13 .THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1920 V REAL V STATE. For Sale Aere.T. 10 ACRES 5 miles east ol city limits. 1V miles west of Gresham on the section line road. 3 minutes' walk to car. All Cleared and in clover. $4200. 1000 tuh. 132(h) on lone time. Will take $lui0 in Liberty bonds. Mr. Dickinson. Chamber ol Commerce bids.. Fort land. . . 50 ACRES rarden land, adjoining city; hard-surface road; notbing better. Hurry. Gibson. 208 Stark. Marshall li. For Sal -Farms. CO IN" a dairy ranch. 3 miles good town. 12 daily passenger trains. 2 hours to Portland and 3 to Tacoma: 75 acres, ao In cultivation, all' good soil, running wa ter, close to neighbors, school and R. U. . telephone In house; fine, free outrange for stock, on county road; good orchard and small fruits; comfortable 6-room house, all kinds outbuildings, barn, etc.. new silo; all kinds farm machinery-. 12S cream separator, small tools, 3 good norms, some young slock, 10 extra good milk cows, hay, crop, etc.; all you need la vour h. h. goods to step riant Into an tn.nm. of hnt 125 a month, besides no bills for house rent, wood, watt-r. milk, butter, fruit or meat to pay, equal to more than 125 a month more. 75C0 takes everything. 150O cash, balance long time. Box 97. Castle Rock. Wash. VALUABLE FRUIT RANCH BARGAIN. 80 acres; 35 acres of apples, 9 years old. now bearing and good varieties; 5 acres of Kngllsh walnuts, bearing; 12 acres of italian prunes, 8 years old, bearing; S acres of 5-year-old Italian prunes; 3 acres of 4-year-old Italian prunes; cherries, peaches and lots of other small fruit. Good 6-room bunga low, hot and cold water, bath and lava tory; spring water piped to house and barn; all fences and improvements first class; 5 miles from Sheridan and on a good macadam road; several outhouaes; $20,000: (10,000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. O. W. HE1DER, Sheridan. Or. STOCK RANCH. NEAR COTTAGE GROVE. LANES COUNTY, IM)00. 160 acres on one of the best roads in Oregon, three miles to R. R., 10 miles to town, good set buildings, nearly new; good spring water in house, 2 creeks runs through place, good fences all around place, R. D., good family or chard, lots berries. 50 acres level., bal ance rolling, hilly, 3 million feet fir timber, thousands of acres free range for etock. Be sure to seejthls. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 805 Oak Street. 240 ACRES EXTRA GOOD. Well located and at the right price. All in cultivation and part In crop. This place has fair buildings and fences. It is y mile from the west side highway and two miles from the state normal school at Monmouth. The soil runs from black to chocolate and has no waste land. It can be baught for $100 per acre, crops Included. Terms can be had. SPERLING H ANNA. 412 Corbett Bldg. FOR SA I.E. SUNNY SOUTHERN ALBERTA. Bright, cold winters, good roads, no mud. 40 bu. wheat. 100 bu. oats per acre, Ideal conditions for sm U I grains and root crops. We offer on full section perfectly level, no rock, 200 acres culti vated; elevator '-i mile ; good house, other buildings; 15 bead horses, harness, com ptete line machinery, wagons, etc. ; $30 per acre; terms. Write R. J. McC ANN, box 334, Bend, Oregon. WHEAT RANCH BARGAIN. 1 560 acres in best part of Gilliam county; 1450 under plow; 1050 acres now in grain: silently rolline: all eood trac tor land; good well, fair house and barn: ranch Is under lease; owner gts 4 of crop delivered In warehouse. With the government regulation on wheat re moved the price will go to $3 per bushel Dy ian. resent crop should return one third price of ranch, which is $50,000; ft iHSfi, oaiance crop payment. GIBSON, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. AT TIGARDV1LLE. 5 ACRES. $6000 SOMETHING GOOD. 6 acres, 2 acres good orchard, apples, cherries, pears, assorted kinds, lots ol berries, grapes, good 6-room house, good barn, big chicken houne, all kinds flow ers and shade trees, garage In barn 30 rods; lies on highway. Step quick if you want this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3i5 Oak Street. 60 ACR ES, choice sandy loam ground on the banks of a large river and adjoining the city limits of a thriving town in the southern part of the state of Wash ington. An ideal place for a dairy herd. If you want a farm that will produce grass and at the same time make a nice home, be sure and look this up; 96O00. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. IF YOU are looking for cloee-in acreage, farm or a ranch, it's to your advantage to call on up. We have large lifting of farms of different sizes, in different places and at different prices. We han dle farms, ranches and timber lands only. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. 135 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5381. FOR SALE VERY . REASONABLE 80 acres, 1 2 acres in cultivation, in Neha lem valley; house, farm buildings, rail road being built within one mile, schools, good roads, etc Will rent this place to responsible party very cheap and will loan team, wagon, 3 cows and chickens, farm implements for their upkeep; plen ty of work In vicinity for men and horses. Ait 566, Oregonian. FOR SALE. 40 acres. 1 rnile from Battle Ground. Wash.. 30 acres of timber, about 2500 cords of fir wood. 500 feet of sidetrack on place; price $2000. The land is worth the price after wood Is removed and the wood will pay tor the land w. b. Mccarty co.. Battle Ground. Wash. HOG AND ALFALFA RANCHES. SURE MONEY-MAKERS. Price IW acres, 56-acre water right. R0 acres, 65-acre water right.. 80 acres, 75-acre water right . 80 acres. 77-acre water rteht. . .$7500 . 550$ . 7500 .13,000 RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., ou. h k Direec, FOR SALE 0 acres of the very best land. 27 acres In cultivation, balance easily cleared; on hard-surface road, close to electric line. 15 miles from Portland: 6- room bungalow 3 years old. garage, some orcnara, running water; price --u an acre; can give good terms. C. E. Adams, o07 cnamDer or commerce bldg.. Mar shall 2575. 40 ACRES, 16 cleared on gravel road, 2 miles from town, 3 acres in bearing or chard, mt-ftly level land, running water house, b-irn and other buildings, farm equipment, water piped Into house, bath. S3500, terms. Bex 114. Skamokawa, Wash 15-ACRE apple and pear orchard, located 4 miles from Hood River. 12 acres bear ing; 6-room modern house, barn and other outbuildings, creek through place; will sell on easy terms. L. H. Smith, R. 4, box 52. Hood River. Or. FOR SALE or exchange, stock and dairy ranch, 1H0 acres improved. $3200. abun dant outrange. Lincoln county, 15 min utes' walk from postoffice. Box 76 Brownsville. Or. & H -AC RE small farm, level, cleared, fenced, small house, near WlUamina, $1350; $150 cash, terms. J. r. sharp 83 H 3d st. 120 ACRES. on electric carline, 20 miles from Portland ; 60 cleared ; large creek running through land; make fine dairv v.. .. IT .... . ' in: u. 1 c 111a. uasi oCJ. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RAVPMB near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; oesi son. arms for sale, all sixes. Mcrananq, oua 1 eon bldg. 10 ACRES good orchard, house, all out' ouiitnusB, xuii nun water; located Jus south of Lents. 6131 92d st. S. & Thomas Allen. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running w aLci . 7 uubuib; employment easy terms. J. R. Sharps. 83 W 3d st. fcM ALL farm, lb!, acres. 10 clear, small house, barn and large chicken house: 12 miles qui on j. c,. -to lamnui street. WHEAT Is now worth J3.40 a bushel. If you wan t 10 ouy or iraae for wheat farms, write M. Fitzmaurice. Condon, Or. FREE FARM lists. San Joaquin valley farms Paul Rossi er. Stockton. CaL WANTED REAL EST A TIE. WANTED I-aurelhurst lots, 150x100; will consider single lots; will deal with owner . only; price must be right. AE 780, Ore gonian. b OR 6 ROOMS $50O to $1000 cash. Haw thorne or Sunny side district. AG 6S8, QregonlP.n. JX BEST of ..condition, 1 Federal truck for sale or trad; will trade on house and lot. Phone 220-64. 6-ROOM bungalow In good district, will buy if cheap. "Stranger," care Main 4808. SIX or seven-room modern house or bun galow, close In, Irvington or Laurel hurst. Call Marshall 358. WANT to buy from owner small bunga low. Can make reasonable payment down. Fhme wood lawn 3524. WANT good Laurelhurst lot. Will give fine player piano; $750 and cash. AG 622, Oregonian. V 1 W TX7 A SEMI-BLMiAUivv , about 5 or 6 rooms. MH down, 1 40 per month. AE 719, O r e g onian. WANTED 7 or 8-room house Lfturelhuxet, no Agents. AU.ci, oregonian. WANTED REAL. ESTATE. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD. 889 SALES. -$2,409,347 WORTH OP HOMES SOLD DURING THE YEAR OF 1919 BY KRANK L. McGLIRE AGENCY. Twelve experienced salesmen with autoa. Several hundred buyers on our list, many with cash, desiring to buy modern homes under ("000, especially in ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. IKVINGTON DISTRICT. LAURELHUHST DISTRICT. ALHEHTA DISTRICT. Also inexpensive modern homes in all Parts of the city. FRANK L. McGUIRE will personally Inspect, photograph and appraise your property without charge. The picture of your house, with full in formation, will be displayed on the walls of our show room, which are crowded with prospective buyers. Your house is sold if listed with us. WE NEED IT TODAY.) SEE FRANK L. SlcGUlRE To Sell lour Home. Abington bldg. Main 106S. IF WANTED A 5 or -room bungalow, price not exceeding 94000; must be In Al neighborhood, near car line. Hawthorne district preferred; no agents; in replying state price and terms, also number of rooms and other features. XX 7, OVefionian, FACTORY WANTED. I own the closest In 6-acre factory site in the city. 1 want someone to build a factory on part or all of it. 1 will sell cheap or become interested myself with any good reliable business enterprise to be located on the property. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. MODERN 5 or 6-room house with two lots, paved street, close to car line ; must be bargain for cash: will deal with owner only;, no attention paid to answers unless following information is given : Age of house; complete description, ex act location and price. AE Sib. Orego nian. WE HAVE buyers waiting for nearly ev ery Kina or a home. we advertise ex tensively and can give you the best of service. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 643, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main- 3b7. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED. We have several people wanting small places near towns or city with payroll. Must nave buildings and small payment down. Also buyers lor cheap places near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. WANT to buy 5 or 6-room house on one Iloor, modern, full lot, witn garage, paved street, close to car line; mutt be bur-gain; cash or terms. Will deal with owner only. Phone -Tabor SliUtf. Ad dress 145 East iiOLh st. I HAVE clients with $2000 to all cash. ior irvington, laurelhurst. Alameda Park and Hose City ; give me list o your house at once; I really have the buyers witn the cah. C. M. Deer. Coe a. Aicivenxia Co., b2 tin. nL. Main 4o22. WANTED 5 to 7-room up to date house, cement foundation, improved street. 3 blocks or less to car; terms; full de scription, location. Owner only. AH .316. oregonian. LIST your farms, close-in acreage and city property with me; I will give you serv ice. Will inspect and appraise your prop erty. Auto. C. E. Adamb. 507 Cham, of Com, bldg. Marshall 2575. HAVE CLIENT FOR STRICTLY MOD ERN IRVINGTON HOME. CAN PAY CASH. PO IN DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800; RESIDENCE. 271-20. 1 HAVE a lot in South Portland to trade for modern 5 or 6-room bungalow, close in ; will pay cah difference ; price must be right; no agents. Phone Maishall 314S. - HAVE CLIENT FOR LARGE APART MENT HOUSE OR HOTEL: PART CASH. PART TRADE. POINUEXTER, 20ti SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800; RESIDENCE, 271-20. I WANT Irvington or Laurelhurst home: preier to deai with owner, not less than 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, prefer one on first floor; not to exceed $7000. half cash. E 844. Oregonian. WANTED Modern 3 or 4 -room bungalow, full lot, any good district, up to $1800. cash ; no agent need answer. AG 543, WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room house In Rose City, prderabiy bungalow below hill. Call laoor J00U, Sunday and even inga. Farina W antea. IF YOU want to sell your farm, send us detailed description of same, its lowest price and beat terms of payments; small close-in farms in great demand, buyers waiting; mountain regions and out-of-the-way places not considered. We han dle farms, ranches and timber landa ex clusively. E. A, LINDGREN. Savon LandJ.'o, U35 N. W. Bank Bldg. WE HAVE two parties looking for im proved farms on good road, one has $3OO0 to- pay down, other can pay more; prefer stocked an-d Improved places. Let us know what you have and we will try to interest them. Give as much informa tion as you can in your letter, or cali at our office and tell us what you have. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANT FIVE ACRES FOR CASH. 5 miles of city, improved; If you want cash answer, will do business quickly AL 123, Oregonian. WANTED FARMS FOR SALE. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF LIVE BUYERS FOR FARMS AND ACREAGE. WELL LOCATED. WRITE US FULL DE SCRIPTION OR CALL AT THE OF FICE. DO IT NOW. COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 4TH ST. IMPROVED FARMS WANTED. Have two cash buyers lor improved 30 to 60 acres on good road, not over 30 miles trom Portland j- with or without equipment. John Ferguson, Gerlinger building. 1 WANT to rent a farm of 150 to 4O0 acres for cash. I will purchase stock and equipment and crops, and pay cash for them. I am a new arrival in Port land from Canada. Will deal with own ncrsjgnly. D W3. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced dairyman wants to rent an -up-to-date dairy farm; will pay cash for rent and dairy herd, implements and crops. Owners only. Answer at once. D 965, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced farmer wants to reut an up-to-date farm on shares prefer some irrigation ; had experience in irrigation; also run tractor; reference ow ner only. AE 778, Oregonian. HAVE YOU A FARM TO SELL? WE SELL THEM TRY U3. MaclNNES &. PRATT, 413 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. WANTED About 100 acres, mostly clear. along tne winamette river between Sa lem and Wllsonville, at actual value. C. rucK, i.ortn iJenu. or. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LAND WANTED. Small tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland: will consider rough land If the timber Is good ; must be handled for smalt pay ment down. Will consider high-priced acreage close to Portland, If convenient to roc road, John Ferguson. Gerlinger WANTED to buy, sawmill and timber on or near railroad or dep water or wil; install mill In good tract of timber and pay for'same on cutting basis. AH 7, Orugonian. OWNERS of 50.000 capacity mill are cut out and want to move mul into t.act of 50 to 100 million feet of timber and pay on stumpage basis as cut. AH liH-, Ore gonian WANTED To buy cordwood stumpage, large or small amount, or would buy layout with tools, wood and atumuase. BJ 338, Oregonian. FOR SALE Wood camp, draf saw, truck, complete outfit, plenty good Umber. A M. Robinson, Cickamas, Or. FOR RENT FARMS. STOCK FOR SALE. Dairymen listen. So head cattle. 8 horses, machinery, bay, close to city; 120 acres plowed, 90 acres seeded, 50 acres pasture. 4-yr. lease. Sell personal property and lease for $50O. GIBSON, 268 Stark, Marshal 12. FOR RENT 10 acres truck land, not far from Portland, near Vancouver. This is xrom ronisna, near Vancouver, xnis IS bottom land and part beaver dam. Call TO EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE. CLEAR lots In Laurelhurst or Irvington to exchange for equity In & or 6-room -bungalow. East 5:t0ti. 10 LOTS, 2 blocks from waterfront. Marsh field, Or., for Portland or Astoria prop erty. Call' Woodlawn 1897. J60 ACRES, improved. 35 miles from Grangeville, Idaho. H. Sparber, general delivery. SPOKANE residence for something In Portland or good car. Tabor 3879. WILL sell or trade my equity In 6-room house. Wdln. 5439. TEN ACRES fine black soil near Hubbard for house equity. Tabor &940. JNE ACRE. 20 minutes out. and some cash to trails for house, 1105 E. 30th st. a. TO EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE. ATTENTION PORTLAND. Am compelled to sell for cash or trade beautiful half-acre tract; 5-cent car ride from Spokane. What have you to trade? Mrs. N. Burg, Netherlands Hotel, Port land. Or. FOR EXCHANGE 5 lota In Portland and 5 on the coast, want something in S. California, acreage preferred; lots clear, S2OO0; will assume. Address John C. Moore, San Francisco, Cal. LOT 100x100, near Williams-ave. car, on paved st.; owner will trade thie corner as first payment on house and pay some cash difference. Call at h'Zl Corbett bldg., or phone Tabor t04 Sunday. 2.50O.0OO FEET timber, 160 acres In Union county; will trade on small Improved farm accessible to Portland and pay cah-difference. East 8710 Sunday, or A imi, oregonian. SIMM) 80 acres 40 miles from Spokane, N P. railway, in Idaho, to exchange for Portland property. John .Need ham 1 2j0 Montana ave. YOU want to exchange your farm, city property or machine. lots or acreage. Sfe Harper & Moor is, 6-9 Ky. Bxch. Bldg. EXCELLENT 5-acre tract, dandy house close in to Spokane, to exchange for fortiana nouae, auiomooue or truck Main B3S0. $12.000 Exchange $7000 equity fine du plex, 18th near Lovejoy; income $75. for home 14th south oi Clay. .Marshall a -'Sit. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. VICTROLA FOR PIANO. Will trade new $200 Vlctrola and rec ord outfit for used piano. Get our propo sition elberling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st. Main bObti. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, UvwkkW, MARES AND HORSES. Just arrived, carload of eastern Ore gon horses and mares, all well broke and ready for work ; every one a real, low-down, bjocky-built chunk, with lots of bone and quality. The kind that always give satisfaction ; ages 4 to 6 years; weigh laoo to 1600 lbs.; several welt-matched teams. If you want sat isfaction at the right price call and ex amine this lot. Sanitary Stablra, 360 Union ave.. cor. Stevens st. L. Glass. 100 HEAD of horses. More horses than any four barns in the city of Portland to pick from. You can pick them right off the job. Harness for every one. Will sell any one. Have some fine matched teams. 1 pair good 4-year-old mules, weight 2400; nice family cow, will be fresh in March. Wagons' of all kinds. Ford runabout In good shape, will trade for horses, mules or cattle. Phil Suet- ter. 2h5 Front. St., Crown stables. JUST from the ranch, 1 bfg team, 3400 lbs. Also 1 small team, 2350 lbs.; young, sound and true team of ponies; 1 big horse, 1580 lbs. They are real horse. I have to raise some money. Come and see them. Phone 2U-J. Mllwaukie. 1 blk. south of Southern Pacific depot, MU wauKie. Take Oregon City car. NOTICE Just arrived, two carloads of eastern Oregon horses and mares, matched teams from 3 to 7 years old. ranging from. 1300 to 1800 pounds; well broke, solid colors. If you are In the market It will pay you to come and Fee these horses. J. S. Williamson. 240 ast hth street, corner main. FOR SALE or trade for good auto or any thing 1 can use, one team 01 oiocay brood mares weighing 1200 lbs.; nothing better for farm work; young, sound and true as steel and In fine condition. 'East 2655. Mr. Wilson. HAVING bought a ranch will sell my 1 ton truck in first-class condition, run less than 3 months ; or will trade for horses or cows. Phone Tabor 6070 or write G. M. S., 1212 Kast Morrison. O. T. STABLES. 17th and Kearney 3 teams of good young horses and mares from 3 to 6 years old; well matched; everything sold with a guarantee. G. D. Williamson. CARLOAD of horses, wt. 1300 to 1600 lbs.. consisting of block y-bui It mares, some with foal, well mated teams; prices from $100 each upward. G. K How ut, union stockyards barn. 1 BLACK horse, weiehs 1250 lbs., eood worker, anv ntace: 1 blatk mare. 1050 lbs.; some light harnesses, 1 plow, 3 cheap buggies, 3 spring wagons. 0316 Foster Road, Lents. FIVE fresh cows and two heavy springers; 1 young Jersey cow fresh in April. $65; sell or trade for beef cattle. Take van couver car to Columbia blvd., 1 block north. TEAM serviceable ranch mares. gray Percheron stock, weighing 2WOO Ids. low, heavy set, .gentle, fine shape. In quire Marion Fuel Co. dock, foot Tay lor st. 250O- POUND team, chunky built, well mated young ranch mares, well broke and gentle, cheap for cash. Woodyard on dock, foot Taylor st. FOR SALE or exchange for automobile, 3000-lb. team, harness and heavy wagon good all winter's job, goes with this team. AV 136, Ore gqpjan. FOR SALE, cheap. 9 brood sows, 25 shoats. 150 lb., and 50 pigs. Bob Lowe' ranch, Buckley ave., south of the Foster road. SJ35 TEAM. 2800 lbs., also harness and wagon cheap. Atlas w oodyard, 3-i SFront. FOR SALE One good Jersey family cow fresh 2 weeks, and one Jersey and Dur- I ham cow. Call 736 65th ave. 8. E. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goals Campbell-Phelaa Land fc Cattle Co., 302 Couch bldg. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid tor ae&a cows ana crippiea nori.es. f none Mllwaukie h'J J tor results. WORK TEAM with harness for sale. Seel Mr. Wilson at East bide Slabwood Co., 27 East Morrison. Flanot, Organs and MuMirai Instruments. DON'T have your piano repaired at all un less you have it. done right. Particular musicians prefer my shop. Harold S Gilbert. 384 Yamhill bL PIANO for rent, pianos tuned, pianos re paired or rerintsnea. a. r . Johnson Piano Co., 14i sixtn st., Portland, Or. MARTIN ttaxophone, easy to blow, easy to jearn. ir. r . jonnnon nano Co., 14U fitvth at 7 WILL exchange new Cheney phonograph or v ictroia ior a gooa piano. t. t . Johnson Piano Co., 140 Sixth st. GENUINE Martin Melody C saxophone. with leatner rase, iu. u. Johnson Piano Co., 14 Sixth st. S100 TO $150 CASH paid for used unrlsht pianos, eaii Aiain ojd. becunty storage to., iu tin su, near wasmngton. VICTROLA. $00 Cannot be told from new. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. i-5 -itn st. MY BEAUTIFUL Pathephone. used about 2 weeks; fumed oak cabinet, with rec- o r d. A snap at go. labor bs. 0. RTORY & CLARK organ every fine I7n Swick A Co. upright piano $135. Harold S. tilioert, 34 xamnui. IRVING piano, oak case. In the best of condition; terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music co., J-j -Ln st. KOEHLER & CAMPBELL, oali case, in good condition, at a snap. beiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St. BEAUTIFUL Pathe phonograph for sale cheap. Call at Rosebud restaurant. 4 N. Third st. slOO FOR a small size old-style piano; terms- Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANT ED. Mfin'.MAt i-O f lttSl. AlAIJN 4405, TABOR 6798. WILL trade new saxophone or phonograph for goo ued piano. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 14 ixtn st. MAHOGANY case, lateast style piano, just' used rew montns. at a reai oargam. Sei berling-Lucas music to., J-'j 4th st. T PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill at. GUITARS, ukeleles, Johnson Piano Co.. saxophones. G. 149 Sixth st. F. w i MT RD Mahocanv V ictroia. CI rnfnnn. la. or any good make. Phone East Jl 26. FOR SALE Piano. 213 S wetland bldg. Call Main 1100. PLAYER piano and grand piano for sale. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth st. SECOND-HAND pfano, very reasonable for all casn. ijan jviam pooi, jvionaay. FOR SALE rOne Kurtzman piano. $350 cash; owner leaving city. Mar. 2863. BRUNSWICK phonograph and records for sale for xiuu casn. ttqwy. , .. c . r 1.- - nr.n j n fi- " FOcLSA S W81 organ, in fine piano PIANO wanted; pay $123 to 150 cash. Marshall ion. GOOD used pianos, J165, 1225, J275 and up. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. 15 HEAD HORSES. 4 to 8 years ol d, 1200 to 19O0 lbs. Inquire 504 Northrup st. FOR SALE 2 work horses and 3 smaller ones. 234 Front, cor. Main. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Tabor 4208. 10 HOLSTETN cows, fresh soon, for $100 head. John Nagcl. Multnomah station. fTnE Holstein; rich milk. 5517-68thsf. S. E. FINE Columbia Grafonnla, tt40. for $sr, t3() cash, balance on time. Phone 319-15. PlAis'O wanted; pay cash. Jlaia 85M. FOR BALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $750 Steinway & Sons upright, cash S2t0; 650 automatic upright piano, cash $16S; $475 Sterling upright piano, cash $240; $450 Starr upright piano, cash, '220: 2 small upright pianos, $65 and $75. Parlor organs, $20, J5. $38, $46 cah 1Q 4th St., near Washington at FORCED to sell for cash my beautiful hfrh-erad 1750 nlaver-niano with music rclls for $4V0. Used about 1 month; also ' my new Patheohone. cabinet sire, and records, for liH. and m v Maxwell car run about 40OU miles, for $6o0. Call Tabor 8S00. SCHWAN PIANO REMOVAL BALE. Used pianos. $75, $165. $230 to $435. Used organs, $25, $2H. $35 to $65. New pianos. S3;t5. S3!5. 146S to $862. Terms. $15 to $50 cash; $6 to $25 mo. Ill Fourth st., at Washington. After removal 101-3 10th at Washington. PIANO BARGAINS. $100 and up. It will pay you to see our used nlano bargains. All ruaran- Veed. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas music uo., i . 4tn st. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctrola and records; our propositions will olease you. Seiber- ling-Luca Altaic Co., L5 4th at- Mala 8586. VICTROLA FOR PIANO. Will trade new $2Q Vlctrola and rec ord outfit for usm! piano. Get our proposition. Keibarllng-Lucas Music Co. 125 4th st. Main 85h6. PIANO WANTED. Highest cub paid for used pianos and player-pianos; get our prices. Seiberltng- Lucas Piano Co., 125 4th st. Main oo. LARGE PACKARD piano, cost $650. mus sacrifice for $250. Also one Standard rotarv sewlnr machine: both in A-l con dition. Address box 1153, city, and will call. LESSONS given on saxophone, guitar. banjo or ukelele. Chaw. Dimond, with i. r . Johnson i-iano Co., I4it taixtn Furniture for bale ONE oak dining table. $10: 4 dining chair and carver, $20; 2 rockers. $2 and $5 1 white enamel bed, $10; 1 spring. $2 1 mattress, h ; J. kitchen chairs, i ; porch awnings, $6 each ; 1 pair velour portieres; 1 oak Morris rocker, $25. Call between 11 A. M. and 5 P. M. 374 East 2th trt. Phone East 7306. FOR BALE 2 open bookcases. Imitation oak, wax finish. Beautifully made. Each contains four 4-foot shelves. Built to go each side of a fireplace. Will not be sold single. Price $20 for the two. Call Tabor 9262. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our tb rough cars. Fireproof Storage. C M. Olsea Transfer A Btoragelo..Z43 Pine st. MY PLAN of buying furniture, rugs, etc.. direct from wnoiesaier, saves you Dig money. Phone me any time, let me I explain. Tabor 1141. SE VERA L pieces good furniture; will sell 3 pieces overstuffed, 2 chairs and daven port on contract: $60 down; owner leav ing city. Mar. 2S63. SILK-FLOSS mattress. $13; bed, spring. mattress, -1. ao neater. -t, Lra.is vacuum cleaner, 4 ; etc. Tabor 332o. FOR SA LE A snap. FlrHt-class house hold furniture, large rugs and hall run ners. Call at 421 Main bU FOR SALE Furniture of 8 rooms. 6 rent ed, cheap it taken at once. .490 jsverett street, west side. FOR SALE Gas range, bed, sewing ma chine, call lU'.to Hawthorne. TWO beautiful new rugs reasonable. Tabor 1271. 1224 hi. main. Poultry. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION, I 82 d Su, 73d to 74th Aves. S- E., fortiana. uregon. Now booking orders for W. L.v baby chicks. Carry at all times breeding and young stock, various breeds; price in ac cord" with quality; complete line poul try feeds at special prices. MAGUIRE'S DAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks, $30 per 100; White Leghorns and Brown Leghorns. $25 per loo. The best chicks from high-grade Hoganlzed stock. Eggs for hatching. Phone East 1805. J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon St. 100 WHITE Leghorn yearling hens, high grade. Hoganized stock, $1.50 each; White LeKhorn pullets. $1.75 each; Barred Rock and K, 1. Red pullets, $2 each. J. R. McGuiree, 787 Oregon street, near East 24th. S. C. ENGLISH white Leghorn eggs tor hatching, hunurids or thousands lots; now ready. Jos. S;iunden, Portlandt Or., R. 2. 14 years in business. FOUR thoroughbred rose comb R. I. R. cockerelH, Al breed, for reasonable price to clean up pens. Mrs. A. Breek, Ar denwald. Mall address, Mllwaukie, R. 2, box 12. BABY CHICKS. Leghorns, Reds. Rocks. Minorca. Prices reasonable. C. X. Needham, Salem, Oregon. DogM, Rabbit. Birds, Pet Stock. WE PAi CASH FOR POULTRY. Pets, puppies of all kinds. Cash Pro duce Co., 3O0 E. Morrison. E. 6122. New Management. CANARY BIRD SHOP. FEMALE FREE W ITH liVBKY fcj 1 i t i fcirv. A U IUMA11V 322-17. 1151 E. 2HTH ST. N. WAXTBD Boston bulldog. S. R. Homo- hill, .707 Hawthorne .ave. rnone feast 8Q6&, 0 PARROT and cage for sale; plain talker. 273 Montgomery st. Marshall 121H.. FOR SALE Boston terriers from cham pionship stock. Phone E. 3067. Launches and Boa-is. LIBERTY BOAT BROKERAGE. I Iet us know what you want In boats, barges, scows and engines. If we haven't them iu our stock, we can get them for you at a big saving and can also give you terms to pay. Bosch magnetos. $25. We buy,- sell and build boats, barges and scows. Portland East 6803. Vancouver, 480. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert advice ireei rur- nUhcd Yard and ways at Albina ave. Const. Co. 4-ROOM houseboat, newly and completely furnished Oregon lactit ciuu. beii wood 3016. MARINE engines, all sizes and H. P.; ato nveraT good boats. East 603, Liberty Boat Brokerage. fcHINGLED houseboat for sale cheap. Ap ply 00 California st. m Machinery. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO.. Broadway 33du. 329 Couch st. CONTRACTORS AND LOGGERS' EQUIP MENT Mine noists, pumps, motors, boilers, steam and electric hoists, con crete mixers and pavers. For rent or sale. Send us your Inquiries. Prices right MOHR MACHINERY COMPANY. 501 Lewis Bldg. Main 183L FOR SALE 1 Waterloo Boy tractor, 12-24, In first-class condition; ready to go to work, $650 f. o. b. Jackson City; either bankable paper or cash. M 901. Orego nian. WANTED MACHINERY To lease, with option to buy. one yarning ana one roadlng donkey; good make and guaran teed condition; with or without cables; to log 7,000.000 feet, AV . 98. Ore gonian. FOR SALE Fire system, about 4000 feet wood nine, hlrh prefure, A-l con dition ; at Foundation shipyard. Broad -way 986. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric noisw, construc tion eouiument Standard llach. Co., 55 First st. WANTED New or second-hand machin ery for cheese factory. 341 w asn. at. Main 16S9. , , 13-HORSEPOWER new Fooe engine at a reduced price. Pacific scale & ouppiy Co.. 4S Front st. Broadway I960. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory reoullt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on mommy pay- 1 mcnts; send for price list. The Whole- I sale Typewriter Co.. 821 Washington st REMINGTON No. IO and L. C Smith 8. cheap for cash. Call AUiomanc AN 76. Oregonian. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. Main 8668, ebuilt. seconrt-hsnd rentals at cut . Rsx-GROWTII 16-ln. wood, dry. Colum P. D. Co.. 231 Btarfc. Main 1407. il4 REBUILT typewriters and supplies Corona dealers. Ei. w r-eaae -o.. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. 20 Th Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 oak ... M iacel laneous. SECOND-HAND pipe-burners cheap. Al shape- Main 7854. FOR 8ALE tion. 25. Reed baby buggy, A-l condi 353 E. 11th S. DRAGSAWS for sale. 1100 each. Morrison. Phone Wdln. 59n2. 306 E. FOR SALE One electlrc drilcheap. Tel enhone Woodlawn 1681. i A. CAFETERIA. 202 V, Broadway. nar Tavlor: home cooking: best quality. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented. exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. in. 4uu 1 FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day $1. delivered any where. Woodlawn 1259. COW fertilizer for sale. East 8073. FOR SALK. Miscellaneous. WE BUT DIAMONDS. - If you wish to dispose of any diamonds, we pay full value In cash, without delay or dis appointment. Nothing too large nor too small. Spot cash. Any amount. Private offices for ladies. Business confidential. Licensed by the City of Portland. THB AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan bldg. 2d Floor. x THI3 AD STATES FACTS. I have a large assortment of uncalled-for tailored suits at prices that mill surprise you. All sizes, patterns and styles, and remember Ahey are bso lutely new, not second-hand. I can fit you to a suit that wiii please both your taste and your pocket book. . H, I. BLUM. 164 Tenta sc., near Morrison. FOR SALE? Loganberry plants, strawber ries, champion gooseberries, 1 and 2 years old; Concord grapes, Perfection and Fay's Prolific currants, red and j black raspberry plants, French and Ital ian prune trees, also - Franquette wal nuts, cherries, peaches; reasonable. 5H03 Woodstock ave., Portland. Phone Sell- wood 2332. CAMP RANGES. We bought these ranges from the I spruce division and have cleaned and re paired them in first-class shape. Cook ing top is 51x36 inches, height 30 Inches, and 30-inch oven with drop door. Strong 1 and heavy. Big values at $55. MAY HARDWARE CO., 124 Front St. SHOWCASES, CASH REGISTERS. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. RESTAURANT and HOTEL SUPPLIES! BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 1st. nr. Wash. Main 44W5, Tabor 6798. OFFICE FURNITURE FROM WAR DE PARTMENT. Roll-top, flat-top, T. W. desks, tables, chairs. filinft cabinets. typewriters. check writers, 2 small safes. D. C Wax, lUtf 2d st. Main 4631. PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done qcjckly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1954. DOUBLE the growth of your garden. 1 Lse Utah Land Plaster. Contains no weeds. Helps to exterminate insects. Is much cneaper tnau any otner leruuzer. Free delivery. Phone Main 8062. Utah Land Plaster. 215 Stock Exchange bldg. SEWING machines, new ana second-hand. sold tor less; no agents employed; com plete line or parts ror an manes ; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L I SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 10 Third, near Taylor St. HAIR goods, first quality switches, curls I and transformations, ail shades, at a bargain. MADAME CURTIS. 191 N 23d St. Phone Main 407. . FOR SALE One small a-nd one big Na tional register. 15 floor cases, different izes and kinds, wall cases. Toledo com puting scales; other fixtures, low prices. 242 bairouii. Main d-.. DIAMONDS Have several diamond rings. solitaires; will sell same separate or I together very cheap; can be examined I or appraised anywhere ; make appoint ment. AM 143. Oregonian. FOR SALE One practically new engine. 4-cvlinder. 4-cycle. 22-H. P.; 1 new 10- inch P. & O. plow, 1 new Bulldog marine j reverse gear, l worm gear, snafting, etc Phone Main 2008 or address P. O. box 5k 5. FIREPROOF SAFE FOR SALE. Inside meas.. 14x28x20; outside meas.. 30x45x30; steel liced; good buy for quick a APPLY 705 COUCH BLDG. LEAKY roof, eh 7 Very aggravating. In deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 777 6, REVOLVERS. PISTOLS. GUNS SOLD, BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. BEAUREGARD'S, 702 Main 8t Vancouver, Wash. EITHER WAY If vou have a diamond 1 and want the cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and taiK it over. Miller's Clearing-Houee for Diamonds, 3 55 Wa s h. st.. next to Majestic theater. I SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ! and second-hand, at rigm prices, nougat, sold and exchanged. NORR1S rAFE A LOCK CO.'. 105 Second st. Phone Main 2045. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal., $7; 4u-gal.. $U. tested and guaranteed; stove ana lur nace colli, gas -heaters installed; expert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 2u3 Adams sC East b5l6- ' DICTATING MACHIN ES. . New and second-hand, bought, sold ancr rented, exchanged and repaired. 602 Stock Ex. bldg. Main 2350. SOLID mahogany china closet, $35; set te. mahoKany, $25; 2 pair portieres, $15; bicycle. 15; rifle, $15; coaaier, $7.50. Telephone East M2. SAFES New and second-hand; some with I burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE 4t SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1066. 48 Front st. ; 3 BOOKKEEPERS' desks and stools, 1 j roiltop desk and chairs. 1 fiat-top desk. Bushong A Co., 01 Park si. LOOK, LOOK Good block wood for sale, cheap; $0 and $7 a load. Phone Broad way 8e; order now. Wm. Lee. N EW lumber, 40O0 to" 600O ft., short lengths; 2x4s. Part or all to one party at $20 per M ft. Phone Tabor 7705. NATIC N AL cash registers, floor cases. counters, enow cases, gas griauie. stove, stools. 113 2d st., inquire cigar giand. 6-FOOT candy plate glass show case and scales; must smi, cue p. 110 a il, in quire cigar store. FTTR SALE Safeguard check protector. used only 1 month, cost $57, will sell for $5Q. Bdwy 124. ! DE LAVAL cream separator No. 10. 9 months, $35; barrel churn $4. 77th st. 6. E. used 3600 HONEY REAL BEE HONEY. WARRANTED UN A DULTUR ATED. Quart 80c and less. East 1416. DIAMOND Flawless water white; very lovely stone; weighs over lk. $325. Broadway 3013. STEEL frame for cement blocks, orna- I menta and 1 curn irarae; rates reason - able. At 866 E. 7th N. FOR SALE A blue silk dress, size 38 to 40; almost new. rnce u. tail laoor 4112. ! 2-KARAT diamond for sale, steel blue, slightly Imperfect. $1000. Address AN 58. Oregonian. rvp. mimeosT-atih. one addresso-granh and 2 simplex Acme recording clocks. Phone East 721 BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. w j. Quigley. 227 First. Main 63&0. ONE large and one medium-sized fireproof safe lo ale, cheap. AH 730, Orego- nian. UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS for sale, cheap ; large w vi.uuo vu. - pheum cieancrB, k. FOR SALE Oooa conamon, wnne Bas inet, gray wicaer oaoy ouggy. Aiain 9584. rw v. RUSHES, shrubbery, fruit tree- complete line; telephone orders delivered Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor S790. CEMENT LAUNDRY TUBS (guaranteed) buy direct from factory. The Duplex, 314 E. Washington st. . FOR SALE cheap, good 18-foot oak-back bar front bar, soda fountain and equlp- ment. 1373 Ha wthorne ave. FERT I LI Z E R. Rotted cow and horse manure. Main 44h5. residence Tabor 2704. WONDERFUL bargains In ladies' used ap parel; coats, dresses, suits, etc. Tabor SUITS to order cn easy payments. Cnlqu. Tailoring to-. aw. . m w m.w vtmu. and stark. 1 qjjE rpti heater for sale cheap. Call I 12H5 -Bin .1. .1 - uuuir. u FOR SALE: Sturgls folding baby buggy, cheap. 444 E. Harrison St. RH(jK S40: sewing machine. S2r; Al condition. ' MIRROR TRIPLE. 171 3d st. full length. I75.0O. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Tent & Awning. 1 N. 1st st. pnn SALE 1 ' L-i 1 1 11 1 n n&u&AUS wuu l- r ' n-i-' - " - . . . RlRRF.l-S. 1O.0OO beer kegs, cheap. 15 and ,2 ganllon. 57." Vicente. Oakland. Cal. COATS furs. Suits, gowns and evening dresses slightly worn. Main 9567. FOR SALE Raccoon fur muff and collar. Mln sss. N1CE hollv trees for sale, vary reasonable. Woodlawn l&ua. FOR SALK. Miscellaneous. WE BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis or Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. FOR S AUTOMOBILES.' BARGAINS. THREE-FOURTHS SPECIAL REPUB LIC, PRACTICALLY NEW $1250 BUICK LIGHT DELIVERY. .$700 FORD DELIVERT. EXPRESS BODY ; $450 REO SPEED WAGON DODGE DELIVERT ....$750 FORD, PANEL BODY.... WHITE DELIVERT, BODY FORD, TON CHASSIS.... ....$350 $400 ....$300 FORD, TON CHASSIS. EXPRESS BODY $450 FORD, TON CHASSIS, ONLY. .$530 EAST TERMS. OLDS MOBILE COMPANY, BROADWAY AND COUCH. BROADWAY 2270. PIERCE-ARROW. Model 6-48. 7-pass.. 6-cyI.. 6 cord tires. Westlnghouse shock absorbers and other equipment. Just the car for stage line or rent service. We will take your old car aa part payment and arrange terms on balance. 1 MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO.. East First and Morrison sts. West Side Salesroom. Broadway and Oak sts. Phones: East 7272. Bdwy. 513; Automatic: 212-16. 533-43. THESE ARE ALL BARGAINS. 1917 OLDSMOBILE 8. 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6 ROADSTER $1250 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6 TOURING. . .$1250 1917 MAXWELL TOURING $500 1017 CHALMERS 6 TOURING $300 1917 HUPMOBILE $1050 1918 OVERLAND CLUB STER ROAD- $700 $550 DODGE TOURING 1919 OAKLAND ... fftoi I OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. BROADWAY AND ('OUCH. BROADWAY 227a DISCOVERED how to sell used cars cheaper the others. Come in and be convinced MYERS AUTO CO., 411 DAVIS. SOME men are scared of at 52 bill. We're not. Just bring us a few as down pay ment on a used car and we will give you $40 wortfi of extras free. THB OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway at Burnside. STL'DEBAKER 4. late model $SnO Dodge, '17, cord tires 750 Dodge, "16, 3 good tires Uw-K .ana. m tni see ioe at is join st.. c-ro9 fmm library. Marshall 2o2. YOU GET more for your money here than eUewhere. $40 worth of equipment goe THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Broadway at Burnside. Open Evenings and Sundays. LA i c. moaei Aiaxweii touring car; If you are looaing ior a late model Maxwell call me up; I can sell you one that looks UKe new and in good condition at the right price and give terms on same. rhone Last 1 962. 1918 LIBERTY. 5-pass. light six touring car. tires in good condition and car is In good mechanical condition ; will sac rlfice and give terms. Phone Marshall 1150. apt. 42. STL'DEBAKER four In good condition, good tires, spare, lots of tools, 1020 li cense; am going away and will sacri fice, s-iou. call at 603 East 22d bu, v diock Bouin o 1 rowen, BUG BODIES. $100. Complete with hood. etc. Immediate aeuvery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO- Third and Olisan. Big Stock. USED CARS Prices Right. No misrepresentation. . .. MOTOR ... CAR COVT . . CO. FORD touring. 115, A-l condition: cood tires; must sell; a bargain, $305; sume terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near 1918 CHANDLER chummy roadster. 5 wire wheels and good tires; thin car Al con dition; will give term. Phone Marshall 2766. MAXWELL. 1918. aH condition; g"o7d tires, good paint; must sell; a bargain at $775. some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1018 OLDSMOBILE. 7-pass.. 8-cyl.. driven only 7000 miles. This car is ss good as new. priced right for quick sale. terms if desired. 265 Morris st. - , CHEVROLET touring In A-l condition; good tires; must sell; a bargain at $525, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. j ll14 FORD with 1918 motor block; tour ing; good terms; runs perfect. $273; $100 down, $20 per month. 523 Alder St. Bdwy. 3411. FORD coupelet In the best of condition; good tires; used privately; a real bar gain; $700, some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. BABY Overland roadster; looks and runs like new; tires almost new. Only $5u0 $200 down, $30 per month. Bdwy. 341L 523 Alder st. MAXWELL touring. 1917. In fine condition good tires; will sacrifice at $650 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near rsumsiae. DODGE, by owner; fine condition; fully equipped; fine tires; at 1212 Gasco bldg Mar. 240; evenings and Sunday E. 4817". I 1918 FORD delivery; run only 1 week : same as a new car; panel body. A snap buy. rnone rawy. z.-jo. 1918 LIBERTY SIX chummy roa.1i.r $1200, terms. Call Monday. Broadway Ill . Olll BU 1918 FORD, good condition. icrMnri.. $450 cash. Call owner. Main 5974. or FO R DS DO DG ES CH E VROLETS. Lowest prices: make your own terms. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. OAKLAND light sensible six. Al condl tlon: sacrifice it taken at once. 325 Salmon st. R. Rogers. ONE 1919 Overland 6. run 2.100 miles; 4 good tires. 1 extra. Snap at .1000. with terms. East 2226 1917 BUICK light six. Al condition. JS.'.O. terms. an Aionuay. .Broadway 403S. 141 N. th St. - 1919 LIBERTY 6. run 3000 miles, terms City Auto Laundry and Garage, Burnside. FORD touring, with some extras and self starter. Will trsde for light delivery car. 211 Wash. st. Main 60 17. FOR PALE Light Ford delivery: A-l con dition; tires good: price reasonable. Call Wdln. 2427 after g.30 P. M. 1919 HUDSON super fl sedan. This car Is mechanically perfect, never been off the pavement. 188 10th st. Mar. 232. FOR SALE By owner. Studebaker Six, special body roadster, Al condition, orig inal paint and tires. 248 East 31st St. 18 CHEVROLET by private owner, new tires, bumper, ' first-class shape, $850. AO 156, Oregonian. DODGE touring car that has had the be.t of care for sale by owner. Call Main 42 after 6 P. M FOR SALK by owner. Oakland 6. can arrange terms. i..n caw i 1918 FORD. Al condition; fine tires: $450 I Bast 6234. J. Wm. Clark. East 6234. LIBERTY Just like new. perfect condition. .. C- M T hnr 2596. FOR SALE A r ora nug oooy ana ford t delivery body. 3S9 East Burnside FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. -NEAR-NEW" CARS. 1019 CLEANUP. 1016 FORD ROADSTER With delivery box, Bosch magneto Ignition ; Ideal car for light delivery . .$275 MAXWELL roadster. 3-pass.; fine Urea. demountable wheats; this car is in extra good mechanical con dition $tK0 FORD TOURING Mechanically perfect; 3 new tires, spotlight, speed ometer 4oO SAXON SIX roadster; this car must be seen to be appreciated. For quick sale $12 1917 FORD ROADSTER new top. oversize Good as new. tires ....$400 1918 FORD TOURING Mechanically perfect; 3 new tires. bumper, shock absorber, spotlight, clock. f.ot throttle and. other ex tras $475 1917 MAXWELL TOURING Reflniphed. five good tires, excellent mechan ical condition $550 191S MAXWELL TOURING Snubbers. Warner lens and bumper .... J60O 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING Newly painted. 5 good tires, firsv-class mechanical condition . 625 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING Five tires, practically good as new $ 25 STUDEBAKER FOUR TOUR ING Motor overhauled, good tires, tor ..$375 OAKLAND LIGHT 6 ROAD STEK In fine shape. 5 good tires, spot Ugh t. No-Giare" lens. shock absorbers 56U0 1917 BUICK LIGHT 6 TOURING Thoroughly overhauled, original finish good, Gabriel snubbers all around, windshield wings, spot light, motormeter. 4 cord tires. 2 spare Urea, new top, plat glaas in rear 1.UJ 1917 BUICK LIGHT 6 TOURINC Good mechanical condition. good tires, new top. plate glass In rear $1000 1913 CHANDLER TOURING 7-pas- senger. refinlshed. 5 good tires, new ton. plate class in rear : real bargain $1450 FORD DELIVERY In fine con dition. $375 if sold this week. OTHER CARS FROM $250 TO $2500. Dodge. Paige. Saxon. Bulck. Ford Bus. Liberty Bonds at Face Value. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. C. G. 15 LEAS DA LE, 530 ALDER ST. BDWY. 1S52. GUARANTEED USED CARS. CHALMERS LIGHT SIX $1050 OVERLAND 75 MITCHELL SIX 973 KING 8 1050 OVERLAND 90 650 CHEVROLET LATE MODEL . 675 CADILLAC BUG 325 HUDSON SUPER SIX 1600 OPEN SUNDAY. BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOMS R. G. WOODS. Mgr. Broadway at Hoyt St.. Opp. new P. O. Phone Broadway 'J CRACKED WATER JACKETS AND SCORED CYLINDERS welded w ith the Lawrence patented fused electrically with aiiver and nickel ailoy. THE OREGON AUTO REPAIR CO.. Temporarily located at the N. P. Auto V Wagon Wks., 9th and Hoyt Sts. Phone Broadway 4477. 1917 DODK, cord tires, spotlight, bumper. mechanically perfect. 1'rice Mu. 1919 Nash, run very little; $1500. cord tires; PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO . Burnside at Tenth. Bdwy. 52s. A HUNCH or a tip at times nave made men wealthy. Take our hunch and look over our stock of used cars. We I give $40 worth of extras free. THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Broadway at Hurnnlde. Open Evening and Sundays. 191'. FORD coupe, run but very little; fine fSWpe every way; spotlight, speed ometer, bumper and other extras. Ju.it the car tor a doctor or alem.tn. Casti ' or terms. See Mr. Fnnotl, at L2 Kiii tngsworth ave. Albina Dressed Beef Co.. Wdln. 37. VELIE SEDAN. The very latent It is model taken In trade on Peerless sedan; we invite your 1 most critical inspection. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 5S North 23d st. -iain 7S0. NEW FORD ROADSTER. Run only 3o miles, demountable rims. spare tire and holder, skid chains, other eAtras: $fiL'.ri cafh. MACK INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TB1TK CORPORATION. 10th and Davis Sis. FRANKLIN CAR For sals by owner. molel 9B. fl-pnss. tourins. cord tires. front and rear bumDer. SDOtliKht. latest model wins deflectors: practically new car. priced right for Quick sale; reasonable terms 11 desired. t none bam itvv. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SEi,L A UAH. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OR BISON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. -its SELLING taccontl rioor.j 83 OVERLAND toiirtnsr: It Is a freak to null: new ton WHO KPy Slle curtain. new upholstery. '1 new royal cord tires i and new pamt: this car in a. perfect buy. see it. StfH; $-40 down. 33 per month. Bdwy. 3-111. ft-J Aioer si. 1917 CHALMERS 5-paasenner, 5 tires. 2 almost new cord tires; new pantasot top. .bumuer and spot liKht. full set of tools. fine mechanical condition; looks nearly as Kood aa new, $154). Phone owner. Tabor 35B. BEST BUY IN TOWN. 1920 SteDhens-Salient 6. sport model. with extra equipment: run about IL'uO miles.' for demonstration cal hlle. Bdwy. 3iHH; evenlnss, Marshall 841. OAKLAND 1!13 MODEL. FORD 191S MODEL. JUST OVERHAULED. BROADWAY 3503. RODGERS & CO.. 448 FLANDERS ST. KTIIDEBAKER SIX 1.150. 11 mm Studebaker Six. Kood condi tion 2 extra tires, sell $200 down. $3.0 on time, or will trade tor a pass. car. E. 7oi.-. BUY YOUR FAVORITE TIRE FOR LESS. AUTO OWNERS' SUPPLY ASS'N. CALL AND SEE US. 305 DEK.UM BLDG. 101 t i'oi.r 8 7-passeneer. wire wheels. Kelly-Sprlngfleld tlresi; good mechanical condition; looks like new; a snappy car ror $1450; some terms to responsible party. Call Frank Mmtn, cawy. luu. OVERLAND touring, model S3. A-l conOt tion: owner must sell: a bargain at $675. with terms. Jo Grand ave. North, near " Burnside. $330 BUYS 1918 CHEVROLET DELIVERY Can be seen Mondays at the W. I. Hughson Co., Ford agents. Broadway and Davis. Ask for Frohman or Murch. MY 191S MAXWELL, run about 4000 miles, would almost pass for new; good tires and spotlight. A sacrifice at $650. Tabor 8s50. OAKLAND touring In fine shape mechani cally and a sporty looker; good tires. $500: $2O0 down. $30 per month. 523 Alder St. Bdwy. 3411. CHANDLER touring. 7-passenger. 1917; new paint, new tires; will sacrifice at $1100 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE, 1919 Maxwell in first-class condition, cheap: am leaving city; in qulre 1231 E. Main. FOR D sedan body for sale, or will trade for late model 5-pass. body. Call Sell. 3327. FORD touring. 1918. A-l condition; good tires: will sell at $50O and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside " FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! THE CHEAPEST BUYS IN TOWN. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. VOH SA KB K IsJilknr, limousine and um nier too;, first-claps condition, about Call Main I WE uo.-v 1 charge a new price for a uaed era Auto Co- 411 DavU. AUTOMOBILES!. HOW IS THE TIME, HERE IS THJS PLACE TO BUT A GOOD USD CAR. A good used ear of standard make Is a better Investment and will give beuer service tban a cheap new car. To be sure you get a good cr buy of a respon sible house that cannot affosd to mis represent their goods. Due to the scarcity of new Chandlers, we have traded only on ears that w i good condition, of standard make hi tciow the market ii price. We have In stork "at present Franklin touring car. which hs . only been driven 44O0 miles and cannot be told from new. Has cord tires, spot light, m indshicld winrs and buroper front and rear. ahe price is only $220. 191S CHANDLER tourinr ear. new top. pain ted ru h maroon, ail coed tire, and spare, guaranteed same as a new one, $15uO. 191 CHANDLER chummy, cord tires and spare, bumpers, spotlight, with regu lar factory guarantee, $1450. 1917 CHANDLER touring, rich maroon, black wire wheels, 5 good tires. This is an exceptionally fine looking car and carries regular factory guarantee. $1350. 1917 BUICK roadster; just repainted; new top. cord tires, spars; now being thoroughly overhauled, for $1100. - 1918 DODGE roadster. 5 tfres, bump era and in excellent ahape. $S75. 1916 DODGE touring, new pantasote top, plate glass back, curtains open with doors slanting windshield, special rain bow blue cior. bumper, in best of mechanical shape, $750. 1918 MAXWELL, can hardlv be told Irom new; 5 tires, spotlight, $750, 1918 CHEVROLET. In excellent shape; good tires and spare. $650. 1915 FORD tourtaj. $300, Easy Terms On All Cars. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 514 ALDER STREET. HERE THEY ARE. Packard, 4-ton body and hoist aud a spnnr job oes with L hly Standard. 2-ton with wool- rck 750 Jcffery. lH-ton. some buy at 500 Panhard. run only a months: electric lights, windshield and top over seat, and only 930 A dandy 6-ton lo" trailer . 500 Dump body and hoist for aaie cheap. I arraneo best of terms. 421 BURN-SIDE STREET AS hi fOii JONES. GUARANTEED TJSET CARS. Packard Twin Six. 5-pasa liCnO i-acaara nest buy In town "IMMJ Packard Twin Six. 7-paes "T50 riaan six Chummy, IU20 license paid j-j 5(1 Stndebaker 4. 7-pass, like" new! T ! ! 7i0 aiuaeoaKer ugnt 4, 5-pass; some v 1 5(M Chalmers 6. good shape, cood tires eny 01 a. line new .......... . . . , . Mil) Briscoe roadster, 1119. ......... 700 WE GIVE TERMS AND SERVICE. PORTLAND MOTOR-CAR COMPANY, 4-1 Burnaide S-treet. WE SELL YOUR CAR DIRECT FROM YOUR HOME. CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. IK YOU WANT QUICK ACTIO.V fe'Eii US OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING & SALES CO.. S3 1 BECK BLDG.' BROADWAY 43MI. USED CAR BARGAINS! 1 Bulck No. 37 s 125 1 Studebaker 1 Reo j.-.n 1 Studebaker bug ................. 1.1 1 Overland bus ................... 2m 3 Fords 2: 2 Maxwells $4O0 and ti4 3 Overland, ............... I3o0 to 4"l 1 Doilue 75 1 Franklin SAn 1 Oakland sedan 875 1 1K18 Detrolier Club R linn 1 Buick truck Ann 1 O. M. C. truck finii 1 Menominee truck 2."0 1 Lippert Stewart truck 20O LONG & SiLVA. 462 Hawthorne ave. REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1919 LEXINGTONS. Both Tourinc and Sport Models. Terms it Deaired. BRI'NV MOTOR CAR CO.. US-30 North Broadway. SAY. MR. CAR BUYER 1 Before you buy a car. new or used, you should s;t "Judfring an automobile, or what I would want to knpw before buying; a car." It will be of great value to you In selecting car and show you how to save hundreds of dollars after you have purchased car. Write for In formation. Postal will do. THE KEYSTONE PALES CORPORATION. Seattle. Wash. LOOK. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. $350 BUYS 5-passenger Ford touring car. in good t mechanical condition, good tires, Colum ' bia highway service station at Spring dale, IS miles east of Portland on high way, addresa Troutdale, Or. Phone Cor bett 620. Open Evenings and Sundays. FREE! FREE! Wind deflectors, bumpers, spot lights, etc.. with all used cars sold In January. THB OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Broadway at Burnside. Ope'i Evenings and Sundays. BUICK roadster, light six. good condition. good tires. jiMi, act quick. M.ACK-INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. 10th and Davis Sis- 191S BUICK $7.'.o! Little four In good condition; 5 tlreo. Looks and runs nicely. 495 E. 6 art N. Tabor 4171. STUDEBAKER four, fine mechanical oon- dition; K ures, m. i trai saiii, some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near liurnside, OVERLAND 75 Fine condition, six rood tir?, mains. o.mr emrn. ifiivinK. mut; sell before Friday: $ 2 .V V ood iawn 44X FOR SAl-E 3 Cadillac IH-ton trucks. complete wun douiu ioiu jluu nur man. Portland. Or. WHY not muke your selection while we have a Roua io cuuws iruia r Myera Auto Co.. 411DavU. FORD chasBiP reonl't. new motor. daJidy. Hollister. 380 Everett- Not open Sun day. WHAT kind of a car do you want? have it and the price is right. MYERS ALTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. FORD delivery in fine mechanical condi tion: good tires; a bargain, $275. terms. 3t Grand ave. North, near Burnside, CADILLAC, 8 cyl., 1A1 model. A-l con dition, just ripht for the for hire trade: 11700. AH 801), Oregonian. FORDS from 1914 to 1920. priced from JlOO to $jOO. Myers Auto Co.. 411 Davis. 1914 FORD touring: car. Rood snap if sold at once; Inquire o'-UO 02d st. S. E, lil'DS N Super-Six. 1 i 1 S ; Buick 6. Phone East 564. FOR SALE 1JM8 Franklin, st. A. L. Tnman. FOR S. 414 Morrison A DODC-B for sale by owner. (evO. CU