THE 3IOKXING- OliEGONIAN, TUESDAY, .J A X U A K V 13. 1 920 IS REFINER FIXES PRICE 11 14 Cents Figure Quoted by American Company. EXPORT OFFERS REFUSED Operators Say Tliey Will lo Foreign Business Until Condi tions in V. S. Improve. NEW YOKK, Jan. 12. A price of Uli cents a pound for granulated sugar, refined from the -new crop, lias been established for the whole-sW- and manufacturing trade by the American Sugar Refining company, it w afc announced today. When the reflninsr price was fixed at cents by the sugar equalization board it allowed a profit of one-half tent a pound to wholesalers and 1 cent to retailers, making the retail price lO'ii cents. Allowing the middlemen an addi tional profit of 1 cent a pound, mak ing their margin 2M: cents, because of the higher basis price and increased overhead expenses, the price per pound to the consumer now would be 17U cents, or considerably less than the prevailing retail price. . The company's statement disclosed that it is declining all export business until sugar conditions in this country become easier and that in 1919 It de livered more sugar to the domestic trade than in several years. Since the shortage began last September, deliveries have averaged 125.000,000 pounds a month. "Following the custom of the trade in normal times," the statement says, "we are announcing an opening price on bulk granulated sugar refined from now crop raw sugars of 15 cents a pound f. o. b. refinery, less 2 per per cent cash discount, based on the present market for new crop raw sugar. This means a net price to the wholesaler and manufacturer of less than 14:14 cents a pound. "While we have been offered export business for 1920 deliv ery in great volume, yet so far we have declined all this foreign busi ness, holding our refining capacity for domestic business until sugar con ditions in tlris country become easier. "During 1919 wo delivered more sugar to the domestic trade than in several years. Since the start of the present sugar shortage last Septem ber we have delivered over 500,000,000 pounds of refined sugar to the domes tic trade, ant average of 125,000,000 pounds per month. In December, the month of shortest supplies, we deliv ered more than 52,000,000 pounds and during the first 12 days of January we delivered more than 14,000,000 pounds." EHMIGE tiEAD UNDER FIRE WASHINGTON 3IASTKR ACCUSED Ol-' RADICAL TENDENCIES. Resolution Adopted at Orchards Dc clare William Bouck Favors Detrimental Policies. TAXt'OUVER, Wash., Jan. 12. (Special.) William Bouck. master of the state grange, has been asked to resign by Washington grange at Or chards. In the resolution adopted It was stated that "the national master has riecidud that the triple alliance is a political party and that any effort on the part o grange leaders to align the members with this or any other political party is a violation of the rules of the organization; that the campaign being waged by Mr. Bouck to align the grange with the triple alliance is detrimental to tne grange and to the interests of farmers gen rally: that by indorsing the meth ods and principles of radical leaders whose speeches and literature are dangerously near to anarchy and re hellion, the grange is brought Into disrepute, and also that shorter hours, more pay and cheaper food for labor do not fit in well with the grange policies. "This and the anarchist thought running through much of their liter ature leads sober-minded people to fear what would occur If they got control. That a meeting held in Grand Rapids, in which Mr. Bouck took an active part, the hody voted over whelmingly that farmers and labor organizations have nothing In com mon." It was resolved by Washing ton grange No. 82 'that we disap prove of your efforts along this line and we suggest that since you are out of harmony with true grange spirit and find the company of radical labor more to your liking, that you resign as xtate master." The resolution committee included W. H. Chilson, It. B. Phipps and A. H. Griner. Metta D. McCaft'crty Is mas ter of the Washington grange and Airs. Joseph Bersch Is secretary. POWER PLANT IS FOUGHT W. II. Webrung Asks Court to Pre vent Cse of Funds for Work. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 12. (Spe cial.) William H. Wehrung filed suit in superior court today agains the Washington and Idaho Water, Light and I'ower company, tha Sher man County Light & Power company II. B. Montgomery and A. Welch, to enjoin the construction of a powe plant at Centralia with certain funds, Wehrung alleges that he own stock to the par value of $100,001) the first named corporation and tha -Montgomery and Welch have wrong fully transferred from this company to the Sherman County Light & Powe company of Portland a franchise to maintain a power plant in Chehalis. The court is asked to restrain the defendants from using the funds of the plaintiff's corporation in Cen tralia. Presiding Judge Frater set argu ment for a temporary injunction for January 22. HOTEL RITZ WILL CHANGE Lease and. furnishings Disposed of Tor About $27,000. The Hotel Rilz, which occupies a even -story building; located" at the northwest corner of Park and Morri son streets, will change management as the result of the sale yesterday of lease and furnishincs. Mrs. Lena Lou? and lloy Romanic, who have been manaRinjf the hotel, were the sellers, and the purchasing organiza tion was the Ritz Hotel company, consist ins of Mrs. M. J- Hciman, Mrs. N. .1. Olson and Mrs. I. C. Larson. The lease to the building; and all r pnnD cpd (Jill iUi UUU! UUUHII the furnishings and hotel equipment were involved in the transaction, and the figure is- said to have been about J27.0OO. The building itself is the property of the Boston Investment company. The hotel, under the new manage ment, will continue to be operated along the same general lines as In the past. It is announced. G. H. Hutchins. who has been chief clerk of the hotel through three consecutive managements, will remain, at his post, as will other employes. About 10,000 is to be spent in remodeling the build ing and installing new furniture, it Is announced, during the coming spring. The new management will take control of the hotel on- Jan uary 16. New York Broker Trades Sugar for Liquor. Wall Street Operator Deals AVIt a Broker Friend to Stage Celebra tion. NEW YORK, Jan. 12. (Special.) J. C. Horter, a Wall-street sugar broker who lives in Nutley. N. J., was going to stage a certain cele bration the other day, but discovered his wine cellar was empty. While he was thus distressed he met another Wall-street man to whom he confided his trouble. "Well, if you can get me about 110 pounds of sugar," said the other brok er, laughingly, "I'll give you some of my stock." "When do you want your sugar?" Mr. Horter asked. "Do I hear correctly?" the other broker inquired. Mr. Horter assured him that he did. After convincing him that he had 100 pounds of the precious staple, Mr. Horter asked what his friend would offer for it. "I'll give you a bottle of gin. two bottles of 100-proof whisky and four bottles of Bergundy wine," his friend told him. The bargain was then gone throurh with in the most serious manner possible. DAILY METEOKO LOGICAL REPORT. "PORTLAND. Jan. 12. Maximum tem perature, 41 decrees; minimum. 27 degrees. River reading ait 8 A. M.. 0.6 foot; change in last 24 hours. 0.4 foot fall. Total rainfall o P. M. to 5 P. M.. none: total rainfall since September 1, li19, lti.00 inches; nor ma! rainfall since September 1, 1919. 22.0S inches; deficiency of rainfall sine Sep tember 1. 1919. 5.07 Inches. Sunrise. 7:M A. M.; sunset. 4:49 P. M. Total sunshine. hours. 2I minutes : possible sunhine. S hours ftS minutes. MooTirise. 10:07 A. At.; moonset. 1 1 :03 A. M. Barometer reduced o sea level at a P. HI.), :.0.42 inches. Rela- ive humidity at A. M., i.J per cent: at noon, i4 per cent; at o P. M., 7o per cent. THE WEATHER. Wind STATIONS. Weather. Baker Kolse Roston HI SRID.0OI..I. ...(Clear fl SOlo. 001. .INW Pt. cloudy 24 3OI0.0OI. .WW 20 4!0.1l. .Ik 141 :;iiio.oo;24isw Clear Calgary ... Chicago .... Denver . . . . Clear Cloudy 121 4S;n.00. IPt. cloudy Pes Moines. Kurek . . . . IS!;. .IW lOloudy 40 5410. otl. . SW (Clear 44 riM.WL.W ICloudy 2 4SIO.00I10ISVV IClear 2434I0.32..W Snow 2l 440.0(I14SW (Clear 4 BOIO.OOi . .s icioar 02IO.OOI. .INWIClear 211 4SI0.0O . .INWIClear (Galveston . . llelnna .... Juneaut ... Kansas city. 1.08 Angeles. MaiKhfleld IMedford . . Minneapolis :w;o.iHi!l4lNw;pt. cloudy New Orleans1 4? ;..;(. u'ji..ik ICloudy 281 32U.00!14iN"WlClear 4U 42IO.Ott.UiSK ICloudy 14i! . .Isk Iciear 321 RSI0.0OI..IK Clear New York . . . North Head. N. i aklnv Phoenix .. Pocatello Portland 4! 2410. 001.. W IPt. cloudv 2EI 4i!0.00l..XWIPt. cloudy Ttoseburs :;oi :sts:n.nn:. .in iroggy Sacramento :! SSlll.OOI. .INWIClear St. Louis. .. 42IO.O0l2Bi.SW ICloudy Salt Lake 12l 26'0.00i . .INWlOleap San Diego. . 42! r.S O.ooi . .iNWiPt. cloudy San Franc'o. Seattle 4HI tHI'D.OOIK'IW ns' 4Sio.nn is's Clear ICloudy Sltkat 1 32!42!0.1! Cloudv Spokarfe ...I 24) 34i0.O0l..S Taeoma ...40 4S0.00!10!8 Tatoosh Is'dl 44! 4B10.7l22iS Valdezt I 81SI0.00. .N ICloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Wa.Ua Wallal 2n 4B0.OO1..1S Washington I 301 3SI0 . 001 . . ISW Winnipeg .1 6! 24'0. 00'2ONW iClear tA. M. today. ir.g day. P. M. report of preced FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; southeaster ly winds. Oregon Fair, gentle southeasterly winds. Washington loudy: probably rain on the coast; moderate southerly winds. Japs Would Colonize Klamath. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Jan. 12.- (Speclal.) E. T. Arima. a California Japanese, is here from San Fran clsco to get land for a Japanese col ony. Arima says he will buy 6000 acres, or more, if he finds the right ort of land and place 30 or 40 fami lies of Japanese vegetable farmers on it. Phone your want ads to the Orego nian. Main 7070. A 6005. GAS in the Stomach Sour stomach (heartburn1). Belching, Swelling and Full Feeling, so fre quently complained of after meals re lieved in Two Minutes. Almost stant relief from Pains In the Stomach caused Dy undigested food. SENT FREEthial" AT S' Send lOc for Postage and War Tax, name and address, and we will send you on approval our stomach prepara tion, Jo-to, for 30 days, at which time you are to send us $1.00or return the unused portion If not perfectly satis fied. Address: Rellingltam Chemical Co., Relliuprham. Wash. Sold In Portland by the Northern Pacific, Trvinitton and Perkins Hotel PbarmHrien. AMUSEMENTS. D A M C I N G GUARANTEED in elerht three - hour 1 e s sons ladies $2.50. frrentlemen $5" at De Honey's Beautiful Academy. Twenty- third and Washlnirton New Clnasea for Be. srlnner, start Mon day ana Friday evenings. Advanced classes Tues day and Thursday evenings. 8 to 11:30. plenty ot aesir able partners and practice. No em barrassment. My latest book describ ing all dances, free. Tou can never learn dancing by taking private les sons in. small rooms from inferior teachers or in short class lessons, where there is no system of teaching or partners to practice with. Why not learn in a real school from pro fessional dancers. Phone Main 7658. Private Irsuiis all hours. TOO I.ATE TO CLASSIFY. LUST Waterman fountain pen without cap. gold band marked hi; reward. Mrtn er. otil Sherlock bldg. automatic 54S-tH. CIRCUMSTANCES have forced me to sell niy new Pathepnone and records for V! Phone Tabor IONS. 3 oil 4 nicely furnished hougekecpiiij Main Tola. J1V NKW I-'n t hepiione and records for ell. Am leaving tuc city. xauor 0104. AMCSEMENT8, THI BE 3 Nights Sun.. Mon.. Tues.. 15c to 1 4 Mala.. Sun.. Mon.. Tuem.. Wed.. 10c to 70c Sparkling; Musical Comedy "EXTRA DRY" Pletro. Four Reading's. BERNARD & DUFFY Klfrteda Wynne (Mrs. Elrrieda Heller TOeiueteln of Portland), Lwhman Sisters. Kluoerauia. Topics of the Uuy. EVA TAYLOR & CO. This Show Clones With Wed. Matinee. January 1-4. Today, All Week, Wed.. Sat. Mats. ALCAZAR Ml'KICAL PLAYERS In tb Wonderful Comic Opera "FLORA BELLA" Next Week "FIKEiXY' A K E R STOCK COMPANY. Tonieht All Week .Mats. Wed., Sat. Willie Collier's Latest Comedy Hit. "NOTHING BUT LIES" Successor to "Nothing But the Truth" JNext Week "Under Cover.' P AN T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 S ALL THIS WEEK. M. Golden Presents "THE CORINTHIANS." With Ambrose Barker and Peggy Wynne in a melodious memory of loo years aso. SIX OTHER Blli ACTS. Three performances dally. Night curtain at i ana v. TK'KKT OKKIfE SALE NOW OHKN. - I IT 12 J J T"" Broadway at Taylor ndLlVJ Phone Mala 1. THIS WT.KK Tta ru"t-t: NIGHTS, JAN. 15,16,17 F -SPEfHL PRICK- j MAT. NEXT SAT,, 2; 15 1 Oliver Morosco Presents THS FAVORITES IN PERSON) ANT BEVERLY BAYNE IX THE FASCIXATI.'G DRAMA, "THE MASTER THIEF" From the Richard Washburn Child "Paymaster" Stories by Edward Pose. Splendid Supporting: Company. Superb Production. ISVE-S Floor. $2; Bal., J1.50, 1; Uallery, 75c, 50c. SPECIAL SAT. MAT. Floor, $1.50; Balcony, $1, 50c. -!CITY .OR'RS REC'D NOW - NEXT WEEK T 1 17 T T Tp Bi-oadvr.y nt Taylor 11L1JL;1J Phone Main 1. F,r,,:d.TNlGHTS,JAN.22J23,24 SPECIAL PRICK MAT. SATUR DAY, JAN. 24. OLIVER MOROSCO PRESENTS RETURN ENGAGEMENT LEO GARRILLQ GRACE VALENTINE 8PID IX THE COMEDY HIT, L LTD." HOW TO SEC V RE TICKETS NOWl Address letters, make checks and postoffice money orders pavable to W. T. Panple. ADD 10' WAR TAX TO PRICE TICKET DE SIRED. Inclose self - addressed stamped envelope. EVK'S Floor. J2; Balconv, 5 rows Jl.o'i. 17 rows $1; Gallery, re served, 7 rows 75c. SPECIAL SAT. MAT. Floor. $1.50; Balcony, ! rows $1, 13 rows 50c. PAY POD OHOI SHOW AND SEE TWO. THREE TIMES DAILY! Sun., Woi Tnesi.. Wed. VAUDEVILLE PHOTOPLAY TOM BROWNS COUNTY OFFICIALS THE RUBE JAY JA7.ZERS. MARY MACLAREN "The Pointing Finger." TYBELL SISTERS Marvelous Maxillary Displays. ESTELLE SULLY "Black-Eyed Susan of Vaudeville." SPERRY AND RAE "After the Rain." SAX AND WOODS ofTs83 BUSTER AND EDDY Cu.mlobats. PRICES ALWAYSt Evenings, 2.c. Matinees. 17c. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Mat. Dally. 1:30 NiarhtH at 1 and . Dillon Franks with the Rosebud Chorus in THE MIXUP" It's All to the Merry Morry. Country Store (Extra) Tuesday NIsht. T T T? KOUllTH AT M. Ak AJ Mt WASHINGTON Creighton Hale "The Thirteenth Chair" Also m Hparkllnir cornrflr and m new jtir tnr. pn from 1 V.mI in tb mornint until 4 o'clock of tlie follow Ins uiornlnjt. STQ IN VAUOIVILLI OMBAHD hivB AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Biker Auction Home. YamhlT. ana West Park strests. Sals at 10 A.- M. MEETKNO NOTICES. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT, NO. I. I. O. O. K. will meet this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. 226 Alder street. A Joint in stallation of officers will be held with Golden Ku'e Encampment, No. 2S, who will meet with us. Visiting patriarch are always welcome. CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN, Bcribc. .1. J. HAWKINS, C. P. A. AND A. 8. RITE. OREGON LODGE O" PER FECTION NO. 1. Special meeting in auditorium. Scot tish Kite cathedral. this evenlnK at 8 o'clock. Work in fourth, fifth and sixth degrees. Candidates should report In the secretary's office at 7 o'clock. By oraer VN. MASTER. WASHINGTON COMMAN MANDERY NO. 15, K. T. A stated conclave will be held Tuesday evening, ian uatv 13. at 7:30. at East Eighth and Burnslde streets. There will be a business session and order or tne temple. A large - SlelMAN. Recorder. HAWTHORNE LODOE, NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communications today (Tuesday) at 4:H0 and 7 o'clock P. M. Work In the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER, Sec. IMPERIAL LODGE NO. K.l. A. V AND A M Slated com munication this (Tuesday) eve ning. January Li. at H o'c-lot-k. Also work In Pellowcrafl de gree. Visiting brethren cor- dially welcome. A. C. JACKSON. Sec. PALESTINE LODGE. NO. 141: A. F. AND A. M. .Special communication this (Tuesday) evening, 7:,",o o'clock. E. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Ar leta station, Mt. Scott car. W S. TOWNSEND. Sec SUNNVSIDK LODGK. NO. 163. A. f. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this Tues day. January l:;. at 7:30 P. M. Work in ". C. degree. Visitors welcome. By oraer W. M. JAilBH s. (JAY, Secretary. BIO DANCE. Anchor council No. 74H. of Security Bene fit association V formerly K. A. L. of W. 1. will Klve a dance for the public Tuesday niuht. W. O. W. hall. ! 11th st. Every one in Portland Invited. Admission 35 cents. Come, we will guarantee you the time of your life. Join Anchor council now; we are starting a drive for 800 mem bers in next 3 months. Costs you nothfnK io join: pay ii ior examination. Cheapest and best Insurance to be hsd. Ask your neiglioor wnlcn is tne llvest council. TUB ANNUAL MEETING of the stock holders of the Alaska Fish Salting & By Products company will bo held at Port Isnd, Oregon, at the office of the company. 60J Concord bulldjnjr, on Wednesday. Jan uary 1. 1920. at J'J o'clock r,oou. ANNA M. UIVEN. Sec EMBLti: jeir buttons rnarms. olas Bw design. Jaer Bros.. 131-4 Ota St. Ihllil'LANL'iLK'b tor ,ode smblsms. pins mjid medals. lu Washlnstsa u FISEBAI. NOTICES. BROOKS At the family residence. 1301 K. Burnside st., January L;, Ueorce 1. Brroks, aged 0 years 8 months a',d 3 days, beloved husband of Mary S. Brooks, father of Olphir Brooks. Mrs. Ortha Ulsea, Mrs. Orsle rtevejiK. Oma and Orwin Brooks, all of Portland, brother of John T. Krooks. this cltv: Lavl.l B. and .Mrs. Klla McNab. residing In Ton n':isee. i leceased was one of the prom inent attorneys of this fcltv He was a member of the Masonic fraternity in Wiulock, Wash., and Multuotnah camp No. 77, Woodmen of the World. The funrrul services will be at the conserva tory chapel of the P. S. Dunning Inc., 414 East Alder St.. tomorrow (Wednes day) at 3 P. M.. under the auspices of ' Multnomah cu.ap. W. O. W. Knenda are invited to attend. Itemains will be forwarded to Winlock. where concluding services will be conducted by tho Ala sontc lodge. MOORHOCSB In this city at his late residence ."us Weidler street, January 11, Henry Moorhouse. aged 8& years, father of Harriet K. and IS. H. Moorhouse of this city, George H. Moorhouse of New York Clly. F. C. Moorhouse of Des Moines. la., and E. W. Moorhouse of Philadelphia. Pa. The funeral services will be held today (Tuesday at 1 o'clock P. M. at Pinley's, Montgomery at Kitth. Friends invited. Interment at Lea Moines, la. Please omit flowers. WEBSTER At residence. 6.104 Wood slock ave.. Jan. 12. Mrs. Catherine Web ster, aged flo years, mother of Dorothy and Edward Webster. Funeral will be held from McEntee & Eilers parlors, 14th and Everett streets, Wednesday. January 14. at & A. M.. thence to Our Lady or Sorrows church. East ."2d and Woodstock ave.. at 9 A. M.. where re quiem mass will be offered. Friends In vited. Interment Riverview cemetery. BLOCK At 300 E. 36th St.. Jan. 11. 1020. Max Bloch. late of La (Jrande. Or., aged S years, beloved husband of Mrs. Han nah Bloch. father of Walter E. Bloch. of Portland. Or.: Dave E. Bloch. of New iortc. and Milton K. and Stella Bloch. of La Grande. Or. Friends Invited to at- i tend the funeral services at 2 P. M. to- I morrow (Wednesday!. Jan. 14. 1920. at llolman's parlors-. Third and Salmon ats. SHAW In this city. January 11. Mrs. Alma Shaw, .II years 7 months and 13 days, beloved wife of G. T. Shaw, this city, mother of l.awrtnce C. Shaw of Oak Grove. Remains are at the con servatory chapel of K. Sv Dunning Inc. 414 E. Alder at. The funeral services will be held st Bethany, or., tomorrow (Wednesday i, January 14 Friends ma:--view remains today at the above chapel. BLACK WELL At the residence of Mrs. A. Huher. 730 E. 40th St. N.. Jan. 11. 102O, Miss Cecelia Blackwell. aged T4 years. Friends invited to attend th funeral services at 3 P. M. tomorrow (Wednesdayl. Jan. 14. 1920. at Holman's parlors. Third and Salmon ste. Incinera tion at the Portland crematorium, pri vate. ROCKWELl-In this city, January 10, Jo seph A. Rockwell, aged 71 years, hus band of Mrs. Elizabeth Rockwell, uncle of 6. E. and E. E. Rockwell of this city. The funeral services will he held today Tuesday! at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Fin ley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. Interment at Greenwood ceme tery. DAVIS In this city. January 11. 102O. at the residence. 3.VJ North Fifteenth street, Mary A. Davir., aged 1 month and 2 davs. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Davis. Funeral service will be held today. January 13. at 10 A. M. from Dunning & McKntee parlors. Broad way and Ankeny street, friends invlteo. Interment Multnomah Fa,rk cemetery. JJcCARTT In this city. January 12, Vera McCarty. aged 25 years, beloved daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. I.. R. McCarty. Re mains were forwarded Monday. January 12, at 5:30 P. M. by Mliler & Tracey to Itunsellville. Ark., where services will be held and interment take place. YOUNG The funeral services of the late Francis M. Touni. who passed away in this city, January 8, 1920, will be held today (Tuesday) at 2 P. M. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking com pany, corner i ntra ani . lay. r rienos invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. SAVAGE: In this city, at her late resi dence. B02U Fortv-fourth street South east, Mary Elizabeth Savage, aged 72 vears. The remains wlli be forwarded this (Tuesday 1 mornrng by J. P. Flnlcy & Son to Hood River. Or., where serv ices will be held and Interment made. vi-t.ti a vnviOH In this city. January 10, 1920, Joca Vullmanovlch. aged- 52 vears. Funeral service will be held to day. January 13, at 2 P. M. from the Dunning & McEntee parlors, Broadway and Ankeny street. Friends Invited. In termcnt Multnomah Park, cemetery. B R AN DES In this city, at her late resl h 3t:t FV HTth street. January 12. Augusta Brandcs, aged tVi years, wife of Fred Brandes. The funeral services will he held Wednesday. January 14, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Finley s, Montgom ery at Fifth. Friends Invited. I-OKIST8. LUBLINEP We strive to please 32S Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 73. 348 Morrison, bet- Bdwy. A Park. Alar. So.. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral, II 50 up. 40. Wash. St.. bet. 13th and ntn. Broadway 2S70. MARTIN FORBES CO.. florists, 354 Washington. Main 269. A 1200. Flowers for a!! occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS- florists. 287 Morrison St. Main 7700. Fine flowers and floral do signa. No branch stores. PORTLAND ROSE NURSERY, shrubbery and landseapin Tabor 5700 IRVINGTON PARK FLORAL, CO.. 4t hand Yamhill. Funeral designer.; lowest price.,. MX M. SMITH. Main 721o. A 3121. Sell ing building. Sixth and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 2S7 Washington St.. bet 4th and 6th. Main 3102. A 111. Phone vour want ads to the Orego nian. Slain 7070, A 609a. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for' ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or ofcher information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6U9S. HouaajM; ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, special auditor and accountant on involved accounts. Sys tems established and maintained; income lax service; references. ;:JS-U Pillock block. Phone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. RLKITTINU and making of ladles' gar ments, reasonable: work guaranteed. J. Iteublu. Ladies' Tailor. 4oS Lush & Lane blda. ASSAY KK3 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14 Second Cold, silver and platinum bougnt. CARPET WEAVING. DIjnOThe kind that wear the" best ilUUO md from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Kug Co. (former acj dress 153 Union a e. . Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleanlnK. refuting and resizing Mail orders solicited. l.S L. ;h street. Phone East uiso, H 10. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rugs, all sizes Mall orders prompt. 0 Send for Booklet, uxl- rugs steam or dry cleaned, fl.00. . r- FLUFF KL'i; CO.. B4-r, T nlon ave. N. East Colg. B 1473. fELULOin BT'TTOXs. .THB IR WI.N-HOUSON COMPANY. og7 Washington Broad way 4;14. A 1 25 I. CHIROPRACTOR. SOO.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chlroprac- tor, throngs pronounce treatment easi- eat, best, permanent. 31 "treats" 13. TeL CHIBOPOIUST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello Ic Veny. ihe only clent)'l. inr tii. rpeclallst in the city. Parlors 302 linger bldg., s. W. corner l!d and Alder. IJhone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. In n . .,' C. Peclull.-t; corns, bun- JOns ,IOOt arches made to order .'111 ' Swetland bldg . 5th and Wash. Main 10SI. '. CIRCCLAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.,' 1510-11-12 Rova.' building. Marshall 5822. Multigraphlng. mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1700. No collections, no charge. Estab 1000. DANCING riCHOOL. LEARN TO DANCK 12 private Iwsini : 4 ICKSons. 2: hours 10 A. M. to 10 P. M.. 0(14 ElU-r bldg., bet. 1th and 0th on Wash. Main 5O04. MRS. SUMMER'S Berkeley dancing einy. 12H 4th. Lessons dav, eve.; class Thurs. Ladles $2JW. gents LI. Main 3:1 1 S MRS. BAY1I, 308 Dekum " bldg." 10-class lessons. $5. Beginners Mon. ee. Private lesions day an-i eve, .dain I.H.Y BALLROOM and Mage diinctne Mis Dorothy Rssinussen. (il!l Eilers hidr. KI.KCTR1CAL REPAIRING. ll.M.II.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repair ing a specially. See us about new or used motors. Broad way 10"t3, A 1040. MOTORS REWOUND Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. -IS W First St. Main 671. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL. 415 East Seventh. Eaj.t 1S47. B 10'J2. HARDWOOD KI-OOKIN. ACM K KlAOH VAX1N;. WINUoW A X L 1 iK.VKHAN L'LKANI.NG; liXl'KliXS. CJKT estimates lor new or old Iioumj. land Hardwood Floor Co., 1ST W. J'ort rrk. H EMST1 rCHINtj, K. tSTfclPllAN, hemsiitching. aiaUitpitiK, ac cordion aide pluat. buttons covpn-d; tiihiI orders. Fittock blk., Broadwny 10-J'f WHOLESALERS AND KXGIXEERS AND MILL MI'I'LIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-SO-KT-SU Front. THB PEERl.IiSS PACIFIC COMPANY. OS-70-72 Front t.. l'ortland. t.RAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC UHAIX CO Board ofradeld. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. . uS-55 Front St. HIDES. MOOI. ANI CASCA IIABA R K. KAHN BROS.. !' Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison RASMUSSEN &. CO.. Second and Taylor. DIED. KELLY In this city. January 12. Chris topher Thomas K.eli. ageu hi jcars months 11 days; husband of Annl.i T. Kelly of this cltv and father of Mrs. T. C. o'Mcara of Ibis city. M re. Parker W. Ring. .Mrs. Rodger W. Conant and Miss Agatha Eellv. ail of San Francisco; Ig natius M.. Edward T.. and Harry C. ail or California, and Joseph A. of this tlly. The deceased was a member of fhe Rose .. iv- ml XV ,i tV Tlie re- nmlna are at the funeral parlors of Mc- ' Entee & Eilers, 10th and E'vcrelt slrecla. Funeral notice later. FLA HAITT In this city, January 10, Mary l-i.hnt aeert 40 vears. iale of o'! VN ei.1 Park street. The remains are at Utiley s, ; Montgomery at Filth. Notice of luncra, ; hereafter. ' HENDERSON In this clly. January 12. Andr-w Henderson, aged -4 Man.. R--mains arc al McKntee Ai Ell?t' parlor... and Everett ls. . Funeral notice lattr- . , .. FAY In this city Jan. 12. Patrick I. ray. a?ed 7 vears, lle of Sixppoose l rcek Or. Remains are at McKntee & I'. '.ers parlors, Everett at. Ku-ieeal noti. e later. IKWIS At her late residence. Ml" East Thirty-seventh street, Esther A. Lewis, age 5." vears. Kemnlns at P. L. Lerch Undertaking- parlor. Funeral notice later. BUN DA" In this cllv. January Id. Janiesl. nuirSv. The remains are at i- tliley , Moniaomcry at Fifth. FCNERAL DIRECTORS. Edward Holman & Son Funeral Directors. Third aud Salmon ats. Main 507. A 151L Lady Assistant. MLLLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Isa Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. St., bet. 2uth-21st. west side. Main 2801. Lady assistant.' A 7Sij. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine st- Phone Broadway 430. A 4a0t. Lady Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON FUNERAL, DIRECTORS. Main f. Montgomery atath McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, loth aud Everett sts. Telephone Broadw ay 2133. Home. A 2138. F. 8. DUNNING, 1NO. 414 E. Aider. Phone East .Vi Perfect service, personal direction, free use ot floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson A Kosa. Multnomah at E. 7th. East 04. Irvlngton district. Pt T T-p "iTT E. 11th aud Clay sts ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison eta. Broadway l'j.;4. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO.. 5rt2-0 &Ud pu, Lcata. Tabor 5J67. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 593 NVUlianis Ave. East 108S. C 10S3. BREEZE & SNOOK T. iraiCii. 6KEWE3 UNDERTAKING nd Clay. M, 4li. A 2221. COMPANY. Sd Lady adststanl. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS ?B 4th M., Opp. City Hall. Neu Bros. IjfWBLAElSlNG GP.VNITL. rtr THIRD AT WADISOW STWrET , J8l GENTS', LADIES' HATS. LA1IES' hat frames made to order, clean ing, blocking, dyeing o ladies' ana ; Panama, siraw, tell and beaver hats. La France Hatters. 372 Morrison st. JEWELERS. ROSS Sc CO.. INC. WHOLESALE MPO. JEWELERS. 3D FLOOR MOHAWK BI.UQ. ALL WorflC GUARANTEED. .Ml SIC TEACHERS. RAllTlME niano nlavlng positively taugnt i.v nntm f. c-. ..iih vrftin guaranles ' of money back; late popular songs In 10 j to -j lessons. Jess (Jazz) Parker. 614 ; Eilers Music bldg. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons. Prac tice piano. 1 nr. day. mo. H-ly. .m ALL string niano. voca 1 coaching. Kol Kenbeck. studio 409 Yamhill. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. Get rge Rubensteln, the veteran cp tlcian. still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate rricts. Tories. Kryptoks, al.-c the cheaper grades. 2-6 M rrlson. OPTOMETRISTS AM) OPTICIANS GLASSES AT A SAVING : folicit your patronage on the iM ) of capable service. Thou- :unilff of satisfied customers A trial mi,; convince you. Charles W. Good- iiu-i. oiuomwtrist. hoi) Morrison. M. ;H:M. PATF.NT ATTORNEYS. PATKXTa Our practice has extended ovel a crlod of 74 vear All communications rlrictly conridentiaL prompt, efficient. conscientious service: handl,otk free on request. MUNN c Co., patent att'rncv.- San h'rancisco ofrlce. Hobart bldg., S2 Market ft.; Chicago otl'ice. room Isltl Tower bldg.; U a.-lnnfiun office, room 1U3, 2," h st.; New lurk oldce. Wool wrth bids. R. C. WRIGHT 2- years' experience U. S n-id forcipn patents. 001 Dekuin bldg. Gc'I.DHEKG. 6211 Worcester bldg. . . M. S.VH PHU'IANS. i'R. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver. Kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic female disorders, skin afiettions. blood pressure. pi.i mfNjtiL rrLiES. Pl.l .M Bl Nll SCPPlTlES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co., 212 3d. M. 7pr. PRINTING. i KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E. Gantenbein, ; Manager. Printing and linotyping. 1001 Kront st.. corn, r Stark. Main or A 141 nnitlTlllfJ K. W. BAI.TES& COMPANY rnin I ItlU 1st and Oak sts. Main 105. 511-6.1 PAINTING. C. H. TERRILL. hoie, sign painting, pa pering, tinting. Tabor 2fill. 310 E. 44th. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Mam 972. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 01 DeKum bldg.. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGK. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "Thf irrvir With a Reputation. .M"'VlNi-PACv'0-ST iRAOB- BAGUaC.S 13th h nl K oarn- y Uranch ln BUwy. PHONE BDVYY. 3309 urtKtioN TRANSKER Co.. 474 Ulisatt nt.. i-orner 13t!i. Thone ilroadway V2s or llttf. We own and opernte two la rice cltt "A" WHre.iousM on terminal track a ui'Mrxi i ii u r;i iice ri ir.i in uic cuy. I want.:; Hacs.iuo to tra nsfer to any part of flty; furniture moved and Htored, mpt Etr.H-e. reasonable, "-all Huwy. FIREPROOF STORAGE OI.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 24S Pine. 1'AI'KINO. MOVINO, STORAOB. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 10S PARK ST. MAIN 5105, A 10M. MANUFACTURERS hill surri-its. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COM PANT, (W-7H-72 Front street. Portland. PH MBINU SI PI'LIES AND PIIE. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-8o-S7-88 Front. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY, "'- 'o- i - rroni Kireet. A'ortiana. I'RHIIU'E t'O M MISSION M E RCHANTS, F.VERDlNlI & FARRELL. HO Front" t. HOPE AND HINDER TWINE. Portland C trdago Co.. 14th and Northrup. I. IMMJKS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. KFW TODAY. BEAPT-CTJT AND PORTABLE MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION .CO. 10O1 Union ave. Wdln. 42(13. Wdln. 2413. Portland Rug Company MANl'FACTLKF.UH Ol? FLUFF RUGS "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." WB WKAVK ALL ISIZEf. IN BOTH ILIFV ANU it AO HL'08. let La Call for Vour Old Garnets. AVerfc Will Be I te turned -Prooiotly.' Mail Orders tilven Protnnt AtieuUoa. WE CLEAN CAKl-ETB. Portland Rug: Company 1872 Kaat Seventeenth Street. Phoo. B li-4. Either Pad fie or llama. WESTOVER TERRACE KOMESITES ARE LIMITED I.V V17MBL:R. "Buy early rather thm. be sorry later." You may phon, call or write Harold J unp'-k, secretary, 1 MKRATIO t, KIOAII'V ASSOC! A TES. Owofrn. J.HOT Vwn Rldsc. I'honri Office. Marshall BJO; Heaidenee. Kaat im. FOR SALE Two nw modern six-room bungalows In Irving-ton. corner of B. 16th anil Klickitat: lots 54x100. Oak floors throughout, paneled dinfnpr rooms, lnrpe living: rooms, Oasco furnace, etc. Price, complete with fixtures and .-hades. JSooO each. OW.MCRS. RICK IWiSTRITTIOV C O., Telephone Auto. SMi.1, 1KI H. 15tk -. MORTGAGE LOANS Repayable? by Inatall menta it Oealrcd. Lonffft Ititemt Hairs, o Oelar la Cloaias. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Kurt hwestern Bank BnJIdlBs;. lamhll 4114. Mortgage Loans 5y2 Edward E. Goudey Co. U. S. Bask. BaildlBK. ASM UU KW m o n I: R 1 1 o t S K KOK SA I.Kt lot 60x100. JuKt t he plare for a man of limited n.eann. Call at 1520 omaha ave. Phone last 1S4!. First come, first served. Terms. Owner. Phono your want adu to the Orego nian. Main 7"70, A 6015. GARAGES SPECIAt. 10x16 v3r3 Houses NEW TODAY. Build Your Own Garage Mi We win deliver Fecttonal Gsrage to you anywhere In the northwesL You can set t up In a few hours. Send (or circular REDiMADE 2UILDIN3 CO. SIS St. lilk St. i'bunr tan S1I4L Portland. Or. Wfc2 CALL KIR YOLK OLD CAHI'EIS, itaaa mad Wooln Clottainis. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Has Uuri WoTeo All Sixea. Mail Ortaera. Seaad fur UuuLlft Cuyeu Cleaned. Laid aud Re. fitted. NOrt I IIWKS'I' Itli III. ISA Mh St. lliune fc.iMBt iIkX,. STORAGE SPACE InvcaftlaftMte Our I'laui uaitl Kate. Why Assume lixpensive Leasea Under rrebcnl Iriitn loila.' (LAV Si. JJOitSL;. I AC. UKjifc and Slorsr. litaa ana ui.ii. I'kuue Udnj. J 17 0 LIBERAL LOANS V"e loan our ow.. iuorny on real estate, tiisL itnJ murijiayes, coiiLia.cts, livttotock. note. etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. SIU Chan:, of lorn. 11 Id a- M:iin 30G. i REAL ESTATE. lor laie ami aim Aparlnirut Property. FOR SALE A 32-room apartment house, all rented. Apply P. O. box too. Eu Kene. or. For Sale Lota. COxlOO. fine trees. ALAMEDA view lot, iltiou. Alameda drive. S.H ft. on AI.ime.Ja, 110 It. Resents drive, bargain. tL'.'.t'O. Cornell road. 115 f,-tt frontage; cost out-of-town owner lo'.0(io: price now JlO.nt'O. MRS. HARRV PHICB PALJIEH. East 71170. LOT 10. blk S. Hancock-st. addition, oil East 37th. bet. Hroudway and Hancock, facing- east. oOxlnn. paved st. and all city ncns paid. Price eli"i iJRUSSi & HEX NEXT. 313 Hoard of Trade hide. Main 7."',-. CONTRACTORS AND HOME UUlLDERsl ATTENTION. I have several bargains in Laurel Ilurat and Irvingion lot;.. WEBSTER KINCAID, Pliona Alain 47;;,". ,",L'H Henry Hldir. FOR SALE View lot 50x11a feet. -JSth and Resents drive, Alameda Park. Price 3.u. MRS. UARHT WIT MAN, Lebanon. Or. LOT 20. BMJCK" 32."l.a ureliiurst: Improve ,ti.tii. in anu p.'il'i: summi. Kast .P.INl. For Sale Houses. 220O FURNISHED $2200. 4-room furnished cottage. lot small but 1111 feet deep; hollPe ja excellent condition: near Williams ave.: only 1;, miles from olU and Washington. Terms. RHODE. .Main USbt. o-ROOM cottage on a looxluO with choice cherries. apples. peurs. berries and shrubbery. A corner lot wilh str.e, improvements that aro in and paid for. Basement. plumbing. electricity and gas. A snap for someone: price 422aU; $7U0 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO :12. 63a. OH4 N. W. Bank Uidg. Main 117S7. IRVINGTON. FOU J.-.O. Can you beat thi? 5-room bunpalow with Httlc : '2 hd room. fciis. e!t-c irui i y. fireplai-e hot-wtr furtiiicc, laundry tras; naruwooii noors, paa trtft all hi1; IhWH, cIomc lo rr. also school; all built in features. 10)0 down and balance t-rms. Soe thi early in the inorninc if you want ;o get it. Call ABRAHAM, Main (!. A KEAIa SACR1 FIC K I R V 1 V 4 TO N Beaiitiiul b rooms, with maiiTs room and billard room. furnace, firenlu.-e. hardwotitl floors. French doors, cum plett : Imust- would ct.t $ JO.tHKi. lot should sll for $4'Mrt, our price JsCtUU; terms. See Mr. tpton. J. ROB BINS. Railway Kohanse. Main 7031. ROvSE CITY HOME. This bungalow has 8 rooms and music room and! lent sloe pine porch, fire place, hardwood floor--, artistic firplarr, Al furnace; this is a beauty and Immacu lately kept inside and out; vr-ry bent er.ii tructton; $luOo cash, JoOtK. rhono Ta bor 74ry.V JSOO0 IKVlNtiTON HO.MK. Oood 0-room modern hou.1-, fariup south on lot -Vx 1mi; hardwood floors throughout, 4 ledrooms, double windows in all; large Meepinn porrh. bin. airv attic; cement bast-nieiit. gO"l furnHcp. parage. rJ Weidler t. rhono iiat TRVIN'iTON. M'O K. 24th st. N.; corner lot r.,T10O; modern house, 8 rooms and stepping porch : hardwood floors, two f i replaces.. furnace. laundry, etc. : garage; for s le by owners. F. K. Bowman & t'o., 2X0 Chamber tf Com. bide. Main 2tHtB. ALBERTA BUNO A LO W $7.'.0. Nice, modern bungalow, ffull-ni;:ed lot. Glisan. K I?t h M., near A Iberta ; a!o a three-room house on this lot: this is a bargain ; easy terms; owner will accept pood, light automobile as part pay menu C. DcYoung Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. $AOO CASH and $70 per month buys a beautiful home near Ulst and or con ta.; paved sis., furnace, fruit, flowtrs, etc.: 100x100 ft. I'rlce only $5500. See Mr. firahjun. I N TER STAT K INVKSTMEN'T f'O. Main I74M. 4 10 Henry Bldg. 4-ROOM bungalow, $16o. terms $".00 eaph; la rite lot, berries and chicken park ; house is double constructed, plastered, cement basement, btli. toilet, built-in effect: good location, cast side. ii. W. Ga rland. JOl :td. cor. Taylor. " EAST TATUR ST. PIG IsNAP. Fine fl-room house, furnace, fireplace, lot 50x 1 00, house in f irt-clas condi tion insido and out ; on K. Taylor, neat "8th. A big snap at $ ;;r.o: Fome terms. GRL'SSI A BENNETT. SIS Board of Trade bldg. Mjun 74T.2. FOR SAl-E IN" I.Al'REI-HrR.-T. ROiVm HrNT.AI.OW. ABSOLUTELY MOUEKN TH ROt'liH OI'T. ON OoRNKU LOT: OWNER LEAVING TOWN: CAS HAVF POSSESSION IN IO 1A YS; l'RICE ltMH. CALL TABOR 4112. H.AVING FINISHED and Just moved Into our new bungalow, circumMam-es !ia va prompted us to Fell quickly; wo hav Ft rooms and breakfast nook and bai-h. furnace, fireplace, ha rtiwood floors; m.11 ivory finish. 6t6 East Mat st, N. Tabor bS22. SUN N Y SI HE SNAP. R-room houtse on E. 5 Ja t.. ftjmA-e. fireplace, fin location, only $300; J50O down. 6o Mr. Epton. J. ROB BINS. SOI Rail way L'.vliangg. Main 70,11. J2K5 BUYS 7 rooms and ath. witii I oed room and bath down, o rooms up; iuii basement, warh trays, ftirnaee: 1 t blks. to car; ner Franklin hijjh sehool. Terms J. A. WIvMCMAX CO.. 204 Railway Exeh. iUi?. Main J. 1U PLEX 8 IJOOMS. " 2 baths. 2 toilets. 2 kitchens, fnmace; street improvements all In; live on one floor, rent othr for $MO per month: f looo mfh w ii- handle; no aaents. um ner. Tabor 4727. , SOM ET H I NG FIN E X500. -5 rooms, pood loeation. ha rd -ur f.-it-. street. ilen ty fruit : ."iiM dow n, ba lance monthly. .e 3ir. .1. t: irtBLN S. ZVl Kaiiay bi':huag . Main TUi. ;i KE.AL ESTATE. For SoJe ll BIHR-CARET CO., -13 Railway Exchange. Main 16S6. Wo spfclallie In homes and have pho tos on dup.ay in our showrooms of hun dreds of good buys, a few- remarkable i ?. . ours nrst then duplicate theiu elsewhere. try .n,TJRACT,VE BUNGALOW, si-utj Kcc-ni;y -ons,tructfd 0-room bun ;"' on Otith st.. just oil Sandy blvd.: flrepiacr. H.W. floors, uuu tlfullv finished ,nside. manv bui.t in efrerls; a home ou :u proud of. You can't niau-n t& ) in Rose City for the money or build the home alone tor the price. Ea-y terms. ... -VI'-ARALLED BAHCAIN. JKi.u Here, lolks. is anoliier b-autv. S rms.. H. W. floors in li ir.s; "and dining rms. and front bedrm, and. by the way, the front bedrm. is a dream, finished in best while enamel, artistically arranged and ni;t. French window;., so-id piate Klasa mirror set lull heish i.-. door; furnace, sleeptnft porvu, putch kitchen Willi expensive in laid linoleum on floor; good irar rane; lull lot: 10oO down. K.ow er in profusion. ..- STRKTLy CLASS A-l. 4o0 On 4sth ft., on t.iocK from Sandv on Hie I'lal i paved cor. lot. we have a line bungalow with ti rms., fur nace, ftreplaie. li. W. floors " "n evrythinr." Von might cquai it ii" you looK hard and ong. but you cant beat it K.r the money. n,. home is neat and well krp up, a splendid bargain. See it today Delighted to show von. A NOTH E H GOOD RuSK CITY HOME e-lotH) .'t-rcom bungalow, 1 bi,.ck Iron: Sandy b!vd. on M ., an sltra---' tie well-built home; furnace, ga rage. L'OuO 0o n. tl'lJOO Here i a I.i.uu;,.w- on 7 't -t Rose City. Il, bi.nks fr..iu on full lot: 4 rooms down, and sleeping 'porch up; s . ,.- In, me al a very io.v pi ic,-. Js.i.i dw a. 54.0 On pacd unci. aluv, Luc Aia- mcda. we hac a new .".-r.,oiu bunca.ow tpc Iioiii1; fu;l iol; hardwood r;..or.. fireplace at:.i finished tnrouli.uit nt wiui.i liamei. many l,ii:it-in.. statrvv to iarge atUv:. ! down. A I.PFRTA PISTP.ICT S-K. IU.M-T1 I'E 1". 1 N . ; A I , v. J310U Hele I.- .a I ;n ii.miic ,i ,t t...l .'OxKnl corhT lot. 1 block io Ai ber.a .:.! . t.picai l-iitiK.. ow tin.'.-. roorii li'.'vii. :; u,; hnplnrv, farac . $1 1 1,... ... $'li, ill .'i-iooill '' '..i'.c c!i-b'iii:. Alrc:'t:i hoin. , l.inxi.i.i c: (m , ; l'ljl-eai ii. run lrt'i. Hhunriauce ,,t hrui. ber. Uii1.- dewn; cIv-.-c m. va.v pa iik -n i J:j;l.l .",-ro.nit, low on p,i,l -tr.c;. hai.lwocd l.iM.t.v.;. A.utc nati,.i p. ii, n '.civ; ; rull c ru.'iit ban in, t t : t,;v. If vou know r.;il ..:.ic in c,,..'.s ej tills b a't Secil'g is liuv ing. J.i.l rl.,. ... i-'T.'.o l-rooni n. AiP.-rlH bungalow. I !' 2-t.d. Ali-ctta I. .mi". j.'lllllO .",-rcot:i A;Nc;M:l I -u 'm -i i o w Al.l'.KRTA SPEi-l A I.. S '.lmi .1 u t r. ..i. .J this l.,,;m in l.iincal'.u. lull i.-t. iii-'-paco, vvr a l. r.ici i c. limiti clown. HAWTHORN E IHSTR lev. :;i."ill l:u a a-rnotu luina.ow in Haw Ihornc. pa,..l .-licet an. I v, v ,r in and paid. Triced .I,,vi, ior im mediate i-aie. ?7.",tl mk.-s it. $L'01ltl liuyy a good .". i'o,.ni lei ng.i low o-i a paved s-lreel; v,r practical floor plan, while cnaui. I plumb ing, roolllK tinted reccntl;.- and very neat and well kept up. r,al dow n. We have hundreds of photos on our wails showing good homes in nearly every section of the city. Come in and look them over; perhaps we ila e Just the home you are for. Six real estate demonstrators witli antes to show you homes al any hour of the day. U.1HR-CAREY CO.. :i'J Railway Ex. HMg- .Main 16M1 $ ; : S OO RfYS A MODKUX 5- R OO M C OT TAOK with full bailment, stationary tubs, f Irepl.'ico, built-in buftet. built-in convonionces. screened. back porrh, si shtly lot. In irooii residence section; $7."0 down, balance on easy pay men ta. Our tenant has just vacated and we wish to make a Uick saie, hence the low f iRuro and easy terms. I r particulars tali BKN R1CS1.AND -104 riatt Hldir.. 117 Tark St. 'ornnr Washington. Telephone Main k0. H'ARANTKKD RUN 1.1 A LO V Remember l:st week you about made up your mind to purchase that new home? Well, it' been sold. Now let's et down to business. Let me show yon some real bungalows, located near I.mirelhurst Park, built by day labor and to be sold at cost. Must be seen to b appreciated. tee J. A. McCarty at J7i- tftark nt.. or phone Main J7W tiveninea or Sunday. Tabor 50o7. $?.4r.O TARK HOSE BUNGALOW. Grounds 1 oixl." feet, modern bunga low, 5 rooms and bath; near carline; terms $1050 down, balance like rent. J. T,. I1ARTMAN COMPANY. 7 t'hamber of Commerce bide Main 20S. Uraueti office, 45th and Sandy. Tabor iTiVlNG TON It A KG A 1 N. fine, up-to-date C-ruum wi ; li 2 toi lets. Art -plan.. Iiirnarf. bul' t-ln bufTet. Itard wood Moor, line larwe lutch kitch en, ra sre ; every room Jare. light and airv and in firt-rlns condition, and nnlv S5750. ri cah. l'hone Mar. S2i or E. "i0a7. V T.. TtLANrHARn, 51-2 Railway Ex. NEW 1 R VI NGTON H M K. This fine home hat 8 larse room?, hardwood floors tlirouahout. finished in old Ivory and papered with chot papers: tiled bath with heutiful fix tures, double srarage. complete In everv detail, corner lot ; open for vour in-fIer-don todav: easy terms. Corner of 12th and Brazee ts. Turner & Wlnship. builders. Tabor 2124 or Tabor ."H'.M. SPLHNTMO bunft:ilOW. Alameda Park, cor. lot. 50x100. It's all paid, v-ry fine, new. i rooms, sleeping porch; large utt f . two more larse rooms. M.tpnlf fcent, IO rooms, livlnjr. dlninc lavp- Kttchrn. un room. bedrooms. 2 1-Htl'. fine basement: lot rtl"rt. Can't be built for less than, take Ml. ..on. East 273. oner. W. II. Hcrd- niitn. m THRKK SPETATs BARGAIN'S. H-room house. East 14tu &t.. near An keny. .i5oo. 6-rooin houso, Eat 24th near Flan dors. $450O. tl-room house, Hawthorne ave. near 40th. 375ft. COVER & GREGORY. Grand ave.. corner Ankeny. East 24.. Mti-RKAL 1 R V I N .TON KNAP $8500. This home perfect; living room, lire plac, two bedrooms, bath first floor: 2 bedrooms, slfepinc pon-h, bath neeond. With this poes electric ranpe. instan t a ii 'oils wa ter heater, stair runner and hrcond floor earpets; lot 75x100; garage. No agents. 410. irVington rORVF.R . FR1K ONLY $7500. Good S-room modern on a fine loo corner : nlc lawn; good Kara ce. 1 lere is a real buy for someone. Call ua up and arrnice for a ipontrnnt. RELIAB.LE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Pt. Broadway 41.1?. J.2rtoo FOR a fine 5-room buntralow; built in butfot. con. basement, with nioves and linoleum: only one block from Union ave. and near KUlinirworth. This i an exceptionally good buy and on'y $500 cash. bal. terms. Phone Mar. b2il. F L. RMXOHARD, 51Q-2Q Railway Ex. FISE NEW BUN GALU W . S42oo for a new 5 -room with brenk faHt room, larjro attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, bui'.t-ln buffet; lot 50x100. on K lMh N. ; will make pood terms on tliis and it's a dandy. Phone Mar. 29. F 1.. Bl A NCHAHD. 510-2Q Railway Ex. A -R oM hou-e, buncalow type; bath, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, com pletely furnished; on car line, best serv ice in Port'.and ; value J75O0. will sell for $.VU0. Part lea have to leave city. eay terms, small part cash. Realt v ssociates. 401 Columbia bldff.. W, Fark and Wash., Main o774. IRVINGTON looxioo. southeast faclns. beautiful 9-room home, massive stuno f ircilae in living room, 3 bedrooms. 2 have fireplaces; concrete porches; $13. 5oO, worth 2Q.OoQ. East 419. McDonnell. 5.B0OM house, full cement basement; fruit trees and chicken house; paved sr.. all improvements paid for; some cash balance as rent. Owner. 9St 1st st. Marshall 4431. $75 PER MONTH buys my beautiful fur nished S- room modern home, furnace heat, hardwood floors, garace In base ment. This is a bargain. Phone Wdln. rgso. FOi; aSAl.K Trins:ton home, six rooms, bs t h. reception hall. den. larpe closets, concrete tMsemcnt and furnac; a nice corner. Ca il and see it. 744 C:ackrt mas. Kant W75,.. 1RV I NGTON lOOxlOO. southeast lacinR beautiful P-rooni horn, msKtdve stone fireplace tn living room. 5 bedrooms. 2 hac lireplaes; concrete porches; S13.5Kl orth $rVo. Fast 4lf. Melwnneil. 1 ll.iA r.l'V 1 "X'Jrt rabin in LOi id rumllri... ! with sleeping tent and furniture. ;.0f li .aud btanton bt. Call bet. 4 and C.U'i I'. M