THE MORNING OREOOMAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920. 31 '! u El n 11 s if. 5! 3: 5f V POTATO GROWERS PUT PRICES HIGHER fiise in Producing Sections Passing to Consumers. ADVANCES UP TO 75 CENTS Shipments Increase During l'ast IVeek and Are Nearly "Equal to Those of Last Year. The local potato market was firm with a moderate movement. The beat Ore Con Burbanks were quoted at 44.rd. with a few sales at 4.T5. Frosted and poorly (raded stock was held at $3.504. .Jobbers asked J4.30fi)5 for Yakima Netted Gems. Five cars of Washington potatoes arrived and four cars of Oregona were shipped. Throughout the country growers have . 'bsen able to put potato prices at a higher level during the past week. Advances ranging up to about 75 cents have been general in most sections and these are being passed on to the consumer as the potatoes go through the various channels of trade. A week ago the growers were receiving from 12.70 to $3.25 in the various 'productlng- sections, and now the. top at Oreeley. Colo., is $4; at Idaho Falls. Idaho. J4.10, and at Waupaca, $3.40. At Chicago. Minnesota and Wisconsin Roupd. Whites have jumped from 13.25 36 t6 $4.10, and fancy . Idaho Russets from $4.15 to $5.50 In carlots. which is approaching the record prices for the 1916 crop. Similar prlces prevailed In the south. ' At Fort Worth. California Burbanks are selling to retailers at $5.75 05. with Colorado and Idaho stock slightly lower. In the northwestern cities the prices to retailers are generally $4 6. and the stock is not very well graded. Shipments Increased slightly the past week to 1915 cars, over one-third of which came from Maine. The shipments for the 'season are nearly 'equal to those to the corresponding date last year. Importa tions -from Canada have been so heavy this- season that the total available sup ply to date is really increased about 2000 cars. In the past week Oregon shipped 32 cars as against 11 in the preceding week. -The record of carlot shipments, as issued by the bureau of markets, follows: . - - .- Total . Last Shipped . - ' Shipped Season to to Jan. to date. Jan. 6. 6.1918. California...-.. 7.13H 8.218 5.3HO Colorado 7.013 8.003 6.503 Jfiaho 3,420 4.03.". 3.;o Maine . 11,84 8.217 6.3'i7 Mii'lllgan 5.52S 4.5711 4.013 Minnesota 15.672 14.437 9.725 Montana ". 329 254 -10S Nebraska 1.332 2.5.MI 1.492 Nevada 505 431 !31l New York 8.7H9 6.105 3...".! Oregon 803 314 770 Pennsylvania ... 2,435 1,248 2.26S Washington .... 1.9X6 784 1.232 Wisconsin 11.962 10.989 7.193 Otliors ...20.809 elections through shipping 18.379 83.070 38.340 , Totals 115.556 116.O40 110.675 From the table above it will be seen : that' a considerable part of the shortage of the present crop is to be accounted for by the small production in the southern shipping stated' the past season. The summer crop from them amounted to only 18.379 cars during 1010, whereas during i 1918 it was 33.070 cars and during 1917, ; 88,346 cars. With the total shipments j of this season and last pearly equal to date. Indicates either thathe late; ctojm of the northern . states ..was. drawn upon earlier last fall to supply tbe: deficiency or that an unusually large part of It has gone into storage. LOCAL APPLE SIPPHK8 ARE LARGE Sales of Oregon Fruit at Philadelphia and New York. -No apple receipt were reported yester day, but supplies on the street were large. The demand continued fairly good with ales mostly of culls and jumble pack, of various varieties. Prices were steady. Ore gon apple shipments Tuesday were 21 Cars. At the Philadelphia auction. Hood Riv er Spitzehbergn, extra' fancy, all sizes, brought $2.05 tg 2.45, an average of $2.34; fancy, all sizes. J2 2.1 5, an average of 12.10, and bottoms $1.T0. -Umpqua -district Ortleys. extra fancy, medium and Urge, sold at 53. 25 3.40, an average of $3.34, and windfalls at $2.75. At New York, the 'best Oregon Spitzen bergs. extra fancy .-and fancy, sold at $2.252.75, and poorer stock at a wide range of" $12. Sales from storage in cluded Oregon Spitzcnbergs, extra fancy, car run. at $3.25. Conditions in the f. o. b. markets were reported by wire as follows: STpokan. Wash. Very few ssles re ported; Wena tehee Winesaps, extra fancy, medium and large, $3; Yakima Rome Beautkee. - extra .fancy and large, $2.15; other districts, no sales reported. Rochester, N. Y. Uight wire lnauiry. Ite-mand and movement limited. Market dull. Some stock of ordinary quality and condition. , Sales from cold storage, few sales, Bald wins, A 2 fc Inch, good quality and con dition, $7.50; A and B 2 -inch mixed, best 96.50-t6.75, few B 2-inch $6)6.25; few ungraded, .unclassified, fair quality, $4.?5Q5. Sone consigned. ONIONS IN EAST ARE TENDING tP r . Prices. Very Strong at Shipping Points; Consuming Markets Firm. Onions were firm in most eastern con suming markets the past week and very strong at western New York shipping points. Most of the stock seems to be In the possession of dealers. The shipments " were' light. The best lots were quoted at 96 per cwt.. f. p. b.. sacked for medium to, large sises and occasionally $6.25 for fancy lots. The price range of desirable stock in consuming markets was generally $5.50 $8.50. At Chicago the demand was weak and draggy and prices dropped to $4.75 5.25. The movement was dull In most of the markets. The shipments for the week were 178 cars as compared with 124 last week. Massachusetts .shipped 41, Ohio 38 and New York 20. CIBE AND PRINT BITTER WEAK ffice Hot Well Maintained in Local Market. The butter market was weak. The best ubes were quoted at 63 64 cents with lew sales. There was no uniformity In print butter prices as asked by city weameries. flTgffS "were firm with stocks of fresh y.nch closely sold up. The top buying trier to shippers held at SO cents and .andled ranch were quoted at 63 65c. Poultry and dressed meat receipts were . fair site and prices were steady. Coarse grain market is stead Whit. Oats and Bulk Corn Are Sold on Local Board. One hundred tons of white feed oats, February delivery were sold at the Mer chant's Exchange yesterday at 186. the aame prlcer that waa offered Tuc.Jay. Two hundred tons of Kastern yellow bulk corn. January delivery, brought 3!T, or 11.50 more than waa bid on the preceedina day. The barley market waa quiet with blue unchanged and teed barley 50 cents lower n bid. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat. Baf. Fir. Ota. Hay Portland. Wed... 1 1 17 5 27 Season to date 5199 138 2394 865 1012 Tacorna. Tues 50 1 ... ... 11 Season to date 3951 63 ... 128 568 Seattle. Tues Y.t 1 4 Season to date 3709 179 432 449 813 Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern ciges yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balance. Portland s dt ahx i i3 7fi Sfattle 6.1.1:1.425 , 1.037. 0S3 Tacorna 67.528 123. B20 Spokane 2.547.956 869.406 l"OKTL.lXB MARKET QCOTATIOXS Grain, Hour. Feed," Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Blrt. Oats Jan. -Feb. No. 3 white feed $65.00 Barlev Standard feed 71.50 No. 3 blue 70.00 Corn No. 3 yellow 58.50 Kastern oats and corn, bulk: Oats 36-poj4nd clipped 61.50 88-pound clipped 62.50 Corn No. 8 yellow 68.75 $65.50 V2.1MI 73.00 58.50 61.75 63.00 68.50 Barley No. 2 WHEAT Government basis. $2.20 per bushel. FLOUR Patents, $12.35: bakers" hard wheat. $12.95: whole wheat. $11.25: gra ham, $11; valley, fll; straights. $10.70 per barrel. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $31.50; cheat. $22: clover. $26; oats and vetch. $26;" valley timothy. $20 V 28. , MIL.LFEED Prices f. o. b. mill, city cartage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots or mixed cars, $45 ton: rolled barley, $77; rolled oats. $8; grdund barley. $77" scratch feed, $84. Iairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extra. 6364c per lb., prrne first, 62c; prints, parchment wrap pers, box lots, 67c ; cartons, 68c ; half boxes, more; less than half boxes, lc more, butterfat. No. 1, titt&6Uc per pound, CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook; Triplets. 32c; Young Americas, 33c; long horns, 33c. Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myr tle Point: Triplets. 31c; Young Americas, 32c. EGOS Jobbing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranch, candled, 6365c; selects. 67 6bc; storage. 53 & 56c. POL'LTHV Hens, 301133c; springs. 30c; ducks, 40c; geese, 2iti25c; turkeys, live. 35c; (ireesed, choice, 45c. v hAL, rancy, 2tc per pound. PORK. fancy, 20c per pound. fruits and Vegetables. FRUIT Omnt 4 r.ff A Umnni 3 6 per box: srraoef ruit. S3. fiuffr 8 50 box- bananas. 10fill; npr rtrttuwi ntmlPH. II 8.25 per box: pears. S 1.50 (3 2.50 per box. ranberries. $5Z6 oer box. sl" 17.60 dot barrel. VEfiKTABl.FS fahhoN R. Gt. Ar n pound; lettuce, $3.54t2 4.50 per crate, beets, $3.50 per sack; cucumbers, $22.23 dozen; carrots, $2 2.50 per sack; celery. niQv per crate; noraeradtati, lac per Iftund: .Tr1i- 4tli- t r- nnnml - tiirnina XX Etll per sack; cauliflower, $2.252.50 per Crate; tomatoes. $4.50fl5 per box. ' POTATOES Orearnn. S3 50 fit 4 75 ner sack; sweet, BlA&7bc per pound. OMONt Orenon. ntiviiVmt: oer Dound: California, 7c per pound Staple roceriea. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack biujis: Fruit or berry $9.77; beet, $11.27; golden C. $9.27; pow dered, in barreLs, $10.37; cubes, in barrels, 10 .HI. NUTS Walnuts, -32 43 39c: Brazil nuts. 30c; filberts, 35c; almonds, 35 38c; pea nuts, 15 16c; chestnuts, 25c. SALT Half ground, 100s, $17 per ton uOs, $18.50 per ton; dairy,. $2528 per ton. RICE Blue Rose, 15c per pound. BEANS White. Sc; pink, H'ic: lima. 17c per pound; bayous, 10c; Mexican red. COl FEE Rnavted. In drums, 39(Qt)51c Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 14 pounds, 34c; skinned. 2730c; picnic. 2728c; cottage roll, 30c LARD Tierce basis, . 30c; compound 26c per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 25 31c plates. 23c. BACON-rFancy, 41050c; standard.- SJ &39U. Hides, Pelts and Fur. HIDES Salted,, all weights.-. 20; it rem. 17c ; calf, green or salted. 65c; kip, 35c; bulls, salted, 17c; green,. L4c- horse hides. small, $3; medium. $4.50; large, $6; dry niues. auc: ary saitea. auc: dry call. 0c. dry salted calf, 65c. PELTS Green salted. November, rarh. $2&3; green salt shearlings; each, 50c$l: dry pelts, lull wool, per pound, 32c; dry hort wool, per pound, 25c; dry shearlings. each, 25S50c; salted goats, $13, accord ing to size; salted goat shearlings, 25c &$!; dry gooate; long hair, per pound, 25c FURS Good grades, extra large, large and medium sizes: Skunk, black, $3. 75j 8.50; short. $2. 75(87; narrow, $2$5; broad 7 5c fa) $2.25. Fox, red, $ 1 0 g) 4 5 ; gra v, $2 & 6; raccoon, $2.50 8; mfnk. dark, $4(01O; ordinary, $2.5t(g18; winter muskrat, $l 3.50; woir or coyote, sort, silky, . $820; average. $513; white weasel or ermine. 50c (Jt $2; 'lynx, heavy furred, $15 65; or dinary, S15Q950; lynx catheavy, $5 13; ordinary, $3?9; otter, dark, $1125; or dinary. $821; marten, pale, brown or dark. $530; fisher, pale, brown or dark. $1280; bear, black. $120; brown. $1& 14; wildcat, 25c(&2; civet cat, 10cf?$l: house cat. 10c'0c; ring tails, . 25cff$2; jackrabbite, 1020c; moleskins. 5030c. Hops, Wool, Etc. HOPS 1919 crop, 85c per pound. S-year contracts. 40c average. MOHAIR Long staple, 40 45c: short staple, 25 & 30c. . ,. TA LLOW No. 1, 10c; No. 2, 8c ner pound. CASCARA BAKK. New, lie; old, 12c per pound. WOOL Eastern. Oregon, fine, 40ep&0c. medium, 45 (8 50c; coarse, 35(5 37c; valley. medium. &u oc ; roars, 37c ils. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. S2.0fl: raw. cases, $2.1 6; boiled, barrels, $2.08; boiled, cases. $2.13. TURPENTINE Tanks, $1.91: cases. $2.01. COAL Oir Iron b.rrels. 13 14 16c: tank wagons, 13c; cases. 24031c. GASOLINE Iron barrels, 25c; tank wagon. l!5c; cases, an He. IS BULK OF SALES ARE AT $15.50 AT IXCALi YARDS. Cattle Are Steady and Light Valley Lambs Higher Trading rs Active. Only two loads of stock were reported In at the yards yesterday, but there was a supply on hand from previous arrivals and the market was moderately active. The tone of the market in general was good. Hogs were firm and a quarter higher, with the bulk of sales at $15.50. The cattle list was steady throughout. Light- valley lambs were 50 cents higher. Receipts were 18 cattle, 1 calf, 44 hogs and 38 sheep. tTh day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price I Weight. Price. 26 steers ..10i3$ll. 25 3 hogs 506 13 50 5 steers .. 916 7.50 2 hogs 280 15 60 1 steer... .1000 8.0O 7 hogs ll 15.!U) 1 steer ... 40 10.5O 6 hogs .-...261 15.50 1 steer ... 90 0''! hog 340 15.50 27 steers ..10.3 11.50! 1 hog 360 14.50 1 steer ...1020 11.50 1 hog 2B0 15.60 2 cows ... 00 7.00 13 hogs 210 15 50 9 cows ... 590 8.00 15 hogs 233 12 50 2 cows ... 815 6.50 Shoes 1SS 15.60 4 cows ...1075 7.251 1 hog 300 14 50 1 cow 102O 5.50'10hogs 108 15 50 2 cows O'.'O 5.50i 1 hog 520 12 50 2 cows ...100 7.00 6 hogs ....193 15 50 cows ... 870 6.301 7 hogs ....215 15 50 cows ... 80 5.001 7 hogs 171 ls su 1 cows ... 857 7.25; 10 hogs ....168 15 50 Scows ... 860 8.00' 8 hogs 238 15 50 1 co. 1130 IO.OO1I6 hogs 209 15 50 .-.cows ... 828 9.50 17 hogs 235 la' So 1 cow 1019 7.00 35 hogs ....185 15 50 1 cow 090 8.00. 6 hogs 310 13 50 1 cow .... H10 8.50' 5 hogs ....210 18 50 2 cows ... 890 6.751 8 hogs 150 13 50 1 cow 830 5.501 1 hog . 130 14 0O 1 cow .... 760 4.001 2 hogs ....465 100 2 cows ... 800 7.25 1 hog 160 lsiso 1 cow 800 6.001 1 hog . 240 15.50 1 cow S70 7.00112 hogs ....260 13 00 1 cow 1070 9.0O 3O lambs . . . B9 14 00 1 calf ISO 14.0OI 3 yearlings 113 900 1 bull 80 7.501 5 bucks ...154 550 1 bull ....1260 7.0III 1 cow . 1010 7 50 3 bulls ...1205 7.001 6 cows ....526 8 50 12 hogs ... 244 12.75i 5 cows ....806 6 SO 1 hog .... .160 12.001 2 steers ...960 .7 00 I boss 29$ 15.001 1 hog . , .. .310 14.75 4 hogs ... S55 15.5111 hoirs -."...207 15.00 6 hogs ... 248 15.501 8 hogs ....210 15.50 ; Livestock prices at local yards follow: Cattle Prlce. Best steers $11.00illi75 to cholce steers 10.501 11.00 J1"' i kooq steers .... .tHti air to good steers 8.009 9.00 Common to fair steers 7.003 8.00 Itioice cows and heifers 9.00 ($10.00 Medium to good cows, heifers. 8.75W 7.75 ralr to medium cows, heifers. 4.75W 5.75 i t. anners . S.609 si 50 I Bulls I Prime light calves ".I.' j Heavy calves I Stockers and feeders ... 6.00IW 8.25 lZ.liOtrlS.OO 7.00 12.60 8.00 4 9.50 Prime mixed ; 14.7515.B0 Medium mixed 14.2314.75 Rough heavies 12.2518.25 Pl5J 11.75 13.73 Sheep Kastern Iambs I.iKht valley lambs ......... 11.50913.50 Heavy valley lambs 10.500 11. B0 Feeder lambs 10.00ft 12.00 ethers 9.50 10.00 .Yearlings 10.00 at 11.00 .wes 6.004 7.00 Chicago IJvestock Market. CHICAGO. Jan 7. Hogs Receipts 27.000, 20 25c lower. Bulk. 114 30" 14.60; top. $14.60: heavy. tl4.25el4.45: medium. 14.80 14.35 : light. $14.30 H.60; light light. $13.75014.35: heavy packing sows. smooth. $13.75 14.10; packing sows, rough. $13.25 13.75; pigs, $1314. r Cattle Receipts 9000. steady. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime. $18.76igi20: medium and good, $10.75018.76; common, $8.75010.76; lightweight, good and choice. $13.50 19.25: common and medium. $813.50; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.50014.75: cows, $6.40 in 13.50; canners and cutters, $5.259 8.40: veal calves, $16.5017.75; feeder steers. $7.50 12.50; utocker steers, $8.50 10.60. Sheep Receipts 10.0OO. strong. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $16.50019.23; culls and common. $13.25016: ewes, medium, good and choice. $8.5011.15 culls and com mon, $5 6? 8.25. " Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. . Jan. 7. (United States Bu reau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 15.500, steady to 10c higher. Top, $14.50; bulk. $14.2014.40; heavyweight. $14.30014.45; medium weight, $14.S514.50; . light weight, $14.200 14.B0; light light. $14 14.20; heavy packing sows, smooth, $14.20 & 14.30: packing sows, rough, $14 14.20; pigs. $lli 12.50. Cattle Receipts 0000. active, generally 1525c higher. Beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime. $16,750 18.75; medium and good, $12 16.50: com mon, $10 12: lightweight, good and choice. $ 10. 50 iff 18.50; common and medi um. $0. 50ff 10.50; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.25 13.50; cows, $7013.25: canners and cutters, $5.250 7: veal calves, light and handy weight. $1314.60: feeder steers, $7.75014; stocker steers. J9. 25011.50. Sheep Receipts 9500, all classes strong. Lambs, 84 pounds down, $17018.25; culls and common, $130 16.50: yearling wethers. $13. oO'q 15.75; ewes, medium and choice. $n.25i510.50; culls and common. $5.50 9.25. Kansas City IJvestock Market. v a vie A a I'TTV Mo .Tan. n I..,- cmn. .....I , tn 15s lower Lambs. $17 018.50: culls and common. $10,500 16 75; yearling wethers, $14.25010.60; ewes. $8.25010.80: culls and common. $4 08: breeding ewes, $8014; feeder lambs, $14016.50. Seattle IJvestock Market. SEATTLE. Jan. 7. Hogs Receipts S3, steady. Prime. $15.50016: medium to choice, $14015; rough heavies, $13.60014; pigs. $12.50013.50. Cattle Receipts 38, steady. Best steers, $11 25011 75; medium to choice, $9010.50; common to good. $79; cows and heifers, $8.25 09; common to good. $608; bulls, $6 0 7.50; calves, $7 014. SAN FRANCISCO PRODICE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc.. at Bay City. SAX FRANCISCO. Jan. 7. Butter, 68c. j5KgaFfesh extras, 70c; extra pullets. 65c; undersized pullets. 63c. Cheese firsts, nominal, xuuua cas. 34c. Poultry Hens. 320 3.1c; young roosters. S4l SSc; old, 22c: fryers, 34036c; ducks, 28030c; Belgian hares, alive. 16lSc; squabs. 60070c: pigeons. $2.75 03.25 doxen. Vegetables Eggplant. 10014c; peppers, bell 15020c: chile, 1O012V4C-. squash, cream. $1.5002. large lug; Hubbard. 2hi if! 3c lb. : pumpkin. 22Hc; summer squash. $1.250 1.75 lug; tomatoes, southern, $1,250 2; potatoes. rivers. $4.7505 cental; sweet, 41,05c pound; tfnions, yellow and white, $4.2504.50; Australian brown, $4.75 iB 5.25; cucumbers. $2.50(a3 lug; garlic, 22i&24c: beans, string. 17V4 02Oc; llmas, 10fi 15c; celery, $47; artichokes. No. 1 $1.50 dozen: turnips. $1.2501.50; cauli flower, $1.2501.50 dozen: lettuce, $202.50 crate; peas, small, 12Hlc; sprouts, 800c; rhubarb, $1.5001.75 box. Fruit2 Oranges, navels. $4 05; lemons. $405; grapefruit, $2.2503.76 per box; ba nanas, 6H07HC per pound for Hawaiian; pineapples, $3 0 5 per dozen; pears, cook ing $101.50 per lug; apples. Rhode Island Greenings. $1.7502 for 4-tier and $1,500 2.25: Oregon Spltzenbergs, $2.5003.25; Baldwins. $202.25: Oregon Newtown Pip pins, $2.5003: pears. Oregon. $2.753.50 per box: pomegranates, $1.2501.50 per peach box; persimmons, $1.5002 per 20 pound box; cranberries, northern. $3.50' 4 per box. Recelpta Flour. 1600 quarters; barley, 62.880 centals: oats, 2044 centals: corn. 800 centals; beans. 611 sacks; potatoes, 3331 sacks: hay. 140 tons; hides, 65; wine, 34,000 gallons; rlce 3500 bags. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 7. City delivery: Feed Mill, $40 per ton; scratch feed, $86; feed wheat. $88; all grain chop. $76; oats. $W07O; sprouting oats. $72; rolled oats, $72; -whole corn, $": cracked corn. $77; rolled bsrley, $81: clipped barley, $S5. Hay Eastern Washington timothy mixed, $38039 per ton: double compressed, $42; alfalfa. $35: straw, $17018; Puget sound, $3. Dried Fruit at New Vork. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Evaporated ap ples,, dull. Prunes, firm. Peaches, steady. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Spot cotton, quiet. Mirlllinr. 3!c. Safe and Sound and Free From Federal Income Tax INVEST that 1920 interest or profit money in bonds of Oregon municipalities, paying from 5 to 6 per cent. We can also furnish you a splendid list of Government Bonds and Corporation Securities for investment. If you cannot call, write, wire or telephone us. CLARK.KENDALL & CO. HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. 201-202-203 Railway Exchange Building . Correspondents E. F. Hutton & Cp., New York Direct wire connections with every exchange ' : in the country We are also served by Clement Curtis & Co., Chicago. We buy or cell any Industrial, Railroad, Steel & Copper Stocks & Bonds; Grain & Cotton. POUTLANt STOCKS FIRM AT CLOSE WARN IXG BY RESERVE BOARD REDUCES TRANSFERS. Bond Market Is Irregular-: Steady Improvement Noted In Metal Trade. NErW YORK, Jan. T. Stock, dealings were visibly restrained today,, presum ably as a result of intimations conveyed to banking interests yesterday by the federal reserve board. The only echo of tho financial confer ence at Washington was the announce ment of another slight advance by the lo cal branch of the csntral bank In short time acceptances, such action being tak en to meet the prevailing rate in the open market. Further large, orders for copper attest ed to steady Improvement in tho metal trade. Steel, shippings, coppers and a few familiar specialties, such as American Woolen. Industrial, Alcohol, Endlcott Johnson and sugars, contributed to the stronger side of tho market, while motors, oils and rails represented tho dull and Irregular features. Sales amounted to 800.OOO shares. Liberty bonds were heavy, internationals featureless and most domestic Issues Ir regular, except local tractions. In which moderate gains were made. Total sales, par value, were $17,730,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. 1300. 5.100 8.200 400 3.6O0 3.3O0 6.0OO 6.200 1.300 2O0 4.200 800 High. 951 58 -140 118V 102 70H . 141. 98 to 97 to 17 63 8514 172 117 33 99 to 26 43 133 103 56 37 86 27 40 43 to 87 217 54 to 75 13 170 &:9to 7U 40 80 60 111 26 86 32 110 213 25to 61 25 BOto 17 69 27 98 to 80 103 42 27 to 62 OOlj 78 120 47 103 22 113 22 94 123 95 H 114 107 115 78 54 30 to 82 to - 49 105 Low. 95 67 to 139 118 100 69 to 138 97 97 17 . 62 ' 84 to 170 115 32 97 26 to 43 132 to 101 55 to 37 86 27 89 42 86 212 58 75 13 169 333 78 40 89 60 110 25 84 ' 31 110 205 20 to 50 25 to 66 17 69 to 27 98V4 SO to 100 41 27 62 22 76 116 46 102 22 110 219 92 122 83 110 10 114 77 53 30 to 82 48 103H Sale. 95 58 140 118 101 60 138 98 97 17 63 84 170 to 118 3a 98 26 43 132 to 102 53 87 88 27 40 42 87 216 53 75 I3to 170 336 78 40 89 60 110 26 85 32 110 211 25 50 25 69 17 69 27 98 80 103 42 27 62 22 76 119 46 102 22 111 222 94 122 94 113 106 115 78 53 4 30 82 4 105 90 80 66 92 78 to Am Beet Sua. Am Can Am Cr &. Fdry Am H 4 L pfd Am Loco .... Am Sm & Rfg Am Sugar Rfg Am Sum Tob. Am Tel & Tel. Am Z L A Sm Anaconda Cop Atchison A G & W I S 3 BOO Baldwin Loco. 30.900 Bait & Ohio.. 700 Beth Steel B. 20.400 K & S Copper 600 Calif Petrol . . 500 Canadian Pac. BOO Cent Leather. 3. TOO Ches Jt Ohio.. 200 Chi M & St P. 700 Chi & N W . . 20O Ohl R I & Pac loo Chlno Copper. 0OO Col Fu A Iron 2,000 Corn Prod ucts 200 Crucibie Steel. 3.2O0 Cuba Cane Sug 9.200 U S Fd Prods. 400 Erie 1.100 Gen Electric. 200 Gen Motors . . 2.100 Gt No pfd. . . . 1.000 Gt No Ore ctfs 2.9O0 Illinois Central loo Insplr Cop . . . 2.80O Int M M prd.. S.lOO Inter Nickel.. I8.S1M) Inter Paper ". . 7.400 Kennecott Cop 4.0OO Louis & Nash. 300 Mex Petrol . . 20.POO Miami Copper 4oo Mldvale Steel. 4.4IH) Missouri Pac. 500 Montana Pow. 300 Nevada Cop . . 300 N T Central.. 1.10O N Y N H H BOO Norf & West.. 40O Northern Pac 400 Pan-Am Pet.. 11.SOO Pennsylvania.. 2.100 Pitts at W Va 400 Pittsburg Coal 400 Ray Con Cop. 500 Reading 300 Hep Ir & Steel 67.400 Sin Oil & Rfg. 24.3O0 Southern Pac. 2.30O Southern Ry.. SOO Studebaker Co 27.1 OO Texas Co 4.HOO Tobacco Prods 4.90O Union Pacific. 1.000 Untd Rtl Strs. 12.0OO IT S Ind Alco. 13.000 U S Steel 6O.6O0 do pfd ...... TTtah Copper. Westing Elect Wlllys-Overlnd National Lead Ohio Cits Gas. Royal Dutch.. 1.100 1.600 1.300 9.0OO 200 1.0O0 17.600 BONDS. U S Lib 3tos. . .99.981 A T T cv 6s do 1st 4s 93.20! Atch gen 4s . . do 2d 4s 01.1)0 D R G con 4s. do 1st 4s. .. 93.40! N Y C deb 6s. do 2d 4s. . .92.54IN -P 4s do 3d 4 Us. . .B4.72:N P 3s 5o Victory 8s .99.10 Pac TAT s.. 87 00 4 s U S 2s reg. do coupon U S 4s reg. . do coupon 99.04! Pa con 4toS: 92 IOO S P cv 6s IOO So Ry 5s 105toiU P 4s , . .105 .. 87 .. 85 .. 8to .105 U S Steel 5s. Panama 3s reg.88 uo coupon ..."KM I Anglo-Fr 5s ..86 7-16 Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Jan. 7. Closing quotations: Allouez 41 INorth Butte 17 Ariz Com 14101d Dom Calu & Ariz. 65 Osceola .. 38to 54 62 4 6 1 8 Calu Hecia..400 IQulncy Centennial . . . . IStoiSuperlor Cop Range .... 46i3up A Boston. East Butte ... 15IShannon ..... Franklin 3jtTtah Con ... Isle Royalle ... 36 J Winona 1 Lake Cop 4 Wolverine 21 to Mohawk 70 (Greene Can .... 37 Meiai Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Copper, easier. Electrolytic, spot and first quarter. lir 0 lOtoc: second quarter. 19019c. Iron, steady and unchanged. Antimony, 9.87 c. Lead, nominal. Spot and March, 8.50c bid. Money, Exchange. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Mercantile paper 6 per cent. Sterling. $3.76: cables, $3.76. Francs, demand. 11.05; cables, 11.03. Guilders, de mand, 37: cables, 37 9-16. Lire, demand, 13.40: cables, 13.38. Marks, demand, 2.03; cables. 2.04. Time loans strong. All dates 7 bid. Call money easy. High, 7 per cent; INC. SEATTLE TAC0MA low 6, ruling rate 7, closing bid 6, offered at T, last loan at . Bar silver. $1.82. . Mexican dollars, $1.01. LONDON. Jan. 7. Barsilver, money and discount unchanged. Advance In Coffee Continues. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Coffee futures opened at a decline of 11 to 18 points, with active months selling about 18 to 25 points net lower. May closed at 16.60c. with the general list showing a net ad vance of 11 to 30 points. January, 16.17o; March, 16.42c: May. 16.60o: July, 16.80a; September, 16.62c; October, 16.53c; Decem ber, 16.35c. Spot coffee was reported quiet but firm at 16o for Rio, 7s and 25o for San tos 4s. Fetcro Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Butter easy, un changed. Eggs easier. Fresh gathered extras. 81c; extra firsts, 798'gOc: firsts, 77 78c. Cheese unchanged. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. nutter unsettled. Creamery. 6363o. . Eggs higher. Receipts 1408 cases. First. 71c; ordinary firsts, 55 68c; at mark, cases Included, 65(5 70c . . Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, 6a., Jan. .7. Turpentine firm, $1.58; sales, 61; receipts, 48; ship ments. 8: stock, 14.195. Rosin firm. Sales, 483: receipts. 774'; shipments, none; stock, 50,858. Quote: B. $16.70: D, E. F. $16.80: H, $16.95; I. $17.10; K. $18.45: M. $19.15; N, $20; WG, $20.25: WW, $21.25. CORN TURNS DOWNWARD SELLING IS PROJtPTED BY HOOVER'S STATEMENT. Pressure Increased by Breaks in Hog Market and Subsidence of Export Demand Tor Rye. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. Corn averaged low er In price today, largely as a result of statements by Herbert Hoover about fin ancial aid to Europe. The market closed unsettled at c to lc net decline, with May $1.35 to $1.35, and July $1.33 to $1.33. Oats lost c to c. In pro visions tfte outcome ranged from a set back of 5c to 40c advance. Breaks in value of hogs added to the selling pressure of corn, as did gossip that export demand for rye had been sat isfied perhaps for the remainder of the season. Provisions sympathized with the hog market depression, but the effect w-as somewhat counterbalanced by purchasing ascribed to grain houses. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. C!ne. Jsn $1.39 $1.40 $1.39 $1.39 May 1.36 1.37 l.:ir. 1.3.-, July 1.34 1.35 1.33 1.33 OATS. May R4 .85 .84 .84 July 77 .78 .77 .77 MESS PORK. Jan. . May. 37.00 3S.10 .38.00 38.50 LARD. 23.75 24.80 37.00 Jan.. . . May. . . 23.67 24.70 23.60 24.60 23.70 24.70 SHORT RIBS. 20.25 20.S5. 20. May 20.25 20.35. 20.20 20.30 Jan .... .... 20.45 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 mixed, $1 31; No. 2 yellow. $1.57. Oats JCo. 2 white. -87 8Sc; No. 3 Willie. 86 a 87 c. Rye No. 2. $1.85. Barley. $1.40til.r.8. Timothy seed. $!& 13. Clover seed, $40&51. Pork, nominal. Lard. $23.70. Ribs. $19 19.75. Grain at nan Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 7. Flour, 8-8s. $12.10. Grain Wheat, $2.20; oats, red feed. $3.20 O3.S0; barley, feed. $75 76 ton; corn, Cali fornia yellow. $3.20fc'3.3O cental. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats. $23 27 ton; tame oats, $25 28: wild oatt, $21 24; barley, $2124: alfalfa. $23&28; stock hay. $18 Or 21; barley straw, 50 80c bale. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 7. Barley $1,24 0 1.55. Flax. 4.874.7. Dulutn Linseed Market. DULl'TH, Jan. 7. Linseed. $1.82 4.92. New Vork Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 7. New crop sugar steady. Centrifugal, 12.54c; fine grauu- lated, 15.20c. Out of a new Isaac at 9 159,000 we own and otter the unsold $64,900 Colter (Municipal) Drainage District Washakie County, Wyoming Gold 6 Bonds A Municipal Selling at Par Issued Under Conservative State Ism Dated October li 1919 Due Serially April 1, 1926-1939 Denominations $100, $500 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed valuation $ 513,559 Actual value, estimated 2,500,000 Bonded debt this issue only 159,000 Area 8500 acres. The State of Wyoming has spent over $250,000 on a State Farm lying within the district and pays about $25,000 toward the cost of this improvement. This farm, however, is not included in the assessed valuation. Farms are now producing almost at the maximum, this improvement being intended merely as a precaution ary measure to keep fertile and high-priced land at the maximum of production. Plans and specifications for this improvement have been fully examined and ap proved by the senior drainage engineer of the United States Government. The land is practically all under cultivation. The Wyoming law provides especial safeguards. As sessments bear 7 interest, while the bonds bear 6. Thus a large guarantee fund is accumulated, because there is always levied and due for collection one-sixth more interest money than is actually required to meet charges for any given year. The cost of - this improve ment remains a lien against the land until full payment is made. As a further protection, stipulation is made that the amount of bonds issued and cash paid shall not exceed 95 of the assessments. . PRICE: Par and accrued interest TO YIELD 6.. Income Tax Exempt. umB ermervs Borxds - Trusts lapiTai ourpius sboe.ooe SJrr-rCI3C l"k-mnsBld. , SetHsJ Portlarvd. Orqor. JOHN A. KEATING, C. F. WRIGHT, - CARL S. KELTY, President Vice-President .. Vice-President , BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. H. AVERILL F. J. COBBS F. I. FULLER , P. S. BRUMBY E.S. COLLINS JOHN A. KEATING CHAS- H. CAREY , JAS. DANAHER, JR. LESLIE M. SCOTT CHARLES F..SWrGERT CHARLES F. WRIGHT Under Supervision Banking Department State of Oregon EXEMPT O 7 , Rate Maturity Price" $25,000 Alberta, Province of K't J&J 1924 91.41 25,000 Calgary, City of, Alberta 5 J&J 1933 83.11 10,000 Greater Winnipeg Water District... 5 F&A 1923 94.54 21,400 Regina, City of, Saskatchewan 4j J&J 1924 90.49 12,166 Vancouver, City of, British Col . . 4'2 F&A 1923 93.17 BURGLAR AND FIREPROOF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE CAPITAL ONE MILLION DOLLARS Morris Building 309-11 STARK STREET Between Fifth and Sixth Telephone: Broadway 2151 Established Over a Quarter Century G.E.MILLER St COMPANY E BONDS ANO Xy INVESTMENTS U. S. Gov't Bonds Price to yield 4.-439o Municipal Bonds Exempt from federal income taxes DOWNEY, I. S. D. IDAHO 6's, due 1930 1939. Price to yield 5.20ri RIGBY I. S. D. IDAHO 6's, due 1930-1939. Price to. yield ....5.20 T E E L IRRIGATION DIST. 6's, due 1929- . 1937. Price to yield (ico Corporation Bonds Western States Gas & Electric 5's, due 1941. Price 89V4 to yield. .59 Pacific Power & Light 1st and Ref. 5's, due 1930. Price 89 to yield '. 6.307e Kentucky Utilities Co. 6's, due 1924. Price 95.84 to yield 77i Farther Information on Request G.E.MILLER &. COMPANY GOVERNMENT BONDS MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TELEPHONE AAA! N -4-1 2.04 5 6 Northwost;mEank Building 1 O RTLMNO , oie:Gori Tr rusrao. - Acceptances MttS FROM DOMINION GOVERNMENT Investment o SECURITIES' WE OWN THE FOLLOWING BONDS AND OFFER THEM TO CLIENTS AS VERY ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS These bonds are all general obligations of the issuing Province or City and are payable in GOA--;OIN of the United States in Dollars. LIBERTY and 2 ii you must aell your Liberty or Victory Bonds, sell to us. r V.J.ZIS J1 nre , lb'y or Victory bonds, buy from us. below Th. - '.h the clo"'nK New York market prlres were ss (rlrsn 'J foverning prices for liberty and victory bonds all over mav ali'v! MSht,St- ? " advertise these prices dally In order that you and vory o d market and the exact value ot your liberty :E 1st 7rl 1.. -,.1 . .m. 34i Markst. . .J 99.90 interest.. .22 Total. 100.12 93.4B whnbb. $93.20 91.eo JU3.40 f.9 .70 $J.fl 6 -5 .27 .63 1.3S .8S sell si ih. v. v..r . . " oonn ana on a IOW bono. W sen at the New ork market, plus the accrued Interest. Burslor and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. Open 1'ntii 8 l M. on Sal orders. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bend Honse. Capital One Million Hollars. Morris Bulldlnsr. 309-311 Stark St.. Between Stb and 6th. Telephone Broadway -131. Established Over a Quarter Tentnry $4S,667 Prov. of Saskatchewan Short Term Gold Bonds to yield 7 DATED July 1, 1913 DUE July 1, 1923 Principal and interest coupons (Jan. 1 and Jnly 1), payable in United States Gold Coin in New York with out any deduction for Canadian taxes. These are old seasoned bonds the direct general tax lien of the Province. Denomination $4S6.67. 4 bonds at 90.83 to yield 7 POKTVAJs Psuaec Arthur Berridge & Company Certified Public Accountants and Auditors Income Tax Specialists and Advisers 619 Worcester Block Main 8621 DO you know that much of your Income Tax trouble comes from poor Accounting 'Systems and Records? Let us prepare your Tax Reports and revise your Business System. CONSULTATION FREE MUNICIPAL BONDS From (he States of OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tax p. . Devereaux R(3mpany MUNICIPAL BONDS 87 Sixth Street Ground Floor GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS TO NET FROM 5 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING . 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. A safe investment is not necessarily a satisfactory investment. Besides safety some investors require a liberal income and others easy convertibility. We carry a well assorted line suitable for all but speculative purposes. "The House Built Square" P ARSTENS & 7 ARLES, JNC . Government, Municipal and Corporation .Bonds ' 307 r. S. Bank Bldg. TAXATION To Yield 7 VICTORY BONDS Victory $99.14 $99.10 .24 .SO 'r:. " . 9o CANADA Freeman Smith & Camp Co. NORTHWESTERN BANK BUI LOINS Main M saaausas-jniaissiiii wmaam, Broadway 1042 Wells - Fargo Building Phone: Bdwy 4108