THE MORMAG OKEGOMAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, WHO LIQUOR uw BARS V. SNB D'S SE Ancient "Booze" Giver Would Instantly Be Outlawed, PROHIBITION VERY REAL National Dry Amendment Bristles With "Tectli" for Making; Life Miserable for Violators. Sinbad, the sailor, freed himself from the clutches of the Old Man of the Sea by proffering: that whiskered and withered ancient the fermented juice of the grape. Were Sinbad to repeat that strategem in America to day instantly he would be "in bad" with the rederal authorities for a vio lation of the national prohibition amendment, which went into active effect at the stroke of mldnistht. On and after today, aridity will be the portion of all save those who providently laid in stocks of liquor before the ban and who keep the same in their own homes for their own use for the national prohibition amend ment, sequel to- decades of strife for a "dry" nation, has formidable teeth in it wherewith to enforce its man dates. "We will proceed at once under the authority and instructions of the act," said J. S. Smith, federal prohibition director for Oregon, "and will in all probability make a number of arrests today. The provisions of the law permit the investigation of business places where it is suspected that liquor is being sold, without the legal formality of a search warrant." Prohibition IStk Amendment. Ratified by two-thirds of the states and by a. similar vote of congress, the national prohibition amendment. 18th amendment to the constitution, con tains stringent provisions regarding IS John Barleycorn. Kor example, it is unlawful today and hereafter: To carry liquor over any highway or street. To transport it in any vehicle. To have it in one's place of busi ness. To possess cider, grapejuice, etc., that ha3 been permitted to attain more than one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol. To treat a friend in your place of business with a nip of the forbidden drink, or on the street, or anywhere, save in your own home. To manufacture, sell, barter or oth erwise deal with liquor save under the closely restrictive provisions of the act admitting of its manufacture and use for scientific and medical purposes. 'The burden of proof changes with the new federal law," said Mr. Smith, in explanation of its operation. "'Heretofore we had to prove that a man sold liquor. Now when we find liquor in any place of business the presumption is that it is for sale or being sold, and the burden of proof shifts to the defendant. Act Han "Teeth." "The section of this act defining nuisances is especially stringent, with teeth in every paragraph. By the provisions of this section any place of business where liquor is kept can be prosecuted. The act provides that property used in the manufacture or tjale of liquor shall be held by the authorities and the owner of the building be jointly liable with the purveyor, unless It can be shown that the owner had no knowledge of the illegal practices. "liquor may be kept in private homes, providing it was procured in a legal manner and before this act went into -effect, and no steps will be taken against possessors of liquor in such cases unless evidence is received that the home is being used for the nalc of liquor. When we have evi dence that liquor is being sold or manufactured in any home we will Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Distinctly superior popular priced, worthy of your consideration. Its merit proved by our ever-increasing list of satis fied customers. There's a style and fabric you'll like no difference whether it be in novelty, or conservative a suit or overcoat. We'll be pleased to have you among our satisfied patrons. SUITS $35 and up to $80 OVERCOATS $30 and up to $100 i "a 111 ' Copyright 1919, Hart Schaffner Woven Madras Shirts Special S2.95 Regular value $4 All Sizes In a big run of patterns Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Men's Store for Quality and Service :ix. Gasco Building Fifth and Alder Sts. swear out a search warrant and investigate. "The act also provides that any per son who shall be injured In person , or property through the violations of the new law shall have legal recourse for recovery against the manufac turer or purveyor of the liquor, or against the owner of the property where the liquor was eold or made. By this provision the heirs of a man who met death by accident due to drunkenness could recover damages for his death. Officers Have Seizure Right. "Federal officers have the right to seize any boat, auto or dwelling used in the transportation, sale or manufacture of liquor, and the owner must put up a bond of double the value of the property pending the trial and settlement of the case. "All sheriffs, prosecuting attorneys, circuit courts, and the legal ma chinery of state, city and county, tire made integral parts of the en roreement facilities of the prohibi tion amendment. "Illustrating the preparations that were made to evade the federal law, when it should come into effect, is the statement of a well-known Italian of this city, who says that his coun trymen shipped 109 carloads of wine grapes into Portland last year. The wine product of this amount of grapes would total more than 250,000 gal lons yet we are told that just a little wine has been made for 'a sick wife.' " Penalties for violation of the na tional prohibition act are, for the first offense, by sale or manufacture. not more than $1000 fine or prison sentence not to exceed six months. For the second offense the penalty is not less than $200 fine nor more than $2000, or imprisonment not less than one month nor more than five years. or both such fine and imprisonment. DAIRY PLANT FUND GROWS T-iewis-Pacific Dairymen's Associa tion Arranges Financing. CHEHAXJS, Wash., Jan. 15. (Spe cial.) Three hundrea of the 600 mem bers pt the Lewis-Pacific Dairymen's association met yesterday at Del Monte hall, Chehalis, to discuss fur ther plans for financing the proposed utility plant which the organization expects to build the coming spring. Production of powdered milk, butter, cheese and other milk products has been proposed. An estimate of $200. 000 has been estimated as necessary to finance the project. President J. A. Scollard went Into full details regarding the enterprise and following his report the Bum of $80,000 in addition to $55,000 previous ly subscribed, was pledged within a brief time. The annual meeting of the- organization has been set for January 26. when it is expected the remainder of the $200,000 will easily be raised. $119,000 Loaned on Farms. YAKIMA. Wash., Jan. 15. (Spe cial.) Reports at the annual meet ing of the Terrace Heights Farm Loan association yesterday after noon showed that loans made dur ing the past year to members aggre gated $119,000. BOY SLAYER CONVICTED Lad of 15 Is Sentenced to Prison for Life. EVERETT. Wash., .Jan. 15. Impris onment for life was the sentence meted out last night to 'Joseph Mor ton, 15-year-old Stanwood, Wash., boy. by a jury which found him guilty ot murder in connection with the shoot ing of Lee Linton, an Everett taxi cab driver, November 19, last. Isom White, 19. Morton's companion. who it was alleged actually shot Lin ton, was found suilty of the charge last week and sentenced to be hanged. ine jury in the Morton case was oui nearly, nine hours. Benton Farm Bureau Elect. CORVALLIS, Or., Jan. 15. (Special.) The Benton county farm bureau yesterday elected the following offl cers for the ensuing year: President. W. K. Taylor; vice-president, Claude Buchanan: secretary-treasurer. J. H. Wilson. Executive committee, R. C Vonlehe, farm management; F. Harris, crops; Jay Reynolds, live tock; Claude Buchanan, soils; E. B. Hull Jr.. organization; Mrs. M. H. Whitby, home improvement. O. J anishes lue Mondav Forever When the Crystal Washer comes into your home, you soon find yourself with spare time I for the pleasant little things you are missing you are free to enjoy more of the delightful pleasures of life. Drop in, let us show you how easy you can escape the weekly washday grind. Washes Your Daintiest Fabrics Without Harm You will be especially interested to see how it cleanses the dainty linens without the slightest harm, how the Crystal cylinder forces the rich suds and air through the meshes of cloth, removing the dirt from the finest or coarsest of fabrics without rubbing of any kind. Let us show you right in your own home how easy this operates. Take one on a free trial. Do all of your wash ing and then if you find that it does all we say, pay us 10.00 AND THE BALANCE IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS SIXTH AT PINE ELECTRIC CO . PHONE BROADWAY 1696 VJpP' V&is pi tr Out of accumnlatetl cJipitn! have arisen ail the successes of industry and applied sci ence, all the comforts and ameliorations of the common lot. Upon it the world must depend for the process of re construction in which all hava to share. JAMES J. HILL rpHE successful farmer raises bigger crops and cuts down costs by investment in labor-saving1 machinery. Good prices for the farmers crops encourage new investment, more production and greater prosperity. But the success of agriculture depends on the growth of railroads the modern beasts of burden that haul the crops to the world's markets. The railroads like the farms increase their output and cut down unit costs by the constant investment of new capital. With fair prices for the work they do, the railroads are able to attract new capital for expanding their facilities. Rates high enough to yield a fair return will insure railroad growth, and prevent costly traffic congestion which invariably results in poorer service at higher cost National wealth can increase only as our rail roads grow. ( Poor railroad service is dear at any price. No growing country can long pay the price of inadequate transportation facilities. aduertiAcmciit Ia puhlblicd iyilw (h6oclatlon of xilumy cecutweA, The Automatic Easy to Operate Simple, dependable and effec tive) the Automatic Electric Washer makes washing easy. It's easy to operate. The Automatic has no compli cated parts to adjust or get out of order. It's compact and rugged. In seven minutes with an Auto matic, you can wash a tubful of clothes anything from the finest fabrics to the heaviest woolen blankets without the least in jury. Fully guaranteed for one year. See it demonstrated. I 1 1 1 1 ri x u 1 1 1 c i ilK iftfill I FOBES SUPPLY CO. Distributors Portland, Oregon Father Time may bring on Gray Hair But -we can sUIl retain our youthful appearance by keepinsr our hair its orijrinai color witn mo use 01 fror John H. Austin's Co-Lo Hair Restorer A eelentifie process for developing the natural color of the hair in a sim ilar manner to that of developing a Fihotoernpnic neerative. it is positive y the only satisfactory and lastine treatment for restorintr color to the hair in a mild, healthful manner. Co-lx Hair Restorer is absolutely harmless and will not injure either the hair or scalp: is not a dye: con tains no lead or sulphur: will not wash or rub off: has no sediment, and is as clear as water pleafeinK and simple remedy to apply. Co-I x Hair Restorer cames in A For Black and Dark Shades of Brown. AT Flxtrtt Strong, for Jet Black Hair only. AS For all Medina Brown Shades. AD For nil yery Ltcht Brown. Drab and Auburn Shades. Co-Lo Hair Restorer on sale at all Owl Srux Store. Adv. -( KELIEFHW BLISTER! It Soothes and Relieves Like a Mustard Plaster Without the Burn or Sting Musterole is a dean, white oinb tnent, made with the oil of mustard. It does all the work of the old-fashioned mvstard plaster does it better and does not blister. You do not have to bother with a doth. You simply rub it on and usually the pain is gone I Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell you what re lief it gives from sore throat, bron chitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu ralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheuma tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $20. tin 'TSTt J0MAXZS YOUR 11 proves the'complexion ISt solo everywhere Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095