$3,4(19.347 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD DURING THE YEAR OK 1919 BY FRANK L. McGUIRB 889 HOMES. This organization can sell homes. EVery house llsled la Inspected, photo graphed and appraised by Frank Ij ileliuire personally and report made on your house without charges. You know that 12 experienced salesmen w't automobiles, working in a well organized office, which spends thousands of dol lars annually advertising homes ex clusively, must get results. We are In touch with the majority of buyers. But must get modern homes to sell. Let us see yours. List It today. SEE FRANK L. MrtLJKC. TO .SELL. YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. TAN'TED AT ONCE. $5000 to $6000 modern 6-room bunga low or house in strictly residence sec tion on the terms of $750 cash, balance not less than $50 a month. See Mr. Hickman, with J. L. HART MAM COMPANY. T Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 208. Farms Wanted. FARMS WANTED. This week we had three cash buyers for farms in our office at one time. One of them from New York, one from South Dakota, the other from Canada. Vv'e are having many calls for ranches. Let us sell yours. See or write Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FARM, with artesian wells or springs flowing 101'U gal. a min ute. K S93. Oregonian. WE HAVE a buyer who wats from SO to 60 acres hetween Portland and Htlls boro, might consider more If price is rieht. This party is reliable and can snake a good substantial payment down. STEWART & BUCK. 81". Northwestern Bank Bldg. IMPROVED-FARMS WANTED. Have two cash buyers for improved SO to 60 acres on good road, not over HO miles from. Portland: with or without equipment. John Ferguson, Gerlinger building. ; HAVE TOU A FARM TO ?MI.L? WE SELL THEM TRY US. MaclNNKS & PRATT. 418 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. WANT 5 to In ncres Improved land In Beavorton or Hillshoro vlcinltv. Coe A. McKenna ft Co.. 82 4th at. Main 4522. I Wanted to Rent Farms. .WANTED To lease about 10 acres near Portland with privilege of buying; must have some cleared land, timber, water and house. D 20. Oregonian. iV'OULD like to rent from 1.1 to 30 acres of good garden land near Portland; cash rent or will work on shares. K. 889, Ore gonian. i(Y person having a farm for rent ad dress James Gray. Hood River, Or.. Rt. 4, stating full particulars. TIMBKK IANTJS. TIMBER LAND WANTED. Small tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland: will consider rough land If the timber is good' must be handled for small ?'y jnent down. Will consider high-pneed acreage close to Portland, if convenient to rock road. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. lull SALE Planing mill with enough ma chinery to do all kinds of work, in a Eood Washington town local and whole sale business, pine and fir lumber; also small sawmill. This is a money-maker. If Interested see me at Hotel Carlton, room B, between 9 and 12 o'clock on the Sth and llth, or write B 965. Oregonian. " TIMBER TOR SALE. Approximately ten million feet stand ing limber, mostly large red fir. and in compact body, easily accessible for water or rail transportation to Portland. Ideal sawmill or cordwood proposition. Kur full particulars see the Lawrence Conipanv, 205 Corbett building. Phone Main 6915. FOR SALE Small combination sawmill and shinprle mill: some timber acces sible; good chance to step right into a paying business. Apply Jameson, 602 'ouch bldg. WANTED Log hauling or general hauling contract; I have 3Vj-ton truck with trailer and equipment, can furnish best of references. G 764. Oregonian. IF YOU have something of merit In the line of timber. or a 'goins mill operation, we have the buver. 322 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH CO. HALF SECTION timber land, Douglas county. 9 million fir and sugar pine; 2 miles to S. P. siding. F 878. Oregonian. iOlt SALE Wood camp, drag saw, truck, complete outfit, plenty good Umber. A. M. Robinson, Clackamas, Or. TIMBER T.ANDS. Want to lease or buy a mill, liny size, at once. BK 832, Oresonian. WANT timber for rmmedlate operation by mil loperator. BF 330, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL E8TATK. HERE IS SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. Two acres in high state of cultiva tion, with Brood -room house, city wuter and can. Inside of city limits. near Reed college; price $6000. will take a good 4 or S-ninni house tip to 3oou. PYRAMID LAND Co.. 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg. Main 3232. 6-ROOM house in exchange for grocery .n,t hnildine. ! 7-room house and 1 acre on Oregon txr em- line In exchange for 5-room 1 bungalow in city of Portland. See Brown ' & Biddie, 324 itanway exenango uiub. FOR TRADE 20 acres. 18 cleared, well ( imnmi',d well located, near Gresham; I clear: also 4 city lots, clear, to trade i.7i- farm: no obiectlon to mort rarre. H. L. Bail, Boring. Or. Rt. I S. box lit. uw. a i'tiftii. 12-room residence property ' large grounds near Mount Tabor, big value at $15,000; want nearby farm or acreage or smaller houses. v . C. Hock 1 tell. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 937. , BEAUTIFUL 8-room modern home. Port land fteirhta. fine view lot. 100x135: garage; want farm: must have 40 or 50 acres, cleared, suitable for hog ranch. ' Brosdwav 1658. 20M Oregon bldg. HOUSES AND LOTS. What have you to offer for my $1500 qultv good 7-room house. 4 lots, out buildings. 28 fruit trees. In Mt. Scott? Sellwood 26. CLEAR. Klamath Falls lots, for encum ' bered Portland house or bungalow; lots are 12 blocks from main st. This will be valuable property. Apt. 402 Zumbo Ct. WHAT HAVE YOU to trade for $3500 un divided half-Interest In Clatsop county timber T Might consider local or Cali fornia property. P. O. box 617. CO TRADE 320-acre farm Eastern Ore gon for a house and lot In Portland. B EJfi9. Oregonian. sWIiOOM house for small house with acre age or large lot. B 22, Oregonian. FOR SAIJE- Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE Eight thoroughbred Durco Jersey sows, will farrow in March: also one registered boar, same breed. Clacka mas. Or.. R. F. D. 1, box 158. phone 445, Sunnyside. FOR SALE Team gray Percheron mares, weigh about 24110 lbs., very gentle and readv to work. 1087 Francis ave.. Woodstock car,, B. 36th st. Tel. Sell wood 1212. FOR SALE Span steel-gray horses 6 and 6 years old, weighing about 2600 lbs., g.-ntlu and well-broken to work, pric.n .$2S0. Inquire Marlon Fuel Co., Taylor 1 Ht. dock. O. T. STABLES. 25 horses and mares, some well matched teams; every horse sold with a guarantee as represented. G. D. WILLIAMSON. TEAM FOR SALE 3000-lb. team, har necs. heavy wagon and good all-winter's Job with tliein; part down, balance lime. AV 35, Oregonian. Tr7.M. sound. 6-7 years old. weight oV0. sorrels, well mated, good pullera Call auto repair shop. S. E. corner 6th and Belmont. $225 TAKES pair brown chunky built big-b-ine mares weighing about 2400 lbs.: very gentle to work. Inquire Mr. Ward. T a ylor st. dock. TEAM Gray Percheron horses, weighing about 28u0 lbs., sound" and true, price $220. Call Woodyard, foot Taylor st. FOR SALE Anaora goats. 200 nannies and 50 wethers, all young. Inquire F. W. Moore. Awhlanfl. t'r 3S GRAY mare, 1000 lbs.; must sell on account of my health. 205 E. Water, l ack of Purdin Stove works. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats Campbell-Phelan Land at Cattle Co., 302 Couch bldg. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69 J for results. PA I R young mares, sound and the mak ings of a line team. io- c. lammu si. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free. I 'ortland itenqering .o. vyoomawo FOR SALE Large Jersey cow, soon fresh. k02 Pittsburg. Columbia V. PUBLIC SALE La Center. Wash.. IS miles north of Vancouver take Pacific highway Frtday. January 9. 10:30 A.M. 18 milch cows, 6 fresh with calves by aide; 5 heavy springers, 2 long spring ers, 1 beef cow, balance milking: part of these cows are high-grade Short horns; 4 earning 2 and 3-year-old spring er heifers; some yearlings and calves; 1 grade l-yr.-old (red) Shorthorn bull: tuberculin tested, certificate goes with each head; 2 geldings. 2 and 3 yennt old. sired by King Alkali, dam Queen C one yearling colt, one saddle pony, 2 dozen Hons and pullets, new riding plow, 8 plows. 10. 13. 14-injh: mowing ma chine, chop mill, rubber-tired top bugiry. 5 shpvel cultivators, saddle and bridle, 1 h. p. gasoline engine, set double har ness, other machinery and tools too nu merous to mention. -Elmer J. Martin, owner; Colonel W. S. Wood, auctioneer. FOR SALE. 10 head of first-class horses and mares, from 4 to 6 years old; weight 1300 to 1800 lbs.; some well matched teams; horsoa all guaranteed as represented; trial allowed. Sanitary Stables. 3BS Union ave.. cor. of Stevens at. L. Glass. TEAM mares. 2800 pounds, with harness and farm wagon; guaranteed good workers, single or double' we have finished our work and vi sell very cheap. Atlas Woodyard. 327 FrontJ WANTED 1 or 2 farm horses, about 1400 lbs.; state exactly what you have; give best cash price; trial wanted; also set double harness. R. R. 1, box 130. Brush Prairie. Wash. $240 BUYS team young bay mares weigh ing about 2700 lbs.; good ranch team. ready to work. Woodyard. foot Tayior St. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Taor 4203. Piano. Organs and MuMcal Instrument. SPECIALLY SELECTED LTST OF VICTOR AND COLUMBIA RECORDS. Come In and Hear Them. 2747 Mammy's Lullaby.Happy Six Red Lantern. .. Waldorf Or. 2744 Friends Sterling Trio I'm Going to Climb Blue Ridge Mountains. 3780 Mandv Van and Schenk I'll Be Happy When the Preacher Makes You Mine. Price 85c Price 85c Price 80c 275S-The Vamp Behind Your Pries 85c Silken Veil. 6076-Carmen .' . .Orchestra II Trovatore Orchestra Price $1 .25 Price $1.25 Price $1.25 Price $1.00 6072-Rlue Rose Waltz Mona Waltz 6019-Cecile Waltz Milllcent 2762-Can't You Hear Me Calling? Smilin Through Seagle 88584-Largo Homer $1.50 88540-Blue Danube. Hempel $1.50 885-Santa Lucia Caruso $1.50 8X326 Prologue Papliaocl . . . Amato $1.50 S8295 Caro Nome iRigoletto ) . . . . '. Telrazzlni $1.50 88001-Ah. So Pure ( Martha). Caruso $1.50 6104-Ava Maria (Guonod) McCormack-Krelsler $1.50 89228-Alda (Gadski) Caruso $1.50 74557-Prochs Air GalU Curci $1.50 648U3 Cajling Me Home McCormack $1.00 65093-Amerlcan Fantasie Herberta Orchestra- $1.50 741S8-Open Gates of the Temple Wtlliams $1.50 74283-C'avatina Powell $1.50 7447-Harlequlns Serenade y.imbalist $1.50 64180-Believe Me, If All Those En dearing Young Charms... McCormack $1.00 Mall Orders Invited. Remember, we prepay all orders of $5 or more. Send for complete catalogue. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 950 ALDER. MAIN 68U6. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT sieu aieinway sr. onus uphri ,..-.. $650 automatic upright piano, cash lu.. $475 Sterling upright piano, cafti J-1": $450 Starr upright piano, cash '"v 2 small upright pianos, $65 and o. Parlor organs, $20, $25. $38, $45 cash. 109 4th st., near Washington at. PIANO BARGAINS. $100 and up: it will pay you to see our piano bargains. Hardman. Fisher. Vic toria. Koeiiler & Campbell, and many others in stock. Our one-year exchange proposition guarantees them. 8EIBERLINC-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder sts. SCHWAN PIANO REMOVAL SALE. Used pianos. $75. $165. 2!0 to $435. Used organs, $25. $28. $35 to $60. New pianos, $3:15. $31)5, $468 to $S2. Terms. $15 to $50 cash; $6 to $2o mo. Ill Fourth St.. at Washington. After removal 101-3 10th at Washington. VOCALION OHGAN. 2 manual, foot-base pedals, foot 'eve" with electric motor, just right for church or moving picture house: terms given: some snap. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. V1CTROLA MODEL X. Cost new $110 and several records; .... ii in,.u- after R P. M. week Har-a rrt afternoons on Sunday. 633 Sa ier st. , TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctrola and records, our propositions will please you. Seiber-ling-Luca Music Co., 125 4th at. Main 8586. $650 KRKANICH BACH piano, wonder ful fine tone; plain case, only J'.iiO. terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. . PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and plaver-planos; get our prices. Solberllng Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Mam 8086. DON'T have your piano repaired at all un less you have it done right. Particular musicians prefer my shop. Harold a. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st. HARDMAN cabinet grand upright In the . . .i:nn ulrvinnt half price. terms. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. , APOLLO player piano, a snap: $475. cost mr.n new come in and Inspect. Hoven- den Piano Co.. 146 Park street WANT EDISON BLUE AMBEROLA bei-ORDS. NEWMAN. 128 First. Main 44!)5. Tabor 6798; slightly used walnut case. $550. Hovenden Piano Co.. 148 Park street. , PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANT ED. NEWMAN, 128 First. Main 4405. Tabor 6708. up k-.wsTKR nlaver piano, used, excellent condition; $305. Hovenden Piano Co., 146 Park street. . inn to i.in cash naid for used upright pianos. Call Main 5323. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st.. near Washington. IVERS & POND player Piano, good as new. cost $1150: party will sell for $750. See Hovenden Piano Co.. 146 Park st- MY BEAUTIFUL Paths phonograph, very sllghtiy used, in fumed oak cabinet and records', a snap at $i3. T.abor 8860. STORY & CLARK organ (very fine) $70 Swlck & Co. upright piano $135. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill. FOR SALE Half-size violin and case. In quire at UTn Russell sr. M. J. Lang hausen. FISHER, walnut case and some real piano, good as new; bargain. Selberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. FOR SALE, cheap Uprtglht Lister piano in first-class condition. Phone Sell wood 2462; I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill st. $104 LATE model Conn cornet, $75. New man. 128 Fust, near Washington. 38-RIB Washburn mandolin, cost .ash $35: like new. Sell. 587. $55, WANTED Piano, good tone, or bonds. Call Mar. 5709. give cash FOR SALE Bohem system clarinet, B flat. T P . $35. East 6617; $475 LATEST model uav is k oiuh piano, ch'ean for cash. Woodlawn 4!i!)l. $1(M) VIOLIN FOR $50. WRITE TO AG oltf. oregpnis Furniture for Sale. WKKIC-RXD SPECIAL. Overstuffed moleskin rocker with side wings, massive. special, s.-.ou. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 186-168 First st., near Morrison. $200 WALNUT DRESSER FOR $112. 32x38 oval mirror, roll veneer effect elegant: finest American workmanship you'll love it. Mrs. Calef. 540-2 Will iams ave. East 0417. DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your ireigui in our tnrougn cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M. Olsen '.Transfer fc storage Co., 248 Pine st. $160 RANGE FOR $42. Charter Oak malleable. 18x20 over. 15 gal. cupper reservoir: in good condition. M. H. Caler. 4U-2 Williams ave. East R41T. J45 KITCHRN CABINET, $27. E.istern ash. lull of drawers, bins" eto as food as nev. M. H. Calef, 640-2 Williams ave. r.sst 011. WANT to buy from owner, furniture of 8 or 10-room house, close In on west side. Y 90, oregonian. ELEGANT dark oak roll-top desk -and rev. chair, c lis, rs.au ozia. JANUARY SALE OF STEEL RANGES. Brand new 6-hole Windsor steel ranges, with or without reservoirs, 18 Inch oven, guaranteed to bake, larre fuel-saving firebox with heavy lining and duplex grates, price reduced to $54.74. 4-hole Economy steel range, cut to $47.50: also a large assortment of used ranges from $15 up. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. "WEEK-END SPECIAL. Massive solid oak ha 11 tree with large beveled plate-glass mirror, special $24.5C. It would cost you regularly about $40. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 166-168 First St., near Morrison. WEEK-END SPECIAL. Mahogany-finish book case, glass door a real beauty; special $18. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 168-168 First St., near Morrison. 6 WILTON RUGS. 1 10-6x15. 2-tone brown. $1 10: two 10-6 X13-6. red and green, $100. and $112; 2 0x12 brown and old rose. $75 and $S5; also 2 9x12 B. B. at (54. All In Al condition and bargains. M. H. Calef, 540-2 Williams arve. East 6417. Poultry. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION, S2d St., 73d to 74th Aves. S. E., Portland, Oregon. Now booking orders for W. Ix baby chicks. Carry "at all times breeding and young stock, various breeds; price In ac cord with quality; complete line poul try feeds at special prices. MAGUIRE'S DAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks, $30 per 100; White Leghorns and Brown Leghorns, $25 per 100. The best chicks from high-grade Hofianized stock. Eggs for hatching. Phone East 1805. J. R. Magulre, 787 Oregon st. FOR SALE S. C. Black Minorca cockerels, none better: from S. A. Nixon stock, Spokane. Wash. J. C. Bewley. 6006 52d st. S. E. Sellwood 208. Portland. Or. WANTED Rhode I. R. rooster, rose comb, or exchange. E. Breck, R. 2. box 12, Milwaukie. Or. Dogs. Rabbits. Birua. Pet Stock. WE PAY CASH FOR POULTRY. Pets, puppies- of all kinds. Cash Pro duce Co., 300 E. Morrison. E. 6122. New Management. FOR SALE English setter, male, 4 years old. trained, pedigreed and registered: on display at Routledge Seed &. Floral Co., 145 Second at- ST. 'ANDREASBERG female rollers: none better bred. 442 Marguerite ave. Tabor 1311. ST. ANDREASBERG female rollers; none better bred. 442 Marguerite ave. Tabor 1311. SELLING very choice singers and cages, also some females. Automatic 327-66. AIREDALE dog, 10 months Sellwood 605. 5356 44th St. old. Phone S. E. WANTED Small-size pedigreed Fox Ter rier for service. Wdln.-2502. FINE canary singers. Overton street. Marshall 4259. 78: TWO pedigreed Persian, kittens, bargain. Machinery. STAPLES & PFEIFFER OIL BUUNING SETS. Two No.- 3, from 25 to 250 h. p., and two No. 7. from 25 to 800 n. p. These machines are in absolutely first-class shape and priced very low. HALI.1DIE COMPANY. Spokane, Wash. CONTRACTORS' AND LOGGERS' EQUIP MENT Mine hoists, pumps. mulors. boilers, steam and electric hoists, con crete mixers and pavers. For rent or sale. Send us your inquiries. Prices right MOHR MACHINERY COMPANY, noi Lewis Bldg. Main 1831 FOR SALE Bullock creeping grape cater- nillnr. including 3-boltom 14-inch Oliver plow. $1000; machine in '4,-rfect running order. E. D. Tietrich. Carlton. Route HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construc tion equipment. Standard Mach. Co., 55 First st. 15-HORSEPOWER new ! 00s engine at reduced price, facinc acaie at supply Co.. 4S Front St. Broadway laoB. ONE 5-GALLON second-hand Bowser gaso line pump and tank tor sale cheap. Write P. O. box 4100, Portland, Or. Launches and Boats. LIBERTY BOAT BROKERAGE. lt us know what you want in boats hara-es. scows and engines. If we haven't thi-m in our -stock, we can get them for you at a big saving and can also give vou terms to pay. Bosch magnetos 25 We buy, sell and build boats, barges and scows. Portland East 6S0T. Vancouver 4S0. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert aavice ireeiy iur nlshed. Yard and ways at Albina ave. Phone East 2162. Marine Repair Const. Co. ONE of the finest 5-room houseboats on the Willamette river: modern in every respect; gas. heat, fireplace. 14 Ore gon Yacht club. Sellwood 2410. FURNISHED 4-room modem houseboat, very desirable. E. Willamette moorage. Phone evenings. Sell. 3195; days Bdwy. 6000. ask for Mr. Clyde. FOR SALE 37x9 'j -foot trolling boat. 12 15 H. P. Sterling engine; one year old. Write J. O'Neil, Seaview. Wash. UNFURNISHED modern houseboat. No. 23, Willamette moorage. FOR SALE H. Phone East 6S. D. launch, 28x8Va-ft. TTpe writers. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments; send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington St. WANTED Underwood typewriter for cash. Multnomah Transfer Co. Phone Broad way 3711) ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Dth. Main 3668. NEW rebuilt, secontl-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 2,31 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W Pease Co.. ltu oixtn st. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee, $2 The Rebuilt Typewriter t-o.. au ubk a ONE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER, A-l CONDITION. UHUAl-. iiABi o. FOR SALE Typewriter in Al . condition. Bargain. East ooui. REMINGTON typewriter. No. 6. In good condition, $15. 20B-6 Morrison st. CORONA typewriter, good as new. with case, $4U. Kicnsroa. 0-0 jyxam sn-cci. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 1 showcase. 1 counter, 1 dis play case. 1 gas range, nearly new. 01 Russell st. Phone East 8145. FOR SALE cheap, good 20-foot oak-bach bar, tront oar. aoaa lount-ain ana equip ment. 1373 Hawthorne ave. REED baby buggy, snap, $20; a4so rab bits, all sires, cheap or exchange. A. A. Richard. 509 Harrison. FERTILIZER. Rotted horse and cow manure, deliv. ered. East 430L UTO- BARGAIN IN SAFE. Size 36x25x22 inches. B. F. Kelly, 715 Swetland bldg. FOR SAX.E Ladys winter coat, size 38, late model; somewnai laueu, 90. ov E. 42d Rt LADY'S ioe skates and shoes attached, size 41.s or 5. Tabor Wilt-. FOR SALE Saddle, nearly new. Killingsworth. FURNACE for sale. 7-pipe. large, heavy. HSTiestos coverea. t nomas, mam noi. PIANO and davenport, nearly new; leav ing city. Phone Marshall 1O1O. CASH REGISTER, scales, show cases, stools, tables, gas plates. 113 2d st. po 5H s at.7e ch sa'oTtrade. Fine bicycle. 128 First St., nar Alder. CASH REGISTER, must sacrifice. $425 All nickeled "National." $1HQ. Tabor 600, ORIOLE baby basket, good as new. at 10S4 K. Washington St. FOR SALE Hair switch, black sprinkled with gray, im. m- "o si. a. c. FOR SALE Some rare Indian pestles and other rel'.cs. K. fltt, oregonian. FOR SALE New Singer hemstitrher. com- 4 ....a tin i: , plete, f.iw raan. v roTi. ncr);onnn. FURNACE for sal cheap. 1088 Vaughn St. . Main 2071. FIRST-CLASS DRY CORDWOOD. PHONE MAIN 941.1. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4007 FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day SX, dellvereQ an jr w n c g. wuouiawn a-otf COATS, turs, suits, gowns and evening dresses slightly worn. Main 9567. BOX wood for sale, $4.50 per load. Phon Wain. -iod. WI BUY DIAMONDS. If you wish to dispose of any diamonds, we pay full value 111 cash without any delay or disappointment; nothing .too large nor too small. Spot cash. Any amount. Private office for ladles. Business confiden tial. Licensed by the City of Portland. THE AMERICAN BROKBRAGB, 205 Morgan bids. 2d Floor. PEERLESS PLUMBING FIT TURKS. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. IRON PIPE. . WM. POWELL VALVE AND STJE J.M SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO-68-70-72 Front street. Portland, THIS AD STATES FACTS. I have a large assortment of un-called-fr tailored suits at prices tnat will surprise you. All sizes, patterns and style, and remember they are sD lutely new, not second-hand. I can fit you to a suit that will pleas both your taste and your pocketbook. H. I. BLUM, 164 Tenth st,. near Morrison. WB BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 20S SELLING BLDG. BECOND FLOOR. FOR SALE Loganberry plants, strawber ries, champion gooseberries. 1 and 2 years oid; concord grapes. Perfection and Fay's Prolific currants, red and black raspoerry plants. French and Ital ian prune trees: reasonable. 6803 Wood stock ave., Portland. Phone Sellwood 2332. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, near Taylor St- SOME folks say diamonds are high, but one would hardly think so if they would stop long enough to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller's Clearlng Houge for Diamonds, 355 Washington at., next to Majestic theater. 1 HAVE several diamonds that have been left by outside parties to be sold. You can buy them for 26 less than the wholesale cost. Miller's Clearlng-House for Diamonds, 355 Wash. st. next to Majestic theater. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating. In deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7716. REVOLVERS. PISTOLS. GUNS SOLD. BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 Main St. Vancouver. Wash. TWO diamonds, one H4 carat, a perfect brilliant, no flaws, worth $650. will sell for $400; one over carat, worth over $300. will sell for $200: will hear closest investigation. B 23, Oregonian. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk It over. Miller's Clearing-House for Diamonds. 355 Wash. St., next to Majestic theater. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NOKItIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 106 Second st, Phone Main 2045. HOT-WAT E R tanks. 30-gai.. $7T40-gal.. $9. tested and guaranteed; stove and fur nace colls, gas heaters Installed; expert piumblng, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. ADDING machine, 2 small national regis ters. 12-fu'case, wall cases, floor and . counter cases; butcher's meat rack, large Ice box. gas plate, electric soft drink mixers. 242 Salmon. Main 342. ALL KINDS OF SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND EXCHANGED. NEWMAN, 128 F'irs-t, near Washington. Main 4495. ALASKA FURS. AT "AFTER THE SEASON" PRICES. THE FUR SHOP. OI'll Swetland Bldg. Fifth and Wash. VEi.oVR folding-bed davenport. 8-pieee fumed-oak dining set, real leather-bottom chairs, fireplace set, in new condi tion; sell reasonable. Tabor 625. OFFICE equipment from war dept., desks. taybles, chairs, typewriters, checkwrlters, udding machines, add ressograph. D. C Wax. 100 2d. Main 4031. SAFES New and second-hand: some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1U06. 48 Front st BOOKKEEPERS' desks and stools, 1 rolltop desk and chairs. 1 flat-top desk. Bullions it Co., 91 Park St. YOUR diamonds sold on commission by Beldlng tne jeweler, -1D, Alder street. Main 1692. FOR SALE About 75.000 feet seoond-ha.ua lumber, all grades ana sizes. Phone East 110. LADIES' APPAREL. Stylish coats, suits, dresses, evening gow ns. slightly used. Tabor 2825. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. showcases, wail cases, nxiures; terms. W. J. Quigley. 227 First. Main 5899. ONE large and one medium-sized fireproof safe ior sate, cneap. ah mu, orego nian. UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS for sale. cheap; large stock to cnoose from. Or pheum Cleaners, 355 Stark. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery, fruit trees. A complete line; telephone orders delivered Portland Rose Nursery, Tabor 6 7 00. CEMENT LAUNDRY TUBS (guaranteed), buy direct irom xaciory. jne uupiex, sie E. Washington at. FOR SALE Any quantity of 400 and 600. also 1000-watt nitrogen lamps at 1-3 their value. Call 408 Oirllnger bldg. FERTILIZER. Rotted cow and horse manure; truck loads delivered. Main 4485. EYES tested free: spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Beiumg. Main ita. lo Alder st VAUGHN AND WADE drag saws. loO eacn. sm juasi asomaon iu, mast 0122. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD TOURING CAR. 4 good tires, dash light, cocoa mat. speedometer, self starter. windshield cleaner, shock absorbers and other ex tras. $450. Call Tabor 1210. after 6 P. M. OWNER LEAVING COUNTRY. Must sacrifice Oakland car. good me chanical condition; small payment down win nanaie; best value in town. J 558. Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner, 1919 Scripps-Booth 4-cynnaer, 3-pa.ssenger; wire wheels, ex. tra tire, etc.; this car ! a snap, $800, some terms. Phone Wdln. 3949. t20 STEPHENS light six: a brand new car. never been run a mile; cord tires; will sell for $250 less than It cost new. Phone Marshall 1950. apt. 42. LATE 1919 Chevrolet touring car, In best of condition, good tires, $600, $150 down, balance monthly. Phone Broadway 132 or automatic 53-119. FORD BARGAIN. Ford touring car, very good condition; new tires; Just overhauled, $276. Call East 7145. FORD sedan. 1919, Just like new. A real bargain at $775. with terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. $550 1918 MAXWELL, five good tires, fine running order, needs paint. Sea it at once. 790 Kearney st. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. In Al condi tion. A bargain at $650. terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1919 FORD coupe. Gray At Davis starter, speedometer, good tires, fine paint; gone 7WOO miles: $700, terms. Tabor 49S0. FORD touring car, camouflage hood, new tires, top. cushions; $465, easy payments. Griffin. 708 Corbett bldaj. 1917 FORD touring, Al condition; must be sotd todav, berst cash price takes it. BF 326, Oregonian. FINE panel-top body for Studebaker. Over land or Dodge. Phone Bdwy. 151. FORD touring car, must sell at once. 1918, looks good as new. wooaiawn lawz. LIBERTY 6, like new, with extras, $1500 cash, pnone laoor iqoi. . BARGAI.NS. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. Tills Is the time of year for you to I ouy a used car. Come and se ior your self. Hudson Super Six roadater. over hauled and repainted; all lu first class condition, and sold with a standard KU&rantM. til same- as ou a new car $1260 J I91T Hudson Super Six. rebuilt la our shop, repainted and looks like new; sold with a standard ' ,11. rm m t h M.mn aa o n a new automobile .- 1&30 I 1918 Hudson Super Six. orerhauled and repainted; guaranteed the ..m, a m u fm-.l rtrv iiianul'iM on a. new car 1730 I 101 T - Chalmers, all In' flrat-ClasS condition 900 1918 Chalmers LisTht Six. overhauled . .1 --nMliitd- all in first-class condition I7' I 1916 Chalmers Light Six. fine qual- liv fm r nut In rood condition throughout and repainted 775 1 MAXWELL BARGAINS, lain r-rwll flrst-claaa condition and looks Uke new 825 IBIS Maxwell automobile: a great buy: fine condition and repainted 6S0 -I017 Ma.n-.ll mnnA CAndltion. EOOd tires, repainted 23 I Liberty lata model and In rood condition 1100 1917 Saxon, rood condition 625 I C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 616-017 Washington St.. Portland. USED AUTOMOBILES. Terms Given. 12f rASH T-Ttass.. 6-ev!indea-. i:2 OVERLAND.- 6-pass.. 4-cyIlndsr. 1:19 JORDAN, 4-pass., 6-cyllnder. liim JORDAN. 7-ouss.. 6-cyllnder 1919 MITCHELL. 7-pass.. 6-cyilnder. 11119 CASK. 7-pass.. 6-cylindcr. 191S STl'DBRAKER. 7-pass.. 6-cyL 1018 MITCHELL. 7-pass.. 6-cyllnder. 191S MITV'H ELL. 5-pass., 6-cyllnder. 1917 MITCHELL, 2-pass., 6-cyllnder. tal7 VEI.1E. f-iaaa.. 6-cvlinder. 1917 OVERL.AND. 5-pass.. 4-cyIInder. 1917 MAXWELL. 5-pass.. 4-cyllnder. 101S CHANDLER, 7-pnas., 6-cylinder. 1U16 OVERLAND. 5-pass.. 4-cyliuder. 1913 STUTZ. 2-pass.. 6-cyllnder. 112 CADILLAC. 5-pass.. 4-cylinder- Several others to select from. Price $550 and up. Liberal terms given. Will accept your Liberty bonds at face value I and take your old car as part payment I on some of the above cars. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAYER CO.. EAST FIRST AND MORRISON STS. West Side Salesroom Bdwy. at Oak st Phones: East 7272. Broadway 515. Automatic: 212-16. 683-43. VELTES. "EVERY PURCHASE A BOOSTER." MOTTp. w tra distributors for the Velle. Every Velle we sell is expected to do Its duty. That duty is to give the purchaser satisfactory service. They are put in condition before thev are sold. Your car taken as part payment, bal ance easy payments. VELIE SEDAN. 1919 model, strictly first class, from aDnearance to tires: traded In on Peerless sedan, a car of quality and class; $2000. 1019 VELIBS. Cord tires, like new New fabric tires New fabric tires ............ 4-pass.. new paint .......... .$1500 . 14. . 1450 . 1500 D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 68 N. 23d St. Main 780. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS $200 to (700. CHEVROLET'S CHEVROLET S. $450 to $550. M AXW E-LLS M A X WELLS. $30O to $775. BU1CKS BUICKS. $250 to $1160. Dodge. Paige. Hudson, Chandler, Stutz. Reo speed wagon. Republic truck. Liberty bonds at face value. .asy terms. Ms brokerage. C Q. BLQASDALE. 630 Alder St. Broadway 1832, USED AUTOMOBILES. Olds S. 7-oasMeuger. new paint. A-l condition, quality and class $500 Ford sedan, elec. starter, etc S50 Ford touring, mech. starter 4M) Overland 6. 5-passenger Overland. 4-cyl.. good tires 3'MI Bulck. 4-cyl., new tires 3xi Saion 6. special top 60O St'.idehaker 4. 5 tires 650 Chalmers 6. a flne car 7O0 Saxon 6. 5-passenger 760 We Sell 011 Easy Payments. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. . THESE ARE ALL BARGAINS. 1917 OLDSMOBILE 8 $12150 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6 ROADSTER. 1250 1 1918 OLDSMOBILE 6 TOURING. 1250 1917 MAXWELL TOURING 600 1917 CHALMERS 6 TOURING 8O0 1917 Hl'PMOBILK 1050 1918 OVERLAND CLUB R'DSTER. 700 1918 OVERLAND, MODEL 90 651) AT nOftTT IS -,T4W BDWY. AND COUCH. BDWY. 2270. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. TOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. (Second Floor.) OREGON AUTO REPAIR. To all repair men. garages snd car owners: We have exclusive right for Oregon for the L. Lawrence patent used n electrically witn auver. nickel, alloy, scored cylinders ana cracked water lack- eta. No pre-heatlng. all work guaran teed. Temporary location at the N. P Wagon Works. 9th and IJoyt. Phone Broadway 4477. OVERLAND CHUMMY. IS car. and this one has wire wheels and new tires and one extra that has never been on a car. We wWl reftnlsb It any color you like If you do not like tne paint tnat is on it. low price. $750. with $jim) down, balance 1 year. RED FRONT. 505 ALDER ST. NEW OVERLAND8. MODEL FOUR. Immediate delivery, easier terms, no red tape, better service, nuy from r. h. (Pat) Dunn at his own salesroom. 1652 E. 13th st Sellwood 1303. MAXWELL roadster 1918. seats three com fortably, my little roadster looks like new, costs little to operate. I will sacri fice and give terms to responsible party; act quickly. G 11a. uregonlan. OVERLAND delivery for sale, run less than 500 miles: reasonable amount off. terms. Roland Aaqutlh. 496 Bid well ave., Sellwood. Phone Sellwood 1393. MAXWELL 1918, 6-pass., will sell cheap, good looking, dandy little car. tires good, car not used much. B 968. Ore gonlan. il!i FORD touring car, good mechanical shape: 2 new tires on rear. Will sac rifice; terms If desired. Mr. Page. Bdwy. 1572 or A 4961. . BARGAIN. $225 cash, Michigan. 6-pas-senger; engine, tires and paint good. Owner, O 839, Oregonian. 1918 FORD roadster, elec. starter and light demountable rims and other extras. Mr. Wick. Bdwy. 1072 or Wdln. SIOS. FORD. 6-pass.. 1918. must sacrifice my car at low price; perfect condition, fine appearance. B 25. Oregonian. 1918 FORD delivery, curtain body: will sell verv reasonable. Mr. Wick. Bdwy. 15T2 or East 8747. PODGB By owner; fully equipped, per fact condition; a snap. Marshall 240, Sun. and eve. East 4817. DO YOU wish to save money on those new tlresT Call 305 Dekuin bldg., will show you how. 1018 CHEVROLET SEDAN. Just Ilka new; $1050. easy terras. 823 Alder st. Broadway 8411. WANT a 1819 Dodge: will pay $500 down. K 894. Oregonian. FOR SALE Ford sedan. 1818. a bargain. Phone Mam g,wi MY DODGE touring car $600 cash. 281 nn .t eorner Jefferson at. "8" j pivEST up-to-date light roadster at your - own price: must sell. Terms. Main 4279. yuRD touring body, 1920. new. 128 E. 6th. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. GOOD USED CARS. CLOSED CARS. ' 1917 CHANDLER SEDAN .... $1750 1400 13O0 1250 1II1S DODGE SEDAN li17 DODGE SEDAN 114 FRANKLIN SEU.lS 1H19 FORD SEDAN, electric starter 1917 OAKLAND, all-weather top.. SOO 850 DODGES. all-weather top. touring car..... touring touring ........ 1918 DODGE. l'.US DODGE. 1917 DODGE, 1916 DODGE, ..$1100 .. 960 .. 873 .. 7S0 . . "50 .. 650 . . 659 1916 DODGE. J915 DODGE roadster touring ........ roadster ...- 1915 DODGE. MAXWELLS. Ml 9 MAXWELL, touring la 9 XIAYWVI.I. tmir nz ......... ".'w 1918 MAXWELL, roaosier . 650 475 1917 MAXWELL, touring ... CH E V ROLE TS. 1919 CTTEVROI.F.T, touring . . $ 675 . 2S . 550 1918 CHEVROLET, touring . 1917 CHEVROLET, touring . FORDS. 191 FORD, touring 1918 FORD, touring 1918 FORD, roadster .$ 450 . 4O0 . 4.-.0 . 3S0 1919 FORD, touring 1914 FORD, roadster ....... 1018 FORD, delivery 500 Open Sund&ya. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington st. at 21st Main 6244. GUARANTEED USED CARS. HUDSON SUPER SIX 600 CHALMERS LIGHT 61A- BRISCOE 973 900 975 1050 1450 1685 OVERLAND - MITCHE.LL SIX KING 8 OLDSMOBILE, late model .. VELIE, late model BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOMS. Broadway st Hoyt St.. cpp. new P. O. Phone Broadway 89. WHY BUY A CHEAP USED CAR when you can got such cars as a Packard Twin Six. which looks and runs like new, and only ... .$2250 Also a Packard 5-48. 6-cyllnder. 6 cord tires, and only 2000 Another s-s-8-6-cy Under, a bargain. Thi. .-nM hd rianriv rent or stage car. ai ''' Also a Nash Six Chummy, priced at 1I 0 Overland Six. 7-passenger. like new 80O A nice Briscoe roadster, new paint. This is a 1919 model, and only... 750 . 1 T-.O PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 421 Burnslde street. REAL BARGAINS In slightly used 1919 LEXINGTONS, both touring ana sport models. Terms If desired. BRITXN MOTOR C A It CO.. 28-30 North Broadway. ttoh n OWNERS. Ford overhauled $20 n-ae a v I m overhauled 6 v.u-M Krotind. carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged . 6 We hand-Iau pistons, scrape bearings. etc.. which Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 20 Front St.. Corner Jetferson. FORDS! FORDS'. FORDS! THE CHEAPEST BUYS IN TOWN. A 1920 LICENSE FREE. 411 DAVIS ST. OPEN EVENINGS. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords, $24.55. Authorized Willard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP, 488 Union ave. N.. cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1393 USED CARS Prices Right. . . CO. Stock. No misrepresentation. coVY ... MOTOR ... CAR BARGAIN In 1918 Hudson touring car. gOOd tlieS. 1 "eruanuai Mue. guarantee for 90 days same as factory guarantee. CA1U 1 1 - FORDS DOW. &a CH BY ROLJiT. Our prices are lowest; make your own elYDAVISST OPEN EVENINGS 1118 FORD TOUKlMi. .-Nl-.w TIHK5, THROTTLE. CHX-K AND OTHER EQUIPMENT. EASY TERMS. 530 ALDER ST. PAIGE touring, new paint, wire wheels. I some extras; owner's sacrifice. $1275. with terms. Burnsme. T.un SEDAN. 1018. run 5500 miles; lots of extras, cord tires; 1920 license free. driven by privaiei.' .j , e.uvu iinvti $750 casn. uo MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., Norm pruu..j I CHEVROLET touring. 1918. In the best -uriii aell at $625 and give terms. 30 - . - - n...M. Grand ave. - OVERLAND touring. 1917. good mechan ical co n u 1 1 1" 11. - -. -- . : iium terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. uear Burnsioe. LATE 1M17, 5-pass. Velle in fine condition .t..rtll-.hfti'n. good tires, one spare, wire a bargain si- r.v. . verms 11 ae- sired. East 12. A " . u e ..II A Kta r-erw. I n 1 IVj tit 1 VU'l- 1.1, lUUrillK. aw, v v uai as. a. 7 " . am 3e0 Grand ave. N.. near liurn- elle. ittl-4 OVER LAN D at a baraln: electric 0 . 1 .. t 4sr snT nf w t-s r anil 11 n T g aUU St ISS- tr - - - - battery; AI mechanical condition. 257 F?. Slat St.. lauui - - - nnr)r,E sedan. 1918. Al condition, used D9Br-.-i Will sell at $175 and give pr " - .. E.. terms. side. , ate 1917 6-pass. Liberty In first-class condition; a dandy little 6-cyllnder car at a bargain. $1100: terms if you want it. East 1H02. w, e-r ..11 at sacrifice, a 1918 Hot Spot r-h.iTners. 6-pass.. runs and looks like T.w $1173. caih or terms. Call Adams. " ' ...... xa.,. r.-ll Taoor "-j'j. - - CHEVROLET touring, leal condition, good t ra good mechan- Ires. Will sell at 30 Grand ave. N., S475. wltn ieo near BurnBlde. mo BVICK-little six touring: car looks as new: fine media nica 11 y. good tires; $1500. Phone Frank Smith. Bdw; V ,.,vi VG CITY, will sacrifice 1920 Case sport model; run 1100 pilles. Bdwy. 8231. ,l-p,.KD. 1919 MODEL. ALMOST " V-b-w A BARGAIN AT $875. EASY TERMS. 5.10 ALDKR ST. wmat kind of a car do you want? Ws bve it and the price is right. ?,',VniVia ST. OPEN EVENINGS OR SALE Good little 4-pass. car, $250 F-'..v, or ven trade for land. Call 22S Hall St.. flat C. fniR MAXWELL TOURING CAR IN FINE SHAPE "" TERMS IF DESIRED. n3i ALDER ST. w.vWELL tourrng. 1918. In good chanical condition. $675. with terms. me 30 Grand ave. near Burnside. FORD ROADSTER. GOOD AS NEW: OVF.RSIZ15 TIRES. $4"0. TERMS IF 1KSIHED. 530 ALDER ST. IKAVING city. R-pass. Auburn beauty six. I750 run 3.-.O0 miles; cord tire, driven on paved roads only. East 4672. f91S FORD sedan In first-class condition. 8 good tires: must be sold at once, ap pl yoer, J$!yj irnRD touring. 1916. good mechanical con dition. $375. with terms. 30 Grand ave. near rurMic. BRISCOE touring. Al condition, good tires: owner must sell: $325. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N-. near Bu rn s I d e. w.XWE-LL touring. 1919. fine condition, good tires. $875. some terms. 30 Grand ave. N'near Burnside. 5l'RI PPS-R11OTH roadster for sale; almost - . leavine cllv. Phon. O ,i jdrto' during day or East gOOli evenlnga. FORD .roadster. Al condition, some ex- . . . . 1 . t. k.h. qo n near xiurnsiue. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 1920 CASE 1920. 7-pasa.. almost new. with extra equip" ment: liberal discount. We will take your old ear as part payment. PIERCE-ARROW. T-pass.. In Al condition; equipment. " cord tires. Westinghouse shock absorb ers. We will take your old car as part payment and arrange liberal terms. 1919 SIITCHBLI.S. Five and Seven-pass., nearly new; lib eral discount. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER CO.. East First and Morrison streets, and Broadway and Oak sts. Phones: East 7272. Bdwy. 515; Auto matic 212-16. Automatic 553-43. TERMS NO BROKERAGE. SELECT FROM 60 AUTOS. 1919 CLEAN-UP SALE. 1916 FORD DELIVERY $ FORI) Bl 11 1915 FORD TOURING 1917 FORD TOURING 1917 FORD TOURING 19IS FOHU TOURING 19 l FORD Tor RING 350 300 300 450 475 475 750 1018 FORI) SEDAN 1916 CHEVROLET TOURING: A riri; 1917 1916 CH EVROLBT: LOOKS LIKE NEW MAXWELL TOURING MAXWELL ROA I'STKR. NEW T I RES AND EXTRAS MAXWELL TOURING MAXWELL TOURING - - DODGE TOURING. A SNAP AT Bl'li'K SIX. GOOD AS NEW. WITH EXTRAS. PAIGE CHUMMY Hl'hSON SUPER SIX CHANDLER ST I TZ. 16-VA1.VE MOTOR. 550 450 550 5M1 650 973 1917 1918 1917 1918 900 13511 1450 2500 125U 1918 1918 REPUBLIC 1-TON TRUCK... OTHER CARS FROM $250 UP. C. G. BLEASDALE 630 ALDER. BROADWAY 13o2. REAL BARGAINS. EVERY CAR GUARANTEED. FREE SERVICE EASY TERMS. 1919 Velle 6-cvl. Overland ... 1W1S Mitchell 1918 Liberty Reo touring ..$1425 . . 750 . . 1125 . . 1450 150 425 Chevrolet toiuini; lsoo Hudson speedster 1918 ChanOler. like new; new paint new tires. u.. -j - beauty ',--.", Ford coupe, fine condition: electric lOV.i studebaker 4. like new: run 4000 miles 1400 GLOBE GARAGE. 80 and 52 N. 20th st. near Washington. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. USED FORD CARS. BUY NOW AND SAVE $50 TO $100. 1914 Delivery; good buy 5225 ltlrt Toiirlnff. new ton and tires 3o0 1919 Coupe, self starter, speedometer. dash light: good condition... 6. 1918 Delivery, open top. good con- dition 7, IHIO MOaosier 1U19 1-ton truck, worm drive chassis 5io RUSHLIGHT PENNEY. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS, 563 East Broadway. East 302. C 156L HERE ARE SOME REAL BUYS. BOTH NEW AND USED. 1917 CHANDLER CHUMMY, join CHANDLER IHSPAT' H. is-ir l. r- a 1 i 1 v . 1111 ni.i. . 191S OLDSMOBILE fl TOURING. 1918 OLDSMOBILE TOURING, lnis MAKLAND TOURING. I'.H'.l MAXWELL SUDAN. iois ford coupe; el. ec starter 1918 buk'k 6 roadster. fords and buicks FROM 1915 TO lltlll. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 531 ALDER ST. BDWY. 2796. USED TRUCKS OF QUALITY. Low Prices Easy Terms. One-ton Ford, worm drive, $225 down. Three-fourths ton Republic, guaranteed: $350 dow n. 8U.-tou Republic, guaranteed. -lVs-ton White, good shape; $490 down. Many Others to Select From. ALDER STREET GARAGE. 642 Alder St.. Corner 17th Broadway 1723. WE SELL YOUR CAR DIRECT FROM YOUR HOME. CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. IF YOU WANT QUICK ACTION SEE US. OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING & SALES CO.. 33 1 BECK BLDG. BROADWAY 4380. NEW CAR MUST SACRIFICE. Will sell my new Peterson six chummy roadster, driven only enough to nicely break In motor: will take small car In trade, balance easy terms, or will make good deal for cash. This value must be seen to be appreciated. J 550. Ore gonian. FORD ROADSTER. '17. This fine Ford has demountable Hme and shock absorbers, new top, new paint, and other extras. W'e have low price of $425. with $150 down, balance eaay. 605 Alder St. RB-D FRONT USED CAR CO. FOR SALE CHEVROLET TOUR I Nil C-R 1919 MODEL. INCLUDING FOUR NEW TIRES. SPOTLIGHT. BUMPER. DASH LIGHT, EXTRA TIRE:. RUN ONLY 4000 MILES. CALL TABOR 2035. '17 HUP TOURING. This is the big Hup and is ready for a trip around the world. Low price, $950. with $:;oo down. balance easy. 0O0 Alder st. " BUG BODIES. $100. Complete with hood. etc. Immediate delivery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. Third and Glisan. FORD TOURING- CAR. 4 good tires, dash light, cocoa mat. speedometer, self starter. windshield cleaner, shock absorbers and other ex tras, $450. Call Talwr 1020 after BP. il. DIAMOND rings Have several diamonds, sinle stones, will sell cheap for cash. Kindly make appointment. K 899. Ore gon inn. 1920 VICTORY model Moon, just new. at great discount. would cons.der a cheaper car as part payment. Call Co lunil'ia 832 for demons! ration. FOR SALE Buick 6 roadaler, completely overhauled, repainted snd new ton cord tires; with or without wire wheels 433 Stark St. 1918 LIBERTY light six 5-pasx. touring car In fine condition; will sell at a hsr gain and give terms. Phone Mar. 1950. apt 42. 1919 CHALMERS Hot Spot 5-pass. touring car: a nice light six and In fine condi tion: 5 good llres; a big sacrifice; will give terms. Phone East 1962. 1919 FORD ROADSTER. Same as new; extra tire and carrier electric lights all around. Call Main 4147. ariiR. KALK Hudson super-six. In good condition, newly palntea. I'rlce 5 1. too. 70 K. llth st. N., crty. Write F bb, Oregonian. 1918 OLDS MOBILE Sportster : mechani cally perfect. For demonstration call Tabor 8647. 1917 BUICK 6 TOUR ING. FOR QUICK SALE $1000. EASY TERMS. 580 ALDER. 1917 FORD chassis, a good one. just over hauled. 389 Everett, pnone Bdwy. 15L art th ridiculously layer prices used cars that wa are offering at our Removal Sale. This seems Ilk a broad statement, bnt all wa ask is sua opportunity to 6aOV YOU. FORD BUS. flno for Jitney. BUICK . DELIVERY. OVERLAND, new paint. REO ROADSTER, new paint mntl cords. FORD ROADSTER. HUDSON SEDAN. HUPMOBILE. BUICK LIGHT "6." Give us a call and look swr thswa cars and we will do our best to make a satisfied owner. W. H WALLINGFORD CO, Ask for Mr. Little. Used Car Department 522 Alder St. Broadway t'49'e. ROADSTERS. LATE MODELS. BUTCJCS. Llght six roadster, has cords and other extras: has been refinished; looks and acts like new. at low price, with $50 down, bal. easy. CHEVROLET '18 ROAPPTT.R. This late model is the reliable Chevro let, always takes you there and brings you back. Low price of $4S5. with $150 down. bal. easy. Car is like new. IS Dodge. We have another one of these hard-to-get ones and this is a real one. Has 5 nearly new tires and other extras. Low price. $850, with $300 down, balance easy. SPEEDSTER. $250. $100 down. bal. easy, will let you drive this one home. Big value for the money. REO FRONT USED CAR CO.. 505 Alder st. USED FRANKLINS. "We have the following used Franklins : which have been taken in exchange on new touring cars and sedans, all of which are in good shape, aa a demos straliou will convince: Series 9B touring car. Series 9B 4-psesenger roadster. Series A9 touring car. Series 8 touring car. Series 6 touring car. Liberal terms can be hand on any of these cars. BRALY AUTO CO., 601 Washington SL Main 4S80. SAVE 265 DOLLARS ON MY BRAND NEW STEPHENS! SALIENT SIX SPEEDSTER: CORD TIRES AND 1920 LICENSE. RUN ONLY FOUR MILES. COST $2j MY PRICE $1975. TERMS. $300 DOY.1 AND NINE MONTHS, CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630 OR MARSHALL 6342. W1NTON, 4-pass. roadster, will sacrifice my car on a quick sale: the finest ap pearing class roadster In Portland; Just painted, a beautiful pea green, with . five wire wheels, mottled gray up holstery, tan top, completely equipped, five cord tires, mechanically perfect, a powerful, comfortable, distinctive car like new In every respect; will sell on terms to responsible party, or trade a smaller car. Price $2S50. B 18. Ore gonian. 1920 FORD COUPE, run 600 miles;, equipped with electric starting and lighting sys tem, speedometer, clock, dashiight, spot liKht. dome light, special large walnut tilting steering wheel, H. D. shock ab sorbers, motormeter, extra tire and tube, windshield cleaner, foot throttle: a good buy $of with 1920 license, demountable rims. Call East 5547 after 6 P. M LOOK HERE. LOOK HERE. ( equipment; car has never been usad.V prue of new car $22-25. my price for quick sare $19io. terms it aesirea. cm 1 S!'2. J J 7 ,- FOR D $275. Best buy in the city; a good depen able five-passenger auiomonue. yours for $275: not a late model, but ir..r..l mechanical condition. . good t tires, body and motor. See this o' may even sell this oa terms. J 557. gimian. 90 oVEKI.A.VO louring. MKe new. b-eii refinished and it runs as qui niivoiie wc ever heard of. Low- pri $;v5. with $2541 down, balance easy; bonds. 5U5 Alder st. THE RED FRONT. rn I Vk'l.l' tnurlna car. series 9A : car has Just been overnauieo in out own shop and is an exceptional buy for $1 700. BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington St. Main 4880. OAKLAND SIX touring, '.ate model and is In fine hs-pe. We have low price of $673 and $250 down, balance easy, lets you drive it home. Red Front Used Car Co., 603 Alder St. . FRANK LIN touring car, series 9A ; this car has just been overahuled in our own shop and Is an exceptional buy for $1700. BRALY AUTO CO.. 601 Washington St Main 4S8. MAXWELL touring at the low price of $400 with $150 down, balance easy; car has noveltv Job paint, dark maroon, ivory wheels, black fenders and looks better than a new one. See Lavella nt 5'5 Alder st. 1919 MAXWELL, A-l condition, new diamond grid, battery, cord tires on rear, bargains, car has never been oit of my hands; terms. Phone Main 5405, or 326-97. DELIVERY BODY WANTED. Would like to buy a first-class delivery bodv for Ford auto. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. :;5Q Alder st. FORD truck, best of condition: owner moat sacrifice: $596. some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. Automobile llsnieel. CARS WANTED FOR CASH. I will pay cash for your late modal touring car or roadster. Bring it so my place and get money and not talk. We do not handle cars on commission or let . you leave them to sell, but pay cash lu your hand. RED FRONT USED CAR CO., 605 Alder St. Phone automatic 518-67. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lownsdale St., S. W. Cor. 15th and Wasrjrrartoia. HAVE $1000 equity In 5-room fumisrred R. C. house, lot 60x100. garage on place-; will take a late model small car. A. Greenleldt, 58 Junior street, phone Woodlawn 5478. ' WANTED. AUTOMOBILE. Exchange ::0O0-lb. team. harness heavy wagon and good all-winter's Joo with theui, for light auto. A V 35, Ore- gonian. WANTED Ford car. not older than 1917 model, demountable rims and extras: must be cheap. Call A. M. Ama&on, Can by. Or EXCHANGE Will exchange one used SH ton truck for good paasenger car. Phone Broadway 384H. Mr. frailer. 3 1.0TS In Bandon. Or., as first psyment on rora car. dp 00, oreaonian. BEST late model car. $S0) rash will buy. Phone evenings. East 7529. CjISH for a Ford or Dodge auto. 211 Washington st. Main 6-M7. FOKI or Chevrolet, good and a bargain; no dealers. Woodlawn 3893. Motorcycle FOR SALE 1918 Cleveland. 1918 light weight Indian: CHEAP, fash or term. The Kvening Repair Shop, 40 N. SM st . cor. Raielgh. Broadway 8060. FOR SALE Indian motorcycle H. P.. 'T. 1445 Rodney avenue X., phon Woodlawn 4625. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2Q4-2Q6 3D ST. MAIN 6188. INDIAN motorcycle. Call 44 23d st Norih. Auto Tires and Accessories. WAN-POLD STORAGE BATTERIES. l 'ash for any kind or storage batteries. Adcox Auto school. Union ave. and Wa- co sis., phone East 7445. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. I- I SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. M sr. 232. 10TH AN D-Y A M H I LI- A 1236. AtTHOF EEN'N'KTT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGK. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. ! 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling. shopping, highway. sreauway r-vr r "I I