Of THE 3IORXING OREGON I AX, FRIDAY,' JANUARY 1G, 1920 V V BUYERS OF APPLES STILL HOLD BUCK Large Supplies Are Weight on All Markets. ham, $11; Taller, $11; straishts. 10.7 per barrel. MILLl'EED Prices f. o. b. mill, city cartage f-l extra. Mill run. car lota or mixed cara. S45 ton; rolled barley. $79. rolled oat. $8; ground barley. $7o; scratch feed, COBN Whole, $70; cracked. $72 per ton. HAT Buying: prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $31.50; cheat. 122; clover. $J6; oata and vetch. $2; valley timothy. Sits 28. E IS STOCK RALLIES ARE DUE OVERSOLD CONDITION. TO LOCAL TRADE IS DRAGGING ColiJ Storage Holdings Show In crease or 5.1 Per Cent Barreled and 6 6 Per Cent Boxed Stock. The local apple market contlnuea -weak without much change1 In price. The de mand on the street la small and la con fined principally to the cheaper grades. Retailers and consumers are setting a good part of their supplies direct from farmers. No marked Improvement in the market Is expected until the stock of frosted apples has been worked off. Re ceipts yesterday were one car each of Oregon and "Washington apples. Shipments of Oregon apples in the past two days were 41 cars, including two cars of cannery stock. Kastern sales of Oregon apples were wired as follows: At Mew York, 2250 boxes Newtowns. ex Ira, fancy. $2.2003.05 ; fancy, S2.10fi2.SO; average. (2.57; 640 boxes Spitzenbergs, extra fancy, $2.7033; average, $2.88: Gnltzenbergs, extra fancy, car run, $3.25 J 3.50. At Philadelphia, Hood River Spitzen bergs. extra fancy, large, $3.20 3.40; average, $3.30; medium, $3. 15313.20; small. $3.05. The eastern markets generally were weak to steady, with the demand moder ate. Very little business was reported a northwestern shipping points. Rochester, X. Y., wired: "Light wire inquiry for A-SH-inch and B-214-lnch showing good quality and condition; practically no wire Inquiry and no demand for Block of or dinary quality and condition. Market weak." Cold storage holdings on January 1, 1920. amounted to 2.714.ft5 barrels and R. 527.1)31 boxer. ' compared with 2.581,919 barrels and 5.136.726 boxes on January 1, 1019, which shows an increase of 5.1 per cent In barreled stock and C6 per cent In boxed stock. ARGENTINE FREIGHT KATES HIGHER Larg-e Shipments of Corn Tet to Be Made to England. Argentine freight rates have advanced sharply. A charter was reported to New Tork on the basts of $29 per ton. Some business was worked on the basis of old freight at $1.401.42 c. I. f. New York, although based on present freight rates and tlie price In Argentina the cost would have been about SI.STVs. It is under stood that the United Kingdom has 20.000.000 to 30.000,000 bushels ot corn bought In Argentina, yet to be shipped. Broomhall cabled from Liverpool: "Corn firm with a good demand for American and Plate for nearby shipment. There appeara to be lesa pressure of Plate In distant positions. Good arrivals ex pected In March, April and May. Ar - gentine weather fine, outlook for new crop excellent. Reservea of old large and farmer's offering more freely. Export de mand has abated. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTKR Cubes, extras, 59c per pound; prints, parchment wrappers, box lots, 63c; cartons, 64c; half boxes. He more; less than half boxes 1c mnm! hiiir,rrnt. Xo 1 62 63c per pound at stations: 65c de livered Portland. CHEESE Tillamook, T. v h. Tillamook: Triplets, 32c; Young Americas, 33c; long horns, 33c Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myr tle Point: Triplets. :;lc; Young America. 32V4c. KGGS Jobbing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranc h, canuleil, 60'ri C2c: selects. 63c. PUui.TIiY Hens. aOtoS.V?: ,nrlnFt SO 35c; ducks. 40c: eeese. 20Er25c: turkeys. live, 35c; dressed, choice. 45c. VEAL Fancy. 20c pur pound. m PORK. Fancy. 21c per pound- Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges. $4ijj,6; lemons. $4.50 6 per box; grapefruit, $3.25&ti.7o box: bananas, luetic per pound: apples. $100 fe-3.25 per box:- pears. $2.50393 per box; cranberries, $5.50 per box, $15 per barrel. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 55c per pound; lettuce, $3.504.25 per crate; beets $3.50 per sack; cucumbers, $2&2.25 dozen; carrots, $2 2.30 per sack; celery, $S4$9 per crate; horseradish, 15c per pound; garlic, 40c per pound: turnips $3.50 per eaci.; cauliflower, $2.253.25 per crate; tomatoes, $4.50&5 per box; hubbard squash. 4 tec pound; sprouts. 17 He pound. POTATOES Oregon, $3.75(jj5 per sack; Yakima, $4.50&'5.25; sw eets, 7 He per pound. ONIONS Oregon, 6U66HC per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Cane granulated, lS.tKlc per pound; beet, 11.27c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 32t3c; ttrazil nuts, 30c; filberts. 35c; almonds, 35'33c: pea nuts, 15&15HC; chestnuts. 25c; pecan 32c; hickory nuts, l-'ifilrtc. SALT Half ground. 100s. $17 per ton; 60, $18.50 per ton; dairy. 25&28 per ton. RICE Blue Rose, 16c per pounds BEANS White. 8!4c; pink, 814c; lima, 17c per pound; bayous, 10c; Alexican red. 6c. COFFEE: Roasted, In drums, 39051a. Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 34I&3CC; skinned. 27 35c; picnic 2 1 2Sc; cottage roll, 30c LARD Tierce basis, 3Uc; compound, 27c per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 25031c; plates, 23c. BACON Fancy, eld 50c; standard. S3 3ic Hides, Pelts and Furs. HIDES Salted, all weights. 20c: green. ic; calf, green or salted. 60c; kip. 35c: ulle, salted, 17c: green, 14c; horse hides. mall, $3; medium. $4.50; lurge, '$6; dry hides, 3uc; dry salted, 20c; dry calf, 70c. ry salted calf, ojc. P r. LIS Green salted, November, each. 3: green salt shearlings, each, 50c4i$l: ry pelts, full wool, per pound, 32c: dry hort wool, per pound, 25c; dry shearlings. each, 2505Gc; salted goats, $13, accord ng to size; salted goal sneamnga. 2dc& $1; dry goats, long hair, per pound, 25c. FURS Good grades, extra large. larg nd medium si'es: Skunk, black, $3.75i 8.50: short, $2. .5g7; narrow, $25; broad, 75cj$2.25. Fox. red, $ Illy 45: gray, I20 6; raccoon. $2.50&8; mitik. dark, $4plo, ordinary, $2.50(8; winter muskrat, $1 3.50; wolf or coyote, sort, silky, $8(020; average, $513; white weasel or ermine, 50c$$2; lynx, heavy furred. $15&65; or dinary, $15fc50; lynx cat. heavy. $513, ordinary, $3U; otter, dark. $U25; or- utuary, $8$v2l; marttn, pate. Drown ot dark. $5430; fisher, pale, brown or dark. lJigjlSU: bear, black, $lf20; brown, ltt 14 wildcat. 25c2; civet cat. lOcOSl, house cat, 10 (a 60c: ring talis. -'-tcfe.:i. Jackrabbit, 10Q.20c; moleskins. 530c liaslcr Money Rates Also Aid in Upturn in Wall Street Bond Market Is Heavy. NEW TORK, Jan. IB. An undercurrent of strength pervaded today's stock mar ket although the undefined attitude of the federal reservo bank and attendant mon etary uncertainties intensified the confu sion already prevalent in speculative circles. Rallies of two to eight points from the acute depression of the previous session were due, according to popular belief, to an oversold condition. The call money market was easier, the opening rate of nine per cent holding un til the final hour when contrary to ita usual course loans were offered as low as 6 per cent. So far as actual transactions were con cerned, time money existed only in name. There were several outstanding fea tures of weakness, notably secondary oils and specialties. Prominent among these were Middle States Oil. Union Oil and Columbia Graphophone, In which gross re actions ranged from 5 to 17 H points. Sales were 1.000.000 shares. Foreign remittances weakened with an other collapse in German and Austrian exchange". Sterling derived no benefit from the more favorable weekly state ment of the Bank of England. The heavy bond market embraced In vestment rails. liberty and international war flotations and numerous speculative Industrials. Total sales, par value, were $17,200,000. Old United States bonds wer. unchanged on call. 2 hogs.. 4 hogs.. , 1 hog.. 1 hog..., 1 hog... 15 hogs.. . 7 hogs.. 2 hogs.. 10 hogs.. 4 hogs.. 61 hogs.. 1 hog.. 9 hogs.. 59 hogs.. ti hogs.. 56 hogs.. 8 hogs.. 2 hogs.. S.1 hogs.. 19 hogs.. 1 hog.. 5 hogs.. 1 hog.. 3 hogs . 1 hog.. 3 hogs.. 4 hogs.. 7 hogs.. 1 hog... 230 1 hog... 230 ln J97 250 4 SS0 166 250 145 175 .,7 211 120 331 244 271 219 118 310 212 176 300 lit 2 4i)0 1S5 4n 21 120 11 1.00 1H.O0 16. 00 14.IH) 14.50 1 5.00 Hi. OH 14.0l IS.Ort 15.75 lO.ttn 18.0O 14.00 I6.00 14. 0O IS. 00 13.511 15.00 1 hog. ... 1 hog 2 hogs... 6 hogs. . . 1 hog 3 hogs. 1 hog. 0 hogs... 2 hogs... 6 hogs. . 6 hogs. . . 2 hogs... 5 hogs... 2 hogs... 2 hogs. . 4 hogs... 1 hog. .. . 3 hogs. . . Ki.lMll 17 hogs. . . 14.0010 lambs. . 14.(X)!71 lambs.. 15.7513 lambs. . 12. OOlll lambs. lii 13.00 15.50 14. 00 15.00 14.75 15.75 5 lambs. . 11 la.tnbs. . 3 ewes. . . 2 rwcfi. 340 3'vn 210 2iO 240 213 170 217 220 1S5 21 I 125 174 25 270 "5"' 151 122 74 118 80 64 102 3 150 16.00 15.00 16.0O 16.no 14.50 14.50 14.541 16.00 16 00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.0O 16. OO 1 5.00 16.00 14.00 lo.on 15. OO 15.00 I5.0O 14.011 13.50 14.00 14.5H 4.75 9.00 CAR ORDER IS CONFUSING IO y rltnc 143 1 ll.AO 3 wether 13. IT. bucks.. 140 ..- COURSE OF COILV PRICKS CHICAGO UXCERTAIX. AT CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. I! DO 4.000 2, 1 00 6,::oo -AO00 COARSE GRAIN BIDS ARE HIGHER Buyer Raise Offers 25 to 50 Cents on Isocal Board. The coarse grain market was -quiet but steadier. Oata bids at the Merchants' exchange were raised oOo and corn was 25 cents higher. For eastern bulk barley $70 was offered, but there were no bids for sacked barley. Terminal receipts. In cars, were re ported by the Merchants" Exchange a: follows: Portland Wheat.Barley.Flour.Oats. Hay. Thursday 1.5 .... 3 Year atro . . 4 .... 4 Sra'n todate.53fl4 1411 2.ir Year ago ..5874 8-2 151i3 Tacoina Wednesday .. R3 1 .... ar ago . . -4 Cea'n to date. 420ft .... Year ago . .4'JU .... ' Seattle Wednesday 12 .... 4 Year ago . . 7 .... 2 Sea'n todate.302 1!1 4."; Year aso ..4428 4S 004 377 571 120 4SI 477 10H0 2214 906 2030 POTATOES riRM IX LOCAL MARKET Supplies Are Not Heavy and Hcinand Is Good. Potatoes were very firm locally with good demand and stock not heavy. Job bers asked $4.50?5 for the best Bur banks. Four cars were loaded Wednesday, two for Sacramento, one for San Fran Cisco and one for Portland. One car W'ashlngtons reached the local market yesterday. Idaho FarTs, Idaho, wired: "Practically no hauling on account of the condition of the weather. Demand slower, move ment limited: market weak, no change 1 prices. wagonioaas, cash to growers Kura.s, $3.o; Russets, mostly $1. Car loads, f. o. b. cash track: Practically no demand; no sales reported." EGGS ARE ON DOWN GRADE Am Beet Sug. A m Can Am Cr & Kdvy Am H i L pid A m Loco Am fern &, Rfg Am Sugar Jltg Am Sum Tobac Am Tel & Tel. Am Z LA Sm A uaconda Cop Atchison AG & WIS8 Baldwin Loco. 1.W0 Bait Ac Ohio.. 1.100 Beth Steel B. B & S Copper. Calif Petrol .. Canadian Pac. Cent Leather. Ones & Ohio.. Chi M & st P. Chi N W, .. Chi K I & Pac Chlno Copper. Col Ku A Iron Corn Prods . . Cruc Stl ex dv Cuba Cane Sug li 8 Fd Prods. Erie fien Electric. Gen Motors. .. Ot No pfd ... C.t No Ore ctfs Illinois Central Inepir Copper. I MM pfd ex dv Inter Nickel.. Inter Paper . . Kennecott Cop Louis AV Nash. 7.K)0 2,000 30O 3,70) 600 TOO 12.0O0 TOO 3.HO0 yoo 3.UO0 " Y.fioo- floo l.ooo 1. 1 oo 1.700 4.3(H) T.-rtoO 6.000 V4O0 2,000 loo 7,VM 4UO 600 4. him H.IOO 4,OOi T.ooo DOO 20O I-ower Buying Trices Will Be Sent Out Today Car Goes East. v ith the egj? market weak and de elining, there was very little demand from the local trade. A carload was shipped last night by express to Boston, which will help to clean up the accumulation. Re ceipts continue to gain slowly. - The street sales that were reported were around 53 cents case counted and 60 cents candled. Some ot the large buyers will go out to day with a country buying price of 50 cents delivered. There was a good demand for butter In prints at the established quotations, but the movement in cubes was backward, with 59 cents asked for extras. Poultry and dressed meats were steady and unchanged. Evans Joins Co-Operatlve Association. M. O. Evans, traveling representative of the Portland Union stockyards, has signed to take the position of field man ager for the Oregon Growers' Co-Opera tive association, the new state-wide fruit marketing organisation, with headquarters at Salem. He takes up his new duties January 19. Rank Cleurings. Bank clesrings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as roiiows: CI en rinc;. Portland $6,61957 Seattle - 7.iM.3u:i Tacoma HfVJ.r.M Spokane .344.773 Hop, Wool, Ktc. HOPS 1919 crop, 85c per pound, 3-yeat contracts. 40c aveiaga. MOHAIR Long ample, uia4ac; short staple, 25&30c. . T A LLU w iN o. i, xuc ; is o. z, c pel- pound. CAoUAnA UAUfv ew, nc, uiu, a-c per pound. WOOL eastern uregon, line, iuynvcr medium. 45 & 50c: coarse, 33'3'J7c: valley. medium, 50 52c; coarse. 35 37c Oils. LINSEED Oil-. Kaw. barrels. --$2.06; raw, cases, ij.jl; Doitea narreis. $..us; boiled drums, $2.11; boiled, cases, $2-23. TURPENTINE Tanks. $2.02; casks, :.17. COAL OTL Iron barrels. 13H16c; tank wagons, ldTjc; cases, -inr.uc GASOLINE iron barrets, zdc; tans wagons, --c; cases, o; v c. SAN FRANCISCO l'KODLCE MARKET " Price a Current on Vegrtabls, Fresh Fruits Etc.. at Buy CJty. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 15. Butter, 61c Eggs Fresh extras, t2Vic; extra pullets. 54c Cheese oia-styie caurornia nats, iancy, i;c; firsts, nominal; Young Americas, Stic. Vegetables Eggplant, - southern, iuqp 15c pound; bell peppers, southern, 15 Si 20c per pound; chile,- southern, 15(lv20c; sauash. uer large lug. cream equash, 75c(&! $1; do hubbard, $1.25U) 1.75 per sack; marrowfat squash, $ 1.25 ip 1.75 per sack; summer squash, southern. $2.25 (&.'2.50; tomatoes, southern, $1.25 (Jx 1.75 per crate; second duality, 75c(&$l.25; potatoes, street prices, rivers, $5 5.25 per cental; sweet potatoes, 44i'5e per pound; onions, yellow and white. 4.i'i-i.0O per ceniai on street; do Australian brown, $55.50 on street; cucumbers. $3.5033.75 for hothouse; do English, $1.502 per dozen; garlic. 22 25c per pound; beans, green, 12 15c per pound: celery, 3.50Ui per crate; arti chokes, dozen. No. 1, $1.50; No. 2, $1 No. 3, $1; turnips, sack, $1.50 8 1.75 ; beets, $1,75172; carrots, $1.251.50; cauliflower, $1.254ji 1.50 per dozen; lettuce, southern. $1.75&2.25; peas, small, lO'loc; sprouts. TirOc per pound. Fruit Oranges, navels. $45; lemons. $2.50(&4.50; grapefruit, $2.25(3.75 per box tangerines, $2(!'2.a0; bananas, 7(jc per pound : pineapples, $3 to' 4.50 per dozen pears, cooking, $lg l.50 per lug; do Winter Nellis, $2.75(&3.50; do Oregon, $4; apples. Rhode Island - Greenings, $1. for 4 tier and $1.50&l.tt5 lor 4-tier; Newtown Pippins, $1.752.25; Oregon Spttzenburgs, $2.50 (ij) 3.25; Baldwins, $2 2.25; Oregon Newtown Pippins,. $2.503; Lady apples, $2.502.75 per box ; pomegranates, $1 .25 ftp 1.50 per peach box; persimmons, nominal cranberries, northern, $3.504 per box rhubarb. $1.50 per large box. Receipts Flour 3200 quarters; when 3200 centals; barley 341 centals; oats 33-S: centals; corn 800 centals; beans 13.H54 sacks; potatoes 10.720 sacks; onions 340 sacks ; hay 297 tons ; eggs 1 7,01 0 dozen ; hides SAO; sugar 34.1U5 centals; wine 26,400 gallons; rice 1200 bags. Mexican Petrol 42.400 Miami Copper 2oo Mldvale Steel. 4.54K) Missouri Pac. floO Montana Pow. 200 Nevada Copper 2oo N Y Central. . 1.100 N Y N II & H l.lOO Xorf & West Northern Pac. l.OoO Pan-Am Petro: 9.700 Pennsylvania.. l.SOO Pitts & W Va. 2oo Pittsburg Coal 2M) nay on cop.. wtM Keaning TI I & S ex dv m.Too Sin Oil t Rfg. 39.40O Southern Pac. S.2M) Southern Ry.. 7oq Studebaker Co 41.90O Texas Co 33. oo Tobacco Prods l.OoO nion Pacific. i.mMi Untd Rtl Strs. O.ono U S Ind Alco. m.r.oo U S Steel 49. oo do Dfd sor tah Copper.. 2.H00 Western Union Westing Elect Willyj-Oveilnd National Leaa Ohio Cits Gas. Royal Dutch.. 200 t.noo 5.KOO l.OOO 4.400 14.00O High. H2 iilH 114l W Vi 6Vi 'i'i 7H 20 62 V4 83 14 164 a 1 1 4 ' 31 0 2H V. 4 'i 13tli l5,4 K5 26 'j 3H' 42 S 84 ; 2(K) 31 71 13Vm 167! 3I 7SV, su 6N lOI Mi 24. 81. 30 -m 110, 2UO 24 4 51 '4 2514 64 16'i tws 26)4 "7'i 97 42" 23', 61 21', 75. 43 lOO'-i 214 ins 201 02 'S 122Ht SO B los 106, 115'i 77 4 S73 r.2Vi no 82H 47 107 i Low. 91 52 4 136 113 VI 67 H "ooli" 87 19 61 H2 162, lllU 31'., 4 27 H 3S'. 12W. '35. 85 26 88 V4 41 Vs 81 4 202 50 TO. i2 ,, 167. 313 77 3S!, "55" " 8'4 23 Ts 7l 30 '4 1!4"4 2 4 '4 50 25 64 '4 I614 i?'4 25. 7Si 5'4 42 27 Ti 61 214 74. 110 4 2 4 tl . 21 103V, 1!I3 8S 121 '.4 8S'i 1H5 4 1044 115 '4 75 -4 87 52 'i 204 81 45 i 105 J4 bale. 2 54 13S'.4 1 114, H'J1. 63 137 t3 7 l'JW 62', 834 16;i 1134 31 . 95 , 274 40 130 W5V4 54 h .: 85 26 4 3 Vs 4 2 ,k S3S 71V, 13 1674 316 7SV4 3 90 56'4 KKVs 24 80 Vi 304 1 10'. 197 -1, 24 U 50 25 V 64'-, 14 6,4 26 V 96 784 96 42 28 61 '4 21S 75 '4 112'i 431 IOO . 21 ll ls4 92 V 122 88 'i 107 V 10C 115'i 76 87 Vi r.2 v. 30 81 464 107 V Livestock prices at local yards follow : battle Price. Best steers $11,25012.00 liood to choice steers 10.5Oll.0 Medium to eootl steers . 9.0U4D U. Fair to a-ood steers 8.0tii .M Common tto fair steers. ..... . 7.i'ti) X.ou Choice cows and heifers U.OOfc. IO.O0 Good to choice, cows, heifers.. 7.756 U-00 Medium to Koud cows, helfera 5.75W 7.75 Fair to medium cows, heifers. 4.75y 5- 5 Canners 3.5iirrt 5.5o Bulls 6. one, s.oo Prima llBht calves 12.504,16.00 Heavy calves 7.oo 12.50 Stock r and feeders s.uoo. U.50 Hobs Prime mixed . 15.5Oia16.00 Medium mixed 15.00 15.50 Rough heavies I J.Olil&i 14.i0 Pigs 14.50 Sheep Eastern lambs 14.0O15.25 Light valley lambs i:.oo 15.00 Heavy valley lambs 12.304 13.-0 Feeder lambs 12.0i) 14.l0 Wethers 1 1.5il(t. 12...0 Yearlings 12.011 W 13.O0 Ewes 7.WJK U.00 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Jan. 15. Hogs Receipts 36. 0O0. active. 30c to 40c higher. Bulk, $15.10015.40; top, $15.43; heavy, $15.101 13.35: medium, $15.15 WIS. 40: light, $1..20 T 15.35: light light. $14.7.1 15.25: heavy packing sows, smooth, t 4.25 4 14.85; pack ing sows, rough, ll.iiivM.-i Pigs. u.ia 614.75. . . Cattle Receipts ll.ooo, rirm. neei steers, medium and heavywelsht. choice and prime, $18(firl9.50: medium ana gooa. 11.50't18; common, $ W 1 1 .50; llgh tweieht. good and choice, $14jj18.50; common and medium. $S.25(ail4; butcher cattle, netters, $6.50014.50; cows. $6.6013.23: canners and cutters. $5.25 $1)6.50; veal calves, $16.75 18: feeder steers, iSHfl-.ov: stocaer steers, $7.2510.50. SheeiJ Receipts 12.0IHI. weaK. i-mos. 84 pounds down, $16.7541)19.65; culls and common, $13.75ti 16.50; ewes, medium, good and choice, $U12; culls and common. $5.23 8.25. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Jan. 15. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Hoes Receipts 13.000. market 25c to 30c higher. Top, $13: bulk. $14. 75S 14.90: heavyweight. $14.80tJ15: medium weight. $14.85013; lightweight. $14.704014.85; light light, $14.40 14.75: heavy packing sows, smooth, $1 4.65 14. 5; packing rows, rough. $14,504,14.66; piss. $1 1.25 13.50. Cattle Receipts 5500, steady. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime. $1 6.50R 1 8.50 : medium and good, $12J 16.50: common. $9.7512: Hght weieht. good and choice, $16.25 IS. 50: common and medium, $9 16.25; butcher cattle, heifers. $7.23 13.50 : cows. $74 13.25: canne-s and cutters, J.v.-Jir I : veai calves, light and handy weight. $1.1. .04, 15; feeder steers, $8414; Blocker steers, $7.50f( 11.75. 8heet Receipts 9"00, market steady. Lambs. 84 pounds down, mil0.25; culls snd common, $13.7.14M7: yearling wethers. $1416.25: ewes, medium and choice, $10 11.40; culls and sjommon, $5.50910. "entile Llvetock Market. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 13. Hogs Re celots 129. Firm. Prime $16(r1.30: me dium to choice $15116: rough heavies (1 rl4.50: Digs $13.3ll'irl4.5. Cattle Receipts 63. Steady. Best steers 11 25011. 75: medium to choice $9Jln.50; common to good $798; cows and heifers $8,259: common to good $68; bulls $6tf7.50; calves $7fr14. Kansas City I.ivestark Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 13. Sheep Receipts 6000. Steady. Lambs $18. 50 19.50; culls and common $ 1 1.25 til 16: year ling wethers SI4.258P lo.oli; ewes s..r'o 11.50; culls and common $4.509. breeding ewes $8 14.50; feeder $14.50 17. To. Boars Assert Burdensome Accumu la t Ion or Grain Will Result From AYlieat MoTcmcDt. CHICAGO, Jan. 15. TJneertalnty as to the effect of orders that 70 er cent of grain cars to be devoted to the handling of wheat led to a see-saw market t5day In corn. The close was nervous. 4e to He net higher, with May $1.334 to $1334 and July $1.3114. Oats gained Vie ta He The outcome In provisions was unchanged to SOc up. Difference of opinion as to the signifi cance of the method chosen to distribute gtin cars was so nearly even that any radical change In the value of corn today seemed to be out of the Question. Bears argued mat tne tenaeney oi me oruer would be toward a burdensome accumula tion ot coars. grain stocks aa there was no adequate outlet to the east provided. Kxport purchases of oats totaled 500.0O0 bushels. Owing to the tardiness of eitah demand, provisions mada only a moderate response to a sharp advance in tha hog market. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. dose. Jan $1.3SV4 II. KU $1.374 .May 1.33 1.344 1.32', 1.33S July 1.314 1.32Va 1.30 1.31, OATS. May 81 ,S2i .814 .824 July 73. .O'i .734 .7614 51 ESS POKK. Jan S.S0 May 39.25 39.50 ' 89.25 39.45 LARD. May 24.85 24.95 24.77 24 9.1 July . .... 25.20 SHORT RIBS. May 20.50 20.7S 20.50 20.7S July . .... 21.07 r Cash prices were: Com No. 2 mixed, not quoted; No. 2 yellow, not quoted; No. 3 yellow, $1,48 4, 1.50. Oats No. 2 white. S5i6S7Vc; No. 3 white. S.iS7c. Rye No. 2. $1.814. Barley. $1.37& 1.3S. Timothy seed. $104114. Clover seed. $I8 4 52. Pork, nominal. Lard. $24.15W24.25. Ribs, $19,504 20i50. C.raln at San i ran Cisco. San FRANCISCO. Jan. 15. Flour. S-Ss. l-.JO. Uraln Wheat. $2.20; oats, red fe,J. $3.2$ es.JO; barley, feed. $3..Vlj3.63; corn. Cali fornia yellow. $3.20 3.80. White Egyptian. $3.7503.77V4. Hay Wheat or wheat and eats. $239 2i ton; tame oats. $25028: wild oats. S21 24; barley. $2124: alfalfa. $232S: stock hay, $184121; barley straw, 504480c bale. $1.23 Minneapolis Grain Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 15. Barley, e 154. Flax. $5.08 5. 13. Huluth Llnaeed Market. Dl'LCTH, Jan. 13. Linseed. $3.08 4 5. 18. All about Income Tas A COMPLETE and VALUABLE BOOK Your copy of our new 1920 INCOME TAX BOOK is now ready for you free. It contains a very concise and complete resume of all the features of the present income tax as it applies to both single and mar ried men as well as partnerships, "business enterprises and investments. This book sets .forth all the information you may desire in a very readable and easily understood way, and for these reasons will enable ' you to get an intelligent conception of how the law applies to" you, without spending; hours in studying out the many features. BURGLAR AND FIRE PROOF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS . Morris Building, 309-11 Stark Street, Between Fifth and Sixth Telephone: Broadway 2151 Established Over a Quarter Century higher, an-1 closed at 16e with tho gen eral list closing t a net aavance n j to 27 points. Closing oias: janui.. If. 5c; March. 13.82c: May. lc; July. 16.18c: September, 13.Sc; October, 15.8ot;; lecember, 15.80c. Stot coffee In moderate demand. Rio 7s. 16m6V4c; Santos 4s. 25 V Q 25. C. Naval SAVANNAH, Oa.. Btarea. Jan. 15. Turpentine, firm. $t.86V: sales. 134 oarreis: rtccv..;, 34 barrels: shipments. 2713 barrels; sloe. 11, 45 barrels. Rosin, firm; sales :w oarre.s; 574 barrels: shipments. stock. 44.8W0 barrels. O. $1S.50: H. 1S.6i: M. $20.25: N, S.2Q.T.V 120S barrel.: Quote: B. D, F.. I. $18.75; K. $19..".t: WO. $21; WW. $22. affee Futures Cloaa lllguer. t fowls. 3 YORK. Jan. 15. A renewal i.f Coffee NEW scattering liquidation caused an opening decline of 8 to 16 points In tU .nuvket fur coffee futures today end active months about : to 23 points net lower during the fli-t few minutes. Tha flrmor ruling of futi.rc in Santos nrd the development of a better tone In the stock market after earlier activity checked selling, h-wee.-. and lU-iceM rullleti later on covering und trade biiving. v Men was said to be part ly frr K'Tipean account. May :io!d up from tr, 7-v- 1o 16 14c. or 27 poit.r Eastern IJalry Produce. VEW YORK. Jan. 13. Butter. Creamery higher than extras, 6J extra. 62c; first. Oirw',it. Eggs, unchanged. Cheese, unchanged. CHICAGO. -Tan. 15. Butter, lower. Creamery. 61 S 60c. Eggs, lower. Receipts. 4142 cases. 61c: ordinary firsts. &0J58c; at cases Included, 57 460c. Poultry, alive, unsettiea. spnngi, lc st-sily. V, 4) 03c; Firsts, mark. Hay Slumps at Omaha. fflJAHJl. Jan. 15. The price of hay on this market has dropped from $.;." to $20 a ton in len days and a drop of $5 more is expected. Dealers attribute this to mild weather, a big crop last year and falling j oft of cattle feeding. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS If you must sell your liberty or victory bonds, sell to us. If you can ouy mors liberty or victory bonus, buy from us. On January 15. 1920. the closing New Yolk market prices were as green below. They are lbs goverolng prices for liberty and victory bonds all aver the world, and the hiBhe?t. We advertise these prices dallv In order that you may always know tua New York xuarkat and tba exact valua ot your liberty and victory bonds: 1st 1st 2d 1st 24 3d 4th Victory 34s 4s. 4s 4Vs 4ia 4'; 4Vis. S;s 44s. Market J9S.SO $92.26 $91.00 $92.90 $91.40 $9-i .' $91. 40 $3S..'-0 $9i.l(l Interest... .30 .34 .OS .S7 .72 1.43 1.07 .32 " .41 Total. .$99 10 92 RO $91. 6 $93.2T $92 12 $9197 $92.47 $9 S2 $9 91 When buying we drtluct 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $li)0 bond. Wa sell at the New lork market, plus the accrued Interest. Burglar and Fire-prmf Snfe lepo.it Hoses for Kent Open until S P. M. an hutnrdaya. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond Houses-Capital One Million Tnl!ara Morris Building, SI18-11 Mark btrect. I let. Hfth and Sliih. TFI.F.rilONK: BKOAUWAY 2131. JstabUshed Over a Quarter Century. New Issue vs- vc jp 1 Pt ! steady. Cotton Market. TORK, Jan. 15. Middling. 3.25c. Cotton Spot, 25: lambs Bid. BONDS. TJ S Lib 3V4s. . .98.801 Anglo-Fr 3s . . . 6'i do 1st 4s 92.28 A T & X CV 6S. 99 'i do 2d 4s 91.0(l!Atch gen 4s 78i do 1st 4-is 92.98 D & R O con 4s 66V4 do 2d 4is, ..914N Y C deb 6s... 92 do 3d 4.4s. . .93.56 N P 4s 76?i do 4th 4is. . .91.30iN P 3s 56 Victory 3is . .98 2i Pac T & T 5s. .'88 do 4is U S 2s reg. . . do coupon . U S 4s reg. .. do coupon , Pan 3s reg.. do coupon H8.5S . 1 OO . MIIO .105V. .1115 14 . .M8Vi . ..88'.- Pa con 4,4s. . S P cv Bs. . . So Ry 6s . . . ir p 4s U S Steel 6s. ,. 91 . .103 .854 .. 84-4 ..89V Bid. Mining; Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Jan. 13. Closing quotations: Allouez 37 North Butte 1UV Ariz Com 14 Old Dom 35V. falu & Ariz. 64 Osceola 52 Vi Calu & Heels... 385 Qulncy 61 Centennial .... 15Vi Superior 5 Cop Range .... 45 Sup & Boston.. 44 East Butte .... 144 Shannon ....... 1 . Franklin 3 Vi- Utah Con 9 Isle Koyalle ... 34 Winona 14 Lake Copper ... - 4 Wolverine 21 Mohawk 67 V. pa- Money. Kscfaange. Etc. NEW YORK, Jan, 15. Mercantile per. 6 per cent. Sterling, demand. $3.71; cables, $3.714 Francs, demand, 11.42; cables, 11.40. Guilders, demand, 374; cables, 37 V4. Lire, demand. 13.62; cables. 13.60. Maras. de mand, 1.78: cables. 1.80. Time loans strong, an dates TVs ver cent. Call money easy: high, 9 per cont; low, 7 per cent; ruling rate. 8 per cunt; Cos ing bid, 7 per cent; offered at 8 per cent, last loan, 7 per cent. Bar silver, $1.304 per ounce. Mexican dollars. 9Kc. Sterling declined further, the follow Injr quotations being recorded:- Ste-ling. 60-day bills. $3.87: commercial 00-day bills on banks. $3.67; commercial 60-day bills, $3.66V4; demand, $3.7C!4: cable. 3.71. 15. Bar silver, 70d per New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 13. Raw sugar, firm. Centrifugal, $13.04; fine granulated, $13 ri. a.u- ul rr Toledo Traction Light and Power Co. FIRST- LIEN 7 TWO-YEAR GOLD BONDS An attractive issue offered at a price to yield over 7 Complete circular rinon for OU-019 request balances. $1,760,087 1.489.9(13 191,509 800,261 PORTLAND- MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Ktc. sferchants' Exchange, noon session: Bid. Oats .Tan. Feb. Mar No. 3 white feed ....$63.50 $64.00 $64.00 Corn No. 3 yellow 88.25 59.00 58.50 Eastern oata and corn, bulk Oats S-lb. clipped ....... 61.00 61 BO 62 00 38-lb. clipped 62.00 62.50 1)3. 0C Corn No. 3 yellow 5D.25 69.25 59.25 Barley No. 2 ' 70.00 70.00 70.00 WH EAT Government tuehel. FLOUR -Patents. $12 35- $2.20 sal bakers' Wheat. $12.5; whole wheat, $11.25; hard gra Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 15. City deliv er- Feed Mill, $30 per ton: scratch feed. $S4; feed wheat. $89; all grain chop, $76; oats, $6970; sprouting oats, $74; roiled oats, $74; whole corn, $74; cracked corn. 6; rolled barley. $so: clipped barley, $S5. Hay Eastern Washington timothy mixed, $3Sfg'39 per ton; double compressed, $42; alfalfa, $35; straw, $171S; Puget sound, $33. MetaJ Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Copper, oulet. Electrolytic, spot and first quarter, 19Vi 19ic ; second quarter, 19V4 lSc Iron, firm and unchanged. Antimony. 10.T,0c. Lead, firm. Spot and Feb.. 8.62c bid- Zinc, firm. Spot, 9.17c bid; 027c asked. LONDON,) Jan ounce. Money, 4 per cent. Iiscount rates Short cent; three months' bllli biils, 54 per 84 per cent. ACTIVE MARKET FPU HOGS BULK OF SALES AT YARDS ARE AT TOP PRICES. Sheep and Lambs Arc Firm and Cattle Steady Run for Day Is Small. NEW TORK. Jan. Smelting & Refining company today ad vanced tne price or lead from 84 to 8 cents a pound. lried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. Evaporated ap plea. dull. Prunes, firm. Peache, firm. Receipts were again light at the artoek- yards. only seven cara being unloaded. Trad in n: was chiefly in the hog division. where the market waa re-ported firm with The American . the bulk of sales at lo, th top quotation. The tew transaction in me came ma rut indicated a stew. ay trend or values. (Sheep and Iambi were in small supply ami both were firm at unchanged prices. Receipts were 8 cattle, 512 hogs and 33 sheep. The cays sates wan as iouowi CHINOOK HITS HOOD RIVER Melting of Snow From December Storm Is Accelerated. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Jan. 15. (Spe cial.) A strong chinook wind last night melted most of the enow that had been lingering; since the early December storm. Only deep drifts re main beside sidewalks on city streets. and hillsides are bare except for the drifts in ravines. The street depart ment has been busy today, clearing away debris and opening the gutters and storm sewers. The Chinook has brought the Hood river to flood stage, but the deep gortfe will prevent over flow damage. 1 steer. . RS0 1 steer,. 1050 1 steer. . 990 1 cow S30 1 cow. . .1020 1 cow HO. 3 cows.. . 956 1 cow... 820 2 cows. . . 7 HO 2 cows.. . 933 1 cow... 940 1 cow. . .1020 1 cow. . .1120 2 cows. . . 790 1 cow ... 7&0 1 cow. . . 760 5 cows.. . 738 1 cart. 1 bull. 1 bull. 1 bull. 1 bull. 14 hogs. 1 nog. 6 hogs. hogs. 1 hop. 2 hogs. 7 hoes. RO .1380 .1220 .1000 .1120 . 178 . 3 SO . 190 . 23 . 45 . ISO . 117 Price. Wgt. Price. $ 7.25 3 hogs... 230 $15.75 10. OO 4 hogs... 250 15.75 8.00 1 hog.... 420 1S.75 6.50 2 hogs SM0 13.75 5.30 lhog.... 860 13.75 6 0O 3 hogs... 1W 15 50 7.50 17 hogs 224 16.00 8.0O 5 hogs... S56 14.00 " 5.50 1 hog.... 2'VO 14.00 7.00 1 hog 4 HO 14.00 6.23 7 hogs... 195 16.00 8.50 8 hogs... J81 16.O0 7.50 7 hogs 248 15.75 5.75 1 hog.... 300 12. OO 6.25 38 lambs.. 80 15.00 4. OH 8 ewes... 160 8.50 BOO 1 wether. 120 13. OO 12 00 I wether. 10O 11. mi 7.30 19 hogs... 1X0 16.06 8.25 1 hog.... 370 14.511 6.50 1 hog.... 860 14.50 7.25 2 hogs... 194 15.75 15.75 6 hogs... 126 14.00 13.75 8 hogs... 147 16.00 16 00 5 hogs... 226 16.00 16.00 2 hogs... 283 18.0O 14. OO S hogs... 210 16.00 16. OO 5 hogs... 240 16.0O 14.00 1 hog.... 4C0 14.00 THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY Correspondent Offices In over 60 Cities Portland A' roa Building;. Telephone Main 0072. A Municipal Yielding 6 Issued Under Conservative State Laws $25,000 Cowlitz County, Washington Diking Improvement District No. 5 7 Bonds Denomination $500 Maturities 1932-1934 The $ecurity for these bonds consists of 5549 acres of very rich land adjoining the town of Woodland, no part of which can be released from obligation for this indebtedness until the last bond has been paid. The Supreme Court of Washington has approved the con stitutionality of the act and the validity of the proceedings under which this municipal district was formed. Legal investment for savings bank and trust funds in Oregon and Washington. PRICES TO YIELD 6, INCOME TAX EXEMPT 1umbermersrp"us1" o. Bonds -Truss- Acceptances tapiral a. surplus sooo.ooa Cn v, lumWat-avans Blda, Porl4rd. Oreqop. C. F. WRIGHT, Vice-President Sca.trl JOHV A. KEATIXG, President CARL S. KELTT VIce-Prealdent A. H. 4VF.RI1.L r. S. BRIMRV ( has. h. I'tiier K. J. COMBS K. . COLLINS BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. DAN Mir. II JR. V. I. KILI.DR JOHV A. KK.lTIVfi I. KM. IK !. SHITI' 4 I1AHLF.S l- nKlUHT CHARLES K Coder Ssprrviales Bssklsg Deaaartsa.Bt State .f Oregon Syndicate Loans Attractive investment opportunity is offered from time to time by participation in the nation wide syndicate loans to Foreiprn Governments, Municipalities and to great American corporations. We participate in all National Syndicates that in our judgment are worthy of entrusting our own funds. Ask to be placed -on our mailing list for advance information Freeman Smith & Camp Co. S.A Faasxiaco second floor northwestern bank building Main 646 MUNICIPAL BONDS From the States of OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tax . . Devereaux 5L(5mpany MUNICIPAL BONDS 67 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building pen III NatioiaalBankof Commerce in Ne v5otLl Resource Loans and Discounts J $312,775,033.36 U.S. Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness and Loans se cured thereby Other Bonds and Securities U. S. Bonds and Certificates Borrowed Stock of Federal Reserve Bank Banking House Cash. Exchanges, and due from Federal Reserve Bank 127,108,880.70 Due from Banks and Bankers 8,887,105.45 Interest Accrued Customers' Liability under Letters .of Credit and Acceptances Established 1839 STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31. 1919. Liabilities Capital.; $25,000,000.00 Surplus 25,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 4,085,88?.9 1 Deposits r 403,140,460.35 U. S. Bonds and Certificates Borrowed 16,317.720.00 Bills Payable and Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank 73,868,596.31 Time Drafts of this Bank Outstandine.j .2.306.25Q-0CL TTeserved forTaies etc. . 2.S95.800.24 "Dividend Payable Jan. 2,"192V (including extra dividend) 1,125,000.00 Unearned Discount 1,956,558.62 Letters of Credit and Accept ances .- .- 64,865,797.93 Other Liabilities , . . . 3,330,009. 14 73,989.598.85 14,505,403.30 16,317,720.00 1,500,000.00 4,000,000.00 1,460,594.18 3,347,746.66- $623,892,032.50. 5523,892.082.50 J. HOWARD AUDREY JOSEPH A. 6ROOERICK CUV EMERSON JAMES S. ALEXANDER WILLIAM A. DAY HCNRY W. ds FOREST FORREST F. DRYDEN JAMES S. ALEXANDER v icm-itma tommr a HERBERT . HOWELL LOUIS A. KEIDEL DAVID H. C. PENNY JOHN C.-ROVENa-KY RICHARD W. SAUNDERS OIHCOM CHARLES E. DUNLAP HERBERT P. HOWELL ANDREW W. MELLON FARIS R. RUSSELL STEVENSON C. WARD. ROGER H. WILLIAMS CHARLES H. RUSSELL. VALENTINE P.SNYDER HARRY B. THAYER THOMAS WILLIAMS Get Information before buylns; stocks and bonds If you want to eliminate your looses. Wo have the most complete Information service obtainable on all classes of securities which you are invited .to make irse of. Don't hesitate to ask us for Information and Quotations on any security In which you are interested. ttre- private- leases -wires to all Imnmlaat markers. Liberty and Victory lloads Iluucbt avt tbe lliHsesl .Market Price. Herrin & Rhodes, Inc. Portlaad Seattle Tarosia Kslabliabed 1MH1. STOCKS AND BONDS n,tl.nri 2u Railway Eirkaace Rids:. Slala. 2S3. t On account of the high value of Ameri can funds in Canada some excellent purchases in Canadian Municipals are now obtainable WE SELL THEM "The House Built Square" Carstens & Earles, Incorporated Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Broadway 4108 307 U. S. Nat'l Bank Eldg. acnncnnaEncn,; FACTS NO, 4M. FULL MEASURE OF SERVICE The vital problem in the improve ment and con struction of roads is that they be constructed so they will yield the full measure of service. It is vital that they be serv iceable. Every day, sum mer and winter, the rural high way should always be open for travel. This is assured if the road is paved with WAItltKX I1ROS. COIIPAM. DDDsnDnaoDQ Jchn Y. Richardson & Co. Certified Public Accountants INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Concord Building, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 8231 MEMBER AMERICAN INSTITUTE ACCOUNTANTS OF Writs for SUnaet Tan aaJ Price tist SULLIVAN HIDE & WOOL CO, 144 Front St. Portlaad mm SShw 144 Front St.