THE jrORXINfi OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1920 'STRAIGHT VOTE' BILL made against it during: the past sev eral months. Senator Howell, who In th voting early In the afternoon had supported the bill, was absent when the final vote was taken. Had he been in at tendance the vote would have been 18 to 11. Senator Huston during the early afternoon skirmishes voted to lave the bill referred to the judiciary committee to make certain that It was in every way legal, but when the measure came up for final pass age, he voted for It Senator Eddy offered an amend Measure Aimed to Simplify Elections Fought. By a Special Arrangement Recently Consummated We Are Now the Exclusive Distributors of ment providing that the governor should withdraw as a member of the fish and game commission, but his amendment provided that all members should be appointed by the governor. His amendment was voted LOBBYING ALREADY BEGUN down by a vote or 17 to 12. Senator Huston voted with him on this amendment, while Senator Howell was present to cast his vote against such a proposal. Hill Sow in Sight Said to Be Sim ilar to Ojic Killed by Senate Committee in 1919. HOCSE RECEIVES 14 BILLS Number of Highway 3Ieasurcs Are Introduced. lnimmia.M : : r t .11 Mr H H 1 IWWi (HI! C".i vVON. - -SaN f'' Jtfr--. JPV ft S. -s AROUSES DEMOCRATS i 11 mmMmmmWmmm IX TI STATU CAPITOL., . Salem. Or., Jan. 35. (Special.) One ot the political bills of the session is designed to en able electors to vote a straight party ticket. Immediately upon learning that the bill was in- sicht, democrats began lobbying to put the skids un der it. The measure is practically. the same aa one offered in the 1919 session and which passed the house but was killed by a committee in the senate at -the request of Senator Pierce, democrat. Under the present balloting system an elector must make a cross opposite the name of every candidate voted for. If the straight ticket is to be voted, the elector must wend his way through the ballot, carefully picking out nominees bearing the brand of his party. This requires a little time. The- straight ticket ballot is so ar ranged that an elector, by simply making one cross, can vote for all the .candidates of his party at a general election. The system is in vogue in many states, but its adoption has al ways been successfully resisted in Oregon. As there will be presidential, state and county elections in Oregon In November, a straight ticket ballot would simplify voting and would keep electors, to a large extent, within th lines of their party. The persons mostly concerned in defeating the bill are democrats and influences are now being brought to bear to smother the measure in com mittee, as the chances are better there than on the floor. SENATE PASSES GAME BILL ' onlinu(l From First Tag1.) can say, whether we are for or against the bill, we can rest assured that the governor has been with us because he has changed so many times." Thomas' Taction Foiled. Senator Thomas attempted to tire the senate and defeat the bill through ridicule, and after he had spoken for two hours. Senator Banks protested against what be declared to be un fair action on the part of the Jackson county solon. Senator Norblad. one of three leg islators who framed the new bill, started the argument Qn behalf of those who favored its passage. He said he represented 80 per cent of the commercial fishing interests of the state, interests which were bring ing into Oregon $12,000,000 a year. He said the bill met with their ap proval and was the only solution of a perplexing question. Senator Kddy launched an attack against the legality of the bill, and likewise assailed the provision which takes the appointive power from the hands of the governor and places it in the hands of the lawmakers. Sen ator Ira S. Smith and Senator Oill likewise voiced thc4r opposition be cause they thought the legislature should not name the members of the commission. Delay Found ImposMlble. Time after time Senator Pierce led movements to postpone action on the bill by moving for adjournment or moving that the bill be referred to the judiciary committee for further consideration. Iiach time the motions were voted down as those who wanted the bill passed were in no temper to delay longer. Open resentment of Senator Pierce's methods was ex pressed repeatedly by those who wanted the question fought out and settled on the floor of the senate. After the bill had been finally passed on third reading Senator Pierce arose and declared it to be disgrace to the senate and the state of Oregon. "If I were the governor of this state I would veto this bill," he said. "I would throw it back into the teeth of this legislature which passed it." Probe Measure Recalled. - No sooner had the bill been passed and the result of the vote announced than Senator Norblad moved a re consideration of a resolution which had been tabled yesterday providing for an investigation by a legislative committee of fish and game affairs, as had been recommended by the fish and game commission. Efforts were also made to block this legislation. but those who voted for the bill were in a clear majority and had the bill brought back before the senate for consideration. The resolution, which originated in the house, was then adopted, with Senator Baldwin, democrat, register ing the only opposing vote. Senator Vinton, president of the senate, announced the appointment of Senators Norblad and Gill as senate members of thi3 investigating com raittee. Legislators in both the house and senate asserted the vote on the bill was a complete vindication of the fish and game commission from all charges and insinuations which have been STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Jan. 15. (Special.) A total of 14 bills were introduced in. the house today, as follows: H. B. 61; Jackson county delegation I Kixtng salaries of county officers of Jack son county. H. B. &i. roads and highways Authoriz ing slate highway commission to repair damaged highways by force account or otherwise and declaring an emergency. H. B. 63, joint ways and means com mittee Appropriating $600 for portrait of late Governor Wlthycombe. H. B. 64, by joint ways and means com mittee Granting additional appropriation of SSaOO to public service commission. H. B. 65, by Gallaghci Increasing sal ary of state engineer from $3000 to $4500 per annum and declaring an emergency. It. H. 66, by roads and highways com mittee Increasing state highway revolv ing fund from $3",000 to $7S,000. H. B. 6, by corporation committee Ex tending corporate existence of private cor porations. A H. B. 6!, by Kubli Providing annual tax of .01G mills for support and maintenance of University of Oregon. Agricultural col lege and Oregon state normal schools. H. B. 70, by Wright Designating cer- I tain roads in Sherman county as state highways. H. B. 7t, by Weeks Relating to load and weight capacity of motor trucks. H. B. 72, by Mc Far land Substitute for 35, relating to angling In Willamette river. H. B. 73, by Dennis Relating to ca pacity and load of motor trucks. H. R. 74, by roads and highways com mittee Relating to matching of federal funds for road purposes. Salary Rise Bill Introduced. STATE CAPITOI Salem. Or., Jan. 1. (Special.) Under a bill intro duced In the house today the salary of the county judge of Jackson .county i would be increased to $2400 a year; county commissioners $6 a day; treasurer, 2OQ0 a year; deputy treas urer, J1200 a year; clerk, $3000 a year; deputy clerk, $1500 a year; sheriff, S3600 a year: deputy sheriff. $1800 a year; assessor $2400 a year and county school superintendent $2400 a year. The bill was introduced by the Jack son county delegation. Emergency Repairs Favored. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. In. (Special.) In cases where state' highways are damaged by floods, J slides or by other agencies, the state highway commission will have a right to proceed and repair the damage under contract without advertising for bids, should a bill introduced in the house today be enacted into a law. Money necessary for these re pairs shall be paid out of the high way funds, according to the proposed act. xJuMtA baa; I ll You may always be sure of serving the best if you let the DEL MONTE label be your guide in buying canned fruits, vegetables and food specialties. More than a hundred delicious varieties to select from. Pension Memorial Adopted. Dave Busenbark, rose. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 15.: (Special.) Placing Indian War veterans and their widows on a par n. i , H Tutors no f , K , ' f i 1 Wa, n-lth regard to granting pensions, is urged I "J" IVI BER TRACT in a memorial to tne united states congress adopted in the house today. The memorial was introduced by Representative Ivan Martin of Marion county. IS SOLD Interest Bill Is 'Withdrawn. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) The bill introduced in the house yesterday by Representa tive Burnaugh providing in certain nstances that the legal rate of inter est in the state of Oregon shall not be more than 6 per cent, was with drawn by its author today. Erection of Sawmill Near Ashland Also Is Proposed. ASHLAND. Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) A tract of 13,000,000 feet of tim ber on the Siskiyou mountain and ad jacent to the Pacific highway has been purchased by the Barham brothers who will begin logging operations at once. The new owners ident of Mel-! have purchased a sawmill wtaicli will be brought here and erected on tne tract. The tract' was sold oy E. T. Merrill. TheBarhams are also considering the erection of a tox ractory near the Ashland city limits where lum ber can be hauled from the sawmill by truck over the Pacific highway which will be nearly completely paved by early rammer. The rail road will provide rail transportation. MedTord Y. W. C. A. After $5000. MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) Cn Thitrtav tnnrntnir Mrlv A team - v ...... B ... - "nf 10 von n sr women.' started out to Salary Increase Bill in Senate. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Jan. 15. The second salary Increase bill for state officers gained a place on the senate calendar today when Sen ators Pierce, Orton and Eberhard in troduced a measure to give the su perintendent of public Instruction a rise from $3000 to $4500 a year. CnllM Cy F Jr 't 1 jl is 'S, ff, . J m I i. - - & ' I I I " h - ;g oAsk the waiter v ! I ieL- I f-. i 32x3 1. J It r 3ix4 . - "- - Bp 344 - i R "' '''' i I i r ' ' . it- ' . ; si i X J. B. Roe, Jesse Steams. J. D. E3 Ml mi ill IP In the State of Oregon This Wonderfully Popular Make of Tire Will Here after Be Distributed Through Our Stores MARK well the importance of this announce ment. It means that motorists now have an opportunity to buy these splendid ribbed and non-skid Dreadnaught Tires, fully guaranteed for 6000 miles at prices heretofore unheard of. Our policy is to sell as we buy, and inasmuch as these tires came to us at great discounts off regular list prices we will sell them on the same basis. SALE ON DREADNAUGHT TIRES "Built to Conquer" 6000 Miles Guaranteed RIBBED I.iMt. Oar Trirev Some day when you are not very hungry and you don't know what a cat let him recommend a dish, tell him to bring along a bottle of Del Monte Catsup. Watch his smile of approval. He will know that you have selected the best appetizer possible, and that his recommendation is bound to please- you. And when it comes on the table, and your appetite wakes up, just remember that a bottle of Del Monti Catsup on your own table at home will help you get more enjoyment out of the meals you eat there. "DEL MONTE Recipes of Flavor," a new recipe book containing over 500 economical menu suggestions, will be sent free. .-...$17.73 ..... 22.30 ..... L'S.L'O "4. 2:. ..... r.s.2.) . "7 . "1 i . . 4 7.75 4S.5T, 4!i.S5 . . . . 51.55 1 W.7 1 !.. -:r. 7 :;.- -S.ti5 Size. 30x3 30xS S2x3 nix 32x4 33x4 3x 3:tx4 :4x4 SSX4 3x4 .VACUUM I. tat. OnrFrtro. 4 . ,$18.7. , ;;.! , r.?o . 3r,.i.-, , ss.75 , .-;7.'jo . rs.r.o . 48.?.". . 49.80 . F.0.95 . 52.90 i .o.- 17.15 20.2(1 2.r,r. U7.JM :j.7o :t7.:tri .0 W Alt TAX ( IIAItl.CS ADDED. Anticipate Your Tire Needs and Buy NOW! You are practically buying three tires for the price of two in this saJe. rip " . Therefore, Buy Tires Now. 1 UXJ iOlC Buy SuPPly of Dreadnoughts ana ocr tne most uuc or Your Expenditure Addraaa Department N CALIFORNIA PACKING CORPORATION San Fnncijco, California During this sale we will sell for lc a guaranteed gray rube with each naught tire. Dread- raise $5000 for th establishment of a Y. W. C. A. in Medford. Consider able enthusiasm haa been aroused over the movement and It Is believed there will be no great difficulty in securing- the fund: sufficient for the establishment of a clubhouse and maintenance for the first year. Redmond Bank Klccts IW rectors. REDMOND, Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) At the annual stockholders' meeting Tuesday night at the Redmond Na tional bank the following were elect ed directors for the comlngr year: C. K. Miller. Tlenton O. Burrlick. Albert Mohlcr, Rice and X. A. Burdick. The bank has been in -operation only during a part of the past year and has had a remarkably rapid. growth. Heppncr Snow Melted. HEPPXER, Or, Jan. 15. (Special.) Heppnefs second spell of severe winter weather has passed into his tory, the recent snow havinir mostly disappeared within the last couple of days. The thaw has been prradual and practically all the moisture haa soaked Into the ground, where, it will be stored In sufficient quantities for a bumper crop next summer. Portrait Fund Provided. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) Appropriation of not 1 to exceed $600 with which to purchase a portrait of the late Governor Wlthy combe is provided in a bill introduced in the house today by the joint ways and means committee of both houses. Rate Kxpert to Be Employed, i STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) Under a bill intro duced in the house today an appro priation of $8500 is authorized to em ploy an expert rate man, auditor and other clerical help by the state public service commission. Douglas to Ship Stock. ROSEBTJRG, Or., Jan. 15. (Spe cial.) A carload of stock will be shipped from this city Saturday through the Douglas county farm bureau, to the Portland market. The stock will be shipped under the co operative plan recently inaugurated by Agricultural Agent C. J. Hurd, and will be cared for en route by SIDELIGHTS OF LEGISLATURE OTATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 1 KJ cheaper lodging houses In Salem have joined wltn the large army of up-to-date profiteers and considerable criticism is being expressed over the upward tilts in room rent during the legislative session. One lodging house in particular, which has a weather-beaten sign in forming the wayfarer that good rooms can be procured for 50 cents, now charges as much and in some instances more than the Marion hotel, the leading legislative stopping place. It charges $2 a night for a room and you have to build your own fire in morning. Fred L. Boalt, editor of the Port land News, who is still convalescing from a critical operation of several months ago, lingered about the capi tal for a day and then departed homeward- He decided not to under take the rigors of a special session. His presence iB sorely missed at the evening sessions of the "fish and game" committee. Last year the house employed man at $5 a day to lower and raise the windows once or twice a week, but this year the outside payroll is so small that Joseph K. blnger, ser-eant-at-arm.. is having a strenuous lime in keeping everything in order with his small corps of assistants. Joe is likewise having a hard Uma at the nightly "fish and game" ses sions. Fred Currey. ex-city manaerer of Tji Grande, who is now one of Uncle Sam's revenue agents, is here with his weather eye upon legislators and 1 lODDyists. But he might as well ba in tne middle or the Sahara desert, if ne is seeking out any bottle cases. NUT-OLA Margarine is made f the delicious oil of the white meat of cocoanut-and highly refined peanut oil, churned in excellent pasteurized milk and salted to taste. It fully measures up to the standard maintained by all Armour Quality Products. It is churned in one of the most modern and finest factories ever built Its ever growing popularity is the strongest possible recommendation for its whole someness and satisfying flavor and quality. Spread it thick over crisp toast or golden -brown griddle cakes. . For table use, it will be popular with every member of the family- You will also find it excellent for cooking and baking. v. Avoid imitations. Get the genuine. Be sure it's Armour's Nut-ola ARMOUR COMPANY ,v James F. Furlong, Jr., Manager Portland, Oregon. Telephone Broadway 1380 This label takes the guesswork out of buying and the hard work out of the kitchen. MALE and h FEMALE Starts Tomorrow I MATIE DAILY j M f" i uifliiiwjLSSaS-i" mm ww ksssz mm rj " See Ad Paee 4 l l V 1 Mm package from your - 'iJj j j dealer .. . f&Firrr:: ii'iiTf"n r fr iiBrirriBiriig '" 1 11111 The Housewife's Choosing List for the Oval Label Shelf Star Ham ("The Ham What Ami Devonshire Farm Style Sausage Star Bacon, with 1535x2' Eggs. "Simon Pure" Leaf Lard. Vegetole (vegetable lortening). frUSeal Oil (For salads and cooking). Extract of Beef. Evaporated Mil lSXSf Grape Juice. We Are the Sole Distributors in This Territory for the Famous KEYSTONE TIRES "VSW KEYSTONE TUBES gayd M All fiRriFR If yorl Uve onf of town, order by mall. We jmar IIIMIU UilUklltf antee you will be satisfied with your purchase and you can return tires in ten days unused if thev do not meet with your approval. Express charge prepaid on a'll mail orders when check accompanies order. .Express charges not prepaid a C O. X). orders. NORTHWESTERN TIRE CORPORATION 444 Stark Street PORTLAND, OREGON Buy Electric Goods Front People Who Know! " V " Ofte One llf ' Soon After . f. Breakfast Time viyl I u v-tH? - , ti wttit the " Electric Washing Machine OSKC1N FOR A X) EMO riSTJRA.TIOM . OR FHONE. SotS tor Cask -or cm Small Monthly Payments Wash-day ceases to be proWwa mitai juu j S10 puts the Thor in yonr home. Balance easy payments. 3 9 Smith-McCoy Electric Co. 101 Fifth Street, Between Washington and Third 571 Washington Street, Between 17th and 18th Phone Main 8011 3