12 THE MOltMXG ORKGOMAX, MONDAY, JANUARY' 10, 1920 COHVEHTIOH PLftNS MADE INTERSTATE V. M. C. A. MEET TO BE IX McMlXXVILLE. Associate General Secretary of Eng land and Member ot India's Council to Speak. I'ians for the interstate convention of the Y. M. C. A. for Oregon and Idaho have been practically completed. It is announced from the office of W. W". Lillon, recently named as inter state secretary to succeed I. B. Khodcs, promoted to the state office at Columbus, O. It wijl be held in McMinnville January 30 and 31 and .February 1, with delegates from both of the states named representing various sections. Special speakers from other states and countrtes include Marry is. Holmes, associate general secretary for Kngland; B. C. Sircar, of the na- tional council of India; Gale Seaman, t IJeorce L. McDill and H. O. Stone, of California. There will be a fellowship banquet, special industrial pro Kramme,, book exhibit, charts and maps. "It will be the aim of this conven tion to survey the field with a view to laying out a policy for extensive and intensive development within the fields now organized and those desir ing association work," said Secretary illon. "Men are wanted to attend who will give their counsel and ma ture judgment on the vital questions to be faced. There will be representa tives from industrial, railroad, city, county and student branches of the work to lend their aid in the plans that will be formulated at the con vention." Mr. Sircar is to be the most spec tacular figure at the convention. He worked with Sherwood Eddy during Kddy's recent visit to India in con nection with his great evangelistic campaign and came to this country about three months ago to give some time in connection with the foreign work programme. Brownsvlle Pioneer Is 80. BROWNSVILLE, Or., Jan. 18. 'fSpecial.l J. C. Hunter, Oregon pio neer, celebrated his 80th birthday last week. He has been a resident of Oregon for 67 years. Mr. Hunter Is living with his son, John Hunter, who is a farmer residing north of town. The octogenarian was born in 1S40 in Kansas City, Mo. When he was 13 years of age he came with the family across the plains, and in spite of his youth had the honor of driving an ox team into Oregon. His parents took up a donation land claim three miles wert of Albany. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Nurse maid to care for chil dren; must have city references. Mult nomah hotel, suite 100. Call mornlnps. AMISEMENTS. CIRCLE FOURTH AT WASHINUTON MARION IIATIES IN "THE DARK STAR." Also a new picture and & clever, snappy comedy. Open from 9 o'clock in the morn ins: until 4 o'clock of the following; morn ing. I Box Office Sale Opens Mon day. Jnn. HMh, lO A. M. Add 10 Per Cent War Tax to I I Value of Seat Desired. HEILIG BROADWAY" AT TAYLOR. WED. BE.Jan-ilst Ellison-White Conservatory of Music Harold Hurlbut, Director. Presents JVew Faculty Artistst ELEAXORE OSBORNE Bl'CKLEV, Soprano. GEORCK BCCKLEY, Violinist. DAVID CAMPBELL, Pianist. t Floor, SI; Balcony. $n Gallery, 50c (Plua Mir Tax). I TICKET OFFICE SALE I -i flPHIS TfMAY i wi i-iiw vm n l - . s. T IT7 TT ff Broadway at Taylor AXI-XlXVjr Phone Main 1. d.TNiGHTS,JAH.22,23,24 SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. OLIVER MOROSCO PRESENTS LEO CARR1LL0 GRACE VALENTINE EXCELLENT SUPPORTING CAST, RETCRV ENGAGEMENT BRILLIANT COMEDY iHRniiTn UUUIUMIIU I U I U l WARNING ! ! SECIRE TICKETS EARLY! REMEMBER. CAPACITY HOUSES WHEN HERE LAST AUGUSTS EVE'S 2. .SO, SI, T5c BOe. SAT. MA I.SO, SI, SOc Public Auditorium OPERA SEAT SALE NOW, Sherman, Clay Jt Co.', tor the EIGHT PRODUCTIONS v UT WEEK THE CARLO IMERICJ'S SREATEST I0UR1KG ORGftNlIATIOJL fwt mmnora Prnnl CKnUGUlSHEO WSERJCaH AND EHRCPEAS STARST STUPHONY ORCHESKA ERILUAKT CHORUS. SUPER STAGE SETTINGS. THE OPKRASj fTt Mondnr. 'RiriOI.KTTOj TuedaT. A IDA I Urdnradar Mstisrr, TALKS OK II O I-' V M A N !'t Kvfninar. MMK. H IT 'V T K R K L Vj 1 bursdny. ftVAI.. I KRIt AM) P A G I, I A ; C It Friday, MCItl Saturday Matisrr, C A lll K. i Kvrnlnc. IL TKOVATORK. All seats ready now. PRICESi MCHTS AND SAT. MAT. L, O w e r Floor, first 15 rows J2.20. remainder. 1 rows, $1.65; Press Circle, three front sections, J1.65; sides. $1.10; Kalcony. three front sections 85c, eides &5c IVKDSKSIItV MAT. flower Floor and Dress Circle. 60c cheaper; Balcony, all 55c. Jarlfle C'oaat tour under direction of I :iliaon-Yhite Muaical flnreau. Loca4 ruyafirement under auspices of CITY OF rORTLA.NI. AMUSEMENTS. THI BESTS IN VA UDIVILLI 3 Nights Sun.. Hon.. Tun.. 15c to $1 4 Mais.. Sun., Moo., lues.. Wed.. 15c to 75o THU I LEW ItAIVBOW BRICK COCKTAIL I & CO. HcRm C ircle BOB MALI. Snow ft Kig-worth. Klnoarama Topic of the Iay LVOXS I RtTR & I Bl'DD YOSCO This Show Clown With the Matinee Wdnfdjr, Jan. 21 A K E R STOCK COMPANY. Tonight All Week Mats. Wed.. Sat. Roi Cooper Meg-rue's corking melodra matic Crook Comedy. "ODER COVER." Next Week "Hero Comes the Bride." A TONIGHT. WED AND SAT MAT. ALCAZAR In the Greatest Comic Opera "THE FIREFLY" SUNDAY "THE RED WIDOW." PA N T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 s AU This Week. The Latest Parisian Sensation, THE OA I. CI TROCPE Presented for the first time in America. SIX OTHER BIG ACTS. Three performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 9. LYRIC ss CSICAL COMEDY Mat. Daily at 2. NinhU at 7 and 9. This week DILLON & FRANKS in "THE HEART BREAKERS" Just fun, music and pretty Chorus Girls. Country Store (extra) Tuesday night. DANCING GUARANTEED in eight three - hour less ons ladies $2.50, s-entlemen $5 at De Honey's Beautiful A c a d e my. Twenty third and Washington. New Classes for Br. Klnnem start Monday and Friday evenings. Advanced classes Tues day and Thur-sHnv evenings, 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desir able partners and practice. No em barrassment. My latest book describ ing all dances, free. You can never learn dancing by taking private les sons in small rooms from inferior teachers or in short class lessons. where there is no system of teaching A 3 Lu practice wim. w ny not learn in a real school from nro- irHsionai dancers. Phnn. ufaSr, ;56. Private lessons all hours. MEETING NOTICES. "WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M.r Special communication this (Monday) afternoon. 2 o'clock to conduct the funeral of our late brother, A. R. Burnett, am r i . , ., mwted. funeral committee take notice. lour auto will be appre ciated. Order W. M. . J. H. RICHMOND. See. WASHINGTON- CHAPTER. NO. 18. R. A. M. Called con vocation this (Monday) even ing. East Eighth and Burnslde Ir'""t. aV Vi0 o'clock. P. snd E- if. degrees. Visitors wel come. By order "E H P ROT QCACKEXBCSH. See. EAST GATE LODGE. NO. 153. A. F. AND A. M. Reg ular stated communication to night (Monday, 7:30. cor. East filth and Glisan sts. Work in M. M. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. By order Wor shipful Master. CHAS. P. NELSOS, Sec. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO 160. A. F. AND A. M. Spe clal communication this (Mon day) eve 7:30. E. 43d and Sandy blvd. M. M. degree, visiting brethren welcome. Order w. M. H. F . CHAPIN. Sec. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Monday) evening at 1 o'clock sharp Work in K. C. degree. Visitors welcome. w- S. WEEKS. Sec HARMONY LODGE. NO 12. A. F. AND A. M Special communication this (Monday) eye., at J o'clock. Work in the Master Mason ripirr. viniiin. brethren welcome. W. M. DE LIN. Sec. bELLIVOOD LODGE, NO 131, A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Mon day) evening at 7:30 o'clock: work in E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. M. J- H. BUTLER. Sec. SUKNYS1DE CHAPTER. NO. 128. O. E. S. Stated communi cation this (Monday). Jan. in. JT 8 P. M.. in Masonic Temple, East J9th and Hawthorne ave. Social. Visitors welcome. Rv order of Worthy Matron. KCI.LA DUNNING, Sec. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27, O. E. S. Stated communica tion this (Monday) evening. So cial. Visitors welcome. By or der of W. M. MARIETTE ROBINSON. Sec. V OODLAWN LODGE NO. 171. L O. O. F. Meets every Monday evening. 8 P. M. at 444 Dekuna ave.. Wood lawn hall. Visiting brothers espe cially Invited J. HAROLD HART. Sec. ROYAL CIRCLE. NO. 52S. NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT Officers and members are hereby notified to attend the funeral services of our late neighbor, Allen A. Daly. Monday. Jan. in. 2:30 P. M.. at Holman's parlors, cor. 3d and Salmon. CARRIE J. DAY. G. N. MARGARET WERTHE1MER. Clerk. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms. ! It designs. Jaeger Bros.. ll- 4th at. fRIEDl.ANDIK'8 far lode smblsms, cas pins and msda.1. SIO Wsiblnstas sc. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction Boubs, 10 A. Furniture. 18U-171 Second at- DIED. BLAKELT At Vsugh, Wash.. January 18. Charles O. Blakely of this city, aged 69 years, husband or Mrs. Caroline Bluke Iv, father of Mrs. B. B. Kelly and Mrs. M. M. Moore and R. W. Blakely, all of this city. Remains will be at the con servatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414' E. Alder. Notice of funeral will ap pear in later issue. FLEMING At the residence. 201 Morris St.. January 7, Mary Fleming, age &S years, beloved wife of M. P. Fleming, 'mother of Anna, Alice, Mark and Frances Fleming, sister of Miss B. Bren n&n, all of this city.. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. M-KAY In this city, at his late residence, 0O East Glisan St., January 16. Will iam .1. McKay, aged 38 years, husband of Mrs. Otteile McKay. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. LEET At the family residence, 1445 Winona st., January 18, 1820, Mrs. Mary Elixa Leet, aged 58 years. Remains at the Holman parlors. Notice of funeral later. PETERSON Tn this city, January IS, Leonard Peterson, aged 2 years. The remains are at Finley's. Montgomery at Filth. Funeral notice hereafter. v 11RI. HARD WICK In this city, January 1. 120, at his residence, Mill St.. Charles T. Hardwlck. aired .-,7 ears 3 days. ITeccased i urvived by a widow. Mrs. I,ouila Hard-wick, and three sin ter. Sirs. J. Ft. I.add of Seattle. Wash.: Mrs. Emma Kirby. Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. Krtgar Coulter of Helena. Mont. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewes Undertaking Co., corner Third and Clay. Funeral notice later. 1XNKBAL NOTICES. POIS'DBXTER At the residence. 500 E. 4Jd st. NT., January 17, lOHO, Nathaniel D. Poindexter, aged 61 vtar?, beloved brother of Mrs, J. 8. Wishart of St. Louis, Mri. H. G. Grim wood of Los An geles, Cal., Mrs. W. S. Cooper and Ida SI. Wllliame, and uncle of Virgal Cooper of Portland. Friends Invited to attend the funeral service at the above resi dence at 1:30 P. M. today (Mondav), January 19, 19l!0. Interment Rose City cemetery. DALY At the residence. 439 E. 12th at. N., January 16. 1920. Ellen A. Daly, aged 66 years, beloved wife of Fred A. Daly, mother of Arthur D. and Frederick I... Ialy. Friends invited to attend the fu neral services at 2':o0 P. M. today (Mon day), January lit, 1920. at Holman's parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Inter ment RIverview cemetery; services at the grave private. San Francisco papers please copy. DARLING In this city. Jan. 17. Edwin O. Darling:, aged S4 years. 1! months and 6 days stepfather of Mrs. Rose A. Hawkes. residing at 809 Oregon street. The funeral services will be held to day, Monday), Jan. 19. at 2 P. M. from the conservatory cha pel of the F. S. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Alder street. Friends invited. Concluding services at the Portland crematorium. SWENSOX At the family residence. 733 Lmatllja ave., Jan. 17. Emma fawenson, age 23 years 7 months 2.J days, wife, of Perry Swanson, mother of Sarah, Caroline, John and Anna Swenson. Funeral serv ices will be held Monday Jan. 19. at 12 o'clock, noon, from the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc.. 414 EasX Alder. Friends invited. Interment Mil waukee cemetery. RITTER January 17, Charles O. Ritter. age i0 years, beloved husband of Mar garet Ritter, father of Frank Ritter and Mrs. Myrn Simmons, both of this city. Funeral services will be held today (Mon day), January 19, at a P. M. at the family residence, 3030 Poweil Valley road, corner 54th st. Interment at Mult nomah Park cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller fc Tracey. SWA.N'SOX In this city, Jan. IS. Laura Margurite Swanson. aged 48 years, be loved mother of Robert E. Campbell of La Center, Wash. Funeral services will be conducted today (Monday), Jan. 19. at 2 P. M. from Pearson undertaking parlors. Russell st. and Union ave. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. BROWN January IS, at the residence, 391 Tenth St., Lucy P. Brown, aged 81 years, mother of Albert M. and grand mother of Walter H. Brown. Toe fu pral services will be held tomorrow (Tuesday). January 20, at 2:30 P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at Fiftn. Friends invited. Interment . at River view cemetery, REESE At Lake Grove station, January 17, Henry Powell Reeae, aged 55 years, husband of Mary Reese and father of Mrs. B. E. Stevens and Fred H. Reese of thia city. The funeral services will be held at the residence today Mon dav). January 19, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment at Greenwood ceme tery. ANDERSON The funeral cortege of the late Richmond Anderson, beloved hus band of Hazel Anderson, will leave t,he residence. 1194 E. Harrison St., today ( Monday). January 19. at 8:45 A. M., thence to St. Stephen's church, where requiem masw will be ofTered at 9 A. M. Interment at Mt. Calvary cemetery. Ar rangements in care of Miller & Tracey. SHORT At 1015 E. 27th st. N.. Newton Short, aged 54 years 10 mont hs and 1 da v. The funeral services will be held todav (Monday). Han. 19. at 3 o'clock P. M., from the residence funeral par lors of Walter C. Kenworthy. 1532-34 E 13th st.. Seilwood. Friends invited. In terment Mu Scott Park cemetery. KOSKET la this city. Jan. 17. Getrude Kosttey, aged 16 years, beloved daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koskey of 9903 46th ave. S. E. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, Jan- 0 at 2 P. M. from funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy Sc Co.. 5&02-04 92d st. S. E.. in Lents. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery, SELBY At Vancouver. Wash., Jan. 10. 1920, Phoebe M. Seioy. aged io yearn. Funeral services Monday, Jan. 19. 11 A. M. from Limber's funeral parlor, Van couver. Wash. Interment in the family plot. Wih-on Bridge cemetery. Friends invited. DALY In this city. January 16, Ellen A. Daiy, aged 57 years, beloved wife of F'red A. Daly and mother of Arthur D. Da'.y and Frederick L. Daly. Funeral from idolman's undertaking parlors Mon day at 2:30 P. M., services at grave pri vate. San Francisco papers piea&e copy. FENDER In this city. January 10. Jacob P. Fender, aged 78 years. Funeral serv ices will be held today (Monday), Jan uary 19, at 2 P. M.. from Ericson's fu neral parlors, 12th and Morrison. Friends invited. BURNETT At his late residence, 1500 E. Flanders. Antoine R. Burnett, aged 62 years. Funeral service will be held at P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors today (Monday.), at 2:30 P. M. Fritnds m viLed. MURPHY The funeral services of the late Anna Murphv were held Sunday, January IK. at 8 A. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Remains were forwarded at 9:30 A. M. to Los Angeles, Cal., where interment will take place. CLYDE The funeral services of the late John Clyde will be held this (Monday; morning at 10 :30 o'clock at Finiey k, Montgomery at Fifth. F'riends invited. Interment at Mt, Scott Park cemetery. STRODE The funeral services of the late Victor K. Strode will be held today (Monday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at Fin ley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment at Rivervlew cemetery. FCXEBAL CARS. LIMOLSLNES for funeral services. JONES ALTO LIVERY. Marshall 114. FLORISTS. LUBLINER, TWO STORES We strive to pl R-'ft Mnrriqan. Portland hotel. Marshall 7o3. 34S Morrison, bet. Bdwy. c Park. Mar. 257. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral prays. $1.50 up. 465 Wash. su. bet. 13th and 14th. Broadway 2ST0. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 354 Washington. Main 269. A 1200. Flowers lor all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE-BROS- florists, 287 Morrison sC Main 7700. Fine flowers nd floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND ROSE NURSERY, shrubbery and landscaping. Tabor 5790. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 3121. lng building. Sixth and Alder sts. Sell- TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington St.. bet 4th and 5th. Main &1U2. K lltfl. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLiMAN & SON Funeral Directors Third ajid Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral 8err.ee for Tess. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash, st., bet. 20th--lat. west aide. Main 2691. Lady aaniFtan. A 7S85. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine tt. Phone Broadway 430. A 4508. Lady Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&S0N FTj'NERAL DIRECTORS. Main 0. Montgomery at 6th McENTEE & EILERS rneral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett ets. Telephone Broadway 2133. Home. A 2138. F. S. DUNMNQ, INC 414 E. Alder Phone Kast 52. Perfect aervlce. peraonal direction, free use of tioral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEJMAR 8accessora to Wilson Koss. Multnonuo at E. 7th. East 54. Irvipg-toa district. V T, IVftRCH S- 11ih aud Clay ERICS0N velith and Morrison ata, Broadway A.. D. KENWORTHY CO.. 5S02-04 92d St.. Lents. Tabor 5I8T. A.R. ZELLAR CO. Vic v. c loss. BREEZE & SNOOK T10&gejrffi 6KEWE3 nSDEKTAK'LNG COMPANY, 3d uid Clay, U. J.5. L,ady a&ust&ut. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or ovher information, telephone The Orcgonian, Main 7070 or A 6095. Hous 29. ACCOUNTANTS. JLL1LS R. BLACK, special auditor and accountant on involved accounts. Sys tems established and maintained; Income tax service; references. T28-9 Pittock block. Phone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. RkKlTTING and making of ladies' gar ments, reasonable; work guaranteed. J. Rcubln, Ladies' Tailor. 4u8 Bush Ac Lane bid g. ASSAYKRS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Day and niht school. Alisky bids. CAKKTKRIA. B & A CAFETKRA, 202'- Broadway, near Taylor. Home cooking". ItcHt quality. CARPET WEAVING. BHftOThe kind that wear the best are IiOJu mad4 from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug" Co. (former ad dress l.3 Lnion ave. . Raff tuks woven, sll sires. Carpet cleanlnir. refuting and resizing Mail orders solicited. 18 E. Sin street. Phone East 3uS0, B 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ras Russ. ail sizes Mall orders prompt. dend for Booklet. vxl- rugs steam or dry cieaned. SI. 50. FLUFF RUO CO.. S4-ri6 L'nlon ave. N. East B016, B 1475. CEI.HI.OII BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COM PAX V. 3S7 Washlpcton. Broadway 4a4. A 12 CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOvV IRMahon. 1011 Chiroprac tor. Thronsrs pronounce treatment casl est. host, permanent. Ill "treats'" $1.1. Tel. CHI ROPOOIST A ECU SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Esieilo and l-lorello La Veny. the only scKMitiMe chlropo. lists and jr'h rpeciallst in the city. Parlors 802 Ger linger bids., s. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. (jARTN'ER, foot specialist; corns. bun Ions .foot arches made to order. 311 bwetland bldg.. Olh and Wash. Main 108L JCIBCC1AR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal building. Marshall 5822. Multieraphing. mimeographing and mall advertising COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1798. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900. DANC1NJ. DANCING taught in 12 private lessons for $.: 4 lessons. $2. 0O4 Eile"-" bldg.. bet. 4th and 5th on Wash st. Main 5u04. DAXCING SCHOOL MRS. BATH, 308 Dekum bldg. 10-class lessons. $5. Beginners Mon. eve. Private lessons day ana eve.. Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage danclni. Miss Dorothy Raamusaen. olO Kilers bldg. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H.M.II.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st. Portland, Or. Re winding and electrica.1 repair ing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Broad way 1045. A 104S. MnTnaQ PPWrmwn ana i.iwiwiiw iiliiwuhu Re epaired Bousrht and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. 248 First St. Main 871. 1 F I CAN'T FIX IT TH ROW IT AWAY. Old vacuum cleaners repaired, bought and exchanged for new -or good ones. Bill Tankard, 507 Manchester bldg.. b5Vs 5th street. DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL, ROSE CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL, 415 East Seventh. East lb47, B 10U2. UENTS", LADIES' HATS. LADIES' hat frames made to order, clean ing, blocking, dyeing or ladies' and gents' Panama, straw, lelt and beaver hats. La France Hatters, 372 ' Morrison sc. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AN1 MILL SUPPLJE8. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-OU-87-S9 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO- Board of Trade bldg HATS AM) CAPS. TriANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. PAINTS," OILS AND CLASS. p. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison RASMUSSEN & CO., Second and Taylor. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 4th St.. Opp. City Hull. Ken Bros. & LAPSING GRANITE CO. Tr THIBOAT MADISON STREET Rate for Classified Advertisements in The Oregonian. laHy ud bun tiny Per nn. One line fc Two concert. tl to tl men , S2e Three ronrcutive times 80 beveo consecutive time 3e Xbe following c-larmif icutton excepted, tbe rate of which in "ic per line per day: tSHuationa Wnuted-Male. KittiutiotiH Wanted female. ad taken for leaa than two linen. Count mx words to the line. Advertisement! exre(rt PerHun aiM and Situation Wanted") wit I be taken over the telephone If the adver tifter la a nuhscribr to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the fol lowinfc day. Advertinrmenta are taken for 1 be Iaily Oreconian until 1 :30 P. M.; for The Sunday Oreconian until S P. ML Saturday. NEW TOHAY. Portland Rug Company M.t.lirdHLKtK U FLUFF RUGS THKKE'8 A DIFFtKENCL," WE Mt.UK ALL MZLS l.N BOTH ILLFF ANO KAU BUGS. 1-et La Call fur Vour Old ITarprta. Work VI ill Ale Keturued "I'rodaptly. Xlsul Orders Oiven t'rumnt AtbMiciwa. K CUSAM CAKt-KIS. Portland Uug Company 1672 East Seventeenth Street. I'hon. ii 14-4. lUther facaflc or Ham.. FOR SALE Two new modern six-room bungalows in lrvington. corner of K. 16Lri and Klickitat: lots 54x100. Qak flours throuphoirt, paneled 'linlnsr rooms. l;rc;e livinjr roorri3, CSasco furnace, etc. I'ricos, complete with fixtures and shades. J9uno each. om:rs, rio: cnSTiirmo?i ro, Telepkose Autu. Uito II. 15th N. STORAGE SPACE InTe-atlsate Our Plant snd Rates. Why A-asume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costs? CLAY S. JlOllSK, IXC, Drayace aad Storate, 12th aad Ol.smi. Pbose Uilwy. 3170. 51A Morage Loan CEdward E. Goudey Ct Co. ii. S. 11 auk. Building. . m. 3: I1AKUWOOU 1I.OOK1NU. ACM K KI.OUI1 WAXIXd. WINDOW AND CitXEIIAL CLKAM.NU; EXPERTS. BKUA DWA Y ohlrt. GET estimates lor now or old house, lund Hardwood Floor Co., Ih7 W. Port Park. HK.MNTITC IllNt.. K. STKPHAN. hemstitfh'ns. sralloplnic. If cordion side pleat, Lutluns covered; mail orders. I'll! FiitfM-k blk., Hroudwsy 1020. ROSS & CO, INC. WHOLESALE MKU. JEWELERS. 3D FLOOR MOHAWK BLUU. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. MUSIC TEACHERS. . Carroll Day. piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano, 1 nr. day, $3 mo. Bdy. 2005. KOI. K KN BECK, Kachrr of piano, violin; sll stringed instromcnts. 4UU Yamhill. OPTICIANS. NO PUOK1TEERINO ON SPECTACLES. Dr. Uo.-rge Rubenstein, the veteran cp- . tlcian. still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories. Kryptoks, alHO the cheaper grades. 226 Mt rrison " OPTOMETllISTS AND OPTH'IA N erasefc- OLASSES AT A SAVING Ay-AJ 1 solicit your patronago on the r bni3 of capable service. Thou- sands of satisfied customers- A trial wiil convince you. Charles W. Good m man, cptonietriat. 2QO Morriyon. M. 2124. . EVES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ED with modern Instruments. " Olasscs fitted from 2.o0 up. A. E. HURWITZ. optometrist. 220 First St. PIANO TININti. Special rates on church und preachers' pianos. J. F. Stephens. Tabor 5423. - PATENT ATTOKNACYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period or 74 years. All communications strictly coniidciittal; prompt, efficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN 4c Co., patent attorneys, San Francisco olfice. Hooart bldg.. M2 Market St.; Chicago onice. room toll Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 1U3, 12o 1' sL; New loin ollluu, v ool wortii bldg. ' R. C. WR1UHI 22 years' experience U.. S. and foreign patenu. 001 Uekum bldg. UOLOlmRc:, 62 Worcester bldg. M. 2525 PHVblClANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg Kheumatism. stomach, bowel, lung, liver. kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female disorders, erhi allectlons. blooa preasure. m'MOING rJlPPLJIiS. PLUM KINO SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co., 212 3d. M. I'KINlINti. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbein. Manager. Printing and linotyping, loo1 Front si, corn r tark. Main or A 141s. DQINTIMP w- BAL.TliSoiCOMPA.NY inm I 111U 1st and Oak sts. Main 105, 611-60 FAIXTl.XG. C. H. TERRILL. house, sign painting, pa- P-Ting. tinting. .Tabor 2611. 310 E. 44th. SALTED AND SMOKED I'ISH. ALASKA HERRING &. IMPORTING CO., distributors of salted and &mokiv fisb. 221 Yamhill St., Portland, Or. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 FRONT ST. ' We buy and sell everything In the hardwate .and furniture line. Phone Main U0T2. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 DeKum bldg.. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOVIN'G-PAC.'C'G-STORAGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch rlS1 Bdwy. PHONE BOWY. 3309 ORKGOX TRAXSt'ER CO., 474 Glisn corner 13 tU. Phone Broadway lSi llti'J. We own and operate two large class A wareaouaes on terminal tracka LcwBt insurance rates in the city. W AMiiD BagKHfte to tranflfcr to any Part ut city: luiutcure movea tna scoreu Ii umpt eervlce. reasonable. Call iiU wy. FIREPROOF STORAGE M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO., 248 Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE ; TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 5105. A 105L MANUFACTURERS HIIKS. WOOL AXU CASCARA BARK. KAHN Bltoa.. 105 Front St. Pl.t.MBING SLPPL1ES ANO PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-S6-87-$9 Front. PROIIE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG & FARRELL. 140 Front at. ROPE AMI BINDER TWINE, Portland Cordage Co. 14lh and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAV. Build Your Own Garage V. e will deliver a Fectlonal Garags to you anywher In the nortbweit Tou can aet it up in a few boars. Send for circuLs.-. REDiSMADE SUiLDINS CO. S13 Bil. Ilth St. I'hwBf Lut G1I4W sfortlaBtL Or. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We Call and Deliver) Old Ran and Woolen Clothing;. We Make IleverniMc, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Koom-SIre Kloff Ruick, Woven, -M7..V) Hbc ttafra Woven All Sixea. Mull OriirrH rnd for Booklet. Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Itniev, Steamed Cleaned, $1.50. WKSTKIt K v4 lnion Ave. . I'hoor i:aat t51n WK CALL FOR VOIR OLD CAHPaETS. Ragi and Woolen Clot kins. FLUFF RUGS All Mora. Turned Out Promptly. KaR Kuara Woven All Siae. Mail Orders. Send (or Booklet. CarpeLa L'lnnril, Laid aad Re fitted. RORTHWKSr Rl'li CO. I KM Lla.t hth St. I'hone MORTGAGE LOANS ht-pavahle by InKtallmeaU If Oealrcd. Lownt Interest Katrs, Del My In Closinff. A. H. BIRRELL GO. AoMhw-Mrro Itpnk Uulldiair Maiaail 4JU4. mi iru. i I 7 1 t& SEAL, ESTATE, For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. A PA RTMKS'T HOVSK S VCRIF1CE. INOU.M V. NKA RLT l4.UvtO. Munt have -..O0O h; mtg. $13.0M. bil. lO.O'o terms. Prominent west side earner, completely f urniehed. Uni you are ready to do bufincsn do not bother. See our mgr.. room 1-19 W. Hunk bldg. For tale A WARNING You wlU make no miMake in buying a homesiie In Portland NO W. Land vat uc will tturely ad mice. It Is the only thing that bus not. Select with care a location of convenience : also one that wiil increase in value. I'm sure Walnut Park offers you that location. Cail on owner. . W. M. K.1 1-ICINGS WORTH, Office. 1 141 Union ave. OftUe hours. 10 to 12 A. M. I'hone appointments: Woodlan So04 or Woodlawn iul. LAUP.ELHURST SNAP. A beautiful larize lot of T0O0 square fret, with unobstructed view, close to car, with all Improvements In and paid, lis a Kitt at only 14io. See KASER & KAINK V, 823-6 Gasco bldg., Marshall 3125. FOR SALE View lot 60x115 feet. 2th and Kegeoti drive, Aiina farit. trice MRS. HARRY W1TMAN, Lebanon. Or. ALAMKDA PARK. Hamblett ave.; choice OOxloo at cost by owner. BuwybbU or AO 1:.2, Orcsronian. w LOT loOxlOO, Gregory Heights, $."r0. R. P. AUains, Aberdeen. vaan., box v-nerrj and Maple. WILL nacriflce my lrvington corner, 100X JiH) for fJUUU. Koom au Atuicnoman hotel. FOR SALE Portland Heights, fine build- ng lot, rhr-ap; improvements all in, 'i-ms. AC 38. Oregonian. liOSK CITY park lot $670. Hard-surfaced itr?et ail paid. l aoor i. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Located Just east of Laurelhurst park; 7 room and den; full bnse itirnt. built-in fruit closet, fine furnace, lirepiare. hard a ood floors d'iM nstalrs, large living room ; built lor a home. Will be hon by Mppointmtnt. .See J. A. McVarty at :;-.Hh and 10. Glifan st. olfice. Ta bor 3433. Kveninfia and Sunday Tabor 5007. A RAHGAI.V. A 3-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE AND LA KliE LOT IN ROSE CITY PARK. FOR SALE; HOUSE ALL MODERN EX I'EPT FOR BATHROOM: W ILL SELL FOR 17H). GOOO TERMS. WRITE AR 12S. OREGON IAN. LAURELHURST COLONIAL HOME. tt la re rooms ; lot o0x 100. You rnn almost make your living on this piece of ground; all kinds of frutt. and brrriea. good garage. This Is a forced sale; act quick. Ste Mr. t E L A H U N T Y at 2 7 0 S Stark Ft. o phone him. Alain 17u0. Residence East 2uti. PIEDMONT HOME. StiOOO Best buy in Piedmont: 7 rooms, east front, corner loOxlOO feet : 2 com plete bathrooms. 2 fireplaces, full cement basement, J-seclion wash tray, garage hai d-suriuce pavement; 2 blocks to Union ave. or KUHngsw orth ave. ca rs, 8 blocks to Peninsula Park, lit blocks to Jeiterson high school or Woodlawn grammar school. This place cost $1J,000 to build ana is a bargain at the price of fered; JwO cah will handle. Al. E. THOMPSON, 848 Mississippi ave., Wdln. 1733. Selling Agent for Piedmont. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $u-"U0. Beautiful 7-room bungalow with fire place, furnace. hardwood floors, all built-ins and every other modern con veniences; this is Just like new and i perfect home in every way; if you see this you will buy it. Must have S30U0 cash. R ELI A BLE IN VEST M ENT CO.. :;;, Oak st. Bdwy. 41 33. IRVING TO N 1 R V I NG TO N I R V I NGTON Splendid eil-huilt fi-room house, also large Bleeping porch, room for two beds; fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, down stairn: all modern conveniences; hou.se aa built 4 V years ago; has bfen newly painted and will be tinted from top to bottom ; total price $5UOU; luOO cajdh, balance monthly. FRED V GERMAN CO.. 73- Chamber of Commerce. $ jt'O BUYS a real home in Walnut Park. This home has everything modern, in cluding hot water heating plant ; the house couldn't be built today for less t hun $S0O0. Hns t hree sleeping rooms and bath on ground floor: a Iso a like number and bath on eecjnd floor. Near car and school. Streets paved and paid. See M. Billings, 0OU McKay bldg. Main 1 :;n. 1RV1NGTON. STRICTLY M O D E R N 1RVINOTOX HOME. 9 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH; CORN ER LOT: LA RGE OA RAGE. MIGHT TAKE SMALLER HOUSE FO I N DEXTER, L'iks SELLING BLDG. MAIN ISOu. RESIDENCE, U71-0. 7,00 LAURELHURST 70ou. We have it; a fine house, modern In every detail ; - fireplaces. large living room, 4 bedrooms, slecpinK porch, ga rage, lot 50x 10(1. fruit ; owner in sick and mut sell at once; $1000 cash, bat. easy. Ca:l Lawrence. E H. HOLMES CO., J7i Stark st. Main 8U01. fOK tiALE S-room house. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basemen t, wash trays, in fact modern in every way; street improvements In and paid ; on corner, southeast face, two blocks from Beaumont or Roe City car; price $o00, $4.".oo cafh required; no dealers. BP 423, Oregonian. " ooo irv:notoTh6m a Good tt-rooin modern house, faeins couth n lot ."iOx lOti ; hardwood floors throughout, 4 bedroom?, double windows In all; large sleeping porch, big, airy at tier cement basement, good furnace, Raraga. TOU Weidler bL lJhone East THAT VACAXT LOT. Why not turn a burden- Into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rs gt a, residences, anything; turnish plana and financ.. Established tea years. We offer oECURITV 6KRVICE, SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., ln. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. JUDO REAL IRV1NGTON SNAP $0000. This home perfect; living room, fire place, two bedrooms, bath first floor; a bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath second. With thia goes electric range, instan taneous water heater, atair runner and second floor cavpets; lot i.txlUO; garage. No agents. East 419. CV E R LOOKING RIVER 7 rooms, bath, baaement. large attic, lot 100x100; lots vf fruit; built for home; $..00 ; part terms; good buy for someone: non-resident owner. Se attorney, M6 X. W H.mk bldg. Main 4416. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $1650. Neat, well-built 5 -room cot tge, with hat h and toilet and concrete found a tion. in iudumrial district. $300 cash. $'0 piouihly. Fred W. Gorman Co., 73- 'hambnr of Commerce. 1RVINGTON JOOxlOO. frotithea-t lacing, beautiful 9-room home, massive stone fireplace tn living room, 5 bedrooms. 11 have tireplaces; concrete porches; 13. &J0, worth :J0.rMW). Fast 419. McDonnell. 1R VI NGTON Semi-bungaiow, 6 rooms; fine finish, plate glass, garage, $75O0. lrvington bungalow-, between Brar.ee and Knott, $tt5Mi; 6 large room,, fireplace, furnace, garage. Kn.it 4 19. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. In looking for a borne it will bo to your advantage to call Mr. btowaiu Tabor 6b8L FR SALE The Inte N. C. Tochles resi dence. 1103 Frank lyn. Willamette Heights, shown by appointment. I'hone Earn VAKiK JSCNNYSIDE Owner leaving cfty, big sac ritlce; 7 -room house, furniture, two lot, pavement, lrult trees, garden. Fhone Ka.st &:05. JUST FINISHED Strictly modern bunga low, g.i and electricity; full basement; price $U7."0; terma Fhonu Tabor '1M 8'd. near Wasco. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideaa and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Star t Office hours 3 to S P. M. Phone Jaato Rll Reg, phone. Tabor 194. VACANT 6 rooms, fireplace, w hite enamel kitchen, bath, bedroom, full basement. newly painted ; on car line : terms; by owner. Aiain .00; even., vva.n. 4oUS 4U'.'0 "0 CASH: 50x100; FURNACE; CLOSE IN. EAST ROOMS 54 3S. GOOD modern house for sale. $OOU; Call Marshall 141. XRV1NGTON HOMES. McDONEL fiOO EAST 14TH KT K EAST 419. IRVINGToN 7 room. $.".000. 4bU Xhuuiv REM. KSTATIV For ale Honxett. HOMK FOR SLK. "TUB M.til lKK SVTL.M" eliminates house-liuntinR pioUk-in, makes home huyinc a pleasure, puts you in toijf-h im mouiatcly ilii the homo uu a ro 1 on kmc for. M A N V L'N ISLAI. HA I; OA I NS, Before you buy ionic to our show rooms and sec over tffO photo :t plis of homes for sale, with pm-e, terms am! ad dress under o rry picture. y sot--tion of the city has its aMotriicnt of space. Kery home ofierr-J f.r tur consideration h;s been personally in spected and h ppraisM tv Fit AN K U MrCl' I KK. Our many years of expenenrr in the real est a te business, our knvIcdso cf aues and ot thu ocsirahle dt&tru ts ib a guarantee that your cverv interest will be protected. This is only a part of the service of "THE McOLIRB SYSTEM" which made it possible for ttits office to establish the unparalleled rei trd ot selling htw homes in one year. our 1-' automobiles at the service ot our clients. FRANK L. McGriRE To Huy Your Home. Successor to H. I. M.-t.uire Co. 4 VKAKS OF ISKKVI' K. Ablnston bltig. Main 10tS. Office Open Evenings and Minds. DUTCH COLONIAL A SNAP. 6 rooms and bath, full basement, furnace. Iireplae, hardwood tlooia downstairs, a line sleeping rooms, elega nt lawn. ! fine frui trees, ex.epLianaiIy large lot, tine Ka rage; niut bo set-n to be apuf ciatcd. See .1, A. McOarty t L o'.Uh and OH.n sts. olfice. labor V,;':- -Lvcninss and Sunday Tauor A CHANCE TO CHOOSE. I have 5 brand new bungalows In the best district f the citv; prices rtie from $..tk0 to $7rK. tiiiaraniet-rt fl r t-clasM in every respect; garage with each; all I in .movements inclti.lcd in price. See Mr. DELAHIXTY at 7o' Stark pt. or phone him fr iurt her in formatfon. Main 1 7no. KwniDgs and Sunday Kast U&ti.' THRIFT WEEK HOUSE BARGAIN. Owner bought farm, wants quick house sale. VALUE L'."00. TRICE JlfMS. POxloO. lots, 7-iooin house, good con dition, garage, chicken Imus", includes two heater;, water coil connection, pas stove, about 2 cords wood. tn briquet, lawn mower. Call at office or ro to Laurelwood. Mt. S. car. block E.. 1 block to 14oot) b3d st. s7 E. Exclusive agent s. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 7 Jtitt. Henry bid?. FORT LAN D HEIGHTS MODERN HOME. Practically new " rooms and pieeping porch ; good view of the mountains and the surrounding heights; clse to car and sehool; lot ooxHHj; will sell this tine little homo on reasonable payments if desired. Can be seen by appointment only. Not open Sunday. J. J. McCA RTHY, Abington Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. t:t.-o. Modern 5-room and breakfast nook, electric fireplace and heater, bookcase, buffet, eastern oak floor, Dutch kitchen, bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in white enamel, living room and dining loom in old ivory and papered with tap estry paper; one nenroom papered, one tinted and finished with cut-out border; lighting fixtures and window buades; ga-rag-: imp. in. OWNER. 4(4 GERLINGER BLDG. iiaitinuii s..tS, IX LAURELHURST. TWO BRAND NEW ONES. Bot h ti-rooms. all on one f ioor. t v pl ea! California atyle. Beautifully finished throughout in old ivory and tapestrv paper, expensive Oath tub. pedestal Wasn a i aim on i ioor. i win gua ran lee thse Piaces rirst-ciass in erery particular. Come out today and look them cr Drive out Burnsiue to 4Jd. one block north. No a gents or commissions. TURNER W1NSHIP. Phone Tabor 214 or Tabor 5!. E. BURNSI DE ST., bet. 'JIM and 24th ; here 1 ot ter you a' modern 7-room lioue with sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, and other modern conveniences, on harri suriaced street with all improvements paid tor. Price $3100. You can t beat this In Portland. Seeing is hehevinc Go out and look at the proper t . the number is 755 and you can get t'e key at our olfice ft you w i.-,h to ee the in side. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. U7 Park s-t. O X L Y $ lOO CASH AND HA LA N C E 1:0 PER MONTH. I ha a neat 5 -room house on (iiM st. and Foster road that I will sell ..n tne above pavinents; there Is no mortgage against this property; the- nmniiilv pav meiils are all that is necessary. Price is only $ I aOO. You rent pa ycr had bet ter hurry. as this kind of a proposit ion doesn't appear oi ten. J. J. McCarthy A bington bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Very cosy apartment cottage, of one apartment. Think of it! All by your self; fir trees, beautiful outlook and sur roundings, hardwood floors, oid ivorv woodwork. fireplace and gas heating s stem, tw o bedrooms and bath, living room, dining room and kitchen large porch; only JtiOu. tilu Chamber of Com merce bldg. NEW IRV1XGTON HOME. Modern and up-to-date. s large rooms., center hall, beautifully finished t hrougnout : tit pest ry pa per. expensive plumbing fixtures, hardwood floors open for your inspection today. Easy terms, t'orner of ll!th and Brazee Ms. TURNER & WiNSHIP. BUILDERS. Tabor 5004 or Tabor -ll'4. ON E. MORRISON ST. 7rrnom house on choice corner lot, with garage, hig sup ply of roses, flow era and fruit ; must he sold to clone an estate; will take 4;;750 and give good terms to ropunsibla pur chaser. For particulars cm 1 1 R EX" RIESLAND. 4Q4 Piatt hld.. 1J7 Park St- 'LOSE-IN 1 RV1XGTON RESIDENCE. S-room house in good condttnn. ttewlv papered and painted; garage and build ing fur fuel and storage; no basement p!enly of light ; east front ; nice vard with about 75 choice rose bushes. Phone owner. Fast I'L'Oo. COME iSlOE THIS BUNGALOW LU E. tSSth, block to Mt. Tabor car; yon will like the n rge living room. - bedrooms, handy kitchen, full cement basement. 5x lf0 lot. nic lawn, bt reels paved and pa id for, $:;ooo. $7,",o caFh. bH lance $L'5 per month. Call Ta bor KK Jl. N EAR OSWEGO. Trice J141MT We are instructed hv non- resident heirs to offer t his spiehd id tract of over ." acres in Oswego Heixhts. some clearing, and com I orta hie shack.' J50 cash. L0 monthly. Fred W. German 10., 7i Chamber of Commerce. N ICE H O M E 1 00x 1 0il. $4000 for a ii-rnom tmngaiow. modern and In flrt -class condition : has fur nace, fireplace, built-ins: lot looxlOO: fruit, garden; thre blorkA to car and in good d 'strict : terms. Sep m Billings rn MrKav bldg. Main i:;on -ROOM, J-stor house, all Im prove, -n en ta paid. 100x4S-ft. lot. rvear 47th and Di vision: $H'X mortgage runs 3 vears; give me $I4"0 lor equity, any amount down and bal. $J3 per month at ti per cent, price $.1000. This Is cheap hs rent, po why not buy It? A L !7o. Oregonian! FINE view home in La urel hurst. Th is place hns 8 room. Is bunnlow tpp. at r ict I y modern a nd can be bough t h t les than It is worth. Part cash, one block lo tar See M. Billing.', 000 Mc Kiy bldg. Main L1:m. IRVINGTON a r:. $ I'jnn buys a cod house or block from lrvington car. Will half 11 on trtns. W. II. ROSS, lion N. W. B;mk Bldg. .t04 Mut-KKN bun c.i low on E. " th t.t .. not far from Sandy blvd. Thin p'ae Im in Ihp bst of eondftion and i a bii r ga in for the money. Trrmf. Sep m Fti' Hp gs, rno Mc Kay bldg. Mm In I :;;0. 1 oO N EAT. modern ."i-room cotia Nearly '2 bus, every t h in g clew r; K. 4 7; h St., near Belmont; nuhk al prlrf, a am leaving city, fall OU Chamber oi Commerce. Phone Marshall 1 0.V1. 6-ROOM FPNGALOW JCr.OOO OWNER New and niot'ern. full concrete hap nif nt. P'li'.'h kitchen, furnai o. Wood law n no:! k. l.-.th t. N. yj(HHi GCOD .'-rnnni buupalow on F. ;;t n street ; w hit ena met p! urn bin - ; terms See M. Billings. o00 McKay bldg. Main 1 tt-4'1 jjtjR SALE On Portland Heights, 2 ieel lots, young fruit treca und nil rubbery ; unobstructed v lew of river and uiuun lains. Tel. Mar. 11. FOR SALE Strictly modern homes; 6 nd 10 rooms. Furnished or unfurnished - 1 n. f.l "(tttT IRVINGTON Beautiful home near Brazee eight artistic ioiiih. Ivory and mahng any. full lot, garage: -S7.'Q. Fast 4 11 7-ROOM 2-story and attic h school and street cars, cloc i lawn 1GM use, near n. "W ood - IRVINGTON HOM KS EAST 804. T STREET. IRV AGT. 4-KOOM house for tale, curner o Em- ciauu sL. 00. tcruut. BKAL ESTATE. t or 8a le -House "VVII T IS YOLK ANSWER? Continue paying rent and remain homeless or in tailgate Walnut l'ara. a id OWN A Ho .M K OF YOU U OWN? l-ots are io-.ln) fcrt, with li loot streets paed and paid for. loovnicni-e of i car lines ; also J ef tcr n limb bcl.ool and library. Extra in 4lureuit.'uts oiiered lor i moro homcj this m:nth. You will make no nit lake by vailing on tne owner. V. M. KlLLlM.SVYORTIi. Office, lit'. Union ave. Ofliee hours. li to I- A. M. I'hone appointni-nte: Woodlawn 3304 or Woodlawn f;l. AO E NTS. ROSE CITY I'A K K BUNGALOWS. 477.0 TO (t.7iO. According to tis,c ani location. 5. tt. T-rooin, sleeping porch, breakfast Oook, fireplac. bookcase, buifct. eastern 31 far oak lioors, large at lie, cement base ment, i urn ace. garage. Imp. In. Thesi houses are finished in oid Ivory and uhite enamel, are papered with tapeMiy paper, have lighting fixtures and w in qo w shadws: as near com pie to as pos sible and unrot Le tut.t toiiuy lor me price we are now asking. OWXElt, 404 (JEUUNCKR BLDG. Marsha ii ;s. NEW MT. T A bolt HOME. 7 rooms, bath, fireplace, buffet, Puten kitchen, full plastered basement, barn and four lots, f Miuo, lilf cash, terms, ot S7mu cash for quick sale; lea-ving town, fine view. .Mt. Tabor car, cor. iu. Alad Isonand Vrtth sts. Suburban Homes. EXTRA CHOICE COUNTRY HOME. 2 acres of perfect land, ltH choice fruit trees bearing, -rooin bungalow, hot ana cold water, gas, electric lights; h beautiful grove of natlxo treca near house; close to tehool and church and electric railway station ; tt miles lon land courthouse; price $."0OO. half canh, balance 5 b- You cannui beat, thia lor ahte. See It. R. M. GATEWOQP CO., 165i 4th St. HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER CHEAP. US acres of genuine rith loamy river bottom land, ail ctcared. no better in Oregon; good house. U barns. chitkn hoiihes, l vc.etabie house, m ilo from paved road, but on good macadam road; I's miles from Sheridan. Ail Improve ntenta in first-class condition. No better land lur berries or vegc tables; ;;tiUU; lO'Ji) cash, balance to suit purchaser. . Q. W. HEIDER. Sheridan. Or. Jllttn BUYS that dandy l.itlc 4 -room bun galow with gas. electricity and water, on choice sightly lot witli fruit and ber ries, chicken house and barn, in thriving suburb on the Oregon L'lec. Just the place to hop into front your high-rent a pal linen t. The ins-la 1 1 men ts w ill be smaller than your rent where you ate now liinq. For particulars call tit 4'4 Piatt bldg . 1-7 Park st. F IX E SUBURB A X HUM E. Five rooms and att ie. modern, cor ceilings in living room, fireplace, cement basement, furnace and laundry tras, baih and Dutch kitchen; l."n10t cor ner lot. fruit, berries and chicken house, only S.ViOU. el-'.UO cath. 615 Chamber of. i 'nm merce bJdg. i.' OK SALE Good country home. IS miles 'roin Portland, on the Oregon Electric Hy., 4 -room house, i urnihcd, lot long fruit and outbuildings; hout-e in .Lircd for $700; about ;tito feet from Rv. natu-n. A good buy. Price looo caiu AUlress John obcrg, Toiujuln. r. tUtEGOX CITV LINE. 5 acres, all under cultivation, good family orchard. 4-room house, other out buildings, acre strawberries. 4 blocks from station. JS.Vif) cash. b:il. yearly BROWN BIDDLE. oL'l Ry. Exch. bldg. ONE BEAUTIFUL ACRE. On the new H illshoro highway, f rut and berries, three-room cottage a iil wood shed: don't miss this: oniy $17o". F. 11. UESHOX & CO.. fiirv Chamber of Commerce Bids. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, weil located, near car Una. from $1S00 up. Inquire Gd house north of Risley stat ion. on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." .For ale B4idneh Troperty. W L' A R T E R R LOC E on t ra c k a ge. Ea s t Watei street, between Morrison anU Dawihorue bridges; sacrifice for quick jfale; easy terms, owner. AK "ay-, Orego nian. GOOD F.L Y DON'T MISS. THIS. EX CE I.LENT SITE FOR GARAGE. APAKT M KN T HOI.- E. ETC. Good income-pa ing buiiding 011 it now. MUST SELi 1. "v. tier. 1 S4 First st. Fruit and Nut Isanti. WHITE SALMON. WASHINGTON. S U-3 acres bearing orchard in the White fc-ntmon valley, finest jjrw.lc spit stenberx. Yellow New town. Arkansas JSat ks and W in ter Bananas, j milts down grade to shipping point; over l.'.Ou boxes crop this jour. Sacrifice for quirk tale; eastern owner will bo in bile S'Hlmoii one week. Come and make me an offer. M 1 a. J. J. Con ger. White Salmon. For Sale Acreage. TEN acres, well Improx ed. good ti-rooin house w tth fircplu'., barn, milkhouse. 7 acres in oats? and vetch. 1 aero straw berries, fa mi ly orchard, paved road. 1 milt; to electric station; price o500. $jfMl cash, balance to suit; might consider resilience up to $-."-00 in exchange or grocery toek. Hi acres, well improved, on paved road. 1 "i miles to electric tela lion, good 6 room house and barn and other out buildinsi; windmill and tank water pipes to houc and barn; land all level, 1 J acres under cultiv a t ion. balance pas tures w ith some timber; J good cows. 1 hog. chickens, all farm im piemen ts, price $."iunu, 3loo cash, balance to suit. See Rmwn .V- Eiddlc. at ;-4 Railway Exchange bldg., i"d a nd Stark. TUALATIN VALLEY WE R 111 AND CHICKEN RANCH. 1.i fine acres, in cultivation, "J 1-s pasture, all fenced, assorted family or t hard, cherries, apples, grapes and ber ries, eight-room plastered house, good ha rn and some out build ings, two tar lines closo by; a!) for $;mio. terms. 0L5 I'h.imber of Commerce bldg. FoH SA LE The follow ing tracts, toe a ted ii?ar Sifton, Wash.. 8 miles e:st of Van couver. IO miles to 1'ortland; all ies than 1 mile from electric car and paved highway: all In cultivation; J1 acres, i rooin hous?, barn, chicken house; some im;iH fruit; ali under fnce ; $:;'50; $H.iO casli. S. D. Montgomery, till to a, Vjish. G A R D E N HOME A'RE. all in cultivation and with gas.- electricity and piped w a trr 111 the street : no buildings or fruit ; f ir nale by owner fr $ 1 000 on very eas terms. Will accept Ford cur a- first payment and give 0 years on bal ance at 0 per cent. See owner at 4J Washington at., or phone Main S J'JO. 10-ACRE TRACT,' all clear, dandy creek runs over the corner, near thriving town in Willamette valley, ju-t the place fur an old couple to make a per manent home ; $ t.",uu. J.ino cash. .Micht trade for a good piece of Portland propert v. For partieu tars call at 4o4 Plait Bldg.. IL'7 Park St ti'z MILES 0TII AND WASH. STS. ;- ACRES. Tualatin valley, on hard road, all fin-e black soil, in cultivation, good ."-room house, out buildings, orchard. If uold this week. i!.-'Ort. terms. H. F. K KLLV, 7 1" Pw el land buiiding. bono ACVtES in southwestern Washington fo- sale to settler only; easy terms, low price. " per acre and uu. Liberty bone accepted at par. Write for map showing location, term--, etc WEYKRHAUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tru'om a bldg., Ta-onia. W a s h: ATT R ACT I V E development proposit ion in Oregon ; tow nsit e n ra 1 1 road, I l'OO acres cf la nd. 10 mi hea ring fruit trees ; pump ing irrigation for orchard, equipment and livestock; price $io.0oo and a good busi ness oppe-rtunit y. .j I 11 1, O-egonian. ti A 'RES beaver da tu ; new 4 -room house a ltd barn ; $:'.ttito; - cmsIi. ,"( acres beaverdam. :;." per sere; 2 loggcd-olf 4ns. $'0 per acre ; fenced Bcp rai e. and st pral ot her places. Call on or ad dress S. 1. Montgomery. Sifton, Vah. il .VltliS -rorm luiusi and outbuildings, about 10 acres of this land In bearing prune orchard and other fruit: $40o. .1'im cash. IO acres, good hou.-e, barn a nd out I'uildin gs: car stops in front of house; $:7m: -f-'hti cash. S. D. Mont gomerv, Sitton, N ath. A T T E N T I O N I 'i R T I A N I . A m com pel led lo sell for ca -h at once, beHUpfttl half-acre tract at Hillyrd; cent fa re from Spt kane ; no reasonable cash oftr refused. Reply Mrs. N. Burg Net hTlrin'l." hot'!. Portland. Or. TEN acres prunes, two sets hi!gs.. room btune hnusc and 4-rooin frame bouse, paved road, school house and car j blocks. Foster road and Lenox ave. Bruce. SEN' EN and one-lb ird acres, with runn ing r-tream, close to Msyhery station, on Hull Bun line, S 1 1"". tcriii liroadw ay ltoS. ?o!t regon hldg: 4 A'RES at Ruby .junction, '2 - room cot ta;e. one acre cleared, balance fir grove, JJHMi. terms. Broadway ltjOS. J0J ure gn bldg. FoR SA I.E Tw o acre;, near Lenta junc lion tn Buckley ave.; make a fine chicken ranch; call Broadway olio, room 4 A 'RES near Gill is station, all cleared, v erv best of iol I. 2-room shack, 1 7.".ll. terms. Broad wav 1G.'K. , On-Ron hldg. MILES FIFTH AND WASH STS. 0.0 -ACRE tract on Base line road, tuull hoiist- and barn, creek, (toOH), part iiu