THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MOXDAT, JANUARY 19, 1920 IS FOR BENT. Koomt With Hoard. "WISCONSIN Opened up under new man ajfement. will give rooms and board very reasonable; give us a trial. 540 Hood st. Main tSiil. lipoma V't b Boa rd In IVi v a te Fa mil "Yol'NU business woman wishes to share room with congenial young lady;-references excimnncd. Kaat 0014. M'AXTED 2 or more children to board In private home, beat references. Sellwood -JX'M'k BOARD for two gentlemen in private home, large attractive room with two beds. K. 6003. BOARD and room in private family, home com tone, reasonable rait. 410 E. Adh. Kaat b443. LIGHT room, large closet. la modern home, hot water, piano. 1 block car; breakfast if wanted, .feast b0-. REAL, boarding home for children. Tnbor 1271, IL'1'4 K. Main st. WANTED A little girl between 2Va arid 7 years. Hood home. Automatic 21 0-1 W ANTED Child between 3 and 7 years; best of mo tlier's care. Phone E. 51S0. lr'urn.rined Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Prank's store; good surroundings, btrictly mod- ern, 2 and 3-room furnibhed apts. : all outside with .French doors and balcony. LARGE 3-room apartment for one month in modern apartment house in lrvington district; hardwood floors, plenty of llKht, electric ran go. 1'hone included. Lust 2J5. $.S."7 PER -MO. until March 1. owner going ennt. location and surroundings first class, elderly couple preferred, refer orues required. BJ 1105, Qregonian. THE LEEDS APT. One nicely furnished 3-room apart ment, stea m heat, every thing modern, $ : i-7 . ." " . -10 Market. PEA BoDY hotel. 19th and Upshur sta., steam heat, 1, 2 and 3-room housekeep ing apts., rent reasonable. Phone Bdwy. 1.V6. THE STELWVN. Beautifully furnished suite for gentle man or lady, employed; reference re quired. Mar. 2-S30. 2 IOE LY furn ijhed sleeping rTm ; stea m heat, everything modern; $4 and up. 210 Market. 1 AND 2 rooms, housekeeping, modern, Ft m heat, cheap. l&ti Sherman, st. Marshall aj&a. CH EAP rent, partly modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished, near Penin sula shipyard. 704 Harvard st. THREE nice, clean, housekeeping rooms. J-"'-s N. 13th st., cor. Flanders. Bdwy. :,MiH . 'OR RENT 3-room furnished apt., vale hath, $32. o0. Alta Apts.. 882 Ash. prt East 2 ROOMS, private bath. team heat, ga rafre. adults. 840 V Mississippi ave. - ROOM apt. for rent, furniture for sale ; re nt re a aonable. Call Mars h a 11 1371. S NEWLY renovated apartments, also Mngln, well furnished. 121 Grand ave. 2- fiuoM, 3d floor apartmrnt. Modern ex cept bath. $4 0. "31 Montgomery st. I nfurnished Apartments. tN E 3-room un furnished apa rtment. 394 Guild st, Guild apts., bet. Thurman and Vaughn. Flats. TV EST SIDE, walking distance. 5 -room modern corner upper flat.. 021 First ; $2U. Inquire 224 Caruthers, phone Main 3817 or Main 2S.. JUODERN 240. -room flat. Call Monday. East frlN pleasant rooms, cor., walking dis til nee : coils In furnace. East 80O7. Furnished 11 a t. -RUOM furnished flat, with sleeping porch; adulta only. 381 Victoria at. East 34l. N E W furniture for 4 -room flat for and flat for rent. 431 Larrabee st. Housekeeping Rooms. $15 MONTH Furnished housekeeping rooms suitable for 4; steam heat, hot and cold water, laundry, yard. Phone East !;; ;j. 400 Vancouver ave. IVOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms, Sellwood district, modern, gas, rieetrlcitv, gas range, fine tor bachelor. Phone-218-18. 1715 East 11th st. S. FIVE large, f urniHhed rooms, piano, heat and water free. 303 E. 32 d at., near Hawthorne. ONE large front room, iiKhi housekeeping, telephone and bath. 67 N. 20th st. -Marshall 54 3 W'.ELI.-FUIiNISMED light housekeeping rooms. H31 Marshall sL Phone Broad way 1564. HOTEL OHIO, clean transient H. K. rooms, reasonable 2664 f Front, cor. Madison. NICE, warm single room far one; baths, laundry, very reasonable. 0o5 Flanders. HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. 312 Clay t. FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeeping rooms, $10 per mo. i719 60th ave. S. E. Fl'RN ISH ED housekeeping room. Mrs. H. Hoski, 735 Hood st. Main 4194. LIGHT, clean housekeeping rooms, 395 6th street. FURNISHED, housekeeping rooms. 202 h Russell St., East 1562. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. SINGLE h. k. rouin.i for udn-:ss girls; light, gas, heat. 875 E. Yamhill si., cor ner 29 th. LARGE housekeeping room; electric llfjht, heat, phone, bath, hot and cold water. 5i! Flanders. Bdwy. 2877. BEAUTIFUL 3-room flat, all conveniences, to man and wife; references exchanged. 566 E. 35th st. S RM car. 1'OUR furnished housekeeping rooms, piano, phone. 120 E. 26th st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, near carline. Call Wooxilawn 6330. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent at 121: Russell st. Tel. East 3945. ONE furnished nouseueeping room. 540 E. Stark st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private family. Call 207 N. 23d st. FOUR H. K. rooms, lights, bath, phone and gas; also garage. East 1311. Houses. T41 E. IRVING ST., two blocks north of 22d and Sandy t 7 rooms, $3o. Key at Davidson Baking Co. MOVING Furniture and piano. Quick, careful auto service at reasonable rates. Clyde Transfer Co.. Bdwy. 2199. 69 W. 6th st. WHEN YOU XOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC lijht ervlce. Broadway 580- A 6747. -ROOM house, barn for two machines: fruit, berries; ground 109x100. 923 Knott st. Key next aoor. &IOV1NG Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. LOCAL and long distance moving and haul lug; first-class equipment. Green Trans Co.. 202 Vfe Alder at. Main 1261, 572-61. 4-ROOM house, rent or sale, terms. 948 Clinton. First-class condition. E. 1223. 6-ROOM cottage 496 Clay, Phone Main 392 Monday. . furnished Houses. near 14th. CO M PI ,BT E LY FU RN I SHE D. 7-room modern home on west side, completely furnished with all new fur niture, including player-piano, linen silver, etc. ; walking distance; no chil dren or pets; to desirable tenants will rent for $loo a month, or might sll furniture to tenant of house unfurnished. Phone Main tlT75. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. For short time, while owner Is awav, nicely furnished bungalow, situated in natural grove, 7 minutes from Portland Heights car line, city water, gas. elec tricity, fireplace and bath; responsible adults only; city referencses. Phone Main 5Q41. fclX lare rooms, furnished, piano, 3 large bedrooms, heat and water free. 303 East 33d Bt. N.. near Hawthorne. MOVING and hauling first-class equip ment; prices reasonable. R-K Co., Iw2 14 Grand ave. So. Phone East 7141. COTTAGE, Macadam, 7 rooms, partly furn. 1052 ft. Hamilton ave. $20 mo. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, 347 Hill st. t-HOOM house for rent, furniture for sale, Kastn.orel.and district. Sellwood 762. Store. 6TORE., 1187 Mllwaukle nT, $lls per month ; good location for meat markec John Bin, 507 Spalding bldg. lARGB more with banmcnt. East Burn- .ide. close in, Including heat. K H Coins. Kagt SGf.O. TRMSHED lunchroom for rent. Call K. 3H4.-I, j " Offices. : " PESIKABl.t adjoining office in Oregon bid?.; phone and one-half time- of ste .ographer. Apply room 201 Orison tills. FOR RENT. Offices. WANTED Hairdresser or chiropodist to share large, well-furnished reception room with doctors in Morgan bldg. Main 63 S3. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Lod"g hall, steam heat, hardwood floor, with banquet room. Call Woodlawn 602:.. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HAE YOU $500 RIGHT NOW which you cau invest in a business that will earn you over 4 per cent every month with out taking any of your time, and in which your Interests are looked after by a large national bank? Don't waste any tirne unless you really mean busi ness. AL 179, Qregonian. HELP YOURSELF You can invest as lit tle as $100 in a big, sale business op portunity, which is now earning more than 4 per cent per month, with op portunity for much larger returns. A large national bank looks after the in vestors' interests. Investigate now, as this opportunity will soon be gone. BJ 347, Oregonian. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLR. PROSPEROUS established business for sale; illness reason for selling; thousands of dollars worth of signed orders on hand; some cash required to handle; balance may be paid out of business; close investigation invited. AM 77. Ore gonian. CARD ROOM. POPT DRINKS ' AND RESTAURANT CONNECTION. One of the best places in the city, clearing 11000 a month. 2 year.' lease, cheap rent; reason for selling partners can't gree; price $25o:; no areata, tave commission. A L li,8, Oreg3;iia.u. GARAGE FOR SALE. Will sacrifice for quick sale for cash, or might trade; building concrete, two story, 50x70; good storage, accessories, repair, etc. ; good lease 734 E. Morri son. Office phone E. 8053. bouse phone Tabor 3r.20. WEST SIDE GROCERY. $4000 buys stwok and fixtures and fur niture for 7-room house; sales $70 a day. Rent $."iO; good lease; in good apart ment district. BROW N fc B1PPLE. 324 Ry. Ex. bldg. "OU have heard of men making $800 to $1."(M per month with truck on road construction; I have such jobs now for men purchasing one of the best trucks on the market; terms; give address and phone number. AG 662. Oregonian. WANTED Partner for well-established transfer business that is paying well; ex cellent location. You can work in of fice or drive truck; you must have $n7." to buy half interest in the business. Vim Transfer Co., 384 E. Burnside st. THEATER owners, take notice. Will give you a bargain in Paramount paper pro gramme, all the latest pictures; sir sheets.. 3 s.ieeta photos and 11x14-22x28 and one sheets, good as new. U. S. A. theater. Vancouver. Wash. SHELVING, counters,' showcases, -soda fountains, awnings, postcards and rack, fireproot short acccunt system, 52-gal-lon galvanized storage tank, drugs and equipment, any or all. 9iy Belmont st. CONFECTIONERY, sof i ennk. ig irs and tobacco and fruits; good local'on: doirg good business; must sell at once a a I am leaving the city. 135 North Tonth and Hoyt. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROSSLEY. Secretary. C O RiPO RATIO N M A N A G E R W A N TED WHO CAN INVEST $5000 TO $20,000; ONE FA M A LI A R WITH THE FISHING IN DUST R Y PREFERRED. AN' 0, OREGONIAN. W A NT E I A partner to take equal chances with me in a prospecting trip to southwest Oregon, about March 1. For particulars call or write H. K. Smith, 322 First street. IF YOU have thte cash I have something of merit; will consider mfg. tame or sll exclusive territory right outside of Oregon. Here is your chance. AN 59, Oregonian. IF YOU are in a position to invest a few thousand dollars I can put you into a going saw and shingle mil! business that will make you money from the start. JAMESON, 602 Couch bldg. CAFETERIA, a money-maker, will stand close investigation ; lease the best buy in the city for $5100. som terms. Call between 1 and 5 P. M., 619 Morgan bldg. WA NT ED Good, reliable- men to accept contracts on road construction work. See Mr A fie. 71 Broadway. Phone Broadway 2162 for appointment. OLE ANI NO and pressing stop, downtown location, doing good- business, 2 vears" lease, cheap rent; $700. Call between 1 and 5 P. M.. 619 Morgan bldg. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. West-sid location, doing good busi ness; $2000 will handle ; will invoice stock. AN 55, Oregonian. BIG cement garage building, best loca tion, live valley town, making good in terest, owner who has Interests in east. $18,300. AV 108, Oregonian. WE have Rood hardware, grocery, confec tionery nnd restaurant on our list. NORD HAMPTON CO.. 4Q1 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Good bakery, doing good busi ness; will sell cheap for cash; Felling on account of sickness. AE 713, Orego nian. GOOD opening in small talley town for general merchandise, with furniture o." racket goods. Building for sale or rent. Owner. R. T. Myers, Corvallis, Or. WILL sell either one-half, two-thirds or entire interest in good country sawmill, very cheap; this is a real snap for some one. M S99. Oregonian. WELL-ESTABLISHED dental practice for sale, doing good business, best of ref erences; reason for selling, sickness. AV 87, Oregonian. FOR restaurants and cigar stores, pool rooms and groceries and confectionery see Harper Mooris before you buy. 629 R. R. Bxch. POOLH ALL and cigars good west-side lo cation; $8fH. Call between 1 and 5 P. M 619 Morgan bldg. A COMPLETE vulcanizing equipment for sale, trade or rent. Call at 467 Mont gomery st. $1150 RESTAURANT, corner location; 8 years' lease; receive $50 a day; must sell. See Harper, 629 R. R. Exch. bldg. WANTED An all-around candy maker to invest $550 In established candy business. . Phone Tabor 5122 for appointment. CREAMERY for tale, doing a lare whole sale business in butter, eggs, cheese; big money-maker. AV 135, Oregonian. FOR SALE Laundry, doing good busi ness ; auto delivery. Answer A V 107, Oregonian. RESTAURANTS and cafeterias. ee me be fore buying. Call between 1 and 5 P. M., 619 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Account Illness, pool room. 5 tables, suburban location, cheap rent, doing good business. AH 922, Oregonian. CIGARS, confectionery, soda fountain; good corner and good business. 241 Washing ton st. LIVE man with few hundred dollars wants to Invest with services. AK 878. Ore gonian. S-M ALL restaurant for sale; rent $15; lease ; eood location. 375 Front st. FOR SALE Photo studo. well established; terms. Pendleton, Or., box 633. A N JECYn CxJ I I R IT ' ' v i .-J I I fcr T. AA I I 1 I i5 LI w' ft in i 1 . d in. fu fx rA -III jKrVVXTJ'ah J -rr-v U II Iff rvV. yd I'j-Si BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR IMMEDIATE RESULTS LIST WITH THE OREGON BUSINESS AND FI NANCIAL AGENCY. WE HAVE A LONG WAITING LIST OF BUYERS ANXIOUS TO GET IN BUSINESS. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS. BUYERS WAITING. GROCERY STORES FROM 10O0 TO $10,000. DRY GOODS STORES FROM $4000 TO $20,000. SHOE STORES FROM $5000 TO $25, 000. CLOTHING STORES FROM $3000 TO $20,000. CONFECTIONERY . STORES FROM $1000 TO $3000. GARAGES FROM $T00 TO $10.00O. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES FROM $20OO TO $20,000. READ OUR ADS. WE -GIVE PROMPT RESULTS. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. ' 449 MORGAN BUILDING. LAUNDRY Located in county neat town on one of the completed state highways; only laundry In county; plant consists of 60-h. p. boiler, 15-h. p. engine. 3 elevated header washers with automatic valves, 26-ineh high-speed extractor, dry room, drying tumbler, motor-drive flat-work ironer, steam collar Ironpr. bosom, neck band and cuff presses. Universal presses, collar equipment, marking machine and all necessary office equipment. Ford de livery car; building and property on paved street; laundry has been in oper ation 1 1 years, was remodeled and equipped with the latest machinery in 1919. and is one of the finest in the northwest; supplied with soft water, gas and electricity at low rates; wood $2.75 per cord; operating expenses very low; weekly business $500. which will increase the coming year. Plant, building and property will be sold for $1".000; one third cash, balance easy terms; no lease or rental propositions considered. A V 111. Oregonian. ACT TODAY. $R5 for fixtures, about $2000 stork notions and dry goods, 3 living rooms in connection, rent $30; good location east sids sales run from $22 to $25 a day; st rictly cash business. Leaving city, must sll at once. A. .1. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. We Buy Chattel Mortgage. RITSTXESSs OPPORTUNITY. LAWYER H A S A F I N E WORKING URRARY A N D W OU L D LI E K TO HEAR FROM SOME OTHER LAWYER WITH A VIEW OF SECURING OF FICES HAVE HAD 20 YEARS' EXPE RIENCE IN CORPORATION AND COM MERCIAL LAW. BF 454, OREGONIAN. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis ot Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. STORAGE BATTERY STATION WITH ACCESSORY AND TIRE DEPOT AND AGENCY FOR THE BEST SELLING AUTOMOBILE ON THE MARKET. ADDRESS BOX 503, COTTAGE GROVE, OR. ATTENTION. BUTCHERS. For sale, complete fixtures for first class meat market, consisting of 1 5-ton Ice machine. 1 Ice box. refrigerator, counters, steel racks. 3 Toledo scales. 3 meat blocks. 2 platform scales, ham . siicer, all kinds of sausage machinery, all other fixtures for well equipped market C. Angle. 110 W. 7th at.. Van couver, "Wash, Phone 60. LEARN a good trade like tire repairing. See Flanders. 3 H9 Js Sta rk s t . Business Opportunities Wanted. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTED. 1 HAVE $1300 TO INVEST WITH SERVICES IN ANY GOING. PAYING BUSINESS OR MANUFACTURING EN TERPRISP; I HAVE HAD MANY y EA RS' EX PER I ENC E IN OFFICE. B U V I N G AND SELL! NO O F M E R -CHANDISE HAVE ALSO HAD CREDIT EXPERIENCE WILL DEAL WITH PRINCIPAL ONLY. AND THE BUSI NESS MUST BE SUBJECT TO STRICT INVESTIGATION. AL 124. OREGO NIAN. WANT to buy wHl paying suburban dry goodrj store In Portland. Or will buy dry goods and men's furnishings in any quanti ty, or entire countrv stock for the purpose of either continuing there or moving it to Portland. AN 93, Ore- gonian. COUNTRY STORE. $350O buys building and stock or wi!I invoice stock ; some terms on building ; Brown & Biddle, 324 Railway Ex. bldg., 3d and Stark. WANTEO Financial assistance to pro mote an agricultural implement of merit, a labor and time-saving device; will in volve thousands of dollars. AV 138, Oregonla n. $.HK). OR INVOICE, buys cash grocery In apartment district ; rnt $20. See Brown & Biddle, 324 Ry. Exch. bldg. WANTED To buy small owner ; will pay cash, gonian. grocery from BJ 356, Ore- TWO ladies want to get located in busi ness ; no rooming house or apt. Phone Woodlawn 1677. WANTED Apartment house 50 rooms or larger: will trade 17-room house and as sume. Bdwy. 4046. WANTED Grocery and confectionery or soft drink place, $1200 to $2500. BJ 287, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Bouse, NETHERLANDS hotel, a home hotel for discriminating people ; steam heat, tele phone, private baths, reasonable rate, cleanliness, comfort and courtesy our motto. 126 13th. cor. Wash. A BARGAIN 53 rooming and housekeep ing house, brick, all full. Price $4000. $2500 will handle; over $4500 clear last month; can show. 3ol Vfe First street, corner Columbia street. $6o0 BUYS 9 -room apartment; terms. $2500 buys 20-room apt.. $1200 cash, bal. $50 a month; income $280. BROWN & BIDDLE. Ry. Exch. bldg. $1150 15 HOUSEKEEPING rooms," "all full ; rent $35; netting $130 a month; leaving city. See Harper & Moons, 629 R. R. Exch. bldg. FURNITURE of 9 rooms H. JC, always full, fine place to make rent and income cheap tor quick sale. See owner. 598 Williams ave. FOR SALE 10 rooms, apartments, west side, rent $40, nicely furnished, good home with income: terms. Tabor 8638. TOP PRICE paid for all kinds of room ing houses, furnished or partly fur nished. Call Main 8245. FOR SALE or rent Rooming house In As toria, centrally located, on main busl ness street. D. H. Welch, Astoria. Or. FOR best bargains in rooming or apart ment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st. FOR SALE Lease and ontion on 40-room apt. house, clearing $250; will consider car. AN 137. Oregonian. FOR SALE Lease and furniture for 16 rooms, now clearing $100 per month, $300. BF 474. Oregon! a-n. , 23 ii. K. ROOMS. $175 above expenses, $1800. terms. 328 Main st. I I M-kl rfe I 1 Hit At HfeSD- Tf. r IVeT &U 7 LJrz - C3mv?t M.Aurr' -it POtLT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 38-ROOM hotel, well furnished, located 45 miles from Eugene, on McKenzie river; hot and cold water, bath and toilet, all In good condition. Also a 14-roora bungalow, furnished and used as sleep ing rooms adjoining hotel; shade trees on lawn. Long distance telephone, close to store, postoffice, school and mining district; daily stage. This is one of the finest summer re sorts in Lane county, is well located and good for fishing and hunting the year around. Fine roads. Will sell or rent to right parties. Must give references; terms if desired. For further Information inquire of H. E. Owen at Eugene, Or. 30-ROOM HOTEL. BRICK BLDG., FURNACE. ELEC TRIC LIGHTS, HOT AND COLD WA TER IN MOST OF ROOM S, VERY WELL FURNISHED, TWO - YEAR LEASE; NET INCOME $300 PER MO.; PRICE $3750,, some terms. MACK, MAIN 8353. 517-521 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $600 BUYS 9-roora apartment; terms. $1050 buys west-side 9 -room apart ment, extra good. $1800 buys 19 -room apartment, west aide, hot and cold water in every room; terms. S290O buys 22 -room apartment, west side, income $340; terms. Sea BROWN & BIDDLE. 324 Railway Exchange. Third and Stark. IK YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business, Hotel, Rooming or -Apartment Hout.e of any kina, anywhere, see F. RIERDON, WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSB BROKER. If you wish to buy or sell, come in and talk it over; 12 years tn this business in Portland enables me to give you satis factory servicw. 728-24 Northwestern Bank Bid g. APARTMENT HOUSE SACRIFICE INCOME NEARLY $14,000. Must have $23,000 cash, mortgage $15,000; balance $10,000,- terms; no trade. See our manager, room 1219, N. W. Bank bldg. 30-ROOM apt. house, comer, all outside rooms, steam heat, rent $75; good in come and lease; location 274 Holladay ave., 2 blocks from east end of steel brid ge. Phone East 8225. ROOMING house snap 31 rooms, clean, well furnished and always full; good profit guaranteed. Inquire 146 Vi Front st.. naer Morrison. SPEC LA L NOTTC EB. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO BOND BUYERS of the MACLEAY-LTNDS A V IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Scaled bids will be received by the Mac leav-Lindsay Irrigation District at its office, it being at the office of T. G. Mortland, at Sequim, Clallam county, Washington, until 11 o'clock A. M., on the 2d day of March, 1920, for the pur chase of bonds in the sum of Two Hun dred and Sixty Thousand ($260,000) Dol lars, bearing Interest at the rate of 6 ner cent per annum, payable semi-an nual i v . the proceeds to be used in the construction of an irrigation system. A certified check in t he sum of Five Thousand $50001 Dollars shall accom pany each bid, which check shall be for feited in case the successful bidder fails to cfimo v with the terms oi his Ma. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids. MACIiKA Y-LlN DSA Y IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. By HARRY D. MacARTHUR, Secretary. Sequim, Wash. SEALED BIDS will be received by the un dersigned for the sale of $35,000 refund- ins bonds of school district No. 13 or Co lumbia. county. Oregon. Bonds to be dated as soon as legally possible, bear ing five per cent (59c J interest payable semi-annually, and to be optional after 10 years. Bids will be opened by the board of directors at 8 P. M., on January 30, 1920. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the dis trict in the amount of 5 of the amount bid. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Fred W . Her man. clerk, Ranier. Or. Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby given that The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, a cor poration, has erected on the west shore of the Willamette river at a point ap proximately 150 feet south of the Sell wood ferry landing, and also on the east side of the Willamette river at a point on the said Sellwood ferry landing. two monuments, namely signboards st on posts in plain v-y, and bearing the words ' tahle Crossing, The Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Company." which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the Willamette river of a certain sub-aaueous telephone and tele graph cable, approximately 1 123 feet in length, which crosses said river in a general easterly direction from the said landing on the west side of the said Willamette river, and between the ter mini above described. This notice Is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and or the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELE GRAPH COMPANY. By W. D. Moore. Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE is hereby given that The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Company, a cor poration, has erected on the shores of the Colum bta river at a point on the Oregon side Just west of the Hood river ferry landirg and also on the Washing ton aide at a point Jut west of the Whit Salmon ferry landing, two monu ment!., namely signboards set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossine. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company," which said . signs mark the landing places cn the shore of the Columbia river of a certain sub-aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approximately 3431 feet in length which crosses said river in a general northerly direction from the Bald land ing on the Oregon side of said Columbia river and between the termini above de scribed. This notice is published for the pur pose of Informing all navigators of the desrr Dtion ana purpose or tne monu ments afore-mid. and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELE GRAPH COMPANY. By W. T. Moore. Division Superintendent of iiant. NOTICE Is hereby given that The Pacific Telephone ft Telegraph Company, a cor poration, has erected on the shores of the Willamette river, at a point on the west side approximately 1000 feet south of the Llnnton Ferry slip,- and also on the east side, at Municipal Dock No. 3, at the foot of Philadelphia street, two monuments, namely signboards set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words, "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Tele phone A Telegraph Company." which said signs mark' the landing places on the shores of the Willamette river of a certain sub-aqueous telephone and tele graph cable, approximately 2044 feet In length, which crosses said river In a general easterly direction from the said landing on the west side of said Willam ette river, and between the termini above described. This notice Is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landing and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELE GRAPH COMPANY. Bv W. D. Moore. Division Superintendent of Plant. POLLY AND Oh' Tbo. ,SicTy') LETTERS '1Y$,, Copyright, 1920, by Nawapaper Feature Service, lac. Great BVI1IB KDUCATIOSr I A Bf? 0E-IT)ED BV CI.IFF 8TERRETT. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. REFEREE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of a decree duly en tered in the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Multnomah, on October 31, 1919, in a suit wherein Al bert Aston Harris, as trustee for Emma "Wilkes. William Joseph Synions. Ellen Ann Harris. Herbert John Symons. Blanche Maud Evans. Arthur G. Stewart, "Walter Stewart. Laura Mary Hudson, Thomas Benjamin Slocombe. Elizabeth Jane Lemon, Robert William Slocombe, George Henry Slocombe, Beatrice Mary Lawlor. Jean Stewart. Frank Stewa rt. and Alma Stewart Allison, is plaintiff, and William Slocombe. Janet Slocombe. Catherine Fisher Slocombe. Ivy Maud Stewart, Gordon Surradge Stewart. Doris Irene Stewart, and Edward Harris Stew art are defendants, by the provisions of which decree the real property here inafter described was ordered to be sold j for the purpose of partitioning the pro- j ceeds of sale between the plaintiff and defendants according to their respective interes-ts, and the undersigned was ap pointed referee in partition to make such sale, the undersigned referee will, on Tuesday, the third day of February, 1920. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door of the county court house in the city of Portland, sell to the highest bidder the following-described real property, situate In the county of Multnomah and state of Oregon, to wit? The north half of lot numbered three (3), In block numbered thirteen (13. In the city of Portland, according to the, "duly recorded maps and plats thereof; The terms of said sale to be 10 per cent of the purchase price paid at the time of the sale, and the balance upon the confirmation of said sale by the above-entitled court, and the sale to be made subject to such conditions. D.. W. WAKEFIELD. Referee In Partition. NOTICE Is hereby given that The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, a cor poration, has erected on the shores h the Columbia river at a point on Hayden Island. Oregon side, approximately TOO feet went of Interstate bridge, and also on the Washington side at Vancouver at a point on City dock at foot of Colum bia street, two monuments, namely sign boards set on posts m plain view, and hearten the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mark the land ing places on the shores of the Columbia rier of a certain sub-aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approximately 4367 feet in lensth. which crosses said river In a general northerly direction from the said landing on the Oregon side of said Columbia river and between the termini above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of Informing all navitrators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforessid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELE GRAPH i'OMPANY. "By W. T. Moore. Division Superintendent NOTICE Is hereby given that The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, a cor poration, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point -mile north of Coffin Rock on the Oregon side and also at approxima tefy 1300 feet north of the mouth of the Kalama river on the Washington side, two monuments, namely, signboards set on posts in plaiti view, bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mark the land ing places on the shores of the Columbia river of two certain sub-aqueous tele phone and telegraph cables. approxi mately 2640 feet and 2581 feet in length, respectively, which cross said river in a general easterly direction from the said landing on the Oregon side of said Co lumbia river and between the termini above described. This notice is puhl ished for the pur pose of Informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELE GRAPH COMPANY. By W. D. Moore. Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE Is hereby given that The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, a cor poration. has erected on the shores of the Willamette river, in the city of Portland, at a point near the Crown Mills' dock, on the west side, and also on the east side on the Irving dock, two monuments, namelv signboards, set on posts In plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph ComPany." which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the Willamette river of a certain subaaeous telephone and tele graph cable, approximately 1825 feet in leneth. which crosses said river in general easterly d I reet Ion from the said landing on the west side of said Wil lamette river, and between the termini above described. This notice is poblished for the purpose of informing all navigators of the de scription and purpose of the monuments aforesaid, ana or tne genera i course, landing and termini of the cable afore said. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELE GRAPH COMPANY. By W. T. Moore. Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE la hereby given that The Pacific Telephone & Teiesrrapn company, a cor poration, has erected on the shore piers supporting the Broadway bridge across the Willamette river, in the city of Portland, two monuments, namely sign boards set on posts In plain view, and bearing the words, "Cable Crossing, The Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Com pany," which said signs murk the land ing place on the said piers, of three certain sub-aqueous telephone and tele graph cables, each approximately 98 feet in length, which cross said river in a general easterly direction from the west shore pier of the said Broadway bridge, and between the termini above ' described This notice is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description ana purpose or the monu ments aforesaid, and or the general course, landings and termini of th rnhlA aforesaid THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELE GRAPH COMPANY. By W. D. Moore. Division Superintendent or riant. NOTICE Is hereby given that The Pacific Teler-rone ft Telegraph company, a cor poration, has. between a point Soo feet east of the Spokane. Portland & Seattle ra lroad bridge on Hayden Island on the Oregon side, and SoO fe't east of the said Spoitnne, rnniana v aum rail road bridge on the Washington side, j certain sub-aqueous telephone and tele graph cable, 3000 feet in length, which crorses said Columbia river in a general northerly direction from said landing on Hayden island on the Oregon side of said river ana oeiween tne termini aoovr dc scribed. This notice is published for the our. post of informing all navigators of the description ana purpose or saia suo mr rine cable, and of the general course, landings and termini of tjhe cable afore said. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELE GRAPH COMPANY. By TV. D Moore, Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE la hereby given that The Pacific Telephone a Teiegrapn company, a cor - noration. has a certain sub-aqueous tele nhone and telegraph cable, approximate. ly 500 feet in length, between the two piers or tne a raw span on tne south side of the -Hawthorne bridge across the "Wil lamette river in a general easterly and westerly direction, and between the termini above aeacnoeo; This notice is published for the nur. , pose of informing all navigators of the description ana purpose oi tne mono ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELE GRAPH COMPANY. By W. D. Moore. Division Superintenden of Plant HER PALS Or rT5 A hbo was' HCfJTH4Ato l r fc-sr arsxr a? r-a --a-v i l i gJ SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby given that The Paciflo Telephone & Telegraph Company, a cor poration, has erected on the shores of the Willamette river in the city of Port land, certain monuments, namely sign boards set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Com pany," which said signs mar the land ing places on the shores of the Willam ette river of certain sub-aqueous tele phone and telegraph cables as follows : From a point midway between the foot of Ash street and Ankeny street on the west side, extending in an easterly di rection to an open dock of the Supple Ballin Shipbuilding corporation south of East Ankeny street on the east side. 3 cables, each of which is approximately 120O feet in lenath. and from the foot of Oak street on the west side extend ing in a northeasterly direction to the open aocK or the Supple BalMn Ship building corporation south of East An keny street on the east side, being ap proximately 13S5 feet In length, and marked by a monument on the Oak street dock on the west side; and 2 cables from the foot of Oak street on the west side, extending in an easterly direction to an open dock at the foot of East Oak street on the east side, each approximately 1340 feet in length and marked by monument at the foot of Oak street on the west side and on an open dock at the foot of East Oak street on the east side, and 4 cables from the foot of Oak street on the west side, in an easterly direction to Municipal dock No. 2 at the foot of East Washington street on the ait side, being approxi mately 1400 feet. 12H9 feet. 1460 feet and 11 S3 feet in length, respectively, and marked by a monument at the foot of Oak street on t he west side nnd by a monument on Municipal dock No. 2 at the foot of East Washington street on the east side, and three cables from the foot of Washington st reet on the west side In a nort h easterly direction to the foot of East Washineton street on the east side, each cable being approxi mately 1450 feet in length, and being marked by a monument on a two-story dck on the south side at the foot of Washington street on the west side, and a monument on Municipal dock No. 2 at the foot of East Washington at reet on the east side. This notice Is published for the pur pne of informing all navigators of the descript ion nnd purpose of te monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of th cables aforesaid. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELE GRAPH COMPANY. By W. D. Moore. Division Superintendent of Plant. NOTICE is herebv given that The Pacific Telephone v Telegraph Company, a cor poration, has erected on the shores of the Columbia river at a point on Colum bia Beach, on the Oregon side, and also on the Washington side, at a point on the east boundary of the Vancouver Bar racks joining the river, two monuments, namely signboards set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words "Cable Crossing. The Pacific Telephone ft Tele graph Company." which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the Columbia river of a certain sub-aqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approxi mately 4550 feet in length, whih crosses said river In a general northerly direc tion from the said landing on the Ore gon side of said Columbia river and be tween the termini above described. This notice is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course. landings and termini of the cable aforesaid. THE PACTFTC TELEPHONE ft TELE GRAPH COMPANY. Bv W. TV Moore, Division Superintendent "of Plant. NOTICE Is hereby given that The Pacific Telephone ft Telegraph Company, a cor poration, lias erected on the west shore of the Willamette river at a point at the foot of Pine street, and also on the east side of the said Willamette river at a point on an open dock at the foot of East Oak street, two monuments, namely sienboards set on posts in plain view, and bearing the words "Cn ble Crossing. The Pacific Telephone & Tele craoh Company." which said signs mark the landing places on the shores of the W II I a m e 1 1 e rl ver of f i ve certain su o -anueons telephone and telegraph cables. approximately looo feet in length, which cross the said river in a general easterly direction from said landing at the foot of Pine street on the west side- of said Wllla met to river. and between the termini above described. This notice Is published for the pur pose of informing all navigators of the descript ion and purpose of the monu ments aforesaid, and of the general course, landings and termini of the cable a foresaid THE PACIFTC TELEPHONE ft TELE GRAPH COMPANY. Bv W. D. Moore. Division Superintendent "of Plant. NOTICE All storage accounts 3 months pat due, if not paid nv j-vhruary 18. Iu20. goods will bo sold for storage charges. C. O. Pick Transfer ft Stor age -Co. FROM this date. Jan. IS. '20. will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my w ife. Mrs. Keulah Buck. ALFRED E. BUCK. NOTICE The Oregon Woolen Mills Store has been sold and the firm of H. Good man & S' dissolved. Present claims at 261 First st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST On road between Portland and Kelso Thursday night or Friday morn ing, black seal purse with registered liberty bonds and papers with initials J. R. T. Please return to Oregoniaa office and receive liberal reward. - THE 2 dark -com plexioned women w ho took silk umbrella from lavatory at Meier t Frank's Friday P. M. plase re turn to lost and found dept. at Meier ft Frank's and there will be no further trouble, as parties are known. LOST Black leather handbag marked J. J. Harrington, Sunday, about 4 o'clock, between Cornelius hotel and Portland surgical hospital. Reward. Call Ward, MHin 47. LOST An acoustlcon (an aid to hearing), in small black box ; lost on market stand. Main R30. or deliver to 601 Stock Exch. bldg. and receive reward. LOST Front side curtain Bulck car. somewhere In vicinity of East Belmont st.. Sunday. Finder please phone E. P. Hop wood. Main 7070. LOST A package containing pair of black spats, on Sunnyside car or on E. 20th, between E. Morrison and Salmon. Mar. 122. LOST Daughters of American Revolu tion chapter pin. Name and national number 47 133 engraved on back. Tele phone Tabor 716. Reward. LOST -spots. - Pointer dog. white with black Phone East 1411, $3 reward. LOST Purse in Roberts Bros, store: name Lambl inside. 1675 Willow. FINANCIAL BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH for RECEIPTS. WB LOAN money on BONDS, WAR STAMPS. 7 int. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, boss. etc. F. B. BOWMAN ft CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Ala i nS02 ft. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate In Washington, Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contract!. F. E. Bowman ft Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. CTaICH faff. MfcH -rrg 'PfcAPujfr n That's St ZrrCT2XTl Mt Licked iN Britain Right Reerrl. , FINANCIAL. WE BUY AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS. MAKE MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. WRITE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE BURK1TT. PP ESI DENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN JS00. BE 1'OL'K OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your mortgage loan on the co-operative p. an. Loans tor any amount to run from 3 to 10 years, repayable in small monthly installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in "full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative savings and loan association in Portland. UN 1 0 N S AVINU S & LO A-N ASSOCIATION. 284 Oak Street. WE BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. CAfR FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND Cs MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. Money to Loao on Rral Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multi pie thereof account principal semi-annually a ml reduce interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value on house and lot at 6 to 7 per tent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and interest. You have privilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthiy. Interest reduced, ac cord m gl v. NO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MO RTG AGE AND PA V OTHER EXPENSES. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 5 V per cent and S per cent. Repayment privllrges. MORTGAGE LOAN COM 1 ANY. Main 8308. uite 407 Yeon B.dg. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly pa ment plan. $32.26 per month for 3 months, or $21.24 per mont h for 6' months, or $15.17 per mouth for 9H month pays a loan of 10K and interest. Loan of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark, at.. Portland. Or. KY TO IMPROVE VOL' K FARM KE- FO RE THE S P U I N G WORK BEGINS WHY NOT CALL OR WRITE US To S. DA 7 WE TAKE CARE OK YOIT PROMPTLY. OR SHORT I a V I N T E 1 1 EST. Ll N G AMOUNTS. NO COM MISSION. NO DE- LA YS 1205 WILCOX LLDG-. PORT LAND. OR. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment priv ileges. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third street. Main 3067. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bids. $60,000 TO 14) AN In sums to suit on cP.y. u bur ttan aud (arms. iJuiidin loans a specialty. WILLI A M G. BE K. 213-21U FAILING BLDG. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. FARM LOANS. Insurance company uiuney to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette vai ley larms. No com mission. No delays. oavjfcKiSAL'x mortgage compan v, 8"7 6th st-. Fort land. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property. Prompt service ; no delay. Call and see us for trms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. North western Hank Bldg. MO RTG AG E LO A N S. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. . A. H. BliiKb-LL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Hldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S $40O, $500, $riOO, $S0, $1000. $1250. $1500, $2000 and up, lowest rate,, quick action. Pay off $100 or more at any interest cLate. Gordon Alortgage Co., U31 Cham ber of Commerce, Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm arid city property ; t a voraole repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 500 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also im proved farm property. Current rates WM. Macil ASTER. 331 U. S. National Bank Bldg. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real es tate. 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc, F. E. Bottmau ft Co.. 210 Chamber Com. Main 3020. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT: UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate. 6 and 7 . long time, short time; monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit. 725 iia-Ho bidg., 5th and Alder. CELL A KS-M U RTON CXX MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate ef interest. OTTO ft HARKSON REALTY CO 413 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND ft MORTGAGE CO.. 60 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. City or farm property from $500 up. W. H. BR1TTS. 318 Chamber of Com merce. Phone Marshall 2549. 1'IVATK MONEY'. J 05,000 for immediate loans: will divide. City. Acreage or Farms. 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 5S5S. PRIVATE funds to loan. Lowest rates. Sale contracts boughu PROMPT. RE LIABLE SERVICE. A. K. Hill. 215 Lumbermens bldg. TO LOAN $2000. all or small amounts. mu-t be good real estate security, no agents. BF 443. Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. 1300. 1400. S500. S750. $1000 AND UP; low rates: quick action. Free W. Germaa Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. $500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real eatate ; favorable terms, no delay ; no brokerage. John Bain. 5Q7 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates A. LL. Harding. 31 2 Railway Exchange. $1000 AND UP! no commission or delay. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. MONEY on farm and improved city prop erty. K. K. Baxter, 704 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON I NV. ft M O R T GAGE C cC. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. Salomon ft Co.. 40S Selling bldg. Louis Registered in U. S. Patent OSce. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salarie. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICKT YOU CAN GET IT TODAY LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS, V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC Tf yonr payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave th se curity in your possession, and you CM . repay us in small monthly payments, ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS' to salaried people, on their own note. Rtes reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, t LICENSED. 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall S28C S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 010l Si4 Stark Street. Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, ictroIaa pianos, kodaks. shotguns. furniture, musical instruments, and anything oi value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE Of PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOA RD W E R. City and county warrants cashed tor face value. CARRIE MTERR-HERRJOX. Manager. SALARY. LOANS, CHATTELS, WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Lac a transact ion strictly confide nttaL . NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also lotn on household fUDttiture, panos. etc.. wit hoot removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO LICENSED. m ST FAILING BLDG. MON FY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rates; a1! articles held a year: estab- llVL.1 SsS. Dan Marx & Co.. 283 Wash. HATHAWAY Ioans on pianos and furnl ture; legal rates. 208 Washington bldg. Io&ns Wanted. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IM PROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY AND FARMS. F. H. DESHON. 613 Ch. of Com. Al $1500 FIRST MTG. for sale; residence, renui for $35. absolutely t-afe. Call Main 112. 725 Gaco bldg. SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PE RSONAL. HIMSELF. The average man keeps posted On coiui it ions, war and mone And knows far less about himself Though true, it may seem funny. Some men do lack the confidence In themselves for much success; With self he needs acquaintance 'Twiil help him more or leas. Remember, you se others With your own pair of eyes; But to see yourself in earnest Might help you to be wise. We know we have the confidence Of saving you much mora On each new SL'IT. COAT, DRESS and W A I ST At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORK, Second Floor, Pittock Block. WE BUT DIAMONDS. Tf you wish to dispose of any diamonds, we pay full value In cah. w i thou t delay or disap pointment. Nothing too large nor too small. Spot cash. Any amount. Private office for ladies. Business confidential. Licensed by the City of Portland. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bids. 2d. Floor. WB BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value, AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter V broken. Old-timers are moat val uable. Crowns. bridge work, bought. Bring or mail. The American Brokerage Co.. 05 Morgan bldg.. second floor. STEAM BATHS AND MASSAGE. New equipment, spotlessly clean. Dr. S, E. Downing, 10th floor Broadway bldg. M.iisha.l 3781. 1 GUARANTEE to cure corns, bunions, ing. nail, arts and moles absolutely ; new invention; no pain, no soreness. Lowest prices in town. Consultation free. Here 12 tars. Arches fitted. 603 Dekum bldg. , HAVE you learned from experience the 1 pleasure In wearing a made-to-order cor I set'.' Consult Madame Thomas, 1181 E. touch. Fittings in your own noma u desired. Call Tabor 4titt4. IAI-.AI1A ANTISEPTIC POWDER la a cleaiiMnK. healing. Kormicidai and IdvIk orating douche. A ereat aid In lucor rliea and female disorders. f0c and 1 per box. Fortiand Motel Pharmacy. AN BL.KOTRIO CABINET BATH and a scientific massa once a week will prolong both physical and mental efficiency Dr. lroneide. 30d-ll Broad way bid. Nurse in attendance. Alain EXuiliS' and genliemena Panama, atraw, felt and beaver hats cleaned, blocked, dved and renewed:, buckram, net and w'ire framea. LaFrant. Hatters, Zl'Z'yt Morrison at. $1 WILL get both feet fixed up Rooe at Dr. Katun's, the CHlltOPOL'IST, who doesn't hurt you; i yrs. here: exam. free, ij 1 obe t.'i-aier blue-. 11th A Wash. Bdwy. 2S4. MISS K. ADAMS Treatments for dandruff and fallmK hair, manicuring. 40, Morri son st.. Tilford bldg. Office 30j. Hours 11 to Sundays 11 to 3. DR. MATHILDA ARXESB.N", medical gym nast. Kraaualed from Norway; electric ity, scielitilie massage exercises. 31K Co lumbia bldg. Main fEBVETt HAX.N'EBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, finest slock human hair goods, hairdi-essing. manicuring, face and scaip treatment- 349 Alder. Alain 64. WHY SUFMSb? Rent a Renulife Violet Ray Generator and cure yourself at home. FhoM Alain 7.M. m ' ALASKA FT'RS AT "AFTER THE SEASON" PRICES. THE iVU SHOP. 606 Swetland Bldg.. Fifth and Wash. DR. RUTH OLSSON. medical gminasrt, SweuiEh graduate, steam, maacage, exer cises, electricity. G"2 Washington bld4 Main :i4. Ladies only. HAIR dyeinp and all' branches of beauty parlor work done at residence. AcTdxeaa A It l'Jf. Oregonian. ' Ujj; M A it CIA RET HA YN IE gives chiro practic, steam baths, violet ray vibration niaa-sage. 1& Swetland bldg.. Main l'g DR. SACRV treats corns, ingrown naUs and chilblain; pedicuring aud mantcur ing. OU3-4 ;:-7 Washington St. Mar. 3376. ' SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warta removed by 10 needles method; trial free. Josis Finley, 614 Bush & Lane bldg. Main 63IS8. PlTES can be permanently cured without operations. Call or write Dr. Dean, ii4 V. Morrison St. ARTHUR-TEMPLE Tour father Is dead. W rite to C. B. Ellis, 2307 ave. Oak land. Cal i f orn ia. - DR. ELNA SORENSEN, 508 Panama bldg. DruBless; raassago for stomach, kidneys. rheumatism, constipation. Open evenings. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours '1 to 5. or by appointment. Phon.. Main 1U4i. Office 30S-C Third at. DR. AlOUSTA E. CLESSB, chiropractic physician. 5U1 Dekum bldg. UolTRK. enlarged glands; cure yourself. A. R. Strachan. route 5, HUlsboro. Or. DR. WILKINSON removes coma in 3 mia 315 Flanders st- near titn. LADY BARBERS, shave 20c. haircut SSe, face massage 30c;S3EvrettndThlrd. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Fiss.S44 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair manicuring, face, scalp. 322 Kliedner bldg. PILES CAN BE CURED without opera tion. reeookleLjOboxll 03. WASTED To adopt baby girl from 1 year to 5. AG oll. Oregonian. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation. Free booklet. P. O. box 1105. M ASS AUK MANICURING. 415 Buchanan bldg. Main S366. i STENOGRAPHER, tvplat. notary nubias. ! 7H Gasco bldg. Main 42e. , ii. 15 A. CA F E TER IA . 202'i Broadway. I near Taylor; home cooIviiia; boat quality.