THE MORNING- OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920. fOK SAI.K AUTOMOBILES. Antoraoblle for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. O. N. SMITH. THIRD AND G LI SAN STS. A 26Jd. BROADWAY 22. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALF! GARAOE. ' 9PWT. 2408. 15TII AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New earn, reasonable rates. City Ga rage, ftft loth st. Broadway 840. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. 1-TON FORD TRUCKS. 1018 and 1910 Ford worm-drive trucks. We hiv what you are looking for. with or without bodies; all In Al condition and at greatly reduced prices. Also rebuilt Ford chassis with new bain drive 3-ton attachment. KASY TERMS. WTfLLIA M L. HUGHSON CO.. 0 N. Broadway at Davis. Broadway Slfl. Call Tabor 126S Sunday. Authorised Ford Dealer. EX OUR STOCK OF USED TRUCKS. ALL SIZES AND MAKES. PRICES RIGHT. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. PARK AT EVERETT ST. TRUCKS. GUARANTEED PACKARD3. One 4-ton body and hoist $1750 'ne 3-toa body and hoist 1600 ne 8-ton wood truck, long body 1550 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 421 Burnslde. FUEL HAULING . CONTRACT. nave contract for hauling coal and wood in the city of Portland, on paved streets for purchaser of 2-ton truck. Diamond T. Truck Sale Co., 89-91 N. th. at. $350 QUICK SALE $550: 1-ton truck, pood running order; am going away, will accept some cash, bal. easy terms; pood top. Come and see. 391 B!mont East S418, ask for Lowell, apt. 10. FOR SALE Several used trucks, all sizes, completely overhauled; best buy in the eay ; terms. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO.. 101 Tenth St. FI E-TON heavy-duty two-wheel trailer. nw giant tires: special price for quick sale, investigate. 68 North 28d st., Main 780. FARM TRACTORS, -new and second-hand. overnauien and sold. See ua first. Alex- i-jaer-toiy to., BOO East Morrison. W 1-ton Ford truck, has never been immediate deli ai-v. fall Trvin, :ast 303, or Tabor &8G8. -TON Reliance truck, cood conditinn: 900. Phone East 1908. AUTO REPAIRING. OLD RADIATORS MADE LIKE NEW. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP, 535 ALDER. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic, will lake work by hour or Job; guaranteed work. Call me to help or to do it all. Main 8490. WILL come to your own garage and re pair your car, by a. man 11 years experi ence; $1 per hour. Phone East 5379. 1 A,? a Chandler expert. R. Silver, 525 Alder st. Bdwy 2797. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. V DIAMONDS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds direct to Diamond Importers, brokers, and re ceive The highest cash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay full value In cash for i Diamonds. We purchase pawn Tickets, Gold, Sliver. Platinum Ana vajuaoies, any amount. We buy War Stamps, Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds. If you want money, see us. Private office; business confidential. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 MORGAN BLDG., Second Floor. Licensed by 'City of Portland. 112 KO to FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND UV Mi KtuATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors, Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St.. near 3d st. Will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. WB BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. SPOT nqu oAiT-k FOR ALL KINDS OF TORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES HOTEL AND RESTAURANT SUPPLIES AND FIXTURES BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798 128 FIRST, BET. ALDER AND WASH. UP TO ?25 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We will pay any price for men s clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS 117 2d St.. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 9344. FURS FURS! Ft; ft S ! I make them look like new; cleaning and alterations of any description mt LA FRANCE FUR M KG CO Main 6529. 163 West Pai rk. -pci. pi umion ana i am nil I. $.M UP TO 125. GOLDSTEIN. THE TA ILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MENS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES ETC BROADWAY 8932. 245 BURNS1d BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL, ME BEFORE ANBODY 'ELSE. JUNK WANTED. Full value paid for rags, old cloth ing,; scrap metals, rubber, sacks, and we also pay a good price on old tools, cloth ing and furniture. Call Main 734. 201 4 First street. I HAVE & beautiful diamond. 1 carat a parfect brilliant, no flaws, will ex change aa first payment on light ma chine, or roadster; no Junk, give oar ai tlculars. B 24. Oregonian. I WANT USED CLOTHING We pay from -110 up for men'i usd suits and overcoats. Call us and you will fet the right cash price for your goods. 67 1st st-. near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men s cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. SPOT CASH PAID FOR POOL OR BILLIARD TABI,E. CARD TABLES. CHAIRS. NEWMAN. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4495. i iva. i dl uy private party, one living room, one aimng room and two bed room rugs; pay cash, no dealers. Phone iHarsnan tw, api. i o. ao. A ANTED BLACKSMITH SHOP EQUIP MENT FOR MEDIUM -SIZE SHOP. w nil r; mua ii, uii, OJ-t PHUXJ AUTOMATIC 512-10. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price, paid for your rifle, hot gun and kodaks. Hochfeld. 85 Third street. Main wsj. WANT to buy combination wood working machine or shaper. Joint band saw, etc.; IRia pnea siiu cvuuiuun, 3 X I , Ore gonlan. ALL KINDS OF TOOLS WANTED NEWMAN, 12 FIratt. Maln4495. Tabor 6798. X WANT used furniture; will pay aa mucn as any dealer can pay. East 6-117. M- H. Calef. aeaier, ow wuuams ave. MOTORBOAT. 8x28 ft. or 30 ft. long: state H P. and approximate speed and when built. K 906, Oregonlan. TO BUY a fireproof safe; give price and stse and where It can be seen. AH 729, Oregonian. JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools, fur nlture. trunks: good prices. East 517L WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 6th, BlGUESI SPOT CASH prices paid for dla rr rndiL aa Marx. 2S3 Washington. jF WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter If broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns. brldgework bought. Bring or mail. The American Brokerage Co., 205 Morgan bldg., second floor. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 20S SELLING BLDG, SECOND FLOOR. Furniture W suited. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. PHONE MARSHALL 5981. WE BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. PRONE US. MARSHALL 59SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 185 FIRST ST. CALL MAIN SOtf IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be foe you sell. We are In the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 First St. Main 7728. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 2693. Crown. CALL MAIN SS7S. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. . CALL MAIN 8951 If you want to sell your furniture and not give it away, ask for Mr. Wolf, 191 2d st.. near Taylor. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast For warding Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main -4627 or 166 First st. WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 5064. Will pay best HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED, WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. HELP WANTED MALE. IOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN. All de partments, big demand everywhere for high-class men; past experience unneces sary; we train you for big-paying, digni fied positions and put you in touch with live opportunities: hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses open ing; shortage of department heads and executives acute; write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training school, desk 416. Mather bldg., Washington. D. C. WOULD you like to assist in working out a solution to disagreements between em ployer and employe and get well paid for your trouble? If you are of good appearance, pleasing personality and capable of handling others, there awaits liberal remuneration and pleasing work, traveling in the northwest. Address, with particulars for appointment, K 895. Ore gonian. HAVE logging contract, will require three 3S-ton trucks and trailers to handle this; 1 -mile haul, good roads, good loading conditions; will guarantee 20,000 feet per truck per day; this will require your Immediate attention. Call Gonnont, E. 4671. after 5:30 P. M. COAT MAKERS AND FINISHERS WANT ED. NORMAN BROS.. 106 N. W. BANK BLDG. MALE HELP WANTED. I have jobs for men who are figuring on buying truck with dump body for road work to start soon ; make from $70 to ?80 per day. Terms. Call me for appointment. Broadway S848. ask for A. J. Orleman. WANTED At once, fishermen thoroughly experienced ; must be familiar with catching and hand ling of carp and smaller f Ish ; we operate private fishing lakes. Call Thursday and Saturday be tween 1 P. M. and 4 P. M., Woodlawn 2115. WANTED A 1 confection and soda man. capable of managing a business on sal ary and bonus; must be sober and know his business; with good reference: mar ried man preferred; no others need ans wer. Palm Confectionery. Caldwell, Idaho. YOUNG man between the ages of IS and 22 years? who wishes to learn the hardware business, cood opportunity for advance ment : state age. previous experience If any and Katary expected; give phone number. A 954. Oregonlan. WANTED Ambitious bTfice boy for new corporation. BF 330, Oregonian. WANTED Three capable, reliable young men. discharged soldiers or sailors will he given preference: permanent posi tions; good pay. Apply room 303 Piatt bldg from 8 to 9 A. M. References required. WANTED Experienced washman ana fireman for a modern motor-driven plant State wages expected In first letter. Ad dress Poison Steam Laundry, Poison, Montana. WANTED Experienced bank man for Washington bank: must be active; give age, experience and salary expected to Mart. J 568, Oregonlan. - VULCAN IZER. Wanted A-l man to cure and cap able of taking charge of large plant. K 90.". Oregonian. DRUGGIST, registered, of abilities, long ex perience and reliability; must be a live wire. Write all particulars; salary no object. J 003, Oregonian. GOOD ehoreman and milker on purebred herd. 10 to 12 cows; must be clean and careful; $60 per month, room and board. L. G. Smith. Scappoose Or. OFFICE BOY ; must be 16 years old and of neat appearance. Answer in own hand writing and state salary expected. B t u, oregontan. BARBER wanted in small town who plays clarionet or other band instrument ; ' a good proposition for you. F 804, Orego nian. WANTED Stationary engineer familiar wit h oil burner; state experience, refer ences and salary expected. J 542. Ore gonian. WANTED Boy with good standing in ernooi, .too pavn way to nigmy-psia trade. Schratd Linotyping Co., 65 Front street. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer i -or out-or-iown position; maie preferred. State experience and salary expected. AV 65. Oregonlan. WANTED Good stenographer for general labor work. Apply The Oaks Amusement Co. One handy with carpenter tools preferred. WANTED -Good paper hanger. must understand work. Apply Eaat 35th and Schuyler street. Rose City Park car. WANTED High school boys over 16 lo work short hours. Oregon Alleys. 86Ji Broadway. W A N TED Job printer: must be willing to do platen press work. Dally Hub, cn iralla. Wash. MEN WANTED TO SELL HOMINY AND HO RE RADISH IN AND OUT OF TOWN. 392 EAST CLAY STREET. EXPERIENCED chauffeur may find room and board for care of and driving car a few hours dally. A 956, Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE. 3 M RN TOEARN VULCANIZING AND RETREADING, CALL AT 432 HAW THORNS AVE. TWO fl rat -class, all-around automobile painters. Covey Motor Car Co.. 21st and? Washington. 4th floor. NO USE RUNNING TOO AND FRO. COME AND WORK FOR HOMINY JOE. 392 EAST CLAY STREET. 9 K NEB bolters, $6.50. eight-hour day; work steady, in city, 6 cents fare. Port land Labor Agency, 11 N. 2d at. WANTED A man with 2-ton truck and 1 light car for steady work. Phone East ' 8250. ask for Lansdon. WANTED A boy between the ages of 16 and 17 to learn the shoe business. 263 Morrison. WANTED Two first-claws automobile mechanics. Lownsdale garage, 15th and Washington. MEN with or without experience, quick sellers, auto accessories. 604 Spalding bldg. ( WANTED Sash and door machine men Mc Minn vine Planing Mill, McMtnnville! W ANT K D Experienced hotel auditor. See Mr. Campbell. Multnomah hotel. WANTED Two energetic men that can sell. 145 Grand ave. MAN to do cleaning in cafeteria couple of hours evenings. 430 Washington st. BAND MEN wanted for box factory work. F 895, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. " DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED. BY MANUFACTURER OF OFFICE APPLIANCES. The manufacturer of highly improved Office and Factory Record Keeping Systems and Devices offers an unusually attractive proposition for a district manager In this city and surrounding territory. The manufacturer la the recognized leader in his line. Applicant must be able to show a successful record In selling other office devices; i. e., adding machines, addresso graphs, duplicating machine, filing de vices, etc. He miMt have earned at least S0OOO per year and have the abil ity and ambition to immediately double that amount. ' Applications will be treated confiden tially. Applicants must send photo graph and give full details regarding past experience, present connections, age. whether married or single, height, weight and any other Information to assist manufacturer in giving proper consideration to the application. Also state whether or not you are able to finance yourself on a strictly commission basis. Address E. S. LEWIS, 347 Fifth Avenue. "ew York. N. T. HENPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. Unquestionably the Super School. WHY? We teach our students by practical ex perience, as well as the theory. IN WHAT 7 Automobiles. gas tractors, trucks, stationary and marine engine, IGNITION SYSTEMS. GENERATORS, STARTING -MOTORS. LIGHTING SYS TEMS and STORAGE BATTERIES. OUR STUDENTS take down and build up automobiles and tractors. DIFFERENT SCHOOLS teach you by books, blackboards and a few models. If you want to learn by books, blackboards, etc., go to such a school, BUT IF YOU want actual, practi cal experience, come to us. TO PROVE THIS SCHOOL EXCELS WE GIVE 4 WEEKS' TRIAL FREE IN THE BEST AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. LARGEST FACULTY PERSONAL ATTENTION EQUIPMENT UNEX CELLED. APPLY AT 707 HAWTHORNE AVE. 124 NORTH SIXTH STREET. OR TWO BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT, PORTLAND, OR. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past 10 years we have assisted 17.932 men In finding positions. Many of these men are now in executive positions and se cure their help through us. Tho standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better sort of Jobs. Vacant positions in Portland at pres ent are scarce, and if you need assist ance in selling your service consult one of the employment secretaries, room 307, We can help YOU. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so, learn the auto and tractor busl - ness and earn from $100 to S30O a month. Southern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and after learning; high salaries, ideal working conditions, fine year-round climate; no previous experience necessary. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert Instructors, new, complete mechanical snd electrical equipment, including Packard twin 6. Cadillac 8. Willys Knight, etc. No age limit. Earn board and room while learning. 6000 successful graduates GUARANTEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 15 years In Los Angeles at 818 South Figuero. Write today for free catalogue. 500 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tirs vulcanlsers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have Inspected this one; railroad fsre re funded If after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school; biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS.. Third and Elm sts., Spokane. Wash.: 700 Mercier St., Seattle. Wash. . HAWTHORNS AUTO SCHOOL. INC 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE TRACTOR AND AIR PLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT VUL CANIZERS. ACETYLENE WELDERS AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIG WAGES. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS TIME: 80 PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK WITH CLEAR, UNDERSTANDABLE LEC TURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS BY EXPERTS. THE STATE ALLOWS EX SERVICE MEN 25 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR SCHOOL CALL OB WRITS FOR CATALOGUE MAN and 1 wife. without children, on gentleman's place, near Portland, man must understand milking and farm work ; separate dwelling: permanent position at good wages: references re quired. Apply between 10 and 12 A.-M.. 740 Hoyt street. Main 1472. FUEL HAULING CONTRACT. We have contract for hauling coal and wood in the city of Portland on paved streets, for purchaser of 2-ton truck. Doamond T. Truck Sales Co., 89-91 N. 9th. st. WANTED -Saw ml il engineer for night shift, starting about March 1, 1920. Mill shut down at present. Can use Imme diately at pipework and repairing; wages approximately $150 per month. Apply at once, giving references. Cascade Lum ber Co., Yakima, Wash. WANTED Experienced irrigation man as manager of western Oregon irrigating company; salary $150 per month for sea son .of 9 months; applicants write fully as to experience and past positions; ref erences required. Address Irrigation, AV 61. Oregonian. WANTED Good wood-worktng foreman, thoroughly familiar with good wood working machinery, capable of running wood-working plant; none except expe rienced foreman need apply. Woodlawn 1480. AUTOMOBILE and tractor scnool : new building; modern equipment; best in struction; practical work, laboratories . and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C. A, bldg. Phone Main 8700. branch 2. WANTED Al all-around furniture and linoleum man: permanent popltlon; state experience and salary. Hackett-Gott Furniture Co., The Dalles. Or. GOOD, clean young farmhand; must help with chores; $2 per day and board. S 470. Oregonlan. ATTORNEY wanted to take charge of ab stract plant and assist In law office tows near Portland. T 467. Oregonlan TAILORS. ATTENTION. Strike still on In Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. WANTED A painter, one who can paint snd stripe safes; no other need apply Morris Safe A Lock Co., 1Q5 Second stl WANTED- Laundry driver, one familiar with Portland routes. Moore Lnundrv Hillsboro. Or. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic with some capital wishes a partner; have all tools. A 951. Oregonian. WANTED At once ten f i r s t - c 1 a ss J ewe 1 -ers. steady work, American Agate Co 408 Wilcox bldg. SOLICITORS FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO WANTED. SEA WELL STUDIO 420 WASH. STREET. UWU' LEARN the vulcanizing business. CaJi write 158 E. Broadway. aJi or WANTED Washer! married man T" ferret. Mooti Laundry. Hillsboro, Or TEAMS for grading with road eqnipnTeTt Red Ash CcbWCo Vancouver, Was. HELP WAN TED MALE. Help Wanted Hales men SALESMAN wanted: a trustworthy, cap able bond salesman; a man who has an acquaintance in Portland and surround ing cities. For the man who possesses the ability to produce this company will , offer attractive Inducements. State brief ly your former connections. G 769, Ore gonian. TWO live-wire business) chance salesmen ; established firm in good standing with first-clans offices; Al support and free hand will be given the right man; in answer state experience and qualifica tions which will be treated strictly con f tdeptial. Address M 80S. Oregonian. WANTED Live wire furniture salesman for Portland firm ; must be thoroughly experienced In new and used household goods; steady position for the right man ; state age. experience, salary de sired and references In first letter. F 897. Oregonian. THE PHONOGRAPH business offers a big opportunity to live wire salesmen. 1 1 you can close sales and own a car we'll show you how to make big money. See manager, 427 Washington st. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO. A HIGH-CLASS salesman to sell much wanted accessory to Individual automo bile owners. $1 each; a dignified selling proposition worth SI 0 to $15 clear per day to you. Call at 204-5-6 Fenton bldg. for Interview. WANTED High-class specialty salesman, handle factory line toy balloons, side line or otherwise. Specialty Sales Co., Seattle. LIVE young man with references for road. City, $25 per week to start with. Give phone number. Do not answer un less you will work. G 760, Oregonlan. BOOKMAN, high-class, wanted for new proposition from Rovcrof t Shops; card leads. Write W. D. Harney. 405-6 Whits bldg.. Seattle. Wash. WERE you ever offered a business of your own ? If you are a high-grade sales man, we have one for you. 839 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. WANTED 2 experienced truck salesmen for city with established concern: liberal commission ; if you are not high-grade don't answer. AC 344, Oregonlan. WANTED At once, cereal specialty sales man for Southern Oregon; give full par ticulars as to nge. salary required and ex perience. F 893, Oregonian. W A N T EiD 3 good truck sa ! em en ; must give reference; only experienced men need apply. Atterbury Truck Sales Co., H43 Oak st. WANTED An experienced salesman in wholesale fruit and produce business; references required. E. W. Willey, 200 H Washington. TWO experienced candy salesmen, with machfnes, city territory. Imperial Candy Company. 36 Oak street. SALESMAN to sell an advertised stock In Vancouver and vicinity. 103 Second ave., Vancouver. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted In each town in Oregon and Washington to represent liberal old line company writing general fire and automobile Insurance. K 914, Orego nian. AGENTS at once, selling GOc per month hospital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. LADY agents ; wonderful sellers, big profits. 504 Spalding bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND SECRE TARY FOR A RESPONSIBLE, PER MA NENT POS I TI ON. DO NOT TELEPHONE OR CALL. ADDRESS APPLICATION. STAT ING EXPERIENCE AND GIVING REFER E N C KH T O W OO DARD. CLARKE A CO., ATTENTION OF MR. HEAL Y. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN All departments : big demand everywhere for High-class women ; past ex perience unnecessary; we train you for big-paying, dignified positions and put you in touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses opening; shortage of department heads and executives acute; write at once for particulars, Lewis Hotel Train ing school, desk 1416, Mather bldg., Washington. D. C. SEVERAL experienced girls for private laundry, board and room furnished. Good Samaritan Hospital, 23d and Marshall. WANTED Young lady as assistant dancing teacher In ballroom dancing, good salary, free instructions. Call at !e Honey Dancing academy, 23d and Washington, today. WANTED Housekeeper on dairy farm for single man; cook for 3: not over middle age ; state wages expected ; give phone number and address. Write B 159. Ore gonian. WANTED .Middle-aged or elderly lady to go In country to do light housework, cook for 2. man and son; reasonable wages. Call at 1738 Newman St. WANTED At once. 10 young ladies for dist rlbuting high-grade Portland -ma de. products in city. Se Mr. Holt. 9 to 12, 3t3 Everett, near Broadway. EXPERIENCED girl for ice cream foun tain, fruits, cigars, tobacco; must under stand business and prices; good wages. 1354 North Tenth St. E LDP: RLY woman living alone at Ia Center, Wash., wants woman as com panion and assistant; $10 a month. East 2636. MIDDLE-AGED lady for housekeeper, good home. 3 adults. Take Mt. Scott car' to Ients. ask at Wiley store, half block west of postoffice. WANTED Experienced power machine operators on ladies' and men's outing garments. Waterproof Garment Co.. 824 North Fifth street. WANTED Several ladies for outdoor sell ing. $35 weekly, excellent chance for ad vancement. A 964, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED woman for small laun dry; electric machinery. St. Nicholas Cafeteria, 125 Gth st. WANTED Woman with experience to work In second-hand store; references required. Phone E. 3967. WANTED Middle-age woman for light work ; references necessary. SS6 Wash ington st WANTED Experienced coat and suit sales lady. Apply at Barnerts. 355 Morrison street. - EXPERIENCED chocolste dipper wanted. Boston Candy Kitchen, 350 Alder sL, phone Main 1 102. SOLICITORS FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO WANTED. SEA WELL STUDIO, 420 WASH. STREET. "WANTED girl or woman for general housework, 8-hour day. Apply 574 East Morrison. EXPERIENCED millinery maker, all-year round position, good pay. Feist A Bach rach. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Waitress; must be experienced; good wages, room and board. Mallory hotel. 171 Lownsdale. WANT Young lady to answer telephone In exchange for a stenographic course. Call at 801 Selling bldg. MAN with 4 children and a nice home wants housekeeper. Call until - v. AV. Woodlawn 1736. HYPHRIENCBD chambermaid for work afternoons. Hotel Lenox, 3d and Main. WANTED First-class finisher on men's coats. Apply otns Merchants Trust bldg. EXPERIENCED waitress for dining room work. Apply xw mornson. MILLINERY makers and trimmers want ed. Apply Lowengart &. Co. GIRL to assist with general housework. ft37 East 21st street N.. East 2491. WANTED A womsn to d-o general house work. Tabor 4603. $M. WANTED Experienced" waitress. 80 N. 3d st. CHORUS GIRLS, experienced; big engage ment. Apply Casino theater. WANTED An experienced fitter. Ap- ply Barnerts. 353 Morrison street. WANTED Plain-sewing girls, 403 Couch bldg. GIRL to care for children, must have city references. Suite 100 Multnomah hotel. EXPERIENCED tafloress wanted m.t tVA Victory Tailors, 463 Wash. st. ALL KINDS of hair work and chain work to order. Mrs. A. D. Bond. 212 Broadway. PRIVATE home for children. 4 to 11 yra. 714 Everett st. Marshall 2362. BRIGHT, ambitious gi-rl to learn trade, $12 week to start. 309 Oak st. WANT all round experienced waitress. Wood's Lunch. 101 Sixth st. MILLINERY makers wanted. Apply Elsie Trimmed Hat Co.. 225 Beck bldg. GIRLS wanted for wrapping cheese. Ap ply Mr. Morgan. Swift Co. j WANTED First-class cook for country n i " i rrn 111 w notui, urain, uregon. WANTED Dining-room girL 1751 Derby st. Phone Wdln. 2915. ANTED Experienced waitress at tho Nortonia, 11th and Stark. WANTED Dining-room girl. Call Wood lawn 2769. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN. ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE OP ERATORS ARE NEEDED, DUE TO CONSTANTLY INCREASING RE QUIREMENTS OF SERVICE. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. BEGINNERS PAID WHILES LEARNING. INCREASES GIVEN REGULARLY. VACATIONS WITH PAY ALLOWED. B X C E L L E NT OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT TO HIGH ER SALARIED POSITIONS. APPLY AT TFLE PHONE COMPANY. ROOM 611, SIXTH FLOOR, TELEPHONE BUILDING. PARK AND OAK STREETS. WANTED Two more really live women, successful In or desiring to learn sales manship ; special line ; big winner: pres ent workers earning regularly $4u ts SluO per week ; success means travel anywhere in the U. S. if desired. Apply only if unemployed and ready for work. We furnish autos for workers. Do not phone ; apply personally at strictly onlj lo to 10:30 this morning t 622 Henry building. WANT E D YOU NG LADY TO TRAVEL, CALLING ON BUSINESS AND PRO FBSSIONAL PEOPLE ONLY. NO HOUSE TO HOUSE CANVASS. MU.ST BE OF NEAT APPEARANCE AND WILLING TO WORK. CALL BE TWEEN 8:30 AND 9:30 A. M.. AND BETWEEN 12 AND 1 P. M.. 326 BECK BLDG. ; $20 PER WEEK TO START. WANTED Cheerful and pleasant nurse maid, young woman preferred, care of little girl over '2 and to assist with up stairs work; good comfortable room and every convenience ; good wages. 441 Montgomery Drive, Portland Heights. Phone Ma.rshsll 4233. WANTED Operators for two-needle and single-needle machines on macklnaws. overalls, shirts, etc., our piece work girls are earning from $15 to $27 per week. Apply Hirsch-Wels Mfg. Co., 205 Burn slde st. MM E. PATTEN AUDE, hair and skin specialist, mez. floor Benson hotel, will accept a limited number of pupils to learn the profession, enabling them to enter business for themselves; unlimited opportunities in this line. A HIGH-CLASS saleslady to sell much wanted accessory to individual automo- bile owners, $1 each- a dignified selling . proposition worth 410 to J15 clear per day to you. Call at 2U4-&-6 Fenton bldg. for interview. GIRL wanted to operate stapling machine, about 4 days' work every two weeks; one with experience preferred but would be willing to teach ; permanent place. Apply R. H. Henderson, mailing room of Oregonian. WANTED First-class marker and sorter to take charge of marking and sorting room; only those who can furnish first ciass references need apply. Apply Ore gon City Laundry, Oregon City. Or. WANTED A capable, trained newspaper woman, one who can edit and read proof with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting, steady position. Address Trade Newspaper, J 548, Oregonlan. WANTED Competent girl for generai housework ; 3 in family ; no children ; every evening off and no Sunday dinner; pood wages. Phone Main 6282. 1020 Savier st. STENOGRAPHER with some knowledge of accounting, must be accurate, rapid and write good hand; large insurance office. State experience and salary expected. AG 063. Oregonian. WANTED Capable girl to assist with general housework, must be fond of children, small family, no furnace, good home and good wages. 7b2 Kearney. Main. 1061. WANTED Experienced stenographer, for si eady position ; must be fast and accu rate; salary f 65 to $75, depending on snme. J fi6. OrpRontan. WANTBI A w om an to ca re for 4 - year old girl and rent room to mother, who is employed during the day; write, giv ing particulars, BF 362. Oregonian. WANTED School girl living nej.r 6T.2 K. A Ider st.. to get two little girls ready for school, wags $5 a week. Call at above number after 2 P. M. WANTED Experienced irl or woman for light general housework in small family for few hours each dav or can go home nights. B Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced girl or woman for light general housework 4 or hnu rs each day In small family. Main 6641, apt. 20u. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, S125; law stenographer. $100; stenographer and Kocretary, $l)o; bookkeeper and typist. Jft.V 801 N. W. Bank bldg. PORTLAND, OR. Railway mail examina tions, Jan. 17: ?LtiMi year; Hji vacancies free. Write Immediate! v. Franklin In stitute. Dept. 704 Y. Rochester. N. Y. WA .NT ED -Capable, ambitious woman who will give from 2 to 5 hours a day to pleasant, profitable outside work. 627 Corbett bldg. THE MEIER A- FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced saleswoman for t he silk section. Apply an ;ployment department. 6th floor. BOOKKEEPER STENOGRAPHER" with lumber experience, for out of town; sal ary $100 to start. Stenographer for city, salary open. 530 Railway Exch. bldg. WANTED An efficient lady bookkeeper! thoroughly experienced. This is a perma nent and desirable position. Mathis. 5th and Morrison. EX PERI ENG ED button -hole maker on coats and vests. Ask for Mr. Walker, 4th floor Brownsville Woolen Mills. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED Housekeeper for stock ranch in eastern Oregon, good wage to suit able party. Phone Broadway 3106. Ill North 17th st. WANTED Companion for lady and to do light housework for two. 829 Sherman. Automatic phone 5-G648. WANTED Experienced stenographer; state experience and give references and salary expected. A 942. Oregonlan. CLERK for delicatessen and grocery. Tip-Top Delivery and Grocery, corner 13th and Morirson sts. FIRST-CLASS experienced waitress; good pay wlht room and board. Alexandra Court, 53 Klla st. COMPETENT housekeeper for elderly gen tleman where she can have, full charge. Give phone number. B 967, Oregonian. WANTED A strong woman for general housework In a snuali Institution, or call f33 Pittock blk. between 10 and 1. YOI'NG girl living near East flad nd Gll san streets to do two hours' work dallyv Tabor 9279. THE Florence Crlttentor Enme is rfadf to help anv girl in dltrenn. f5$ Kaxt Gllsan. "MV" car. East 316. ANY GIRL la need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 802 East 15th st. N., or phone East 123. WOMEN, 18-3.V wishing government rail way mail office positions; $1300 year. AV 927, Oregonlan. M anted Domestics. CAPABLE girl for cooking snd downstairs work; no laundry, no Sunday dinner and good wages. Marshall 1 S70. WANTED Young girl for cook, small family. 67 North 17th street. Broad way 21 H4. WANTED Girl for general housework in small family, good wages. 20 minutes from town. Phone Msln 2094. MAID, small family, very light work; must be reliable. Apply 439 E. 54th N.. or call Tabor SSfli. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, city references, 2 in family. S50 Northrup. Main 1113 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, high wages. 463 Montgomery drive. Phone Main 4207. MIDDLE-AGED lady for housekeeper for widower with three children. Phone Tabor 64 17. MAID for general housework; must un- derstand codking. 794 Irving st. Phone M1-X2. WANTED Young giri to assist with light housework. 375 East 11th st. North. A GIRL for 'general housework. 1240 East Burnslde. Tabor 1044. GIRL with some experience to assist with housework. East 4774. Irvlngton. GIRL to do housework, 3 in family, good wages. Tabor 4710. GI RL to assist with cooking and house work. Main 1912. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. GIRL or woman to do general house work on ranch In small family; woman to have no children; ranch in eastern Oregon. Mrs. John J. Monahan, Con don. Or. A LADY for general housework, small family, good wages. Apply 790 Tilla mook St., at 24 th. Phone East 4337. Ask for Mrs. Fred Irvine. COMPETENT second girl. Phone Mrs. Voorhees. Sell wood 1O02. WANTED Competent woman for gen eral Housework, small family, romfort aole room with bath. Call 775 Flankers between 1 1 and 1. WANTED Experienced cook In private fa mily ; must have references : good waea Phone Mrs. Elliott Corbett. Main 49G7. WANTED Cook and downstairs work In small family where second girl is kept; good wages: tMidy position. Apply forenoons, 115 North 22d st. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework ; must be good cook ; sala ry $60: references. Phone Mrs. A. T. Cas well, Tabor 7046. WANT SCHOOLGIRL To assist in housework in exchange for good home in Irvlngton and some wages. East 7 DO 5. LADY without children for general house work, must be good - cook, reasonable wages. Be as one of family. East S78. NEAT, reliable girl to heip with house work; comfortable, refined, permanent home in Alameda Park. Wdln. 464 7. WANTED Woman to assist with house work in family of 3 adults. Phone Tabor .US. or call at 110 E. 67th st. N. WANTED Housekeeper, $10 a week. Call East 7991. GIRL wanted for housework. Tabor 6699. HELP WANTED MAT. or FEMALE. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMINA TIONS coming to Portland: begin $3u0; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 374 A, Rochester. N. Y. EDUCATIONAL- FEND ALL'S system of accounts, especially devised for retail merchants; cost record, cash record, mdse. record, business sum mary, profit and loss, financial condition, etc.. all outlined In one loose-leaf sys tem. Installed complete for 15. Perma nently kept at a very reasonable rata if detiired. 602 Stock Exchange bldg. MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 wks. ; glvs you a set of tols and some pay w hile learning; positions secured; scholarships and transfer cards Issued; 32 schoo s in L". S. and Canada. Send for catalogue. 234 Burnslde st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In, 8 wesks; scalp and face maseage specialty; tools free ; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning ; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LINK S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses; expert teachers; day and night. Enroll now. Bdwy. 50 &3. "east" S ID E C O M M E RC I ALSC HOO L Miss Bucket's private school ; individ ual instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you whlie learning, rives you set of tools free, position secured. 38 N. 2d st. LEARN VULCANIZING" RETREADING. HAWTHORN E AUTO SCHOOL, INC. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Free booklet. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS" AG'CY. Frsnk K. Weiles, ex-assL State Supt., mgr., N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed. LIP READING lessons for the adult hard of hearing and deaf. Call apt. 211, 66 Grand ave. Phone East 8172. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. THE International Correspondence Schools ran raise your salary. 191 Broadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, AUsky bids-. 3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec. Main 977. MRS. Hannum's shorthand school. Individ ual Instruction. 230 Tillamook. E. 3S60. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4835. Teaching positions, free registration. TATESFISHER Teachers1 Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway b'dg. SPAN ISH instruction. afternoonss and evenings. Mrs. Vejar. Marshall 3344. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG man wishes Job In tire chop, can do anything In way of repairing tires. 3 years' experience; best of relerences. Call Tabor 2443. A NEAT. Industrious young man wishes work as poultry man. baker's helper, etc. Some experience. Sunday off. J 062, Oregonian. WANTED log hauling or general haulins: contract; I have 3-ton truck with trailer and equipment, can furnish best of relerences. G 764, Oergonian. FIRST-CLASS mechanic wants work; will repair pipes, coils, floats, furniture, car penter and concrete work done ; prices right. Mai n 152 9, White. WANTED Good home for refined boy 14 years of age for board and clothes, in or near Portland. Call Broadway 1333 or address 140 N 16th st. YOUNG man with car, wilting to work and can furnish references, desires some evening or night work. BJ 215, Orego nlan. BENSON student desires work before or after school for board and room. W11J do anything. G 771. Oregonlan. WANTED A job running a Ford delivery of any kind, or In workshop. 6S9 East Everett, or C 516. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as timekeeper. 2 years experience, or clerk in wholesale or re tail business- F 891, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS AUTO MECHANIC with over 15 years experience: A-I Ignition, starters, motors. B 962. Oregonian: A-l CANDY MAKER wishes position In any first-class retail store; can give het of references. J 539, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED rating agency man wants position in credit dept. of wholesale or retail concern. B 45, Oregonian. COMMERCIAL ARTleT. Show card writar and window trim mer wishes position. Tabor 4107 CARPENTER and joiner work, anything from hank fixtures to Feptic tanks, re- modeling, etc. F E6. Oregonlan. TRUCKS for hire, the and type of body to suit most any job. Wilkinson, Broadway 133. EXPERIENCED sawyer wants position In small mill. J. T. Wilson. Vancouver. Wanh.R. R. 5. box 147 EXPERIENCED salesman desires position in wholesale grocery or confectionery; A-l references. B 43. Oregonlan. MAN with light car would like to work for some cigar firm or other light delivery. K 890. Oregonlan. MANAGEMENT of hotst. loO rooms or over, in or on rtf cty; best of refer ences. B 34. Oregonlan. BAKER First-class. all around, clean and reliable: can deliver the- goods. Ad dress room 51. Hotel Ockley. I WISH to get In reliable garage for prac tical experience, give best service. G 654. Oregonian. v FIRST-CLASS baker In bread and pastry, experienced tn hotel and cafeteria, wants work. K 919, Oregonian. MARRIED man. 5 years experience, gro cery clerk; 10 years experience drug . clerk. Address G 832. Oregonian. DOORS and windows adjusted correctly, Al mechanic, expert repairing; reason able. Bdwy. 716. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants posi tion drivln g truck or delivery route. G 758. Oregoniar MARRIED man wants work driving truck preferred. Beat references. Woodlawn 959. OPERATING millwright wants position la Portland. Main 1529. White. FOR best work irt painting Tabor 2fi?6. and tinting. YOUNG MAN with sale experience would invest $:;0O with se ryj c e s.B 1. Q regonlan. STUDENT wants work for room and board or work from 5-11 P. M. East 2313. BRICK CONTRACTOR, estimates given on all kinds of brick work. Phone E. 335 7. EXPERIENCED middle-aged Janitor and wife. Phone Main P899. POSITION by experienced mMdle-aged man, watchman or Janitor. Tabor 9105. YOUNG JAPANESE wants schoolboy posT tlon. B 40, Oregonian. BOY. 15, wants work on ranch for board and room and go to school. Mar. 2141. PAINTING, tinting. 13.50 room; refurnisb Ing. quick action. Tabor 3 05 L SCHOOL BOY wants work for room and board. Room 312. Edison hotel. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work after school and Saturday. Sell. 1 629. WANTED By Japanese boy. position as schoolboy. Please call Broadway 53. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, MAN of executive ability, experienced in bookkeeping, correspondence and office management, desires Hork at moderate sa!ar in Portland or elsewhere ; can in stall and keep books according to mod ern itiethoos. wr-te :ntt:s. circu.ars. advertisements. tc.. direct and super in tend help. J 513. Oregonian. M ECH AX1CAL ENG I N F. E R "wants position in city, wide experience in mechanical engineer UK , motor ex pen i gasoline ; can hand! new or :sei car dipt. : fin ished gun post Inspector and "inventor; can give references; married, home in Portland. Address George A. Muir. P. O. Box 613 Portland. Or. ALL-A ROl'ND handy man who can take the busincsii at heart In rppards to J cleanliness and good order, wania per- 1 manent connections, bond and referen- I cen furnished; prefer garage or auto! salesroom. G 88. Oregonlan. I LIV E young man. IS. high school graduate, desires position with large corporation as stenographer and bookkeeper ; refer ences; it rtil icaU' for expert ness in typing and Gregg shorthand. D H28. Ore gonian. POSITION wanted, experienced superin tendent and manager open to take im mediate charge of logging operation ; nine years" expedience in iurge t'olum bl.t river pcrarion. J 4ST. ir-gutiian. CAN do auto repairing, electrical and stor age battery and also do oxyacetylene and electrical welding ; am married ; country town preferred ; standard scale of wages expected. G 773. Oregonian. A FO REMAN job on a farm, or wanted to lease with everything furnished. I am an expert tanner. Write im -mediately to 5616 S. E. SSth bt. Port land, or. ACME W 1 NDOW CL E AN E RS ; GENERAL HOUSE CLEANERS. 0XPERT FLOR W A XING. RELIABLE MEN. BDWY. rKii. WORK ty experienced ranch hands, moth er and son. for bachelor or widower; ludy housekeeper, son to run ranch. Ad- d rtss 214 W. 17th st . Vancouver. Wash. YOI'NG man, experienced, wants office position where he can advance; willing to go out ot town if salary warrants iu K 117, Oregonian. WA NTED H a uling for liph t truck ; wiil consider contract. aflt 774 L Bookkeeper. Stenographers. Office. BY MAN as assistant accountant. 10 years experience in federal employ, having charge of receipt and disbursment iarge stores and ar-counting con ne. t fd there with, American from ground up : wl' ling and anxious to ork. Phone Automatic! 2 1 4-S2. mornings. BY MAN as assistant accountant. 10 years' experience in federal employ, having charge of leceipt and u isbur: enien t larKo store and accounting connected there with, American from ground up; w ill ins and anxious to work. Phone Automatic 21 4-82, niorninKS- YoVNG married man desires position with a small growing concern or iumber company, prcferah'y out of city, as bookkeeper, timekeeper or commissary man; I have had considerable experi ence along these lines; am a hustler. B 20. Oregonian. WANTED By young rnn n with 3 years' o:'ficc ex perience. pof i Lion as bookkeeper or assistant, in or out of town, capable of ufing typewriter and adding machine. BF329, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper, ste nographer or general office man wuniii employment at on e ; married ; out of town preferred. A V d2. Oregon lan. OFFICE man, :tge 23. wishes position with large firm with chance of advancement; has had maaagitiK experience. C 40li. Oregonian. 12 YEARS ex p. gen. office and bookkeep ing; can invest up to ijuu ; references. EX PER1BNCED bookkeeper wishes posi tion as bookkeeper or aitant to C. I. A. P. Scheretchevsky. o43 4th &t. YOUNG married man. five years' ftenera I office experience, w Ik lies position ; local reference. B 9; Oresonin. Joldien and Sailors. MARRIED man and wife with or with out 3 ? - ton truck, wants work on farm or ranch In eastern Oregon or Washing ton. T. J. Mr Beth, care KniR h is of Columbus Soioitra" and Sailors' Em ployment Service. room -A. M uitno mnli hotel. Portland. Or. RECENT discharged soldier wants $00 to Sluuu financial backing In safe, legiti mate busine.-:. not an experiment; money secured; will pay interest and bonus eq ua I f o. $ ini. Oregonian. or cull Tabor 3252, evenings. EX -SERVICE" MAN, 21) years of ace. w Uh sel ling experience, desires position as salesman with a reliable house, prefer ably with automobile supply house, on salary and rummliun: can furnisu good references. K. i24, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE MAN and wife want position together, both experienced clerks, or man will work s lone : not part Inula r what k hid of work. Address 2lO East 81st street North. Portland. EX -SOLDI E R wishi'g. employment morn ings and evenlnKS while attending school; can drive automobile; will arrange sal ary. B 13. Oregonian. DISCHARGED SOLDIER wants work of any kind in city; mechanic and lathe man: just out of hospital and need work. F SK.,, Oregonian. YOI'NG MAN who Is st i: dying salesman ship and advertising want position with . a future where he can work hard and learn. Phone East r(2, room 424. KX-SoI.DlER wishes to Kl a job ;is helper in iarige. have little experience; jcoing to auto school at night. K. 897. 'reifonta n. EX-SERVHE MAN with 11 years office experience In this city, wants good cler ical or bookkeeping position. Tabor 110. EX -SA I LOR wants to get in reliable con cern as salesman or clerical work. V S7. Oregonian. EX-SAILOR. mechanic snd electrician, wants work In garage here there is a chance to learn. Sellwood S79. SITI'ATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED By elderly lady, care of In valid or children going to California noon, bv rail or boat. For reft-renc Main 9325. H. S.. care of W. Nottage, Newberg, Or WORKING housekeeper would like posi tion of managing rooming house ; w ill work for Interests of owner: can give best of references. Morris hotel, room 12. W A NTED Employment by experienced day worker or plain seamstress. 10c hour; lunch and eMr fare. Cail Kast "V524 Mention Oregonian. LADIES AND G E N T S FINE WEARING AITAREI. NEATLY LAUNDERED Bi' HAND: N' DELIVERY. KAST 7732. Vol 'NG lad y with two years experience In drug store wishes position. C 4Uf, Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother Is away; references. Wood law n 1 rtl 1. VOL NG worna n wishes to work from 3 to 6 or 6:30 P. M. nnd Saturday ; small wajre H 9S7, Oregrninn. LA DY wan ts hnmrecleaning. other work ; hours, day; work guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. EX PERIKNTEP first snd second cook, want employment In logging camp. B 1 7, Oregonlan. GOOD cook wants work ss all-around kitchen helper. Call Main 52P4. HIGH school girl wants work; room, board and wages. East 2.V13. evenings LADY wishes position as dishwasher or kitchen work, on west stde. Bdwy. 2711 ELDERLY woman wants light housekeep ing work. Addre-s 71 E ffh st S. DAY work bv the hour 35c hour and car fare. Tabor 210. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone East 5oT, room 29. DAY WORK wanted. Phone East 1550. A?k for Lillie. LADY wants washing and ironing by day East lrt7: . Book keepers. Stenographers, Office. POSITION BY At SECRETARY; ABLE TO H A NDLE C iKRESPONDENCE, ETC; WIDE AND VARIED EXPERI ENCE. AG 53. OREGON I AN. COM PETENT bookkeeper and typist wishes position; in ears' experience, Al refer ences. K 92.1. Oregonian. GIRL. 19. w tshes office work, understands bookkeeping: ts a steady, willing worker. K 902, Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED stenographer desires po sition. Willing to accept temporary work. Marshall 8521. EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper cat! n few hours each day and post books, get trial balance, etc. East 4 74. bTBNOGRAPHER-CASHIER. two yesre experience, desires position. Phone Woodlawn 6S9. YOI'NG lady with some experience wishes permanent position as stenographer. CoL, Vo4. WANTED Copy work by typist; work called for and delivered. Phone Tabor rre. YOUNG LADY desires position as billing clerk; also general office work. Tabor 6561. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of references. Main 281 7. YOI'NG LADY ss billing clerk and general office work. K. 909, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers. Stenograph ers. OlUce. POSITION BY Al SECRETARY: ABLfl TO HANDLE CORRESPONDENCE. ETC.; WIDE AND VARIED EXPERI ENCE. AG 563. OREGONIAN. WANT EL Posi lion by typist, can ta e dictation and op-rate dictaphone: un derstand bookkeeping; operate dd:ng' machine-; experienced. Phone Tabor 176 GIRL, inexperienced, wants light offioa work. Cail Tabor 1,126. D rw m akent. Hli-H -CLASS dressmaking : street dresses, house dresses, aprons, etc.: have your o!d suit mnde into a d"r.s; reasonable rates. Mrs. Kelly, East 7307. FOR your spring dresHinaking and altera tions call Drewsmak in g 1 'ept. Emporium l ye works. ,4t Morrison st.. Hdwy 4-..1. Fl RST-CLASS dressmaking; aU work guaranteed. 114 1 1 Lh st . Haddun Hall, Hpartment 301. Phone Marshall 1174- Dil ESSM AK ER. experienced make-over. Tailoring: 3 a day. Sell wood 332. Fl RST-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring, al teration. remodeling by day. Main 479. HIGH-CLASS dressmsker from the east is open for engagements. Marshall 345. CA LL D. Chamberlain. Tabor 8511 : work ( guaranteed, gowns, suits and remodeling. WANTED Sewing. 61 6 '4 Commercial st. Phone automatic 319-OL Nurses. Miss WETTEK1.I.V. Swedish masseuse, physlca t Instructor. Specialty. treat ment of spinal curvature. Phone Broad- wy 2105. EXPERIENCED nurse, rare sick, com a- lescent. euierlv or companion; reason able. Mar. 260. MIDDLE-AflED, experienced practical nurse would like employment. G TiW. Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wants smallpox cases, city or country. K. 92 O, Oregonlan. TRAINED nurse going south wishes to ac cpmpany patient. Tabor 70G3. PRACTICAL nurse wishes care of Invalid. Phone 211-86 after 9 A. M. Housekeepers. WIDPW with girl IO years old wou:d IlXe housekeeping for haehelor or widower with no small children; countrr pre ferred. Phone St. Charles hotel, room 230. or cali In person. Pi SITION as working housekeeper in ho tel or rooming country preferred; befrt references. Phone room Co.t. ENERGETIC and capable woman w ants management apartment house; hotel ex perlence. P. O. Box 308. city. POSITION as housekeeper in widower's home; take full charge. B OSS. Orepo- r. Ian. W'OM AN wants housekeeping for rejpee table man with chiid. B 961. Orego nian. A HOUSEKEEPER for S hours work. S(i 14th st.. apt. 5. Main 2H58. W ANTKD TO RENT. ITouses. W E are in touch with hundreds of peo ple wanting to rent homes ; let us rent and ntunase vour propertv. FRANK L. McGMRE To Cent Your Home. binton Bldg. Main lftS WANTED To rent small place on some car line, two lots to acre or more, where ran keep cow and fe' chickens. Address 41o Larrabee st. Phone East 1163. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished hours or flat in Alberta district, near l!th st Will buy furniture. Wdln. 24 !9. WANTED To rent 5 or A-room house, east side; will lease If desirable. Sell wood 2 3 or F S0. Oregonlan. WANT 4 or 5-room cosy cottage, immedi ate possession ; best references. C 4u6, Oregonian. MODERN 5 or tt-room bungalow w anted by young business man; would leae; do children. P" 757. Oregonian. WANT 5 to garase. up 7-room modern house, wits to S40. Main 4067. BY young couple, stnall. modern, furnished houe: reference. Wdln. 2!7. WANTED or ft-room house with . Molalla. Or 1 rn. Sion Apartments. A FURNISHED Hat. apartment or small bungalow, by young rouple with boy. IO years old; can give bent references; ast side preferred: give price and location in letter. K 91 A, Oregonian. -- W I LI pay $1 o row ard for location of 4 ri'om unfurnished apt. or flat that wi'I suit : must Le modern; no children. : BF "111. urt-Konian. WANTED By young couple. 4-room un furnished apt. .r flat; must be modern; no children. AC litil, Oregonlan. W A NTED 3 or 4-room furnished or un furnished apartment by Feb. 1 or 15; a'lults ; references. East 2462. YOI'NG woman wants warm, furnished room, or to share apartment, reference ex-hanged. B D 830, Orcgonian. Rooms With Hoard. YOl'Ni lady w iihes room and board, pri vate family, attractive ho 1114, ?.,-jd com munity, easy walking distance. C 4u7, oregonian V A NTED Bou rd and room in nice home by lady bank clerk; w-st side; eav walking dist a nee. UK 36'J OreRonmr, WANTED Board and room, fsther aid daughter a Re 12; mot her's care. BK 8JS. Oregon is n. WANTED Room in modern west tid home ; references exchanged. Add ress 14 S.V., Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTED Underwood typewriter for cash. Multnomah Transfer Co. Phone Bdwy. 8719. H ousekee-plng Room. WANTED To rent two unfurnished house keeping rooms, w.-ilking distance, fof lady and boy of 6; best .of reference;. clo-i to 10th and Madison preferred Mrs. M. C. Cline. 507 Chamber of Com merce. FOK RENT. I-umlshed Rooms. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. P K I NC ESS H OT E L. Just across the Burn side bridge. UeinK thoroughly renovated through out. Ftrlrt ly modern rooms, sin go or with private or community baths. Tran sients. $1 t j $2 per day. Special rates by week or month. Hast 171. HOTEL Netherlands. 13th st. at Wash ington. M rs. Mary Phil lips. Prrp.. A. . Lamb'.e. Mgr. A ral home hotel fr discriminating petrl. 1 .1 sht. cles n rooms with or without private bath: cleanliness, courtesy snd personal ser vice. Transient, permanent. " HOTEL C LIFFORrT Kast Morrison st. at Rant Sixth. The principal eart side hotel; digni fied and refined; fl.2ft per day, doubla SI -75; $6 per week; 22. 50 per month. GENTLEMAN t-a r ge f ror. t room with bath connecting In modern private apart ment; 3 blocks from old postoffice. Call after :0 P. M. Main 2521. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427' Alder st. at 11th Elegantly furnished, with or with out bath; central location; special week- 1 y rates. PLEASANT t?im-h?.ted front room, gen tleman. ft51 Washington street, apt. C. Phone Broad w a y 3 5 . ' HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at Tenth. Rates (1 a day up. Weekly $4.ft0 up. Steam heat. FJ"a phone and baths. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. tT7 down tow n location, respectable and strictiy modern rooms. large, ciean. TH H KK spacious, clea n rooms, furnished, f:t; light, water. 3S N. J2d st. Bdwy. 2 75c. $1 DAT: $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. B U S TlMA R K HOTE'U T5Wi5h. stT, cor. 17 Furnished rooms fl day up. DESIRABLE basement sleeping room. S3 a week at K ingsly apti., 57 Trinity pi. Unfurnished Rooms. PARTIALLY furnished office room for rent. Including heat. light, gas. Room 1. IAS1 sth st. 2 NICE unfurnished rooms, fruit and gar den. SI 5. :W' Eugene st. Kast 3077. Furnished Booms in Private Family. A FRONT bedroom, large closet, with use of kitchenette; ladies only. 1160 E. Yamhill. SI- per month. NICE, large, well-furnished rooms. - men preferred; breakfast if wanted. S30 Mar shall mV 44S TAYLOR st. Clean, well furnished sleeping room, suitable for one or. two employed gentlemen. COMFORTABLY furnished room for gen tleman In private family. 3G7 East 7Ui street North. NICE, comfortable room, bath. beat. 1 or L' gentlemtm. S'4 Ross St.. 2 blocka cast of Broadway bridge LoVELY. warm front room for two, run ning water. 215 TJth st.. cor. Salmon. 2ti 14th St.. near Jefferson st : -choice room, walking distance. Main SS03. WEST side, nice, large front room, walking distance. Marshall 2787. A I-AROK front room, modern, pleasant surroundings. East 510. I