THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, i920 : AIDE IMPLICATES DEJZER IilEUTEXAJTT IS "WITNESS AT COUKT-MARTIAIi. Mai treatment of Soldiera at I re mans Prison Camp Admit ted, by Subordinate. NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Testimony that Captain Karl W. Detzer maltreat ed soldiers at the prison camp at Le Mans, of which he was in charge, was given at his court-martial today by Lieutenant Leonard D. Mahan, who served under him, Mahan told of finding- prisoners with their noses against a mark on the wall, "to think over what happened to others." When examining prisoners Detzer, the wit ness said, paced the floor cursing: or at at a table with a pistol in front Of him and a riding: crop in his hand. Mahan quoted Detzer as telling: him that ho had given Private Yates "a damned good licking with his fists." Detzer, the witness said, always main tained an attitude of frightening pris oners into making confessions. Major William F. Kelley announced that Mahan waa called as a witness. "In view of the testimony of the de fendant that Lieutenant Mahan and not hlmse-lf was responsible for bru tal treatment of prisoners." Mahan testified that American sol diers divided stolen property among themselves while serving in the de partment of criminal Investigation at Paris, to which he was attached be fore being assigned to assist Detzer. There Is in Delhi, India, a wrought Iron column which was placed there nearly 1100 years ago, and at the present time shows practically no igns of deterioration. AMCSEMEKT8. BAKER STOCK COMPANY. Tonight All tveek Mats. Wed., Bat. Willie Collier's Latest Comedy Hit, "NOTHING BUT LIES" Successor to "Nothinn But .the Truth" iext Week "Under Cover," P AN T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 S ALL THIS WEEK. M. Golden Presents THE CORINTHIANS." "With Ambrose Barker and Peggy Wynne In a melodious memory of 100 years ago. SIX OTHER BIG ACTS. Three performances daily. Night curtain at 7 and 0. THI B N VAUDIVIULI 8 Nights Sun., Mon.. Tuei., 15o to 1 Mats.. Sun., Moil, Tuea.. Wed., 15a to Too THE RAINBOW COCKTAIL IKW BR1CE fc CO. McRae & CleSK BOB HALL Snow A Hljrworth. Kinog-rams Topics ot the iuy LYONS I RTJTH & BliDD YOSCO , This Show Cloxwi With the Matinee Wednesday, Jan. 21 LOEWS DIRECTION ACXERMAN & HARRIS TODAY -TONIGHT GREAT ROAD SHOW HEADLINED BY "Tiir ninnrn nini n FBATl'RISG MISS MARGARET FALLENIUS OF THIS CITY. WM. DESMOND In THE PRINCE AND BETTY. m ItltbHb HLb SEVEN IMPS MITCHELL AND MITCH McLnUY BanJoandGultar. SISTERS THE MILLARDS Dancers. Everything. LA FLEUR The. Human Top. COMING SUNDAY GENERAL PERSHING LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Mat. Daily, 1:30 Nights at 7 and . Dillon A Franks with the Rosebud Chorus THE IVtfXUP" It's AH to the Merry Merry. Chorus Girls' Contest FrldaT Night. C I i ? ff I l-t FOURTH AT M. M. n. JLI Mi WASHINGTON - Margarita Fisher T NT "The Mantle of Charity" Also a Christie comedy, "Gee "Whizz and the Kord weekly. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following DANCING GUARANTEED in eight three - hour 1 e s sons ladles 12.50 erentlemen S5 at De Honey's Beautiful Academy, Twenty third and Washington. New C'laaaea for He srtnnrra start Mon day and Frid ay eveninirs. Advanced classes Tues day and xnuasdav evenincs. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desir able partners and practice. No em barrassment. My latest book describ ing all dances, free. You can never learn dancintr by takinir private les sons in small rooms from Inferior teachers or In snort class lessons where there Is no system of teaching or partners to practice with. Why not learn in a real scnooi irora pro fessional dancers. Phone Main 7656 Private lessons all hours. Eagle Dancing Studio Standard Dancing and Latest Jasa Step -Mni D7 rroiriiiouni Tci Try Is, EAGLE HALL THIRD AJiD MORRISON STREETS. AMTTSEMENT8, I BEOISS TOXIOHT 1 I TICKETS NOW SELLING I 1 HPTT Tf"5 Broadway at Taylor IXLIXXKJ Phone Main 1. 3 NIGHTS Beginning; TONIGHT, 8:15 -SPECIAL PllICK MAT. NEXT SAV2:I5 Oliver Morosco Presents THE FAVORITES (IN PERSON) AND BEVERLY BAYNE IN THE FASCINATING DRAMA, "THE MASTER THIEF" From the Richard Washburn Child "Paymaster" Stories by Edward Rose Splendid Soppotlnjr Company. Superb Production. EVE'S Floor, $2; Bal.. J1.60, II; Gallery, 75c, 50c. SPECIAL SAX. MAT. Floor, $1.50; Balcony, fl, 60c Today. All Week, Pat. Mat. ALCAZAR MUSICAL PLAYERS In the Wonderful Comic Opera "FLORA BELLA" Next Week "FIREFLY" Bates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. "Daily and Sunday- Per line. One Hoe j2C Two consecutive times. .......... . 22c Three consecutive times 30c Seven consecutive times 63c The following classifications excepted, the rate of which is 7c per line per day: Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted- Female. .No ad taken, for less than two lines. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person sis and Situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the adver tiser is a subscriber to either phone. 'o prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the fol lowing day. Advertisements are taken for The Daily Ore iron I an until 7:30 P. M. ; for The Sunday OreKoniaa until 6 P. M. Saturday. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Eker Auction House. YamhtU and West Park streets. Sals at 10 A. M. MEETING NOTICES. Members are requested to meet at the chapel of Fin ley A 6on this (Thursday) morning. 10 o'clock, to con duct the funeral services of our late brother, Charles M. O'Connor. Visiting brothers invited to attend. M. R. SPAULDINO, Secretary. B. P. O. ELKS. TfO. 142 "5Kuia.r communication Mils (Thursday) evening. Elks' temple, 8 o'clock. Visiting M. R. SPAULDINO, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDERT, K- T. Special conclave to morrow (Thursday) after noon at 4 o'clock and at . -i:.K o clock for th. purpose unOI5Terrtv't tn order '-of the temple upon 17. Your attendance and that of sojourners will be appreciated ' C. F. W1EQA.VD, Rec. KENTON LODGE. NO. 145, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) evening. Jan. 15. at 7:30 o'clock. Work In M. M. de- Twiung Drothers wel come. By order W. M. F. M. ROBINSON. Bee "WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special con "nlcatlon this (Thurs day venlng at 6 o'clock hal -ork In M. M. degree, yisito welcome. Refreah- W. e. WEEKS, Bee. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) evening at 7 o'clock. Labcr in E. A. degree. Visiting . vucu mwyff welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. See. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs (lr vilng, 7:80, East Eighth and Burnxids. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W I. 11. RICHMOND, Secretary. BUNNTS1DB LODGE NO. 163. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) evening. 7:80 o'clock. Work tali, degree. Visit ors welcome. By order W. M. JAMES F. OAT JR, Sec ONEONTA TRIBB NO 2 IVPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN Regular monthly dance this evening at W. O. W. hall East 6th and E. Alder sts.' Carlson's snappy Jazz muaio. Admission 65c per couple. O. L. DICK EL, Commltte Chrm. 512" AT;ii.e.r e.Y'lTvJ7.. Thursday. present. . Visiting sir, knights welcome. f- ; F" .met th' (Thursday) eveS ln ln.r'ent J?a,'i. East Sixth and Alder, at 8 o'clock. Golden Rule degree a. btarr, Scribe. EWRT.FV .--I . . - "'i ? . ,uiqdi, cnarma, Dlaa aew deslgaa. Jaeger Broa 181- etkT "fc FRIEDLANDKR'S tor lodge emblema tlaas pins and medals. io Washlnatoa sc DIED. N1TSCHKB At the family residence. 846 v-,1,1, ,u. rieiirietta xl. XVltsohke age 49 years 28 days. She ia survived ,.uu,r, v niisiMiKt, ana one son. Erville Moodv. Tf ptnoin. parlors of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at w.u. ,ubiwo v& Auuerau later. TIGTlVro T l j - ' , vll-y Jan. x. William jroi.ry neavis, agea is years, beloved father of Mrs. A. A. Bonney of Tysh Valley. Mrs H R. Blue of Portland Funeral notice later. Remains at the icaiu,ui:ii jiriDri ot Aimer a Tracey, ANDERSON At the residence, 1194 n, aged 71 years, beloved husband of Hazel Anderson. Funeral notice later. Re mains at the residence funeral parlors BORN January 14. 1020. at the family residence, 3U7 Monroe St.. Mrs. Wllla mina A. Born, age 72 years,, beloved wife of John Born. Remains at Pearson's un dertaking parlors, Russell at. at Union McKEE In this city at hia late rAn 586 Everett at., Jan. 14, John T. McKee' aged 58 yeans. The remains a r. at irt lwy's, Montgomery at Fifth. NoUee of funeral hereafter. , McGaw In this city Jan. 18. Rev. J. A. P McOaw. aged 85 years. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office, room 163 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 636 Columbia boulevard. Phone any, time. Wood lawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. Email animals painlessly electrocuted where aecessary, and stray animal cared Xort ments. gTXERAL NOTICES. KELLT -January 12, Christopher T. Kelly, f ed 1 J1', husband of Annie T. Kelly of 058 Gantenbeln avenue, and father of Mr- P- C. O'Meara. this city; Mrs. Par k.r W-. Rin- Mra Roger W. Conant and Miss Agatha Kelly of San Francisco; Ignatius M., Edward T., Harry C. and Joseph A. Kelly. The deceased was a member of Rose City camp No. 191, , ". f uneral will be held from . residence, Thursday, January 15. at 8:45 A- M., thence to. the Immaculate Heart or Mary church, Williams avenue and Stanton street, at 9 A. M., where re quiem mass will he offered. Friends invited. Interment, Mt. Calvary ceme tery. McEntee & Eilers, directors. SCOTT At the residence. Ryan Place on Oregon Electric car line, Jan. 13. 1920, Mra Euphemla Scott, agei 6 years, be loved mother of Mrs. JohT Jackson, of Condon, Or.; Mrs. J. o. Mackle. Mine Ida Scott, Mrs. 8. R. Booth, Mrs. L. E. Button, of Portland. Or.: slater of Mra John Mackle and Adam Klrkwood. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services at the above residence at 2 P. M. today Thursday) Jan. 15 1920. Interment Rlverview cemetery. " McBREBN At Beaverton, Jan. 14. George Mathew McBreen. aged 67 years, beloved husband of Ida Boll McBreen arfd father of George Mathew, Claude Dewev. Fred William and Albert Lewis. PrlvaAe fu neral services will be held from the home today (Thursday) at 1 P. M. Conclud ing services at the Cooper Mt. cemetery SInleJltlje. auspices of Multnomah Camp, No. 77. W. p. W. Funeral, arrangements in charge of F. S. Dunning Inc. 414 East Alder. BORN January 14. 1920. at the family - ' JHtinrof sc., Mrs. Wllla- mlna A. Born, age 72 years, beloved wife or John Born. Funeral services will be conducted Friday, January 16, at 2 P. M. from the Second German Baptist church! corner Rodney avenue and Morris. Friends Invited. Interment family plot Rose City Park cemetery. Remains at f,on."T,unaertakln8' Payors. Russell street at Union avenue. SMITH In this city.- Jan. 14. Rer. Ben. WTil . omitn. aged 88 years. The funera: services will be conducted Friday Jan. 16. at 2 P. M.. In the First Presbyterian church. 12th and Alder sts. Friends Invited to attend. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Ken worthy & Co.. 5802-04 2d St. S E.. In Lenta. MpAW In this city. Jan. IS. Rer. J. A. cij "5 J years, rather or Mra ? nne 8mLthA Mr- Robert Lambeeson and Edward G. and L. G. McGaw. Fu neral services will be held today (Thurs day Jan. 15). at 2 P. M.. from the V, estminnt.r church. East 17th and Schuyler sts. Friends invited. Inter ment Rlverview cemetrv PLUMMHR At the residence, 238 E. 48th. -... Monry u. r-iummer, aged 81 years, beloved father of Mrs. D O Stevenson and E. L. Planner of Dallaa! Or. Funeral services will be held Thursday, Jan. 15 .at 2 P. M. at the M.fwSLjfvxl" Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park cemeiarv. 8HAPErrn th,s clt, ,an- I3- Baby Car- i J. v L-rBC - years. .Beloved in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. bhape of Billings, Montana. Funeral services will be held Thursday. Jan. 15 at 11:80 A M. at Mllwaukle cemetery. Arrangements In care of -Miller & Tracey. M?-WIn thl? clty Jan' 13- BeT- A. P. .hi v '. , ii.rn. r unerat services win be held today (Thursday) January 15. at 2 P. M.. from the Westminster Presbyterian church. East 17th and Schuyler sts. Friends Invited. Interment Rlverview cemetery. HIKES In this city. Jan. 12. 1920. Mary .ic, useu oi years, if uneral 11?". wl" be heId today. Jan. 14. at 10:30 A. M.. from the Dunning Mc Entee parlors. Broadway and Ankeny st. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. JOHANNES The funeral services of the ouuaunes win oe held rrora the conservatory chapel of the F. S. Dun ning Inc., 414 East Alder street, at 2 P M., today (Thursday). Friends invited. Concluding services at the Portland crematorium. O'CONNOR The funeral services at te It. r. ' . m- J wonnor will be held h s.Th",!day, nornlng at 10 o'clock at Finley s. Montgomery at Fifth, under the auspices of B. p. o. E., No 14" Friends invited. Interment at Scan poose. Or. FREDRICKSON The funeral services of i , ii.iuo rrwincuBon will De held Friday, Jan. 16. at 11 o'clock A. M. at Finley s, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Newberg. Or. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES xi r.iv i , Marshall 114. FLORISTS. LUBLINER TWO stores LiUlLliiLlw, strive to please 828 Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 783. " ..m . ,avm. unu xuwy. mV mrK. Alar. ZO I. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP F u n e r a 1 " " j . w w nun. au, Det. mo. jsroaaway ,s i u. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 854 .v. ho o-i mmuj arrangea. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison St. Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch atorea PORTLAND ROSE NURSERY, shrubbery and landscaping. Tabor 0790. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 3121. Seil lng building. Sixth and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington st.. bet 4th and 5th. Main 8102, A 1161. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors Third and Salmon Sta. Main SOT. Lady Asnlatant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfeot Funeral Service for Lrn, Independent Funeral Directors. Wwh. t., bet. 20th-21st. west side. Main Lady assistant. A 7885. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine St. Phone Broadway 430. A 4558. Lady Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at 5th. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with ail the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Home, A 2138. F. S. DUNNING, INC. 414 SL Aider. Phone East SI. Perfect service, personal direction, free nse of floral chapel and auto equipment DOWNING & McNEMAR , Successors to Wilson A Ross. Multnomah at E. 7th. East 54. Irvington district. P. L. LERCH f-yfo." -fr ERICSON TWe"roPa'dw'ay4n A. r. KENWORTHT CO., BS02-04 92d et.. Lenta Tabor H27 A D 7CI I AD PIT 59 Williams Ave. ---'-' East 1088. C 1088 BREEZE & SNOOK Tg "S5 8KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY 3rf -nd Clay. M. 4152. A 2a2L Lady asalstan" MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 66 4th Bt., Opp. City Hall, yen Bros. rfb BLAELSINQ GRANITE CO. I LT THIRD AT MADISON STREET I SIW TODAT. F0RLEASE About February 1st, "large storeroom. we &uu&Lu in- Lite ousinesg district. For particulars see - C. A, WAGNER CO. KO. 230 STARK STREET. HOOD RIVER APPLES $1 PER BOX vecTB,.od THE APPLE HOUSE 113 Second Street. Ncax W ashlnarton. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and ' professional men condensed and das if ied for ready reference.' For rates by the month ' or year, or other information, telephone Tho Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, Hous 29. ACCOUNTANTS, JLL1LS R. BLACK, special auditor and accountant on involved accounts. Sys tems established and maintained; Income tax service; references. Ut-t Fittock block. Phone Broadway 1. . ALTERATIONS. REFITTING and making of ladles' raT ments. reasonable; work guaranteed. J. Reubln. Ladles' Tailor. 4U3 Bush . Lane bldg. ASSAVKRS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver unci nlnllnum bought. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Day and night school. Allsky bldg. M. 824. CARPET WEAVING. DlinOThe kind that wear the best are lluwu mid" from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning: refuting and resizing Mail orders solicited. 1S E. oiu lueei. rnont iast tfaoo, is U&O. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD . CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. Send for Booklet, wxiz rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. r. FLLTF RtO CO.. t 54-50 Lnlon . v. 7M East 6516, B 1475. CELLULOID BUTTON'S. 7,H, 'PWIX-HODSON COMPANIj sti Washington Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. soooo KWW McMahon. 100 Chlroprac 5" .TJronKB pronounce treatment easi est. best, permanent. 31 "treats" $15. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello Ee Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and ;irch zpecialist in the city. Parlors 802 Ger linger bldg., s. W. corner 2d and Alder. ' Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun ions foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Wash. Main 1081. jCIRCCLAR LETTERS.' CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal building. Marshall 6822. Multigraphing. mimeographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bfdg. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1000. - DANCING SCHOOL. LEARN TO DANCE. 13 private loss ins. $6; 4 lessons, $2; ?"" I" A. M. to 10 P. M., 004 Eiler bldg., bet. 4th and 6th on. Wash. Main 5004. MRS. SUMMER'S Berkeley dancing acad emy. 12i 4th. Lessons dav, eve.; class Thurs. Ladles 2..V). gents $5. Main S31S. mkh. daih, 308 Dekum bldg. 10-olasa lessons, $5. Beginners Mon. eve. Private lesions day and eve.. . Main 1345. BALLROOM and stage dancing Miss Dorothy Rssmussen. 610 Eilers bldg. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H.M.II.ELECTRIC CO. oi IV. 1st, Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair ing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Broad way 1045, A 1046. MOTORS REWOUND ne and epaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, 248 first St. Main 871. DOt AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL, 415 East Seventh. East 1847, B 1892. GENTS', LA&IK8' HATS. LADIES' hat frames made to order, clean 1ns, blocking, dyeing of ladles' and gents' Panama, straw, felt and beaver bata La Prance Hatters, 312 fa Morrison st. HARDWOOD FLOORINU. ACME FLOOR WAXING. WINDOW AND GENERAL CLEANING;. 'EXPERTS. BROADWAY SS19. GET estimates lor new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co., 187 W. Park. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac romion siae pleat, Buttons covered; mall orders. 219 Piftock blk., Broadway 1020. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL-SUPPLIES, THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-67-89 Front. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-70-72 Front at.. Portland. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO, Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front st. HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAKA BARkI KAHN BROS.. 105 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER : CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN A Co.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. Build Your Own Garage - We will deliver a Sectional Garaige to you anywhere In the northwest. You can set It up la a few hours. Send for circular. RED1MADE BUILDING CO. 13 K. 11th at. Phone Portland. Or. UMmt S114. SPECIAL 10zl ; $66.50 KEaDY-CTTf AND F4 . PORTABUi Mouses ICTLLMADK CONSTRUCTION CO. .' - 1601 Union avel ' Wdln. 4206. . Wdln. 241 1. WE .CALL FOR YOUR OLD ' CAJIPKTS, Rasa mud Woolen Clothlnc FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Oat Promptly. Has; Rngra Woven All Slaea, Mail Order. Send for Booklet.. Carpets Cleaned. Laid and He fitted. WORTH WEST RIO CO. ISM ESMt 8th St. Phone Kaat 35SO. oaf IT f I 5Vo.rr SFae 5? V. S. ISmuK Ball dins. rr r, ' M0ISI jJ:wii.i;ks. ROSS CO., INC WHOLESALE MFir JEWELERS. 8D FLOOR MOWAWK BLUU. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. MrSIC TEACHERS. RAGTIME piano playing positively taught . by note far 15 with -written guarantee of money back; late popiUar songs in 10 to 20 lessons. J ess (JaA) Parker. 614 ' Eilers Musie bldg. - L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tlce piano. 1 hr. day, ti mo. Bdy. 25ii. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubensteln, the veteran tp tlolan, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories. Kryptoka, the cheaper " grades. 226 M rrison, OPTOMETRISTS-AND OPTIC LAN'S GLASSES AT A SAVING ;2s 1 0lcit your patronage on the . ij.isla of capable service. Thou- . , sands of satisfied customers. A trial win convince you. Charles W. Good man. optometrist. 201) Morrison. M. 2124. EVES SCIENTIFICALLY TEST CSi 1'u with modern Instruments. lilasscs fitted frum $2.50 up. A. E. UPRWITZ, oattemetrlst, 220 First St. ' PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended ovel a period of 74 years. All communications strictly confidential: prompt, efficient. conscientious service: handbook free on request. MUNN 8c CO.. patent attorneys. San Francisco office. Hobart bldB.. 5ol Market St.; Chicago olflce. room blO Tower bldg. ; Washington office, room 1U3, B25 F et.; New lork. office, Wool worth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 23 years' experience U. a and foreign patents. 601 Uekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 6-'0 Worcester bldg. M. 2525 PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female disorders, skin aflections, blood pressure. riXMBINO Sl'PPIJKS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 212 3d. M. 797. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeln. Manager. Printing and linotyping, luoa Front St., cornrr Stark. Main or A 1418. PRINTING F- w- BALTES & COMPANY Mllll I lilU 1st and Oak sta. Main 15. Bll-(i3 PAINTING AN1 PAPEKHANC1NG. WILL save you money if you do your'lnsidt painting, tinting and paperhanglng before we get busy outside. Johnson. Main 7U10. PAINTING. C. H. TERRILL. house, sign painting, pa pering, tinting. Tabor 2011. 810 E. 44th. SALTED AND SMOKED FISH. ALASKA HERRING A IMPORTING CO., distributors of salted and smoked fish 221 Yamhill st.. Portland. Or. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO.. 21 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In tho hardware and furniture line. Phone Main U072. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, 601 Deaum bids.. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STOBAGK. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOVINO-PACK'O-STORAUB- Lt AGO AGE 13th and Kearney. Branch Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 ORKOON TRANSFER CO., 474 G-man at., corner lSti. Phone Broadway llisl or 11 OH. We own ayid operate two lance clajis "A" wareaoiiHea on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In the city. WANTED Bag-gage to transfer to any part of city; furniture moved and stored, prompt service, reasonable. Call Bd wy. 3:i3. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OL8EN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 511)5. A 105L JMANUFACTURERS MILL SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-70-72 Front street, Portland. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-88 Front. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY". 68-70-72 Front street. Portlar.d. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERC HANTS. EVKRPINO A FARRELL. 140 Front ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. St. Portland .Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. POORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. CHOICE HOMES very heat bays. IRY-lSrGTON, J7800, Sqimre Colonial. Most modern type home, Jut 4 years old; very best all ivory finish and hardwood floors throughout: very large livingr-room with tfie fireplace and Indirect lighting:; dainty break fast room or aunroom; two large bed rooms, one or two smaller; tile bath' garage; center of Irvington. $4200 and afreet liens $89; 524 E: 12th N.. near Brazes, 1 blk. to Irvingrton school; modern 7-room home, not over 8 years old; full basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, etc., etc ALAMEDA PARK'S very best. 851 E. 30th N.. $6850; practically new, three bedrooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors throughout, large living room, garage, immediate possession. -"IRVINGTON" STREET, A s:ent, Eaat 13th ami Broadway. East SIM. Portland Rug Company MAMFACTLKE1U OF FLUFF RUGS "THERE'S A DfrrKRENCK." VK WEAVE ALL SIZb IN BOTH lUKF AM) KAU KLUS. Let Is Call lor Voor Old Carneta. Work villi Be Returned "ProoTutij2 slall Orders tilven Prom rt AtteaUea. rortland 1671 Eaat Phone U 13.: 4. ComDanv Seventeenth Street. Either Pacific or Uame. .- WESTOYER TERRACE HOMESITES ARE LIMITEir I.V NUMBER. "Buy early rather fhan be sorry later " fou may phone, call or write Harold Jungck. secretary. INTERNATIONAL. REALTY ASSOCIATES, Owners. j;'o7 teon Bide. Phones Office, Marshall saO Residence, East lil0. FOR SALE Two new modern six-room bungalows in Irvington, corner of E. 16th and Klickitat; lots 54x100. Oak floors throughout, paneled dining rooms, large living rooms, Gasco furnace, etc. Prices, complete with fixtures and shades, $9000 each. OWNERS, RICE CONSTRUCTION CO.. Telephone Anto. 6UO E. 13th N. MORTGAGE LOANS Repayable by Installments If Desired. uwnt interest Kates. IV Delay in Closing. A. H. BIRRELL CO. Alarskail 4114. NEW TODAY. STORAGE SPACE Iaveatlasate Onr Plant and Rates. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costs? CLAY S. MORSE, IXC Dray ace ssd Sforaae. , 12th and Glials. Phone Bdwy. S4TO, SEAL ESTATE. For eale Hal and Apartment Property. APARTMENT HOUSE SACRIFICE. INCOME NEARLY $14,000. Must have $5,000 cash; mtg. $15,000. bal. $10,000 terms. Prominent west side corner, completely furnished. Unlras you are ready to do business do not bother. See our mgr., room 1J18 N. V. Bank bldg. TWO-.good lots. Alberta district, will take piano aa first payment, bsflance easy terms. Robertson. 0u Second st. FOR 8ALE-A 32-room apartment house, all rented. Apply P. O. Box 160. Eu gene. Or. For Sale -Lota. A WARNING You will make no mistake In buying a homeslte. in Portland NOW. Land val ues will surely edvance. It Is the only thing that has not. Select with care a location of convenience: also one that will increase in value. I'm sure Walnut Park offers you that location. Call on owner, W. M. KILLIXGSWORTII. Office. 1148 Union ave. Office hours, 10 to 12 A. M. Phone appointments: Woodlawa S304 or Woodlawn 051. FOR SALE; View lot 60x115 feet. 2th and Regenta drive, Alameda Park. Price $3500. MRS. HARRT WITMAN. Lebanon. Or. CHOICE lot 50x100, In Laurelhurst. at tractive location; price 11175, terms. K. J. OEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. LOT 100x100. Gregory Heights, $550. R. P. Adams. Aberdeen. Wah., Box Cherry and Maple. LOTS 7-8. block 7. Kalrport add., close to Kenton car; sidewalk In, $a50. BF 462, LOT 20, BLOCK 31. Laurelhurst: improve- mpnts In and paid; elooo. East 3'.81. KOSK CITY PARK, 070 cash, hard sur faoed street, all paid. Tabor b441. For " Sal -House 6-ROOM modern house, 5oxloo lot, close to r ranaiin high school; 1-130, 500 cash, balance easy terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. (Formerly boandlnavian-Americaii Real ty Co.). 248 Stark St. Main B42U. HOPE CITT TARV e-room modern bungalow, has to be soio in in days, aolnit to fnuth America $3350. f 40O down. 603 E. 0th St. North IRVINGTON. Two new bunealows. fi and 6 rooma modern saeco furnace and garage: open rrom la to ; located on l!th and Knott. FURNISHED NEAT AND COMPLETE. Readv for hnuwkMnlnr. 4 rnnm, with bath, toilet, lights and (as, basement and woodllft, 5uxl00-foot lot. with fruit, flowers and berries, chicken house and yard; oniy I21O0 for complete outfit; $4O0 cash, balance like rent: quick possession. Located on Ct'th street, near Twohy's car shops. Our auto is at your service to show you this snap and many others. HuHhea Real Estate Co., 507 Journal bldg. Phone Main IISOH. STRICTLY MODERN IRVIX0STON HOME. CORNER 1XJT: DE.N, L1VIX4J-ROOM, DINI.VO - ROOM. KITCHEN. FIRST i'LOOR; FOUR BEDROOMS. BATH. BLEEPIXO PORCH. SECOND FTAJOR: FINISHED ATTIC: HARDWOOD FLOORcj. HOT WATER HEAT. CiA. RAOK. U1UUT CQNdlDER SOMS TRADE. POIN DEXTER. 208 SELLINO BTJK1. MAIN 1M00. RES1UEXCE 271-MO. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 buys a dandy ft-room bungalow, all on one floor, hardwood floors, fire place, all builtins. furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, garage, corner, street improvements ail paid, 1 block to car, in best part of R. O. P. 1V( have a number of others, aud can suit you. A pleasure to show you. J. A. WIOKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main BS3. QROVULAN'n PARK $3500. This is a six-room modem bungalow m-ith oak floors, fireplace, full cement basement and all. bullt-lns that usually go with an up-to-date bungalow. This is an exceptional buy, sa owner, wishing to leave town, offers this for qulok sale, Torms can be arranged. MR. DERR, COB A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. DEAL WITH OWNER. Fine, well constructed 7-room bunga low type home, sightly appearance, fire place, furnace, hardwood floors, front room finished white ivory, dining-room paneled and beamed ceiling, paved street and sewer; dandy concrete garage. Take Irvington car to Preecott street: price $5600. i2 Enst 15th st. North. Phone Woodlawn 47S3. CLOSE-IN EAST BIDB BUNGALOW. fl rooma with all modern built-in con veniences, large and attractive living room, exceptionally good electric fixtures, full concrete basement, furnace and fire place, gnrage. corner loz $430O; 11:00 cash. MR. DERIt. COE A. Mi-KENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. $5300 LAURELHURST I58O0. PRIZE. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, nothing lacking, run lot. ga rage, paved streets all paid for. one block from car; terms. Let us show you this. C. A. WARR1NER. R1TTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. S ROOMS, OI.ENN AVE. 47x154 LOT $2200. Glenn ave., near Sherman. S-room plastered cottage; sleeping porch, bath and toilet, gas. water, fine lot, paved Bts.. sewer. Dandy place for $2200, on terms. Six fruit trees. SEE MR. MACK. CEO. T. MuoRE CO.. looTYeon bldg. ROSE CITY. BTEST BUY THERE TODAT. STRICT LY MODERN. HARDWOOD FLOORS. ALL BL'ILT-IXB. FVLI.-S1ZED BASE MENT. FURNACE. S ROOMS. LARGE ATTIC; $5700. THIRD CASH. BALANCE EASY. POI.VDEXTER. 208 SELT.TNO BLDO. MAIN lwOO. RESIDENCE 271-20. IRVINGTON. A new 5-room. not quite finished, will sacrifice on account of sickness, price $350O. tl50) down, balance to suit. Ask for Mr. Kellogg, A. J. DemREST A CO.. 820-S21 Henry Bldg. Main 2890. PENINSULA BARGAIN. 2-etory, tt-room house, S rooms of which aro not finished; garage, looxloe lot, cement sidewalk, 6 assorted fruit trees bearing, and small fruits: totai price I15O0. Owner wants all raNh. hut submit term offer. Frew W. German 732 Chamber of Commerce. MT. SCOTT LINE. PRICE- ONLY (2500. 4 -room bungalow and G lots: lust the plsce to have a lot of chickens and a nice garden: $5O0 down and easy rer ma RELIABLE- IN-VESTM KNT CO.. SOS OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. IRVINGTON HOME. FURNISHED, $5750. Including piano. Must sell. EAST 1S47. I2i'kM) BUYS 7 rooms and bath, with 1 bed room and bath down, 3 rooms up; full basement, wasn trays, turnace; 1 'n blks to car; near Franklin high school. Terms. J. A WTCKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 583. 5-KOOM house. 50x100 lot. close to Lau relhurst Park, fruit and berries; $1UU0, S50 cah, 125 per month. INTERSTATE LAND CO., (Formerly Scandinavian-American Real ty Co.), 248 Stark at. Main 6429. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand-new. classy 4-room bungalow lust finished, near Union ave. north ot Piedmont district; small payment down, balance like rent. Own your own home Phone owner. East 4UO0. 6-KOOM plaatcred houtte, 2 blocks to car, 50x100 lot. electric llffhts, .gas, city wa ter: JST0, some t Tm. IN TEH STATE LAND CO.. (Formerly Scandinavian-American Real ty Co.), 24H Stark St. Alain 5420. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. 1A50. Noat, well-built f-room cottage, with bath and toilet -and concrete founda tion, In Industrial district. $300 cash, J0 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Cosy home of ft modern rooms, hdwd. floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, laundry trayi; old ivory woodwork. Owner must ell. Price $3000. 615 Chamber of Commerce. 10 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. 2-room dilapidated shark with a quar ter of an acre of rround, on 94th st and 49th ave. ; total price $050. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com. SWELL NEW BUNGALOW, R. C. P. Strictly modern, close to Bandy road, all Improvements paid: rijrht price; good terms. Tabor 8-02. FOR SALE Alameda Park 0-room house. 026 E. 30th N. IRVINGTON HOMES. Mr DON EL , 600 EAST 14TU T. N. XAaT 41ft. REAL ESTATE. THE CALLENGE HOME. $:i.r.oo. WITH GARAGE, Wa callenKe the seller to pro duce Its equal in location, con struction and appearance for the money; only 1 Vi blocks from Rose City car line, on E. 47th et. Think of it, a beautiful five-room bun ralow with rarafe on lull-sire lot In the heart of Rose City Park, for 35o0. We will not try to dascribe it hare, but rf ra want a bargain, phone us for particulars. Main 530. McCRIL-LIS-CLEAVELAND CO. ROSE CITT PARK. Bungalow, $0000. on Terms. See this modern 5-room bun galow; larire living; room with excellent fireplace and double-built-in bookcases, attractive dining- room with solid oak buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, hardwood floors in main rooms, full cement base ment, laundry trays, good furnace; lot 60x100; located in the heart of Rosa City Park, north of Sandy, on 51t street. This Is a splendid house and good value. McCRILU8-CLEAVELAKD CO. HAWTHORNE SURPRISE HOME. When you sea this home you will aiiree with us that It Is a wonderful value: we know of no other 0-room houe to eual it for the price asked ; splendid lo cation, only 1 block from car line, on E. 52d st. ; 3 largp. at tractive and well-arranged rooms downstairs, all hardwood floors. In splendid condition ; 3 large, lirht bedrooms second floor, splendid bath, finished in natural wood and old Ivory; splendid lawn, fine ffarape; other places not equal to this have sold for 6"00 to $700v. For quick sale owner will take 9.500. Phone us at once. Main 530. McCRILLI9-CLEAVELAND CO., 324 Henry Building;. Malu 530. NEW rTTNOALOW LAL'ltBLHl'RST LOT 60x143 6 rooms, finished in old Ivory enamel and imported wallpapers. OAK FLoOKi, TILE BATH, tiied-in tub. pedestal lava tory, built-in and composition drain board, all SOLID BRASS hardware with GLASS KNOBS ; linen c!oat, larp? basement, htch-grade cast-Iron furnace. TILE F1IIE.PL ACE. living room runs full width of house, extra large bed rooms, full -length cement front porch, 12x18 garage. This house was built by day labor, of the beat materials hy the Laurelhurst Co.. to satisfy the demands of the ex acting purchaser, who dMred a small home of the highest qualitv. Priced at less than cost ot duplication today. Terms to suit. For inspection or further Information inquire M-K. KOEHLKR, LAURELHURST CO , 270H 8tark st. Main 1700. CH ARMING LAURELHURST HOME. Are you looking for an attractive 2 story 8 -room homo, located near car in the most exclusive part of Laurelhurst? If co, investiwate this. An entrance hall opens into an lmmenwe equare living room with massive fireplace and one of largest plate-glans view windows in city; large French plate door to a most beau tiful large square dining room, which has. French door to slue porch; pass pan try to very convenient kitchen; ornamen tal stair leads to 3 big square bedrooms, artistio dressing room between ; anothy-r tile fiieplare, inelobed sleeping porch, bath; maid' and store room on 3rd floor; old ivory finish; oak floors; fine basement with new pas furnace. Price only iV.'.oo. Furniture at bargain. If de sired. Tabor 407 . TWO BIG BARGAINS IN LAURELHURST. A good speculation for someone; 8 and 0-room houses in fine con dition ; one has 5 bedrooms, the other has 4; there is a sleeping porch with each; one has hard wood floors in every room, the other downstairs only; both places are very clone to car and in the very choicest part of the dis trict. Come to office. , Eatit 3ith and Glirran, for keys, or phone Tabor JH33. MR. DELAHUNTY. IRVINGTON BARGAIN, No 620 East 24th st. North. Ws own and have for sale the best bargain In Irvington 7-room house on 53x1041 corner: garage, sleeping porch, hard wood floors, a fireplaces, tile bath, white enamel fiuish. full cement basement. Could not be built for less than $.ono. Street assessments to $1400 all paid. Vill sell for $78oo on easy terms. nin F- E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 3026. LADD'S ADD.. NEAR HAWTHORNE. 7 ROOM S .; A R AG K, f 5730. Modern 7-room home; solid oak floors In main rooms, massive fireplace in liv ing room, paneled dining room with bam ceiling. lull cement basemen t. furnace, extra toilet on first floor. 3 large bedrooms with exceptionally lame closets, full-sized window In each closet; lot 12S feet deep with paved alb-v in rear, all st. imp. in and paid: garage; located 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. Price $57."0, terms, t per cent interest. Own er . n La d d ave. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 8 large rooms, finished in old ivory and papered with artistic paper; two of the choicest bungalows in the district complete In every detail: tiled hath vik best of fixtures; garage; open for your Inspection; on East 42d et bet. Burn- tuts Aim i'ui n. TURNER WINPHIP S12 Henry bldg. Tabor 2lii4. Tabor SW4. $S)00O PEAL IRVINGTON SNA P JiUMO This home perfect; living room, fire place, two bedrooms, bath first floor: 2 bedrooms. sle-ninir torcti hath ..... .i W 1th this goes electric range. Instan taneous waler heater, stair runner and second floof carpets; lot 75xlO0; garage. No agents. Kast 419. SACRIFICE Mortgage due; attractive 5 room bungalow: numemna nncniAnn large attic, basement, unusual lot, near pavement ; Immediate possession ; srsnn some terms. owner, evenings. Tabor BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. e rooms, sleeping porch. absolutely modern, mahogany finish. If sold this week nrlce la .Hn - u-n-rH .t .... this today. Mar-hall 7fi. Union Safe ! posit & Trust Co.. 24 Oak- t IRVINGTON Semi-bun ealow A fine finish, plate glass, garage. $7500 Irvington bungalow, between Bra zee and Knott, $05o0; large rooms, fireplace. furnace, garage. East 41 9. FOR SALE By owner, five-room houe sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, twa lots, 60x200, this side of Laurel hurVt park; $4000. terms. Call between and 5. Broadway 2447. RUSE CITY'S big test bargain Desirable bungalow. Improvements paid ; immedi ate sale, $2950; terms; worth more. Owner, evenings Tabor 70o5. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Star st Office hours 8 to 5 P. M. Phone aiain 831 Res- phone. Tabor 194. $1300 COSY 5-room dwelling, improved lot. free from incumbrance: will take car or team as part payment. Owner 1113 E. Kelly st. Take KM car. C-ROOM BUNGALOW $3000 OWNER. New and modern, full concrete base ment. Dutch kitchen, furnace. Wood lawn 502S. 1103 E. 15th st. N. A INS WORTH AVE. bungalow and garage' 6 rooms, . furnace, tireplace, cement basement, corner, fine condition ; or ice $42O0. Tabor C441. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY". In looking for a home it Kill he to your advantage to call Mr. StowaiL Tabor 88l. 5-ROOM cottage, lot 70x100; f run trt, chicken house; $1450: terms. -Broad tr a 158. 200 Oregon bldg. IRVINGTON Beautiful home near Braz eight artistic rooms. Ivory and mahog any, full lot, garage: $S75Q. Kast 4iy $2700 MODERN 4-room furnished bunga low, close in ; all Improvements in nd paid: some terms. Wdln. 5mj. IRVINGTON 3 special homes will sell at old prices; must have quick action; no shoppers Owner. East 80 S. $O0 BUYS 12x20 cabin la good condition with sleeping tent and furniture. 30th and Stanton st. Call bet. 4 and 6:30 P M IRVINGTON HOMES EAST 804. R. T. STREET, IRV. AGT. $3H.M. $S0O CASH. iVtocIOO. 6 ROOMS FURNACE. CLOSE LN. KAST &43S. BY OWNER, artistic 6-room modern bun galow in Rose City; hardwood floors throughout, finished Ivory enamel. 477 E. 5dth at. N., near Thompson. Tabor REAL ESTATE. For Sbk -llowtes. FRANTC I. McGTTRX Home Bargains. "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM- of per sonally inspecting, appraising and jfliotographing each honse makes borne buying easy. Wo can put j-ou immediately in touch w.Ui tbe ' -Se you ar looking for. 13 a.tos to show you property. Coo photographs to select from. Some wonderful bar trains. That la why this office sold over $2.000. 0vO worth of homes last year. rwso ntviNtj'ttj.i Horn T-toora modern home: full eearwut. ba"inent, furnace, laundry tray. fte place, hardwood floors, built-in, con veniences; real bargains. We have other home in this district up to 40.000. $550-WEST SXDK BARGAIN. Very attractive 7-room, story-aAd-sv-ftnlf bungalow -typo home, located on Vaughn street on Willamette- heights; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. buiK rn. conveniences, large side porch with wonderful unobstructed view; 4 light, airy bedrooms, paved street, paid; tesrns: one block to car. $5000 ROSE) CITY BUNGALOW; One of the very attractive bungalows of Rose City Park; typical California bungalow lines, very modern and com plete in every detail: very practical floor plan : hardwood floors, many built-in conveniences, full cement basement, fur nace and fireplace, sleeping porch, white enamel Plumbing fixtures; can arrange terms: on Aiameda drive, near Sandy. $5250 ROSE CITT HOMT "Very distinctive, modern 6 -room home . on E. 4S:h st.. below the hill: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage street liens paid; Ideal home; terms. $500 ARTISTIC ROPE CITT BUNGA LOW. Here Is one of the rerv attractive bungalows of Ros City Park; 6 rooms, den and breakfast room: hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in convenances, large front porch, full width of house: massive stone columns, low rambling bungalow lines; can arrango terms, $400 RORp; CITY BARGAIN. On 54th street, close to car, on a full lot with paved street, liens paid. Is a vfry substantial ft-room attractive home: full cement basement, furnace and fire place; built-in conveniences, woodwork all In old Ivory. 3 light, airy bedrooms; repainted inside and out, like new, terms. S450ft PIEDMOXT HOMTS. Right rooma and den. concrete stucco home) unusual bargain. $4000 NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW. Here Is an unusual! attract Ive new typical buncalow; best material and workmanship, very attractive lines. Jars a front porch, living rooms with cheery fireplace. bu.H-ln bookcases, paneled din ing room with mnxsive leaded glass buf fet, hardwi.od floors, woodwork in white enamel, full Dutch kitchen, dandv ce ment basement with laundry trays; 2 l!ght, airy bedrooms; white enamel plumbing, street liens paid. Terms. $H050 REAL PENINSULA HOM-E. in a COxloil-foot lot on Syracuse street and Portsmouth la a verv attractive . room modern, unusually well-built home; white enamel plumbing, electric ligisis and gas. fireplace, an Ideal pipe less furnace, sleeping porch, all kinds of fruit, berries and flowers. This ta a real home. $3S0O NEW UAW-XHORX1E BUNGA LOW. Here Is a dream of a bungalow, five rooms, very artlntic. typical bungalow lines; art brick fireplace, attractive light . fixtures-; tapestry wall paper, hardwood floors, built-in conveniences; vacant. We have over SO homes for sale in the unnyside. Hawthorne and Mt Tabor districts. Photographs of each, in the of fice. , $,"0 WEST SIDT5 BARGATX. $500 DOWN. S25 PER MONTH. ft-room substantial home ; full cement basement, furnace and fireplace, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, lower Willamette Heights, $?1250 FURNISHED FLAT. TTnusual bargain In a 2-fa mfly, each containing 4 rooms; white enamel plumbing fixtures ; electrics lights and gas; A block from car; on Greenwood ave.. adjoining city park and play grounds. $2500 HAWTHORNE BTG ALOW. Cm E. 37th bt., on a corner lot, is a 5 room bunga low cottage; white enamel plumbing: electric lights and gas; built in conveniences; hard-sarf ace street paid. Eay terms. $2400 PENINSULA BUNGALOW. On Daldwin St., 2 blocks to the car and school, is an unusuallv attractive, very substantial 4-room bungalow ; white ensmcl plumbing: electrio lights and gas; unusual homelike atmosphere. J2400 NORTH OF PIEDMONT. Pull corner lot. liens paid ; new, very attractive tvpiral bungalow ; white enamel plumbing; garage. $23.-0 WAVERLY HBIOHTS DTST. On a corner lot on Clinton street is an unusual bargain in a 5-room modern bungalow; white enamel plumbing; elec tric lights and gas; vacant; immediate possession ; easy terms. $2050 SKLLWOOD HOME. On Itidwell avenue, close to car. in a 6-room home, white enamel plumb ing, eh-ctric lights and gna; abundance of fruit, berries and grapes; easy terms. Wo have over 20 other homes in this district. 860 LAST TEAR. ' WHY? Because It is the policy of this of fice to see th;it all r-apt'rs and title are correct before deal is closed, and to look after every interest of our buyers. In our showrooms are over 600 photo gra phs of personally inspected and ap praised homes In all parts of the city; 12 automobiles at your service. Th is office sold over S5o homes in It 1 J. Largest home sellers on the Pacific coast. We ban tile homes exclusively. Inspect these photographs before you buy. Some wonderful hurra Ins. EE E FRANK. L. McGVI it K, TO BUY YOUR HOME. Successor to H. D. MiOmro Co. - Established in IHso. "40 Years of Service.'" . Abington Bldg. Main 10fi. Office Opea livening. Sundays and Holidays. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $4750 One of those nifty modern bungalows so hard to find, and If built now would have to evil for $0000 ; 5 rooms and bath down. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch up. living room across entire front. French doors, white enamel finish in dining room, natural finish In living room. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement bast men t. wash trays, street Improve ments all In and included in price. Oh. yes. there la also a - furnace. Let us show you. J. A. WICK VAN CO., 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 5rt. SMALL BUNGALOW FTRKI5HED. l!50 is the price of this dandy little three-room, bungalow, with bath, furnished. It is ready to move into and a bargain. Fine large corner lot, gnrage, chicken house, fruit trees, shrubbery, cement sidewalks, gas, eleetricitv, Hull Run water, Komt City Park district. Easy terms. Eversoa. MAtn . &SGl. WEST SIDE REAL SACRIFICE. If you are looking for a real snap, a place to -double your money, take a look at the southeast corner of 23d and Wil son; ground 100x100 and four houses: will sell all or separately at a surpris ingly low figure. This is Just ahoat four blocks from the new Montgomery -Ward site. See this, then see us and make an offer. This must be cold. C. A. WARRTNER. RITTER, LOW K A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Btdg. S. E. COR. 26TH AND SAVIER. WEST SIDE $3500. $1750 CASH. a rocms, attic. Cement bast., enamel plumbing, electric light, gas, DOjeloO. fruit, paved sts., sewer pd. ; cor. lot; block of 2 car lines. G. C. GOLDEN FiKRU, ABINGTON BLDG. "5 Yra. in Portland." Main ALBERTA DISTRICT. e-ROOM BUNGALOW tS0. Located on paved street, corner 13tn" and Webster. Heal value here. Let us show you. Liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark St.. Near Third. Main S002. Branch Office. Fiftieth and bandy. RICHMOND HOME GARAGkI " Modern 0 rooms and recep. hall, full cemeut basement, furnace and wash. , trays; cabinet kitchen, 3 large airy beirooms, 4 fruit trees, garage ; abso lutely a splendid buy; price i4o0; $U00 cash, bal. monthly payments; no mort gage to assume; located near 35th and Woodward ave., only - block to- car. Photo at office: nutes to show you. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway ExCii. lldg. Alain 6732.