THE 3IORXTVG OREGON'IA-, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1920 FOR. SAI.K AUTOMOBILES, Motorrycle HENDERSON, lflrlB. Just overhauled, la perfect I mining sexier; owner leaving towxi4 chaap for ELECTRICALLY equipped 3-speod Haj-ley end sidecar, fine running order. bargain; owner leaving state. Phone Ea;t 4B47. FOR HOTOH.CYCLE3 AND BICYCLES TRY VJS, 204-06 flP ST. MAIN 6138. Auto Tires and Aeeeettorles. 1 PAIR NEW TIRES. 85x4. flu 84x4 rim, guaranteed 8000 miles: $35 cash each, cost $.t4.55. 203 Swetland. bid.. 6th and Washington sts.. city. Antomobile for 11 ire NSW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GT-ISAN STS. A 262. BROADWAY 26'J9. HEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. Hl'DSONi LOWNSDALB GARAGB. BPWT. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. K.w cars, reasonable rates. City Oa rage. KB 10th t. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 1UTH AND YAMHILL. A 123d. ALTHOF A BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRH WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY OARAGE. 8D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. 6-FASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. FORD TRUCKS AT BIG SAVTNG. This Is a final effort to dispose of our word 1-ton trucks: prices and terms have been arranged, to move them. JS19 FORD, worm drtve. thoroughly overhauled, good, body; snap price 2813 FORD, worm dH-ve. Al shape. good, delivery body; 0X7 FORD chassis with chain drive at tachment, completely overhauled and made like new; only Sdau. FORD, worm drive, always bad good care, good express body; spe cial at asu. 5917 FORD chassis wtth new chain. Art attachment, new tireac sua A-l ma chine for 1B0O. 017 FORD, chain drtva. wttn largo fur niture Dooy; special price, VERY ELaSX TERMS, "WTET.TAM I HTTGHSOT C030M2-, Broadway at Davis, . Broadway 821. SJPtHJCLAX. BAJRO-AINS OKEH SRDCEa 3-ton Mack. J-ton Ford, M5TX 1-ton Rerrahllo. 1000l 2-ton Packard, $1200. SH-ton Kissel dump. $2001. 8H-ton Volte, $2800. 8.-ton Hack dump. These trucks have bees thoroughly werhauled and are priced to sell quick, terms to suit. sUCK-nfTDRTfATIONAL MOTOR. TRUCK CORPORATION, 10th and Davis Sts. TJHED TRUCK BARGAIN. s-TON lBlfl DENBY TRUCK. .-.$l00 li,-ION WHITE ,..1400 ROBERTS MOTOR CAR COk. PARK AT EVERETT ST, (PNE 8-TON PACKARD truck, with dump body and hoist. This truck is ready to go to work. $1650. One 4-TON PACKARD truck chassis nly HUGO PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, Burnside at Tenth Su Broadway 621, MASTER TRUCK BARGAIN. New Master 2-ton truck, equipped with chains, windshield and first-class stake bed; mechanically perfect; bought new November 16; actually run 20 days; Guaranteed as represented, $2800 cash, all at No. IS Todd apts.. E. 12th and Stark. Is-TON Bulck truck; best buy In city; In first-class shape; has body and top, all ready for work; (3O0 cash, balance on easy terms to reliable party. Phone Tabor 8715 or call at 232 E. 84th. Sun- nyalde car. OR SALE Several used trucks, all sixes, completely overhauled; best buy in the city; terma DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO.. 101 Tenth St. TRUCK CONTRACT, I have a contract for 6 trucks, 2 -ton capacity, haul lumber and make $30 to o a day. see J3arnes today. 1 Broad way. SUGGEST buy In town 'Brand-new 15K!0 model 2-ton truck, never been used eauipued with pneumatic tires all around; easy terms. Price $1800. Phone East 2-'Za. TARM TRACTORS, new and second-hand. overhauled and sold. See us first. Alex- ander-Badley Co.. 300 East Morrison. R SALE My Maxwell 1-ton truck I good condition; good body, terms. Call Nicholson. Marshall 867. 615 Wash. St. RD 1-ton truck, complete with top and all curtains, good as new. on your own terms. Patton. Marshall 1428. J&Y PRIVATE party, practically new 3H tou truck, equipped for lumber haul. Sell. 2814. H4-TON Kelly Springfield truck. $70o". Chas. R. Archerd Company. Balem. Or. fcrT RUE-TON truck, cost J4O0O new. J1500. Main 4190. ATJTO REPAIRING. OLD RADIATORS MADE LIES NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP, 535 ALDER. VlRST-CLASS automobile mechanic, will take work by hour or Job; guaranteed work. Call ma to help or to do it alL Main 8490. "WILL come to your own garage and re pair your car, by a man 11 years' experl ence; $1 per hour. Phone East 5379. St ELI ABLE mechanic will do all or part of your work; work guaranteed. Phone me at Bdwy. 037. I'OR expert auto repairing and Ignition troubles call Wdln. 4676. Private work. GARAGES, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. General auto repairing, storage: we treat you right; call anytime when in trouble. GODBEY CHURCHILL. Corner 5th and Hoyt- Broadway 1586. USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD. OARAGE SACRIFICE. LEAVING CITY. 2-story concrete bldg., repair and storage, long lease. Sell less tban In voice. $2100. 224 Oregon bldg. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will fet the right cash price for your goods. 07 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIA LTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 8225. 209 Madison. JUNK WANTED. Full value paid for rags, old cloth ing, scrap metals, rubber, sacks. We also pay a good price on oiu tools and furni ture. Call Main 734. 201 V 1st st tVAMCiu x our lurnnure to repair, re finish and upholster; work called for ana aftiivereu. raonc xaoor 4966. T W. Campbell. 4804 85th st. S. E. X WANT used furniture; will pay as mucn as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H. uaiei, aeaier. o.u w imams ave. WANTED 4-foot green slab and block wood; will contract for 1 year. Call East 7453. or address 1006 Schuyler st. JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools, trunks- bottles; good prlcesv Cast 17L .."WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon' Typewriter Co.. 04 6th. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia- mono. ian jwarx a i:o.. Wash. stl GOOD small-size cash register for caslT ri'unf onoo ot-v. o ana w evenings. WANTED Second-hand hemstitching tna- cuiutt. Ac i umgDnian, WANT a stump puller and woodsaw. tox loz, '.anoy, or. OVRTATNS hsnd laundered: anteed. Phone 219-23. work guar Wsl Nl'SIteA heating stove. Main 3536. WASTED MISCELIAXXOC 8. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. SeH yotrr diamonds direct to Diamond brokers and receive The highest rash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay full value In cash for Diamonds. We purchase pawn Tickets, Gold. Silver, Platinum And valuables, any amount. We bny War Stamps, Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds. If you want money, see us. Private office: business confidential. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 MORGAN BUXL, Second Floor. Licensed by City of Portland. I HAVE CASH TO BUT THT5 FOLLOWING MACHINE TOOLS ONE PLANER, OPEN SIDE. 40x43 INCHES. ONE SH.AFER, 24-INCH. ONE KEY-S BATING MACHINE, 24-IN OR LARGER. ONE LATHE, 28-iN. SWING. 18 FT BETWEEN CENTERS. ONE LATHE. 24-lj. SWING, 12 FT. BETWEEN CENTERS. GIVE SPECIFICATIONS OF YOUR OFFERINGS IF YOU WRITE. V, C GALT, 210 COMMONWEALTH BLDG. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Bldg. 2d Floor. $12.60 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND . OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors, Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St., near 8d st. Will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS, OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO, 2US SELLING BLDG. SECOND FLK. OLD FALSB TEETH BOUGHT. "We pay no to 825 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns. brldgework bought. Bring or mail. The American Brokerage lx, zuo Morgan oiag., second floor. FURS I FURS! FURS! I make them look like new; cleaning and alterations or any description at reasonable prices, see the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., Main 6528. 103 West Park. Bet. Morrison and YanxhliL. UP TO $26 FOR MEN'S SUri'S AND OVERCOATS We will pay any price for men's clothes. UKUiUiX I -A .N t. tt AJNU U AILOKS, 117 2d St.. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main U344. $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVBRCOAT3, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 31)32. 245 Vi B U RN SIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 8D. CALL ME BEFORE ANBODY ELSE. TO BUY a fireproof safe; give price and size ana where it can De seen. AH 72b, Oregonlan. WANTED Cash register; give full par ticulars ana price ana wnere it can be seen. AG 616. Oregonlan. Furniture Mantra. GEV'URTZ FURNITURE CO., PHONE MARSHALL 5981.. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR. NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND iN PORTLAND. PRONE US. MARSHALL 6981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 188 FIRST ST. CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL" BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 .FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 30. BE SURE AND LET US SEE vour furniture and .household goods be. fore you sell. We are in the market for same and win pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 First St. Main 772S. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid tor stoves ana ranges ana ail Kinds o household goods. Call us for one article or a noube luii, ana a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. see us betore you sen. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE, MAIN S87S. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of anv description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First st. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household eooas. pacitio coast tor warding Co.. th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. WANTED Used furniture. Phone East 49'j: for good prices and quick service. 662 Williams ave. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED V 1 UL PA X CA1. MA1. 3332. WANTED Used furniture. We pay mora. Broadway 2. ask lor Buyer. WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 5064. Will pay beat HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED First-class automobile mechan ic, none other will be considered; if you can't deliver the goods, dQn't answer this adv. Apply Used Car Department, MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., S21 E. Morrison St. WANTED Edgerman for 12-lnch Alii Chalmers edger; resawer for Allis Chalm ers 10-inch horizontal; capacity of mill 151) M. 8 hours; expect to operate Feb. 1 mill located westlmber. Or. Wnte apply with references, 327 Lumberznens btdg.. glagle Lumber Company. I WANTED For steady employment 30 ex IJei ivuceu .w uvuuieii iiy xnuiuna narnor Belt R. R. Co.. Gibson. Indiana: trans. portatlon furnished. Apply Liberty Temple. TRUCKMEN WANTED with some money, to get contract haul ing lumber; Lrt-class job, last year or more. come quick. see Barnes, 71 Broadway. NOW is the time to line up for this sea son s road work. 1 have steadv road Job and hauling contract for purchaser or 4-ton truck. Mish. Broadway 3848. WANTED Clean-cut young man to travel with sales manager; reference and small investment required. See Mr. Burkhard Friday evening after 6:30, Palace hotel. ATHLETIC director wanted for high school: salary 51SU0. Write or call once. Yates-Fisher Teachers' Agency. tn tsroaaway rjiqg. WANTED First-class door machine man. cutting plant ioreman; must nave ex perience in stock door factory. AV 97, Oregonlan. HUSTLERS, agents, picture men, sales men. call at once persuing propohitio: 416 Stock Exchange bldg. Some quick money. WANTED A man to take a logging con tract, gooa grouna ana gooa timber. close in. fiutts &. oake, 241 couch St. DELIVERY BOY JExeellent opoortuni for advancement. Stubbs .Elec Co.. 6th at rme. WANTED Office bov between and 20. Call at 101 8d St. of MEN wanted to peddle hominy and horse radish: pay every day. 392 East Clay WANTED &Lsh and door machine men. jwc.Minnvin rianmg Mill. McMinnvill SHINGLE sawyer, S10 day or 32 Lewis Employment, Bdwy. 2339. WANTED Office boy: must bo over 18. Apply l.ang a Co.. 1st and Ankeqy. WANTED First-class coatmaker. Reed rsrog., i-auors, ud w llcoXDldg. WANTED A platen feeder. Rose City printery, otn St. SOLDIERS and sailors unemployed day: a sure winner. 504 Spalding bldg. COATMAKER wanted by Boise, Idaho. Blot Anderson LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 E. Broadway. COATMAKER wanted, $14 and up. Poetech. a&ainJer, 0 HELP WANTED MALE. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y M C. A. which aids ambitious young men in pryihg open the ooors ox opportunity. In the past ill years we have assisted 17.932 men to iinaing positions. Many of these men are now in executive positions and se cure their help through us. 'ine standing this department has wltn employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period or 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better sort of Joha vacant positions in Portland at pres ent are scarce, and if you need assist ance in selling your service consult one of the employment secretaries, room 807. we can help YOU. B00 INEXPERIENCED men wanted .to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanisers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by TJ. S. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you nave Inspected this one: railroad fare re funded if after personal Inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools in. the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm sts., Spokane. Wash.: 700 Mercier St.. Seattle. Wash. VULCANIZING AND RETREADING. LEARN TO REPAIR. REBUILD AND RETREAD ALL KINDS OF TIRES AND TUBES. EXPERT INST RUCTION ON COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT. THE RTATK ALLOWS EX-SERVICE MEN $25 PER MONTH WHILE AT- TENDING OUR SCHOOL. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. CALX. OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, UC 45i HAWTHORNE AVE.. DEPT V THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TOU HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. LNC 43 HAWTHORNK AVt. AUTOMOBILE TRACTOR AND AIR PLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT VUL CANIZERS. ACETYLENE WELDERS AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIO WAGES. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS' TIME; SO PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK WITH CLEAR. UNDERSTANDABLE LEC TURES AND DiAMONSTRATlONS BY EXPERTS. THE STATE ALLOWS EX- SERVICK MEN $25 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR SCHOOL CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. WANTED First-class machine man for sash and door plant, one experienced In grinding knives and caring for heads and bitts on stickers and tenoners: file saws, etc.: a strictly first-class man; also one cutting plant foreman to get out aoor stock, etc.; also a good inspec tor and shipper of doors. These three men must be first-class sash and door men; none other need apply. Pacific .Employment Co, 235 Burnsida St. WANTED First - class pattern maker thoroughly familiar with Job shop pattern making, or first-class cabinet maker who wm be willing to break into pattern making. Apply Penin sula Iron Works. NOTICE. Do you want to learn the auto and tractor business where you can work on ail makes of automobiles, gas engines and tractors? If so. make application immediately, special .o discount until February 1. Call or write tor tree cata logue and Information, HEMPHILL'S AUTO SCHOOLS. INC., 707 Hawthorne ave., or 124 N. 0th St., Portland. Or. WANTED Young single man who has had practical bookkeeping experience, one who' Is not afraid of work and is willing to start at the bottom. Good opportun Ity for advancement; answer, giving age. past experience, names of employers and salary expected to start, also any otber information that might be of interest to an employer. AN 99, Oregonlan. NEW NIGHT CLASS. No enrollments accepted for night class after January 20. Class just start ing: enroll now; school can be Inspected Monday or Thursday evenings. 6:50 to 7 P. M. Adcox Auto and Gas Engine School. Union ave. and Wasco Street. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school : new building; modern equipment; best in Btruction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. jM. C A. bldg. Pbone Main 8 700. branch 2. WANTED Three capable reliable young men, will give preference to discharged soldiers or tailors, permanent position, good pay; apply only 8 to 9 A. M.. room 803 Piatt bldg. Reference and small cash bond required. WANTED Out-of-town manufacturing concern wants young man experienced, in labor distribution : good prospect for right man. In reply state experience and reference In handwriting. S 491, Oregonlan. WIDE-AWAKE advertising solicitors for new line; give phone numbers for Satur day interviews; big opportunity. AI"i 151, Oregonlan. WANTED Stenographer between 23 and Zi years oiu to worK in or new manufacturing plant. Apply by letter, stating experience, salary expected and telephone number. AO 4t, Oregon ian. WANTED Marker and sorter, $35 per week; must be able to handle jr0 bun dle work ; no floaters wanted ; perma nent position. ELmo Steam Laundry, Elmo, Wash. LUMBKR office experience, must bo am bitious and accurate wtth sales ability Good opportunity for a hustler. Give full particulars In first letter with ref erences. AV 133. Oregonlan. WOULD LIKE to hear from bolt con tractor, one with 3 teams; t000 cords to take out; must be experienced; state in first letter. A. A. Anderson, Kockaway, Oregon. MILL ROOM FOREMAN for furniture fac tory, eaatern experience preferred ; state age, salary, experience, references and laut place of employment. Box AV 132, Oregonian. WANTBrD VI rat-class bookkeeper, one having lumber experience preferred; out-of-town position ; good salary ; advance ment. For details apply 510 Oregon bldg. WANTED Beginners and amateur pian ists and nanjoists ior aance orchestra practice. Jess t Jazi) Parker, 514 E tiers Music bldg. WANTED All-around newspaper man, ac- I'usiumeu lu aue paiJcr w oik.; one wun knowledge of lumber preferred. Steady position. AO SS, Oregonian. WANTED First-class, all-around quick shoe repair man for large union shop ; $6 per- day the year-round. For Infor mation call Main 4800. WANTED Young man to work in butcher shop and learn meat cutting; one with previous experience preferred. Popular Market, 521 Union avenue. LEARN PRACTICAL SHOW CARD WRITING. Night classes. McDertnott Sohool, 45 Fourth. WANTED Names ambitions men wishing become government railway mall clerks; $1300 first year. Answer immediately. AV 83. Oregonian. WANTED Hiffh-grade window trimmer and card writer experienced in men's wear: permanent position. Mathis. 5th and iorrison. WANTED Two experienced car-wheel turners, prefer men who have worked In railroad shops. Pacific Car & Foun dry Co.. 219 Kat 60th North. WANTED Combination ad man and lino type operator: must be competent op erator; scale J37.50. The Central la Daily hud, jeniraua, w asn. ADVERTISING solicitors, m.ust be expe- nenceu, esiauitsneu pucmcauons. xv. v. Clyde., 2tO Stock Exchange. WANTED Mechanical draftsman to work spare time for interest in business. AN 10O, oregonlan. WANTED Finisher for furniture factory. able to mix colors; first-class i-esaw man for planing mill. Apply 240 Salmon st. WANTED at once, acetylene welder. Ap ply HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, INC., 707 Hawthorne ave.. Portland. Or. WANTED Janitor to take care of hails in office building. 605 Conch bldg.. be fore 10 A. M. YOUNG man with office experience, steady position; give age, experience and salary expected. AE 720. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper with some knowledge of stenography; give references. AM 105. Oregonlan. SALESMEN, experienced or inexperienced, 83ft Chamber of Commerce building. th and Stark WANTEDBoy for banX messenger, must , write good hand; advancement If capa ble. BF 465, Oregonian. TAILORS, ATTENTION. Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO- 74. DISHWASHER wanted. 308 Oak st. Help Wantert -Salesmen. SALT? SM N We have openings for two good real estate men with autos. Suite 42 Lumber mens bldg. SALESMEN and agents, great sellers, somethins new. 504 6 pal din: bids. HELP WANTED MA I.E. Help Wanted Salesmen. TWO srroerlericed city travelers as sales men for two new lines of ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES. These lines are sellers, where others are not. Don't apply unless you are an experienced salesman and can sell the goods. Lib- . eral commission basis. THE ELECTRIC MAID SHOP. 133 Tenth St. WANTED Experienced. live wire and thorough tire salesman with machine for city, commission basis only. This Is an excellent opportunity for ne right man: unless yon can Qualify d not answer. Hutch's Tire & Supply Co. 10 Sixth st. SALESMAN with car to represent Port land nn commission Dasis: one wno ns hnd vrnflrlpnpit In blltldlnr or selling houses. MUlmade Construction Co.. 1601 Union ave. N. SALESMEN WANTED. t salesmen to sell an advertised stock In Vancouver and vicinity, 104 3d Vancouver, Wash. CLEAN-CUT. progressive stork or bond salesman to ixanaie quKKseiing propo sition; references required, fit. w. jBrowne, 747 Multnomah hotel. EXPERIENCED straight order men and I crew manager. write fnlio P. oreene, Boise. Idaho. Best Job In the business. WANTED Experienced real estate sales man for city homes, must nave car. ut l Railway r.xcnan go oiag. SALESMAN wanted to make Portland only. good commission. uoiaen west sus pender Co., Phoenix bldg WANTED AGENTS. 6 WITT PUZZLE? MAPS of Washington and! Ore-got net agents $ money axiu sell readfliy In the hom im. Writ for term and territory. Swlflt Mfcuc- Co, F St., Bonn ere rerry. loano. AGENTS at once, selling 60c per month hospital tickets, zoo coroett oiag. HELP WANTED FKMALE. W ANTED Experienced power operators for sewing new burlap bags. Appiy xx l Front streex. WEJ have Just placed 16 comptometer op erators m positions in mis city; we now need 16 more students to fill their va- -nn.lM in mi r echool: Course COBtS YOU $40 and takes, you about 8 weeks; girls must not be over 25 years. Call 803 Mor gan bldg. Ses Miss rTank. I WANT a young. Intelligent. exMs-geUo single woman to assist me m and out of ha ffrm. in MeJllnsr rooming and sjtart- ment houses: permanent position for right party. Grve ail particulars in letter with phone number: no experience nec essary. AN 102, Oragontaau WIDE-AWAKE ecTvertiirtTig BoMatton for new lrne: give phone numbers for Satur day interviews; otg opportunity. -." Oregoman. IB- vTKn T.nd of nleaamg personality. musician preferred. Call personally, 3 to k - 7 c t m ask for Mr. and Mrs. Hageman. Enrollment Dept. Modern Conservatory of Music. 148 13th st near Morrison. Broaaway -mo. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR for first-class 1 position. $lou per montn, is nnrary work, instruction free to expe- rienccd typist. Apply Tlx UiciApDona. 420 Spalding bias. wantBD Power " machine operators. ..n.fiv inrir p-nnd nav: also clTl for gen eral work around factory. Simmons r.muA -m :o Phoenix bldg- 83 a' Ui street. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by middle-aged bachelor, on small ranch, widow with iiisa o-iri a irt old. pre-ferreu. ffnnri took, neat and clean. Address. box 100. route 1. Sherwood. Or. COLORED cook for country inn. would consider man and wife forT clen.: tner nrt wsj-hin dishes. Apply 307 Swetland bldg.. 10:30 to 13. WANTED Girls and women for box fac tory work, out of oity; first-class Place; minimum wage 2.20; piece work to S4 or bolter. Butta & Pake, act joucn bl WANTED Beginners and amateur pianist. and banjoists ior aanco w'"-1"- tnr Jess CJaxzi Parker. 514 Ellers Music bldg. WANTED Capable, ambitious woman who .in from 2 to B hours a day to pleasant, profitable outside work. 627 I Corbett bldg. EXPERIENCED girl for soda fountain, candies, fruits, cigars and tobaccos, must understand business and prices. good wages; 8 hours, 131- r. lutn . i-rrtnvTTnV. LADIES. A large assortment of exclusive ntym I In buckram, net and wire nai iratuco. La i ranee natters. -r 1 .w. mii.t ivvpv mikAni wanted: aood wages; also 'someone to make linings and line hats E-lsie Trimmed Hat Co., 22 Beck bldg. Broadway 4oo. tjamtcs wanted, women, 1 up. wishing n,A.-nnnrr nnaitinns: f 1 1 40 first year; experience unnecessary; answer Immedi ately. AV 84, Oregonian. iv a vt t it i rnmnptpnt stenoarapher famil iar with filing systems, one who can furnish references; kindly answer in your own handwn ting. a in urc k y EXPERIENCED insurance stenographer, 1 t"VnriTiofH hnnkkeeoer and sten- fimnhAr. 100. Stenographer, $75. -UU N. W. Bank bldg. w a vTF.n First-class makers and trim mers for out of town and city positions. Apply immediately, MuUer &. jx&aa -o. Royal building. STENOOKAPHBR Wholesale house; must be experienced; siaie agn, eio' iwu, references and thone number. AW Oregonlan. PERMANENT position open for ood 1st or dictaphone operator; state ruiiy I past experience and salary expected. AE 2ft, Oregon. an. HIGH school girl wanted to do light house work after scnooi ior ecuuo room and wages: references. M oto. Oregonian. wt vTir.n vtookkeener. stenographer, in high-class or rice ; rausi oe acruiio 4. have a pleasing personality. K 8o2, Or- egonlan. EXPERIENCED girl for coffee packing and labeling, uaxi oetoi- v w vuv. Davis st. SOM BONE for house w ork wanting home Lents more than wages. r-aiira uuiui, Station. R. 3, box 373. Portland. PIANO lemons exchanged for assistance in housework, four mornings a week. AC 897, Oregonlan. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to th Salvation Army Rescue Home. B03 East 15th "st. N-, or phone East 123- EXPERIENCED operators wanted on Singer sewing machines. Apply at Ore gon Knitting Mills. 213 3d st. GIRL to care for children, must have city references. Call mornings. Multnomah Hotel, suite 100. COMPETENT bookkeeper for part time each day. one using typewriter preferred 2S6 Yamhill street. RELIABLE girl to assist in care of three children, experience not necessary. Call mornings Main 4031. WANTED Teacher who can handle pupils on piano and violin; out-oi-town ciaas. AV 86, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper with some knowledge of stenography; giv references. AM IPG, Oregonian. WANTRTV-Oonraetent operator for hair- dressing parlor. Portland, hotel. Main G30L TAILORS, ATTENTION. Strike stHl on In Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. THE Florence Crittenden Home Is ready to help any girl in distress. 055 East OU wan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED Experienced stenographer; Un derwood typewriter. Phone Woodlawn 8171. WANTED Office clerk, young woman preferred good penman; mention wages gxpecteA. A.c i-o urcptum". A-l STENOGRAPHER for city, salary $100; stenographer for city. $15 to start. 447 Morgan mog. WAITRESS out of Broadway 2339. town, good wages. WANTED Milliner maker and trimmer. Liberty Apparel Co., 144 d st. EXPERIENCED waitress. Court. 53 Ells st. Alexandria FINISHERS and sewers wanted on ladles garments, mya si, near uaK. MILLINERY makers and trimmers want ed. Apply LwengarT. t jq. CHORUS GIRLS, experienced; big engage ment. Apply uasino tneaier. GIRL wanted, abont 1R years of age, for work in oxrice. au so, regoniao, WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Hotel Del-'Mae-Joe. 149 N. 6th. GIRL to work in dining room, 6:30 to 8 P. M. Campbell Hill Hotel. WANTED Good seamstress Call Wood- iwn 77-i WAiN TED Experienced dressmaker. X Pittork blorV. 508 PRIVATE home for children, 4 to 11 rra J1A Everett st. Marshall 21 60. HELP WANTED FEMALE, TELITPHONB OPERATING FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ADDITIONAL TV.T.V.VTTrYKTt flPltR. A TORS ARE NEEDED. DUE TO CON STANTLY INCREASING REOU1RE ME NTS OF THE SERVICE. A GOOD KALARY AT TTTP! START. REGULAR AND FREQUENT I3C CREASBS. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNI TIES FOR PROMOTION. LARGE- C"H KKR1TTTT. fPF T A "TTNO ROOMS. ATTRACTIVE RECREATION ROOMS. LUNCHROOMS WITH SERVED AT COST. APPLY AT TELEPHONE COM PANT, ROOM 60L. SIXTH FLOOR. TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. KEW class in sdentlflo treatment of the skin and scalp begins January lo : 1 will guarantee position to members of this class, as increase in my buslnc has created positions for specialists in this line of work. Mtne, Pattenaude. 411 Beck bldg. hours 9:30 to 12:30 a. jo, aauy. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Hoyt hotel. 6th and Hoyt. Wanted Iometles. WANTED Cook and downstairs work rn small family where second girl la kept: good wages; steady position. Apply forenoons, llo North Z2d st- WANT K I O i r or woman to do second work and assist with the care of chil dren In place where cook Is kept; wages $40. Phone automatic 618-66. COMPETENT, reliable girl tor cooking ana aownetairs work; srooa wages; no washing. Mrs. Lewis Mills. 6o6 Irvtng st. Broadway 1129. WANTED Cook In private family; good wages; second maid and laundresn em ployed. Bdwy. 618. GIRL wanted to assist wltn housework: wages $120. call between s and 6 at 6.1 Eobuyler st. COMPETENT second girl. v oorhees. Sellwood 1002. WANTED Young girl for general house work in zamuy z s; experience in ooos ing not necessary. Wdln. 8137. WANTED Young girl to assist with nousewora: gooa nome i or clean, wilt ing girl. Call Tabor 26S8. WANTED Maid for general housework Jn family of 4. 436 iiast 24t-h st. N. Bdwy. car. East 4S93. MAID for Rose City Park borne, no wash ing, vacuum cleaner, xaany electrical labor-saving devices. 835. Tabor 2019. WANTED Young girl to assist with gen eral housework. Oood Horn ud rood waicei. IT-'tt NartUla St. WANTED Girl for general housework In email family; good wages; no minutes from town. Phone Main 2Q94. WANT a girl to assist with housework; high school girl will do. Phone Wood lawn 1!560. WANTED Competent girl for general 14th N. housework. East 42J30. 43S E. GIRL for housework. Main 4825. 145 N. 2d street- YOUNG girl or grammar school girl to aaslst with housework. Tabor 20TJH. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Phone Kast 4M3. . WOMAN to help in general housekeeping. Optical lept.. Lip man wolie. HELP WAVTEH MALE OR FFMAI.E. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMINA TIONS coming to Portland; begin ,1300; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. S74 A. Rochester, N. Y. EDrCATIONAL MOTTLE R S BARBER COL LEO W will teach you the trade in 8 wks.; glre frou a set of tools and some pay while earning; positions secured; scholarships and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in U. S, and Canada, tkod for catalogue. 234 Burnuide st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BE HNKE-WALKER Bustners College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGK will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free ; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this terra. 233 Madison. HARPS, large and small, a course of in struction free with the purchase; pupils prepared for concert, lyceum and t h au la u qua. engagemontft. 510 Ellers bldg. Alice Genevieve Smith, LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, v ere lar iat, special courses; expert teachers; day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 6083. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school; individ ual Instruction. 122 V Grand ave. K. 427. KOCKY MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex:-asst. state Suut. Mgr. N. W. ank bldg. Main 8270. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you Whlle learning, gives you set of tools while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. 38 N. 2d St. LEARN VULCANIZING & RETREADING. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCliOUU 1MU 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph irLstltut), 434 Railway 4.x change bldg. Free booklet. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary, ltfl Broadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, AUsky bldg., 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, &ec Main 77. MRS. Hannum's shorthand school, lndivld ual Instruction. 230 Tillamook, E. 8860. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mo. 4b35. Teacning positions, tree registration. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main o2,4. Broadway bidg. PTTTTATIONS WANTED MALE. COOK, married, wants steady position; experienced, caxe or restaurant; go any place. Clark, 853 1st su TRUCKS for hire, the size and type o2 body to suit most any job. Wilkinson, Broadway 133 EXPERIENCED sawyer would like posi tion in small mill. a. int. jrwtn, f ossil, Oregon. LOGGING camp timekeeper and com mis sary man, lw years experience. Go any where. AR 123. Oregonian. ranch. Inquire 10-14 w. ittth St.. van-f wTh MARRIED man, handy, wants job, garage, battery or general repair. AO 4ui, Ore gonian. MEAT .young man, experienced soda dls penser, wants position. iiuwy. or AC 309. Oregonlan. WANTED Job cooking for crew of men by 1st and 2d cook. Address oy man or wire. C. D. Bly, M 1 1 lCi ty. or. : MILLWRIGHT and band sawyer. 15 years experience, wants permanent or tempora ry work; reference. AN e9, Oregonian. YOUNG married man desires work In sheet metal work; also handy around machinery. Tabor 620 evening. CHINE65B cook, restaurant or boarding house, hotel, wants job as first-class cook. Ad d r ess5 Gran am. c ity. WANT work: for 2-ton truck. Call Tabor SS60. POSITION by experienced, mldd'e-aged man, watchman or janitor. Tabor 9105. POSITION by experienced truck driver. Tabor S2Q or Marshall K6o7. CARPENTER, A-l mechanic, remodeling or new work. Phone Tabor 9049. ! WANTED Job as truck driver or garage hand ; experienced. Call Mar. 211. CESSPOOLS DUG. WOODLAWN 54P3. PAINTER, paperhanger. calsomlner. $4 8 hours. AG 5-S9, Oregonlan. WANTED Cily hauling with I-ton truck. AC 894. Oregonian, or East 5467. COOK wishes position in or out of town. Good reference, AK 960, Oregonian. WANTED A hauling contract for a new 3-ton truck. A M 107. Qregon i a n. ST 1. PENT wants work on Saturdays. Main 510. YOUNG man wants work sfter school hours. L. Round, cars Y. M. C. A, TWO married m;ii want wood Mllttin(t. or land clearing Job. A V 9.'. Oregon In. A-l CARPENTER builds and remodels cheap by contract, Woodlawn 12 S. STTTJATIO'N-S WANTED MALK. AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN. 25 TEARS OF AUK, WITH A GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF BOOKKEEPING, EXPERIENCED AT TIMEKEEPING AND COST ACCOUNT ING, DESIRES A rERMANKM itjoi TION WITH A RELIABLE FIRM, WHERE HIS CHANCE FOR ADVANCE MENT WILL DEPEND ON HIS ABILI TY. THE BEST OF REFERENCES CAN BE FUUN1SHED. WILL CONSID ER A NOMINAL SALARY TO BEilit WOODLAWN 6369. I HAVE) HAD 14 YEARS' SFLLINO EX PERIENCE; AM DESIROUS OF SE CURING -A PERMANENT POSITION WITH A RELIABLE FIRM WHERE HARD WORK WII.L BE APPRECI ATED AND LELD TO ADVANCE MENT: CAN FURNISH BEST OF RiiF KRENCF.S. BF 373. OREGON1AN. YOUNG MAN possessing technical train ing ana practical experience wouta nice position as manager of stock or grain farm; would consider leasing an equipped farm If In favorable location. AV U2. Oregonlan. POSITION ' wanted, experienced superin tendent and manager open to take im mediate charge of logging operation; nine years' experience in large Colum bla river operation. J 4fc5. Oregonlan. MAN experienced In retail merchandise accounting and collections and rating agency work wants to connect with wholesale or retail concern credit dept. AR 73. Oregonian. COUNTER man with long cafeteria and also dairy lunch experience, wishes posi tion, either as head counterman or night manager. B, Wilson. Grower apts. Main YOUNG man wants work- drtver or ch&uf. feur; willing to work for room and board and small wages. Can furnish best of references. Tabor 5603. 1832 Division st. YOUNG man. 25. wants work, short hours afternoon or nights, any kind of work in restaurant. Call In morxungs. Broad way ii. room U , . EX-SOLDIER, high school graduate, now attending business college, desires em ployment Saturday or Sundays. EX P, Williams, 270 Sixth street, AMERICAN boy of 19 wishes work on farm or in city; can drive Ford car, or anything on farm, Ernest Elclunan. Main 2359. 1034 Fourth and Stark sts. .1 TRUCK salesman, manager of local truck department tor past year, desires to make change; best ox rexerencea. East 6977. XOUNG MAN with engineering education and 4 years" business experience, wants executive or sales position, AX 151. Ore gonlan. MA R RIED man. exn. In dairy or farm. wants position, to manage or to work a dairy farm on shares. BP Orego nlan. TOUNG MAN wnti 4 years experience as ban k t e I ler. desires p oalt l on in Dan it. city or country; good references. AL X'JQ, uregonxan. WANTED Work oc tarm by experienced farm hand. Call at TID 4th Bt ttJG-orrow If possible or phone Zast 59. Albert Prince. FIRST-CLASS engineer wants steady por tion; can do own firing If seeded; good references. Call MerahaB 2043, or AO 5 Oregonlan. CARPENTER The man yoa want: first- class, finishing and repairing; doors and windows adjustea; neat, reosoiiuiM. Broadway 710. YOUNG MAN wishee position as grocery clerk. 7 years experience, married, not afraid of hard work, country- or city. AN 12G, Oregonlan. GENTS furnishing and shoe clerk. 8 years' exrertence. married, noneet ana rpnaoie. wishes position in or out of caty. US? 3ti9, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by young man, married. have held positions of trust ana rospon sibility: can give best references. AR t0 Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN attending business college wants work evenings after 4:0 and Sat urdays; any kind of work, AL 242, Ore gonlan. ADCOX auto student wants work morn ines. east side preferred; experienced Ford drtver. Call after 4 P. East HMM, room 41. BY SHIPPING CLERK AND FREIGHT CHECKER. EXPERIENCED IN RATES AND CLERICAL WORK. WOODMUN :5 Y. M. C. A. RELIABLE middle-aged man wishes po sition as fireman, watchman or other niRht work; references'. Ogle. E. 32 13. PROFESSIONAL TREE SURGERY. Pruning of family- orchards', shrubs and shade trees. East Sr.28. evenings. MAN AND WIFE want work on farm prefer dnirv. Write or call Sunday. 10 E. 81st St. N., Portland, Or. rioolt keeperw. fftenogmpher. Office. YOUNG MAN experienced In commercial bookkeeping wishes position; willing to start on a small nalary where chance xo: fro mot Ion In good; first-class teiLlmon lals. AE e;8, Oregonlan. tOVNG man. el ffh t years' experience a: bookkeener. CAsnier sna accauninni: a rei'erences; also typist. AX 682. Ore gon Ian. BOOKKEEPER, 11 years' office experience In this city; lumber or automobile busl rrsm preferred. Tabor lflf. ACCOUNTANT will take work even In ps. AC 870, Oregonian. on books Soldier and ballors. CLEAN-CUT vouiiir man. not afraid work, wants position with chance for advancement; have had 3 years experi ence In office and engineering work; can do drafting work. AN ISO. Oregonlan. BX-SOLDIER must have work, garage ex perience, car washer, fair mechanic and good driver; wilt simonize your car at home ; ran do most anything ; married man. Main 1140, apt. 4. EX-SAILOR, 21 years old. wants Job as salesman, collector or clerical work, does not know how to typewrite; no can vaeing. AM 99, Oregonlan. YOUNG man, good education, neat appear ance, wants position as salesman; good refereni-es. BF 401. Oregonian. KX-9AILOR, 2 years foreign service, wants work In garage, learn auto re pairing. Some knowledge. Main 5677. EX -SERVICE, young, married man, any kind work, hour, day. week.; must work. East 6116. COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man wants position; good reierencu. xsj oui, Oregonian. LINOTYPE operator-machineFt. first-class, moderate Job preferred. AR 144. Ore gonian. SITUATION?! WANTED FEMALE. ENTERI BNCTJD P. Tt, 4 operators, f yr.' expv wants steady position at once. BF 3U Orogonian, WANTED Position by a dmnewtlo sdewre graduate; have had successful experience in hospital, tearoom and shipy rds; best of references, AV- 82 Oregonian. WOMAN wants to learn pants finishing; some experience In felling and inuking tailored buttonholes. Call Marshall 3069 from 6 to 8 P. M. INTELLIGENT young man. colored, self supporting, mechanically inclined, wants jot, where he can learn. AR 72, Orego nlan, WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away; references. Woodlawn 1611. - V'J ' , .",, I work for board and room and small I Ht". vai i A ur ot-wi u - as.. YOL'NG lady student, who plays piano, wishes position in mnsic house evenings and Saturdays, wain- vzv. MnDLE-ACED lady wants porltrcvr houeekee per In widower1 s home ; good cook. 50 Commercial st. WOMA.N wants position at general house work or housekeeping In a smali family, AR 121. Oregonlan. LADY wants housecleanlng. other work hours, day; work guaranteed, Wood lawn 6305. LADY wishes position as collector with firm in city, best reforencee. AN sT. Oregonlan. EXPERT IRONF.R WANTS DAY WORK- CALL EAST 7732. Fl RHT -CLAPS waitress wants position In country town. AR S5. Oregonian. CAPABLE woman would like management of rooming house. Phone 813-86, FULLY experienced woman wants maid work in hotel; good wages. Mar. 677. SEWING and all kinds of work by hour. Tabor 27 04. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in fire in surance, law, lumber and bonds; rapid and accurate. Eaft 2264. POSITION by expert stenographer, experi enced, competent, well recommended. Broadway 524. POSITION Stenographer, private tary; prove one of best in city. Broad way 524. SECRETARIAL position by experienced stenographer; references. Phone Main 623. apt. 317. BOOKKEEPER. 10 yrs. experience, wantn position. Phone East 2121. 9 to 12 A. M. EXPERTETNOKD bookkeeper and stenoa;. rapher; best city references. Main 2S17. PR IV VT.E-EXCTTANGE opratt experience. Phone Slfwood years EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition. Marshall 3521. PTTTATIOyfl W AN" rT!Tl rTTf AXE. Bookkeepers, sStenegraphers, Office, WAN rED Position as bookkeeper and! orl stenographer, br younr lady -wttn seven years' exrKxrlenoe: lumber office pre ferred; Hi ghost references. Address box 127. Aetoria, Or. YOUNG woman wishes position: experi ence general office work, stenographic, mimeographing. Woodlawn 61a. LADY wsnts position In ootel news stand or p. li. A ; references as to character end sbillty. RF" 461. Oreponian, DrewwmnXers. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking; street flrswws house dresses, apron?, etc: have your old suit made into a drops; reasonable rates. Mrs. Kelly, East 7307. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions can Dressmaking wpc emporium Dye works, 640 Mormon St.. Bdwy 4250. Fl RST-CLA SS d ressmsiiing, all w or k guaranteed. 414 11th st. Haddra HalL ant. 3m. Phone Mar. 1174. SEWING by day or piece ax my home; cmidren s sewing preierreo. iaac buiA. or GDI Elliott avenue. MILLINERY work, plain sewing shirts made to onlsr; satisfaction guaranteed. Fast 43C.7. PRKSSM AKING at reasonable pric a, 311 Main ;entral oidg lOth and Aider. 840H. DRESSMAKING AND REM4DELLINO, 1 E. MORRISON, TABOR 8104. SKWLXQ br day. $2-60. Phone Main 943. spt. 7. after 6. CAPABLE young woman desires powitlon as governess, child's nurse or s companion. AV 8. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nure wishes confinement cases. Se.llwood 24 IS. H ODMkeepeis. WTISHIN'O to inform castomera, also pub lic, my telephone number has oeen changed from East 200 to Tabor Soil; lust returning from east with ail new Ideas; all work guaranteed; no patterns, no fake, but a designer and artist- Uatsy Chamberlln. TOUNG widow has Conilture for 6 rooine in storage, would, like Txjitloa where I can use same as housekeeper for neat, clean gentle-man; American only. iii' JTTTk. Oregonian- WANTED Position as housekeeper In country by middle-aged woman; good cook: state wages and give full particu lars nrsT iOTter. nox na. rtamier, r, YOUNG widow wtro Uttle girl would like position in refined modern horae, 1 W. Russett st. Woodlawn 5543. LADY wishes position as housekeeper for rejrpectabi young gentleman, or in widower's home, AN OS, Oregonian. CAPABLE) housekeeper, good cook, wishes position as housekeeper for adults; good wages. Aiv gai. uregonian. NBAT, middle-aged widow wants ' booss. keeping in bachelor's or widower's home in city. AN 11, oregonian. WOMAN wants work an housekeeper for a rerrpeotabie gentleman vlth a child. PF 403, Qrcgonlm. Domeetlcs. NEAT young woman wants oieacing r ironing in reepectante prrrate nomea. AM 10L Oregonian. FT RST-CLA SS f am 11 y cook, good re f er- ences. but not Portland. Tabor 34S4.. GENE RAX WORK, plain family or board ing house, without laundry. Mar. 4ns. WAXTKD TO RKVT. I WANT to rent a 3 or 4 room nnfin-n!shed flat or apt. by Jan. ;: younrtounle; no children; host of references. H 4tki, Ore gonlan. Hoaea. WE are m touch with hundreds of po pie wanting to rent homes; let us rent and manage your property. FRANK L. McGUIRB To Rent Your Home. AMngton Bldg. Main 1AS. WANTED to rent, modern ft or fi-room bnDK&low by A No .1 couple; will pay several months rett In advaacu; Ruse City preferred. Tabor 907. WANT to leape for 2 yrars Tnodem 6 room house, close in. east side; uo chll dren; references: private party only con si aerea. Aii tto, oregonian. WANTED 6 Or 7 -room modern house by Feb. 1 ; rauet be cie;tn, have garden. no objection to ch'Uiren and not for sale. AK 898, Oregonian. WANTED to rtnt. a seven-room house In Irving-ton. Will pay ."0 a month and rake a lease for oua or two years. AH S0, Oregonian. TWO LADIES delre to lease. Feb, 1st, 6 to i -room unfurnished modern house A-l references. Sell wood 1A35. WANT to rent 5 or rt-room house with option of buying within year. Sell wood 273 or BF 460. Oregonian. WANTED To rent, five or six-room fur- mshed house; state location and price. F h4. Oregonlan. WANTED inail furnished hontw bv man and wife: no pets or children; both em- ployed. Broadway 2S2rt, evenings. WANT to rent 4 or 5 -room house. Sunny side or Rose City preferred, furnished or unfurnished. F 860. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished apartment, flat ot bungalow. Broadway 2U1J, or AR 14. OrcRonlon. WANT to rent urfurnl.shed hous southeast Portland; no children. Sellwood 1 Vjr. 5 OR 6-room furnished bungalow by re liable party. AC 427. Oregonian. CLEAN, neatly furnished 8-room faoie. responsible party, no children, fc aet :;s4. LOFT 5tx00 heated, cood IlRht. elevator, or will share loft. AM 124. Oregonlan. Anttrtmetita. WANT a 3 or 4 -room furnished apart-inent or nat ny s axiiiits; can Cumuli reier encea. Phone Main 07 hw. 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished apartment for newly married couple. Phone East 70S7. WANTED FurnlshfMl apt., central, mod erate rent. AK mj. Oregonlan. Kootn, I WANT to rent 2 or 3 unfurnished moms for storing and living. AR 93, Oregonlan. Koflim TVilh Board. ROOM and board by professions I woman ; exclusive home, west s,ide preferred; ref erences. Room 716. Mar. 6070. Housekeeping Rooms. WOULD like 2-3 roomw for housekeeping; ntust be dean; will pay $2.-f.U month. Write Mrs. Geo. Baynard, 779 23d. and MarFhall. WANTED Housekeeping viciuity of Union ave. Phone East 744.". rooms In the and Wasco st W ANT to rent 3 keeping room. to 5 unfurnished hous3 BF 374. Oregonlan. Bus mess Plsx-ee. Si' ACE wanted with present tenant in an ofiee of two or more rooms: ?"tret-e!aF oulldlng; state terms. AE 727. Orego nlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED to rent, a duck lake, street, Broadway 2913. 329 Oak FOR RENT. Fumbvh ed Rooms. U ND E R NEW MANAGEMENT. PRINCESS HOTEL. Just across the Burmslde bridge. Being thorouKoly renovated through out. Strictly modern rooms, slngie or with private or community baths. Tran sients. $1 t $2 per day. Special rates by week or month. East 171. HOTEiL TAIT. Twelfth. Stark and Burnftlde streets: all outride rooms, modern; telephone In each room, elevator service, very quiet; rates $5 week and up. HOTE7L CLIFFORD. East Morrison st., at Eajt Pixth. The princinal east side hotel ; digni fied and refined: $1.K per day. double 11.73; -S8 per week. $22.50 per m on t h . FINELY furnished room. in first-class apt., west aide, walking distance, suit able for 2 ladies, employei, $30; refers ences required. AR 13'J, Oregon! bj. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427 --i Alder st. at 11th Elegantly furnished, with or wtth out bath; central location; special week ly rate". HOTEL OCKLET Morrison st. at Tenth. Rates $1 a day up. Weenly $4.r0 up. Steam heat. Free phone and baths. PALACE? HOTEL. 446 Wash. stT "down town location, respectable and strictly modern rooms, large, ciean. HOTEL SAVON. 131 11th stT between Washington and Alder; modern rooms $ per week up. $1 per day up. 5r. 51 DAY; J2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, 3H near Jefferson. 475 MORRISON" Large or srnels sleeping or housvkeeping conveniences. Unfurnished Rooms. S LARGE unf. rooms; heat, light, water to man and wife; refei ences exchanged. 506 E. 35th st. S.. Richmond oar. UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 roome. 44S Hail st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FIN E room for rent wi rh break f art; ho t water heat: close In, Erut NICELY furnished rooms In Nob Hill dis trict. Tel. 618-83. GOOD room tor rent to AN 103. Oreconlan. campaign man. W'F-ST SIDE, nloe, Marshall 2787 tUaa sleeping room. FOR BENT. I uniijshed Rooms in I'ri i-st Ftamiiy. Cl-EAN, beautifully furnlahwl rrw.m n private apt, connecting bath, ftrst-class apt. house; gentleman preferred.; mf erences. Mam 616. ' - Kl 'KLY furnished front room, q valet ftm- iwtvuefa-e oi parior ana piano; l&diesi on;y. Call after 5 P, 2S li. XOxh sz. rear Worthlngton. ON Enlarge furnished rooro, prlTata, batlx; etwe3l Croeoy and L-ara-oo. luii aio-Mi-ien. TO GENTLKMAN. room iwi hth rrfvate family, 12-mlnue nr servloe from center of city. Tabor &St4. FOR RENT Furnished room In nHn.r. family, close la an west eid: alas itv rjieo if dired. Call Matn 4T-2. TWO levely warm moms, suitable for twt siiiiiii-as ?tier; empioye-fl people; 823 and ?-'7.0O. 216 12th, comer Salmon, ROOM, ti!e of kitcheri. to working vnre&nt no oojccuon to cJu la school ajie. 827 XL Ke'ly st FRONT room, re-tned eongenlsd tajnir. w st saae; garage i desired, Mavahail W ELL- FT.1 1 N I S HE D. h m t ed room, doss in. 44 Mill SU Main 4013. ROOM for 2 gntIfmon In strictly priva - ph lamuy. tvqwy. iv Terence a. SINGLE r"om. steam heat, ladv or eontls- nian. walking d:atanco. 470 Columbia. FR'NT room for erentlernan in home nesr : a-mpbe'.l hotfcU Main 47. NICK IjY furnished moms, modern Hnvw cent'.emen preferred. 707 FiandersI K0 FOUR fumUhed rrwv-na, aduit: Koomi "With Boar d. NORTONTA HOTKL Portland's gowutusa nign-ciass lami.y Hotel ; rooms en suite or ninKle, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the cora'orts, of a home. Reapciable rates. ROOM and board for business girls-; all ajitw-.e-rn cou cniencee; waiting Uf tance; tl.f'O per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. T1F MARTHA WASHINGTON. 8.N0 lOtii et. For bui-iaesa girls and stunents; reasonable ratea. Mar. 1251. HARRISON hotel, outside rms.. S2.d: tubie bd. tq.oO week. Front and Harrison ' Koms With Board in Private Family. WANTED A congenial. refined voun lady to share my room rn beautiful Ington home of young people. E. S29L ROOM and board for two, nice large room. gooa home-cooked meais, (40 per rt w AO Si. Oregonlan. BOARD and room tn prrvnte family, home rocuoria, rcaaonaiiio recL. o0 i, Ertj-t 8445. ROOM or mom and board. 203 Home cooking; warm room a WARM room with, board, walking Al tance. west side. Bdwy. 1S12. Sii?U -INVALID and aged person fen prW vaio nome. oia, oregonian. LARGE, cheerful front room, all modern conveniences, close In, adults. East 824. CHILDREN to board and care for. Wood.- jawn i-n. Fnmbxneq Apartmenta. THT5 CROM-WTCLL. Ffth and Columbia streetn, Ftve minutes walk to Meier at FranVs store; good purroundins. strictly mod ern. 2 and 3 -room furnished apts.; ail ouusfde with French doors and balcony. KINGSBURY apta., 1S6 Vista ave,, 3-room furnished apartment with outride haV enny; adults only. Price 875. Call Main ' 3 T NICELY furiHFhed apt,. 4 rooms, IrwVTnirt ing heat, l.chta, phone; Mi. 450 10th Ft. Phone iarsl'ail 1400. 2-ROOM modern apartment for rent, cioe in, furniture for sale. Phone A 5Vi3 ox Main 27Q. TWO-ROOM furnished housekeeping apt. and two one-room aparimousa. 2-4.6 l o n t com ery. Lr R i K, wil-f urnlshed 3-r.wm apt. and hnlcoiiy, lias two built-in beds. Main 2 OR It-KOOM ap is., renvnted. nive'y fur nhel. hot a-nni cold. waitT, 2 bed. 147 N. l.Mh st. MODERN 2-room 1 Mont gome ry . and Kitchenette, $40, CLE 4.N. attr.-M-tive front 2-rnin, suite; cosy homes for qitltt people. 247 Rth u 2-li K iM furnished apartment, aduita oiit. N. 22d M. 4-Ki Oil apt. for rent, furniture for suie. S'.0 v:iL-. Ring Mrs. Patton at doer. 3-ROOM furnished npu in I'niversity Park. Phone Columbia il or 22S. THE WI1 ErZLDOX ANNEX". A 4-roorn p.irtmDL M;nn 0-i 1 F1t. WE-ST SIDE, walkiiig iTianr-e, .rfonn niodorn corner upper flat, 621 "4 First: S-ii. Inquire 221 Caiu tiier phone ilaiu 347 or Main 20. FOlli-ROOM flat, ertriciiy modern. Cio?e ln. $2i; f urn it ure, nearly new. for s:vl, $ '-'OO CiJi. bal a tea, $ 25 m ou th. East 5v77. Wit 'V KT SI PE moJern fl-ri i rt. Cit Wahln gton St., naikinir d istanc. Ftirihel Flat, DES1KA.B1.E furnished flat, waHrini o tan", ii o rhli'lr-n. stove hat; refe- n.-OF. Main ;'!. ' Li - MT hn nmekeeping a rs.. heat, hath, " Marsha !1 56. phone. 8"' 3 West l ark. 2-HOOM ftl't .wnz porch, f .rit-co; ?:ts. ATt. r 12 Mr. ir'i: close in. lloueive'plng HiMiiim, HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms in new house, new ftimishings. 193-05 Sec ond st., corner Taylor. LiG liT hou'kecping roms, suHabie for ( girls employed, t&l Ma rail all st- BroaU ay l.Mi4. iiOTEL OHIO, elnn transient H. reasonable 2flfi Front, cor K, rooms, Madison. 2 AND 3 1L K. rooms, lipht and gs " stove heat, S'0 Chapman. ctrner Mill. ' FURNISHED housekeeping nm-Ss, chee4 ' rent. 2oo Wash. et.. cor. Third. . XK'KLY furiiiVh f 1 1 i f - s , f 2 3 a n d 2-room hoii.-tkerng l(r rnont'i. 34 Park. 1 $4 ,l:nT H. K IIOOM, Park nt. FOR RENT 3 hous-keei and light, corner hr.uv- iiiK roouis:. ;arce 'Jfl Broadway. N R' ELY f urn t ":iei 2-rcom :il 4 ColumLiiv, corner rtii. FIRNISHKD IT. rooms, street, Eat 1 W2. 202 Rused Lit ; H T, clean housekeoping Jlxth Ptret. rooms, 35 ONE ron i and Idtolw-net te. 04 W. Park. Hounct4eptng RtMtniH In Private Family. '"J TWO himi.--hed H. K. rooms for couple, -adults only: light, heat and w ater pro viutl. $30 per month. 1113 Belmont SC. $20 NICK tioor nlra 5i4 K. 6'h. $20 NIO-E f'oor: nice 1'14 Porter. 3-ronm furnished suit; 2d location : w;i! kin c oisuuice. Brooklyn car. Adults. 3-room f urn iphed suite; 1st loi-ation; walking distance. NS car. Adults, 1 FL" UN I Sit ED housekeeping room and kitchenette, Jifrni, phone and bath. 68 E. Witshintrton st 3 CLEAN, furnished. 1 1 . 1 room. liKhia 22d and Thuruao. and WHtf-r. 2b. Broadway 976. ROOM and kitchener!, for employed peo ple only; aiso sleeping room, 143 North Sixteenth. TWO large, front Broadway bridge. roonLS. modern, nuar 32 li. 1st t. Nrrth. SiNv.iT.E. nic-jy furnished H. ncd-rn eonveniencf. 6S7 K. room, i trlinan st Flv'N"i' romn, $10 a month; trie ity, phone, bath. 302 pits, fire, aleo- -Fourth. SIN'.rLE H. K. room, cor ven ienoes; gerortlo man only. 428 Yamlilil st. 3-ROOM suite, nicely furnished, $2i. Clay rt., room 5. Houses, 741 E. IRVTNG ST.. 2 Works nortn of 5id aod Sandy: 7 roome. Saio. Key ax David son Baking Compa-ny. FOR RBNT G-td G-coom house with bath ami toilet; 2 large lois: not more than 2 children; $10 per month. 9423 43d Sve. Inquire at 9423 46th ave. S. E WHEN YOU VOT? Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC Mht ervlce. Broadway 580. A 6747. MOVING Piano, furniture 'and long-ds- tanre haiilinK a 5pecia!tv. O. A W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d t. Phone Bdwy. 512L LOCAL end long ulstanc-- mnvire and haui iwK". firt-cia.s c-quipnn-ni. Cmen Trans. Ci.. 2Q21- Alder st. y..n 1261. 572-61. 5K' OM f urrtishM hoase. GranA avenue, Ow 11 er there at 11 o'clock. G ROOMS. to1lt. gas. electrieUy, on Kus liouck. 110 Tenth t. sell street. H FIVE-ROOM houte. SJ month. l",-, lie)-. m on t. U8-1" Candy store. 12ft Fifth. 5-ROOM bungrtlow for rout. Call at 4 7 F.. 87 th s. N , . iTr.otM modern, 65 East Alder. Ernst x i44. TILLAMOOK ST near 14th u; 0