oo most anything. Garage work preierred. ood fioorman, car washer, stockman, service car and fair mechanic. Main 1140, apt 4. CARPENTER work wanted by ex-servic' man. city or country, hv day or contract can draw any kind of plann and help you dooiue what you want. X 46, Oregonian YOl"N r ex-f-ervico m n 5eck positions driving auto trucks or working m-siioti some experience, reasonable wages to start. East 7445. EX-SA1 LOR desires electrical work ; have wiring and shop experience. Phone Tabor EX-SERVICE man wishes work, any kind few hours evenings. iood ofrne man and typewriter. BK 45. Oregonian. EX-SERVICK MAN. married, wants job driving Ford truck, at once. r . 1 Stewart, E. I3SS. YOUNG man wants work between 4:30 and 8 P. M. Phone Tabor 4440. after 5 P. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. CAPABIjL, midulc-Hged woman, good cook, wishes employment as cook or house keeper for adults' employed. Address X 4tk. Oregonian. or 495 V ill tarns av WANTED A place to take care of chil- I dren evenings w hile mother is away references. Woodlawn 1 til I. LADY wants housecleanlng, other work; hours, nay; work guaranteed. Wood iawn 6305. EXPERIENCED cook wishes to prepare. servo lunches and uinner; price reason able. K. 2534. LADY will attend phone ami do liht of- 1 ice work, or w on id do niiflit work from to !0::ttt. K t-'Jl, Oregonian. WORK wanted all dav Thursday and Sat urday: good laundress. WoMilawn 34f WILL f-xchange companionship to another lady for room. M 2. oregonian. LACE scrim marouisette curtains, hand laundered by experts. East 61 06. WANTED Housekeeping or general house work. Call Main N37. YOUNG woman warns night work, from 5 to 10:30. AO 24. Oregonian. WOMAN wants camp or ranch cooking or housekeeping. C all 3.2 Second st. FIRST-CLASS 1 RONE R wants 4 or hours' work. fiOc per hour. East 8402. WANTED By experienced !aunilrfp-), to fake in wash Ing. Phone Tabor 580. WOM AN wants work by day Thursdays. Woodlawn 7o. Bookkeeper. Stenographers, Office. FIRST-CLASS stenographer. 5 years ex perience, desires stenographic or secre tarial position : experienced in meeting public; best references. j 032, Oregonian. AN expert bookkeeper, accountant and of' fice man, with several years of expe rience to her credit, is open for a po sition with a first-class concern, either in or out of the city; O 318. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, Al experienced lady bookkeeper, now employed, desires to make a change; good executive ability; can take full charge. O 321, Orego nian. STKNOJ RA 111 ER. tvnist. 4 years expert ence, desires position : best of references. accurate ana rapiti. v ir.u. uregoiuan. SMALL set of book? to keep: expert work; stenographer; rates reasonable. S 710, Oregonian. - EXPERI ENCED bookkeeper rap her; best city references. ind sienog Main 2M7. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position. Marshall 3521. H1CH SCHOOL GRADUATE desires light office work. B 133. Oregonian. Dress insvk era. TOl'NO girl, attending trade school, wishes to assist with light housework where she will be treated as one of the family, home with or without children. Marshall 4770. HIviH-CLASS dressmaking, street dresses, house aprons, etc ; have your old suit made into a new dress, reasonable rates. Mrs. Kelly. E. 7307. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions call Dressmaking Dept. Emporium Dye works. 540 Morrison st., Bdwy 4250. DRESSM AKINCt Children's clot lung, fine needlework, individual styles; $3 day. Broad way 3207. PLAIN sewing or children's clothes; will go out or bring work home. Phone Mar. 4Q.".f. DRESSMAKING AND REMODELLING. 016 K. MORRISON. TABOR S104. EXPERIENCED dressmaker Makeover, tailoring. per day. Sell. 10H0. DRESMAKINO and plain sewing; all work guaranteed. East 712S. M I SS W ETTK RLIN. Swed ish masseuse. physical Instructor. Specialty, treatment of spinal ru r v t ure. Broa fi w a y 2'..'5. Housekeeper. WIDOW with Rir', ten years. wishes housekeeping on ranch or will take cook ing in a small camp where there is a school. Room 230 t: Charles Hotel. POSITION as houseiv?epc:r wanted by re liable woman of refinement where full and complete charge is given. M 971, Oregonian. WIDOW with child wishes position as housekeeper for bachelor or widower. Phone Morris Hotel, room 227. ELDERLY widow wants housekeeping where she can keep 2 ffirls, 4 and 7. C.ll afternoons. 356 Russell st. LADY wishes position as housekeeper for widower with one child. J 635, Orego nian. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. OR 6-ROOM furnished house in Pied mont or Irvington; must be modern and well furnished ; best references. Phone East 2019. "WANT to rent small, clean, well furnished T bungalow on eabt side. Will give bett of care. hnone o.o-o o ore- g on ian. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house or flat in Alberta district. Wdln. 2400. WANTED TO RENT. Hooses, WE have hundreds of clients desiring to rent. The efficiency of -THE McGUIRE SYSTEM" of properly management will save you monev. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. M aln I0f8. WANTED TO RENT Suburban home, Oregon City linr, 5 to 6-room bungalow. 1s to 1 acre, fruit, shrubs, school near, with option to buy within year; best references. Phone East 25M. MODERN suburban homo, fusnished or un furnished, preferable i'urniied; by phy sician : . best references; atate particu lars as to rental, length of, etc. Y 3 70. Oresonian. WI LL give 10 for information t hat will result in the renting of modern furnished 4 to 6-room house or Hat. dojred tor about 2 months. Call today. Sell wood WANTED To -rent at once by adults, a 6 or 7-rooni modern unfurnished house in Mt. Tabor. Laurelhurst or Hawthorne districts Esst liW!. WANTED Small modern unfurnished house by young man that appre-ciaies a homo. Call Broadway 1246 between 8 A. M. nnd 5 I". M. WANTED, by Feb., 3. 3 or 6-room modem. partly lurnisnea nouse. oive location, price and phone. AO 3 Ifi. Oregonian. WANTED by adults, 3 or 6-room furnished bungalow, can give the best oi rcierencr. Call room 419 Cornelius hotel. Main 5 1 so. 5 OR 6-ROOM furnished house; would con sider bjying same later if terms KaUs factory. V 90S, Oregonian. WANT to rent 4 or 5-room house. Sunny- side or Rose City preferred, furnished or unfurnished. F 860, Oregonian; WANTED To rent, five or six-room fur nished house; state location and price. F 864, Oregonian. Apartment. APARTMENT WANTED. Young couple want to rent a 3-room. furnished or unfurnished apart men t by Feb. 5. Can furnish best of references. Write AR 127. Oregonian. I WANT to rent 2 or 3-room apartment. west side, furnished or unfurnished; will buy furniture to secure desirable apartment. PARKISH, W ATKINS & CO., H6 2d st. Phone Main 1644. SMALL, furnished apartment or house keeping rooms, district between Nortnrup ami Thiirman. above 23d. Phono Main 7S65. Y 217. Oregonian. WANTED On or before February 1. small furnished or unfurnished apartment, adults. Marshall 1 1 6. WANTED Furnished apt., central, erate rent. AK 8S0, Oregonian. mod- Kooms With Board. YOUNG army lieutenant, now stationed in Portland, wants room iri refined family, wishes breakfast and evening meal if possible ; is willing to pay good pric. Call Main 70S1 anl ak for lieutenant on d UN WANTED Rooms and board in modern home for business man with 2 boys of schoot age; Rose City district or on Ore. Elec. preferred. W 044. Oregonian. BI'SINESS man wants room and board in private home, must be first clas-. west side, walking distance. Address D 112. Oregonian. WANTED Comfortable room and plain board for elderly lariv; will furnish room if desired. J. R. McKinley. P. O. Box 413. WANTED By young lady in Hawthorne district, preferably east of :;9th street; reference given. Phone Tabor 3552. M iseellaneous. WANTED to rent, a dt:ck lake. 329 Oak stieet. Broadway 2913. FOR RENT. r um is tied Rooms. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. PRINCESS HOTEL. Just acrors Ve Burnaide bridge. Being thoroughly renovated through out. Strictly modern rooms, slngie or with prite or community baths. Tran sients. $1 to $2 per day. Special rales by week or month. East 171. HOTEL Netherlands, 13th st. at Wash ington. A real home hotel for dis criminating people. Light, clean rooms with or without private bath, cleanli ness, courtesy and personal service. Trans ion t, perm a ne n t. "HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th st. Take Depot car to 11th and Morrison, walk half block south. Clean, modvrn, respectable; transient, $ 1.54i; with private bath, 12. TWO nicely furnmhed slopping rooms in modern home; furnace heat and close in; breakfast if desired. East 83t3. 500 K. Salmon st. HOTEL SAVON. 131 11th st.. between Washington and Alder, modern rooms $5 per week up. 1 per day up. Bl'SH MA 1 1 K HO TJ-: I 565 Wash. St. Large, light, clean, modern rooms; re spec i able HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison St. at Tenth. Rates 1 a day up. WeeKly 4 50 up. Steam heat. Free phone andbaths. PALACE? HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.. down town location, respectable and strictly modern roomt, large, c learn. 7 be, (1 DAY; 12 50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. LlT; HT outside sleeping rooms, close to business district. 5; Morrison. ROOMS Furnished and unfurnished. 346 Alder st. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, good location. C'7 East 50th. Tako Hawthorn or Mount Scott car. Fu r n Is bed Koorns In Private Family. IN PRIVATE home, 2 nice furnished rooms for rent; plenty of furnace heat and hot water; gentleman preferred ; board if wanted. Phone East 64 3 6. TWO front roms in private home. 10 min utes car service from center of city, for gentlemen only; all conveniences. 7b9 E. Salmon. NICELY furnished, warm room in a mod ern home. Close n. West shie. 434 MiU st. Main 4013. r LA RUE front room for rent at 47 East tth st. Suitable for 2, rent reasonable. Call Eat 07Utk LARGE room, suitable for two, furnace heat, close in. 106 N. 18th "st. Bdwy. 4251. t jl NEATLY furnished sleeping room. Walking distance. Uentlema-n only. E. 6ia. FURNACE-HEATED rooms $3 and $4 per week. 331 Grand ave. phone East 12QQ. m TO GENTLEMAN, room and bath in private family, 1 2 -minute car service from center of city. Tabor 5S64. NICELY furnished roems. modern home; gent lemen preferred. 707 Flanders. LOVELY furnished rooms, modern home, gen 1 1 e men preferred. 707 Flanders. FRONT room, refined, congenial family, west side; garage if desired. Mar. 3i6&. LARGE, modern room, walking distance J1S; gentleman only. 343 Kith st. NICELY furnished rooms for rent; fumac heat, bath, walking distance. Bdwy. 2142. DOUBLE ROOM 'for two employed, rea gonablc: piano. Alain :;001. 32 Bdwy. PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman in prl vate family. 771 Hoyt. Rooms With Hoard. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT ST v CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on Pacific coast. - American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals erved to transients. NORTON! A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite oi single, with or without board. Tor families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Rea c.i able rates. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; waikinK distance; I.5Q per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. j. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. S8U 10th, st. For busine&s girls and stuov-nts; reasonable rates. Mar. 12"1. THE HAZEL. FAMILY HOTEL Horn rooking, hot and cold mater, steam heat; reasonable. 385 3d st. HARRISON tantel, outside rmsT. $2.50; table bd. $0.50 week- Front vnd Harrison Rooms With Board In Private Family. NU RE would like 2 or more children te board In private home, best referenoea Soil wood 236. MIDJLE-AtED lady, or lady empioeu. wishing room and board tn exchange for companionship; good home. Sell. 2072. WANTED Girl, employed, to share room in nice, reiined family ; close in. Phone East 4514. WANTED A little girl between 2S anti 7 wars; good home. Automatic 210-13. A REAL boarding home for children. Tabor 1271, 1224 E. Main Pt. FURNISHED room with board. Private ho me. b35 E. Caruthers. Sellwoo d 7H3 . GOOD room and board for ladies or gentle men at 6SO East Ankeny. Phone E. 4616. ROOM and board for young man in prlv;e family. 51' y-z Trinity Place. Main 1461. TWO GIRLS employed, to fhare room and board; home privileges. Main 1920. J