Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 21, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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City Editor Main 7070. A 6095
Sunday Editor. Main 770, A 80!5
Advertising Department. . Main 7070. A BOOS
Superintendent of bldg Main 7070, A 600
ORPHEIIM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude
ville. This afternoon.
BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker
Stock company in "Under Cover." This
afternoon and tonight.
ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) A19.a"
zar Musical Players In Firefly. Thla
afternoon and tonight.
LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com
edy. "The Heart Breakers." Three shows
daily. 2, 7. and 9 F. M.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5.
6:43 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays, continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M.
PANT AGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily, 2:30, 7 and
On Sale at .
Business Office, Oregonian.
Armenian Relief Drive Gains.
According to long distance telephone
reports being received at near east
relief headquarters from State Chair
man Samuel C. Lancaster who Is with
State Director J. J. Handsaker in
southern Oregon organizing forces j
there for next month's state-wide
campaign for funds. preliminary
work in that section is being taken
up with much enthusiasm. A rous
ing meeting was held at Albany last
night. Mr. Lancaster reported, and
the Albany campaign forces were
greatly enthused by the address of
General M ear op Azgapetian, who
stopped over in Albany a few hours,
on his way to California. A confer
ence of workers and leaders from
various southern Oregon counties was
held at Kuiiene yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Lancaster and Mr. Handsaker
will return to Portland today to
resume preparations for the local
campaign that is scheduled for Feb
ruary 10 to 20 inclusive.
Gun-Carrier Gets Jail Term.
Charles Graham, 22. arrested by Pa
trolman Abbott at Thirteenth and
Jefferson Saturday, pleaded guilty in
municipal court to carrying concealed
weapons and was fined JoO and sen
tenced to serve 90 days In jail by
Judge Rossman yesterday. Graham
was arrested in company with Richard
Linville an ex-cdnvict. The two, ac
cording to the police, confessed to
Police Captain. Harms that they were
out to hold up someone. Linville was
held to answer to the grand jury
Monday. Graham, according to Deputy
District Attorney Deich, was arrested
on a previous occasion on a charge
of assault and robbery.
Hugh Walpolb Lectures Thursday.
Hugh Walpole, Iinglish novelist
who will lecture at the Masonic
temple Thursday evening under the
auspices of the Drama league, is a
statesman as well as an author.
During the war he was in Russia
doing diplomatic work for the -British
government, and on his return to
London, served in the foreign office
until a few months ago. when he
resigned to continue his literacy
work. His subject will be "Russian
Vignettes." Mr. Walpole is a com
paratively young man to have had
such success in the literfiry world.
His first book was published In 1909.
The Portland Training School, for
Church-School Workers under the
auspices of the Portland Federation
of churches and the Multnomah
County Sunday School association will
open for the second semester of the
1919-1920 session in the First Metho
dist Episcopal church, this evening.
The registration will commence at 1
o'clock and the classes of the first
period will begin work promptly at
7:30. This school is the most com
prehensive interdenominational work
in the city. A large registration is
expected. For further information
phone the dean. Rev. R. M. Pratt,
Marshall 2o9, after 2 P. M. Adv.
Syndicalism Demurrers Filed.
Demurrers to the indictments of
Claude Hurst. Joseph Laundy, Fred
W. Frye and Karl W. Oster, accused
of violation of the state criminal
syndicalism act by membership in the
labor communist party and activities
in its behalf, were filed In the cir
cuit court yesterday by Attorney "W.
S. TJ'Ren. The basis fo each demurrer
Is similar to that filed in I. W. W
cases recently and argued by Attorney
George Vanderveer alleging the in
dictment Is duplicitous, is not specific
and that the state law under which it
is brought is unconstitutional.
Gun-W i elder Fined J25. Bert Eva
pleaded guilty to assault and bat
tcry in the municipal court yesterday
and was fined $25 by Judge Rossman.
Eva was arrested on a warrant sworn
to by F. K.. Masters following what
is said to have been an Incident grow
ing out of an automobile collision.
Masters charged that he was struck
over the head with the butt of a re
volver. Charges against G. W.
Howard, who was arrested on a sim
ilar charge were dismissed on motion
of Deputy District Attorney Deich.
Marine Iron Works Case Non
suited. Showing by the defense that
the Macy award was never construed
to include an outfitting plant such as
the American Marine Iron Works
caused a non-suit to be granted by
Circuit Judge Stapleton yesterday in
the action brought by A. L. Flfield in
behalf of himself and IS other em
ployes to recover $1jS0 alleged due
under the Macy award in back wages.
Auto Wrecked on Stone Wall.-
"When the foot of William S. Tupper,
314i Fast Fifteenth street north, be
came caught between the brake and
the gas lever on his car yesterday he
was unable to slop the machine and
collided with a stone wall at Fast
Twelfth and Burnslde streets, he re
ported to the police. The machine
was wrecked but Tupper escaped un
Auto Hits Idaho Visitor. R. L.
Caldwell, 37, a cattleman of Weiser,
Idaho, received bruises yesterday
morning when he was struck by an
automobile while dismounting from
slreet car in Iorth Portland. He
was taken to the St. Vincent's hos
pital for treatment.
Automobile Insurance. Royal In
demnity and Queen Insurance Co.
Telephone us for rates for fire and
thrft and indemnity on your car.
Hedlund & Co., Wilcox bldg. Main
634t. Insurance department. Adv.
Coe Maternity Home.
Open to All Phtsicians.
25th and Lovejoy.
Main 5990. Adv.
Oriental Rugs repaired, wash-,
cleaned, stored. Cartozian Bros. Inc.
oriental lugs and carpets. Washing
ton. near 10th. Adv.
School Books, bought, sold and ex
changed. Hyland's Book store. 170
6th st. We move soon to 204-206
4th St. Adv.
We Grind everything in sharp edge
tools. Le wis-Stenger Barbers' Supply
Co., Morrison at Tenth sL Adv.
Income Tax returns made by former
deputy collector. Tax Service Co.,
N. W. Bank bldg. Adv.
We Grind everything, razors, shears,
blades, etc. 86 6th St.. nr. Stark. Adv.
Milk Curb at the Moore Sanitarium.
Right merchandise at
right prices. Investigate.
488 Washington Street
Lumbermen at Banquet. The sec
ond annual banquet of the young
lumbermen of the Columbia river dis
trict was held at the Multnomah hotel
Monday night. Many out-of-town
guests were present. Frank: Rogers
presided. The third annual banquet
will be arranged for next year by a
committee consisting of W. R. Scott
of Portland; Lee Hubbard. Portland,
and C. D. Sutherland, St. Helens.
Those present were Frank Rogers. E.
A Peak, Howard Jenkins, "Henry
Jones, Lee Hubbard. Tom . Carney,
John Peterson. Warren'Kinder, C. D.
Sutherland, John Ready.' R. A. Smith,
"Pat" Patterson, J. S. Lingaas, E. I.
Karr, William Johnson, G. C. Sim
mons, A. Sweeney, Eugene Boylan,
Manley Smith. Mr. McDonald, W. R.
Scott, A. Handler.
Picture of Mrs. Reed Presented.
The Amanda Reed association of
women at Reed college has presented
the college with an attractive picture
of Mrs. Amanda Reed, taken when
she was a young woman. The asso
ciation formed to commemorate the
founder of Reed college, felt the lack
of a suitable picture of Mrs. Reed
and after some search discovered an
old photograph which has been en
larged. The picture, which is on ex
hibition at the college office, will
later be hung in the women's social
room of the arts building. Miss
Jessie Laird is president of the or
Mail Robbers Plead Guilty. Joe
Volckers, Gus Conrad and Joe Her
skowitz, three former drivers of post
office mail trucks, pleaded guilty in
Judge Wolverton's court yesterday to
ndtctments charging them with thefts
from the United States mails. Her-
skowitz was fined $350, Conrad, $250,
and Volckers, $100. The young men
were arrested shortly after the
Christmas holidays and were indicted
by the present grand jury which is
now In session. The fines were rec
ommended by United States Attorney
Humphreys. This is the - first time
any of them has been in trouble.
Moonshine Suspect Waiwep in Se
attle. Five minutes after L. A.
Dusterhoff had been released by
United States Commissioner Drake as
moonshine suspect, he was ordered
re-arrested yesterday by Assistant
United States Attorney Flegel and
ordered held for federal authorities
at Seattle, who telegraphed they
wanted him there on the same ch'arge.
A still and other apparatus of the
professional moonshiner were found
t a house. 1107 Milwaukle avenue.
w-here Mrs. Dusterhoff and their two
children have been living.
"Master George" Charged With
Insanity. "Master George" Pfaden
hauer, whose sensational form of
witchcraft was exposed at the time of
his arrest last week, was charged
with insanity in a complaint ordered
sworn out in the county court yes
terday by federal authorities. The
little German will be given a hear-
ng before an insanity board and
if found to be mentally incompetent
will be sent to the state hospital. If
his mentality !s sound he will be
tried on a charge of using the gov
ernment mails to defraud.
Patrolmen Have Target Practice.
Chief of Police Jenkins yesterday
issued orders providing for the various
officers of the bureau perfecting
themselves in the use of the revolver.
Captains of each relief were ordered
to detail five or ten men each day for
an hour's practice under the instruc
tion of Sergeant J. H. Young, recently
appointed drill-master and Instructor
of marksmanship. Badges have been
offered for excellence in rapid fire
and a contest will be held after the
vacations are over.
Community Sing at Library. A
community sing of the national choral
league for the promotion of patriotism
will be held Thursday at 8 P. M. at
the central library, under the leader
ship of Professor Tom G. Taylor,
organist-choirmaster of St. David's
church. At recess, 9 A. M. Professor
James Irving Crabbe will give a ten-
minute talk on "Songs That Never
Die." All are cordially invited to
attend these fortnightly sings of the
National Choral league. No admis-
ion; music free.
Reed College Junior Gets Wire
less Call. A wireless call from Taco-
ma to Leith Johnston, a Reed' college
junior, was received yesterday. Johns
ton, whose home is in Tacoma. is a
physics major and has friends in
Tacoma Interested in wireless outfits.
The message was sent to Portland and
a local friend of Johnston's picked
up the message quite accidentally
and phoned it to the college.
Health Lecture Tonight. "Ways
to Promote Expression for Health'
will be the subject for tonight's
lecture at the public library, room H,
by William R. Reece at 8 o'clock. This
will be the fourth lecture in the series
on the "Principles and Method of At
taining Spiritual Health."
KEHMEBfiR Coal, Carbon Coal Co..
mine agents. 321 Hawthorn ave. .East
1188. Adv.
Home Builders
Get Your Money's Worth
All plumbing fixtures look
alike when new but at the
end of five years, the inferior
plumbing fixtures will be un
sightly and inefficient.
Protect yourself by specify
ing Pacific Plumbing Fixtures.
Pacific Plumbing Fixtures cost
no more than inferior brands
and will give a life-time of
satisfactory service.
They are guaranteed forever
against any defects in work
manship or material.
67 New Montgomery St., San Fra&ciscA
. . , Factories:
San Pablo and Richmond, Cat.
loi Angeles, Portland and Salt Lake City
uaaamtexd & w
The Talk of the Town
The Spring STETS0NIAN$10
As usual, the Lion Clothing Co. is the first to
show the new Stetson a notable example of
thoroug-hbred style and remarkable value.
Stetson through and through. It comes in seal
brown, Hickory drab, black and olive green.
We Give S. & H. Stamps
Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland.
Chamber to Debate Zonino Plan.
A debate, followed by a referendum
vote of its members on the proposed
zoning plan for this city, will be pro
vided by me Portland Chamber of
Commerce, the debate taking place
at the noon meeting of the members'
forum of the chamber one week from
next Monday. J. P. Newell, chair
man of the city planning commission,
will present the zoning side of the
controversy and the Realty Board
will provide a speaker from the op
posing side. Opportunity will be given
every member of the Chamber to
vote for or against the plan alter
hearing arguments. ,
Ex-Army Fliers Sought. If suffi
cient ex-army fliers can be interested,
the Aero club of Oregon probably can
obtain from the government tle
necessary planes of the Curtiss type
to provide training facilities to be
used with the local aviation field as
base. Such was the announcement
made yesterday by L. A. Hickam,
president of the club. Mr. Hickam
requested that the names, addresses
nd records of the men who are to
use the planes be Bent to George
Quayle, secretary of the club, at the
Chamber of Commerce, Portland.
Woman Charges Cruelty. Mrs
Marie Lindeman declares that her
husband, Charles H. Lindeman, deeded
property valued at $30,000 to his
brother, Herman F. Lindeman, for
the purpose of cheating her out of
her interest in the 250 acre farm in
Linn county, in a suit for divorce in
which she makes her brother-in-law
defendant. She asks a one-sixth
interest in the farm. She was married
in Vancouver in 1907' and declares
among other allegations of cruelty.
that her husband has had her arrested
on a charge of insanity.
Pittock Tax Receipt Iiled.- The
receipt of State Treasurer Hoff for
$226,089.38. the state inheritance tax
paid on the estate of the late Henry
L. Pittock, was received for file in
the office of County Clerk Beveridge
Till Friday Night J
Two concerts each afternoon
and night, also musical inter
pretation of feature
a. tar in the feature picture,
will appear
In Person
each night during entire week.
Geraldine Farrar in
I Want to Buy a Real
Modern Home
I want to buy a real modern home in Irving-ton,
Alameda Park or Laurelhurst. Am willing' to
pay a reasonable price if the property suits me.
If owners will write me, giving1 location of
house, details as to arrangement, price, etc., I
will give the matter prompt consideration.
- Address E -
Look at the Stetsons in the
window. They're quality
that nine out of ten well
dressed men in Portland
look for at the Lion.
AtJTOisT's Hearing Saturday. Page
Shindler, who was arrested on a
charge of reckless driving, will have
a hearing in the municipal court on
Saturday, the case having been set
for that date by Municipal Judge
Rossman. Shindler is accused of
having collided with a gasoline pump
at King and Washington streets
shortly after 1 A. M. last Friday and
to have skidded his car a few minutes
later into the machine of H. Rich,
1249 East Twenty-second street, while
Rich's automobile was parked on
Washington street near Fourth.
Theft op Clothes Charged. H. B.
Woodworth, who is charged with
the theft of two suits of clothes be
longing to the Broadway Dye &
Cleaning Works, will have a hearing
in the municipal court today on a
charge of larceny. Woodworth was
arrested yesterday by Inspectors La
Salle and Schulpius on a warrant
sworn to by W. U. Sanderson. The
alleged theft is said to have occurred
on Christmas day.
Montgomery Ward Incorporates
Here. Articles of incorporation for
the Montgomery Ward Warehouse
corporation, capitalized at $50,000,
were filed in the county clerk's office
yesterday. The incorporators are: W.
A. Johnson, William C. McCulloch and
Rogers MacVeagh.
Ladies, take advantage of reduced
prices before spring season opens. V.
Kaspar, ladies' tailor. Royal bldg.
Never in the musical history of
America hav music critics written
such superlative praise of any artist
as of Jascha Heifetz, who will play
at the Heilig theater Jan. 28, direc
tion Steers & Coman, Columbia Bldg.
Mail orders are being filled when ac
companied by check and self-addressed
stamped envelope. Floor $3
balcony $3, $2.50, $2. Add 10 per cent
war tax. uallery reserved gone.
848 Oregonian
Special Luncheons
Well Cooked
Well Balanced
Well Served
No. 1 33c
Bowl of Soup
Baked Apple and Cream
No. 3 15c
Hot Roast Beef Sandwich
Tea, Coffee or Milk
Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream
No. 5 10c
Baked Beans
Boston Brown Bread or
White Bread and Butter
.Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream
No. 7 55c
Cracked Crab
Bread and Butter
Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream
b Otter and coffee 95c
The Hazelwood
Tomorrow ftlfffct
of the noted
40 Trained Voices
Amfrlra'a rw Tenftr
" irw -WOTS- ,
MorwrKi'n VloUnlat
Tomorrow ftlirat at HxlS.
Scat Sale Today at
Shrrmai, Clay Hl I'o.
Prior 55c, S5c and $ 1.10
Stiff Joints
Sore Filusclss
Umber Up Quickly Under the Sooth
Ing, Penetrating Application of
Hamlin' Wizard OH -
In cases of rheumatism and Tame
bacic it penetrates quickly, drives out
soreness, and limbers up stiff,, aching
joints and muscles..
Wizard Oil is an absolutely reliable,
antiseptic application for cuts, burns,
bites, and stings. Sprains and bruises
heal readily under, its soothing:, pen
etrating qualities.
' Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick head
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips,
pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents.
Salzer Valley
Coal Co.
Centralist, Wash.
Phone Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 A 6095
i - v
No. 2 35c
Bowl of Soup
J2 Devilled Meat Sandwich
Lettuce Sandwich
Y2 Cheese Sandwich
Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream
Tea, Coffee or Milk
No. 4 15c
Chicken Biscuit
Bread and Butter
No. 6 30c
Bowl of Soup
Ham, Tongue, Pimento Cheese,
Minced Sardine, Veal or
Egg Sandwich
No. 8 60c
Two Lamb Chops
Bread and Butter
and Restaurant
author of
"The Secret City," "Jeremy,"
"The Dark Forest," Etc
In a Lecture on
A World Subject by a Most
Fascinating Speaker at
388 Yamhill SL
Thursday evening, Jan. 22 at 8:15
Admission, $1.10, including war tax.
Tickets on sale Sherman, Clay & Co.
Thin rtrlljrhtfal IV'ew Vanlnhina; Oram
(onlaloinE Trt Rultrrmllk Will
Make lott Tiook. Tram loingfr or
Monry 'Back Just Try It.
Get a small Quantity at any pharmacv
asking- I'or Howard's Buttermilk
Cream, and massafre it daily into the
face, neck, arms and hands. The di
rections are simple and it costs no
little that any girl or woman can
afford it. Your complexion must
quickly show a decided improvement
or your dealer is authorized to return
youa money without question should
you be dissatisfied.
No matter whether you are troubled
with wrinkles, hard little lines around
the mouth and eyes. Voarse. sallow,
faded looking skin, or simply rough
ness and redness caused by wind and
sun. you will find that all these trials
quickly disappear with the use of this
old-fashioned beauty recipe brought
ii n to date.
Howard's Buttermilk Cream Is only.
sold on a positive guarantee or satis
faction or money back. Adv.
Geary Street, ut oB Union Squira
Famous for good service, comtort andexcelleat
cuitine at reasonable prices.
Rates from $1.75
a Day
Breakfast 40c and 75c
Lnnch 60c: Snndays
76c. Dinner i. zt;aunaaysi. ou.
Munlcipal Car line direct to door.
Motor bus meets trains and steamers. .
t - iff
Facts about shaving
Why you should shave the new way'.
It is easier, quicker, and pleasanter
What. we have to say sounds in
credible to the shaver whohas tried
everything to get real shaving cotn
forL But it is true. One test will
make you use the new way1. Thous
ands of men like you are now rec
ommending EZONALL, to their
EZONALL is a scientific
preparation that prepares the
face for a quicker, easier,
pleasanter shave. It has been
tested and proven. It has rev
olutionized shaving.
It does not seem
possible to get a
perfect shave
without lather.
softens the beard
no 22,
instantly. No brush, so soap,
no lather, no "working up."
It is also a skin food of high
wet the beard. The
wetter the better. Apply just
enough EZONALL, to lightly
cover the parts to be shaved.
Don't rub it in like a lather.
But just give it about four or
five gentle rubs to insure every
hair being surrounded with
EZONALL is sold by druggists, department stores , trigb3S3 barbers
and toilet counters, in 50c tubes arid $1.00 jars. If your dealer can't
supply you, order direct from us.
443 Mission St San Fraacxaav CaL
t M JJI!
Ezonall Products Company, 443 Mission St San Pranrtwno, GaEEornias
Send me a FREE trial tab of EZONALL tba perfect aharvtng cr
My name is.
My druggist's
Gasco Comments
Mrs. R. E. Kerr, 942 Belmont St, in. speaking: of hrar
Gasco Furnace, 6aid: "It is so fine! Even during the
snow storm and the cold snap it heated the house beau
tifully, and now with normal Oregon weather it seems
still more perfect, for other furnaces are always too hot
on a mild day, while this furnace just keeps the house
at an even temperature.
"Commissioner Pier, an old friend of ours, say3 that
his solid fuel furnace cost him more for up-keep during
the cold snap than our gas bill was: Ours was $18.60 for
32 days. I think our heating bill for the' entire season
with gas will be less than that of any of our friends
who use solid fuel."
TVIi-ilf-nrfc-nnnl-i Hotel
The Largest Hotel in
Elegance and comfort com
bine to enhance your pleas
ure at the Multnomah. Six
hundred cosy rooms, beautiful
mezzanine floor and lobby,
and superior service, to make
our guests comfortable and
r.jrairp in Connection
mm EKIc"i!t,jr,e'-. The Palace Beautiful 11
Automotive Schools
Day and Night
Automobile Tractor Vulcanizing Students entering now will
be ready for positions in the spring. Large new buildings new
equipment expert instruction practical laboratories and actual
shop experience in repair.
Radio and Electric Schools
Prepare for Radio operator service on merchant ships or for elec
trical engineering. Special equipment and very high-grade .in
struction insure rapid progress and practical results. Enter .now.
These schools co-operate with the state in pro
viding financial aid to returned service men.
for catalogue giving complete information address or call at
Div. C, Department of Education, Y. M. C. A. Building
Estab. 20 Years in Portland
C. Gee Wo
Root and Herb Remedies
162 Vz First St., Portland, Or.
I Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian
Alain 707.0 A 6095 . m
No soap
No brash
No lather
EZONALL. Then shave in
comfort. The stiff est beard
cuts off Eke magic
EZONALL keeps the fc&m
fhrn and smooth. Thepores remain.
normal durmgshavw
ing. Natural oils are
preserved. The face
does not feel tight
and stretched even
after the' closest
EZONAIX leaves tEo face
feeling cool, soothed, refreshed,
It eliminates the usual abra
sions and frequent use of thfl
caustic stick.
After shaving, simply roS ?Eo
face well for a few seconds
The effect is wonderful. Yourt .
face feels as if it had been,
massaged cooL relaxed, rtr,
freshed. '
i mm
No. 3
the Pacific Northwest.
Portland, Oregon.
The Palace Beautiful