Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 16, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Bill Recognizing Route in Mal
heur Passed.
fensvre Kecognlaes Jordan Valley
Ontario Unit as State High
way; Ballot Is 51 to 4.
; STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or., Jan.
15. (Special.) What the state hlgh-
way commission declined to do, the
Z- '. nouse did today when it added a. route
l.- from Ontario to Jordan Valley, in Mal-
hfur county, to the state road map.
; It Is too late, probably, for Benton,
Zi-' 'Washington, Yamhill, Columbia, Boug
ie las and other counties to press their
'. representatives to also add county
roads to the state road .map, but with
... the precedent established by house
bill No. 4, a drove of bills of this
- character can be expected when the
I- regular session opens in 1921.
j In a way, the Malheur county road
J bil! can be construed as a criticism
of the policy of the highway commis
N, v .sion, for the commission declined re-C'-
peatedly to place this route on the
- state map. just as it had turned down
"Z. ' other applications. In the opinion of
the commission the original road map
; of 1917 gave them all the state roads
"' that they will be able to look after
- for several years to come.
- Two-Fold Plea Made In Hoase.
- The commission has admitted that
some of the roads which counties
wished on the Slate map, are impor-
t tant, but the commission hesitated
? about letting down the bars.
." The plea that enabled the bill to
J; ; pass the house today, however, was
two-fold. In the first place, assur-
a nee has been given that this road.
" once on the state map, will be paid
U I for by money raised in Malheur
" ' county. The second point is that
owing to irrigation development and
rr the opening of a rich territory in
; Jordan valley and vicinity, it is essen-
- tial to provide a road, or this busi
ly ness will be diverted to Idaho, instead
; Of remaining in Oregon.
According to Representative Galla-
, gher, sponsor of the measure, it is
- estimated that $110,000 will build the
road. The county has $30,000 of its
road bonds set aside for that route
- and in addition has $40,000 from its
. general road fund to be applied, mak.
ing $90,000 of the necessary $110,000.
Elmore Makes Only Protest.
The county, it was explained, hesi-
. . tated to have the route surveyed as a
H ' county road for fear that in the fu-
- . ture, when a state road is declared in
i- - that vicinity the state road may not
J t follow the route the county selects
n - and the county's money will be
T2.;. thrown away. By declaring it a state
road, it was argued, the , county s
X money ea.n be used on a road wliicb
will be permanent.
- On rollcall, 51 votes were cast for
the bill and four against it. Mr. El
more made the only protest, stating
"Z, '. that the highway commission has
power to add this road or others to
the state road map if the commission
deems it advisable, and he thinks the
v- - matter should rest with the commis.
.. Eton. -
Resolution to Cut Interest on In
debtedness of Counties Adopted.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan.
15. (Special.) Counties are author
ized under a resolution introduced by
Representative Burdick and adopted
by the house today, to issue refund
ing bonds to care for warrant indebt
edness. Representative Burdick spoke
on the floor in favor of the passage
of this resolution, which, he said.
would result in a great financial sav
ing to many of the counties of the
state. At present, he said, the coun
ties were paying from 6 to 7 per cent
Interest on outstanding warrants,
while under the resolution they would
be able to float bonds necessary to
liquidate the indebtedness at a rate of
interest not to exceed 5 per cent. Be
fore issuing these bonds it first will
be necessary for the counties inter
ested to submit the proposition to i
vote of the people.
Eastern, and. Central Oregon Inter-
ested in Wright BILL
J', STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or, Jan.
15. (Special.) Designating as a post
.highway certain roads beginning at
: a point on the Columbia river high-
. way and extending south through
s- . Wasco county to the southern line
of Sherman county, is proposed in
I ' bill introduced in the house today by
- Representative Wright. It is also
. provided in the bill that the construe
- tion of the highway so designated as
a post road should proceed under the
present laws providing for joint fed
eral aid.
Members of the eastern and central
Oregon delegations particularly are
interested in the success of this bill,
which has been referred to the join
..roads and highways committee for
Senate Adopts Pierce Resolution to
Investigate Feasibility.
" STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or, Jaa.
13. (Special.) Appointment of a
legislative committee to investigate
"the feasibility of establishing a state
training farm for juvenile delin
quents, which shall be operated on
the cottage plan, was approved by
the senate today in the adoption of a
resolution introduced by Senator
It is proposed to purchase a farm
of about 200 acres for this work in
L order to give youngsters an oppor
tunity to direct their talenta toward
agricultural and livestock work, as
a means of bringing about perma-
' nent reformation. The resolution
was transmitted today to the house
for approval.
ffnnHnu.d From First Payff.)
from Medford to bring his remarks
to a close. When the lights resumed
some minutes later, Mr. Thomas re
sumed his speech..
In the senate it was what is known
as a "big day," and it might be set
down as the day of the "big wind,"
for in the upper branch was- staged
the spectacular ba'ttle of the session,
the nsrnt over a Din creating a new
slate fish and game commission. At
. the end of three hours a test vote
enowed 1' members favorable to the
measure and 11 opposed.
Speaker Jones got the house under
way early and kept the members at
the task of grinding out legislation,
or throwing measures into the dis-
card, and good progress was made.
Before the close the house for the
first time was in position to consider
the accumulation of bills which have
been passed by the senate and which
are in the house for action.
Road matters received attention
from the house more than any other
subject, with the exception of a plan
for curbing amendments, to the con
stitution. The proposed amendment,
which la to increase the Indebtedness
of the state from 2 to 4 per cent for
roads, was quickly passed by the
house and when the bill was pre
sented authorizing the highway com
mission to issue $10,000,000 of road
bonds if the amendment carries at the
May election, only three votes were
cast against it. The three opponents
were Hughes and Weeks, of Marlon
county, and Schuebel of Clackamas
Malhenr Iload Bill Carried.
The first successful attempt to
change the state road map of Oregon
was made when the Malheur county
road bill making a state road from
Ontario to Jordan valley carried. A;
measure asking for a similar privilege
for Sherman county was promptly in
troduced by Representative Wright.
No more bills can be introduced in
the house without unanimous consent,
and before this move was adoptad 14
ew bills were popped.lnto the hopper.
Bills on third reading were quickly
disposed of in the house and shot over
to the senate, where they must await
the end of the debates before they
are taken up. The game fight in the
senate was so attractive that repeated
calls of the house had to be made to
maintain a quorum to transact busi
ness, and, as one member exclaimed.
"the members who are so anxious to
adjourn Saturday noon are the ones
who are listening in the senate. ,
Voting Measure Important.
Of more than common importance
is the measure in the house which
provides that no amendment to the
constitution can be adopted by the
people unless it receives a majority
of all the registered votes. If the
measure runs the gauntlet of the
legislature and is adopted by the peo
ple it will make it almost impossible
to add more amendments to the con
stitution unless the free and sover
eign voters of Oregon attend the polls
in greater numbers than they have
been doing in recent years. Politi
cally considered, this is the most im
portant measure which has yet made
its appearance in the special session.
Prelude to battle and indicating the
controversy between the Oregon Agri
cultural college and the University of
Oregon are two measures which were
offered late today. One is fostered
by Senator Patterson, providing for
six-tenths of 1 mill levy for the
Oregon Agricultural college. . Repre
sentative Kubii offered a like meas
ure in the house calling for 1 mill to
be split 50-50 Detween the two insti
tutions. Active lobbies have been in
Salem from both institutions all week
on this question.
Joint Resolution Asks Amendment
on Road Construction.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan.
15. (Special.) The house joint reso
lution introduced by James Stewart
of Wheeler county, providing for an
amendment to the- constitution ex
tending the - road construction in
debtedness limitation from two to
four per cent, based on the assessable
property of the state, was adopted by
the house today, with Representa-
ves Hughes and Weeks of Marion
county, dissenting. In case the reso
lution is adopted by the senate, the
amendment will be referred to the
people at the special election to be
held in conjunction with the primary
election next May.
It also is provided in the resolu
tioh that three representatives and
two senators shall be named by the
presiding 'officers of the two houses
to prepare and file with the secretary
of state arguments in support of the
proposed constitutional amendment
and that the same shall be printed in
the voters' pamphlet.
The success of this amendment
the hands of the voters will place
into opeation the proposed $10,000,000
road bonding bill which is now before
the legislature for consideration.
Proposed Act Would Permit Pree
Recording of Discbarges.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or, Jan.
15. Special.) As a means of pro
tecting ex-service men who might
lose or displace their discharge
papers. Senators Ritner and Shanks
today introduced a bill pr6viding that
these papers can be recorded by
county clerks without cost.
It was explained that in the future
these discbarge records might prove
of great value to many ex-service
men, and the free recording of the
papers as legal instruments is de
signed as a permanent protection to
those former soldiers who desire to
take advantage of the bill.
$1500 Rise for Engineer Urged.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or, Jan.
15. (Special.) Increasing the annual
salary of the state engineer from
$3000 to $4500 is urged in a bill in
troduced in the house today by Repre
sentative Gallagher.
Sale by Fruit Union Reported.
EOSEBURG. Or.. Jan. 15. (Special.
After a conference between J. O.
Holt of Eugene, manager of the build
ing department of the Oregon Grow
ers' association, . and the several di
rectors of the local plant here today,
complete transfer was made of th
Umpqua Valley Fruit union to the
state association. The deed for th
property in this city was valuedl at
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070. A 6095.
At once 1 Relief with
Tape's Cold . Compound'
The first dose eases your cold!
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling! A dose of Pape'a Cold
Ccmpoitnd" caken every two hours
until three doses are taken usually
breaks up a severe cold and ends all
grippe misery.
Relief awaits you! Open your
clogged-up nostrils and the air pas
sages of your head; stop nose run
nu g; relieve the !i-adach. dullness,
f everishnens. sneesing, soreness and
"Pape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and
costs only a few cents at drug stores.
It acts without assistance. Tastes
nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on
Pape's: Adv.
Prepare for
National Thrift Week
Uncle Sam has appointed the week beginning
with Saturday, January 17th, the anniversary of
the birth of Benjamin Franklin, as National Thrift
Week. Plan to make practical and personal appli
cation of the Thrift Week, schedule, given briefly
Saturday, Jan. 17. "National Thrift Day"
Practice thrift as a part of the duties of
a loyal citizen of the United States.
Sunday, Jan. 18. "Share With Others Day"
Give as a means of spiritual develop
ment; thrift and benevolence go together.
Monday, Jan. 19 -"National Life Insurance Day"
Protect your loved ones so that they may
not be thrown defenseless on the world.
Tuesday, Jan. 20 "Own Your Home Day"
Insure the greatest happiness in your
home life, and do your duty by the com-
munity you live in.
Wednesday, Jan. 21 "Make a Will Day"
See that your resources go quickly, with
out red tape, to the ones you wish to
Thursday, Jan. 22 "Thrift in Industry Day"
Work and save, to increase the world's
goods, and decrease the cost of living.
Friday, Jan. 23 "Family Budget Day"
1 Run your home as efficiently and with
as much system as you do your office.
Saturday, Jan. 24 "Pay Your Bills Promptly Day"
"Do unto others as you would have them
do to you," covers the whole matter.
"Master Money Matters or They Will Master You?
Oldest in the Northwest
Washington and Third
Senators Lachmand itiid Thomas
Muster Only Nine Votes In Favor
of Changing Present System. ,
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan.
15. (Special.) Renewal of the ef
forts of Senators LachmuDd and
Thomas to launch a legislative fight
against the Warren Construction com
pany met with sudden and decisive
termination in the senate today when
the Lachmund bill to prohibit the
payment of royalties on any patented
pavement was Indefinitely postponed
by a vote of 20 to 9.
Bithulithic and anti-bithnlithlc ora
tory consumed practicaly all of the
morning session of the senate, with
Senators Thomas, Lachmund, Pierce
and Strayer leading the fight against
patented paving. Senators Hurley,
Handley, Moser and Ira S. Smith ad
vanced arguments against the bill.
Opponents of the measure argued
pointedly and forcefully to the effect
that the open records of the state
highway commission show that out of
47 contracts awarded to the Warren
Construction company during the
past year even with the royalties on
the patent included the state had
saved more than $250,000 to the peo
pie of Oregon through accepting the
low bids on the patented bithulithic
The vote on the bill follows-:
For passage Eddy, FarrelL Lach
mund, La Follette. Pierce, Strayer,
Thomas, Vinton. Eberhard 9.
Against passage Baldwin. Banks.
Ball. Gill, Handley. Howell. Huston.
Hurley, Jones, Moser, Nickelsen. Nor
blad. Orton. Patterson. Porter. Ritner,
Gold Seal Brand Fancy
Creamery Butter, 2Ibs..Sl.S2
Egge, Oregon Select Freah
Ranch, per dos. 6R
Sago or Tapioca, per lb... IOC
Swift Cotosuet, net weight
5 lbs i.eo
Columbia Lard. S lbs. net
weight 904
Small White California
Beans. 11 lbs. for l.OO
Lima Beans, 7 lbs. for.... l.OO
Apricots. Table Fruit. Pyles
Kanrell brand, Jkis, dos.$4.50
Each S8
Peaches, Table Fruit. Pyles
Kanrell brand, J4. dos. 4.50
Each 38
Corn, Iroquois brand, dos. 1.75
Each 15
Van Houten Cocoa. 1.... t0
Van Houten Cocoa, 45C
Van Houten Cocoa.. Vis-. . - 25
Fancv Hood River Jona
than Apples, per box S2.2S
High-Grade FLOFR at Less Than
Wholesale Prices
Read your daily papers and you
will find that Flour will advance,
so better prepare yourself while
our prices are still low.
Superior V a n o y Hard
Wheat. Patent, per bbl.S)12.70
Per sack '. .. 3.20
White Rose Hard Wheat.
Vanev Flour. 49s. bbl.. 11.95
Per sack 3.10
Oat of Towi People Take grorery "sta of groceries wanted. We will
Particular Noticei quote you our lowest wholesale price.
208-210 Third Street, Between Taylor and Salmon
Special Mall Order Service Write for Monthly Price List Member
Urntrr Portland Annotation Wholesaler to Private families.
Hotels and Reiitaarantu Phone Main flln, 4-1ffVA.
k 'i
. 1
Shanks, Smith of Coos and Curry,
Smith of Josephine, Wood 20.
At a meeting in New Torfc of wo
men agents of one of our largest in
surance companies, six women were
present who had each sold $100,000 to
$300,000 of life insurance during the
TFbr Regularity
TheTriendly Laxative
Inlins only-Three sizes
. Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to b
genuine must be marked with the
safety "Bayer Cross." Always bny an
unbroken Bayer package which con
tains proper directions to safely re
lieve Headache, Toothache, Earache,
Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin
boxes .of 12 tablets cost but a few
cents at drug stores larger packages
also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester
of bailey licacld. Adv.
Juno Coffee
We Will Deliver Firf of Ctarcr o
"ear Knmt Shipping; point
By Parcel I'ovt
At Only 46d Lb.
Astd Rum of Oyloa Tea
at Only 60c Lk.
with the armarante that If either
of theae ia not satisfactory we
wtll rrfmnd the fall aout of
th pairbaM rfe.
ZS-Poaaa t'hrats of HOSK OF
Owing to the hih prle of eacar
Trap will advaaee 25e per gallon.
Crimson Rambler Marsh
mallow Syrup, 10s each.. SI. 50
Crimson Rambler Marsh .
mallow Syrup, 5s, each.. 85
Crimson Rambler Marsh
. mallow Syrup, 5-gaL '
Jkto., each 7.00
Crimson Rambler Cane and
Maple Syrup. 10s. each... 1.85
Crrmson Rambler Cane and "
Maple Syrup, 5s. each... l.OO
Crimson Rambler Cane and
Maple Syrup, 5-ga.L jkta..
ach l ... 7.T5
Crimson Rambler Bonnie
Pure. Cane Syrup, 6 -gal.
Jkts.. earn 7.75
Crimson Rambler -Bonnie.
Pure Cane Syrup, It-gal
jkts.. each 3.65
Crimson Rambler Bonnie
Pure Cane Syrup, 10s, .
each 1.75
Crimson Rambler Bonnie
Pure Cane Syrup, is,
each l.OO
All Mall orders will be filled carefully and
promptly at these low prices. Send us Tonr
;f V' lri
t jfe r ? 1 - -" .
f f $ mm
vy m IV v x
(Two weeks ago we started a wonderful sale of men's suits and overcoats, which for vol-
ume of sales has probably never been equaled by any store on the Pacific coast.
j Today We Have Just 204 Overcoats Remaining !
j And -we launch this sale with the firm determination of cleaning out this entire quantity
j of overcoats today and tomorrow.
I Prices have been slashed in most drastic manner, and we would call your attention to
i the fact that there are heavy and medium weight coats, in all styles, such as belted, rag-
J - lan, form-fitting, Chesterfield, ulster and ulsterettes and such world-famed makes as
I PUnco Tir.f fhaf. hpinor miftppllnpons PTnun of merchandise, each individual erar-
JL AV-CZ5 K"tw - O X' " ' .
ment is highly meritorious from every standpoint, the materials are extraordinary in
quality, but the size ranges are incomplete, and the table at the right represents the exact
number of garments of each size with which we will begin this sale.
It is the opportunity of a lifetime for you to secure a great,
snug, warm overcoat at a price ridiculously low
Fifth Floor Lip man, Wolfe & Co.
.Don't be a health Blacker, and allow yourself to yield to the dangers
which are a sure result of nepleot. As soon ns you feci the first
ACHB or BIL.IOUSNK.SS. take Bliss Native Herb Tablets and you wilt
find a marked Improvement in health and vigor. Bliss Native Herb
Tablets are recognised as the standard herb remedy for cleansing the
system, regulating the action of liver and kidneys, purifying the
blood and warding off disease. A dollar box contains 200 tablets and
lasts the average family six months. Money back guarantee In every
box. None genuine without the trade mark. The original Bliss
Native Herb Tablets have photograph of Alonzo O. Bliss .and picture
of National Capitol on every box, which also shows blue seal
containing signature of Alonzo O. Bliss. Put up In two sizes, y-'
60c and 1.00. .
Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Made by Alonzo O. Bliss Co.,
Washington. D. C.
JupmcmWoffo (& (jo.
c Merchandise ofcF Merit Only"
in Tablet Form
In a "Different" Kind of a Sale
the quantities of each size
are limited we assure
you that you will
find most
In fact in some instances the sharp reductions
brLig the sale figures down to
The Extraordinary Sale Groups
Limber Up With Penetrating
Hamlin's Wizard Oil
A harmless and effective prepara
tion to relieve the pains of Rheuma
tism, Sciatica, Lame' Back and Lum
bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen
etrates quickly, drives out soreness,
and limbers up stir! achtag joints and
Yoa have no idea now useful it win
be found in cases of every day ail
ment or mishap, when there is need of
an immediate healing', .antiseptic ap-
Clication, as in cases of sprains
ruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings.
Get it from druggists for 30 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get your money back.
Ever constipated or have sick head
ache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips,
pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents.
Guaranteed. .---
$3 -so
Eh koS
xn g
34 14
33 22
36 35
37 38
38 28
39 19
40 31
42 7
44 6
46 4
for iwwm
Zemo, the Clean, Antiseptic
Liquid, Just What You
Need. Is Not Greasy
Don't worry about eczema or other
skin troubles. You can have a clear,
healthy skin by using Zcmo. Ob
tained at anv drug store for 35c, or
extra large bottle for $1.00.
Zemo generally removes pimples,
blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring
worm and makes the skin clear and
healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor
greasy and stains nothing. It is easily
applied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It is always dependable.
. The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland. O.
Phone your want ads to the Orego
man. Main U70, A 6U9&.
- N