18 TTTE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAT, JANUARY 1G, 1920 FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. ECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 4750 Stein way 4c Sons upright, cash $290; 9050 automatic upright piano cash 9165; 3475 Sterling upright piano, cash 9240; , 4450 fctarr upright piano, cash, 9220; t 2 am all upright pianos, $65 and 975. Parlor organs, $20, $25, $3H, 945 cash. 109 4th at., near Washington su PIANO BARGAINS. i $100 and up; It will pay you to see our piano bargains. Hard ma a. Fie her. Vic toria. Koehler A Campbell, and many others In stock. Our one-year exchange proposition guarantees them. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Aider sta. JoIiCED to soil for cash my beautiful saifrh-gTade $750 player-piano with munic rciia lor s-mo. Used about 1 month; also my new Pathephone. cabinet size, and record, for $9h, and my Maxwell car, run about 40O0 miles, lor $050. Cali Tabor SoO. SCHWAN PIANO REMOVAL SALE. Used pianos, $75, $105, $290 to $435. Used organs, $25, $2, $:5 to $65. New pianos. $3't. $305, $4fid to $S62. Terms. $15 to $50 cash; $6 to $25 mo. Ill Fourth sc., at Washington. After removal 101-3 10th at Washington. " VICTROLA X. .Tut received shipment of the style X Vlctrolas. $110, in mahog., imned oak, waxed oak; terms givn. Seiberlli.s LucaS Music Co., 1 25 4th at. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please you. Selber 1 inn-Lucas Music Co.. A2S 4th iL Alain fcOBO. VICTROLA XL Shipment of Victrolaa, style XI, $130, Just received ; terms given. Exclusively Victor, fcie iter ling-Lucas Music Co., l-u 4th t. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player-pianos; get our prices. Heiberllng Lucas Piano Co., 125 4th st. Main aSMflL, lON'T have your piano repaired at all un less you have It done right. Particular musicians prefer my shop. Harold 3. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. SiRUN.S WICK phonographs, any size, demonstrated In your home. Phone MR. BURNETT, MAIN 3 927. EDWARDS CO.. 6TH AND OAK STS. PIANO "WANTED. Player preferred; would consider up right, but must be cheap for cash. Dealers r.eed nut answer. Marshall 1517. JtOEHLER A CAMPBELL, oak case, fins condition; some bargain. Seiberling- J-iU U.S WUSIG V.. O., -1 J 41H 81. EX VE an Antonlous Stradlvarfn. viilin mad. in 1716. only J40; In good Condi tion, call Tabor 47'.. A KKARGUJE. latest style, mahog. case, just usel a few months; real bargain. F.iberilng-Lucaa Music Co.. 1,5 4th at. 100 DKCKEH BROS., in good 'condition: old style: terms. SelberUng-.ucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. BVING piano, oak case, best of condi tion; terms given on this bargain. Seiber-ltng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. 1100 TO J150 CASH paid for used upright pianos. Call Main 5323. Security Blorag. V.O.. hi .1... near iaqngion. BEAUTIfclX Pathephone. used about weeks; fumed oak cabinet, with rec ords. A snap at $8. Tabor SS50. STORY & CLARK organ (very fine) 7o Swlck & Co. upright piano J135. Harold 8. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill. CUMSTANCE3 have forced mo to sell my new rauicvuuua .uu recoras zor S42. Tabor 1088. CIRCUMSTANCES have forced me to sell my new Pathephone and records for $42. Phone Tabor 1USS. COLUMBIA Grafonola with, latest lm- ?rovemeoti and 40 records. Phone Alain 94L B1NE pianos cheap, $165 up; Decker Bros Lester, Weber, and Haddorff makes. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. SPOT cash for a piano; must bi a reason - able. Main 3804. before 5 P. M, "WANTED Sweet-toned piano; give or bonds if bargain. Mar. 5709. JdY NEW Pathephone and records for $44. Am leaving the city. Tabor 6704. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS " HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill st. yOR SALE Piano. Call Main 1765. 215 Swetland bldg. .Furniture for Sale. USED OAK BEDROOM SUITS. Consisting of full-size wood bed, -with spring and perfectly clean mattress, large cheval dresser -with 18x4U-inch beveled edge French plate mirror; also & roomy commode; the complete suite lor only $44.75. Come and see iu It's a bargain. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE COu 1SS-190 FIRST ST. FOUR WILTON RUGS. One 10.6x15. 2-tone brown, $90; two 30.6x13.6. red end green, $10 and $100; one Wxl2. brown. $S5; two body Brus sels 0x12 at $45. M. H. Caief, 540-2 "Williams ave. Kast 6417. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M. Olsea q'ransfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine at. 15 RANGE for $45; Monarch malleable, jxo oven, pin waterfront. To see It will be to buy it. M. H. Calef. 640-2 wnuama ave. r.ast o4l7. yURNlTURB of 5-room flat at sacrifice; a rooms rented pays most of rent: ot-water heat furnished. Phone -Main guio. uit Jth st. IVOR SALE Rhode Island Reds and White iiegnorn cocaereis. McKenna Park Poul try Farm, Lombard and McKenna ave. mono tjoiumDia LirvO COMBINATION range. $90i beds. dresaers, davenette, rockers. library table, dining room set, combination neater. Jiai tirant st. ftIINA CLOSET, Princess dresser, iron bed end spring, convertible davenport at j 39-4 Grand, ave. Phone after b A. M.. Kast 714L X)R SALE Bedroom suite. Including mattress and springs, three rockers, ww gas stove; no dealers. Phone East ;W furniture of a four-room flat fnr ale. and flat for rent, a bargain. Main opy, u-a uaaco oiug. 6 R SALE Furniture of 8 rooms. A rnt- d, cheap if taken at once. 488 Everett arreei, west siae. ft-LXRNITURE of a ft-room house for sale at a bargain. Call at 23 N. 17th st. Phone Bdwy. i'tTRNiTURB in 7-room house. Call after : P. M 323 Lincoln iL, cor. 6Ul and 1 Lincoln. aVOR SALE Gas range, bed, sewing ma- chlnet Call 1045 Hawthorne. iVOR SALD Antique 3-piece bedroom suite, also other furniture. A 1103. SrURNITURE ot 5-room apt., reasonable; privilege of renting apt. 109 E. 30th st. jiORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION. 62d BU. 73d to 74th Aves. S. E,, Portland, Oregon. . 1 Now booking orders for W. L. baby I chicks. Carry at all times breeding and ' 1 young stock varioua breeds; price in ac i cord with Quality; complete line poul try feeds at special prlcea KK WHITE LEGHORN young hens, $1.50 each; Barred Rock and Rhode Island red pullets. $2 each; also choice cockerels, baby chicks and eggs for hatching. J. K. Magulre. 787 Oregon su. corner H4th. AT A SMALL cost I will pick the non producers of your flock. Wdtn. 6902. Dogs, Rabbit. Birds, Pet Stock. T. ANDREASBERG, HAP.T7 MOUN TAIN AND GREEN FEMALES, li YRS. OLD; NONE BETTER BRED; $1 AND ir. laijU iL,A.bi: ost4. THOROUGHLY experienced farmer wants to reut an up-to-date farm on shares prefer some irrigation; had experience in irrigation; also run tractor; reference; owners oniy. ajs 'i is, uregonian. WE PA CASH FOR POULTRY. Pets, puppies of all kinds. Cash Pro duce to., ouu r. Aiorrisnn. iu. 612 New Management. CANARY BIRD SHOP. FEMALE FREE WITH EVERY SINGER. AUTOMATIC WANTED A male mate to my badger nitcn. AppiywiHi LeKum oidg. ENGLISH bulldog, Airedale, Collie puppies. A FEW very choice canary slngera. shall 4259. 7S2 Overton st. FOR SALE 3 Boston Bull pupa Main 2744. or 287 1st St. Call 2 FLEMISH giants for sale. 27 son st. Wdln. 5940. W. Simp- Launches and Boats. LIBERTY BOAT BROKERAGE. J jet us know what you want in boats. kargea, scows and engines. If we haven't them in our stock, we can get them for you at a big saving and can also give ou terms to pay. Bosch magnetos, $25. We buy, sell and build boats, barges ana scows. Portland East 60S. Vancouver 480. OR SALE H. V., ri. -Troilin boHt 2SxlH ft., D. engine. East G. 12- i:-fovT launch Ai a barsH:n. Wdln. 64S3. FOB S.aI.E. Lauuchea and Boats. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert advice freely fur nished. Yard and ways at Albina at. Phono Ea 2162. Marina Kepair A jor.st. to. Machinery. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGK COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valve, salety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR &. EQUIPMENT CO., Broadway 33UU. 32U Couch st. CONTRACTORS' AND LOGGERS' EQUIP- I xr... i .Mine fiolsts, pumps. motors, boilers, steam and electric hoists, con crete mixers and pavers. For rent or sale. Send us your Inquiries. Prices right. It JUAUlll.NbKX CUMPAY. 501 Lewis Bldg. Main 1831. WANTED MACHINERY To lease, with option to buy, one yarding and one roading donkey; good make and guaran teed condition; with or without cables: to log 7.000.000 feet. AV 08. Ore- poniati. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric noists, construc tion equipment, btandard Mach. Co.. 65 r KM at. 15-HOKSEPOW'ER new Poos engine at reduced price. Pacific Scale & Supply io.. a front st. uroaaway .tpq, FOR SAIjE, by owner 12x16 engine, good Tor small sawmill; win sell cheap. Ad d ress A V fe.S. Oregonian. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments; send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. CORONA, elite type, bought new Dec. 1, used little, good as new, $45 cash. 807 Dekum bldg. Main 3308. CORONA, excellent condition, 135 if pur chased Immediately. Evenings room 716. .Marshall Wiu. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. otn. Main auca. KEW. rebuilt, second-hand- rentals at cut I rates. sr. u. Co.. 231 star. Main 1407 .REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers, w Pease Co.. 118 Sixth St. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER, LIKE NEW. REASONABLE. E. 522. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. 120. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st, Miscellaneous. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943 L BJSWI.NG MACHINE EMPORIUM, 1U0 Third, near Taylor St. DOUBLE the growth of your garden. Use Utah Land Plaster. Contains no weeds. Kelps to exterminate insects. Is much cheaper than any other fertilizer. Free delivery. Phone S062. Utah Land Plaster. 1M; Stock Exchange bldg. FIREPROOF SAFE FOR SALE. Inside meas.. 14x28x20: outside meas.. 80x45x30; steel lined; good buy for quick saie APPLY 705 COUCH BLDG. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating. In deed. W hy not a permanent and com fortable roof ? We repair and Rubber Jiona an kinds cf leaky roofs; work diiu -n n t ILIoln Til REVOLVERS, PISTOLE, GUNS SOLD, BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. BEAUREGARD'S. 705 Main St, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Floor cases, umbrella wall cases, cigar cases, refrigerator case. Na tional register, gas griddle plate, candy case, soft drink mixers. Toledo Springs I acaie. 2z salmon. Alain 34a. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk it over. Millers Clearing-House for Diamonds, 355 Wash, st., next to Majestic theater. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana second-nand, at rignt prices, bought soiu ana exenangea. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second st. Phone Main 204S. ONE electric washing machine, swinging I wringer, aaa 2 months; Ohio vacuum cleaner, nl 1 month; will sacrifice fori cash; have sold my home; trial granted. vv 00a law n i:yj2. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gal.. $7; 40-gaL. $9. tested and guaranteed; stove and fur nace coils, gas heaters installed; expert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding onop, ua Aaams st. n.ast ooio. DICTATING MACHINES. New and second-hand, bought, sold and rented, exchanged and repaired. ti02 as toe k ix. Dtug. .Main ZooQ. COMPLETE wireless transmitting set. 1 kllowatt rotary, cap. 00 feet of antennae wire, reasonable. L. R. Devlne, east of I garrison, v ancouver, w asn. DIAMOND Clear white diamond aet in gentleman's ring, 34k gold setting: price $75; a bargain; private party. If Inter-1 estea aauress a v oeh. uregonian. ONE Neostlye mimeograph, used but once ana is gooa as new. at 407. Ore gon ian. DO YOU need caah quickly? We buy used furniture. Phone Broadway 6iJ2, ask ror liuyer. EARLY spring hats on sale. Tne Jtiandbox upstairs Aiminery A'ariors, 00 Wash ington. 8 BOU K.KbKrhiHa denks and stools, 1 rou top uesn auu cnairs. a nat-top desk. xsusnong o., vi rant st. LOOK, LOOK Good block wood for k&Ia way 8S8; order now. Wm. Lee. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. w . j. 1 nrnL mam 0399. ONE large and one medium-sized fireproof Bate lor Bale, cheap. AH 730, Orego- IlfO.ll. UMJALUJiU-l-UK UVKKCOATS for sale. cheap; large etoek to chooeo from. Or- ROSE KUSHB, shrubDery, fruit trees. A complete line; leiepnone orders delivered. rgrnauu n-uec iiui aery, j. a DOT OittO. CEMENT LAUNDRY TUBS (ruarant; duj uirwi irum mi . me J-upiex, jij.4 FOR SALE cheap, good 18-foot oak-back oar, uoiii oar, soon iountain and equip- liLii fc. iO t At ua" uuil live. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRlTANNICA. 11th n on . tun muruccu otnuing, at a sacrifice. FERTILIZER. Rotted cow and horse manure. Main Oi, resmencef Jj aoor 70-4. WOXDEKFUL bargains in ladles" used ap- Jiarei, tuaia, uressei, 8U11S, etc Tabor FOR SALE Small Burroughs adding ma- cuine. Kuoa as new, i o casn. Address tJnester Poland. Creswell. Or. FOR SALE DeLeval cream separator. No. lu, good as new; price 75. K. K. Davis. WELL-ROTTED manure. $2 per load; haul it yourself. 4Jd s. Killingsworth ave. b?. tj.. corner schott. DIAMOND ring. 1 kt. lady setting: splen- vresonian. DIAAIOND rings Have several diamond rings, single stones, which I must eacri- I nee ar.g sen. a is 1 . oregonian. BARGAIN. Fox hot-air furnace, tlon. Call Main 03-16. perfect condl- 150 LARGE cans of fine pork and beans. cneap; uxiz. .i rioer rugs, each; some furniture. Richards. Main 7tlOD. FOR SALE. Hand sausage and meat grinder. cneap. irj riitn, near jeirerson. CORDWOOD, first-class, cut in July. $10 com. ian auiumauc i-fit). FOR SALE Beautiful white fox. fur. FIRST-GKOWXrl lo-ln. wood, dry. Colum- oia 414. BILLIARD table: two couch. Tabor 4349. Iron beds and HOME-CANNED fruit, reasonable. 29 East Seventh street. IS JOUR kitchen handy? If not. call the Klicnen expert. vooaiawn ?34f. TWO single panel doors 3x2 ft; Tabor SD88. 7 pair. LADIES' hand-knitted sweaters, tractive. Phone East 62uM. MIRROR TRIPLE, 171 3d St. full length. $75.00. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. r'acnic icii. c Awning, x is. lit sx. WILL wire your 3-room house for $15. VVOUUlilwu tllVl. FOR SALE GOOD ) DRY WRECKAGE EAST 7070. -" WOOD. PHONE FOR SALK Good Pierce Iniuire 304 Madison. Arrow bicycle. BARRELS. 10.000 beer ke(?s. cheap. 15 and 32 ganllon. 57.6 Vicente, Oakland. Cal. COATS. lurs. suits, gowns and evening V J I ' r. (l n aii.. iii i . " u i II. main II.1D ( . ELECTRIC cleaner for rent. $1 ner rt... delivered and called for. Woodlawn 370L MAJESTIC electric heaters. $9 each. These ...... .11 ..... ! - (M I Br. uc". uwuinnii .MCI. LADIES' suits, coats, dresses, furs, waists ana snoes. ciignuy usea. 2ittock blk. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day $1, delivered anywnere. wooaiawn 1259. FOR SALE Johnson auto signal stock at discount, terms. ah vrst oregonian. J COW fertiliser for sale. East 8073. FOR SALK. Miscellaneous. WB BUT DIAMONDS. If you wish to dispose of any diamonds, we pay full value In casii. without delay or dis appointment. Nothing too large nor too small. Spot cash. Any amount. Private offices for ladies. Business confidential. Licensed by the City of Portland. TFTF7 AMERICAN. BBOKCTAGB, 203 Morgan bldg. 2d Floor. PEERLESS PMJirBWO yiXTORgg. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. IRON PIPS. WM. POWELL VALVE AND STBAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO, S-70-72 Front street. Portland. IHB AD 6TATES FACTS. T haVA la... ..urim.nl Of UB- called-for tailored suits st prices that will surprise you. All sizes, patterns and styles, and remember they are abso lutely new. not urnnd.hnll. I can fit you to a suit that will pleasa both your your pocketbooK. ... H. I. BLUM. 164 Tenth st.. Dear Morrison. "WE BUT "WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. FOR SALE Loganberry plants, strawber- i.es, tnampion gooseberries, l ana z years old ; concord grapes. Perfection nd fay's Prolific rurranf rA and black rasnoerrv ni.nti nph n n H Tr-l. Ian prune trees; reasonable. 5S03 Wood stock ave.. Portland. Phone feellwooa 2332. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1966. 48 Front st. FOR SALE 75.000 feet of second-hand lumber, all grades and Drlcea. Phon Jast Jiu. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED FRANKXIN& Ser. tB touring car. Ser. B four-passenger, feer. 8A touring car. Ser. 8 touring car. Ser. 6 touring car. These cars have been fallen change on inclosed and new touring cars and have been gone over by ua la our own shop. Terms if desired. BR ALT AUTO CO., Main 4380. 601 Washington St. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. GoorivMr cord tires for Forda. $24.55. Authorized Willard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE A BATTERY fiWOR 4S8 Union ave. N., cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1393. 1917 OVERLAND touring, like new. owner was in army, car nas not been used for a year; every part first-class; see for yourself. $0UO. with terms. luO 11th St., Bet, Stark and Wah. BUY YOUR FAVORITE TIRE FOR LKSS. AUTO OWNERS SUPPLY AfiS'N. CALL AND SEE US. 305 DEKUM BLDG. LATE MODEL FORD sedan, looks and runs line now; guaranteed; Uiree brand new tires. Will sacrifice and aive . terms. 1O0 11th St., Bet. Stark and Wash. IfclB CHANDLER chummy roadster, wire wneeis and good tires, car in Al condi tion, a bargain and give terms. Phone. Marshall 2706. MAXWELL, 1918, A-l condition; good tires, good paint; must sell; bargain at $775, soma terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 FORD. Going to California; will sac rifice my ord lor cash. This is a bar gain and a good car. See it at Union Depot Garage, Broadway and Hoyt. OVERLAND touring, model S3, A-l condi tion; owner must sell; a bargain at $075, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnaide. 1913 PACKARD for aale cheap; good tires. a.-man lJ, ait urai. vi cuuuuion; must oc seen to pe appreciatea. Call East loss. win carry 8 passengers. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918, best of con dition, good tires. A bargain at $0"J5, some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near "Burnside. FORD Sedan, used privately, new tlree. Just like new, will sacrifice at $750 and give terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. STUTZ SPORT MODEL. If you want a Stutz, see this one: Is regular fellow's car and like new; terms anu. taKB iraue. ouo Aiaer street. ASK to see 1917 Hudson speedster: Pri vate car; la perfect condition Price fioav. GLOBE GARAGE. MAIN 206. . : - . 1 o x u ha i. til ti, -passenger, new top, new- storage battery, 3 new tires: must sacri- iice win give terms, air. Wilson, Bdwy. lul., WU1U. 0100. ! CASH TO PRIVATE OWNER FOR 191T ' 1 y 1 i.. 1 !i Sl., i rASSKNGER; MUST BE IN GOOD CONDITION. CALL 450 118 CHEVROLET touring. just overnauiea engine, good tires. need money. Phone owner. Kast lyl. -44 ejmont St. 1? ORD touting car, first-class condition. xvin mouet, run xj.nju nines: aemount able rims, this year's license and other extras; price 4uo, AK BOO. Oregonian. WE ARK offering soma attractive prices i n . qi t i o ta 1 1 l . . . . . i.i i-i.i-.. usm sianaara automobiles. Auto tialea Co., dlh and . ouch. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! THE CHEAPEST BUTS IN TOWN. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. WILL sacrifice my f lve-passensrer "Rniolc excellent conaition. rive good tires. 1 117 Main St.. or can aim, uregon City. ASK TO SEE FORD COUPE. A SNAP AT GLOBE GARAGE. &0 NORTH MTU LEAVING for California, will sell Over- lana oi-. oargain. cooper. East FOR BALK H X OWNER 5-pas. Clial- mers touring in penect running order. -aii at ov. v.orueii su 'IS FORD, could not be In better condi tion, ma; nrana new jaaxwell. 6-pass. car, ,tvju. icruu uu an. laDor 7117 FOR SALE Light Ford delivery: Al run dition; tires good; price reasonable. Call Wdln. Z42 alter o:su r. m. LATE 'IS Hudson super, all good tires and spare, new paint, j'Jiru license; looks and runs liKe new; iw. Kast 3912. 1918 LATE model Bulck roadster, in A condition; by owner; 3 l:!0u cash. Main mu. room ui. I A lwl PAIGE coupe at a big sacrifice. .Main i.oo. $100 DOWN, balance easy terms, for a good late model roro. n.ast 2.66. 1913 FORD touring, good condition around, some extras. 424 Belmont su 1917 FORD for sale cheap. at 222 Grand ave. Phone East 224. 191S CHEVROLET. mechanically perfect. 12 Grand ave. N. 1919 Liberty Six; run 3000 miles; Al con clltlon; terms. riurnsiae. 1918 STUDEBAKER 6. just overhauled and repainted. is Grand ave. N. FORD SEDAN Like new, tacrlfice; evenings. Ta. 4fl07 1917 MAROON colored Saxon 6. cord tires. mecnanic&u; i ik ii l. i urasi ave. N. 1917 BUICK for sale.Ia first-class shape 9iau. iau Alain f. FORD tourinn from private party; but little: $385 cash. East 6947. FORD delivery. $30O; will trade for tour lnr. uiopo oarage, oil . utn. NEW Ford touring car body for sale. Wick. Bdwy. 1572. or East 8747. 1918 FORD. Al condition: fine tires: $150. Euti. J. wm. LiarK. Kast 8234. MY SAXON 6, 1918. Just overhauled, ne tires snd battery: $700. Bdwy. 3U99. FORD sedan. 1918. a bargain. Main S3SL FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. BIO SALE. 10 DATS 10. ALL CARS BELOW COST. BAST TERMS ON ALL CARS. FED AN. 1913 Ford sedan, like new; price $600. COUPE. 1918 Ford coupe, dem. rims, shock ab sorbers and other extras; price $575. ROADSTER. 1918 Ford roadster, leetrlc starter, dem, rims, shock absorbers and several other extras; price $475. J 918 Ford roadster, several extras ; price $475. 1017 Ford roadster. Ilka new; pries $450. TOURING CARS. 101S Ford touring, like new. some ex tra -v price $485. lnio Ford touring, a bargain; pries $25. mi7 Ford touring, a bargain; pries $25. LIGHT DELIVERIES. 1918 Ford price $415. deltrery. open side body-; delivery, open aids body; 1017 Ford price $450. 1913 Ford price $305. delivery, open aids body; BUGS. BUGS. BUGS. 191 Ford bog: price $395. 1916 Ford bug, very classy. wire wheels and other extras; pries $600. On roadster body. Al condition; price $33. Two new touring car bodies; $95. Come early and get yonr choice ef these exceptionally fine bargains in used Ford cars. 33. Z. TERMS GIVEN. Place your order now for that new Ford car. PALACE GARAGE COMPANY. Authorized Ford Dealer. 12tb 1572. and Stark. Streets. A u torn. 524-42. Bdwy. FIRST ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF tTSED CARS ALL GILT-EDGE VAL UES FROM A RESPONSIBLE HOUSE. 3919 Pslge touring, newly reflnlshed. 1918 Reo, arx cylinders. 7-pawenger. tn fine condition, cord tires, eaay riding and very reliable. 1017 Jeffrey. 7-nass.. mecliantcally per fect, 7 cord Urea, plenty of powsf ana auraDiniy. - 1017 Mitchell. 7-nass.. newly painted we can recommend this car to b perfectly reliable. 1018 Maxwell, 6-pans., slightly used, ready to eo. 1916 Oakland 6-32. one of the best. Thoroughly overhauled and new ton. 1017 Maxwell. 5-pass., special equipment, a real good buy if you want aoms xning goo a. 1916 Ford touring It., good shape. 1913 Studebaker model 25 touring. I very good shape and at a low fig ure. HAMILTON MOTOR COMPANY, 50 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 8606. LOOK. 1019 FRANKLIN ...$2350 1918 DODGE, all-weather top... 1917 DODGE TOURING CAR.. 1917 DODGE TOURING. 1916 DODGE TOURING 1016 DODGH ROADSTER 191.1 DODGE TOURING 1915 DODGE ROADSTER .$1100 . 950 . 875 . 750 . 750 . 550 . 550 1915 MAXWELL TOCRINO $650 1916 MAXWELL ROADSTER.... r.O 1917 MAXWELL TOURING 475 1918 CHEVROLET TOURING $625 1917 CHEVROLET TOURLNU.... 650 1918 FORD TOURINO ....$450 1918 FORD TOURING 400 191 FORD ROADSTER.... 450 191 FORD TOURING 350 1914 FORD ROADSTER 250 1918 FORD DELIVERY 500 COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. Washington Street at 21sC Main 6244. BARGAINS. TN NEARLY NEW CARS. 1017 Bulck 6. like new. 1917 Dodge touring, like new. 1919 Maxwell touring, like new. 11 Overland, model 90. like new. 1918 Bulck 4, touring, like new. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. We have 1916. 19t7. 1918. 1919 and 1920 Fords. AH guaranteed shape. We will sell them at the most attractive prices. COME IN AND BE CONVINCED. DEMONSTRATION CHEERFULLY GIVEN. If yon are unable to call, phone us and we will gladly bring any car to your home for demonstration. ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES CO.. 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. GUARANTEED USED CARS. CHALMERS LIGHT SIX. ..... .$1050 OVERLAND - - 975 MITCHELL SIX 975 KING 8.... ........ 1050 OVERLAND 90 . 650 CHEVROLET LATE MODEL. .. 675 CADILLAC BUG J25 BUICK 4 ROADSTER . goo OPEN SUNDAY. BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOMS. R. G. WOODS. Mgr. Broadway at Hoyt St.. Opp. new P. O. Phone Broadway 69. NOB HILL. Seven-room house, bath. gas. elee tricity. furnace and full rement ban.. ment, lot 46x100; must be told to close an estate; price soouu. Mrs. Ott. 529 .Montgomery street, mornings. Sunday, or alter 6 P. M. A REAL BUY. By private owner. Willys Fix auto. 1- pass.; this car Is in A-l condition, good tires and tubes all around; euuipped with bumper, extra tire, cutout, eight day clock, two tonneau lights; will sell for $1250 cash if taken at once. Call woodlawn 12o9. 1919 FORD coupe, run but very little; line snape every way; spotlight, speed ometcr. bumper and other extras. Just the car for a doctor or salesman. Cash or terms. See Mr. Knnotl. at 132 Kill tii3worth ave. Albina Dressed Beef Co.. Wdln. 3SS7. VELIE SEDAN. The very latest 1919 model taken In trade on Peerl ess sedan ; wo invite your most critical inspection. L. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 158 North 3d st. Alain "80. FRANKLIN CAR For sale- by owner, model 9B. 5-pass. touring', cord tires, front and rear bumper, spotlight, latest model wing deflectors; practically new car, priced right for quick sale; reasonable terms If desired. Phone East 7799. HERE YOU ARE Pay us $100 down and drive away any of t he following; H up mobile. Ford. Mitchell, Pope, all in rood condition and as represented. The C. H. S.' Co., Marshall 142S or 3540. 65 No. 23d st. BEST BUY IN TOWN. 1920 Stephens-Fallen t 6. sport model, with extra equipment; run about 1200 miles. For demonstration call Whita, Bd wy. 3606 ; evenings, Marshall 941. FO R DS DODG ES CHE VROLETS. Lowest prices; make your own terms. MYERS AUTO CO., 411 DAVIS. $350 CASH buys a 1916 Ford, just over hauled, good tirea. East 112, ask for night man. 1913 CADILLAC, in good condition, good tires; sell or trade for smaller car. Main 7025. 1918 3-PASSENGER Maxwell, new paint, good tires and In good shape. 12 Grand ave. N. EARLY $1050. 19 Hupmobile. jus . like new; Call Tabor 8602. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. "NEAR KEW" CABS. 1919 CLEAN-TJF. 1918 FORD ROADSTER. With delivery box, Bosch mag neto Ignition. Ideal car for light delivery .$275 1917 FORD ROADSTER. Good a. new. new top, oversize tires $400 1918 FORD TOURING. Mechanically perfect. 8 new" tlrea. bumper, shock absorbers, spot light, clock, foot throttle and other extras .$4715 1918 FORD SEDAN; 95 per cent new, for qntck aale ........$700 t 1917 MAXWELL TOURING. Kefinlshed. 5 good tire,, excel lent mechanical condition .. .$050 1918 MAXWELL TOURING. Gabriel . snubbers. Warner lens and bumper $650 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING. Newly painted. 5 good tires, first class mechanical condition. .. $625 11 CHEVROLET TOURING. Five tires, practically rood as new '. $725 STUDEBAKER FOUR TOURING. Motor overhauled, good Urea $375 OAKLAND LIGHT SIX ROADSTER. In fine shape. 5 good tires, spot light, no-glare lens, shock ab sorbers .$600 1917 BUICK LTOHT SIX TOURING. Thoroughly overhauled, original finish good, Gabriel snubbers all around, windshield wings, spot light, motometer. 4 cord tirea, 2 spare tires, new top, plate gls.s in rear .$12u0 1917 BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING. Good mechanical condition. B good tires, new top. plate glass in rear $1000 1918 CHANDLER TOURING. 7-paasenger. reflnlshed. 5 goed tires, new top. plate glass in rear. A real bargain.... ....... -$1450 1918 STUTZ BIXTEEN-VALVE Motor. 6-passenger. C cord tlree, bumper. motometer. spotlight. No-glara lens, run only O.'.OO mile, .................... .$-3.iO OTHER CARS FROM $250 TO $2500. Dodge. Paige. Faxon, Bulck. Speedwagon. Ford bug. REPUBLIC TRUCK. Liberty bonds at face value. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. C. G. B LEAS DA I.E. 430 ALDER ST. BDWY. 1SS2. Reo, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BAR GAINS IN NEW CARS. 1917 -85 Packard Twin Six. 7-nas- senger $2750 19161-35 Packard Twin Six. 7-Das- sen ger 2250 1916 1-25 Packard Twin Six. 7-pas- senger 2100 1915 5-4S. 6-cvl.. B-naKS 2000 1915 3-38. 6-cyl.. 7-)ass 15O0 1015 Studebaker. run only 6000 miles 750 1912 Cadillac touring 600 1918 Nash chummy roadster.... 1150 Late 191M Dodge. 5-pass. touring, cord tires, spotlight, seat cov ers, extra tire and "bumper: mechanically perfect: terms. 800 1913 Studebaker. little four, good tires, good top; $200 cash, bal ance terms. ,1919 Briscoe roadster, good tires and one extra, new paint; $750. terms. Also a few good buys In used Packard trucks. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Burnside at Tenth St. Telephone B 521. . FOKDS! FORDS! FORDS T'sed Ford Car .Bargains. Now Is the Tlm to Buy. 1910 Ford coupe, electric starter, MDeednmeter. dash lirht. in fine shape $673.00 1915 Ford tourinK. soeedometer. a grood buy 425.00 1018 Ford touring, speedometer, rood tires, new too. line shape 450.00 1018 Ford delivery, onen body. Rood tires, good shape 500.00 i a it ora tour ns witn l'Jiu ooay. fine shape 400.00 1917 Ford tourinr. mood tires. speedometer 400.00 1918 Ford touring1, speedometer, food tires. 1120 license (toes with this car 350.00 1010 Ford delivery, shocks, speed ometer, good rubber 350.00 1918 ford tourlnit- new too. cood tires S50.00 1918 rord roadster, speedometer. rood tires and in fine shape. 800.00 1914 Ford delivery, a barcaln.... iiJO.OO L.ota of Other Cars. JL Small Payment Down Takes Any oZ i tiese ran. RTJSHL.IGHT & PENXET, IXC, Authorized FORD Dealers. "Kast noa 803 Kast Broadway. C 11,81 USE O A T7TOM OR1XES. TERMS GIVEN. lft?0 CAPK. 7-pass.. 6-cyl. 1910 OVERLAND, (V-pa.-s., 4-eyt. Iftl'J JORDAN. 2-pass., 6-cvl. Jin JORDAN, 4-pass.. 8-eyl jurua.n, 7-paa. 1919 MITCHELL, 7-P 1915 FIERCE-ARROW 6-cyl. 6-cyl. b. . 6-cyl. 7-paea, We also have radlllaos. Overlands, Mitchells. Stude- bakers, V elies, Stutz. Mawxella. PRICES $500 AND UP. Used Car Department MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO.. East First at Morrison Street. Wext Side Sales Room Broadway at Oak Street. Phones: East 7272. Broadway 515; Auto matlc, 212-16. B33-43. REAL. BARGAINS In silently used 1610 LEXINGTONS, both touring- and sport model. Terms If desired. BRtTNN MOTOR CAR CO 2&-30 North Broadway. BUICK ROADSTER LIGHT SIX. Tli in one has cords and one extra an has been revamlshed and looks and rum first-class and would readily pasn for new. Low price or S1025, with $320 down, balance easy. Take bonds or Ford In trade. 505 Alder at. Red Front Used Car Co. FORD TOURING. "17. This one is the real g-oods, reflnlshed dark maroon and has Nile green wheels. runs and looks periect ; low price an S160 down, balance long, easy montnl payments. Take bonds full value. 50. Aider st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMT. With 5 wire wheels and tires and fine mechanical shape; will repaint an color you wish ind sell at 81450; terms. Call Adams. Tabor KiO or Main 534 18 OVERLAND NO. 0. This one Is Just new and has soma ex tras and will please you ir you like thl brand: low price of SRH5. with $250 down. balance lone, eay terms. Take bonds or Ford In trade. 505 Alder et. Red Fron CHEVROLET 18 ROADSTER. This is the hard-to-get kind and this one is nearly new and has some extras. Come in and try it, it'a ready. 005 Alder st. Red Front, B1C Stock. USED CARS Prices Right. .. CO. No misrepresentation. ... MOTOR ... CAR COVY BARGAIN In 1918 Hudson touring car. good tlrea. Al mechanical shape: will guarantee for 90 daya aame aa factory guarantee. CALL TABOR 630 OR MAIN B342. BUICK 6, B-TC model, electric lights and starter, spotlight, vacuum ft-ed, new bat tery; $500 cash, worth $:U0; leaving Portland. Car at West Oregon Garage, 775 Thurman st. 'OAKLAND TOURING, LATE MODEL. This is the real light dependable light six and has power to burn; low price of $7!5. with $'54 cash, balance easy. 506 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. OVERLAND 90. 1913. &-pass.. looks as good as new, first-class mechanical con dition, good tires, extra tire and spot light; for sale by owner; no dealers; $7.10. Phone East 5909. SEDAN, late model, like new. seven-passenger, new cord tires; I have to raise some money, so will surprise you on the price; will consider small car in trade. Main 702ft. CASH for" bargain, light car. private partv. Call after & P. M. W. A. LaBIin. 746 E. 63d JS. Drive down 64th to Fremont. t'OB SALE AUTOMOBILES. BUYERS WEEK. That means It's your time of the year to set a bargain. 19t7 Maxwell, overhauled and now a I mighty good running- little car 6425 19ift twii AvrhTiled and re painted; looks like a new car. . . . .$65 I 1918 Maxwell; a bargain. Ilka new, 8S25. Overland, all In fine condition 8525. Bulck. all In fine condition 6750 rhlmm lisrht aW. all srone over and In fine condition 6775 Liberty late model In tine runnlnc 1 condition - 61100 1 HUDSON BARGAINS. 1017 Hudson upr six. al! In first class condition, has been overhauled and repainted. We will guarantee it th ante aa a new car. .61400 1917 Hudson roeednter. all overhauled. renalnted and 1m Kun.ranteed the aame as a new machine for UO days $16u0 lam r..riat r- rthul1t but not painted yet; will paint and guarantee $lt00 191ft TTnr1.nn MimAr m-r. has been over hauled in our shop, then repainted. Reg ular factory guarantee. .6150 One tone Maxwell truck. In our shop being overhauled when f iniahed . . . .D50 C. Ta. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 613-617 Washington it. Portland. THTSB ARB ALL BARGAINS. 1917 OLDS M OB I LE 8 81250 1918 OLDS MOBILE 6 ROADSTER. 1250 1918 OLDS MO BILE 6 TOURING. 1258 191T MAXWELL TOURING....... 600 1917 CHALMERS 6 TOURING 800 ! 1917 HUPMOBILE 1050 1918 OVERLAND CLUB R'DSTETR TOO DODGE TOURING 550 OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. BDWY. AND COUCH. BDWY. 227a WE SELL YOUR CAR DIRECT FROM YOUR HOME. CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. IF YOU WANT QUICK ACTION SEE US. OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING & SALES CO., 831 BECK BLD0L BROADWAY 4380. USED TRUCKS OF QUALITY. Low Prices Easy Terms. One-ton Ford, worm drive. 8225 down. Three-fourths ton Republic, guaranteed; S3o down. i -ton Kenubllc. guaranteed. 1-ton White, food shape; $490 down. Many Others to Select From. ALDER STREET GARAGE. 642 Alder St., Corner 17th. Broadway 1723. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT 13 PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 206 SELLING BLDG. (Second Floor.) SAVE $250. Must sell at once, fi-nassenxer car. good paint, tires, top and curtains, new b&tterv ; has every thins needed: will , take small cash payment down, bonds or war stamps at face value. Worth $900; will take $05l. CALL MAIN 4013. FORD OWNERS. Ford overhauled .$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed. .... 8 Magneto recharged 6 Wa hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings. etc, which insures a penect running motor. Genuine r ord parte only used. AH work guaranteea. iiU ARAN TEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 20 Front St,, Corner Jefferson. AAA CADILLAC, latest model, total ml' age lK"0; & Goodyear cord tirea; 6.00 extra equipment, finished In dark green; 8-cvllnder. i-DainengiT: a good ouy. pri vate party. For futl information cail room 414 Hotel Clifford. FORD touring. 1tfi5. A-l condition; good tires; must sell; a Dargain. s.tw.-.; some terms. 0 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. STEPHENS. 1920. 4-pass. aport model. slightly used, perfect running conai- tlon. some extras; will make good pri East ;;a7. MAXWELL touring. 1917. in fine condition; rood tires; will sacrifice at $f.0 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near FOR SALK By private owner. 1918 Ford touring car. in perfect running oraer. with $ 100 worth of accessories; very reasonable and terms. call Bdwy. 34j... CM AX WELL touring, 1919, A-l condition. l.Hod nrivatp.v i owner must sen : a oar- gain at $90o, with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. V-TON BUICK TRUCK. Tod and side curtains, will sell reason able or can use light car. terms. Main 7023. CHEVROLET touring" In A-l condition; stood tires; must sen; a oartrain at -- with term. 30 Grand ave. Nortn, near Btirnslde. LEAVING for Cat., need $:60 immedi- telv: will sacrifice my little Chalm ers 6. 5-pass.. for above amount. Phone M ar. S.Sol evenings or before 9 A. M. oh a x tjLKR tourlne. 7-Dassenger. 141 1 new paint, new tires; will sacrifice at SHOO and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 191S LIBERTY. EV-pasa.. light six touring car. in Al mechanical condition and will sell at a bar train and give terms. Phone Marshall 19.M. apt. 42. FoHD truck. 1917. one-ton. in A-l con dition; express body, good tires; will sell at $700 and rive terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 191 HI'DSON Super-Six S-dan, Ilka new: run tiOOU miles: beautiful upholstering; bargain; $oOO down, balance monthly payments to suit. Portland Garage. FORDS dodges; CHEV ROLETS. Lowest prices; make your own terms. Mil- Ko AL IU tU.. -111 UAi&. FORD delivery in fine mechanical condi tion; good tires; a bargain, terms. 80 Grand ave. North, near Rurnside. 19 IS OAKLAND sedan, good tira and in first -class condition. Auto Sales CO., 9th and Couch. FOKD sedan. 191S. almost new, used pri vately; a bargain, $750. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LATE 1918 big six Bulck. in fine condi tion, run very little; low price, cash or come terms. aiain o-.v FORD touring. 1918, A-l condition; ood tires; will sell at .w and give terms. 30 Grand ave. o"tn, near riurnsine. 1919 MAXWElyL 6-passenger. used very i little; extra tire and bumper. Auto Sals Co.. 9th and Conch. 1010 CHEVROLET touring. Just like a new car; a Dargain ior someone. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. HUDSON 1916, 6-40. 7-passenger. looks good as new, 6 good tires; $ou, if taken at once. rnono noomawu i .mi. MODEL 73 Overland in dandy shape; $600 buy for $475. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. LATE model Maxwell 5-pass. touring oar in Al condition, repainted and looks like new. a i.fcnraln; terms. Phone East 1T?. FORDS DODOES CHE VROLETS. Lowest prices: make your own terms. MYERS AITU .:J.. 411 UA Via. ONE 1919 Overland 6, run lU10i miles; 4 good tires. 1 extra. Snap at $1000. with terms. East --.n. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! THE CHEAPEST RUTS IN TOWN, M YERS AUTO CO., 411 DA IS. ASK TO SEE 6-PASSENOER REO; PRI VATE tAK, A UAK'iAi.N. GLOBE UARAUE, DO NORTH 20TH. FOB BALK AUTOMOBILE. IOU CAN DO BETTER AT WALLING FORD'S. From now on until wa move to oar new location we are making a special effort on our used cars, and you can save yourself money by buvlnsr a car NOW. BCICK 4." S FORD roadsters. 8 LIBERTY SIXES, in splendid shape. FORD SEDAN, newly painted. REO ROADSTER, newly painted. BUTCK DELIVERY. FORD COUPE. MAXWELL, cord tire. EUPMOBILE. 2 FORD DELIVERIES. AND NUMEROUS OTHERS. W. IL W A I LTNn FORD CO Opon Sundays, Used Car Department. 522 Alder H road way 2492. Ask for Mr. Li t Lie. CAN YOU DO BETTER T DODGE TOURING. Bt ef RhAM! let ii Aflmnrctr-t-i fbf dandy car; here la a car that you wi'l ne aoie to run all year without addi tional erxpense, complete with live giood Urea, spotlight; $tioO. Terms. OAKLAND LIGHT SIX. Juivt everhanl4lL rrw.tl.rht humir Alimite oiling system, motometer. fine. -i ere is a anap tor someone at XjjU. terms. 1919 SUPER-SIX HUDSON. Rri1n this rm. I. . , tM M - feet, has never been Off pavement; $2500, n:rma. If you are looking for a rood nsed see us at car. no matter what make. 18S loth Street. Marshall 232. USED HUPPS. CARS TTTE OTHERS DO NOT HAVE AND CANNOT GET. We have four of these excellent ma chines on hand. Wo have been thorough In our repairs. Our care is your guar antee. Besidea 1918 GRANT ". li17 GRANT ." 1918 OAKLAND. 191H MAXWELL. 1017 DODGE. 1317 FOKJD "BUG," Bulrks. Chalmers. Grants. Klnr "A" Reo, light trucks and deliveries. You win find each of these to be ex actly what wa claim it to -be. MANLEY AUTO CO.. 11th and Oak at Burnside. Bdwy. 217. BIG BARGAINS RIGHT PRICES. COME AND GIVE US AN OFFER ON THE BEST LINE OF USED CARS. 1919 COLE AERO 8, LIKE NEW. 1917 COLE 8. FINE CONDITION. 1919 BUICK 7-PASS , GOOD AS NEW. 191S KINO 8 SEDAN. NEW PAINT. 1918 STUDEBAKER. Al CONDITION. 1914 CADILLAC, EXCELLENT TOUR ING CAR. 1917 FORD. TRUCKS. FULTON 1H-TON. OUR DEMONSTRA- CHEVROLET i-TON. STAKE BODY. REO 2-TON, REAL BARGAIN. COME EARLY AND GET 1ST CHOICE. DANIELS SALES AGENCY, 84 BDWY. OPP. BENSON HOTEL. FRANKLINS. Ser. 9B touring car: looks and runs like new; a demonstration will convince you; tnis car is an exceptional bargain. BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington Su Main 48S0. I BUICK roadster, light six. good condition. MA CK-IXTK R N A T I O N A L MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION, lot h and Davis Sta. BUG BODIES. $100. Complete with hood. etc. Immediate delivery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO- Third and Glisan. LIGHT six StudohakT. like new. driven fwf miiee, cord lire?, one n-w ei.tra. motometer. soutiight. bumper; must sell eee tniR car. M VEILS AUTO CO.. 411 PAHS. A-A-A 1JM9 CADILIAC. total mlieane u.m nines, o uoouyetr cora tires, over $2HJ extra equipment, finished In dark rren a good buy tor cash. Mr. Munahan, totM curiord. OLDSMOHILK S. touring: new cord tirea. snook absorbers. Hut car runs and looks like new; would take small ca as part payment, terms on balance. A quick. Eat 3K16. f i-i l .n jsi. rtK-MA. just over hauled, driven only S0OO miles, guaran teed; will sell cheap and give terms. ivy mn m., uftt. btarrt and Wash. IF YOU want a fine motor, chassis and runmnsr gear ror a 'bug. we have it, ana. cneap. with ea.-T payments. U7 llth st-. Bet. Stark and Wajth, 1W19 MAXWELL ROADSTER, new sea covers, special top with plate glass in rear and side curtains. PO N. BROADWAY. BROADWAY 3247. MY 1918 MAXWELL, run about 4O00 mllrs. would almost pan for new ; good tires and spotlight. A sacrifice at $ttto. Tabor FORI) TAIL-END DELIVERY. motor. tires and chassis perfect condition: wonderful buy. terms. H"J llth St.. B-t. Stark and Wash. FORD coupelet in the het of condition; good tires; used privately; a real bar gain; $7h, some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near liurnside. MOTORS. gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. STL' DEB A K ER four, fine mechanical con dition; Kood tires; a real bargain; $700, some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside 1918 OLDS roadster. 5 new tires; car looks liKe new and performs better; trv it out. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. 1919 MAXWELL, looks, also guaranteed same as new car. Hurry. $S.,o. terms. 109 llth St.. Bet. Stark and Wash. Ask to see 1917 Chevrolet touring-; tis car can be ooucnt at a bargain. GLOBE GARAGE. 50 NORTH 20TII. PIERCE-ARROW 7-PASS.. $750. DANDY CAR FOR STAGE LINE. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. FOR SALE Two Packard trucJis with or without dump ooaifs. .aii labor 53 S Sundays or after 6 P. M. : WHAT kind of a car do you want? Uav'K It anu tne price is ngnt. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. U1S KuKD delivery, fine shape, good tires. fine lor grocery or iranner bt-siness; $400. easy terms. Bdwy. 5791'. WHAT kind of a car do you want? We have It and tne price is ngnt. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. LATE model Velie Six, good paint and tires ; smat -rt v w v u, v. icnua on balance. Col. FOR DS ! FORDS '. FOR LS ! THE CHEAPEST BUYS IN TOWN. MYERS AUTO CO.. 411 DAVIS. I 1919 HUDSON" super 6 sedan. This car is mechanically peneci. never been oif the pavement. 1 V 10th st. Mar. U WHAT kind of a car do you want? X have It and tne price is ngnt. MYERS Al lU CO.. 1 I 1 A IS. DODGE, by owner; fine ondi;ion; fully equipped; line urea; ai ua u o.'iix. M ar. 1!40 ; evenings and Sunday E. 4S17. LATE 191H HUPMOBILE FOR $loO LESS. 90 N. H KUA YJ A 1 . tmUALiUAY S;'47. 3-TON STANDARD truck, $3.".0 down, bal ance luv per monin. laDor !:. 1917 BUICK, 4-cylinder; extra good con- c iti on. Auto tales Co.. win and Couch. SNAPPY HUPMOBILE ROADSTER. TEL- EPHQNf. aiw-ia. 1917 FORD tourin. a $450 buy f.r $375. M i rJ rla J L.1 iu in 1 A is. A DODGE for sale by owner. $0ou. Call East b'-MH. OAKLAND roadster, like new; eaay terms. 13 orana ave. n. -AUTOMOBILES. BEST BUTTS IN TJSET VOR-DS. CLEAN-UP wat.t If yon have any Idem, ef the -vame ef used Ford cars and consider appear ance and mechanical conditions worth anything, you will recognize our off lngd this week as genuine bargain a 1919 FORD TOURING excellent condi tion, looks and runs aa good aa new. 1913 FORD TOURTNO, &rw bady arrd top. Gray A Davin electric starter and lights, new tires; wher can you get this value for n4y Sn? 1918 FORD TOURING, demountable rims, new top; this car is In lixat clasa condition; only $400. 1917 FORD TOUKXNO. completer tfww hauled and maoe 11 k new? haa lota of valuable axtra&i price t-iou, 1918 FORD ROADSTER, a dandy rtm nlng car and many extra a bar gain at $450. 1318 FORD with road-eter Vody and de livery box. fine n.acha.ni caU aendi tion and the type ef car in groa4 demand; cue auap at $513. ear lis mt Ford track -MVli In thie paper. VERT EAST TERMS, WTLLTAM L. HUGH SON COMPAX 60 Nort-a Broadway, at Davis t4 Broadway S.L. Anthoriad Ford Dealera Plncej X903, . Genuine Ford Paxta. THE ADVANfTNO PRICBJ 0 NEW CARS makes h!ghly desirable the ptn chase of a slightly used car f fiamiard mak. A substantial raving if purchased now. Never have wq been able to offer such a dandy llvi to rhoot-e (roin; the r rices are marked low lor quick sale. Don't miss this opportunity spring will be here be tor a ou know It. i'a?h or easy terms; no extra bonus charge. Ford touring. DodKe touring. IhmIko roadyter. Buick roadster. Maxwell tourings, elie touring. Saxon tourings. PaJton road.stcr. Chevrolet tourings. Chandler four-ja.senser roadartcn. Chandler touriiiR. Used Chandler cars are sold Tin der standard lactory guarantee, TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO-. Chandler and Cleveland Distributers. 614 A-lder St. USED AUTOMOBILES. See ns before buyinr. It costs noth ing to In vest 1 pate. We guarantee our representation on every car. Small pay ment down, balance long time, ea.-y payments. We alo trade. OUR LEADERS. Ford touring. A-l throughout, -with starter ... .$4no Ford sedan, fine condition 67 Huick. 4 new tires 275 Overland 4. good value 300 Chalmers, 6-cylinder, 6-pasa.i a dandv 700 ALSO SEE THESE. OUi.-moh:le 8, 7-pass. 6 A-l tlrea; a rea 1 1 v swell job. li19 Velie. thoroug-hly tuned hps valves irround. new tires. 19lv Velie. 4-pass.; probably the only en on the market this time, PEE IT. 191S Velie, overhauled, new paint, new tire. 317 Velie, excellent value. 1917 Velie, 4-pass., new paint. 191 S Saxon 6, light and economical. 1919 Velie sedan, a strictly hlgh-frade Job. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 59 N. 23d st. Main 760. USED FRANKLINS. We have several used Franklins; bet ter have a look at them. BRALY AUTO CO., 601 Washington St. Main 49S6 M ARM ON. My cla.sy 4-pass. roadster; ran lXOoO miles; has hnd bst of care, mechanically perfect; paint good, maroon body. 6 yellow wire wheels, cord t ires, all ex tras and complete equipment. Mtist sell. Am leaving c'.tv. 9 to 1- A. M. 6 to 8 P. M.. Main f''.7. A USED FRANKLIN Is a better boy than a new cheaper car. Call and lot ua con vince you. BRALY AUTO CO-. 601 Washington St. Matn 430. 19IS CHEVROLET?. ROADSTER AND ToURINO CARS. These cars are late IK and both are In f lrst-clR-s condition and we are sure that we can ell for lest; $ ISO down, balance long, easy lerma, that will please y ou. 503 A ldT. RED FIU N T T'SED CAR CO. M7 HUP TO UK I NO. This Is the big boy, and It's the rea! goods and we can take you to the hills and how you; Is In fine condition and low price of $900, with $Suo down, bs' ance long, easy terms. lied Front, 605 Alder Mreet. 1917 FORD touring, fine condition, shook absorbent, pot light, dah speedometer. Yale lock, cutout, electric tall light, dimmers and other extras, $43 5. Call before L P. M. 8103 6-d ave. ix near Cray s Crossing. MAXWELL TOCBIVO. It has boen refinlhd Packard bine with gold stripe, and. believe ma. It's the real goods; low price of $4S.l. with 2iM down, balance easy. Red Front Used Car Co.. oo!i Alder st. OAKLAND SIX. LATE MODEL. 5 excel' en t non-pkld tlrea, lots of other extras ; car In firt -class tha,pe; must be seen to be appreciated; liberal terms; can be seen at Union Ave. Ga rage. Union ave. and Weldler st. FO RD SEDAN, 1 920. electric t-Larter, foot accelerator and other extras; big dis count. Owner at MACK-INTER NATIONAL JkrOTOH TRUCK CORPORATION. 10th and Davla Sis. 1919 CHALMERS SPEEDSTER. With Victoria top and 5 cord tlrea; Al condition and fine finish; this Is a bar gain. Call Tabor 630 or Main &C42. ASK to see Taylor's car. 1917 Velie tour ing: price $S50; perfect condition; a bargain. GLuBK GARAGE. 50 NORTH 20TH. 1919 STUDEBAKER six touring car, $1700; mileage 2000. 346 Montgomery st. Phone Marshall Automobiles Wanted. CASH FOR AUTOS. I am always In the market to bnv touring rarj and roadsters of popular make and will pay cash In your hand; bring your can to me and get the lug A dollar for them. ."it-5 Aldr st. Red Front X'sd Car Co. Phone M CARS WANTED. We are In the market for all mitw of the late model cars. Bring- yonr oax to us and get the carh. ASSOCIATED MOTOR SALES CO.. 19th and Couch. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS " WE PAT CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St.. S. W. Cor. 1 5th a nd Washington. WE BUT cars and pay the cash (today), you don't wait five minutes. Bring be Pac i ri c Auto Co.. 16th and Alder at a. WILL exchange lot In Westmoreland and pay cash ditfurence for light six late model automobile. Call East S-376. WANTED Ford bug, good condition, xnnst be bargain; no dealers considered. Call Marshall 2167. EXCHANGE Will exchange one nsed 2 V ton truck for good passenger car. Phone Broadway 3S4S. Mr. Fruxler. W A N T E D I .AT E MODEL FORDS AND AUTOMOBILES FOR CASH. WILSON, tU NORTH BROADWAY. WE WANT your Fashion garage, the ca;h. c-r, bring It to the 1S 10th st, and get FORD touring rar In Al condition. In ex change for two lots. Call evenings after 7. Tabor lsTrt. MY .'-i-Kurat blue gen diamond, value $240O: wili consider inch -data car. 14-1 Xorthwegtrrn H.mk bldg. LATE 11.001 C.ei.ro1-. madder; must be cheap for cash. 424 Belmont st. bO-lOO blue siocl diamond ring and cao for Chevrolet. AO P4. Oregonian. WANTED Have cash fr rew Ford sedan. 64 EastAnkeny East r7S. WANT Ford, will exchange launch and pay difference. Wdln. 54s3. Ts OR '19 FORD, must be perfect; no dea'er?; cash. W Beech street. -T'N truck for 51 or trade for senger car. Phone Milwaukie 10. FOB 0AI.1