TITE 3IOItXIXG OIlEGONIAN, TUESDAY, JAXTJAliY 20, 1920 13 TRADES ARE FEW BIG BULL CIRCUITS Business May Pick Up as . Season Draws Nearer. NATIONAL NEEDS TALENT Pirate Dicker With Branch Klckej Falls Through Ruth Deal Big Noise in American Circles. NEW TORK, Jan. 19. Trading or Belling in the major leagues so far during the current season has been lighter than In several years. With the training season rapidly drawing near the magnates, especially those in the national league, may soon get busy and complete a few deals. Most of the clubs in the older or ganization are in search of new talent and it is almost a certainty that when the moguls meet in Chicago next month the fans will learn of deals in Tolving well-known athletes. It ii generally believed that Heinle Zim merman has played his last game as a Giant and his future Is the couse of much speculation among the local rooters. The pilots of six national league aggregations are looking for players who will strengthen their clubs, Managers Moran, of the champion Reds, and Mitchell, of the Cubs, are the leaders who will not obtain new talent before the coming season tarts. The manager of the Windy City team some time ago announced the lineup with which he expects to open the coming race. Dreyfoaa-Rlckey Deal Falls. During the past few weeks Owner Dreyfuss of the Pirates and Manager Branch Rickey of the Cardinals tried to arrange a deal, but failed To reacn an agreement. It Is said that the Pittsburg magnate made a bid' for either Rodger Hornsby or Milton Stock. George Gibson, the leader of the Smoky City crew, is making a de termined effort to land an experienced third sacker. The only player In the National league to be purchased by another club in the circuit was Roy Sanders, who was sold a few weeks ago by Barney Dreyfuss to William Baker, owner of the Phillies. Sanders is a promising hurler. While trading has been very quiet the magnates have released several well-known players to the minors. President Grant of the Braves a few weeks ago announced the release of Jim Thorpe to the Akron club of the International league, the Giants have sent Baird to the Rochester club of the same circuit, and Ebbets last week informed the World that Jimmy Hickman will play In the American association next season as a member of the Toledo club, owned by Roger Bresnahan. Incidentally Hickman is only one of about eight players sent to the minors by the flatbush team. American Swapping Active. - While trading in the National league has been at a standstill Amer ican leaguers have twice slipped the fans something to talk about since the White Sox were trimmed by the Reds. The real sensation' was the sale of Babe Ruth by the owner of the Red Sox to the Yankees. Previous to that thriller the only trade made involved the Red Sox and Senators. Clark Griffith handed Harper, Foster and Menosky to the Boston club for Shannon and Bobby Roth. The Red Sox have figured in the only two trades made in the major leagues this winter, and it is prob able that they will be involved in another before the club starts for its training camp in Hot Springs next month. The owner of the Red Sox received $130,000 for Ruth, and in order to make the Boston fans forget the passing of the home-run king he is anxious to purchase a consistent .300 swatter from another club. He tried to get an outfielder from the Tigers recently, but was not sue cessful. Yankees. Want Twlrler. When the officials of the Tankees announced the purchase of Babe Ruth they said that a well-known twirler would soon be added to their staff of pitchers. The pitcher has not yet been obtained by the Yankees, but it is believed they are after Scott Perry of the Athletics. Perry quit the Philadelphia club last sea son for the Franklin (Pa.) semi-pro. team, but a few days ago he signed a 1920 contract with Connie Mack Manager Tris Speaker of the In dians is in the market for an expert enced left-handed hurler, and believes that if he is successful in his at tempts to land one his club will win the coming race. The Indians fin ished behind the White Sox last sum mer, and according to their manager the pennant was lost because they did not have one more dependable southpaw. ELECTS STEERS 6TAK LEMOX-YEXLOW QCAR TER TO LEAD 192 0 TEAM. Bill llayward Announces Decision to Remain at Eugene as Trainer, Receiving Boost in Salary. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu pene, Jan. 19. (Special.) "Bill" Steers, star quarterback of the fam ous 1919 Varsity football team, was elected captain of the 1920 team at a banquet of the football team tonight The new Captain Steers was one of the shining lights in the great game with Harvard at Pasadena on.. New Year's day, kicking one of the field coals scored by Oregon. W. L. Hayward, famous athletic , trainer at the university for the past 16 years, announced tonight at the banquet that he would remain with the universitiy. Hayward said his salary had been Increased to $4000 a year, and that he had turned down the two outside prop ositions that were offered him. After this announcement. Homer Angell, speaking for the Oregon alumni, tendered to Mr. Hayward an automobile. He is to go to Portland and make his selection of a- car. COCHRANE HAS HIGH CARD Carpentier's Manager Waits Decis ion of English Promoter. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. C. B. Coch rane, English, boxing promoter, an nounced tonight receipt of a cable from M. Descamps, manager of Georges Carpentier. in support of his claim that he is the only one who .an ntflcra A wnrlri'fl rh&mnlnnqhin bout in 1920. Cochrane said he had ' Saliva Means fi Yoiif Teeth. Its play between and about the teeth and gums is normally a means of protec tion, because it washes away iood particles helps to prevent protein plaques, tartar, and other harmful deposits.- And it neutralizes unfavorable mouth acids bo cause it is alkaline. Pebeco counteracts "Acid-Mouth said to be the chief cause of tooth decay because it stimulates the healthy flow of . normal, alkaline saliva. Nothing better to whiten and brighten the teeth, and endow the gums and whole interior of the mouth with the exhilaration of KEEN health. Sold by druggists everywhere low tiaa Ksg. U. I - a e iPdBCEC TOOTH PASTE Counteracts "Acid - Mouth9 paid $23,000 to Descamps for Carpen tler's services this year. The message reads: "Awaiting; your decision. Have en tertained no other offers. Will not do so until released by you." Cochrane, who will sail for home next Saturday, intimated he would hold the bout in Engrland if he can sign up Jack Dempscy. i TOSSERS' CLASH POSTPONED Silent Five-Guard Game Off on Ac count of Smallpox. The game scheduled between the Silent Five and the Multnomah Guard second team in the Portland basket ball league last night for the Wash ington high school -floor was post poned, as the Washington school had been quarantined on account of small pox. The game will be played off at a later date. Tomorrow night the T. M. C. A. Crescents and Waverleigh will meet on Reed college floor. It Is the Cres cents' first apeparance In a league game, while the Waverleigh five lost its first game to the Y. M. C. A. Acorns- The game tomorrow night will start at 8 o'clock. HOCKEY PLAYER IS ACCUSED Girl Cashier Charges Ran McDon ald of $131 Robbery. VANCOUVER. B. C. Jan. 19. Ran McDonald, formerly a member of the Seattle club of the Pacific Coast Hockey association, appeared in court today charged with holding up the girl cashier at the Vancouver Ice arena last week. The Vancouver games of the asso ciation are played at the rink. The police said McDonald secured $131 from the girl. McDonald said he was not guilty. Pe Ell Defeats Doty, 2 0 to Jan. 19. CEXTRALIA, Wash., Jan. 19. (Special.) In a fast game Friday night on the Pe Ell floor the Pe Ell high school basketball team de feated Doty by a score of 20 to 19. In a previous game Doty had beaten Pe Ell 21 to 20.- A third game will be arranged. Ketonen Retains Title. BOSTON, Jan. 19. Waino Ketonen retained his- title to .the world's middle weight wrestling champion ship tdnight when he gained two falls from Mike Yokel of Salt Lake City. Utah, former titleholder. THIS WEEK . GUTERSON'S ORCHESTRA Two concerts each after noon and even ing, also musical in terpretation of "THE GOLDEN TRAIL" One of the best pic tures you have ever seen, and made right here In Portland. JEAN HERSHOLT Star of Feature. APPEARING IN FERSOX. PRIZMA AD COMEDY COMING SATURDAY. GERALDINE- FARRAR In "THE WORLD AND ITS WOMAN." s u our wp. ) & Put. Off. SOCCER TILTS PLAYED OFF ARTIS.VXS FORFEIT GAME TO WAVERLEIGH TEAM. Mt. Scott Wins From Kerns by 4 -to-1 Count Peninsula Shuts Out Canadian Veterans. Portland Soccer League Standings. Won. Lost. Tied. Pts. Peninsula 3 0 17 Waverlels;nt 2 0 1 K Mount Scott 2 10 4 Kerns 1 2 0 Canadian Veterans. .. .0 0 0 0 United Artisans 0 4 0 0 Two of the three games scheduled for Sunday afternoon in the Portland Soccer Association league were played off. The game scheduled between the United Artisans and Waverleigh was forfeited to the latter, as the Artisan: failed to put In an apearance. Mount Scott won from Kerns on the Frank lin bowl by a score of 4 to 1. while Peninsula defeated the Canadian Veterans on the Columbia park grounds, 6 to 0. It was the first game for the Ca nadians this season. They have the material for a first-class team which will no doubt develop as the season progresses. TOO LATE TO CIA88IFT. WANTED Nurse maid to care for chil dren; must have city references. Mult-I nomah hotel, suite 100. Call mornings. WAITRESS wanted. Inn. 153 Broadway. Apply The China AMUSEMENTS. Public Auditorium OPERA SEAT SALE NOW. At Sherman. Clay & Co.'a for the cirsuT DDnnnnnniuO next week liuiii rnuuuuiiuuo by the AiivMC AMERICA'S 6REATE5I TOURING CfiGANIZATM ONE HUNDRED PEOrtf 91STWGDTSHED AMERICAN AM EUROPEAN STARS." SYMPHONY ORCHESKi BRILLIANT CHORUS ,SUreB siau: atwwus THE OPKIlASl Next Monday. RIGOLETTOt Toeada?-, A I DA l Wednesday MMIsrr, TALKS OK HO K PMA.IRl Errnlsr. IDIG. BUTTRRFLYl Tbnrnriar, C. VA I.- LKRIA AD PAVtlACCIl Krlday, l.ttlAl Mtsniar nairatr, tl)IK KvrnliDt. II. TKOVATORE. All aeata ready now. I'KlllSSi SlfiHTS AM) SAT. MAT Lower Floor, first 15 rows JZ.Z0. remainder. 18 rows, $1.65; Dress Circle, three front sections, $1.65; sides. $1.10; Balcony, three front sections 85c, sides 5dc. WEDNESDAY MAT.-I.owpi- Floor and Dress Circle, J0c cheaper; Balcony, all 55c. Pacific Coaat tour under direction of Elliaon-Whlte Mimical Bureau, ljocaj eagsgemettt under susptcei of CITY Of POHTLAXn LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Mat. Daily at I. NlRhts at 7 and B. This week DILLON A FRANKS In "THE HEART BREAKERS" Just fun, music and pretty ChoruflGlrls. Country Store (extra) Tuesday nisht. CIRCLE FOURTH AT WASHINGTON Dolores Cassinelli "The Unknown Law" Also a Famous Brfggs Comedy, "Ttie Photoa-ravDh Oitl.erv.'' and a Pant Naturs scene. Open from V o'clock in the morning untu o ciock oi in ionowing morning. Eagle Dancing Studio standard Dancing; and Latest Jau Steps Taught by PTofeaalonal Teachers. Try X' a. EAGLE HALL THIRD AMD MADISON STHUUTS. AMUSEMENTS. 8 Night, Sun.. Mon.. Tues.. 15a to ft 4 Mala.. Bun.. Mon.. Tun., Wed.. 15a to 7ae THIS I LEW RA1.VBOW BRICB COCKTAIL I A CO. MRm CIpck BOB HALL Enow & Sigrwortti, Kinogroina Topics of the Iay LYONS I RUTH I BUDD YOSCO This Show Closm With the Matinee Wednesday, tlun. 21 TONIGHT. WED AND SAT MAT. ALCAZAR In the Greatest Comic Open "THE FIREFLY" SUNDAY "THE RED WIDOW." TICKET OFFICE SALE j Now Open TTT7TT Jf Broadway at Taylor A VJ Phone Main L, THIS .WEEK Thnr.day,llfiUTO MM 00 00 OA Ftl, Sat. mum f jniii .u;.-r SPECIAL PRICK MAT, SAT. OLIVER. MOROSCO PRESENTS IE0 CHIILO GRACE VALENTINE EXCELLENT SUPPORTING CAST. RETURN ENGAGEMENT BRILLIANT COMEDY "LOMBARD! LTD WARNING ! ! SECURE TICKETS EARLY! REMEMBER. CAPACITY HOUSES WHEN HERE LAST AUGUST! EVE'S S3. Cl.SO. SI, 75c. 50c. SAT. MAT. 61.50, SI, SOc l CITY orders REC'D NOW , HEILIG NEXT WEEK TkOMd.y, Friday. I M OQ 0(1 Q Saturday Evenings, "I". ,uj UU ui Special Price Mat. Sat. WALKER HOW TO SECl'RE TICKETS KOWi Address letters, make checks and postoffice money orders payable to W. T. Pangle. Mgr. Heilig Theater. ADD 10 PER CENT WAR TAX TO PRICE TICKETS DESIRED. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelopes to help in sure safe return. EVE'S Floor, $2; Balcony. 5 rows $1.60. 17 rows $1; Gallery, 7 rows reserved 75c, admission 60c SPECIAL. PRICE SAT. MAT. Floor, $1.50; Balcony, 9 rows tl, 13 rows 60c. LOEWS IPPODROMt Direction ACKERMAN & HARRIS Son, Mon., Tsm, Wed VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAY LA FOLLETTE The Great Protean Actor and Magi cian The Man or Many r aces. PERSHING Dramatic Incidents in the Life of America s GREATEST LIVING GENERAL Shown In Motion Picture. CHARLES I.. MILLARD A CO. "A Durned Oood Reason." BERTIE FOWLER "An Interesting Woman." THE THREE RED PEPPERS "Just Songs" BROUGHTON AND TURNER "JUBt Landed." VIOLET AND CHARLES Sterling Trapese Feats. EYERY ACT GOES OYER BIG DANCING GliARANTEED In eight three - hour less ons rladies $2. SO. (rentlemen fS at Del Honey's Beautiful Academy. Twenty third and Washington. new tiiues for M e- glnnera start Monday and Friday eveninira. Advanced classes Tues day and Thursday evenings. 8 to ii:ao. fienty or desir able Dartners and practice, no em barrassment. My latest book describ ing all dances. Tree. You can never learn dancine by taking private les sons in small rooms from inferior teachers or in short class lessons. where there is no system of teaching! or partners to practice witn. Why not learn in a real schol from pro fessional dancers. Phone Main 7656. Private lessons all hours. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nJan Main 70T0. A 609a. OHITESIDE nJL.P. ana Roto Vfeg SrW ibCamiik iA saw Iv3 ' W ma AMUSEMENTS. BAKER STOCK COMPANY. Tonight All Week Mats. Wed.. Bat. Rol Cooper Meg-rue's corking melodra matic Crook Comedy. "UNDER COVER." Next Week "Here Come the Bride." P AN T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 S AU This Week. The I-atntt Parisian Sensation. THE GALL1 TROUPE Presented for tbe first time In America. SIX OTHER BIG ACTS. Three performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 9. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Baker Auction House. TaxnhlU Is it 10 A. M. and Wt Perk streets. Si Bates for Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. Daily nd Sundays- Pes Half. One line 12c Two coneecntWe timrs . ........... Tlr inree consecutive Cim. ........ . soc bcTcn roDMcutive time 3c Tbe followlDsT cleUMif sCMtlona excented. tbe rate of which 1m 7c per line pfrdyi Situation Wanted Male. Situation Wanted Female. o ad taken for lene than two line. Count mix word to tbe line. AdvertUemente (except "Person alt and Situation Wanted") will be taken over the telephone If the adver tiser is a suoscriDer vo either pnone. 'o prices will be Quoted ever the phone. but statements will be rendered the fol- kmlnir oav. Advertisements are taken for Tbe Daily Oreronian until 7:30 P. M. ; for The Sunday Oreffoniaa until P. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office, room 163 courthouse. Phona Main 37s from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tbe society has full chares of tbe city pound at its borne, 635 Columbia boulevard.. Phone any time. Wood lawn 764. Doe;s for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. Email animals painlessly electrocuted wnero necessary, ana stray animals cared for. MEETING NOTICES. HEADQUARTERS GEO. WRIGHT POST. NO. 1. wlil hold regular meeting; Wednes day evening. Jan. 21, In room No. 620, at 7:U0. All mem bers urged to attend. A. LAMAR, Commander. C. SLOAN, Adjutant. WASHINGTON C O M- MANDERY. NO. 13. K. T. i A Special conclave will be held Tuesday evening. Jan ary 'JO. at 7:30 P. M. Order of the TemDle wlli be conferred. Nice re treatments will oe serveu. n. ituso tendance of Sir Knights is desired, as an Imnortant business communication i be considered, officers be on hand at o'clock. O. P. EISMAN, Recorder. A. AND A. B. RITE. AINSWORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX. NO. 1 Regular meeting In audito rium, Scottish Rite Cathe dral, this t Tuesday) evening, at 8 o'clock, fiy order WISE MASTER. SUN NT SIDE LODGE. NO. 103. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Tues day). 7:S0 P. M.. temple. 30th and Hawthorne. Work In K. A. degree. Visitors welcome. - .... r- a A V TO Sec IMPERIAL. LODGE NO. 159. A. K. AND A. M. SpeiUuI communication tt (Tuesday) evenins. January 20. at 8 o'clock. Enterd apprentice degree. Visitors welcome. ' A. C .TACK SON. Secretary. HAWTHORNE JJODOE. NO. 111. A. K. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Tues day) evening at 6:110. Worlt In the M. ii. degree. Viaitins brethren welcome. C. K. MlL.l,k.R. Sec. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. 7 stated communication at 8 o'clock tonight (Tuesday). Jan 0. Anniversary social. All O E. S. welcome. Dinner at O-.a'o, for members only. By rderBTHAMWIWON. Sec s itii vrr .p.n haa Ttassed Oil, Com- AilW I 1 Ulk - . . i l I Urunamr W II O ln rv. K l-'th rcclment. Wisconsin Infantry. civil war. Funeral from HT. Humes un dertaking parlors. Williams ave. and Ma son st. it a F. M. today 'Tuesday). Jan- norv tin Ha wa.9 & mrmuoi v-. J.,:;..0 a. . R.. No. 43. All mem bers of the post and corps and friends are I requested to attend. E. COVEY. H. C. DUTTON. Commander. Adjutant. OREGON-ELECTRIC COUNCIL. ROY AI, ARCANUM. will meet tnis iiuesoayj evening at 8 at Masonic Temple. All mem ber Incited. O. O. Hall, secretary. o3 E. 10th t. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. new designs. Jaeger Bros., uia il FRIEDLANDKR'8 for lodge emblems. I class pins and medals. 3iu v asnington su DIFD. FRY In this city. Jan. 10. Baran Ann Fry. aged :t years. Deioveo. momer o. Mrs. K. A. Klff and Mrs. K. O. Whittle sey of this city; Mrs. Lillian Clark of Batterick. Mont.. C. H. Kry of Beaver ton. Or., and W. C. Kry of Colusa. Cal., and sister of Jane Garbert of Toronto. Th Fnmulni are at the conserva tory cbanel of the K. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 E. Alder st. Funeral notice later, WILLI A MS At Gibraltar. Spain. January 1KIU. Lieutenant warwies. iniam. no vara husband of Mrs. Madeline Williams, son of J. R. Wllllama, brother of Carl M. Williams or unweno, ur in Mrs. O. A. Blgelow of Vancouver. Wash. R.tnilni are at Flnley's. Montgomery at 0th. Notice of funeral hereafter. yttt vvu t. thtm Hiv. Jan. 18. 1120. Ger- . k.inv.H fl&ushter of Mr. and Mrs. u c Klynn. Remains at Holman's. luvrlnra. Third and balinon ats. Notice of funeral later. nTTKSRt.Ii At the family residence at f:r.hutn p-eDruary ijui.iii ji. xno .,11. m 64 years. The remains st the parlor of Breeie Snook. Belmont 35th. Notice of funeral later. K-ALL In this city. Jan. IS. Belle Kaiu umln are at funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. iO2-Slj04 UIM St. S. E. Lenta. nwi-vv.'s; Tn this city. Jan. i. l'.ijo. George Beanen. agea at years. immii are at the Dunning A McEntee parlors, Broadway & Ankeny sr. Funeral notice later. BELL In this city. Jan. 1. Mary jane Beil. ageu o years. xt.cl.."o id Finley's. Montgomery at iilth. Notice of funeral later. FLORISTS. LUBLINER We strive to please 828 Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 7.13. S48 Morrison, bet. Bdwy. A Park. Mar. 2j7. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays, f 1 6n up. 4o Wash. SL, bet. 13th and 14th. Broadway X870. MAHTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. S54 Washington. Main 269. A 1200. Flower for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROSm florists. 287 Morrison et Maln 7709. Fine flowers and floral de siffns. No branch stores. PORTLAND ROSE NL'RSEKT, shrubbery and landscaping. Tabor 0700. ' MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215, A 812L Selling- building. Blxth and Alder sta. TON6ETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet 4th and 6th. Main SIOI. A 1181. MONTH E TS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 6 4th Bt.. Opp. City Hall. ! Bros. lifb BLAESINQ GRANITE CO. WEST I I U THIRD AT WADlturr mi nr J FUNERAL NOTICES. BRUXKMRB Iinnin 1 1020. at th resloence of his son. Marry iruni.. 115 K. 13th st. N".. John Taylor Brunemer. aged 74 years 7 months days, father of Ora D. Brunemer. H. A. Brunemer and Mrs. Bertha La Barrla of Portland. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. January J0, at 2 P. M.. from H. T. Byrnes funeral parlors. KOI V illlams ave.. at Mason st. Interment at Rose City cemetery. Friends Invited to at tend. Mr. Brunemer was a member of tlordon Granger post of the Ci. A. R-. who will conduct the services. BLAKELT At Vaugh. Wasli.. January IS. Charles O. Blakely of this city, aged 69 years: liusband of Mrs. Caroline Blakeiy, father of Mrs. O. B. Kelly and Mrs. M. M. Moore and R. W. Blakely. all of this city. The funeral service will be held today (Tuesday). January 20.- at 1 P. M . from the conservatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 East Alder. Friends invited. Interment in Lone Fir cemetery. BOTD In this city Jan. 19. Lawrence S. Boyd, aged 48 years, husband of Mrs. Mary C. Bovd. of Stevem-on, Washing ton, father of L. S. Boyd Jr.. brother of Mrs. Minnie Cass of Wood lord, Va., Mrs. Nellie Thompson of BUIot, Iowa, and Oeorse Custer of Mobile. Iowa. The runeral sen-Ices will be held Wednesday, Jan. 21. at 1 o'clock P. M. at Flnley s, Montgomery at Sth. Friends invited Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery bet; l. In this city at her late residence. 7 37th St. S. E.. Jan. 16. Alice F. Bell, aged 38 years, wife of J. L. Bell, mother of Florence and Kathleen Bell and sister of Mrs. J. W. Clearman. The funeral seat. Ices will be heid this Tues day morning at 9 o'clock at the St. Anthony Cathoiic church, corner 71st and.45tll ave. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Ml. Scott Park cemetery. J. P. Finlay & Son. directors. FLEMING The funeral cortege of the late Mary Fleming, beloved wife of M. P. Fleming, will leave the residence. 201 Morris St.. Wednesday. Jan. 21. at 8:4o A. M., thence to St. Mary's church. Stanton st. and Williams ave., where requiem mass will be offered at 0 A. M. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. Services at grave private. Arrange ments In care of Miller & Tracey. ODOM At the residence. 31 E. 70th St. S.. Jan. 18. Jemima Odom. aged 3 years, beloved mother of 10 children, also survived by 2 brothers. The funeral services will be held Tuesday. Jan. u, at 2 P. M.. at the First Bcptist church. 76th and E. Pine st. Interment Rose City cemetery. Friends Invited. Ar rangements In care of Miller & Tracey. STDOCK In this city. Jan. 17. 1920. David Sydock of 147 East 7th St.. aged 3y vears. beloved husband . of Tllley Shy dock. Funeral cortege will leave Dun- nlna McEntee parlors at 8:S" A. M thence to St. Frances church. East 12th and Pine St.. where masa will be of fered at 9 A. M. Friend Invited. In terment ML Calvary cemetery. NORMAN Jan. lfl. at 8SD2-4 44th ave. S. E.. Rev. James D. Norman, agea 63 vears. Funeral services will be con ducted today (Tuesday), at 3:b0 P. M.. In the Mt. Scott cemetery chapel. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Scott cemetery. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. OS02 92d st S. E.. la Lents. KOSKEY In this city. Jan. IT. Gertrude Koskev. aged 10 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koskey of UU03 46th ave. S. E. Funeral services wlil be held Tuesday. Jan. 20. at 2 P. M. from funeral parlors of A. D. Ken worthy & Co.. .'.S02-04 92d st. S. E.. In Lents. Interment Mt Scott Park cemo tery. KOSKET In this city. Jsn. 17. Getrdde Koskey, aged 16ayears. beloved daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koskey of 91103 46th ave. S. E. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. Jan. 20 at 2 P. M from funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. 58112-04 92d st. S. E.. in Lents. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. HARD WICK The funeral services of the late Charles T. Hardwlck. who died this city January 18. 1920. will be held tomorrow I Wednesday at ' 2 P. M from the chapel of the Pkewes Under taking company, corner Third and Clay Friends invited. Concluding services the Portland crematorium. PETERSON In this city. Jan. 18. Leonard Peterson, aged 29 years, late of 960 Ker bv St.. brother of Axel Erickson and Frank Peterson. The funeral services will be held this (Tuesday) morning 9:30 o'clock at Fin'.ey's, Montgomery 5th. Friends Invited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. LEET At the residence. 1445 Winona St. Jan. IS, 1920. .Mary Eliza Let, aged OS years, beloved wife of O. L. Leet Friends invited to attend the funera services at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday Jan. 20, 1920, at Holman's parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Interment Turner, Or. SLTJYTER At the family residence. 1295 Hawthorne avenue. January 19. t. Joseph Siuyter, aged 54 years: husband of M. De Etta Stuyter. Remains are at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder. Notice of funeral will appear in later Issue. SIAPLIANIS At Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. 16. 1920. E. Slapllanls. aged .'.0 years. Funeral service will be held Jan. 21. at 2 P. M.. from thn Dunning & McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny st. Friends Invited. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. MONTGOMERY The remains of the Montgomery babies, beloved infant sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgomery, were Interred Mon. lay. Jan. 1U. at 11 A. II , under direction of Miller & Tracey at Mt. Calvary cemetery. LBHMEN At the residence. M8 E. 31st st. S., Jan. IX, Charles I.ehmen, aged 72 years, beloved husband of Louise Lehman. Funeral notice later. The re mains at the residential funeral parlors of Miller A Tracey. FERGITSON Xn this city. Jan. 18, 1920, James Ferguson, aged 8.1 years. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at in A. M.. lomoow (Wednesday!. Jan. 21. 1U20. at Holman's parlors. Third and Salmon sta. McKAY The funeral service of the late Wflllam J. McKay will be held Wednes day. January 21. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Rose City cem etery. BROWN The funeral services of the late Lucy P. Brown wlil be held today (Tues day) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Interment at River View cemetery. BAILEY The funeral services of the late Jennie Bailey will be held today, Tues day, at 1 o'clock P. M. at Finley's, Mont gomery at 5th. Friends invited. Inter ment at Lone Fir cemetery. OILMORE At Plnevllle. Or., John Gil more, 76 years, late of Portland. Or. Funeral services will be heid at P. L. Lerch funeral parlors Wednesday at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. VANCIL The funeral services of the late Cynthia Vancll will be held Tuesday, Jan. 2'. at 2:30 P. M., at the 'chapel of Miller Ac Tracey. Interment Rose City cemetery. SN ELL Funeral of Albert L. Snell of Canny, Or., will be held at the M. E. church. Canby. 2 o'clock Tuesday after noon. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LI VERY, Marshall 114. rCNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HODMAN & SON Funeral Directors Third and Salmon Pts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash, st., bet. 2oth-21st, west aide. Main 2611. Lady assistant. A 7S85. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRBCTORS. Broadway and Pine t Phone Broadway 430. A 45S&. Lady Attendant J.P.FINLEY&SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at eth McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 10th and Kverett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Home. A 2138. F. S. DUNNING, INC 414 L- Aldsr Phone East 5X perfect service, personal direction, free ase of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson A Koss. Multnoman at B. 7th. East 54. lrvlngton district. f T7RPTI E. 11th and Clay sta ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison sta Broadway 253 4 . A. D. KENWORTHY CO.. OK02-04 O'Jd St.. Lenta Tabor 528T. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 5Ej Williams Ave. East losa. C 10S8. BREEZE & SNOOK tIN 6KBWE3 UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d j na Clay. M. ilol. A Z--L Lady aaaiatauL Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information,' telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095. House 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, special auditor and accountant on involved accounts. Sys tems established and maintained: Income tax service: references. 723-9 Plttock block. Phone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladles' gar ments, reasonable: work guaranteed. J. Reubln. Ladles' Tailor. 4ub Bush I.ane bldg. ASSAY KRS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Day and night school. Allsky bldg. M. 324. CAFETERIA. B & A CAFETER'A. 202 'i Broadway. near Taylor. Home cooking, best quality. CARPET WEAVING. The kind that wear tbe best are nUUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven all sires. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing Mail orders solicited. Ib3 E. fcth street. Phone East 30S0. B 1260. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS P.ag Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 ruga ' steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. FLUFF RUi CO.. 54-56 Union ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. CELLII.OID BUTTONS. THE IRWIX-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMahon. lOOCi Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easi est. best, permanent. 31 "treats" $15. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello Le Veny. tne only scientific chiropodists and arch specialist In the city. Parlors 302 Ger linger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions ,fooc arches made to order. 811 bwetland bldg.. Sth and Wash. Main 108L CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 1510-11-12 Roval building. Marshall S822. Multlgraphing. mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 178S. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900. DANCING. MRS. SUMMER'S Berkeley dancing acad emy. 12y 4th. Lessons day. eve.: class Thurs. Ladies, 2-&0; gents. 5. Main 3I8. DANCING taught in 12 private lessons tor ': 4 lessons. $2. 604 Eilers bldg.. bet. 4th and Sth on Wasn st. Main 0O04. DANCING SCHOOL. MRS. BATH. 30S Dekum bldg. 10-elass lessons, $5. Beginners Mon. eve. Private lessons day ana eve.. Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage dancing Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. tilO Eilers bldg. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. 1 1.AUI.ELECTRIC CO. 1st. Portland, Or. Re g and electrical repair specialty. See us about new or used motors. Broad way 1045. A 1046. MOTORS REWOUND Re and .epaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, 248 ft First St. Main 871. IF I CAN'T FIX IT THROW IT AWAY. Old vacuum cleaners repaired, bought and exchanged for new or good ones. Bill Tankard, 007 Manchester bldg.. 60 '-a 5th street. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL. 415 East Seventh. East 1S47, B 16!2. GENTS', LADIES' HATS. LADIES' hat frames made to order, clean ing, blocking, dyeing of ladies' and gents' .Panama. Btraw, felt and beaver hats La France llatters, 37- s Morrison si. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-88-87-SU Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO. Board of Trade bid g HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSE R HAT CO.. u3-55 Front st. . PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. RASilUSSEN A CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. CLOSE - IN INCOME PROPERTY Verv Choice Location. Buildings Containing: Six Flats. Income $170 a Month Price $16,000. Terms. J0HNS0N-D0DS0NC0. B32, 6113, 6.14 X. w. Bank Hide. Main 37S7. GARAGES BPrClAti 10x18 $66.50 BEAPTCCT AND PORTA BLI Houses HTLLKADB TONSTRTJCTION .CO. 1801 Union ave. Wdln. 4206, Wdln. S41S. Portland Rug Company MAM FACTLKEKS OF FLUFF RUGS THERE'S A DinEKtVCK." WE W l.Al K ALL M.LS 1 BOTH rLiir AND U.U KlUS. Let Ls Call for Your Old Carvetsu Mark Hill Be Keturned "Promptly. Mail Orders talven Prompt Atleutiaa. HE CLEAN CAKPETS. Portland Rug Company 167 East Seventeenth Street, pnone li 1S24. Either Pacific oc Home. LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Chin, of Com. Bids. Main 3029. 5y2 Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co, V. S. Bank Bnildlas. LOT 50x90 FEET ON ELEVENTH ST. KKAR MOJiTGOHKRY. GOOD LOCATION FOR GARAGE. 1 WXL KfeS Sri- HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates lor new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co., 1S7 W. Prk. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHiN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, bullous covered: mail orders. 219 Piuock blk., Hroadwo; 1U2-I. JLWF.l.EKS. ROSS & CO.. INC WHOLESALE MKQ. JEWELERS. 3D FLOOR MOHAWK BLUU. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SIl'SIC TLACUKBS. EXP. PIANO TEACHER at your home for 75 cents per lesson. Woodlawn 21K8. L. Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prac tlce piano. 1 hr. day. $5 mo. Bdy. 255a. KOL KEN'BSCK. teacher of piano, viultn. all stringed Instruments. 409 "fr amhiil. OPTICIANST NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. Get.rge Rubenatein. the veteran op tician, still fits tbe best eyeglasses at very modtrate prices. Tories. Kryptons. aUo the cheaper grades. 226 M rnsou. OPTilMET KIpiTS AND opticians GLASSES AT A SAVING I solicit your patronage on ths basis of capable serv.ee. Thou- sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good- iiu.il. cpion-.etribt. 2U9 Morrison. M. 1:124. . EYEij SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ED with modern jnsirumcnla. tl tushes littcu Hum $2.uO up. A. E. llfRHITZ, optuliietl 1st. 220 First St. 11 AN 0 TUNING. Special rates on church and preachers pianus. J. fc Stephens. Tabor u4-o. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communications strictly contldential: prompt, efficient, conscientious service: handtiuok free oa request. MUNN CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco otflce. llubart biutf.. 52 Market fct-: Chicaau - oi lice room MU Tower bldg.: a&lilitglun office, room 1U3, u2u t au; New Aura otllce. Wool worth bldg. K. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience LI. d. and foreign patents. tiOl Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 2 Worcester bids. M. 232. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female disorders, skin af lections, blood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE; prices. Starke-Davis Co., 212 3d. M. 781. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbeln. Manager. Pr.nting and linotyping, loo Front s.. corn. r Stark. Main or A 1418. D dTU tTU f VV. BALTES oi COMFAN t I (lift I IftU Island Oak sta. Main 1U5. SU-6S " PAINTINtT C. H. TERRILL, houte, sic;:i painting, pa pering, tinting. Tabor 21111. 310 E. 44th. ' SALTEDAND SMOhKlTHSH. ALASKA HERRING it IMPORTING CO.. distributors uf salted and smoked fish. 221 Yamhill St., Portland. Or. SECOND-HAND SIORES. LJSVLN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy aud sell everything In the hardware aud furniture lino. Phone Main HU72. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 0I Le K uin bids . t'. S.. foreign trademarks. ' TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOVING-PACK'G-STORAGK-BAGGAGIB 13th and Kearney. Krauch 1H Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllssn st. corner 1.1li. Phone Broadway 12S1 or llti'J. We own and operate two larga class "A" wareaouses on terminal tracks. L-w es t Insurance rates in the city. WANTED Baggage to Dart of city; lurnlture transfer to any moved and stored. prompt service. 3o3. reasonable. Call Bdwy. F1REFRC0F STORAGE Cl.SEN TRANSFER CO., 24R Pine. C. M PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO ll" PARK ST. M 4. IN 5105. A 10J1. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAKA BARK. KAHN BltOS., 105 Front st. I'l l MltlNG SI I'I'I.IKS AND PIPE. THE -M. I- KLINE CO.. 84-80-S7-SS Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVE RUING & FAKKKLL. 110 Front t. KOPK AND BIN DKK TWINE. Portland Cordage Co. 14th and N'orthrnn. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpet (We Call and Deliver) Old Rata and Woolen Clot tains;. We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Room-Slae Flnff Ruers, W oven. 1 7. Ml Rat? Ruara Woven All Slzra. Mall Orders Send for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 0x1- Race, Steamed Cleaned. S1.50. WKSTKRN KH'FP RTi CO, 54 I. nion Ave. 31. Phone Knat 6516 ROSE CITY DKAl'TIrTli nVK-ltOOII ROfJA LOW, W ITH LAItt.K I'l.OOlt l-;l ATTIC. 6xI0O LOT. Walk, lawn and shrubbery. Garase with cement floor and driveway. House has hardwood floors, built-in bookcase ami buffet and fireplace; cement basement, laundry trays. All street improvements in and paid. Price $4750 Cnfth 92230 Bnlnnre r0O Kvery Six Month. Johnson -Dodson Go. 632, 0.13, 634 X. W. Bank Illdn. Main 37 WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CARI'LCTS. -Rn&a and Woolen Clotnlns FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Ran- Rust a Woven All SI sea. Mail Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and Be. fitted. NORTHWEST RVJO CO. 1KH bast 8th st. Phone bast 330. STORAGE SPACE InveatlKate Onr Plant svnd Rates. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present H.ih Costs T CLAY S. MORSE, l.C Draysraje and Storase. ISth and Ulisan. Phone Bdwy. 347U. MORTGAGE LOANS Repayable by lntttallmfnlii If IrMlrvd. Lowest Intrrrat Kates. i Uelay in CluMioa;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-Sltt Aorthnrsiern llnuk Uulldlnii. Marshall 4114.