TIIE MORNING OREGONTAX, . THURSDAY, ."" JANUARY 22, 1920 15 GIRLS. DUNCE HOSTESSES COMMUNITY SERVICE PARTS TO BE TOMORROW XIGHT. " i'oung Women from Mjtrllia Vh . inclou Will Entertain ex-Service v. aiui V. M. C. A. Young Men. M - "That community service on a peace is auout 10 oecome an element i me national iiie 01 America is evi aenced by the wonderful way i which the really big men and women of the entire country are rallying to the comprehensive plan of organization which has grown out of the real need as brought to the surface during the, war period," said H. W. Arbury, ex ecutive secretary of the newly or ganized Portland Community Service association. "Portland has the distinction of be ing the first of the northwestern cities actually to take up this work and to perfect its organization." Trinity parish house has been turned over to Community Service for dances, and the first of these affairs was given last week with more than 300 in attendance. The club of 100 young women employed by the Hazel wood company were hostesses on this occasion and the guests were ex-eerv-ice men and men from the Y. M. C. A. Tomorrow evening another similar party will be given, the hostesses be ing the young women who live at the Martha Washington. On the following Friday evening tSie young women from Olds, Wort man & King and from Llpman & "Wolfe's stores will be hostesses. From tlie organization of these groups will grow smaller recreational and study clubs. A budget has been worked out 'for the support of this work during the coming year and $20,000 will be neces sary. J. H. Joyce is chairman of this committee, other members being San ford Lowengard and William D Wheelwright. Active memberships are tl. contributing memberships $10, supporting membersnlps $25 and sus taining memberships $100. The work of securing 6000 members for Com munity Service in Portland will begin at once. AMUSEMENTS. (1 TONIGHT, WEB A.ND SAT MAT. ALCAZAR In the Greatest Comic Opera "THE FIREFLY? SUNDAY' "THE RK1) WIDOW." BAKER STOCK COMPANY. Tonleht All Week Mats. Wed., Sat. Kol- Cooper Meprue's corking; melodra matic Crook Comedy. "UNDER COVER." Next Week "Here Come the Bride." PAN T A G E CL MAT. DAILY 2:30 O ' An This Week - The Latest Parisian Sensation, , . THE GAIXI TROCPE , Presented for tbs first time tn Amerfcoa SIX OTHER BIG ACTS. Three performances daily. Night curtain at T and 8. THI aSST IN VAUOEVILLI 3 Nights Son., Mon., Toes.. 15c to L 4 Mats., Sun-, Mon., Tues.. Wed., 15cto 75c. CHARLEY ' 'JOSEPHINE GKAtLWlN I ftHENNLNG - Francis Renaalt. PAY COURTNEY. Steel & Wlnslow: Kinngrams; Topics of the Day. IVAN I BERT . BANKOFF CO. P1TZGIBBON This show clnitee with the Matinee Wednes day, January 28. Public Auditorium OPERA SEAT SALE NOW. At Sherman, Clay & . Co.'a for the EIGHT PRODUCTIONS kebxyteek AMERICA'S GREATEST TOURING ORGANIZATION. ONE HUNDRED PEOPIl DISTINGUISHED AMERICAS AND EUROPEAN STAR! SYMPHONY ORCHESIa .EEHHANT CBORDS SUPERB STAGE SETTINGS. TBE OPERA St J!rt Monday, BIGOLETTOj TnesAay, AIDAl Wednesday JliMlnce, TALKS OP HOFFMANN Evraing, M.ME. BUTTERFLY Thursday, CAVAL. Ll'.RIA A.I PACHACCIl Frtday, MCIAi Satarday Matinee, CARMEN Evening;. 1L TllOVATOJUE. All seats ready now. PRICES KIGHTS AND SAT. MAT. Lower Floor, first 15 rows J2.20, remainder, 18 rows, $1.65; Dress Circle, three front sections. $1.65; sides, $1.10; . Balcony, three front sections 86c, sides 55c WEDNESDAY MAT. Lower Floor and Dress Circle, 60o cheaper; Balcony, all 65c Pacific Coast tour under direction of Ellison-W hite Masleal Bureau. Local engagement under auspices of CITY OF PORTLAND. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDI Mat. Daily at t. Nights at 7 and 8. Tnia week DILLON A FRANKS in "THE HEART BREAKERS" Just fun. music and pretty Chorus Girls. Chorus Girh Contest Jriiday Night. CIRCLE FOURTH AT Hobart Henley presents "The Gay Old Dog" . Also m Capital Comedy. "His Own Medi cine," and the Ford Weekly. Open from B o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. DANCING s GUARANTEED ' In light three - hour lessons ladles $2.50, gentlemen $5 at De Honey's Beautiful Academy, Twenty third and Washington. New Clasara for Be ginners star Monday and Frtday evenings. Advanced classes Tues day and T h u-r s d a v evenings, 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desir able partners and practice. Nq em- Jni? all dances, free. You can never learn dancintr by taking; private les sons in small rooms from inferior teachers or in snort class lessons. where there is no system of teaching or partiicio iu nauiii-o witn. vv ny not learn In a real school from pro fessional dancers. Phone Main 7656. rriva.ie) teuuus w uours. - torn AMCSEMESTS. U BEGINS TONIGHT I TICKETS NOW SELLISQ I I TJrrTT Tf Broadway at Taylor -- H-ill-ilU Phone Main 1. 3 Kinnmg TONIGHT, 8:15 SPECIAL. PRICE MAT. SAL, 2:15 OLIVER HOROSCO PRESENTS . LEO GABHiLLO GRACE VALENTINE . EXCELLENT STTPPORTING CAST, RETURN ENGAGEMENT BRILLIANT COMEDY "L I! WARNING ! ! SECT-RE TICKETS EARLY! REMKMBKR, CAPACITY NOI SES WHEN HKRK LAST AUGUST! EVE'S S, Hl.BO, 01, 75C SOc ' SAT. MAT. 01.5O, 01, 6C - , AUCTION SALES TODAY. , At the Bs.ker Auction House, Tarn hill and West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Ceremonial session Saturday. January 24. Municipal Auditorium. Third and Mill sts. Business session, at Masonic Temple at 10 A. M. First section at 2:30 P. M. Second section at 8 P. M. Candidates will re port at north entrance of the Auditorium at 1:45 P. M- Petitions Khould be 111 by 5 P. M. Friday. January 23. Vaudeville entertainment at Auditorium Friday, January 23, at 8:30 P. M. for Shriners and their ladles. Visiting nobles cordially invited. By order of- the Poten tate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. , REMEMBER THE MAINE attraction. An nual ball s-lven under the auspices of Villa Lodge. No. 124. I. O. O. F., tomorrow Thursday) even ing. Jan. 22, 8 o'clock, at Multnomah ho tel. Ballroom being especially fitted for this occasion. Splendid orchestra. All Oddfellows and friends cordially In vited. Three grand prizes for ladles and one for gentlemen. Light refresh ments served and a splendid time - In store for ali. E. P. MERTZ. MAX BARELL, SAMUEL SHEPARD. Committee. ' grand Army cemhtery ASSOCIATION will hold regu lar annual meeting Thursday evening, January 22, room 535 Court house. 7:30 P. M All owners . of family lota anj mem iters ox toe associa tion. M. .J. MORSE, Pres. B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 142 Regular . meeting this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock, ijlks temple. Vis iting brothers welcome. M. E. gPAULDING, Secretary. ORBGON COMMAND ERY. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Spe I cial conclave Thursday after, noon at 4 o'clock and in the evenlna at 7:30.- orrter of the temple for 15. The music will be better than you think H could be. If not fried chicken, then something as good. The attendance of sojourners will be ap preciated. C F. WIHGASD. Recorder. A. A A. S. RITE. Forty-first semi-annual re union. Programme for today: 8 A M., ISth degree; 10 A. M.. 21st degree; 2 P. M., 20th degree; 3 P. M.. 80th de gree; 8 P. M.. 31st degree. PRESIDING OFFICER. - COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication ! this (Thurs day) evening ait 7:30 o'clock. Labor in the F. -C degree. Visiting brethren always wel come. By order W. M. , " . FRED L; OLSON. Sec SUNNY8IDB LODGE NO. 183 A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this Thursday. 7:80 P. M. Temple 89th and Hawthorne. Visitors wel come. By order of W. M. James. s. Gay Jr., sec HARMONY LODGE. No. lt. A F. Arm A M. Special communication this (Thurs day) evening at T o'clock; work in the EL A degree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. M. DeUN. Sec ONBONTA TRIBE NO. 2. IMPROVED I unuBK uc kkd mk.n Regular council this evening at 8 o'clock at W. O. W. hall. East 6th and East Alder streets. Members urged to attend. Visiting men bers welcome. ' L. B. SMITH. C. of R. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND' TENT NO. 1. Regular review every Thursday, 409 Alder street. All. members urged to be present. Visiting sir knights welcome. OtjO. S. BAKER, R. K. - EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th at. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems class pins and medals. 310 Washington mil DIED.. WEBB In this city, at his late residence. 40 East -19th street North. January 21. William Henry Webb, age 45 years. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice . of funeral hereafter. PARRY In this city, Jan. 21, 1920, John rarry, agea it years, or Moro. Or. Remains at Holman'a parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. AEBT In this city. Jan. 21. ' 1920, John reier AeDy, agea la years, or Munnyside. Clackamas Co., Or., beloved husband of Adel Aeby, father of Mra. Karl Klesler. Mary Gutcher, Mrs. Arthur Burner and Arnold Aeby of Sunnyslde, Clackamas Co Or., Mrs. Peter Roth and Ben Aeby of Oregon City, Or., Mrs. Ida Negely, of Clarke Co., Wash.. Mrs. Wm. Koethe, of Ridgefield, Wash.. Mrs. Otto Jose of Washington Co. and Mrs. G. Gosser of San Francisco. Cal. Friends invited to attend tne iuneral services at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Friday), Jan. 23. 1920. at Holman a parlors. Third . and Salmon sts. interment nose v-ity cemetery. JOHANNESEN Suddenly, January- 10 li-'i, Alexander K. Johannesen. age 63 years, late of 4011 Eighty-fourth street b. oeiovea nusoana ot Jensine Jo hannesen. father of Elfar Johannesen. Funeral services will be conducted today (Thursday), January 22, at 2 P.' M., from the Bethlehem Norwegian Lutheran church, comer Fourteenth and Davis streets. Friends Invited. Interment art Multnomah cemetery. Remains are at Pearson's undertaking parlors. Russell at Union avenue. Deceased was a deacon for several years of the above-named cnurcn. GLASS At the residence, 1540 Oatmaft st., Jan. 20, Sarah 8. Glass, age 88 yeara, beloved mother of Jeremiah Hanlev. .in. ' slah and Herman Hanley. both of Los Angeies. Mary J. flank of Hills boro. Or.: Rev. D. H. Glass of Michigan T. M. Glass. Mrs. A. Walton VI TH a Hamlin of California; also (Survived by children. Funeral services will be held jnursuay, jan. at 111:30 A. M. at mo university t-arg cnurcn. Interment at Columbia cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller A Traoey. LEHMAN The funeral services'of the late Charles Lehman, beloved husband of Louise Lehman, father of Arthur. Annie K.obS. an,d '"Ham Lehman, step-father ,., J "'v J,i,I21 and Charles Luppow, will be held Friday, January 23 at 1 P M., at the chapel of Miller Tracer Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. MOWER The remains of Williams C Mower, late of Ortlng. Wash., will- be forwarded this (Thursday) morning by J. P. Finley A Son. to Chinook. Wash where services will be. held and 1 liter - M BARD LTD By order Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and profession; men condensed and clw- Hied for. ready reference. . For rates by tbe month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian. Main 7070 or A 60S5. Hou 2M ACCOUNTANTS. GENTS', LADIES' HATS. JULIUS R. BLACK, special auditor and LADIES' hat frames made to order, clean- aceduntant on Involved accounts. Sys- ins;, blocking, dyeing of ladles' and gents' terns established and maintained; Income Panama, straw, felt and beaver bats. tax service; references. 738-8 Pittoclc La France Hatters, 872 4 Morrison st. .. block. Phone Broadway L y HARlTwoProOBING. ALTERATIONS. GET estimates lor new or old house. Port- KEnTTING sad making of ladles' gar- land Hardwood Floor Co., 187 W. Park. Tnenta. reasonable; work guaranteed. ' nrutiTiTrntvii P . J. Reubln. Indies' Tailor. 408 Bush & Mr.MTiTCmQ. Lane bldg. , K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac- iBflivvoa . .w.wx-e'rn eordioo aide pleat, buttons covered; mail " A.1AM8H, orders. 219 Plttock blk..' Broadway loaa MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second t-pa" Gold, silver and platinum bought. ; JEWELERS. v COLLBGES AND SCHOOLS. r R?f VH?t WHOLESALE MFQ. JEWELERS. D SD FLOOR MOHAWK BLDCt f T TTy. 1 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. " Y'JtLll'SSllS? "" . MUSIC TKACHEKH. -SrTV- " EXP. PIANO TEACHER at your home for uUylIiU5 CwtaCwE 75 cents per lesson. Woodlawn 2858. Iay and night school. Allsky bldg. M..824. L. Carroll Day. piano. vocal leasons, prae tice piano, 1 hr. da. 5 mo. Bdy. 2553. CAFETERIA. - 1 - BAA CAFETER'A. 202 S Broadway, near Taylor. Home cooking, best quality. CARPET WEAVING. pilftC Tfi kind that wear the best are flUvO mad from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad , dress 153 Union eve.). Rag rugs woven. all si'es. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing Mall orders solicited. 188 S. 8th street. Phone East 35S0, B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Ruga, all sizes Mail orders prompt. . Send for Booklet. Bxl2 rugs steam or dry cleaned. fLSO. FLUFF RUG. CO.. S4-88 Union a Ye. N. East 6518. B 1475. CELLCLOID BCTTONS. ' THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANT, 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A 12B4. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment east, est best, permanent. 31 "treats" 15. -Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. ' WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello L.e Vany. the only scientific chiropodists and arrh specialist in tbe city. Parlors 802 Ger linger bldg., s. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun tons .foot arches ' made to order. 811 Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash. Main 1081. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1310-11-12 Royal building. Marshall 5823. Multigraphlng, mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1794. No collections, no charge. Estab. 100. DANCING. MRS. SUMMER'S Berkeley dancing acad- cuij', 417 wessons aay, eve.; class Thurs, Ladles. 82.50; zents. 85. Main 3318. DANCING taught lu 12 private lessons for . 5: 4 lessons, 82. 604 Ellers bldg.. bet. 4th and Bth on Wasn st. Main 5004. MISSES PEET AND BE LIEW. teachers of private dancing lessons. Eagle HalL Phone Marshall 845. PRIVATE lessons in dancing an English. 512 Couch bldg. Main 6608. DANCING SCHOOL. MRS. BATH. 808 Dekum bldg. 10-olasa lessons. IS. Beginners Mod. eve. Private lemons day and eve.. Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Porothy Rasmnwsen. 610 Ellers bldg. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. 1 M . H - ET .FXITRTC CO. 1 N. 1st, Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair ing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Broad way I04B. A 1040. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired . Bought and Bold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, 848 Vfc First St. Main 87L IF I CAN'T FIX IT THROW IT AWAY. ' Old vacuum cleaners repaired, bonght and exchanged lor new or good ones. Bill Tankard. 007 Manchester bldg.. 85Vs Bth street. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL ROSE CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL, 413 East Seventh. East 1B47..B lttUZ. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND HILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINB CO.. 84-88-87-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. - ' ' THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 63-55 Front st. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER 6c CO.. Front and Morrison. RA6MUB8EN A CO, Second and Taylor. I. FINKR.VL NOTICES. 1 RE A ME At the Bmanuel hospital. Tues day, Jan. 20, Robert C. Reame. age 40 veers, beloved husband of Clara Olive Reame. , Deceased -m a member of the Bridge & Structural Iron Workers' union and also the I. O. O. F. Funeral serv ices will he held from the Wilson & Wilson residential funeral parlors. Kill tnirsworth ave. and Kerby St.. Thursday, Jan. 22. at 2 P. M. under the auspices of the I. O. O. F. Friends Invited. Inr clneratlon at Portland crematorium. BARNES At residence, 213 E. 3th St.. James Bm, aged 81 years. nuKDano of Mrs. Margaret Barnes and father of Margaret A. Barnes and William J. Sweeney.- Funeral will be held from residence Friday. January M, at 8:."K) A. M-. thence to Su Stephen's church, E. 42d and Taylor sta.. at 0 A. M., here requiem mass will be offered. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvary ceme tery. Pleae omit flowers. McEntee & Ellers, directors. . LUND At Prescott. Aria.. January is. Edith Lund, age S3 years: wite or i. P. Lund, mother of Valdamer. Eliza beth and Agnes. Lund, daughter of Mrs. L E. Gotshall. sister of Mrs. L. A H olden and Lloyd Holmes. The funeral services will be held Friday, January 23 at 1 o'clock P. M., at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. GRAULUND At the residence, M2' East 41st st. North, Alma Aiacuaa urauiuna, aged 48 years. Reloved wife of Charles K. Graulund, mother of Edwin. Charles. Helen, iJleanor, Melvin and Kenneth. Funeral service will be held from - the above residence Friday, Jan. 23, at 2:30 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Roka ' City cemetery. Dunning St McEntee, dlr rectors. RnnT At the residence. 743 Savier st.. Jan. 20. lU-O. Pitt A. Eddy, aged 74 years, beloved brother of Miss Hattie Bddy, Mrs. Norns R. Cox and Mrs. Ona Watson. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at 2 P. M. today (Thursday). Jan. 22. IB 20. at Holman's parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Incinera tion Portland Crematorium. gLTJTTER Die ; funeral servleee of fhe late X- Joseph gUuyter will be held from his home. 12!W Hawthorne ave.-, Friday, January 23, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Concluding services at tbe mausoleum of tbe Portland crematorium. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. ' Inc., 414 E. Alder-, until the morning of the funeral. CTTDMORE The funeral services of tbe late Jonepb -Cudmore will be held to day (Thursday), at 2 o'clock P. M.. at the family residence. 422 East 53d st North. - Friends invited. Interment at Rose City cemetery. 3. P. Finley A Son. directors. RUSSELL At the family residence at Greaham. Or., January 19, Lucius M. Russell, aged 64 years. Funeral services will be held today (Thursday). January 22, 'it 2 F. M-, at the chapel 'of Breeze A Snook, Belmont at 85th. Friends in vited. TOOTHACHKR At Boclry Point. Or.. January 20. Nancy Toothacher. age 93 years. The remains will be forwarded today (Thursday) by J. P.- Finley A Sn. to -Ldckrtdge, la., where services will be held and interment made. WILLIAMS Funeral services of the late Lieutenant Warwick Williams will be held today (Thursday), at 2:30 o'clock P. M-. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at River view cemetery. McROBERT The funeral service' of the late Elisabeth McRobert, age 80 years, will be held at 5719 72d st. S. E.. today " (Thursday), 1:30 P. M. Friends Invited. P. L. Lereh in, charge. vFTJNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for tuneral services. JONES . AUTO UVSI. Marsuslt 111. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. - Dr. George Rubensteln, the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderste prices. Tories. Kryptoks. also the cheaper grades. 228 M err! son OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS, GLASSES AT A SAVING I solicit your patronage on the bssis of capable servl.ee Thou- cnnrf nf ntlnf1i4 fnatomers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. 209 Morrison. M. 2124. . EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST S. ED with modern instruments. Glasses fitted from up. A. E. HTTRW1TZ. ontometrlst. 225 First at. PIANO TCNING. Special rates on church and preachers' pianoa J. F. Stephens. Tabor 5423. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a perloOtor 74 years. All communications strictly confidential: prompt, efficient conscientious service: handbook free on request. MITNN & CO.. patent attorneys San Francisco office. Hobart bldg.. AH3 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.: Washington office, room 103. 625 F st.; New York office. Wool worth bldg. , . , R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience V. SI and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. OOLDEtiRO, 620 Worcester bldg. M. 2625 PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female disorders, skin affections, blood preerure. PLLMBINO Sl'PPLrFS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 213 d. M. 797. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbeln. Manager. Printing and linotyping. 1004 Front st.. corner Stark. Main or A 141S DDTMTIMP P- W. BALTES & COMPANY rnllll lilU 1st and Oak sts. Main 16S. 611-63 PAINT1N.G. C. H. TERRILL. house, sign painting, pa pering, tinting. Tabor 2611. 310 E. 44th. SALTED AND SMOKED PISH. ALASKA HERRING ft IMPORTING CO.. distributors of salted and smoked fish 221 Yamhill st.. Portland. Or. - SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FfRNITURE CO.. . 221 FRONT ST. We buy ayid sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 9072. ' - TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg.. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFTTR AND STORAGE., OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service With a Reputation." MOVING-PACK'G-STORAGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 ORROON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GlUan at.. corner 13t!i Phone Broadwfty 12B1 or 1160. We own and operate two Iarre claaaA" ware:ioues on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rstes la the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 24S Tine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECt'RITT BTORAGB A TRANSFKB CO.. 10.1 PARK ST. MAIN 8195. A 1031. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAKA BARK. KAHNBRO S. , 105 Front St. PLUMBING 6CPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Front. PROUtCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1XG c FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. FLORISTS. LUBLINER, TWO STORES We strive to Please 328 Morrison. Portland hotel. Mai aba 11 753. 348 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. jc Para, jdar. 257. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral , spraya, $1.50 up. 405 Wash, st bet. 13th and 14th. Broadway 2870. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 354 Washington. Main 269. ,A 1200. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison St. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral da signa No branch stores. PORTLAND ROSE NURSERY," shrubbery and landscaping. Tabor 5790. r MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A .3121. Sell ing building. Sixth and Alder sta. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington at, bet 4th and 5th. Main elds. A 1161. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD IIOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors ' Third And Salmon Sta. Main GOT Laxly Am 1st ant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Leas. Independent Funeral Dlrectora Wash. st.. bet. 20th-21st. west side. Main 031. Lady assistant- A 7KMS. Dunning & McEntee FlTNKRALi DIRECTORS. Broadway and Fine MX. Phone u roadway su. . a Iady Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SOIST FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 8. Montgomery at 6th McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Home. A 213a P. 8. DUNNINO, INa 414 E. Alder. Phone East S3. Perfect service, personal direction.' free nse of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson ft Rosa Multnomah at E. Tth. East 64. Irvlngton district. T T VRCIT E- llth and C'ay sta . Li- Lill'IVAT Eagt J8L T 1833. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison sta Broadway 2534. A. D. KENWORTHT CO.. 8802-04 82d St.. Lenta Tabor B2T. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 592 Williams Ave East 108S. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK Tl i LriflS 8 K. EWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY . Bd Mtid Clay. M. 4132. A 2221. Lady assistant. IIOXTJIEXTS. PORTUNO MARBLE WORKS tS tth St.. Opp. City HalL Ken Bros. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office, room 1S3 courthouse. Phone Main XI i from The hVuUnarge of the city pound at its home. 636 Columbia uwn 764? DsToAV1 Hrslm! bulance for sick or disabled horses. Email animals painlessly electrocuted where" necessary, and stray animals cared for. Nil W To DAT. . HOTEL . APARTMENTS , - INCOME $22,500 . Ibarra. Hiihstantial brick bulldinr. close in on prominent street in the J ground in this location will appreci ate faster than the building: can de preciate and in a comparatively short time will be worth more than is asked for ground and building:. To settle an estate this property .can be had on sirch favorable terms that no pros- fiective purchaser who is experienced n apartment-house and hotel busi ness can afford not to Investigate this opportunity. " Will consider some trade, some cash and long-time mortgage tor tbe nutjor TMirt Win R. F. BRYAN SOD Chamber of Commerce Building. Build Your Own Garage ' We will deliver a Sectional Garage to you anywhere In tbe northwest. Ton can set it up in a few bura Send for circular. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. US K. lltk St. I'hone Avast UU Portlaad. Or. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Rugs and Woolen Clothing;. We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Sire Flnff Rags, Woven, S17.30 Rjig Rags Woven AH Sixes. Hail Order Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rags, Steamed Cleaned, $1.50. WESTERN FLl'FF Rl'G CO, 54 Vnlon Ave. N. Phone East 6516 FACTORY SITE 100x150 (Three Lota) TWKXTY-KIFTH A"SI NICOLAI , STKKKTSi TRACKAGE. Price $5500 HENRY W. GODDARD i 24 .1 Stark St. SUCCESSOR TO (JODDARD & WIEURICK. BEADY-COT AND PORTABLI Houses laLLMADK CONSTRUCTION OO. - 101 Union 'ave. Wdln, 4206. WIn. 241. ' WE CALL FOR TOUR OLD CARPttTa. Ra&a and Woolen Clotnlnc FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly. Bag; Busts Woven All 8 1 sea. Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid nnd Re fitted. NORTHWEST RriJ CO. the) East Sts, St. Phone East 33&C Portland Rug Company MAN C FACTL KEKs O FLUFF RUGS -IHKKK S A IJI FK K ttt.VCK." WK (.1 K ALL Bl IN BOTH 1LIH' AMI KAU Hloa Let Ls Call for lour Old Cameta. Work Mill Be Ke turned "froMMlyT alail Orders tilvea i'rompt Aueauas, Hit CLEAN CAAtflSTs. Portland Kug Company 1611 East Seventeenth Street. ' Phone AS Either faclfto or Rome. STORAGE SPACE Investlsrate Our Plant nnd Bates Why Assume Expensive Leases Under x-resent nign vjostai CLAY S. MORSE. IXC, Dravsuge nnd Storare. 12th nnd Gluaa, Phone Bdvry. 3470. MORTGAGE LOANS Repayable by Installments If Dealrcd. Iiowrat Interest Rates. AO Ielay In Cloalna;. A. H. BIRRELL CO 217-219 Northwestern Bank B nil dins- maranaii 41 14. 5y2 Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co. TJ. 8. Bank Bnildlna LOT 50x90 FEET ON ELEVENTH ST, NEAR MONTGOMERY, GOOD LOCATION FOH GARAGE, JOHN BA1( SOT SptUdimtf Bids. 5aa5 GARAGES NEW TODAY, SEE ."v 1186 EAST ANKENY New (just completed) 6-roora colo nial bungalow. A superior home. Up to the minute In every detail. Built bv dav labor. Lot 50x143. llfcS K. A niton v li. hlnrlf frftm Laure lhnrst Park. Price $7250. on terms to suit, Drive out and eee tbe outside, then LACTtELHTTlST CO, HR. KOEHXER, 2704 Starlt St. Stain lTOU. REAL ESTATE. For 8iUe -Lot. IRVINGTON. 1 OOx 1 00 $ 1M 00. Real pick -u p. east front or will sell EOxloo for 1-00; paved airets all paid, bee us at once for Irving um homes and homeaites. HITTER. LOWE CO.. ' 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdr. FOR SALE View lot 30x113 feet. 28th and .Regents drive, Alameda Park. Price $3300. MRS. HARRY WITMAN. Lebanoa. Or. LOT for sale or trade, north Irvington dis trict; win consider Kord part payment. B. H. Cochran, Centervllle. Wash. IXT 100x100, Gregory HetuntB, $550. R. P. Atiairtrt, Aoeraeeo, w aDun a ox nerry and Mapl. LOT 1ft, block 20. I.Rurelhurt ; choice lot, 12.0. K. F. MUler. 757 35th at., Al- wiiuKfe, wia. RO?E CITY PARK lot $70, on 46th. st; paved, paid. Tabor 6-441. Ir'or tale BetMrh I'roperty. GEARHART ridE lot. (100O caah. cast ji. for SaUe l-1at awnd Aittartmeot Property. DOUBLE FLAT, 2 floor, on ood hard- suriacea city street. win easily pro duce an Income of $50 a month. Price $5000. For particulars cU at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park at.' 12,000 BARGAIN llO-room apt. hquse and iurnuure, ciose in. an iun anu maKiiiK pood money. For particulars address X 4ii. ore soman. For (le Ho uew. LJLTJRELHURST BUNGALOW. Located Just east of Laurel ho rt park; 7 rooms and den; full ba?p xnent, bulit-in fruit closet. flr4 furnace, hrepiace. hardwood floors downstairs. lar?e livtnK room; built for a home. Wilt be shown by appointment, See J. A. Mc:arty at ftota and E. OUsan st- oft ice. Ta bor 8433. Evenings and tiuuday Tabor 5057. ROSE C1TT. Beautiful 5-room bungalow with larffJ floored attic. 50x100 lot. walk, lawn and shrubbery; garage with cement floor and driveway nou.e ras nartiwooa xioors, built-in bookcase and buffet and fire place: cement basement, laundry trays- all street improvement s in and paia Price &4750 ; cash $--0. balance $500 every six months. JOHNSON-DOOSON CO.. 632, 634. X. W. Bank Bide Main 3787. ST. JOHNS BUNGALOW. Just a real fine well-arranged 5-room bungalow in fine state of repair on 00 x mo lot. garage and lots of fruit ana splendid garden soil, large basement, but not finished ; owner going out on farm ana has cut price S-uo lor quick sale only $UO0. Sl'JOU cash, balance very easy payments. This house cannot be dupli cated for less than 2tOO. free this. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915, JoOO MT. TABOR LHSTRICT S25O0. NOW VACANT. Hera is a 50x100 corner lot, paved streets all in and paid, nice large fruit trees, rood ft-room house. lull semi-ce ment basement, 1 block from Mt. Tabor car. Immediate possession can bo had. J. A- WAKKINKK, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-R-7 Board of Trade Bids;. $3750 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch, ex clusive -residence district r nrepiace, built-in bookcase and buffet; cement basement, lauudry trays and furnace. paved Htreet in and paid; iiroadway car. $10O0 cash, balance monthly. " JOHNSON-DOOSON CO.. 032, o33.-b3 N. W. Bank. Bids. 1 Main 3787. DUTCH COLONIAL, HOMK. SOOOO1 buys new modern home of 3 rooms and den or breakfast .room down 3 bedrooms up. Fireplace. hardwood floors, furnace, improvements in and paid; block to R C. P. car. Term. Vacant, move right in. J. A. WICICMAN CO.. JQ4 Ry. Kxch. bldg. Main 5S3. 6-KOOM cottaKO on 100x100, with choice berries, apples, pears and shrubbery: corner lot - with street Improvements that are in and paid for; baaecjent plumbing, electricity and g:is. A buap xor someone, trice 7(t(i cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, tt33, 634. N. W. Ptnk Bldg. Main 3787. ROSB CITY PARK CAR. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3-0. We would like to show .you this bungalow. Located one block from Sandy blvd. "Exceptionally, large living fuom. jc uit to i. v prv easy terms. A. O. TBBPH CO.. 284 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 392. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. NEW 4-room bungalow with, space for tw aaaitionai rooms In attic; house Is dou ble conntructed, has full plumbing, gan ana electricity; ourtet; ready to occupy; price 4oi.f. casn. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 33, 634. N W. Hank BJdg. Main 3787. ON B. MORRISON ST. T-room house on choice corner lot, with gaiage. bijr rup ply of roses, flowers and fruit; must he sold to clone an estate; win take $o750 and give good terms to responsible pur- cnaser. for particulars call BKN RIKtil.ANO. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park St- 10 MODERN BUNGALOWS. In Vancouver. Wash., new and up-to date, containing 5 rooms and bath, all built-in fixtures, for aale on easy terms. Kor further information see K. L. Webster. 701 Washington St.. Vancouver, Na.ih. Phone il Vancouver, Waau. BARGAIN IN MODERN HOMK. Six-room house, extra well built ; hot water heat, line plumbing, full cemen basement with laundry trays; assess menta all paid; clone in. good neighbor hood; price only $3750; wilJ han dle. Bee Mr. BHtta with John K. How ard. 31H Chamber of Commerce. 4-ROOM bungalow, large living-room, fire place, gas anu electricity ; rull base ment ; located conveniently to Sell wood car line. Price llMoo; terms if desired. JOHNSON-DOUfiiON CO.. 633, 633. 634. N. W. Bank Bids;. Main 8787. $-500. KERN PARK. $2500. Ltve cheaper. 1. e., have your own garden: live-room modern house, lot luOx loO. fruit trees and berries; full-grown hedge and lawn; Just the place for the kiddies; $CH) down. Mt. . bcott car. Owner. 6M4 4tst ave. S. K. SA:R1KICK JkUrtgaRO due; attractive 5 room bungalow, numerous' conveniences, large attic, basement, unusual lot, near pavement; immediate possession; l-oo some tarma. Owner evenings. Tabor 7-.',fi. BEAUTIFUL WBSTMORKLAND Modem 7 -room house, Kant front, li sleeping porches, furnace, fireplace, garage; 2 block car. Non-resident willing 10 sell lens than cost. Sea and make offer. Seliwood 27u. SPECIAL inveetment. Nifty bungalow ; sleeping porch, numerous conveniences, paving paid; quick sale fJMn), cash $."i20, baiant-e $JO monthly; rented . Owner evenings. Taboi 7o.". r-ROftM houw, garace, corner 3Hxini, plenty of fruit; J blks. ft. Johns car; $3OU0. terms or part trade. See owner, .1 to 5 P. M. 211 Washington Mdg. AT TKEMONT STATION. lots, about 310 by 120. 7 -room house, old barn, some . orchard, graded street and cement walk entire front. Inquire Wndlawn 1077. GOING to California, will sell modern 8 room house at bargain: 2 blks. from Beaumont or Rose City car. Corner lot S. E. face. Phone Main 2753. FOR SALE. $2500 Modern 6-room. 2-story house, cement basement, near Highland school; improvements paid. Columbia 30. WILL price right. 5-room bungalow, near 22d and Hawthorne. You save com mission. W. W. Graves. 612 Gaaco bldg. Main 8191K - $1950 R, C. PK. Small, almost new bouse, partly furnished, bath, gas. elec. lights; Lirge cor. lot; part ea?h, balance 9i. Move right In. Tabor 278. $150t EACH 3 attractive 4-room houses, garden acre, chicken and cow sheds. 23 - -minutes on electric or hard-surface road Main 306. BY OWNER 6-room house In Vancouver. Wash., your own terms: home Is all plumbed and wired ; $3200. Inquire of O. N. Raymond, Buxton, Or. ROSE CITY'S biggest bargalp. desirable bungalow; Improvements paid ; imme diate sale $2150, terms : worth more, Ow n er e v en t ngs. Tabor 7055. NEW, modern 4-room bungalow under construction: bir lot; easy terms. Tabor 8250. Owner. fOSOO IRWNGTON bungalow. 6 artlstia . rooms full lot near tiiakiyou. East 413. REAL KSTATK. or iSule llourtea. TOUR OPPORTUKTTT TO OWX YOUR OWN HOME. EIITR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange. Main 1636. We have the ery home you are look ing for. Don't wait for the spring rush and pay inflated prices. Hundreds of good homes to choose from, ail In spected, appraised and priced right. Sev eral sucritice sales with vaue not con sidered. Photos ou d it play in our show rooms of each one, Uon't put it off the good ones go fast. Come In today and sea some of the remarkable bargaina, ALBERTA DISTRICT. Several of the following Alberta bun galows are placed on the market and advertised for the first time touay. $1000 Here, la a triple contracted two story house. 4 rooms, full ce ment basement; $4in down. J2SS5 Bays a good 5-room bungalow on hard-surfaced street. 1 blks. to Union ave. car. 2 light, airy bedrooms, best plumbing, trees, lawn and shrubbery; $ioO down. $2&D0 Hera is a dandy 5 -room bunga low, pavea street, hardwood floors. built-in effects, Dutch kitchen. tu .cement basement with laundry trays, built only 2 years; gas stove, gas heater and new linoleum, included $16oO down. HERB IS A BARGAIN": $220O Just one block to Union ave.. w-e have a 4-room bungalow on paved street, white enamel plumbing, 1 more room easily converted into sleeping room, a anap. oniy $5o0 to handle. $2650 Buys a fy-room. two-story honse !n need of a few repairs. 1 biock from Alberta rnr; 2 bedroom bath, toilet, full cement bane ment. ltl choice bearing f rujt trcos. lOOxloo cor.; $50 down. J2SOO On Uh st.. 1 Mock frm ATberta car la a wei 1-built 5-room bun galow ; reception hall with buiit t in seat, living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath, toilet, kitchen with handy built-ins; 26 rose bushes, trees and, berries; $W00 down. BRAUTIKUL TXTTSG ALOW. $3000 Here is one of the most attrac tive bungalows we have had for some time, on the market for first time today. Beautiful in side and out. finished in whit enamel, very handy built-in ef fects, full cement basumnt with laundry trays, i. block to Al berta. Terms. See this today. DANDT BT7NO A LOW WITH FT KNACTt $jW( On 21th st.. H block from Al berta car. Is a well-built &-room bungalow with eat front. 4xl0il lot and al!y. fine arrangement of rooms, full cement basement Including front room and laundry trays, excellent furnace, chicken house, garage. partly const. ; peach, plum and apple trees, berries; 30 rose bushes oC every variety; terms easy. $2025 5-room cottage. H blk. to Al berta car. bath, toilet, gas. elec tricity, full cement biujemem; 950O down. $3400 Buys a large S-room bungalow on Mxirn cor., fine place, built about 5 years, room just rented; kitch en white enamel, fruit trees; terms. 1300O 2-story. R-room house, bath and toilet. 1 block to Alberta; piped for furnace; $00 down. A PPLEXPID BTT. $2!K0 A 5-rooni bungalow on paved street with assessments ail pam - built only one year; very attrac tivf: hardwood floors, built-in buffet. best plumbing. Uutch kitchen, full cement basement with laundry trays, close to car. $wu down. ROSE CITY PARK. Wc have 30 good Rose CHy homes for sale, all photographed, inspected apd ap prHtsod. The prices run from $-00 to $0300. Here are juat a. few of the in; VERY ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. $4200 Here i an unusually attmctiv bungalow, built last summer hardwood floors and fireplace finished in white enamel through out, beautiful built-in buffet. modern and right up to the nun ute; full cement b:Rment with laundry trays. 2 additional rooms In unfinished attic; located just off Kaudy boulevard, if you can make good monthly payments suit yourself on the down part. $2600 f-room bungalow type home on 72d St.. 1 Vs biocks to Sandy; bath, toilet, sleeping porch; $S0O down. NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4060 Bu s a ap iend id new 5-room bungalow on pa-ved . street, in . heart of Rose City:'- hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effects of every description; breakfast nook: full lot; here Is a home . you can be proud of; terms. A REAL BUNGALOW HOME. $43O0 Here, folks, is a cosy, comfort able, well-built and attractive bungalow; on full WxlOO lot; hardwood floora, -furnace, white enamel finish. 6 large rooma and one bedroom that's a it ream; h. w . floors included: garage; great variety of flowers, vines' and trees; $1000 ,to handle. PKAUTrFUL STONE BTJVOALOW. . $0000 Juit off the AUmeda drive In Rose t'ity we have a story and a hilf bungalow, marwive stone construction, hot water heating system, garage, h. w. floor, fire place made of basaltic stone; 5 rooms down,.2 up: bath and toilet up and toilet down; moiern to last degree; $15oO to handle. AX ATTRACTIVE ROPE CITY HOMTT;. $480 One block north of Sandy blvd.: blow the bill, -we have a fine IVOxloO cornet, paved, and 6-room bungalow, all on one fioor; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, $1000 down. HAWTHORNE BARGAINS. $2S35 Buys a 5-roora cattage on paved street. . one . block to Hehnont car; white enamel plumbing, full ' 50x100 lot; $50O down. $2900 Buys an exceptional fine little B room bun ga low on paved Htreet; very attractive, convenient arr rangemen t inside. with many bin It -In effects, located south of Hawthorne. near 34t-h; $6O0 takes this one. $3000 2-story honse on E. Madison: 3 rooms down and 3 up; hpst plum lung, paved street, newer in , and paid; 1 block to Hawthorne cA; $ls0Q down. $3150 Here is a real bargain in 5-room unusually attractive bungalow; light. airy bedrooms. well-arranged kitchen, paved street and sewer, ail paid. We don't get many like this for the price; ' $700 takes It. S3650 2-story. 7 -room, well-built hat in good region: paved street and sewer, white enamel plumbing ; full cor. lot; terms. S36T5 Here Is a big value in a ft -room 2-story home just off Hawthorne car; three large, neat. we.I-kept rooms down. 3 right, airy bed rooms up. wit It best white en amel bath and toilet ; close to school, paved street and sewer; terms. We don't know of an other buy in this district aa good. $4350 Good 2-etory bnngalow type home on pavea cor., ciose in; nrepiace, furnace, expensive light fixtures. built-ins, garage with concrete runway; ioih down. BIHR-CAREY CO.. Railway Lxcuan&e. Maia 1033. RKAX ESTATE. 'or Sale HouAceu ITJRELHUHSTCOLrONTAX. HOOTS. large rooms; lot 50x1 JW). Toa tan almost .Tnake your living on this piece of ground; all kinds of fruit and berriee. good garage. This U a forced sale; act quick. See Mr. DKUHi;.TY at 270" Stark, rt. or phone him. Main l0O. Residence Etut 2ob& $200 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2SOU. LARGK .GROUNDS AND COTTAGE. Ground equal to nearly one full arre, ( with, abundance of fruit trees and ber ries. This borders on Hawthorne 07 line and hard-surface street. $750 cam will handle, balance eaay. Now Is the proper time to buy a home like thia. to have a nice spring garden. C. A. WARR1NBK. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-r-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. IKV1NGTON IRVINGTON 1RV1NGTOX. Splendid weil-bullt 6-room house, also large sleeping porch, room for two beds; fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors down stairs; all modern conveniences; house was built 4S years ago; has been newly painted and will be tinted from top to bottom: total price $5000; $1000 caah, balance monthly. FRKL) W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT a responsible buyer for my home. - located in Peninsula district close to Portland boulevard. It consists of a modern five-room, well-conntructed bufi Kiilo w. Rooms are well and tantef uliy arranged, fireplace, sleeping porch and full basement. The grounds are in good. shape, cement walks, fruit trees and small f r uts. My price $3000 and will give term of $5vo cash, balance as renu See owner, room 401 lekum bldg. LAL'lili'.HrilST Hiixik Wonder if this little ad will caich th eye of someone looking for a real high-class well-constructed home, built by owner by day labor when prices vein on bedrock and located in park section. It's complete, compact, very homelike you'll feel nke taking your wraps off and sitting right down, and can be bought at a real sacrifice. .Pacific phone Tabor 4o7. REAL) THIS OK EE R. Bungalow With .0h Annually. Comfortable (t-room bungalow in 'good, district, with a good leaae on a building w-ith bueincKS and lots of fine, furniture, clearing from f.Mo to ooo annually; woman can handle ea.iily ; $4 ."".. o ca-h. balance, same amount, terms. Main &1UV. S K.OTH El M-BKUWJC COMPANY. S30-1-2-3 Railway Exchange Bldf. WHO GETS THIS? We sold the twin to this yesterday. Step right into this neat little bunga low, completely furnished, with A-1 rugs and furniture. In old ivory through out, large living room, fireplace, artistic buffet. 48x115 lot. garage. $1000 cash. $3tin. H A WTHORN'B REALTY CO.. Cor. Stfth and Hawthorne. Tabor 7443. STRICTLY CHOICE 6-room home, sleeping porch, fumaee. fireplace, built-in buffet. French doors between living and dining rooms, choice , fixtures throughout, full concrete base ment, hard-surface street, block, to car. excellent district. Price $0000. Terms reasonable. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4T14. A REAL FA KM. 1TI& arres. all stocked and equipped, good buildings, all in cultivation, finest soil, everything- goes. $200 per acre ; this inciudes stock, grain and Imple ments, on good road, near Oregon City; good terms. NORI) HAMTTON CO.. 4Q1 Stock Exchange Bids. IRVINGTON. STRICTLY M O L E R N IRYTNGTON HOMK. ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH CORNER LOT; LARGE GARAGE. MIGHT TAKE SMALLER HOUSE POINDEXTKK, 2'S SELLING BLDCL MAIN IbOO. RESIDENCE, 271-20. RALE OR TRADE. Beautiful modern 8-room home, con crete block and frame, nearly new, IOO xHM lot, $0000, $JtrO0 down. bal. own terms at 6 per cent; would take cheap land in part .pavment. NO RD HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE By owner. $3500 modern 5 room bungalow, large Iutch kitchen, furnished garage. corner lot, near school; Hawthorne district. newly papered and tinted, woodwork old Ivory; improvements paid; $HHH) down, monthly payments; leaving city, will also sell furniture. Tabor 757. $330O WALKING IISTANCeI Nice comfortable 6-room home in good condition. Full concrete basement, ex cellently located, all improvements in and paid. Some bearing fruit. ' $1000 cash, balance to suit. A. H. BrRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Hank Bldg. Marshall 4114, K LEG A NT ROS E CITY HO M E. On 50th st. near Sandy, 7-room strict ly modern, everything desirable and fine condition, if in the market for real home this will not be a disappoint ment. Only Jrti'SO, terms. 34 Yeotx bldg. Main 54. THE BIRCH COMPANY. $130 $2.0 CASH DOWN Buys a very good A-room house. Welt located wit h good plumbing, gas and electric; lights, graded street, concrete walks and curb. . Near car. Easy ternui on balance. A. If. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Incomer We design and build apartmenta. ga rages, residences. anything; turn late plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECTTRITY SERVICE!. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. IneZ 924 N. W. Bank bldg. ' FOR SALE New, modern 3 -room cottage. ieni notice in rear; . . ieet Tront by 10 feet back: nice front and back lawns, chicken hou4e and lot. All kinds frait Iree. strawberries, hot houne. Complete ly furnished with new. modern furniture. Call or address No. 68 E. 57th at. N. IRVINGTON HOME SACRIFICED, near . nui ana itrar.ee, oeiter than new; charming floor plan, one bedroom down. 4 and sleeping porch up. Extra lava -torles and toilets, garage. Swell new draperies, etc. included. Bargain I95UO, terms. Main 8078. IRVINGTON MODERN HOME. 7 rooms built for a home. Hall, living' room, dining room, kitchen, den otx first floor; A-1 location. Jot 50x100 ; possession at once. Price $t500, one half cash. SMITH -WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. NEW MT. TABOK HOME 7 rooms, bath, fireplace, buffet. Dutcn kitchen, full plastered basement, barn and four lots, $8(HHi. half cikuh. terms, or $7O00 cash for quick sale; leaving town; fine view. Mt. Tabor car. cor. E. Mad ison and 76th sts. " OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER. This six-room house must be sold within the next few days, stands ou corner of 2tlth and Taylor. Go look then make us an offer. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 3tith and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. WALKING DISTANCE. K. Alder near . lath; two 5-room fiats, live in one and rent the other, to pay tax and Interact . on purchase price; ssk your broker or see Mr. Magoon. 826 Cham, of Com. blda. MAIN 6127. BY OWNER. Only 6 months old. 4-room buna npwlv Painted, full concrete hn smun r Dutch kitchen, large bath, 3 blocks to R. M. car; sidewalk and sewer in and paid. 1114 Tibbets art. SeMwpod 3500 FtR SALE 2 -room little house at 710 East Belmont with complete plumbing, gas and lights, $75, must be removed: line for a garage. Inquire 1111 Eac Wafhlngtoiy MAWTHOICNK BUNGALOW. S room and den, fireplace. Xuteh "kitchen. 67x100 lot. east facing, 2 blk a. from car, near 4th st. Taylor Invest ment Co. Tabor 4M1. $100 DOWN AND $25 MONTH. MT. SCOTT CAR GOOD STREHTS. 3 rooms, gaa, patent toilet, lot 37x16; 1' nice fruit tree. Total fflino. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXCH. LRVTNGTON corner. 6 rooms, bath, den large closets, concrete basement and hot air furnace. See it at 744 Clackamas so. Phone East 6759. BY OWNER, artistic ft-room modern bn gruw, in Rose City; haMwood floors. fisWhed ivory enamel. 477 E. &uth at. X.9 neir Thompson. Tabor 5194. MUST SELL. FOUR-ROOM MODERN FLAT $20, FURNITURE FOR SALE. $125 WILL H ANDLfcl. EAST 5977 &3 E. 13TH N. VACANT 6 rooms, fireplace, white enamel kitchen, bath, bedroom, full basement, newly painted: on carline ; terms ; by owner. Main 2460; eves.. Wdln. 409S. GOING to build or repair T Get my ideas and estimates. - B. T. Ally n, 243 Star t Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Mai 831 Res, phone. Tabor 194. UNFINISHED bouse on concrete founda tlon, loo x SO lot ; plumbing in ; et to fruit and berries; $1050. Call owneu Tabor 2676. BY OWNER o-room cottage, electric lighta. ga. bath, full cellar, etc. $275 caah will handle, balance like rent. 211 E. oMh gt. $1500. $500 CASH. 5-room house, 6441 street, coiner Hoth avenue: 20 fruit trees berries. I:xl45. Tabor 5S7. IRVINGTON HOMES. ' McDONStW. 60O AdI 14TH. bZ. Ji AX