Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 08, 1920, Image 22

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xSee "Burt" the Lightning Artist, in One of Our Alder-Street Windows Today, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5
MEIER & FRANK'S Great Second Annual Drive
January Sales to Bring Down-Living Costs
EjtMLihJ L" IS7
Tn& Quality" Storjb of Portland
Oowntown Holdup Is Followed
by Quick Getaway.
nJv, iijoLh. Mof-riioiv Aktor sjta.
Former Employe, Visiting, Gets $2
Wcfund for Train Fare Rob
bers' Descriptions' Secured.
In a downtown hold-up at 4:10
o'clock yesterday morning the Frank
Kau pharmacy, Sixth and Alder
streets, was robbed by two highway
men, who forced the night clerk and
a visitor Into the basement, and made
their escape with about $100 secured
from the cash register and the two
men In the place.
Whether the two robbers used an
automobile in getting away from the
acene following the robbery is not
known. Motorcycle Officers Stiles
and Wright were on the scene within
three minutes of the time that the
two men left the store, but no one
bad seen them leave, and the two men
who had been forced into the base
ment could give little information.
With descriptions of the two men,
who were unmasked. Detective Cap
tain Circle and his corps of detectives,
were scouring the city yesterday In
the effort to apprehend them. Roads
leading from the city were watched
and patrolmen on all beats were on
the lookout.
John C. Brockman, night clerk, and
I.ouis F. Heuer Jr. of Washougal,
"Wash., a former employe there, were
In the place at the time of the hold
up. Mr. Heuer, who was in the city
on business, was visiting with Brock
man. Posing as customers, the two rob
bers entered the store and the taller
one demanded of the clerk if he had
any red precipitate. On being told
that there was none in the store he
jnrked out a revolver and covered
Brockman. at the same time telling
him to open the cash register. The
other robber covered Heuer. After the
men had taken what money was in
the cash register, amounting to ap
proximately $70. the two men were
then fleeced behind the prescription
Brockman was relieved of $18 in
cash and a valuable watch. The rob
bers took J10 from Heuer, but when
he protested that he lived out of town
and needed some money to pay his
fare home they returned him $2.
After they had robbed the two men
the robbers forced them to go down
a narrow stairway in the rear of the
store into the basement, warning
them to stay there until they had left
the place.
The descriptions of the tw.o robbers
as given to Detectives Hill and. Cahiil
Immediately following the robbery
No. 1, 5 feet 6 inches'tall, 150 pounds
weight, smooth shaven, dark com
plected, wearing a dark suit and
overcoat, a black slouch hat and
carrying a small blue revolver.
No. 2, 5 feet 4 inches tall, 130
pounds weight, wearing a dark suit
and overcoat, dark cap, with small
figure, and carrying a long blue
. The men were 20 to 21 years of
age, smooth shaven, and used good
language. .
Both Brockman and Heuer de
clared they would be able to identify
the two men if they saw them again.
Candy Store and Soft Drink Place
Also Report Thefts.
A. Gabrlelson of Holton, Or., . re
ported to Portland detectives yester
day that he had lost a suitcase con
taining a quantity of clothing and
personal belongings from a room in
the Winchester hotel. Third and Burn
side streets. He suspected a man he
had met in Portland of taking it.
While he was In the washroom at
the-Globe hotel. 44 North First street,
yesterday morning someone took a
watch and stickpin and T5 in money
from bjs vest. J. J. Sheppard reported.
Boys are believed to have been re
sponsible for the robbery of the candy
store of R. Fallon at the entrance of
the Alisky building some time Tues
day night. Five boxes of chocolate
creams, seven boxes of other candy
and fixe boxes of gum and 25 pennies
were taken.
Tho soft drink establishment of
John Klotsch, 86 Russell street, was
broken into some time Tuesday night
end $4 and eight cartons of cigarettes
taken. Entrance was gained through
a window In the rear of the place.
H. E. Spencer, 71 West Sumner
etreet, reported that someone stole the
curtains from his automobile while it
aa standing in front of his place.
Former Officer's Divorce Case
Transferred to Portland.
TIbOD RIVER, Or.-, Jan. 7. (Spe
cial.) The divorce case of C. B.
('ompton, who is seeking a decree
from Mrs.. Mary Ellen Compton, will
be removed to Multnomah county. A
transfer of the case was granted on
the plea of attorneys that Multnomah
county would be more convenient for
The Comptons were married at El
Paso, Tex., where Mr. Compton was
an officer with the United States
Miiard, in December. 1918. They came
'here immediately to make their home
on a Dee Flat orchard. In his com
plaint, filed last spring, Mr. Compton
alleged that Mrs. Compton soon tired
of rural life.
Mrs. Compton has been residing In
Portland since late last winter en
gaged as a nurse. She was a govern
ment nurse when Mr. Compton met
her in Texas.
Enchanting Feather
' Fresh shipment of large, beauti
ful, wide-spreading fans of ostrich
plumes in marvelous colors. One
gives the shaded effect of dried
rose leaves; others in flame, cerise,
tangerine, orchid, turquoise, coral,
American beauty.
$15 to $34.50.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
These are the nationally ad
vertised, always comfortable,
mattresses filled with felted cot
ton. Many customers have been
asking for them and this is the
first shipment which has come
to hand for some time.
Double bed size, $30; three
quarter bed size, $29.
Meier & Frank's: Eighth Floor.
Smart Velvet and Novelty
Handbags Reduced
$12.50-$17.50 Bags S 8.95
$18.50-$21.00 Bags S10.95
$22.50-$26.00 Bags S12.95
$27.00-$42.00 Bags $17.95
A choice collection of beautiful velvet
and novelty handbags taken from regular
stock and drastically reduced some are
LESS THAN HALF. Effective tapestry
and velvet combinations, colored mocha
bags and novelty French velvet bags in
stripes and brocades.
Meier & Frank's: Hand Bag Shop, Main Floor.
Books Peering Into
the Beyond
The eternal question of life and
death is the poignant thought of
the day call it spiritualism or
what you will.
Two particularly interest ing
books just received include:
"Thy Son Liveth" (anonymous)
extraordinary messages a
soldier who "went west" to his
mother. 75c.
"The Vital Message," by Sir Ar
thur Conan Doyle, a sane, thought
ful presentation of today's spiritual
facts as he sees them a book al
most every 'one will want to read.
Price, $1.25.
Meier & Frank's:
Book Shop, Fifth Floor.
"Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded,
Shabby Apparel Into New.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Tee "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether it be wool. silk, linen.
otton or mixed goods dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
coats, feathers, draperies, coverings.
The Direction Book with each pack
age tells so- plainly how to diamond
dye over any color that you can not
make a mistake.
To match any material, have drug
gist show yoii "Diamond Dye-' Color
Card. Adv. j
Stamped "Economy"
Dresses $1.79
' More of our well-known "Economy" dresses
at a price lower than the cost of material alone.
And the dresses are, completely made and
stamped for embroidery on best quality gray
chambray that is guaranteed not to fade..
All sizes 36 o 44. Mail order patrons please
state size.
Limited number of these popular dresses on
sale at' $1.79.
Meier & Frank's: Needlework Shop, Second Floor.
4 Good- Candy Specials
75c Chocolate Peanut Clus
ters, lb. 542
75c Chocolate Raisin Clus
ters, lb. 54
60c Old-Fashioned Vanilla
Chocolates 49 &
50c Sugar-Coated Peanuts,
pound 34
Delicious freshly made candies. While any remain.
Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor and Other Candy Sections.
Serving Day
"Sewing Day" in our Notion
Shop always means substan
tial savings on little sewing
needs of every kind. Today
we feature:
Silk Thread, black only, 100-yard
spool 10
Silk Finished Basting Cotton, white
only, Nos. 40, 50 and 60, four
spools 10c, spool 30
Byssine Mercerized Sewing Thread,
black, white and colors, 100-yard
spool 50
American Basting Thread, black
and white, 300-yard spools, 3
for 25c, spool 100
Snap Fasteners, black and white,
all sizes, card 50
Nub Standard Hooks and Eyes, 3
cards 25c, card 100
Linen Finish Button Thread, black
only, spool 50
Washington Steel Pins, 400 count
paper 50
Dressmakers' Steel Pins, No. 5 size,
lb. box 690
Wright's Bias Tape, lawn and cam
bric, assorted widths, seconds,
piece ' 50
Silk and Boned Belting, to 75c
values, yard 180
Omo Shirt Waist Shields, silk
lined, pair 390
S ticker ie Edging, white with col
ored edge, 3-yard piece 50
Silver-plated Thimbles, 3 for 10c,
each 50
Roll Tape Measures, 36 inches,
each , 190
Wright's Bias Tape, all colors,
piece 200
Cotton Tape, all colors, 9s -inch, 4-
yard piece 180
White Cotton Tape, -inch, 3
pieces 10c, piece 40
Meier & Frank's:
Notion Shop, Main Floor.
These White Sale Night Gowns $2.59
Made of soft good-looking nainsook
with all the prettiness that the modern
"nightie" must possess to be in fashion.
Every style new. Each purchased es
pecially for this White Sale. Pleasantly
wide variety so that one can choose a
quantity of styles at the same price, if
Notice the daintiness of the square neck
gown with narrow lace copied from real
thread patterns and .tiny ribbon beading.
The charming square neck gown with high
waist is trimmed with attractive embroidery
and good satin ribbon.
The especially simple style with "V"
neck front and back is of particularly good
' shaped
has a
The sleeveless cown with
top of lace land embroidered organdy
becoming Empire waist-li
satin ribbon.
The Empress Josephine gown with very
high waist line and square neck is trimmed
with imitation cluny.
Lace and embroidery form the entire top
of the last "nightie" pictured.
Voile Underclothes
$1.79 to $2.59
Sheer white or pink "undies,"
including envelope chemises, draw
ers, vests and bloomers all very
specially priced.
Envelope Chemise
$125 to $4.50
Ever so many styles in soft
muslin or nainsook with embroid
ery, edgings or insertions, laces,
ribbon, tucking.
White Petticoats
$1.29 to $7.50
Some with lace, others with
embroidery and ribbon. - Wouldn't
it be wise to lay aside some now
for next summer ?
. American Lady Corsets
Special $1 and $1.95
At $1, corsets of pink materials
with elastic tops, sizes 24 to 28.
At $1.95 white coutil corsets with
medium low bust, sizes 19 and 20
and 24 to 28.
-Meier & Frank's: Third Floor, Sixth Street.
Original Price
$55.00 Suits
$65.00 Suits
$75.00 Suits
$85.00 Suits
Present Price
Saving Today
As the figures show, this group of women's suits especially priced $38.55
today came here originally to sell at $55 to $85. At this new low marking
of $38.55 there is a saving on each suit of $16.45 to $46.45 in some cases
Many rich velveteen suits are to be
had in the collection. Beauties of the
exceptional quality which looks like vel
vet" Wanted colors, including black,
brown, navy, purple. Beautifully made
and finished. Many richly trimmed with
the fashionable brown marmot. Usually
lined with luxurious cream-colored silks.
Good-looking plain tailor-mades of
woolen materials are also to be had in
checked velour, chevrona, plain velour,
silvertone and tweed. Two pictured.
The suit pictured with smart animal
stock collar of opossum is of plain velour
with silk-lined coat.
The suit with Hudson seal collar and
huge fur pockets is of silvertone and has
narrow leather belt and soft silk lining.
Almost a dozen other styles at this
one price. EXTRAORDINARY! Not
all sizes in each style but all sizes in the
Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
Our 25c
While Outing
27 inches wide.
Light weight white outing
suitable for all underwear pur
poses, diapers, etc.
Regularly low priced at 25c
yard special today at 19c.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Coats and Dresses
An extraordinary one-day disposal
of women's coats and dresses at $9.75
many of the garments are LESS
The Coats
are shown in full flaring models, semi-belted
and cross-belted styles. Made of depend
able qualities velveteen, kersey, melton
cloth and novelty mixtures.' Large collars
of plush or self material. Figured jtr plain
linings. - Sizes 16 to 44. Every sale must
be final.
The Dresses
of serge and jersey are shown in straight
line and tunic styles with narrow belts.
Braided and button trimmed models in all
the popular colors. Sizes 16 to 44.
Meier & Frank's: Lower Price Store, basement Balcony.
Good News! This Sale of Filet Nets
Standard 90c Quality, Yard 63c
$1.50 and $1.75 Quality, Yard 99c
An exciting find. Nearly 2000 yards of soft fine cur
tain nets which particular housewives like better than
any others. Woven with tiny squares and dots which
always seem especially inviting. White, cream or ecru.
45 inches wide. All are the pleasantly substantial kinds
which wear like old friends.
New Cretonnes Specially Priced
22c to 77c
First time in months that we have been able to offer
such effective cretonnes" at such low prices.
i " "
Altogether five specially priced groups at 22c, 49c,
53c, 69c arid 77c yard.. Anybody is practically sure to find
the right pattern and color for any purpose. Plenty of the
extra-heavy weight fabrics for upholstering, for curtains,
for portieres. . - ; -
Curtain Scrim
Yard 23c
Sorry we have only 500
White, cream or ecru with
tape borders. Variety of pat
terns. Good for country houses, bun
galows, house-boate, and so on.
Meier & Frank's:
. Drapery Shop, Seventh Floor.
"Mam-Zelle" & "Vanity Fail-"
Silk Undergarments
Three fine groups of dainty silk underthings in this sale
at about one-third off. Limited number in each lot.
.Vests $3.95
"Mam-Zelle" elastic silk vests
in a good heavy quality. Regu
lar and hemstitched bodice top
styles. Reinforced under arms.
Flesh only. All sizes.
Vests $2.95
"Vanity Fair" glove silk vests
in band top and shoulder strap
style. Fancy silk embroidered
yokes in three different patterns.
Flesh only. All sizes.
Chemise and Union Suits $5.95
"Mam-Zelle" heavy elastic silk envelope chemise and union suits
made in the same style as the vests. Flesh only. All sizes.
MelAr & Frank's: Silk Underwear Shop, Main Floor.
60c Cast-iron Frying Pans
250 of these heavy east-iron indi
vidual or egg frying pans in e'a-inch
size. Extra special at 39c.
Meier Frank:
Housewares Section, Basement.